Idiom Collocation Phrasal Verb

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1. It finally_____home to me that it was time to buy a place of my own.
A. arrived B. came C. hit D. reached
2. Well, it’s 7 p.m. I’d better hit the_______if I want to get home before it’s dark
A. roof B. headlines C. newspaper D. road
3. She’s the type who can’t sit on holiday and is always ________the move.
A. in B. on C. at D. by
4. She had never been to Prague before, and she ________in love with it straight away.
A. dropped B. fell C. tripped D. crashed
5. He didn’t speak a word of French when he first moved to France. He had to pick up the language from
_________. A. scratch B. start C. nought D. nil
6. Tamara has set her__________on becoming a ballet-dancer.
A. head B. feet C. brain D. heart
7. Why not buy the dress on _________then you can take it back if it doesn’t fit your mother?
A. agreement B. approval C. affirmation D. affection
8. We’re free most of the weekend, but we’ve got a few bits and ____________to do on Sunday morning.
A. things B. stuff C. pieces D. ends
9. It was so exciting! I was on the____of my seat! A. side B. edge C. end D. front
10. Insects and bugs ________.
A. make my skin run B. make my skin walk C. make my skin crawl D. make my skin march
11. There are about twenty________so people waiting in the outer office.
A. but B. and C. or D. so
12. Whether or not you like some kinds of modern furniture is a matter of ___________.
A. comparison B. taste C. favor D. vogue
13. Clare was __________her homework when her boyfriend called.
A. at the centre B. in between C. halfway through D. in the middle of
14. I’m starving! I could eat like a _________.
A. cow B. horse C. house D. pig
15. You must have your head in the_________if you think you’re going to succeed without hard work.
A. ground B. clouds C. sky D. air
16. How much longer do we have to wait? This is starting to get on my ___________.
A. mind B. back C. nerves D. nose
17. “I’m____________to listen to your pathetic excuses,” she said.
A. sick and tired B. having enough C. in no mood D. sick to death
18. The fact of the_that we have a government that will do what it wants to do for the next two years.
A. matter B. problem C. point D. situation
19. _______! You deserved to win.
A. Unfair luck B. Nasty luck C. Hard luck D. Bad fortune
20. Mary wanted to give Nigel a present that was a little bit out of the ____________.
A. normal B. ordinary C. average D. everyday
21. I know it’s early but I thought we ought to leave _______.
A. timely B. on time C. at the time D. in good time
22. The nearest town was 80 km away, I mean really in the middle of __________.
A. everywhere B. somewhere C. anywhere D. nowhere
23. I need to get some cash. Do you think we might pass a bank ____________?
Compiled by Ms. Xuan Thanh Nguyen – 0962786850 –

A. in the way B. to the way C. on the way D. at the way
24. I couldn’t finish the exam because I was just too__________time.
A. run out of B. wasted C. spent D. short of
25. “Did you sleep well?” “Yeah, like a __________”.
A. drunk B. log C. horse D. fish
26. Phillips offered Joan a to cry on after her husband’s death.
A. shoulder B. arm C. hand D. leg
27. There were a few small villages______________, but no major city for miles around.
A. on and off B. here and there C. back and forth D. up and down
28. During the match, someone _______fire to the stadium.
A. opened B. put C. set D. caught
29. Several angry drivers shook their_______at me as I drove away
A. elbows B. arms C. hands D. fists
30. Each time I sneezed, everyone said: “_______you!”
A. Cough B. Bless C. Cold D. Thank
31. I need an assistant - I’m up –o _________with work.
A. my eyes B. my ears C. here C. All are correct
32. Stop making that noise! You’re getting on my __!
A. muscles B. brains C. nerves D. blood
33. I don’t have any cash just now. I’m___________.
A. flat broken B. flat broke C. no money D. less money
34. She’s won the lottery! She’s _________the moon!
A. across B. over C. along D. through
35. I know your name is Jim. When I called you Tim it was just a ___________of
A. slip B. skid C. skim D. slight
36. After a six-year-relationship, Martha and Billy have decided to __________.
A. break the bank B turn the page C. make the grade D. tie the knot
37. If he thinks he’s capable of building a house on his own, he’s living _____________.
A. in a fantasy world B. in the clouds C. on the moon D. in the sky
38. She may seem unapproachable when you first meet her, but the truth is she has a(n) _ of gold.
A. heart B. soul C. attitude D. feeling
39. On first coming to England, I fell________in love with a girl who lived in the flat below mine.
A. feet over hands B. elbow to toe C. foot in mouth D. head over heels
40. He’s such a ___! Just when everyone is having a good time he starts moaning about being tired.
A. dry bone B. soft touch C. wet blanket D. drop kick
41. The suspect was seen________with intent outside of the jewellery store.
A. lying B. loitering C. waiting D. standing
42. I could tell from her face that she was on the _________of bursting into tears.
A. limit B. edge C. verge D. border
43. “Did you enjoy the party?”. Well, kind _____. A. off B. of C. like D. or
44. Let’s settle this argument once and for ________.
A. all B. ever C. always D. once
45. I _____in love with her the first time, I saw her and we’ve just celebrated our 50th anniversary.
A. fell B. stumbled C. tripped D. tie the knot
46. “Can you tell me where Portsmouth Road is? “Sorry, I haven’t got a_________.”

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A. idea B. faintest C. clue D. knowledge
47. I don’t want to listen to any more of your half- ___________ideas. Come back when you have some
ideas that aren’t impractical and stupid.
A. mashed B. peeled C. rinsed D. baked
48. Students sometimes support themselves by _________of evening jobs.
A. efforts B. methods C. means D. ways
49. She’s a very ________person, so her friends often ask her for advice.
A. practiced B. basic C. earthy D. down-to-earth
50. You should take notice of warnings which state that guard dogs are on ____________.
A. alert B. patrol C. defence D. watch
51. I revised my views ______comments from colleagues.
A. against B. further to C. in the light of D. consequent upon
52. Eating a bar of chocolate from time___________time won’t do you any harm.
A. in B. to C. at D. with
53. In most countries, driving tests are available on___________.
A. demand B. requesting C. question D. asking
54. What a heavy fog we have! I’m sure our flight will surely fall behind ___________.
A. plan B. shipment C. time D. schedule
55. Mr. Henry was given a medal in ________of his service to his country.
A. response B. gratitude C. recognition D. knowledge
56. I won’t buy that car because it has too much ________on it.
A. ups and downs B. adds and ends C. wear and tear D white lie
57. She passed the National High School Graduation Exam with _________colours.
A. bright B. flying C. red D. true
58. Taxis don’t follow any schedule; they come and go ____________.
A. in sequence B. chronologically C. at random D. punctually
59. I shall do the job to the best of my____________.
A. ability B. knowledge C. talent D. capacity
60. Can you deliver this letter ___________hand?
A. in B. with C. to D. by
61. I’m opting out of the _________race and going to live on a small farm in the countryside.
A. horse B. dog C. rat D. cat and mouse
62. You can talk to him until you are _____in the face, but he still won’t understand.
A. white B. green C. yellow D. blue
63. He has been caught in the rain, and has been wet ____________.
A. over and over B. once for all C. to and fro D. through and through
64. I’m very lazy. I only go to the gym once in a __________moon.
A. full B. black C. new D. blue
65. Of course an encyclopedia is not a book you read _________.
A. from cover by page B. from cover to cover C. from the start to the stop D. from the top to the end
66. Mr. Simkins is the big ________in the company as he has just been promoted to the position of
Managing Diretor. A. bread B. cheese C. meat D. ends and odds
67. My English is progressing__________.
A. odds and ends B. leaps and bounds C. bounds and leaps D. ends and oods
68. When you do something, you should ____________.

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A. get through to B. turn over a new leaf
C. weigh up the pros and cons D. go down well with
69. We regret to tell tou that the materials you ordered are _____________.
A. out of reach B. out of practice C. out of stock D. out of work
70. In the rush hour, the traffic ________ its way over the bridge into the city.
A. crawled B. inched C. forced D. wormed
71. He put the two letters into the wrong envelopes___________mistake.
A. on B. by C. with D. in
72. I read the contract again and again ___________avoiding making spelling mistakes.
A. in terms of B. by means of C. with a view to D. in view of
73. Everyone can join our club,_________age and sex.
A. in place of B. regardless of C. in case of D. not mention
74. When you use the Internet, you have so much information at your______________.
A. fingers B. hands C. thumbs D. fingertips
75. Without written evidence, we don’t have a _______on.
A. leg to stand B. foot to stand C. leg to lean D. foot to lean

76. Human beings have driven rare animals and plants____________of extinction in the past 100 years
A. on the verge B. to the verge C. under the verge D. at the verge
78. You can’t just bury your________in the sand and hope that this problem goes away.
A. book B. hand C. head D. foot
79. He’s sometimes bad-tempered but he’s a good fellow _________.
A. in heart B. by heart C. at heart D. with heart
80. Stop ________about the bush, John! Just tell me exactly what the problem is.
A. rushing B. hiding C. beating D. moving
81. The director and the producer don’t see _______on certain aspects of products.
A. face to face B. heart to heart C. mind to mind D. eye to eye
82. Mary Smith decided to give up her job for the____________of her children.
A. reason B. concern C. care D. sake
83. According to a recent survey, most people are on good _________with their neighbours.
A. relations B. terms C. acquaintance D. relationships
84. I just took it ________that hed always be available.
A. for granted B. into consideration C. easy D. into account
85. She clearly joined the firm with a(n) __________to improving herself professionally.
A. view B. aim C. plan D. ambition
86. Stefania’s decision to give up her job came as a _________to all her colleagues.
A. surprise B. delight C. pleasure D. concern
87. It’s a good idea in theory, but it’s going to be hard to put it into__________.
A. practice B. trial C. test D. examination
88. If you take into _____stopping for lunch on the way, the journey should take about four hours.
A. thought B allowance C. reminder D. account
89. The opposition will be elected into government at the next election, without a __________ of a doubt.
A. shade B. shadow C. benefit D. hue
90. I’ve never really enjoyed going to the ballet or the opera; they’re not really my ___________.
A. piece of cake B. sweets and candy C. biscuit D. cup of tea

Compiled by Ms. Xuan Thanh Nguyen – 0962786850 –

91. In the _______of security, personnel must wear their identity badges at all time.
A. interests B. demands C. assistance D. requirement
92. Vietnam’s Got Talent is the game show that has taken audiences ___________.
A. by storm B. by wind C. by night D. by heart
93. When I got my case back, it had been damaged ____________repair.
A. over B. further C. above D. beyond
94. We need to discuss the________and bolts of the proposal before going any further.
A. component B. nuts C. summary D. details
95. Mr. Nixon refused to answer the questions on the ________that the matter was confidential.
A. reasons B. excuses C. grounds D. foundations
96. Jo was shocked when I disagreed with her. She’s so used to getting her own ________.
A. mind B. way C. opinion D. views
97. After listening to all arguments I am now of the _________that there should be no new road.
A. opinion B. idea C. thought D. attitude
98. He left the country_________arrest if he returned.
A. with threat of B. in fear of C. with fear of D. under threat of
99. He was a natural singer with a voice that was as clear as _______________.
A. a mirror B. a lake C. a bell D. a water fall
100. He may be shy now, but he will soon come out of his ________when he meets the right girl.
A. shell B. shoe C. shed D. hole
101. Luggage may be placed here_______the owner’s risk.
A. at B. by C. under D. with
102. The police are ___________certain who the culprit is.
A. in some ways B. here and there C. more or less D. by and by
103. Don’t quote me. what I am about to say is _________ the record.
A. on B. above C. off D. without
104. I’ve been doing my best to reduce the backlog, but I must admit that I’ve hardly put __________ in
the problem so far. A. a foot B. a dent C. a brave face D. damper
105. We may win, we may lose - i–’s just the luck of the __________.
A. draw B. odd C. fate D. chance
106. They are having serious problems. Their relationship is on the____.
A. rocks B. cliffs C. stones D. grass
107. Unemployment threat has been _____________for a while now.
A. daunting on the lookout B. intimidating on the air
C. overwhelming on the wing D. looming on the horizon
108. I don’t like turning down work, but I’ll have to, I’m afraid I’ve got far too much _____________
at the moment. A. on my plate B. in effect C. on my mind D. up my sleeve
109. William is an authority ___________ medieval tapestries.
A. on B. with C. about D. in
110. My grandfather can’t remember anything about his life because he has lost his _____________.
A. head B. brain C. memory D. mind
111. Losing my job was a _______. I never would have found this one if it hadn’t happened.
A. bleeding heart B. breath of fresh air C. blessing in disguise D. bone to pick with
112. We’re ________if we continue with genetic modification of our food.
A. playing out of our skin B. playing with fire C. playing over D. adding fuel to the fire

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113. After their argument, John didn’t know if Rick was a friend or a_____________.
A. friend B. rival C. blood D. foe
114. I applied for the job______the off chance, but I didn’t seriously expect to get it.
A. with B. on C. by D. for
115. They agreed to the changes __________that they would be introduced gradually.
A. with the conditions B. by the comprehension
C. for the interpretation D. on the understanding
116. The police are warning the public to be on the ______________for suspicious packages.
A. guard B. care C. alert D. alarm
117. The issue is still_________discussion. A. in B. on C. under D. for
118. Sitting uncomfortably among many people he didn’t know, Joe was like ___________.
A. water off a duck’s back B. a fish out of water
C. a duck to water D. water under the bridge
119. What’s wrong with you today? Did you get out of bed on the wrong ______________?
A. edge B. foot C. side D. end
120. This house costs an arm and a _________. A. leg B. hand C. finger D. forearm
121. He longs__________to see his family again.
A. above all B. all of a sudden C. as a rule D. all at once
122. The company can’t expect me to move my home and family at the drop of____________.
A. blood B. a water C. rain D. a hat
123. An accident of this magnitude could easily bring the factory’s production to a __________.
A. halt B. quit C. stay D. block
124. Nothing __________the ordinary ever happens here.
A. out of B. within C. from D. bout
125. A journalist is _____on a politician in order to damage the politician’s image.
A. digging his own grave B. digging up dirt
C. digging up out of the earth D. digging it out

126. We were having dinner in a restaurant last night when this guy at the next table ___________
because the waiter brought the wrong thing.
A. flew by the seat of his pants B. flushed out of some place
C. flew into the face of danger D. flew off the handle
127. Even if you are rich, you should save some money for a_______________day.
A. windy B. rainy C. foggy D. snowy
128. Why don’t you sit down and _______________?
A. make yourself at peace B. make it your own home
C. make yourself at home D. make yourself at rest
129. Do I have to _______my age? A. do B. follow C. act D. see
130. I_______and realized that I would have made exactly the same choice.
A. place myself in Tom’s shoes B. put Tom in his place
C. put myself in Tom’s shoes D. put Tom in place
131. We still meet up for a drink and a chat once __________.
A. in a black mood B. at a time C. in a blue moon D. in a while
132. I called Jenna yesterday with a view _____her about the project.
A. of asking B. to asking C. in asking D. for asking

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133. We have our_______of course, but we are still quite satisfied with our life.
A. odds and ends B. ups and downs C. safe and sound D. hair on his head
134. Peter was born and brought up in Hastings and knows it like the ________.
A. nose on his face B. tip of his tongue
C. back of his hand D. hair on his head
135. It rained __________yesterday, so we could not go sailing.
A. cats and dogs B. chalk and cheese C. fast and furious D. ups and downs
136. I’m sorry! I didn’t break that vase on ________.
A. time B. purpose C. intention D. my mind
137. I’ve never really enjoyed going to the ballet or the opera; they’re not really my _________.
A. piece of cake B. sweets and candy C. biscuit D. cup of tea
138. After running up the stairs, I was________breath. A. away from B. without C. no D. out of
139.__wait for no man. A. Tide and fire B. Time and tide C. Time and fire D. Tide and time
140. I know his name, but I can’t recall it at the moment. It’s on the tip of _________.
A. tongue B. brain C. mind D. memory
141. The worried man walked ______in the corridor waiting for the announce - men–.
A. back and fro B. to and forth C. to and fro D. to and back
142. Chris’s father could not afford to send him to school because he was____________.
A. in high spirit B. at loss C. on approval D. in debt
143. I am trying to ________the sundial in the back garden.
A. make allowance for B. make up C. put up D. make room for
144. Don’t try to bite off more than you can ____________I am afraid you are not so talented.
A. take B. swallow C. hold D. chew
145. Sorry, I can’t talk now. I am ____________.
A. in the nick of time B. on approval C. out of reach D. in a hurry


Đề số 1
1. If you don’t want your business to _____ bankrupt, avoid consulting those willing to step out on a limb.
A. come B. take C. go D. pay
2. Lawyers are naturally keen to have _______ with anyone who could provide him with incontrovertible
evidences concerning the lawsuits they’re in charge.
A. contact B. association C. connection D. communication
3. In Physic class, we are told that resistance wire can be found in an electrical _______ such as a heater or an
oven. A. device B. appliance C. utensil D. gadget
4. Entering the meeting half an hour late, he tried to _______ an excuse, still the strict chairman of the board told
him to leave the room. A. make B. do C. give D. have
5. It seems that they had had a _______ row, as she had locked him out of the apartment all night long.
A. freezing B. warming C. grieving D. blazing
6. In some cultures, that men make eye contact _______ women is strictly forbidden outside the immediate family.
A. on B. to C. with D. for
7. The recent heavy rains have contributed to ease the water _______ resulted from the severe prolonged drought.
A. shortage B. lack C. absence D. deprivation
8. Students in private school often receive more _______ attention from their teachers; therefore, they have more
chance to reach their full learning potential.

Compiled by Ms. Xuan Thanh Nguyen – 0962786850 –

A. personal B. individual C. distinctive D. unique
9. That manufacturer is worldly-known for selecting only ingredients that meet their very strict _______ of quality
and renewability. A. demands B. necessities C. criterions D. requirements
10. Despite the development of e-books and online reading materials, printed books are still regarded as a
wonderful _______ of entertainment. A. resource B. place C. source D. replacement
11. Some teachers have tendency to _______ preference to students with disadvantaged backgrounds such as poor
and handicapped students. A. lend B. give C. deliver D. send
12. There was a time when human beings worried that all of the earth’s surface would be _______ covered with
lava were a giant meteor to hit the planet. A. thickly B. fully C. densely D. totally
13. As estimated in the report, the storm _______ great damage to not only the coastal cities but the mountainous
areas as well. A. make B. cause C. lead D. bring
14. The two business partners failed to agree _______ some points of the contract, so they arranged to meet up
another day, after considering their own company’s interest.
A. with B. at C. on D. for
15. Regardless of family background, we always think of each other _______ true friends.
A. as B. like C. same D. similar
16. If traipsing around shops does not _______ to you, perhaps using a catalogue will do.
A. appear B. attract C. access D. appeal
17. The influence of the last _______ 12 storm on the central region is so disruptive that the local authority had
to spend months to surmount the consequence. A. power B. energy C. force D. velocity
18. He’s praised for possessing a distinctive _______ style which was plain and factual, without
witticisms or flourishes. A. literature B. literal C. literary D. literally
19. She did agree to lend him some money; nevertheless, after being told that he was a blackleg,
she _______ a second thought. A. transferred B. changed C. made D. gave
20. Had it not been for its cautiously prepared performance, the play could not have _______ most of the audience
to tears. A. moved B. given C. brought D. travelled
21. His mother encouraged him to take up some sports and do exercise regularly in order to stay in _______.
A. shadow B. shape C. shield D. shell
22. The name of Barnard star derives _______ the name of Edward Emerson Barnard, the American astronomer
who discovered it. A. after B. from C. towards D. of
23. In the 19th century, a group of archeologist explored an ancient castle in West Austria and found lots of
precious pottery utensils _______ 50 meters.
A. in the depth of B. at the deep of C. at the depth of D. in the deep of
24. Thanks to our continuous attempt, the year-end brochure will be _______ for publication in late November.
A. ready B. willing C. capable D. agile
25. There are all kinds of giveaway which could be used _______ product samples.
A. in point of B. in advance of C. in need of D. in place of

Đề số 2
26. He desperately wished to _______ a living through writing but his writings are so dull that no publisher agree
to publish them. A. earn B. do C. save D. accumulate
27. The inner city’s traffic eventually came to a _______ as a seriously-injured accident happened.
A. delay B. inaction C. gridlock D. standstill
28. Although the Internet is thought to give children opportunities to _______ their minds, reports has shown its
negative effect on children’s mental health.
A. enlarge B. broaden C. spread D. open

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29. To some extent, we should focus on what we have _______ common rather than emphasizing our differences
when being in a team. A. in B. on C. of D. for
30. I should have been offered that job had I arrived in time for the interview, but I _______ my chance.
A. threw B. flew C. blew D. drew
31. Being mistaken as a genuine precious artifact, the artificial vase was initially valued _______ $2000.
A. for B. with C. at D. of
32. The goal of the conference is to _______ a compromise between the two nations in terms of military and
economy. A. have B. reach C. make D. touch
33. There is an underlying rule in business that a small percentage reduction _______ the cost of materials would
mean a significant increase in profit. A. in B. with C. of D. for
34. It’s not difficult to recognize the _______ contrast between the lives of the poorest and the richest members
of society. A. acute B. tampering C. bribery D. sharp
35. President Gorbachev demanded and got more and more personal power, although he was _______ able to use
it effectively. A. rarely B. scantily C. faintly D. hardly
36. She was one of the few of the younger generation who took the time to _______ a conference questionnaire
seriously. A. get B. take C. put D. give
37. The living condition which children in slum areas of Africa is _______ belief.
A. over B. beyond C. above D. off
38. The celebrity lost her temper when realizing that the evening dress she had ordered online was completely
_______ in her size. A. out of stock B. out of order C. out of touch D. out of sight
39. For some reasons, pollution in big cities can be to _______ for severe traffic congestion and poor waste
treatment. A. criticize B. accuse C. blame D. imply
40. The building contractors are sensibly attributing the corruptive structure _______ a major basement fault.
A. to B. for C. from D. with
41. The kidnapper promised not to _______ the child harm if her affluent parents gave him a large amount of
money. A. make B. give C. do D. bring
42. The bank client was clever to _______ a pretense of giving the robber some money while her colleague called
the police. A. take B. make C. have D. do
43. The little girl has such a deep a _______ for her newly-born brother that she spends almost all her day off
playing with him. A. emotion B. endearment C. passion D. affection
44. This year our company lost £5 million, which is a far _______ from last year’s £80 million profit.
A. laugh B. smile C. cry D. frown
45. My mom told me that it was _______ crying over spilt milk; therefore, I never feel bad with poor marks.
A. a waste time B. a waste of time C. a time waste D. a time of waste
46. It’s necessary to use the decision-making exercise to weigh up the ____ of an action before doing it.
A. pros and cons B. bits and pieces C. nuts and bolts D. ins and outs
47. To avoid hurting the witnesses’ feelings, the judge didn’t _______ detail about the scene of the murder case.
A. go through B. go into C. go over D. go down
48. To be honest, the twins _______ a lot of resemblance to each other; as a result, it takes time to tell them apart.
A. carry B. maintain C. bear D. evade
49. After seeing my medical record, the doctor advised me to have an operation without _______.
A. postponement B. setback C. interruption D. delay
50. Had he not remembered _______ that his passport was in his coat pocket, he would have had his flight
cancelled. A. for the time being B. behind the time C. ahead of his time D. in the nick of time

Đề số 3

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51. Now that you have spent all day typing the report, it’s time for you to _______ a rest.
A. pay B. make C. take D. give
52. She is narrating the accident in great _______ so that the police can find the cause of it.
A. feature B. detail C. figure D. detachment
53. It was very kind of Peter to _______ me a favor. Had it not been for his help, I would not have finished my
cleaning. A. do B. have C. give D. bring
54. After several days persuading, eventually I _______ my parents’ permission to attend my boyfriend’s birthday
party. A. had B. took C. held D. got
55. To be honest, she shouldn’t have believed in the stories he told. He’s just a _______ talker.
A. huge B. broad C. large D. big
56. So nerve-wracking seemed the news that everyone _______ their breath to wait for it.
A. keep B. hold C. put D. had
57. Despite their effort to boost the revenue of the company, they failed to _______ the objective established 3
months ago. A. attain B. regain C. retain D. obtain
58. The doctor advised her to _______ a heart valves operation; otherwise, her health will get worse.
A. take B. get C. have D. do
59. I’m on cloud nine because the lecturer _______ me a compliment at class this morning.
A. paid B. gave C. put D. gained
60. The last points he gave at the debate bear no _______ to the overall topic, which enables the opponent team
to win. A. relationship B. relation C. relative D. related
61. Having a talented and successful brother, I’m often told to _______ his example.
A. adopt B. pursue C. shadow D. follow
62. By the time the campaign was held, the organization had _______ a survey on what youngsters think of
cohabitation. A. convey B. confirm C. conduct D. connect
63. _______ smokers are more likely to go down with lung cancer than those who don’t have the habit of smoking.
A. strong B. great C. big D. heavy
64. It’s high time she had to _______ a decision whether to take the job offer or not.
A. make B. come C. bring D. get
65. World war II definitely _______ the growth of worldwide economy, contributing to poverty and death in
participating countries. A. avoid B. curb C. evade D. recess
66. The government claim that every citizen in the country must _______ the traffic rule in order to save their
own life. A. comply B. obey C. adhere D. perform
67. A _______ number of elephants are being killed for ivory across the country.
A. large B. big C. broad D. ample
68. Eliud Kipchoge, an athlete from Kenya, is said to have _______ the marathon record with the result of
02:01:39. A. cracked B. clotted C. broken D. divided
69. It was a ten-year-old students on his way home that was _______ injured in the road accident this morning.
A. seriously B. perilously C. gravely D. harmfully
70. In celebration for my parents’ wedding anniversary, my father is going to call the restaurant to reserve
_______ a table of five. A. to B. for C. on D. with
71. Had her younger brother dressed warm enough last night, he wouldn’t have _______ a cold this morning.
A. grabbed B. reached C. caught D. attained
72. After several years hard of hearing, my grandmother _______ deaf the age of eighty-four.
A. made B. took C. went D. bore
73. Even though moving away, the boy next door still tried to _______ with me via emails.
A. keep in touch B. be in contact C. make a call D. have a connection

Compiled by Ms. Xuan Thanh Nguyen – 0962786850 –

74. It took the police half a year to investigate the case and find the evidence _______ enough to accused the
murderer of his crime. A. heavy B. large C. hard D. strong
75. When I entered the room, Tom was sitting silently on the couch, in _______ thought.
A. broad B. deep C. profound D. sunk

Đề số 4
76. It may be a ____ mistake to say that he is a caring person. In fact, he hardly spends time with his family.
A. full B. vast C. big D. huge
77. The innovation of the commercial center is a springboard ________ the development of our city.
A. to B. for C. of D. with
78. After weeks of staying in the hospital, he recovered and now his health is in good ________.
A. condition B. situation C. edition D. conception
79. His discovery of the new drug has ________ a difference in medical sector.
A. done B. given C. made D. brought
80. Some developed countries can take advantage of its ________ strength to invest in domestic and foreign
corporation. A. economics B. economical C. economistic D. economic
81. The project will prove efficient in the long ________; therefore, it’s time to conduct it.
A. jump B. run C. walk D. hike
82. Some scientists spend all their lives ________ researches on a specific subject and became successful, but
some didn’t. A. making B. having C. doing D. getting
83. My little puppy ________ missing 4 days ago and wherever I tried to find him, he didn’t appear.
A. went B. did C. made D. got
84. They ____ oppose killing dogs for food; therefore, you shouldn’t talk about dog meet in front of them.
A. bitterly B. really C. fairly D. extremely
85. While listening to the teacher, the students attempted to ________ notes so that they can revise the lesson at
home. A. make B. take C. breakD. give
86. All the characters in his fiction are ________ imaginary, but readers can always find them familiar.
A. wholly B. utterly C. barely D. purely
87. They had to manage a lot to ________ ends meet in the former days due to the influence of war.
A. have B. get C. make D. do
88. It’s ________ hot outside, so take an umbrella with you whenever going out.
A. cooling B. frying C. boiling D. freezing
89. However hard she tried, she couldn’t make an ________ on the boy next door.
A. confession B. impression C. expression D. possession
90. No sooner had I gone out of the shop than I caught ___ of my boyfriend hand in hand with another girl.
A. sight B. light C. tight D. might
91. My sister is a ________ spender who is willing to spend a huge amount of money on shopping.
A. heavy B. strong C. great D. big
92. There has been a need of children’s injection against measles ________ large scale.
A. in B. over C. on D. through
93. Pollution is the ________ of the environment in general and our health in particular.
A. commitment B. detriment C. measurement D. employment
94. To ________ the audience’s attention, the speaker stopped some minutes and told a joke before starting a new
point. A. keep B. take C. give D. hold
95. The company’s productivity has increased ________ for the last 3 months.
A. highly B. entirely C. largely D. markedly

Compiled by Ms. Xuan Thanh Nguyen – 0962786850 –

96. Slamming the door, one reporter stepped into the room and ________ the news on a road accident.
A. broke B. cracked C. split D. wrapped
97. The new law will soon come into ________ after being passed by the constitution.
A. practice B. force C. influence D. reality
98. Deforestation has driven wild animal to the ________ of extinction.
A. verge B. border C. brim D. margin
99. If he hadn’t inherited an enormous legacy after his father’s death, he would have nothing ________ hand now.
A. on B. at C. in D. of
100. They went to court to divorce as the husband had realized his wife ________ a relationship with his neighbor.
A. get B. bring C. bear D. have

Đề số 5
101. In short ______ of time, the rescue workers arrive to rescue people getting stuck in collapse.
A. episode B. duration C. interval D. period
102. Every _______ appliances has its average life span, which means it will be out of order then.
A. electrical B. electric C. electricity D. electron
103. This is the house where an elderly lady lived all _______ in the last stage of life.
A. lonely B. lone C. alone D. loner
104. The group is the collection of people interested in art, regardless of their social _______.
A. property B. status C. condition D. account
105. After weighing the pros and cons, the supporting team _______ a suggestion that motorbikes should be
banned. A. had B. made C. did D. took
106. He is certainly a hot-tempered. He can easily lose his _______ when someone say
something against his opinion. A. mood B. emotion C. spirit D. temper
107. In the social skills class, we learnt about how to make eye _______ with others in a conversation.
A. touch B. connection C. contact D. intercourse
108. _______ the absence of the Prime Minister, the meeting had to be cancelled to another day.
A. In B. On C. For D. With
109. It was a strange boy that _______ my life when I fell into water this afternoon.
A. saved B. earned C. made D. gave
110. The thing I like doing during the weekends is _______ the shopping with my family.
A. making B. going C. doing D. bringing
111. It took him nearly ten years to build a firm _______ name for his products as today.
A. brand B. label C. package D. company
112. As a matter of fact, finding a solution to _______ that issue is not that easy. We need to do more researches
and surveys. A. locate B. challenge C. answer D. address
113. People living by the river are _______ the advantage of the fertile soil for cultivation.
A. putting B. taking C. getting D. having
114. To get married to a man that is almost the same age as his father is a _______ decision of her life.
A. large B. good C. big D. huge
115. I shouldn’t have _______ lie to my mom. She could easily identify any mistake I have made.
A. told B. said C. spoke D. talked
116. We believe that it is _______ wrong to prohibit children to go to school. They need to socialize to gain more
social understanding. A. solely B. perfectly C. purely D. utterly
117. When I arrived, the children were giving their mother a hand to _______ the table.

Compiled by Ms. Xuan Thanh Nguyen – 0962786850 –

A. put B. lay C. place D. lift
118. We can’t deny the fact that parents’ actions have an effect _______ their kids’ behaviors when they mature.
A. in B. on C. to D. with
119. Charles _______ regretted not looking after his father who has just passed away when he was in hospital.
A. movingly B. sadly C. deeply D. severely
120. My friend, Alex, is under a lot of pressure due to the _______ workload his boss assigned to him.
A. big B. wide C. heavy D. acute
121. My brother is the kind of person that always do whatever he can to _______ his promise.
A. hold B. store C. save D. keep
122. After going over the annual financial report, the head of the board claimed that this year skim is to kick
_______ the sales. A. up B. in C. for D. to
123. Such a _______ sleeper is his sister that no boy wants to have a relationship with her.
A. ample B. heavy C. burden D. massive
124. The prisoner has just been let _______ after 10 years’ imprisonment.
A. into B. for C. out D. at
125. If you park your car somewhere illegally, you will receive a _______ ticket.
A. package B. parked C. packable D. parking

Đề số 6
126. It is 7 km from the shopping center to the museum; however, if you _______ a short cut, the way will be
much shorter. A. give B. have C. take D. do
127. Thanks to this course, I’m _______ aware of computer software and technologies.
A. fully B. mostly C. merely D. hardly
128. Being bullied by her classmates, the little girl burst _______ tear and quickly run home.
A. for B. into C. with D. of
129. The teacher told me to take a _______ when I asked whether I should apply for that scholarship.
A. faith B. risk C. chance D. shot
130. It was my girlfriend that helped me _______ the habit of smoking.
A. destroy B. weaken C. crash D. break
131. This is the first time I have been to Ho Chi Minh city, so I’ll _______ a train instead of booking a flight.
A. get B. bring C. put D. catch
132. Hardly had we driven into the highway when we realized that our car had _______ out of petrol.
A. move B. lead C. leave D. run
133. As the speaker finished his speech, all the audience gave him a _______ of applause.
A. round B. circle C. ring D. wheel
134. On behalf of the organization, the chairman decided to _______ a meeting to discuss the new scheme.
A. run B. hold C. keep D. talk
135. He promised to tell me the truth as long as I _______ calm.
A. keep B. make C. get D. bring
136. If I hadn’t forgotten to brings along some cash, I wouldn’t have had to pay _______ credit card this morning.
A. in B. by C. on D. for
137. After discussing for more than an hour, they finally _______ to a conclusion that the project should be put
forward. A. reach B. arrive C. come D. touch
138. Because they didn’t bring along an umbrella, they _______ wet in the sudden rain.
A. took B. came C. made D. got
139. What my ex told me was a _______ of lies, which disappointed me so much.

Compiled by Ms. Xuan Thanh Nguyen – 0962786850 –

A. pack B. herd C. bundle D. load
140. In buses, we should give seats for women who are _______ a baby so that she won’t get tired.
A. taking B. doing C. bringing D. having
141. Being deprived of her little daughter, the mother _______ mad.
A. came B. went C. made D. put
142. The final exam left us completely tired. In other words, we were _______ after that exam.
A. mostly to B. out of C. barely with D. all in
143. She is the only person that I can _______ on after all.
A. put B. decide C. turn D. count
144. The kids are being scolded for _______ noise in the lunchtime.
A. doing B. making C. having D. taking
145. It’s extremely difficult to _______ the genuine and artificial painting apart, but the critic can do that as a
piece of cake. A. tell B. say C. talk D. speak
146. Teacher said: "The more difficult the lesson seems to be, the more necessary it is to concentrate _______ it."
A. with B. to C. on D. for
147. Although it’s the first time we’ve meet each other, we tried to _______ the ice by gossiping about some bits
and pieces. A. break B. build C. melt D. feel
148. Never before has my mother spent any money _______ her hair, but today she did it.
A. making B. doing C. having D. putting
149. As the young women has just recovered from the shock, the nurse told her to take a _______ breath to calm
down. A. great B. big C. deep D. wide
150. To earn enough money for her living, she had to work _______ 6 days a week.
A. extra time B. more time C. spare time D. overtime

Đề số 7
151. Had I not gone out late last night, I would not _______ a chill now.
A. take B. catch C. bring D. get
152. It is said that ___ exercise is beneficial for the development of not only children but adults as well.
A. regular B. instant C. intense D. usual
153. This drug is recommended by the doctor to _______ the pain in your knee.
A. increase B. ease C. put D. construct
154. The story _______ to end as the main character chooses to kill herself.
A. arrive B. reach C. came D. went
155. On March 8 , Bob went to the flower shop and bought his mom a _______ of flowers.
A. flock B. load C. pile D. bunch
156. The man next door has just been arrested for _______ murder, which was really shocking to all of us.
A. commenting B. commanding C. committing D. commuting
157. I believe that what he has said was far from _______. You shouldn’t count on him.
A. true B. truth C. truly D. truthful
158. The daughter has yet to realize that her mother suffered from a _______ death when she was only two years
old. A. disastrous B. messy C. fatal D. tragic
159. Hanoi is one of the most _______ crowded cities that has been encountered serious pollution problem in the
world. A. closely B. overly C. densely D. thickly
160. Last night storm is reported to have been the most destructive storm in the last 10 years, with _______ wind
blowing all night. A. big B. fierce C. large D. dense

Compiled by Ms. Xuan Thanh Nguyen – 0962786850 –

161. Such an eminent General as General Vo Nguyen Giap that hundreds of people all across
the country came to _______ their respect for him at his funeral in 2013.
A. take B. throw C. put D. pay
162. So many different ideas are milling about _______ my head, but I can’t settle down to work on any one of
them. A. in B. on C. of D. at
163. The more considerable effort you _______, the more likely to success you will be.
A. give B. get C. make D. have
164. I don’t know if she _______ offense what I’ve just said, but I didn’t mean to hurt her actually.
A. bring B. do C. give D. take
165. It has been a long time since the last time we have got such a _______ crop as this year.
A. booming B. bumper C. bingo D. beloved
166. By the year of 2055, Vietnam will have succeeded in _______ illiteracy in not only big cities but also some
remote areas. A. eradicating B. eroding C. erupting D. erring
167. The number of wild birds in this area has decreased _______ in the last 10 years.
A. intensely B. dramatically C. constantly D. cruelly
168. All we need for the time being is the project going _______.
A. quickly B. considerably C. probably D. smoothly
169. Never before have I written code for a computer program; however, today I’ll have a go _____ it.
A. at B. in C. to D. on
170. In his speech, the chairman expressed his wish to pay _______ to all employees for all their contribution to
the corporation. A. tributary B. attribution C. tribute D. contribution
171. Anna, my best friend at high school is the only person I find it easy to _______ my opinion with.
A. throw B. share C. express D. give
172. We have got only 2 days to prepare and then _______ a presentation about animal testing.
A. get B. take C. give D. put
173. As the camping site is often crowed on the weekends, we will arrive early to _______ space.
A. bring B. save C. have D. come
174. To ______ to the development of the whole country, we should try our best to study from now on.
A. contribute B. construct C. conquer D. congratulate
175. Seeing that there is a _______ vacancy in that company, I immediately applied for that position.
A. work B. labor C. job D. stuff


Question 1: I get quite depressed when I think about the damage we are_______to the environment.
A. having B. taking C. making D. causing
Question 2: Unfortunately, we’ve made_______.
A, little progress B. a few progresses C. little progresses D. few progress
Question 3: I stayed there with her for a while before I left.
A. in the difficult time B. whenever she needed me C. for relaxation D. for a short period of time
Question 4: I am glad that we see eye to eye on the matter of the conference location.
A. dislike B. agree C. disagree D. approve

Compiled by Ms. Xuan Thanh Nguyen – 0962786850 –

Question 5: Although the new library service has been very successful, its future is_______certain.
A. by all means B. by any chance C. at any rate D. by no means
Question 6: The hall was very crowded with over a hundred people_______into it.
A. stuck B. packed C. pushed D. stuffed
Question 7: The move to a different environment brought about a significant _______in my cousin’s state of
mind. A. influence B. impact C. change D. effect
Question 8: In order to avoid boredom, the most important thing is to keep oneself_______.
A. occupation B. occupied C. occupant D. occupational
Question 9: The human criterion for perfect vision is 20/20 for reading the standard lines on a Snellen eye chart
without a hitch. A. unaided B. without glasses C. with little hesitation D. easily
Question 10: Cynthia was on edge all day about the important presentation she had to give to the local citizens
group. A. nervous and excited B. doing well C. satisfied D. working hard
Question 11: After running up the stairs, I was ____breath. A. away from B. without C. no D. out of
Question 12: I’ve never really enjoyed going to the ballet or the opera; they’re not really my_______.
A. piece of cake B. sweets and candy C. biscuit D. cup of tea
Question 13: The players' protests_______no difference to the referee’s decision at all.
A. did B. made C. caused D. created
Question 14: In a formal interview, it is essential to maintain good eye_______with the interviewers.
A. link B. connection C. touch D. contact
Question 15: The poor child was in floods of_______because his bicycle had been stolen.
A. tears B. sorrow C. sadness D. upset
Question 16: _______her inexperience, her failure to secure the contract was not surprising.
A. By virtue of B. With regard to C. In view of D. In recognition of
Question 17: During the Medieval period, people were made public_______of being witches.
A. complaint B. criminal C. trouble D. accusation
Question 18: That disable boy's victory in the race set the_______example to all students in the school.
A. finest B. first-class C. rarest D. most convenient
Question 19: Thanks to the help of the teacher, she is_______encouraging progress in math.
A. doing B. making C. checking D. stopping
Question 20: She's a down-to-earth woman with no pretensions.
A. ambitious B. creative C. idealistic D. practical
Question 21: There has been a hot debate among the scientists relating to the pros and cons of using robotic
probes to study distant objects in space.
A. problems and solutions B. advantages and disadvantages
C. solutions and limitations D. causes and effects
Question 22: Poaching_______the greatest threat to many species.
A. creates B. presents C. poses D. produces
Question 23: The tiger is_______of extinction. It is difficult to find them in the wild.
A. on the wing B. on the rocks C. on the verge D. on the ground
Question 24: It is not always easy to_______the difference between fact and opinion.
A. make B. say C. do D. tell
Question 25: In my_______, freedom of the press must be maintained.
A. mind B. sight C. view D. thought

Compiled by Ms. Xuan Thanh Nguyen – 0962786850 –

Question 26: The issue_______question is more complex than you think.
A. in B. from C. on D. at
Question 27: The situation got out of hand when the festival organisers couldn't foresee that the mob would get
angry because they were stopped from taking the offerings.
A. hard to complete B. difficult to control C. impossible to find D. unlikely to happen
Question 28: Once you have been accepted as a pupil or student at the school or college, it's_______the law for
them to discriminate against you because of your religion or belief.
A. in B. for C. out of D. against
Question 29: Integration and assimilation can help reduce feelings of loss and grief as the migrant starts to
incorporate aspects of the majority culture.
A. disadvantage B. disapproval C. discrimination D. sadness
Question 30: He said he was only joking, but his comments were so close to the bone.
A. annoying B. offensive C. personal D. respectful
Question 31: Ten million text messages are sent on every minute.
A. account B. average C. common D. general
Question 32: Unluckily, David's dangerous and incredible journey in search of the Blue Fairy is in_______.
A. advance B. danger C. end D. vain
Question 33: Most scientists believe that the day when robots become part of our lives will come_______.
A. from time to time B. more or less C. sooner or later D. later than never
Question 34: Researchers have_______to the conclusion that your personality is affected by your genes.
A. arrived B. come C. got D. reached
Question 35: The telescope will photograph distant galaxies, _______attempt to understand their past.
A. in B. for C. on D. with
Question 36: It is likely that artificial intelligence might decide to_______an end to humanity simply because it
surpasses human intelligence. A. come B. make C. put D. take
Question 37: I don't think people should be allowed to_______experiments on animals.
A. create B. make C. perform D. produce
Question 38: Many materials have been used for_______teeth, including wood.
A. artificial B. hand-made C. false D. natural
Question 39: A.I. techniques help medical doctors to discover subtle interactions between medications that put
patience in jeopardy because of their serious side effect.
A. at risk B. in reality C. under control D. under pressure
Question 40: The purpose of running a business is to make a_______.
A. service B. profit C. money D. contribution
Question 41: She's doing well so she was promoted last year. Now she's in charge of a small team of four people.
A. controls B. supervises C. takes over D. rules
Question 42: I've been working here for over ten years now and I'm on first- name terms with everyone, even
the CEO.
A. getting on B. happy C. having an informal/friendly relationship D. satisfied
Question 43: Jane used to be very excellent as a child and now she's the CEO of a big multinational company.
However, her brother is a blue-collar worker in a small local factory.
A. mental B. low-paid C. manual D. regular
Question 44: When applying for a certain job, you'll be at an advantage if you have hands-on experience.
A. relevant B. prior C. practical D. considerable
Compiled by Ms. Xuan Thanh Nguyen – 0962786850 –

Question 45: When the factory closed, over a hundred people were made redundant.
A. fired B. sacked C. laid off D. appointed
Question 46: I am writing in_______to your advertisement on for the post of a personal
assistant. A. connection B. association C. relation D. response
Question 47: I'd like to speak to the person in_______please.
A. duty B. responsibility C. obligation D. charge
Question 48: I would be grateful for an opportunity to visit your company and discuss my application with
you_______. A. in privacy B. individually C. privately D. in person
Question 49: Like many young people today, I'm thinking about taking a year _______first, or as people often
say, spending a year at "the university of life".
A. off B. away C. out D. at
Question 50: The atmosphere at work was so bad that Brian eventually decided to hand in his notice.
A. notify the boss B. apply for another job C. give up his job D. be given a better job

Question 51: My boss has a reputation for being such a slave-driver!
A. working overtime B. working excessively hard
C. being slave to work D. making his staff work too hard
Question 52: We want to recruit the brightest and the best. If you think you fit the bill, fill in an application form
today. A. are able to pay the bill B. are suitable C. are of the right size D. are excellent
Question 53: I'd go mad if I had to do a dead-end job like working on a supermarket checkout.
A. demanding B. challenging C. fascinating D. boring
Question 54: Steve_______his chances of passing by spending too much time on the first question.
A. threw away B. threw in C. threw off D. threw out
Question 55: After congratulating his team, the coach left, allowing the players to let their_______down for a
while. A. hearts B. hair C. souls D. heads
Question 56: Making mistake is all_______of growing up.
A. bits and bobs B. odds and ends C. part and parcel D. top and bottom
Question 57: The judge_______murderer to a lifetime imprisonment.
A. prosecuted B. sentenced C. convicted D. accused
Question 58: Alice said: "That guy is_______gorgeous. I wish he would ask me out."
A. dead-centre B. drop shot C. jumped-up D. drop-dead
Question 59: The situation seems to be changing minute_______minute.
A. by B. to C. and D. in
Question 60: Jose had a hard time comparing the iPhone to the Samsung phone because to him they were apples
and oranges.
A. containing too many technical details B. very similar C. completely different D. very complicated
Question 61: The party leader travelled the length and_______of the country in an attempt to spread his message.
A. width B. distance C. diameter D. breadth
Question 62: Vietnam U23 made not only Asia but also Europe keep a close eye on them.
A. have made headlines B. had made headlines
C. have done headlines D. did headlines
Question 63: If we didn’t_______any measures to protect whales, they would disappear forever.

Compiled by Ms. Xuan Thanh Nguyen – 0962786850 –

A. use B. make C. take D. do
Question 64: It is the_______of stupidity to go walking in the mountains in this weather.
A. height B. depth C. source D. matter
Question 65: The works of such men as the English philosophers John Locke and Thomas Hobbes helped pave
the way for academic freedom in the modern sense.
A. terminate B. prevented C. enhanced D. incorporated
Question 66: Since the death of Laura's father, her mother has become a breadwinner to support the family.
A. a person who bakes bread every morning B. a bakery-owner
C. a person who delivers bread to make money D. a person who goes out to work to earn money
Question 67: Peter is the black sheep of the family, so he is never welcomed there.
A. a beloved member B. a bad and embarrassing member C. the only child D. the eldest child
Question 68: Both universities speak_______of the programme of student exchange and hope to cooperate more
in the future. A. highly B. quickly C. rapidly D. fast
Question 69: On hearing that she failed the entrance exam, Trang couldn't help_______into tears.
A. bursting B. burst C. to bursting D. to burst
Question 70: She didn’t enjoy her first year at college because she failed to _______her new friends.
A. come in for B. look down on C. go down with D. get on with
Question 71: The world work is developing very quickly. If you don’t self-learn continuously, we will
not____social movements.
A. put up with B. keep up with C. get on with D. deal with
Question 72: He has been waiting for this letter for days, and at_______it has come.
A. the end B. last C. the moment D. present
Question 73: There's a list of repairs as long as____ A. your arm B. a pole C. your arms D. a mile
Question 74:I tried to talk to her, but she was as high as a_______.
A. kite B. house C. sky D. wall
Question 75: The jury_______her compliments_______her excellent knowledge of the subject.
A. returned/to B. paid/to C. returned/on D. paid / on

Question 76: You may note down your qualifications and experience that can relate to the job.
A. put down B. hold down C. draw down D. jot down
Question 77: Many large corporations will be wiped out and millions of jobs will be lost.
A. escalated B. erased C. threatened D. eradicated
Question 78: On the whole, the rescue mission was well executed.
A. In fact B. In particular C. At once D. In general
Question 79: It's difficult to tell him to give in because he is so big-headed.
A. wise B. generous C. modest D. arrogant
Question 80: With this type of insurance, you’re buying_______of mind.
A. peace B. satisfaction C. calmness D. contentment
Question 81: We’re over the_______! Who wouldn’t be? We’ve just won £1 million!
A. planet B. clouds C. stars D. moon
Question 82: Of course you’ll pass. You write well and you have an excellent _______of the subject.
A. grip B. seizure C. grasp D. embrace
Question 83: I told you clearly and definitely not to write your answers in pencil, Tom!
Compiled by Ms. Xuan Thanh Nguyen – 0962786850 –

A. considerably B. thoroughly C. altogether D. specifically
Question 84: As a newspaper reporter, she always wanted to get information at first hand.
A. indirectly B. directly C. easily D. slowly
Question 85: Could you_______me a lift into town? A. give B. get C. do D. make
Question 86: Britain's Prime Minister Theresa May was the first world leader to pay a_______Trump at the
White House after his inauguration last year. A. visited B. visiting C. visit to D. visit
Question 87: Vietnam reached the semi-finals of the AFC U23 Championship 2018 with a penalty shootout
win_______Iraq on Saturday, January 20th ,2018. A. over B. with C. against D. in
Question 88: If we use robots instead of humans, many people may be out of work.
A. employed B. jobless C. inemployed D. unemployed
Question 89: It was no accident that he broke my glasses. He did it ____ purpose.
A. with B. on C. by D. about
Question 90: I read the contract again and again _______ avoiding making spelling mistakes.
A. in terms of B. by means of C. with a view to D. in view of
Question 91: It's no use talking to me about metaphysics. It’s a closed book to me.
A. a subject that I don’t understand B. a theme that I like to discuss
C. a book that is never opened D. an object that I really love
Question 92: Her outgoing character contrasts_______with that of her sister.
A. thoroughly B. fully C. sharply D. coolly
Question 93: Learning Spanish isn’t so difficult once you_______.
A. get away with it B. get off it C. get down to it D. get on it
Question 94: Please don't_______ a word of this to anyone else, it's highly confidential.
A. speak B. pass C. mutter D. breathe
Question 95: You never really know where you are with her as she just blows hot and cold.
A. keeps going B. keeps taking things C. keeps changing her mood D. keeps testing
Question 96: "Edwards seems like a dog with two tails this morning.” - "Haven't you heard the news? His wife
gave birth a baby boy early this morning.”
A. extremely happy C. extremely disappointed B. exhausted D. very proud
Question 97: Ann has always made_______in everything she has done.
A. fit B. perfect C. good D. excellent
Question 98: In spite of his poverty, he led a devoted life to the revolutionary_______.
A. aim B. goal C. cause D. reason
Question 99: She simply took it for granted that the check was good and did not ask him any questions about
it. A. permitted it B. accepted it without investigation C. objected to it D. looked it over
Question 100: My uncle was_______ill last summer; however, fortunately, he is now making a slow but steady
recovery. A. seriously B. deeply C. fatally D. critically

Question 101: This is_______the most difficult job I've ever had to do.
A. by chance B. by myself C. by far D. by heart
Question 102: Before the mid-nineteenth century, people in the United States ate most foods only_______season.
A. in B. out C. out of D. along
Question 103: Josh may get into hot water when driving at full speed after drinking.
A. get into trouble B. stay safe C. fall into disuse D. remain calm

Compiled by Ms. Xuan Thanh Nguyen – 0962786850 –

Question 104: Though he had known about it well in_______, he pretended to be surprised at having a birthday
party. A. advance B. addition C. contrast D. general
Question 105: Thomas knows Paris like the back of his_______. He used to be a taxi driver there for 2 years.
A. head B. mind C. hand D. life
Question 106: In a modern family, the husband is expected to join hands with his wife to_______the household
chores. A. do B. make C. run D. take
Question 107: While everyone else in this class prefers to work in groups, Alice likes working_______.
A. on her own B. of her own C. on herself D. in herself
Question 108: Reaching 35 and obviously aging, Jane has to make up her mind on her future very soon.
A. give a thought about B. Pay attention to C. prepare a plan for D. make a decision on
Question 109: - "Well, cats are very good at catching mice around the house.” - “_______”
A. Nothing more to say B. You can say that again C. Yes, I hope so D. No, dogs are very good, too
Question 110: My wife was so keen on the picture that she paid through her _______for it.
A. eyes B. ears C. head D. nose
Question 111: She__him for her father’s death. A. accused B. charged C. complained D. blamed
Question 112: He left the country_______arrest if he returned.
A. in fear of B. under threat of C. with fear of D. with threat of
Question 113: He was a natural singer with a voice that was as clear as_______.
A. a bell B. a mirror C. a waterfall D. a lake
Question 114: He may be shy now, but he will soon come out of his_______when he meets the right girl.
A. shoe B. hole C. shed D. shell
Question 115: It’s not easy to make Lisa furious. The girl is very gentle by_______.
A. herself B. nature C. personality D. reaction
Question 116: The human criterion for perfect vision is 20/20 for reading the standard lines on a Snellen eye
chart_______a hitch. A. without B. with C. on D. of
Question 117: Although the teacher has done his best to help all students, none of them made any effort on their
part. A. made B. tried C. attempted D. taken
Question 118: Sarah goes to the theater once in a_______moon. A. red B. green C. blue D. light
Question 119: Dr.Evans has_______a valuable contribution to the life of the school.
A. done B. created C. caused D. made
Question 120: Sportsmen_______their political differences on the sports field.
A. take part B. put aside C. take place D. keep apart
Question 121: Looking down at the coral reef, we saw_______of tiny, multicoloured fish.
A. teams B. flocks C. shoals D. swarms
Question 122: A bridge must be strong enough to support its own weight_______the weight of the people and
vehicles that use it. A. as far as B. as long as C. so well as D. as well as
Question 123: When finding a new house, parents should _______all the conditions for their children's education
and entertainment. A. take into account B. take actions C. put pressure D. put up with
Question 124: You have to be on your toes if you want to beat her.
A. pay all your attention to what you are doing B. upset her in what she is doing
C. get involved in what she is doing D. make her comply with your orders
Question 125: In_______age of computers, it is difficult to imagine how tedious work of accountants and clerks
must have been in the past. A. that B. the C. this D. its

Compiled by Ms. Xuan Thanh Nguyen – 0962786850 –

Question 126: Since he failed his exam, he had to__for it again. A. pass B. make C. take D. sit
Question 127: John paid $2 for his meal, _______he had thought it would cost.
A. not as much B. not so much as C. less as D. not so many as
Question 128: It is very important for a film or a company to keep_______the changes in the market.
A. pace of B. track about C. touch with D. up with
Question 129: I’m sure you’ll have no_______the exam.
A. difficulty passing B. difficulties to pass C. difficulty to pass D. difficulties of passing
Question 130: My brother left his job last week because he did not have any_______to travel.
A. position B. chance C. ability D. location
Question 131: The noise from the nearby factory kept me_ A. awake B. awakened C. waking D. woken
Question 132: Make sure you_______us a visit when you are in town again
A. pay B. have C. give D. do
Question 133:I used to run a mile before breakfast but now I am_______
A. not used to it B. no longer practice it C. out of practice D. out of the habit
Question 134: The government is determined to_______terrorism
A. put the stop to B. put stop to C. put stops to D. put a stop to
Question 135: Liquid milk is usually pasteurized in order to kill bacteria for a longer_______.
A. expectancy B. production C. living D. shelflife
Question 136: The majority of people accept that modern drugs are the most effective way to cure a(n) _______
A. sicken B. illness C. symptom D. treatment
Question 137: We are going to build a fence around the field with_______to breeding sheep and cattle
A. a goal B. an outlook C. a reason D. a view
Question 138: The meeting didn’t___until late. A. end up B. breakup C. come about D. fall through
Question 139: Fiona is very angry _______ her boss's decision to sack several members of staff.
A. against B. by C. for D. about
Question 140: When his parents are away, his oldest brother_______.
A. knocks it off B. calls the shots C. draws the line D. is in the same boat
Question 141: I am glad I was able to be there for my friend when her mom died.
A. to offer support in time of need for B. to cry with C. to travel with D. to visit
Question 142: When you consider all the advantages you've gained I think you'll admit you had a
good_______for your money. A. profit B. benefit C. run D. term
Question 143: The teacher at this school_______with flu one after the other.
A. went down B. went off C. went out D. went under
Question 144: Can I_______our brain for a moment? I can’t do this crossword by myself.
A. use B. have C. mind D. pick
Question 145: The detective was asked to probe into the mysterious disappearance of the painting.
A. investigate B. procure C. recover D. relinquish
Question 146: The piece of work is urgent and must be done_______delay.
A. with B. no C. not D. without
Question 147: These machines are older models and have to be operated by hand.
A. mechanically B. manually C. automatically D. spiritually
Question 148: Toxic chemicals from factories are one of the serious factors that leads wildlife to the_______of
extinction. A. wall B. fence C. verge D. bridge
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Question 149: When old Mr. Barnaby died, several people_______their claim to the substantial legacy that he
left. A. placed B. drew C. assumed D. laid
Question 150: Hearing about people who mistreat animals makes me go hot under the_______.
A. chin B. collar C. sleeves D. vest

Question 151: You look really tired. You could_______a week’s holiday, I think.
A. do with B. make for C. pass for D. make with
Question 152: The local press has been pouring _______ on the mayor for dissolving the council.
A. scorn B. blame C. disapproval D. hatred
Question 153: Quite soon, the world is going to_______energy resources.
A. get into B. run out of C. keep up with D. come up against
Question 154: I know you are upset about breaking up with Tom, but there are plenty more_______.
A. horses in the stable B. cows in the shed C. tigers in the jungle D. fish in the sea
Question 155: It's no good pretending; you've got to_______reality.
A. get down to B. bargain for C. come up against D. face up to
Question 156: It was so foggy that the driver couldn't_______the traffic signs.
A. break out B. keep out C. make out D. take out
Question 157: I'll have to go to the funeral of Ms. Jane, a _______of mine.
A. heart to heart. B. body and soul C. flesh and blood D. skin and bones
Question 158: I'm sorry you've decided not to go with us on the river trip, but _______you change your mind,
there will still be enough room on the boat for you.
A. in the event that B. nevertheless C. Even though D. provided that
Question 159: There were so many members of the political party who had gone against the leader that he
resigned. A. apposed B. insisted C. invited D. opposed
Question 160: Although Mike graduated with a good degree, he joined the of the unemployed.
A. ranks B. queues C. lines D. oders
Question 161: The food was so delicious that I had a second _______.
A. plate B. serving C. helping D. time
Question 162: David was narrowly defeated and blew his own chance of becoming a champion.
A. missed B. lost C. flew D. run
Question 163: His success lay in his natural ability, not in his determination to_______personal goals.
A. follow B. pursue C. seek D. do
Question 164: My father is getting old and forgetful. _______, he is experienced and helpful.
A. Be that as it may B. Regardless C. Lest D. Consequently
Question 165: I’m not going to go ice skating! I’d only fall over and_______a fool of myself.
A. create B. show C. do D. make
Question 166: Silence _______ the theatre as the audience awaited the opening curtain with expectation and
excitement. A. fell in with B. came between C. hungover D. dropped out of
Question 167: When the kids asked him about his girlfriend, he’d go as red as a_______.
A. tomato B. chili C. strawberry D. beetroot
Question 168: As orders are becoming more and more, we've been rushed off our feet all week.
A. very angry B. very busy C. very worried D. very happy
Question 169: The minister came under fire for his rash decision to close the factory.
Compiled by Ms. Xuan Thanh Nguyen – 0962786850 –

A. was dismissed B. was acclaimed C. was criticized D. was penalized
Question 170: 'What I've got to say to you now is strictly_______the record and most certainly not for
publication,’ said the government official to the reporter. A. in B. on C. off D. out
Question 171: I can’t give you the answer on the_______; I'll have to think about it for a few days.
A. place B. minute C. scene D. spot
Question 172:I find myself__a loss to understand Harold’s behavior. A. at B. in C. out D. for
Question 173: Someone is going to have to take responsibility for this disaster. Who is going to______?
A. foot the bill B. carry the can C. hatch the chicken D. catch the worms
Question 174: When the police arrived the thieves______to flight leaving all the stolen things behind.
A. brought B. took C. made D. did
Question 175: My friend is good at mimicking people. He ______ a great impression of Charlie Chaplin.
A. made B. did C. took D. gave

Question 176: You can ask Matin anything about history. He actually has quite a good______for facts.
A. head B. ability C. knowledge D. understanding
Question 177: It was such a sad film that we all were reduced______tears at the end.
A. with B. onto C. to D. into
Question 178: The baby can't even sit up yet, ______stand and walk!
A. but for B. let alone C. all but D. rather than
Question 179: Unfortunately, the injury may keep him out of football______. He may never play again.
A. for good B. now and then C. once in a while D. every so often
Question 180: I used to______reading comics, but now I've grown out of it.
A. take a fancy to B. keep an eye on C. get a kick out of D. kick up a fuss about
Question 181: Little Deon: "This herb smells horrible, mommy!”
Mommy: "______, it will do you a power of good.”
A. Come what may B. By the by C. What is more D. Be that as it may
Question 182: You should take out insurance______your house from any possible damage. Earthquakes
sometimes occur here. A. on B. in C. for D. at
Question 183: The children were full of beans today, looking forward to their field trip.
A. eating a lot B. hyperactive C. melancholy D. lively and in high spirits
Question 184: Sometimes in a bad situation, there may still be some good things. Try not to "throw out
the______with the bathwater”. A. fish B. duck C. baby D. child
Question 185: There are so many______names now that it is impossible to remember them all.
A. brand B. model C. trademark D. logo
Question 186: The government has launched a new road safety campaign in an______to reduce the number of
road accidents.A. attempt B. effort C. try D. allowance
Question 187: How many people do you know who are______medication to prevent anxiety or depression?
A. in B. on C. at D. off
Question 188: My cousin was nervous about being interviewed on television, but he______to the occasion
wonderfully. A. raised B. rose C. fell D. faced
Question 189: Wendy is on the ______of a dilemma: she just wonders whether to go for a picnic with her friends
or to stay at home with her family. A. horns B. corns C. torns D. forns
Question 190: His girlfriend's behavior at the party was______, which made everyone there shocked.

Compiled by Ms. Xuan Thanh Nguyen – 0962786850 –

A. out of practice B. out of line C. out of the habit D. out of sight
Question 191: At every faculty meeting, Ms. Volatie always manages to put her foot in her mouth.
A. move rapidly B. trip over her big feet C. fall asleep D. say the wrong thing
Question 192: Thanks to her regular workouts and sensible diet she certainly strikes me as in the pink.
A. in absolute health B. in good health C. in clear health D. in extreme health
Question 193: If you are at a loose end this weekend, I will show you around the city.
A. free B. confident C. occupied D. reluctant
Question 194: “She is an excellent actress!" "You______again!”
A. can say that B. may say it C. say it D. say that
Question 195: "Do you know who else is going to be running for governor?" "______that Mr. Jones is planning
to." A. Word is it B. Word has it C. Word has D. The words are


Question 1: Nguyen Thi Anh Vien performed so well the 28th Sea Games Women’s 200m butterfly that none of her rivals could _______
her. A. look up to B. come up to C. catch up with D. put up with
Question 2: The table in the living room should be moved to _______ the new TV set.
A. get rid of B. pave the way for C. make room for D. take hold
Question 3: Candidates are requested to _______ the form to the admissions officer by July 25th.
A. fill out B. show up C. pass over D. hand in
Question 4: When the manager of our company retires, the deputy manager will _______ that position.
A. stand for B. take over C. catch on D. hold on
Question 5: Peter is disappointed at not getting the job, but he will _______ it soon.
A. take on B. get over C. go through D. come over
Question 6: The company management decided to _______ more workers to meet the production schedule.
A. take on B. make out C. take over D. make up
Question 7: A lot of research in medical science has been _______ to improve human health.
A. made up B. carried out C. taken up D. given off
Question 8: You shouldn’t lose heart; success often comes to those who are not _______ by failures.
A. left out B. put off C. switched off D. turned on
Question 9: The school drama club is _______ a play for the school’s anniversary, which is due to take place next month.
A. turning up B. making off C. putting on D. bringing down
Question 10: Many parents tend to make their children study hard in the belief that good education will enable them to _______ in the
future. A. turn up B. get on C. get out D. turn away
Question 11: The coastal city is _______ extra buses during the summer because of a considerable increase in the number of tourists.
A. making up B. turning out C. putting on D. taking off
Question 12: Laura didn’t enjoy her first year at college because she failed to _______ her new friends.
A. come in for B. look down on C. go down with D. get on with
Question 13: If you’re lonely, you should go out and try to _______ a friendship with someone you like.
A. take up B. break up C. hold up D. strike up
Question 14: I am not sure how old he is but he must be ____ for 70. A. getting on B. going by C. getting up D. going off
Compiled by Ms. Xuan Thanh Nguyen – 0962786850 –

Question 15: Quite soon, the world is going to _______ energy resources.
A. come up against B. keep up with C. get into D. run out of
Question 16: I’ve just been offered a new job! Things are ____ A. clearing up B. making up C. looking up D. turning up
Question 17: Xoan singing is a vocal art of villages in the ancestral land of Phu Tho. It has been _______ for generations and the oral
tradition is still very much alive today. A. handed down B. landed on C. passed by D. taken over
Question 18: Peter lost the race because he _______ petrol on the last lap.
A. put out of B. got out of C. made out of D. ran out of
Question 19: The new airport has _______ a lot of changes on this island.
A. brought about B. taken to C. counted in D. turned up
Question 20: You’ll have to _______ a better idea than that if you want to win.
A. come in for B. come up with C. bring out D. get down to
Question 21: The online game "Dumb ways to die" quickly _______ with young people after being released in 2013.
A. took on B. caught up C. caught on D. took up
Question 22: I _______ my mom by cooking dinner for her. A. felt like B. waited for C. looked up D. cheered up
Question 23: Although Daisy and Lucille had many problems at the start of their marriage, they soon managed to ____ them ____
A. pick - over B. build - on C. pass - away D. work - out
Question 24: Because the waiter didn’t _______ what I ordered, he brought me a mutton steak instead of the chicken wings that I’d
wanted. A. call on B. stay up C. take down D. check in
Question 25: Charles Baudelaire was sent to India on a ship by his stepfather, but he _______ when it landed in Mauritius, and then
returned to France. A. passed off B. went down C. put out D. ran away
Question 26: Charles Dickens was born near Portsmouth, Hampshire on 7 February 1812, but relocated to and _______ in Camden
Town in London. A. grew up B. came back C. called away D. left out
Question 27: Through the dense fog in the harbour, the captain and crew were barely able to _______ the lights on the dock.
A. look up B. make out C. go ahead D. see out
Question 28: Monica was so angry about the noise that her neighbours were making that she refused to _______ it anymore.
A. run away with B. cut down on C. put up with D. get away with
Question 29: Yvonne was really surprised when Gary _______ at her front door, because she hadn’t seen him for 12 years.
A. showed up B. jumped on C. turned in D. brought about
Question 30: Bernard Trevisan was born in 1406 but didn’t _______ until 1490; living to the age of 84 was unusual in the period of the
Italian Renaissance. A. set back B. pass away C. kill off D. die out

Question 31: During his long life, Trevisan never _______ looking for a way to turn base metals into gold.
A. pulled off B. held down C. gave up D. put up
Question 32: Such approaches should be supported and mainstreamed in health interventions in order to _______ positive behavior
change. A. put off B. bring about C. hold up D. set off
Question 33: Segolene Royal has decided to _______ the French presidency in the election that will take place next year.
A. run for B. take in C. go up D. come out
Question 34: I broke _______ with my boyfriend because he didn’t like any of my friends. A. down B. in C. up D. out
Question 35: As it’s sales have risen, that company is going to _______ more staff.
A. take over B. take up C. take in D. take on
Question 36: It was the job of the secret service agent to _______ anyone suspicious hanging around the restaurant while the Spanish
ambassador was dining inside. A. get away with B. check out of C. look out for D. kick out of
Question 37: As Joe’s roommate, I find him a fairly nice fellow, even if at times it is not easy to _______ his noisy behavior.
A. put down for B. put up with C. put off with D. put in for
Question 38: Although Jane is a newcomer, she gets _______ with her colleagues in the department.

Compiled by Ms. Xuan Thanh Nguyen – 0962786850 –

A. on quite well B. off well C. away D. into
Question 39: She should have been here, but she’s _______ a terrible cough.
A. gone down with B. gone through with C. come for D. come up against
Question 40: As a kid, I hated getting shots so much that a nurse usually had to hold me ____ A. off B. in C. down D. over
Question 41: Linda had been up late finishing her dissertation, so she decided to _______ the next morning.
A. sleep off B. lie in C. rest on D. stay over
Question 42: A few hours after the treatment, the pain in your arm will ____ . A. wear off B. fade out C. drop away D. fall through
Question 43: The Smiths will move to New York. But we hope to _______ with them.
A. keep touch B. keep at touch C. keep on touch D. keep in touch
Question 44: Ann is very temperamental. How do you ____ her? A. put up with B. put with C. put up to D. putting up with
Question 45: Pew knew he wouldn’t get _______ with cheating in the exam. A. along B. on C. up D. away
Question 46: Mark _______ out of college and got a job. A. founded B. dedicated C. proved D. dropped
Question 47: While I was waiting for the bus, I fell ____ conversation with a friendly old woman. A. into B. over C. in D. for
Question 48: They started _______ a couple of months ago, and now they are inseparable.
A. going out B. going through C. going on D. going by
Question 49: Being the second child of three, he tends to admire his elder brother and _______ his younger sister.
A. look up to B. make over C. make up to D. look down on
Question 50: Since more than 50 percent of all marriages in the United States end in divorce, about half of the children in America must
_______ in single-parent homes. A. grow up B. bring up C. come out D. go off
Question 51: Beaches were _______ as police searched for canisters of toxic waste from the damaged ship.
A. cut off B. sealed off C. washed up D. kept out
Question 52: I need to check ____ a few things before I can decide. A. up on B. upon C. out of D. on to
Question 53: That cheesecake must have already _______ when you bought it.
A. gone off B. gone through C. gone down D. gone over
Question 54: We intend to _______ with the old system as soon as we have developed a better one.
A. do up B. do away C. do down D. do in
Question 55: Jim makes a lot of money by buying old houses, _______ them up and then selling them again.
A. doing B. making C. putting D. setting
Question 56: Mike _______ in for sailing after he made friends with Harry. A. got B. went C. put D. came
Question 57: Drive faster! They are _____ us. A. keeping with B. getting on with C. catching up with D. going along with
Question 58: Belinda Harrell _______ taking her driving test until she finally passed it on her twenty-first attempt.
A. kept on B. cleared off C. used up D. wore out
Question 59: The total cost of all of Ms. Harrell’s driving lessons ____ £6,000. A. held out B. paid up C. passed as D. came to
Question 60: Kate had been _______ in order to buy a new laptop, but then she decided to use the money on guitar lessons instead.
A. working on B. paying off C. saving up D. giving away

Question 61: Hardly a day ____ when I don’t think about her. A. goes through B. goes back C. goes down D. goes by
Question 62: Who do you think I _______ in the library this morning? A. off B. went over C. chased after D. bumped into
Question 63: You can _______ the packet; it’s empty now. A. keep up B. turn out C. put down D. throw away
Question 64: It’s high time decided you’ll _______ the post or not. A. go in for B. put up with C. apply for D. make up
Question 65: In an effort to _______ the rate of inflation, many banks have raised their interest rates.
A. run out of B. keep up with C. watch out D. stand by
Question 66: Julia has _______ out of playing with dolls. A. developed B. moved C. removed D. grown
Question 67: We did have a terrible quarrel, but we’ve _______ it up now. A. turned B. cleaned C. sorted D. made
Question 68: Dreams are something for us to _______ and work for. A. go down B. go after C. go by D. go ahead

Compiled by Ms. Xuan Thanh Nguyen – 0962786850 –

Question 69: Building a road here would go _______ the wishes of the local community. A. at B. back C. over D. against
Question 70: My Venezuelan friend has promised to _______ my essay on Elena Quiroga with me before I give it into my literature
professor. A. check in B. write off C. go over D. look up
Question 71: I must have set my alarm incorrectly last night, because it _______ an hour too early this morning.
A. ran out B. blew off C. woke up D. went off
Question 72: Even if a person manages to _______ the eternal flame at Yanartas in Antalya, it will instantly relight itself.
A. stop in B. put out C. get down D. blow up
Question 73: Jeanne said that she would _______ our place this afternoon if she had enough time before she had to go back to work.
A. drop by B. give in C. put up D. call off
Question 74: We didn’t like John when we first met him, but he has turned _______ to be a good friend to us.
A. down B. up C. on D. out
Question 75: "Have you _______ this contract yet?” - "Not yet. I’ll try to read it this weekend.”
A. looked over B. looked into C. looked up D. looked out
Question 76: After ten minutes, the students _______ in their quizzes to the instructor. A. gave B. had C. held D. handed
Question 77: I was talking to my aunt when suddenly my cousin George _______ in on our conversation.
A. interrupted B. broke C. went D. intervened
Question 78: She found it hard to ____ up to the fact that she would never be famous. A. come B. get C. face D. keep
Question 79: My grandfather _______ when I was only six years old. He had lung cancer.
A. left out B. moved over C. passed away D. went off
Question 80: Shall we ___ on Sunday and go for a drink or something? A. get together B. get down C. get off D. get up
Question 81: It is late now. I think we should _______ the meeting and stop wasting time.
A. go on with B. catch up with C. go in for D. make up for
Question 82: I couldn’t quite _______ what they were doing because they were so far away.
A. see off B. make out C. think about D. try on
Question 83: I think you have to _______ that he’s good deal younger and less experienced than the rest of us.
A. take into account B. give way to C. make up for D. run out of
Question 84: You can always rely on Max’s Garage; they never _______
A. get you down B. take you down C. let you down D. put you down
Question 85: A week later, he _______ again on his journey around the world, despite his friends’ attempt to persuade him not to.
A. went away B. leave out C. came off D. set out
Question 86: I could not _______ to the police because the telephone line was down.
A. get down B. get up C. get through D. get over
Question 87: "Have you _______ this plan yet?" - "Not yet. I’ll try to read it this weekend.”
A. looked over B. looked out C. looked up D. looked into
Question 88: The concert didn’t come _______ our expectations. A. up with B. up against C. up to D. round
Question 89: If you need any support, you can rely on me to _______
A. set you down B. face up to you C. back you up D. put you through
Question 90: I can’t understand how your father managed to _______ that man. He had deceived all the rest of us.
A. see off B. see through C. see to D. see out

Question 91: The smell was so bad that it completely _______ us off our food. A. set B. took C. got D. put
Question 92: They thought they could deceive me but they were wrong. I could _______ .
A. see them off B. see off them C. see through them D. see them through
Question 93: ___ a minute! I think I’ve left my keys in my other bag. A. Get off B. Carry out C. Run up D. Hold on
Question 94: Sue has _______ smoking, but now she can’t stop eating junk food!

Compiled by Ms. Xuan Thanh Nguyen – 0962786850 –

A. closed down B. put out C. given up D. crossed out
Question 95: Harvey didn’t want to tell his boss the real reason why he was late, so he _______ a story about a crash having blocked
up the road. A. made up B. pulled away C. spoke for D. watched out
Question 96: The first census to be _______ in Ottoman Istanbul in 1477 revealed a total of 16,324 households.
A. hung on B. carried out C. counted against D. done for
Question 97: He never expected that he would come up _______ so many problems at the very start of his business.
A. with B. against C. for D. to
Question 98: She was very proud of her qualifications and _______ down on people she thought were uneducated.
A. looked B. put C. took D. come
Question 99: Because of an increase in orders, the factory manager took __ a hundred new workers. A. on B. up C. over D. into
Question 100: I’m sorry I offended you. I _______ what I said. A. take back B. get back C. come back D. get away
Question 101: I don’t think he will get _______ the shock in a short period of time. A. over B. through C. by D. off
Question 102: I want to lose weight so I am ___ on cakes and sweets. A. cutting down B. keeping down C. turning off D. giving up
Question 103: We’ll have to call the barbecue _______ It’s going to rain. A. for B. cross C. up D. off
Question 104: Your grades are coming down. You should try to _______ the other students in your class.
A. get out of B. get along with C. keep away from D. keep up with
Question 105: I really want to become a pilot when I _______ . A. grow up B. talk about C. agree with D. get up
Question 106: It was very hot in Egypt, so we set _______ at dawn to visit the Pyramids. A. in B. about C. off D. back
Question 107: The boys _______ when they saw the police. A. ran off B. got off C. gave away D. made out
Question 108: The vice-president is going to _______ the president at tonight’s fundraiser, as the president is out of the country.
A. stand in for B. live up to C. look back on D. watch out for
Question 109: Mary was surprised when her guests ____ late for the party. A. turned up B. came up C. looked up D. put up
Question 110: He was completely ____ by her tale of hardship. A. taken away B. taken down C. taken in D. taken up
Question 111: The new manager _______ very strict rules as soon as he had _______ the position.
A. laid down - taken over B. put down - taken over C. lay down - taken up D. wrote down - come over
Question 112: I think I should have _______ your mother while I was passing.
A. dropped in on B. come up with C. got on with D. run into
Question 113: The electronics company failed to make a profit and was eventually _______ over by a larger one.
A. brought B. taken C. set D. turned
Question 114: Look _______ ! There’s a bus coming! A. on B. up C. out D. at
Question 115: James is now too old to live on his own, so he is being _______ by his daughter.
A. found out B. brought up C. moved on D. looked after
Question 116: I know that your situation seems very bad at the moment, but your problems will _______ soon.
A. take after B. blow over C. hang out D. live down
Question 117: Deborah is going to take extra lessons to _______ what she missed while she was away.
A. catch up on B. cut down on C. put up with D. take up with
Question 118: I haven’t come _______ any name for my little puppy. A. up with B. up against C. upon D. away
Question 119: We expected her at nine but she finally _______ at midnight.
A. came to B. came off C. turned up D. turned out
Question 120: Lucy was late for school this morning because the alarm didn’t _______ as usual.
A. ring off B. get off C. go off D. take off

Question 121: Sometimes a postman _______ some terrible handwriting and didn’t know where the letter should go.
A. ran away with B. ran up with C. ran up against D. run without

Compiled by Ms. Xuan Thanh Nguyen – 0962786850 –

Question 122: When Sarah walked into the room and greeted everyone with a cheery "Hello!” - It seemed as if all the gloom in that place
was _______ A. carried away B. died out C. turned down D. driven out
Question 123: It is vital that we ___ a change in people’s attitude. A. bring down B. bring back C. bring about D. bring away
Question 124: Beaches were _______ as police searched for canisters of toxic waste from the damaged ship.
A. sealed off B. cut off C. washed up D. kept out
Question 125: The trekking expedition on Mount Scott has been _______ as snow has been forecast for the weekend.
A. called off B. put down C. had on D. knocked out
Question 126: What chemical is this? It’s ____ a horrible smell. A. giving over B. giving off C. giving down D. giving up
Question 127: Learning English isn’t so difficult once you _______
A. get down to it B. get off it C. get on it D. get down with it
Question 128: On hearing the news, she fainted and it was half an hour before she came _______ again.
A. round B. up C. over D. forward
Question 129: We _______ with a swim in the lake. A. got out B. took up C. cooled off D. gave in
Question 130: Since Carl was unable to pay his bill, after a couple of months, his telephone was _______
A. cut off B. broken up C. dropped off D. rung up
Question 131: Behaviorists argue that the ideas of Sigmund Freud are not ___ by scientific evidence, and therefore, they reject them.
A. run up B. added up C. thought up D. backed up
Question 132: I couldn’t hear what Angel was trying to tell me over the telephone, so I asked him to _______
A. get up B. do up C. speak up D. call up
Question 133: It took Martha three years to _______ Clarissa, or, The History of a Young Lady by Samuel Richardson, as the book
contains 1,536 pages. A. get through B. look after C. make for D. end up
Question 134: The man who lives opposite us sometimes comes ____ for a cup of coffee. A. over B. off C. on D. to
Question 135: The child was _______ by a lorry on the safety crossing in the main street.
A. knocked B. run across C. run out D. knocked down
Question 136: The price they offered my car was so low that I ____ it down. A. brought B. called C. turned D. shouted
Question 137: I _______ across this book about the moon in the library. It’s really interesting!
A. found B. came C. went D. looked
Question 138: As Annette had never been to an airport before, she wasn’t sure where she should go to ___ for her flight to Frankfurt.
A. check in B. give up C. take over D. land on
Question 139: The alarm _______ when Lionel passed through the security gate because he was carrying a metal pen in his pocket.
A. set on B. carried out C. went off D. rang up
Question 140: In The Lawless Roads, Graham Greene ____ the people of Mexico by describing them in a highly patronizing manner.
A. gets through with B. runs out of C. backs out of D. looks down on
Question 141: We need to send to the conference a representative that we can _______ .
A. find out B. count on C. catch on D. stand for
Question 142: We don’t know why she continues _______ all Mr. Nelson’s invitations to dinner.
A. turning down B. passing down C. closing down D. looking down
Question 143: Hundreds of people _______ to see the stone sculpture at the foot of the mountain.
A. brought out B. closed down C. saw through D. turned up
Question 144: The tradition of having dinner together on the last day of the lunar year has been ___ from generation to generation.
A. passed down B. taken off C. given up D. broken with
Question 145: The weather was perfect when we _______ but it was raining when we got back.
A. brought out B. got on C. turned up D. set off
Question 146: When you have _______ what I have said, you will understand.
A. known of B. thought over C. thought about D. made out
Question 147: We have to ___ the total cost before we buy the house. A. put up B. work out C. get at D. account for

Compiled by Ms. Xuan Thanh Nguyen – 0962786850 –

Question 148: A few days ago, I _______ a very rare CD while I was looking for a gift to give my friend.
A. came across B. brought up C. took off D. blew up
Question 149: The manager scolded the new employee so fiercely that he _______ in tears, leaving the room in a hurry.
A. got down B. went on C. took over D. broke down
Question 150: The traffic jam is _______ thousands of daily commuters into Hanoi.
A. putting back B. holding up C. doing up D. owning up
Question 151: Environmental pollution is one of the primary issues that no single country can _______ alone but requires the
collaboration of all nations. A. face up to B. put up to C. put up with D. keep up with
Question 152: We cannot go to the concert because all the tickets have been _______ .
A. sold up B. sold of C. sold out D. sold in
Question 153: I cannot _______ his overdependence any more. He is always asking for my help even when he just faces a small
problem in life. A. face up to B. keep up with C. put up with D. get on with
Question 154: To _______ new developments and technology, modern people need to implement lifelong learning all the time.
A. keep on with B. get on with C. face up with D. keep up with
Question 155: Diversity is about all of us, and about us having to _______ how to walk through this world together.
A. figure out B. put off C. take on D. go out
Question 156: The United States, China and India are now competing for political influence in ASEAN, and France, a leading European
country, does not want to be _______ A. left out B. put off C. thought of D. led on
Question 157: Education aims to give you a _______ on the ladder of knowledge.
A. grow up B. boost up C. start of D. set off
Question 158: It __ out that the mayor had bribed several councillors to vote for him. A. resulted B. pointed C. broke D. turned
Question 159: Hello. Is that 22103575? Please put me _______ to the manager. A. across B. up C. over D. through
Question 160: The weather was fine, and everyone was ___ the coast. A. going for B. making for C. joining in D. seeing about
Question 161: After failing his driving test four times, he finally _______ trying to pass.
A. gave up B. gave away C. gave off D. gave in
Question 162: I find that my work _______ so much of my time that I don’t have any free time.
A. takes over B. takes after C. takes up D. takes off

1. The twins look so much alike that no one can _____ them _____. A. take/ apart B. tell/ away C. tell/ apart D. take/ on
2. Sorry for being late. I was _____ in the traffic for more than an hour.
A. carried on B. held up C. put off D. taken after
3. I _____ very well with my roommate now. We never have arguments. A. carry on B. go on C. put on D. get on
4. It's hard work looking _____ three children all day. A. after B. to C. up D. through
5. Remember to take _____ your shoes when you go into the temple. A. up B. in C. with D. off
6. Please ___ and see us when you have time. You are always welcome. A. come away B. come to C. come in D. come round
7. I can't _____ with this noise any longer. I'm going to write a letter of complaint to the local authority about this problem.
A. put up with B. take away from C. get back to D. make out of
8. The new manager laid down very strict rules as soon as he had _____ the position.
A. taken over B. come over C. taken up D. taken off
9. She was tired and couldn't keep _____ the group. A. up with B. up against C. on to D. out of
10. It is very important for a film or a company to keep _____ the changes in the market.
A. pace of B. track about C. touch with D. up with
11. Our flight was delayed, but we finally _____ shortly after midnight. A. took on B. put off C. took up D. took off
12. Whenever problems _____, we discuss frankly and find solutions quickly. A. make up B. come up C. put up D. turn up
13. Children should be taught that they have to _____ everything after they use it.

Compiled by Ms. Xuan Thanh Nguyen – 0962786850 –

A. put away B. pick off C. collect up D. catch on
14. My responsibility is to wash dishes and _____ the garbage. A. take care of B. take out C. take off D. take over
15. The H5N1 infected patients have to _____ others to prevent the virus from spreading.
A. take care of B. get away C. look after D. stay away from
16. Whenever I have problems, Jane is always very dependable. She never _____.
A. turns up B. let me down C. turns me off D. turns out
17. All his plans for starting his own business fell _____. A. in B. through C. down D. away
18. It's rude to _____ people while you are talking to them. A. point at B. look at C. point out D. smile at
19. It is important to have someone you can _____ in. A. talk B. confide C. know D. speak
20. It was very difficult to _____ what he was saying about the noise of the traffic.
A. pick up B. make up C. turn out D. make out
21. Shy people often find it difficult to _____ group discussion. A. take part in B. take place in C. get on with D. get in touch with
22. He was tired and couldn't keep _____ the group. A. out of B. up against C. on to D. up with
23. He did not particularly want to _____ any competitive sport. A. use up B. do with C. take up D. go on
24. Everyone knows about pollution problems, but not many people have _____ any solution.
A. come up with B. looked into C. thought over D. got round to
25. Gervin is _____ a new computer application to see whether it works. A. looks after B. putting on C. trying out D. turning up
26. The invention of electricity has brought _____ a complete change to our lives. A. in B. about C. up D. out
27. Could you turn _____ the TV? The soap opera is about to start. A. back B. on C. off D. out
28. There was nothing good on TV so I turned it _____ and went to bed. A. off B. up C. in D. down
29. The TV is too loud. Can you turn it _____ a bit? A. up B. out C. off D. down
30. I´ve been looking _____ my car keys for half an hour. Have you seen them anywhere? A. up B. for C. after D. at

31. If you don´t know what the word means, you'll have to look it _____ in the dictionary. A. for B. up C. out D. off
32. The meeting has been put _____ to Friday as so many people have got the flu. A. up B. in C. back D. out
33. The meeting has been brought _____ to Monday due to the seriousness of the situation. A. on B. out C. down D. forward
34. The company is taking _____ new workers to meet this projected demand. A. at B. on C. up D. over
35. We will have to start laying people _____ if things don´t start to improve. A. off B. down C. away D. out
36. Brian asked Judy________ to dinner and a movie. A. out B. on C. for D. of
37. My wife backed me _______ over my decision to quit my job. A. down B. up C. of D. for
38. The racing car _______ after it crashed into the fence. A. blew out B. blew over C. blew up D. blew down
39. Our car ____ at the side of the highway in the snowstorm. A. broke into B. broke away C. broke in D. broke down
40. Mike _________ Alaska, so he's used to cold weather. A. comes over B. comes in C. comes across D. comes from
41. Jane had a difficult childhood. She ____ a broken home. A. came from B. came over C. came in D. came up with
42. The woman _______ when the police told her that her son was arrested.
A. broke down B. broke away C. broke in D. broke into.
43. Our teacher broke the final project _______ into three separate parts. A. in B. into C. away D. down
44. Somebody _______ last night and stole our stereo. A. broke off B. broke in C. broke out D. broke up
45. The firemen had to break _______ the room to rescue the children. A. off B. up C. out D. into
46. No one really believed it when the news came through that the "Titanic" had _____ on her maiden voyage.
A. gone over B. gone on C. gone down D. gone off
47. Does this jacket_______ my trousers? A. go with B. go through with C. go ahead D. go off
48. He _______ about his new car all the time. A. goes over B. goes on C. goes out D. goes off
49. Do you think you could _______ this work with me some time, Peter? A. go over B. go on C. go out D. go off
50. We have permission to_______ with the plan. A. go ahead B. go over C. go on D. go off

Compiled by Ms. Xuan Thanh Nguyen – 0962786850 –

51. I know you find the course boring, Pauline, but since you've started it, you might as well _____ it.
A. go with B. go through with C. go ahead D. go off
52. The building of the new bridge will_______ as planned. A. go up B. put up C. go out D. go ahead
53. I see the price of bread has _______ again. A. gone up B. put up C. gone out D. fallen out
54. He was caught shop - lifting but since this was his first offence he was_______ with a warning.
A. gone out B. gone ahead C. fallen out D. let off
55. She _______ her father; everyone says how alike they are! A. takes after B. takes off C. falls out D. lets off.
56. There was a power cut and all the lights _______. A. went up B. put up C. went out D. went ahead
57. You look upset, Sven. Have you and Niger _______ again? A. gone out B. gone grey C. fallen out D. let off
58. Paul, do you think you could ____ me ____ for the night? It's a bit too late to go home now.
A. let me off B. go me out C. fall me out D. put me up
60. The doctor asked me to _______ my shirt. A. put off B. take off C. take out D. put out
61. Shall we go somewhere _______ a drink? A. for B. from C. to D. of
62. Everyone can _______ in this school activity. A. take off B. take on C. take part D. take
63. She got angry when they started to _____ her private life. A. ask for B. enquire after C. ask about D. enquire with
64. She ran in a marathon last week but _____ after ten kilometers. A. dropped out B. closed down C. broke up D. made up
65. Billy hasn't been working; he won't _____ his examinations. A. get off B. get through C. keep up D. keep off

66. Did Mr. Tan _____ the class while Miss Fiona was ill in hospital? A. take away B. take over C. take up D. take off. 67.
Paula applied for the post but she was _____. A. turned down B. checked out C. kept under D. pushed ahead
68. If orders keep coming in like this, I'll have to _____ more staff. A. give up B. add in C. gain on D. take on. 69.
Why do they _____ talking about money all the time? A. keep on B. side with C. take after D. work off
70. We were too tired to wash ________ after the meal. A. over B. out C. up D. on
71. Do you want to stop in this town, or shall we _______? A. turn on B. turn off C. go on D. look after
72. Who will ________ the children while you go out to work? A. look for B. look up C. look after D. look at
73. Please ________ the light, it’s getting dark here. A. turn on B. turn off C. turn over D. turn into
74. It’s cold outside. __________ your coat. A. Put on B. Put down C. Put off D. Put into
75. The bomb __ with a loud bang which could be heard all over the town. A. went on B. went out C. went off D. went away
76. The government hopes to __ its plans for introducing cable TV. A. turn out B. carry out C. carry on D. keep on
77. When the tenants failed to pay their bill, the authorities decided to _____ the gas supply to the flat.
A. cut down B. cut out C. cut off D. cut up
78. I was born in Scotland but I ________ in Northern Ireland. A. grew up B. raised C. brought up D. rose
79. Get _____ the bus before it's impossible to get a seat. A. up B. over C. on D. off
80. This is my stop. I have to get _____ the bus here. A. away B. off C. out D. down
81. Get _____ and I´ll give you a lift. A. up B. into C. over D. in
82. What time does John's flight get _____? I think it's due at 6.30. A. in B. onto C. out of D. up to
83. Thanks for the lift. I can get _____ here. A. off B. down C. out D. over
84. I´ll have to get ____ the car. I think I´m going to be sick. A. off B. out C. out of D. down
85. As so many people are ill, the meeting has been put _____ to next Friday. A. out B. down C. out D. back
86. The police are looking _____ the matter, which they regard as very serious. A. into B. onto C. to D. by
87. I don´t how how he gets _____ on his salary. He can't earn enough to pay for food, the car and rent.
A. over B. through C. in D. by
88. John can just about get _____ in French if he has to. He can normally make himself understood.
A. over B. through C. by D. down
89. I´d like to fix _____ a meeting for some time early next week. A. down B. on C. up D. in

Compiled by Ms. Xuan Thanh Nguyen – 0962786850 –

90. He has finally managed to give _____ smoking after years of trying. A. up B. on C. in with D. to
91. If we don´t check _____ by 11.30, we´ll have to pay for another night. A. down B. away C. off D. out
92. I´m going to try and cheer John _____ with a surprise party. A. on B. over C. out D. up
93. It took a while to calm him _____ as he was really upset. A. up B. out C. off D. down
94. They do _____ houses and then sell them on at a profit. A. on B. off C. down D. up
95. I’m sorry I had to cancel our dinner date, but I promise I´ll make it _____ to you. A. over B. on C. out D. up
96. He won a lot of money on the lottery but gave most of it _____ to charity. A. for B. off C. away D. out
97. I think we'll have to throw this milk _____ as it's really starting to smell. A. by B. down C. away D. off
98. I owe John $50. I really must pay him ___ soon before I forget all about it. A. away B. out C. on D. back
99. The children all ran _____ when the big dog started barking. A. back B. out C. away D. forward
100. Put your toys _____ now children as it’s time for dinner. A. down B. away C. by D. in

Compiled by Ms. Xuan Thanh Nguyen – 0962786850 –

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