Bail Pending Appeal in The Second Circuit2

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monday, april 16, 2012

Outside Counsel Expert Analysis

Bail Pending Appeal in the Second

however, because by then Banki had clear and convincing evidence that he
By Evan T. Barr and Michelle L. Levin already served 20 months behind poses no risk of flight or danger to any

bars, arguably for a crime he did not other person or to the community; and
he right to appeal in a crimi- commit. (2) the appeal is not for purpose of de-
nal case is fundamental to our This article will explore the legal lay and raises a substantial question of
justice system. But in many framework relating to bail pending ap- law or fact likely to result in reversal;
white-collar criminal cases, peal and the strategies defense coun- an order for new trial; a sentence that
where a defendant has been sel should consider in seeking such does not include a term of imprison-
convicted and sentenced to a relatively relief in white collar criminal cases. ment; or a reduced sentence to a term
limited term of incarceration, the right of imprisonment less than the total of
to appeal is rendered meaningless unless the time already served plus the ex-
The Applicable Law
the defense obtains bail pending appeal. pected duration of the appeal process.
Absent bail, in other words, the defendant Pretrial, the issue of whether a de- The prior federal bail statute, enact-
may well end up serving all or most of fendant should be released on bail is ed in 1966, contained a presumption
his sentence before the challenge has generally predicated upon the crime in favor of release after conviction.
even been heard. he or she is alleged to have commit- Specifically, under the earlier law, the
Consider, for instance, the recent ted, the defendant’s criminal history, prosecution had the burden to prove
prosecution of Mahmoud Reza Banki, and the presence or absence of stable that the defendant’s appeal was “frivo-
who was indicted in the U.S. District roots in the community. Title 18, U.S. lous” or taken for delay, and the defen-
Court for the Southern District of New Code, Section 3142(a), the applicable dant had to show that he was neither
York in 2010 for violating the Iranian provision of the Bail Reform Act of a flight risk nor a danger to the com-
trade embargo by accepting a series of 1984, requires that the judicial officer munity. Courts typically held that bail
money transfers from family members setting bail impose the most lenient should be denied only as a last resort,1
in Iran. At trial Banki argued, among conditions that will reasonably assure sometimes even in cases where the
other things, that money for personal the appearance of the defendant for defendant posed a potential danger to
use did not constitute a violation. Ban- trial and protect the public or specific the community.2
ki was convicted and sentenced to 33 individuals. The 1984 Bail Reform Act dramatical-
months’ imprisonment. Of course, the rules change dramati- ly shifted the burden of proof entirely
The district judge, citing Banki’s ties cally once a defendant has been found to the defendant, both on the issue of
to Iran, denied bail pending appeal, guilty of a crime. Rule 46(c) of the Fed- flight or safety risk, and on the need
despite the presence of some novel eral Rules of Criminal Procedure, which to establish that the appeal involves
and complex questions relating to the incorporates Title 18, U.S. Code, Sec- a “substantial question” of law or fact
interpretation of the applicable embar- tion 3143(b) by reference, governs the likely to result in reversal or new trial.
go regulations. Banki chose not to ap- determination of whether a defendant Unfortunately, the statute itself did not
peal the ruling and started his prison may be released pending sentencing provide any definition of “substantial
term. In October 2011, the U.S. Court or appeal, and if so, under what con- question” nor did the legislative his-
of Appeals for the Second Circuit va- ditions. Section 3143(b) currently pro- tory offer much guidance.
cated Banki’s embargo conviction, rul- vides, in relevant part, that the court Predictably, in the immediate after-
ing that the family remittances were shall order the defendant released math of the passage of the new law,
permissible. It was a Pyrrhic ­victory, if:  (1) the defendant d
­ emonstrates by the circuits differed over exactly what
monday, april 16, 2012

would be needed to render a ques- Strategic Considerations A defendant seeking bond pending
tion “substantial.” The U.S. Court of appeal necessarily must provide the
Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, for in- There are a few important strategic court with a condensed preview of his
stance, defined a “substantial ques- issues that defense counsel should or her two or three best issues, often
tion” as one that was “fairly debat- consider when preparing a motion for on an expedited schedule. In the event
able.”3 The U.S. Court of Appeals for bail pending appeal. the bail application is denied, there is
the Eleventh Circuit required a “close First, many district judges unfortu- a very real risk that a subsequent ap-
question or one that very well could nately still misconstrue bail pending pellate merits panel will pre-judge the
be decided the other way.”4 The U.S. appeal as tantamount to an acknowl- issues for appeal based on the denial
Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit edgement of error in the conduct of by their circuit brethren of a motion
interpreted a “substantial” question as the trial or sentencing proceeding. Ac- which may have been drafted in a mat-
one that is either novel, has not been cordingly, defense counsel should en- ter of weeks, without the benefit of
decided by controlling precedent, or deavor to address this issue up front rigorous legal research and detailed
that is fairly doubtful.5 by emphasizing the applicable legal analysis of the trial record. Thus, de-
standard set forth above and making fendants who are willing to wait and
‘Substantial Question’ clear that merely identifying the exis- take their “best shot” in front of the
tence of a “substantial” question is by merits panel ultimately may stand a
In United States v. Randell, 761 F.2d no means intended to signify that the better chance of being vindicated on
122 (2d Cir. 1985), the Second Circuit judgment of conviction ultimately will appeal, even while they also face the
first addressed the issue, which had or should be dismissed. harrowing prospect of paying a debt to
attracted significant attention follow- Second, in situations where the cli- society that they never owed.
ing the enactment of the Bail Reform ent faces a relatively limited prison
Act, as to whether the “substantial ••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••
term, creating a real risk that the du-
question” language might be taken ration of the expected appeal could 1. See United States v. Powell, 761 F.2d 1227, 1232 (8th
to condition post-conviction release exceed the sentence, defense counsel
Cir. 1979) (stating that under prior law, bail pending ap-
peal “was the rule, not the exception”).
upon a district court’s finding that its may want to alert the district court 2. See Sellers v. United States, 89 S.Ct. 36, 38 (1968)
own judgment is likely to be reversed judge to recent statistical information (Black, Circuit Justice) (must be “kind of danger that so
on appeal. Rejecting that notion, the relating to the median time for dis-
jeopardizes the public” that it can only be prevented by
court noted:
position of criminal appeals which, 3. United States v. Handy, 753 F.2d 1487 (9th Cir. 1985).
To define “substantial” questions 4. United States v. Giancola, 754 F.2d 898 (11th Cir.
at least as of one recent study, was
as those “likely to result in reversal 1985).
around 18.7 months.7 Conversely, 5. United States v. Miller, 753 F.2d 19 (3d Cir. 1985).
or an order for a new trial” not only
counsel may consider reminding the 6. The court went on to explain that assuming a “sub-
renders superfluous the word “sub- stantial question” exists, the district court then must con-
court that the jail sentence itself is
stantial”—since an insubstantial ques- sider whether that question is “so integral to the merits
likely to be shortened on account of of the conviction on which defendant is to be imprisoned
tion will hardly result in reversal—but
time off for good behavior and early that a contrary appellate holding is likely to require rever-
presumes that district courts will con- sal of the conviction or a new trial.”
release into community confinement
sciously leave “substantial” errors un- 7. See U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit,
centers. Bear in mind, however, that
corrected. 2008 Annual Report at 6, Fig. 2 available at http://www.

Instead, the Second Circuit held that these reminders could backfire with a

the language “must be read as going to district judge who may feel he or she
the significance of the substantial is- has already been sufficiently lenient Evan T. Barr is a partner at Fried, Frank,
sue to the ultimate disposition of the in connection with the sentencing it- Harris, Shriver & Jacobson LLP. He ­previously
appeal.” In other words, the law only self and is therefore reluctant to grant served as an assistant U.S. Attorney in the
requires the presence of a “substan- the additional benefit of allowing the ­Southern District of New York. Michelle L. Levin
defendant to remain free for yet an- assisted in the preparation of this article.
tial question” that, if resolved in the
appellant’s favor, likely would result other year or more.
in reversal. Turning to the definition Third, where bail pending appeal
has been denied by the district court,
of “substantial,” the Second Circuit
defense counsel must then decide
found some merit (and little to distin- whether it is worth seeking relief from
guish) in each of its sister circuits’ in- the court of appeals. With a surrender
terpretations but ultimately expressed date looming, most clients quite un-
a preference for the “close question” derstandably want defense counsel
formulation adopted by the Eleventh to do everything humanly possible to
Circuit. In short, under the Second Cir- forestall having to report to a federal
cuit’s ruling, the defense must show a correctional facility.
question that is more than merely non- But the decision to appeal a denial of Reprinted with permission from the April 16, 2012 edition of the NEW YORK
frivolous, but need not rise to the level bail should not be made automatically, LAW JOURNAL © 2016 ALM Media Properties, LLC. All rights reserved. Further
duplication without permission is prohibited. For information, contact 877-257-3382
of establishing likelihood of success.6 as there are serious downside risks. or # 070-01-16-16

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