The Unusual Mannequin

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I walked down a very busy street along with my pal, as noon hit us. It was
midday as the sun rays shone brightly. The people smelt of dried sweat, as we
fought our way right through the unpleasant crowd. In front of our eyes stood our
destination….. ‘The Great Mall’. People were running in and out of the huge, ten-
floored mall made up of glass. After an hour of waiting, we go ourselves in.
At the mall, I walked by a mannequin that looked just like me.
Something odd was happening… not even my friend could recognize that the
mannequin looked like me. Was it existent or was I just envisioning about it?
To have a closer look I walked into the store. Not even the salesman could see
that I looked like the mannequin. When I asked about the mannequin to my
friend, he said that it did not exist. My jaw dropped in anxiety and
How was it possible that I could see it, but not others? To check if my
eyes weren’t deceiving me I went closer and touched it with my soul full of
horror. Suddenly, I was rotating and the shop around me faded into thin air.
Grey smoke was all around me. It was like I apparated or the mannequin was a
portkey (a magical object charmed to instantly bring anyone touching it to a
specific location.) Indeed, yes was the answer. It was a portkey. The smoke faded
away and arose a mysterious ship parked at the harbor.
I had to find the portkey to transport me back, but it was almost impossible
to find it. The ship was two-storeys tall. I began from the first floor, but I was
taken aback by the fact that the mannequin was now alive. How was I going to
back, now the mannequin was alive? I did not know where on earth was I. I
spotted a drop of blood trickling down the back of the mannequin which was now
walking right towards me. It raised a sword and was about to swipe it through me
when I dodged it and went inside the ship to find the mannequin. It wasn’t the
mannequin that was alive. It was just a human. I went up a flight of crooked stairs,
as I saw a mannequin wrapped in tape. The human followed me, as I quickly
unwrapped the real mannequin and touched it. The ship became nebulous as it
faded, but the human threw a knife that knocked out my thigh. Blood was oozing
out, but I managed to pull out a narrow escape.

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