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i @ y ) 7 Chapte. 1: T in ave C= Oto of Bustnens Ong Qa - = She Oe es . 7 tthe sole trader: ae 42 one -pewon operattan where someone - fk operates on ther gion itn sequsiternenh = ad tnewe is Ailhe ezab of li) mo_ki (i) 04 the _businens 1 junk one dndinica dis0gteement and Ao no need y fo a focal mgoni satoral _ Ahsbiare is ae 2 - (f) the _utste 4 to the ole -bader of. doting brtioren ts laage e scale favarmeal- = (i) Unsuitable $x deéng fag : (iii) not unepoal for 1aitng capital , molly provided by pemonal sings on 0 bank Loan [t ally Yee iA ne divtinektan bfs ‘toe. sole traders pewora! andl buytrnen avreks] - __[¥) Aole trader ba, pucooal Viability tp a deb of the busine >* fasnesnip Nek 1890 Si: define. putoeship On “ane. AdoMonship whieh. Arubaiele, - : oe blo pevons conceding on oy brine Jn _tommvon usily oO lew of, poki _ Advanntog or: - (N) ne foun Legal {iq Leqyuathewereas beyond the Minter tree. seqykaement that trere are to be tux wvewnloers of patoeship OL nore people 4n (i) Jocilitat os fovesenenk oo sk alleys 2 0A Arete Lepounces Mocntirn ure Paes allowed t% Uliendt ed (i) You can dhakt paineship ageemnrenk fo wang tne \eter 4, faimevlye Dek {iD which ut! be uned to Provide 0 ve {pat | Prcblens- . — th out (Feu oq), 3 people gen, tle _b potrvtn A Cerrone Pes Whe Ack entities, —— 13 top abicipate i tb) Fo on equal ah pope ©) 40 an, ndewmnity fo _Aerpeck _ : she counre op the patrechs ip businen a (A) net +0 be enpelled ee _clivex panes : a er amumed vin (ir) o _patneshie o pak : Pee dintted Mateility vont bbe “ wchetved \ -treou, ~ 0 pakoesl jotatty ond Seely Lalble fox ebb « : tot paine ie _ 7 ae Toe one fee 2 _types Of patneships = denetation ef Mataility + _ te __ ti) {freA kuype_crcatect by nnitecl Patnehsp a allows _ “sleeping pottoos onde who take no achve pant _ In_Avenrwing eh “the patoeship) to | have. _fett 2 : Lirnited Valotlity me inode cutlaus for “patoess fo th “these. enti Ladatlihy up_toa petet: (mertly for fesat song de Ud second type _ctcateed by. Limited by shart Compan, Lid . GQ vamonkee be company where toe Labtltty by dent med for chovtable oA at tre shoneholders for tne detots : eo _ Public _inkerest venties ee Umited totne whee ao paahtl is enmisagert jomse onctnete showee: ao a teoulk -tne peorte, behind Ly mauledivided tale ublie Ine ventune guarentee re pou - A EO anoyt towards -ne on dete ob ene enrens ahead aaa Lae fot ‘Itmnited” | fled” > pur comet SSA Of CA 2006 > “pl? after. 2 pubic nniked Beth public and private companies at ponte a. —— tonatilubion vehich sts uk the power eh-tre comp and _ __aibecokes Treen to tine. toms. ae woaaliy he qenensas meeting teh “tre Sedo” oh dhhevte = . fete Of 2 doomments : D memonond unr o aosialters | ® onrkides A) on Oviabron SAB > requires just a single douuneat trot wwrent consbtubon - — : f seplaces tne 1) he memougrcdiw + neede to state, : ) The memorgnncivnn + ne : sted tre ‘mulosentleen’ lie those fon __te folen 0 comnponnys sonny the. tompenns) was! a = bu a olf sthe company is +0 have a share capitat,rar cacls _Subsutben agiees to take atleast ome share fo the as ___& Atleast 1 persove _ met mulasotee to the. rem _ bin erence ‘they ages to take rome shares 04 share in_-e. comp Gant awd become uk foot Ahorelholden - 2 Dt fs wo Be Necemarny vonpowies. to hove on Ourthorised capital 7 (mov ae amount of Share pel abel - hak com be lafied in a Lompony whieh is stated! 9 he meworad. — = Shanes caw be fully pod , pantley, pord On ever renpaid: Wit — shares me sleneholder can be catled upor 7 pasty 08 venpoid 4 ____te then ata late dal: Shoate=ate4_eo-be. pod to goods OA _Serusee » = = _ a —_. - Note: A “rat war before ne CA 2006 came foto fovce. would have declared what its authorize ea cayital wor, and puch compories are Ati Lenittcol to tro — _ amroink wanton trey ane ett frereare “uk OX ever Aerroue he fatic oh apeulake ooo _ — ke “tne company 27 | ret out We_ ‘peoak oh Tee ae ogous soulfenot =e Atuoctune by adloce ting. powers bw thes _— an — @ bound oF ditectols — mato mawneas eunent of company ao 2Gpatsal Ls shaneloldes pagan we elon holes 3004, + Fao dijaeat Madel Maticles oe awailalole fo. put Or pc Compote — $$$ + Acompomy can alte ik artteles s bul only wre pant “Apecial sbseluboo' 4 Ine shorehoble » ($24. of Ch 200 Not ke: ander, “the “consbtubvon, ‘ne. boand | is A is subject to the | continuing approval of -the droneholders olden tn eM. _ — 1 Statement of ebe[ecs + compares com clresse whether fo have _ dws 04 wot, but i} ney deude to olo so, such a dave mot now be put in wmpores orkeles- ¥ t oo Adwandiag a Disaduonatages iP _ 1 bompontes one dendrned On invenment + Fovteng A. tompernns and _Velvichts They howe tne Usility fo cub- | com plusng weith compenany vide thet capital flo Swall want, lous it “mdse. enpennive ad allowstng teen te dicwo in huge nunied Hone, lentunaing A ne who alo benefit te yon Are. ilo -dSaivion ey being. adele fy selon | _secoll_paab of trek fovesroeat + Leited asstly rikaienases 446k 2h alin aippsows 4o be aw _ favertow and is said to erccwogy tnt dn approwioteles complen¢ 24g erxmnent - Allows manage to late gauake'-savierad {ove for tena busines tnondedge the S:H wall not leore |-se» , where -me Coad of Atrecknris nasstning _ ond S-Hs one Obten tre same a people |“ Ooniiilutton prowtler a clean - vrawercvadiones stuuchwne: Date —— the dfseckour stil loo cap yeh onad nn ) cond fndependnal- oubyidlers (non ental Quplelewe wit. tre Cosposate: Toum:| 7 ebbile The déttnekion bw put 5 ple compares ante tne. dock trot tne _baric legal model puonided for public and pale - tpmptee #7? is Verna Adlon: GAs @ oul» the shatutouy jyorrewout bdo bestorcally applied 40 both 0 1) they wne phos Im nokune which trey are rot: > Key dipfrouley auses ble te oo model anumes Ov sepeobion 4 Zoomeship rom ton __ ot Aerienes Anak Are fovertors one _Acdaneh | tortnollins —_ eneniterg Cortncl once ov year of Agm ond trak the day fo day wnonnnn tntnk Of tne bais busmen is camed out by _pochenional nentgen (pfeetons)’ — — i, Fer Loge Lompon eo ctris_is “ne cone but mrajowhy of Corn pent? on tne Uke +s sepuation doer nol eniste . a of Siatukouy Medel fr 1 tose aged _—_ i Jz Opecabor : a — — — - _ lenecntive dine suHye dxerkoia) ond fe dace wail nareradly drovie Ge Arerodt eal ae ioc ep dao ne déreclons wfoe. Lange over Ane. past gee and accounls veer 9 Boowd of Dineaton ® ——— AgMms, tne Ds ee Fre Lorn p ceey ade eile tov ol dens : a PA loege. conapommy tne eo BOD wil) be poe inva p ; id neh. re dtacchon & tre compen goer fo, but ox plementation is by employees = 2 Di hove a fiver sj Alaombip eit the company » trol owe oduky to ack enn. fides ta iokeneot oh +n eben tnnan nupleuees ued | 4 comme souk tong emcees corponey's bs A aw Jpoovolh Compo 2 SOme Lomepomny as wwrodel “appliee fo _pevall_20» componer but _*gnibeont Aifpinrencen: 7 SeHs and Ds ast offen be - be “ne_ £ Bane 7 tine Stme people uit ebers ne seperakon of ovnesh4 ard contol Anew On ephions Uetauk « -he Comper 's SS aMudtene ror hod: The Tisedenon Sted. (904) | iF bLomed trak 90 To of al componien in UE were Aenodh pe forcenne Alto sueveted Swradh burinents to te adwahd ord disoduonloaen o (eecing a Ansty Pdntondoge | nag 7 ott corguard prvdige s eit» buedtasoe cme ie ity 00 tre | A0qtatenenls ( meetogie’ oeuoy eon cards Verune _ = a Liretted Walet iby a {e- beonkt Expenstie bo they howe bo peeyuee { SNe bo permde pero {hee Pefporonal oduice to deal us queso ie lownt : Mar quse any a ctyiaca tone AN: => gi Ae! mee iibete snade conde, to wadesh on rlatenent Of ne dubier _ Solutions + The CLRSG Law foe rooe aes SEYUA COE nal “Repou (Medeon Company Final Repok @008)) - tnok _ 4 be a ae terol. = ~businesse>, Covent. — recommended + she Ld be & ce strat Aeginasion on pvt comport on In pastel on, ace divcetows as | is too budensone

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