KFC Company: (Modern Manner)

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(Modern Manner)

Student names

Nguyễn Xuân Thiện Phát: IEC19PL038

Trần Xuân Trọng: IEC20PL027

Đặng Dương Hoàng Thơ: IEC19PL007

Trần Đại Nghĩa: IEC19PL054

Lê Hoàng Thoại: IEC19PL026

Instructor: MS Vo Thi Nga

Submission date: July 4th, 2020


Table of Contents


1. Introduction about KFC.......................................................................................................4

1.2 Introduce about KFC in Viet Nam......................................................................................5

1.3 Objective................................................................................................................................7

II. KFC’s Good Practices and Values of KFC..................................................................................7

2.1 KFC’s Good Practices.........................................................................................................7

2.2 Values of KFC.....................................................................................................................10

III. What have you learned from KFC.............................................................................................12

3.1 Uniformity of product quality...........................................................................................12

3.2 Production technology know-how is maintained.............................................................12

3.3 Focus on customer health..................................................................................................13

3.4 Understanding the taste - strict requirements on ingredients of local dishes................14

3.5 Multi-tasking and handling fast-paced environments.....................................................15

3.6 Understand the importance of good management...........................................................15

3.7 Foreign languages training................................................................................................16

IV. How could we lead KFC to good manner in the future............................................................17

4.1 In terms of personnel and employees...............................................................................17

4.2 Change the menu towards healthy and ensure food hygiene and safety........................26

V. What need to be improved...........................................................................................................31

5.1 Staff attitude......................................................................................................................31

5.2 The quality of their foods.................................................................................................33

5.3 The delivery service..........................................................................................................33

VI. Conclusion...................................................................................................................................35

VII. References..................................................................................................................................36

Table of figures

Figure 1: Logo KFC( KFC Viet Nam)....................................................................................4

Figure 2: Customers at a KFC store in HCMC, 2019(KFC Viet Nam)..............................5
Figure 3: Supporting Employees (employee rights)............................................................10
Figure 4 : KFC Viet Nam Uniform( KFC Viet Nam).........................................................12
Figure 5 : Special ingredients of KFC chickens( KFC Viet Nam).....................................13
Figure 6: Focus on customer health( KFC Viet Nam)........................................................14
Figure 7: : Spicy fried chicken in Viet Nam( KFC Viet Nam)...........................................14
Figure 8 : Multi-tasking and handling fast-paced environments( KFC Viet Nam).........15
Figure 9 : KFC management( KFC Viet Nam)...................................................................16
Figure 10: Foreign languages can get more profit( KFC Viet Nam).................................17
Figure 11: Interview, 2020.....................................................................................................19
Figure 12: Recognition staff..................................................................................................20
Figure 13: Nice work environment.......................................................................................21
Figure 14: Understanding employees...................................................................................23
Figure 15: Investment in staffs..............................................................................................24
Figure 16: Right for employees.............................................................................................25
Figure 17: Healthy menu.......................................................................................................27
Figure 18: 3D printed beef....................................................................................................29
Figure 19: 3d printed meat....................................................................................................30
Figure 20: Staff attitude (KFC Viet Nam, 2019).................................................................32
Figure 21: Unknow object in KFC fried chicken................................................................33
Figure 22: KFC delivery service (KFC Viet Nam)..............................................................34

I. Introduction
1.1 Introduction about KFC

KFC Corporation, headquartered in Louisville, Kentucky, is the world's most famous chicken
restaurant chain, specializing in Original Recipe, Extra Crispy, Kentucky Grilled Chicken and
Original Recipe. Every day, more than 12 million customers are served at KFC restaurants in
109 countries and regions around the world. KFC operates more than 5,200 restaurants in the
United States and more than 15,000 units worldwide. KFC is world famous for its Original
Recipe fried chicken - created by the same secret blend of 11 different herbs and spices
perfected by Colonel Harland Sanders more than half a century ago. Customers around the
globe can also enjoy over 300 different products - from Kentucky Grilled.

Figure 1: Logo KFC( KFC Viet Nam)

Chicken in the United States to a salmon sandwich in Japan. KFC is part of Yum! Brands,
Inc., the largest company in the restaurant business with more than 36,000 branches
worldwide. This company is ranked 239th in the Fortune 500 list, with over 11 billion USD
in revenue in 2008.

1.2 Introduce about KFC in Viet Nam


KFC is known in Vietnam by another familiar name that is Kentucky Fried Chicken - a
professional fast food restaurant chain, serving dishes made from chicken, burgers and the
most famous dish is Kentucky Fried Chicken invented by goodwill Colonel Harland Sanders.
After a series of successes of the chain of fast-food restaurants with the KFC brand (over
10,000 restaurants have been developed worldwide), in Vietnam KFC entered the market for
the first time in December 1997 at the Saigon Super Bowl commercial center. Now, this fast-
food restaurant system is present in almost every street of Vietnam. Besides in the
Vietnamese market, new dishes such as: Big'n Juicy Chicken, Boneless Crispy Chicken, KFC
Chicken Rice, Mixed Cabbage are also added to the menu alongside traditional dishes such as
fried chicken and Burger to suitable for Vietnamese taste. In addition, there are also a number
of different dishes: Shrimp Burger, Lipton, Egg Tart... making the menu in Vietnam
extremely rich. With 140 restaurants, present in more than 19 major cities/provinces around
the world. nationwide, employing more than 3,000 employees are the impressive numbers of
KFC in our country during the past 20 years.

Figure 2: Customers at a KFC store in HCMC, 2019(KFC Viet Nam)

The first restaurant development milestones in the provinces:

• May 12/1997 - HCM City market penetration strategy of KFC Vietnam

• June 2006 - Hanoi


• August 2006 - Hai Phong & Can Tho

• July 2007 - Dong Nai - Bien Hoa

• January 2008 - Vung Tau

• May 2008 - Hue

• December 2008 - Buon Ma Thuot

• November 2009 - Da Nang

• April 2010 - Binh Duong

• November 2010 - Vinh City, Nghe An

• May 2011 - Nha Trang City - Khanh Hoa

• June 2011 - Long Xuyen - An Giang

• August 2011 - Quy Nhon and Rach Gia

• September 2011 - Phan Thiet

• December 2011 - Hai Duong

Thus, in 1998, KFC was present in Ho Chi Minh City, but it was not until 2006 that KFC
developed its chain of stores to Hanoi. KFC did not massively develop a system of stores, but
with the aim of long-term development in the Vietnamese market, KFC carried out a steady

I.3 Objective

The goal of our article is to confirm that behavioral and human factors are extremely
important. In which the staff must know and master to serve the guests in the best way as
well as the quality of the food and it requires the right view and perception from the
restaurant or business managers. They have to turn that awareness into concrete action and
have to make their subordinates aware of the problem as well. At the same time, it must also
create for guests comfort and quality of food to attract customers. From there, it helps us to
learn corporate culture, business and behavior culture towards customers and apply it to
future work.

II. KFC’s Good Practices and Values of KFC

2.1 KFC’s Good Practices

KFC because the world’s most famous chicken fast-food chain has uncountable employees
working for them. Basically, the workers are representative of KFC as they work
immediately with the purchasers. Thus, as their employees produce goods (prepare foods),
provide services (serve the walk-in customers in KFC restaurant) to the shoppers daily, good
practices to coach professional staff, and the way they treating their employees may be a must
to KFC so as to constitute the essential outputs of the corporate.

Figure 3: Staff always serve customers wholeheartedly (KFC Viet Nam)

This is the organizational model of KFC Ly Thai To acording to

The organizational structure of the management apparatus of KFC Ly Thai To, Ho Chi Minh
City Restaurant is built according to the model of an online structure in a straight line with no
overlap between stages and parts. Each department has different functions and duties, but still
has a close relationship with each other and aims to serve customers.

 Branch managers: is the person who has the highest authority in the restaurant and
manages the restaurant in all aspects of work, ensuring the correct functions of the
restaurant. At the same time, is responsible before the law for all business activities of the
 Shift management: As the person who executes the work plan set out by the store
manager, manages his shift Checking the ingredients, food, preparation, and processing of
dishes before customers come to solve the complaints of the guest. Periodically evaluate
the work of subordinate employees, and recommend rewards and punishments to the store
manager. Perform other tasks assigned by superiors. In charge of processing areas, raw
material warehouse, in charge of staff, and have 3 shift managers in a working day, there
will be a direct manager who arranges a weekday schedule for employees.
 Cashier: As the person who receives orders from customers when they enter the
restaurant handles requests when customers order more, and solves problems in the
process of packing for customers. This is the department that is responsible for the cashier
every day and leans over to the shift manager when their working hours are over. Cashier
will stand on the 1st and 2nd floors in the restaurant:
 1st floor: Cashier will receive customers' orders, guide customers to take receipts to
the 2nd floor to receive items.
 2nd floor: Cashier will return the items to the customer and wish them a good meal.
 Supplier: This is the department that provides cashier items to pay customers, is the
department that directly makes the burgers and snacks, and is also the department that
receives the items above the cooks move down through the elevator and record the holing
time for the products. product of the day. This unit is only available on the 2nd floor next
to the cashier unit but on the inside through the upright cabinet. Make cashier items for
cashier to pay for customers.
 Lobby Department: This is the desk department, also contacting and solving customer
questions about food and drinks and can help customers order more food. This is the
department responsible for cleaning the dining area, stairs, hallways and toilets, and
preparing dips for guests when the shift starts. This department is divided into 4 floors:
 Floor 1: The receptionist will greet guests, can help guests choose clothes and clean
the first floor.
 2nd floor: Guide customers to line up properly, prepare and check utensils: light
bulbs, tables and chairs, ketchup, chili sauce, paper towels... and clean the entire

dining area, corridor, bridge elevator and when dirty will move into the elevator move
up to cooks.
 3rd floor: The staff make the cuffs like the 2nd floor, but there is a toilet on the 3rd
floor, so the staff assigned to this floor will have to check (check) regularly to not be
clogged, dirty or have any problems.
 4th floor: Staff also do the same work as 2nd and 3rd floors, but there is no toilet on
the 4th floor, so there is no elevator, so you will have to switch directly into the cooks.
 Cooks Division: The key place in the restaurant is located on the top floor of the
restaurant. This is the department that directly fried chicken and processed the food and
then transferred to supply, this is also the place to receive dishes for washing (dishwasher
is located on the floor. At the same time, this is also the department responsible for
storage. cold foods and factory cleaning.

Thanks to the systematic operation, KFC usually does not have many difficulties in operating
the restaurant.

From the very beginning, KFC knew how to grasp the needs of customers. In the past, Asian
consumers always valued family meals, so they rarely ate out, but if they did, they only ate on
the roadside. However, KFC has seen that the increasingly hectic pace of life will give
consumers less time to have meals in the family and they have launched a fast food business
to meet that busyness and they were successful.

Ability to grasp needs, meet customers:

Consumers are accustomed to dining at roadside eateries, particularly the large grilled
chicken meals. However, a sequence of circumstances compelled me to modify my eating
habits. The first is the government's effort to clean up the roadbed, which has limited the
operation areas of roadside restaurants. Furthermore, the long-term spread of avian flu causes
customers to be more cautious. The KFC chicken brand emerged as an apparent choice at this
time. The added values for the product, such as assured sanitation and clean chicken, have
substantially aided KFC's expansion.

In addition to those sporadic benefits, KFC has added three core values for its goods after
noticing that people's lives have improved. Their problem is now "eating well and wearing
beautiful clothing," which is why KFC has created three core values for its products:
"Delicious, Cheap, and Convenient". The spicy or classic chicken flavor, it must be
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conceded, is enough to influence even the foremost discerning client. When people think
about KFC, they think about spicy or conventional chicken. That becomes the product's
strongest aspect. All wholeheartedly for purchasers.

2.2 Values of KFC

In reality, KFC includes a chicken secret formula that only some top executives

are responsive to. They split the components into two or three distinct sections when mixing
them, so as to guard the recipe's secrecy. this is often a challenging job, and if you do not roll
in the hay well, you risk exposing this secret recipe. With its capacity, KFC has not only
created for itself many advantages from production and processing activities but also the
know-how on dishes.

2.2.1 Protect Employee’s Health and Safety

Figure 3: Supporting Employees (employee rights)

Every year, over 5000 workers are killed and over 3,000,000 are seriously injured worldwide
as a result of workplace accidents. Workplace hazards, which include not only obvious
categories such as mechanical harm or burns, but also severe heat and cold, skin irritants, and
noisy machinery, are always the leading causes of worker injury. Every day in the kitchen of
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a KFC restaurant, workers are confronted with deep-frying equipment, a scorching oven, a
cutting machine, and poor air conditioning. KFC should follow the regulations, and this
action is moral. When their employees feel safe in their workplace, the firm will have a good
reputation though. Provides Job Satisfaction, as Working Condition.

2.2.2 Provides Job Satisfaction

KFC's culture is to recognize and reward all efforts of employees. KFC invests in its
employees because they believe that a wholehearted customer attitude that comes from each
employee will bring success to the company. KFC is committed to creating a good and
challenging working environment. KFC always offers wide promotion opportunities,
commensurate with the ability of each employee. Discovering and fostering talents right from
the start-up steps is their pride. KFC is always fair, publicly evaluating, and rewarding. As a
restaurant employee, the career path is really wide open in front of them, when KFC always
believes that everyone is a talent and they decide to support to arouse, exploit and promote
that potential. Together with the goal of serving customers the best, bringing joy and comfort
to diners, KFC employees and operators are even more attached and closer to each other.

III. What have you learned from KFC

3.1 Uniformity of product quality

All KFC stores sell the same products and achieve similar quality, which is the result of
standardization of the process and attention to detail. The transferee agrees to operate their
restaurant according to KFC's standards of quality, service, hygiene and value. For example
KFC regularly checks the quality of the franchisor's output, if standards are not maintained;
they may have their license revoked. Therefore, KFC always ensures the prestige and trust of
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Figure 4 : KFC Viet Nam Uniform( KFC Viet Nam)

3.2 Production technology know-how is maintained

KFC's products must comply with the strict production technology process that has been
regulated. KFC products in Vietnam are processed according to common standards around
the world, that's why diners always feel secure when using KFC products.
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Figure 5 : Special ingredients of KFC chickens( KFC Viet Nam)

3.3 Focus on customer health

KFC not only focuses on developing new product lines, changing products to catch up with
consumers' tastes, but also pays special attention to customers' health. Therefore, consumers
can feel more secure when using KFC products, especially among teenagers today, when
obesity is increasing markedly. For example the important evidence is that in 2007, KFC
changed the low-fat chicken frying oil in 5500 KFC stores worldwide including Vietnam.
This is the soybean oil used instead of vegetable oil, which the company claims affects
cardiovascular disease.
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Figure 6: Focus on customer health( KFC Viet Nam)

3.4 Understanding the taste - strict requirements on ingredients of local


KFC also has changes to suit the taste of

consumers in each market. For example, in Asia,
some countries are very spicy and can't even
accept KFC's sweet industrial chili sauce. In
Vietnam, KFC investigated the characteristics of
Vietnamese people's food taste, which is to eat
crispy and chewy dishes to drink with wine, beer,
soup and salty dishes such as braised, rim to eat
with rice. In terms of taste, we use many typical
spices such as chili, garlic, ginger, galangal,

Figure 7: : Spicy fried chicken in Viet

Nam( KFC Viet Nam)
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batch, shrimp paste, and so on, to increase the taste of the product. In terms of color, in
addition to using the natural color of the raw materials, food coloring agents are also used to
increase the color of the product, creating attractiveness for the product. For example KFC
created a real spicy fried chicken like spicy fried chicken

3.5 Multi-tasking and handling fast-paced environments

Ever noticed how many job postings require you to be comfortable with multi-tasking and
handling fast-paced environments? And if you’ve ever been on a lunch or dinner rush at a fast
food place, you’ve learned how to multi-task. For example “To do the drive-thru window you
had to be able to listen to one order while filling the prior order and delivering/cashiering the
order before that one. You had to be able to multitask 2-3 different orders at the same time,”
recalls Anne Toth , now a Vice President at a technology company, of her time at Roy Rogers
in the 80s. And on the busy periods at any fast food restaurant, there are plenty of jobs where
things have to be done fast.

Figure 8 : Multi-tasking and handling fast-paced environments( KFC Viet Nam)

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III.6 Understand the importance of good management

Restaurant management is a complex job, requiring the manager to have a broad, multi-
dimensional view and extensive professional and social knowledge. Contrary to bad
restaurant management, a good manager always cares about employees, ensures the quality of
food in the restaurant, knows how to attract employees, and motivates them to work better. A
restaurant business is a complex business and working in a restaurant helps us instill the
value of respect, practice patience, teamwork, and hone the skills of a restaurant manager.
These lessons will help you overcome challenges at work as well as in life. For example,
managers should not for the sake of customer satisfaction but bring employees to deal with
them on the spot, they will always find a way to appease customers and be fair to employees.

Figure 9 : KFC management( KFC Viet Nam)

3.7 Foreign languages training

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Restaurant service is like many other professions today. If you have good foreign language
skills, you can go further in your career. For restaurant service jobs, if you have a foreign
language, you will easily earn more tips and increase your salary; even promoted to the
department head, department head. For example, the area that regularly welcomes
international guests. The fact that the service staff knows foreign languages is a huge plus.
This helps the restaurant score points in the eyes of international friends and will be widely
promoted to more visitors.

Figure 10: Foreign languages can get more profit( KFC Viet Nam)

IV. How could we lead KFC to good manner in the future

4.1 In terms of personnel and employees

IV.1.1 Attitude and behavior

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It can be said that KFC is a big brand not only in Vietnam but also all over the world.
However, the problem of employees is a very noticeable issue at KFC stores in Vietnam and
around the world. Typically, some scandals from the service staff towards the customers. The
principle of "customer is god" is very respected, no matter how big or small the business size
is, the customer is still the main object that needs to be taken care of and enthusiastically,
because, they are the ones who "feed" businesses. Imagine that with a big company like KFC,
all employees will understand that, but the truth is not like that.

Recently, a woman in Ho Chi Minh City was extremely angry by the attitude of KFC
employees here. On Friday, August 2, she went to buy fried chicken at this store, but when
she opened it, she found the chicken was alive. Of course, this person called to complain to
the staff soon after. In a post on Facebook, she wrote: "The girl on the other end of the line
seemed to be interested in my problem and asked for photos. I took a picture, promised to call
back to explain after finding out the reason, but there was no call and no one took
responsibility. "It is the restaurant's unprofessional attitude and way of working. This KFC
made the other woman feel angry at being disrespected. The incident posted by her on social
networks has attracted the attention of the community; most people have called for a boycott
of KFC. One user wrote: "This is why I never did. I eat there. This happens often", another
commented: "Too bad I don't think I'd want to eat here again". "Never eat chicken again", "I
stopped buying it." sandwiches. Every time I eat chicken here, I always feel that something is
wrong", followed by comments expressing dissatisfaction with the food of this famous
restaurant chain. This is certainly not the first time KFC customers have received raw food,
there have even been cases of users eating spoiled food, maggots appearing in whole pieces
of chicken. Currently, Daily Mail Australia is contacting the store for more information.

There are some things that we need to improve in terms of staff attitude as well as behavioral
culture to adapt to modern times:

 Selecting employees in line with corporate culture standards:

Human resources in this field are not lacking, but there are many fluctuations and the
quality of human resources is also uneven, so it is not easy to find an excellent
employee. Retaining them is even more difficult, especially in the current labor
market. Then, being inspired and motivated is exactly the reason why the best
employees stick with you.
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Figure 11: Interview, 2020

For example:

Something on job description that you get before submitting your CV on KFC Viet

 Serving customers according to KFC's standards

 Welcoming and serving customers in the dining area
 Receiving meal orders and charging customers at the counter
 Ensure hygiene in the Restaurant area
 Other duties as requested by the Restaurant Manager

With requires:

 Male/Female from 16 years old to 40 years old

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 Good manners, friendly, love customer service

 Ready to work weekends, Holidays, New Year

 Recognition of employees' efforts:

Not being recognized for their efforts is one of the most common reasons why your
employees start to feel bored at work. Of course, that affects work performance. If
employees have done well, do not hesitate to praise them. You can consider giving
rewards, employee incentives such as “Employee of the Month” for example. A
bonus, a small gift, or an extra day off can be a rewarding reward for efforts,
encouraging a positive work ethic and dedicated service.
Inform your employees about these rewards to your employees, so they can compete
to do better together and know that every effort is recognized and rewarded.

Figure 12: Recognition staff

For example:

 Right for employees

 Competitive salary
 Participating in accident insurance 24/24 after 3 months of working
 Clear and open career path to become a Restaurant Manager
 Working in a dynamic environment, helping employees develop communication,
problem solving and work management skills
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 Create more fun in the work environment:

The second tactic to promote Higher Communication is the introduction of

conversation. Similar to team chat in football, this tactic allows the direct manager to
give direction before each of the two shifts in the restaurant: before meal and dinner.
The concept can be intimidating for junior managers, so a sample chat group was
developed to provide some direction (see below). This template ensures that the
current ad is shared as well as goals and recognition. Once the person is familiar with
the changing meeting concept, this can be eliminated.
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In terms of recognition, it has been found that the best managers write what are
called “recognition cards”. A third tactic introduced involves pre-printed
identification cards that allow managers to write down what the recipient has done
that is appreciated. These cards are kept at the restaurant for a week as there is a
weekly draw with the cards. Each restaurant group defines their own list of “priceless
rewards.” Priceless rewards cost from 0 to very little money and usually include the
manager performing some type of activity, such as a chicken dance or cleaning task.
The person who gets the card gets to choose the prize. Designed to inspire fun in
restaurant management, restaurant managers are encouraged to write a minimum of
one card per shift.

Figure 13: Nice work environment

Just working hard without resting and having fun will only lead to stagnation at
work, especially in high-pressure industries such as restaurants. Of course, being
serious at work is important, but you should create certain relaxation periods in your
employees' working time. You can consider building gaming or resting area for
employees. employees, is a space for people to relax, take a break after work and also
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show that you care about your employees not only work but also life and health
balance. In addition, if possible, arrange to organize picnics and short outings to
strengthen the spirit of the staff in the restaurant. Such activities also help to increase
solidarity in the collective.

 Hear feedback from staff:

What’s Important Now: This would be for brand news to deliver to the team
members. Every Monday, KFC corporate sends a communication bulletin to the
restaurants. There is now a printable page that is titled “What’s Important Now.” It is
written directly for team members so that KFC has an avenue to communicate with all
team members. Though it is technologically unsophisticated at this juncture, the
ability to “talk” to all team members once a week is ground-breaking.
If it's too difficult to speak directly to each employee, you can put a suggestion box
right in the restaurant. Whenever there is a question or need to raise a question or
share an opinion, everyone is free to write it anonymously.

Figure 14: Understanding employees

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In addition, do not forget to listen to the wishes of employees when making decisions
related to them, such as scheduling work for Tet holidays.
For another example, listening to requests, you can change shifts to fit everyone's time so
everyone is happy.
When you learn to listen to your employees, your team will feel valued and appreciated.

IV.1.2 High rotation staff:

The job at KFC is a low paying and low skilled job. This leads to low performance and
high staff turnover, which increases training costs and ads to KFC's overall costs.
Here are some ways to get high quality and long term employees:
 Investment and its staff
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When they understand that management believes in and invests in their growth,
employees feel more valuable about themselves. The reality is, every employee wants
to learn and grow, so why not give them more in-depth training opportunities? This
investment brings two-way benefits for both sides. Employees have just learned new
things; the restaurant has improved quality and no longer has to spend the cost of
hiring more qualified people to meet the increasing demand.

Figure 15: Investment in staffs

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Organizing training programs for employees is not only meaningful to help improve
staff skills, but also an implicit statement, the restaurant respects them, wants to be
with them for a long time and does not want to be with them. Replace them.

Besides, investing in more modern equipment is also a good thing to do to reduce

work pressure for employees as well as increase the operating quality of the

 There is a special policy for long-term employees

The food service industry is one of the industries with the highest rate of personnel
instability, possibly up to 70%. With such an alarming number, it is really advisable
to design special welfare policies for long-term employees.
The benefit policy can be cash, or an increase in additional benefits such as increased
vacation days, special insurance packages, etc. Restaurant/restaurant owners should
also have a policy to retain excellent employees with a suitable salary or bonus

Rewarding an employee can be a significant expense, but compared to having to hire

a new employee, the expense of retaining this employee is well worth it. Hiring new
employees not only takes more time, but also costs recruitment costs, training costs,
and costs due to lack of people.
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Policy on

Figure 16: Right for employees

cover by shift
Once your employees have worked hard to serve your customers the best food, you
should also try offering them free meals. Depending on the budget, restaurants can
adopt a suitable policy, for example, one meal per week.
No one wants to work all day on an empty stomach. Perhaps a shift meal plan is a
reasonable perk for restaurant employees. There is a new way to save the religion,
especially with the work of dealing with food every hour and every minute!

Keeping your employees happy and positive is one of the most difficult problems for
anyone doing business, especially service industries like restaurants and cafes.

4.2 Change the menu towards healthy and ensure food hygiene and safety

4.2.1 Healthy food on KFC

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The KFC menu is primarily made up of meals and drinks that are high in calories, salt, and
fat. Offering such menus spurred protests by anti-obesity organizations and, as a result,
reduced the popularity of KFC. Consumers also often turn down healthier options. While
Americans easily accept a fat body to satisfy their food preferences, Vietnamese people do
not. For Vietnamese people, their appearance is very important, so they will be afraid to use
greasy products, moreover, health is being the top concern of consumers due to the number of
the number of people suffering from obesity, heart disease and diabetes is increasing rapidly.
And fast food is considered as one of the reasons; it makes consumers feel more reserved and
careful when they want to use this food. This is a big challenge not only KFC but the whole
fast food industry is facing. At the same time, with many current food safety scandals,
consumers lose confidence in food at restaurants. This is an issue that KFC needs to pay
attention to in order to build a stronger reputation.

In addition to the positive aspect in solving the problem of eating for busy people and
generating income for society, KFC fried chicken, as well as other fast foods (mainly with
fried foods), have been considered harmful. For human health if used continuously because
fried foods are considered as one of the causes of cancer, obesity, and cardiovascular disease.
Limiting the use of carbonated beverages commonly sold at fast-food restaurants is also
recommended by nutritionists and doctors.

The list below will show us the healthy meal that should apply on KFC:
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Figure 17: Healthy menu

Since entering the 21st century, fast food has been criticized for issues surrounding animal
welfare. The Animal Welfare Association (PETA) has repeatedly opposed KFC's selection of
worldwide poultry suppliers. In December 2012, the KFC chain in China was involved in a
scandal when it was found that using growth hormones and antibiotics to speed up the growth
of poultry flocks and violating Chinese laws. This has seriously affected the company's
reputation in the Chinese market, where it has drawn nearly half of the company's profits.

There is a growing demand for healthier foods. While demand for healthy food grows, KFC
can introduce more healthy food options in its menu and reverse weakness into strength.

 Combine foods to reduce fat in the process of frying chicken.

 Change the diet to suit the healthy in today's modern society.

4.2.2 Supply change

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In addition to the above factors, the pressure from suppliers is also quite important for fast
food companies, especially Lotteria, because if the pressure from suppliers is too great, KFC
Vietnam will not be able to actively implement the plan. Implement your pricing strategy and
will have to rely heavily on suppliers. On the other hand, when the pressure from this group
is reduced to low, KFC will be completely proactive in implementing its strategies. Vietnam
is an agricultural country, so farming and animal husbandry are the two main industries that
are very developed in Vietnam, which has created a great advantage for KFC when it can use
local ingredients while reducing costs.
However, the question here is how will KFC choose the source of raw materials to buy free
ingredients at cheap prices or choose guaranteed raw materials with higher prices? How will
KFC choose for sustainable development? With a professional working style along to provide
quality products to customers and anticipate risks from this group, KFC has tried to minimize
risks when actively building a relationship. Close relationships with reputable suppliers and
quality assurance in the market, such as CP Vietnam. All materials used must have the
quarantine certificate of the competent authority.

With the implementation of this product strategy, KFC has achieved two goals at the same
time, ensuring the supply of quality products to the market and reducing the risk from
suppliers. And that strategy proved to be effective when avian influenza effectively broke out
in Vietnam while poultry products suffered, but KFC went ahead with important
breakthroughs. That achievement comes from the efforts and strategic vision of KFC.
Currently, KFC is working with Russian company 3D Bioprinting Solutions to develop
technology to produce chicken meat in the laboratory. Accordingly, based on the use of
biological 3D printing technology, KFC hopes to be able to offer a line capable of "printing"
chicken nugget from chicken cells and plant materials.

KFC will provide 3D Bioprinting Solutions with ingredients such as flour and seasoning,
with the desire to find a way to recreate the unique flavors that have made the name of this
restaurant chain's Nugget chicken nuggets.
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Figure 18: 3D printed beef

KFC cites a study by the American Journal of Environmental Science and Technology that
shows that Nugget chicken meatballs produced by bioprinting technology will be more
environmentally friendly than conventional chicken meat. Producing meat from cells is
expected to reduce greenhouse gas emissions as well as save more fuel than conventional
methods of raising and slaughtering.

3D Bioprinting Solutions co-founder Yusef Khesuani said 3D bioprinting technology is

currently widely used in the pharmaceutical industry and is gradually entering the food
manufacturing market.According to Khesuani, the increased research and development of this
technology will make it easier for humans to produce meats using 3D printing technology.
Mr. Khesuani hopes that the cooperation with KFC will help the world soon experience the
first artificial meat product produced from cells.
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Figure 19: 3d printed meat

KFC said that the aforementioned 3D-printed Nugget chicken nugget product will begin
testing in Russia this fall. KFC asserts that there is currently no method on the market that is
capable of creating a complex meat product from animal cells like what it is researching.

However, KFC did not specify whether the technology the restaurant chain is testing is
different from current bio 3D printing technologies. Most importantly, it is still not clear
when the "fans" of fried chicken around the world will be able to experience this special

Although complex and laborious as well as, but bio 3D printing technology is making
significant strides in medicine. Recently, researchers at UC Berkeley in California (USA)
have begun studying the 3D printing technology of human internal organs for transplantation.

However, experts believe that it will take a long time before 3D printing technology is
capable of creating qualified organs for use in patients needing transplant surgery.
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V. What need to be improved

5.1 Staff attitude

Principle of "customer is god" which is very respected, no matter how big or small the
business size is, the customer is still the main object that needs to be taken care of and
enthusiastically. Because, They are the ones who "feed" businesses. Imagine that with a big
company like KFC, all employees will understand that, but the truth is not like that.

For example, recently, a woman in Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam was extremely angry by the
attitude of KFC employees here. On Friday, August 2, she went to buy fried chicken at this
store, but when she opened it, she found the chicken was alive. Of course, this person called
to complain to the staff soon after. In a post on Facebook, she wrote: "The girl on the other
end of the line seemed to be interested in my problem and asked for photos. I took a picture,
promised to call back to explain after finding out the cause. But there was no call at all and no
one took responsibility."(VNExpress, 2019)

It was the unprofessional attitude and way of working of this KFC restaurant that made the
other woman feel angry because she was disrespected. The incident she posted on social
networks has attracted the attention of the community, most of whom have called for a
boycott of KFC.

It is not the Kitchen department, not the manager, but the service staff who are regularly
present at customer service areas. Therefore, when evaluating quality, customers will
immediately think of the service staff and estimate the overall symbolic number. This
explains why restaurant staff always need to be attentive and professional. In order to make a
good impression on customers. In addition to helping customers experience the service,
service staff also help the unit grow sales. When the restaurant has a new dish, the waiter will
be the one to directly invite customers to try it thanks to his communication skills. Of course,
if diners start to love and order dishes at the suggestion of a lot of waiters, the restaurant's
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revenue will increase. And that contribution is thanks to the service staff. Whenever guests
have questions about the characteristics,
cooking methods, promotions, the service
staff will be the ones to answer them directly.
At the same time, when guests experience
problems such as dishes that are too salty,
drinks are too sweet... the service staff will
also handle these problems. In addition to
delicious food and drinks, good facilities are
really good. Guests will also return to dine in
the next time if they are impressed with the
staff. In fact, when diners come to a restaurant, they don't just expect to be satisfied in terms
of taste; they also want to experience the best service; including the service attitude of the

Having such an important role, restaurants always set standards for employees. They need to
ensure professional expertise, good communication skills; have the qualities and passion for
the profession to always try their best and dedicate themselves to the job. Besides, managers
also need to have a plan to train employees before starting work; programs to improve skills
and knowledge in the working process to bring the best results.

If the service staff is attentive, always with a smile on their lips, dedicated to listening to
customers' requests, serving quickly… diners will feel satisfied and want to come back and
become loyal customers. If the service staff is inattentive and inattentive, the diners will "go
away and never return". Therefore, KFC need to improve their staff attitude. For instance,
After use, cups, forks, knives and forks will be left on the table, everything will be cleaned by
KFC's staff. Mixed with self-service style is the enthusiastic and friendly service of KFC staff
when guests have any request. With a reasonable combination between those two service
styles, KFC has satisfied many customers, from the most pleasant to the most demanding. For
example, when a customer complains about anything wrong with the service (quality of food,
manners of the staff, etc.), the store's manager apologizes and calms the customer down. ,
then review your employees, help them correct mistakes.
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5.2 The quality of their foods

In fact, with the KFC brand, the "controversies"

happening around the quality of food are no longer
strange to consumers. Not long ago, a customer also
complained that fried chicken wings at a KFC store on
Ly Thai To Street (HCMC) smelled strange. After that,
the KFC side apologized to customers for this
unpleasant incident and said that the cause of the
smelly chicken wings was the kitchen staff's negligence
Figure 21: Unknow object in KFC fried
when processing the dish (VNExpress, 2018). chicken

For a catering business, the processing stage is the most ( Doi song phap luat news)
important, it affects the quality of the food and the
reputation of the restaurant. Especially for KFC, the
technical process when processing is an extremely important factor. From marinating to
frying is a very complicated process that affects not only the color of the chicken but also its
taste. Therefore, it requires accuracy and correct processing regulations. For KFC, any part of
food hygiene and safety is a top priority and is checked very carefully after each shift,
especially opening morning shift and closing evening shift. All departments will check and
clean the entire work area, tools of their shift, and can also assist other departments during the
opening or closing process. Wash all items and floors at the end of the day's work.

5.3 The delivery service

Recently, on social networking sites, there are often written complaints about the speed of
delivery and the KFC delivery staff not keeping the quality and appearance of the food due to
taking too long to deliver or shaking during the delivery proccess. Therefore, technology
application in today's rapidly developing technology environment, the application of
technologies is indispensable for any service. KFC Viet Nam is no exception. Currently, the
website system of KFC has been formed with a creative and attractive style and vivid images
and sounds. On it, the KFC menu is included, with the same pictures and prices as on the
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paper menu at the stores. Customers before coming to KFC can refer to the menu in advance
through the website to have the best and most
satisfying choice. Besides, on KFC's website, the
online ordering section has been built. Customers
will click on it, choose the food they want from
the menu, fill in the information about the name,
address, time, and phone number in the request
boxes and send the order. Then the staff from the
KFC stores will call the customer back as soon as
possible to serve them. If customers do not want
to wait, want to eat immediately, they can go to
the website to see the menu, and immediately call the hotline 1800 6088 to order. At that
time, the receptionist will receive you by phone, ask for information about your name,
address, phone number and after 30 minutes, you will receive your food through the store's
delivery staff. At that time, you pay the bill directly to the delivery staff. One thing to note,
with bills over 80,000 VND, customers are completely free of delivery service; For bills
under 80,000 VND, customers will have to pay 10,000 VND more for delivery service. In
addition, KFC does not accept delivery for orders under VND 50,000. With a slogan "Hate
being late!", KFC always has a dedicated, thoughtful delivery team, and satisfied its
customers with the shortest time. In addition, KFC also uses technologies in the management
process to strictly control the quality of service, as well as the quality of the staff. Through
close inspection, KFC Viet Nam always ensures to satisfy every customer who comes to

KFC is doing quite well as one of the world's largest fast-food vendors. It can be said that
today with a high rate of urbanization, people are increasingly busy with life, fast food is an
effective time-saving solution. At the same time, it hits the young people's psychology of
preferring western and professional style. KFC has expanded its network to cover the whole
country, mainly in large cities that are convenient to travel to and densely populated such as
supermarkets and industrial parks. KFC's distribution system is mainly expanded through
franchising. Bring many good practices and affirm your brand value. However, along with
that, there are still many issues to continue to improve such as nutrition, taste, service style,
restaurant chain management system - staff. The company focuses on each small subset of
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employees: employee feedback, after-sales policy for employees. KFC always shows
flexibility in the menu when quickly changing the menu to suit the preferences - the culture
of local people. KFC is proactive in the source of goods, so the products that reach consumers
are always safe in quality. In the distant future, KFC will bring to dinners food made with 3D
printing technology.

KFC is doing quite well as one of the world's largest fast-food vendors. It can be said that
today with a high rate of urbanization, people are increasingly busy with life, fast food is an
effective time-saving solution. At the same time, it hits the young people's psychology of
preferring western and professional style. KFC has expanded its network to cover the whole
country, mainly in large cities that are convenient to travel to and densely populated such as
supermarkets and industrial parks. KFC's distribution system is mainly expanded through
franchising. Bring many good practices and affirm your brand value. However, along with
that, there are still many issues to continue to improve such as nutrition, taste, service style,
restaurant chain management system - staff. The company focuses on each small subset of
employees: employee feedback, after-sales policy for employees. KFC always shows
flexibility in the menu when quickly changing the menu to suit the preferences - the culture
of local people. KFC is proactive in the source of goods, so the products that reach consumers
are always safe in quality. In the distant future, KFC will bring to dinners food made with 3D
printing technology.

VI. Conclusion
KFC is doing quite well as one of the world's largest fast-food vendors. It can be said
that today with a high rate of urbanization, people are increasingly busy with life, fast
food is an effective time-saving solution. At the same time, it hits the young people's
psychology of preferring western and professional style. KFC has expanded its network
to cover the whole country, mainly in large cities that are convenient to travel to and
densely populated such as supermarkets and industrial parks. KFC's distribution system is
mainly expanded through franchising. Bring many good practices and affirm your brand
value. However, along with that, there are still many issues to continue to improve such
as nutrition, taste, service style, restaurant chain management system - staff. The
38 | P a g e

company focuses on each small subset of employees: employee feedback, after-sales

policy for employees. KFC always shows flexibility in the menu when quickly changing
the menu to suit the preferences - the culture of local people. KFC is proactive in the
source of goods, so the products that reach consumers are always safe in quality. In the
distant future, KFC will bring to dinners food made with 3D printing technology.

The lesson learned from this study is that it is extremely important to show behavior
when communicating. It directly affects the psychology of the opposite communicator.
Must always be welcoming to customers from the simplest service and especially pay
attention while crowded, because it shows professionalism in behavioral culture. This
also helps affirm the service quality as well as the training skills that the company
demonstrates. Thereby we need to always learn and improve our modern behavior. The
trend of the world is globalization, and the good application of communication culture
will bring a lot of benefits to us.

This internship report is completed on the basis of academic observations. However,

there are still shortcomings due to not being able to fully evaluate the restaurant's
activities and due to limited capacity. We hope to receive the advice, evaluation and
correction of Ms. Vo Thi Nga so that the group's article can be published. Finally, we
would like to express our gratitude and deep thanks to Ms. Vo Thi Nga for guiding and
guiding us from the time of study to the completion of this report.

VII. References
9WSYR (2013). Yum Brands: KFC sales will fall in China after probe. Available at:

Interbrand (2013). Best Global Brands 2012. Available at:


KFC (2013). About us. Available at: http://www.kfc.com/about/

Lê, V. (2021). PHÂN TÍCH BÊN TRONG KFC. Retrieved 25 June 2021, from
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Luong, V. (2021). Luan Van. Retrieved 3 July 2021, from http://www.luanvan.co/luan-


Những vụ bê bối thực phẩm gây hoang mang nhất của KFC. (2021). Retrieved 3 July 2021,
from https://sohuutritue.net.vn/nhung-vu-be-boi-thuc-pham-gay-hoang-mang-nhat-cua-kfc-

Tầm quan trọng của nhân viên phục vụ nhà hàng - EFH. (2021). Retrieved 2 July 2021, from

UKEssays. (November 2018). KFC's Ethical Policies. Retrieved from


Wikipedia (2013). KFC. Available at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KFC

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