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Air is one of the most essential ingredients of life.

Without air the life

would have been simply impossible over this planet. All life forms on
earth need air to survive. Unfortunately the air that we need most to live
is being polluted carelessly. Air Pollution is caused due to the presence
of various harmful substances called the pollutants. The primary
pollutants are the by products of factories, industries that release
harmful gases like sulphur, carbon dioxide and others. The secondary air
pollutants are by product of primary pollutants. The smog for instance is
the secondary pollutant.

One of the major causes of Pollution is the Industrialization. The burning

of fossil fuels like petrol, diesel or coal to run cars, machines, trains and
power plants are dangerous because they release harmful pollutants
into the atmosphere. They endanger human lives. The heedless burning
of fossil fuels to fuel the path of Industrial progress has made the
situation even worse. The release of harmful gases, chemicals, and
smoke interferes with the natural ecosystem. Furthermore, the nuclear
radiation is also source of increasing air pollution and thereby disturbing
the environment. Apart from that, there are a few natural source of air
pollution. Among them are volcanic eruption, dust carried by wind,
forest fires and methane discharged from cattle. However, the amount
of natural air pollution is far less than the pollution generated by various
human activities.

The air Pollution is a disaster on the earth. Since the air is the primary
element of our survival on the earth, its pollution are bringing the
disastrous impacts on human life.

The major health problems due the consumption of polluted air include
chronic lung diseases, respiratory diseases and other health issues like
flue, and lung cancer . A belt of natural gases known as ozone layer
envelops our planet. The ozone layer shields us from dangerous
ultraviolet rays of sun.

It protects us from harmful radiations that the sun emits. The air
pollutants are seriously damaging the ozone layer. In last few decades
many holes have appeared in the layer. Due to the depletion of ozone
layer radiations of sun reaches the earth’s surface and cause skin cancer
and eye damage. Acid rain is also a result of air pollutants. Acidic rain
causes sever damage to plants, animals and soil. It kills fish and other

In first instance, we need to minimize our release of toxic gases into the
atmosphere produced by our industries.  One effective way that can
help us is that we should use the modern technology. It would help us
reduce the release of air pollution into the atmosphere. Since, fossil fuel
burning is the major cause of air pollution, we should shift to the
alternative clean energy like wind, solar and hydro energy. The pollution
problem is not the creation of one man or of a community. It has taken
decades to turn into this ugly shape. Therefore, the prevention of air
pollution is a collective responsibility. We need to take the effective
measures to get it solved.For this, raising the support of civil society is
essential. We need to spread the message of climate peace and
pollution problem to the world. The use of social media and other
means, is therefore, highly important. The more awareness we spread
the more hands we would have to deal collectively with the issue of air

The fresh air is the first certificate of our survival on this planet earth. 
The life would have been simply unbearable when the polluted air
conquers our mother earth.

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