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Syst. Biol.

46(3)537-553, 1997


L. H. Bailey Hortorium, 462 Mann Library Building, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York 14853, USA;

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Abstract.—The construction and interpretation of gene trees is fundamental in molecular system-
atics. If the gene is defined in a historical (coalescent) sense, there can be multiple gene trees
within the single contiguous set of nucleotides, and attempts to construct a single tree for such a
sequence must deal with homoplasy created by conflict among divergent histories. On a larger
scale, incongruence is expected among gene tree topologies at different loci of individuals within
sexually reproducing species, and it has been suggested that this discordance can be used to
delimit species. A practical concern for such topological methods is that polymorphisms may be
maintained through numerous cladogenic events; this polymorphism problem is less of a concern
for nontopological approaches to species delimitation using molecular data. Although a central
theoretical concern in molecular systematics is discordance between a given gene tree and the
true "species tree," the primary empirical problem faced in reconstructing taxic phylogeny is
incongruence among the trees inferred from different sequences. Linkage relationships limit char-
acter independence and thus have important implications for handling multiple data sets in phy-
logenetic analysis, particularly at the species level, where incongruence among different histori-
cally associated loci is expected. Gene trees can also be reconstructed for loci that influence
phenotypic characters, but there is at best a tenuous relationship between phenotypic homoplasy
and homoplasy in such gene trees. Nevertheless, expression patterns and orthology relationships
of genes involved in the expression of phenotypes can in theory provide criteria for homology
assessment of morphological characters. [Gene trees; homoplasy; linkage; morphology; orthology;
phylogeny; species delimitation.]

Page (1993, 1994) summarized several elucidated and remain to be incorporated

ways in which trees from one hierarchical into the day-to-day work of systematics.
level may "include" historically associated Two aspects of "inclusion" that involve
trees from a lower level. The trees of the gene trees are explored here. The first is
lowest hierarchical and organizational lev- gene flow, which in sexually reproducing
el, the gene, are discussed here. Gene trees organisms brings together lineages with
are fundamental to molecular systematics, different histories. Gene trees become his-
i.e., to systematics generally. The primary torically associated as genes are united in
use of such trees, constructed from DNA different combinations within the genomes
sequence variation at individual genetic of individual organisms. Two hierarchical
loci, is to infer phylogenies of the taxa levels are involved: the lower level is that
bearing those genes. As such, genes are lit- of the gene, and the higher level is that of
tle more than collections of individual nu- the organism. The presence of different al-
cleotides, each assumed to be an indepen- leles at a locus provides the substrate for
dent and representative character for effective recombination. Within a contigu-
organismal phylogeny reconstruction. The ous set of nucleotides composing a struc-
fact that systematists are speaking of tural gene, recombination may produce
"gene trees" at all and distinguishing new alleles that are phylogenetic mosaics,
them from trees of taxic relationships rep- with significant implications for gene tree
resents a significant advance over earlier— construction. Above the organizational lev-
not long past—ways of thinking about mo- el of single loci, recombinational mecha-
lecular systematics. The full implications of nisms (crossing over, gene conversion, in-
that distinction, necessitated at each taxo- dependent assortment) permit individual
nomic level by different but often overlap- loci to evolve independently and poten-
ping biological processes, are still being tially to track different histories. An im-

portant consequence is the classic "gene lar systematics (e.g., Rieger, 1991) is a con-
trees versus species trees" problem, whose tiguous set of nucleotides, usually with a
empirical effect is incongruence between particular function: coxl, adh, rbcL, etc.
different loci. Although these issues have However, as has been recognized for some
received considerable attention (e.g., Mad- time (e.g., Grant, 1957) and discussed ex-
dison, 1995), their implications for species plicitly more recently (e.g., Hudson, 1990),
delimitation have been less well explored the historically relevant unit (the coales-
(but see Baum and Shaw, 1995; Doyle, cent gene [c-gene]) may be either larger or

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1995) and are discussed here. The exis- smaller than this standard definition indi-
tence of separate trees for different parts cates. With no effective recombination, the
of a gene or for different genes within spe- c-gene can be an entire genome, as in the
cies raises the issue of how to accommo- case of organellar genomes; with recom-
date potentially conflicting data sets, an bination, it can be as small as a single nu-
area of considerable controversy (e.g., de cleotide, and multiple c-genes can there-
Queiroz et al., 1995; Miyamoto and Fitch, fore exist within a single conventional
1995). gene.
A second type of "inclusion" also takes Hudson (1990) pointed out that the ge-
place within the genomes of individual or- nealogy of a single contiguous set of nu-
ganisms but involves different organiza- cleotides may be impossible to reconstruct
with any confidence if recombination lev-
tional levels rather than different hierarchi-
cal levels. Genes underlie the morphological els are sufficiently high. In discussing cla-
attributes that are the basis for most taxo- distic analyses, Nixon and Wheeler (1992)
nomic treatments and, until the advent of noted that homoplasy caused by recombi-
macromolecular data, were the characters nation does not result from incorrect ho-
of most phylogenetic analyses. Gene trees mology assessments in the usual sense but
are "included" in morphologies, and the re- rather from conflict among the different
lationship between their topologies and trees supported by characters belonging to
morphological character state trees is ex- regions differing in their historical patterns
plored here. (see example in Fig. 1). Thus, recombina-
tion is one case (others are hybridization
Asexually reproducing species represent and gene conversion among paralogous
a simplified case for species delimitation loci) of mixed-signal homoplasy (e.g.,
and phylogeny reconstruction (e.g., Liden, Doyle, 1996).
1990) because there is only phylogeny, not Thus the "gene" whose assumed unique
tokogeny—Pfennig's (1966) term for retic- history molecular systematists attempt to
ulate relationships among sexually repro- reconstruct may itself be historically het-
ducing individuals. In such taxa, the entire erogeneous, having several different "in-
genome is a single historical unit and is cluded" c-genes. Because history is the pri-
thus a single "gene" in terms of coales- mary concern of those reconstructing
cence theory (e.g., Hudson, 1990). This is phylogenies, it would seem that this
not the case with sexually reproducing should be the first and most significant
species. For such taxa, consequently, every process partition (Bull et al., 1993) treated
stage of molecular systematics is compli- by those concerned with data partitions
cated, from the construction of a tree for and should be more important, for exam-
alleles at a given locus, to delimiting spe- ple, than the kinds of functional criteria
cies, to inferring relationships among or- outlined by Miyamoto and Fitch (1995).
ganismal taxa. However, there seems to have been little
thought given to this issue in the debate
Gene Trees within Genes: Recombination, over methods of combining data. It falls
Incongruence, and Homoplasy under the broader heading of historical in-
A gene as defined in classical genetics, congruence, a topic that, as noted recently
molecular biology, and empirical molecu- by de Queiroz et al. (1995), has received

less attention in this debate than it de- tremes lies the species. Despite the contro-
serves. The practical implications are ob- versy surrounding this hierarchical level,
vious. While advocating strict separation most concepts agree that actual, potential,
of data sets, Miyamoto and Fitch (1995:66) past, or present gene flow is of critical im-
commented that "a lower limit on the sizes portance in defining species. Thus, in at
of process partitions is effectively set by least a broad sense (and strictly speaking,
the need for sufficient numbers of charac- in the case of some species definitions), re-
ters to test statistically for significant het-lationships within species are primarily to-

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erogeneities among these partitions." A se- kogenetic, and relationships between spe-
quence composed of c-genes that can be as cies are assumed to be phylogenetic and
small as a single nucleotide clearly poses thus represent a historical sequence of
significant challenges to those advocating cladogenic events. Whether any two indi-
data partitioning. Although few sequences viduals of species that diverged from one
within species may show this extreme a another most recently will be more closely
level of recombination, cases of recombi- related to one another than to an individ-
nation extensive enough to prohibit con- ual of a third species that diverged earlier
struction of well-resolved allele trees are is difficult to predict. This difficulty re-
known (e.g v adh in Drosophila pseudobscura: mains whether the criterion for "relation-
Schaeffer and Miller, 1992; see Doyle, ship" is overall similarity of their ge-
1995). nomes, the gene tree at any particular
locus from which species relationships
Genes and Their Trees in Species could be inferred, or the overall number of
Delimitation loci at which gene trees correctly predict
Reconstruction of a gene tree terminates the sequence of cladogenic events.
the initial stage of the molecular system- Individual sexually reproducing organ-
atics research program, the part that in- isms are not themselves species; their re-
volves objective phylogenetic analysis lationships are not phylogenetic. Consider
(Doyle, 1995). The second stage of the pro- the technical problem of reconstructing a
gram involves what I have elsewhere re- gene tree for alleles at a single locus (an
ferred to as a leap of faith (Doyle, 1992), in allele tree) for which heterozygous indi-
which the systematist substitutes the viduals exist. It is (theoretically) straight-
names of organismal taxa (species, genera, forward to construct a tree in which the
families) for the alleles or haplotypes, sam- operational taxonomic units are alleles
pled from individuals, that are the true ter- sampled from conspecific individuals that
minals of the objective analysis. For the fol- are linked by gene flow. The stage at which
lowing discussion, I assume that the many organismal taxa are substituted for genes
technical and theoretical difficulties inher- is not controversial when organellar hap-
ent in this first stage of the analysis have lotypes are sampled from a homoplasmic
been surmounted and that accurate gene individual or when alleles at a nuclear lo-
trees have been reconstructed. cus are sampled from a homozygote. But
The next question that must be ad- an individual that is heterozygous for a
dressed is whether there is a phylogenetic given locus possesses two alleles at that lo-
history of organisms and organismal taxa cus, each with its own unique historical
that can be recovered. This question seems position in the gene tree. It is therefore im-
uncontroversial with regard to taxa at, for possible to make a unique substitution of
example, the generic level and higher. "individual" for "allele" in the gene tree;
However, it is demonstrably untrue for in- such an individual must appear twice and
dividuals within sexually reproducing or- at different positions on the tree. The in-
ganisms connected by gene flow, the rela- terpretation of this situation in terms of ei-
tionships among which are tokogenetic ther individual or species relationships is
(reticulate) rather than phylogenetic (di- not apparent. Heterozygosity is a case of
vergent). Between these relatively clear ex- association among historical lineages, in
(a) Character (b)
Allele 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 A B CD
m -7 8- '11
m-9 m -3
A 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 o i 1 m-6 -fi
m• 2 10
B 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 o o 1 |

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L = 12
Cl = 1.0
Rl = 1.0

Allele 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

A I 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 o o T ~

1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0

(d) M 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 h
-| 9 10 11 12

A R B CD A B C R_c D
1 1-


r •12

Cl = 1.0 Cl = 1.0
Rl = 1.0 Rl = 1 0


4-7 8- • •1 1 44= 7 4 - 3=|=4

1 0 8> m • -11
I I4

\ -3
-5 "•6 -3 6
• -2 = =10 1
•12 -12
Cl = 0.84 strict consensus
Rl = 0.80

this case involving alleles with different the point where groups of individuals do
histories that are brought together in a sin- not share related alleles. This point of mul-
gle diploid genome. Heterozygosity is a tilocus coalescence defines the genealogi-
product of gene flow and thus is evidence cal species.
that relationships among individuals are An alternative approach makes use of
tokogenetic rather than phylogenetic. DNA sequence data in a different way, by
The use of sexually reproducing individ- using the distribution of alleles in individ-
uals as terminal taxa in a molecular phy- uals regardless of their positions in an al-

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logenetic analysis therefore does not pro- lele tree. Individuals sharing alleles are ex-
vide even a technical solution to the pected to be close relatives if alleles are
species problem, as has been suggested defined as DNA sequences that are iden-
(Vrana and Wheeler, 1992). Some unit that tical at both coding and noncoding nucle-
includes many individuals is required, otides. But how can alleles, and by exten-
meaning that some criterion for recogniz- sion the individuals bearing them, be
ing "species" is necessary. It is reasonable grouped without reference to an allele
to ask whether gene sequences could be tree? The method of Doyle (1995) takes ad-
used to provide such a criterion, given the vantage of the fact that a heterozygous in-
current reliance of systematists on DNA dividual provides evidence of gene flow
data. between individuals that are homozygous
The most obvious approach is to some- for each of its two alleles. Alleles that co-
how utilize gene trees, the stock-in-trade exist in heterozygous form are part of a
of molecular systematics. Baum and Shaw common "allele pool" at their locus (Doyle,
(1995) proposed a method for delimiting 1995), the critical property of which is that
"genealogical" species on the basis of co- members of the same allele pool are po-
alescence of alleles or haplotypes at mul- tentially able to recombine. The group of
tiple loci. Their method operates on the as- individuals that possess alleles belonging
sumption that relationships among to a single allele pool thus are a field for
individuals within such species are toko- recombination (Carson, 1957; FFR of Doyle,
genetic and that individuals within a spe- 1995). The allele pool may include alleles
cies will therefore possess alleles having that never occur together in heterozygous
different relationships at each of many loci. form: for example, there may be no fl//het-
In the allele tree for one locus, the alleles erozygotes, but if the a/b and b/fhetero-
of individuals 1 and 2 may be sisters, zygotes join alleles a, b, and / in the same
whereas in the tree for an unlinked second allele pool, then all individuals bearing
locus, the allele possessed by individual 1 any of these alleles will belong in the same
may be more closely related to that of in- FFR. Moreover, these three alleles need not
dividual 5. Substituting individuals for al- bear any particular relationship to one an-
leles in the tree for each locus permits the other in the allele tree at this locus. Allele
construction of a strict consensus tree of / may be only distantly related to alleles a
individuals over all loci. This consensus and b, and other individuals may possess
tree will lack resolution among individuals alleles more closely related to alleles a or
that are linked by gene flow, collapsing to b. But if none of these exist in heterozy-

FIGURE 1. The effect of recombination on phylogeny reconstruction. L = length; CI = consistency index; RI

= retention index, (a) Data matrix of four ingroup (A-D) alleles and one outgroup allele prior to recombination,
with 12 binary characters numbered sequentially, (b) Allele phylogeny reconstructed from the data matrix
shows no homoplasy. (c) Recombination of alleles A and C to produce a recombinant, R^; the corresponding
RM recombinant is not followed, (d) Phylogeny reconstruction of two coalescent genes whose boundary is the
site of the recombination event between alleles A and C; neither of the two c-gene trees shows homoplasy. (e)
Parsimony analysis of the whole data set, ignoring the presence of two historical units (c-genes), results in two
trees and homoplasy. Homoplasy is due to the mixed signals of the two c-genes.

gous combinations with alleles a, b, or f, exclude MHC loci on the basis that these
then such individuals will not belong to loci represent a classic case of selectively
the same FFR. Once allele pools are de- maintained polymorphism (e.g., Hughes
fined, gene pools can be defined in much and Nei, 1988), for which it is expected
the same way, by considering the intersec- that polymorphisms will transcend accept-
tions of multiple allele pools: a multilocus ed specific (or even generic) boundaries.
genotype with allele b at locus 1 and allele However, it is difficult to see how this so-
x at locus 2 links alleles a, b, and/with all lution can be applied objectively for most

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alleles belonging to the same allele pool at loci, where often little or nothing is known
locus 2 as does allele x. From the gene about mechanisms maintaining polymor-
pool, a multilocus FFR can then be defined phism. Moreover, some of the best meth-
(Doyle, 1995). ods for detecting selection at a locus (e.g.,
These topological and nontopological Hudson et al., 1987) rely on comparisons
methods both rely on the fact that individ- of polymorphism within species versus di-
uals within larger entities (genealogical vergence between species; clearly a species
species or multilocus FFR) have different concept must be invoked and applied prior
sets of reticulate (tokogenetic) relation- to using such tests. It does not appear that
ships. Each suffers from different practical a practical criterion has yet been proposed
problems. Topology-based approaches for excluding loci that does not have as a
must contend with loci at which ancient prerequisite agreement with existing or
polymorphisms persist. The coalescence "reasonable" taxonomic boundaries.
points of alleles at such a locus predate In contrast, trans-specific polymorphism
many cladogenic events leading to taxa is theoretically not a problem for a nonto-
among which gene flow has since ceased pological method because topological re-
and that may be well differentiated mor- lationships are expected to persist far lon-
phologically, ethologically, etc. Classic ex- ger than will allele identities. Consider two
amples are the major histocompatibility extant DQB1 alleles, one sampled from a
complex (MHC) of animals (e.g., Gaur et human and the other from a chimpanzee,
al., 1992) and self-incompatibility loci of that were identical immediately prior to
plants (e.g., Ioerger et al., 1990; Clark and the cladogenic event that gave rise to the
Kao, 1991; Richman et al., 1996). Using the two taxa. These sister alleles have persisted
MHC as an example, the ancestor in which to the present in both taxa, having been
all human DQB1 alleles coalesce predates prevented from either becoming extinct or
the divergence of humans, chimpanzees, going to fixation by the selectional regime
gorillas, macaques, and a number of other at this locus. These alleles share a more re-
primates (Gaur et al., 1992). For a topolog- cent common ancestor with each other
ical species definition, either this large and than either does with any other DQB1 al-
diverse group of taxa must be accepted as lele (except for those derived from each
a single "species" or the locus must be ex- subsequent to the divergence of humans
cluded from consideration in species de- and chimpanzees), and so they will be sis-
limitation. If a goal of species delimitation ters on the DQB1 gene tree, more closely
is objectivity, then it would seem reason- related than either is to other alleles found
able to justify either decision based on in humans or chimpanzees. Yet these al-
some set of criteria. Recognizing apes and leles have been diverged for some 6 mil-
humans as a single species may be unpal- lion years, and so it is likely that they will
atable from a practical point of view, but differ from one another by at least one sub-
the decision to do so does use an objective stitution, perhaps in a noncoding region or
and repeatable approach to define a natu- at a synonymous codon position. Despite
ral group with particular biological prop- being sisters on the allele tree, they are not
erties. It is more difficult to envision prac- the same allele (e.g., Rieger, 1991) and so
tical objective criteria for excluding a locus will not provide a link between humans
from consideration. One might decide to and chimpanzees. There will not be any

heterozygous individuals having these two More important than this technical con-
alleles, because there has been no gene cern is the fact that even if all alleles are
flow between chimpanzees and humans monophyletic at a locus within the species
since their divergence from their common being studied, there is no guarantee that
ancestor. Theoretically, therefore, even a lo- the overall topology at that locus will re-
cus like DQB1 can be accommodated in flect the cladogenic history of the species
the nontopological method of Doyle themselves. This problem is simply the
(1995), although low levels of allele diver- now-familiar one of gene tree versus spe-

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gence coupled with parallelism could pro- cies tree. However, although the problem
duce "shared" alleles that were not iden- is usually phrased as one of incongnience
tical by descent and so would provide between a particular reconstructed gene
misleading estimates of relationship. tree and "the" species tree, the true taxon
The fine resolution provided by DNA se- tree is unknown and unknowable, with
quences on which the nontopological ap- few exceptions (e.g., experimental phylog-
proach relies may be a source of "prob- enies; Hillis et al., 1992). Therefore, to dis-
lems" in the form of unpalatable results, cuss incongruence in terms of the un-
although in a direction opposite that of the known species tree is irrelevant from an
topological method. The finer the resolu- empirical perspective; although there is
tion, die less likely that identical alleles presumably a unique species history to be
will be shared among individuals. For recovered by constructing gene trees for
many taxa, the units suggested by such a different loci, only the individual gene
procedure may be very small, and it may trees actually can be observed. If some sig-
then be desirable to identify some objec- nificant percentage of gene trees within a
tive means of grouping FFRs together set of species is expected to disagree with
(Doyle, 1995). the species history (e.g., Pamilo and Nei,
1988), then it is incongruence among gene
Gene Trees and Species Phytogeny trees that will be observed when multiple
Once units of phylogeny have been de- loci are studied. This conflict must some-
limited, the topology relating them can be how be reconciled in arriving at a species-
inferred by the application of the nonto- level phylogenetic hypothesis. The fact that
pological molecular systematics program incongruence among gene trees is expect-
(Doyle, 1995). However, some major prob- ed is an important aspect of the gene trees
lems remain. First, not all loci are suitable versus species trees issue that should per-
for this purpose. For example, even if the haps be more strongly stated than has of-
DQB1 locus can be used to delimit human, ten been the case.
chimpanzee, and gorilla species, the rela- In their review of issues concerning
tionships of DQB1 alleles are tangled combining data, de Queiroz et al. (1995)
enough that no historical inference could distinguished three approaches to the
be made from them for these species. For problem of incongruent data sets. The first
a locus to be suitable for phylogenetic in- approach is to produce a collection of in-
ference, a minimum requirement is that its dividual histories. However, species are
alleles be monophyletic within terminal more than merely collections of indepen-
taxa (Doyle, 1995). This phylogenetic "suit- dent gene lineages, and usually they do
ability" requirement can be applied objec- have a singular history. Systematists are
tively and uniformly to any locus once interested in historical associations of or-
species have been delimited. Although it ganismal lineages, not just in gene trees
involves exclusion of some loci, it is not for each of the many thousands of sequenc-
subject to the criticism of topological meth- es that comprise the genome. De Queiroz
ods for species delimitation that they may et al.'s (1995) second option is to depict re-
require subjective decisions concerning lationships as a reticulating tree. However,
which loci must be excluded to give a de- lineage sorting, which is the primary sto-
sired result. chastic source of incongruence, is not retic-

ulation per se, unlike secondary processes is, paradoxically, a primary source of char-
such as hybridization. The final alternative acter nonindependence when multiple
is the production of a hierarchical tree data sets are used to reconstruct species
"representing the single dominant pattern histories because the unit of incongruence
among data sets" (de Queiroz et al., 1995: among loci is not the single nucleotide but
674), i.e., combining data sets or topolo- rather the entire locus or even larger
gies; whether some taxa can or should be regions of DNA that assort independently
excised (de Queiroz et al., 1995) is a sepa- (e.g., nuclear or organellar chromosomes,

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rate issue. The entire spectrum of alterna- c-genes). Organellar genomes represent a
tive ways of dealing with multiple data familiar and relatively simple example be-
sets thus can be discussed under this third cause all of their genes are irrevocably
option. A consensus tree of gene trees linked and travel as single historical units.
from several loci in a taxonomic congru- When the organellar genome has a history
ence study is clearly a means to this end, different from that of the nuclear genome,
and if data (instead of topologies) are to be every nucleotide in every one of its genes
combined, the choice between direct com- will give the "wrong" phylogenetic pat-
bination and recoding methods (e.g., tern for those taxa affected (e.g., in lineage
Doyle, 1992) boils down to a question of sorting or introgression). Under such cir-
whether one should trust the species tree cumstances, combining organellar and nu-
supported by the most nucleotides or the clear sequences to produce a single tree in
species tree that is supported by the most a character congruence approach will pro-
loci. Both are total evidence trees, and both duce mixed-signal homoplasy, as does re-
are character congruence methods, but combination at a single locus. In the case
with different definitions of the relevant of multiple loci, larger regions of the ge-
character. nome—loci, blocks of loci, or whole chro-
Character definition is an important mosomes—rather than different regions
problem in any phylogenetic analysis, and along the same gene have different "in-
a fundamental attribute of a useful char- cluded" histories. Because of their historical
acter is independence (e.g., Davis and Hey- linkage to one another as a single c-gene,
wood, 1973). Independence normally the characters involved are not indepen-
means that the state of one character does dent; homoplasy at one predicts homopla-
not predict the state of another. Systema- sy at all others (Doyle, 1992). Numerous
tists seek to explain observed character co- cases of incongruence between organellar
variation in terms of phylogeny; other forc- and nuclear genomes are now known (re-
es or phenomena that cause the states of viewed by Wendel and Doyle, in press).
several characters to vary together pose However, incongruence among nuclear loci
problems for phylogeny reconstruction (al- that are in linkage equilibrium with one
though they are of obvious interest evolu- another should be just as much a problem
tionarily; e.g., Sanderson and Hufford, unless there is some general propensity for
1996). Natural selection is the primary organellar and nuclear sequences to be-
force leading to nonindependence, e.g., se- have differently evolutionarily (see Moore,
lection for particular amino acids in a pro- 1995; Hoelzer, 1997).
tein such as lysozyme (Messier and Stew- Some significant fraction of all neutrally
art, 1997) or selection to maintain evolving loci are expected to show patterns
secondary structure in ribosomal RNAs other than the true phylogeny and will
(Wheeler and Honeycutt, 1988). Con- therefore disagree with one another, which
straints involving function, secondary makes this topic important in the debate
structure, nearest-neighbor effects, base over data combination. This issue has re-
compositional biases, etc., are all concerns ceived much less attention than it deserves
for the construction of individual gene (as noted by de Queiroz et al., 1995) per-
trees. haps because fundamental historical in-
The historical independence of c-genes congruence of different loci is a problem

15 2 3 4 ation occurred for either an allele of type

1 2 3 4 5
Locus A allele: a b b b a "a" (open bars in Fig. 2) or type " b " (solid
Locus X allele: x x x x x bars). Suppose that all three loci yield gene
Locus V allele: y y y y y 12 3 4 5 trees with no homoplasy and robust sup-
port for all nodes, that the number of syn-
apomorphies provided by each gene is in
(a) direct proportion to its length, and that an
identical proportion of the total number of

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synapomorphies supports each clade in
each gene tree. This classic example of lin-
eage sorting leads to the inference of a spe-
12 3 4 5 15 2 3 4 12 3 4 5 cies tree from locus A that does not agree
lljll with the true species tree; it is also incon-
gruent with trees reconstructed for loci X
(b) (c) (d) and Y, which track the true species history.
FIGURE 2. The effect of incongruence due to lin- In this situation, a taxonomic congru-
eage sorting on different approaches to combining ence approach using currently available
data sets, (a) Species tree for five species (1-5), show- methods (but see Miyamoto and Fitch,
ing the allelic composition at three loci (A, X, Y). The
common ancestor of all five species was polymorphic 1995) would combine the topologies of all
for alleles a and b at locus A but fixed at loci X and three trees to produce a strict consensus
Y. Lineage sorting leads to inference of a species tree tree, which in this case fails to resolve a
from locus A that does not agree with the true species dominant pattern among the data sets (Fig.
tree; loci X and Y in contrast track the true species
history, (b) The strict consensus topology resulting 2b). In a character congruence approach
from the combination of topologies from the three loci (e.g., Kluge, 1989), all three loci are com-
is completely unresolved, (c) Because locus A provides bined to form a single data set. In this case,
three times as many phylogenetically informative parsimony analysis recovers the topology
characters as do either locus X or locus Y (see text), of locus A because this locus provides
simultaneous unweighted parsimony analysis of se-
quences from all three gene trees results in a single more nucleotide characters than the com-
tree (consistency index [CI] = 0.71; retention index bined X and Y data sets (Fig. 2c). A dom-
[RI] = 0.70) that has the same topology as the locus inant pattern is resolved, but it is not the
A tree, (d) Recoding of the three trees as ordered mul- pattern of the true species tree. A third al-
tistate characters, followed by parsimony analysis of ternative is to treat each locus as a single
the combined characters, produces two trees (CI =
0.69; RI = 0.66) whose strict consensus topology cap- ordered multistate character whose states
tures the 1 + 2 versus 3-5 split of the true gene tree are the alleles and whose transformational
but is unresolved for species 3-5. order is given by the gene tree (Doyle,
1992). This approach is analogous to
Brooks parsimony analysis (e.g., Brooks,
for any method that deals with data from 1990) as used in biogeography and host/
multiple genes and still has as its goal the parasite coevolution studies. In an analysis
construction of a single species tree. Each of these three "characters," two trees are
approach makes different compromises in identified, one with a topology identical to
dealing with this problem. that of the tree from loci X and Y and the
Consider three loci (A, X, Y) sampled second with a topology found in no other
from a group of five species related by a analysis (Fig. 2d). The three approaches
nonreticulating tree (Fig. 2). Loci X and Y differ markedly in their sensitivities to dif-
are genes of 500 nucleotides each, and lo- ferent factors. Taxonomic congruence em-
cus A is a gene of 1,500 nucleotides. The phasizes topology, and strict consensus is
common ancestor of all five species was sensitive to any single locus that shows to-
fixed for allele x at locus X and for allele y pological differences, regardless of how
at locus Y but was polymorphic for alleles many loci are studied. Perhaps other con-
a and b at locus A. This polymorphism was sensus methods (e.g., majority rule consen-
carried through other ancestors, until fix- sus of the strict consensus trees from each

locus?) would be preferable as an ap- ing separately with individual loci,

proach to taxonomic congruence, once regardless of whether a consensus or re-
enough loci were sampled. Character con- coding approach were taken.
gruence is sensitive to the number of char- Unfortunately, detailed knowledge of
acters supporting contrasting patterns, re- nuclear gene linkage relationships is gen-
gardless of the number of historically erally not available to systematists. Even
distinct linkage groups (c-genes) involved. were such information available, however,
The recoding method is intermediate, em- recombination within chromosomes would

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phasizing individual c-genes as the units severely limit the utility of any method
of analysis but at the cost of ignoring the that assumed strict correlation between
relative amounts of the genome represent- physical and historical linkage groups.
ed by each and the relative support for in- Only in organellar genomes does it seem
dividual clades in each tree. possible to make assumptions about link-
To the extent that linkage (historical as- age of different genes or about the likeli-
sociation) is a key consideration, then none hood of their historical independence from
of these options is adequate by itself. Con- nuclear genes (e.g., Moore, 1995). No so-
sider the following simple example. A lutions are proposed here, but it is clear
group of sexually reproducing eukaryotic that any proposals about data combination
species each has a strongly bimodal karyo- should consider the fundamental issue of
type composed of four chromosomes in historical lineage association of linked
the haploid set. The single large chromo- genes.
some is considerably longer than the sum
of the smaller chromosomes, and each The Sufficiency of Gene Trees
chromosome bears a number of genetic The case has been made (e.g., Doyle,
loci proportional to its length. There is in- 1995) that gene trees are insufficient for
dependent assortment but no recombina- some purposes, such as delimiting species,
tion within chromosomes; therefore, the because they do not adequately track the
units of lineage sorting are whole chro- relationships of the organismal units with-
mosomes, each of which behaves as a sin- in which they are "included." There are
gle c-gene. Lineage sorting produces a sit- other circumstances, however, when spe-
uation in which all but one linkage group cies relationships may be in some sense ir-
tracks the correct species tree, but that relevant and gene trees are quite adequate;
linkage group, by chance, is the largest for example, in studies of organellar
chromosome. The entire genomes of the genome evolution, knowledge of organis-
species are sequenced, and trees are pro- mal phylogenies may not be necessary. Mi-
duced for each of their thousands of loci. yamoto et al. (1994) made effective use of
Because all loci on each chromosome have this situation in testing the utility of dif-
the same history, each linked locus should ferent portions of the mitochondrial ge-
potentially capture that history. Given the nome for phylogeny reconstruction. Simi-
pattern of lineage sorting described and larly, the question of whether losses of
ignoring conventional sources of homopla- sequences from plant chloroplast genomes
sy, a direct combination of all loci across represent independent molecular events
all chromosomes is likely to result in a tree (e.g., Doyle et al., 1995) can be addressed
with the topology of the tree based on the adequately with chloroplast gene trees
large chromosome, the single linkage whether or not those same trees are faith-
group that does not agree with the re- ful as species trees.
maining chromosomes or with the species Biogeographic studies use taxon trees to
tree. This example is a restatement of the reconstruct area relationships (e.g., Page,
example in Figure 2 using units larger 1993). For such studies, the problem of dis-
than the genetic locus. Treating the nucle- cordance between gene trees and taxon
otide as the unit character would cause in- trees may be irrelevant. Avise et al. (1987)
dependence problems but so would deal- coined the term intraspecific phylogeography

for the study of area relationships from many morphological features, compared
gene trees. If discoverable geographic re- with the small number of states of nucle-
lationships among alleles or haplotypes otides or amino acids, is an additional ad-
exist, a gene tree will be sufficient for in- vantage of morphology in homology as-
ference of area relationships. It should sessment, but that very advantage is
make no difference from which taxa the al- compromised by the ambiguities associat-
leles or haplotypes are sampled, and dis- ed with scoring morphological characters
agreements between gene trees and spe- (e.g., Stevens, 1991). Morphological com-

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cies trees should not be important. Of plexity has roots in the network of gene
course, different samples (loci) from the interactions that underlie all but the most
same taxa are not likely to be historically simple phenotypic characters. Is there a
independent, being "included" in the way to combine the advantageous aspects
same set of genomes. Thus, one is still con- of molecular and morphological data? Hil-
fronted with the need to construct area hy- lis and Moritz (1990:515) suggested that
potheses based on multiple unrelated taxa "molecular biology may begin to provide
and not simply based on multiple loci more information on the molecular basis of
from the same set of organisms. development, so that a true synthesis of
molecular and morphological data can oc-
GENE TREES IN MORPHOLOGY cur." If that synthesis is to occur, it will
Species histories prune and shape gene require a shift of emphasis in "molecular"
trees, and therefore gene trees can be used systematics, which currently treats all
to make inferences about species histories. genes as essentially equivalent grab-bags
This use of "included" gene histories of nucleotides and ignores their functional
spans hierarchical levels. In contrast, genes roles.
and morphological characters belong to There has been a tremendous explosion
different organizational rather than hier- of knowledge about the molecular under-
archical levels: genotype and phenotype. pinnings of morphological features and
These organizational levels are connected ontogeny in both plants and animals, and
by the products of gene expression, pro- the evolution of developmental systems is
teins and structural RNAs, from which or- under active investigation (e.g., Akam et
ganisms are constructed. To this extent, al., 1994). Forging links between system-
genes are "included" as a lower level with- atics and molecular developmental genet-
in morphological characters, and gene tree ics requires, among other things, identify-
topologies are connected to morphological ing common areas in which the techniques
character distributions by spatial and tem- of one field can be applied to the other. I
poral patterns of gene expression and reg- have argued (Doyle, 1994a) that providing
ulation. objective (i.e., phylogenetic) determina-
Although systematists generally agree tions of paralogy and orthology is a poten-
that molecules and morphology are com- tial major contribution of systematics to
plementary sources of phylogenetic infor- molecular developmental genetics. Many
mation, molecular data now provide the workers studying homeoboxes make ex-
preponderance of characters for phylogeny plicit use of these phylogenetic concepts
reconstruction. Nonmolecular characters (e.g., Schubert et al., 1993), and laboratories
should not be forgotten, as suggested by studying floral development have recently
Lanyon's (1988:572) observation that sto- taken note of the information available in
chastically evolving molecular characters phylogenetic studies (Purugganan et al.,
may be inferior to selectively maintained 1995; Tandre et al., 1995). In return, molec-
morphological features in studies of an- ular developmental genetics offers system-
cient radiations: "morphological characters atists detailed information about the
may well retain synapomorphies under connection between genes and morpholo-
circumstances under which molecular gies. Such information can be useful in a
characters would not." The complexity of variety of ways for phylogenetic issues. For

example, Whiting and Wheeler (1994) native protein in an electric field is also a
drew on the detailed understanding of phenotypic character, albeit a much more
dipteran development to formulate a hy- simple one than morphology. Mobility dif-
pothesis of the origin of halteres in Strep- ferences among proteins encoded by or-
siptera, combining this information with thologous loci (allozymes) are due to dif-
their own studies of insect phylogeny us- ferences in net charge under particular
ing 18S ribosomal genes. For phylogeny re- electrophoretic conditions. Charge in turn
construction from morphological charac- is determined by the primary amino acid

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ters, molecular developmental genetic data sequences and thus ultimately by the nu-
are of clear relevance for the issue of char- cleotide sequences of the genes encoding
acter independence, most simply in cases the proteins. The character "electrophoretic
of pleiotropy. Mutations in several of the mobility" could show homoplasy as a re-
genes involved in floral development are sult of parallel changes in net charge. This
expressed at more than one stage of de- homoplasy could be due to a parallel non-
velopment, and some have dramatic effects synonymous nucleotide substitution, in
on more than one organ. Mutations in the which case there would be a one-to-one
SUPERMAN gene of Arabidopsis, for ex- correspondence in homoplasy at the nucle-
ample, affect the number of stamens as otide, amino acid, and phenotypic (mobil-
well as the texture of the seed coat (Gaiser ity) levels. But the same false homology for
et al, 1995). mobility could be caused by different non-
Of interest here is the general connection synonymous substitutions at the same co-
between molecules and morphology in don, resulting in identical but nonho-
phylogeny reconstruction, particularly the mologous amino acids, or even by
implications of the association between substitutions involving completely differ-
morphological character patterns and the ent amino acids. In these cases (illustrated
trees of the genes "included" in them. Ex- by Doyle, 1996), homoplasy occurs in the
pectations concerning levels of homoplasy phenotype (mobility) but not at the level of
are central to debates about the relative the gene. Conversely, because relatively
utilities of different classes of characters, few nonsynonymous nucleotide substitu-
whether the classes are both morphologi- tions will result in net charge changes,
cal or both molecular or whether mor- many homoplastic replacement substitu-
phology and molecular data are being tions that would be detected at either the
compared. Specifically, it is worth explor- nucleotide or amino acid levels will not ap-
ing how homoplasy at one level is con- pear as homoplasies for the phenotypic
nected to homoplasy at the other. character "mobility." Of course, the most
The connection is not simple nor is it ex- dramatic—and familiar—disconnection
pected to be, given the complexity of the between organizational levels occurs be-
overall connection between genotype and tween the nucleotide and amino acid levels
phenotype (Roth, 1988, 1991). After all, because of the expectation that synony-
genes do not so much control morphology mous changes will generally far outnum-
as participate in it (Nijhout, 1990), and the ber nonsynonymous substitutions.
participation is a complex one, better de- These considerations presumably apply
scribed as a network than as a linear path- for any gene whose tree one might wish
way. But the fact that the connection be- to compare with the phylogenetic distri-
tween genotype and phenotype is not bution of a phenotypic character it under-
simple does not mean that the disconnec- lies. With morphological characters, the
tion in homoplasy between the two levels connection is still more tenuous, however.
cannot be illustrated by simple examples Gene trees are usually constructed from
(e.g., Doyle, 1996). Phenotypes are pro- coding regions, yet sequences critical for
duced as an expression of genotype, and the spatial and temporal expression of the
morphology is only one of several mani- gene are generally located outside this re-
festations of gene expression. Mobility of a gion, and even subtle changes in expres-

sion patterns can produce profound effects sessment. Genie similarity extends the
on the phenotype. AH of these factors rep- usual concept of structural similarity: are
resent disconnections between single the same genes involved in a character hy-
genes and morphological characters. Be- pothesized to be homologous? Moreover,
yond this level lie the further sources of are these genes expressed in similar ways,
disconnection caused by interactions spatially and temporally, in different taxa?
among several genes (for examples, see It might not be apparent that application
Doyle, 1996). Weston (1987) suggested that of these criteria involves "included" gene

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biosynthetic pathways can serve as useful trees. Certainly, it may be trivial to deter-
models for the more complex network of mine that two genes are not the same (non-
ontogenetic interactions (cf. Alberch, 1985). homologous) if, for example, they show
An example of the disconnection between virtually no nucleotide similarity above
gene tree homoplasy and homoplasy in- random levels. But homology is certainly
volving micromolecular characters is dis- (if not exclusively) a phylogenetic concept
ruption of a pathway at two different steps (e.g., de Pinna, 1991), and relationships
in two unrelated taxa, leading to a parallel among genes are often complex, in many
loss of a particular compound. There need cases caused by successive waves of du-
be no homoplasy at all in the trees for any plication and divergence that are best de-
of the pathway's genes, yet homoplasy will picted and understood by hierarchical re-
be present for the chemical character. lationships, i.e., gene trees. Ultimately,
A consequence of the disconnection be- what is meant by "the same" gene is
tween homoplasy at the two organizational "identical alleles at orthologous loci," al-
levels is that it defies facile characterization though in studies at deeper levels it may
in the "molecules versus morphology" de- be sufficient to focus on orthology relation-
bate One simplistic view that may subcon- ships alone.
sciously pervade perceptions of the connec- To illustrate the application of gene trees
tion between genotype and phenotype in to assessment of homology in a phenotypic
phylogeny reconstruction is suggested by character, consider a unique morphological
the following statement (Doyle, 1990:6): structure, found in relatively few taxa of
morphological characters . . . are likely to be largely
some larger group. A phylogenetic analy-
determined by genes undergoing the same complex sis of these taxa suggests that the structure
evolutionary processes as those from which we at- is not homologous in all of the taxa but
tempt to construct our molecular phylogenies, and rather has arisen more than once in the
in addition are likely to show further layers of com- group. Obvious tests of this hypothesis
plication from . . . a host of other processes.
would include anatomical and ultrastruc-
This statement implies a belief that mor- tural studies. One could also ask how the
phological characters must somehow sum features that make this structure unique at
the homoplasy of the genes that influence the morphological level develop at the mo-
them. If four genes affect a particular mor- lecular level. Are these unique features the
phological feature, each gene is expected to result of the action of orthologous genes
show some homoplasy, which may lead to expressed in similar ways in the structures
uncertainty in its gene tree and, conse- of all taxa? The nodule of leguminous
quently, in the inference of taxic phylogeny plants provides an example of such a char-
made from it. In this naive view, the mor- acter. Symbiotic fixation of atmospheric ni-
phological character would be much more trogen by leguminous plants and soil bac-
(perhaps four times more) unreliable than teria (nodulation) is most parsimoniously
any of the genes that influence its expres- hypothesized to have arisen independently
sion. The above examples show that this in at least two, and perhaps three, groups
will rarely, if ever, be the case. of Leguminosae (Doyle, 1994b; Doyle et al.,
Knowledge of the genotypic basis of 1997). The nodules that house the bacteria
phenotypic characters should be helpful in are considered novel plant organs, and
providing new criteria for homology as- their homologies with other organs are a

taxon: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
matter of debate (Hirsch and LaRue, in
press). Within nodules, bacteria in their ni-
trogen-fixing stage (bacteroids) are sur- (a)
rounded by a complex membrane of host
origin, forming what has been called a nodule expression
novel organelle, the symbiosome (reviewed
by Mylona et al., 1995). Nodules show con-
siderable morphological, developmental,

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and biochemical diversity in the Legumi-
nosae but, based on positional and struc-
tural criteria, appear to be homologous (b)
throughout the family. The apparent ho- nodule expression
mology of nodules in diverse legumes
combined with the complexity of the nod- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
ulation syndrome make it perhaps more B B B B B B B
plausible that nodulation arose only once
in the family but was lost independently
in many lineages.
Additional criteria for assessing nodule
homologies would therefore be useful as FIGURE 3. Using gene trees and expression pat-
tests of the competing hypotheses of single terns of genes "included" in a morphological charac-
ter (nodules) to assess homologies of that character,
versus multiple origins, and such criteria (a) Species tree for seven taxa; taxa 1, 6, and 7 produce
could potentially be provided by genes en- nodules, and the most-parsimonious optimization of
coding nodulins, proteins that perform a the nodule character is a parallel gain (solid bars), (b,
variety of enzymatic and structural roles in c) Gene trees for two loci, one of whose paralogous
genes encodes a product expressed in the nodule. In
the nodule (Mylona et al., 1995). Nodulins (b), paralogous genes appear to have been recruited
could be products of truly novel genes, for a role in nodulation in taxon 1 and in the ancestor
produced by exon shuffling or by recent of taxa 6 and 7. This situation is consistent with a
gene duplication from genes with other separate recruitment of genes in the course of a par-
roles in the plant; alternatively, they could allel origin of nodulation in these taxa. In (c), orthol-
ogous genes are expressed in the nodules of these
be recruited for function in the nodule taxa. This situation is consistent with either a single
while retaining their normal functions origin of nodulation (with loss of the trait in taxa 2-
elsewhere in the plant. In principle, the ho- 5) or parallel recruitments during separate origins.
mology tests proposed are simple: con-
struct gene trees for gene families that in-
clude nodule-expressed genes and relationships and making the test impos-
determine the orthology relationships of sible to perform; one of the most abundant
nodulin genes across taxa (Fig. 3; Doyle, nodulins, leghemoglobin, is encoded by
1994b). Finding similar roles performed by such a family (e.gv Doyle, 1994b). Even in
paralogous genes would constitute a fal- gene families where orthology relation-
sification of the hypothesis of nodule ho- ships can be hypothesized, patterns of
mology because it would suggest indepen- gene expression may be very complex. In
dent gene origin or recruitment. However, the cytosolic glutamine synthetase family,
finding orthologous genes performing for example, some species include consti-
similar roles in all taxa would be consis- tutively expressed genes with low level
tent either with nodule homology (a single nodule expression, as well as paralogous
gene origin or recruitment) or nonhomol- genes that are dramatically up-regulated
ogy (e.g., independent recruitment of or- in the nodule but also are expressed in
thologous genes). some other tissues (e.g., Temple et al., 1995;
In practice, the situation is much more Doyle and Doyle, 1997). Shifts in nodulin
complex. For one thing, some gene families gene expression seem likely to have oc-
evolve concertedly, obscuring orthology curred, given the structural and biochem-

ical diversity that exists even among nod- the greatest potential for incongruence ap-
ules of taxa sharing recent common pears to lie. The definition of species is
ancestors. Such shifts could result in mis- critical in such studies because delimita-
leading conclusions: paralogous genes tion of species to a considerable degree
could be expressed identically in homolo- sets the threshold for expected incongru-
gous nodules, or orthologous genes could ence among gene trees. Nontopological al-
encode nodulins in nonhomologous nod- ternatives exist at various stages in the
ules. analysis of species using molecular data;

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Because the tests are not foolproof, re- these alternatives do not seem to be avail-
sults from any given nodulin gene family able for biogeography.
may not be reliable, and therefore infor- The issue of combining data takes quite
mation from several different gene families a different form when the final class of "in-
will be required to produce a robust hy- cluded" trees discussed here is considered.
pothesis of nodule homology. This is, of I have argued that topologies of "includ-
course, precisely the same situation that ed" gene trees may have little relationship
exists in other studies that rely on "includ- to gene expression and hence to phenotyp-
ed" trees. The area cladogram for any par- ic characters. In the discussion of testing
ticular taxonomic group may be mislead- homologies of morphological characters
ing for a variety of reasons; only after with gene trees, the question to be an-
several such cladograms are available are swered requires a simple "yes" or "no":
conclusions considered well supported. structures are either homologous or they
The gene tree for any particular gene may are not. Correspondingly, the information
not track organismal histories accurately; provided by each "included" gene tree is
several independent gene trees are re- also binary: are orthologous genes per-
quired for a robust hypothesis of species forming a similar role in the taxa under
relationships. consideration? Combining data to address
the overall homology question takes the
COMBINING DATA FROM "INCLUDED" form of a simple tally of "yes" and "no"
TREES: SOME FINAL COMMENTS answers, one for each locus considered. Of
The typical solution to all of these prob- course, homologous morphological char-
lems is to obtain data from additional acters exist as transformation series. Once
genes or taxa whose "included" trees are characters are shown to be homologous,
being reconstructed. How many genes or the topologies of "included" trees of an or-
taxa and how to utilize that information thologous gene could perhaps be useful in
are open and controversial questions. The ordering such a series. The disconnection
gene/species tree issue can be treated as a between gene trees and phenotype sug-
direct parallel to biogeography: the goal in gests that this ordering could often be dif-
phylogenetic reconstruction is to infer spe- ficult, but in at least some cases it may be
cies relationships from "included" gene possible (e.g., Rogers et al., 1997); how
trees, whereas in biogeographic studies the trees from the various genes involved in a
goal is to infer area relationships from morphological character could be com-
trees of "included" taxa. Both types of bined for this purpose is not immediately
studies are conducted under the assump- obvious.
tion that a direct inference of relationships If there is a single conclusion from all of
at one level can be made from those at the this, it is that the business of inferring re-
other, an assumption that in both cases is lationships at one hierarchical or organi-
expected to be invalid under a number of zational level using trees from another lev-
circumstances. For molecular systematics, el is a tricky one because of the
problems of historical independence (bear- disconnections that exist between the lev-
ing on the very definition of the gene) be- els. Nevertheless, as the history of system-
devil the issue of how to combine data at atics over the past decade has shown, gene
the level of closely related species, where trees represent a vast source of information

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PURUGGANAN, M . D., S. D. ROUNSLEY, R. J. SCHMIDT, AND Received 24 September 1996; accepted 3 January 1997
M. F. YANOFSKY. 1995. Molecular evolution of flower Associate Editor: Richard Olmstead

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