Dali University Final Examination Paper: Name: RITIK MALHOTRA Roll Number: LX18101301

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2. Each _ A ___ represents one character, number, or punctuation mark.

Name: RITIK MALHOTRA roll number: LX18101301 A.Bit B. Digit C. Byte D. Nibble
3. Physical topology of computer network includes _ D ___
DALI UNIVERSITY FINAL A.Star B. Ring C. Bus D. all of the above
Total Score
4. _ A ___ address is a unique number assigned to a network interface card
EXAMINATION PAPER when it is manufactured.
People in
He yuan
2020- 2021 school year 3rd semester charge A. A MAC B. AN IP C. A TCP D. A DNS
For International students of 2018 batch 5. An IPV4 address consists of _A___ bits, often shown as 4 octets of numbers
Course name Basic Computer (Theory paper) from 0-255 represented in decimal form instead of binary form.
I. Completion, complete each sentence or statement. (1*10 marks)
A.32 B. 28 C. 16 D. 64
1. In a computer, most processing takes place in a component called the belongs to which kind of IP address _ B ___
Question A. class A B. class B C. class C D. class D
number 7. _ C ___ of IPV4 address contains the largest number of computers
A. class A B. class B C. class C D. class D
Marks 8. An IP address consists of network and _A & B ___
A. network address B. host address
_CPU________________, which is sometimes described as the "brain" of the C. computer address D. server address
computer. 9. If you have applied an account named zln from the website
2._____INPUT____ 、 output_ 、 CPU and__DATA____________are the http://www.163.com, which is your email address _A ___
characteristics of Von Neumann’s computer. A. zln@163.com B. zln@www.163.com
3. _____DATA____________ refers to the symbols that represent facts, objects, and C. zln@com D. zln@www.com
ideas. 10. The largest, fastest, most expensive type of computer is the
4. _____COMPUTER PROGRAM____________ is series of instructions that tells __B__computer
computer how to carry out processing tasks. A. personal B. super C. main frame D. mini
5. Computer store, process and transmit data with ____BINARY_____________ 11. Which of the following does belong to data size in
form. computers_D___
6. ASCII coding uses ______SYSTEM 7 BIT___________ bits to represent 27 A. 7bit B.10bit C.20bit D.32bit
Symbols (128 symbols), including uppercase and lowercase letters, special control 12. The information processing cycle includes _A___processes .
codes, numerals, and punctuation symbols. A. input, processing, output, storage
7. Memory management of OS refers to manage ____PRIMARY B. input, output, manipulation, arithmetic
MEMORY_____________ and distributing memory. C. data, processing, printing, editing
8. LAN is a________LOCAL AREA_________network. D. storage, display, data, information
9. A(n) ____PERIPHERAL_____________driver is designed to help a peripheral 13. The computer’s processor consists of _B___parts
device establish communication with a computer. A.CPU and Main Memory B. Control Unit and ALU
C. Main Memory and storage D. Operating system and Applications
II. Single Choice Completion (2*20 marks) (each question has only one
14. If the bus width of a processor is 16 bits, that means that the
processor can processor _B___ bits of data at a time.
correct answer, choose the correct serial number and fill in the blank)
A.8 B. 16 C. 32 D. 10
1. The most responsibility of an operating system is _D ___ 15. If a processor has a word size of 64 bits, compared to a processor
A. provide an environment for running software with a word size of 32 bits, it can process _ A___at one time.
B. acts as an interface between a computer user and the hardware. A. twice as much B. half 16 as much
C. nothing special function D. both A and B C. a forth as much D. the same amount
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16. A modem is used to A ? category of software?
A. change incoming analog signals to digital signals and outgoing Answer:
digital signals to analog signals 1. System software: is computer software designed to provide services to other
B. connect two computers using a satellite uplink software. help the computer carry out its basic operating tasks.
C. connect a computer to a shared printer Examples of system software include: operating systems, computational
D. None of above science software, game engines.
17. Auxiliary storage is B ? 2. Application software: is a computer program designed to perform a group of
A. used to store data being processed coordinated functions, tasks, or activities for the benefit of the user, help the
B. used to permanently store data human user carry out a task.
C. another name for primary storage Examples of an application include: a word processor, a spreadsheet, an
D. used for data not being processed accounting application, a web browser, a media player, an aeronautical flight
18. The software application that is used the most often is__A__ simulator, a console game or a photo editor.
A. word processing B. desktop publishing 3. Development software: help computer program source code into executable
C. database D. graphical presentation programs.
19. The arithmetic/logic unit performs _D___ actions . Examples of an development software include: Binary compatibility analysis,
A. checks data for accuracy Bug databases, build tools.
B. does calculations using addition, multiplication and division
C. does logical comparisons, such as equal to, greater than, less than 2. How many types of transmission media? Give at least three examples for each
D. both calculations and logical comparisons type of transmission media?
20. An individual dot on a computer screen is called a(n) _D ___ Answer: A transmission medium is a material substance (solid, gas, etc.) that
A. character B. screen point C. font D. pixel can propagate signals to exchange data between network nodes.The
transmission pattern can be wired by solid cables or wireless by air
III. Definition Question (3*5 marks)( Describe relevant definitions)
1. Cables:
1. Operating System  Twisted pair wire:
Answer: An operating system is a type of system software that acts as the master  Twisted pair cabling is a type of wiring in which two conductors of a single
controller for all activities that take place within a computer system. circuit are twisted together for the purposes of cancelling out
electromagnetic interference (EMI) from external sources.
2. Computer Network  Twisted pair wires are usually ended with RJ45 connector to plug into
Answer: A network is a collection of computers and other devices that communicate network interface card (NIC).
to share data, hardware and software.  Coaxial cable:
 a type of cable that has an inner conductor surrounded by a tubular insulating
3. RAM layer, surrounded by a tubular conducting shield.
Answer: RAM (RANDOM ACCESS MEMORY): Major type of memory. It is  the inner conductor and the outer shield sharing a geometric axis
a temporary holding area fro data, application program instructions, and the  Optical Fibre line:
operating system.  An optical fibre (or optical fibre) is a flexible, transparent fibre made of
1.Capacity : Measured in megabyte 256M-2G extruded glass (silica) or plastic, slightly thicker than a human hair.
2.Speed:today 8 nanoseconds (one billionth of second) 2. Broadcast (air): Broadcast is used fro long distance network or the situation
3.Configuration:RAM is typically configured as small circuit boards called that cables are not practical. It uses microwaves as the communication tool.
DIMMs (dual in-line memory modules)  •Wireless: The most common wireless technologies use radio
 •Microwave: 3G and 4G wireless connections
 •Satellite: Point to point service.
IV. Short Answer Question (5*5 marks)
1. How many categories computer software? Give at least one example for each
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3. What is input and output device? Give at least three examples for both input and
Computer software can be utilized for the examination of internal organs of
output device?
the physical structure , It is used for diagnosis of diseases , Advanced
1. Input devices accept and translate human readable symbols (numbers, characters,
signals etc.) into machine readable data (1s and 0s).
computer-based systems are used to analyze delicate organs of the body ,
Examples of input devices are: keyboard, pointing devices ( mice, trach ball, glide
pad, touch pad, stylus, touch-screen)
Some of the complex surgeries can be executed with the aid of computers ,
2. Output devices is any piece of computer hardware equipment which convert
information into human readable form.
Many types of monitoring equipment in the hospitals are based on the
Examples of output devices are: display devices ( LCD screen, CRT screen, Plasma
display panel), Printer, projectors, speakers.
computer programming .
4. Please calculate the following formula and filling the blank (please write out the
Medical imaging conducts with the techniques to produce the images of the
calculation process)
1GB(Giga Byte)=( )B
human body for medical purposes , Many of the modern methods of
1GB=210MB= 1024
scanning & imaging are based on the computer technology , The infrared
1MB=210KB= 1024
cameras & sophisticated computers are used for obtaining high-resolution
1GB= (1024*1024*1024)B
= 1,073,741,824 B
images .
The computers are used for the generation of 3-D images in medicine ,
5. How can we avoid security incidents happening?
Magnetic resonance imaging employs computer software , Computed
We can avoid security incidents happening by using information security techniques
which include:
tomography makes function of digital geometry processing techniques to
1. Password Protection
2. Antivirus and Malware Protection
get 3-D images .
3. Firewalls
4. Codes and Cyphers
5. Legal Liability
6. Training and common sense.
The computers offer quicker communication between the patient & the

V. Free answer question: please use your words to answer the question. (10 doctor , They can collaborate better over the Internet , The doctors can

marks) obtain the experts’ opinions within seconds by the Internet , They can
Do you think computer knowledge is important for your professional learning? What
discuss medical issues in medical forums , They can exchange the images
other computer knowledge or computer courses do you think you need to learn in the
& the messages in seconds and derive conclusions rapidly , They can seek
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advice & share knowledge in a favorable way over the Internet . physical and operational defects within the body as a form of diagnosis .

has an important role in the medical field , It can conduct medical tests & Online databases are helping researchers more accurately predict trends in

simulating complex surgical procedures , Doctors use X-rays & CT scans to illnesses , outbreaks & treatments , The computer helps the scientists make

acquire more information about the patients before diagnosing them , X-rays & more informed estimations on disease activity & take preventative

CT scans produce images of the body’s internal structure through the use of measures in controlling disease outbreak .

radiation , So , The doctors search for abnormalities that can explain problems In future we would like to learn the course of TELEMEDICINE AND ITS


X-rays helps the doctors to look at a patient’s internal structure from one , two-

dimensional angle , CT scans use the computer to compile X-rays and create a

multidimensional view , Computer programs are used to assemble the X-rays

in a way that reflects the structure within the patient’s body .

The doctors use Magnetic Resonance Imaging to assess the condition of soft

tissue within the body , MRIs use powerful magnetic fields to scan &

reproduce an image of the internal body structure , The machine used for MRIs

feeds activity detected internally back to the computer that recreates the picture

of a particular region .

The computer can map out a three-dimensional image of activity within the

area being scanned , The image created by the computer allows doctors to

analyze the activity within a patient’s body and effectively diagnose them ,

Without computers , doctors would need to perform invasive surgery in to find

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