Sustem: Autorommy

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System cf ef - qovernment Undev cholas :

The Sustem of /illoqe autorommy uith

Sbha Uss ond Magoram) and thery CorOroittees.
Variuams) deve loped -through the aqes O0d
Neached Its culminotion duing Ahe cho la
Too nscriptions belonging to the pevfod oP
PalantaKa I found at uttoramerUY piOVIde
detoils the fomat ion and funct fons of viloqe
This incciption dated oOund qao AD. in the
egin o Povataka chola fqUa 955 AD) is
an ou st snding oCumente in the histony of nlia
Uttovame VUY is situoted fn Kachee puxanm
"the pallava king Mandilaman 1l established
it aYound 15b AD. Ihe pallavaS the cholas,
Ahe pandyas he SambuOYaYaYS the
i jayoagaio Rays and the Naunks
SuccesiMely \uled it
7Rajencdra chola as well as krishmdeva Raya
Visited Uttayameyuy
M the Conons Of the
UEtoyame yuY butft

agama texts has the Vilage assernbly

mandapa at the centxe All the temples
OYented Lofth e fevence to the mandapa

Duing chota pexiod thexe wos democNGtie

government a the villaqe teuel as the

ttayamev ux inseríptions ave an ideo how

avfl lage assembly ot uttanameruY Consisted
of etected members
There weye Commfttees foY
the maintenonce
D iaation taes 1 30ads» to povide
Yelice duning dvough, to test
qpld @nd
SD forth
Each assembly Punctfoned autonomously
in actoYdance with fts buon constitutron
base d on custom and usaqe , and took
Caye oP the PYOblems OP iEs membeS
at the local leuel_
PoRo jora(ae85 IO14)
Rounda the Chola empfve, he destoyyed the
Chexo avy jN the mal a bor and the
Ottacked Kollam
e cC
conqured madurai by defeotíng a n d

Captuing lhe pandyo king he conqutred

noYthevn Sri lanka
s enabled him to ConErol the Oleysea s

trade with South east

H e built the brihadesh iara shiva temple
thaniavUY in loio

hafendiaI (toy -1ouu)

Succeeded his tather Raiavaja 1 He conqu-
eved the e st Df sYí loNKa'

RafeNdra builE a neuw Capital called


Ken da chola puyam -tb Comme mOYate this

tcto he Purther cleveloped the chola
i t fo
and used
Senb evpeditions
1085 He
aga'nst 4h
s T j a y a tem ple
Many of the cnvivim
eKam ples bf the indu
Culttna) inluuence found ny thmouohout the
South s Asia uwe murh tt the legacy Of
the Cholas
D n of the lavgest empfies in odan histoy,
that sbecthed til south fast Asia, the Cholas
Used their immense wealth in bulding
moon iO.ent temples and StYuctuies

T oould be an undey stotement to all

the ochitectuYe of the chola perivd Os grand,
t Loas 1ike. arandiose and tOueiing
The Shee size DP theiy termples the towesig
Uimanas the tulpled walls just everly

aspatt theiy monuments clispayed qrandleua

to beat the Brhade.
And of couYse nothi
Suwara temple at Thanjavut, that fs a

berch mon by itsel e in ovchtectual

Cr cet tence
The cholas builE big,thei Strucues
toeve neont to toue t o (nsplye awe to

take aoay the breath t Luos not Just just

Ane qiand buildings ,it oas olso the cculptu
and ay that adomed them ohich Cuas
equality breth taKing.
he temples were Bf the drayida stuple
the othe mag niercient Structres built by the
Cholat were the temple at Gongikoda-

CholapuTam ohítn is next only t t the

bviha d eesUoa temple at TaniOYe ín Size

Yandeuy and aYchitectura] excellence

The chola period also twtnessed a qlovious

phase În binte asttng and making of

literoture , chob literatuYeLOritten in
Tamil tveated in south indfa betuueen
in the qth and the 13th centuries ce

h e devdtiono| litevattve peviya Puronarh'

and 'Kambon Ramgana' uYitten by Kamban.

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