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Computational Materials Science 139 (2017) 162–178

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Design of the P-surfaced shellular, an ultra-low density material with

Ban Dang Nguyen a, Seung Chul Han b, Yoon Chang Jung b, Kiju Kang b,⇑
Electro-Optical Systems Institute, Viettel R&D Institute, Hanoi, Viet Nam
School of Mechanical Engineering, Chonnam National University, Gwangju 61186, Republic of Korea

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The P-surface is an intersection-free smooth surface that has constant mean curvature everywhere on the
Received 21 March 2017 surface, and periodicity in three directions in 3D space. A cellular material composed of thin shells in this
Received in revised form 20 July 2017 configuration, named Shellular, reveals stretching-dominated deformation under external loading. The
Accepted 20 July 2017
thin continuous shell of a Shellular could play the role of a transfer interface between the two sub-
volumes, as well as a mechanical load support. This paper presents a preliminary study to design an opti-
mal shape of the P-surfaced Shellular. Analysis of the geometry and finite element analyses are performed
to investigate the effects of the geometric parameters and boundary conditions on their mechanical prop-
Micro-architectured material
erties. It is shown that the geometry and mechanical properties of a P-surfaced Shellular can be expressed
Periodic cellular material in empirical equations with only two independent dimensionless parameters, i.e., the volume fraction
Elastic buckling and the ratio of the wall thickness to cell size; and that the effect of the volume fraction is substantial.
A low volume fraction is very beneficial to achieve high strength, and suppresses elastic buckling to delay
the transition of the failure mode from plastic yielding to elastic buckling as the wall thickness is
Ó 2017 Published by Elsevier B.V.

1. Introduction to geometrical irregularity does not occur, and the structure effec-
tively resists against external load only through coplanar stresses,
The triply periodic minimal surface (TPMS), which was first because a TPMS has constant curvature over the surface. Therefore,
described by the German mathematician, H. A. Schwarz in the the thin shell structure in the TPMS configuration is another case
19th Century, is an intersection-free smooth surface that has zero that reveals stretching-dominated deformation [6], in addition to
(or in the wider sense, a constant) mean curvature at every point the material with periodic micro-architecture of trusses. In fact,
on the surface, and periodicity in three directions in space [1]. Rajagopalan and Robb [7] showed the uniform distribution of the
The surface with zero mean curvature provides a minimal surface stresses in a TPMS shell subjected to compressive external load,
area for a given boundary, as observed in soap film formed within a and they expected high strength of tissue engineering scaffold with
rigid frame. A TPMS partitions space into two disjoint but inter- the TPMS shell. (Of course, at a critical state initiating plastic yield-
winding sub-volumes that are simultaneously continuous. Fig. 1 ing or elastic buckling after the deformation substantially pro-
shows typical examples of the TPMSs, i.e., the P, G, D, I-WP, and gresses with load increase, the stresses become concentrated to
F-RD surfaces. Among the TPMSs, the P-surface has important fea- some areas. These states will be elaborated in Section 4.3.)
tures over the others, which would be useful for applications as Through literature survey, we note that densities of most natu-
ultralight structural materials and tissue engineering scaffolds. ral and engineering materials are limited down to 102 g/cc,
Namely, P-surface has the least surface area and the highest fluid (which will be elaborated in Section 4.4). To obtain the lower den-
permeability through the sub-volumes for a given overall volume sity with a sufficient strength, a special geometry as well as high
[2–4]. mechanical properties of the constituent material is needed. There-
A thin shell is defined as a curved surface structure that sup- fore, we defined the ultralow density materials (ULDM) as the
ports external loads mainly through coplanar stresses [5]. If a thin materials that belong to the category. The typical examples are
shell structure has a TPMS configuration, stress concentration due Microlattice [8], Nanolattice [9,10], and Mechanical metamaterial
[11]. All of them were composed of periodic micro-architectures
⇑ Corresponding author. of hollow trusses.
E-mail address: (K. Kang).
0927-0256/Ó 2017 Published by Elsevier B.V.
B.D. Nguyen et al. / Computational Materials Science 139 (2017) 162–178 163

Fig. 1. Typical examples of the triply periodic minimal surfaces (TPMSs), i.e., P, G, D, I-WP, and F-RD surfaces.

Han et al. [12] first introduced another concept of ULDM with a [11], shown in the rest three of Fig. 2(a). All of the previous ultra-
periodic micro-architecture composed of smooth-curved thin low density materials were fabricated according to the same
shells in a TPMS configuration, named Shellular. The first in principle as that of the Shellular, based on templates formed by
Fig. 2(a) shows the specimen. Han et al. [12] fabricated Shellular 3D photo-lithographical techniques; however, they had totally dif-
based on a 3D photo-lithographical technique (self-propagating ferent micro-architectures from Shellular, i.e., hollow trusses ver-
polymer wave guide; SPPW) [13]. Namely, they used SPPW to form sus smooth shells. Because of the intrinsic nature of SPPW, the
a polymer template, then coated a Ni-P layer on the surface using Shellular specimens fabricated by Han et al. [12] did not have a
electroless plating, and finally etched out the template to obtain a configuration that exactly agreed with a mathematical P-surface;
hollow structure of Shellular. Also, they demonstrated that the the configurations were substantially elongated in the vertical
Shellular specimens with a micro-architecture similar to direction, and were rather seen to be composed of octahedral cells
P-surface, mentioned above, had strength and Young’s modulus with smoothened ridges. Fig. 2(b) shows the 3D tomography mea-
comparable to the previous ultralow density materials, such as sured by a micro-CT on the real Shellular specimen, revealing peri-
Microlattice [9], Nanolattice [9,10], and Mechanical metamaterial odic unit cells [14]. Ban et al. sought an optimal design for the unit
164 B.D. Nguyen et al. / Computational Materials Science 139 (2017) 162–178

Fig. 2. (a) Specimens of Shellular [12], Microlattice [8], Nano lattice [9], Mechanical metamaterial [11], and (b) 3D tomography measured by a micro-CT on the real Shellular
specimen, revealing periodic unit cells [14].

cell model in a simplified form, as well as a realistic configuration Recently, the authors’ research group developed two alternative
for the maximum possible strength or modulus for a given density methods for forming the templates that could be used to fabricate
[15]. P-surfaced Shellulars. Fig. 3 depicts these methods. The first
B.D. Nguyen et al. / Computational Materials Science 139 (2017) 162–178 165

Fig. 3. Two alternative methods for forming the templates that could be used to fabricate P-surfaced Shellulars under development in the authors’ research group, based on
(a) a wire-woven structure and (b) polymer beads arranged in a primitive cubic (PC) crystallographic pattern.

method of Fig. 3(a) is based on a wire-woven structure. After a equations are derived for the compressive strength, depending
wire-framework was woven into a diamond truss pattern [16], on the failure modes, and the Young’s modulus. Also, the upper
resin was applied and cured to fix the framework, and fill the inte- and lower bounds of the strength and modulus of P-surfaced Shel-
rior space. The surface profile in the P-surface could be achieved by lular are estimated according to the relative density, and are then
repeating the process to additionally coat and cure the resin with a compared with those properties of previous ultralow density
proper viscosity [17]. The surface tension of the resin made the materials with periodic micro-architectures.
surface minimal. The effect of gravity could be minimized by using
only a small amount of resin at each coating and periodically
2. Geometry of P-surface
turning over the structure during curing. The second method of
Fig. 3(b) used polymer beads arranged in a primitive cubic (PC)
The P-Surface located in a cube of the cell size of the P-surface,
crystallographic pattern, followed by resin infiltration and subse-
D, is approximately given by
quent chemical dissolution of beads to provide smooth connec-       
tions between the beads, resulting in the surface profile of the 2px 2py 2pz
Fðx; y; z; kÞ ¼ cos þ cos þ cos þ k ¼ 0;
P-surface [18]. Both structures were used as templates to fabricate D D D
Shellulars through hard coating and then etching out, in similar ð1Þ
fashion to other ultralow density materials with a periodic
micro-architecture. The wires used in the first method were of a where x; y; z 2  D2 ; D2 and k is a level set value that decides volume
polymer, to be specific, PLA (poly lactic acid). Therefore, the wire fraction, f. The volume fraction is defined as the ratio of the inner
framework was easily etched out by using chloroform after etching sub-volume to the overall volume. For example, in Fig. 1(a), the
out the outer resin that is infiltrated on the wire frame. overall volume and inner sub-volume are the volume of the mini-
This paper presents a preliminary study to be used to design an mum cube surrounding the outer surfaces of the TPMS (P-surface
optimal shape of P-surfaced Shellular. First, the geometry of the in this case) and the volume of the sub-volume bounded by the
P-surface and the parameters governing the geometry are inner (colored yellow1 in this case) surface, respectively. Fig. 4(a)
described. For unit cell models of P-surfaced Shellulars, finite ele- shows examples of the unit cells of P-surface family with various
ment analyses are performed to investigate the effects of the geo-
metric parameters and boundary conditions on their compressive 1
For interpretation of color in Fig. 1, the reader is referred to the web version of
strengths and Young’s moduli. Based on the results, empirical this article.
166 B.D. Nguyen et al. / Computational Materials Science 139 (2017) 162–178

values of volume fraction, f. Simple calculation using a CAD program data of the material properties. Namely, the strength was input to
gives the relations between k and f, and the surface area, A, and f as increase from the yield strength of 2 GPa (at e = 2 GPa/210
follows: GPa  0.01) to 4 GPa at e = 1.0. This is a quite common technique
used when handling an elastic perfectly plastic material or when
f ¼ 0:29k þ 0:5 and ð2Þ
the post yielding properties are unknown.
The choice of appropriate boundary conditions is critical to
A 4 2
¼ 13:054ðf  0:5Þ  4:555ðf  0:5Þ þ 2:34; respectively: ensure results that are applicable to multiple-celled samples, and
D2 that thus facilitate comparison with experimental results. The
ð3Þ nodes on the top face (+z face) of each unit cell model are subject
Therefore, the geometry of a P-surfaced Shellular with uniform to downward displacement, and the nodes on the bottom face (z
shell thickness, t, can be defined by only two independent param- face) are fixed in the z direction, while all of the nodes on both
eters, f and t/D. Shellular with one of the TPMS configurations, faces are constrained from rotations all in three directions. The
including the P-surface, is composed of anticlastic shells, quite sim- coordinate axes are indicated in Fig. 4(b). For the nodes on the
ilar to the hyperbolic paraboloid. In fact, the mechanical resistance outermost lateral faces (i.e., ±x and ±y faces on the edges of the lat-
of Shellular comes from its unique geometry of anticlastic shells eral openings of each unit cell model, a periodic or free boundary
having convex and concave curvatures together [19,20]. By simply condition is applied to consider the upper or lower bound of the
multiplying A/D2 with t/D, the relative density is given as follows: mechanical properties of the P-Surface Shellular, respectively.
The free boundary condition literally lets the nodes be free from
q  4 2
any constraints, as done by Valdevit et al. [22] for analysis of
¼ 13:054ðf  0:5Þ  4:555ðf  0:5Þ þ 2:34 : ð4Þ
qs D Microlattice. The periodic boundary condition is applied through
the linear constraint in Abaqus [21]. As an example, symbols of
the periodic boundary condition are indicated on the FEA model
3. Mechanical analysis of the P-surfaced shellular at the end of Fig. 4(b). Refer to Wu et al. [23] for the technical
details. These boundary conditions are appropriate for the cases
3.1. Modeling with many cells in the x-y plane but a few cells or even one cell
in z direction, just like the Shellular and Microlattice specimens
It takes several steps to create a meshed model of a P-Surface shown in Fig. 2.
Shellular. First, Eq. (1) with the level set value, k, calculated for a To calculate the compressive strength due to elastic buckling,
desired volume fraction, f, using Eq. (2) is input into an open source Eigenvalue buckling analyses are performed, similarly to Valdevit
code, K3Dsurf, to generate the point cloud data of the surface, as et al. [22]. Loads are applied in two steps. First, a preload P is
shown in the first figure of Fig. 4(b). In the next step, a meshed applied to create a very small deformation prior to buckling. Then,
model is built up using the point cloud in Catia V5R20 with the a perturbation load, DP, is applied by a small fraction (1%) of P. The
optional Digitized Shape Editor, as shown in the second figure of first estimate of the buckling strength is obtained from the small-
Fig. 4(b). A model meshed by triangular elements is likely to result est positive eigenvalue k, by:
in an overestimation problem in stiffness calculation [21]. There-
fore, the model is remeshed using HyperMesh (Altair Engineering, Pcr ¼ P þ kDP:
Inc., MI, USA) to have quadratic elements; and finally, the thickness
In the second step, to consider the potential geometric nonlin-
is provided to form the final shell structure, using the surface
earities, an additional perturbation simulation is carried out with
formed in the previous step as a middle surface. A half of the thick-
a much higher preload that are 85% of the first buckling-load esti-
ness, t, is perpendicularly added on each side of the surface. The
mate, and a perturbation load of a small fraction (1%) of the pre-
third and fourth figures of Fig. 4(b) show the unit cell models of
load. If the second step simulation converges, its results are used
the P-surface with the quadratic elements and the final Shellular
to extract the effective buckling strength of the model. Otherwise,
with solid elements, respectively. In the thickness direction, thin
the first estimate is taken as the buckling strength.
models and thick models had 2 elements and 4 elements, respec-
To calculate the compressive strength due to plastic yielding, a
tively. Additional analyses were carried out to confirm that other
separate elastic-plastic analysis is carried out according to J2-flow
models with the more elements through the thickness gave the
theory, and the first peak in the stress-strain curve is taken as
results similar to those with the current elements.
the yield strength. To calculate Young’s modulus, a small displace-
ment dz is applied to the face +z (corresponding to ez = 0.001%)
3.2. Finite Element Analysis (FEA) and to obtain reaction force FR. Young’s modulus is calculated from
the displacement and reaction force, as if each model was a homo-
The behaviors of the Shellular models under compression are geneous material.
simulated by a FEA solver, ABAQUS v 6.9 to calculate the strengths
and Young’s moduli. Solid elements (specifically, type C3D8I) are
used to perform FEA on the models with four different volume 4. Results and discussion
fractions of f = 0.23, 0.27, 0.35, 0.5 and seven wall thickness of
t = 15, 10, 5, 2, 1, 0.5, 0.2 lm. The size of the unit cells is fixed as Table 1 summarizes the results obtained from the FEA for all the
D = 1000 lm. For high accuracy, the aspect ratio of an element is unit cell models of the P-surfaced Shellular. The data of the relative
limited so as not to be larger than 10, and the greatest possible density, compressive strength and Young’s modulus of each model
number of elements are taken (for example, 2,000,000 for the are listed as functions of the volume fraction, wall thickness, and
model with the thinnest wall). The properties of the constituent boundary condition. The compressive strengths due to plastic
material (Ni-P film) were given as follows: Young’s modulus of yielding and elastic buckling for each model are independently cal-
Es = 210 GPa [22], Poisson’s ratio of ms = 0.3, and yield strength of culated, as mentioned above, and compared to each other. If one is
rys = 2 GPa. substantially higher than the other for the given wall thickness and
Although the constituent material was assumed to be elastic- volume fraction, we conclude that the failure mode corresponding
perfectly plastic, to improve the convergence of the FEA, we pro- to the higher value is no longer activated, and the data is skipped in
vided a slow linear hardening after the initial yielding as the input the table.
B.D. Nguyen et al. / Computational Materials Science 139 (2017) 162–178 167

Fig. 4. (a) Configurations of unit cells of P-surface with various values of volume fractions, (b) several steps to create a meshed model of a P-Surface Shellular for finite
element analysis.

As mentioned above, the mechanical properties and failure versus the periodic boundary condition. The free boundary condi-
mechanisms are investigated under two different boundary condi- tion assumes the absence of neighbor cells, allowing the lateral
tions for the nodes on the outermost lateral faces, namely, the free surface to deform without any interference. Hence, the mechanical
168 B.D. Nguyen et al. / Computational Materials Science 139 (2017) 162–178

Table 1
All results obtained from the FEA for the unit cell models of P-surfaced Shellular. The data of the relative density, compressive strength and Young’s modulus of each model are
listed as functions of volume fraction, wall thickness, and boundary condition.

Volume Wall Thickness t Relative Density Free BCs Periodic BCs

Fraction f (lm) q/qs
Young’s Modulus Compressive Strength (MPa) Young’s Modulus Compressive Strength (MPa)
(MPa) (MPa)
Elastic Plastic Elastic Plastic
Buckling Yielding Buckling Yielding
0.23 0.2 3.88E04 1.16E02 3.40E04 4.28E+00 2.01E03
0.5 9.69E04 9.39E02 5.18E03 1.22E+01 1.90E02
1 1.94E03 5.96E01 4.62E02 2.77E+01 8.33E02
2 3.88E03 4.16E+00 3.24E01 6.57E+01 3.60E01
5 9.69E03 5.15E+01 4.58E+00 1.89E+00 1.94E+02 2.44E+00
10 1.94E02 2.67E+02 6.44E+00 4.22E+02 7.34E+00
15 2.91E02 6.51E+02 1.19E+01 1.19E+01
0.27 0.2 4.13E04 4.64E03 1.63E04 3.59E+00 1.27E03
0.5 1.03E03 4.75E02 1.66E03 1.25E+01 8.18E03
1 2.06E03 2.35E01 1.50E02 3.55E+01 5.08E02
2 4.13E03 1.57E+00 1.41E01 3.74E01 8.57E+01 3.24E01 7.36E01
5 1.03E02 1.91E+01 2.44E+00 1.81E+00 2.44E+02 3.62E+00 3.28E+00
10 2.06E02 1.29E+02 5.46E+00 6.36E+02 8.32E+00
15 3.09E02 3.72E+02 1.04E+01 1.04E+01
0.35 0.2 4.46E04 2.94E03 7.64E05 3.47E+00 7.88E04
0.5 1.12E03 2.48E02 8.60E04 1.25E+01 5.44E03
1 2.23E03 1.38E01 6.92E03 3.55E+01 3.16E02
2 4.46E03 6.93E01 4.84E02 9.64E02 9.30E+01 2.34E01 4.40E01
5 1.12E02 7.58E+00 9.00E01 8.60E01 2.88E+02 2.82E+00 2.70E+00
10 2.23E02 4.94E+01 2.66E+00 6.17E+02 9.78E+00
15 3.35E02 1.50E+02 5.84E+00 1.64E+01
0.5 0.2 4.68E04 6.38E04 1.25E05 2.37E+00 3.00E04
0.5 1.17E03 5.44E03 1.78E04 8.46E+00 1.76E03
1 2.34E03 3.82E02 1.98E03 2.39E+01 8.10E03
2 4.68E03 2.42E01 1.98E02 6.59E+01 6.36E02
5 1.17E02 2.73E+00 3.52E01 5.00E01 2.58E+02 8.78E01 2.38E+00
10 2.34E02 1.83E+01 3.18E+00 1.51E+00 6.36E+02 1.97E+01 6.92E+00
15 3.51E02 3.22E+00 1.60E+01

resistance, i.e., strength or Young’s modulus is likely to be underes- strength. For example, at the lowest thickness of t/D = 0.0002, the
timated, and this is regarded as the lower bound. In contrast, the strength with f = 0.23 is 30 times as high as that with f = 0.5. Also,
periodic boundary condition assumes a uniform deformation at a low volume fraction, the transition of failure mode from plastic
regardless of cells. Namely, all the cells deform in an exactly iden- yielding to elastic buckling according to decrease of the wall thick-
tical pattern, ignoring any local irregularity. Hence, the mechanical ness is delayed.
resistance is likely to be overestimated, and this is regarded as the Through simple linear regression of the data, empirical equa-
upper bound. Here, we present the mechanical properties sepa- tions of the strengths due to plastic yielding and elastic buckling
rately under the free and periodic boundary conditions. are derived as follows:
 1:7  2
ro t 1
4.1. Mechanical properties under free boundary condition ¼ 0:45 and
ros D f

Fig. 5(a) shows variation of the compressive strengths of  3  4

ro t 1
P-surfaced Shellulars under free boundary condition according to ¼ ; respectively:
ros D f
the wall thickness. The strengths due to the plastic yielding are
shown together with those due to the elastic buckling. The Fig. 5(b) shows the equations fitted to all the discrete data,
strengths and wall thickness are normalized by the yield strength which reveals excellent agreement.
of the constituent material (Ni-P film), ros, and the cell size, D, Fig. 6(a) shows the Young’s moduli of P-surfaced Shellulars as
respectively. For a given volume fraction, f, the data of the functions of the wall thickness. Similarly to Fig. 5(a), the Young’s
strengths due to plastic yielding and those due to the elastic buck- modulus and wall thickness are normalized by the Young’s modu-
ling are indicated by the blind and open symbols of identical color, lus of the constituent material (Ni-P film), Es, and the cell size, D,
respectively. Solid and dashed lines indicate the fitted lines of the respectively. The lines fitted to the discrete data have an approxi-
data due to the two failure mechanism. The lines fitted to the mately constant slope of 2.6 in log-log coordinates. The effects of
strengths due to plastic yielding have an approximately constant the volume fraction are substantial. A lower volume fraction
slope of 1.7 in log-log coordinates; whereas those due to elastic results in a higher Young’s modulus. Specifically, at a given wall
buckling have a higher slope of 3. When the wall is very thick such thickness, the Young’s moduli with f = 0.23 is about 20 times as
as t/D = 0.015, the P-surfaced Shellular always fails due to plastic high as that with f = 0.5. Through simple linear regression of the
yielding. However, as the thickness decreases below a certain limit, data, an empirical equation of the Young’s modulus is derived as
the failure mechanism switches to elastic buckling and the follows:
strength decreases much faster. The effects of the volume fraction  2:6  3:5
E t 1
on the strength are substantial, particularly when the failure mode ¼ 0:45 :
is elastic buckling. A lower volume fraction results in higher Es D f
B.D. Nguyen et al. / Computational Materials Science 139 (2017) 162–178 169

Fig. 5. (a) Variation of compressive strength of P-surfaced Shellulars under free boundary condition according to the wall thickness, (b) empirical equations of the
compressive strength fitted to the discrete data.
170 B.D. Nguyen et al. / Computational Materials Science 139 (2017) 162–178

Fig. 6. (a) Variation of Young’s modulus of P-surfaced Shellulars under free boundary condition according to the wall thickness, (b) empirical equations of the Young’s
modulus fitted to the discrete data.
B.D. Nguyen et al. / Computational Materials Science 139 (2017) 162–178 171

Fig. 6(b) shows the equations fitted to all the discrete data, above. Under the vertical compression, all of them reveal stress
which reveals excellent agreement. concentration in the middle section, leading to the shell folding.
However, the details are substantially different depending on the
4.2. Mechanical properties under periodic boundary condition volume fraction. At the lowest volume fraction of f = 0.23, the high
stress is distributed around the top and bottom openings as well as
Fig. 7(a) shows the compressive strengths of P-surfaced Shellu- the middle section. This means that the small top and bottom
lars under periodic boundary condition as functions of the wall openings play an effective role in supporting the structure against
thickness. The strengths due to plastic yielding are not well fitted the external load. Therefore, the strength of the P-surfaced Shellu-
linearly in the log-log coordinates at a given volume fraction. Also, lar is higher than those with the higher volume fractions. That is, as
the effects of the volume fraction on the strength are negligible. the f value increases, the stress level around the top and bottom
Rather, the whole data are approximately fitted to a single line openings decreases and the stress becomes to be more concen-
with a slope, 1.57 with some scatter. In contrast, the strengths trated around the middle section. Consequently, at the highest vol-
due to elastic buckling are rather well fitted linearly in the log- ume fraction of f = 0.5, the P-surfaced Shellular fails by collapse of
log coordinates at each volume fraction. Also, the effects of the vol- the middle section, and its strength is lower than those with the
ume fraction on the strength are significant. Unlike under the free lower volume fractions. Because these plastic deformations under
boundary, the slopes of the fitted lines are not almost constant, free boundary condition are a type of plastic buckling, and the esti-
increasing with the volume fractions from 2.25 to 2.8 with an mated compressive strengths are actually the plastic buckling
average, 2.5. When the wall is very thick like t/D = 0.015, the loads.
PAsurfaced Shellular always fails due to plastic yielding. However, Fig. 9(b) depicts the buckled shapes of the P-surfaced Shellulars
as the thickness decreases below a certain limit, the failure mech- with the thinnest wall (t = 0.2 lm) under free boundary condition.
anism is switched to elastic buckling and the strength decreases The buckling modes are corresponding to the first Eigen values for
much faster. When the failure mode is elastic buckling, the lower the given parameters. At a high volume fraction, the thin Shellular
volume fraction results in the higher strength. However, the differ- tends to fail soon with transverse deformation near the top and
ences are not so significant as under the free boundary condition, bottom (named Mode-I). In contrast, at the lowest volume fraction
mentioned above. For example, the strength with f = 0.23 is about of f = 0.23, the structure is more stable, revealing the high resis-
10 times as high as that with f = 0.5. Also, the transition of failure tance against buckling. When buckled, the transverse deformations
mode from plastic yielding to elastic buckling according to tend to appear around the middle section and lateral openings
decrease of the wall thickness is delayed at a low volume fraction. (named Mode-II). At the volume fraction of f = 0.27, the transition
Through simple linear regression of the data, empirical equation between these two buckling modes takes place and the transverse
of the strength due to plastic yielding is simply derived as deformation occurs both near the top and bottom openings and
 1:57 around the middle section and lateral openings. The transition
ro t between these two buckling modes is also affected by the wall
¼ 5:15 ;
ros D thickness. For example, at a given volume fraction of f = 0.23, the
P-surfaced Shellular with t = 2 lm buckles in Mode-I, but that with
and the equation of the strength due to elastic buckling are derived
t = 1 lm buckles in Mode-II.
Fig. 10(a) depicts Mises stress distributed on P-surfaced Shellu-
 2:5  2:5
ro t 1 lars, when the Shellulars fail by elastic buckling under periodic
¼ 35 : boundary condition, i.e., when the nodes at the lateral opening
ros D f
edges are fully constrained by neighbor. Because the wall thick-
Fig. 7(b) shows the equations fitted to all the discrete data, ness is high (t = 10 lm), the Shellular fail by plastic yielding, as
revealing fairly good agreement. mentioned above. Under the vertical compression, all of them
Fig. 8(a) shows the Young’s moduli of P-surfaced Shellulars as reveal the stress much well distributed over the entire body
functions of the wall thickness under the periodic boundary condi- compared to Fig. 9(a) under the free boundary condition. At the
tion. The lines fitted to the discrete data have variable sloped, lowest volume fraction of f = 0.23, the high stress is distributed
1.18–1.44 in the log-log coordinates, but the effects of the volume around all of the top, bottom, and lateral openings. The deforma-
fraction are negligible. Rather, the whole data are approximately tion pattern of the lateral openings is quite interesting. Namely,
fitted to a single line with a slope, 1.32 as follows: the two lateral openings oppositely oriented to each other deform
 1:32 in vertical direction, while the other two deform in horizontal
E t
¼ 1:244 : direction. This unique deformation pattern is the most apparently
Es D
shown at the highest volume fraction of f = 0.5. When a hyperbolic
Fig. 8(b) shows the equation fitted to the discrete data, reveal- paraboloid-like shell composing the P-surface Shellular is sub-
ing fair agreement with allowable error. jected to external load, the convex curvature is compressed,
whereas the concave curvature is tensioned, or vise versa [19],
4.3. Failure behaviors as shown in the inset. To maintain the geometrical compatibility
with the neighbor cells under the periodic boundary condition,
Fig. 9(a) depicts Mises stress distributed on P-surfaced Shellu- these two modes of deformations occur alternatively around the
lars, when the Shellulars fail by plastic yielding under free bound- four lateral openings.
ary condition, i.e., no constraint on the nodes at the lateral opening Fig. 10(b) depicts the buckled shapes of the P-surfaced Shellu-
edges. Since the constituent material was assumed to be elastic lars with the thinnest wall (t = 0.2 lm) under the periodic bound-
perfectly plastic, the area where the Mises stress became higher ary condition. At the low three volume fractions, the buckling
than the given yield strength was simply indicated by a single grey modes corresponding to the first Eigen values reveal large trans-
color without gradation despite the wide range of the stress. vers deformation around the top and bottom. In contrast, at the
Namely, the grey color indicates the area undergoing perfectly highest volume fraction of f = 0.5, the buckled shape is very similar
plastic deformation. Because the wall thickness is high to that when failed by plastic yielding, shown in the last figure of
(t = 10 lm), the Shellular fails by plastic yielding, as mentioned Fig. 10(a).
172 B.D. Nguyen et al. / Computational Materials Science 139 (2017) 162–178

Fig. 7. (a) Variation of compressive strength of P-surfaced Shellulars under periodic boundary condition according to the wall thickness, (b) empirical equations of the
compressive strength fitted to the discrete data.
B.D. Nguyen et al. / Computational Materials Science 139 (2017) 162–178 173

Fig. 8. (a) Variation of Young’s modulus of P-surfaced Shellulars under periodic boundary condition according to the wall thickness, (b) empirical equations of the Young’s
modulus fitted to the discrete data.
174 B.D. Nguyen et al. / Computational Materials Science 139 (2017) 162–178

Fig. 9. (a) Mises stress distributed on P-surfaced Shellulars under free boundary condition when the Shellulars fail by plastic yielding with the thick wall (t = 10 lm), (b)
buckled shapes of the P-surfaced Shellulars with the thinnest wall (t = 0.2 lm) under free boundary condition.
B.D. Nguyen et al. / Computational Materials Science 139 (2017) 162–178 175

Fig. 10. (a) Mises stress distributed on P-surfaced Shellulars under periodic boundary condition when the Shellulars fail by plastic yielding with the thick wall (t = 10 lm), (b)
buckled shapes of the P-surfaced Shellulars with the thinnest wall (t = 0.2 lm) under periodic boundary condition.
176 B.D. Nguyen et al. / Computational Materials Science 139 (2017) 162–178

Fig. 11. (a) Estimated compressive strength and (b) Young’s modulus of P-surface Shellulars, respectively, compared with those of previous ultra-low density materials.

4.4. Comparison with the previous ultralow density materials with materials, i.e., engineering honeycombs [27], wire-woven metals
microarchitectures [28], natural materials [29], and foams [29]. A honeycomb is
usually regarded as one of the best artificial cellular materials.
In Fig. 11(a) and (b), the estimated mechanical properties of Actually, according to Fleck et al.’s definition [30], a honeycomb
P-surface Shellulars are compared with those of previous is the first micro-architectured material. Hence, when sandwiched
ultra-low density materials such as Microlattice [8], Nanolattice with two hard face sheets, the elastic modulus reaches almost an
[9,10], Mechanical metamaterial [11], the Shellular with the ideal upper bound called the Hashin-Shtrikman bound [31].
octahedron-like or elongated P-surfaced configurations, named The P-surface Shellular models are set to have a volume frac-
L-Shellular here [12], and also other conventional cellular tion, f = 0.27 which is similar to that of the real specimens prepared
B.D. Nguyen et al. / Computational Materials Science 139 (2017) 162–178 177

based on wire-weaving, as depicted in Fig. 3(a). In the figures, the P-surface and the parameters governing the geometry are
values of P-surface Shellulars are indicated by the solid lines. In described. Finite element analyses are performed for unit cell mod-
Fig. 11(a), their strengths estimated under the periodic boundary els of P-surfaced Shellulars to investigate the effects of the geomet-
condition are always higher than those under the free boundary ric parameters and boundary conditions on their compressive
condition, which are regarded to represent the upper bound and strengths and Young’s moduli. The conclusions are as follows:
the lower bound, respectively. At a low relative density, which
measures the thin wall of shell, the failure occurs due to elastic (i) The geometry and mechanical properties of a P-surfaced
buckling and the strength rapidly decreases as the relative density Shellular can be expressed in empirical equations with only
decreases. In contrast, at a high relative density, the failure occurs two independent dimensionless parameters, f and t/D.
due to plastic yielding and the strength slowly decreases as the rel- (ii) When the wall is thick, the P-surfaced Shellular is likely to
ative density decreases. The transition between the two failure fail due to plastic yielding, whereas, when the wall is thin,
modes is around the density of q/qs = 0.01. In the elastic buckling the Shellular is likely failed due to elastic buckling. The
dominated region, the strengths of the P-surfaced Shellulars are thickness at the transition between the two failure mecha-
comparable to those of L-Shellular and Microlattice. However, in nisms depends on the volume fraction.
the plastic yielding dominated region, the strengths of the P- (iii) The effect of the volume fraction is substantial. A low vol-
surfaced Shellulars are higher than any of the previous ultralow ume fraction is very beneficial to achieve high strength, par-
density materials with microarchitectures. This result means that ticularly under the free boundary condition and also when
the real benefit of the unique geometry of P-surfaced Shellular the failure is governed by elastic buckling under the periodic
comes when the failure occurs due to plastic yielding. boundary condition. The lower volume fraction suppresses
In Fig. 11(b), in the most region of our interest, the Young’s the elastic buckling to delay the transition of failure mode
moduli of the P-surfaced Shellulars under the periodic boundary from plastic yielding to the elastic buckling as the wall thick-
condition are much higher than those under the free boundary ness is decreased. In addition, the lower volume fraction
condition. In fact, the periodic boundary condition provides the results in the higher Young’s modulus under free boundary
upper bound of the entire ultralow density materials, while the condition.
free boundary condition does the lower bound. Namely, all the
Young’s modulus data are located between the upper and lower
bounds. Acknowledgement

This work was supported by the National Research Foundation

5. Concluding remarks of Korea (NRF) grant funded by the Korea government (MSIP)
(No. NRF-2015R1A2A1A01003702).
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