Master Oral Question Bank-1

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1) When carrying out closed-cycle tank cleaning slop to slop, why does the port slop tank

tend to overflow, setting off the high-high level alarm ?

2) A manual valve of any size on any line is opened and left open. There are no indicators to
see if it is open. Some time later, an officer comes by to check if the valve is open or shut.
How can you make absolutely sure that it is very easy to check the valve position ?

3) What is the importance of knowing the co-ordinates of the vertex in a Great Circle track?

4) How is vapour contamination prevented on board a product tanker ?

5) How are hydrocarbon gases, on a Crude oil Tanker, prevented from going back to the
Engine room spaces, if the Inert Gas Deck Seal, the non-return flap and the deck isolation
valve fail ?

6) Certificate as per solas?

7) Certificate A & B?

8) To which ships Load line r not applicable?

9) Stoaways on board after 48 Hrs of departure?

10) One vessel on fire, what will u do?

11) Unseaworthy ship as per MSA?

12) Bulk carrier loaded in 1 port (partly loaded) and sailed to other port for complete
loading, hold No. 2 is batten down as cargo is completed loading in previous port. During
loading C/O approached to u and said smoke is coming out of Hold No. 2 , Action as

13) Hold No. 2 opened half cargo damaged, action as master?

14) Vsl partly loaded 30% go for dry dock?

15) Vsl aground action to refloat?

16) BC code?

17) Difference between time charter and voyage charter?

18) RV situation hearing fog signal from ahead action?

19) CBD vsl on stbd beam and one PD vel ahead 2 Miles action?

20) Quote rule -12?

21) What is IMO resolution A 852

22) MSA contents?

23) ch IX solas explain reg 6?

24) Verification and control ??

25) What doc u get upon reflotation after grounding?

26) Certificate upon yard delivery?

27) Loadline A & B vsl?

28) Does a fully loaded VLCC, on even keel, at full sea speed, squat by the head or by
the stern ?

29) What is meant by minimum crude oil washing programme as per MARPOL?

30) Why is CO2 used to inflate life-rafts?

31) ROR questions:

32) Restricted visibility. A vessel right astern, 2 miles, sound intensity increasing, radar
operational. Action. Lot of cross questioning. He also send me out for five minutes to check
rule 19 properly. As per him, you are free to move to port or stbd. Do not mix up
maneuvering signals and restricted visibility sound signals.

33) ROR questions:

34) Two red and one white light in vertical line. What all possibilities? Vessel NUC
making way seen from astern. Vessel aground less than 50m in length. How will you
differentiate between nuc and aground vessel by sight (no sound signals or lights or

35) ROR questions:

36) Crossing situation, risk of collision, 4 – 5 miles, own ship stand on, give way vessel
not taking action. Lot of positive cross-questioning, not to harass but to test your
knowledge. Do not forget five short and rapid blasts before taking action as per rule17. No
need to reduce speed in this case if you are sure of close quarter situation. Alter course to
stbd. if sufficient sea room, let her pass and turn around and come back on original
course. Sound signal before taking action.

37) Duties of the Master at sea ?

38) Obligation of the Master in case of collision and distress ?

39) Tell me about sms manual onboard your ship and how a master can ensure strict

40) What are latest solas/maprol amendments. Where did you found all that?

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