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06/ Plant an event : TỔ CHỨC SINH NHẬT

- hỏi bạn khỏe không, lâu ngày ko gặp. Chuẩn bị tới sinh nhật Kai rồi đó bạn biết ko?
- tôi biết. Tôi đang định tổ chức tại nhà tôi. bạn có kế hoạch nào ko
- tôi ko. nhưng tôi nghĩ sn 18t nên phải làm nó thật đặc biệt
- vậy tui sẽ chịu trách nhiệm trang trí nhà cửa với bong bóng và băng rôn. bạn có thể
làm banh sn đc ko?
- tôi ko giỏi nấu nướng nên tôi sẽ nói sẽ nói tống làm phần đó. tôi tin là cái bánh sẽ rất
tuyệt. còn tôi sẽ thuyết phục kai tới đúng h một cách bí mật. còn trong buổi tiệc thì
- tôi nghĩ là chúng ta sẽ cùng bật nhạc và nhảy với nhau, cùng cắt bánh kem để ăn
nữa á.
- thật tuyệt. tôi tin là đây là khoảng tgian thích hợp để tụi mình gắn kết với nhau
(tighten the relationship = strengthen the bones : xài 2 cụm này cho nâng điểm
vocab) và nhớ là phải chụp thật nhiều ảnh để lưu giữ những kỉ niệm đáng nhớ.
- thật tuyệt vời. à bây h tui có lớp học phải đi ngay, có gì tôi sẽ liên lạc lại bạn sau
- ok bye. have a good day

A: Hi Chloe, long time no see. Can you hear that Kai's birthday is

B: Yes, I remember that and I have a plan to celebrate a secret birthday

at my house. Do you have any ideas?

A: I don’t have any idea. But I think this is his 18 birthday so this will be
special to do it really great. Do you have any plants?

B: I agree with you, I think I will take responsibility for decorating the
house with ribbons, and huge pink white balloons. Can you make a cake
for him?

A: To be honest . I'm not good at cooking so I'll say I'll ask A to do that
part. I believe the cake will be great. and I will secretly convince kai to
come on time. What about at the party?

B: Let me think. During the party we should be cheerful with each other,
we'll play music and dance together, and cut a cake to eat. Ah I forgot.
After the party we should take a photos to keep our good memory

A: yea, I think it is the best time to strengthen the bones. And don’t
forget to take a lot of photos to keep the memorable memories.and that
will be fun.

B: How wonderful. Well, I have a class to go to right now, I'll contact you

A: Ok bye. Have a good day

16/ nói về trip: mỗi người mỗi địa điểm

- hello cá, lâu ko gặp. bạn khoẻ ko

- tui khoẻ bạn thì sao
- tui cũng z. tui nghe là bạn mới có một chuyến đi ….với ….
- đúng rồi. sau những ngày học mệt mỏi tui qđịnh đi.. để giả toả căn thẳng (unwind &
release stress after nerve-racking time at school -> xài cụm ni bao hay.) ở đó tui có
thể chơi,... có thể ngắm những cảnh đẹp,... nó tuyệt vời lắm
- nghe tuyệt quá. nó có nguy hiểm gì ko v
- đường đi thì hơi gập ghềnh, dốc,.. cẩn thận muỗi, khỉ,... tui nghe nói bạn có chuyến
đi với ai tới…
- đúng z. ( như trên )
- nó có nguy hiểm gì xảy ra với bạn ko
- có, cẩn thận với con cá mập,...
- tui muốn dc tới đó 1 lần

02/ lịch trình bận rộn: mỗi người share lịch trình của mình

- chào bạn, lâu ngày ko gặp. nhìn bạn trông có vẻ mệt mỏi v
- đúng z. tuần vừa qua tui phải cbi bài vở để thi cuối kì. nó thật sự rất mệt mỏi với tôi.
tôi có tận 6 lớp học, tôi phải học thức khuya dậy sớm,..
- nghe mệt mỏi nhỉ. tôi cũng z. tui cũng thức cả đêm để hoàn thành tất cả mọi thứ cbi
cho kì thi ielts. nma nó có hiệu quả lắm tôi cải thiện đc các kĩ năng của mình
- do u feel tired, dont you?
- yes. tui phải dậy sớm mỗi ngày để ôn lại từ vựng. chắn cx ko có tgian ik chơi vs ai
đâu đúng ko
- đúng z. tui bỏ hết mọi sở thích của tui như xphim đọc sách chỉ để tập trung zô ôn
- tui cx z. tui chắc chắn sau khi xong hết mọi thứ tui sẽ đi chơi với bạn bè của mình để
giải toả căng thẳng,.. bạn có muốn đi với tôi ko
- đương nhiên rồi. bâyh tôi có lớp nên phải đi bâyh, tui sẽ liên lạc lại bạn sau
- ôk have a good day
- A;Your face looks so pale. Are you good? You seem to be very busy
- B: I think so. I have too much homew need to be done, the deadline to

complete is always there waiting for me to complete

- My teachers has been given me a lot of homework near the end of

the semester to help me prepare for the final exam. I have two
classes: English class và ielts class, and each instructor assigns me so
much homework that at the end of the week, I had been sat on a
mound of papers the size of a small book. I had been must done all of
this homework by the start of the next week, or I would be penalized.
- A: do u feel tired, dont you?
- B:So what else is there other than me staying up late to finish all my
homework? This means I would not be able to play anything else,
watched TV, or even hung out with my bestie. During the day, it also
entails stinging eyes and large yawns. It means brain overload for a
- A: sounds tired. me too. I also stayed up all night to complete
everything to prepare for the ielts exam. but it worked so well
I improved my skills…..
- B: u feel tired, don’t you?
- A: yes. I have to get up early every day to review vocabulary.
I'm sure you don't have time to hang out with anyone, right?
- B: that's right. I give up all my hobbies like watching movies
and reading books just to focus on reviewing.
- A: me too. I'm sure after everything is done I will go out with
my friends to relieve stress,.. do you want to come with me

09/ nói về news:

- bắt đầu vô chào hỏi, có nghe tin gì mới ko

- sáng any tôi đọc trên báo có trận bão đổ bộ vô Phil
- really có thiệt hại gì ko
- có. nói sơ về cơn bão ngày giờ. nói thiệt hại về tài sản
- có thiệt hại về ng ko?
- có. có bao nhiêu ng chết đó
- t rất tiếc khi nghe tin đó
- what ab you.
- như trên…
- giờ t có việc phải làm có gì gặp lại sau
- A: Have you heard anything new? This morning I watched the news about the
earthquake in Japan
- B: OMG! So what happen?
- A: You know, earthquakes happen suddenly and make many people afraid. At
first the earthquake was very strong but luckily it only happened for 5 minutes
- B: Really! Is there any damage after the earthquake?
- A; Although the earthquake was quite strong at first, it seems that the Japanese
always have a way to avoid the damage it causes. So there wasn't much damage
after the earthquake. To them earthquakes seem so familiar that they don't care
too much after the earthquake
- B: thanks got, I feel relieved when I hear that. But have you heard about the
storm landed to the central region in VN?
- A: Yes, I heard it on the news in Japan. Is there any damage after the storm?
- B: The storm swept more and more houses near the coast, houses were almost
completely destroyed. The storm also caused heavy rain that flooded an entire
city. People had to evacuate but the storm was so strong that many people
drowned. Some houses were flooded, people had to climb to the roofs of houses
to take shelter.
- A: How much is the death toll?
- B: Not many citizen died, but there were still tragic deaths, mainly soldiers
participating in saving people.
- A: OMG, the storm was terrible. I'm so sorry to hear that

14/ describe technology

- B: Hi Tiên, OMG are u good? You look so pale.

- A: Yea Hi ABC, Too much work to do. Lately, I have had a lot of assignments to
complete. The pressure of studying makes me tired when I come home with a
bunch of housework. There's so much to do, I couldn't sleep more than 4 hours in
a day
- B: I can understand u
- A: I wish there was a robot that could do the housework for me. Every day
coming home from school, facing the chores that I need to do makes me
depressed. If I had a robot to do housework, I wouldn't have to worry about
washing dishes or washing clothes so I can sleep more time
- B: Last week I was also almost depressed with a lot of work to do. School
assignments, part-time jobs, online jobs, ... everything seems to be pouring into
one week. I wish there was a robot that could do my homework. If I had it I could
take care of myself a bit. You see, my skin is so bad these days, having too many
pimples on my face makes me very self-conscious
- A: I also wish that. But we don't have it. We can only wish and still have to keep
working. After completing the assignment, I think I will go on a trip to relieve
myself after a tiring day at work. Do you want to go with me?
- B: If I have time, I will go with you.
- Explain a change of intentions and plans.
- A: Hey, Hello B. How are u keeping?
- B: Im good. And u?
- A; Pretty good. Oh. You are a doctor now, aren’t u? I remember you had a dream
to be a singer
- B: Yes, that's right. But Now I am going to be a doctor. I gave up on my previous
dream of becoming a singer. I realized that being a singer is not easy, moreover
my voice is not a special voice that can exist in the artist world.
- A: What made you change your mind?
- B: I look forward to contributing to society. I enjoy healing others especially
children. Seeing them in pain makes me unable to hold back. When I treat them,
seeing them get better day by day makes me feel fulfilled. I can use my
knowledge to help people. So I'm trying to constantly study to become a good
- A: It sounds great. I used to be a big fan of your singing talent, it would be a
waste if you weren't a singer
- B: Everything is over. So what about you? I remember your dream is to be a
- A: You know, teaching is a low-paying profession in Vietnam. I couldn't make my
life better as a teacher. This life is really not as easy as we thought, everything
needs money to maintain life.
- B: Yea I can’t agree more.
- A: But that's okay, Currently I am going to be a……
- A: Oh great
- Discuss controversial issues politely.
- A: Hey you, I have break news for you. Yea here it is my new driver's license , I
just have already got it.
- But in any way I can ride a 50cc motorcycle by the age of 16. Getting a driver's
license is just a way for me to be able to drive bigger blocks. I even rode an
electric bike when I was only 12 years old. Driving laws in Vietnam are really
- B:Really? I have to disagree with you there. It's dangerous to be allowed to
drive at that age. They are not yet fully aware of traffic safety laws. Especially
when the traffic is so chaotic in Vietnam, it's really dangerous.
- A: I also agree with you, fortunately I live in Hue, a fairly quiet and safe city, so
I'm not too affected by traffic
- You forwarded a message
- K: Lill, we are 18 now right ??
- T: yes.
- K: you know that, we have enough age to raise the voting age. Like we can vote
for people who are capable and can make our country develop.
- T: oh Really ?
- K: Because I belived that we can recognize someone by their talent and skills like
leadership skill, problem-solving skill,...
- T: I agree with you on that one. Because I have to vote for someone we belived
that they will make our country develop.

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