Lab Practice 1 GC

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Lab practice 1 – Com.

Run all programs in your PC. Some codes are incomplete. Try to complete the code, fix the error and
run the code. After then upload all codes including the output screen in the “Google drive Folder for
Submitting Activity”. (It’s only for your Practice. I will not give you ant grade. I will check your code in
the VC time)


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
int a = 30;
int b = 12;
int sum = a + b;
cout << sum;
return 0;

ANS : 42


int main()
int a = 30;
int b = 12;
int c = a + b;

cout << c;

return 0;


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main()
int a, b;
cout << "Enter a number a\n";
cin >> a;
cout << "Enter number b\n";
cin >> b;
int sum=a+b;
cout <<a<< "+" << b << "=";
cout <<sum;


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main()
int a;
cout <<"Enter a number please\n";

int b;
cout <<"Enter another number or same number\n";

int sum
sum =a+b;
cout <<"Sum is " <<sum <<endl;
return 0;


With this code, the program will ask the user to input their age.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main()
int age;
cout << "Please enter your age \n";
cin >> age;
if (age > 14) {
if(age >= 18) {
cout << "Adult";
else {
cout << "Teenager";
else {
if (age > 0) {
cout << "Child";
else {
cout << "Something's wrong";

return 0;


Here it is the code for for a very simple calculator:

Play with it and try to make it more fun.....

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main()
cout << "Welcome To a very Basic calculator"<< endl;

cout << "Enter the first number: ";

int fnum;

cin>> fnum;
cout << "Enter the second number: ";

int snum;

cin>> snum;

cout<< "\nIf you want to \n Add the numbers Press 1 \n Press 2 to multiply \n Press 3 to divide\n
Press 4 to minus ";

int input;

cin >> input;


cout<< "Your answer is: "<<fnum+snum;

}else if(input==2){
cout<< "Your answer is: "<<fnum*snum;

}else if(input==3){
cout<< "Your answer is: "<<fnum/snum;

}else if(input==4){
cout<< "Your answer is: "<<fnum-snum;


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main()
int x = 10 * 2;
int y = 10 + 10;
int z = 10 - 5;
int a = 10 / 2;
int b = 10 % 1;

int sum;
sum << x+y+z+a+b;
cout << "Result is \n";
cout << x+y+z+a+b;
return 0;

//Output is 50


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
int a, b, pro=a*b;
cout << "Enter a number \n";
cin >> a; cout << a <<endl;
cout << "Enter another number \n";
cin >> b; cout << b << endl;
cout << "The product is \n";
cout << pro;
return 0;

PROGRAM 8: Write a program. Output is followed


Please Enter 1st Number! =

Please Enter 1st Number! =

Please Select Operation to Perform!

For Addition +

For Subtraction –

For Multiplication *

For Division /

For Modulo %

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