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Geography of Jupiter

 the most massive planet of the solar system and the fifth in distance from

the Sun.
 its colourful cloud bands can be seen with even a small telescope. It has a
narrow system of rings and 79 known moons, one larger than Mercury and three
larger than Earth’s Moon.
 Some astronomers speculate that Jupiter’s moon Europa may be hiding an
ocean of warm water and possibly even some kind of life , beneath an icy crust.
 Jupiter has an internal heat source that emits more energy than it receives from
the Sun.
 The pressure in its deep interior is so high that the hydrogen there exists in a
fluid metallic state.
 has the strongest magnetic field of any planet, with a magnetosphere so large
that, if it could be seen from Earth, its apparent diameter would exceed the
 Jupiter is made almost entirely of only two elements , hydrogen and helium, and
it means density is not much more than the density of water.
 Jupiter has no solid surface, hence, no topographic features and the planet’s
large-scale circulation is dominated by latitudinal currents.


1. We can’t land on the surface of Jupiter since its made up of helium and
hydrogen. So, trying to land on it would be like trying to land on a cloud here on
Earth. There's no outer crust to break your fall on Jupiter. Just an endless stretch
of atmosphere.
2. As you enter the top of the atmosphere, you're be traveling at 110,000 mph
under the pull of Jupiter's gravity.
3. The only way we can actually live on Jupiter is by creating floating spacecraft
that will travel somewhere out of Jupiter and by creating underwater cities in
one of the moon, Europa which is believed to have a vast water ocean beneath
its icy surface

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