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1oCauses Of the sugess Rabus at onipot (Indio)

Theye axe many things be Cauuse D which 3abuy

gotSucess at the end and his opponent

biahim was dePeated

ePPicient qeneol-ship of_Babu
Bobuy was the best solider and Congenital geneyol.
tle qave wonderful proof of his military efPfeiency
when he mode a veqlo plan of battle and

Successedtle demonstnated the scienti PiC alltorNCe

o otflley and hotse 7icders He divided his aumy
into three povts- right side , mid side and left side

Babu eaxnt many militany Strateqies from

U2bekS, JUYKish and
, Atillery of BabuTe
Stiong atillery of Babu became the Coidinol
3eason fov his sucess. lhile Trahim had

neithe any qun no any qunpolwde Babun had

styong a1tilley which had big gus and
alsD Small quns. he had tuoo Mastey qunneys
utad Ali and Must-fa
JM, Disunity of 1odion s
Ois unity and discrimnation among ndians wos
br eason -hom Lohfch Bobuy qot Success
Many Jndfan chiePs become independent and they
wae enemies oP Sultan Tbrahim They bften

evolted against -the Sultan. There fove, Tbyahim

had to
Piqht alone nthe battle of panipat
nePficiency of Tbrahim as a Genera
This is Babur's fontune that ohom he had
to ioht was an incapable commander- He
Lacked the qual ties of geneval-ship. He also
Could not dvqonfze to) qod plan of bottle

VWleakness of Ibrahim's tovces

Although there weve moTe than one lath Soldiers

in the amy » even then they wene veny Weak.

Fist thing, they tweve fi11terate d and unskil1ed.

Their ay offiqhting toas alsb Ol d and Stered
typed They fought wfth spevis SwoYd s.
They had not amy qun and Cannon.
Keforms sher shoh
J Admioistyotive TePorms3
shey shon did not make any majo Chonqes
10 the Centyol
-Administvation the Systern
inEroduced by the detni
But he did
suttonate Continued
not Consider the opfonion DF
the ULema
7Diunn-1-uav2 inat > foacharqe Oimce
Diuon--Avia fnehavge of the arny
Dfuan-1-Rfsaat > înohaxge
of foreqin atfairs
Dian -|-Insha
ncharqe bf picaatioms
u But she1Sha
eovganised the povincial,
administratiue syseern
The empive was divided intb a
Mumbey O
Povi Dces callad SoN KavS The Saakay was
under Ehe tsyiqday 1-Shiq
The munsif -1-mumsifan uOas
inchavqe of
Collectfon of yevenue tom tne
The shfqdox uas inchavge Df porgaia
The muns a S inChayge OB yelemue
Collection inhe poNaana
Mistoyu Reforms:
shey shah built a stNong oYmmy to Look aftey
his empfre the soliders weve YeCUNUÍte d divec

Ely intO the central amy a Ptex cheeking

theiy mckara0d
The chehya o descêvptive Oll Of Ehe
SOliders as maintoined
The Dagh) uwas also use d sO that only the
hest hovses Could be selected for empevoi's Use.
ThOugh this sheshan built up an
avmy OF
A50c0o toops he alsO maintained an
intelligence Suystem
Revenue Refovms *
Shev Shah Introduced a neuo ond Yevenue
System, an ex tensive Survey of land undey

cuttivation was coied Out

The aNerage pOduce per bigm was
Tecovded Theland was àivided rOto
-thye e CatecOYfes Go0 d
H e estoblished divect lations wfth the
theYe uweye tuoo Settle ments made -

CAnd eubuiyat! The'potta uns a deed fssued

to the omers. The ubouliuat) was an

Ooneenent thatthe onm er would pay

he veuenue due to the State on time

Econmic RefoTms of Shey Shah

S h e r shah in-tyoduice d seveyal Tetoms to

Stimulated trade and comm eice, he aboli
She d oa no.o fnteynol taves and dutfes
bODst tYOde
Merchanee had to pay custom duties only
at tuO0 place

FissHy Merchants entevig from iNaN LOY)

Central asia aftd had to poy Customs duttes
at Ehe induy Yfvev SecondLY» Goods enteY1
Bhar f1om benga tOT)1Om eas ASLahad
AD pay customs duty at the border bttweey
the tuD prdViNces

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