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Titania Erza:

LIMASAWA- ruled by RAJAH KULAMBU; Magellan befriended the rajah and his brother SI AGU
BANKAW- datu of Limasawa
FIRST BLOOD COMPACT: they sealed their friendship with a blood compact
MARCH 31, 1521- first mass in the Philippines, the priest is FATHER PEDRO DE VALDERRAMA
ARCHIPELAGO OF ST. LAZARUS- the island where the first mass happen
STRAIT- narrow passage of water


RAJAH HUMABON- Chieftain of Cebu
APRIL 15, 1521- Mass was celebrated in Cebu
- 800 natives became Christian that day
CARLOS- the Christian name of Rajah Humabon, in honor of King Charles of Spain
JUANA- Christian name of Humabon’s wife, in honor of King Charles mother
IMAGE OF INFANT JESUS(now the Patron of Cebu)- gift of Magellan to Juana

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