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European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences 2012; 1(Suppl 2): 79-85

Surgical treatment of tuberculous

Division of Spinal Surgery, Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, School of Medicine,
Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Rome (Italy)

Abstract. – Background: Most patients af- Introduction

fected by spinal tuberculosis can be successfully
treated conservatively with chemotherapy, exter- The development of effective antituberculosis
nal bracing and prolonged rest. Nevertheless, drugs has revolutionized the treatment of pa-
kyphotic deformity, spinal instability and neuro- tients with spinal tuberculosis since most pa-
logical deficit remain a common complication as-
sociated with conservative approach. tients do not have extensive bony destruction
Aim: To illustrate different indications and aand sequestration can now be successfully
treatment modalities for tuberculous spondy- treated conservatively with chemotherapy, ex-
lodiscitis, focusing on the role of surgery as an ternal bracing, and prolonged rest1,7,8. CT and
adjuvant of effective chemotherapy in the man- MRI imaging allow detection of tuberculous in-
agement of selected patients. fection of the spine at a very early stage (pre-de-
Materials and Methods: Various early and
late surgical procedures are recommended to
structive or early destructive) possibly before the
treat spinal tuberculosis. The Authors analyzed development of severe deformity and neurologi-
surgical indications, approaches, complications cal deficits. In these cases antituberculous
and outcomes comparing their experience with chemotherapy alone is effective in eradicating
available Literature. the infection with the only aid of external brac-
Results: Conservative management is prefer- ing1,2. However, conservative treatment may fail
able in patients without vertebral instability and de- because of unresponsiveness or noncompliance
formity; in presence of abscesses, invasive radio-
logical techniques in combination with abscess to antituberculous chemotherapy 7. Moreover,
drainage and chemotherapy are recommended. In since the anterior column of the spine is primari-
patients with vertebral collapse, kyphotic deformi- ly affected, bony destruction and vertebral col-
ty or abscess formation, vertebral instability or lapse often result in significant pathologic
neurological deficits, anterior radical debridement, kyphosis and neurological deficits7,9-11.
anterior strut grafting and anterior instrumentation When chemotherapy is given without any ex-
is an optimal standardized procedure. In patients
with involvement of more than two vertebral levels
ternal bracing of the affected vertebral segment,
or lumbosacral junction and in those whose sagit- an extensive collapse of the anterior vertebral
tal alignment is markedly deformed with segmental column may result, leading to instabiliy and pro-
kyphosis, and in patients who have difficulty in un- gressive kyphosis, thus prolonging recovery time
dergoing anterior instrumentation, posterior instru- and affecting the long-term outcome2,10.
mentation is recommended in combination with Kyphotic deformity remains a common com-
anterior radical debridement and anterior strut plication associated with conservative ap-
grafting in one or two staged procedures.
Conclusions: Since surgery for spinal tuber- proach2,3,12; high incidence of progressive kypho-
culosis is demanding, it should be performed sis (38%) and low rate of fusion (46% to 85%)
only after taking into account the risks and ben- are reported after chemotherapy alone4. More-
efits in operable patients. Various surgical pro- over, the prevalence of neurologic involvement
cedures are recommended to treat spinal tuber- represents 10% to 47% of those with spinal tu-
culosis but the common goals are to eradicate berculosis7.
the infection and to prevent or to treat neurolog-
ic deficits or spinal deformity.
Surgery in tuberculous spondylitis is tradition-
ally considered to be an adjuvant of effective
Key words: chemotherapy4. However, considering that regu-
lar antibiotic therapy and spinal stability mainte-
Spinal tuberculosis, Chemotherapy, Kyphosis, Bony nance are the prime strategy for treatment of any
spinal infection, aggressive surgical treatment

Corresponding Author: Enrico Pola, MD, PhD; e-mail: 79

E. Pola, B. Rossi, L.A. Nasto, D. Colangelo, C.A. Logroscino

plays an important role in the management of se- Combined one-stage anterior radical debride-
lected patients2,10,13. CT-guided or open biopsy re- ment, arthrodesis with interbody autografting and
mains extremely useful, as direct examination instrumentation allow direct exposure of the patho-
and cultures are positive in only one-third to one- logical site and permits effective resection of dam-
half of patients14. Diagnosis is often confirmed aged vertebrae, sequestra of disc and bone and tu-
by biopsies obtained during surgery. berculous granuloma1,2,7,10. Resection of pathologi-
cal structures releases the spinal cord at the in-
volved level and allows revascularization; it leads
to reduction of general toxemia, decreasing the
Surgical indications quantity of chemotherapeutic agents needed and
the duration of the therapy1,10. The outcomes of an-
Indications for surgery in the active stage of terior debridement associated to bony fusion in the
the disease are: failure of conservative therapy in treatment of spinal tuberculosis have been com-
terms of expanding paravertebral abscess or pro- pared with non-operative treatment and anterior
gressive bone destruction with significant angu- curettage without fusion6: the percentage of fusion
lation or vertebral collapse greater than 50% after with a bone graft is 97% at 10 years, compared
a chemotherapeutic regime and rest for 6 to 8 with 90% with debridement alone, and arthrodesis
weeks; epidural abscess causing compression of results in a much higher rate of fusion and lesser
dural sac or large paravertebral abscess; progres- rate of late deformity than the debridement and the
sive complete or partial neurological dysfunction chemotherapy alone. Various anterior grafting
at any time during medical treatment; prevention techniques have been described in order to obtain
of severe kyphosis in young children with exten- partial or complete correction of kyphosis in the
sive dorsal lesion. Surgery is performed also in exudative stage of spinal tuberculosis, including
cases of nondiagnostic biopsy and in case of autogenous iliac crest graft or rib autograft and
radicular or medullary compression due to granu- femoral or fibular allograft7,10. Use of cages with il-
lation tissue, cold abscess, or sequestrated bone iac/rib graft provides better correction as well as
and disc fragments 1,2,4,15. Indications for late maintenance of correction in comparison to the
surgery are recrudescence of the local disease, isolated iliac crest or rib graft1. Finally, anterior in-
residual spinal deformity, development of neural strumentation simplifies postoperative nursing and
complication and persistent severe pain due to avoids the burden of long-standing external thora-
mechanical instability1. Since surgery for spinal columbosacral orthosis in most cases7,10 (Figure 1).
tuberculosis is demanding, it should be per- However, these procedures are not always suc-
formed only after taking into account the risks cessful in correcting the kyphotic deformity and
and benefits for each patient. Various surgical maintaining the alignment of the spine, especial-
procedures are recommended to treat spinal tu- ly in cases in which the grafts span more than
berculosis2,9, but the common goals are to eradi- two disc spaces18. A high incidence (59%) of
cate the infection and to prevent or to treat neuro- graft related problems are reported18; if the grafts
logic deficits or spinal deformity. fail, slip, or get absorbed, correction can be lost
and progressive kyphosis develops aggravating
neurologic symptoms and chronic back pain18,19.
Moreover, in cases of epidural suppuration the
Surgical options access to the neural elements is limited when an
anterior approach is used. Anterior instrumenta-
Surgical options are decompression and/or de- tion alone is possible only if the posterior ele-
bridement, both with or without fusion. Laminec- ments are intact10.
tomy has no place in spinal tuberculosis except To prevent or correct postoperative kyphotic de-
for extradural granuloma/tuberculoma or in the formity and accelerate early ambulation, some
setting of secondary stenosis due to an old healed Authors have recommended adjunctive simultane-
disease, without much deformity1. ous or staged posterior instrumentation and
The surgical procedure traditionally consid- arthrodesis to improve the possibility of anterior
ered the gold standard for spinal tuberculosis is interbody fusion2-4,7,15. Supplementary posterior in-
the radical debridement of the lesion through an- strumentation may be preferable if there are more
terior approach and solid anterior interbody fu- than two vertebrae involved, in children affected
sion with strut grafts3,7,10,12,15-17. from advanced tuberculosis at risk of progression

Surgical treatment of tuberculous spondylodiscitis

Fig. 1. Preoperative (A), postoperative (B) CT

and X-ray images (C) showing tuberculous
spondylitis of L2 treated with radical debride-
ment by anterior approach and arthrodesis with
autogenous rib graft. C

E. Pola, B. Rossi, L.A. Nasto, D. Colangelo, C.A. Logroscino

of kyphosis and if the lumbosacral junction is in- to correct severe, rigid kyphosis with fixed trunk
volved7,10,15. After combined anterior radical de- translation or kyphotic deformity beyond 90° of
bridement and fusion and posterior instrumented sagittal angulation, particularly in childhood, in-
fusion, the incidence of graft-related problems and cluding placement of halopelvic or halofemoral
the progression of kyphosis are significantly lower distraction posteriorly, anterior spinal osteotomy
than with anterior surgery alone4. However, the and decompression of the spinal cord, gradual
combined procedure may be associated with pro- spinal distraction, posterior osteotomy and fu-
longed operating time, greater blood loss, longer sion, single posterior vertebral column resection,
hospital stay and increased perioperative compli- panvertebral stabilization1,9,25.
cations and mortality7,20. Instrumentations does not increase the risk of
Due to availability of modern imaging modali- persistence and recurrence of infection when
ties allowing for early diagnosis and more effec- combined with radical debridement and inten-
tive antituberculosis chemotherapy, more conser- sive antituberculous chemotherapy4,7,26. A titani-
vative surgical options than anterior radical ap- um fixation system is preferable because it al-
proach became more popular21. lows the patient to undergo magnetic resonance
Posterior surgical approach alone combining imaging (MRI)10.
fusion with rigid instrumentation has been shown
to be less technically demanding and to avoid the
potential intra- and post-operative complications
associated with the anterior approach22. Posterior Conclusions
debridement, fixation with transpedicular screws
or laminar/pedicular hooks/rods, with or without In patients with no vertebral instability and de-
the placement of posterior or posterolateral inter- formity, conservative management is preferable;
body grafts can be safely performed in patients in those who have abscess formation, invasive ra-
whose vertebral bone involvement is not exten- diological techniques in combination with ab-
sive with no multilevel vertebral involvement and scess drainage and chemotherapy are recom-
no high-grade kyphosis2. In the thoracic spine, mended. In patients with vertebral destruction
posterior arthrodesis can be easily extended with- and collapse, moderate to severe kyphotic defor-
out sacrifice of spine mobility. On the contrary, mity and large abscess formation, vertebral insta-
in the lumbar spine, extension of posterior fusion bility and neurological deficits, anterior radical
levels reduces lumbar motion. Therefore, in pa- debridement, anterior strut grafting and anterior
tients with lumbar tuberculosis, short instrument- instrumentation is an optimal standardized proce-
ed posterior stabilization followed by anterior dure. In patients with involvement of more than
curettage and interbody arthrodesis effectively two vertebral levels or lumbosacral junction and
achieves immediate stability, long-term lumbar in those whose sagittal alignment is markedly de-
lordosis, a high fusion rate, and a satisfactory formed with segmental kyphosis, and in patients
clinical outcome 3 (Figure 2). Transpedicular who have difficulty in undergoing anterior instru-
screws can be placed in the affected vertebrae if mentation, posterior instrumentation may be pre-
the upper part of the vertebra is not destroyed by ferred, in combination with anterior radical de-
infection23,24. In cases in which posterior instru- bridement and anterior strut grafting at the same
mentation with pedicle screws is less appealing, or a subsequent session.
lamina hooks can be used without sacrificing ad- Some special considerations should be done
ditional motion segment hence surgical exposure for tuberculosis localized at the cervical spine or
and the extent of spinal fixation is reduced to a at the craniovertebral junction. Antituberculous
minimum3. The limitation of lamina hooks is that drug therapy and immobilization with external
they cannot be used in lesions extended to the orthosis or traction are the initial part of the treat-
sacral spine. ment27. Chemotherapy alone is suitable for cases
Posterior approach offers the advantage of an that are in the early stages of the disease, without
easy access to the spinal canal for neural decom- myelopathy, and without demonstrable radiologi-
pression, prevents loss of correction of spinal cal instability or significant compression of the
alignment in the long term, and, thanks to the spinal cord. A strict clinic-radiographic follow-
stability provided by transpedicular fixation, fa- up is recommended since abnormal mobility may
cilitates early mobilization of the patients2. cause delayed instability and potential medullar
Several surgical options have been described compression.

Surgical treatment of tuberculous spondylodiscitis

Fig. 2. Preoperative MR images (A) showing a devestating tubercular infection of the L4-L5 disc space with severe destruction
of adjacent vertebral bodies and epidural and paravertebral abscess. Control sagittal MR image obtained at 8 months (B) and
postoperative X-ray images (C) show no loss of correction and solid bony fusion achieved with anterior curettage posterior in-
strumentation L3-S1 12 months after surgery.

Even if secondary kyphosis is seldom severe, the thoracolumbar spine, severe junctional
because the articular processes are usually kyphotic deterioration occurrs in about 20% of
spared, the incidence of neurological complica- cases and can lead to paraplegia. Skull traction is
tions is high in cervical spine tuberculosis, espe- recommended for cases with marked bone de-
cially in adults28. After conservative treatment of struction and kyphosis to assist in gradual correc-

E. Pola, B. Rossi, L.A. Nasto, D. Colangelo, C.A. Logroscino

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