Big Box: Business Plan

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Business plan

Big box
(flower shop)

CONTACT: 0946*******


The business intends to venture into a flower farm. The business name is BIG
BOX FLOWER SHOP the business will be located along high-way San Francisco
Nabua, Camarines Sur it aims to sell flowers to customers in town and even walk-in
guests for special occasions.

Big box flower shop

The main sources of funding are retained earnings, debt capital, and equity
capital. Companies use retained earnings from business operations to expand or
distribute dividends to their shareholders Business raise funds by borrowing debt
privately from a bank or by going public (issuing debt securities).
A Sweet True Story About a Real Business

Last night I was treated to one of those great true stories about a real business
that reminds me of the way some of the best possible businesses start and grow
organically, based on values, people doing something they like to do. This one is Luna
and Larry's Coconut Bliss.

It's a simple story. In 2004 Larry Kaplowitz and Luna Marcus spent $150 on a
used ice cream maker and started making ice cream from coconut milk. First, they
shared with friends. That led to neighborhood parties and then supplying the shelves of
a couple of neighborhood stores. People liked the product, word spread. and they
expanded production to a small licensed trailer More people wanted it, and more stores
wanted it so they raised $75,000 from friends and family to move into a rented building
with a better kitchen.

Demand continued to grow. To increase production again, they partnered with a

local dairy. They visited coconut farms in Thailand to develop a relationship with an
important supplier. They turned down offers to sell the growing company outright. They
stuck to their values. Sales grew to more than $1 million annually. Instead of selling the
business to competitors or an out-of-state larger company, as demand continued to
grow and the needs of the business became a lot more about business than coconut ice
cream they recently locked in the partnership with the local dairy. That's because Larry
said last night it's local and the people and values matched completely.

You can get the story in pictures, comic-book style if you want: Click on the
preview panels here to get the larger readable version Larry told this story last night to a
full house at our Eugene Oregon, startups group ( He's now an angel
investor, a member of our local Willamette Angel Conference, and both he and Luna are
happily still very involved with the Coconut Bliss line of the merged company but are no
longer in charge of the day to day business.

Two side notes I found interesting. Somebody asked Larry if there were ever
those dark days that entrepreneurs suffer through as the company grew. He answered,
with a quick broad smile, "just about every day from one and a half years in through four
years." The group laughed. He explained: "We always thought we were in over our
heads that we needed more business knowledge and experience" my thought at the
time, not when you're making something a lot of people want.

At another point, he shared that a lot of knowledgeable people told them their
idea wouldn't work because coconut ice cream costs a lot more than regular ice cream.
Whether that worried them or not. Luna and Larry charged what they had to cover
costs. And people were happy to pay more.

My thought, at the time. Having the highest price and the highest value is often a
good strategy. Make sure the values match It's hard to grow a small business based on
a low price.

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