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016 – Do you think global warming is a problem? Why? Suggest solutions. (2-
part question)
You should say:
● What is global warming?
● What are the effects of global warming?
● What are the personal actions that we can do to solve global

These days, it is true that climate change is the most serious danger that
mankind is confronting. There are some issues arising from these threats, but a
number of feasible methods can be taken in order to address them.
On the one hand, there are many causes of global warming. Firstly, the
greenhouse effect is one of the main causes. The fact that the greenhouse effect is
the process that carbon dioxide traps heat from the sun which causes the global
temperature to rise above optimal level and that leads to the melting of polar ice-
caps, severe floods, droughts and other extreme weather conditions all over the
world. Secondly, human activity is a factor in the rising of the global temperature.
Cutting down trees, for example, when people cut down trees more than permitted,
there will not be enough trees to do the oxygen exchange process and that will lead
to environmental pollution even global warming.
On the other hand, there are various measures that the government could
implement to tackle these problems. Firstly, the governments should enact some
strict policies to control the emission of carbon gases from industries. This means
that the government should impose heavy taxes on the production activities of
factories that release a lot of smoke that harms the air and moreover, they should
encourage organic industries by reducing taxes. Secondly, people should be
encouraged to take public transport rather than driving by private transport. Plenty
of evidence suggests that if people use public transport, it can reduce the release
of large amounts of dust into the environment.
In conclusion, although climate change can lead to many serious problems
for the planet, national governments around the world can deal with them in the
long run by reasonably adopting the suggested approaches.

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