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Talk about some cultural traditions in your country.

Shake hands when meeting. Although shaking hands is increasingly common,

Chinese people may nod or bow instead of shaking hands. When you are
introduced to a gathering of Chinese people, they will probably applaud you.
Return applause. Elderly people are the first to greet each other. Before greeting
others, greet the oldest, most senior person. Line up by seniority during the group
presentation, with senior members at the top of the line.
Vietnamese people often address them by their first name. Addressing the full
name creates a sense of formality that is not too suitable for ordinary address. If
you are close, you can address them by first name or add a middle name.
In Vietnam, there are etiquettes to keep in mind

 Wear bare shoulders or shorts to temples or pagodas – this is seen as very

rude and offensive
 Flaunt wealth in public, this is considered impolite
 Take photos of military installations or anything to do with the military. This
can be seen as a breach of national security.

DO arrive on time to meetings as Vietnamese are very punctual. Being late

is considered impolite and timeliness is expected. DON'T refuse tea or food
when offered by your Vietnamese counterpart. It is considered impolite.

In Vietnam, there are also table manners to keep in mind

1.Wait for all people before starting the meal
Be patient if you see that there’s not enough people yet. Vietnamese people
respects those who are polite and caring for others on the small actions like this.

2.Eat after the seniors and elderly

You can be the first of anything but never be the first eater on the dining table.

How has culture changed since your parents or grandparents were your age?

In a rapidly developing world the differences in opinion, attitude

and lifestyle of children from those of parents and grandparents is
obvious. This might be attributed to a variety of factors, including the
development of new technology and the impact of modern cultures. This
causes plenty of issues, including a breakdown in intergenerational

Smartphones, mobile applications, laptops, and video games have

created a cultural divide between two generations. While parents prefer
one-on-one engagement, youngsters communicate with pals via
Facebook and Twitter. The diffusion of western ideals in
underdeveloped countries has widened the gap even more. This may be
seen in the eating preferences of children, who favor burgers and fast
food, and parents, who prefer traditional food. According to a recent
study in India, western cultural influence transmitted through foreign
companies such as Levis, McDonalds, KFC, and Facebook has reduced
the amount of time children spend with their parents by at least 35%
since 1990. The disparity in views, ideas, and behaviors between the two
generations has widened dramatically as a result of this.

These cultural disparities lead to a lack of communication between

two generations, resulting in ineffective youth mentoring on the one
hand and cultural identity loss on the other. According to social
scientists, if children and parents do not spend enough time consuming
food and discussing ideas, events, history, and culture, a community's
culture will be forgotten in five generations.

In conclusion, it is natural for children and parents to have

different beliefs and attitudes. These, on the other hand, may
significantly impede a society's growth and lead to a loss of identity.
Differences between parents and children should be addressed by
encouraging parents and children to spend more time together.

Do you think being a procrastinator is a serious problem? Explain

Do you have a trouble persuading yourself to do something

important? Maybe every time you have a job to do, you want to load the
dishwasher, watch movies before getting started. If you find yourself
doing things like this, you may be suffering from procrastination.
Procrastination is the delaying of things you should do in an attempt to
serve your something you want to do more. 
Procrastination have some negative impact. Firstly, procrastination
is waste of time. We all desire to achieve our aspirations and goals. But,
if you don’t use the time you have to meet them, you may not be able to
do so. Money and other resources can be borrowed, saved and shared
but not time. There is no way to get back time that has been wasted.
Secondly, Procrastination may struggle with problems such as fear of
making mistakes, lack of self-worth, anxiety, depression, etc. Negative
emotions might impair one’s ability to perform. 
Procrastination only be a problem when it gets in our way of
achieving what we want. Therefore, procrastination also have benefits.
Firstly, it helps to make informed decisions. We delay frequently
because we are unsure of how to approach a task in the most effective
manner. Instead of exhausting your mind and end up not being
productive, it’s best to procrastination are certain what you should do.
Secondly, it allows you to clear other things on your to do list. Active
procrastinators can use the time of delaying a significant task to handle
other task.
Procrastination can have both positive and negative sides, so self-
control is important. You have to know when to do what and make

Evaluate the quality of some services you have used

Today I’m going to talk about Today I will talk about a must - see center
The travel that I love is called Ba Na Hills.  It is located on a mountain in Da Nang
city, the most livable place in Vietnam.  It is an internationally acclaimed city
which has acquired a reputation for a lot of natural graces and wonders. Sun group
is really a potential national corporation and I am really impressed by the new
services they bring not only to me but also other customers

  The last time I went there was when I was in grade 10. At that time, I was in the
middle of finals, which meant I was alwaysup to ears in revision.  So, after days of
dreaded exam preparation, I decided to blow of some steam with my friends by
taking a trip to Ba Na Hills.  To get to this destination, we had to catch a bus from
our city, a journey of about an hour. 
When we reached there, we did some sightseeing an a mountain to enjoy the
breathtaking view of the city below.  What captured our attention at first was a
long aerial tramway that took us to the top of the mountain.  When we were sitting
inside the cabin looking down, we were in awe of the jaw-dropping below us
which was a vast area of tropical wilderness.  It was truly breathtaking!  The sight
was so stunning that we couldn't take our eyes off it.  However, the excitement
didn't end there as we made it to main recreation area on the mountain.  There were
hundreds of fun games and activities for us to choose from.  While my sister and I
enjoyed taking selfies in some adorable corners, my brother was busy playing with
some monkeys and feeding the pigeons.  At lunch, my family gathers for dinner at
a fine Italian restaurant, which has a wide selection.  Unfortunately, I was not a fan
of Italian cuisine because of how flavorless it was.
So now when someone asks me where to go on vacations, I would surely
recommend they pay a visit to Ba Na Hills – a place that never fails to impress me.


Describe your reading habits.

I've spent a little portion of my life reading a wide range of

literature. This was mostly throughout elementary school and
into high school. When I go to the library now, I head directly to
the computer section or set up my laptop instead of going to the
book rack to check out a book.
I don't read nearly as many novels as I did when I was
younger. Because I'd rather switch on my laptop and watch a
bunch of juvenile pranksters on YouTube or create blocks in the
creative world of Minecraft, I've fallen behind on my reading. I
do occasionally take up a book to read, such as Edward - Six
Thinking Hats, a self-help book. Authors such as Stephen King
and R. L. Stine have written horror stories that I have loved.

I am dissatisfied with my reading habits since I believe they

have harmed my ability to communicate. My tongue would feel
heavy, and I would frequently stammer throughout my
conversations. I could speak fluent English if I read aloud from a
text. My bad reading skills also influence how I write
assignments and essays in plain English rather than the
collegiate structure that I should have mastered by now.
I don't mind reading; I'd forgotten how much I like it. I
intend to reintroduce reading into my life since I dislike
interacting with other people. When I want to be alone, reading
is a great way to pass the time.
Talk about the positive and negative aspects of online reading.

        We are in industry 4.0, everything is operated by the internet.

Reading is the same, the popular Internet is gradually replacing
traditional books. In the past, people loved to read conventional
books but technology has changed and they have become more
interested in online reading. Like any invention, online reading to
has its advantages and disadvantages. Let’s analyze each of them. 
       Initially online reading has Easy accessibility, unlike their
traditional cousins, which can be simply accessed from a website.
Because some of them are free, you can download them to your
computer, you can disconnect the internet and read the book on the
laptop or on the smartphone. In addition, online reading is also
Environmental friendly, online reading does not require cutting trees
as they are devoid of paper, Therefore they do not cause harm to the
environment. Next online reading is cost-effective, compared to
physical books, it is less expensive this is because the reader is not
paying for the printing and shipping costs that are associated with
traditional books.
          Besides the benefits, online reading also has disadvantages.
Firstly, we don’t memorize readers face problems in retaining or
memorizing the information and therefore can’t recall information
as easily. Secondly Constantly looking at the screen will affect
vision, making the eyes weak, leading to myopia. Most of all, some
of the information online is “trash”. Therefore, the selection of
information is very important.
        There are some undoubted advantages to e-books. I'm pretty
sure they are the way of the future. But there are also some
downsides. Can you think of any more pros and cons of online

008 How to prepare for an emergency?

A natural disaster can occur at any time. Some calamities, such as

a storm before a flood, provide advance warning. Earthquakes, for
example, provide little or no warning. When a crisis strikes, there is no
time to prepare.
The best method to deal with a natural disaster is to plan ahead of
time and have a plan in place. Disasters range in magnitude from small-
scale catastrophes like a storm that affects a single suburb to large-scale
events that affect entire cities or enormous areas across state lines.
People may be hurt or killed as a result of disasters, or they may lose
their homes and valued goods.
Most of us live in locations where extreme weather and other
natural disasters, such as bushfires, floods, severe storms, and droughts,
can occur. The first stage is to determine the sorts of catastrophes to
which you are vulnerable, as well as the likelihood of their occurrence
and possible damage. Knowing which risks are most widespread in your
area will help you focus your preparation efforts for each one.
Given how unpredictable nature can be, taking precautions to
decrease your risks, secure your home, and keep your family safe is a
wise idea.People frequently feel powerless in the face of severe weather.
There are several basic precautions you can take to keep yourself and
your family safe while also reducing the chance of damage to your home
and other valuables.
1. Pack an emergency preparedness kit. Having an emergency
preparedness kit on hand may help you keep your family safe during a
disaster. ...
2. Create and practice a disaster plan. ...
3. Listen to local officials
Having an emergency plan and a disaster survival supply kit will
help you through almost every kind of crisis, whether natural or caused
by humans. However, each type of event requires different kinds of
preparation and action.

Talk about some regrets you have about past actions.

 Prior to the start of senior year, there is a summer break. I can't

stop thinking about the events of the previous three years of high school.
Choices that seemed inconsequential at the time are reappearing with a
fury. It's easy to look back on the things I've done and the opportunities
I've missed over the last several years and regret them.
To be clear, I'm not some problematic adolescent who got tangled
up with the wrong crowd, had a difficult home situation, or made a
series of poor choices that harmed those around me. I'm extremely
fortunate to be surrounded by individuals that care about me and want
me to succeed.
My academic record is strong, and I also like exploring interests
outside of school. I've never defied my parents or felt obliged to do so.
My friends refer to me as "innocent" and "squeaky clean." I'm not
interested in being in a relationship, and I've never had to deal with the
fallout from a bad breakup. For the time being, I wouldn't mind
remaining celibate for the rest of my life. To return to the matter at hand,
it simply does not make sense for me to feel so much regret. There is no
hope for anyone if someone who has tried to do everything properly
can't leave high school without that empty feeling of regret.
Fortunately, I've come to the realization that remorse is an
inevitable aspect of high school. There is someone who regrets not
trying hard enough in high school for every person who regrets working
too hard. As we enter this chapter of our life, moving into adults and
taking on additional responsibilities, high school students must band
together. How can we mature if we don't have regret? What is the best
way to learn from our mistakes? If the next generation of adults had no
regrets, I would be concerned. The world could just as well be run by a
group of high school students at that point!

Talk about some regrets you have about past actions.

Hello, I’m Luu Cat Tien. I’m 17 years old and I was born on the 14th  of
December, 2003 in Hue city. I’m a very positive person; I try to smile all the time
even if I don’t feel like it. My life up to now is mostly smooth, I am loved, spoiled
by my family, and loved by my friends. 

Prior to the start of senior year, there is a summer break. I can not stop thinking
about the events of the previous three years of high school. Choices that seemed
inconsequential at the time are reappearing with fury. It is easy to look back on the
things I have done and the opportunities I have missed over the last several years
and regret them.

 To be clear, I’m not some problematic adolescent who got tangled up with the
wrong crowd, had a difficult home situation, or made a series of poor choices that
harmed those around me. I’m extremely fortunate to be surrounded by individuals
that care about me and what me to succeed.

My academic record is very good and I also enjoy exploring interests outside
of school. I have never defied my parent’s or friends' obligation to do so. My
family doesn't care much about my studies, they give me a sense of freedom to
study and the work I want to do in the future. My parents don't put a lot of
emphasis on grades and force me to go to one school or another, also because of
that, I don't have my own direction, I don't know what I like to do, so I just learn
indiscriminately. I tried to study to get the best grades and when I took the
university exam I also got good results. Then I went to GWU and even now the
field of study that I am going to study also confuses me because I have no interest
at all. 

Until now, I'm still struggling to orient myself. Actually, I also have my own
dream, but this career is too precarious and difficult that will make my family not
support me. My friends also support me a lot, my parents also know what I like to
do but they always think I'm just joking around with it and have no intention of
taking it seriously. I think my parents are also trying to avoid my dream.
I know that they just want the best for me but it also puts a lot of pressure on

What are factors that you think promote success?

Everyone wants to become successful at something in life, but it depends on how

they define their success. Success is achieving a goal that you have s-et for yourself
in your life: it is completing your main objective.

Success is the sensation you receive after overcoming a barrier you believed
was insurmountable. To be successful, one must maintain motivation by reminding
themselves that they are working hard for a cause. Having optimistic ideas in order
to be successful will result in favorable results.

Although we have set a certain goal to accomplish, in the process we often do

not know what to do next. Ambiguity in work orientation will create inefficiencies
at work and from there we will become discouraged and want to give up.

Take my own example. My dream is to become a makeup artist. The first

thing that when I define this dream is my passion but I also have to face the truths
in life that is money. To become a professional makeup artist the investment in
education and tools is a big fee. So I decided to try at the most basic steps to be
able to easily learn at a professional level.

Every job, even though I'm passionate, I think it's very important to earn money
to pursue your passion. I decided to study both business administration and
professional makeup. Understanding the work we do, then analyzing the work to
come up with effective solutions to lead to efficiency in work and profit.

So the most important factor for success that I think is that you dare to dream
and you dare to do it. Studying and learning from those who have gone before will
also help you gain a lot of experience. If you make a mistake, don't be discouraged
learn from that mistake.
Describe a holiday in your country.

If you ask me about a famous festival in Vietnam, I will definitely talk about
Tet Holiday, which is also known as Lunar New Year holiday in Vietnam.

It generally happens at the end of January and lasts for three days. Tet is a
Vietnamese celebration commemorating the end of the previous year and an
opportunity to greet the new year with many benefits. We will hold family
reunions throughout the Tet holiday to catch up with each other. Furthermore,
some families celebrate the holiday by making traditional foods such as
Vietnamese square cake, dried candied fruit, braised pork and eggs, and adorning
their homes with parallel lines and peach or apricot flowers, among other things. I
believe that youngsters, in particular, look forward to the Tet holiday since they
can get fortunate money from adults as a manner of receiving new year's wishes.
For adults, it is an occasion on which they are able to do the spring cleaning and
make appetizing food to worship the ancestors.

Tet has lost its original essence, and most people regard it as just another
vacation in which they may take two weeks off to unwind and relax. Tet, on the
other hand, remains a unique Vietnamese event to me. I always feel a great feeling
of belonging when this holiday arrives because it reminds me of how diverse our
culture can be, with different customs and foods. Furthermore, I believe that if the
Tet holiday did not exist, many family members would drift away owing to the
stresses of everyday life. However, because Tet is approaching, everyone will have
at least one or two days to assemble with family and strengthen ties with other

So I guess that’s all I want to share about Tet in Vietnam.

Describe wedding traditions in your country.
From the past until now, marriage is one of the most important matters in one
person’s life. Nowadays, the traditional wedding custom and ceremony in
Vietnam is somewhat simpler, but it still maintains the national characters. Many
rituals have been ignored as not suitable for modern life. However, there are some
obligatory wedding rites that all couples should comply with. 

The first ceremony is Permission ceremony. Normally, both the bride and groom,
or their parents, consult a fortuneteller to choose the finest date and time for their
wedding. They are adamant about this day and time, so the groom's family and
relatives must arrive promptly. They would visit the bride and her family with
circular lacquered boxes known as betrothal presents a few days before the
wedding. It is made up of areca nuts and betel leaves, as well as tea, cake, fruits,
wines, and other delights that are wrapped in red fabric and brought by unmarried
girls and boys.

The second ceremony is wedding ceremony. On the wedding day, the groom's
family and relatives arrive at the bride's residence with a large number of red-
paper-wrapped gifts. These are comparable to the engagement gifts: betel leaves
and areca nuts, wines, fruits, cakes, tea... These trays are held by carefully selected
individuals, most of whom are happily married couples. Ao Dai is worn by both
men and women. Men may be dressed in suits or wearing traditional Ao Dai. The
troop is generally headed by the family's wealthiest and most successful pair, as a
way of wishing the soon-to-be-wed newlyweds a happy future together.
After the wedding ceremony is over, there will be a party at the groom’s house.
Some traditional Vietnamese wedding parties take place in the couple's homes,
while others take place at a restaurant. This day is the culmination of all of your
ambitions, daydreams, hopes, and fears. During their lunch, they will be
entertained by a band. On the stage, certain guests are allowed to perform related
wedding songs to wish the bride and groom luck. The couple visits each table in
the midst of the party to receive wishes, congratulations, and money.

Many Vietnamese couples today conduct their wedding ceremonies in temples

or churches, which are quite similar to American and Western wedding
ceremonies, including exchanging vows and wedding rings. They do, however,
continue to hold a Vietnamese traditional wedding ceremony in the bride's house
before visiting temples or churches.
What invention or discovery is the most important, in your opinion? Why?
In my opinion one of the most important discoveries of mankind is the discovery
of fire. If you can’t control fire, you can do bugger all else, really.
Numbers of animal species react to the natural phenomenon of fire, but only
humans have learnt to control it and to make it at will. Natural fires caused
overwhelmingly by lightning are highly evident on many landscapes. Rather than
as an event, the discovery of fire use may be seen as a set of processes happening
over the long term. Eventually, fire became embedded in human behaviour, so that
it is involved in almost all advanced technologies.
The big thing about fire is that you can use it to cook. Cooking is an activity
unique to humans. Nothing else cooks its food. Our bloody spoilt cat regularly gets
his food cooked for him, but he doesn’t cook his own. Nor does he do the
hoovering. Nor, now I come to think about it, any washing up and he doesn’t load
the washer either. He does spend a very large amount of time stretched out on his
back on comfortable cushions and duvets though, or sunbathing out the back.
Hmm. He’s not bloody stupid, is he?

I digress. Cooking aids digestion as well as killing off nasty little germs with the
practical upshot that people live longer. This means they’ve got more time to work
things out. But not only is fire useful for cooking, it’s useful as a source of heat and
light. The warmer you can keep, the less energy you’re expending to keep warm,
and the more you can divert to that big brain. Furthermore, if you get a hot enough
fire, and you chuck some rocks on, you can get some interesting minerals from
them. You can then use those minerals to do things with. The seven metals of
antiquity were copper, tin, lead, iron, gold, silver, and mercury-expandy. If you
mash copper and tin in the right way you get bronze, and iron was king metal for
about nine thousand years until we realised you could make it into steel.

So probably fire was the most useful discovery, and then means of controlling it
the greatest inventions.
Describe some global problems, and suggest solutions for them.
One of the most pressing global problems today is domestic violence.Domestic
violence is a pattern of behaviour exerted by one partner on another intimate
partner behind closed doors. It needs no triggering factor. Just simple petty issues
like not washing the vessels on time might trigger abuse.

It is a never ending cycle. People who are not in domestic violence situation
will never understand and will think it is something similar to marital conflict.
There is more power to one spouse and the abused spouse may end up getting
drained and will suffer. It is an unhealthy means to relieve pain for the abuser .
Abusers are themselves abused or will have serious mental issues or brought up in
abusive households because of which they think abuse is a norm. They end up
abusing their partners. Unless an abuser takes responsibility for his/her behaviour,
domestic violence will continue and it will take a toll on the relationship.

If you’re the victim the only way to respond is to leave. Abusers very very
rarely change and the chances of you actually changing them are minimal at best.
Leaving is the only reaction that is heard because it shows them their behaviour is
not acceptable. The only way an abuser will change is once everyone walks away
from them because of their behaviour.

If you’ve realised this and gone but are still suffering abuse from your ex the
only way to deal then is to report every incident every breath they breathe your
way to the police!

if its answers regarding someone you know suffering the abuse there’s little you
can do other than just be there as a rock for them when they need you. Any attempt
to intervine will only infuriate the abuser and make it worse on the victim. The
victim may even cut you off for substantial periods at the abusers request but when
they choose to speak to you just be there for them.

Describe a COUNTRY or a PROVINCE or a CITY.

You travel to a different country, the customs and habits of each place are also
different, so there are many things to keep in mind.

Japan is located in the Asian monsoon zone and has high annual precipitation
sometimes lead to torrential rainfall. Owing to such geographical characteristics,
various natural disasters have occurred in Japan

Tokyo is a huge, lively and vibrant metropolis covering an area of over 2,000
square kilometres that includes mountains to the west and subtropical islands to
the south.

If you want to travel to Tokyo I think I will recommend Tokyo city. It soon
became the political and administrative capital of Japan and now is a fantastic
mixture of futuristic skyscrapers, neon lights, fashionable shops, museums,
shrines, temples and parks. Much of your experience of Japan will best be
absorbed by wandering the streets, peering into shops, discovering ancient
buildings and relaxing in Japan’s tranquil parks

I highly recommend you to go this place a classic sightseeing spot for foreign
tourists! The symbol of Tokyo tourism – “Asakusa”. Asakusa” is probably the
place where you can see the most foreign tourists in Tokyo. It is crowded with
many foreign tourists regardless of the day of the week and is one of the symbols
of Tokyo.

Particularly, the famous Kaminarimon of “Sensoji Temple” is a great spot for a

snapshot, so don’t forget to take a souvenir photo to capture the moment! There
are other historical temples, so you can enjoy more sightseeing when you go
around. And, of course, it is also enjoyable to tour around the city by rickshaw
If you had to invent something that would make your schoolwork easier, what would you
invent?  Why?

We are , learning is being affected a lot. So if I had to invent something that

would make my schoolwork easier I will designed an app to store your classes,
homework and exams in the cloud making it available on any device, wherever
you are.

In this app, the users are including students and teachers. The teacher can takes
a student's class list, assignments, test dates, and to-do list items and organizes
them all into one very easy-to-use app. And students can store your classes,
homework and exams in the cloud making it available on any device, wherever
you are. It also offers a calendar view that shows your classes and assignments

For teachers, online learning is also a difficult problem for teachers, they cannot
easily transmit knowledge and manage students. This App can make it easier for
teachers to teach, teachers can teach online through the app, after class can post
lectures and exercises for that day's lesson. Teachers can access students' schedules
to set class announcements or deadlines. Teachers can encourage students to use
this app - School Planner in place of paper calendars or agendas. Since the app is
available on so many platforms, students will always have access to their personal
schedules no matter what device they have access to. Be sure to have students meet
class expectations by setting alerts, and remind them to encourage each other to
"keep at it."

Learning online is really difficult, especially for who is lazy people and slow
learners. So in this app, students can manage their study time by updating the
lesson schedule on the app and the app will remind students class list, assignments,
test dates, and to-do list items. If they can make it a habit, students will love
staying on top of assignments and test dates with this handy, pocket-sized personal
assistant. If students use this app - school planner with consistency, it has the
potential to build time-management skills. And the last one, this app can challenge
students to take charge of their own learning and stay on top of class meeting dates
and when due dates are approaching for projects and tests. Excuses stemming from
disorganization issues may be lessened or eliminated completely with this easy-to-
use scheduling tool.

I hope the idea of inventing an app like this helps with learning in a time of

Do you think global warming is a problem? Why? Suggest solutions.

global warming, is an increase in the average temperature of the air and oceans on Earth.

Melting of Glaciers

 The level of the sea will rise which will lead to flooding.
 Endanger several species of animals and thus will hamper the balance of the ecosystem.
 The melting of polar ice-caps and less water evaporating into the atmosphere are causing
increased sea levels. Then, countries near the seaside will disappear soon.
 Small changes can lead to big change. Pretty soon, the domino effect will reach
extinction. If we don't act now, humans will perish soon.

Climate change

 Cause more rains.

 Plants may die and animals may migrate to other areas because they cannot easily adapt
to increased rainfall. May even lead to animal extinction

The first way to prevent global warming is to move away from fossil fuels. What are the
alternatives? Renewable energies like solar, wind, biomass, and geothermal.

2. Reduce water waste

Saving water reduces carbon pollution, too. That's because it takes a lot of
energy to pump, heat, and treat your water.

So take shorter showers, turn off the tap while brushing your teeth, and switch to
WaterSense-labeled fixtures and appliances. \

3. Create more sustainable transportation habits

 Promoting public transportation, carpooling, but also electric and hydrogen mobility can
definitely help reduce CO2 emissions and thus fight global warming.
 Walk and bike to your destination whenever possible.
 When buying a new car, choose a climate-friendly option.

Plant mỏe trees

Trees absorb carbon dioxide which is one of several greenhouse gases contributing to our
rapid climate change. Since trees already absorb carbon, we need to plant even more to
combat the effect it’s having on our planet.

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