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Part 1 Principles of Microbiology

The Genetics of
Chapter 6: 1. Gene expression consists of two steps:
transcription and translation.
Microorganisms 2. Transcription is the polymerization of
ribonucleotide building blocks into a
Structure and Function of Genetic molecule of RNA – either messenger RNA
Material (mRNA), transfer RNA (tRNA), or ribosomal
1. Genetics is the science that studies heredity.
3. Transcription begins when ribonucleoside
The Structure of DNA triphosphates pair with the exposed bases
on an exposed strand of DNA. The
1. DNA is composed of the sugar deoxyribose, information in DNA is transcribed
phosphate, and nucleoside base. The base (rewritten): C pairs with G and A pairs with
may be adenine (A), guanine (G), cytosine U (uracil).
(C), or thymine (T). 4. Transcription begins near a site on the
2. Deoxyribose and phosphate form long genome called a promoter. Here RNA
strands than wrap around a central core of polymerase separates the two strands,
bases, forming a double helix. Hydrogen forming a bubble in the DNA, and uses one
bonds that form between G-C and A-T pairs of them as a template. Polymerization
hold two strands together. proceeds in the 5’ to 3’ direction. It stops at
Reactions of DNA a place called the terminator. The transcript
is released, and the DNA bubble closes.
1. DNA enters into two kinds of reactions:
replication and gene expression. Gene Expression: Translation

Replication of DNA 1. Translation is the polymerization of amino

acids into a protein.
1. Replication is making a copy of a DNA 2. All three products of transcription
molecule from deoxyribonucleotides. participate in translation: mRNA carries the
2. Replication begins by breaking the A-T and information that determines the order of
G-C bonds within a short stretch of DNA, amino acids in the protein; rRNA is a
forming a bubble and exposing bases to component of ribosomes where translation
pair with nucleoside triphosphates. takes place; and tRNA does the actual
3. Each newly polymerized strand of DNA is translating. Each tRNA molecule has a site
complementary to and has bases that pair that binds to mRNA and a site that binds to
with the template (original strand). Each an amino acid.
new double helix is composed of one new 3. The nucleic acid-recognizing end of the
and one conserved strand. Thus, the molecule consists of an anticodon that pairs
process is called semiconservative with a codon on mRNA.
replication. 4. The specificity of codon-anticodon pairing
4. Replication begins at a genetically specified determines the sequence of amino acids in
point on the chromosome called the origin. a protein. The correspondence between
5. Replication forks travel simultaneously in codon and amino acid is called the genetic
opposite directions around the code. Any of the three nonsense codons
chromosome. When they meet at a point stops translation at the end of a gene.
called terminus, the two completed 5. As a ribosome moves down a molecule of
chromosomes separate. mRNA, it exposes successive codons in a
6. The replication forks contain the replication region called the A site. An amino acid-
apparatus. bearing tRNA molecule attaches at each
7. The two strands of a DNA double helix are codon, positioning the amino acid to be
antiparallel; one strand runs from a 3’ polymerized onto a peptide at the
carbon to a 5’ carbon and the other runs ribosome’s P site. Then the ribosome moves
from a 5’ to a 3’. Because DNA polymerase one codon down and the process repeats.
III can synthesize a continuous strand of
DNA in only one direction, there is Regulation of Gene Expression
continuous synthesis on the leading strand
1. Gene expression is usually regulated by
and discontinuous synthesis on the lagging
increasing or decreasing the rate of
transcription or translation.
Gene Expression: Transcription
Part 1 Principles of Microbiology
2. Inducible enzymes are produced only when 3. Most of a prokaryote’s genes are in its
their substate is abundant. Repressible chromosome. Some are in small circular
enzymes are produced only when their structures called plasmids. Most prokaryotes
product is scarce. Constitutive enzymes are have a single circular chromosome but a
always produced. few have more than one circular
3. Transcription is often regulated by chromosome and some have linear
regulatory proteins that bind to DNA and chromosomes. Plasmids are circular. A few
change its interaction with RNA polymerase. are linear. Plasmids encode nonessential
When fewer transcripts are made, less features. R factors are plasmids that encode
protein is made. resistance to antibiotics.
4. An operon is a set of genes that is regulated 4. Most eukaryotes do not have plasmids;
and transcribed together. The lac operon in most of their genome is in chromosome
Escherichia coli, which encodes the ability to pairs.
use lactose as a substrate, is regulated by a 5. The genotype is the genes that a cell
repressor. contains. The phenotype is the outward
5. Attenuation regulates transcription in expression of a cell’s genes.
bacteria by sensing relative rates of
transcription and translation. Regulation of
the histidine operon is an example. When 1. A base substitution mutation is a change in
the supply of histidine is adequate, a single pair of bases to a different pair. A
translation of the leader protein occurs deletion mutation is total removal of a
quickly. The small stretch of mRNA between segment of DNA. An inversion mutation is
RNA polymerase and the first ribosome form the inversion of a segment of DNA. A
an attenuator loop which prevents transposition mutation is the movement of a
transcription of the subsequent genes in the segment of DNA to a different position on
operon. When the supply of histidine is low, the genome. A duplication mutation is the
translation of the leader protein is slow. The addition of a new segment of DNA.
larger the stretch of mRNA forms an anti- 2. Every time the chromosome is replicated,
terminator loop that prevents formation of mistakes can occur and mutations result.
the attenuator loop. Transcription of The mutation rate is number of mutations
subsequent operon genes proceeds. per cell per generation.
6. Translation of mRNA encoding ribosomal 3. Spontaneous mutations are relatively rare
proteins is regulated by a protein with two but their impact is great. Induced mutations
functions. One is to be incorporated into a are caused by chemical, physical, or
ribosome. The second is to inhibit biological mutagens.
translation. When the supply of ribosomal 4. Chemical mutagens may change a
protein is just right, all the molecules are component of DNA or become incorporated
incorporated into ribosomes. When there is into the DNA. Physical mutagens may
too much free ribosomal protein, the second fragment the DNA backbone or cause
function is activated. mistakes in replication. Biological mutations
7. Catabolite repression is global regulation of are sequences of DNA that themselves
gene expression in response to the cause mutations by transposing.
availability of carbon. For example, 5. Many mutations do not change the cell’s
catabolite repression inhibits the lac operon phenotype. A missense mutation can be
if a better substrate than lactose is serious if the new amino acid that is
available. encoded is not similar to the old. A
8. Many responses of bacteria to nonsense mutation (one that changes a
environmental signals are mediated by two- codon to a nonsense codon and stops
component regulatory systems composed of translation) usually inactivates the gene
a sensor and a response regulator. product.
6. Lethal mutation result in destruction of an
Change in a Cell’s Genetic Information
essential gene product. An auxotroph has a
The Genome defect in a biosynthesis pathway that
confers an additional nutritional
1. The genome is the sum total of a cell’s requirement. Conditionally expressed
genetic information (DNA). mutations render a gene product
2. The genome can change by mutation or by nonfunctional only in certain environments.
genetic exchange.
Part 1 Principles of Microbiology
Selecting and Identifying Mutants recipient becomes F+ and is now capable of
transferring DNA to still another recipient.
1. To isolate a mutant strain by direct
6. Transduction is mediated by
selection, conditions are created that foster
bacteriophages. When a phage particle is
the growth of only the mutant strain.
assembled that contains the bacterial DNA,
2. In indirect selection (counterselection),
it can be introduced into a new cell causing
conditions are created to prevent the
genetic exchange.
growth of the desired mutant strain. Then
7. Specialized transduction occurs during
growing cells are killed.
infection by a temperate phage. A prophage
3. In the brute-strength technique, large
leaves the cell, and carries bacterial genes
numbers of cones are examined one by one
as well as phages genes. It injects them
to find the desired mutant strain. Replica
into a new bacterium.
plating is a simplified brute-strength
technique. Genetic Exchange among Eukaryotic
4. By site-directed mutagenesis a researcher Microorganisms
can introduce a particular mutation into a
1. Genetic exchange among microorganisms is
specific gene.
similar to genetic exchange in other
Uses of Mutant Strains eukaryotes (plants and animals). A diploid
cell undergoes meiosis; haploid gametes
1. The Ames test determines whether a
develop; they fuse to form a zygote or new
particular chemical is mutagenic and,
diploid cell.
therefore, potentially carcinogenic.
2. Baker’s yeast. Saccharomyces cerevisiae, is
Genetic Exchange among Bacteria a fungus that undergoes both asexual
(budding and mitosis) and sexual (meiosis)
1. Genetic exchange among bacteria is not an reproduction.
essential part of their life cycle. When it
occurs, only a portion of the genome of the Population Dynamics
donor cell transfers to the recipient cell. A
1. Mutagenic resistance to antibiotics can
merozygote is produced.
cause nosocomial (hospital-acquired)
2. A piece of transferred DNA must be
incorporated into a replicon (the
chromosome of a plasmid) before it is a
permanent part of the recipient cell’s
genome. Incorporation occurs by
recombination, or crossing over. A plasmid
transferred intact to a recipient cell does not
require recombination to become part of the
recipient cell’s genome.
3. Some bacteria are able to undergo natural
transformation. DNA leaves the donor cell.
Later it is taken up by the recipient cell and
incorporated into its genome.
4. In artificial transformation, the bacterial
cells are treated in the laboratory to make
them able to take up DNA from their
environment. Recombinant DNA technology
(genetic engineering) depends on artificial
5. Conjugation is genetic transfer carried out
by conjugative plasmids. The best-studied
conjugative plasmid is the F plasmid in
Escherichia coli. Conjugation begins when
an F+ cell encodes a sex pilus that attaches
to an F- cell. The F plasmid is nicked and
begins producing a single strand of plasmid
DNA that enters the recipient cell. The
Part 1 Principles of Microbiology

Chapter The Science of

1: 3. Bacteria and archaea are prokaryotes; they
lack internal membrane-bound structures.
Microbiology 4. Algae, fungi, and protozoa are eukaryotes;
their organelles are membrane-bound.
The Unseen World and Our World 5. Viruses are acellular.
1. Microorganisms are living things too small Bacteria
to be seen by the unaided eye.
2. Lister developed antisepsis, a technique for 1. Bacteria are prokaryotes.
preventing infection, by building on 2. Bacteria are extremely small, even for
established scientific fact, formulating a microorganisms.
hypothesis, and testing it with an 3. Bacteria vary in shape, motility, and how
experiment. This approach is the basis of they get energy. There are species that can
the scientific method. withstand freezing, boiling, and extreme
3. Microbiology is the study of microorganisms. acidity or alkalinity.
4. Some bacteria cause disease, but others
Microbes and Disease keep our environment in life-sustaining
1. Throughout history, pathogens (disease-
causing microorganisms) have had a Archaea
tremendous negative impact on human
affairs. Epidemic disease brought social and 1. Archaea were discovered as a separate
political chaos along with human suffering. group of microorganisms in the 1970s.
But only a small fraction of microorganisms 2. At first, they were called archaebacteria.
is pathogenic. 3. Being prokaryotes and small, they resemble
bacteria superficially, but they are as
Microbes and Life Today distantly related to bacteria as they are tp
1. The development of microbiology as a
4. Many but not all archaea live in extremely
science has allowed us to control microbes
hostile environments.
and use them for our benefit.
2. Medical microbiology focuses on preventing Algae
and treating infectious diseases.
3. Environment microbiology is the study of 1. Algae are eukaryotic organisms that carry
how microorganisms affect the earth and its out photosynthesis.
atmosphere. 2. Some algae are unicellular and microscopic.
4. Industrial microbiology deals with Others consist of so many cells they are
microorganism-dependent industries, such macroscopic.
as those producing food-stuffs, fermented 3. Algae are not important medically, but they
beverages, and pharmaceuticals. Industrial are critically important to global ecology.
microbiologists will increasingly apply Fungi
genetic engineering to solving medical,
environmental, and agricultural problems. 1. Fungi include mushrooms, yeasts, and
5. Research in agricultural microbiology has molds. Fungi are eukaryotic and
led to healthier livestock and more disease- nonphotosynthetic. Some are microscopic;
free crops. others are macroscopic.
2. A few fungi are pathogenic to humans, and
Careers in Microbiology many are pathogenic to plants, causing, for
1. Career opportunities in microbiology depend example, corn smut, wheat rust, and potato
on training as well as interest. blight.

The Scope of Microbiology
1. Protozoa are eukaryotic microorganisms
1. Microorganisms are usually divided into six
that are specifically animal-like,
subgroups: bacteria, archaea, algae, fungi,
nonphotosynthetic, and usually motile.
protozoa, and viruses.
2. Examples of protozoa are the amoebae,
2. Microbiology is a cohesive science because
flagellates, ciliates.
of its methodology and approach to
3. The study of protozoan (and helminth-
problems, not because of the relatedness of
caused) diseases is call parasitology.
the organisms it studies.
Part 1 Principles of Microbiology
Viruses experiments that allowed the free passage
of air but prevented the entry of
1. Viruses are particles of nucleic acid (either
RNA or DNA), usually enclosed in a protein
4. Pasteur’s experiments set the stage for
coat and sometimes surrounded by a
rapid progress of microbiology.
2. Viruses are obligate intracellular parasites. The Germs Theory of Disease
3. Viruses are extremely small, even compared
1. Robert Koch showed that microorganisms
to bacteria.
(germs) cause infectious diseases, and
4. Viruses can infect animals, plants, and
specific microorganisms cause specific
5. Prions are even smaller infectious agents
2. Koch developed four postulates that, if
than viruses. They are composed entirely of
fulfilled, provide absolute proof that a
protein. Their method of reproduction is not
particular microorganism causes a particular
completely understood.
Helminths 3. Koch also developed a technique using an
agar-solidified nutrient medium for
1. Helminths are macroscopic worms, but
obtaining pure cultures.
some go through microscopic stages in their
life cycle and cause parasitic diseases in Immunity
plants and animals, including humans.
1. Immunity is the body’s own ability to
2. The helminths important to health studies
combat infection. The idea of immunization
are flatworms and roundworms.
was based on the recognized fact that
A Brief History of Microbiology people who suffered once from certain
diseases did not get them again.
1. Once microbiology became an experimental 2. Edward Jenner used fluid from cowpox
science in the mid-1800s, a period of blisters provide protection against smallpox.
accelerating progress began. Inducing immunity for protection against
Leeuwenhoek’s Animalcules infectious diseases came to be known as
1. Antony van Leeuwenhoek, whose hobby 3. Pasteur developed vaccines for anthrax and
was making microscope, was the first to see rabies, using attenuated forms of the
microorganisms (in about 1674). He called disease-causing microorganism. D. E.
them animalcules. Salmon and Theobald Smith demonstrated
Hooke and the Cell Theory that killed microbial cells were also effective
as vaccines.
1. Robert Hooke’s observation that thin slices
of cork had a honeycomb of chambers, or Public Hygiene
cellulae, led to the formulation of the cell 1. Acceptance of the germ theory advanced
theory: the cell is the basic unit of the idea of public hygiene, promoting
organization for all living things. cleanliness and reducing exposure to
Spontaneous Generation disease, which saved even more lives than
immunization did.
1. In 1665 Francesco Redi’s experiment with 2. Concern for public hygiene led to clean
covered and uncovered meat jars proved drinking water, improvements in food
that maggots do not generate preservation, and hand washing in hospitals
spontaneously. and for personal hygiene.
2. Many scientists were convinced by John
Needham’s 1745 experiment that Microbiology Today
spontaneous generation of microorganisms 1. Advances in twentieth-century microbiology
did occur. They said that Lazzaro have been striking in the areas of
Spallanzani’s experiment with sealed flasks chemotherapy, immunology, virology, and
proved only that microorganisms needed air genetic engineering.
for spontaneous generation.
3. In 1859 Louis Pasteur finally disproved Chemotherapy
spontaneous generation. Using special
1. Chemotherapy is the treatment of disease
swan-necked flasks, he performed
with chemicals called drugs.
Part 1 Principles of Microbiology
2. Paul Ehrlich articulated the guiding principle
of chemotherapy, selective toxicity: to be
effective against infection, a drug must kill
or inhibit the infecting microorganism
without damaging the host.
3. The first major class of drugs to gain
widespread clinical use was the sulfa drugs,
which are synthetic chemicals.
4. Antibiotics are natural chemotherapeutic
agents produced by microorganisms.
Penicillin, the first medically useful
antibiotic, was discovered in 1929 by
Alexander Fleming.


1. Immunology studies the immune system,

which provides us protection against


1. Virology, the study of viruses, began in

1892 when Dmitri Iwanowski discovered the
tobacco mosaic virus. Viruses couldn’t be
seen until the electron microscope was

Genetic Engineering

1. Genetic engineering (recombinant DNA

technology) is a group of techniques for
manipulating DNA outside the organism
from which it was obtained and introducing
it into another cell where it will exert its
2. Escherichia coli is most often used as the
new host for manipulated DNA.
3. Microorganisms lend themselves to
experimentation because (1) the
metabolism and genetics of
microorganisms, particularly bacteria, are
remarkably similar to those of plants and
animals, and (2) microorganisms are easy
to culture and multiply rapidly so that
enormous numbers can be studied in short

The Future

1. Genetic engineering and bioremediation,

using microorganisms to clean up toxic
chemicals added to the environment,
promise to be areas where rapid progress
will be made.
Part 1 Principles of Microbiology

Chapter 2: Basic Chemistry 3. A covalent bond is formed when atoms

share electrons. Covalent bonds are
The Basic Building Blocks extremely stable.
4. Covalent bonds form nonpolar molecules
1. Matter is composed of small particles called (shared electrons are equally spaced) or
atoms. Atoms are composed of protons, polar molecules (shared electrons are not
neutrons, and electrons. equally spaced). Polar molecules, such as
2. Protons carry a positive charge, and water, have a negative and positive pole.
electrons carry a negative charge. Neutrons 5. Ionic bonds are formed by the attraction
have no charge. between oppositely charged ions or
molecules. Ionic bonds are not as strong as
covalent bonds.
1. All atoms have the same basic structure. A 6. Hydrogen bonds form when hydrogen
cloud of electrons orbits a nucleus of atoms are shared between two molecules or
densely packed neutrons and protons. between different parts of the same
Electrons orbit at energy levels, called molecule. Hydrogen bonds are weak.
shells. 7. A chemical reaction occurs when reactants
2. The atomic number of an atom is the are transformed into different combinations
number of protons it contains. The atomic of the same atoms or molecules; these new
weight of an atom is close to the number combinations are called products.
protons and neutrons it contains. 8. The rate of a chemical reaction is influenced
3. Atoms with the same atomic number but by the energy state of the reactants, the
with different atomic weights are called concentrations of reacting molecules, and
isotopes. temperature.
9. Catalysts increase the rate of reaction by
decreasing the activation energy barrier. A
1. Matter composed of only one kind of atom catalyst is not altered by the reaction it
is called an element. The most abundant brings out.
elements in living organisms are carbon, 10. Catalysts in living things are called enzymes.
hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, phosphorus,
and sulfur.
1. Water is essential for life.
Special Properties of Water
1. A molecule consists of two or more atoms,
of the same or different elements, joined by 1. Water’s capacity to form hydrogen bonds
chemical bonds. A compound is composed gives it a relatively high boiling point and
of molecules containing more than one type relatively low freezing point, stabilizes
of atom. temperature inside cells, makes water
2. A molecular formula tells which atoms and cohesive, and makes ice less dense than
how many of each kind form a particular water. Together these properties make life
molecule. possible.
3. Avogradro’s number (6.02 × 10 23) of any
Water as a Solvent
type of molecule is called a mole of that
substance. A mole is the molecular weight 1. Water’s polarity makes it an excellent
of the substance in grams. solvent. Compounds that dissolve in water
are hydrophilic and those that do not are
Chemical Bonds and Reactions
1. Chemical bonds form if the resultant 2. Colloids are tiny solid particles that create
molecule will be at a lower energy state and turbid liquids. Come colloidal dispersions
therefore more stable than the original that become concentrated or cooled form
configuration. Energy is released when a gels.
chemical bond forms. Energy is required to
Hydrogen and Hydroxide Ions
break a chemical bond.
2. Valence electrons determine an atom’s 1. Almost every chemical reaction that occurs
capacity to form chemical bonds. in living things involves the participation of
either hydrogen or hydroxide ions.
Part 1 Principles of Microbiology
2. Water ionizes (dissociates) into an equal extremes of temperature, pH, or osmotic
number of positively charged hydrogen ions strength.
and negatively charged hydroxide ions.
Nucleic Acids
3. Solutes that increase the concentration of
hydrogen ions are acids. Solutes that 1. The two kinds of nucleic acid molecules are
increase the concentration of hydroxide ions deoxyri
are bases.
4. Salts dissociate into anions and cations but
not hydrogen or hydroxide ions.
5. The pH scale (logarithmic with base 10)
describes how acidic or basic a solution is
by assigning it a number from 0 to 14.
6. Buffers are weak acids or weak bases that
stabilize the pH of a solution.

Organic Molecules
1. Biochemistry is the study of carbon-
containing molecules made by organisms.
2. A carbon atom can form 4 covalent bonds
with other atoms. Carbon atoms bind with
other carbon atoms to form the molecular
backbone of biochemicals.
3. In an organic compound, atoms other than
carbon and hydrogen are joined in patterns
called functional groups, which give a
compound its characteristic properties and
determine which other compounds it will
react with.

1. Macromolecules are large molecules formed
through polymerization, a process that
removes added chemical groups from
monomers, the building blocks of
2. In the opposite process, called hydrolysis,
macromolecules are broken down into
monomers to obtain nutrients or build a
new cell structure.


1. Proteins function as enzymes, as

components of cell structures, in membrane
transport, and in cell movement.
2. The building blocks of proteins are amino
acids, which are joined by peptide bonds.
3. The primary structure of a protein is its
specific order of amino acids. The secondary
structure is determined by hydrogen bonds
that arrange amino acids into an alpha helix
or a beta sheet. The tertiary structure is
determined by interactions among R
groups. Quaternary structure is the way the
different chains fit together.
4. Denaturation is the destruction of a
protein’s three-dimensional structure by

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