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1. To describe par/cle (ma3er) mo/on in waves

Waves are sent along two long springs X and Y as shown. How should the wave
motions in X and Y be described?

spring X spring Y
A longitudinal longitudinal
B longitudinal transverse
C transverse longitudinal
D transverse transverse

2. To calculate the frequency of wave

The diagram shows how displacement varies with time as a wave passes a
fixed point. What is the frequency of this wave?

A 0.25 Hz B 0.50 Hz C 1.0 Hz D 2.0 Hz

3. To use the equation wave speed=frequency x wavelength

The dipper in a ripple tank vibrates at a frequency of 4.0 Hz and the resulting wave
pattern is photographed. The distance between the two crests shown is 20 cm.
What is the speed of the wave?

A 4 cm / s B 5 cm / s C 16 cm / s D 20 cm / s


4. To calculate the speed of water wave (using wave graph)

The diagram shows how displacement varies with time as a wave passes a
fixed point. What is the speed of this wave?

10 cm

A 0.025 m/s B 0.05 m/s C 1.0 m/s D 0.2 m/s

5. determine wavelength in waves

The diagrams show different views of a water wave in a ripple tank.

Which letters represent a wavelength and a wavefront?

wavelength wavefront

6. determine number of wave in one second

What is the frequency of a wave with a time period of 0.08 s?

8 Hz

1.25 Hz
Frequency = 1/ T
12.5 Hz

7. to identify what will happen when water waves moves to different depth.

The diagram shows the refraction of water waves as they cross a boundary in a ripple
tank. What causes this refraction?
A a change in frequency due to a change in depth
B a change in frequency due to a change in wavelength
C a change in speed due to a change in depth
D a change in speed due to a change in frequency

8. To describe waves that undergo reflection, refraction, and diffraction

In an experiment using a ripple tank, plane wavefronts arrive at a plane surface.

Which of the following correctly describes the waves after they are reflected from the

[May-2006] /

speed of wavelengt
waves hλ
A faster shorter
B slower longer
C slower shorter
D the same the same
9. diagram represent a wave that changes speed

The diagram shows the refraction of water waves in a ripple tank. The water is
shallower above the glass sheet.
When crossing into the shallower region, what is the effect on the frequency and on the
speed of the waves?

wave frequency wave speed

A changes changes
B changes unchanged
C unchanged changes
D unchanged unchanged


10. understand the medium in which sound can travel.

Astronauts in space need to communicate with each other by radio links because

A- The sound waves are distorted in space. B- Some sounds are absorbed by the space
suits. C- Sound waves travel very slow in space. D-Sound waves cannot travel in
11. To describe an experiment to determine the speed of sound form the repeated

A girl, standing 150 m in front of tall building, fires a shot using a starting pistol. A boy,
standing 350 m from the girl, hears two bangs 1 s apart.

From this information, what is the speed of sound in air?

A - 300 m / s B - 350 m / s C - 500 m / s D - 650 m / s [May-2007]

12. To calculate the wavelength of the wave

What is the wavelength of a sound wave that has speed of

1500 m/ s and 500 Hz of frequency?

Wavelegth = speed/ / frequency

speed= f x W
30 m


1,5 m

11 ~ 13 To describe an experiment to determine the speed of sound from the clif

14. To determine the frequency from the trace of the wave

The trace give for 1 second. Find the frequency

15. Relate the loudness and pitch of sound waves to amplitude and frequency

The diagrams show oscilloscope traces of sounds picked up by microphones. The

controls are set in the same position for all the traces. Which trace shows the sound that
is both loud and low-pitched? AA [Nov-2006]

16. State typical values of the speed of sound in gases, liquids and solids

Give in order the states of matter according the sound travel fastest

17. Recall and use the law angle of incidence = angle of reflection

An image is formed in a plane mirror.

Which statement must be correct?

angles distances
A w=y dO = dI
B w=z dO is greater
than dI
C x=y dO = dI
D x=z dO is greater
than dI

18,19,20 . Describe the forma/on of an op/cal image by a plane mirror, and give its characteris/cs

The diagram shows two divergent rays of light from an object O being reflected from
a plane
mirror. At which position will the image be formed?
21.To calculate the magnification of image formed in a convex lens


An object is placed 60 cm in front of a convex lens whose focal length is 20 cm

What is the magnification of the image produced?

Od = 60 cm
f= 20 cm
Id= ?

1/object distance (od) + 1/ image distance (id) = 1/ focal length (f)

1/ 60 + 1/ id = 1/20
1/60- 1/20 = - 1/id

id = 30 cm

magnification = - id/ od
M = -30/60 = -0.5
22. To recall the characteristics of image produced in lenses

The human eye has a converging lens system that produces an image at the back of the
eye. If the eye views a distant object, which type of image is produced?

23. Show understanding of the terms real image and virtual image

A student starts to draw a ray diagram for an object at O, near a thin convex lens, but
is not sure
whether the image is formed at X or at F.

The correctly drawn image is

A real and formed at F. B real and formed at X.
C virtual and formed at F. D virtual and formed at X. [May-2004]
24. Understand the terms principal focus and focal length

An object is placed at the focal point.

What is the focal length of the lens?

A 2.0cm B 3.0cm C 4.0cm D 6.0cm [May-2008]

29. To use the equaFon of Snells Law to find the angle of refracFon

A ray of light strikes the surface of a glass block at an angle of incidence of 45°. The
refractive index of the glass is 1.5. What is the angle of refraction inside the block?
A 28° B 30° C 45° D 67° [Nov-2010]

n1 x Sin1 = n2 x Sin 2

n1 (air) ~ 1
sin45= 0.707
n2= 1.5

Sin2 =?
Sin2 = 1x 0.707/ 1.5
= 0.471 = 28 degree

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