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Unit: 1

Conversation 1: Make small talk.

A: Good evening. Interesting book, isn’t it?

B: It really is. By the way, I’m Huynh Chau Thuc Doan.

A: I’m Nguyen Hang. But please call me by nickname Hang.

B: Absolutely not. Please do. And please call me Doan.

A: So what kind of food do you like?

B: I’m a big fan of Korean food. Because it is delicious and easy to order. What
about you?

A: It looks delicious, but it tastes spicy. I’m interested in Vietnamese food.

B: So I do.

A: Well, we should keep in touch.

B: That would be great. Here's my card.

A: Bye for you now.

B: See you again.

Conversation 2: Describe a busy schedule.

A: So how was your day?

B: Unbelievably busy. By 10:00, I had gone to the gym, done my homework, and
had a meeting with my friends.

A: That’s a lot to do before 10:00!

B: That was nothing! At 11:00, I went to university, but by 2:00 I had already
arrived back at the library.
A: What did you eat for lunch?

B: Well, I hadn’t eaten yet. I just ate bread when I got to class.

A: Wow! I’ll bet you’re pretty hungry now!

B: Do you want to go to dinner with me evening?

A: Sure, I'd love to have dinner with you.

B: Okay, let's go.


Conversation: 3 Show concern, and offer help.

A: I’m sorry, but I don’t think I can come to the meeting this morning

B: Really? Is there anything wrong?

A: Well, actually, I don't feel very well. I’ve been sneezing since last night

B: I’m sorry to hear that. That must be terrible. Would you like me to make a
doctor’s appointment for you?

A: That’s really nice of you, but I’m sure I’ll be fine

B: Alright, You should rest and take cough medicine. Then call me later and let me
know you feel ok?

A: Thanks. I will.

B: Ok see you.

A: Bye for you now.

Conversation :4 Make a medical or dental appointment.

A: Hello. Doctor's Star office. Can I help you?

B: Hello. I need to make an appointment for a checkup. I wonder if I might be able

to come in next week.
A: What are your symptoms?

B: I don't feel very well. I've been wheezing since yesterday.

A: Sorry to hear that. I will note it down and send it to the doctor as soon as

A: Let's see if I can fit you in. How about Monday?

B: Could I come in the morning?

A: Let me check ... Would you be able to be here at 8:00?

B: That would be perfect.

A: Could I ask your name, please?

B: My name is________.

A: Oh, Mr.________. What's your phone number?

B: It's 09912345.

B: Thank you for that. I really appreciate it.

A: Thanks! We'll see you then.

Conversation : 5 Talk about medications.

A: H____? I'm H_____

B: Thanks so much for fitting me in.

A: My pleasure. Where are you from?

B: Da Nang city. I'm here to study.

A: What can I do for you today?

B: Well, I've got a cough, and I've been vomiting since Monday

A: You must feel terrible. Are you currently taking any medication?
B: I've been taking a painkiller and cough medicine.

A: Are you allergic to any medications?

B: I feel nothing. But I'm not sure.

A: Well, that's OK. Keep taking that cough medicine for the cough. But you can
stop taking painkillers. I will give you my painkiller medicine. Drink it 15 minutes
after a meal.

B: Will there be any side effects?

A: It might make you a little tired during the day. But chances are you'll be fine.
Call me if you don't feel better.

Unit: 3

Conversation: 6 Plan an event.

A: Hello. What are you up to?

B: I'm good. What's up?

A: I'm going to celebrate my 19th birthday. I want to get the preparations for the
parties on July 21st. There are a few things I need to have done.

B: Great. How can I help?

A: Well, I've asked someone to send out the announcements. But I need someone
to prepare food and drink. Do you think you could find someone to do that?

B: No problem. That's easy. I'll get my sisters to do it. Is there anything else you

A: Well, I'll also ask someone to celebrate entertainment activities. Could you ask
some people to check the sound system?

B: Sure. I'll talk to some of my friends. I'm sure they'll be willing to do it.

A: That great! I owe you once.

B: No problem.

Conversation: 7 Discuss how long a service will take.

A: Good morning, What can I help you

B: Could I have a dress shorten by tomorrow?

A: Tomorrow? That might be difficult

B: I'm sorry, but it's really urgent. I'm going on a business trip tomorrow morning

A: Well, I'll see what I can do. But it won't be ready until after 8:00 AM

B: I really appreciate it. You're a lifesaver. What is the total cost?

A: It's ten dollars.

B: Thank you, bye.

A: Goodbye.

Unit: 4

Conversation: 8 Recommend a book.

A: Have you read anything interesting lately?

B: Actually, I’m reading a novel called Mat Biec.

A: I’ve never heard of that one. Is it any good?

B: Oh. I think it’s a great book. And it’s a cliff-hanger . I highly recommend it.

A: What is the content of that book?

B: The book is a series of stories about teenage love.

A: Well, Who is the book’s author?

B: It’s Nguyen Nhat Anh.

A: Well, I know him. He’s a famous. SO do you think I could borrow it when you’re
done? I love romance.

B: Sure, I doubt I’ll finish it before next week, though.

A: No problem. I can wait.

Unit: 5

Conversation: 9 Tell someone about the news.

A: What is going on in the news today?

B: Well, the New Times says there's a typhoon in Mexico about 5 years ago.

A: Really?

B: Yes. It says it has caused record deaths. The deadliest typhoon killed 150,000

A: What a disaster!

B: People should evacuate quickly to the safe camps. And that's not all.

A: That's right.

B: What do you mean?

A: The Daily Mail says there is an earthquake in Japan.

B: Oh, no!

A: It says, "Thousands die of an earthquake"

B: That's horrendous.

A: Thanks for sharing. We should watch the news more to update the news in the

B: Ok. Bye. See you later.

A: Bye. See you later.

Unit: 6

Conversation: 10 Explain a change of intentions and plans.

A: Hey girl! Long time no see

B: Hey! How are you today?

A: I'm good. So what are you doing these days?

B: Well, I’m at Greenwich University. I'm majoring in marketing.

A: NO kidding! I thought you had other plans

B: That’s right. I was going to become a flight attendant, but I changed my mind

A: How come?

B: Well, I didn’t have enough ability. How about you? What is your plan for the

A: I am studying graphic design.

B: No way, I remember you use to study business.

A: That's right. But I changed my mind.

B: Why did you change?

A: Because I feel I am more suitable for graphic design.

B: What plan are you going to do.

A: I'm going to be a film editor. Any plans for the future?

B: I'm going to be a sales manager.

A: So good. Oh sorry. I'm busy, I have to leave now. See you later.
B: Ok. Goodbye.

Conversation: 11 Discuss skills, abilities and qualifications.

A: Good morning. Please come in and have a seat.

B: Good morning. I'm a student. I come here to looking for a kind of job in Da
Nang? Would that be possible?

A: Da Nang, well, firstly Tell me something about your skills and abilities.

B: I’m 21. I’m studying at Greenwich University with majoring in web

programming. I also have java programming skills. My friends are always also said
I have common sense. But I’m not confident in communication.

A: So, is your English good.

B: Absolutely.

A: That’s great. I found a lot of programming jobs in Da Nang. It’s ok if you work
as a web technician at the FPT company at Son Tra Da Nang.

B: I really want.

A: Tell me more about your information. Full name, Numbers,

B: I’m NTP. My phone is 0997712345.

A: You did. Thanks for coming today. I will contact you later.

B: Thank you.

Unit: 7

Conversation: 12 Wish someone a good holiday and ask local customs.

A: I hear there's going to be a holiday next year.

B: That's right. The Tet holiday.

A: What kind of holiday is it?

B: It's a traditional holiday that takes place in spring. People spend time with their
family and eat Chung cakes.

A: Well, have a great Tet holiday!

B: Thanks! Same to you!

A: Do you mind if ask you about something?

B: Of course not. What's up?

A: I'm not sure about the customs here. If Igo to the pagoda, how should I dress?

B: Hmm! You should dress discreetly, absolutely not objectionable. Because it's

A: Oh! Is there anything else? Tell me more about your custom.

B: On the Tet holiday, adults will give children red envelopes, Vietnamese call it
lucky money. And the children will wish the adults well.

A: Thank you.

B: You're welcome.

A: Goodbye. See you later.

B: Goodbye.

Unit 8

Conversation: 13 Take responsibility for a mistake.

A: Sorry. I didn't join your birthday yesterday.

B: It's okay. What happened?

A: I am very sad to say that I was in a car accident.

B: So bad. Are you ok?

A: Well, if it wasn't a car accident, I would have come to your birthday party.

B: No harm done.

A: Thank you. Are you free this weekend?

B: Yes, I'm free.

A: Would you like to have dinner with me?

B: Great idea. I will pick you up in front of Vincom Plaza at 6 pm.

A: Okay. See you there.

Conversation: 14 Describe technology.

A: I just got a new phone.

B: No kidding! What kind?

A: iPhone 12 professional max. That is top. I think I'll reward myself.

B: Well, congratulations! If I bought it, I would watch a lot of great movies.

A: That's a great idea.

B: I also just bought a new laptop

A: Oh! what kind?

B: Well, Macbook Air you know. It's a high-tech product.

A: I know. If I bought it, I would play a lot of good games.

B: That's a Good Idea. But now I going to study, see you later.

A: Ok. Goodbye.

Unit: 9
Conversation: 15 Discuss controversial issues politely.

A: How do you feel about capital punishment?

B: I'm in favor of it. I believe if you kill someone, you deserve to be killed. What
about you?

A: Actually, I'm against the death penalty. I think it's wrong to take a life, no
matter what.

B: Well, I guess we'll have to agree to disagree!

A: By the way, do you mind if I ask your opinion about raising the voting age from
18 to 21?

B: No offense, but I just can't agree. I think 18 aren't able to be thoughtful and
inexperienced because they are too young. What do you think about it?

A: I have to disagree with you there. 21 age are mature to know whether to be for
or against when they vote. So, they can make their own decisions.

B: I guess we'll have to agree to disagree! Thank you for sharing.

Coversation:16 Describe a geographical location, and warn about a possible

A: Hey mate, look at the video. What a beautiful town! Have you ever been to

B: Not yet. Where is Sapa?

A: It is located in the northwest part of Vietnam.
B: Anything else?
A: Sapa has the highest mountain in Vietnam that is Fansipan.
B: Is it safe to go hiking there?
A: Sure, but be careful. There's sometimes foggy and the path is so steep.
B: Really?
A: Well, it's too dangerous to go hiking there. But I'm sure you'll be fine. By the
way, where is exactly is Son Tra Peninsula?
B: Well, about 23 kilometers north of Da Nang. Are you planning to go there?
A: I've been thinking about it.
B: You don’t want to miss it.
A: Is it safe to go there?
B: Sure, but be careful. It’s can be so slippery and foggy.
A: Really?
B: Well, it's too dangerous for you to go there. But I’m sure you’ll be fine.
A: Thanks for the warning.
B: You're welcome. Goodbye.

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