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1. Civil contracts comes under:-

a) category ͚A͛ package b)category ͚B͛ package c) both of them d) none of these

2. Who takes care of follow-up of contracts in CONTRACTS Department_________?

Contract coordinator

3. Who among following helps contract coordinator in follow-up of contracts?

a) Expeditor b) inspector c) engineer in-charge d) both a and b

4. Role of expeditor is_________________________

Monitor the manufacturing status of a contract wrt to detail work schedule

5. Role of inspector

Contract Confirming to engineering specification

6. A contractor has to submit how many progress reports

a) 4 b) 2 c)1 d)3

7. Internal post award contract reporting system is initiated by how many departments

a) 4 b) 2 c)1 d)3

8. Fortnightly progress report is prepared by

a) Regional expeditor b) inspection engineer c) contract coordinator d) both a and b

9. Site project report is made by which department

a) CONTRACTS b) project site c) corporate monitoring group d) engineering

10. Engineering progress report is made

a) Monthly b) fortnightly c) half yearly d) weekly

11. Who calculated the value of variation in quantity of the contract?

a) Expeditor b) cost engineer c) contract coordinator d) corporate monitoring group

12. Inspection and testing of equipments at manufacturer͛s works is done at what stage

a) Pre-award b) tendering c) post award d) contract closing

13. A contractor has to submit _________________ to employer at the time of contract closing.

No claim certificate

14. For 35% to 60% plus variation in quantity of contract how much decrease in payment is made

a) 3% b) 4% c) 5% d) 6%

15. Which one is the master network?

a) L1 b) L2 c)L3 d)L4

16. What is the value of delegation of ED in open tender in calling of tender?

a) Full power b) 10 cr c) 3 cr d) 1 cr

17. Under which network a contractor has to prepare contractual document

a) L1 b) L2 c) L3 d) L4

18. In civil contracts maximum bid guarantee is

a) Rs. 10,000 b) Rs. 20,000 c) Rs. 50,000 d) Rs. 80,000

19. Dispatch schedule, along with the likely package list, is normally agreed with the contractor_____

After placement of latter of award

20. input regarding Quality in the fort nightly progress report by CONTRACTS is given by

a) expeditor b) inspector c) CMO d) coordinator

21. Does engineering progress report includes the hold-ups and corrective action for removal of these

a) YES b) NO

22. Any delay w.r.t agreed L - 2 network are highlighted in which report

a) engg. Progress report b) fortnightly report(CONTRACTS) c) site progress report

d)none of these

23. One of the key objective of post award follow ʹup is

a) ensure timely delivery of equipments and supplies to site

b) ensure the erection and commissioning is done as per the schedule

c) Both a and b

d) None of these

24. Role of engineering coordinator is to__________

Coordinate on technical matters including vendor drawing receipt and approval etc.

25. Before approval of LOA a network of 500 or more activities is agreed upon. This network is

a) L1 b)L2 c)L3 d) none of these

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