T1 - 16: Describe A Geographical Location, and Warn About Possible Risks

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T1_16: Describe a geographical location, and warn about possible risks.

A: hello cá, lâu ko gặp. bạn khoẻ ko

B: tôi khỏe bạn thì sao

A: tui cũng z. tui nghe là bạn mới có một chuyến đi …. với ….

B: đúng rồi. sau những ngày học mệt mỏi tui qđịnh đi ... to unwind & release
stress after nerve-racking time at school ở đó tui có thể chơi, ... có thể ngắm
những cảnh đẹp, ... nó tuyệt vời lắm

A: nghe tuyệt quá. nó có nguy hiểm gì ko v

đường đi thì hơi gập ghềnh, dốc, ... cẩn thận muỗi, khỉ, ... tui nghe nói bạn
có chuyến đi với ai tới…

A: đúng z. (như trên)

B: nó có nguy hiểm gì xảy ra với bạn ko

A: có, cẩn thận với con cá mập, ...

B: tôi muốn được tới đó 1 lần

A: Gbye, I have to go now because I have a class to join right now.

B: See you soon.

T1_15: Discuss controversial issues politely.

A: hello cá, lâu ko gặp. bạn khoẻ ko

B: Me too, and how about you?

A: I’m ok and do you have a driving license

B: No, you know, I'm just 17 but in Vietnamese law but Vietnam, the
government said that people who are 18 years old to have a driver's license

A: tao nghi la the government should lower the driving age

B: I couldn't agree with you more. I think teens need to have their own
experiences. Driving at sixteen is a great way for teens to indulge in
experiences and start a more independent life. Driving allows one to
have more freedom. Teens can go on dates and not have to rely on a
guardian to drive them. a guardian is not going to want to drive their
teenager to and from work all the time. If a teen has their licenses they
can drive themselves to and from work. Driving lets teens be able to get
a job and make money, which will help them become more mature.
Driving teaches teenagers responsibility. When a teen is driving they
are in control and they have to be aware of their surroundings.

A: That what I mean

B: You're 18 now, right?

A: yes.

B: you know that we have enough age to vote. It means that we can vote for
people who are capable and can make our country develop.

A: Yes, I believed that we can recognize someone by their talent and skills
like leadership skills, problem-solving skills, and so on

B: I agree with you on that one.

A: Gbye, I have to go now because I have a class to join right now.

B: See u soon.

T1_14: Describe the technology.

B: Hi, OMG are u good? You look so pale.

A: Yea Hi ABC, too much work to do. Lately, I have had a lot of
assignments to complete. The pressure of studying makes me tired when I
come home with a bunch of housework. There's so much to do, I couldn't
sleep more than 4 hours in a day

B: I can understand u

A: I wish there was a robot that could do the housework for me. Every day
coming home from school, facing the chores that I need to do makes me
depressed. If I had a robot to do housework, I wouldn't have to worry about
washing dishes or washing clothes so I can sleep more time

B: Last week I was also almost depressed with a lot of work to do. School
assignments, part-time jobs, online jobs, ... everything seems to be pouring
into one week. I wish there was a robot that could do my homework. If I had
it I could take care of myself a bit. You see, my skin is so bad these days,
having too many pimples on my face makes me very self-conscious

A: I also wish that. But we don't have it. We can only wish and still have to
keep working. After completing the assignment, I think I will go on a trip to
relieve myself after a tiring day at work. Do you want to go with me?

B: If I have time, I will go with you.

A: Gbye, I have to go now because I have a class to join right now.

B: See u soon.

T1_13: Take responsibility for a mistake.

A: hello cá, lâu ko gặp. bạn khoẻ ko
B: tôi khỏe bạn thì sao

A: Well, actually I feel upset right now

B: What's going on? What's wrong w u?

A: A few days ago, I stole money from my parents in order to buy clothes.
That makes me feel down in the dumps right now. I have a sense of regret
and I really want to apologize for them. Now, I think that I should find a
part-time job in order to have money. Then I will say sorry and pay money
for them. I wish they could forgive me.

B: That’s ok. Don’t worry. I am really happy that you take responsibility for
what you did.

A: Thank you. How about you? Do you regret anything?

B: Absolutely yes. To the best of my recollection, when I was a student. I

didn’t enroll in Math courses that made me couldn't pass the exams with
flying colors. My parents were disappointed. At that time I was in a blue

A: oh, I am really sorry to hear that, but after that, do you say sorry for your
parents ?

B: definitely yes. I had studied harder and harder on daily basis in order to
have high scores for the next time. and finally I could do it. I passed the
exams with flying colors then my parents were elated. I was over the moon.
that’s it. that is all about my story

A: Gbye, I have to go now because I have a class to join right now.

B: See you soon.

T1_12: Wish someone a good holiday and ask local customs.

T: Hello, I’m come from China, I'm on a trip to Vietnam

Lately, I've been feeling really busy around, everything is nicely decorated.
Why do all the houses climb the flags in front of the house? what's happen?

K: Tmr is the VN's independence day

T: Can u share it w me?

K: sure. Tmr is the VN's independence day and this celebration is the 75th
national day in order to remember our history.. now we are independent -
freedom and happiness.

T: Are there any activities on this holiday?

K: We always have 3 to 4 days to stay at home and not to do anything. The

National Day holiday every year has many celebratory and artistic activities
or set off fireworks that attract a lot of viewers because this is a big and
important holiday for Vietnam.

T: That sounds great. But now, I think bc of covid-19 so I cannot have those

K: yes. It’s too sad. But don’t worry, I can stay at home and spend time
eating w, my family members. I think that is enough.

T: yeah I think it's great.

K: how ab you ?? I remembered that you come from china.

T: yes. I'm Chinese

K: Is there any special festival in your country? Can u share w me sth ab

your holiday & costume in your country

T: China’s Lantern Festival is another holiday early in the Lunar Calendar,

falling on the 15th day after the Lunar New Year, around February and
March. Chinese people visited temples to pray for the prosperity of their
family and the nation and lit paper lanterns to honor deities and gods.

K: Are there any activities during this holiday?

T: Lantern Festival customs and activities vary regionally including lighting

and enjoying (floating, fixed, held, and flying) lanterns, appreciating the
bright full moon, setting off fireworks, flying drones, guessing riddles
written on lanterns, eating tangyuan, lion dances, dragon dances, and
walking on stilts.
K: Wow that’s so amazing.

T1_11: Discuss skills, abilities, and qualifications.

Interviewer: Hello Ms. khanh, i’m Chloe. thanks you so much for coming in.
Interviewee: It's my pleasure, thanks so much for meeting with me.
Interviewer: Of course. Did you have any trouble finding the office?
Interviewee: Nope, the directions on the website were great.
Interviewer: How are you doing?
Interviewee: I'm great, thank you. How about you?
Interviewer: I’m pretty good. Thanks. Khánh, let’s start the interview. Are
you ready?
Interviewee: Yes. Of course
Alright. So, to get started, why don’t you tell me a little bit about yourself?
Interviewee: Sure. I studied at Greenwich university which located in DN
city. And I graduated in 2021 and I'm major in event management. After
that, I was a employee at Điền Quân entertainment company. I've been there
for the past 3years .….
Interviewer: So what is your greatest strength? Why should I hire you?
Interviewee: My greatest strength is my ability to learn new processes
quickly. When placed in a new environment, I actively observe how other
people do things so that I can easily pull my weight on the team. I’m also
open to testing new ways of doing things in order to optimize our efficiency.
Interviewer: What is your greatest weakness?
Interviewee: I’m an introvert, which I used to regard as being a weakness
because I was always shy about reaching out to people.
Interviewer: Ok. Last quick question. How do you handle stress and
Interviewee: I’m pretty good at recognizing when I’m beginning to feel
stressed. When this happens, I take five minutes to focus on my breathing. I
also practice guided meditation in the morning before work for 30 minutes
and exercise for an hour in the evening. This keeps me on an even keel.
Interviewer: Do you still have any questions for me?
Interviewee: No, I think I have a pretty good understanding of the job. I
believe that I can handle it with ease, and I hope to have the opportunity to
work for, nice meeting you. Thank you for seeing me.
Interviewer: Nice meeting you too. Thank you for coming.

T1_10: Explain a change of intentions and plans.

A: Hey, Hello B. How are u keeping?

B: I’m good. And u?
A; Pretty good. Oh. You are a doctor now, aren’t u? I remember you had a
dream to be a singer
B: Yes, that's right. But now I am going to be a doctor. I gave up on my
previous dream of becoming a singer. I realized that being a singer is not
easy, moreover, my voice is not a special voice that can exist in the artist
A: What made you change your mind?
B: I look forward to contributing to society. I enjoy healing others,
especially children. Seeing them in pain makes me unable to hold back.
When I treat them, seeing them get better day by day makes me feel
fulfilled. I can use my knowledge to help people. So, I'm trying to constantly
study to become a good doctor
A: It sounds great. I used to be a big fan of your singing talent; it would be a
waste if you weren't a singer
B: Everything is over. So what about you? I remember your dream is to be a
A: You know, teaching is a low-paying profession in Vietnam. I couldn't
make my life better as a teacher. This life is not as easy as we thought,
everything needs money to maintain life.
B: Yea I can’t agree more.
A: But that's okay, Currently I'm a teacher now, but mostly I'm a tutor. So I
can earn a lot of money to do everything that i want to do like travelling with
my girlfriend
A: Oh, great see ya

T1_09: Tell someone about the news.

A: Have you heard anything new? This morning I watched the news about
the earthquake in Japan

B: OMG! So, what happens?

A: You know, earthquakes happen suddenly and make many people afraid.
At first, the earthquake was very strong but luckily it only happened for 5

B: Really! Is there any damage after the earthquake?

A; Although the earthquake was quite strong at first, it seems that the
Japanese always have a way to avoid the damage it causes. So there wasn't
much damage after the earthquake. To them, earthquakes seem so familiar
that they don't care too much for the earthquake

B: thanks, got, I feel relieved when I hear that. But have you heard about the
storm that landed in the central region of VN?

A: Yes, I heard it on the news in Japan. Is there any damage after the storm?
B: The storm swept more and more houses near the coast, houses were
almost destroyed. The storm also caused heavy rain that flooded an entire
city. People had to evacuate but the storm was so strong that many people
drowned. Some houses were flooded, people had to climb to the roofs of
houses to take shelter.

A: How much is the death toll?

B: Not many citizens died, but there were still tragic deaths, mainly soldiers
participating in saving people.

A: OMG, the storm was terrible. I'm so sorry to hear that.

G’bye, I have to go now because I have a class to join right now.

B: See u soon.

T1_08: Recommend a book.

A: Hello Kai, long time no see. How are u keeping?

B: Im good. And u?

A; Pretty good. What book are you reading? The cover of the book is

B: Actually Im reading this book called Severe Childhood.

A: What genre of book are you reading?

B: It is a novel book.

A: I have never heard about that. Can you tell me some thing abt that?

B: The story of children as young as 12 years old who participated in the

war. This book describes the process of combat and sacrifice in a very young
age of thirty young men. “Severe Childhood” is one of my favorite books,
which is a novel by a famous Vietnamese writer. As an admirer of novels, I
cherish the value that is brought by this book for several reasons. It is a true
about the war in Viet Nam in the 70’s. Throughout the book, We can see the
fierceness of the war, the pain that the war leaves, but above all, the brave
patriotic spirit of the children even though they are only 12-13 years old.
In conclusion, the benefit of that book is manifold. I have realized some
important things about peace world. You and me luckly live in a peace
world, Don’t have any war around us so we are the young generation of the
world need to strive for peace

A: It sound great. I will find this book and read latter

B: And you? Have you read anything interesting lately?

T1_07: Discuss how long a service will take.

T1_06: Plan an event

A: Hi Chloe, long time no see. Do you hear that Kai's birthday is coming?

B: Yes, I remember that and I have a plan to celebrate as a secret birthday at

my house. Do you have any ideas?

A: I don’t have any idea. But I think this is his 18 birthday so this will be
special to do it really great. Do you have any plans?

B: I agree with you, I think I will take responsibility for decorating the house
with ribbons, and huge pink white balloons. Can you make a cake for him?

A: To be honest. I'm not good at cooking so I'll ask A to do that part. I

believe the cake will be great. and I will secretly convince Kai to come on
time. What about at the party?

B: Let me think. During the party we should be cheerful with each other,
we'll play music and dance together, and cut a cake to eat. Ah I forgot. After
the party we should take a photos to keep our good memory

A: Do you want to post it in social media like Facebook or Instagram?

B: Yes of course
A: Yeah, I think it is the best time in order to strengthen the bones. And
don’t forget to take a lot of photos to keep the memorable memories.and that
will be fun.

B: how wonderful. Well, I have a class to go to right now, I'll contact you

A: Ok bye. Have a good day

T1_05: Talk about medications.

T1_04: Make a medical or dental appointment.

A: Good morning Its Dr.Patterson's Clinic. How may I help you?

B: Hello. I’d like to schedule an appointment for tomorrow.
A: All right. May I have your name please?
B: My name is Beyonce Den.
A: Is this your first visit?
B: Yes, this is my first time
A: Can you talk about your illness?
B: . I've been very tired, Loss of appetite, Nausea and vomiting since
yesterday. I think I have a stomachache
A: Alright, before you can go here I have some advice for you
B: Oh thanks you
A: : If you have an upset stomach, you need to pay attention to eat on time,
Food should be cooked soft, cooked; Eat slowly, chew thoroughly this is an
important factor in the digestion of food. But before anything i think you
should take a rest right now.
B: I will.
A: All right. What time would be best for you?
B: In the morning is best for me.
A: Sure. Can I schedule the appointment for 11?
B: That’d be great. Thank you so much.

T1_03: Show concern, and offer help.

A: Hi Kai, Are you good? You look so pale.

B: Hi Lil. I think I'm not fine at all. I've been very tired, Loss of appetite,
Nausea, and vomiting since yesterday

A: What happens?

B: I think I have a stomachache. Lately, I have had too much to do, so I don't
eat properly

A: You know you shouldn't do that. You have had a stomach ache for many

B: I know it's not a good idea but so many assignments make everything feel
like a mess, I have to complete them all so I have almost no time to rest.

A: If you have an upset stomach, you need to pay attention to eat on time,
Food should be cooked soft, cooked; Eat slowly, chew thoroughly this is an
important factor in the digestion of food.

B:I know I know. I will take a rest now

A; Remember to drugged. Or if you don’t have I will buy and bring to you

B: Oh my friend I love you, you are my savior.

T1_02: Describe a busy schedule.

A: Your face looks so pale. Are you good? I think you seem to be very busy

B: I think so. I have too much home need to be done, the deadline to
complete is always there waiting for me to complete

My teachers have been given me a lot of homework near the end of the
semester to help me prepare for the final exam. I have two classes: English
class and IELTS class, and each instructor assigns me so much homework
that at the end of the week, I had been sat on a mound of papers the size of a
small book. I had been must be done all of this homework by the start of the
next week, or I would be penalized.

A: do u feel tired, don't you?

B: So what else is there other than me staying up late to finish all my

homework? This means I would not be able to play anything else, watched
TV, or even hung out with my bestie. During the day, it also entails stinging
eyes and large yawns. It means brain overload for a while.

A: sounds tired. me too. I also stayed up all night to complete everything to

prepare for the IELTS exam. but it worked so well I improved my skills.....

B: u feel tired, don't you?

A: yes. I have to get up early every day to review vocabulary. I'm sure you
don't have time to hang out with anyone, right?

B: that's right. I give up all my hobbies like watching movies and reading
books just to focus on reviewing.

A: me too. I'm sure after everything is done I will go out with my friends to
relieve stress,.. do you want to come with me

T1_01: Make small talk.


B:Hi!. How’s life?

A: Pretty good. You?

B: Not bad. What’ve you been up to recently?

A:Oh, not much. I’ve been busy at work. What about you? What’s new?

B:Same, though I’m going away next month. Really looking forward to it!

A: Are you from around here?

B: No, I grew up here, but I was born in Thailand.

A: Really? Are you from Bangkok?

B: No, from Sattaya, in the west.

A:I have to admit I haven’t heard of it!

B: That’s OK, most people haven’t. It’s a big city in Sattaya, but it’s not so
well-known in other countries.

A: What’s it like?

B: It’s pretty, but there are more opportunities here. I’m planning to move
back there in a few years. What about you? Are you local?

A: Kind of. I was born here, but when I was five my parents moved to
VietNam, and I grew up there. I moved back here after I graduated, but I
haven’t spent that much time here.

B: Wow, VietNam! Do you go back often?

A: Yeah, once or twice a year. It’s quite far, but I still have some family and
a lot of friends there.

B:Any weekend plans?

A: Not much, I’m planning to play tennis on Saturday, then maybe go out
for dinner with some friends. You?

B: I’m having a quiet weekend.

A: That’s nice sometimes.

B: Actually, I prefer to get outdoors. I do a lot of wild swimming, but it’s

too cold at the moment, so I’m going to be boring and catch up on some

A: Wild swimming? You mean, swimming in lakes and rivers and so on?
How did you get into that?

B: I used to be in a swimming club, and one of my friends from there took

me to a lake

A: where you can do wild swimming.

B:I started with short distances, and now I’m training for a 10k.

A: Ten kilometers? That’s crazy!

B: It’s like anything. If you work towards it slowly, it’s quite possible.

A: how wonderful. Well, I have a class to go to right now, I'll contact you

B: Ok bye. Have a good day

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