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Dena Eka Pujiwisanti Putri

Both tigers and lions like to live near water, it's essential that they can get a
drink whenever they need one. Despite this, tigers vastly prefer rainforests and wet
grasslands, whereas Lions are much more likely to populate dry, barres habitats.
Tigers tend to live predominantly in the vast jungles of Asia, whereas the majority
of lions live in the dry heat of central Africa. In fact, tigers are extremely sensitive
to heat, and try to avoid direct sunlight whenever possible. One huge difference
between the two is that Lions live in prides (packs of lions) and work together to
kill their prey. In contrast, tigers are extremely solitary animals, far preferring to
live and hunt on their own. Tigers hunt for their own prey in the jungle, and then
eat their catch alone. Therefore, one can say that lions are definitely more sociable
than tigers.

The physical characteristics also differ between lions and tigers. Tigers are
longer than lions, more muscular, and generally heavier in weight, although lions
are taller than tigers. Tigers have stronger, tougher legs, and are much more active
and agile when compared to lions. By nature, tigers are considered to be more
aggressive and highly active. In contrast, male lions are even thought to be lazy in
a way, and will not do anything unless they really have to! Tigers are the more
dominant big cat when lions and tigers are compare in several cases where their
genes have been mixed, the genes of the tiger have proven to be more prominent
than the lion's genes. The primary difference of these carnivores is their physical
features. A lion is known for its mane with colors varying from blond to
black. With its strong jaw and long canine teeth, lions have a variation of fur color
from yellow or red to dark brown. On the other hand, tigers are known for their
unique set of stripes similar to human fingerprints, meaning none are the same.
Their stripes are mostly black on their orange fur, while others have tan stripes on
their black or white fur.
In the wild, lions live for approximately 12–18 years, while in captivity they
can live over 24 years, and The life span of tigers in the wild is thought to be about
10 - 12 years. Tigers in zoos live up to 25 years or more, but not by much.

To conclude, lions and tigers have many differences. Clearly this can be
seen from habitats, physical characteristics, and life span are all taken into
consideration. While both of these are often lumped together, rightly so, as
Panthera genus, which form part of the feline family, it is important to realize that
these small but significant differences make lions and tigers truly unique and
definitely fascinating to study.
Compare and Contrast Essay: SAMPLE OUTLINE


Subject #1 Subject #2

Lions Tigers


lions and tigers have many differences. Clearly this can be seen from habitats,
physical characteristics, and life span are all taken into consideration. While
both of these are often lumped together, rightly so, as Panthera genus, which
form part of the feline family, it is important to realize that these small but
significant differences make lions and tigers truly unique and definitely
fascinating to study.


Similarities between Lions and Tigers

- Both tigers and lions like to live near water, it's essential that they can
get a drink whenever they need one
Differences between Lions and Tigers
- Despite this, tigers vastly prefer rainforests and wet grasslands, whereas
Lions are much more likely to populate dry, barres habitats
- Tigers tend to live predominantly in the vast jungles of Asia, whereas
the majority of lions live in the dry heat of central Africa
- One huge difference between the two is that Lions live in prides (packs
of lions) and work together to kill their prey. In contrast, tigers are
extremely solitary animals, far preferring to live and hunt on their own

POINT #2: PHYSICAL characteristics

Similarities between Lions and Tigers

Differences between Lions and Tigers
- Tigers are longer than lions, more muscular, and generally heavier in
weight, although lions are taller than tigers. Tigers have stronger,
tougher legs, and are much more active and agile when compared to
- In contrast, male lions are even thought to be lazy in a way, and will not
do anything unless they really have to! Tigers are the more dominant
big cat when lions and tigers are compare in several cases where their
genes have been mixed
- On the other hand, tigers are known for their unique set of stripes
similar to human fingerprints, meaning none are the same
- Their stripes are mostly black on their orange fur, while others have tan
stripes on their black or white fur.


Similarities between Lions and Tigers

Differences between Singapore and Trinidad
- while in captivity they can live over 24 years, and The life span of tigers
in the wild is thought to be about 10 - 12 years. Tigers in zoos live up to
25 years or more, but not by much.

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