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Vietnamese Standard 4090 : 1985

Main pipelines for transporting of oil and oil product – Design standard

Group H

1. The general principle

1.1. This standard is obliged to apply for new design, new reform, restore and
expand the main pipelines for transporting of oil and oil products and branch
steel pipelines with diameter not larger than 1400mm, the maximum
transporting pressure is 100 daN/cm2 for transporting of oil and oil product
and gas from developing area, from imported ports to processing, storages
and consumes.
This standard is not applied to design for city, township and town pipelines,
pipelines for crude oil at offshore.
Start from this clause the term of “Main pipeline for transporting of oil and oil
products” is written inbrief as “Main pipeline”

1.2. Must have individual calculation to ensure the safety working conditions of
the pipeline in operation when the pipeline passing the unstable geological
areas (subsidence soil, landslide, caster areas, underground exploitation
areas, the area with geological shaking level higher than level 7.

1.3. Beside of stipulating in this standard, the constructions, the pipeline in the
gas compress station, the gas distribution station, and the oil pump station
must conform to the standards of constructions.

1.4. The main pipeline, the branch pipeline and equipments installed on the
pipeline, whether aboveground or underground, must be carried out
corrosion protection for metal conforming to the clauses in chapter 10 of this

1.5. The selection of temperature for gas transporting in the pipeline must be
based on the protection requirement of rust protecting coat, ensured the
optimize temperature stress in metal, determined the cooling level for
products before pumping in the design.

1.6. The main pipelines construction includes the pipelines construction and the
auxiliary construction.

1.6.1. The pipelines construction including:

 The main pipelines, the branch pipelines (including changing diameter
pipe segment, double pipe segment), the pump station on the route.
 The supports, the pipe reinforcing blocks.
 The block valve, the water or gas relief valves, the gas condensing
 The segments crossing over the nature and artificial obstacles. The
segments with spool.

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Main pipelines for transporting of oil and oil product – Design standard

 The constructions against sloping, blowing off, erossion and subsiding.

1.6.2. The auxiliary construction including:

 The guard stations on the route
 The electrochemistry protection stations
 The lines and communication stations
 The route for operation
 The lines and the transformer stations, the generating power station,
electrical supply for equipments of pump stations and electrochemistry
protection stations.

2. The level separation and classification for the main pipelines

2.1. According to pressure, the main pipelines for transporting of gas is divided in
two levels:
 Level 1: With pressure higher than 25 daN/ cm2 to 100 daN/ cm2
 Level 2: With pressure higher than 12 daN/ cm2 to 25 daN/ cm2

2.2. According to diameter, the main pipeline for transporting of oil and oil
products is divided in five levels.
 Level 1: The diameter from 100mm to 1400mm.
 Level 2: The diameter from 500mm to 1000mm.
 Level 3: The diameter from 300mm to 500mm.
 Level 4:The diameter lower than 300mm and the pressure higher than 25
 Level 5: The diameter lower than 300mm and the pressure higher than
16 daN/cm2 to 25 daN/cm2.

2.3. According to working conditions and weld checking, the main pipeline
segments are divided as in table 1.

Table 1

Types of main Coefficient of working The number of welds The preliminary

pipeline conditions calculated checked by physical hydraulic pressure
segments according to pipe’s method tested on site
durability (Percent of welds)
B 0.6 100 Pth =1.25 Plv
I 0.75 100 Pth =1.25 Plv
II 0.75 100 No require
III 0.9 100 preliminary hydraulic

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Main pipelines for transporting of oil and oil product – Design standard

IV 0.9 20 test

1.The main pipeline segments for transporting of oil and oil products type B
arranged over the water obstacle must be tested the hydraulic pressure
preliminary with Pth =1.25 Plv (Pth : testing pressure; Plv : Working pressure
determined conformiing to clause 8.22 ).
2. Allow increasing pressure of hydraulic test over the value that can cause
the stress on metal but not over 0.9 to 1.0 of flowing limit.

2.4. The according to functions, the main pipeline is applied the method of
classificatio in table 1 for calcification in table 2.
Table 2

The function of main pipeline segment Pipe arrangegment method

Underground Aboveground Joint
Gas Transportation
Maximum diameter of 1000mm IV IV IV
Diameter greater than 1000mm III III III
Transporting of oil and oil products
Diameter lower than 500mm IV IV IV
Minimum diameter of 500mm III III III

2.5. According to the terrain condition the main pipeline is applied the method of
classificatio in table 1 for calcification in table 3.

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Table 3

Pipe segment type

Gas Oil and oil products
The terrian of the pipe
Method put the pipe
segment cross over
Under Above Under Above
Emerge Emerge
Ground Ground Ground Ground
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
I.Cross over a water
1.The water surface in dry
a. Greater than 25m:
- Boats passing. I II B - B
- No boats passing I - I I - I
b. Smaller or equal to 25m
- Boats passing I - I I - I
- No boats passing II II II II - I
2. The alluvial ground of rivers
with water level with water
II - II II - I
frequency of10%
3. Scope of 1000m of two
sides calculated from limit of III - III III - III
water frequency of 10%
4. Rivers, streams, chasms, I - I I - I
II. Cross over swamp
1. The depth of boggy layer
lower or equal to fixed depth
of the pipeline in the ground
2. The depth of boggy layer
greater than fixed depth of the
pipeline in the ground:
a. Difficult travel, specific
pressure higher than 25 II III III II III III
b. Very difficult travel, specific
pressure lower or equal to I II II I II II

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7
III. Cross over the railway,
the road.
1.The Nation railway and
scope of 40m to the two
roadsides from outside limit I - I I - I
axis (but not lower than 25m
from leg of road-bed)
2. The railway into enterprises
and scope of 25m to the two
roadsides from outside limit I - II III - II
axis (but not lower 15m than
from leg of road-bed)
3. The level I,II,III roads and
scope of 25m to the two
I - I I - I
roadsides from leg of road-
bed or edge of ditch.
4. The level IV,V roads and
scope of 25m to the two
roadsides from leg of road-
bed or the edge of ditch.
5. The level VI road and
scope of 15m to the two
roadsides from leg of road-
bed or the edge of ditch (the III - III III - III
principle to various levels of
the road - referring to
appendix 1a, 1b, 2)
IV. Cross over the hill, the
1. The pipeline pass the slope II II - II II -
2. The pipeline in the tunnel - I I - I I
V. Cross over the sand-bank
1. The gas pipeline
- Diameter higher than III III III III III III
- Diameter equal or lower IV IV IV IV IV IV

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
2. The pipeline for
transporting of oil and oil
- Diameter equal or higher III III III III III III
than 500mm

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- Diameter lower 500mm IV IV IV IV IV IV

VI. Cross over area having
irrigation system
Area for food plants, industrial
crops, vegetables, fruits
- Diameter of the oil pipeline
equal or higher 500mm and
III - - III - -
diameter of the gas pipeline
higher 1000mm
- Diameter of the oil pipeline
smaller than 500mm and
IV - - IV - -
diameter of the gas pipeline
smaller than 1000mm
VII. Cross over the peat
VIII. Cross over limits at
table 4
1. Pass through the limits at
table 4 and adjacency to
populous area, fish pond, ferry II II III III II II
landing, speed –boat, big
2. At two sides limit of the
pipeline crossing over the
National railway and the level
I, II, III road
IX. The poison of equipment
installation of the pipeline.
Along the oil pipeline and
spreading of 15m to two sides III III III
of equipments
Along the gas pipeline and
spreading of 15m to two sides III III III
of equipments
X. The pipeline segment, at
place of oil, gas synthetic II II II - II
XI. The pipeline segment
and two sides limit of 100m
along the pipeline at place I I I I I I
of dismantle-fitting the
cleaning equipment

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
XII. The compressing
station, gas underground

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The gas distribution station
The oil pump station B B B I I I
Limit of station and spreading
of 250m to two sides along II II II II II II
the pipeline
XIII. The crossing of the
main pipelines and two
sides scope of 20m along
the pipeline as:
1. The pipeline for irrigation. II - - II - -
2. The other gas pipeline II - - III - -
XIV. The crossing of the
main pipelines and two
sides limit along the
pipeline, which is larger
than 1.5 of the height pole
1. The high voltage line from
500KV over.
2. The high voltage line from
330KV to lower 500KV
3. The high voltage line lower
XV. The pipeline cross to
place having effect of II II II II II II
1.Allow increase 1 level for pipeline segment at the place that if having any damage will
cause the deadlock of gas or oil and oil product transportation to the cities, to the important
consumes with important role in the national economy, and cause the environment pollution.
2. The pipeline is designed go through the operating pipelines but the operating pipelines is
ensured the technical safety according to conclusion of the pipeline manage agency then
unnecessary to modify the operating pipeline to have type conforming with the stipulation of
this table.
3. For the new constructions of railway, road (from level V downward )going through the
operating pipeline, then required having method to ensure safety for the pipeline there.
4. Stipulate that, the gas pipeline is arranged over the oil and oil product pipelines in case
they are crossed.

3. The basic requirement of the main pipeline

3.1. The selection of direction pipeline must be based on the optimizing

standards about the following aspects:
 Invest capital expenses, optimizing utilizing expenses.

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 Optimized quantities of pipeline materials and

 The fastest time of executing the work
 Easy for operating and maintenance in the future

3.2. Everlasting land for operating and maintenamce the main pipeline is
calculated by following formula:
B = D + 4 (m)
Where : B : Width of everlasting land (m).
D: Diameter of pipeline (m)
Note: Allow renting the land for construction instead of everlasting land in
case of the underground pipeline for transporting of oil level 3,4,5 and the
pipeline for transporting of gas level 2

3.3. The use of land and compensation of farm produce, land lending for
executing the work must conform to the law and standard of Socialist
Republic of Vietnam.

3.4. Limit of finding direction within scope of ellipse shape has standards of first
point and end point of the pipeline.
Ellipse’s half of small axis: b= L K p2  1 (Km).
b: Ellipse’s half of small axis ( m ).
L: Distance between first point and end point of the pipeline according to the
geodesic straight line (Km).
Kp: Developing factor of the pipeline route: K p  .
Qt: Conversion expenses for 1Km of the pipeline according to the straight
line of geodesic between first point and end point of the pipeline.
Qv: Conversion expenses for 1Km of the pipeline according to the geodesic
straight line between first point and end point, not including expenses for
pipeline segments crossing over natural or artificial obstacles.

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3.5. Take advantage of the existing roads, only allow build new roads for
construction and maintenance when having the economic – technical data
and be approved by the ministry in charge.

3.6. Laying down the main pipeline must calculate the developing ability in the
future of the city, industrial zone, telephone and power networks in the
lifetime of the.

3.7. Must not put the main pipeline in the tunnel of automobile, railway, power
cable, telephone cable and pipelines for transporting of other materials.

3.8. Must not put the main pipeline sharing the same ditch with underground
power lines, telephone lines and pipelines for transporting of other materials.

3.8.1. At crossing segment over the river, the road, the railway, enable to put the
main communication cable of the main pipeline in the same ditch with the
main pipeline.

3.8.2. Enable to put the pipeline transporting oil, oil products at level 4 and level 5
in the same ditch.

3.9. Must not put the pipeline on the bridge of the railway or bridge of other
Note: Only enable to put under the bridge of the level V, VI roads
constructed by fireproof materials with conditions:
1. The length of the bridge spanning the river, stream, ditch lower than 20m.
2. Having permission of authorized Ministry.
3. The pipeline for transporting of oil and oil products of level 4,5.
4. Must increase the wall thickness of the pipe to 30%.
5. The crossing pipe segment and in the scope 300m at two sides of the
bridge must be level I, the pipeline after passing the bridge must separate
away from the constructions with the distance stipulated in table 4.

3.10. When designing, the distance from the main pipeline to constructions and
houses is taken in the following table 4.

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Minimum distance from axis of the pipeline (m).

Transporting of Gas Transporting of oil and oil
Name of
constructions and With diameter (mm) Level
houses Lower From From From From From Lower Lower
300 300 to 500 to 800 to 100 to 1200 to or 300
5 4 3 2 1
lower lower lower lower 1400 equal
500 800 1000 1200 300
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
1a. The cities, town, 100 150 200 250 300 350 75 125 30 75 100 150 200
b. Crowded areas:
school, club,
hospital, rest-
c. Bus stations,
railway station.
d. Airport
đ. Industrial
2a.Separated 75 125 150 200 225 250 75 100 20 50 50 75 100
b.Breeding ferm.
d.Area plant a
grass for breed
industrail crops.
3a.The bridge of the
railway, road level
I, II, III length 20m
- The pipeline
towards upstream 250 250 250 260 350 350 200 200 70 100 200 400 750
of bridge.
- The pipeline
towards lower 75 125 150 200 225 250 75 100 20 50 50 75 100
section of bridge.
3b. The bridge of
railway entering to
enterprises and the
bridge of road level
IV, V, VI having
length higher 20m

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TABLE 4 (continue)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
- The pipeline
towards upstream 200 200 200 200 300 300 150 150 70 100 150 400 600
of bridge.
- The pipeline
upwards lower 30 50 100 150 175 200 30 50 15 30 30 50 50
section of bridge.
c. The National
railway and road
level I, II, III 75 125 150 200 225 250 75 100 20 50 50 75 100
running parallel
with the pipeline
d. The railway
entering to
enterprises and
the road level IV, 30 50 100 150 175 200 30 50 15 30 30 50 50
V, VI running
parallel with the
4.a. The ports of
river, pier, port for
- The pipeline at 150
250 250 250 250 350 350 200 200 70 100 200 800
upstream bridge 0
- The pipeline at
downstream of 75 125 150 200 225 250 75 100 30 75 100 150 200
b. Water dam:
- The pipeline at
upstream of 50 50 50 50 75 75 50 50 70 100 200 500
- The pipeline at
downstream 250 250 250 250 300 300 250 250 400 400 400 400 400
c. The irrigation
canal, lake, river
25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 30 50 75 100 150
to run parallel with
the pipeline
d. Hydroelectric
plant, irrigation
water pump station.
- The pipeline at
upstream of 100 100 100 100 150 150 100 100 70 100 200 800
- The pipeline at
downstream of 250 250 250 250 300 300 250 250 400 400 400 400 400

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TABLE 4 (continue)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
5.a. Compressing
station, oil pump
station, synthetic 75 125 150 200 225 250 75 125 20 30 30 50 50
equipments for
gas processing
b. Gas distribution
station, petrol 50 75 100 125 150 175 50 75 20 30 30 50 50
loading station
c. Pig launcher,
pig receiver for 50 50 50 50 75 75 30 30 15 30 30 50 50
d. Petrol or gas
storage with
100 150 200 250 300 350 75 125 30 75 100 20 200
capacity from
100cm2 over
đ. Area
concentrating lots 75 125 150 200 225 250 75 125 15 30 30 50 50
of pipelines
e. Ground storage
for petrol and
50 75 75 75 100 100 50 50 20 30 30 50 50
condense in case
of breakdown
6.The storage
combustion. Mine Following agreement of retired mandarin agency.
develop method
by mine.
7.a. Mining areas
b. Exploration by 30 50 100 150 175 200 30 50 15 30 30 30 50
8.a. High voltage
cable in the air
Equal height of higher pole +10m
parallel with the
b. Pole of high
voltage cable near Following requirement of electric power.
the pipeline
c. National and
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
d. The pole and
construction for
100 150 200 250 300 350 75 125 50 75 100 150 200
network of Nation
and other

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TABLE 4(following and the end)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
đ. The pole and
construction for
wireless network
15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15
a channel self-
governing of the
e. Magnifier
station for
communication 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
cable in
heat box.

1. Method of taking distance:
 For the city, populous area: calculated to the designed road of city of 25 –
30 years in the future.
 For separated industrial enterprise, train station, airport, port of the river,
port of the sea, irrigational works and inflammable materials storage: to
their border
 For the railway, road: to the talus footing. To various levels 1a, 1b, and 2
 For the bridge: to the slope footing
 For the house and separated construction: to its nearest convex.
2. The separated house and construction is the house and construction,
which are arranged separately outside the populous area from 30m upward.
3. Minimum distances from the main pipeline to bridge of railway and road
with the length lower than 20m: to be taken as a distance to the correlative
4. With the reasonable cause then allow decrease the distance:
a. In case of gas pipeline at clause 1d, 2, 3(b, d), 4(b, c, d)
- Decrease 30% with condition of using type II pipeline
- Decrease 50% with condition of using type B pipeline
b. In case of oil pipeline at clause 1d, 2, 3(b, d), 4b,5d
- Decrease 30% with condition of increasing the wall thickness of pipe
to correlative percent, weld checking by physic method.
5. Distance to constructions not in table must be taken according to the
agreement of organizations in charge.
6. The higher house and constructions:

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a. The pipeline for transporting oil and oil products are allowed decreasing
distance at clause 1(a,d); 2; 3(c, d); 5(a, b, c, d); 8d of 25% but not lower
than 30m (except level 5pipeline)
b. The pipeline for transporting gas is allowed decreasing the distance at
clause 1d; 2; 3b; 5(c, d) of 25% but not lower 50m.
7. The main pipeline put on support:
a. The pipeline for transporting gas with distance to house, construction at
point 1 must increase 2 times, at clause 3, 5, 6, 8d must increase 1.5 times.
b. The pipeline for transporting oil and oil products must increase distance to
1.2 times at clause 1; 3(c, d); 5; 7; 8 (a,b, d, đ).

3.11. Minimum distance between parallel main pipelines is to taken from table 5
Table 5

Position of main pipelines Minimum distance between pipelines are place

are place parallel parallel (m)
Gas pipeline Oil pipeline
Agree by consent diameter (mm)
Lower 1000 or Higher Lower 1000 or Higher
Pipe 1 Pipe 2
500 lower 1000 500 lower 1000
Underground Underground 5 8 10 5 8 10
Aboveground Underground 7 12 20 7 12 15
Aboveground Aboveground 20 30 45 15 20 30
On support Underground 20 30 45 15 20 30
On support Aboveground 40 50 75 25 35 50
On support On support 40 50 75 25 35 50
1. If 2 oil underground pipelines with the diameter lower 300mm belong to levels 4, 5
then the distance is taken as clause 3.8.2.
2. If underground parallel pipeline with above sections that their widths lower than 100m
then the distance is taken according to standard of correlative aboveground method
and decrease 25%.
3. The pipeline with different diameters then the distance is taken according to the
minimum distance of pipeline with the large diameter.
4. The oil pipeline and gas pipeline putting parallel then the distance is taken according
to standard of gas pipeline.

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3.12. Must make sure the new pipeline on one side of operating pipeline when
designing a new pipeline running parallel with the operating pipeline.

3.13. Must determine the distance from the new designed pipeline to the operating
pipeline according to technology condition of construction line, but not
smaller than the distance stipulated at table 6.

3.14. Must take the distance according to stipulate in the following table 6 when
main pipeline for transporting oil, oil products putting higher than the
populous area and industrial enterprises.
Table 6

Distance of axis pipeline is designing to the pipeline is operating (m)

Position of pipelines Gas pipeline Oil pipeline
Agree by consent diameter (mm)
Lower 300 to 500 to 1000 Lower 300 to 500 to 1000
Designing Operating 300 lower lower or 300 lower lower or
500 1000 higher 500 1000 higher
Underground Underground 8 10 15 20 8 10 12 15
Aboveground Underground 8 10 15 20 8 10 12 15
On support Underground 10 20 30 40 10 15 20 25
Underground Aboveground 10 20 30 40 10 15 20 25
Aboveground Aboveground 10 20 30 40 10 15 20 25
On support Aboveground 15 25 35 45 15 20 25 30
Underground On support 15 25 35 45 15 20 25 30
Aboveground On support 15 35 50 75 15 20 35 50
On support On support 20 40 50 75 20 25 35 50
Note: When oil pipeline and a gas pipeline then the distance is taken according to the gas
- For the diameter lower 500mm then being taken not lower than 500m.
- For the diameter lower 500mm then being taken not lower than 1000m.
At downside of the pipeline must make oil drainage ditches leading to safety
area for population area and industrial enterprises in case of breakdown.
At high side of the pipeline, if having water agglomerate must make the ditch
for rainwater drainage.

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3.15. Allow only underground pipeline at crossing position of main pipeline with
high voltage line from 110Kv upward.

3.16. Angle between of crossing main pipelines and main pipelines crossing the
high voltage lines from 110Kv upward must not lower than 60 0.

3.17. Distance from gas compressor station, gas distribution station, and oil pump
station to construction is taken according to table 7.

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Table 7

Minimum distance (m)

Compressor station, distribution station Pump station
Type I station Type II station
Name of construction
Agree by consent diameter (mm) Station Station Station
of type of type of type
300 to 500 to 800 to 1000 to 1200 to 300 or
Lower Higher III II I
lower lower lower lower lower lower
300 300
500 800 1000 1200 1400 300
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1a. The city, the populous
b. Crowded place: school,
500/150 500/175 700/200 700/250 700/350 700/100 500/100 500/125 150 150 200
club, hospital, and nursery
c. Industrial enterprise
2a. The separated houses
b. Farming, forestry area
c. Breeding farm
100/75 150/125 200/150 250/200 300/225 350/250 75/75 150/100 50 75 100
d. Grassland for breeding
đ. Fruit-tree area, industrial
3a. Bridge of national
railway, road of types I, II, III
with the length higher 20m 250/150 300/175 350/200 400/225 450/250 500/300 250/100 300/125 100 150 200

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
b. Bridge of railway is go in
enterprise, road type IV, V,
125/100 150/125 200/150 250/200 300/250 350/250 100/75 150/125 100 150 200
VI with the length higher
c. National railway, road
100/75 150/125 200/150 250/200 300/225 350/250 75/75 150/100 50 75 100
types I, II, III.
d. Railway entering to
enterprise, roads of types 76/50 100/75 150/100 175/150 200/175 250/200 50/50 100/75 50 75 100
IV, V, VI.
4a. Hydropower plant, water
500/150 500/175 700/200 700/250 700/300 700/350 500/100 500/125 100 150 200
supply construction
b. Water pump station,
sewage disposal 50/50 75/75 150/100 200/150 225/175 250/200 50/30 75/50 30 50 75
5a. Synthetic equipment of
gas processing of group 500/150 500/175 700/200 700/250 700/300 700/350 500/100 500/125 100 150 200
concentrated pipeline
b. Station loading petrol,
storage containing
250/150 300/175 350/200 400/225 450/250 500/300 250/100 300/125 100 150 200
inflammable substances,
with capacity higher 1000m3
6a. Antenna wireless poles
of multi national channels According to agreement with appropriate authorities
and others
b. Power supply station for
gas distribution station and
oil pump station of main 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
c. High voltage pole. Equal the height of first pole + 10m
7a. Mine area, developing
500/150 500/150 700/200 700/250 700/300 700/350 500/100 500/125 100 150 200
and exploration area
b. Developing area by firing
According to agreement with appropriate authorities
a mine

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1. Numerator is distance from gas compressor station to construction; denominator is
distance from gas distribution station to constructions.
2. Notes 1, 2 in table 4 are used for this table.
3. Classification of oil pump station:
Type I: capacity of storage higher than 50 000m3.
Type II: capacity of storage from 1000 to 50 000m3.
Type III: capacity of storage lower than 10 000m3 and the pipeline is not tanks group.
4. Classification of gas compressor:
Type I: pressure 25 to 100daN/cm2
Type II: pressure 12 to lower 25daN/cm2.
5. Distance from oil pump station, gas compressor station to constructions of this table
is calculated from hall installed gas compressor, oil pump and nearest tank.
6. Oil pump station must be lower than constructions in this table. If higher then must
have a method to prevent overflow oil caused accident.
7. Construction, hall, special maintenance area according to agreement with appropriate
8. Construction not in this table must have an agreement of related authorities.

4. Requirement of main pipeline structure

4.1. Diameter of main pipe is determined by calculation in accordance with flow

pump, pressure pump, and capacity of pump station.

4.2. The wall pipe thickness is determined by calculation based on the

requirements of durability and stable of pipeline, in accordance with clause
8.3.1 of this standard.
If not required transporting products in two-way, should design wall pipe
thickness changing, base on decreasing of working pressure according to
the length of pipelines and operating condition. Maximum thickness grades
should be 3 for each section between pump stations.

4.3. Main steel pipelines must be designed with connection by end opposite
welds. Block valve equipments must have the same section with pipelines
and working pressure in accordance with working pressure of the pipelines.
Connection block valve equipments to the pipelines may by weld or flanges.

4.4. Block valve equipments connecting to pipelines by flanged-ends should be

put in constructed hole in the small house with ventilation or in fence. Must
build the constructed hole and small house by fireproof materials. The fence
can be made of steel net.
Block valve equipment connecting to pipelines by welds should be designed
as putting direct underground and hand wheel over the ground and in small
house or in fence.
 Should give the priority for weld equipments on high-pressure pipelines.

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 On the toxic gas pipelines, controlled equipments must be placed in

specialized valve holes, which are aboveground and ventilation, made of
fireproof materials.

4.5. Should design the underground main pipelines with the equidistant depth
from the face of terrain.
The longitudinal section of underground pipelines must satisfy the
requirements of durability, stability and is determined basing on expenses for
digging a hole, artificial bending equipments, pipe arranging and safety
requirements of pipelines.

4.6. Must have the transition straight pipe between opposite bends of elastic
bend and between elastic bend with artificial bend, and be taken as follows:
 A transition straight pipe longer or equal to 500mm, when the diameter
lower 500mm
 A transition straight pipe length equal to the outside diameter, when the
diameter higher or equal to 500mm.
Note: Allow combine elastic bends in vertical and horizontal planes. In case
of artificial bend in vertical and horizontal planes then the angle is calculated
follow formula: Cosαt = cosα – cosαb.
Where: αt : calculated angle for bending.
α : bending angle on vertical plane
αb: bending angle on horizontal plane.

4.7. The allowed bending radius of the pipeline in vertical plane and horizontal
must be determined by calculation from durability and stability conditions of
pipeline wall, as well as the stability of pipeline location bearing the influence
of inside pressure, weight of pipe and longitudinal press-force caused by
changing temperature of metal during operating, follow formula:
nd  (m) (4)
200.R2tc .K

Dng2 ( 1  cos )
 d  3600.
3 2 (m) (5)
n  0.9xDng (m) (6)

E: Steel elastic modulus taken according to table 12

Dng: Outside diameter of pipe (cm)
R2tc: Intensity standard of metal pipe (N/cm2)
K: Coefficient for pipe type I, II with K = 0.4
For pipe type III, IV with K = 0.5.
Α: Bending angle in vertical plane

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Numerator is 0C.
Denominator is radian (rad)
ρnd Elastic radius in vertical plane and horizontal according to
durability and stability conditions of the pipeline wall and under
the influence of inside pressure and weight of pipe
ρd: Elastic bending radius in vertical plane under the influence of
pipe weight
ρn : Elastic radius in vertical horizontal.

4.8. Artificial bend must make from pipe without welds or with straight weld.
Vertical weld must be placed at neutralized area when bending pipe
Must determine the bending radius including ability for rusty-brush and
separated things passing through.

4.9. On pipeline must determine the entrance positions for falling and loading of
cleaning equipments and separate thing. In the design must determine the
position and structure of entrance.
The diameter of pipe segment in washing sphere must be constant and the
diameter of block valve equipments in this sphere must equal to the pipeline
diameter. The parts must not be convex inside the pipe.

4.10. Must have method of elimination ability of wash-pipe equipments falling into
branch pipe when making branch pipe with diameter equal or higher than
diameter of main pipeline.

4.11. At pipe segments crossing the obstacles, which have diameter different from
main pipeline, can make individual entrance to receive the washing-pipe
equipments, but must have economic-technical theoretical factual
foundations in design.

4.12. Must install the alarm equipment on the pipeline, near the entrance to inform
when washing-pipe equipment passing. Also must have economic-technical
theoretical factual foundations in design.

4.13. Must determine the longitudinal displacement under the influence of internal
pressure and changing of material temperature of the segments of the
pipeline at the joints between main pipeline and process pipeline in the oil
pump station, gas compressor station, at the entrances for pig launching and
receiving, branches of crossing segments, joints and branch-off positions.
To decrease the longitudinal displacement of main pipeline must have
special methods such as using spools, type Г, П, Z or other types.

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4.14. Must setup landmarks using concrete wood with height of 0.5 to 0.7m from
the ground along underground. Must have instruction on the landmark.
Distance between landmarks is about 1Km. Normally arranging them near
posts is the best.

4.15. Must be placed block valves on the pipeline according to the calculation but
not over 30km.
Furthermore, block valve must be placed at following positions:
 At banks of river and channel… that crossing pipeline has two branches
 At the head of branch segment of main pipeline.
 At two the ends of bridge for cars that pipeline passing.
 At segments before entering to pump station and gas distribution station,
at distance form their boundary is in sphere from 500 to 700m.
 At one the end or both two the ends of pipeline for transporting oil and oil
products, which is higher than the city, population area, industrial
enterprises the distance is determined in design depending on local
 Must install a shutdown valve according to adjacent area to the crossing
area, and the necessary of preventing the ability of oil leaking to the
water lake.
1. Should combine the installation of block valve at crossing replacing the
line break valve.
2. Should installation block valves near the amplifying station of cable

4.16. In case of having from 2 and upward pipelines running in parallel, the
minimum distance along the pipelines between block valves on pipelines is
In case of complex topography (ex.: mountain, swamp areas), the above
distance is reduced to 50m.

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4.17. The block valve with diameter lager than 400m must be put on the
foundation and the soil under the foundation is rammed down tightly.

4.18. Must install vent facilities (relief valve or vent) in gas pipeline section
between block valves at the minimum distance from the block valve is 15m
and 50m in case the diameter of pipeline is less than 1000mm and larger
than 1000mm respectively. The minimum elevation of vent pipe is 3m from
ground level and must calculate the safety and stabilization of vent pipes.
The diameter of vent facilities is determined basing on the condition of
deflating all gas volume in the pipeline between block valves within 1.5 to 2
The minimum distance from block valve or relief valve to the city; crowded
residential area and industrial areas is 300m and must install them at high
topography to prevent gas- bag creation when pumping.

4.19. Should install a slug catcher or separator or strainer in pipeline for checking
the existing condensate and draining out the pipeline. The position for
installation these above equipments is stipulated in design documents. The
slug catcher control room must be made of a fireproof material with
ventilation and fence.

4.20. When designing must select the standardized block valve and the wall
thickness and accessories of block valve must be designed in order to
ensure the stability corresponding to each segment.

5. Underwater pipeline

5.1. The buried depth of the pipeline calculated from surface of natural ground to
the top of underground pipeline and off-take pipeline as follows:
 Pipeline diameter less than 1000mm: the depth is larger than 0.8m
 Pipeline diameter larger than 1000mm: the depth is larger than 1.0m
 Pipeline crossing the mash, dry mud areas: the depth is larger than 1.1m
 Pipeline crossing the moving sand areas: the depth is larger than 1.0m
 Pipeline crossing stone mountain, mash areas without means of
transportation and construction coming: the depth is less than 0.6m
Note: Additional to the above requirements, in case of oil and oil product
pipeline must include optimized pump system and the properties of oil
product to conform to the process requirement.

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5.2. In case the operating temperature of pipeline is larger than a environmental

temperature, when selection the buried depth of the pipeline, besides the
above requirements, must test the longitudinal stability of the pipeline under
the influence of heat-pressing stress conforming to clause 8.3.4, 8.4.4 of this

5.3. The width of trench bottom is determined as follows:

 The pipeline diameter less than 500mm: the width of trench bottom is
larger than or equal D + 300mm ( D: pipeline diameter)
 The pipeline diameter from 500mm to 1000mm: the width of trench
bottom is larger or equal to 1.5 D
 The pipeline diameter from 1000mm to 1400mm and slope of roof trench
is less than or equal to 1:0.5: the with trench is D + 500mm.
Note: D: pipeline diameter

5.4. Depending on a soil type and depth of the trench on ground or under water,
the slope of roof trench is chosen as table 8
Table 8
Underwater trench Aboveground trench
Soil type Depth trench (m)
Less than 2 Larger than 2 Less than 2 Larger than 2
Fine sand 1:2.5 1:3 1:1.5 1:2
Average grain of sand 1:2 1:2.5 1:1.25 1:1.5
Unlike grain of sand 1:1.8 1:2.3
Raw sand 1:1.5 1:1.8
Mix soil and pebble 1:1 1:1.5 1:1.75 1:1
Mixed sand 1:1.5 1:2
Sandy clay 1:1 1:1.5 1:0.67 1:1.25
Clay 1:1.05 1:1 1:0.5 1:0.75
Hard stone soil 1:1.05 1:1 1:0.25 1:0.25

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5.5. The pipeline can be installed on an aboveground bank when crossing

swamp and bumpy topography. An aboveground bank must conform to
clause 6.3.4, 6.3.5, 6.3.6 of this standard.

5.6. Must calculate to ensure the stability of the pipeline and having method to
prevent from watering into a trench when the pipeline installed in subsided
ground. Must ram down tightly when filling up the trench for class II subsided
ground and design as non-subsided ground for class I subsided ground.

5.7. The space distance of cross main pipelines must not less than 350mm. In
case of the pipeline for transporting of water, cable...etc, the distance is
chosen based on agreement of concerned companies but must not lower
than 500m.

5.8. Must have the consolidate or treatment methods for safety protection of the
transportation pipeline in case of having variations in topography, geology by
nature or manmade in the domain next to the pipeline, such as erosion,
landslide of digging holes, that may effected to the operation of pipeline.

5.9. Pipeline laid across the hills and mountains

5.9.1. When set the pipeline across to the carved stone, pebble… it is required to
line a soft soil layer of at least 10cm and cover a soft soil layer of at least
20cm to protect the rust - resistance coating from scratching. Or apply the
protection method for the rust resistance coating from scratching.

5.9.2. If the topography that pipeline arranged on has slope higher than 20%, must
build walls to protect trenches from erosion caused by rainwater flowing
along the trenches when arrange the pipeline along this slope. Must
calculate the dimension of walls and the distances between them depending
on the terrain. The wall structure is made of waterproof material, such as
clay, wood soaking in bitumen to prevent from rushing of termites, or built by
bricks, the below part of these walls must be built before putting pipeline.
Must dig up the water drainage trenches, ditches when putting pipeline on
the side of hills and mountains to prevent the water flowing in and along the
pipeline trenches.

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5.9.3. Not allow putting the pipeline on the slippery ground or ground with ability of
creating the slide. In case compel to cross then must put the pipeline deeper
than the slippery surface or put aboveground with support. Must calculate
the supported posts to guarantee the stability conform to the clauses 8.5.8 to
8.5.13 of this standard.

5.9.4. When putting the pipeline across the spate, beside of choosing the type of
pipeline arrangement (under or above ground) must have the methods of
protection from erosion caused the pipeline to be hung or broken in spate.

5.9.5. When putting the pipeline on the two direction slope side (vertical and
horizontal slopes), if the horizontal slope from 8 0 upward must make a step
way for convenient in construction and operation later. The choosing the
solutions for step way is determined as follows:
 If the slope side smaller than 12 0 then can bank up the step way by soil
from leveling.
 If the slope side from 12 0 to 180 then must include the ability that the soil
from leveling may be slipped off.
 If the slope side from 18 0 to 350 then must dig to the stable soil to make
the step way.
The ability of soil to be slipped off is calculated as the following formulation:
tg  (7)
In which:
- : Declination of the slope side, calculated by degree ( 0)
- : Frictional angle of soil that used for banking up step way
- K: Stable coefficient for soil, normally equal to 1.4
 If the slop side larger than 35 0 must build wall fence or have a method to
guarantee the stability of the step way.

5.9.6. The dimensions of the step way (width, height) is calculated based on the
buried deep of pipeline, the construction conditions and facilities, the geology
conditions and guarantee the following conditions:
 Must dig the pipe trench in stiff soil
 Step-way must be horizontal slope to 2 sides (calculated from the axis of
the trench) or on side of trench. The horizontal slope must not less than
 Must build water drainage with slope not less than 2% at the foot of
 If above the trench has large water area caused erosion, blowing off the
trench roof then must build water drainage above the edges of trench
roof, separated from the edges of talus not less than 3m to ensure the

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safety for trench roof and step way. The dimension of trench must be
calculated for drainage all the water.

5.9.7. In case of having two parallel pipelines across to the hills and mountains,
must build the separated step way for each pipeline, or combined step way
depending on the economic – technical conditions. The distance between
pipelines not be chosen from table 5 but must be consented to the
responsible agency to get the suitable one.

5.9.8. In case of complicated and narrow terrain, allow to put the pipeline in the
tunnel but must have the explanations about the technical – economic
advantages in design, the dimensions of the tunnel must be chosen in such
a way of economic benefit, advantageous guarantee for the construction,
maintenance and operation. Must ensure the long lasting for the tunnel, not
be weathered and have the good natural ventilation. The using of artificial
ventilation must be explained and considered carefully.

5.10. Pipeline across the mine areas

5.10.1. Must corporate with the development plan to avoid the pipeline moving when
across the mine areas. Should arrange the pipeline across the areas that are
finished exploitation, stable soil or will be exploited in far future.

5.10.2. Must calculate the terrain chances caused by exploitation, which effect to the
pipeline stabilities when across to the exploiting areas. Should arrange the
pipeline quadrate to ore bed. The selections of pipeline arrangement (under
or above ground) must base on the strata conditions, the terrain changing
and other conditions related to the pipeline safety and the exploitation plan.

5.10.3. The pipeline arranging in the gravelly soil discharged from the exploitation
must be class II, all welds will be tested 100% by physical methods.

5.10.4. The pipeline across to the ditches, springs, valleys require to be

aboveground. The requirements of aboveground pipeline must conform to
the clauses in section 7 of this standard.

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6. The pipeline across to the natural or manmade obstacles

6.1. The selection the type of sections crossing the natural or manmade
obstacles should be based on the comparison between economic – technical
targets of the methods.
Note: The natural and manmade obstacles are such as river, spring, lake,
pond, marsh, ditch, railway areas and road.

6.2. The underground pipeline crossing to water obstacle

6.2.1. The underground pipeline crossing to water obstacle must be designed

according to the geology, hydrography, construction geology and terrain
conditions. Should including the pipeline operation conditions, stream flow
system of hydro construction, dredge the riverbed, the exiting pipeline …that
may effect to the pipeline arrangement.
1. Must not design the section crossing water obstacles based on the data of 2
years before. Must have the supplement investigation .
2. The location of crossing section must be consented to the river-road agency,
River-road Management Department and the Dyke Management Department
and others related.

6.2.2. Limited length of underground crossing section:

 In case of crossing section with branches: is thhe section between two
 In case of crossing section with a branch: is the section under the water
with frequency of 10%.

6.2.3. Should select the place for pipeline crossing at the straight river section,
stable riverbed, sloping riverbanks, no erosion and the alluvial ground of
smallest width. Should put the river-crossing pipeline in such forming the
angle with the stream flow axle of right angle (90 0). Avoid the river section
having underwater stones. Not allow put the pipeline crossing the shallow
alluvial ground in the riverbed.

6.2.4. The selection of crossing pipeline must apply the optimizing design and take
into the account the characteristics of hydraulic power form as well as its
change during the pipeline operation.
The determination of optimized value of section and crossing location also
base on the exchangeable cost including the durability, stability as well as
environmental protection, ecological balance of the water obstacles.

6.2.5. The burried deep of pipeline is depended on the ability of deformation and
dredge of river bed.
The designed height of reinforced pipeline (to the reinforced top) must be
lower than the forecasted erosion limit of river bed of 0.5m. The forecasted

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erosion limit of river bed is determined basing on the construction

investigation that includes the possible of deformation after 25 years, but the
burried deep of pipeline must not be smaller than 1 m counting from top of
pipeline to the river bottom.
In case of having underwater stones at the river bottom, the pipeline is put at
a deep of 0.5m at minimum, counting from the river bottom to the top of
reinforced pipeline.

6.2.6. The distance from the main underground crossing pipeline to the bridge,
port… is determine conforming to the stipulations in table 4 in this standard.

6.2.7. The underground pipeline in the water of 1% frequency is calculated to

prevent floating according to the clauses 8.4.8, 8.4.9, and 8.4.10. Must not
calculate the weight of soil banking on the pipeline in the limit of 1% water

6.2.8. The width of ditch bottom of crossing section is determined depending on the
hydrography system of the stream flow (flow, speed, opaque level, quantity
of foreign matter), the geology, the method of ditch digging, the diving ability
for investigating and testing, the method of pipeline putting and the cable
arranging for the pipeline.
The slope of ditch depending on the soil type is taken from table 8 (in
underwater section).

6.2.9. The cutting section along the pipeline must be determined basing on the
following conditions: the radius of permitted resilient bending of the pipeline,
terrain of the river bed, limit of erosion, geology structure of the river bed,
river banks, method of reinforcing for pipeline keeping, method of pipeline

6.2.10. Allow designing the manmade bending pipe section in the riverbed only in
the special case, the complication in terrain and geology conditions.
Allow using the welded bend, which is head treatment in factory.
Note: The artificial bend must be out of estimated erosion limit or be under
the reinforced layer of the banks.

6.2.11. The block valve equipments of underground crossing section are put on the
place that its height is higher than the water level of 10% frequency.
In case of river at the mountain, the block valves are required to arrange at
the places with the height higher than the water level of 2% frequency.

6.2.12. On the riverbanks, must have a method to prevent water flowing along the
ditches of the pipeline, such as using clay walls, drain water trenches, soil
walls along the ditches.

6.2.13. Must put the standby branch pipeline if the water obstacles have water width
larger than 75m in dry seasons.

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1. At the water frequency of 10% but the alluvial ground is flooded over
500m and over 20 days and the mountainous region, when having exact
reasons it is possible to put the standby branch pipeline in case of river
with water width smaller than 75m in dry seasons.
2. The diameter of standby branch pipeline is determined in the design
3. In special case with the exact reasons may not put the standby branch
pipeline for the river section of water width larger than 75m in dry
4. If the transportation pipeline for oil and oil product with high viscosity and
not allow to stop pumping during operation, then must put the standby
branch pipeline for the river section of water width smaller than 75m in
dry seasons

6.2.14. Must test the hydrostatic stability and take in to the account the bending
degree of the underground crossing pipeline when a diameter of the pipeline
from 800mm upward and the pipeline is buried underwater over 20m.

6.2.15. Allow designing the underground pipeline section crossing rivers and canals
with the width of 50m downward. The design must take in to the account the
hardness along the pipeline, only reinforce to banks to prevent floating (the
banks are not erosion).

6.2.16. The distance between the underground crossing pipeline sections, which are
in parallel, is determined depending on the geology, hydrography conditions
and the conditions in trench construction underwater.

6.2.17. Must have the signboard determined the limit of pipeline putting and no
anchor dropping (if there are boats coming and going) at both riverbanks of
the place that the pipeline crossing the water obstacles. In case of the width
of water obstacles smaller than 75m in dry season, allow to put the
signboard at one riverbank.

6.3. Pipeline crossing to the marsh

6.3.1. The selection of putting pipeline underground, on the surface or

aboveground is depended on the thickness of mud, water level and flooded
area, and must compare the economic – technical targets between types of
pipeline putting.

6.3.2. Allow putting the standby branch in case of pipeline crossing the mashes of
class I and II with over 500m in width (mash classification – refer to Appendix
3). The decision of standby branch pipeline putting should base on the mash
geology conditions as well as the importance of the main pipeline.

6.3.3. Should choose the mash-crossing pipeline with minimum of turnings. Straight
is the best.
Should choose the radius of resilient bending at turnings.

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6.3.4. Allow putting the pipeline in the soil banking up but required to flat out the
loads over the mud surface.
The minimum dimension of the soil banking up the pipeline as follows:
 The thickness of the banking soil layer is not smaller than 0.8m (taking
into the account the subsidence)
 The width of upper side of the banking soil equal to 1.5 time of the pipe
diameter but not lower than 1.5m.
 The slope of the banking soil depends on the type of soil.

6.3.5. In case of using muddy soil for banking up, must cover the outside by the soil
layer with thickness of 20cm. Must plant grass over the banking soil or apply
the other method to protect the banking soil from erosion and weathered

6.3.6. Must consider building the water drain system when designing the banking
soil. The bottom and slope of the banking soil adjacent to water drainage
system are determined by calculation, which is taken into the account the
local terrain, the area of water collection and the rainwater quantity.

6.4. Reinforce the pipeline to prevent drift

6.4.1. Must reinforce the pipeline underground crossing to water obstacles, mash
and floating alluvial ground to prevent from drift. The calculation of floating
and drift prevention must conform to the clauses from 8.4.8 to 8.4.10 of this

6.4.2. Types of reinforcing for pipeline to prevent from drift:

 Specific reinforcing blocks made of concrete
 The heavy cover for wrapping the whole pipeline
 Reinforcing the pipeline by fastening to the bottom of ditch using twisted
 Reinforcing block by steel basket with stone inside
 Increase the wall thickness of the pipeline for shelf reinforcing
1. The twisted surface of twisted anchor must no be in the muddy soil or
other type of soils that not guarantee the stability of the anchor.
2. The twisted anchor must not be in the soil that its structure is ruined
easily caused the erosion and weathered to the pipeline, and other
3. In the alluvial ground and other floating areas in cycle, soil is not erosion

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6.5. The pipeline crossing the road and railway

6.5.1. The chosen place for pipeline crossing the railway and road should be
embanking or road surface that even to the two sides’ terrain. Allow to
crossing to the sunken place (lower than the terrain at both sides) only in
special case with exact reasons.
The angle between pipeline and road or railway should be 90 0, but not
smaller than 600. Not allow putting the pipeline across to the embankment of
the road.

6.5.2. When crossing the railway and road of level I, II, III, IV must put the pipeline
in the steel cage pipe or tunnel and the dimension is determined depending
on the construction conditions and the crossing section structure but must
larger than the outer pipeline diameter of 200mm (including the rust
resistance cover).
Must put the pipeline in the cage pipeline when pipeline crossing the roads of
level V and VI, roads to the industrial enterprises and rural roads.
The two ends of the cage pipe must be far from:
 The outer road axis of the national railway: 25m
 The outer road axis of the railway to the industrial enterprises: 15m
 The edges of roads: 10m
But be distance from the talus of 2m at least (including 3 types of roads
Note: Allow arranging the communication cable of the main pipeline in the
same cage pipe or steel pipe with diameter of 57mm.

6.5.3. The gas pipeline crossing the railway and road, the two ends of cage pipe
must be covered tightly. Must install a relief valve at one end of the cage
pipe for gas discharge. The venting pipe must be put far from (counting from
the level ground):
 The outer axis of the national railway: 40m
 The outer road axis of the railway to the industrial enterprises: 25m
 The talus’ foots of the road: 25m
The venting pipe must be put higher 5m than the ground at least. If the foot
of venting pipes lower than the rail of railway and embanking of the road then
the distance from the outer axis of railway or from foot-talus must be
increased 5m for every 1m differently.

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6.5.4. In case of the oil and oil product transportation pipeline crossing to the
railway and road, the two ends of the cage pipe must be coated by
waterproof material. Must put the cage pipe sloping to the lower section of
the terrain with the slope of 0.2% at least, and install the discharge pipe at
the lower end of cage pipe to discharge oil to the oil collection hole in case of
breakdown. Oil collection hole must be arranged at the low crossing section
which far from the outer rail of railway and the road 30m. Must build the
drainage system to conduct breakdown oil far from the oil collection hole.

6.5.5. The deep of buried pipe crossing to the railway:

 In case of embanking or road surface that even to the two sides’ terrain,
must not smaller than 1m calculated from the ditch-bottom to the top of
cage pipe.
 In case of sunken place, must not smaller than 0.5m calculated from the
ditch-bottom to the top of cage pipe

6.5.6. The deep of buried pipe crossing to the road:

 In case of embanking or road surface that even to the two sides’ terrain,
must not smaller than 0.8m calculated from the ditch-bottom to the top of
cage pipe.
 In case of sunken place, must not smaller than 0.4m calculated from the
ditch-bottom to the top of cage pipe. If without cage pipe then the deep is
calculated from ditch-bottom to top of the pipeline.

6.5.7. At railway and road crossing place with 2 or more crossing section in parallel,
the distance between the crossing section is calculated depending on the
soil properties, construction conditions and the importance of the traffic-way
but must not smaller than the distance between pipeline in parallel at normal
condition as per table 5 and 6 of this standard.

7. The main aboveground pipeline

7.1. Allow arrange the main pipeline aboveground in the following areas:
 Sandbank areas those are remote from the resident and industrial
 The mash area
 The mountainous and in exploiting areas
 Areas with erosion or earthquake
 Crossing to the natural or manmade obstacles
Must have the economic – technical theoretical factual foundations
comparing the two type of arrangement: aboveground and underground.
Note: When designing the aboveground pipeline in the earthquake area at
level from 7 upward, must test its load bearing ability under the effect of
earthquake shaking.

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7.2. Must have compensation equipment in the main pipeline aboveground. Pay
attention to ensure for pig passing through.

7.3. The aboveground main pipeline crossing to the natural or manmade

obstacles should use the load bearing ability it shelf. When having exact
reasons in design, it is possible to build the special bridge for the pipeline.
The bridge length is determined depending on the diagram, structure of
crossing section and taken in to the account the fluctuation caused by wind
and other loads of activities.

7.4. Types of compensation equipment may have shape of , ,  or zigzag on

the level ground.
Note: When using the shape  in vertical must include the load of the

7.5. Must include the vertical deformation at the section coming out from the
ground. Allow using the turning section near the adjoining place as the
compensation equipment.
Using the reinforced concrete tie plate lining for the coming out pipeline in
case of weak foundation and the slope of crossing section not stable.

7.6. The support pillar for the aboveground crossing pipeline are made of
fireproof material, having following types normally:
 Reinforced concrete hoop for putting together
 Reinforced concrete frame for putting together
 Stone pillar
 Reinforced concrete form of frame-work, frame and column
 Soil embanking and ramming
The pipeline can lean on the special cushion or be hung on the beam or tie
The pipeline must be insulation coating in case of putting on the support

7.7. When the aboveground pipeline crossing to water obstacle then the distance
from the water surface to the pipe-bottom, frame-bottom or girder is chosen
as follow:
 Not lower than 0.5m from the water level with frequency of 5% when
crossing the canal.
 Not lower than the highest level of the boat when the pipeline crossing
the river which is lot of boats coming and going
 Not lower than 0.2m when the pipeline crossing the river of no boats
coming and going
Note: In the canal, rivulet or chasm usually having stumps and twigs floated
so must determine the height and span of bridge to ensure that stumps and

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twigs will not affect to the pipeline but the distance to the water level with
frequency of 1% must be 1m at least.

7.8. The aboveground gas pipeline must be coated for protection from the impact
of heat and mechanism caused by broken gas pipeline when crossing the
spring, mountain gorge and other obstacles

8. The durability and stability calculation of the main pipeline

8.1. The specific quantities for the material properties

8.1.1. The standard pull (compress) intensive of the material (R 1t.c) and the joint
weld (R2t.c) should be chosen from the smallest value of the right away
intensive  and the melting limit c according to the state standard and the
pipeline technical conditions.

8.1.2. The R1 and R2 intensives are calculated follows the formulations:

R1t.c  m
R1  (8)
K1  K H
R2t.c  m
R1  (9)
K2  KH

In which:
m: The coefficient of pipe working condition taken from table 1
K1, K2: The safety coefficient 0f material taken from table 9, 10
KH: The trusty coefficient taken from table 11

8.1.3. The physical specifications of the steel pipe are taken from table 12

8.1.4. The soil parameters are taken according to investigation data

8.2. Load and forces

8.2.1. When pipeline calculating should take into the account the load and forces
influence that occur during the construction, commissioning and operation.
Overload coefficient is taken from table 13.
The load calculation method of force influence and their combination must
conform to the stipulations in TCVN 2737 : 1978

8.2.2. The standard pumping pressure is determined during design. If the oil pump
not use for the reversed direction then allow calculating the variation of pump
pressure according to the long of pipeline. Required to explain this variation
in the design including the pump procedure.
When calculating the pumping pressure of pipeline for transporting of oil and
oil products must include the process flow diagram of the oil and oil product
transportation. Pumping pressure must not lower than the elastic vapor

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pressure transported at the highest temperature calculating for this pipeline

Table 9: Safety coefficient of material

The pipeline specification Material safety

coefficient K1
1. The heating-treated pipes (stress relief), low 1.34
alloy steel laminated by adjustment methods.
Pipes with any kinds of structure (linear or
twisted welds) required 3 welding layers, pipe
with wall thickness tolerance from 5%
downward, all welds are tested by non
destroy testing method
2. The hot casting pipes by standard heating- 1.40
treatment (stress relief) from low alloy steel
with high quality and steel laminated by
adjustment methods and not depending on
the structure (longitude or twisted welds) all
kind of pipes are required 3 welding layers,
and all welds are tested by non destroy
testing method.
3. The 3 layers twisted welding pipes from alloy 1.47
steel, heat - casting steel and pipes welded
in longitude at both sides by electric arc
welding method from the standard steel
plates created by laminating
4. Longitude welding pipes are shaped by 1.55
laminating and twisted welding from carbon
steel and pipes welding at both sides by
electric arc or electrical current at high
frequency. Casting pipes

Table 10: Safety coefficient of material

The pipeline specification Material safety

coefficient K2
1. Low carbon steel casting pipe 1.1
2. Longitude and twisted welding pipes from low 1.15
carbon and alloy steels with
R2t .c
 0.75
R1t .c
3. Pipe welded from high durability steel with 1.55

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R2t .c
 0.75
R1t .c

Table 11: Trusting coefficient

Nominal diameter of Value of trusting coefficient KH

the pipeline
Gas pipeline depending on the Pipeline for
(mm) internal pressure – P (daN/cm2) oil and oil

500 downward 1 1.00 1.00 1.00

From 500 to 1000 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.00
From 1000 to 1200 1.05 1.05 1.10 1.05
From 1200 to 1400 1.05 1.10 1.15 1.10

Table 12: Physical specification of steel pipe

The physical specification of steel pipeline

Value and dimension
and symbol
1. Specific weight () 7850 kg/m3
2. Elastic module (E) 2.1x106 daN/cm2
3. Stretching coefficient () 12x10-6 L/degree
4. Poatxon coefficient (Stretching in breadth)
- In elastic period () 0.3
- In plastic period (d) 0.5

Table 13: Overload coefficient

Method of
Characteristic arrangement Overload
Load and force
of forces Under Above coefficient
ground ground
Fixity Specific weight of the pipeline + + 1.1
and equipments
- Effect of initial stress (elastic + + 1.0
- Soil pressure + - 1.2 (0.8)

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Method of
Characteristic arrangement Overload
Load and force
of forces Under Above coefficient
ground ground
- Hydrostatic pressure + - 1.0
Temporary Internal pressure of gas pipeline  + 1.1
Long term - Internal pressure of oil pipeline + + 1.15
with diameter from 700 to
1400mm and with intermediary
pump station and without storage
- Internal pressure of oil pipeline + + 1.1
of diameter from 700 to 1400mm
and with/without intermediary
pump station which have oil and
oil product tank or pipeline of
diameter smaller than 700mm
+ Weight of pumping product + + 1 (0.95)
- Heating influence + + 1.0
- Influence of soil unregulated + + 1.5
deformation but do not destroy its
structure (sinking, stretch)
Temporary - Wind force - + 1.2
- Load and force occurred during + + 1.2
pipeline maintenance
Short term - Load and force occurred during + + 1.0
pipeline commissioning
- Flood and soil slipping + + 1.0
Special - Earth cover variations at areas + + 1.0
of mining and Cato cave
- Variations of soil with its + + 1.0
structure deformation
1. Sign (+) means having load and forces influence
Sign (-) means no calculation
2. The overload value between brackets is taken when calculating the
length stability and pipeline location stability in the case that reducing
load caused the bad effect to the working conditions of the structure.
3. When taking the specific weight of water required including the saltiness
and components that are hanging in the water.

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4. Require to include the changing of load due to weight of product if

according to the testing and using conditions of the pipeline, there is
water or gas inside the gas pipeline or condensate in the oil and oil
product pipeline that have gas falling into.
5. In case of oil and oil product pipeline with diameter from 700 to 1400,
including intermediate pump station without tank, require to install the
equipment to protect the pipeline from the transition processes, such as
pumping pause, changing the pump program, closing the block valve and
other reasons

8.2.3. Standard weight of gas (KG/m) over 1m length of the pipeline q k is calculated
as follow:
215  k  p  n  Dtr2
qk  ( N / m) (10)
Z T
In which:
k: Specific weight of gas (kg/m 3) at temperature of 00C and 760mm of
mercury column.
n: Overload coefficient, taken from table 13
p: Standard pressure of gas pump (N/m 2)
Dtr: Inside diameter of pipeline (m)
Z: Gas compress coefficient
T: Kelvin absolute temperature: T = 273 + t0C
t0C : centigrade temperature of gas (0C)
In case of natural gas, allow calculate:
qkt  n  p  Dt2r (11)

Weight of oil and oil product in 1m length of pipeline qd (KG/m) is required to

calculate as follow:
  Dt2r
qd   d (12)
In which:
d: Special weight of pumped oil or oil product (kg/m 3)

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8.2.4. The standard temperature disparity in pipe metal needs to be equal to the
difference between the highest or lowest temperature of wall pipe in
operation and the lowest or highest temperature in designing calculation for

8.2.5. The highest or lowest temperature of wall pipe in operation is determined

depending on the temperature of pumped product, soil temperature, air
temperature as well as the wind speech, solar radiation and heat exchange
between pipeline and the environment around.
Lowest or highest temperature in designing calculation for pipeline required
pointing out clearly when designing.
In case of underground pipeline, the temperature disparity must not smaller
than t =  200C
In case of above ground pipeline, t =  400C

8.2.6. The propulsive force of water q n (N/m) over 1m length of underwater pipeline
at place of without flow stream is determined as follow:
qn  0.8  Dng2  n (13)

In which:
Dng: Pipeline outside diameter including rust resistance cover and wood
cover (m)
n: Special weight of water including the amount of slat that are dissolved in
the water (kg/m3)
Note: If the pipeline crosses the soil area that is too flabby or watery then
must take the specific weight of flabby or watery soil (determined in
investigation) substitute to specific weight of water.

8.2.7. Wind load of over 1m length of pipeline q g(N/m) that are perpendicular to the
wind direction is determined according to following formulation:
qg  (qtcT  qDtc )  Dng (14)

In which:
Dng: Outside diameter of pipeline (m)
qTtc: Standard value of static components of wind load determined at TCVN
2737 : 1978
qDtc: Standard value of dynamic components of wind load determined at
TCVN 2737 : 1978

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8.2.8. The loads and influence forces occur by the soil deformation (sinking,
expanding) that are caused by supports slipping and moving… must be
determined based on the analyzing of soil conditions and deformation that is
able to occur during construction and operation of the pipeline.

8.2.9. When designing the aboveground pipeline must include the impacts of
dynamic forces caused during the cleaning pipeline.

8.3. Wall thickness calculation

8.3.1. The wall thickness  (cm) is calculated as follow:

n  P  Dng
 (15)
2(R1  n  P)
If having longitudinal stress then wall thickness is calculated as follow:
n  P  Dng
 (16)
2( 1  R1  n  P)
In which:
Dng: Outside diameter of the pipeline (cm)
P: Standard pumping pressure (N/cm2)
n: Overload coefficient of pumping pressure taken in table 13
R1: Intensive calculated according to formulas (8)n and (9) (N/cm 2)
1: Coefficient including the stress status of 2 - pipeline axes is
determined follow the formulation:
   dN    dN
1  1  0.75   0.5 ( 17 )
 R1  R1

In which:
.dN: Absolute value of longitudinal stress (N/cm 2), which is determined
according to load and influenced forces including elastic of pipe
metal depending on choosen structure.
Increasing the wall thickness when having longgitudinal stress in
comparision with the value calculated form the formulation (15) required to
comprihend in both economic and technical aspect and including the
methods of temperature structure of the oil product pumped.

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8.3.2. The wall thickness calculated from formulations (15) and (16) must be taken
not less than 1/40 of the outside diameter of the pipeline and not less than

8.4. Testing of durability and stability of the underground pipeline and the
aboveground pipeline (in the soil embanking band).

8.4.1. Require testing the longgitudinal durability, deformation and stability in

general and claculation of floating protection for the underground (in the soil
embanking band).

8.4.2. Require testing the duration of the underground pipeline and the
aboveground pipeline according to the condition:
.dN  2 . R1 (18)
dN and R1: As the above note of formulation (16), (17) and clause 8.1.2
2: Coefficient including the stress status of 2 axes in the pipe metal
In case of longitudinal pull stress (.dN  0): 2 = 1
In case of longtitudinal press stress ( .dN  0 ), 2 is calculated as
  
 2  1  0.75 v   0.5 v ( 19 )
 R1  R1

In which:
v: ring stress created by internal pressure (N/cm 2) and is
determined as follow:
n  p  Dtr
v  (20)
In which:
 : Wall thickness (cm)
n: Overload coefficient of standard pumping pressure taken from
table 13
p: Standard pumping pressure
Dtr: Inside diameter of the pipeline

8.4.3. The longitudinal stress .dN (N/cm2) is determined according to the

calculated load and influence forces including elastic of pipe metal. In the
calculation must point out the working condition of the pileline and the
reciprocal inffluence between pipeline and ground.
In the specific case, in case of underground pipeline and pipeline put on the
flat and bending elastic ground, in case of no longitudinal and latitudinal
displacement, no subsidence and expanding then the longtitudinal stresses
created by internal pressure and temperature is calculated by following

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n  p  Dtr
dN = -E t + 0,25 (21)

In which:
t : Differential temperature (0C) and will have sign (+) when pipie is
: Long expansive coefficient of piping metal (1 / degree)
E: Elastic module of piping metal (N / cm2)
np, Dtr, : As thuogh formula (20)

In case of crossing the mining area, the longitudinal stress dN (N/cm2)
created by the deformation of the earth surface is calculated by following
Qc  l  π  lk 
σdN   1  cos  ( 22 )
π δ  l 
In which:
: The pipe standard wall thickness (cm)
lk: The length of discontinueed soil area in comparing with the length of
the pipe in the stretched area (cm)
l: The length of the stretched area (cm)
Qc: Influence intensity caused by soil deformation (N/cm 2)

8.4.4. Require testing the deformation of the underground pipeline and the
aboveground pipeline according to the condition:
tcd  3 R2tc (23)
tcv  3 R2tc (24)

In which:
dtc: Total of maximum longgitudinal stresses in the pipeline caused by
loads and standard forces determined according to the requirement at
clause 8.4.5
vtc: Ring stress created by standard pumping pressure (N/cm 2) and
determined as follow:
P  Dtr
v  ( 25 )
C: Constant, equal to 1 in case of class III and IV pipelines, equal to 0.85
in case of class I and II pipelines, and equal to 0.65 in case of class II
KH: Trusted coefficient taken from table 11

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R2tc: Standard intensity determined according to the requirements at

clause 8.1.1
3: Coefficeint that includes the status of 2 axis stress of the piping metal.
When having longitudinal pulling stress (dtc=0) then 3 equals to 1,
and when having longitudinal pressing stress (vtc=0) then 3 is
determined by following fomula:
 
 tc 
  tc
 3  1  0.75 v   0.5 v ( 26 )
 C tc  C tc
 R2  R2
 KH  KH

8.4.5. Total of maximum longgitudinal stresses in the pipeline dtcmax is calculated

according to the loads and standard forces including the their combination in
the elastic period of piping metal, longitudinal and latitudinal moving of the
pipeline that are corresponed to the structuremechanic method.
In special sace: With the straight and elastic bending pipe sections, when no
the longitudinal and latitudinal moving of the pipeline, as well as soil sinking
and expanding then the total of maximum longitudinal stresses created by
loads and forces is determined as the standard for pump pressure incase of
no temperature changing and elastic bending as follow:
P  Dtr E  Dng
tcd  0.15  Et  ( 27 )
 2
In which:
: elastic bending radius of the pipeline axis
P, Dtr, Dng, , , E, t: As in the fomular (15) to (21)

8.4.6. Require testing the general longitudinal durability at the weaknest section of
the pipeline according to the condition:
S  m.Ndgh (28)
In which:
m: Working condition coefficient taken from table 1 Longitudinal limit force (N) when the pipeline start loosing the
longitudinal stability determined according to the requirement at clause 8.4.7
S: Equivalen longitudinal t pulling force in the pipe section (N) determined
according to the clause 8.4.7
Require testing the longitudinal stability for the bend pipeline section in the
bending plane of the pipeline.
In case of soil drifting at straight pipeline, must test the longitudianl stability in
the vertical plane. The longitudinal stability of the pipeline is tested with the
suppose that the elastic bending radius is smaller than 5000m.

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8.4.7. Equivalent longitudinal pulling force in the pipe section required to determine
according to loads and calculated forces including the longitudinal and
latitudinal moving of the pipeline that are corresponed to the
structuremechanic method.
In special sace: With the straight and elastic bending pipe sections, when
having longitudinal and latitudinal moving, soil shinking and expanding, then
the equivalent longitudinal pulling force is calculated as follow:
S = (0.2v + .E.t).F (29)
In which:
F: The latitudinal section of the piping wall thickness.
v, , E, t: As in formula (20), (21)
Longitudinal limit force is required to determine according to
structuremechanic method including the structure methods and initial
bending of the pipeline subject to the deep of burried pipeline,
physicmechanic characteristics, seton weight things and keeping
In flooded area, require to include the influence of water hydrostatics.

8.4.8. Require testing calculations of drifting and floating for the pipeline sections
crossing the water obstacles according to loads and forces claculated from
the following conditions:
  KA (KBd.qn + u + n – q0 – qsp) (30)
In which:
: Required seton weight (weight of seon block in the water) or calculated
forces of anchoring equipments for 1 m of pipe (N/m)
KA: Material safety coefficient, equal to:
1.00 for the anchoring equipments
1.05 for concrete seton block
1.07 for concrete coating constructed by lumber forms
1.10 for ejected concrete coating
2.20 for seton weight using soil
KBd: Guarranttee coefficient when stability calculating for the pipeline to
prevent from floating and drifting, equal to:
1.05 when pipeline crossing the marsh, water resevoir, alluvial
ground, floaded area in frequency of 1%.
1.1 when water obstacles have water width smaller than 200m in
dry seasons and pipeline diameter smaller than 1000mm
1.15 when water obstacles have water width lager than 200m in dry
seasons and pipeline diameter smaller than 1000mm, or
crossing water obstacles and pipeline diameter from 1000mm

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upward, or crossing rivers in mountain area with nomadic

qn: Claculated propulsive force of water (N/m) over 1m of pipeline,
calculated by formula (13)
u: Value of calculated set on weight in the water required to bend the steel
pipe at trench-bottom
n: Value of calculated set on weight in the water required to bend the steel
pipe and keep the pipe from floating at the curve section under the
internal pressure and the changing of temperature and humidity at pipe
wall (N/m) (When occur the minus difference of temperature at concave
pipeline or positive difference of temperature at convex bending
q0: Calculated weight of the pipeline in the air (including the rust resistance
coating and protective wood layer) (N/m)
qsp: Calculated weight of products in the air, auxilary equipments in the
water (N/m)

8.4.9. Allow to consider the ability of soil set on weight for the pipeline only if the
soil be stable, not be driffted and slipped off from the pipeline. The
calculating of soil holding ability must conform to the requirements of

8.4.10. Calculated selection (allowed load) of anchoring equiepments (N) is

calculated follows the formula:
neo = Z.Kt .Nneo.mneo (31)
In which:
Z: The number of anchors in the anchoring system
Kt: Loading resistance coefficient of anchor around the anchor twisted
surface, taken from table 14
Nneo: Maximum loading (critical of twisted anchor driven into group I soil at
the deep not smaaler than 6 times of diameter of the twisted surface,
which is taken from table 15)
Mneo: working condition coefficient of twisted anchor, equal to:
0.5 when Z is smaller or equal to 2
0.4 when Z is higher than 2

Table 14

Soil Soil name Kt

I Clay, soft and plastic clay, plastic clay 1

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II Fine grane sand, medium sand, wet sand, wet 2

sand, soaking sand, clay, semi plastic clay
III Coarse and medium sand, moisture and wet 3
gravel sand, clay, semic clay and hard semic clay

Table 15

Diameter of Maximum load Diameter of Maximum load

twisted anchor (critical) over a twisted anchor (critical) over 1
twisted anchor twisted anchor
100 650 300 3000
150 750 400 5300
200 1350 500 8300
250 2100 600 12000

8.5. Testing of durability and stability of the aboveground pipeline

8.5.1. The longitudinal durability and stability of the aboveground pipeline is

required to satisfy the condition (except the case that satisfy the clause
 d   4 . R2 (32)
In which:
d: Maximum longitudinal stress (N/cm 2) caused by loads and forces
calculated inside the pipe and determined according to the guide at
clause 8.5.3.
R2: Calculated intensty (N/cm2) is determined according to clause 8.5.4,
when calculating the durability (influence of wind motive force) R 2 will be
reduced because of multiplying with declination of wind meeting surface,
which is determined according to the requirements od TCVN 2737:1978
4: Coefficient including the stress state of 2 axes in the pipe metal
In case of longitudinal pull stress (d  0): 4 = 1
In case of longtitudinal press stress ( d  0 ), 4 is calculated as
  
 4  1  0.75 v   0.5 v (33)
 R2  R2
In which:
v: ring stress created by internal pressure (N/cm2) and determined
at formula (20)

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8.5.2. Allow to calculate the multi span jointing girder system in case of no or
excluding the resonant oscillations of the pipeline in the wind as well as the
crossing section of one span with no compensating equipment, and if
conform to the following conditions:
 Calculation according to loads and forces:
 dN   4 .R2 (34)
(  dN   4 .R2 ).
 dM  0.635.R2 ( 1   4 ) sin ( 35 )
( 1   4 ).R2
 Calculation according to standard loads and forces:
tcd  3 . R2tc (36)

In which:
dN: Longitudinal stress (N/cm2) caused by calculated loads and forces (not
including bending stress), which is determined according to the
instructions at clause 8.5.3 (In case of pulling then the stress is
dM: Absolute value of longitudinal bending stress (N/cm 2) caused by
calculated loads and forces (not including longitudinal stress), which is
determined according to the instructions at clause 8.5.3,
dtc: Sum of maximum longitudinal stresses (N/cm 2) caused by standard
loads and forces (sum of bending and longitudinal forces).
3,and 4: Coefficients determined according to the formula (26) and (33), in
case of having longitudinal stress then they equal to 1.
C: Coefficient taken according to the requirements of clause 8.4.4
KH: Trusted coefficient taken from table 11
Note: If the calculated intensity R2 > R1 then R2 in the formulas from (32) to
(35) is replaced by R1

8.5.3. Calculating the longitudinal force N, bending moment M in the girder

systems, hanging system, and vault system of above ground pipeline must
be executed according to the general stipulations of structuremechanic
methods. In this, the pipeline is considered as the elastic bar (straight or
curved) with the plat horizontal section and the shape is kept even in the
load bearing status.
Require to calculate the value of longitudinal stress dN, bending stress dM,
and sum of maximum stresses d according to the following formula:
σ dN  ; σ dM   ; σd   (37)
In which:
F and W: Area (cm2) and resisted moment (cm3) of sections of pipe walls.

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If having bending moment in the vertical and horizontal planes then require
calculate them according to their combination of balance geometry moments.

8.5.4. Must calculate the change when calculating the longitudinal forces and
bending moments of the above ground pipeline. The calculating diagram
depends on the method of pipeline installation.
Must include the 2-direction bending of the pipeline when calculating the
bending moments of the crossing section without compensation equipments.
Must include the longitudinal and latitudinal displacements of the pipeline at
the connection to the underground pipeline when calculating for the
aboveground pipeline.

8.5.5. Must calculate the friction at support pillar when calculating the girder
systems. In this calculation, depending on the danger of specific cases then
the friction coefficient can be taken the maximum or minimum value.

8.5.6. Must calculate the sections without compensation equipments as well as the
girder system, hanging system, and vault system, in which the pipeline is
born the forces caused by deformation, according to longitudinal stability in
the weakest section of the systems.

8.5.7. When the frequency of cyclone coincides with the specific frequency of
bending oscillation of the pipeline, then must test the durability of the pipeline
according to this resonance.
Must determine the calculated forces and displacements of the pipeline in
case of resonance as the geometric sum of forces and displacements
caused by resonance as well as forces and displacements caused by other
loads and forces, including the wind load calculating correlatively with limit
dynamic pressure of the wind.

8.5.8. Foundations and support pillars are required to calculate according to the
ability of loosing load bearing (durability and stability) or loosing operation
caused by breakdown components or by the over-deformation of support
pillars, parts of support pillar, span structures or pipeline

8.5.9. Must include the vertical and horizontal forces, bending moment caused by
the influence of weight of the pipeline and equipments on it when calculating
the structure of support pillars (include ground and foundation) and parts of
pillar. These forces and moments are determined according to the loads and
forces calculated in their most danger combinations, including the possible
displacement of the support pillars and components in operation.
Must include the depth of deformed soil layer (expanding and sinking) as
well as the possible changes of soil properties (in the load bearing limit)
according to time of year, heating system, break fresh ground areas and
flood ares nearby the pipeline and other conditions when calculating the
support pillars.

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8.5.10. The loads influence on the support pillars caused by wind and the changing
of pipeline length under the influence of internal pressure and the changing
of temperature in pipe walls, which is determined according to the pipe laying
method and the compensation of longitudinal deformation of the pipeline
including its friction on the support pillars.

8.5.11. The loads influence on the fixed support pillars of the aboveground pipeline
on the girder system is taken equal to the sum of forces caused by the
influence of succeeding sections on the support pillars if they are in the same
direction and equal to the difference of these forces if they are in different
direction. The the second circumstance, the lowest load is takenwith the
coefficient of 0.8.

8.5.12. Must calculate the mobile support pillars and longitudinal displacement of the
aboveground pipeline on the girder system according to the inluences at the
same time of vertical loads and horizontal forces or the calculated
displacement (if the pipeline is reinforced on the support pillar tightly then the
displacement may be caused by the bending of support pillar).
Must taken the maximum friction coefficient when determining the horizontal
forces influencing on the mobil support pillars.
Must include the ability that the pipeline is bended in the straight girder
system without logitudinal compensation.
When the pipeline blended, calculated horizontal forces will occur because of
temperature and internal pressure, which is perpendicular to the axis of the
pipeline, influences on the intermediary support pillars and these forces are
equal to 0.01 of maximum value of equivalent calculated longitudinal forces
in the pipe wall.

8.5.13. Must include the ability of falling down and displacement of support pillars
when calculating the support pillars for vault system, anchoring pillars of
hanging system and other systems.

8.6. Compensation equipments

8.6.1. Must carry out the calculating compensation eqipment of logitudinal

displacements of the pipeline caused by the changing in the wall
temperature, internal pressure and other loads at the elastic period of the
pipe metal according to the folloing condition:
In which:
TBB : Calculated longitudinal stress in the compensation equipment caused
by the changing in length of the pipeline under the influences of
pumping pressure and the changes of pipe wall temperature (N/cm 2)
d.p: The auxilary longitudianl stress in the compeansation eqiupment
caused by longitudinal and latitudinal loads at the calculated sections
of the compensation eqiupments (N/cm 2) that are determined
according to the stipulations of the structuremechanics.

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R2 : Calculated intensity (N/cm2) determined accordingt o the clause 8.1.2

v: Ring stress created by internal pressure (N/cm 2) and determined at
formula (20)
Note: Allow to replace the intensity R2 by R2tc in the formula (38) in case of
calculating the compensation equipment working at the environment of rarely
changing of temperature on the pipeline for transorting gas, oil and oil

8.6.2. The value of calculated longitudinal stress in the compensation equipment is

determined according to the general regulations of structuremechanics
method, including the decreasing coefficient of the hardness of bends K gc
and increasing coefficient of longitudinal stress m t.
In specific case, the compensation equipments with the shapes of ,  and 
is determines in the following formulas:
  shape
0.5EDng lc mt  d
 TBB  (39)
 c lc2  2.28 c2 lc  1.4 3c   0.67lc3  lr lc  4 c lc2  2 c2 lc  1.33 3c (40)
K gc

  shape
EDng l c mt  d
 TBB  (41)
 c lc2  2.28 c2lc  1.43c   0.67lc3  2 c lc2  2c2 lc  1.333c (42)
K gc

  shape
1.5E.Dng . d
TBB  (43) In which:
Dng: Outside diameter of the pipeline (cm)
c: Bending radius of the axis at bending place (cm)
lc: The out over section of the compensation equipment (cm)
lr: The width of the compensation equipment (cm)
d: Sum of longitudinal displacements of the pipeline at the connection to
the compensation equipment caused by temperature and internal
pressure (cm)

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8.6.3. The hardness decreasing coefficient Kgc and increasing coefficient of

longitudinal stress mt for the casting bend as well as welding bend of the
compensation equipments when k is smaaler than 0.3 are determined as
K gc  (44)
0 .9
mt  2 / 3 (45)
k  (46)
In which:
: Wall thickness of the bend (cm)
rtb: The average radius of pipe (cm)

8.6.4. Reactive force HTBB of compensation equipment (N) when having the
longitudinal displacement of aboveground pipeline is determined according
to the following formula:
 Compensation equipment with  and Z shape
2.W .TBB
HTBB  (47)
mt .lc

 Compensation equipment with  shape:

HTBB  (48)
In which:
W: Resistance moment of the pipe section (cm3)
Mt, lc, TBB: As in formula (39), (41) and (43)

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8.6.5. The calculated longitudinal displacements of the aboveground pipeline

sections must be determined according to the maximum increase of wall
temperature (the different of positive calculated temperatures) and the
internal pressure of pipe, the stretch of pipeline is determined according to
the maximum decrease of temperature (the different between humid
calculated temperatures) in case of without internal pressure in the pipe (the
pipeline is shrunk).

8.6.6. To decrease the dimension of the compensation equipment must use the
prior stress method. If do so then on the design drawing must indicate clearly
the values of these stretching and pressing according to the welding
temperature of closed joining.

8.7. The parts of pipeline

8.7.1. The part thickness t.c(bend, connecting pipe for diameter shifting…) in case
of having influence of internal pressure in the pipe is determined by the
following formula:
ct  .t . tc (49)
R1 ( t.c )
The wall thickness of T connection t.c is determined by formula (49), the wall
thickness of the branch pipe of the T connection is determined as follow:
R1tc( c,t ) Dtn
tn  tc . tc . (50)
R1( t ,n ) Dtc
In which:
ct : The standard wall thickness of the part (cm)
tc : The wall thickness of the main pipe of the T connection (cm)
tn: The wall thickness of branch pipe of the T connection (cm)
: The wall thickness of main pipeline that the parts installed (cm)
tc t.c
R 1(t, n) ; R 1(t.c) :
The standard intensities of steel, which used to make the
branch and main pipes of the T connection (N/cm 2)
R 1(c, t) : The standard intensities of steel, which used to make the T

connection (N/cm2)
R 1tc : The standard intensities of steel, which used to make the main
pipeline that the parts installed on.
Dt.c: The outside diameter of T connection main pipe (cm)
Dt.n: The outside diameter of T connection branch pipe (cm)
t: Load-bearing coefficient of the parts, must be taken:
- For T connection welding and XXXXX with 3 parts upward with
working condition of welded one more base welding layer and testing

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100% welds, then the load-bearing coefficient of the part is taken

according to table 16
- For T connection according to the diagram in Figure 1
- For cone shifting diameter connection with oblique angle smaller than
1200 and convex bottom then t=1.

Table 16

Curved radius of axis at bending place (c) t

Outside diameter Dng (cm)
1 1.3
1.5 1.15
From 2 upward 1

8.7.2. If beside of bearing the internal pressure, the joining welds are born the
bending and longitudinal forces at the same time then must have the
methods of guarantee for safe working of welds in these condition.

9. Erosion preventing Methods for the main pipeline

9.1. To prevent soil from erosion causes underground pipeline drifting, must have
the following methods: Draining the underground water away, reinforcing
erosion bank of the water obstacles, reinforcing the erosion bank of the ditch
and trench at the place that the pipeline crosses.

9.2. Must prevent the erosion in ditch an embanking soil when install the
underground pipeline or in the embanking soil.
Must build the block walls made by clay or stone to prevent the stream
flowing along the pipeline when underground pipeline crossing the abrupt
slope side, erosion ditch, water trench and water draining trench.

9.3. Must have the method of preventing the pipeline from weathered and erosion
when installing the pipeline in the weathered soil and dynamic sand.

9.4. Must have the water drainage when installing the pipeline that crossing the
canyon, erosion trench. Must calculate the water drainage section in order to
drain the water with the frequency of 2% (50 year a time)
Must calculate the height of wave and the sinking of the embanking ground
when embanking the high ground at the alluvial ground of rivers, springs,
marshes, and sunken area.
Must reinforce the trends and ditches if the erosion is developing that may
effect to the pipeline safety.

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9.5. In case of the under pipeline crossing the water obstacles, must reinforced
their banks, reinforcing method depends on the geology and hydrography
conditions (stream flow, spate system). The banks is reinforced at height that
is higher than the water level calculated for frequency of 1% (100 year/time)
and higher than the height of wave influencing on the slope at minimum of
Must reinforce the part that is adjacent to the slope, from 1m to 5m.
Reinforcing the underwater part must be based on the set measure of
possible entrails erosion of the water obstacles.
The width of the reinforced belt is determined according to the design,
depending on geology and hydrography conditions (output, stream flow,
spate system).

10. Rusty protection for pipeline

10.1. Corrosive protection for pipeline system must be the best method. It will be
chosen basing on the nature of corrosion of area pipeline installed and
operating condition.

10.2. Coating protection for pipeline

10.2.1. The selection of the corrosive protection method according to the nature of
corrosion at area that pipeline is installed must choose in table 17, 18.
Table 17

Resistance of >100 100-20 20-10 10-5 <5

ground (m)
Corrosive Low average Middle – High Very high
Evaluation of high
Protection Normal corrosive Reinforced coating Very reinforced
Method coating and polarized coating and
cathodic polarized

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Table 18

Value of asymmetric Hazardous level Protection method

coefficient of leakage
electric current
< 0.3 Non-hazard Normal coating

0.3-0.6 Average Reifoced coating

>0.6 Hazardous Very reifoced coating

10.2.2. The pipeline coating must have the basic properties as follows to meet the
requirement for corrosion protection pipeline:
 Electrical isolation;
 Completely closeness.
 Chemical stable substance under the influence of environment.
 Stable mechanics in transportation and construction
 Don’t have a corrosive chemical in pipeline.
 Good adhesiveness to surface metal.
The pipeline coating is chosen as per Table 19, 20
Table 19: Mastic, Mineral Additive , Bitume

Coating type Coating structural (mm)

Normal Line paint, mastic, fire optic or bridon paper 3

Reinforcement Line paint, mastic, fire optic textile or bridon 6


Very Line paint, mastic, fire optic textile or bridon 9

reinforced paper

Note: The thickness of mastic is 3mm usually

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Table 20: Polymer sticking plaster

Coating type Coating structural Thickness


Normal Line paint, sticking plaster, one layer of 0.35


Reinforcement and Line paint, sticking plaster, two layers of 0.07

very reinforcement polymer

10.2.3. The pipeline coating is chosen in table 17, 18, but require being reinforced or
very reinforced in following conditions:
 The pipeline diameter larger than 1000mm
 The section pipelines lay in a transitory environment areas
 The pipeline cross a road, rail, electrical cable and other pipeline
 The piping in compressor area, gas distribution station, storages, pump
 The section pipelines cross a industrial waste water, living waste water
and portable water
 The area has a leaked electric current
 The fluid pipeline with temperature higher than 40 0C.
 In oil field, oily ground areas
 A normal coating segment is also covered by reinforced coating if it is
less than 1km and put between reinforced coating segments,.

10.2.4. Must apply heatproof material for pipeline coating in case of transporting oil
product with operating temperature in a range of 40-700C. Must mix additional mineral additive with mastic asphalt material in case of
hot pipeline to ensure that the pipeline can bearing the temperature  700C Should not transport a product with temperature higher than 70 0C, unless
otherwise the product must be cooled or coated by material with special
heatproof, such as silicate glaze.

10.2.5. Must clean a rusty trace, dry by air and damp proof for pipeline before

10.2.6. The good quality coating must ensure the a transitory resistance between
pipeline and ground:
 Normal coating: 104 m
 Reinforcing and very reinforcing: > 10 5 m (thickness error is showed in
table 21)

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Table 21

Coating type Error allowable (mm)

Normal +/- 0.3

Reinforcement +/- 0.5

Very reinforcement +/- 0.5

10.3. Prevention from mechanical clash

10.3.1. The section pipeline must be protected by hard wood, hard coating material
when crossing the road, railway, underwater obstacles and hard stone area

10.3.2. The table 22 shows material for protection a rusty-proof coating from
mechanical clash.
Table 22

Coating structural
Mastic coating Polymer coating

Sand ground, Bridon or optic fiber textile or Bridon or optic fibre textile or
sand one layer crap paper one layer crap paper

Lay, wet lay, silt Bridon or optic fibre textile or Bridon or optic fibre textile or
one layer crap paper one layer crap paper

Pebble, Bridon or optic fibre textile or Bridon or optic fibre textile or

macadam one layer crap paper one layer crap paper

Hard ground Bridon or optic fibre textile or Bridon or optic fibre textile or
two layers crap paper two layers crap paper

Underground Two layers bridon or optic Two layers bridon or optic

bend, fibre textile or crap paper and fibre textile or crap paper and
underroad, one layer wood or steel one layer wood or steel
under rail bend

1. Pipeline installation in hard stone must be covered by hard line (wood, steel).
2. Must not cover pipeline by crap paper in water area

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10.4. Protection from atmosphere corrosion

10.4.1. All aboveground pipelines must be painted for corrosive protection. The
painting material will be chosen basing on a conditions as: Environment,
material supply, economic... The composition and painting method will be
chosen in table 23, 29 or appendix 5
Table 23

Num. of Painting Drying time at

Painting composition
layer Method 18-200C (h)
1. Vietnamese line paint 1 Sprayer, brush 24

2. Vietnamese line paint 1 Sprayer, brush 24

3. Vietnamese rustproof paint 1 Sprayer, brush 24

4. Vietnamese rustproof paint 1 Sprayer, brush Over 72

Note: Other paints with the same specification can be applied

10.5. Corrosive protection in wet ground or leaking electrical current areas

10.5.1. The cathodic protection equipment will be chosen basing on a technical and
economic. When design the electrochemistry protection must include the
change of electrical data of facilities protected. The minimum lifetime of
facilities must be 10 years.

10.5.2. When designing cathodic protection for pipeline using cathodic station must
base on following conditions:
 Continuous electrical supply in 24/24 hours
 Protective length of a station
 Voltage distribution between ground and pipeline
 Cathodic station capacity
 The data of grounding anode system

10.5.3. Must ensure the voltage polarization on the pipe surface from –0.85  -1.1V
to protect from electrochemistry rusty (electrode is made of sulphate of
Allow protect from electrochemistry rusty when maximum values of voltage
polarization between ground and pipeline in the range of –0.87  2.5 V
(electrode is made of sulphate of copper)

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10.5.4. Protective electrochemistry catholic must not affect to near constructions that
have underground metal. The voltage between two neighbor constructions
protected must in the range of maximum and minimum allowance values and
not allow this voltage appearing in the construction that is not protected from
rust caused by electric from near negative polarization construction.

10.5.5. In case of cannot prevent a disadvantaged effect of an underground metal

construction next to, must apply a rusty protection method for both
The rusty prevention system for pump and compressor stations and
underground metal constructions are also put in the same cathodic
protection system.
If cannot apply the above condition then must apply rusty protection method
using protector

10.5.6. Should use the protector as a grounding conductor for process equipment in
compressor station, gas distribution station, and pump station. The quantity
of protectors is calculated basing on a resistance allowable of grounding
device and the lifetimes conform to requirements of electrical facilities.

10.5.7. Should arrange the electrochemistry rustproofing systems near the power
station in order to ensure the power supply of 24/24 hours.

10.5.8. Require to build the testing station for electrochemistry rustproofing

equipments at following locations:
 Every 500m to 1500m along the pipeline and near the landmark of
pipeline route
 The same location with electro rustyproof equipment using anode
 Location for re-cover of rusty protection layer.
 Location of isolation flanges.
 Water crossing areas
 Cross places that the pipeline cross other metal pipes and power lines
 Road and railway crossing areas

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10.5.9. Must isolate the pipeline with other metal constructions, such as storage,
tanks, process pipelines, jetty… to prevent a loss of electrical current

10.5.10.The average value of electrical current in all electrical generations, which is

connected to a grounding conductor of transformer or railway, must not
higher than 25% total loads of transformer. The electrical current of
grounding conductor for pipeline and cable communication must be not
higher than 20% and 5% of electrical current of transformer station,

10.5.11.The electrochemistry rustproof equipment must be in normal operation in a

range of temperature in pipeline areas and in maximum humidity of 95% (the
average humidity of month at 200C).

10.5.12.The electrode of grounding anode must be a corrosive protection. If

grounding anode is not a rusty electrochemistry protection, then must
connect electrodes together by cable with section larger than 6 mm 2
When design the grounding anode covered by coke then must grind coke as
smalll as 1mm.

10.5.13.The resistance of grounding anode must be calculated basing on a

maximum electrical protection current of cathodic station. The quantity of
grounding electrode must be checked basing on the average electrical
current of cathodic station for 10 years.

10.5.14.Grounding anode and protector is installed underground, which has lowest


10.5.15.Grounding anode cable and wire must be calculated basing on a maximum

cathodic electrical current.

10.5.16.The underground connections of electrochemistry rustproof protection must

be isolated.

10.5.17.In case of the incontruction pipeline bearing the oscillating electric current,
must bring the electrochemistry rustproof equipmets into operation after
putting the pipeline in the trench.

10.5.18.Apply protection method using protector for steel pipeline in the following
 Short piping which is non-economic if using cathodic station for protection
 No power supply or power supply is not continuous 24/24
 The piping protected by cathodic protection but the protection voltage is
not enough
 The piping required fire-explosion protection
Should only use the protector system if grounded resistance is less than

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10.5.19.The calculation when desining protection by protector must base on the

property of pipeline installation area, enough density of protection current
according to pipeline diameter in each soil type.
Must produce the protectors from metal that has negative standard voltage
less than the negative standard voltage of pipeline metal.

10.5.20.The function of protector cover is used in such for increasing the protector
dissolution in case of big grounding resistance and decreasing the protector
dissolution in case of small grounding resistance.

11. Communication and control system

11.1. The communication and control system is a part of main pipeline system. It
installed for communication and control purposes of pipeline construction.

11.2. Designing communication and control system must based on design

documents and the standard of Post and Communication Head Department

11.3. The communication and control system must guarantee the continuous
communicate among control center, stations, pump stations, storages and
workshops; and indoor communication among office, living area and
production areas; and communicate with fire fighting station and other
company. Must guarantee for automatic and remote controlling activities.

11.4. Communication system may use the following means: cable, radio or
uncover-wire or wireless
The cable or wire can be used for network communication between
production and house areas.
The selection of cable or uncover-wire is based on the economic-technical

11.5. The communication of pipeline system includes communication along

pipeline and in station.
Communication along pipeline including main cable, branch cable,
uncovered cable of network communication of production areas, office and
living areas and stations of amplification.
Communication in station: Telephone exchange, transition wireless station
with antenna, utility and generation stations.

11.6. Must put the telephone exchange of main pipeline in the scope area of
pipeline. The transition wireless or automatic/un-automatic amplification
stations is put in pump station area but not in the same room for pumping.

11.7. Must put along pipeline the automatic amplification station of cable and of
transition wireless system in communication system. The installing locations
of automatic amplification stations and intermediary stations must satisfy the
following requirements:
 Normal operation of communicable equipment.

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 Easy for construction and maintain the system

 Put near the construction along the pipeline (near line break valve
stations) with an allowable accuracy to ensure the technical data of

11.8. If the distance from communicated cable to pipeline is larger than 10m, must
install the lightning protection equipments in the lighting hazardous area.

11.9. Must protect the cable from electrochemical rust at the same time with
protection the pipeline. If the distance from communicated cable to pipeline
is larger than 40m, then must be protected separately.

11.10. Depending on the conditions of soil geologic and construction to use the
following cables:
 Cable with steel cover: Applied to all classes of ground, crossing the river
without boats transportation, the rivers with stable banks and without
boggy or the rivers with weak flow.
 Cable with plaited steel cover: Applied to unstable ground, hill with high
slope, or swamp that deeper than 2m, lake, rivers with boat
transportation, river in mountainous area.
 Cable with metal cover and plastic coating: Applied to ground and water
with steel corrosion property
 Cable with lead or metal cover: Applied to areas that is under the
magnetic influence of power cable, wireless facilities, tramcar rail.

11.11. The deep of cable trench must not less than:

 1.0m for class I, IV ground.
 0.5m for a class V and upward ground or ground with a stone, a class IV
ground that constructed by set off a mine,
 0.7m, for a class V ground mixed up with plants so must scatter a sand
layer of 0.1 m for lining before laying cable and must cover by 0.1 m sand
layer before filling up.
Note: Must have a protection method for cable in the agricultural area,
sand, eroded area by rain.

11.12. Must install cable landmarks at:

 Places of connecting the underground cable.
 Places of off-take branches to amplification stations and turning cable.
 Places of crossing the rail, road, pipeline, and other wires.

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11.13. Depending on a condition, a testing station for cable and pipeline can be
installed at the same location. The distance between automatic amplification
station and pipeline must be larger than 10m.

11.14. If the cable cross the rail, road and designing the pipeline running inside
other pipe, the cable must be covered by 57mm diameter of steel pipe then
put inside covered pipe or welded at outside covered pipe.
Cable may be arranged in separated pipe made of asbestos concrete with
diameter of 100mm and putting far from the cover pipe of the pipeline at
distance of 8 to 9m and the end of asbestos concrete pipe must far from
edges of talus or drain at distance of at least 1m.

11.15. In case of cable crossing the rail, road and the pipeline not in cover pipe,
communication cable must be put in steel pipe or asbestos concrete pipe as
stipulated in clause 11.14.

11.16. In case that pipeline crossing the natural or artificial obstacles aboveground,
the cable must be put in steel pipe and clamped to the pipeline tightly or
suspended to load bearing wire near supports of aboveground pipeline.

11.17. In case that the crossing place of cables is different from the crossing place
of pipeline then must put cable underground at the deep at least 0.8m in
comparison with water drain bottom.
In case of the deep of 0.4-0.5 m must have concrete plate above for
The cable cross another pipelines, the cable must be put in the asbestos
concrete pipe at the minimum distance for each case of crossing as follows:
 Oil pipeline system: 0.15m
 Above water pipeline: 0.15m
 Under the heating pipeline network: 0.15m
 Low voltage cable: 0.25m
 Communicable cable: 0.1m

11.18. Only use the wireless transition in the areas that having difficulties in cable
construction and without economic.

11.19. Should joint a wireless transition system with ultra short ware wireless
system in order to get the continuous communication and convenient

11.20. Must use all the power sources for pipeline and existing power line when
designing the communication lines.

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12. Utilities system

12.1. Must not use materials, facilities, accessories without technical documents
and specifications.

12.2. The material, facilities and accessories must conform to the standards
stipulated by S.R. Vietnam (related standards)

12.3. Pipe steel material

12.3.1. Allow using founded pipe and welded pipe if satisfying the specification.

12.3.2. The joining weld must have the same durability of material pipe. The weld
must be smooth, un-cracked, un-slag conforming to the specifications.

12.3.3. Tolerance outside diameter at head pipe comparing with standard diameter

must not higher than  (: wall thickness)
The oval level of pipe heads must have a ratio between minus of maximum
and minimum diameter and standard diameter not higher than:

Dc: Standard diameter of pipe

12.3.4. Must use pipe with 6.0 m of length. The quantity of pipes, which have length
less than 6.0m, must not longer than 10% of total length of pipeline.

12.3.5. Steel pipe must satisfy the following requirements: All welding methods can be applied to the pipe Stability limit of carbon steel and low alloy steel must not higher than
35daN/mm2 and lower than 50daN/mm2, respectively. Melting limit, temporary resistance of carbon steel, low alloy steel and
refined and reinforced steel must less than 0.75 daN/mm 2, 0.8 daN/mm2
and 0.85 daN/mm2, respectively. The approximate stretching of sample tested five times in the case of:
 Carbon steel and low alloy steel with temporary resistances less than
60daN/mm2: Must less than 20%.
 Reinforced hardness and heat-treated steels with temporary resistances
higher than 60daN/mm2: Must not higher than 18%.
 Refined hardness with temporary resistance from 60daN/mm 2 upward:
Must not higher than 16%. Toughness of material pipe under inside pressure at minimum operating
temperature must satisfy the requirements in a table 24
Table 24

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Pipe Operating Specification of sphere sample

diameter pressure (R=0.25mm)
(mm) (daN/mm2)
Toughness (daN/mm2) Allowable ratio (%)

<800 100 3 50

1000 75 4 60

1200 <55 - -

1000 >75 - -

1200 55-75 6 70

1400 <55 - -

1200 >75 - -

1400 55-75 8 80

1400 >75 10 90 Toughness of material pipe under environment temperature during

construction and installation must be taken conforming to the requirements
in table 25
Table 25

Pipe Operating Toughness of sphere sample (r=1mm)

diameter pressure (daN/mm2)
(mm) (daN/mm2)
Pipe Weld

<500 <100 3 -

500-800 <100 4 3

1000 <55 - -

1000 >55 - -

1200 <55 5 4

1400 <75 - -

1200 <75 6 5

1400 >75 - -

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Vietnamese Standard 4090 : 1985
Main pipelines for transporting of oil and oil product – Design standard Plastic deformation of metal in pipe manufacture must not higher than

12.3.6. Metal for making pipe must not have a cracked traces, folds, scratches, grits,
etc. If having then allow using the metal if after cleaning the defects (except
cracked traces) the wall thickness must higher than 80% calculated wall
thickness of pipe.

12.3.7. The bend, flange, buffers, tees, etc must satisfy the requirements as follows: If the operating pressure is less than 10 daN/mm 2, the pipe accessories
made of pipe steel or flat steel, must meet the requirements in clause
12.3.5, 12.3.6 of this standard and Vietnamese standards from TCVN
1286:1972 to TCVN 1371-1972 (Testing welds by physical method) If the operating pressure is larger than 10 daN/mm 2, the pipe accessories
made of pipe steel or flat steel must meet a requirements in clauses 12.1,
12.2, 12.3.5 and 12.3.6.

12.3.8. The minimum length of T connection must be 2d

The pipe length of T branch must at least of100mm and not less than 0.5d
Thickness of consolidating buffer ring must equal to the wall thickness of
consolidated part. Incase of the ratio of branch diameter and pipe diameter
less than 0.2, not require consolidating the buffer ring. And if the ratio is less
than 0.5, only require consolidating the buffer of main pipe.
The bending radius in connection area with the branch pipe must not less
than 0.1d
The length according to the minimum diameter of bend must not less than
0.2d (d: branch diameter of T connection or bend)

12.3.9. The length of connection pipe for changing diameter is calculated as follows:
Dd 1
l x  2a (52)
2 tg

D: Outside diameter of a large pipe

d: Outside diameter of a small pipe
: Angle of dip of truncated cone connection pipe must not less than
than 120
a: Length of cylinder segment of large to small diameter pipe must not
less than 0.7D

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12.3.10.The wall thickness of accessories must be calculated as per formula (15),

(16) but must be larger than 4.0mm.

12.3.11.The pipeline must be hydrotested in workshop. The hydrotest time is not less
than 20 second and the hydrotest pressure must be calculated as following
Pth = (N/cm2) (53)

 : Minimum wall thickness pipe (cm)

Dtr: Inside diameter (cm)
R: Consolidated calculation, which is 90% of minimum melted limit (N/cm 2)

12.3.12.The hydrotest pressure of accessories must be calculated as follows:

Pth = KPlv (54)
Pth: Hydrotes pressure (N/cm2)
Plv: Operating pressure (N/cm2)
K = 1.25 when applied for pipeline
= 1.5 when applied for compressor station, pump station and section
pipeline when crossing a river, swamp, canal, etc.

12.3.13.Relief valves, emergency shutdown valves, gate valves, etc. must conform to
requirements in Vietnamese standard from TCVN 1394:1972 to TCVN
1435:1972, the tightness must conform to requirements in Vietnamese
standard TCVN 1288:1972, discharge hole diameter must conform to
requirements in Vietnamese standard TCVN 1286:1972 and hydrotest
pressure, operating pressure must conform to requirements in Vietnamese
standard TCVN 1287:1972

12.4. Welding material

12.4.1. Manual arc welding must use the soldering stick according to stipulations in
Table 26, 27 or TCVN 3223:1979

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Current intensity
Composition Mechanic property
(%) Stick diameter Current intensity of welds
(mm) (A)

C: 0.07-0.12 2.5 80-100 Stable tug: 5-50 daN/mm2

Mn: 0.4-0.6 3.25 130-150 Stretching: 20-25%

Si: 0.15-0.25 4 180-200 Toughness: 8-13 daN/mm2

P,S: 0.04 5 200-220 1800

6 220-240

Note: Covered chemical seam is a titanium slag


Current intensity
Composition Mechanic property
(%) Stick diameter Current intensity of welds
(mm) (A)

C: 0.08-0.12 2.5 80-90 Stable tug: 50-55 daN/mm2

Mn: 0.9-1.2 3.25 130-150 Stretching: 25-30%

Si: 0.3-0.4 4 180-200 Toughness: 14-18


B: 0.03 5 200-220 1800

S: 0.03 6 220-230

Note: Covered chemical seam is a Fluorine slag

12.5. Pipe coating material

12.5.1. The pipeline must be stabilized by reinforcing block when crossing rivers,
swamps, water areas…etc. Depending on topography, geography;
hydrography, construction method, material, the may select type of reinforce
as stipulated at clause 6.4.2

12.5.2. Weight of reinforcing block must be calculated conforming to clause;

8.4.9. The specific weight of reinforcing block must larger than 22 daN/cm 2.

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Main pipelines for transporting of oil and oil product – Design standard

12.5.3. A shape of set on weight can be a cylinder, semi oval made of castle iron
and steel rod concrete. Two semi ovals must be connected by material, that
can stand for erosion of environment and mechanical knock.

12.5.4. Using heavy coating for the whole pipeline must including the bending that
can destroy the coating pipeline.
Using steel cage with stone inside must conform to stipulations at clause
8.4.8, 8.4.9. . Steel for cage must be erosion-proof.

12.5.5. The anchor equipment must be calculated as per item 8.4.10. Anchor
material must have high mechanical stabilization and guarantee the
durability between a forced part and hanged part and erosion-proof of

12.6. Anti-corrosive material

12.6.1. Anti-corrosive material and equipments for the pipeline, which are fabricated
in Vietnam or foreign country, must be standardized or guaranteed for

12.6.2. Lined paint made of a resin and gasoline without leaded is mixed as per
mass ratio 1:2 or volume ratio 1:3.

12.6.3. Basing on construction conditions and pipeline application, a physical –

mechanical property of mastic and bitumen must satisfy the requirements in
table 28.
Table 28

Air temperature Product Physical-mechanical of Mastic and Bitumen

at putting temperature
pipeline Melt temp. Stretching at A deep needle
in pipeline
(0C) 250C (cm) at 250C (mm)

00C -50C <400C 65 – 75 3–4 2.5 - 3.5

400C - 560C 80 – 90 2–3 2.0 - 2.5

560C - 700C 85 – 95 2–3 2.0 - 2.5

50C -300C <400C 70 – 80 2.5 – 3.5 1.5 - 2.5

400C - 560C 80 – 90 2–3 1.5 - 2.5

560C - 700C 90 – 95 1.5 – 2.5 1.0 - 2.0

Above 300C <400C 80 – 90 2–3 1.0 - 2.0

400C - 560C 80 – 90 2–3 1.0 - 2.0

560C - 700C 90 – 100 1.5 – 2.5 1.0 - 2.0

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12.6.4. Composition and physical-mechanical property of mastic and bitumen are

showed in appendix No. 5,6,7,8.

12.6.5. Rubber powder must satisfy the following requirements:

 Mass content of impurity must less than 5%.
 100% quantity of small matter passing through 1.5 mm diameter of sift
 90% quantity of small matter through 1.0 mm diameter of sift
 Moisture less than 1.5%.
 Content of ferrous metal after magnetic dissociation less than 0.1%.

12.6.6. Mineral powder must satisfy the following :

 Diameter after grinding must not bigger than 1mm
 Moisture less than 1.0%
 Metal content less than 0.1%
 The mineral made of lime or kaolin, talcum and asbestos

12.6.7. Using polymer adhesive tape is referenced to appendixs 10, 11, 12.

12.6.8. Coating material for protection from mechanical knocking is showed in

appendixes 11,12,13,14.

12.6.9. The inner lining paint, covered paint must conform to the requirements in
table 23, 29 and appendix 4.
Table 29

No. Parameter Inner lining paint Coating paint

1 Film color Red

2. Outside film Smooth Chap

3. Viscosity at 250C (sec) 25 – 30 60

4. % non-vapor substance 50

5. Dry time (hour) 24 24

6. Stickiness (%) 100

7. Smoothness (%) 80 - 90

8. Bending cover (%) 4

9. Ability cover (g/m2) 40 - 90

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Main pipelines for transporting of oil and oil product – Design standard

12.6.10.Anode-grounded material can be made of:

 Flat steel: 40 x 4; 60 x 6 mm;
 Angle steel: 40 x 40 x 4; 50 x 50 x 4; 80 x 80 x 8 mm;
 Pipe steel: Pipe diameter 57-108mm
 Silica steel: mass percent >14%
 Graphite

12.6.11.Protector is produced from the alloy of magnesium, aluminum and zinc,

which its voltage more minus than pipe steel voltage.

12.6.12.Specific resistance of anode insulation material must not higher than

0.25m, the matter diameter must not higher than 10mm, impurity content
(exp. Coal powder, coke coal, slag powder) must less than 10%.

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Vietnamese Standard 4090 : 1985
Main pipelines for transporting of oil and oil product – Design standard

(Quotation form 400-QD/PC of S.R. Vietnam)

Application properties Road class

1. The national road that is very important in economy, politics, I - II

culture, national defense, or important transportation to
international …

2. The main road connects to centers of politics, economic, II – IV

culture in national or important industrial areas or important
central transportation.

3. The road connect the centers of politics, economic, culture in IV-V

locals or connect with among important industrial areas or
connect to main harbor or main station, main airport.

4. The interprovincial, area, industrial, rural road or the road V

connect center of transportation in area or connect with port,
station and small airport

5. The internal road in province or inter-district or connect to VI

small industrial area or farm or co-operation

(Quotation form 400-QD/PC of S.R. Vietnam)

Road class I II III IV V VI

Traffic density Delta > 3000 2000- 700- 150-700 50-150 <50
3000 2000
Mountain 1200- 700- 400-700 50-150 <50
areas 2000 1200

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Main pipelines for transporting of oil and oil product – Design standard

(Quotation form 400-QD/PC of S.R. Vietnam)

Description Units Technical road class


1. Speed Km/h 120 180/60 80/40 60/30 40/20 18/10

2. Lane of traffic No. - 2 2 2 2 -

3. Width of lane m 3.5/3.0 3.25/3.0 3.0/2.75 2.75 -

4. Width of road surface m 7.0/6.0 6.5/6.0 6.0/5.0 5.5/3.5 3.0/2.5

5. Width of road-bed m - 12/10 10/8 8.5/7.0 7.5/6.0 6.0/6.0

 The numerator be applied for Delta area
 The denominator be applied for mountainous area

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Vietnamese Standard 4090 : 1985
Main pipelines for transporting of oil and oil product – Design standard

(Basing on the mash class of Russian Standard)
Class I:
a. The mash full of peat with stable plasticity so the construction machine with a specific
pressure about 0.25daN/cm2 can run on.
b. The peat mash has unstable plasticity and the depth of 0.7 m and the bottom covered
by solid mineral so that the normal construction machine can transport on.
c. The peat mash of 1.5m-depth, mineral bottom surface. Mash width is 250m at the
location pipeline go through and the construction machine, which have a specific
pressure about 0.1daN/cm2, can transport on..
Class II
a. The peat mash, which has a unstable plasticity, 0.7 m deep and 500 m wide, can
stand for a specific pressure about 0.25 daN/cm2
b. The mash with full of peat that allows the construction machine with specific pressure
of 0.1daN/cm2 transporting on peat mash with maximum width of 1km.
Class III
a. The mash that allow operating of a specific construction machine for mash.
b. The mash with full of peat that allows only the construction machine with specific
pressure of 0.1daN/cm2 transporting on peat mash with maximum width over 1km.

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APPENDIX 4 (Reference)

Dry time
The composition of painting layer Quantity Method painting
at 18-200C (h)

1. a) Lining paint   - C3K 1 Painting sprayer or brush 24

b) Lining paint   - C3K 1 Painting sprayer or brush 2
c) Pevinyl chloride or XB-785 paint 1 Painting sprayer or brush 20
d) Penvinyl chloride or XB-785 1 Painting sprayer or brush >72

2. a) Lining paint XG - 010 1 Painting sprayer or brush 2

b) Lining paint XG – 010 1 Painting sprayer or brush 1
c) Penvinyl chloride or XB-785 1 Painting sprayer or brush 2
d) Penvinyl chloride or XB-785
1 Painting sprayer or brush >72

3. a) Lining paint   - O3K 1 Painting sprayer or brush 24

b) Lining paint   - O3K 1 Painting sprayer or brush 24

4. a) Lining paint b  - C8 1 Painting sprayer or brush 1

b) Lining paint   - O3K 1 Painting sprayer or brush 24
c) Lining paint   - O3K 1 Painting sprayer or brush 2
d) Penvinyl chloride paint 1 Painting sprayer or brush 20
e) Penvinyl chloride paint 1 Painting sprayer or brush >72

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APPENDIX 5 (for reference)


Mastic composition and properties
1. Pour point temperature (0C)  70  90  75  90

2. The depth of needle crossing at 25 0C 21-24 5-20 25-40 20

(0.1mm diameter) (mm)

3. Ignition temperature (0C) 230 230 230 230

4. Stretching at 250C (cm) 3 1 3 2

5. Content of dissolved substances in water  0.3  0.3  0.2  0.2

1. BBH-IV, GH are applied as per TOCT 6671-36 Russian standard
2. Bhu-IV, Ghu-V are applied as per TOCT 9812-74 Russian standard
3. k is a needle diameter

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APPENDIX 6 (for reference)


The composition and property of mastic
MBP-75 MBP-90 MBP-100 MBP-120

1. Mass composition (%):

Bitumen BH - IV - (Ghu-IV) 88 93 45 -

Bitumen BH – V - (Ghu-V) - - 45 83

2. Rubber powder 7 7 10 12

3. Chemical plastic substance 5 - - -5

4. Pour point temperature (0C) 75 90 100 100

5. The depth of needle crossing at 25 0C 30 20 15 15

(0.1mm diameter) (mm)

6. Stretching at 250C (cm) 4 3 2 2

7. Site temperature (0C) -15  15 -10  35 -5  40 -5  50

a. Basing on TOCT 15836-70 Russian standard
b. k is a needle diameter

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APPENDIX 7 (for reference)


The composition and property of mastic
1 2 3

1. Bitumen BH-IV-(Ghu-IV) (%) 75 - 70

2. Bitumen BH-V-(Ghu-V) (%) - 75 -

3. Mineral additive (%) 25 25 25

4. Plastic - - 5

5. Pour point temperature (0C) 79-93 95-98 67-73

6. The depth of needle crossing 250C (0.1mm 20-30 10-20 20-25

diameter) (mm)

7. Stretching at 250C (cm) 3.0-3.5 1.5-2.0 3.0-4.0

Note: Basing on TOCT 15836-70 Russian standard

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Main pipelines for transporting of oil and oil product – Design standard

APPENDIX 8 (for reference)


(Based on GTCT 610-72 Russian standard)

Parameter Standard

Class  Class 3 Class C

lubricant lubricant lubricant

1. Dynamic viscosity (Cst) at 500C 42-60 22 12-14

2. Dynamic viscosity (Cst) at 00C - 2

Dynamic viscosity (Cst) at 100C 150 - -

Dynamic viscosity (Cst) at 300C - - -

Dynamic viscosity (Cst) at 500C - 600 2500

3. Content of Alkaline acid dissolving 0 0 0

4. Water content (% H2O)  0.4  0.3  0.1

5. Content of extraneous matter  0.07  0.05  0.04

6. Flashpoint temperature (0C)  135  125  125

7. Condensed temperature (0C) - - 40

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APPENDIX 9 (for reference)

(Based on GTCT 2985-64 Russian standard)

Parameter Standard

1. Density at 200C  0.97

2. Starting temperature for distillation (0C)  165

3. 92% distillated temperature (0C)  350

4. Coal (%) 0.75

5. Naphthalene content (%) 8

6. Water Content (%)  1.2

7. Refraction parameter N2CD  1.57

APPENDIX 10 (for reference)

(Based on GTCT 3540-47 Russian standard)

Parameter Standard

1. Color of reflect light Yellow, grown, red

2. Viscosity at 500C (Grad) 1.2-2.5

3. Content of dissolving substance (%)  60

4. Flashpoint temperature (0C) 35

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APPENDIX 11 (for reference)


(Based on MPTY 6-05-1040-67 and TYSI –193-67 Russian standard)

Parameter BU CCB3

1. Outside surface Unsmooth

2. Color Black or Blue Light red

3. Specific resistant at 200C (cm)  1011  1010

4. Cool strength of plastic (0C) -20 -20

5. Wall thickness (mm) 0.3+/- 0.05 -

6. Sticking (sec) 10

APPENDIX 12 (for reference)

(Based on TY 20-12206-61 Russian standard)

Parameter Standard

1. Wide (mm) 530+/- 30

2. Length (m) 30

3. Sticking (sec)  500

4. Strength (daN/cm2) 80

5. Stretching (%)  200

6. Cool strength (0C) 60

7. Specific resistant at 200C (cm)  1016

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APPENDIX 13 (for reference)

(Based on TY 20-12206-61 Russian standard)
Parameter BP-C medium BP-T BP-II
temperature stability polyethylene
stability temperature

1. Ribbon thickness (mm) 1.6 +/- 0.1 1.6 +/- 0.1 1.6 +/- 0.1 1.6 +/- 0.1

2. Width of ribbon (mm) 425+/- 25 425+/- 25 425+/- 25 425+/- 25

3. Ribbon length of roll (m) 50+/- 0.1

4. Pulling force (daN/cm2) 10 8.5 12 15

5. Stretching (%) 70 90 60 70

6. Shrinking (%)

7. Water imbibing after 24 0.6 0.5 0.7 0.5

hours (%)

8. Water soaking after 24 0 0 0 0


9. 1800 bending at 20-250C  10  10  10  10

until having number of chinks

APPENDIX 14 (for reference)

Glass clothe
(Based on MPTY 6-05-64 Russian standard)

Parameter Standard

1. Wide (mm) 400+/- 4

2. Length/roll (m)  100

3. Thickness (mm) 0.5+/-0.1

4. Stress force (daN/cm2) 8

5. Cotton diameter (m) 18

9. Bend 1800 at 20-25 0C having number of chinks 3

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