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Regmi Research (prt veta) Ltd·

Kathmardu: DacembGr 1, 1973.


.. .
Cumulative ~ex For 1973

K I( lE 1;11111111101


1. Palpa1s Relatioo5 With Nepal

snri Ou-lh • ••
2. The Mu5lim I nvas'on of Np.pal
. .
·•.'. 7
3. An Appeal For Tba Abolition
Of Slav&ry . . .. ' 15.- 28, 29-35.,. 41-5 j ,~i:!-f.:..

4. Chronology Of Events· During

. King Pri thvi. Narsyan Shah 1 S
Campaign Of Tern torial
Expansion • •• 2l
·5. ' Ban On Lan-l 'Iransactions J 1806 ·.. '
6 . The NEtpalganj Market • •• 35
.7... ·: Ancitilnt Settlem",nts In
Kathm~n.1u Valley • •• J6
8.' Currency Units, ' '1850 ••• 40
y.' CUstoms And Usages Of
Rajvamshis In Morang ."... 4B
1.'J; Iq>o61tion Of Gao1imubarakh
Levy In Kumal.Ul ••• 49
H • .annexation Of . The Malta · Kingdoms • •• 54
12 •. Unsuccessful J1ttempts" To .mnex
The Chaubis1 Ki.ngioms Am Re- ,
eonc111ati on W1 th The "iggl~ sh, • •• 66


13 . Supp lies for MlJl"Iitions . ..

Fac tori es ••• 73-7 6, 9~ -100

lh. Arms Jmrt Ammunition F?r

Ga rhwa l Fron t
..,- . ... -
15. ot Trsn ai t nu.t188
P-s chhoprek , Gork ha .. , 80
16. ~X8t1on Of The Sen
Klngrioms . "_. .. . 81

l ~. PoU tics 1 or
Nepa l .. ... . 86

l U. NepD U .Co1 ns T)ur1 ng The -.

Y~r\1aeva l PAri od
... 91
1 9. Thf:l Las t nays Of Prlt hvL ".
Nara yan- Shah ... 101
20. Prat ap Mall_ ..... 104
2 1. R~suroption Of Guth i Lan;j ."_ ..
Endowments In Jajarko't ... 112
Inte rvie ws W, th BaburDm
. ..
kcha rya . . ... 119- 1 20, 133- 137 ,
141- 147, 165-166 ,
1~2 -i93, 210-215, .
'" 221- 228
23 . J.fte r Prat ap Mal la .. "' ... 121

Permi ssi on To SaW s To
Use Pala nqu ins' ... ... 129
25 . Priv ileg es Of Gumba In MUgu ... 130
.. .
?6 . C8ste Stat us Of Mechea
. ..
... 138
. 139
28 .
1677171 ;
• • J~

.. . •

29. Restoration Ol l.ilolishad

Ilajyas • •• , l.6o

)0. la .... .km Crier In Nepalganj,
1897 • • •• 161

31. Royal Or~er On.Senitatlon, •

1840 ••• 163

32. Control or Rates In ,

W0stern Hill ~reas, 1799 • •• 164

33. ohronology Of Patan • •• 172

34. Lani Reclamation In Iklayopur • •• 176

35. A Geographical IlOscription

Of KatbI!l&ltju Valloy During
TbE>. L1 chchhavi P{l rioli • •• 177
)6. Sex liM Harr1ag'~ RP.gulat1ons • •• 181

37. Trade And InduStry In

Anci bnt Nopal • •• 194 .
38. History Of Patan • •• 196-200" 201-204
39. Miscellaneous Documents
On N<pol-Chirw Wur ••• , 205-9, 236-239 .
40. S',locte1 wtters Of
Pri thVi N.rayan Shah • ••
41. ilnciont Khas Culture ' • •• 229
42. IlP.popuu.tion Of Rat kor
LaMs In Eas wni Tarai ••• 239

43. Proposal For Eost-

\foot Hi gllwsy, 1949 • •• 240
• • •

· ..

• • •

•• •

·. .
·. .

• ••


• • •

· ..

(DEUT SC H[ >IORcr :',t:'.ENDlSCl-1E
w~[u.sCHAJ ·"".F.· F. V., \V. C,EkMANY»

_. ..

Regml Res earc h (Pri vate ) Ltd ,
Kathm~du: Janu ary 1, 1973 .

Regmi Ser ies
Year 5, No. 1.
&iit ed ByJ

-Mahesh C. Regrnl.

Con tent s

1. Palp als Re1 ntlo ns With
Nepal And Oudh ... 1
2. The Mu'lim Inv8 sion of Nepal ••• 7
). An :'pp eal For The Abo litio n
Of Slav ery , ... 15

Regmi ReseBrch (Pri vate ) Ltd ,

Laz imp at, Kathmondu, NeoAl.

Compiled by Regmi ~seerch (Pri vate ) Ltd for priv ate

stud y and rese arch . Not meant tor pub lic sale or disp lay.
PalF<" '5 Rel<~ tions With Nept.l l And Oudh 1

" Mahesp Raj Pan·t •.

The. Kingdom of Palpa compri"sed territory in the Terai. ·Pelpa 'W t'\s ther"' -
fore a 'WC8 lthy Kingdom. For its T~ Ni' tarritoryJ thn Kings of .Pelpa used
to mnke some pl.'yments to the llElwsb of Oudh. 2 .

SOIl\C of the Choublse Kingdoms 'W Cl"0 strong. £ was 000 of th~m. ' I n
his c apacity of, BahDdur ShAh. pll'lnned to ~xpnnd wastward. However,.
Pnlpll was El mPjor impoolrnf'nt in this tt'sk. Rr,1ations bptween Gorkhp Rod
Palpa .wo:> re not cordiFl l.3 Btlhadur Shah th'3 refore l!K!de e ffort s to dev(~ lop
friendly re lp.tions ~rith PBlpa. Accordingly, he , marrie d ' tho df'ughte r of
King Mahada t r.B Sell of PalpCl4 on Magh 10, '1842 Vikrama 5 , whon h~, w... ~ 28
yeElrs of age .6 -

1. E,"'h.~ sh R~j Pant, tlPalp:'") Rajytlko /\ -jhirajya Ra l~vt.ldhs £lngR StlmbIl Jldh ~ .n
N ~pEll
(R>:! l a tions qf ,:!-,hu KlngdQm or Palpa With Too Kingdom Of t!(>pfll /,r.d H'ith
Oudh). Purnim tl, ' Yba r 7, lIo. 1, M<lrg<l 2028 (November-December 1971), pp. l _ll .

2. .Gaut.:lm Bajro Bnjrach<:lryp ,od Dinesh

(Taachings of ' .inf
""t . . uNep nl S~ ngt! vlezir
Lli K.-::r.d -'! ko Wi t.n Th"! i']c;zir 1,.li Affair).
Furnimll , (Januery-March 1971~J pp. 268-278 (TrOIl-
sl<ltcd in Year 3, No. 7, July 1, 1971, pp • . l S8 -17L.

'"3. Dinesh Ra.j Par!t, ' II rs hrit Ra j y l! Upar Ba hci'ur Shahle Liyeko NUL" · (B:,. M ·:.l ur
Shoh's Policy 'I'owar 'ds Vassal Sttltef; ), Pu rn imf" . 6 , Shrawari 2022 (July 1 ?~ :"~ .
pp. ' 51C55. . ..
4. Dilli !l<:man Rf.grni , · }1odf: rn NePal" pp •. 109-110; ChittarF!njEln N':'ppl1 J
Shri 5 Rllna Bahedur 5hllh (Kfng Rana a<Jhll '~ ur ' ShDh) , p. 7 •. (Tr ,' nslat~ d
1.0 RCgrni ResM,rch st;rins" Ye Elr 2, No. 12, Decf·mber 1,. 1970,. PP •. 2fl6-297.

S; Bahadur Shah W1!s' born in .Ashadh 181L. Vikrr.·ma .. NAyB Raj PDnt" ~. ~ • .
, p. 500.
6'. "Hahacotte ' also Ant~red i~to the stri.ctest AUiEince ' j3nhadur SAhlJ:,
younge r soo of· Pr'i:thvi NarayclO, and rt':gant. of Gorkhn during th." minority
of Rnn,j Bahadur. In order to ce~nt the friendship,' Mehedatt£l his
in mnrriagc to the Fr.1ncis BucMwn

Contd ••.
Bnhadur Sh::;h wanted to· o:xtP. nd the frontiers o f N·":.p2 1, which llt th.'l t
tirooa was bounded by the K.:::li-Gp~d;>ki. :r: '!er . HF' l'Ie~+. e'" ~"'1V +.0 .... '1"'-Ol1e~
territory 1n th.... w,: st dJrin\7 a period of 6 months bet-ween J <" stha 10 ;Jnd
M" rga 7, 1843 Vlkrmlln . 7 In thi s c~p,:dgn of conquest, Nc, pfl l wns ~ ssisted
by King Mah[,d;:: tta 8r>n of Pa l pn ; e Bp.hadur Shflb therefor e- gaw. him the terri-
tories 'comprising thf nowly-c onqu~red principal1t1·;s of Gulrni, Arghc find

1. Ramji Tiveri, nVi. Sam . l f 13 Ne Bht'lyekt'! Keh l "Mukhyn Ghnt@na. 1I ( Some

Irnportllnt Events of 'lb,) Vikr ... m:.l Y~. :: r 18!~ ) ). PurnilNl , 2, . Shr '?;wcn
. 2021
(J~ ly 1964}, pp; 61-68 .

8 . "Thes8 fri ends s ooq enkred into ~ . most -iniquitous comblnotion. Tl1(
Gorkhn f amily hEld ~ithertO ,i'ntfrely f.!!iled in all -thei!' .atwmpts to .
6xt~nd their dominions _to th,;; w-o st;, and' i f P~ lp.-'l had continued to ossi:;t
th ~ neighbouring Rt!jEls , it i s prob!) blE'. , that th .~ ir I'Csisto.nce t o Gorkh r
. might ha ve been continu,)d with success, but 'the foth e r ri nd -son-in-ll'w
agr eed , that' th':;y should in~k~ ~ cOrnr:lon l!OUS~ ~ " ·and d ! vide the spo il.
1bi s schemo co m p l~ tely suec C:l~ ded, nnd Dnrnod Elr P.:m&r o , ,r. Khas by birt~,
, but r.'3prGs'~nt ll tivG 'of ono of tht: chifl$:' f~milias in G"rlo:h:'!, Bnd :'
g(l llr..nt officer J • uas ~en t in ' cormn.-:: r..d f)f t he r egent IS f orc~s. 11 Hamilton,
.£E. cit. p . 173 ..
9 ,': Snn'kti Ballebh i>rjyal, - '(EditJJd i,nd trmsht",dby'
' Dh~nClbaj ra B~jr a chary8 , 1), pp.142 [lOO 2}4, fl l so :'
'" !1Aft-<Jr ' thE.: c o nqu ~st , ' Oilmod,l'r ' f or mast~r t h,,· li on " s shl'rl', but
Dllowcd f.'.Dh.:1dattc t o. retflin./ls maswr Gulm1 , ilJ"gtw, and,Ka hi"three
" o f th~ sti'tes th!>t hAd 'been l OIlfi in alli:mce with his f nmily, Pnd which
h (~ wa') bound t:) protect, not only b y th(~ duty of f' llience,-bu t o f 'kind-
, red, f or ~h,.; R,I;lja, of .t. r gha w~s _ his Wlcl" ." Hamilton , £E. ~. p._. l73 •
. , 800 81so .; Eest Indito Comp eny, Frp er s Rp'spccting Th3 U' l v-JlJr J Lonoon) .
L. ' Gok, 1824. On p.;Jge 19, this b~ , )k c'rmUl_in,s" nn English trf1nslation of
:) letter wr1 tt,Gn by '_K 6j1 LmD r Simhr Tt , .~?1: _( Sc-nior') t o Govcrnor -Gl.;·nr·r D1
. Hasting's e f th.:' Ecst ~di!l tOInpBny. liTho cntiN wo rld kno"ls ,th.?t th-?
:.Raj(,S o f PalplI , _ Pyuth1'1n, f.rg h~ , ' ~hFlnc~'l and Gulml wer.:~ independent in
tht' ir ten-i t;:·rios And that-they wer ,:.' subjugau:d by the Gorkhl! "goverT11ll'2nt
by thi~ grace e f God. BooBuse h~· flccepw d a vAssal statua, the Rpja of
Mahadatta 5ftn's relations with It-.pRl could not remain eordlal , aftR.r
B&h"adur ShE; h ' s death on AS-'llldh ~, U:SL V!kramD.ll "
, - . . ., - .- . -.

Mahadatta 'Sen ;.ms _8ucce~ded ' by ' his :son, Pr1thv.1 Pel Sen •.12 Af:t,flr
this) Rana BlIbadur Shah ' occupied th(-> hUl erell s of Gu_1 mi which hAd b e_e n
~ in cot'PO:rll~ed into. PM. thv~ Psl Sen 15 Kingdom, and _r (',s t ored ·thf'om to Siddhi
. PT!i tnn, t.hi'! --heir to Gulmi'". throne.1)
to It'nounec the world aftQr abcl~ating 1n
Rl!nEl Bahadur Shnh deeid<ld,
fevor -of the 18 months old Gi"rv~ Y~ddha Vikram Shah, ~ who was bor~ 1:JJ
him from Knnttmati, his t avorite que~n . Ho the n summon3d King Prithvi - P~ l
Sen of Pdp.o-. to epply the R2 ratilnk on thC! fora~lId of Gitvan Yudclltl Vikroc1l!
Sha h on thEt o ccas.ion .of the atter's eoronaticn! 1 On Falg\Ul 28, 1855 Vikl'llfl1e ,
King Girvan 1uddbS Vikram ~Mh WAS C-rQwOt.l_d _King of N.:-pel .. l~

.,- .
lOt ' Di.ncsh ,Raj Pant, " Upe1vajnyashi:romt:'rii ~ip &ti PFnde.~ (The As trol <)ger
·L3Xl11ipatl Penoo).· Purnima, 10, Shnvan 2023 (July 1966), . PP • .L.6-5). .
ll. "MRhad.n tta wa ~ ' verY soon f orced t o oat the fruit o f hi5 vlllniJ\Y.
Dsmodnr lIdv-aDNld tha conquests of his nation to tha wes t, cnd, hevinr
' subdu~d Kunu>un) all resiate-ne;, to his fore& on tho hills was in VAin,
and Mahadfl ;tta was s oon d~prive d of 011 the li"'pe of proto ction,. thllt .
. he might .,JwvE< had . from thi:l power o.f his son-in-lew the Ngent, the
young Rajt' of Gorkha hi>v1ng - put his une19 to ' death. The fri endship
oJ the Nawnb VOIZir, hovcVQr, saved MEtMda tta, mr was . my ~;'·H'~otlmo-nt
IMde on PalpFl , srJ long as he , lived",- Hamilton,. ,2£. , cit;,. -PP .. 173-17u ..

'-12. , Mahe sh Raj Pant~ 2£ • .£!!.~ pp~ 213-27b ..

-- ,1 ). ItPrlthvi Ps l succfMdad his f cth(:r, wh on vPry young, and was end('wl'ld

with grsll t personel vigour, n or Wf'_S hC' , I balieve, 'it all scrupul QUS
about lOO ans; but ha seems to hAve bar-m rash and credulous, l-rhich :r;n:"
dared him tota lly unablfl to resist thQ wiles -ot tm p80ple of GorkM,
who we r e ' afraid to usa ops n vi o l~ncc, on aecount of his oonncxion
with th ~ NlIwab Vazir. They did not tht" retoro molfis t his ancient domi-
ni o ns ~ nor l!ny ·of the territory thet he had : ~uir",d 'on the nlBins,
all of ~lch was tribut.e.ry 1.0 tM Newab; but, ' irnuediately after his
accessiqn, Ran~ Bahadur, King of Gork~1 Dnd N~p ~ l, compelled the Raja
of PalM to restqro the ,JII?untflinS of Gulmi to Siddhi Pretap,· the l!.lg"l
heir of thllt country, whose sister ' RaM -Blibadur bad mElrr1eCl." Hamilton,
2£. ill· FL. .
p. .
lL. p1nosh RaJ . rant, ItDai~ajnye
Shiromani Laxmipet1 rende." £g. £!!. pp.L9-
50; "Bagmsti Piller Inscription", publisbed in DbBnablljra BnjracnBrya,
Triratnbsaundaryagatha , pp. 293 and 296-297.
15. MIlhe sh R:l j .Pant, '22.. cit. p. 285.
. , .. - ", -
Jus1; At this time~ the:: deposed Nawab Hf)zir AU Of Oudh WMI mobilizing
his troops , 0D till:> bcrd~' rs of ?alpn after uS ~<l5 §in!:'t1ng the English r ;;,pre-
50n~tivo at '· Vannss l. The Bhsrd<!rs -of F ~ l pe ¥ f1 nt\: d ,t :; prov 1d -: sony! ' nssis,.
t2nce t o him.• However, they ~ce iv ~ d str.ict orders from Kathmondu not to
:doi Bo. lis a result, \"rezir Aa fail ed ~ to ge~ ,Pony .,support' frGm Palps . ·He hA-d
sent a request also to the governrnf:nt of Nepa l sC1f;king Assistance . Insto'Jad
of providj,.ng him wl tli risslstancc _in any f orm, _the N"pa l 'goYGrnment t ook
s i de s with' the company ' govel"Illl)..~ nt. It CVi'm . despatched its trovps to ,"xpo 1
Wazir' AUfrom toc ·bOrd'~r$ - of ' }>r:lpa ~ Wadr .1.11 was .Qventull lly f orced ou t
' of that aNts .. 17 ' ..

. Even ";J ftg : th,-~ ~nd " di

the . coroo_{IU cn Sen staY'ld
on 1n Katnll\!lndu :untll 1856 V!kr<!me . U5 . .
Qua~.:n K2ntimeti dir,;d in 1856 Vikrl"'ma.- R,mo' Er. h,"'!du!' Shc>h 'was ' so ' g rief_
strickf>n ove r I),or de2th that he b6cam<. 1n5<"'Oo and \lent $ 0 t ar as to ~t i'il"!- to
th<: m 'uses e t: s'1J1J:~, of t'h'~ physi'cir.ns who ht, ~ trcp.t (;q 'quAnn Knntiml'.ti . ['nd
oove; thrtir I1Ands -Cl"\lshed thr~'ugh. l'n o il" crusher '. 'HP. e ve>n o rdc r E'd t be b nh::oad _
iog r;f .so~_ of ,thfJsa ' phys ici.!'n!: . RPna Be hlldur 5Mh insulted all thos ~ .di .. , ti '~ s
wh') 'had been ' wr>rshi pprid 'for th: r (:cov:ory, of Kantimoti!"19, ,
.- - , -

\ " ThC's~,' DC't'S 'on the , part of Rona Bn hadur Shah c<!us~'d considerab l <: flxcitfc-
m<lnt' end 'c oncorn Dmong , the Bhardars nod ~eopli: of NAp"'!' The _Bnllrdars thou~ht
th" t it' Wouif! be impossible to carry M th.) .:'1rninistrlltirm i,)f thE! c ountry
i f th.=. Swami MI! haraj (i.G ~ Ronf) Eabao:lut' Shah) r ':'-11lsin..-' d in th., ir "midst . ,
, ' Ac~c~rd, i'Tl-':1yJ ,t hey t ook King Gir wln Yuddha Vikrsm Shn h to Nuwakot. Thay (" 1"..,
'Shifted th+" c"apiul t o' Nuwaknt. 'Ibis furthe r infuri a t :;'d Rana BAh~ d ur Sh .. h .
Hi s anger grew further wh... n 8~ 1 [ibl\?d rf1 Shah ini'C'r/llf-'d him th r:t th·~ Bharpll r s
wa r ..:' conspiring to l\r~st him. ''l'he Swami' Mail.2rnj then' thClu~ht of att~cki[lf':
l li.nwk ot with the h"!lp of the BhardlTs who WClN:' l r)yal t c him. He do::- cl r r ::,d
t htl t he had rc:sumed his royDl duties. Hc orderGd forts to b;, built at Pulc hok '

268-288 •

18', Ib1d, p~:28.5~ ·

19; Triratnesound 9ryngc tha, 2£. ~. pp. 1 54 -1 6~, I B9-19~.

CO,ntd ••• .
ond PaknBjol._He or~ered troops deployed at different plac~s to , join his
fo~es~20 However,' the Bhardars staying in Nuwakot mede efforts to 1n5ur~
thet tlle ' troops did - not rovol.t end that, the '-attec_k OQ, NUWAkot did, t;'ot tnh
place .~ They nba summoned troops scattered "at (l1ffcre~t p.hces. Having '0(,-
come' aware of - the adequatll defensive prap.'lrations' by 'l:.h9 Bhnrdnrs, RBD.~
lwhadur Shah -felt 'convinC ~ d that" 'th€,y"were - in fl stronger p05ition thll!'1 his
. side-~ He,th8ref9re'/ "left for VlIrannsl .on Jestho 8, 1857, Vi.~~m~·, -' . -.
Antlpatlng on - attack on: NtJl,rakot by Rana :r:lni.., i>dur Shab~' t~e Bhordars
staying in Nuwakot, sUlI'I'Il6ned ' the _Chau.~riJcls, Kaj is and SardElrs 9f PSlpllo
As 't hey wora on th'31r way to Nuwakot, the threat. of attaek by Rima Bahadur
'S hah vllnished as · he left f or Vflran.!lsi. 'I'h'3 ' of'f'icinls ' from Palpil we~ thare-
fore -dIrected - to gO ' b~':k to Palpil. 'The Bhardllrs (of Nepa l) irere natUraHy
worried over the possibility of King Prithvi PAl San of Palpe t':'king' sides
with Rana Bahadur Shah, They f!3t't that tht: i~ , p6s_itio!unigh~" b8~C?mc d~ff1-
cult i f Prithvi Pal Sen join~d hands with Rana Bahadur ShAh. They., th"ref,,>r ": ,
sent a mes~age t o Prithvl Pal Sen on behalf of King Girvan Yuddhll Vik,r~lTl
Shnh on: ' JesthS 9, - 1851' T1kramc~' ,teUin'g him th(lt the old 'treat~- cOnciud:".d
with him ' had been confi:rnrd and , cskihg ,him to 'come to NiJwakot. l '

20. : Samshodtwn' Mandal, Sav.!ldhl'ln-'Patrll (A 'No te \vDrning).' No. ' 13, ' pp -~8-1 0 .i
Bajracharya l!nd Jnyan' M~mi (eds.) ,
(t. Collection -::.! Historic.o1 :;~j;~,~;~)'"
pp. 286-29";
(Tr 8nslat"'d
68 ~7 S )
Yeer 3,
• Spm.
DOCUlrpnt T~ . Vikt.em!'l -'
Pumima, _ 2025 (Octobcr-!».ccmbar 19<>8), pp '~19E-
202, 205-207~ Dinesh .RC'lj P(!nt, D,<1ivnjny~shiromcrii' L.1XmipAti Pnndo,
£E. ,ill· pp. 50-51. :, . I , , :

21. 'Frorl:" King G~rb.::m to -the Ch.:ltittiriYas ~ . Kaji;3, <'od :Sard~rs _,of P~ lp~. IIS1no'.
we had urgent work here, we had -asked you t 'o oom,,' hore urgentlY. The
work ,which htld bee~3tart8d 'hereh?s ' bA~n .:Ic·cc?mrl1shed. ,You' five Chau-
tariyss, .KSjis arid ' S£irdtlrs should now return from the plecc wrerq you
hsve reached and i!lttericl to' yb"'lr househ'-old: affa irt ~ Ybu may think thct
since you have already come helf of the 'W8Y~ 'you should go bllCk after
offering your Salaams (to us). (But) the time for war k has com e pnd
you may be infested with m;;lar1<l on th ,~ way. You therf!forf! need not
CQ1I'e her.::. 'Go' b2:ek. Rema in cc:refu1 about affei·r s in thet STQCI. Co EE'ct
infonnation about developlOOnts in Lucknow- end eend report to us. Jssthll
Badi 11, 1857. 11 Regmi Research, Yoar 3, No. 4, April 1, 1971,p. rO,

Contd •••

, Rana-" Batl<1d~r . Sllah; ; ~ho .WIiS then staYi~g··a~,;v~f~ABi, -thouFtht . t.I'~t it

'Would be gesy for him ~o ·· returri,·to N~pal t"f M ~!Zould win oV-:7r.Prltnvi; "P"l
Sen to hi's sid~. ~a .. ttie'iefqr-p:' contlm,uod sending ', letters to··Pri Ulvl Pl,!l
Sen. How03ve r J ', Pritbvi", Pal S")n did not head his- sUgR:estion cnd took sides -
with Dl)loodar Pande ~ On..~~ other' h:md, Pri thvl . Pel l Sn'n ls uncle, 22- ChDuter~
Surbir Sen, -and Kaj'i" Rah8~~an Sen of Pt!lp~ 'J:werf: inclined townrds - suppor-
ting Rnna Bahadur Shah~ They 'too s -"nt 0 · nessllg"t'i -to R'm~ Bahadur Shah . · In
reply to tnElir 'message, . RanD ·Bahadurt Sheh stl:!t'K! thct hi.' would make ~peci,~l
8rr<l~emcnts fort hem" i.ii "case they _helped cre ~ t1ng <l. rift b~! twe(>n
Prithvi ' Pal ; Sc~a~d D~modar Pandt!. -- Th is . lettcrwlls dated Marg.l 19~ 1857
V1kramn. Ranga NlIth Paua<l,l t o'6 wrotil a le tt~r' to them nsking them. +:' star:~:
actively by· RanaBrhodur Shbh: This letter h'ed' baEm' carried to Pal?~ by fI
Brahman nDITJ3d Padllwpen1 Patidit~2~ . .
, ! -
, , .
l.lsO: ho'm Ktil~ · , Gfrban to · RajcPrithvi ·P:.l ;Sen (9f Palp.-'l). uY':. $ krd ~:: .
nv father had issued e coppc-r inscription (contninim;," the te.xt of e
treaty with Palpa). I tno conffrrr, the signnturc en. ': tlis ::op~r inscr1T~­
tion. \flth due l OYCllty, c::JIOO h'.n'B to jo in th·=- t~. Do whe-WV,lr becom .:;
n(lcessary ·¥ith. "!;hs Mvice of t,h? Blw.rda r n . In c<!s.e you do not com:- at
this mornot,·wa shall think that you hlln' proved ff'lsQ kl Y0ur· duty.
You ' been informed' In' edvo:lnce . COIl\9 here' soon ,ffl.,ithfully. J,-.sthtl
. Bsdi .U, .1857","' , , 1 RoSe.lll-ch S~rte5 , Yeftr 3 , · NQ. L, April l~ .1?71,
p. 79. : ., ' . ~ . ,
. '
.. .
. -
22. Shanker ~n Rajv.amsh1· (t:!d.), S~n Vgrnshaval1, pp. 2[:·- 29.
. . : . ". -

23. Records of .~ _ K'a usi -Tos~.akhan~ Offic~ ·: . From Shri Shri Shti !:I-ahan1i-v.-:-
noOOn. SWami (with titles) to Ch<lutara Surbir S•.n Dnd KaJi' Ronell!2rdtm .
. ~n (with titles). Greetings . \-10 wbh b')th o f Y0U .well. We- havfi r~cei"d
your · lettc·r Elm noW9.. th£: contents. Previnusly t..oo,· .our )!lother- h~d
is~uod you l! r OYl:! l ordor graiit.1ng . Y"u'·'honors and fnvors. TodaY) .;You
shoul~ e~tr1cate your King from the conspiracy of 'bad e le~ntS md·
help lOC' to strengthen my po:;1tion. In C1"!SC I om obl!' to do se,· He shall
. bestow greater honors and fevors on you. Rost·l}s.suri: o in this rHsp ce t.
-, You will gat mc1re detailed information 'f rom the l fo·V.'-'r of Shri - Shri
Shr1 · P£lndit; well as person!llly from Pndm3pani Pandi t. Uh1'lt moro:-
(to wise paopl~ ?}.'·Camp : Bennros_• . Mondoy, Marga Sudi 15 (correspondini·
"to Margn .19, 1857) ·Vikrmoo." . . .

'. The" Muslim Invasion of Nepal


Baburam Acbarya.

(In ' ~n - introd~ctO'ry note, Naye Raj Pant writes: lIBefore e1ving "me
a c opy of this art;icl.eJ. BClburam J.charY<l m;lde the f o llowing revelations:
ul had fir s t given -this srtlcln f or public lItion 1n the ShP- r ada . However,
the mllgs"z lne refused to publish it witho ut the permission of tho Nepali '. ·
Languag,q. Publications Board (Nepllli Bhllsha Prakashinl Sp. miti). The article
was theref ore !orwtl rded t o t~ Boa-d , which st.3ted that it could not give
c le aranj!_~ : with-::ut conBultlng Mdgendra Shemsher, its Dtrec to r~ A npr (! l •
. Mrigendr.B SharrBher r. eplied that he had no knowladgp of history and s o ~ I
should approach his .Wlclfl,: GGne ra 1. : Kaise r ShDlnshor o f t hr-.- sou thorn conmflnd.
I the n mG t Gone r s l Kaiser Sh1!mshor. He -told mO that he had no tlrr,,~ to .
r ead the n.rti c le ·. Howcvc l"', he asl:ed me to l eave the t1 rticle with him so
th~ t he c ould ·ra ad it ·l."lt er. SOIll'3 months later, Kashi PrElsad JSYl!5wal ·
cama to Nepa L . He published thu text of the .stone inscript i on · l ocat9d
a t SJlayambhu, "ll i ch r oferred to tre Mus lim invasi o n C!f Ne pal, in the
Journal Of Tha Bihar And Oriss a R.. ~e 3r ch Society . Ka i spr S h~l"cr llltin'
asked me why I bad given 'th e srtich t o Kashi hasad Jay Fl swaL I denied
having dom so . I also St3 ted J "'l'herr: we r e soma porsons who ·had watched
me r~rod:ucing tbe stone inscripti o n at Swllyambhu. They included Tilak
S.h amsher ThDpa llnd the Gubhe ju · of GhllOtse:hDr. Kashi PrElsad Joya swe}, . mi g ht
have learnt o f ,the Muslim invasi en of Nepc l from these pcopl~ . f/JQreover,
Kashi Pr asaCl Jayaswal, in his article, has ma de· nn rcft!r 1i! nce to i tho Gopsl":'
ra j Vamshava li. wh!.ch I have usod os one of my sour ces _I! At · this ; Kllisf' r
ShFlrnsher thundered, "Whllt do you think o f mc . Don lt you ree liz e I can
sllck you 11! I r e torted, " 50 many peop l o. have mi g r ~ted t o D.<lrj e ~ ling only
beclluse you wie ld s uch powers.1! llft er his vis it t o Ne.l-'tll, P.Dhul hnd pub-
li s he d a n article praisine b':)~;h Ke iser Sh<:mshe r rnd t lr.1 Hl1hil9 Gu ru j u
(Hem fulj Pendo). On the o ther !J::: nJ , J a yll~"W ,~ 1 Pl'll ised th~ Mahilll Ouruju
alone . Kaise r Shams her wa R ~w Poy from KathrlJendu durir.g J Oy(1~a l's visit.
Kaiser Shams he r had t aken o ffens c· At Jaya swa l ls f e iluro to prals.p. him ~
a long with tho ·Mahila Guruju. He tror~ fo re pour(>cl. his w!'sth on rre. You

-: ;.
~ l" ,.Baburam Acharys, ' Bhaye ko 11\J.allWoi<'ma nll
(Tht.. Muslim ,
Invasion of Nepal) • . Purnima_J 27) Asw1n 2029 (Oc tnber 1972) , PP. 154-

Contd •••

8. -,

may make a copy of i ,h iS a rticl.. if you so wish~~. li:J: l ose it, a copy
will remain with you. 11. With these ",ords , &lbUI"dm ,Ach<1ryl' handed over
this artiqle to me as w~i ll as the t ext of th.1" stone" inscri ntion at
Sw£lyambhu. I gave the text of . the stone inscription to Bbo l n Na th, DhAne_
bajra and Jnyanmoni, who first published it in t~e S.: mskrit Sandesh 1n .
2010 Vlkram (1953)." ...

Unless ono reads.., this erticle, om'! ..,111 find it bllrd t o believe thflt
Muslims had eve r invaded "thc C£lp!.t91 of NRp-.1L '!'h is is natural, bec<!use
none 6f ' thG 8 or lO 'bookstha '~ have s' o fn %' bl....~ n ",rit-ten about",the. history
"of N~pal ' r e f ers to this LW8sinn . l>:u::. lims hE'd . in fa~tJ' inv:aded NePl! 1
early in thE"; 15th cen tu ry a ccord i ng to the Vikr~mn .-3r R. Thf:! invas i on was
a ' ve ry fie!rcl3 •. No historiml-tws so f ilr calfe to know of this .invas i on ,
-because he has not closely sClutini'zcd' ancient dc.culTPnts. Pr of . Cec il ,
Bendn lt of Un1versi~y College o f Lond on , "'ha ;h<is 'T,1.!lde commendable: (-fforts
to shed light on the political his t ory af the' h il',~a r Kin ~'d/)ffis of ~r 8pl.l l.
.. ha s 'written an essay entitied IiHis t 0:,ic f1 l I ntroductiont! on the bas i s of
ttm cnta log o'f the N~ p a l IAlroor Lihr.<!Tj.'. In pr8pc ring this e ssay, bt: used
f oUl' Vams hava lis of Nepal and ' took ?hoto - coOJ i c s of s~ of the ir f o li os"
I ain 'sure that a il thes,; VfJmshnva lis cont.2in [! reference to the l-1us lim
invas iOn of 'Nepal. The - in'l<l~ic ll is-;J~ so ~ nt-ioned in the photo-copies
obtfj iro d by him. Even then, he fnils to dis cuss the inv-p.s i on i n - his essny.
This l eads one t o c.onclude) though Nb:.ctnntly, that he wns ignor.:;nt o f
the J'!lE!anit:{; of the sentences dC!lc rilJing, the ulv,,:s i on, fJlothe r , document
referring to the Mus t:.m invElsi(/n of NapDl is the st.)no i nscript i on deted
l~s hvin Sudi 15 ; L.92 NepEll. Er a inst...,lled a t Sirnb hu in ~nio::y of th3 build:l.n"
of a. ChlI itya by Rajenc rshn. · It is these two dJcwrw:-nts wh.ich shad 11r,ht .-;.n
the, Muslim 'inves ion o f Nepa l. '; .

The of
the sent'Jnces contElined in the f ourth rlpd fifth line s
of the document No. 28 (Pi.ctc No . 8) cited by Bend~ll 1& as f o llcv.JS: ·.
"In the meantilT'.e, 'Su lten Sh'·!T'!s ht.:c;:In-1.11 Cllme ,to Ne pal from' the and
orc.l.te the ima ge of PSShUPll ti int,O · thrae p i cc~s . , ThEi whole of Np.pEll was
ravl~gE;d , Pani c spre<:ld <llJX)ng the o:.ntire pP.Gplu . On MargA Sudi -9, 410
Nepql- Gl'lI , a· terrib1G oVl~l.. to'O\{ Bhcktapur.:! Thir. event had
taken ' p l ace on Septemb~r 19; . 13L.9 /1 ,D ,

The 'meaning of the stom lnscrirtion loc~led a t Simbhu , whi ch is ·in-

the Sanskrit language , i s <lS f 0110'....s: liKing UlljadevlI , who was the custo-
dilln of two re lig i on s (Buddhism Md Paurllnic) ,-~las _ f ClIllOUs in . ~epel. _'ille r,:
was a ~ a crod Stupa with t hf r~sidencG.s of rren(Muni), ot'). tbo abode
of the " Siddhas, situat..p.d llt ··th6 tep of S irnbbu.!..I t wa:; dUI'lng his ro.1.~· · -,
th"-:lt on "Th"t1r·sday, Morga 8udi 10, L.70 HepDl ~ r8 , Su lUln Slwmsuddin arrived
in Neplll with muny t roops from BA:1gnl, ond demo lished Dnd burnteverythinr;.
Some time l ater, that wise King died. Thus the stupo burntby the Yavena
(Mus lims) r ema ined in the S8mEl cond ition ."
Contd •••

As' this stone inscription confirms tha t this iri~!"si on hEd been l~unc hed
.W -the Musl:!.ms ot .Ekngal, it - is nflcessBry ,to make II reft~-r""nce to the coo-
' -' ~empo:r~ry pcliti~~l ,history. of B('ngAl. Bengal hod passod from the. hends
df Laxman. S:en) a Hindu King, into too control of the Muslim 'e!llpcror of
:Delhi arc'unc!' 1261 Vikrqma era. In 1391.! Vikrama (737-38 Hijrl) J .Governor
-, Kadar ' K!1ao of Bengal W.:lS 'assassinated by :<'nkhruddin, his aroor. bearer.
Fnkhruadin had . committed 'this act tnking ar.lvanuge of the l oosaning con-
tr9.l' ''9{ Emperor Muh0_d Tughlflk of Delhi, who rulcu from 1382 to Ih09 .
He thim':'t6ok over thl3 cont::-ol vf thu State cnd proclaimed hirosi:! lf emperor
of Benglli. 'He mtnted coiris in his:nama.~2 · In 1397 VlkrElmtl" ,hlluddin kil.led
Fakhi-udj)n an~ himself · bO:::/HlIG : ~e omper,or. The follOwing year, h8 wes _
~s 5essintl.ted 'by H(:lji E11ns. whc th;;'n boczm8 Sult~Jn and llssum'!d the title
of Shamshuddin. His ru18 laswd 15 years. 3 Emperor F'e roz Jughlaq (1408-45)
lobo succoeded MuharmlBd 'l'u~h l <,q, ir.vod<:ld B~ngal in 1410 Vikrama. But having
f.~~,lad to eubdue ,Shsrnshuddin, h8 was fore(~? to concl'loo .B trca ty.L This
see!l1S :to shoW" that ~hemshuCdin Clias . Shah had invadod Nepal before the
inyasion f r om Dolhi, or whitc-' Muhammad Tugthaq ' was still Alive. There is
. ~. no d6uby that SuI tan Shl:!MShudd.i n of Bf>nga 1 li s the pBrsoll rp-fa rred to in
~~.. y,qInShaV~~~ .·Of. IJepsl and 1n the stone 5.tcriPt~on of Simbhu • .

, It would. be proper in -:'his context to tJ.iscuss the situation that pro:-

vaile~ in the contempo~ary lkwAr Kin~om cif NepCll. /, long tiroo had alreAdy
elf.lpsed 'since the clecli.r.A of t.his Kingrtom :had begun. },fter thp. dl)ath of
lmanda Iklva (circa 13S9-77) 1;I)r' rdns of administrlltion s liplY."n ou t of
the han"s or his dyna~ty. -H.udl'c Malta. whn was r~· lat"d t o him, flnthroned
'1; .~rfdeva , his.,broth'_' r, flJld hims{_ lf became Regent (Uparaj). He died in 13~3
:·: ~v.~krc,~\tI. His '4:ite, IkvaladGvt, .thcn · assurrcd ,thtl reins of administration.
. Thus !:ri~eva_ J~~P to spend. his whol.2 life llS a n')mine 1 King. Six mnths
~fore.: ftudt:r !'f!:Il,~a I s dellth, Ghiasuddin Tughlaq, Emperor of DelhI, d,e va-
at~te~ ,;SimraUrigSldh ,and o.c~piOd Tirhut (Mithila) Harisimhadeva, Kin? of
Simra~adh , fled):.q NApa l ,..... This state, situa"k:d bet·... can N8pa l E'nd ~ihar,
-bad be~:n i'"<;lundcd !JY, Nanyadeva in 115L Vikrama. Harisimhadeva probably diad
after arriving l,n' Nc::pal. Hi;; dusc€:nd,mts ·.... or e c oVt~ ting N'.o:pal. In thtl meBn-
tiino; Nnyakll))evi, 'the solL- h",ir -of Rudro Hlllla end ~villa Davi, hoo_been
married to H~risb~handra. The aff~1rs of tho StAte passed into the ~ands of
. . .
, )

2' . Ish"ll:ri
p.r:~fU;'d;~ _l-Iedie-v~l · inai.!l~ AlJ.llhablld; 192B ; p. ·2L·S .
.. .
.. '
' .
3. Dev~: P:t:'ssad .:; Y8:va,n .B.ajvamshave-lL l.llahabad, 1910, p. 30. ,
L. Ishwari Prasa"d: Medievsl Inc'!itl> p. 249.

5. Ishwari Prasad: Medieval India) p. 226.

. ..

Cantd •••
10 .

Nay~~8 ' Devi 'a,fter th~ "death 01: ~Vllia Den. " ~arlSh~ba~r8, Davs WlIS e ithl)r
poi soned to ,dea th o r'll'ted 1n 1.40). Vikra ma. , Nsyakll Dovi WAS' preg-
nant at that time. Oopal,;HarlshchCndra.'.s brothe,r, ' csl!8 to Nepsl with 8
rarga nuntJer of his' folloWers to protect or take custody of .his s1star-
1n':'18w. Hovever, Jsgat Siroha, 0 prince bel'enging 'to ' Harisimha Deva's ·
" dynasty, drove Gapsl o ft and beheaded hiM, captured Nays ko Den and took
,.over the reins of administratinn. Hr>wever, Jogat S1mh~ was impJ1.8oned
within a few months. NaYllk& ~vl too died soon. leaving a 10 days old
daughter behlrxl. The Intranqull atmosphere ~at f o llowed Jllgat Simhals
"U:lkeover of thr> admi nistration thus C8nP. to an end. Howeyer, 7 mnths
l ater, in 1404 Vlknllll!l , Aridovo died without any he lr. This l ed to .!l
struggle' for succession . Finally, on the' advice of a ll, RSjadeve, son ryf
i,nand::" Devll ,'Wll s enthroned. However, pO'WEIr was shared by Deva la Dav! and
RaJad~v~ : ' .
' . ., .
l S' roonths 18.ter, ip 140$ Vlkrsma, fashupatl Halla woo was poulbly
~ir to ~vna · Devi, WaS imprisoll3d. , Dev.a l ll Devl decided to give t he
title of r egomt . (Uparl!.j ) t o Rajala Devi, her e rll nd-dll u~·~ter . She there-
f ore ma rri.o d Raja l a Devi to Sthiu...J<..alla in 1.s hwln 1Lll VikrArIlll, · although
Rajala Dev1 had hllrdly attained the /lee of 1 yellrs. The Mus lim invasion
of Nupal took: place' lIbout J years end 9 months bofore this r~ lTiage , And
E:Xact ly one yel!.r after ?ashupati Ma lls was imprisorwd. BhaktDpur ....a s the n
tt)e ' ~ a pital~ Ul vala Devi lived there together witb ber minister s . Raja-
dev8 probably lived in Lal1tpur at that tins. .

!- The sugges~ that the iINaslon had been launohed ' from the
e as t. Ule VamshDva li, Bhllkupur wes devesta1led o n the first
day of the inv.asion, 'i. e . on Morgs 21. Ac~ord ing to t he stone inscription,
. . the . Sway!!mbhu Chai tys was burnt on J.lLirga 22 . This indicates that Sham-
shuddin hac .arrived with his Mus lim troops from the eastern sid e . The
MakwanpUr Area was no t popu l ous lit that tima. There ",ss no main routo
leading 'from the clloito l Qf Napel to Bihar through thnt area as at ,present .
There were only two r outes from Bther to the cli pi tal of Nepal et tha t
time. One led to Bhaktapur through Slndhul1, runni~ along the banks of
the Kamala river. The other l ed to Lal1tpur via Harihstl>ur ' slong the"
banks of the Bagmati river. How~ver, 85 ther~ existed danse foreats stong th~
r oute from H&riharpur to Lal1tpur, evan trovR llers from western Hihar-
used to visit the capital of Nepal through S1ndhuli . They r eached S1nqhuli
via Harih srpur. 'In ' I S.2h S8mV8t, Major Kinloch t oo proceeded from Harihar-
pur to Sindhul1 1n his .attempt to re8ch the capitlll of Nepal 88 .onmsn,der
of the troops of the Brit,-sh tast India Company. The route from Benga l '
to &pal tbrough Sindhuli W8B 8 direct one. Henc8-, it ,is definite that.
the Mus lim troops marched to }(epol 'through this route •

. ." Contd •••


Shamshuddln was the founder of , 8 ' State as well as & warrior, He made
Bengal fully independ~nt.· Tht,s· Ind~l'pendence ias'te~ till 1632 Vikram8, by
whlc.h t~ L or 5 descendants of l Shamshuddill had ruled it.- Shamshuddin int<lnded to annex Nepal" Thti Muslim troops had accompanied -him ,
to Nepal purely with the ai m of (pl under Until 86'yesrs before this invA-

sion, the rawere ~nly Buddhists pnd Hindu~ in Bengal, and there ¥8S no
trace of Islam there~ Buddhists ~rom Bengal used to visit Swayambhu while
adherents of the Pauranic (Hindu), religion worshipped Psshupatinath ..
Thousands of Hindus from Bengal used to vi~lt 'the Pashupatlnfl th temple
on the occasion of the Shivaratri I, festival .. It wa s the custom to gild -
Chaitya-s , temples, water_t.,-rps, ett·, in Nepal. Foreign trav.:!llers regA rded
the gilded port,ioos --of thes e struct1ures as really made of g')ld~ The f\en w
galis and Bihar1S believa d that Nepa l ",as a - prosperous country~ t,s a result
of the Muslim conquest of Bengel, Bengal1 Hinaus h_a d started converting
themselves t o Islam. During the ryle of Fakhruddin, systerretic alTsngements
were m2de to convert Hindus to Ialam. Scores of monasteries had been ·set
up for t 'his- purpose. The . living at these lOOnasterles employed '
·c lever·ta~tics to to Islam. Ho",ever, the number of orthc-
dox Hindus who 'were oonv&rted in this m.!lnner was ve ry srnSll, because -
Hinduism had kept its spirit ?live. Only the ' adherents of BuQjhism,,.
which had already lost its e s s en~ a J had been 'converted to Isla~. In fec~J
nearly a 11 of toom had bcco ~ l-h s lims. Sh~mshuddin t oo' originally used
to propagate Iabm'. '!bat is why those Buddhists who hld been newly con-
w rted to -Islam had gone to l oot Nepsl. Many. of them had pr Aviously' set:m
the Swayambhu and the temple o f Pashupatinath when they we re Buddhists.
They we re ,therefore familiar w·ith the routes leading t o th()se ·places.
'The Satne converts now invaded Nepal to plunder too 'g old-plates adorin::;
the ChaltyRs and temples of Nepal~The number of these invaders was pro-
bably not less~tnan 20,000 for so many p eo ple we re required to destroy
Bh a~ta pur Clnd Swaya mbhu l situated at a distance 4 Koshas, ·within 2 day~ .

hccording t o . the stone inscri pti cn , the' Muslim tronps first demolished
the Chnitya and thon burnt i t comp1F-tely. 22 or 23 years a fter this inva-
Sion, Rajahar s ha r ec.onstructed ' it fr om the very fonnd a tbns on thC ol'd=:r
of King· ft rjuno., Deva and .Regent Sth1ti l-lalla . The tells us that
the temple' of Pashupatinath had been destroyed . ls· not
seen a single temple like that of Pashupati.mth, the pagoda style .
It is therefor e pos s ible that the temple resombled the chariot of Matsyndr~ ­
..nath or the temple of Jagannath at Purt in Orissa at the tire it "",as dellY)-
lishec. The custom of building the cM riot o f Matsyen::iranath every year
had been contirlult1l3 since Loo YI.:::,.rs before the Mus lim -invasion. It is
therefore nature l that the temple of Pashupatinath shouid have resembled
the chariot of Matsyendr ""l n.:! th at that time. Templ e; not built in the
pagpda stylo as seen today are found only in Ch~Cl . Hence it is apparent

.. Contd •.••
ttwt the temple af, Pasl1upatinath w~s recans tructed an the Chinese model
after its demolition . by :t.tva 'Muslim ·i'i'lVsders. 6 '" -'. '" .
;:;: '.;' .. . , '- .
If the ,destructive Muslim, hordeB cpuld redUc~
, . the main Cha ityss Bnd
,ttlmp l e af Ncpol to ;suc h ,a, pitiable condition, tMY 'Would not have spared
the stupas, Chaityss, buildings, watet,:"spouts,-. "etc .in att~r tmmsand
_:vtllage~", as., wo-ll. The: Muslim invaders, in fact,· cans1dere<;l" i t ' to 'be their
prim\3! .du~y to pl~der, pillago {lnd demolish every thing. The Vamsht'vali
~tls .us· ha'W t.he towns and vill?ges of Nepal had been burnt aocl destroY':?c. .
3;t ' ~lsl3 descr!pes the tE.rr1ble s l aughter organiz ed .in Bheku!'pur. There
is,-howover, 'no means to. Bscer~in ,the ~xact numbp.r of 'men and wornen
s lilugh:ta r '3d in :·,this massacr e . Haw 'th2 Newt'rs af N()pal r~actcd 'Whe n th".
--Mus.lim-m-my invaded thE-ir lllUq i s still El m.:ittor ofcanj~cture . 'Ihey)lsd
abc-gd?noo villages an::; 'town s 'and oo.v:ed t o' the foreats 'Wh~ri Kirlg -
Jayatar-i Malla in'Vad8d. th'.l ir country 60 years oofo~ thE: Muslim invasion. 7

. " ' ", .
Both the ,King and -thel people .must have fled to thO: fo r Gs t s, l!8ving .f,Quncl
.. , - . -

.. -6 ' ~_, 37 ye;;irs: af~r '~h' iS ' ·1.n~aSi()n" t~at is, in 1,444' Vikrerrlll,
a r :"resentn-
the o·f the Ch~m5e emperor caroo 'to .King Madana' S1mha of N<>pf1l. I n
lh61_Vikram<l, Dno th~ r Chinese: p.nvoy a rrived in and canf~\rrcd 11
tHle ,onMadanll Simha,·s son, ' Sh~k.ti Sin:l"'.a -(Sylvcm tf'vi: Vo1.2,
pp. 728 - 30) I am" however, of th", opinion that _Madflnll ShaHi
SirrdlG ~~~lrc Kings of DolBkhll .• In any case , th~ Nepalis th2n 'usfJ d to pay
'-visU;S t o China or at least to Tibet, as - frequently a s they :iid 100
year:s " l!go~ In 1479 Vikrerrs, King J)"oti Malla of Bhlla-;' :lr offer ed '8
.golden jar (Subarna KalBsha) to the t9mpb of Pashupatinath. This is .
pr ove a by the stone inscription : of ' Jyoti Malla (Dhagwan D~s-, - Inscrip-
t~an No. 16), which -refers to the est2bUsbment of ·a - Chp-itya by Jyoti
Malla ot Swayembhu. This possibly indicates thet he- had built [. nl<w
Chaitya La years after the r~cvnstruc tion by Rajah~ rsha. By that ti~,
'th(' t 8mpl e 9f PashupatinD~h had be co·'compll"te J . This me;;)ns thot th~ '-.
tcn.;: l.~ of PasQup!!tinath_ [lS we 513<':' it Wlt! had been built after the first
Chines" E;-nvoy I s 'Vlllit to N,spa 1 ei thEir during tho Inst ' ye£lrs a'fter -' or
the doath' of , ~ thiti ~llf<, passib1y- b etween 14.50 and 1460 -Vikrama.
7.. There is- no OO:ubt that the Jay~tari ' ~l1a ';t:m-tio~ed' t~ tm' o ld VamshD-
of N:-;pal vas the'King ' af Jurnla. In i) 'J.Bt~ No. '7 -f, iV". m ''.in t ne
. '. by BGndl"ill, ' the follqwing .. tlccount of Jl'lyota r~
is g i~n. , "Jayi1tnri,. Kiot; .of _ th" I(h"!:'i ::~''' J first. .
came! in Faushri '408 St'mv~t. M Simbhu , 80') KhflsiYDs kille d _ (or ~JC're '
killed?) I flS .'I result of' which uoth th., King llnd his subjec:ts fl([ld
. to the f~rests . The Khasiyas thi2'n fle1 c:nd th(.) ppaplfl C(lm.:~ back t.o · _
their homc:.s ." One s'-ntence ~ me~nine "the Kh<;siyZls , could not gc,t fo hd-
grains" ., contained in tl}e V'lrnshaVllli in my poss'Jssion; is missing in
'the abov\'!· account '. If thUs ap~llrs_ thct th(, New. rs hlJd -driven out the
-fo rc e~ of 'J eyatari Malla by blocking all e xit am ()n:trY ', 90ints for thr
, BUp~)"ly of' foodg rains~ I?endCl U's a ccount cref1tes the impression that th '1
people who fled to thtJ farests w~r f' KhAsiyas ~ Tl"e word "R!\shtr an:'rcferrr ·'
to i!'l th<) V~mshDvali Clln be ·.d6 fined to includ'3 the Kine .'ln~ too ~pk "
Cc:otd •••

',.. , ',
it unsar..' to ,·"tny ,!\ll in th,;ir homes dur1ijt ths"Muslim
... inv~slon, /'lS tho:>y
did during the pr~'vlous attack on BhsktaPur. Th'J cnnny must have burnt
and destroyed houses iln!:! ChdtY<Js after finding the m empty •

. Th~ ston, inscription at Sweyambhu stl!t;o s that RpjaharshB, tog£lther

. with .his brothf1rs , defeat ed his cnamy. But i t does ' not refer : clearly to
the , Muslim inv.?~e rs. The question then aris,;;s as to who really were the
, .4llbmi6tl·" defeated. ThDt'Raj~harsha wns rmly on,'! of the ~efpnders
.Or .Kantfpur ' is::obvious from the fact tht'lt ,BS st<'t&d o!!I hova, he had r El - '
constructed the ChaitY3 on th(- order of th(" Un£; and the Regent (Uparnj ll) .,
Nobody e lse but ·the Muslims c ould have been the enemy who ,ho"d rle.stt"0yr;1
tliis Chai-t ya. There were pNbnbly scores of d~fE'nrlers , besides RD,~l1ht'r shl'. '
This indicates th.:'lt the inhab i tants of KDthman:hi had offered, ro:'sistrmc:,-
to the ,Muslim in"'O'lders. It m1r:-:".. h~\".': ~e .. n difficult!ar them t o have a
hand--k.-·hond fighting a gainst ' th'J inva'd ars, be cause th':r wer'c f~r Gut-
. nurobared by th8 en<:> my.". It is also probabla that .th.:. Muslim inv.:lders found
~t 9ifficult t o ondure. the cold climate of , Napel, bein g used llS they ~ w
to .tht)_ hot climate of Bengal. It could- theN·foro be assu~d th gt the cold
cl1ma:t-e must -havo forced Sham3huddin to r e treat alom; Idth h is army. But
not 'only-the cold "climate but elso ·the re~i st~nce offered by -the Nepclis
had :driven tht!rn .out. If -this h!ld not b>1en the C<,S8, ths, Muslims 'would
have coro agDin t o occupy Nepal the year whGn the weathe r was
f.:lvoreble . ThEore also does not exist any evidence le.Jdinr; us to :lSsume
tha t King Rajadevtl or Devala Dev i of Nepa l had concluded tmy tre :ty wi th
Shams huddin. If a trel1 ty had been conclud£ld, at least a few Muslims woul d
have beun allowed to livo in Nepal and construct llkJsqtes hare. Thera is
no trace of any mosque or f.luslim sc;ttlefIYmt havinr. existed during thBt
~ riod. The mosque that on~ sees in Kantlpur tod ay W~5 bui lt by a FAkir
from Kashmir ne a rly 175 yea rs after the Muslim invasion.

The effect of the Muslim invasion did no t last roors than a century.
It w~s terrible storm which wrought gre a t havo c. It WllS natural thnt it
s hould have beon followed by a lulL Tb", houses, C,haityas an~ templ -::s
which hAd bean burnt or d as tr oy0 ;~ w ' ~r :: r i:' c~nstructed one after nrother.
The process o f r~c ons tr uc tio n must h~ve be ~ n complet3d by th8 beginning
of Sthiti Malla's rule (1415-$2)1 which tl)ok Nepal to the hei!':ht of pro~rlss.
If.1 the cc;urs,;; of building new towns <lod villages, the prtlctic') of c::ms tr.1C-
t~ng verandahs wns start~d. The practice originated in Chine. Tha term
K~usi was ca riwd from the Chin~sc languagtl. It mlly therefore be B SStIITI<" tj
_that the practice of constructing verAndchs (J<llusi) begt'!"'. 1J1!)~ wit:l t bet
of constructing ~mples according to the ppsoC~ stylo.


Those who came out of the forests and returned to their homes could only
~ the King and the people. , The Khasiyas we re S01diars, not a nation in
thems,1lves. There is no reason why the KhaslY8s should r r.turn from the
fo rests~

Cc-ntd •••
The rule' '6f Jyoti Malla (lL63- 8S) , son of'Sthiti i'~anl1, wns al so an
epoch o f progress. It WBS probably Jyoti MallD who hael comp l et<:d the
r ebull.d1jlg of the tarJ'flle o'f Pashupa tina th aft3r off?r1ng : 03 Kalasha
t o tt, as ,wa ll as · th~ Cha itya at ·Swayambhu . T~,us the rebuilding of whst-
&"ler tt:mplas, ChA ityas and othe r monument s there r emaired- t o be' robuilt
might. ~ve ~en fully completed · his rule. The- o l d St at e of Nepal
Attained ,the peak of expension durinr tM pe r iod of King ·Yaksha Mtl lla
(H.8S-IS3?) , son of Jyoti Mallt. The northern frontiers of ,th e State
extended to Sikarjung , which i s f ar ' beyond the existing borde rs of Nepal.
Its eas.tern and west e rn frontie r s reached onl y. upto the- Tarnor :md the
Bh(lri r espectively. In ·tho 'Ta r ll i, the frfmticrs s tre tc hGd 'Up to' the' '
Ganl,':es J probBbly up to funghyr. ' The tr~de ' ccnducte~ by Biht'r p r::! Benga l .'
with Tibe t wes upder the con trc l of thE' N,' p,:-Us . This was why. t.he __c tlpi t .: l
nnd other' adjoining ' towps were pr osperous dur -~ ng th ~ t period, and whY ,no
trace of . t he Muslim invasion coti l i remain l ong . By this tine, S genertJtion3
of tho,se who had 'd irectly felt the im~'lct of tho Muslim invasion ha d passe,i ,
so tl'lat the Nepal1s forgot the devast.etirll invasion. ,This i s l-/hy even
histori an s Ar e not ew"r~ of t h is ep i sode .
" .

An Appea l For The Abo l iti on Of SL8ve~

. \,lh il~ owners will admi t t hat -liberation of s l aves will not di81oc~te
work in general, they say that for c0 rtain special work th~y will Gur t arj
1n fact ac cord1nt: t o tham such wor k , '3ssanti tl l 1n domE:l stic lif ~ J w1.11
a ltoget hp. r cease f or want of pr op0r l obour. tot - present t hey SAy thQt
s l avos .do such wor k 1)5 the ca r r-ying of " th ~/ nk <! l t1s Ll in ~ rri egt:- or the
Itdoliesll in trnnsport and thc>t when lihcr"ated the sl,nvr-:s will objec t to
do ·such ·....ark which will r 8mind them of th pr ;.:o vi ous st:ltus . This W1IS
j ust t h::= ·· sort .of ar gu-

Page 37
men t used by s la v~-ownP. r s of other couptries which, howevnr, d id no t
.mawrhlisc whon abolition came. Iri t hJ: ebs tr ~c t i t l ookS , pl AU;S iblo f'nf'uf"h,
but in t'ra ctica l l ife the," fo rce o f it / i s JIIuc h rf- duc~ct . Thc, lib ';: 'r :, t;crl
-s l tlvfjS ;rr:us t li\'e upon wor k a nd thnt i ~ mod,. remun<1 rD tiv~. tJ'!.'"'Y ~ r<:'
not Hko l y 1;.0 p i ck and · choos'-' . Iri ·f£c t those who to liv!'l by .l abrJur
will not refuse wor k 'whon they cnn oa rn thoir liviru! by .it. ·n,.,e ' stross
0': the times has introduced' vi o l~ nt cihl!ng;:; s in t hn ('nee" Ti gorousl y. com-
partmentod " Vritti. ~s" o f th!3 diffl?; r rm t "V<)rnos" fl nd CDS teS. Tha t, s tres s
I s e. r esult of. soc1c:l 'ec'lnorny, " nd chang~ of occupation has ' now brCCTTr
so cqmmon as t o have ceased pr e cticol ly t o dr~ w t he attentio n whi c~ it
did in the pas t. In mnny pnrts of Ind i a , the E r~ hm1n s regul arly' carry on
tha cultiv a tion of t heir l onds with ' their own hr- nds. Many o f y ou hElvr! ..
be .:n to Slldrinc th in c ourse o f yo ur p ilg r1ma ~bs and must hav~ . noticed ' .'
t.t.o .higher castas of Kum<lon :md GhoI'iowl l both hill m ~ n akin t o ou r s ,
with sacred _threR d, e ngaged in thtl 'W o rk ') 1' po rter s a nd "dolta " bf'o r ers .
Tho Dhannt Sastr .:ls 8(,Y t h:.Jt in IIcpll t k.'J l lI such ' thines <! r o no t b l s JIl<)worth:v .
Thi.s Knli Yu g<l Tr$Jy b·':' t akon !IS !'l con tinuous u<lp<J tka l ll • Conside r fll l non..:st
wor k- c!s di 'g nified end you will not l o St:: ' in s .J lf-esteem , n.;;ithCr b e c'Jl'!le
degenerot..c. in '

Pag<;.- )8

roo r al s . No onc shoul d be in ·t r oub l f> b" cpuse of too o ccupation he fo llow"
fo r his living , am ' last the castE. people bf-coI'llf perv(.lrsc ' on()ugh to
create suc h trouble, .laws hav(i boen " fr~ed to gunrd 6gllinst :meh cOlmlunal
ab~e. It is provided thtJt .no onn s ti'::iuld st.:lnd .i n th,~ way of anotre r 's
efl his living by hon,--st l ab"ourj ' thllt any on') may lmg<.lge · in any dc clJnt •
or proper 'WOrk ,wl thout incurring ob l oquy. ThesE: s hou ld be - f , un d Ddeq'.J..-:-O t,e

Bc ha nur RaOll~~~~~~*~.~
Contd •••

tn prevent the tr oubl~1 likt'-ly 1:.003ngineered · by 'qbs tr ~ ctio nists. There

is B dearth of the Jyapu or the Kassi closs of persons in the hills,
but there nr 02 ',other classes) such as BD~mu BhoteylS , in some phcl::s ::too
Pa reghartis in othErrs. To guage ' thr;;- ·s-trongth of this crguncnt of d1511)-
cetion in work census figures have been SUltUMris6d fo!' c e rtain districts.
These ~how that in ne arly every p lx e thera are considerablr~ numbers of
freemen open t o ew:~agement.

SlDvery of the smoo kind ,"g ours was a t one time preva lent in Indi .'1
," F.lnd in the MaJ,.ay Peninsul? 1n such pl Aces ."lS ?orak :101 e lS8whe I'\." . But.
-ne ither History nor trnditirm r:hows th~t .'lny trauhle or difficul'ty
f o llowed the nboliti on. The slavory in thE! hills adjoining our "18s tern
and Gastern frontiers was prClctica lly identica l with -:Jurs. Sincp. the "",
nbolition they hevc got un q uite wall. :Neither
.. '.
Page 39
ther efore from consideration of conditions in c('l untr ics closely analogou s
to our own rio r from a common-sonso view does it ,'ppe a r that the nb..,Ution
of slavery is likGly to l or.d t o tho confus i on end trouble as anticipat ed
or apprehended by 't he pr 'Jsent c..M!l!O!l'S . If it had been 11 good in~ · ti t1 4tio n
it would have survived all attempts t o.) gi:t rid of it. When , many countries
havt! abolished it~ i t would be foolish 1;.r) maintain tlw t "thos~ who di d· So
wore less wiS'e than we ere. I t wou l d be idle to be apprBhansive that we
m::y fail where neArly the whol e world hns btx::n succ'e ssful. That would
ba ' ownine s o~ inferiority in us and this imputati on, if made by any
ou tside r ; y ou wou ld 00 the firs t t o resent. I n f ece of the j udgrrt3nt of ,'
ths wide world, even of ;) country liko I,by.ssini::, wh ich you h... ve r ead wn ;
the nho:i\:: '.}f abo rigines e nd which n ?s w~ry late ly abo lished t he l eg'.:! l
status of sl3v'C.'s , how could wc main t a in that loW ar€. :'n thp. r:'ght." in up -
holding the' i'nstitut i o r. in our r4dst ? Does :lot your consc ience e very
molTJ:mt f'CC US f)" you of perpet uDting Cl wron g to ~ class of yo ur f « 1l0<J b ~ 1n; : I;:?

i.e1;- us , s .tudy , El. lit'tla Clttcntively the group of nNn who <:I r e
Broadly they ·m.a y lie classified thus. First, we haw thos<:: who have
" r ece ived s laves 85 patrimony nod 'Who h~ve maintained ili em , in Bome cases
at a loss, .

Page 40
for presti ge, t o uphold th'3 honour of thfl household. They detest tte
mon6y that can b e got by se k of human beings, their f 6 110w cr e:a ttir:esJ
in .:!ppeara nc~ ,: f e:c lings And s&nsibilities like t he ms t?lvi'ls <l nd o nly thrown
into a pOSition of perpetua l servitude by an ~) vll dl?·stiny. Such owners ,

Contd •••
twv~ the~rf.ehii~n,
taken cdl-e o:f'ithflir slavos as haVE! married them,
given them 2ssistance to rear the ir young children and support the ir old
parents. It would not take ' long fo~ these m~sters'to be convinced th~t ·
the institution i~ fundam:mtally bad, and they would be the fir"t to
volunteer in ' this good cause to liberate their SlaVOCJ5. Tho slaves ' ar<?
lltteched to thGm'llnd they have, therefore, nothing t o feC! r on thair . ,.
lib~" r ation. In som0 :=ases tw sl.'los arc so only in name even now,--
th-:tn why s_hould t l')ay not be frc;;mon ? 'l'he eovr:! rnm€:nt have the greatest
h?pa. t~.<! ·~ :s\;.ch _will core forw~rd in -the,ir numbers- to offer the exlimple tbe- 1~1d' , n\3eded -in Such '8 movement. The Gov"-rnmf'nt count upon -thorn
most and expect . not to-. be:t disappointed. Thon come those -who _maintain
s laves p'tr~ly fO,r th~ir labour. Such owners have apprehensions- ~ s : to --
t,heir futwe ,if ./31ayes aN freed. The masters live perheps isola ted
and depend entirely on their slaves t o carry" on their hous<"l"old Pond farm
. wo.rk . hn - attempt has -alr0!3Cidy bo:.'On mncte to

sho-'" that their positi(ln would impr o v~ under a free ltlbour system, that
their feer of a dearth of lllbo'll' did not appear to be we ll foun:led _a nd .~
was against ordinary e conomic l.,ws . Thf::!y haVE tht'; sympathy (If too Govern-·
r.1ent the: fuUE:st ,03xtent and Gove rnme.nt are prepDred to consid~r airy
re,8sonabl" suggestion they lIIay rrtt::kc t a' -provont dislocatirm of bustne'ss
and at· th8 same time to -ame liorate th~ ' cOndition of thG- -s lev.os.' MI'!Y \re
not Gxpect that such owne rs also will comB forwnrd t o hol? ~he Gove rnm~nt
in aboliShing the institution? Their voic<:' would b," the deciding factor,
and · will, they bEt so hl1rd he-'l rwd ,H'; t o vote agcinst the slaves? Let us
- ho~ wt. \'le com.:: t.o the l r,st group: ' th:l:>0 who llk,intain slav~s t o cerry'
,on ttx!ir n~farious kade in human beIngs'j who 00 not scruple t o separat':.!
the .huB~nd from .the w-ifp. the mother from the child; who do not scruple ' tn
resort to bRse. mothoqs, to f! ircumvent ;t ho- law; who hop.'} to becom., rich
by ..a traM tlP9n which rests the curse of He:ElVen, a tradA whic-h is' oVE'r"":
l oad~d.- ' ¥ith ' thc. ' IMden toars of parents and'children. · This aspl';!cf of it
is tht;. most r-'.' prehensible, the most revolting of all. It is so' repUgnant
to the c1"iliz,ed. Wi)l:"l.d that they feel. disinclined t o have' friendly inter-
co:ut'se wi-th , na.tiol1s who retain the, institution:- they' oppose recognition
of .such

Page L2

n<ltio ns as. civilis!3d till an' end is put to it. Apart frOll'l questions of
morality) leaving aside the growing number ef
desertions amongst slaw.s
to tho detri~nt of the best intll:rest of the country and too Goverrment, ..
this consideration alone is enough to compel any progressive Govermrant

COntd •••
, . ,
to t.!:!ke i1llJl2diate action' to maintnin its post tion fn j,he estimilt.lon of
_other. nations 1n this' nge of civl1is~tibn. It is to be .fervently ho~,d
that -the Governml';nt will have the support of 'a ll loyal 'subjects and ,all
citizens 'who - take pride
. in the good' nane of this country •

The Govemment for a long tfroo pa$t have realised, as overy right
thtnking man will do, thclt the institution is fraught with evils. As ,
far back as in 1896 $.£. they promulg.qted a Lat Mohar in whi.h <'Ill the
f our IlVarnas" "and thirty-six cAstes were emphatically prohibited from
recruiting or g.1vlng' any free mo, WCItI<IO ·or child into slavury. This
was no doubt: intended t o dry up the very source of the syst0m. This has
pvsse.P into tl law s nd has be!;.'n r c -cnflct;:;-d 'we r e very successiv(" Goverl".m Cnt
since t hen . Subsequent le glslElt;ion 'Was also directed towards ameliorating
coooition of t.he slaves, and anything 'Whic h 'Would be a crime i f cornmitt'.' d
aga inst freeman was declared to b~ so when committed against a slaw~
Sane enectrents such as the
Poge 43
exemption of slaves from b ,.' ing captured and restared to their owners
dur1n ~ · th e ir soj~urn 'in some -parts of the country such as Nays Muluk,
Morang eta., 'Were made ostensibly with th.:"l obj£ct of colonising such
··pbces •

.' Some C'lnactments of a different nature d ea ling "With sojourn in forc-ign

cQuntr.;ies as also SOrT£ ' aiming at e restriction on the purchase and sale
and . bestowing ' 8 property qualification on the 'sli'lve and so on, have fl lr e£1dy
been . ~ferred too. But too e ff~ ct of too laws i~ not much in ev ide nce and
the Noson for that is no t 'difficult 't o guess~ Ti ll r ecently .t he law .
codes: ratnPined confined ·within the four '"Wlll l s of E' court and knowledge
0:( .their- ·contents was ·the monopoly of the few. "ow all that J:H\s changed
aqd with ·the pr'o gress of education, .tith thn l aw codes placed Wit.hin of,. lilt, it would not t.<>.ko l ong f a :, ove n the slaves ,to 'pick up a
knowlej::lge of their rights; You are aware ttist i f the::: slaves . take advfln -
tage of sO!Te of tho clauses, they can practically beCOII¥3 freemen. Morrmg
and NaYEI Muluk are no longe r the unhealthy ~gion.s they "Wrn' El core idercd
to be SOIre years ago; IndiD is easy of approach from noa rly CViJry p0i!lt ·
of tho cO ·.l11.... ry owing t o th'3 extensive Railways mR rchi~ with th e southern
frontier. With th8 multiplication of edu~ationa l institutions, which aN
dai~' .
... .
Page 44

increasing, dissemination of genural info rmntion hDs become more common,

too . The ine'l it{lb l e effec t of all these would be tha t the slaves, if not

Contd •••
mads free, wS~l.d (:1Fd a way to becorre ~! -!ti~~ oorely a question of
tilTJR, Then w\'tT not "entic;tpate whet you cannot prevent. when by doing so
you qan cut your losses and beccme the of ;) p atriotic 1'lnd hUl!\lmt-
tari'ln moveTllf'nt ir the country? Why not accept wha,t the GoVeI"llIlcnt 15
now <?ffe why not millre 8 vU:'tue of nElco;sstty and ~arn the grati,tude
of th8..r~fty om; thousand odd -of your fellowmen ? As _8 wise people you
,should look :ehe.ed and fore-stall" trouble. The laws indic ~ 1:B the fQ'2Ungs
of ~he Gover.n~nt; th'-"ir sympathy with tb(: sufferings of the shws and
, their ,efforts, ~fruitful though ,they b£:ve hitherto be.m, _to improve th",
lot Qf tho$8 ·in ,bondage. But we do not deny the t the Governm~t are as
mucn responsible for' the continuance of slavery h~r e as slave-Olmers
themso lves. Their ul1fo'md", d dread tb-et it might bring distress to the
whole population, tho '.lg,. sl<'vary was limitvd in incidence, their vACille-
tion i:1 the past, together with some disincliretion, possibly t o 'incur
heavy .expenses for comp...>nsation, f ormorly modG the m mow' h~lf-heartedly
in the matter •.

The brilightened opinion of the civilised world, with whom we Rre

coming into nnre

PM9 45
and more intim.~te contl"ct now, is pressing on us with .all its
force in every .matter ;md '....e ,':'! r·" c0rnpell.ed to move in this rrnt-wr also
1:..? b.) abreast of tho times ~ You rCllll:mber I think, how, do spite sone
opposition, we totully put a stop to the heinous pr~ctice of Sati-a
practice which was mora intirretely cormect!" d with our religion--by An
03nnctroont on Thursday the 25th doy of !.sher in 1977 S.E. I now ask you
whnt unwalcome results have f o llowed this abolition as apprehAmed by
the small dissenti,mt mino!"ity th8n ? Now knowing th.'lt this institution
of sln~ry is founded upon a wrong and unholy principle which permits 8
ration;;l being to_ have the same right of property over another as over
bC : :i sts £!nd anim.;lSj knowing th.1t with the best orgenisation it cannot
be f~ ed :-rom evils and vicGS ~n:1,"parably cssociat.::.d with it; knowing
tha t th" l.nstitutinn is dop;rad1ng t h.-, morality of slaves ao:l their rnt\stor~
low6r and still l ower from day to day, Ami e bc vo all. knowing thet the
continuance of the institution in our midst rests like 0 black patch of
ter on the otherwise fair name of thu n a tion; shall you not, shall not
tha Government and we all, exert ou rselves vig orous~ to removo it at any
sacrifice, at any cost? i'[<;: have h llirnt on the authority of figur-es in
the r ~;g i~ter that the r of slevery will eff0ct only a vary
Page 46
small number of us in tho whole population •. We SEk_ that 99 p.c. of our
people even now are living without slAves; thet our own poople, so to say,

Contd •••

1~Y1ng in 'DArjeeling" n.l!lo:t'_ Bh",and the adjacent _hill tracts uncter"sinnst

Idt1~tlcBl -conditions · -c an ' m(lnBf9 wt ttY.'lut slaves'; wo see tha,t W~ alone .
labour undc'r the -incubus, wh<:'n , ev0n countries known in the past 85 un:" _
ci vllised have beCOITli~ fre e from :i'\:.. Knowing all' ·this it, is fervan,tly
hoped that thc' tmanim')U5 opinion of . this assemb ly, the representative
of the best in the: IMd, . "!I1n be that this inhuman, barbarous, immoral
and worthless custom bA.put to an ond •.

I! you Are all-a ~reeabh J AS I a rdtmtly hope you will bl': J let there
be a total abolition of this institution: an instftution Sel ~bomln2ble
in its" v ~ ry nature that it should not be tlllo\>dd to continue in {'fry
CQUfltry and which, <''IS you .!lll, must ,fe E 1, is cantrory t o every s6ntinKnt
thElt f)Ui~ht to inspiX'\! th~ brtJ.ast of men. In 0 rd ~ r that t~ masters m.:::y
not hi.: l osers, and to pr("!vent any possible dislocrtion in the soci a l
economy, th~ following ;proposn ls .Dre plncod be£~c you for c~reful con-
... sider<ltion and opini on: with suggustions to ensure pr:1cticlll success and
to a void any difficulty or distr"! s~ to either m! o r s18vAs. It is
prnpos"'d that:-

Po .. 47
1. On and from (': ccrtain dat.:;; to boa fix e d I:Is . c ·~rly ['5 pcss i bh,. in
conso·n 2ncc withthB gGn':rBl opinion, th', lcg nl stFltus of ·sl.avery
do ··coase and tcrmimte throughout the Kingdom (>f NOPfl1.

2. The· owners be givf"[, th0 stlltutory prico f or eVt~ry slav"," held by

them according t o thfJ r~~ gist()r, over whom cloim hos bOf:n fully
cstab! ish.:'d.
3~ · The··si<'lVos, fre ed from th" fixed d f.l t~, are t o be apparf:mticed to
their former ot-mars for a period of s~.ven yellrs .: that .is, the
stew.s shculd b·.) bound to labour for .th'..:ir mllsters J tho latter in
return providing th0m · f '1ocl nnd clothing as nt · prclsent.

(Ta Bo Continu8d)

(S.B.M. )
R..:.,gmi R,;scorch (Priva te) Ltd,
Kbthm ~ndu; Februa ry 1, 1973.

Rcr,mi acs~& rch Ser ies

Yoa r .5, N, .• 2,

Edito d By ~

H ~ h .:; sh C, *emi.


1. Chron·;,l logy Of Events Durin.,; King

Prithvi Naray&n Sh~h's Camp~ i gn
Of 1'0rritvri.1 1 Expansbn ••• 2l
2. B;;n On!- Transacti':: O0 6, 1806 ... 26
3. Appual Fo)r 'lh... Ab.) li ti·:;m Of
Slav.: ry .. , 29

4. The Ncp~lga nj Markat ... 35
.5 • .knci,",ot SElttV,mants I n K.:lthmandu
Vnl10ay ...
6. Currency Units, 1850 ... 40

Rcgmi IV':- s.)llrch (Priva te) Ltd,

Lazimpat, Klltrunandu', Nc.tJCl L

Cvmpilod by Regmi Res3 ::. rch (Private) Lt(] f or priv<:l t~:

study and research. Not mo ~ nt f -..J r public $1:11.<= c; r Jisplc:y.
Chronology Of Events Dur~g King Prithvi Narayao
Shah's CampaiJ;n Of Territorial Expansion x


n..'lburam ~lchDrya

(i,ll dates are <lccording to the Bikrorn Ca lendor. ,\pproximate western

calenda·r dates hDve been given within p~renthesis) .. • .
1728 • • ••• Kmg Shubh;.. Sen of h"kwanvur W<lS .
(lh71) • de f tWL<:iJ. .;;y thE joint forces of
Pati.lo, BhCldgaun, 'I'anahu arid Gorkhil.
Oorkha received an cleph~nt 8S war

Bhadra 1762
(J..ugust 1725) ." Gorkh..:..: occupied Bisenkllu from patan
with the n~lp of Ohadgaun.
Kartik 1782 ••• Gorkh~ helped P"t,:,n to defl:lClt Bhadgaun,
(October 1725) Patbn, Kathmandu and Gorkh~ sh"red
. booty of lis 2L~oao and 2 elephants.
POllsh 1787 P<.ltbn and Gorkha launcted d joint
(December 1730) ... invas ion of the araD south of Sang~
in BhQdgaun. Bhadgaun r~pulsed the
invasion with the help of Tanahu and
,'" . Gorkh<.l inV.::ld20 rh.'llaLut. Kaji Mnhf:lshWcn"
Pont and K~ji Jayan~D Rana wer~
,. ,.. King Ran4ji~ M311a of Bhbdgaun
iJllClt:xed pal.:onchok Dnd other villdges
from Kilthm<.ndu.
" ... Prithvi Nar£lycm Sh<lh I..iseendo:ld tba
.throne of Gorkha.
of Gorkhals
174. The ct)ronology
~'~~5~~~~~r27, Gh;;. t onr, 2029(Evunts
• hswin ,11 Thtl pp.163-
(Octobor 1972),Ptlrlod
VikraDlil, Th.) rbmeining portoion wiU bb
translated in another issue of the Regmi Res88rch Surids.

Contd •••
K'artik 1799
(October 1742)
..... .
-. __. Gorkha 1.nV<id~d~·N:U~a'kot.
Pant wns defe&ted.
Kaji Mah.:.s hw£j·~

Marga-Chaitra 1799
(Novembli:r 1142-
·.. Prithvi NDraY3n Shuh visit8d ~Obrns.
H.~ ': had lJ fiE;ht with sentrids on the
March 1743) (;omCiti river.

1BOO ••• Gorkh",_ signs .~r~<:It~y withTan<J~u"

(1743)" . LamjUng; "o tq'- Gorkpu and l..i:I!Il~~'
-joIntly inv~doo Kaski~ Gorkhii l " ter
Sl.gllea ;:, trl:l..::ty with Kilski. .' ;
. ,.- ,-
, IS , ' 1801" • •• Batt l\.! of M.:;h"mand"l (Nuwakot')/ -in
1, 1744l' which Gorktw won. ShankhiJ ,.ia ni Ran;;
on th~ e nemy sido was killed.

Jnyc:nt<l Rilrw: . c~ptured in thb Battl.cJ

of Belkot. "

Baisakh 1802 • •• Battlu of Hilbgnun, in which Gorkhn

(Aprl1 : 1745) won. Kashirain- 'l'hapa was defolJtod. '

Shrawan i80,3 • •• Jaya Prukash H~lla kille d Strgha

(July 1746) and Dati Prudhan. Taudh1 fled t o .
. . . TIQapd
patnn. Kashiraro . ' . . t oo kille d. "
" ~,
." ,

1803 • •• RDjya Pr.. kash Mallu, y';ungor brother

(1746) of Jaya Prf' k:;sh 1·:a ll.<J, bt::c :~me King
of P(;ItGin.

,BhadrD 1803 ::
(l.ugu.t 1746)
· .' :
.: 8hadgaun ano'Gorkha Jointly oQcup12d
. Nag<:lrkot Irvm Kathmdndu. . .

i.swin 1.80) • •• G<.. rkha launchiJ.d an invasion vI Kuth-

(Sept..lie~ 1746) mcmdu. Juyi..l PrCl"k.:lsh l·;a Lla w.<!s ' dd: fEt;ii"W~
a t Dudbi.

With IS nc.l(.J, Tiludhi dethrvriC::ld

Jaya Pr.::.k<.:sh· 11•.1'11(;1 and mclde J¥!Jt.i '
Prdkash. M~ lltl, who was then ~~ _ inf.:.nt J
King_of. Katbm<::ndu..,.......···:: · _ ., . .. ', '." ..
, " ; ', . . ..
: ' 11 ..
..." ,.,, ' ,. '

, C,) ins;; oi'-·.Jyot i; ,Pr.akl"lsh:, 'arc:' ,

. availatiti; '~ oo.ar1ng~thc· dlita 86e' Nep<..ll
er£!. (lBO)... ),p .. ;.. . .-- .:

Contd •••
Kartik,180) •••• Gorkha de£~ated in Battle of Chhalingo
(Octooor 1746) Shivaram 8as~t killed.
Shrawan ,1811 0,' • Nagarkvt was until then under the
(July,1754) jvint oCI::ll\->8t.i,:m of Bhadgoun and Gorkh",.
Nc.w Gurkh . . took svl~ (Jos.session of

Gorkha occu~1ad Dah8ch~k fort fr-...m

'.' .'

Shra-wa.n 14, 1812

(July 29.,1755)
·.-. J..,:c.lmjung Purbut jv1nt.Ly invaded
S1r.mch-...k, which beLonged tu uvrktw.
Ranurudr:.l Sh.::.hi r "' pu1sod th~, invk!d(;rs •.

J&sthb 19, ' 11314 Gorkh~ a"t"tackod Kirti[~ur but was ' bc-J "':!
(June; 1, 1157) dcfaat~d, K~Lu fance was killed.
AstwJh ,1816
(Jun. 1759)

Magh, lil16
".... GJ rkhD oc:cu!Jied Sh"l)puri f " rt .from

Chautariy~ Dol~jit Shah uf Corkho

(January 1760) occu[J ied Kabhr£:: iJaLanchuk from Kutbrn'::;nju.

Jcstha,1818 '.0 • Ch"'utariya Dal<., .• it Sh<lh occupiiJd

(May,1761) Chunkot and Dhulikhcl from Bhadgaun .
JiJsakurn~i Khatri uf Gorkh<l an·j Muhlll<:: r ...
Raya a nd Narasimh~ ~yD uf Bhadgaun
:Hsp lu;yud gr"at bravery. Mahindra
Ray~ WaS kil~d.

8htldra 9, 1819 • •• Gvrkhc; "it!.Vli"j<JS Mt!kwan.,ur. King Dig..

(~ugust 24, 1762) b'lOJh",n Sen £1..3u5 .
J\SWUl2', 1819 • •• Conqoost. of SlIldhuU '-i!l:J TlJllal. )00
(ScptQmber 18,1762) Gurknali trrJQPS WEIr.:; killt::..I.

Aswin 22, 1819

(OctG~r 8,1762)
·., Gurkh<.l inv,,: Jes, Harih.::lrpur • .I-1cmbers .
th", !CirniJ.y (,)t King Digbc.nuh&n Son

wt:r<) cuptut'.;;d. Digb::n" surrt:nJ"r,~.!

himsi::lf tlnj W~lS detained in GQrkh<..
Poush 27, 1819 • •• G~n~ra1 Gurgin KhDn vf MiT Kusim
(January. 10,116) was st<lying in Bettiah.

Hagh 10, 1819 . ..' .. KSjLViltn~ha Raj Panje,ShrLHerrsha

'( January 2),176)) P.mta and B<.! kshi Ramskris-hn& FWOi:i.
r i;;,JulsCl.;J t ha eot:!my J killing 1, 100.
vi hi~ ..·~r,u .... ps .
"' Kartik · LB20 ' • 0 "'
DD l iAJ it Shdb (;j;.lv~nc.;J fr0m fJhulikhel
(Octobe r 176JY &n~ o ccuvi~J Kh~u~ uJPanauti, Ba~p~,
a te. JahoD6ir Shah bdvanc e~ frum
flag<lrkc..t ,>Dd o ccu,:; i~ d Nd la em u S<..;nga.
500 Nag~s, u 15Ci~1~ of . Bast1 Bc1r~gi,
C<':IM t.hr0ugh ~n.J iJttiJck~,J SangiJ.
J~han c;ir,Sht;h W3S k ili£ c:L in th~ .
butt. h : ... l.must a ll thi,;: ; NElga s ,W~N
Cils;.. ki ll\:d.

,Cha itr a 1822 -

. (~"rch 1766)
, ... Lc:k::mgj'~as att.ackeJ '. jointly by Lam,ju.'lg
anJ Parbet. Thu .s t uck WdS r"'l)ul sec;
by Kaji ,SurapNta p Shah .
." ..
Bhadra 1823 G:..lrkh.J hlUnched sQcon j , inve sl.:.on ·of
(august 1766) Kirti(~ ur, Surapr a t 8(.J , tn.... cumm<mJer 1
was d0£ ~& te d . .
Bhadra 13, 1.823 • •• G:.Jrkha invtiJeJ LalTljung nnd occup i c.i
(August 28, 1766) Chihandanda •

. il8win 6, l.62j • •• G(>rkha Jofo e t tl ": L::::mjung in L<Jk h~· ­

. (S~p tember 22, 1766) pung , Sl:Ir "::., r PfJruth Sh2.ndl:iri <::nJ
250 oth()r I...Jfi icl.a:!.s of Lo(1jjung wc:r e
CCliJ t urt:.:J ·,nd Uikf.:n to Gor kha,

". Magh-Chaitra 182 ) _ , 0 ,' • Gv r khu ,Q4si.;g6.::! Kirtii-'Ur.,. Kir.t ilJur

('Janubry-March 1.,7f:!7) surNn.l~re": in the ·'" night of Ch:; itr~·
':>huklil Ni:l wc.mi. 'l'hiO: GorKhCili f iJ rc~s
W~ I"~ ~~ by Sura~ruta? Shah.
hswin :1824 • •• GDrkh.. bt-siegt:l.J t ile c"L,ital vf Fa t er; ,
. . 1767)
, '!'he ,JCJI"j(N.d.i fuI"ccs Okra i t.!.J by Vi:;:I!",si,:..
Raj Pb.nJe . S')mc i:I!'I.;QS in \~ustern
Pc:tc:n -::'(.)\10 wli1rl.: v CCUf.d", ·J . The PrEhJh.::. t.;.
of' ri::l"!,'·,n wantuu 5 Jc.ys I tilte . Tho
G'.::rkhalis called off tha siego ~­
CBuse ttu-oy had t o t='r oceed. ·t o Sindhu b,
.. '.

C'.Jn"W •• ,

I,swin 9, 1.824
(Septemc. r 25, 1762)
... Bng1isn forcds, c'J m(;rising 2 c0mp mids
hd by Capt <ll.n Kin1ucn, reJCh",-j Hdri-

I.SWin 24, 1824 . _. 0·· _· GorKn;.;li tr"..;oLJs dr ':"Vd out tn.J \;!n<.iInY
(Ocbbcr 10, 1767) frum Harlh"r) UI' <.:nu cc:ptureJ 400 VI'
. . 500 gWlS .

BhCJ~ r<l 22, -1825

(Seetemhor 5, 1768)
·.... .. u'-.Ir khHi tr·) Jps oc cupiu.J Th:::.oohl1
in nurthern"ll<lU, but. l.'-'kr

MWin 13,. 1625 • • 0' • • Gorkh",l i tr JQPS occu;~ic.J thu r'JYc 1

(Ser.-tember 26, 1768) pa 1.lce of Kathm~. n.Ju in th~ night.
20 or 25 pr;'Jp k ',o/\;;},;, killed vn ooth
sides. Ksji Tu1i:.ram P"nJo was W0Wl·"! -JJ
<lnj JitJ,j the next d<:iY.

J<::lY;': ?!'<.J kilSh 11..Jl1a , wllo W~ 5 n"t -inst..;..:

th..i I'oY<J 1 1)<: 1" cc at tn~ t:uni;l of thu
att~ck, f1~u to Put<.Jn.

Th·., Gurkh(Jli tr00jjS ',olEIN L:: .J by K"ji

Surapr<.lta-p , Tu1iJI'.::Jm an":: V~msha Raj .

"ISWin 14, 1825 ! •• l.mOOr Simtw Th8[-'3 anJ Rmnukrishna

(Soptemhor 27, 1768) Rem! pr uml.J t eJ as SarJars.
. '

1.swin 24, 1825 • •• The rI'udtwns uf surrenJer ad

(Octobor 7, 1768) th" CSi) itu1. Ki"lg Tej.marasimhlJ<.;
<..: n ... King J<-.ya l'r<.:k!<sh l<l",Ua went tv
B~,,,jg.!lun .

r;artik 1825 ~ •• ••• 1$0 i'ieWCirs · "ho h<.l,j b:;l;in c"nVt;.rt.dJ t,:
(Oct.ober 1768) Christi.iluty wure l.:XL:·~ll\~ .... '-'long witi.
th..., Cath0lic MissivD !'rum t'Oltan.

Kart.ik 28, · 1826

(Nuv~mbl::r l3, 1769)
.... ' InvasiGn uf Bht.;...gaw-.. Tbd bat.;.lu
continUca for 3 d~ys . N~~rlY 50
G'. ;rkh< Clnd 1,700 of t.hl.: \1n~my
wer~ k111~ ~ . Even ,,",men sust.:.incu
injuri(;s • . J llya rr:· knsh f1tjllc: was
w;)undE:lj tmJ :bn;" jit liaila surren-Jerl. .J.
The G..:;rkha 1i troops wre 10'; by
Sur<J 1Jru t 3,) and V:"!msha IWj .

Contd •••

P.:.ush 26, 1.626 • •• Vamsh~Raj. WdS given the ~rdJit for

. (January 9, . .LI70) th.; conqUdst of BhaJ,g~un. At. ,tnis,
Sura rra1;tlp wft. t.h ... country &nJ w..nt
t u tho r eg i un buYvnJ t~ Marsyangui
riv~r. , i.r.;L~hvi Narbypn ..5n.ah .. warul:.:u
sever.:: ' IJuniShmcnt, t u ni::t comp!'Inids.

Fa1gun 1.2, 1827 ... Gwrkh~ uccu~iv~ Chhtlng in Tanahu •

_(r:ebI'1.Wry 2~, ,1771) ·.
. .
Falgun 2i, 1.827 ·•••. G0rkh<l oeeu;Jie": Duru:agchWlg as w:::U
(March 5, 1771) as 4 (Jutposts.
.. ...
Falgun 23, 1827
, (March 6, 1771)
... G'Jrkru:: occur;i.-:.:c M,anmu~"
; ,"
and t'achmaiy" •

' Chaitrll 11;

1827 • ••• Gurkha oceul, i ..}:': Manpang, but withl.lNW
(March 24, 1771) aft0r a ' few jays.

f., ?rudhdns ani 300 U.:lgnrkJ tis were

~h~ad~d for 0rgani~ing a ~volt.

Euisakh 27, 1828 '"

Gurkho occu"Lo.j Kihun.
. .(May 9, 1771)

Jestha 2$, 1828

... Gorkhe . rJ~f~", te :': Bhirkot :iP ,toe BattJ.'"'
of GrihDkvt. Ttc Ra.:).':! of 'Bnirl;:vt o n ,; ;·
~sthll 26, 1628
(June 8,1771)
... GorKh~4i.~ro~ps bwsieg~d.Kyangmi an~
Bhirk.;;tls furc<3s sc.rr<3n . 31 C·l
tt-wm ,,"~rtl b . . . hi::uJ.oc.

Justba 31, 1828

(June 13, 1771)
... Gorkho ..Jccu,Ji<.: .... thu cc:.l-'it.hls uf
Bhirk()"t;.~ .GClrhu.'"l <I n..l t<JiYUll.

'1828 • ••• Gvrkholi tr~~ps invaU~Y Sataun.
(Decomtier 15, 1711) S<Jr dt, r Sin,h.:. Basnot cnJ 500
G0rl{h':l~~~ uare killd. i'\[Jji Vamsha
R<lj ... :.:s c<.Ipturud by t,hojl i'ol'ce u1 l' ... !"'l--o · ;

Magh 12, 1828 •••• Enemy troJps oosililg~J th::l Q'Jrkil<.t lis
(January 25, 1112) in !)bor, wht>so) King jvined th~ fQ:m,_l"·
The Gvrkh~lis surrunJ~ ruJ . Sarddr
.2rabhu Malla, aan<J sur i': n:.le anJ ~t.r...' :::
wer<:l CD ,! t.ur""Ll. The r dst I.:lSC<lt").J:l .

Contd •••

Magh 13, 18~8 HO Uurkncali troutJs <iDunjon.;;..J Bh1rkot,

(Ju nu~ ry 26, 1772) Garhun and P~ iyun .

M8gh 14, 1828 000 it.tibal Siant aoonJoneJ Tanahu.

(J~nu~ ry 27 , 1772 )
Bhadr ~ 13, 1829 • 0 0 Gorkhal1 troops cr·; ssed the Du..lh-
(i<ugust 29 , 1772) kosi rivE:l r anJ entu rorJ the Kingdom
of Chnuda ndi.

t.swin 1829 H. Gvrkhul i tro~ ps O CCU¥~J Jhowa, Ch i-

(Scptember 1772) sankhu, Dingla nnJ ot her ~ro u s n0rth
of t ho.:: Mehabnarut r :lTlg" anj ·....;:st of
t llu ,hrun river.

Shra wan 16) 0 o 0 0 Q.Jrkll<l li troops oc cu,·' dt.'J th~ clil) it{Jl
(July 16 , 1773) of Clla u:.lnnd i.

Shrewsn 1831 H, Gurkha li tro~ ps cro s$~d the Kosh i

(July 17, 1774 ) rive r cami occUf>i .::.J ttw ct:pitDl of
Vi jnyopur. Raj~ Knrno Sen an~
tarn Bu j .jhaks rna flet! . Thd Gorkho li '
t r oups wt:r u L..:rJ by t.bhim" n Simil.'l ,
Ramakrishllu KWlw<.: r and Si.JnhlJ 'fh I, .:.

llswin 13 . 1631 o 0 , King of Sikkim caJ.:l.:.L 1.1<lm unt.i. c" nc1u...;.. ..

(Soptem""r 1774) u truiJ tY ' with t ha Gvr kha lis. NUI-'C:lil~
franti.t::rs thus, u:x;.; anJeJ tu ttw Kklnk:.. .1.

Magh 1, 1831 o 0 0

(Janu.ry 10, 1775)

11 MIUI It 11 1111 11 10111

28 • .

B&n On Jpnj Tr~nsa ct bns , 18C6 x

Frum King Girbao,

Te the Ijaradars Dri·... C0mmC:fl puc.p l u vf Thok , "Thani, .l3orhvgaun, mining £ir clr:s,'•
Khuw8 l l;ln:ia und othor Hir.~ lc<y .. n (Bhottlntar) ragbns s itu~t...:J butween th<:.
~he~e -Ma r sya ngj i anJ Sheri ri~rs.

Finaa <IN herebj iIl~)()SUU ..Ill ..,.,rs(.;os wtl" t.l~l.l or p ur ChL!5~ " put<l l.i fJO"
Kitla t l<ln:.:ls~ The r&tc:s aI'b .. s f,,:, LLClWS;-

Rates par Khat (lOO mur~s) uf l.un~

line cn &'lla r Fin", vD Buye r

For the first off~nse Ra 200 Rs 300

For each subsequent vffense Ra 100 Rs 150

, ,,
An area er l and which Nqu ira s 50 p.:lthis of SGlds fUT 5uWing
be regardt::d as 1 Khut ( ~OO muris) ')f l <1nd .

Ijllr lldar s sh", ll transmit tu th<..: l)clactJ fineS ';'0 (the salt: anJ ~urcht>s ... j
of J\putaU I llnJs exceeding Rs 100. Tht: .!vnuli aho ll ",:_propriate fineS u:J
t o Rs 100.

Any par soI' who ac ts in contr.:J'lElnti,:..n of t.h",se r l::'6ul ati ons sha ll be.:
PU!!lshcd. Nc.o puni shment sht: ll 00 a warded t c. t.hos ... not m.::nt.b~d in t.h~
r ;)gul a tions or in ?att.. s , or t h:.;sl,) wh" do not c0ntravt:.nt:l th<2 r £lsu1at.1Nns .

Ooteot. cases in which t.tK:St; finoJs aru It)vi~b1Cl. I n C.:l SC Cl Bich<;ri i ::;
d€l~.ut ad there through Dit San ~hyu VaiJya t.1 c , thc s..::: fines. _., r~$~r:t.
yo urs'::llves befor ., him rmj Vay t ham if you hilV\;; <.!cta~ in contr uventivn vi
t.hes.:: r «gul~tions .

Saturday J Magb &..ii 7 , 1&62

(Jl;lJluory 180fi)

XOrigintl1 .Jc.ooUJOOnt in th\.l \JOS SVSS10n uf /'i<.:hcsh C. R,.,t9lI i. 1'\10 NVllrG.., s i Oi)
of t.his dvcument conta ins the sign<..:turcs of R.,n~jh~Jaj 'l'h~~CI , .l.jambar
Sim Pantha , Il<llabhanjan .i'l.lnJc , il"rasllr,h.:l <ln j S<l;Llby.., VaiJya .
29 .

Jm J',?j?I381 l or The; ' MK.Uti .... n Of bl aw r yx.


It wi ll b<-..:: seen fr vrn th..: aho y;; th.::. t th -, Ouv:.. rnrr.unt ..,r ;,i d is,.-ost;J t v
pay t ha statutory [Jrice f (.lr ~ w ry ,..n whvm t nt:l c l~l.lII (if thv nu,s t ", r
i s fu lly E!st&blisnec , lmJ th,J t fur "'s ,; vc;n Y< s f r rjtc tn.- J<..:.t..: vf 5~na r a l
e mo ncip ~ ti un tti~ own~ r s will r-aceivo th ~ .:JuJiti'.:. . na l b..:me.t;'it of r .::taininc
f r .:e :J s l avc-s 1J 6 th03 i r w:)rk(; r s witho ut _;AlY j ust DS thuy a rc J oing to-Jay
s ub j'}ct t o t thl above p r o vis o . During 'th.:: t tim,: t h.' m Jnr:y , if invus tt.: l
at moder a t e- r ate uf intar . 1 st !I t t~n p . r ce nt ::: nJ tilt..: in i...! r ",s t <~dd'!~
t o t ha .c a,p it £' ~ .::.t thl} unJ of .:, wry yco r J will . b;,; ll lmost J oub l <.J i.J , whi}":' .
lit th~, usua lly

Page L6"'

~ r Gva iling r lltc uf int(; roJs t ti t s ixta~ l'). I"" r C.:lnt it will b ... n:.::a r.Ly trw bL ~· .
1;11 t h.) lib::::ra tuJ s l iJ VGS will r 6nw. in wit.h t.1'l..; ir IJIiJswrs f ...r t h;Jst.> y '-1D r ::;
Ju::;t in th ... S<JDU ;wy a s U ' t hDY W..:r ..; nvt l iburl: t... j , ~n:.l it. is h .....J:: .. 1.11":'\0
thtl t ime BU <.o w<:J will b..: ~ tdfiCh.ilt f ur t h,... tr6ns it.i",n t u ct systNm .Jt
hirr:: . It i s 'b-: li..:yt;;,.z' tr.<l t fru.;J s l dv .s w1.11 t hus ~I,) t o ccus t um..._ t..;,. tl i<.
nIJ'W cundition of tbint!;s . 'l 'h.., !lir... ch c: rg~ will ..: 1 5 ..; .... jus t. it .. (.:U' . '1ll...
fr\3t> d ,s l~v~s huvine t .:; \l0 t. n... S.-tr;8 \r{.,rk aa frt. ..;m(;; n .;url.l1~ t.hoJ s ;:; vuu ;:" \:l;" r ... ,
will not fin ":: it obj:J ctL,n<.: bl l..: t ,; c,m tinu..; J.J int;. S 'J ,.1 t.Jr t. r"" i,,:r b ..: , o,; ~ l _
will su ttlo.:l J,)Wl'l COS hirdu l "lb-.lur.::: .rs l. 1J 'lot!.::: ! oc{J liti..., s wll .. r ..., · th\jY .., r .... .
I n f a ct , i f the- m.. stur s Utill.Sio th-.:: tim", with t il Ct <..nJ l r ... .iu.::l.l.Y ch"' ng""
f r om finJing tn,;;; t't:iuJ c:n J clot intJ ~i.i y1ng motlvy wagus t hy tr<:m, itl. ... lI
c un c ~nfi,jcrrt ly ~xp~ cted t u bo..! u sm....ot h on~ , a n .: t o:> ClimUlLl t 0 IIIDny 01'
thd Clpt)rehen j l,,;": J UficultiQS which -'l r ... rn.:>re im,, ~ inu ry t hu n r ea l • .

C,uestion s of right an J lia n lire inv_: lv\::. in tiny c chuIlli::: uf .t ;_t o3 l

f:lman cipat i on. T<.. ~ fa ir t o a U whe n such j",ubts <.I ris .:: " r wrwn s l < s
d i s [.luW too c l .. ims ...f t h", ir If"-lst vrs , tnu Govar nm::nt will a ivtl d iJC h. ",Cirty
tJ vc ry opp(;rtunity t (, !)r ov(, hi s ... r nc:r s t at",O)I.jnt. On vh", '.. thor Ii·~ n-J .1'.:.o ilur!
tc ha vu s hlvtis r dgisteraJ wuuld 6 iv.:: rise t :.l d st..r . :-n e; l_r l:lsWTli-lticJO ;;.g<':'iJ Et.
t h-i.: mt:l ::;t.urs . It - wc ul.J (If c " ur s i:I bt..

Cont J •••

neCCBBOJry to frlilllt3 ruloB f ;jr . the .Bu i Cnnce 'Jf ipvest1g.:.: tini1 d1.'iccrs whe n
th,J wJrk 1s un:Jert8k~ rr, ·· csn:J- it · ts s\lt,)(,;'r flul,u;o "t-6'-s's y tha t thtJsc will be
. calculutud to · min 1Ir.ise harJsnio·
cCons1uerllta 'ii nJ . . dnJ i:lxpou it,:, work. U..lW
as rtJgar j,9 comp:Cnsativn, ' St.lltutory price s silcm t o 'tx.: the oo st t J f v ll."w.
S1l., va8 in this cOWltry.' 6r~ M t -quite surt 01' CO/llllCtJity wtich they W rl:!
c.:;ns ide red t o be ' in other ;, l.nC[;! S wMre s la ~ry was r r uvalent. '!bere wt= r lZo
marke ts \olhc ro the p~ic .} s coulJ b.:; 5tu d i~J -bn.1 ctvorage s struck, but her.. ,
-purehe se lInj sa l "" thuugh
'the j)ricc s they
I}By . or
. upon mBny
i~ ro v<lli.; ntJ 'Wk~ r., l<:lc~ betwcfjn in J ivkhwls ao,_
acc ~pt <lre"Je ~Jt;nde nt ~ rs on.::ll c-')n:; i .:ler D-'
- tic ns a n.] ,61'<: ncit s1m) l~ qu,,;.stiun s of su;"p ly tl nd dCDlDnd . In s ..;,me p 18c,,:s
a purchosor is un t~ ' l u:..k-out -for .<l s l, but the ro are rum..: tiva llabw
and if be is in. urge~t n e.·..J -,;,1' Ms tDk<!f! a f ... ncy t :J one ha will .. oj tlves
pay mure than the s t atutory l)r1c.;;. M -.Jth"' r own·.;! r may ~.Ics sass t uv many ,
60'': wouU ' g ladly \:art with sum.: at <my l-"ric(; of fere d i f .:>nly h," cuu L.;. 11ft.!11
a Vurchaser. H..:Ire of cour'so th", ;.: rices :!r oJ Jetarmin(: .l by .rece,ssity " nJ .
sotisfaction. An Dt.tempt wtlS mBJ~ t.u co lwct i,ricd!:l fr . . . Jr' ... iff""rtmt l '-, c,, -
liti.;,s for thd l/lst sixtoen yutlrs in orde r t " s trik .. on ;:! Ver<l g,:" , '.J11 ... it
wc s f lJun·r that ' fur variuus rtHJS.,lDS tht:! .... ric.:. f or s yount: rem.. l", slbw :.. f
stlltUtory' agt! J wtlich. is th~
i 'age 50
bus1s of calculation 4n 1~ ~ / ' va ried. frvm Rs SO t ,-, Rs ,)50 . 'l'hUti it wil~
~ se~n that n o average can ' ~ s a tis f oct..:;rily 6stablisr.o ,j , 'no:-.ithe r can
th.;t actua l ' ~ ric e tAl l .:.i' be t a ken tlS the basis bUC£lUS<J iu must .
trustworthy dc:.cum.::nts will not . b.: f " rthcoming . Hence tt.1.i st&tut0r y (Jric ... oS
ar e the only p ractic ab l~ basis uf cn lcu l -lti~ n .

In thoa pr ocess of raojjustJr,~ nt the " ld, thoJ .infirm anJ t:.h..3 chil Jr on
8J1lr.mgst· slaves who used tU bE: muintaineJ by the ir mas t.:.:rs · ns i J l .:- MnJs
will naturally ' ~c ome ~r.-O nd.ent, thd .o l d <:im.l infirm . Ut-(.;n tt:!.;';:ir cdult s JUS
end daug~te r s, vnd the chl1ur~ n u~on i 3~nt s . · ~vngs t libera ~ ~
Sl llveS those vht? can wil,l work un hire after the s~ VCtn year s ' f: ').Jr <.:nti -
cosh1p to support t~omse lve5 :~ nd th ... ir fumil1tls j th~ r <!t.:l. .of hira c iol nn ~ t_
be d ifrerent from the p r evail ~ l.~ca l . rate . Tho wiso ma's ter will use
the interval or the trlln~iti~n~ porb J t o ch~ngu tha system . . . f nw int...n oncll
to wllges ' in kinJ er mon,?y a n';) incrGioIse 1ihl' S£iJIlU i! S tht1 · burden of J~p(; n.• . ,r;,'1
is t hrl")WIl on .::Jult workers til.l th~ .1QCEll r ote is rI:3chcJ. .- S0m~ o l -J U!': I
infirm sl..aV'~ s m<Jy hDp ~3 n t~ h<lvv no aJults t .:; de~on.i u;.on anJ -.rill
pr obDbly 00 maintainod by thb m<lst~rs. uut vf chu rity as ..hey :IN .:.hJ l.nt:
ev~n now. 50100 of t~em .1gllin 1ll<JY finj an llsyhull in t~ _G";JY'"'rtlfllr~ nt'
h~-,ws 1 if thlo:ir

C"'nt l .... .
, '.'
PagG 51

TnIlster J cfter having r.;:ceiwd c :.mpans<:,'tion fr:;..m the Gov.::rnroont, is so

WlkinJ .:lS tojrive them away -. ::ftor · the s,;,ven }'\lars r_ puriud~ This will
tJrobably hi:! the usual metho"J of ajil~ting th.Jmselv",s -w th,v chbnet'a 'I'hu
IDCIstars, who
. will reDlly study tb", ir c)wn inwrtlsts will nc)t Il-... s:l,.t..atu t ,.)·
give th~ liberated alcoves a horr.a to live in and to treat them kindly so
GS to bind them to themsolves more finnly than through the bond of slovvry.
i. Blr.all gift or advance in their. timd of ~ed, a little care and 501101-
t~ for their welf.sre, goos £: g!'Out way, ['nd gra~ful scrvanta will be
found more dutiful, indus+..rious .:md offici\:nt than d iBsatisficd sl.;Jvos.
One carmot holp thinking that those who fc,-:r that th'.:: slavos, after lioo-
ration, wi 1 l eave th03m whol£salo , ar(.- eitllar",rating or Mv,.; trc., ted
thClIQ in such a way as 'to hCive Cause to fecI" d,,"sertlon. Many of tilt:: 'obj<;.c-
tions genorally IldvancloId against t ot.:Jl elll(mcipation 110VU boi:ln lllNCidy
daah. )olith and tll", udvQnttJg~ of i'r(3v l<.;bour, ~lich l.S ncw th", .cust;)m 'all
over thi::r world, is prvved by popuL;-ritya Tht:: PI)1nt f _,r cc..nsid-<lratiGn nc. ~!
is whather the sys-tClm ot apprt:nticing fread lSJ.-aVOS f ur 0':1 periud of Si::V'.::n
~~~rs would ~ pr~f8rab~~ vr whetllcr you would pr~i~r a Wh0 1as61u Bnd
i.rnrn.3diate emancipation t-:. can~ i nt ::; force;, on Cl prodewnnin<!d Q.. w. Upon
1:1 cursory surv&y of

Page 52
th", his'tury of the uboliti;)n o f slavoJry it will bl,; f:;.und t.hi:it in,svm,:
British dcpendencir:ts t~", system uf .:lpPNnticeship w:.::s tried, witilo in
some co lonitl~ Clnd othor plDco:l inlmJd i .1 "Vo1 ",br.l litLn w~ s preferred. It is
a question to be decided -:: . n thv rno ,iority oll lnirJn (;f y;:.,u all. ' On tllo o~
sida it will giva tim3 f or roodju:Jtm.;:nt ond will Iwlp ,t:; <iugm.: nt the C J IIl-
pensaticn .:!nd " n the ·:lthe.r s:ml-3 mill b0 -inovllwni"nc",J by t h;;, bl'r<JU3..:ml.lnt •

If on thi::' otllcr hand y :lU fuel that t.ut .. l abc,ll.tivn is n;)t d.... :JirabJ.:::;
ut -th..: ~r!::lsent time, the Gov",rnmt;nt, cOflltl",.l:1,:.:,j un..:br circumst,'>n(..vs ~lrt-.:{. d.l'
detaile:J J will hav';! to introduCQ c ~ rtdin m" u:;ure:; to·,) .:.:rcJic .. to this mu!>t.
glaring ,.)f a!:>uS!::sa 'Iba slaves must b.:: given u gr'~ct..:rc",rtainty in th<~ ir
f umily relations by tlrvhibition of tho sop<lr!'ltion "o: I!t,~'JIlber3 of Er family
by u purchase anj sale. Trbft1c in sl.wes <J[ll:'ec.;,s t ') ~i:iV" be <:n r0pugn r1nt
t:~ Bome of our Shc:;strakaras. Ap.::rrilrkn; the tllh.ntcd co;;mrnunt :; tor of Yl;ignl'
ValkEr says tllua:-
NariQal!l Vikrayal!l Krtvs' ca::'f:cc~ndrn:yan0l!' Vraulli"-:: '
. ..
. . .
Dvigun~~ Puruaasyaiva
' ..
. .
in othar words: in the 'o.:>j)inion of the gif-wd-',s .. ges .om who aells a fen-;:..;'"
'~houldpertOI"lll8 IIChandrayana 1' anu ..,00 wllo S01l8 1I noal>: shoulJ do twic(;
that penanctl. '

C:mtj ....
Page 53
. ", -Yag~' -:Valka' --smrit'i~ " i1nrk~~duYll,'
Linga, Bhsvisycttara bnd. ':. '!'her Purt.:n,:.lS
contdin many particular injunctiuns agtlin5t'th.:l -;. r "'p tit;.oi. Fur exampJe in
-' , ' ' .
. V1shnu Ihllrmottllra ~ haw :'- .
Ka~ baY~ , :C.<:t ; da~~ ca Bvagrihe
. -,' " .! .
B8mbhdV~ n
- , -
- ," . -
I _ . ' l' .'
i'OpyttV8 drlJo ' mohat . F',arhsca
, ,. .'
Sa btluktva. yiitanEh- ,sarye pa-s~~~mdh.o bh.aved1ha
, '

Taya dehav1~uddhyarth~m
. pr8ya~cittam1dam
. ... . · §ubham . ..
Tho's 'e among 't he .IDVijas( (i~e_: who ~ea~ ,tbt:I', ~<\~r~J thre.. d) Who - ~ut. of
grosd sall a daughtef.:, ; ... ,horsd :>T ll, :;;l!;v<:l girl, born iJud br::;ught up in
the~. h~us.,hUl4'B" 'Wi~' bti .born in this earth ss "Vyc..Jtwsll (thu '01L55
. hunters) . aftclr having suft'crt,:d en:.ll~S5 '\orturos.

Then ",gain in DebalbJhnrma Samhita:-

Dvijah sampadya yo dasim grhadharmasuk-
hapwye . .
csndalo bhavedbhuvi
• •
' ..-.
.1.Et. tb.~. "Dvija U who having a~~ljuously got a sl;:,Vf; girl f or his hous;;.-
hold · -WOrk, sells her afterwarJs roducas hiw.self to the It:lvc l of a
"ChIlndala ll in this world.

iI., t)'1'1cal ono from Markand~;};,a Purana prClvides l:.hat:-

Page -.5'4
nasim- dVijQnugrhniy~dbhogartham
~ Nitya~ na1m1ttll(a~ - kalllya~
. '. .
sadyab. k~a:r6ti papinah

'lhis lD&AAS that

Vikrayedyadi tim mU:dhl:i~clindglatwam
Dvijjj' who
- . . . .
taktt slave ~irla f or carnsl pur ... ose~ bcCOillll
fallell; the (merit 0 ev~ry day religiuus WOrKS, t~o$(f unj\J rtlJ~on for .
psrticul.llr occas ions, ~s Dlso'those ,fr..;r fulfi:lmc,nt A' JElL;ires of these
sinful :ren, 4111 become lostj ' these vbS<!SSid' (men) WQul.;.!" dagenerate ·to
l ow Mste IIChandal.£lsit were tlloy to stlll th(;l girl sl./:lves. '

Cc.nt..i •••
.3.1 • .

'So let us st:lP purcDase and 'sa16 ;;i slaVl::ls an1 se paratiun ot JnE:tllibers
of t he f amily from alleb other; let t.h.. law providing ,an opportunity of
~lJIancip atlon f or any slAve wtian about to be sold ba mada mon; ~ ffectiw
snj com?r~ hens1ve by the Go ~rnmgnt itself t aking place of the kith and
kin when norie _c omes forward. The Government will be rea dy t o b~ llny s l ave
or slllves whenever the master is inclined t o pa rt w1th them BnJ t o LOON W
such after ' the p W"Ch~ SB. 'Iba liberatea slaws will hav\:! th;: oiJtion to con-
t i nue li'1th the ir erstwb1:1o masters as biNd l abourers or to l<J8Vo3' . them
• As they may t hink suitable . b.oothe r effec t will be to make th" slaves maN
indus trious wh<m th .... y know thi) l c.w, of which a t " .:>re s ljnt they s :Jpoar to be
ignort.nt J t hat
Page SS

whatever th&y ea rn would ~ma1n ~h~ ir ~rop~ rty t o ~ ive th~m un o~~ortunitf
to·· bUild Cl hOll\t:l out of su.c h earnings, Thus tw;..; t :1i..ngs n ow wnntlng W a"tt<.ocb
t hem t u thu ir l and of birth wi.1.1 h aVE been !.;Cn1",vdu. But ... littloi::: COnsiGd -
r a tion'·will sh ::Jw that. th", vuwrrulldnt C!l1Ul4t · s t011 hO N~ Even wne n "thd (Iur -
cha s;) ·and; uf ·sls w B is st OrJiJ~j , tn;;: gro wth in slevtl l)(;,~' ul.. ti..:.n frum
n;;w births will s till continue, 'lbv Gowrnm;.:nt c£lnnot be; t:lxpt::ctO::u tu t<..k,,""
Upon t hdmse l ve:s an uniimiwJ Liability vi buying up such children f or an
indefinita <=,,, r1oJ,. in order t o.:.: s ... t them freo.: . Sv anothclr law will haw u..
be p assed a long with thos£ referr~J to ju~t nOQ tha t children born either
of sluve O)aronts or of shws cnd fre';Olon, a fter Cl speoified da te, wiU
be free ipso f acto .. Thll t data will oc fixed wl:tun tha Govs rnmant aN in
OOSStlSsion of the conside reJ opinion of . t h", a ssombLY .: But c ~ th"" avow d
purpOBa of the GowrllflK;nt is the ·abo lition of: s l awry t o remove tht! slur '.
which rests on the oo uritry, ·Cln,J cs tllc. t ob jo.::ct can ne'lo::r be achi8vc-d unLvss
<lnd until stcrt is made in right dSr03:st, ttlOy in"t<lnd tu l1~rote 01'1
slave children of nine year s of ~ or be l ow oQ th", s.:J i d d.. t;.& by vaying
tbe s tatutory pricos t o tb.e own-..< rs. On thtl <onn.:nlllOCm<:lnt of the J<lte, ow<..: r a
of such s l a v!! c hildren shall 00 pt::nnitteJ t o ;Jut in 2nd pr ove the ir .
Poge 56

. c laims before th.. constituted court on pb in of forfeiting such clai&s if

th~y· f a il to d o s o , 'lhEi . fre ed chiWrim, ·till thB:y atta in m<;jvrity, will
remain with the masters. of thcd i- parents r €nde r i ng s uch s brvices as they.
Or" capable of. Thereafter tht:ly wlll b... l·~ £"t free in their ohoic. or .
IIUlst<:!re. Whlld fNSh recruits t c s lavery is prohibited by ·es rli£lr e nact-
~nts the ono now ~ roposed will stop ac cretion "to thanumber by births,
Even in this way it w11l t ilktl · a long time . ~ eradicate th<.l insti t ut iu n,
... uring which tha stigJ!lll wiit"..OQntinlh.: t o r",st on the . count.ry. But if th..
IlIC: j or i ty opiniun r.dvpts -tbis · as pr.::f'erablcl to tQwl abo liti...n the Gov.. rn-
n!<>nt will taka th:i:l ir view int.J c areful oonsiC16 rsToion an..:i Ul6y agrtl~ to it

Cont ......
05 a pN ~iinincry step' t o total abv lition. ,In' f-sot such la~' lKirJ pn ssod '
. in sbll10 pl.8ces, such' as in Zanzibar 1n :18~9 -and "1890 A.D. ' prior t o .the •
' t otal abolition in 1897~ i', .' - ,. ', ' ... . ' , ,~
., ; , '~ .; ., ' , ,' - .. , ,.. :. ' .
.ila i . ha~: said s·t · th~': 9Pe.nfug'j)· it i s (1 dulictu':., ·quJ':;t-i,:m, :·it ·.is a-
social <lnd '~m cconomic . quast1on, concerning ' ll> littl£l · more tl),<J il s . ixty-:
seve.n thousand of us, abJut. sixw(;n thous'and 'of -whom· i,ll\:: ' owne rs and tha
rest slDvQsj and though this numbt;;r i s small, wry swll inde;ud"/ in
comparisun lJith th~ t otal- popul:[,tion yet ' it l 's 0f import c:nc<; anough t i.l
r<=qui!'e that we· snou1<.i · 1:..:lkd 'cvunsa1 t;.)g"" tha r anJ LJ')t-' t such Rltii.iSUI'dS ~s
ara agre0d upon t o be the

Page 57

bbst,. The who lu subject hCS be;:;n .,J iSCUBS..:J frum mtlny ...-...:lntos of view but
just 'as "lino ,wa;Nr elon.:; · knows wha r .. exactly the s'hv'''; ' L~incqas, toh", sluvl:::s
and .; ~o. ?~rs wil~ bo3 tha :r<lrti bs btlst abl~ ~ . SC;id w!l,, ' !:+.L t.n~ "r,..:,s·
. and ·cons have ·been ;cons i dE,z"e '-l . ~,.)u aN (;I ll invl tJ:::':' "to r i:: t-lre svnt yuur
op 1n1o:ln, on . the many t op ics t.)£ .t<.;_d<lyl s di:3courSC.,. in l-lritint;; undur y:JUr
hand knj s~al f~~ th~ consicterat10n Qf tne 'G6VJrnmci nt; ' Th~ ~ 1~rno ti~5
are sut ~ qrth bElfOre' y ou ' <lnd if; Y9U c~ n po int ';ut' ~ th t:: r s so cs t ::. :Jc~ i(. v.:,
th"" . obje~.t . or, _if you think ,on..! prdcNb l .:o t.::.. t.h~ ·;l r .. yvur: views, will
.. have propor . weigqt in the action which G-:tv"rnm-:;f t",k:" . Y0 U kq'",w th " t
a good .Bction is its own Nw:.rd, as it so cures f or you' thG:.f.JV::; ur .ena
approbation of . God Almighty b.: f ort:l wh ~m t ht:lr" i s n.:.> d istincti£in of slave::;
and fret. men; you know the religious merit atttindant ~on thu lib.:.rati.... n
of sloves and you ·will ,s uruly ,; ..;rticiplltd in it by your ect1w coup"C r ;; t ,i ol:
with the GovE:rl'll'll<:lnt in r..nding ~h();· yot:, ov... n in ht::Liot.. t.,:. .
<.!l!Ie liorate their cond ition. I . alre",dy d",j1c.:! t ",:::. Cl swn ' 0)£ f ).urUsun
l skh Rupees for tho work and I .,sha ll do my bost t o Si!cur() <lS much 'mol' ';:
as wi-.ll be nec£:-ssBI'Y. l,p .. rt frum the demznds Qf Ro ligi on', ' Justice a,nd
Humanity-no m<:l8n con s ide rations in thamst:l lV'..i5 ,.--· roi;coll.i:.:ct that- th..::: b':;'st
nnd vital interests of

Pago 58
'. "

soc lc.t y, t ,he gooJ name o f the c ")untry, thd ' W'.::a l · ':'nd wc:: :-f fiftY"one ..
thou8a~j of your ,fellow beings h~lj in sl.<lVl;lry--slbVE:ry cif bOdy snd soul.
-- ' rest in your h.,O(js.; so thut the 0iJ iniun th~ t you will g i w, will bu
op.E.! , uninfluu~ead . by any fh:~ lfish'; · will bt:l una ..micI'"; :might. .'
with .00rvpriety co~ from thl-i soir..os of' t.hti gre<lt. f:lIW mighty.·;,;stry .
which . is the prid,t;; of tv') cOWlt.ry. ·': tr.;.nti-...lIlioln, .-whOit I h <.i V;'; '51:lid I huv,,;: .
5,j1d fr Qm s ~ns... ot pu,olic duty. I h ... v.:: nu :r, t o th"" o~rs 'of
the 5 l (, vos: \cvmpt:r1l:~at1vri . to the ovnt:lrs, .• m,",n 1c i·"< to.v thb s 1.. v.. s,

Cont.:i •••
3 s.

thl:lst3 are my desires i this is just the cunsumm~tivn on which all my hu~us
are ~lDnted and tc which I earo~stly beg you a ll t o e i v:= Y0ur roost vigo-
r ous help. •

\o/ith earnest ,)ra)"lrs to God that Ht! may give us alt wisdom to select
the pr Gper course, couragC1 tiJ ( ursu<:< it, ability t,-, i:>erf'Jrm ,_·ur ... llott..;j
pDrt in it and turn the h0art of ,~ ll to feel for and incline us to help
those held in vile bondage, let me bring this long discourse to Cl close
thbnking you for the p~tient hcBring . you have given to it and big with
hope that with God overhe :.:d :.:md heurt within WE:! sh.:lU be .. ble to &cniJvc
:';UCC~S6 in tht: gQod c ... use in which ~/" :.. r 6 &11 ~ng.::.gtld.

( '£-;; J3<:) CJntinu-..: d )

i'"'rom th", CODUn;lnd..:.r-In... Chi..lf J

'1'0 rvv;.nu.. c", lluction functbn~ri,-s (Mukhiy:.. , Th...:r1) , rwslX-ct&L.&.1,.. ~' :;p'L.,
trQd~ rs, ryots <'nd ,:, th..;r ~~0p1.: in J .!l j.::rko't, Sd.y<:m, Pht.;.L£:.w.:!ne;, D'lDg ,
Pyuth~n .;.; n::l Ud!ly"<Jpur •

new m{,rk'.Jt wus c :: mstruct..;d in rj" Jf'I.lg"'oj in Vl...;W '....f th ..; f :! ct tnot
you W""JuLJ hav.:. to tr-1'v'31 f or ilni i l.:'cur l.oSS0S i f y~ u vl.sit. In'::b (Mr)g !['l1)
.~·v r tN d..,. PrJvi,., usly taG, <in ·.n 'd.,:,r (Rukk~) .h !.:,~ b:"'..In issu . . . ;.i dir ., ctin ~ Yv ll
n~, t t c; tak(.: Y'J ur gOQ ds t o InJ i:' fc..r trad·.' , but t,.,:., t &k" th.;m t..J th", N ~ p :.: l­
gLinj ~rk0t sna 5 .... 11 them th ~ r '~ . In this .::: rd·.:. r, y",u h:, d .::! lso b ~:.ln w-: rn._d ' I
thFJt yr, ur g;)()ds w,~ul c; b-:- t.. uctL:n·~:::l if y ,u t ake th ::m f ,,, r Si1 1.. t.:, Birt<J a r~,; . .~ , ·
to Indi t. '.)r :.;lscwh·J r <:l .

T~ k;:,. whDt.jvcr 6":.>ds Y'0 U h r~ v.) f ,;o r s " lv 'toO th,- N·;l:",J !e ...nj m,.; rk :.. t. If Y'~ U
t ", k·..; y,:, ur g~v Js to Indit:· ) !' . · l:3 ~ 'Wh . r." y:,)u 80£111 b . l;Iuni.eh0C: LccJrding 1. ,
l.~ w.

F~iduy, B~isDkh Bad1 7, 1920

(<<"rH 1863).

*>HIlt I( It It lOut

Bhuwan 181 i'r.&dhon. -

Although human 'ha,tiit{iti'an"in Ka~ndu ' V:dildy, "oog.:m in v~ry ancil::nt

times, ther6 is still lac~ ', of ' reliabi;.: c..v i(jpnca, regardin~ ~he ""xact 1.oC<.l-
tion of its ancient sett'll:Rnonts. In the 3bs.... nca of historical nWt.::riais,
mythological and g6nooologicEol rt;cords, tho ugh 1101;; so conv~ncing. ':: r",
cited h",rt: to show ....l ieh 5Gttle m:mts W'.;;r~ founck:d at. ',That. tiro...; in ..n :'i u


Manjupattan. was tilt; , first settl<:!mcnt ost~blishcd in Katr:mllndu Vall~'y

by Jof.enjusr,i· durlpg th.:; Tre~a (!ra. Sinc~ Manjusri is a Iso .~id to hav ... 'ouil't
the settlt:ment of Guh.::shwsri, it is lik03 ly tha t l'l<>njupa ttan Ws. s · si tu<..t~ d
tli thoOtr in tti.\:! vie inity of GUhashwuri or SOlTl.; wh ':.::r~: 'b.;twu':'n Guh,; shwa ri ;.;'nd
SwaYDPlbhu. Acco!'ding to th~~ Swaycmohu Pur~/J, M:m jupCi t'to<!n h<:.d b·.;;;:a bu1h
in th... shE-po:: of a sword b..i long:ing to M;;.njusrl., with t.h ", :hih towards th ,
south a'ri~ ·tht:: tip to ...." rds t.h", nortr. . 11<.1njusri h",d IlldOu Dhann.:kdr Hni::. 01' Hid was th" first. King in Klltruru..ndu V<: l.l... y • .&.Lt tilis, OI' CiJU~::i .:: )
is what mYt,hological rtJoor~s tolbi us. 'ltl<.l :..ctu:: ::' .Location of hul'1 jup;:lt.t:..: n
ha~ y~ t to .be' a scertoin~ d.


Dhan.akc:.r was SUcC~Qded by l.l:larmu~l<l £IS K:l.lll;'; of l'wn jupl.>tt<.ln. LbiJrrncp.·l;:j

was succ6c:ciud by Sudhl::lnwo. Sudhonwa 6sUlblish...:d il fl'.:W s ..: t.tldm.:lnt c<Hl~d l
Sankashya on th~ banks of the Iksh~m<.:ti riv~ r. ( 'i'ukuch,: ). Jt.Ccording to L;
mythological account, Kushll dhwt:ja, :, b rcth:::r of Kin ~ J ,n[J k ~:, kill-..:d Sudi.~;nw­
in llid9M whit.. th.:: lattor \I:1S th ";r'~ to ;;Jt t~nd tn<.i Wl:Idding o f Sit., •. Kush:-
dhwqj-'l then cane to Sankshyn to bccol"J'k. its King . Hi s d,.:scl..:ndcints <11'_ s..:i'J
to huv.., ru10u on r Sankashyu WltU th ,; e nd of th . . Ow::::!",o r '.:IN. 'Lb': city cd
SdnkashYC"l ,-Ius dC:lv:::!s t nt -.:d by a majo r ",arthqu.:lk, ~ " no Wa t; ultim;:kl y cov... r <.: ::!
by forests. All thllt is knom about Sht'!OkBshya i s thz. t. it ';l:JS loc~t.;d on
tho bAnkS of the Ikshurnati river.

1. Bhuwan Lal Pradhan, " UplltY<l kaka Pro,chin BastihD l'U." (.nnci,::nt SQttl"'llh.mts
In KathmlJndu Valley). Go rkM pa tl'b, foI.:J"gh I t. , 2:)29 (Jimucry 27 , 1973)1
p. 5.

C;)n td ••.

It 1s add that thON ox1s t,(.Q El scttbm ....'nt ot 1II1lktil!;n on th.,;- south ..
V":stem portion of Bagmdti V:l ll-::y, tha t tb·: tumpllC of P C~ h.upi:otin.1th hliG
~ c n dha.b VCr\3d with the h'J lp o f on :.. of th .;.ir cows, llnd tho t NomWli h!ol d
... ntnz:on..: d £lhuku M<:n (Bhumctang), a son o f th ~ ovn... r of th~ SCltI)J <p'w, IlS
K~g .. Th~l:l se ttlement W3B 0 , il~ d ~t...; t1rth '·· oJ r PSdm3kll Shttw ..G1r:!.; th.., 1l0d,,'.1l
·Klrt1:pur. I::'i ght Kings of the Gopale dynusty, rulud over this s:.,; ttl.dJD Jnt~
Th~y built a brit' ctl ttlc-pound, in M.:'t.;.i tirtha. 'lbre.;: Kings bdl.onging t o
the: }1c:tnlshapoll: dyn ~ sty .. 190 prob:.,bly r " igni. d ove r Hat:;tlrthD.

Yil 1tllllhM Hang j c Kt r s ti, C<:m,J from th:: ;)ns tj defo..: t.ud Bhu\oren S1mha ,
th03 third King b.3longing t o tl"•.; foiB hishc;' pala dynasty, _nd t hu!:. ush",r '.od 'l a
" ,. riratl rule ov~ r the BDCnw.ti Vall';!;" , J..ccord1ng to th\:l VFJIIsha va lis, 28 Kif!:;'0J
i,roD! Y..:: l.tllnba r to Gcl1nja (o Ula n<::l!I0d Gasti, Jj~e~lJ Vo l. 4L
ruL ·d in s uccession ' in th.:.: v lI lloYJ and built th .: ir pLlaca inside , the
Gvkarne f orest. Howevdtl, according to Prti.m Bf.l llSdur Subb~, a ut'or o f 11
h.istory o f tb.:: Kir3ti:3, t.h.J KirElti's had twic .- rul\lQ Bc.tgmi.lti Va lh:t. ..
'lbClr... w<l r ,; 16 Kings, fropt Ye 1ambDr t ;.) l uko , Kuko !loo to Digarch<; ..:Jfwr
bo. 1ng vs nquish ...-o by 11illlisn:l ( .:> r liimis tunk«r ), :J. King b..: l onging to ~11 .~
Soma dyn~ Bty. BhDSk&r d V6rms , th _ fif~ K\n6 in th.~ So~ ciynastl, was
duf aatcd by MuN Ha ng , wnu c ~ m;: ir')l!l .oiJ:l rchl.. . MUN-H...n g bo..gcm th.J l1 .. cr.. no;'
Kirati rub in Bogm.e ti V&~l ~:r . 4ccor dL. s to . r r ..:m w h.bdur Subbc:. , th~ capl. -.•. .:.,
uf 'toM first Kil""Gti rul,..;rD W(.! ~ .i.:) Cdt:.:.ti tlUm.;.wn" r.:: n .:;.ur M.,t..t1rtha o r Tt. ... nl ...... r. •.
'lh\l tr.l\m ;)f pawn vOl e astob .Li ..h" d by IJl..mo3 r. 'ibis i s why th .. tvwn 1. <::1 t :.S ...
c a ll.:.J Y'~ .UJ . '!b..: s-~ tt.lelJl·.m t of M~t..; tirt.h :. -Thiinko t is said to h!l Vu ..,lxt..:n1 _..
to Ptiwn ..
Goda v ~ r1 40d DeoPGtan

According to ttw V~ msb .9va lis, Nim1st..'lnlcG.r, a Kin g of th.:. Som:.l d:;nl'~ ' •
construct..:ld palaces lit Go d!ivari ana ~xp,mdGd thDt town consid·~ r "'bly. Pr ... !
a ~ hllciu r SubbCl s ays th " t De:.lpllt3n wa s tlk cup i tu l of Bh,. skar Vi1nn.'" th",
bst King of t,h ", Sorr'll' dynes ty. It i s prob .'J bJ.~. th at Bhosluor V.e n:\d o r '... n(:
hi s MnCoJstors bad loft God;:lVsri nnd mad-:-' Deo p i" ~n nis ca pit-.:l.

2. l;,nc1i:ln't N~pel (F' l;..:plil), v';)1.4, i'b ~ 13,

36. , Ch<!babll,

!'iuN ..Hong, wh:) r "oiiltabltshoJd th ., Kirati rub 1n· th ~: nagrnD ~ -V;:<lb;r

<l ft ·~I' d\,)f<;Hiting Bh.:lsk.!Jr Varm:'J , l. .:ft Daop! ' ~n ll nd shHt.:d his a<:. pa.!ll to
Gokc, m.:l • .hocordin g to PNm B;;btldu r Subbs, 3 t:: ~l of 17 Ki05:S ruL,Q r: v",r
th<il Vll ll.oJY llfwl' thG resumption of Kit'ilti rul"~ H"ng Th o r~ J th.,' l\Jl. r th
Kirnti King; Bhi.ft~ d his o<o t o Chav . ... Ch"uri (Cb.nbctl.U), b " CCUSL: 0 1'
thu of SlIWll.. pox in hi:; ol:.! cbpiwl., 'J.'h-.l new a<>p1t" 1 Wtl S ruin.:. d
(IS I ~ %'Vsult. of 11 big uo.rthquak,' during th'.: rui", of th . .: .. l,,, v'"nth King ,
ShElnko-Hvm; . " King Shf·tlk.:, H.:ng built El mJW c<:,plt;:: l wnich. b.<:J n<:I!\, ~ d -Sb-:.okh:..-
mlil.f.. Sh:-l1K:J Hang l!!kr built f.I tJ :w c l.,p1t ~,, 1 n :·r;L d Pc.t!lngich;-,ur1 (Potan).
l.ccording to l egi'nds, Y.,) kn ~ -H[mgJ the; l ost Kirntl King, w<> s d,; f{Juted by
Bhum1 VDl"In'.. , <1 Liuhchhil Vi Kina, in th ~- bD ttl~ of T,'.i!cu-D-:.bbr·.n, which l a st·... d
12 days. With th.:: night of th", Kirat1s toWl rds S<ln g~t ,:nd Bt,n _p::J , Lich-
ohhevi hie started in vall"y. i,ocvrding ~;J g,,':.:;ur ;m i~chd r,)~; tho...: L1ohohh'J' 'o!
hdd oom:· to po-wer in Kathmandu V",l.L·y during th,' fir/it c;;ntury, :"'I,d L l(.;n;;" ~~
Hani! hild ruled OVl.,r it b!llf Cl g~mc ra tbn b,;for':' tb , f-kthc:bhu rr t wIJ r. j

Dhe;nn<l Obtt~ , whv cb~ fr,Jm K.:'nch1, 5tt.rt'~ 'u ruling :JVilr BClgm<.' t.i VOiA
aftor dO!0'6ting Shtlnko, th'. l.:,st Kir~t.i Ki.n~ wil,) W" S l;"\J, .I.41g in £h.sI"l!JJ.-
nng<.r.r,J .:o r a!t....r to'.; d(Jath of eo Ki;'(;ti K1.1""I(; j) ;.m..; J i<uk:;na. 4 'lhis 1n,lic ~ t\.. ;'!
that. t,.h.) K1ratis had al.%".il£ldy est.:.lbll.SiLd u s .... t.lom.;Jnt ln &istli-. lo<..&or ,· .... i -c ~
"thiJ thousand-ye~r rule ..If Uhu D... tt." i Bi~h,", .LnCi5<.lr r "m,-,in..:d sUbm..;r g ... o ,.
wat.:::r f iJr anotht;;lr mil.lanium. wgend ,:.15..) h ~ s i t. th1,t M<..o·;ndr ,_ ILmeoa, !>~; I
·;;Jf Bclnasur, the, dc.m(m Kin.?" "sWb li5h ~d c t.vwa n2m.... d Supr<Jbna n..:<:'r C ! , :. : ;~ ' j "
girt (o~ Ch unddgi ri), situ;·w:.; t .... th ... of "tu ... - VI., .. l.;JY, "nd tU~ .d trot !
v.:. U ,;:y l.llt.:> <I l. ~k\: oy st", pping tb. c.,urG·;': th:.: a .. gmt:t.i ~'iv ; r Lr to' . p.Ll.'.;;;;u.··.
of his Sister, ~d Prabhuwat1. Htl .th.m ru!.,;>d cl vur th·:. '1!l1l.·3!', f or l,O:'u I
(or 30,(00) YODrs. Suprllbha "Was rcnd.' r ·.;;J dCb ·J ~t,.-; ofWr Mllh (~ndr:.· D.11Il<.ln "c.
killed by Sri Kristma "nd Prl.:oyumn!:. . 1,000 Y(") ::::"'5 l .:J t:'r, th·j dJiti"s ;)f
Bhutbhot:;ni roviv;!d th .. to"WTl o f flistw lr..:::gN' 1-:n J Ir,<:l d"" Sl"bYClIDvr" t :!Its Kin:;- .
...ccording t~ anoth~!' lugimd, V ikr.~ mo o itYD , 'W l lJ rul.. . u .::tI.. r SwayomvNt,
install. .:d tha }t" r ay,mhiti wllt~ r ~;: ·..; ut. t ,j to . wc.5t ~ r" his P:-;L..:CU4 Vil'::r:"'m;,
Kush:..r socrificed hilllS ~ l£ a ft ..,r constructinl;. ;.. 9-st.Jruycd pc:.l clcc ,i t Ij:' r~ ­
yanhiti. Accor dinG t.:.o anoth..:.r \T[IJI'Ish ... v"'li, IUmi5ta nk.:. r, Nb:) v.:;, n q'li~tl""u tI: .
Kir;Jti King Galinj, hL!d r.::suttl.ed his s ~) ldi",rs .'nd o th.:..r p;:; .;plc.- 1n Bi sn.:. .-
n<~ gar bnd exp.n ndcd it. llt".t'rmaddVi! th.::n start.'I d livin g in th ... Bish:.l ln ::. gC4

3. W:ici.. nt Nopc:. 1, Vol.. 13,

C·jat.a •••
palace. H·] b:lilt a boa utiful t .;.wn with 99,000 hogsr,- S. S ruMin!;;: frt.;m Stll.nkh ... -"'t
mul to JCl 1csa yu nnar[..y~n .. ( L ... Budhanil<:. k.:mth.:: ). Vikr~l.< d i ty" rcturn~d
a fter ruling ·.) Vo1r the town f 'jr 12 y'Jli rs. Il1 ~ rm<.ld\:lvCl ( l r ibormcg~ t Dc.:V&) 7
un d hi s grand-s.;n, . YishwR I).Jva B WiJN tb.. othoJr Kings of th(.; vs l.l...:y. Vi sh ...'b -
d.:. ya , a cco rding t...J l ogond, dibd a t. t h'.; h;mds u f his own _9.)n, MI. no Dey ::. .

- No~w1thstamUng thi! discl'i;;p<lnc1eS in chr·)n ) L gy llnd il rim~s ir. th..:. l. f .) r ~ ­

sliid · l.J ganda , ·Bishaln" gr, r a l~pe ars ' t ..l h ., V"~ ·b\:c" ;>v pu l :.. t....d an J ck: stt<5y';'d fr :im
tim<: to tim-:) .

Th,) obove-mClntion:ld fa cts m<JY be historically in<.lCCur3tu . E'Vl:lJl. S r) ,

th.ey _shQd sorrr:, light on thtJ J r:i:g in o f e<.!rly fl 6 ttll~ m""n t .s ih th ~ vtl lL~ y.
Ev",n i f W~ ignor:- Bi.s'nu ze r. Supr .Jbhu, i'1~njupc.ttRn nne &'nkBshY8 , -'l bllut
which thl:l r .. is roI'.l IDcnt i.J:'l 0 f d ~ iti .:: s .5.nJ d~m .; ns th •.,n __ f PI!.O n , i t ap p ~ . rs
thll t the Cos rly Kingd::.n:.s , cat'it.r. l s v r pi. l ':1c A. <; 'Ci ; . t.;:.J o'l t !'::.. -w tirtho omd
'Thankot during the pciri~ .j ~f th", G;. p31B dyn ~ sty,· a n~ p..o rlu.tps · v!' 00" i·uhi br;-
pH<.1 d YnDsty, .as ~·U as durL'"1g th;). l'\;lil91 >:i f thu _pruvious Kir;..t·t ruk·r fl , ,,~
Bishalntlg;, r,. ti..)davo.ri an d DcJplltan during 'th:.; rul..: .)f tou Kings b~ lr.;1I~iru ;
k; thl,; Soma dyn:l.S ty, ti t Uokbrna, Ch3b"hi.i.., Sh'!mki1l'mu l. ~n J P..... tEc1 ouring ... ,·1...
r uign o f th •. l "'wr Kir .... t ruL.::rs , and a t BLtll'~ .sh'W'.:-, r in W-.. Ll.chc hh:wi p-.. ri .... d .
In ;;ny c"s"'J it is an nisto ric ", l. trutn th<.l t tn... · i\.ir", r.i s w... r ", till': ' 0 rigiu ':' 1.
1.nlwbi t.:lnt.s ~ f th... va u~y . ;.cc:Jr ding t..... babu r c.lJll ....chary.:. :"' !os;., t.O :J ~ !'l. !i. .. n ~ 1
inhabitants of th-.l valle y WI . r ~ U 58'1<: .Ll or<lnch :. f th.. Kiri..;t.i r:Jc~ k.!;,,,;w,, t.~
'1N.:;parll, and civil.iz .. t lon ho. d b",gun th",!,. llO·Jut 7 (i r 6 cunturil3s bwf.;)r ...
the dea th o f Christ . Tb", ruf-" r ;.:nc<l rr.::; d~ ill the: V:; t J th .... f .. ct
tbat the Go pa l ..:. nnd Mahi shP<l l c. dynllstLs h£ld .Jm:..rg6d 10 t h... vuUcy <.:fu. r
tht; a rriva l of Sri Krishne sho:> ws that tou Kirot.i s , wh·.. -'l'Jr~ hun~rs. wur ~
m-;,re advOInced thun t.ho s.;: hc rj!;;mc n . It m:,y tho:.: Kf,;,ru boa assu~.:.I thf. t Kl.l· ... ·.i
cu ltura ha d dev61op",d in the. v<' lla y Bc v"'n ) r ci !j1t c oJ nturi,~ s b (; f~ r ¥ th..:·
d~ath o f Christ .


S. 1&nci",nt Ni.pd, Vo l. 4.
6. Ibid. V,, 1. 13.
1. Jlncie nt Napal, Vo l. B.
B. Ibid, Vo la. B and 13.
Curroncy Units! 18~O

'1',; C·.) 10n", 1 KhDdgn Dbwej.

You ~::~ submittcld'th~ f .:. ll,1¥1ng r '.;PQr:.. : 1h,:: 1-,..c., l pu.:;pl" bN com~Li[:.-
irig in 1, _q'lmt... "s thnt .slth6u~,h fr..Jm form",r tim2s, Pais.! (rutJccs) Z0Jj-
ststing (L,;. L-p;.cc: uni ts, thus making 8op.:rl.s ,· ~ t ,) t!l.; ru (. .;.:.),
·hc.Vt.! in MlljhkirClt onJ P,'l lbkirwt LlnJ oven 'Ij.·)JLy J t..h.:: 20-
b,...::n circu1:lting in tht2S(;l regi<.ns aad il:bardElr HiranDn..i : .~! S
~m pll~nt in 22-gandi (rutx'6S). Yv\: huw th"':Nf;J f-: .. sk,:, ~.
f~r Instructions.

Ther sub-Ija ra,JBr of ttj,f. Ij,1rod:Jr (1.0. IVv"nu", f[l~r) <It',,oint.::d fr . )JTl
us 'ha~ . sti:Ptilat.Jo, pB)'II!'Jn t . fn moh •. r <.;nl pnisiJ c"ins . Ho mus t m;,;k", OJ <.l yr.l .. n t
~ stipulated'. Tht: pj)opli: shall b ... ptJrmltt...:d to m ~ k ~ p':>J-m .. nt in i·tahu}'
ooinsiii' tiN&S wher.:. this ~r:cticG bas bron custr"mory. If th\;y want t ::
make pAYJII('nt : in rup",os, the y shDll , b~ p.::rmittcd t o dJ s·~ acc j r ,1in g to tn:..
2o;..gllndiUn~t- in CIlS';} this unit has- be·m in circulation thc:.K. ;'..ny "xc;:",;:;
:lIJTiount which: has be en, co l~ cwd f ') rCibly sh<" 11 b,,, rd'und",J, Lut r. in", b<.J
abl;:., to' ha rass t~ .~ 'p(,;.")p 1..:. W',) rk ' c<.:refully, babring this in miuJ.

Thursday~ Poush ' Suei l), 1905

(J"nuury -18$0).

(S.B. Maharjan).
Regmi Re ...~6'1-l!\i.t.)· L1;d,
Kattunandu: . .~8rcll .L, 1973.

Rttgmi ReSdllrch Series

Year >, No. 3:

Edited By



l. ~ j;pj><ial Fen" Too .Abolition . .
ot Slavery ..... 4l
2 ... Customs" And Usages . 0:£ Rajvamshls
In.Moreng. · " .. ' • •• 48
,- ... ~ -" - .
. ' -.
3. lmpoait~on Ot · Gadlmubarak~
Le>y In KWIIBUIl • ••
4" _~~:utt9n Of- The MaLla" -'-Kingdorioa • ••

Regm{ Re~arch . (Privata) Ltd,

Laz 1mpa;:'.r:
. K'u ttul£lndu,'. -!fupal.

Compi~d by-Regm1 ReSoarcb(rrbet,.l-Ltd· for"Prive~

. . research
. •.:'No.t , "JliSant 'tor ,publ1c sal~
.,- o!: .. d1~ley• ..
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42 . . . .

APPENDIX £ ( Co.tA) •
MlI1ntenanc~ ,4th yaa r.~. I 12 .00 , I 12.00

· IirttJ:.r est f or the year. :•• . '_...!o182..:!8~O!-.;.'_" ~31J7"'c.!I~O,-i-.2;2,:!;~____';'

.-. I .

'i"ot <l l .... 219.70 281.70


· Mai.n~nance, ,5th :leer••. I 12. 00 12. 00

Into~st. f or the yea r.:' 0.: ,,_,,_!201...,,9·~0!-T'-,,!4~
h ~~~:~O:::..-T~~~-r------i
Tota l ••• 1 253.60 I 3)8. 60

. . Mll 1nt:eJ:).~nce, 6th year. u

. " -.. I~
15 ..00
I 15 . 00

Interes t ·tor the year {;.~. ..;.',"';:'2,,5~;2'JO"-.;.....;5~4~.<lO~-7-'''''~-i-_--'-_-T

·TotaL .. : I 293 . 90 '407. 60

To tal .... 1 33 8 . ~ O 1 ·487. 10 ' 621;4') ' 18h .')')

. . ' . • .. " a t .Hs.
" , 1 . :':;
, 8th year ••• _, 18.0') 18. 00 I . "i8.n.o I 18.• 00 I~.r Il!' .,;.ll o
· Interest f or the YOl;Z< ·~ ·~ ·· ·' __", ~3!.3!.:'.28;!.
')__· -r-_7L7l.!.:!90~·..;'--"120!lj!,,·.~2~0_'i-_ _-;'
Tot a l .~ •. 1 · 3 90 ~ 60
, . . , 583.60 "., ·763 ;60 ,'202 . )0 ,
Mainte nance , 9th yr: ar .... '
Interes t. fQ r th':l yea r ••• I
18 . ~ ') 18 . 00 18. ::>0
18 . 00 ' lk> . ,
."'- .
39 . Y)c,,:9C;3c,.=-20"-.;.f..!I,,,S=-2,,.6"0,-",,_ _,--,.
T,.)t a l ••• ' 447 . ob~ , 994. 88 . , 934. 20 ' 220. "J~
. : ., ., I ., . 1' at.R ~.2 o

~1n wnance , · LU t.h yea, . .. . ) 2ti . J'J . i 2L JO . , ··24. w f " 24. 0:; Ipar·- nt;.u:t.I~ .
Intarest fa ;"' the ydar ._ ~. _~ ;.:-,4!!:4~':J7"JC-.;.,'-"1~lo.!l":,,i:!.
, 515. TJ , 829. 8) , 24h. :lJ
• - "fata l ....
'1145 .;.JJ
, ,
Haintenllnce , 11th ye2r .. ..
, , 24 . )0
, , 24. JO24 . :]) 24 .'D UJ. 1." .
In tere5t fo r the yea r ... , 51.5J 229 . :)':; 132.6)
•• . , 591. 2) , 986 . 4') 139B . JJ , 268 . )j
l 'o tal
, , 1

Contd ....
43 •
. '," . ,

Ma1n~nanceJ12th year •.•• 27. :.,i') 27~./.> I 27.jj t 27 . :lJ 'st. - Rs 2 . 25

In ~~st_ ,for, t~. YUBr · . -•.••:~··_5~9'"".1~J'-·.~:_·-~t~~~t~.7~'J~·_·~:;-·~2~7~9~.6=
·J_',___-.':p..::r mOb w .
, .: .'. ,
Total.' .... 671.3J
,'1l7:C;{..)' '{t:)~.6'.)
, . 295. 'JJ r

Jiaintenanee, 13th year •••' 27'.:;). r 21. "..JJ· ~ ::~7·. ~:) I , 21.J'J ,r -·DO·; · D..:.
Inwreat (or thu , ya;a~ , .•".-.,'~
' -~--i"-''~1~8~7-~~4~-,
• ' 1"
8~J --i-___
,I .
-~- ~. •'r
,iJi2 ~L')
• : .:- ," -rota l' 77Z.', I I 322 . jJ

To tal ••• .' 87n .2-J '2.511.8 1 I 349.) r

' , • • " 1 - . .I , .. 'atRs2. S ...
Maintenanee, 15th year! ••• ' )J. :.u ):;.)) ' .. ,3.:'> . :.)) 3J ~' Jj 'per mont:l.
Intdrost '£ 'J1" t.h~ ~lll' ·~. ~ __,~::--:-_~~7~.~· r6~""---.-;:,,,,2~6~1~~.4~·~J,-'1-'2~2~2~.~6~'--i-'___,' .
Total •••
t 993..81 ' 11925~5 J
'34? ·4J
Maintenance, 16 th yea~ •••
1 3).') ) ),) , '1'.) Y J. JJ 1 3'J~ ,}J r Do>
Intere st for ' t ho ye~: .. ".',-.~99~.~73~..~)_.~,,--'3~·J8
l0tal. •• , '1123._1'..1 '2263.5) 1)685 .6 j r 4J9. )j I
"r I" 1 Of: '
. '.
'filti' scb~dulo be~w snows th~ Ciillcul, ted uut-turn U:. th<.! Sllmoil pari..; j
in which a child c0m~lo;;w.s his" s1.x.'W",nth·-)'ClD r~ "f o r S2C0!ld .:Ind 8ubs~u",nt
cl;l11,dren by thll :Sllme mothar, if thu.,mvu,-1. sp:::n t x .;<)·r t.v y_UlJ~ w",r,e put ,Jut.
, ,<l:t L.i p.c. p...1r a::mwn~' 'lli", m&in~nunc~ bx~ns;,; ~r;...r. !:;II... mo~'"t' is left ..m.
on th(': . ~ll~ cqnsl.dt-rl;(tions _ClS · g1.V\';n. 1.n --tli", prti:vi..;us appendix.

Contd ••• .
44 •

Wil~n I, SsJlie .. .'
Part iculars of ~xpe1'lBEI. I 88mo put .. . taken !
, ~~
u~t ~.~t~l~~~'~'~i~mp
~ , ,'________________~,______
, ,- I
Lying- in expeI18 es '," I. ' l -J . jj t . u;:;o: '
It the woman 1>(}l:IZ"8 s ix
Inter os t f or the Y8e:r., 'o _. "" ~.....,-"l~.)~)'-C~ 'i-'-"- -..;.'C-". 'chlldrttn and 1:£ tb-v ., : x-
,- 1 'p.lnS(lS ver o put out. ,-; t
To ta l ~ •. o , 11.. ...i.) · l.J • .J~.'1ntoJ;CB " paralLelly ...1.UI
' . • '\bose.1n. ur.rod on 'ih~
Haintenanct:, lat. year • • • ) . 'YJ.'chlldriln,.'th\,ln ' t iJ r t.l! •. for the year •• ,
I , "J . )J
'~,"'. I!lrst child's a:xpens(: tll/.
'amount r .8aQbed at t h'';' ynG
Total • •• o, 12. 1:i I LJ,:Y:o , ' of tho sixth year in ;.pp ..:ri-
'dix .. would b~ Rs 29L/-. .1.,
Maintenance , 2nd year.,:;; ,. 1 .0:1 I ·j ~OO . I same f or ..,P8 8h BUbsoquiJnt
Interest fo r t he yea:r!~ . ' ___ _'~.~2~0'--_ ',-'-___".. 'chU d as sffilwn .hure I s ;i.~ .

"'tal • • . ..,-
l~.JJ J
162/_ and fo r rho.) Rs . )Li-,
1O. Jn .. ' or cb'Jut fiB U 1/- f :: r oi -ch
, ',;hild . For uigh.t , hlldr" D
Maintenance, Jr d year... t . 0 .0') J D ~:Xl .. 'it would be abuut. Rs . 91/ -
Interest f or the year. .. ___--"i",.3",0,,--____ -".:.';.. 'pu r ."h11d ..
. ' I I .lb .)ut ~"tti 3/ - i s d",du- t .",::
T:.;ta l ~ • • " 14.60 J · .I n . 1O. . ' frl)DI .:: ..Qh f Clr the ::; li ~j l t
I I s<!rv1oes lorh1ch the t .....,'" t: ,:t'!.
l'''1ntenance, hth yea r. . . I, 12. ')') J 12. :Y.l . Iilut.
Intereat for the year.... ,___'-,1".,,4,,0--,) _--'~,~ "

Tot a l ._.. I. ' . \ 2"6 . 0:) ) 22 . 0'.). . "'

Ma intena nce , 5th year .• • , ', 12.0:) ,0 ~2 . ~ . 0

Intoreat f ur tbil yeD::'~ •• . '2,.60 . 1: ..

1'otal. • • • ', 1\2 . 60 ; •I , 34;00 '


Maintenance, 6th year. • ••

J,5 .o:> 0
15 •.00 . ' 0

Interest tor th, ye.r • •• ·h. ;?) . ~'. '

To tal ••• , 62.J) ,0


, 49 . JO ' ' 1. .

Maintenance , 7th yea I;' • • • , 15. 00 ' , 15.O'J ' . I .• .

Interest f or the yaa* • • • '6 ._2 1 '.. 0.:,' . ." .

Total. •• , 63 .2) > I ~. 44~:xl· · · I

C:>n ~." . ..

Haintenance, - ~3r •• .• . 18. :10 I 64.00 ' I

..., .Intbren _to-l'" tne year- .. : ~_ ,' " .- .- 8'.TT".... r- ..,. --~ 0" _ . • • I ""
.: I I

TotSl -
.. .. ;- ~~,.,
' -
!". 1
.. , .... l~
-... .•..5.9
~ .- ,'
", .82.Ct)
-, . - -" ' ~

. 18."" .

l 'j\). :1J. . .
Tota l .......
.. ,
1 1.3& .!,aO , I I

• •
Haintati~ce ~ l Ot,h year. ,•• r 24.JCI I 24.)0. .. ,,-.1
Interest tyr. th.~ ye~.r...: .~' '". ~.:1.:.3.:;.8",J,-"_' _""'.". •".",._ ,

. - -.
T~tal •• ,.
. . ,
176 .2:1

Ma:!ntlpl~nce, 11th yesf." ~ I 24.~ ~ i .. I

: Interest for too· year., , ....~ ,••
' " I--"'·-·~·~·~. - II

, .',' I
. lotal •• ,' 217. 80 l48.'JO ~ .

", . ' .
12th tenr •• , I 27. 'J:) 27.0:J ~. ·· '

lnt.eres~ ~or ..tI:le yetor .. : ~ " _ ,,_....

2..1.:..7,,~'-'_ , _-,-..c.'-
' "'
. ,

Tot a l , 266.5) r 175..~ _

,' I

Maintenance., J 3th year ....; __I 27.00 27.00 . ,

Interest for tti~ '/Ca r •. ~ , '~-,2"6".,,6,,O_ .,. " ,
T:)tal ... , , • 320 .10
, , 282.00 .,
Maintenance , 14th 'YaCl.r~.••. I 2.7. 'Xl . • 27 •.'J'l . . •.
Interes t f or tht: year ••• ' __3",2".,,0,,':':':..'_' t... , .. . . ,

Tvtal ' .' ' ., 379.1) • 229_.~. -.

Ha tnten8nCtl, 15 th yt:IBr ." , 3:), ... J. , 3·) •..u . ,.

.," . , 44.7J.
Inti:lrest t or th. ~a r
.,. • .
'f"... tal · '.' . 447. :YJ. 259 •.)).

Maintenance, •••••• ),J . :JJ•. . 3:;.:;..J

44.71 ..
Intere st f~r the yea r ••• . I_-,=,-,-,,-,,~ , I .~ , "

Tutal ... 521. 7J "

, 289.;."0 .
Ccantd •••
, 46.


. In this schedule thtJ prictl o f 8; sll!Vd l«)IIIS1l is U1ken tit Ra )S'J/- ano
the ca lcullltion htls ' been ca rried ' out in thv zj8~ wa y as in th~ other
appendice s.
ifiicn- ,
, ,

I Whdn When
I ..
, ~mark8
Particulars "t E: XpE:lDS~ 'S8lllG 18 I~ is 'sa. 18
, .., , put ,"ut ' put' out 'p'ut" :)ut ,
'at l~% 'a t ,1J;li 'at l".l%
Price of a girl
Interest f o r tbo yoar •••
... ' .J5" J . ».
35. )0
J5J • .Kj
35) , ,,; '!'hI:! calcu1 .• ted
7"; ..../) _turn 0 f t hu u lIn t,,', ::0 -
.J ~. t-

, , 'f )
l'3pent on the fi!'l'3t c;,UJ
Tv tsl •• , 385.0') &ecording to ' tbb scn~ cu ...... ,
- . I' ,OD the complct1~n (1f th·,1
~ing -in oxpenses ' !1~ 1::>. '.01'':'; · sixth ytl tl r would b..::
395. :n . Rs 742. JD. For S oth .. r v,
Maintonance , l.8t ye a r~ •• '; . 'JJ oJ at the rate o f as 62 . _~' ,
Intdrest f or th<l year ••• 39. 5; ~6 . 'n the S1lIII lIOuld 'b>;:! Rs 3 '!' . • •"
, o r a -total of R8 l .62 . ;·
T-Jtal .... . 434:51 5i6. 'll which , i f distribut..."j
over f.. , wou ld produc ~ en
Ma1ntenDIlco, 2nd yeA i-.... -
, ' l 'J
", . ", . :h 8'fttrsgc of ::b:)u t Rs L7S. ) ...
InteNs t for the year •• o ,
77.LO 1J3.2J 6 °_9.11 •.
559'.6) 619;20 Taking 8 cblldr~ n:
in the 1'38118 vST th;,; !;ver-
Maintenance, Jrd yeara •• :Cn il g~ ' will CCIIlO to ab Jut
Inturest f or thO yoar. t . 123.6) Rs. 141.UJ per .cbild.

Tl)tal . , ..
K!lintt:nance; 4th year.;., : 12 .':Jj 12Zjj
InterefOt f .:lr -the )'QlIrj· ~~ 52.50 1:.));8J

.t\aint.:mance, ·5th y.,ar ..·•• 12"YJ ", 1.2. -;;':"

I nttlrest t qr th • . year ••• 59. .J ...J, L\ J.6 J
.. - ',.-.
-699; J'J" 'l'Ji>6: 21
- ..
Qontd •••

Ma1nten80co, 6th year... · 15 . )) l $ . T) 15. :n

Interest f or tho yepr:.. 66 .1:) iLl.S ] 219.'2)

742.2 ') 1)57 .80:.. .133"';.4j

'" o.t a 1 "i.
,;: ""
"" f ::
. , ... ' .
Maintenmce, 7th )' •• o l S• .,;.; " 15.')J "15; jJ
'-, ...r..,.. ...
-- .. -."f or .. th~ Yf;! ". . ..7.4 •.2.J
. .Interest 169.1.;" ._ 266<0' Jj
. .:." "

l'W1ntenanca J 8th ~_a.I't.,.•.:... ::.,18. j 1... ',: . ~8. • ..D ", . : ..18 . -f).· · -•.
' rnterest·- ro-r" · th~·· year.. . . B) . l'J 198 .5 ) 322 . 2j
..Toto l " ,"" ' "
" " "'
932.6 1 .. 14511.4;.>, 19~';6' " "
" ', ' .,
.. Mqintenanci)
" -
9th#,year .-.. ·
J 18.".n 18 . ~.J') 11l'."J~"

In'to:!re.$t f o r the ye<lr . -•• 93 . 20 233.2 ) 390. 2 )

• . .•
. ,:... ..
- - \ _. I .
,] " , ." , .. , •
, '1. _, ".
'tota l n ~ -, 1 :J43 . ~ 17 ;~ .6 j 2359.8)
• " -, ...
liaintenance,- l ~ y~'. _; ' 0.". 24 .:.;(J . 24, ,"
. a r . the . yeeor '0' 1-:)4 . ) )
• " . ·..
471.6} ,
, '

Total ... 1172 . 00

. 2'))7 . 'Yj
2855 . 6,)
· ... . "

Maintenance, Uth year • •• . 2 u:·~'j , . _ 24. ":1) .. 21:r. -,') '

Interest f or th~\
year..0' 117.2') 321. 1') 571. j :"
' "0 ' ,':" " , •
· . ... ~ .

. Tot al .,. 1313.21 2352. D

. ·,
- • " .
Me1ntenanC tl:.., 12th ye(lr\" ••.' 21. 'j') 27.":; ·
I nterest f or t he year ••• 1J1. J') 376 . )j
" "
. .. - , . ,~ ..

..; t,. : 1
", 1471.5) ' 2755 .40 4167.6j
", "' • • ·l ~ • •

Intereat f o r too year •••

Ma1nte.n anoe, 13th ye~r'..._~ .: 21. it.... ~ 21; ; j ~
147.10 L!. J. 6"J
21: J-:i
833 .4.
-- . .

" . , ... ' . ,, ",

Ma'1nthnllnoo, 14th yea.~~,. '. 27 ;' ):) . 27.'JJ . " 21 .~'.J"J

Interest f·;rt thoJ yea r ••• . 164.5 ') 515. 6-.> 1'):"5. 6') .
- • · .'.
Total ... 1637.1) 3765 . 6 ) 6.>6 J.60

C ~,n td •••
. 48.

Mainknance; 15 th year. ~.
.)).jJ . . - 3') ; 'J J ) ') .. ,)
InteNst fur tb.i: ~ ye", 1"". ~. i83. TJ 6)2.4) 1212. 'n

'l'u tal ... 2050.8 ) 4398.2:; 73J2.6)·

~i.nt:kll1an ce,16'bh year •• : )'J . jJ ):).)) 3). ':)) .

2)5.") . 7:JJ.bJ
.. . Int.t;r~Bt tor tno year •••. , ilI6J.4J

TotaL." • 2265.8·) · 5131.80 8792.JJ

. (To Ba Continu.;.d)


Cus t OOlS lmd iJsBq","s Of RajV1lll!Sbis In. '}lorang

. From Prime Min1st~r JuQg Bahadur,

To .Dittha KDlidas ·of the Sadar Dafdarkhanll Office •

. Chaudhari Bandhulal end 42 oth.,r . person5 bdongi..'1g to thi.: Rajvams:.o.

~trm1UIlity'1n Morling hava submitted tht; f'JUowing pot.1 tion:

Our a nCE: stor s bclongod to thd S<lw r dynasty. Form~ rly, this r ...gii:..n
W!JS Wld;';r forest, and therl.: Wo-Ir , no Br<thriwns r,\:r~. i'.1l' inhdbitants
of th", rsgion ·oolong.::d to our cQ:;t.... !:kc;,; uf ;)t:r <lvil <!ssoci.~ti ; n
with pcrs~ns boJlonging to th", Mussalm<lU CClStN, wno 0.0 n~j t invit~
Brahm:ms 'k.o such cor,:;,roonh!s 3S IJ}oIarllU (nami..'lg o f chilu) clOd Posni
. (giving C(;I'Qal f O;)(J t..... chile) , but p~rfunn th'::ffi accurdmg ' t,v tht,;
customs and usagt:s of th~ ir own cast'.<.!, ancl,' m'J r"'vv;;; r, us~". C0WS t.,.,
Jraw th... plow, w::; 1;...10 hovu b.:J..:n f.:Jll.c u:'':'SI;; prLlctic0S •
Thest:. days th;:; IlWT!b.;.r vi" p;J·..Iple belongill~ t.. .... t.h~
hiUs iJ.nJ thl::l t'l,",is~cl.
6S wall : <">s ot .Brahmans anJ Rajput~f.hC!s growil in I~JPE:.1.. In CllSe; w..;
rldceiw a royal chOlrtcr diructing UI:! t..l rE:<Vc J:U .th~' t} !""~.un ..nd ust.
bullocks vJ draw thu plow, llnJ Cl'd.1;;:CS tl.) J",scriiN us not ,liS Koch.i: ,;1:';'1. '
·as Rajvamshi, we' will stnrt r e vering BNhmDns lInd st.")P 'using cows t .,
draw the plmol.
We tht:trefcro dir.Jct that II r oy<.fl chE'rt.:lr' (Lv 1 Hoh:.:r) ah!: II be ..isSUdd oc.:; ..;!, ,
ding to ) which (RajvOJrishi5) shall us<:; bullocks, lk,;.t ·cows, t:.r tllcwl.nE:J t~I ' t J

thuy should revere Brahmans, ~nd that any person fr.)m ar.:::;ng theIr. w·b.:· c .:',-
trllV8UCS thcsn rogulatbns shall b~ fin'3d to l a w by thtl btJpr.; lci:!t.
:>ffice or Amal. .' .
Monday, Magh Bad! l5, 1925 (January l669)
Regmi Research C0U..::ct1ons, VoL 37, pp. 287-288.

Impositia n Of G.::dimubarakh L82 .In KumaUn .

Frum King RaIlll &tiaa:ur. Shah.,

To Subbas, Fou2dars,' ·:Dafdn ri;.i Budhas, "-S<ly[\nas'~ "Kamins, PrDdhans J Panch-

thers J Mcldars, Sukh]lmbos1s, 'papcha;;urbiy<:s, ful'..~gDs , Ij<.J t'!JdDrs, Jagu tis,
Chlltakyas, Cha udh ..r i,s, 1hllUml<ls I Katuwa l s, (}.ju<iYi ts , tr:lJ·_rs, .:.skJ tya
Rajputs, milit<lry ;:)t:;rs')nnc.l, shiv l c.- bt:la r ors fJri..:fs0 1di ttrs om{Jbyuu un
lIonthly s£l l .:Jry, 0 thbT sal.cricd pcrSJns , holl.-.,['S v f Tabp and Biwl.a ~
l ands, Birta ,nm..!r5 , 'Brahmans; 'Koriyas '. (slnv.;;s J ; i.ka riyas (non- slavGs )
belonging tt.' all tho )6 Cllstas, RBlalmJ~rs, MahDlJ<lrs, Jagirdars anJ lIk'mo:;: rs
ot all untouchab13 (Pauni) cnstas in Danna , Johnr-Bhvt D1lJ {l U otht:lr
territories in both tho h ilt' cn,J p latn (MnJhas) r -gi ons throUfj:l out the
KinwJom of Kumtlun.

Wo have ir!lPO.~A·~< ; ?ad imubD r.:lkh l (:vy .:l ll ,. ; ViX .)ur .:bm ini .... ns . W~ ar.,;
s;.;nding the rates' o f " thi s . l evy t :)'b:;: c~~ 11<;lct..;d in that t ", rrit..,ry . On th.:
, basis o f the Cr'0 PS (&It) and pro,A.:rtY (Ji.lyadat) of thu SalllVat y~ar 1853,
pay the l evy at a :.>propriate r ntl3s t.:. th<:l , c ,:,,1l..:ct.:.:r5 (l'ahi.lsildar) ·ane:
obtain cloarance. This l evy will not be co ll;Jctud \;;Ive ry YC[J r. It i s m6[,r: t
to fdlicit"t8 His MOj(:sty un tht:! occasivn of his c~ r(Jnll tion (GadimubiJrak.,).
M~k!.' ;,,:ly 90~n [In:j wi.Llin6ly. Kalu< ~..! Brllnmu f'aJhya have b8cln 8 ljtx> i nt..::..: ;
"::5 co:. .Lluc·::.,urs. , - - ' ;

,Fo r ' .M.lmora.

, Town

Subbe ·.'. R5 601

Ganjabh.lOJnr • •• R5 100
Dafderi."f do . •~
... - Ro 25
D&uti-BhmdDr • •• R5 51
DDidapi of do .: • •• Rs 15
Daroga of Kllchtlhc ri • •• ' Rs 50
Ijaradar ~ f mint
and copiJ;,! r mires • •• ·-Rs 40
On Jega t re\renu .."
eXC(h,t from tra ders
<md ' ryots • •• 1 "M" m tht.~ ru~Oi,)

i' C<)nt.J •• •
ChtlUdhnr ( fc~- ~pp ly of goll tS ·

... R. 2

·.. - Rs 5 ea ch

Mijho·r of ••• mar&

.. Rs 4,
• ••
Kstuwal of- mbrket • •. •
.. ,
" RS "
.. h :·EbdSyi::t.s i ac·c or din g to
numbe r of m3mber s in their ...
f amilies O:tudahi)
, ," ." • •• •••
Trade rs in t ': :i wns and vi lls !!Cs,
after scru thd r
" .
Gajka r (1)',

aba l . ••• Rs 2. . . "IlJyam •• • Rs 1 .

~n la rieJ officers of thQ army,

So l dil,j r s , Huddas; etc ••• •
Shie l d-bea ring (Dha l et )
SO Ldie r s , ~hada r (?) 1 "nn" ill the r upoe

Ori. Sirto ·revenue fr.>m Juhat- ' "

bho t, . am'J.unting to Rs 10, 0)0 ...
On Sirto :ruVcnUd frnm DDrmo-
bhot, mnounting tc. Rs 5,000 ' . 2 annbS in th!J rup.:lO
• .• • .
(Tota l l~vy from J <lhllr bhot
and Dnnnabho t will a~W"lt " . . "

to R. 1,87, at thi. r ote ) '.'

" .

On Jyuln ( rice lands) uf

Rajputs J f Asko t ......
Rat\:: s Of tC,VY· On Jyula Lands Througtwut This Resi on

On Jyula lDnus bo lon ging to

Brahmans ¥ith Talab
and BitalDb ass1snments • •• 12 ann8a t>o r bi s j

do . of Ka riye (s l aves )
and o the~ , ••• 6 anpas do.

8 annas dv .

Contd •••
On perso ns l iab l e to' llllY
.{lmDl -Manul (1) ,.lO U ':"ta x
(Mudahi") all Qvo r 1;.he~ r egi on • •• Rs 1 aecn .

b l Cl Thrau out 'Ibi s Ho;: i)o " ' O th~r Than Pu U ":Tcix'" M~d a!"li)"'Il!.";; J yula
taXGS on i ree lands
. . ....
Mel dar ' • •• ~ 1 ,;0 all cb member ;;If
'the f amily

S:lkhambasi (Land less) ,'. ," . ' • •• 8 ann<.l s J,,;. .

Dumra (untouchab l as) •• • 4 SMil S J".... .

Imm ig r~n t
(Upariya) fami l ies
of Pnnchapurbiya
, . ' . . ...
· . .. .
' ..
8 a noas from each househc. L l

On ( contr acts fo r t he collec-

tion of r uvcnulJ f r om 7) catechu, '
sa1. t imbor ari d pa stur Dge" u ix't:s
(Kcsch[l r ai) • •• 2 annes i n t h..:: ru ~ ~

Harpa pe t (,) "'" .-, , '

• •• 4 ~nnas in the rupee

From 4 Budhas Rs 200

.. . . . . • ••

Fl,"I'Jm Panchthar anJ

Chi sankhu
." , ",
• •• Hs 50
From 4 Soyano s o f pa li •• • Ri 300
From Fouzdar s l~J Dafdaris J'1 1 Ove r 'fu'J C.HUltrl
Area ' • l,i'0u:z.cCi r s fu f J t:ris

Ka'~i !cC\lP¥lun :' :R:s ' 100 R. 100

ra l1 Rs 125 fur 'l OO

75 fui: 75
Da rhaman da l
Ch~,ngo rkha
Hs' . 45 Rs . 4$

Gagau li
, . •. - - 50
.Rs Rs SO
, ..

Cant-d • •• '
52 ••

DDnpur Rs. 25 Rs 20

Sira Rs 25 Rs 20

l'hnl dl.! kQt Rs 60 Rs 60

Uchako t, Dhan1YBlCot as 15 Rs to
.. .
Sulam Rs 25 as 20.

Uchya r . ", . . Rs 5 as ' 2t

. -
Bis ourlh Rs 8 Rs . 5 •

DhYlIniru Rs se Rs SO

Choubha 1s 1 H. ~5 Rs 10

Chh&kata Rs 30 Rs 20 .

Aga r ., Rs 1;0 as 30

Maraurl. Rs 15 Rs 10

S illr:henll as 15 Rs 10

KotauU Rs 15 Rs 10
Kot.n Rs 60 Rs SO . ;

K.::ant)ur .

Khar a k

Juha r Rs 100 Rs 60

Dclmi a 100
. 5 Rs 80

On .Ja gir Lan ': :'3 as::,ignl:tu t'J the ll~' Rs 11

On Kami.ns:

Aba l - as 10 lhyam .. Rs 7t

. Sim and (haha;:.' - R. 2S •

Cont d ••.
" ';-,

On village hl.!:.dmao (gaun-;>radhan) J

Uodayit, Hol,, ~tc. on ~t1 ch
memoor ,d th", fmnily • •• Rs 1 e

On Naika, Badbhulg~li (1),

washermen (Dh0bi) ••• 8 bonaB "I-l"r bOusehul.d

On tho~ ~ who USGd ~ vsy .

T1k2rh (1), o thiJr thon
Mumuli t.axes, on Qach
mtlmbar uf tho fmnily • •• Ra 1. .;;a c h

On Kuri:ras (t.:!o:.tots), Kl:riy.Js

(slaves) anJ other inhllbitDnt.s
of Birt.:1 Bit<llab .1..EInds, Gtn0r
thar. Bra hmans • •• 1.ccording to current
r:ltcs vi the GadimUbaral
levy. . '

~hadh Badil.3.J _ 1853

(June 1796)
Regrni Ri:se'lI"ch Colluct.ioos l
Vol. 23, pp. 89-92.

~6xation Of ~ Malla Kingdoms

. .
Bal::!uram -Acharya .•
• •

, ' /;,fter al'rlving back "in H8rlliarpur~ Kinloch sent message to JBytJ rrakDsti
MallB infol'lIIing - him of I1is inability to proc8tld 1:.0 K:JUunandu beCauS6 -of th~
Jat rebellion. in - the .·WEt:i.t., Jaya Pz'i;k,ash t.iall"~: of Caursd, fl:l1t d.isappo1n:t~d
over the message, but the local :traders <lnd artisans,. who bnd bd-::-n Q vit-
nE: SS to the ,gradual dt>str\,;c tion _o f corrmtircd ...nd hundicraftB in &r.~- i:. l ... od
5 ihar,~ -by thl:: British, ~G~vo4..,: sigh of rt!Ubf. .

lhe f..iallB K~a and ttti' rulers -Qf thu Kine;aoms ~d 9i.N' c~a
their attention. . to Sindhul1 wh~ n th"y 11.3l;trnud 'that "t.t,;.i Sritish rba ~hed .
there. 'lba,' strug61~, which ,frequontly <:I rupkd iosid<.l J\c:tnm<:ndu Vall<lY _d uring
that period had COJDl.o" to IlO",c(ld . 'Prithvi Ni:lrayen· Shah warned tb!lt it. WCiS .
Jaya PrakClsh Halla him8<:lt(' Who had invited tilt:: British to com:: to h~pal
after th8y had oo.::n foro ud t o r c tr;:w t fo'L...owbg tn.,.ir dt>ffl Cl ~.. H",. tht-n·
startod pr!;paring to cap-;;u-c Kathinbndu fi!'st) instea d of concentrating
his attention on l;<.llitpur cnd Bhc.kta~:.:.r. Huw&v .... r, Prith"i N.:.rnyan Shah,
Clnticipating Cl sdoond oxpeditiori by Ki.riloch tlorty in 17fi8, cooi'in;Jd· him-: ,
~elf to laYinG .CI ~iege £Iround th(;: town of .Kl:lt.bmandu cH throu5h th... . Idnt.clr~·
In thf, ·fOOsntimc 1 n.. won ·ove r t h.a i..nhabitant.s of the outskirtB of KbthIDfln du .
~ . hi~side by £Issuring th"3m o.r:. !lis supPort. &ing impNsood by the p·.;··j ·!,0r'.- ·
all ty. of Pri thvi Naruyan.. 5Mh [: ,.~o his libc.:rCll. · tempGrem.::nt, thll · ~0"W8rs of
Kathm<lndu s t~ded veering · towards · him. ·Pri thvi NaNy"",-n Shah th"n s ent a messenger .1;0 doliv~r a message to Ja ya Pr,:kllsh- r·-j,:.!l.iI <lsking hirll tc..
Sllrri:lndar, r-Btoor thlln risk loss of m.:;n ~nc m~ to r:''' 1 by :: i f~hy.. ng a gdinst
the Gorkhalis, since the English hod a lt't:lady W1thdrown to. t h,"ir country.
Jaya Prakssh Malu, . n.)~verJ Wl:S not pr<"': pl,r.::ti to · surrondf);r • .Ht"! k.<:p.t hop1n~' .
th,lt tbe British.:would at.tack ogain . It Md b;.,COID::: clasr.,'t hat ,thi; .:8ritisb
"WOuld not b9 lIbl"" ~ . 5Ulrt any bxptoc;Ution tb,,· rtliny :;C El.sQ.~. Frithvi
Nnrayan Shah had :'esolwd to occupy Kllthzr.ondu procis.;:ly during this ~t""H'(Jn •.
I n ordor to "test ttw. strength 9£ Je.y(J PNk.:l~h ·M alb, ho;o occup,i..'d Thuinu~, . .

- .1 . ,
xBaburam ./;.cha~a,
, ~8thman:du:
I1 Tinai .Malls
pp. 42-51.

COlltd .•.•.•
situatt:d 1n tbu nortti 'ct" KaUuUendu ·to'wn,. ";}a:rly in Sdptumbdr. This plecb
was not stretdg1cally important b.:.c{)Usc it WilS situat..,d outside of th(:
walls of J\<J~hma ndu t,o\-lO. "Eve n th8n, Prithvi Narnyen Sha h occupied this
locality just to sce . how hlird JtJyn Pr&ks s h MallD would try to c hock the
Gorkh~li advanc&. In aCtur.l f.act-, J<Jy<l Prakssh Nalla did no t UlClk-.£ an:: ..ffo rt
to d~fend Thsm91. SO~ dnys l/j t~r, Prithvi Nerayan Shd h Gvacuated t his
area. •
' ". The -inhabitrots of Katlun.:znpU had b ~g un · to di slik,," Jay<:! P:[oi:lkash Malla
. ;. -beca use of his ilarsh rule. They did not like ' th" , f .-et thllt tw shoul~ 'b\.' .
squ.:.noor1ng .. tho:l.wealth of "Wmplc s. Hl.lving sc:(;n ,t 'nu.t PritlwiHorayao Shah
-had driv~n out ttkt Briti·sh', 'tb9r c..: by prott;ct1"~ indigeno\J5 tN.du and twndi-
crafts, th~ . artisan5 o:f ' L~litpurJ i!s ' we ll as , th~ tr2ders of K<ilthmbndu, hll d
begun to lQok upon him as t.b.-.:ir sav:'o J;'. £'vl:!n bt:for ·.... impo1'iin$ "' biock:: dl;} o n
Kathmandu, Frithvi Narayan Shah IP ci 10ft i'&s a gricultur"", t.r:.du ," r,d h8 ndi-
craft unhannad. TtlE:l , inhabitbnts 01 Kathmandu, whq h'lCi bl,;lcom... tired Qi' t b ..
bloc~ad"", had, th~rofol"'::, ,bQgUn to "',droir ..; f' ' i~ll ruyq n :::ihah. twn the
,,,comm::m ,mrm of K2 thmandu.,h<ld begun v) l ib him ,fo r _thu sake: cif. W1in1;<.;rrupt...d
supply of t:l88s ntial , colMlOditi<.' s. 'i n'J.s , :1.11 tt-,..:; inh" bittnts of Ka·thm<indu,
with ttw excuption o f ' a ha ndful of ll£lithiU hrC:l hmCIns, M d cv<lsed to ::support
J aya Prakllsb. . MBlla.

Prithvi Nnrllyan Shah !",,: salvcd ta taktJ a dvll ntc,g(; " >l thtl . cnnuCl ! IndN-
jatra f ustiva l in ·Ka thm.::mdu, which ' wtl S th0n a ppr01.lching . f ri thv ~. tl:J r 'lYt'o
Shah was closing in on Kath;n'' 'ndu. aut J s.y n Prt.' k a sh did no t ~r,inK: ·it n~C 8 S ­
$:l ry to _cancel the prep.3retLms fo r c", l ]hr s t i ng th...: I ndr<.i j o trll f""stiv<l i
and ordo:?r ,his troo.p$, t o _:remain -o!l l~ r~~ b ~' >.ll.:' ,;,.' .)1' th:i:! uithdr awal ';)f Prithvl 1
Narayan 1?bah l s troops ·fr om ThamuL H;:, mc r &ly closed t tl,; g", t...;5 ·o f tho · c apit:.l l
and . decided to co:?ldbra to thu f<-.;stiVdl und() r strict· Sl: .::ud .t y 1).rNt€::.mlw ts.
ItJlad btolen dE)cidcd to c<!lebrnte thu Indroj.a tra ,-;nd Kum9riy<:tr3 f ·.::stivfl l:;
for 7 days . 'l hlJ i 'irst 2 d ays of thu f e stivfl l pl,ss~ d o f f p;':<J cefully. Howllv r,
in the night .of the: third -day, . Gorkha li troops 't r 'j l,(: tho gaws and s torn.-d
into the town • . 'Iba inhabitants ' ,) f Kathm.: !'l'_hl. TJ r " · th(! n bu~:r c (: l nting t b. ,
fe,stival atter c losing -a ll · gows. 'Ib6 ·Go rkhali truo ps c n t~ ri; d intu th~ tv"'I1
'in three groups .. The: force that ent<.:re d Ktl 1;-hmtlndu through N.:Jradevi wa s
~rso nal~ commanded by Prithvi Nn r aynn ShDh. He k~~t th ~ s ~ uth6rn, g c ~
open, S 'J thOt J.'Iyn Prakfish Malla might " ·'3 c apB e usily. Whit... the King, his
minist<Jrs Bnd s or.~ s o ldiers w(;rc in the a ,·uthc rn p<>rt ~)f the. tr,wn ilt"knd-
ing tha cerennny CQnne ct.:ld uith th", cha riv t , fostiv.a1, Go troo ps
antored into the r .')yal p£llacu. :.b:mt 25 gu ards o f th" r ,;-yal palac", ' tri'ed
1:.,) offE:r r6.sistanc:a to th(; GQrkhali tro -.:; ps . ;,:t: 0u t 8 v r 9 !Jl(.;n weN kiUud
or : ",",)undad on bo t.h sidos. The guards thun 1" f t. t i13 ~'-' 10 Cl<:. In :th..:; nigh t
. of , C;haturdashi _(ttw ·14th day of thtl bmc r m:,:ontll), Prithvi l'i<lrcY:ln 311:.!J
SE:8u,d hims~li' c n th u thJ"t,n.; uI K;> +,iun.::andu which was k.;) iJ"t ~' n t.l ~ c,:, urt.j"o rJ
o f thl: Nhuchbo P.. l nc.;: (Sppt<:!mb..:.r 26 , 1968 ). a ll NC(;living n ... ws ..,i this
. .'.
C;JJltd ...

oovelopmantj " Jays ' Pra)alS~ Hdtla abdic:rted and fled to ,P atan from KathJnandu
through the.southern gate. In p(lUm~ ne .sought 8Mlhr" froil! "Ti!j'anarss1Jnhe
~~; ' . . . .. .... . ..
,: -.Ja~1l Prakssh" Mails ' Mc(about Nsgarkot1 sold1ars~ .
i60 ~ber ' dt 8~1-
di~rs ':voo ' guarded tbf:l , outposts 'It,' tlie town' was tilso corisiderabla . But ·ins-
t ep-a. :..1' offerl..og deterawed Ndstanc6 -to tha -Gorkhalis, _thl:!y thCl~~:~ 7 lit. ' .
pr o per. -to' s~ve tb<:1.r Uves hi tekirig to "th"ir hoels a"long "U,h Ja;,_ , ~ ·akash
Malls'; . .
, ". ':;
. ":'1btl "inhabitants' of ·· K~tlttD&ndu sW,Jka thu n~x.'b marning ".Jnly to -find thu;"
Prlthv.1: "Narayan Sbah- · h·~ 'tii:C0D!d t.'l",lr K1Dg;--.c. str.:.8m 01. puoplt: carrying .
pras<)ntB wadi to 'th~· royal pa lac.... t.J gr,,<.,; t t.h.:iir n""w King-~ Guns WI:.~ fired
t ) c_alttbraw toh<l ;)Ccasion~ In thl'; cours;;. at th:; gunfir'3, gtUlpowder suddi;:lo"ty.
ignlted, and, as a l\.:sult, 'ful.eram Pl:lflda was kill.. d.Prithvi ill.lrdyan :ShElh •
apPOinted one of bis br-.JtP<lrs &8 nis ' r(;preS<lntativ~ to rumpkw the Kumari-
jatra fastival. · FtltlstB J danooB, Md othur progrelllB CONll:lct.:.·d with the fosti-
val oontimwd thu ' next day wi t.h grei ,tar enthusiasm ·ttuln '\iLlS · BGun amongthullt
thu-:preced1ng 'dBy~' None ·;r the intio.lb1wnts at Kl:lth!llondu · l ost Bnyth1ilg /lS 1.: 'o ,ftho" ' occ-upat1.on of tho1r' town by Pri thvi NlII-clyan Shah~ In l&ct;
thd ' o cc~lltion of 'o capital by cln army without blo:ldshed and 1I1undor has '
few para~l~ls in ' ·t hfj h,18' ~"i-y of the world. .
" .,

.Pr1thv1 Narsyan Sh.3h -had nq imperialistic' alUbiti:.m~ His ' 501.& ~br was .
to unify Nopal. This explains ·",hy h~ did no t treat Ksthmmdu as' .s vanquish;:d
city lIrid pbmdEtr ··it. Hu nut :>oly ro llssured the '·plY.lp11i· ut KIl"ttunanou>ugh
his IlPlicabl~;· bU~ ' '::'1s:) Ch;;80" IUontipur as : his cil p~ tel.
. . ' . .

. ~on af~r the :Yi ·')t .th;) &~lish fr:J1Ii ~l ... pal; tht.' · miniSters fI t'
Lal1tpur had' clJritiJripiet<:d!'surrcndering themselw's bOfor6 Prithvl ~ NAr... yilb
so;a.h . '"HowldverJ . JayI: : P~"' ka'Bh l:fDll.8 had pgr8U~dE::dth..,.m oot t:) d~ s e, bytio"ld;...
ing ~u.t different 'prJmi~es: · :.ttzr Jay/J .fTskash' &ill!! h1mstU fled ·.K attaendu
end ~bk: S5y~UJ?I' in"' .Lantp~i t~ minist·::rs ··l ost .!'U hop"" ~D.dagoin "lIdu :
u~ t~~r m~na" ~ . surrender. None of th","minlswrs of .La~lt"pur · appcar6d"to '
we Jtlya PrakBsh M.::illa wheri"ho n; :"ctl.:;;d · t.hbr-.. t o S()ck: thl:: protectioh ".
of "'1ejsnaras1mbl.l MnUa. J.. ~ut< ,3'OO po:: rso-!ls ~olloWdd .J ,;ya·prelCash Mal-la- to· ·:;
Lalitpur. · All of thdsu persona, ·o.. cep't 8; ' oa~i;':' bllok: to KathmandU '-afwr "
Pritbvi Naraysn ShlI~' ~nt .£1 . maesag., t ., th::$ ssld1l6 th.:.:m ..t.J ·O,;.lOO back or ' .
.;:lsa .risk :.opnf.isea:tioo. ~1' "th.:ir pNpt.:rty. .~ '.'
. .. . .

oil: the . o·th~r heild J Jays Prskash Mn i.J.a still dreaming .o·f. ·< hoiding
,)ut ti.l l another" "inVCo &l.":"n by ttiEi &1gl1sh by KeGP10g ' th~lIi1histerB ofL&Ut'>Ul'
c.:mfusI()d tor : ~~ ro~ .t.iJI::II.r and ' SI.JC1!ring thL aUjJPort: of :!lhSktai:m:..··' isa IN.U; ."·

Contd.;; .
57• •

H':)we ver, just •

. 10 days ,sf ter . . b.,i s conq
S M ~ s O.n t Sr1h nrs hD Mis r s ; his' t each!3r,
. .
l,)3ost of ,Kll tma ndu , Pr ith:vi }lar ayan
. .
as a nvoy tp LaJi tp'ur ,tc? .P.dr.s uad&
t t);: m1nis wrs thar e t:.J"s urrttnde r. ~ 3 th ... "Mi n i sw'r
surri .:ndo r, .both Tt3j tlnnrl1 sim1uI ' Mllla and J 'IY:' Prek ash
s fina lly agro ud to
11811a ll;"d to Bhakt.a ~ u.,
.r -
wh,.,ro t hey 8 ~ug ht ~ h.:: lwr : from ~ in g Rana jit Ma lle •. Kipg
.. f'1:r st, did not- tna.l!t the t .wo fug itiV<3 king s, ~ ? th at ' th~r Runa j1-~ Ma lll.: , Dt.
ha d tv BW y in-,
s id\:! tbu ·D~tt.atro ya w mpl ... . But l a wl," Ran6 jit, l'Ib lla gav"
, shl:l ltor to Jays
Prak ash "Mal la in nis, p Dl acl:I with t l'kl con·cu.rr~ nc Ei ,)!
hiB Bub Juct s. 1\10 dllYS
latA lr, a fo rc~ Stmt un~t- thu' 'co mma nd of Dha nawa nt S1nil
:. and Kaha r Simh s
& snya t o coup iutl .u. L1 t pur tolrll vi t hout blv :Jds tkl d, und
duly di sm i s s ed th"
l.v9tl l minis ter s . (Oc r 6) . Tbt: min istb rs had s urre
nd tiJ:.'Gd 'With t h~ priD'Jl;.;
0bjlOctiv <l.91' ,s:~vi ng the: wo~ lth thiJy El nd ' thd r .1'oN 1'll
thd r s IuId :l l!lts sed . · .
rl}~n<.. V£! ~ t Simha .... as t tv.::q appo iritd ..:i .as admi
.. . nis tr ... t.:l r 0 1' Lo. .i.i~tpur.
. ' .. . ' . ,' . , .
Prit b'{i. Nor <ly on Shah · had
. , , ...
, xp.;c tcid th..: KiI'l{\: of. ..Bhak tc .put als~ 1..,:.1 capi -
tula ,to ~o :..n tl1':Lo r .thd f (l ll ·:if Lali tpur . He t.~N1'OI'il
. s on t a mu SSCl gq to
Rana j it ~!.l a .8s kiilg ' him. ~ · e xtra ditO bvt.h .J ayo Pr(l,k
a ah Wi l ,lll an d T~ ja - ,
n~' raaimhEI M(! l~(! 'to KDt hmond,u . HOWl:,;vOr, Rnna jit
Mol lD l"l!pl~ d tha t lk> ,cou l d
no t aban don th9 SQ whom hti ha d gran ted s he l ter. H.:;;ve vor,
a bai,c{l ta ':in. 1'av :> r . .it Prit hvi Nara y on Shah , b~caUB'" his
pe was will ing t...J
only s uc ce s s or 'J
Bi~,r<l oara simha J had a lr...,a dy d i e d~ ' an d b~ C D U3C1
he t hough t it WlJul d b& ·c'Jn-
trar y to trl!d itio n t o (lcce pt eith e r t..jit Simile o r .it.vad
hut Simh a, his
iLlJ: !gitir rll t<;, s o:.ns , (lS his s ucce ssor . Pr i thvi Na r a ya n
Sha h know thi s v ulL,
, .
<l ld . thd.N fo .ro stil l rega rdtad Rana jit Mall D as his
. frie nd .

Fo r ono ytl llr a f ter tho Occu pll ti on I... f Ka t hm:lDdu, •
hvl I1ar .tlya n Snah
kupt ' hims e lf busy _ ~f9 rming th ~ ' c i vi l ' Dd~ ini s t.r a tion
. . .

Prit hvi Nll r ay an Shah bui lt a ~1 5 f oot high ma gnif ic ent

. building nam~ d
Ka ilss l:t a ftqr , t hu- RS jpu t s tY~o to the SQ ijth of.. 'th~ r.a,t
hrrltlndu pa lace • .Be ing
acqu a inte d toor ough ly vi th the t t:;ndu ncy o f 1JODJ3 peop
le i n t~ vDlley ;to .-
i ndul go in f raud ulen t en d cons pira to rial B c t1viti~ s ,
Prit hvi Na reya n Sha h
d i d ro t WiDh to ' roe ict:.. insi de ' th..., c ity itsta U. He firs
t tho ught ",f buil.d1.nII
pa lDco s f or nims e lf, f or his brot hdl'S a B ' wl.l as
f ur his oo ur'ti .;) rB at t h;:..
Dobll 'cho k hill and ' visi ting ' th", Ka ila s n Pa lac e o n iy f
or plU'p'.)se of ho l.-
ding cour t. UUlrevo r, ho aba ndur ud t.hl:: i di!1l b" CllUS<l ho
UBu ally ,s tay.;o J a:t
NUWIl.kot, whil l. k"'(]p i~ ' thl;! Crown Pr incu " ~ra ta p SiliI
hD Sha h e t Kai J.-os6.
Whil e h l.B f a the r ' was y", t BHv.... , pra t.a p Si mhil SMh \.I xt.;.
nd~d tna Ka llas h .
P.&llJ c~ 'and cOnS truc ted ' a I)oIW '~D ~a co namod Bi l.. s m.:lnd ir
Baso ntpu r. a t ¥hIl t i s nv", ca ll.a1
. .
Duri ng t~ thre e 'llIoJir ths when Prit hvi Na r nyr.n Shah wes
. '
ha ving oC9UP i.t;;d Ka thma n du;_ J ays Prll k~ s n Ma lle, who , was
rvla xing ' of'k lr
, -,
th~n l.ivi ng £1 8 a
tGfu goe in Bhe ktap ur, wa s c ling ing tu his unro c l1z a bl~
nmb itiv n of ro-
occu pyin g KathmDOOU with tha b.'3 l.p uf '&hi: Eng lish . lio
V£lS conf idan t t hat

Cont d •••
the ·E(lglish "WOuld certainly attack Katbmandu i f only. he succeeded in rEi-
r ta~niJ.lg. tt;lD. 5uppprt of .King Ranajict Hall..a .01' Bhektapu,' 'for 'SO!Db more . time .
• . H~ :ha.d ·1nstlg"atad, . .Ajit. Siooa and il.vadhut S1mha, the ·tloib illllgitiiDate sons
" .01' fianajit Malle; too' .join him, . flfter promising them - to band c?ver ' ~ . tbron ..
. 0.£ .B.hJlkt·ap~ W tho:llD. Ajit 3inb.s and -"vsdtmt SiJnba" pad, in ~ vay, heCOIl.:!
: indePendent . of, R&~ajit M81,~ . . .PrHhv1. Nsraysn Shab' was' :watcbtng- all '-,thaat.
'!-dave lopDlcnta: , in' Bhaktapur e:arefully.. When Ranajit Malls oo18yad , aurrendar_
~: "iPg ' ~.e£o~ p_ 1in., _Pori;thvi , ~arlilYan Shah cnn~xed severs-l vi~lages, l iDclud1n€,
' ,~u.n." 'from:, Bh8Ktspur, without Dny fighting, llnd t.ho3nooBiagad " thb town
ttse lf ,. _In th;:.. meanti.Jrs, Jay'f:l prukash Ma lta had obtaimd military ass~-
, tanco" in the form of sOmG Khamb\1 ·troop:;; and, hora . HJ from King Kam's Sari'
of Cbaudandi, and brough1; th&m to 8haktapur. By that tima, King: Ft:majit
Mall.a, had,- in <: way, COIro Wlddr the . grip of ' JaYQ Prakash ,Malls. In view
of this, Prittwi Narayan Shan "tohought .that ha coulci - not. ·;occupy Bhakt.a pur
odthout war. :.i::cordingl.y, p.e sCint GorkbaU trOOps under, the comm<l nd of
KlI'ji Vmnshs' IWj , PfuldG t ,o Ehaktapur • . He: also _Sdnt. such abI.a fighters as '
Kahar ''SitrnCl & :snya"t.;- ~mki1ebna _KWlwar, KaU :Daa KhSdk<o: snd i.mar Singh
~~Pa. ;'H.~ ' k~p,t" b¥ ~Ne brot.h'~rs,in N.~"" tor fear. le.s·t · ttKty spoUld.
.:ctisturb the -pl't;pUr<Jt10~$ t.o 1nvod>l .Bb;..ktcpur, The: fourth brot.her ' SurCl ,'
Pra-tap ':Shah" how.Jvdr, Jl)<.:ni.. gud, to join ' th.. troops daspatchad' to Bhalctapur.

~-, It wus iraposs1l1t

" , '
", -f or 'll1ybody
. to rr.o"Y:l out of Bhalc:trlpurj i t h<: ci ~
beo.n ' ti"ghtlyoel?iU:ied on a U s icL s . Jf:lya Pra k"sh -!'Wits had -'mSda arr~ng", ­
lnt::nts to :~nsui-I;O ' thui .all points: of ~try into Bh&kt.:.pur WI':IJ'O tightly clos d.
Notwi thstending ' this ~ th~ Gorkh r. U troops cOIJllll[;nood by Vamsha Raj Pc.nda
and Sure Prat ~ p . ShClh · fQrced the ir Wby into th~ town through it.a uastern
gutti St- midrught • .t..t. $y-broa jc th~ ,-start.ed firing on tlw paLt cr;) 'braving
ll ll obstacla a.· Jaya 'Pra kash Hallll W<lll staying thel"l-; ! witn -'c annon ::nd N3g ar-
koti £lnd Khsmbu troops, -..nth th,_ 1n.tvntion qt t1ght1ql; b:!ck. HoW"..;. ver, th.,:.
numoor ot sold1\; r8 und~r his oontroldid not ..!xccd 500. Ajit -Simha and '
":1..vadh'ut · S1mha tOo ' h~d r ecl' :loc<ll-yolf,ths tor t1ghting"'a gquiat ' thi:::"
, ~t:kh'~,l.i ' ~rooPS. ,,Fidrce £1ghting continood _throUgoout :ttie cby;', _sinc£) Jtlyll
· Pr£l \a:JshMallL 'bppe,:uo.:don tl1. tro nt Ds cOmlll£lndor 0'1' hi:! tI'OOp5, ~ . J:ly::' Pr<:l k~ sh .,
· ~lla w4s,'fh'cing att.-.eks· from both s :idos on -hor5~baok ~ But ' lthJ n"'h<i DDwd
·to ,commcllld; anothar " forcc :at !:lno"tb~r pla oo J thu GGrkhilii ' trOop:S"IIi&roti~d for-
ward aga ,1ri~t t h(t ~llD troops LLnd movod tu t 'h€: royal ptll~c6! ~o.l Go,rkhHi
traqlts the,!J. startQ4 s hoo~ing _lit tb!) Ht lIs troops ' in tho ' la~I!I' fl'9_a:D hou::iu-
tops • . Jnya Praksah :H<[Illa; who w:as tired of day-loot ~ttle; ' '~nt~n;d
into ,.thq royal ' palace ' -md clos;d th ~ ga :w5;' The surviviqJ KBlls troopa
ha~ ~lready - cnt£,rod ' lnto thl.> · pBl.<Jco , ·.In th,j- m(,~nt~, th.;dk:irk¥l1 troops
mov~d :' to' tl):; '1;'oof Qf >tbc I'9y~l puloco , . inst.8li!.oci tha GorldlOl1 fV~ p. A'nd -COll-

'tinued 1:.o.l!!~oOt .- at in",;- windows <r. d , caurtyU"d~ at -'tt!-,:;- pahce. .till ,r.i &t. t.
EVlm in thi~ 'situatiOn, Jll¥U _Pr.<; tk:ll..:l r<>matMd 'front 'o f th... roYll i -
paLace and c:ncouro'ged .hi~ troops. 'Iba : Gork:b<: 11, titOOP5 oont'1nuad' tbuir '
attAck throug~ut tht; nj,.ght., N"0IXt. morning, all tht: thr.:w kUlga -QUru tryill6
to move to ' s Bat~ part of tb..l Pt!~.ou~ 1\tjanl>riJ Simh2 lln.d &nr.jit Mllllb dia

so ' successfully" , r.u·~~~·.· Ja:ra , Prak~.Sh, hall~. was .pliSSing through -os .;)rri"
. dor hQ reaeivad ",n. injuqr OJ;l thEJ ": L;.g -fl'Qm_ , ; ~, fired by ' the Gorkhtlli
..troops. He ,was then tDken',to ":an upper storey.= "-Rnn3jit Mo l.-la:wl:ls ' still ,
nesi t?ting to ' surrenqer. ,~ut whtm, :nu: S'lW' th<lt _ th~ un£lrll"lEld p,!oplo i~th·..
_. courtyard were b..:ing killEid ~y the Go'rkh!rli' troops J and. ·th,& t , th,--, upp f:l r
stDrey -also- was ,beizlg. pttllckod, H~"'Ql:'r;,;n, <i tiody:-~rd -o f _' R[;lla~it }:ta lla,
.pu1;. ·off his wh~i'to , turban ~nd shol·/ed it Qutsidb . ..Surb PrbUlp Shah. r..:gi:lrd-
ing it as a sign of "surr<::nder J ord..;red thl: -firiqg to stop . \'l'ov;-,;miy.. r 13).
l-Ie . irnprisonbd all th... thr& .k ings in differen~.' roomS of th(;l pCl.i.Jcu,. ~nd
th<:ln-,informud Prit.hvi tlar:ly,an Sb'-lh( .
' . hallo, ' obs'.o-rvin g pOItLncd uVt:>n in thj,.,S SitUll'l'ioh,
Ranad h
-, " , ,"
,his rdgular:TI:; l1giou':; i'unctl.Ons in - tht;; morning anq ' t ook his m'J31 in tht:: ,
afterno•.:in. But Jayu P:r8JAjsh l1a1l<J ,'Wc:.sCOlllP';,ll,.eq W',QO 'so in Sl.lm.., r ooW.;1
since he vas , woun~d; Wht;:n Prithvi )i.r.r~Yan sh",h r(:ct;iv(:d this informll twn,
ha wnt to th<.l royal' patac~ ' in Bhak'l:.<:pur. Fl,-<l .w;:!I).t ,dir..,ctiy t o the roqm
where Jaya_ Pr.c:.ks-3h, 1'1<I11a WillS k ~p t lIf~.:r only lpoking 81;0 Ranh?it Mq11~.
lJt.:lr a long period o f 28.yc;;rs, thu' tWt) ,fri:.mds met ano 'ilmbr6qod c(jch
other. JDY<J . Prtikash !<1311;:> · expl .... s:;-_d hi:;; - d.sir~ to p2SS tw'rust of his
life in t.he service ,; ;: th<:' G.xid.;Ss, und requGsted Pri thvi N"'roYl'./f1 Snntl t.o
1?0nd him to th·) tfJmplc o f Ouhy(.:shwari. Jirrangc-rwnts wr ... made. t o' s",nd
Jaya Pral5:as h M;:>lla- t o' Guhy03shw<lri_·a ccordingly. Pri t.hv). N.'Jrl.Jyan Shah: .th ...·n
went ,to _s ee Ransjit HsUa. In
this 'W ay, th.:- ,first duy possud; .
;, ' ~

t. fE;tw days after Jay-a,

Prckash he U.l:l' was takon to Guhy.:!st,wnti, his
injurios oocBll'l(,surio'US , und hv 'Was take n ' to .(u-yo~hat •. Hd die~ th~l"IJ ':
(on'Now-rnber 24). . -
,- ,
Ewry year ,aftor his ~ccassion to to.o thrcinc', ' Jaya Pr<:)<l\sh }o!<Illa
had , to fec o on.;}' calamity llftk-~ another. H~ wc:.s th cr ~ fo r.: fo q .lish 't::nQB'gh
to murdez: his own ministers' and generals. He thus fail.,::"d in his" ·lit ....
.However ...-·h.t;. , was brave , and c;on,s idiJr<ld .i t tx. t:Wr t 'J ' d ~ thll:n t o s'urrollcb:r,
In this respe'Ct, h~ (.J chi;;:ved succ.:::ss. No o_thur KinG h.-:d tri~d as , Mu,ch .
.. s Jaya Prakash . Mall.a to ch(;lck, the -Gorkh3li ndvrinc",. It wns a major ..
blunder on l1i8 part to recruit ~ug/JI'kvti tr()l)ps and invitJ? th,;i British .
But i t W.1S · thos .:! mist<lk;;s of Jdya Pr.,k"'sh ~,.'lll<l whicn, m.:dt;: ttkl G:;l'kh :;. lis
bravo wa;rriors.

Sinc~ Ranaj'1t. . t-'.£il,.la was Qwr 75 y;JD rS ' of ugu, h... <lxpr.. ss",d his
desire to -liv,;: in "KClshi (Vara'nosi, "·'I ndia). Prithvi Narayan Shah th~~~f(!r
~i.:nt hi~ _ BlQJlg with aM -o ther Hlvwanees. (JLnllcry '
'l770) . ,'_ H()~vl3r , - Pz:i. thvi .riarayan Shah consid<}Nd . fajOndrilSimhu Ma lu>, . th::.;
Laf!t King of Lal1tpur, LIS imb~cilA; and! Impri50n"d him in ·Bhaktcpur. for '
, ~1fb., ,:' .

Contd •••

After the conquest ' of Bhoktapur, .t~e foW"!dations ' of <l new Nepa L were
l aid, comprising" tfie territor~s of Ka ttunandu, Lalitpur, Joiakwsopur, Bh.:.kt.: -
pur and Oorktw~' The sub jac ts of ,these K=!ngdolTlS beeMs the citize ns of oni::
Kingdom unde r one King . Tho inhablt nnts of this new KingdOm Qi r:eplll baga n
to be known' ea Nepa li and fullings of elOOtiona l unity t:llll'~rg()d ar:ong th",; -
Nepa l1 sub je cts of Ktng--Prithvi Narayan Sh<:h. SinN Prithvi Nurayall Shah
and his brothers, DB well as mam~r~ of the nooility, had oot)n born in
Gorkh a , they called themselv<:s GorkhLllis. But K:Jthmandu town ioISs, .the c.;nter
o f tl?e. newly":founded Kingdom of Nepal, [lnd so they ha d already becom~ th.J
N"'p<llis 9 (:tha Kingdom of Nepa l. Gradually, thl:t CQlIIltunal fut,; l1ng ,tl}.&t " .
they wdre" Gbrich<i Lis disappeared and , all thE:: et tiz~ns of ·the nC'!Ily-fpun& d
K1ngdom' oocalOO Ne p.:.Us. ' This nutioMl unity was' 00£.; of thu major .~ ch~(,.v,",-
mt;nts of Prithvi Na raYbn 5Mh. . . "
. ",

,~ . Pr1thVi Naray on ShtJh had c'onfl; jlqUl:l ~ powers on ' Vamsba RaJ .Pc.;nde:
and Sura PratE,p 5hLlh .. Howav"r,' wh,;,n tht! batt.le bega n; the lattar displ.ay-.:u
Spcci..<;l l e.nthusbsm and . took ·OV03r tni.l full corrin;~nd of the troops into his .
own ha'nds . Hti cap tured ' all ·thi:l thr..;:~ Kings himsdf. Only SO or' 60 pt!rsom:
had beon killed on th8 Gorkhlll1 side · during t.h:.: bi.: ttl..:. (0. Bh?~tlIpur),
which l us ted 23 bours, a s ag1.l ins t rror,rthan 1, 700 civilions and milit.ary
personnol on Bhc:.ktapurls sid d . '1'h3 casu'l lties includ0d W'Jmodn. Frithvi
Nar ayan Shah had givon strict orders t.nD t unarmed pe~sants nnd traders
should not be hannfJd in nny wuy . But it was not poSSibllJ to obse rv.; this
rul~ during th" bi~ttlo of Bh.a kt :Jpur. Prithv1 NarLlyan Shah was thorofor.;
f ee ling po rturbed. Inquiri(lS rev eAl ed that th.:: bllllOO l lly on Sura Pr<Jtap
Shnh . -'i.ccordin gly, Prithvi Nar ay a n So<.!h r 0wc r ck,d Vamsha Raj Panda instu nd
of Sur~ Prntap Shah fo r thu victory; .

Sura Prawp Shuh had dos1r",d not on ly t.o iN rowDrood far thv victory
but a lso to be appointc.d as administrator of BhBktap ur. How..:v€lr, h<:: got
nOither. Prithvi Nnr DvDn Shah knal>' nou tr.3 r):Jlln Kingdom hDd boen dlvi d~d'
w h~ri the brothers of'Raytl ¥.,'I U ,? , who had been appointed £IS ~dm1nls~tor",
ot La l1tpur and Kattuntlndu , bGcmna lnde-pe nda nt Kings tht!re, and hen!" the
Sen Kingdom had bean divid<.ld similarly by too 'aons of tho 8.?n King. !I~ .
thc:rcfor;il utiliz e d th e se rvices of his brothers but. NtrDill3d from appoin":'
t1n g tham as lo c.!: l cdministrators b<:lcbuSC of th.. harm this would cause t o
t hoJ n[ltion~ When Sura Pra tap Shah, in 's buft, Nquea~d permission tQ U:V~
in Gorkha , Prlthvi Narayan Sh(Jh r eAdily .gave it • .a-I'ang':'JII}nts wore. mad",
to maintain a strict watch on thu llct:l..vlti~B ot Sura Pratap Shah in (k,rk.nkl .
Not wishing to remain in such confin"~nt, Sura Prat<lp 5bah <Jscap"d across
the Marayangdi rivt:lr and ro .:;chad D.lllu, lnatcJ ad of s'taying anywhere in t h,:
Ch<lubisi Kingdoms. H~ diud II l ow yoars tht:lr .:;a fter.

COntd ... .~
~ RoOlgmi Research ("Privata) Ltd,
Kathmandu: April 1, 1973.

Rp-gmt Research SariGs

Year 5,• No. 4,

Edited By

Cont. .,mts


1. hn ilppttol F')r 1110 -"bolition

Of Slavery ... 62
2. UnsuccClsstu1 .Attempts To kmex
l'he; Ch.Jubisi Kingdu ms 1;.nd ~­
cO!lcilia tion With Tile .l:!:nglish • •• . 66
J. Supplii>s For Huni tioos Factories • •• 73
4• .Arru~ And <I'1inmunition For Gsrbwal Front • •• 77
5. Rat&s of Transit Duti~s As
(;hhoprak, Gorkhll • •• 80

.. ,

R.:.gmi·Rosc,areh (Priv/Jte) Ltd,

Lazimpst, K£itluDandu, N(·pal •

Compiled by IWgmi Res0srch (priV3t~) Lt<.! f..)r priv", t e::

study and roB~~:reh. Nvt ma£lnt for public Bale or display.

An ~j?po o l For 'Ibe Jlb0 lit1on Of Slav(;ryX

( Contmu.d )

" 11 10 1l1li

.... _Valur: of .Ra '100 in :; yea ~,s a t 10 BnJ 16 ".c. is given bel.(,}'w*. ,

cap"! t a l '-- . . ,-. 100-00 . 100-00
- Inte~st 1st yoa r
.. ---
~ .., ' , 10-00
. liPjiJ

" 2nd
,, " ... ll~OO
• 121-.0 0'
IB- 50
134-50 .
- , ,, ,,"
JrJ " .. _, .!. ' .! .. _

" 4th. " ... 13-30

146... 0

. ,'" '
' - ...
" ~5th
." ... · 14-60 2B'-80


161-10 28;1-60

" 6th J J ... 16 ~10

33~4 )
7t.h J J ........
" 6th " ., .
. \

J J .•
9:tb. , II .. . 2l-bo 52-10
To ~l ... 235-60 '37B-80

' .. . ,
Canto •••
63. ,

, ,
.: .... SOvJ'~g .. fN~ and sl.llv,;;a po~~ltlt_~ :m uf th·; Ji"'..:runt distJ.·1 c"s .
, ,
, • '. • • p.'

~r.,)Dl , ~,ninis . J1~urcs' vi

i~~ftls (J f Jis~~c:ts "
, .1977 s.~. . ..
1 Fieurus of
" · 1"YBO ~. E.-
i'vrcunt.;.. ,l.I i

I , , .. , .. . , •
, .:1... 2 , h .s 6 7. '
. 1. . ,", 3 ,.
, :',,
I ,. I I . tj
I ,
. ' .. '.
'64i.40' 305580' 1329 ' 306109 ,, 0, 1409 ' 1/2 't" 4/5
I I 1 r- ", " ,

Du tsido the Va ll<:y 110)61' 59860' 241'

' 74801')65440'1570'
I ' 1 I
- .-7iy--,]j
.. m-', 1/3 ,,--
, 1

1. Tvta l numb~r of h>J u.s~s

"i.r!:clud ing b::; th pUCC.:.l builJin~s
... .
.md thu tcll~w h ·~ u:Ns"

" :" . ..
2 • .(ul~uJ.r,.. ti.m, incluuin ~ !lUi~.- o\<murs 1'::55 nl.ll1lbur (Jf' si.<,vos~

J . Sl aves.
L. 'r'.> tal.

6. Sla?oe.

1. Perc~nta t:;) of slevcs to.. :to.1;a l popu lBt1on -of .J1stM..cts.

~. ... . . .. . .
0.: i:'urcanU:lgc:. of.,~law ownefs', t.:.i house oJwnora .taking onc " ::IWJ'lor f ,jr c .".' ch ,",
MUSO • . . ."

CvnW •••
'IlI.'ilNJIX t (COf.!!jJ q",
, '
~. '

'~i... :>1;. t<b . J ' 14976 81225 ~35 B216~ 478 1385 l ;t 3
:'fOst NJa 4 29523 1n072 , 4345 163417 1426 5(X.;2 2~ S
~' :;; l;'Cl !In·! Gulm1 6)615 37~O7 6693 )7690~ 22(.6 7492 2 3:t
. ,<'l"wthlm 21345 12~)87 1676 122C63 527 1629, li: ' 2i
~ ng Sallyan )
36531 213194 1135 214329 200 1027 ! , I;
;)~ ti 24332 15)226 ')')0 15)229 278 2
l C))O
:r 1
R1it<!Ji iJadcldhur a 9116 173:)2 5)) 77 5,5 145 507 <
. l~

iJohilc kha 11789 8375J 42) 84173 87 323 2/5 2!Y

Juml Cl 142)6 884)) 88y 8,"22 )81 1220
278517 16)767) 19:/60 162763) 6741 226 J? - ••• • ••
K-~' ski I.:.:mjunb 136')44 14B3 , ,
23775 3521 13,565 4236 3 0
~':, l.nwu; l!:S: );I ) 4475 55 453) 27 2"
• J ",
J.:.jarKotu 12137 73579 295 23874 69 247 1/) 1
B:.Jjhcng 5821 42596 447 43J43 1 :J) 492 1 2
.0<:. jur<., 2463 19849 371 2j22j 56 )6 ; 2
450)5 276543 4689 28 1232 174(, . 5446 . ••• , ....
-- '
323523 1884222 2464') 19;~871 8485 8c51 • ••• ,. '- .
c..:.;st. ljo . 1. 39669 211381 2322 207J3 Bu 256) 1" 2

-Ulst lh . 2' )1785 - 172·921 4151 177) 72 1366 4718 2t 4
-~' Bt No . 3 2',;6')9 104768 JJJ8 1'-"1)6 1478 5')1, 7 4, 7
E( st Nu. 4 4))58 265145 4523 269668 1011 3445 1t 2
.:tl.Snkuta 58784 349818 '3244 35)l62 1404 4)07 1-1/4 2- i / 2
Ibm 149)) , 87J28 447 87475 152 518 )/4 1
Wll t ,_:.;. ••
- ..... _. .
~." ..., ~-

.. - . •.- , • • "'

- -- -

, .
, ""0
Ri;JCuncililltivn .il th 'lb w: &lgt.istr
Babur<lm kch::.ryll ~

~t. ~1..s tilll .: , Rllja K.:lrn.::. '5..:n o'f Cn.'1 ud<mdi t who was II suppor:tcr Ji t b
Eng lish, ttt'· bitt..J I'vs't. f ...e.. Lf ~h<: \l;>rlct..:ll1s. KDrnt: &:0 h.:.cj &id.. t1
J t' }' llPrakDsh Molls .:: gntrrst t.hd i:br kh:> li s , .::md 0';' '0 trii'd h,1 s bast t .,
drivo th...m out with th" supp-:;rt o f t.h~ English, Evcm th·."n, .Prltbvi N.:l r ol'-rJ
Sh<l h vu's mt ab l u t.:J puy ~·, dlil t...: il ttantion t.b Ciu: udll ndi bt.c<.ous" thl1
iSSUd 'J f thu TCjr<Ji torrlt.)riu::I v t N,: lcuanpur h"d oot y,"1,., ooun d... cicl..:eI.
'Ib(': Si.> t ',Jrl'i t.:; rl;,; 5 f1~r~ B till Wlddr tJL; vccupa d ·; o ef Ca pt~in Kinlcc h.
It WIl S l.J ppr.:lx:nd..,d thll t. .tf Ch ~udlmdi was ,",ccupL.:d, IJ s i milar disput. , '
lII.:Iuid !I ris ... with t.hd English a b Ju't its T&r .:li w rri t..,r i;;.:J . Prithvl. N'-' r "y .....
Sh:.; h th", ruf'Jru c .... SitkNu it 6dvis::bi.,, · t;~ prvc U\3 Q 6g1'l.."lS t Gh<.>ud<-'tla i <.;tH..'
oft.;;r b~gk ih.:: T,~ ra i t.::rri1..;ri>::s v f .MLkWCInpur.,:.rci:Lng.Ly, h ...·
1nlt.l.u t •.,·d act.i.Jr( .::gClinst Tc;nl:l hu in thd west... .
King 'rri:vik.r~llko S.m .;f T.... nahu had bticol!k:: frl~ht..:nt:d ..r~r. h ~ V-Ulg
bc".n frd ..,d by Pri tllvi l~b reyan Shc.:h . TlInDhu I 5 du lllinbilS tJk.p. \, ;_xt ~, l..l<.,. • .
t.... Chit .. Wl · in t.h.; inn",r T~ rei , Tr1vikr£lm.:. &.n d.l.s..; .Jwncd II 4:.<unimieri l.n
t.h " T.:: r Hi C:r.;<.l uf Bi:lttioh. s ..,uth 0,;1' Chiuun. Wh~n G.:;.lding o i' &tti.;,.h,
rtwnb . ldt .'1 t P! cnd Kin loch. WiJru pl[lflning ... military camp Di g!l
in ~h. pL:l., 'i'rrvikrJ'm.!l Sldn pr:) misc.ld tu. !ll1ow a pIlSSUg.J t.. th...-m thr" ugh
Chi tllun. Prith.yi rlbrayan Shah thbr ef0r;J plnnnuci tu wip .. .;;. ut. '. h·~ in.d~p~!.I­
d<;: nt ·:;xist...:ncc: ) f .T.:lntlh~. In th;.;: rno.:lntin'l.J 'frj Tikr£.Vl1' &m d i~d §>nd · ~" s
~UCCO(. di.ld by his d ldost, Ktl lOOridotta S",~. Evr.n th ..m, Pritbvi H ~ r':'Y ~:1l
uh ' ~: ' S pl:m remain,1d unchangud . H ~ s",nt tr·.)·... ps un~r ~ c·,II'I1I6lld vf r~::: k", ::1
j~;'! I K: r:, .J imh ~ B<:l.s ny.:n; t.> o ccupy Tan.lh~ . B!)tWUll F,JbrullJ:-Y ·e nd ,Hercn, t l._
v ·r i::l<. li t~0 .. ps. ~c cupi tl d Chhang, Hnnpang ond S;)m...t ./th.;.,I" Stltth.~ntE wJ t~. ­
.'1l ~ i on",! rfght ,C1710} . Thu lX. rkhDli tro·.1PS,· lldvancing furthur, b,"s i <l~;:Id .,)'u~' ,

(~ ' C vn cll!!1d j~cc ·)~n t.

"am ,IIPyasi", 2022 (1956) ,
RojyahaI'Wll3 fidh1kar Garne 1.;sDphlll.Pr.ayt:tna :.1,..
iltwmpt To imncx 'lh~ Cb{lUbis1 K~g d;j'l!i
'I'ht, BnKlis hll , pp. 52- 59 .

C0nta. •••
. 67.
• •
tn ... ctlpitD l of T~n.Qhu. ' So..ling t.tlllt TClQahu cvuld b..I dtlfvnd ..HJ any J'l _r .
K",mar1ci:· t,tc. ~n~ win W3$' child l oi.l ss, c"Jmmitf.U9; s1J,icid'... . His b r ) th',:l'~
Herakum.:..r.:,!(j<ltt..:l S~n, p~{;dBd,d him~lt t.J wj rk f~ ~ 1,in.i 1.y. p,ri tbvl {.;;_ !, .y; ; 1 .
St1£:h, t D<:'r .i:i 'J r.. , made him King :'If Tenllhu . Hll rakwnA r ~u.c tt.a tl1<-: n tl CC" J t, . .l
th", suz er .:J inty ut th.: G:..Jrkhalis. On 2':ccd ln t; t.,:, th.~ thI")n.:;, Har"' kwll::.r; .-
d(, tt•.:, &'n v.;:J w·Jd to ") bu LilwllyS ') J1"" sidB v1" the: Gorkh... lis in th ,ir i n:r .: .
• •
LarojUilg, sltuet",d to tk rwrt.h :) t 'l'::!nahu tlnd ad j'-Jining G::>rkh5, WoOl S .
a puw..trful Kingd;m, th ~ ugh it was sma ll il: !lr<".a . Kin g .jirOlIJ. ::~; . ;k' Sh .• h
~ f .LoD!jun6 f e lt ~·rr1:.: d wh" n 11;; lc~rn Jd of ' T~nahuls (lccept<lno", ·:;,f U r.~ ~.!: 1
suz",rainty. H_ slmt his C~,! wn Princv, BirabhupaLa Shah, t o Kathm ~, ndu,
end Qccepwd Prithvi N.. royDn Shah as his suzorain~ Prithvi tiorayan Shc h,
o n hb pf<rt, I"? " Rag~s f o rt to Lamjung. .

l'hf: ' f o rmer m1pl.sters 'of Lalitpur "Wc r .; ~ :)bl.klss at the: tinP.. Thos ..-:
, among the NlIgB:rkoti s o ldie rs' brvught by J"y~ ,PriJkash NaUD whu u Wlb<l
pr(;p<3rty in KllthmDndu VDlliry stay.:-d on ttw1'>. 'Only thQSL' .,.h~, J i d n:.. t
; c wn trfY prGp.;rty ia Kathmandu Valby l.:;ft it. Pri ~ i)vi , Nar~y<.:n S ha h ' he ' j
p<lmitwd th e. Nagc.rk~'ti s o l diors ::Jwning hvusos in Kathmandu t o 3; "(.",1,: ,
d,;)'wn th(o~,' rogurdine th .. m as l.o:..c.:.l inhnbi tlmtS. Si rd.::r Bhtnr.Joi 3imh.: ,
Wl!G I.JM .J f th\;:sl';: svt'tlt;rs. Thos..; N~gerk;Jt1 s:.)ldl~rs who had r "'fIli.,in..J
. un.,m'~.L";~·\. cl :d t,.;;r tr.lCI c:,) l ,l .apsJ ~f tht: .Ma l.i..l ' rule. j oi nold t.hv 'Wldmpl'..)y" j I
minist. ",f' Lt.:litpur l.n hatching 1I c,Jnspirucy t :. &ss !: ssina t~. ?rit.hvi
lI:..:r:..iyun S~h 8.0 '.1 .;irivt: ,.>"ut th\;: , liI. rkhll frum th ... V~ .Ll.;y c.nd thus r .... ::i't .... ~'
t.h.::ir d,Jrn1.n<.! iiun . lbGy pr.:;bably in 'tv frill:;:: 'hj'!lIWr(lsiir.h.:.o Man... ,
vh,-, W, :8 tOdtl in dd tdntic n, cnd nieltu him .king -,)f all t h<.. thr~,..I Klng0" a.s
, c, ) fuPrisin~ Kllthmondu Vsll~y.
, , ,' - ' , ,
.kt thu tilnd ",hun th~ mElj:.>r p£;rt -,) f th", G.)rknal1 a rmy WDS in 'l"IJ,.!lU,
, rri'thvi i~ ~ raYfn Sh.:J h pr..)ce lJd~ d to Bhnktapur tn visi,t i,~mph. ,) 1' .k't. <-I'
' tt... y~ . ,l..J h:. l"\.: ~,choJ s ,l.~n.;ly pl<l ce, tht: pslanquia c l; rryil'.g 1im \.,G :; ~, r. : ­
bUs~.a , QY Eih<'lW&!Ji 'Simhll,' w~ was '_on. bors.;)b':ck. Exactly at the tim..: ",h u
.8h.:iw~nf! we s making an 0 Q ·Prit.hvl NaraYlin 'Shah I s ·lii ;" 'rI:" tt
his 5'ot..)ro , Hsrsha Pentha, the: , l~tt..:rls b:Jdy guard, dlsp". rsvd ,th . c;JOs!-,i'-
r l:l'l;.')rs and kilb:d Btwwanl Simhe . Thool surviving Nagarkoti c . )nat>~r ~j t .;.l'$ .
Wc:N cQPt.ured the: , n~xt da/. 6 f c n nur minis~rs qf LoUtpur, incl.udln~:
L:)xmi 'DI.l6, W'~ r~ ols o £l rr~stE.:d wh~.:.n th.i.:ir c .:J nspir~cy W~8 unO":'W J'(.Iu •• ,.1.l
, these minist.::rs weru b~besck:d (March 1170).. Other Nagsrk:l ti $ wr..:.-
tr.... :'I k pert, in ~'" c o nspiracy ,wore "behODood tit th;J~r '::',wn hous as .. , '

:r:,rlthvi NarSytlD ' Shah ' gladly gave HsN.hll Pa~thD tho ' tltl~ Bljuli 'l ;f
(lightDing),bocaus. ·he hDd struck Et BhDwon1 Simtu. "n'd b', heododhim,t .
lightning spoed. S~c~ th~n, ,Horsba Pantha came to b'j k.'l;;,Wfl os Bl.juli
Pantba. '" " , ,

C:mtd. •••
. Sinel:. thcl' Po'Wtlrt'ul : KillgdvmB ·;)f Tanahu' BnQ .Lamjung Iwd acc-.:ptod
N.~poll s suz:rainty, Pr! thvi -Narayan Shah 8!lW thpt 1 t WOB D<JW p0ss1t L-
t;... ) ;cxta.nd th~_ trontl~r:;l of _bi"s Kingdom to tn.e -Mc.Id1 c,;l1d KaligtmdC:!ki ri v ,:,::;
in onc: stroke. H~, ttiGroforL d()sp~tchod .506 troOilS '. ~nch UDoor tll''; c ~r'~l: ..:lJ
")f V~:msh(, Raj P :.:n~ an(:KahB.r Simha BasI\Yst t.o .)ccupy , tb.:. northurn' qlt! . ~
S'JUthvrn Kinf:.d'lms rcspc:ct1vt:ly • .Ki~g BlraDlDrd£m.~ Shah Jil.:ly haVe t;ont El -
c'_n"t ingGnt to.) hi...l.p Vflms!W Raj .P~nd l,;. Vemsha Raj' P£lnd:':'.8 forcws ' ~ :d. _. :,-,,~·~.,
iut.:.. Kc.tSki unc occuptidd tilt;: P:Jst of Bhanckridhik • .l!t) th.m B ~nt ' .. In:::SC<ig'
1;.:) King SidJh~ Nar3ya~ ·. Shah aski.,ng ,him t>_: llCCOpt J?rlthvi . N':':NY':i.I - :3h ~', h' b
suzc''rDlnty. _But S1ddh1 NlirEly=n ~hD:h, wh:~ was' b£lckQd by Kirt.lbc;ni N,di;1 :j'£
b rbut, r afusnd t.:.J 'd 'J. SQ. Vemsho ~j pande thfo!'Nfo~-;;' t:n~ugh.t it prvoont
tu wl.: it [ '';; 1;' .5 '.;m '-~ mar;,) t1n:. :3nd wotc,h th,J , svut~a~ - [ ,l imk ,oof o ra attacking
Kil :::ki in struIlgth. ~'lhan, Elt __ nn opport~ ro.JlPl-:n~" Vr·msha Raj Pend ..,- lannch.. d
his in~<-'s bn ~' i' KoJ.!!ki, Sj.ddhi Nbor:Jyan Sb:.: h trldd_ his utm?st to f e il it.
U1.timot;J ly,. tb.; Gorkh; tlm"rgad victorious in · this battl~, and Siddhi
.~ ~ r;:Ylln Shtlh "cc~pv:'d Prithvi ~~ 'j r'~y!!n Sh." h I S suzdrainty. .

.. l. f L r c~:nqu( ' ring

KbB,k:i, V'-'1T!Sha Raj ¥.lllldd lIUy-..:'d , t-)-~ards NUW'.oIkct. ~'t
th ·~ bat t 1 ~,; of T" k i!il , 'tth ~: wrkhelis f'.)und it nard t:) wf"::8 't t h... : trv ';;tJs
'.: f . th~ 1:.0(.1 KinG, s,) th r.. t to<.,;y ho j tv rutr..)8 t. HOW6wr, thl;; King ... !'
!'; UW<1kQt. . s(J..i~ ran ,.::Iway fr".m nis ,cf',Pit_l .md tc. ... k s'h~ L~l::r in Bhirk.:Jt • .
ri lll"ld k.; t -thus ,C;.lDli... 'und,, "!, ,c :...11Lr . i. of it~p~l • .,Vamsha Ri.lj Pand;; .a nd Sar~ !ir
l' r ..::bhu .~;i.:l1[: st<;y·,j .:.n in liQW8k", t. . : .

',1',.':' tr.... ~ps 3""01.0 und~r t.b ... c~(:llll~nd ',if t(c: h.:Jr . Silllh.J J.:..snyot , .r::d.v ... o
t." w::' r 03 tb S-.I Ut!: al·:; ng wiLn r ... infvrct:r11ll::nt~ fr,n: 'ranbhu. t ,)w~v ... r,
- , loh .:. -'t L.inS., '.:..f 'r{i!:.in6 ~!id i);J-~ rJ sit\L:I~ ,j in t his r "gi-.Jn, rt;;fus~J t ..
<: ~kn,:. wh: jgu Pr,L thvi i;:.: r <!i"ln St.u..o , as .t.'ldr , ..i.s, foUCi:)" th .. t"t'·;-.JP::' c·
lnt," irr:.m n,:;'SUlg' ·unoJ, ... :r t t", ·c,JJlUn.;,nd ,~t K.Jho:r SiJu~ .B!lSn.fIH., ~i1ci t •.h'. ~s:; .
.. ,JVl.lncing frum Ii'uw-eko_) t. ~d(:r ttl... c...;mm.snd :.d. V.~nsh:! Rc..j rand;', j " it.u,.i,,"
.~~v~~'7 d 8.hirk0t ','ad dvf-.i,-:: tu~ tq ,~ t-l':i :'ps 0.:: tli~ Lc:; ~ ~ler in 't,h~ btl tt i.,.
. v1: Crnhck.J t (Jun.; U7L). Th,,, , , rul\;;r ,,1' G.:: !'h<."!un, wto -_ ...,('S /: mi Jl Jr,
. ,,WI_S
.c:'J rri",j a\lfliY Tt ,} ' uUlm~ by, his J' i L}i.s:'t;..~l·S, whiL: :tb.' ru~r " f l'i.:i;,Wl rL -Jc.1
. hiQ c <J pit.11 r, ft ;. r 0f i'::.. ring, ti ~ ht .. l'.S i S t· ' : : 'C~ • . hS :i Nsult, o,:,tb tr; :~'"'
princip.:.' liti;~s C·::'1Jc" u n ..Jul' toh" c :'I.:,t.r ,l - ~ 1; Prl.thv·~ d~ r~yl.· n ShL' ~I . E.v:"n~
succo.;.;d(;:ci i ., I.,..xt ,rlding to;.: (bmini .os vf Nt'pEll t ; tr. }:!ilig:Jnd,'; 1d riv,.::_· ,
4 <! r.<:l r S itrl l ~<j 0;'1 srly.; t : 'jfi'~ V..;ms_ha . .t:taj .P<-'DJ,;; spu nt th:', :1 .';;'$ :"!n in Bh:!.r ~{, t .

. L'1 th-.: bo tti~: o f Grihtl~t, the 9f s'_ll ctL:-rs d:d spD_t _ch4:::1 .fr . > Til .~ ,0'- h-.. t..
SUppo rt th~ ri",rkhll1.i.s s~~;;,d.:l mutiny, •. 1 tJwr ~t: tb'f · inst1g-?t1~!J~ ~f _tlJ,,: il'
King, J.1!.r?ku~rC!Qi.l t 1.<1 S-;m , -o r. tv , 91,: t.5.;'": th -'- r\l1.~r Ji Bl}irk·.).t •. .Thl...:(. J ,) i.:k J
:~:. Bhirk .• t . trr)ops: Don ! ·; ught. " g;: lJ;lST. th.~ G; rkh.. lis. 111imsb.:l ~j · F';,'rlti r:1:;:
nar" 3imb~ &;!sny:, t. :.;rdoJrud s 11 , thl.,s<;: d<:isl;l'r tdr!.i t.., b,; b•. h.J:fldr;d, '. m.·
Charg~: c·f. ~t: ving aid<:!d \!lith., th.'_ "}n:;my. Hcralrum<:.ral;ia t.w &lr ';)u~CI-rcil.y tri o
Jh pr:)vo:' ~"! 1;i ,- Ill:: W': S fl'.} t , rusponsib;t..:. f o r thiS inc.1:dont. Hqll':::!'ir, t." ",C$
- , :
- , -,

v.mtd •••.

Vdry angry ,a t tho Go rkhfll1S. HQ wus Wlsbl" t ? e xpress his f e ... lings bdce us:. j
b~ l~ ck.Gd st.rengtoh. But tnis inc1d.;.:nt r0vivo::l d tno 0 Ld fO rl ·)f h<:l tNd
t :J r th ~ G6 rkhL:ll:i am. ..tng Wit p.:.')pk.of 't anohu. It was nt this s t llglJ t.h.ot.
thcl ru~r 9£ Rising dt:. fiod t.h ~ Gcrkhalis. Vr,msh.!l Raj PlIodu th~reafkr
:)ccuplcd RI,sing.
. .
King B1ramardanc 5Mb. v i ,Lamjung, King Kirtibam }!allo of Parbat en..;.
King Huk:unda San U of Pdpa 'W e r e th..] l eading figures in tb-it Chaubisi
Statos llt the time. Thl: trv;.,ps of Lomjung lI nd Perbat w,,;.re n·)t inferiur
to tha Gvrkhlll1S. Plllpa, of co urso J lacked. mllit.1ry powr, but i t was
oconomieally prJsp..H"OUS. That is why all th..iso thru ~ su.· ~ s :lcc upi:.::d ~
o::;min&nt p'J sitiun in the r~gi-:..n c0rnprising t h\:. Ch.:!ubisi' swt.:>s •. Th>::y
w.,N ccnct:rnclu ond a l.Dnned ')vor t.h ~ se"rit;5 ... f vic t..:ri t} s U~:1 by t h-:. G..:. r-
kh ~ lis. lbi3 !Dct that. th ... Gorkh£;li tro ops h<ld acivanc<Jd os f £r as the.
l~ tt l!lank ·.;f tht.. K... ligl.lnda ki rlv~ r Dnd c.J nso l1 dc1t.Jd th~ lr positio n
th"ro was intul,Jr ab l <.i f or thum. ValllShcI Rhj P~nde · and KClh~r Simha Basnya,
howu v~r, cumm; d th;) mist£lkoJ e f wa~ti ng J m;.,nths o It was durin( this
p<JrLd that the ",nClnd.oJs ef t.ho N",pal guvl1rrune:nt f .)und an o p~u rtunity w
·organize til.Jm&::- lws ag<:! i nst t M G.:.:rkhalis. Early in IK::cembIJr, ttlAJ ChllU-
. blsi stCttas starthd. fdve rish mil1tnry pl"\;parllt~" ns against toht;. Gcrkhc:l.i s
in Tanahu. ~ng t.hos\J "Who played El majo r r .:.> li:t in toosc prep£l rDtlons W i:r ~
th.,; Kings ·of PEll'bc.t, Kaski and Pa lps. Sincu \.hE> rul~r s of Tanahu BOO
LamjWlg also wa n. indirectly invo lvdd in those prepDratlon s , th.:: Gorkhcl.i
t.I""JOps · dli:plc,yad in Bhirkot f acod th~ dungi:ir ~, f be ing cncil'clad." 'Ib~s.::
ru10rs plaIlocd "t) liquidau, t:.l1c Go rkhali troups in Bh irkot · i mmodi a t Gly
~ f"Wr th ~ md uf the: · r ?iny SEtIl S..lfl, Howcv(> r, Vemsh n R;, j Pandu p, nd K:.:h3.r
Simha 86snyat; ll"'tl8r.:: of th.: gl'l ving Of}'..;tny 'Ju1 1d-up in Sa tahWl, r.:;CiiZ . h::
th'. . nc~d tc l.DUnctl l: prJ-emptivu at1:..!lck. 'lbuy pr.:nnptly a thcke,:l the t:li0m,)' .
tro~ ps at SutBhWl. : .. f'i...,rc·.;, batt.l", ...iCl5uud, in which t.he GJrkha lis 1010:.:1' ....
dofoatc:d. 500 G::> rkhe li tl'.J·... p~. wr~ killi:ld alon g with Kahar S1mh~ Basny(l~.
·VDIDSM Raj"Pandu was capt.ured (Oeci:llIlbcr 15, 1771). Surdc r Ran.::lshur PDnd...: ,
bI'l'.Jthu r ·o f V:lIllShn Raj PEindc:, . tt'.on t .)o k comand o f the Gorkhal.i tro~ ps.
lit . t.")ok tho rumoining Gorkhll ll tro'J pS t:l Dhor.

In vi~ w
o f tht:< ,j~fC llt 'Jf th.;. Go rkhllli t roops , th~ Kinbs v i Lamjung,
KDSki and Tanpbu to.) o.p ; nly dufi...,d th..; N...:pa l lOve rrunl...nt. • .c.B s (..("; n a~ n" w5
o f th·.l humlliDt10n sufftlrvd by th0 G.,JrKlw 1.1 tr ...)ps Nlnchi:d Knthmandu,
Prlthvi ~!aray;Jn Shah dloispat.ch03d a c~nt.i. :1l!t,. nt of tro.)PS und :.r tru.. · C':;fIlj"n~nd
of Dholu:l S1mha, yvungr.r bro thi.:." r .Jf Kaha r Simb:..: BasnY;lto Po..: '-l is , S(.:l111:
Hll rl3M Panttu:. to · llC CO mp ~~ I".y this conting.... nt. HOWiive r , t ~..., Kinc!; of T,:mDhu
"nd .La'"'\jung) vM hlleJ !'Uooll..:r! ,!f;a!.nst th .. llc:t>ll l k:;O \f'Jrn..-::I..:nt., pr~ v,.) ntb d
th... ~rk.h2lis f rom CMSS ing tho M3rsy.:tngdi ·Tivo r o Or.. t.h~ pr i:lssnru of
thd.!k.i- Kings, t"hv ruie- of Dilor t..) J r ~ is...ld th .... bDnn:., r .)f r ·. v.) 1t. cg"'l.ns t
th~ N... paL go wrnm ... nt (J':"lluDry 1772) . t.s b NSult., toht..: l'_mIllJnts ;;f t t...·
dlOl.ttlatdd G.:.rkMl1 troups f v und thvms"lv;;;s uncirclbd 00 ~ ll s 1Qgs by t.h ...
"n...rny.: Buth EkinLlsur rllndu a nd. P r~bbu ~ r~ rnut:k; pris:Jnl:lrs by th~

c.: ·ntdo ••
enc·l!iY. The ,Gorkhnli tro,)PS,' wll) .w.;:·ru, thus deprived .)1' ·,C~rnmDnder.B J brokt..
the :siage with C0ns1d~r£lblu ,d ifficulty , a-nd moved into T.:Jnahu. Evun att:::r
thoir' entry into Tanllhu; ,thc . G;;rkh.. l i trc )ps, l~J by Sube:dars,. f uund
ti.le,ir. path block~d at d1ftarant plncos by the inh~ ·:" i tnnts 'of Tanahu anci
LamjUOg.· 'TOOy were ~ v;;)n .deni.:d an opportunity to USl.' boats t.:. . .crvss th ~
'Marsyangd1 riv~r.They ulti~tely crossed tru-l riwr wit.tLdifficulty. 'l'h..:
r'..:intQl",coilktnts d,-, from KlJtl'"lrllundu under ' th" c -:;mmand !) t ,JDtIokal
,Simhll Basnya't. w~'rc thull,. staying ut tobo ' sllma pll(co).- 1bc ~) 'fcrI:c;u,s' thus
'lil\ked ' up.
. '.
' ""
;:, . '

.. ,'.: . Ranasur;l~ o;)(nmunder. ,,~ t.h!,} Ntr'; f1 tiag ' truop~" yas d.i~is:;lvd
by Pri:thvi Nflrayan Sl-wh. '111:) 13": s·~, hjicrs 'wn':' hac .bst gLin,s ~<::N tin...:d
..w1:~.h.' ~ 60~OO ~ech. In lldditivo, he ri:;tlUzo,;j ir0m tht:JIl, ~ swn r; f Rs 60.00
each a~ ,the pric\:l :.;f th<dir gun. Th.., d<;lfuat ,irtl~ by th.J Curkhali
·tro ... ps in th~ bcl t.t.l\l ,~ f "Bh.irk:.t, wh.ich. w.5~ m:ir~ ' sorioJ us t~n the ond
thuy had sutfel'tJd in Kirtipur, <lnd th'J fDct that it had r-::sul~d, from
: th~ir bncirclomcnt by the: enemy.;.. gavo Cl now lO/38:>D tD tho Gorkhsli
conm!lndc~s~ lht)I\laf-wr~. .-thttY btlg:,n to sh:)w qt.loost circumsp...:c::'ion wh·_ n-
3vur ttwy sot ,Ju-t' to inveda any rag·i on.
. .' .
#iter the fall ' 0.1' BhaktDpur, th.:J fNntiure o( Nopal ; in the h.1U
r .... ~bn hed cx-wnded "from th,j ~ Cq"pe and Mar.~[lngdi riVl::rs t~. ;th<.J IN.6.h-
koshlrivbr, nnu' t.::J th..z inntir Tartli in the sjuth. How..,·YQ,r,. · th.e. n0W Stat..:
'Of Nop-'" 1 WBS sti"ll incomp ~et.:; J sin~ tb;; Bn tie!,!' QCC4pat,1,-:.o l,l.- .of .·thr,/'l'tirui
nr '" DS of Makwanpur c,::. nti nu'd,. ·The Tilrai territories ,ext.::.nd1ng tr1Jn Psrs3
~:); 'Mahottari w\;;'r~! ·"a part of »w'kW<'lnpur ·Swt t:: .. Th~.' i 6r;}sts: ,~f this . l1r 'JIJ
l-/er~ inhnbi t,.:·d by nW'll8l"L:us Wil~ 301mals 01 Thd' }bgnur I>:mp.;rors J t.hervf:)l"o,
-had Dccept.:;i tl-Kl 1J 1~p h'tmts 'unnUh-lly as tribuw , from lwf.:)c.}lant=lu~"', H:)WI;;ver,
when th;; N<Jw!.lb of a..:rigal- and Bin~r -dt::cl<lrcdhjip8elf , , 1mlopoinoont aft,~ r
th.":' ,~i@1.nt~grati')i1 '; f th-.l M.)gh.ul Empire f (1 1l.6w1ng thQ . d~.~th ·. (, f ..t.urangz"b,
th~t njmi,nis~ld;"Jr ~f Paten d ..mlClml""d e[,sh instdad '.,1' ;:, lophants. Th0y ' (')v.• o-
tunUy r<l1sed. tht:.: Clffi.:l Unt of th,~ tribu iA: to Rs 12,506~oo. Paym.::nt of thl.-'
trihu'k wes disco-ntinU> ' ~ ""'I~_n Prithvi Na rayao Shuh. Q~cUp1ud lwkwunl-lur,
inclu<J ing ita ·Tar.:: i t""rritor'~s. In th-- m~Mti~'- tti.:; Br1tish ' b.:ad. br Jujiht
~ng/:ll ' ~nu B'ihur, ,--\S' w",U. a,s OuJh., Wl,-~r thtlir oontr. .... l. 'rh..:. ... m..::rgc..ocu ,~· f
t .w..; ' pClrailel Sw ws in · this m<lnu<.:r CNe tad fedlinbS of tostlli.t y betwee n
' ~':I:'l. Lt was uut :)1' f<jar of t.h. ... Br~tisn that 'Prithv~. NarbY-'io . Shah . h.urri , ~J1y
oceupicdNakwanpur. ., '"

. ThE:: British .had also th\;;l amqition ut""'.Jceupy:mg th.; ' hill regiGilS u£
~ep~ l in urder .t;; monOpolizo India's tr<l d0 with Tibut Bnd M:.;ngoli~ · · thr ... ugi'l
NG~~ l' B terr1to·ry • . io.t th;.~ mv~nt .they W.:lr,.;' thinking oJf cbing so, th03y
rucc.ivt.:tl • . l!i.:sspgo.·
frnm·' Jays ' PrDIc.<lsh. !'..<Illa pl!.-:il d1ng f ur 1J8sistanc",. lhl!
' .

Contd •••
71 •.. .

British' responded ':v.; this 'meas~g!'l ,by s(;nding, trq ')ps uqJer tbtl cmnmand
of' Kinlooh.· However" Kiploch failed t.:J. enter intc the nill ' regi:m -"nd
tha inno'r Ta'r e i of · NEfPal,_ . 1I~l!ItaY<ild . ,:lD in ' Barn ' dis trict w~th to.., inkn": .
twn of 'atteffiptHii~ to" Il'IOWl int.~ Nepeli turri'klry"a yuar lawr.- How,,:v,;;r,
nu c. ccupfed thl:i Ti:lrai, areas--of. f arslI nnd RautClhat distric't s, and' 'stClr'Wd
e;)ll~'C ting' revonu<:;'- in 'O rrlar t·), mc)o~ th..:. c.Jsts ",f t.hl!l war,. In tnt:· m.;"n';"
't1D:l, Prittl'~1 NOIr:.yCl" Shah- occupitl d'K!3 thm~nd u_ & h d Jlhakt'::l pur; thar.;;:by
d.isCouraging tho Bri ti,.,sh Jr-Jm Illi:l\dng any 1I ttklmpt. to
(;;Inter into:.. N<ivcd.. .
1'ill then, how.;;v.::r, he had not pai"::: .:.ttaritLn to Bura jist.rict. Even
aft.Jr t.tla ooath of Km w ch, Hardy cvntimwd cullecting revonua Bm.)unting
t;;; Rs 24,000.00 &nnunll.y in .ailr" Jistrict. But h.::, wg",thur _with his ...
. _~uup:l,foll a vi· ·to ffiiJluri1) . Ht·ne,;;· tho Br"it.ish ttLU.Co t th.uY.,.st:lvu1.::
b<J r r,:,ady "l;.rJqui t. the Tar.:!i' if ' t.h<lY c ·; ul.,,:! t:'ursu':': ,.\.; Pri"Ch vi Naraya n Sh...Ih
t .) p~nnit thun tr) 0ngag;: 1n trlldi; in i'lepzl, wnich w..;,ul J Yll:lj &n incvm'"
of mora than Rs 24 ,OCO.:::>O ~nnu~lly t u th~m • . ' ..
.'. '; . . -

Satya'd har Upadhyaya' Datuil, wh.,')' liv<.;. j · at Jhongajh0 U ·· (now in .East "
No' ~ 2), whi'ch f~.>nn-ad part of Makwllnpur 'sic.lta-, _wDS an cmp1.o'you (; f th~ _
daPQsod King HomakaI'llll S"m .. His $ c"ln, Dinanath" Upadhyaya, w£!:;i' <in iJrnPl,oy ..,;
uf l{ahar S1mba &lsnyst vhil,,,, "the lattor wus govurn;Jr uf Makwanpur, fur
bl:l -knew well t.hi..~ ·l"(;lati;)Oship b;, tw",,,n t.h0 King c;f Makwanpur and the Mug
Nawabs with n :'gard, :1;;o' .thiJ T~l'd~ H.;;;;l~' . bJ-d <lCCe5"S t.;.;. ·th""nt dJ, ~~,
-m~n ts. Ha · thor<if o re went 1:..). K;ithm~' neu a 10n6_wi t h KLlh£'.p ·\:. &lsriya:t. ·.',il J
Personally' ~ppt:;'taa.j t,.;J' Prith-vi i~a rayan ShD.h 1:,-)' lib'.;ra'OO tht:! - TarEAi re gi .'1I
uf MD\cwanpur fr-jrri: the '.clutenus of · th~ British •. 'lb~ s1.'lggastibnsput for ~
wa r ·j by' him 'in this Ng:;:rd .Werf:l 3pprc Cia;l;od by .Prithvi N3rqy"~'n 'Sh<.ih, wU
. ; thertlforo . sent Din,qrtath Upadhyqyo to ha ld n.::gotiations wi t~ Mtij()::' :r:, lLl'
,,' c British ':Jfficer, in .JJ.:>rbhnnga (January 1771). ' -
... , - ::,: -" ,;',,-,.;,: " , .-. ,.
, '· Ai:. this·-tw-,- Brltish. :Jff lc.srs anJ th~ offici a ls ~ r .t.h",HQg!lul; '
" ' Nawab -in' Bangal and , BihElr, · W<.l n: aJrninistilring t.oo .j,istricts. On : r"'Dchirig ,
DlIrbhanga~ Dinartatb. Up.o::.inyaya _conv",y..::d a IM;ssag" fr.Jm Prithv-1' Naraylln
SMh' t i/MEijc.r K· :;ll~r·., - Tho> Irli.issagu fjr;m isu;! t.J pOor t,..; t..t.~ British "th.". ' .
sam... 'tr'ibu:ws :-in c..)nsiJu_Nti(,n ,:.f t.h~· Ti.;r<!i ~rrit:.iri... which th,,'MOgbu l
Nawaos ' USud -t.J ~c;;iv"j ·i'NM -th~ ~inb. ".J! '~~ k\"Ll:l,;Ur~ In.<.idJiti0n, · lt : clD~
, t.hil t _sinCtl" MakwonpurllOd b<ion .;;nn~..xl.lp by t'ri thvi hi.: ri:iyaa ShD..h , it_s T.Jr<;l
- t.f:::rritJries 'sh"uld txd,.)~ t- J ,.tll.r4. )-1iij.:.or Kdli.UY !QI"WI-lrdd,j 'this ' Vn.,~-..Is."l l
t 'J ·.his sUt->C:lriu rs in Batn.:., who transDi.itt...d it t,,:.. th.:! g.:.ov;.;ri,,-,r (.if ·aen~,-, l
enu Bihar. Tbc v,:..Iv.,.ru,Jr accuptad this tJ!'.JpoS6 l in tnetup;.i thatsucn to
c:,)'lcillatQry g..; sture . WlJuLJ <;l nablbtt),ci Brit.l.Sh tu gdt a f'.,-, ~ th(; L.: in N,;r-".L
Th.,;:r~ 'w r ,::! hea ttl.:1 argum..:r1ts b<; t:~~n :Qin.::.:naib Upadhy:.ty~' -an::.!" Maj:..r K.;lWY
''In'; th;: quesii::n of tribu-Ws. ,.Records in -tru; ·Po ssassi:...n of -th.z'Brit.ish
.:: ffii:ai ra in ?a'tn~ sh'JwJ that th,j. Kings ~f !'lBkWanp~r usC,(·t.o·'s:",nci ~ 21 "
i'cut ·.tall ~lf:;pharlt as tributu every YC:.t,i-. I t wos ':In 'this dundit16n ' ihl.t
'. '. " w ntJ •••
72 •.

thl-. British agreed t.) v!lcato too Tarsi tcrrit.jri~s of MakwantJur in !CIV-Jl'
.If th" Ovrkhalis and Ncall· Hordy frum theN. Huwevcr, thi,,; British
~ r:, p:.J,*,d that th::! Gorktlalis shuul:::! help tv rec"V\.:or th", r 6Vtl!lU", Drru.:..rv
:./tlian Hardy ha d bet:n-unabld t :.. CGll~ct.. Dill3n3th Upadhyaya agreud. t ) thib
prc ~"s<ll llnd signoJ an CtgrU\;rm:.nt tu this "££<lot •.. Hardy thun vi t.hl.!r .... w fr< .&
loh", 'l'urtli r-;:.gion Dl ong with his tr()t:ps . Dln3nath Upa ;!hycya, un his i:.t' rt,
r~ic.)v", rod the:: l\:.V",nUod llrroars ana handed ;.Jvi::lr tht; saml3 to thu'sh.

i.; r thre·) yelJrs, N(Jpal c '.J ntl.n\;.~d sl.:ndine s" 21-feet tal.l al>l(Jh~nt
tu th", Brl.tish. la B dlepiwnts ;..f heigh t wt:rio . nut 'avllilaok ill ..b-,
f ..; res ts , in subs.:! luunt years l; ....:~<l l. fient <..I n t;lG~)ha'lt v f a h..,it:-ht. 'Jf nptJ r ,_
xi.nwwly 19 l\;ut. ht first, too oritish rais"" ,! ,)bjtlctiuo to this. But
~!h(;n Dinant:th Upauhyay.s PI"?JucoJu an agro~munt sign..:d butwutm Nawab
j·t.,L.:.lwet Jung a nd Ram Narllyan, whiCh pr'J vi.d>2C f;,r tht; ;:trosanteti'. )fi <...f
an ~lupha n '.. o f tbst huightj tbc-. English off1cOT J Guurg,:, V~n.sitt.9rt,
~g rCl",d t :l accept such an elophElOt ,'!nnually •. 'l'tll:! Ji.:."u't-. 0 VIolr P:;,rsa and
'R.::.utllhllt wos thus finally sctt.L<::. d . Warrc:n Hastings, th.o' ndW "overrur
G ,~n..:, ral v f th,) British East Inc1ia CO~llny , accept.:.d lkpall ~ svv", rdgn ty
o vor '::.11<_ T.Jrei. ':iith th<....: rustor,';ti,:;n of the 'faNi r..,gion, to", Urrik.ry
A the Mwl.y-cl'Ul:'tcd Kingd.:;m '~ f N.'fl.:l 1 <.; x1.CnCtoJ t.. th,:. DuJhk,:~ shi l·m!
Kllmal.c rtwrs in thd Lost, thc· MiJr .sY.3ngJi rivvr in th ... 'HeSWrn hill
I'e{fi" n, ,,11, Uril: river in th:. T<JriJi, 'nb·- t in to' , fJ " rt.h, !lnJ BilleT in
thi;' s :: uth (1771-72) .. Prithvi Na r e:y .. n Sh<lh g': 'v~' ;)ri':rity t . ; tt!, :t:;sk 0f
fu rthtor expandine the 1A:rritJry ') f this ne:w St: t-J . H:iVini 'r. _ l with s .; t-
bllCks in SDtDr.un as <l r ..::su lt vi which h ..., £ai l(d £::, c .. nquer th.. Chnubisi
stat<s, Ill: divr;rt.Gri his <.:tt..mt10n irum th( w,Jl:!.toJrn r:.:gio~ , . .mu stDrtc:J
!-,!'\3'pa ring t J, occupy t.h... t\.n ~'n Kingd::HI'IS -: if Ghj ud~nJ'i and Bijcy:j ~ur,
'situated i.n·:;: easter.1 , region . -,

(~) From King' Girban,

To Jayadra t.h.
. " ,
If 1 t tbat. t,tw . o'ld and. nl,w m.l.nJs, which had ·ootln opo.;rstdoJ by
a~pe 8ra -
' Dru.rani Padhya undur contrtlct in 1861 (1804), will duvdlo f.\ Wldvr ··iunona·t·
lII:Jn.:.gclIlJnt in 1862 (r805 ), up.-. r :::t_ t.h<Jffi on .:.u,:".i " at basiS' and UPIN int I1l\,;n
at suittlbIa ';JI\CI 1\llll.:nts. _lssu(: 2 c~ )ntr·.; ct f .:. r th ... · "1J:.;rut.i6n ·. :.fsucn min,!s
i f t hi s 8 iJ~ars prtf,,; r.9.b l ~ . Wc< SI:;;U c'ltif trn. wh.:l'Wv.::r y·... u d:' in (Jur int·..: -
'r ests. Pay a monthly ij (! l ory uf Rs 9 to y-.)ur 'cl.:.rk (&.hidH) . Wc shllll
grllIlt rem1as1on (for 't tJ"'P.:nditur,;) , ' .

. .
Baisak:h Sad1 J, 1862 ,
(Lp"i1. 1805)
R3gm i RoSf."8reh Colwotiona, Vol. S, p. 500.
-. ; .
(b) From King. Girhan,

.- 81,~s81ngS.. Pr"viously, y<)u had dvs pa tch'.ld 2 dh':'rnis ;"f Cl)Pr--u l" • .:'Y(,U
MW! now dc:spc.tchuJ 36') :iharnis. y·;JU hilV" .3 1su- r up0 rt4d: ul!:xl):)rtS ,) 1'
c opp"r to the 5-:) uth h(Jvtl be en bmUltl1. Co{.ip(:r wi.Ll b<:: ~W·Ctl ... sed with tl'".<: J

arrears duoa fr0m IjBredar, Dbc:r<m1 an..:! sU~;,Ili,(;;u SOAI. ioV;:'I"J[.>r i<> t " .::.rr:u1c<ol ...·
m"'nts will bu I!IOIdt: .. fter studying tht: l'I:.lsui.ts .,f ~j~ r ..; bflJ ·m nfln ;:! t. .;~ r<l ­
tiu n (of cop~ r .mint:: ~) during 1862 (1.80,5-6). (.i::m~bjt;;"s) h<.!v", bo.;~n s.;nt.
tr.) inspect mi.nbs in diff ..1"(.mt aN~.S. n rlt'.) n0V... nJ tu..J th ~S·.1 .,.art.i.cul..Jrs • .
1.'w-.i c'JnsignJJliJnts o f cu vptlr navu bG,,{J. r<lc~:"v .i.l , ~ 5 y ... u wiU. l<:larn l"rvrn t n....
rl: ~itlts issu~ d by the rnagozin<.l-. y",u h;,v<l d..;n~: wo.; ii 0] b ;:, ntUI ~ <.:J4jjr1<s ... 1'
c :;: tJt'd r t J mu a.·J uth. ruTCtl<.lS-'; cJpp",r Wit.h t,h ... c r r.Ji.. rs Uti<> fr~m t h... Ij<"r'LJnr
bud des( it quickly. DJ nvt m!; k" .o.ny u",luy. £t"'tJJrt t-, ~ .....';"LhoJ r s"',,~ J..J'
"i' c (Jl1[).t r win bo oxp~uit0<.i" Jfl Ija r u 0 r hmbun t. bl,:Jis o;.; uring 1662 (l.8:)$-6).
P.)op l e a N coming b~ rt:; with o1f::rs (to ·Jp,J rst,(: cUpptJ r minss) on IjDr l.l b<;:>is .
We will d e) wh p.tcvcr 15 £IkJprupritlt.:,; . DJ n:..t lIlllke th" sligbt....s;;, c.c-L:.:y, Ork:
5,,-nd sUPl"l i tls quick ly.

{tshDrJh Bad i lL., 1862 .

(Jun, ISO,)
Rugmi l\::suarcb CoH~cti0ns, V·.) l. 6 , PIJ. 96-97.

C·)ntd •••
(c) From King Girban,

101 dh.:lrnis -,f plll't: o",,;p.. r, 111 ",rw rnis . . . f l..:. -=d ,.snJ 171 Jh.olrn1s vf
ir0n haViJ b a-:.:n raceilld.;i t.hrough Darb<i Sing Mjhar <:is the final inst.allm.,nt
-:,i thu 5uppliiJS du.:. Wlddr t.h.., Q(..ntrDct t ... o[J ~r<lt.:: C0jJ~," r,' lstld <;nd irm
mines in tha Listi eras ( 0£ Sindhup.:l1chok district.) uuring th;;: yliJi.J r 166 l.
(1804) •.
~.shadh ,Sudi ,1 ~ 1862
(June 18?Sl.

(On the Sllme data, similar raea i pts 1o/6Ort,: issuuJ f .lr 561 dharnis iJf e<)~J(l<,;r
frc)M the K1tyani oO,Jpe r mires ,in ilu,wa1ot. " anJ yn dhiJ rniB fr'jm Pa1:lncn.: k) ..

Regmi Nesearch c-.' llt:ctbn~{ V01. 6, pp . 112-113.

~. S1:.t::al

_i From K~hg Glrban, ·

116 dharnls of Bt.1el (Istlat), ~,urchasod by Srikrishnll Padhya nnd JSYD-

~ng<l l Podhyt:! with Rs 925 sancti ..lDcd i'r;}m t.h-) N v""nuC;lS of Mor~ng f or"th, ·
D ro!?~ment o f su,"pl1es In,m Calcu tta , h.,vc: t~ tln r o:.:coivcd ttlruugn Trilo-ohan
Padhya anj Narod Pnuhy1.l and hend:::d ov,,;r W th.,> custody of KClpn rdar Bhotti ·
Pando ,' Clearanc~ Shllll b~ gNntad agninst this r.x::eipt whik tluaitiilg th"
Jice :}uri"t:i of t.htl uul'chasa
. . . .

;'ahadh Sudi '11,' 1862

(Jun. 1805)
Regmi Resgarcb Cu 11uctiuns, VJ1. 6,.p~. 118-1L9.

3. Wax

(<I ) Fr;:.m King Girl)l::n;

T.) all vill£lg .!'s <.nJ. out;:.'.:. sts (Ch.cluld) in the erens situated ' w::st ui
vishnuma ti rival' .snd east. of RDginns.

~rovide portcrag..; stOrvicEls in yuur are.:l f 'Jr WO;} trDnsvort :.Jf Wt.x Dnd
b:..n ..y baing ~upr: l1vd fr;)m R.!!giJ:l<lS oooor C<.;otr" ct f .) r tho::!'jnanutacturo uf
~ ::lOnon. Th.c:. s e s U;1? l ~ s sh"'ll .n' b<:" hdd up : t :J r.y ;.utilos t .

BD isakh Bodi 4 , 1862

("'rH 1805)
Reglni fu:ls £:arch Cu lL:.cti .~ ns, Vol. 5, ·::0. 499.,

OJntd •• ~ . . , '

(b) From King Girb~n,

;'To'CltaUk:!dnrs of all ·ro8d~ 'and

fl3rry-points (ghat) 1n th ... arGDS ..
eituat;ad ~-west of tbl~' BisbnuwJ:!:-l · riVdI' Elnd tlast of the Ka11 river.

Permit man brinCin'g wax for thu mcmu!actur~: of et:.nnon and of mulds fur
o th~r purpofl(lS (Waja Kbm) tu t>Mcl;t':)d to .9alc.ji without any obstruotbn.

Baisakh Sudl J, le62

(!.er11 lB05).
, kls~l;lre~ C:; ll.. ctl.:,ns, V-, l. 5,. ,:... 517.
(e) From King Girban,
. To Chautartyas, Kajls, SardlJ!'S, Knp .'lrd.... rs: Khajaneh1s, SubbDS, Suo<, darsj
Ditthsl5, .Jethabudh3S, Najlkis, lharth0ks, liJlll'iis, Biohar1~, lNSI'l:;:S, Dook.....
~re8, Darogl!S, JamadEtrs, MlIjo rs, Kotos, ;,_j itms, t.mai1.s · nnd Clthars 'thl".. ut.:b"
out our chm1nions wst cif th\1 Bishnwn;,ti rivur. I .:.

Larga qunnUtl\Js of W<JX - ~ r,",ri.. d hEorc f ')r -the manuf<.!oturt: 'of 0&0:"
mn. Su p ~ly all wax prui,.+u.c,::>,": in your . ~Na_· ,V.J tM- W'<:x c ,~ ntr.:'ct:.. r (Main-
Bhunsi.lrl) on "tJllynuUt of ttk. pricu et l OCDl r<.i w~r. Tht:o c Jnt.rac" s h<lll
c :.. lkct. a chargt> :.;f 2 snnos ?-"r _dharni ut wtlX in a dJ i t.l. . .I n t J th~' l uc41 ~
rat.d and 8Up;>ly it to th,;; llIWlitLJns f'actury. ~v.::r._· ",WlishIJ).;.nt smd.l b,;;" '
i.lwerdod if .,l'Vvn .:.nv rni.l sa o f wcx is s ;,.> lj t, j y r.h.:rs ...or " x i,-,rt<:: J .

~h&dh Badi 13, ,L862

(Juno LBOS) .. '."
Rdgrni R.:Isuarch Ci.., il... ctbns, 6, Pe. 93-94.
( I ba sarn,;: orddr w... s s..;nt vU th.. s.:>m.: .J",t...; t o al"\;Qs Bitu[l t", ... uaBt :.;,f' tik;-
Dhvb1khoLB river).

(d) ~om King Girban,

"" \ -
To Bahadur Thcpa.

You ll~ dit.V,.ctad t.:.,. furnishqu1ckly pc rticu1<l rs of' 'thy we .. t1on ::>f
hon.)y-c(Jmbs 8S "wt(Ll ~s "f th~ quantiti",s ( Jf , W.!IX Cv l.1'..;c1;.dd by y •. u in Jii'i~- ­
r- Jnt Bn)3S.

~sh .. dh Badi 13J 1862

(JuM lBOS)
Ragmi Res~arch Culwctbns, Vol. 0, ~. 93~

.- .. , C:mtd ••.

4. Timber

From King Glrban,

To the ~lllla ~lnj inhabita nts .,I f thd vllltl ges rIWlntionud bdldW, balong-
ing to all th ~ 4 'castos end 36 sub- c€lsws , othe r than thCJsu woo 5Uwl.Y
timbdr and char c )s l dOily tJ munitions fact ori e s or grind gun-powder at
'gun- Powder ' factories, llS wa ll as t aborera amployed I or the aUPI).ly o f I o ddl"1r
(Gbans1) and lumber-workurs (&::la1) • .

Proce~d ~ Malta ( in Ch18ap8ni~dhi DNa) on ' JhorlJ bas!s: a~j trans~ort

.!!! t~ Cl r
1N ••• obt ain I'<.calpts and cl()8ranctl from the o ff-ic1:~ls appo int.,.;d
throUgh Sard{Jr Indr a SilnhB Thapn . Th~Jse who do no t p~vid~. Jb8ra services
in this mDnner sha ll 00 ;>unis hod . Brine t ha timber qu ick ly •

'l'hllnkot Dahachok:

Sa t unga 1 Tsginabu (1)

, , Bosan
Kirtipur . Chubhar

Phar f ing Tistung-Palung

Ba l ambu K1s1? l di.

l~hadh Sndi 11, lB~ 2

(Juno 1805)
Ragmi Rnsell rc h Collections, V;) l.' 6, ?R . 84- 85.

('lb. .. 86m.J order' Wll5 80nt ·:>n the StlrD:J C'· +..,d ~ Kotiql, Sunoguth, Bungma U,
Tudtkbel, Bodd , Kettka, KbokGns , ltochi, Harisiddbi, Tha i~, Lul~ Bnd
(}t h~r villa ges a15-.;1) .
, ~

(To Sa Continued).

Jinns And AII':ffi'W11tion For Garhwa 1 Front

l. From King Girbun,

To J(eji Na1n Silltta 'lbDpD Bnrl Sardar IndrD Simna Th3p8.

Blessings. All is 'Wttll hard Dnd w;" h.:'lp~ thtl same: thore. Tha news haN
is go:)u.

W,) s e nt -men t) a rrest the f ':lur militDry pc)rt8rs (pipn) wb') hed d~s",rt..,J
(tbu ams). Their n OSi::I5 wl#rG cut off. 'i'nt:!l'C ff\ bd .:: tl1ur d ... sert.ors 't v':;.
Stmd ,partieulars of th~ir nanus fJll~ .lIddrt';5ses. If tb, ·y con b,,> cutJtur&d
thl.lre, do so, Dnd .'.It o ff thGir mS>l,a.

Cannon was dgspat.~t:ld fNIIl bON on the llth O<.:y o f ttk. month Jf ilswin
(apPI\)xo SlOIpt.:lmbar 27, 1805), s nd moy duly r aD ch thore. Kl:'-' iJ _ai.· with.
y . . . ll tn~ .ann.... n which y .:;u boo takun fr.. m ht::N.:, with;) ut 1';3ving it. l<\'r
making arrangumunts · f :;r Hule i:( r~~} rters, st:lnd tI".J";'ps vnt;:: or two.) cilljts bd:,r"
Y0ur dapartul'.:. QrdtJr tboJ1/l t.v illt'rtlss l Ub ... r ~n J ~ ra u<Jsis f 0r Scltting
up Hu~k outP.:lsts. If Hulak err~ng,.,nt.s C.:lr:. b<;; maotl in :,dVilDCU, th" m..JV".'-
Dlent of cannon .:':; nd l!llUIIllllitiun will no t btJ Ilvld UfJ anywooN.

(~win Sudi 2{ 1862)

(Octubur 1805)
Rogmi R.:;s""arch Cvlltioctivns, %1. 6, ~ . 501.

2. FrJm King Girb~n,

Tv Kt;.ji N.:l in SlJ!\b<: Th:lpll ...·

Ye ll hr,a writkn 8 1t1tt<;!r ~.; y c ur -"idOlr bI'JUlOr, BQ1m&1n ~u J)a , fru/ll

. th.. , Bheri rivEir. Hd hlls . submitwd tl1.:: h:tt<::r t.) US.

Y'.)U hav·., writ 1;..;01 thl) t yt)U h<.Jvl:: m;;rchi:ld swiftly, t Dking vi th y : ·u C3 rm A.
and ammuniti:m. Y~· u hDv(l r 1..o;., writt-=-n. lI '.i't.:., c:.nn',m Lnt: t:mmun1 t1;.0 w..: r ...
dt:!l~lYC:,j f o r J dt'ys 1n S.::lytJll. On,. t-li<lc" of cannon, which hl: d oo..: n tak ... n
from hor ,~, was ! :jund o··nouoloo with i!:ry mille t ·s tr<lw. ~il: went ther .."
strongly ro th i~ local villag~ h tH',dma tl, and ce vered 2 d/'Yf:! r J ist;.'dc,
in 1 .jllY ;.:long with tll€! c<'nn ~ 1l 2nd l4IUllWlitiun, .::It).! thus crus s,~J .. h,::, Bhuri
riv~r. It may bu hdtt;l-)r to giva a warnini'; to tht'l p":'-'l) l~ of S<.tlynn. u

Yell twVt:I thU5 m.::rch.::d S'Wiftl,y :!/lJ5ub:r;i t ti1d Cippruyriate r",ports. Ue shall
writu to y..)u ragarding th'J octiun t .:. b<.l t.:::k.:n agdnst th-: ijt;0fl1o of Saly~n,
vtn held u p tn,~ DIOverlltmt ;;if c al'4"l" n :.'no c..;ffilIiuni ti ,n f .... r 3 ili.Iys.

C;m'(;o •••

You havu also m4nticnud that sulJiQrs, Huddos ~nd Ja~d~rs of th~
RaIUlbhim c")~any have nut recchdd th<lro, ..sod thot- gun~ ·wer .. uvsfJatch~d
through HulJlk porwrs in ·ounal.. s. l;'h.:.t s<Jrt of mtm h<ls Jahar riicruit&d 1
Inform. hiJri accordingly and s~nu II list- ~f th", nnmas and addro;oBS ....S of tn.,;
"defllUlters. lie shell arl't,st r.h(:n1 anJ send th<::n! to 1.axrni~ur. Racwit new
and c8psble men in thdir vacant Rust::: , ",nJ assign tlldm lands l:llci roots.
. . ..
Takl) geod CON of th<l cannon and ammunition, in thu sam') manner as '
Y.JU have donu sofElr, and fll<Jrch swiftly. Confirm th~ assigllllloJnts of l<nds
<in:! re"nts t o tmso wh.) join ynu boJfur·, you Cri)Sa th" Bh..1rl rlver~ RuBUms
the assignm~nts of . ttwS<l who j oin YJU after y~u cross tht:) Bht>ri r1 ver I :md
N(llace . th8m by o ther capable p~rsJns.

Kartik Badi "14, 1862

(Octob;;;r 1805) - ,
R.;,gml fu:tsearch Coll!::lotions, Vo l-. 6,' iJp". 633-63u.

~. From King Girban~

'To Kaji Nain 5irnha .Thap<l, sardar Indra 5imha Thaps, Sub~dar J~b8r ' ~bi-
It:ari, .and t ,hc:: JlIJtladars and Huddas of tbd Bardwani and RlIna.bbim {cumpan!l::ls).

'" .. ,', Pro~ed without sny interruption. Do not .L3av\:l your ot:nnon behind.
'no no.t at:>p short of your ·dostinRti(ms. Do not mukt.: sny hIllt on th<;> way.
In no oircumstancas shrJuld you l ,.:AVQ tho cannon behind. In .ssc Y()u In;.Jk·)
any wley, you shall bu cons1d,~rod guilty.

1.swin Badt H, 1862

(Septembor 1805)
Rbgmi Researoh Colloctbns, V"l. 6, p. 475.
4. From King G1rban,

To the 1unal1s, Chaukl (dars) .o.nd Hulalc:i port:..:rs in the areas. sttuatad
west of Illllrmathal.i and east uf Garhw1.

On Aswin Bad1 11 (1862 Vikram<.l), W.:l 'have s<.mt cunnon snd ammuni-
tion from hore. PrOVl~ p~rtgragc s~rvic~s f or t~ir t ransport in your
l'Uspectiv.:: art/DS without making thl;- slighwst d(;l1lY. In cas..: these suppli .... s
aN held up in the arc;, under the jurisdiction of any porson, ha shall
undorgo punishmoot on his person and prop;:;rty.
_swin Bad1 11, 1862
("""'r 1.80S)
Rcgmi Ruscarch CollO:;lcti0ns, V'Jl. 6, p. 475.

C...ntd •••

5. Fr ".lm ~lng Oirba n,

'x"thd Majhis, l11jbara and villag,;r s ;;f D.Jvighat, Tsrukaghat, Buch< rl_ -
ghnt, Kallyarighat', ' J.runj) 'Ia't., ?ipdL~h " t, u-ajuri ghO t P!iJ f'<I ri.lbi:l~ tw t. on
tD<,. Tr1.shuli r i vtir.
. . .
Providi:t . L Jharu w" rk.. r fur .. a eh 7 Ib Ul:i d l .j l ul:I Ci O :!.H:iu<.;d upon by
your6t1 lvdB E>Qd join Kaji ·l'¥ :lin SimhlJ 'l'ru.. ~ ll as su... n bS yo u.. r <)c ... l.V~ UllS
ordar. 'l'tlcI lCaji will giv~ yo u D\OlWy f .)r £... 1)0 . WG ho:lrt:!by t:!xempt you fr",m
Jha rll :iervic.::s othur than S.,l rviCi;B ... t. gnat.s (! <$ rry; <md f v r t hl.
supply o f black grain. In caS<.l y::. u ·I,l·... n.:> t. 6'j 'ttklr.' , y... u snail b" hul,j
lUilty and a Wilro ..t.J s.:;V'... I'::r pu :1.i..t;::J'Ilo~ !lt.

i.awin Sod! 12, 1£62

(&"pwmbur 18')5)
JWgmi Rcs.:c.:rch CV lh:ctLm s, Vo l. 5J PI}' 472-L7h .
On . th", Barnu d~t~, ,t his 0 rd r WOIS iss u" ,J Illa ) for iu-ugbat, Bi.nighe t,
B:l rlJlngghDt, JynmiI'..;gh.'lt; Bu:nla; tghfJt Clnd Kuringha t .)n ttm Gnnd1 (Ilandald)
rivor, TnrkUgh2t, KholAg h.:J t, Ch"'~; s h: 1. Ma j tLuwsgh8:t, Satig)wt q nd GJ ~Sir:.b "
gh!. t .:.o n thu Ma rsyangd1 riv..;r, S~ r... r:.O:::J;.,t, ?;l th~ rgh a t, Dnmaulighn i"" Silo l!h.;. t
ond W;)il"'.m ighat on the & ti-H.:.!:.!i rlVO;ll"S cm::! KhDniY3gtUlt, D<.rpughl!t, Ga r g :..-
big bOt. Purtighot, Ad hi g:ht:t, RidlghC t nnd Kl: lcdigha t e n tht~ K<::l l1 r1vIlT,
1' 8 W', ll r.s to ~ 11.. g h.'l 1;.S ' JO ttr..: ;"\El h ~ k :-: i..iJ 'Bh•• r i a'1 ;i KO Tr.ali riv.; rs .. ~

.... M ~ ullllluniui
Rates Of Trnn sit Duties .(\t

Chh'jprak, Gorkha

From King Glrhen,

To precep tors , priests, Bhardars, Sardars, Subcders, Jn ma ~a rs, musk~~ersJ

soldiers and all other . people b~l o nging t o th~ 4 cas~s ond )6 sub- castes .
Pay duties as usual at the fo llowing r i' t e s thrv!llh Lachhiman Bubhadel
at Chhoprek valley in G~ rkhD on C3 1cl l ) h.cInt.s J hv rsEls, falc ons Bnd buffa loes
brought from thG western re gi ~ns . Your goo us shall ba confisccted if you
do ru t pl:ly such duties., o r USt:I f orce, or atwmpt to smugg l e th",m, ond
Sli#v ~ re jJunlshIlklnt shl) Ll b", s wardE:lJ to you . In case you r",sort tu fvrc~,
th~ Local ~ali sh~ ll ~ xtend assi s tanca (in offering roslstonce). ,
EiophDnts • •• Rs 5 each
Hors6s • •• Rs 1t "
Fs lcons • •• Rs l.t "
Cow butfsl..,) • •• 10 annas

Bull buffs 10 • •• J snnas
Kartik Soot U{ 1862
(November IBoS)
Regml Research Collections, V') l. 6, p . 650.

(S. B. Maharj an)

Rc 6m1 R~ s~arch (Priv£te) Ltd ,
l\atnmanj u: May 1, 1973", "

Regmi Rese l-rch Seriils

Year 5, N-.) ~ 5,
Edi te d By

Mahesh Co. Regm L

11 11 11 11 1I 1U ""


1. imn~xatbn Of Tb..: Sen King :ioms ••• 8l
2. Pc. Utical 8.. : un j aries or NeiJal • •• 86
3. Nt:I-"' .:ll1 Co ins wring 'Iba Mac..,iaevol
Peri\.l J • •• 9l
4. Sup~ lio s F~ r Mur~ti~ ns Fac tu ri~B • •• 98

"" """It It "It It

Regmi Res ...,Brch "(Privata) Ltd,

Lazimpat, KBthmandu, Uepal.

Co~iled by Regmi Research (Privlitl:l) Ltd for privata

atuctY and research. Not meant f or nubl1c sale or dlap18y.
Annexa tion Of The Sen Klngdom~

Babursm Acharya.

When Pdth'1i Narayan Shab was engaged in bis campaign of build1llg up

a new NI:lP!I~, deep . ~8t was spreading in the Sen KingdolllS of the Kirot
regio,). J<JlliCWanpurl . which had broken away from the K1rat Kingdom of Vija-
yap~, wOS 'being :rtiled by King Menik Se~. He was succddded by piS son,
~em~karno Sen. Mahipoti Sen.was then King of Vijoyopu~. He was the young€r
0:rother of l'J.a~ik Stln. He was also ea11J;d Mandh£lta Sen.: The Kings of Vija-
yapur · styled themse lVas. or lilOI'd of the Hindus", because thl::lY
regarded themstllves as MughaLs. 'Ibi:lY apPQinteci thair ·minis .. .
tars., . who were also known a·s Chautlolra, exclusively from llmong th",· Limbus. "
Tha Limbu min1.sters hGd. their J.:irR! of auc'eea.s*"on just Uke the King:!. King
Hah~pati qB'd to fled bis State and go to Uulsa ps ·a refugee "as a result ·
,of his confli.ct with bis Limbu minis·"toer, Vie~:J.tra ·Rai. 1bs l:-imbu ministers ,
even thoueh not Kings thtunsalvQs, carried on the adnlinistt'ation of the .
S~tE.. . indeptmo:lOtly. In 17301;,.0. tho than L1mbq m1nistar invited JClgat
Si:!n" .younger'brothar of HeJTlllk<.lrna St:In, ..nd proolaimed him King of Vij£lyapur.
Just a~ ,t his IOOtJJ:mt., MShl.pnti Sen returned from exile. Th(J m1nister~ .' th.:lr",-
fore, . retained the uppor Kirat rc-gion, si tueted to thl;! · east . of thc· .
rivGr, and . the Tarai area of Morang, in, Vljayapur· StatlJ and m8dtt toi<ihiPllti
Sun its King. At tho S8mu time, be croatad a naw Statd comprising · the
C..:ntr<1.1 Kirat r egion, situated to th", west of the Arwl rivar and thu ··Ti:trai
~ rQ ae 'cif S<:!pt£lri, with , Chaudandi as its oapital, and DJBda Jagat Sen its .
King. , 'rhus two Sen· KingdoRlS were established (1753). Jagat &n owc..s succae-
de~.?y h1s brother, Mukun~ " Sen IV. As Mukunda San was childless, Vikrama.
Se n , ,a nother younger brothol' o·f Jagat sen, became King, and ruhd for so~
years. He was suece;,ded by his son, Karn£l San, whoso minister (Chautara)
was i..jit Rai.

Conc;\.se .itccount of Nop!ll) ·.

,."''', . 2022 (l966)~ Chapter IX:
·Ki.rat ~n ~~dom8),
.. ;.

.. . Con t4. ;,.,.


The capita l of Cnauclandi was situated in tbe inner TarsL The area
surrounding the Udayllpur fort, situated south of the border between the
hill and Tarai regions, vs,:, inhabited by Magers, who were responsible f or
defending it. Majhk1rat, situatad 10 the hill r egion of Chaudandl, was
inhabited a lso by KhsS8S. Prithvl Narayan Shllh s ecretly sen t Sangye Bss-
nyllt to till s s reD and won QVGr the .Khsss e , .... ha \o,1';!I'U tire d ot th.; o ppre ssio n
to 'Which they WGri:! - subjected by K a ~D Sen. Among tht:l Kh<lSBS wGre Harinarui<:..
Upadhysy<i of KhSrps, and 'l'rilochan Upadhyaya, bot~ of wwm wru wealthy [.nd
influential. Both ~n were worried over thu possibility of their property
b~1ng plundere d in the event of a Gorkhal1 atta ck on Chaudaodi. Harina ocinn
UpadhY3Y:l tho ught tha t he could save his Birta lands snd hi s ~8lth i f h&
, hel ped the Gorkha 11s t o colVluar ChBudand1. Accordingly, he care ovor to
.. Nuwako t and 'pe r sonally requested Prithvi Narllyan Sha h tu attack Chaudand1.
He promised th at he would ass ist Prithvi Narayan Sht! h t o thu best of"his
cbp acity i f hEt inva de d Ch~udondi. Trilochlln Upadhyeyo too promiacd whnt-
11Vt::r supp:.rt ~ c oul d giVt) f or the inv£lsioil . Prithv1 Harayan Shah could
s ca rce ly afford t o l usl) this go lden opportunity.

Triloc htln Upadhysya had mado arrangements to ferry Go rkhal1 troops

across tho Dudhlco sh1 river, by ou tfl.3nking outposts in the Kirat &rea.
Two companies of Oorkhall t roops , despatched by Prithvi Narayan Shah uno~ r
t~ e curnm&nd o f Sarda r R.emkrishni.. Kunwar a1Q Sardar .ii.mar SiJnha 1ba~, cross", d
tin: Dudhko shi river a t ni gttt and t::ntered i nto Chaudandi (August 1772). It
Wll g Erithvi Naraya n Sha h's int ~ntio n to send Abhi~n Simhe Basnyat tu o c cupy
the! capital from tne . Tarai area after the occupati on uf the Ki r~ t regiun .·
Cheudandi did not havd a Bt3nding army in the Kir&t ~ gi u n. The l ocal
Khambus WC~ given the ras po nsibili~ of . daf~nding that ~gion •. Ramkrishn~
Kunwar triad ha rd {.:"j win t"h(jJJl o vttr to his s1.dt: •. But thd KhombuB refus ~ d t ;
accept thd (k. r khll li cbro:Ln·a tion li nd reso lved t.:.> put up n fight. Every KhuJllhu
chief in the Kirllt N gi on · wa s t! fl:ludal ove rlord, who regDrdad tha Ben Kings
as no mor a th£l n a titular rulo r. They appreoonood that th<..;y might bt.l sub-
j e cted to. th ~ yoko of law once they agreed ~ accept the domination of th·.
ll(;pa l govemllldnt. H~ nc G the ir determination to fight back.

Khambu youths , who wera skilled tirchors, sttlmro...--rl tho advance of tha
Gorkha li troo ps at evory step with thdr arrows . Ttk.--y heavy
l~ssu s a n th ~ Go rkhhlis, SO that Prithvi Harayan Sha h had to s end ruinio r c ~ ­
m:)nts . Wlder the cO!lllllend of Sub."dar Shiva N I:!. ~ya n Khatri. Chatim. aBi of
Rawa-Khola and (,ta l Rn1 of Pamakhs·m ware .tho principDl loadors ot the .
Khsmbus. Howevor, th(: bows and arrows of the Khambus ult1matoly proved
1neftoctive before the mus ko t s of the Uorkhal1s. Within a period ot 5 months ,
tilC3 Go rkhslis occupied Raw-s, Halosi, Majbuwa, Kulum and Di.ngla, thus con-
quering th.e whole or" Hajh.lcirat. .

Contd •••
65 •

.. ,-.. ,;~; .~ The 'a 1ttiation ~. the Limbuwan region. of Vij<:!yapur was . ci1.tical at
.' 'that ~lme. ~ak1ng' advantage of the dis's ehSions between the King and his
Pl1n~stars, King PhlDlChek NstngyDl of Sikkim occupied Ilam snd· attacked
: LiD\buwan from the no,rth-west of !lam. The Limbus of ·these regions were
"therefore llllXio\l8 to welcoue the Gorkh-al1 troops. Realizing this, the
Gorkhflli troops cOlllllllnde<i by Ramlcrishnll Kunwar crossed the Arun ri.vcr
fro1ll Dingla and reached Chainpur. tlobc.dy b:ocka~ t-mir advsoc&. The writ
of the King. ond his minister was confine!:! to the nreas, surrounding thd
capital of ' Vijoyapur~ where King Kllrna Sell snd his miuister, BuddhikaraD.
were - staYing. It 'Was the rooDISQOn seslion. Both t~ King and his minister
' wel"'3 ;Ool!lplilcent, be.cause thl!Y thought tha!. ~he Oorkhali trOOPB would not
cross the : Koshi snd enter into Vijayapur during this season. However,
AbhlJD1lD Simha Bl:snyat achie ved t.his ~ssible task. Go!"khali troops,
riding on el.clphonts, crossed t he turbul<l!lt Kos~. j and laWlchad a surprise
' attack on 'Vi jayapur (Jul¥ i7, 1774). ' lJ:!.ablo to repu100 this a ttack, King
frams ' Sen and Minister Buddhikarna flad to Sikkim Dlong with t.h17:-ir troops .
~th the occupation of ,V!jayapur, the' ~'.mb\l Subbes (chidfs) of Ut,=, area
from _!alingwa , to Changtbapu in. the l,imcruwB,n 'l" bordor1?€ Sikkim acce!>+....:.u:j
PrithJi Narayan Sh8h l s tiuzorainty~ fhus thu ~nt1re Pall okiret region, wi~~
th~. axcoption of Il.a~ , WDS Dnllf:fxcd \fi thout fight • .

. K~g Karna Son and his If,ini~wr sought a sylum in Sikkim. Abhimon S!.mr..:
Baenyat Bent a messag.J to "the King of Sikkim askUl~ hi.m to .. ac::: t~ Ibm !lC'.ri
extradi~ bo th Karne Sun an d Buddhik2rn~. On It c ~ iving this mcssngo, tha
King of Sikk:lm r..eded lLarr. to ~dpa l (S~pt....,rnbtlr 1774). But bt;lfo:!'d Ibm cO ll1":'
be actually handed :>v,;,r to Nepal, both Kerns &m and Buddhikarna sdpaNto-..H.I
escaped fr om thore and tY.laded f or CAlcutta . ~~le in t:lxi1e, they cvntinllt.:d
efforts to Nconquer thoJ KiI'et region.
. . " ,.
Pre.vioualy: . tha T1shta l'lvt:lr..i',?l'JI1iId ' tho fI~l!Itern bo"l:lllda ry o f 'Morang.
"W!llle ' l!'nnexing !lam, t:.he KL-lg ' of Sikkim had a lso occupiud tho "area SitU6 Wd
bt:rtlll:Jun "ttle' 3nd Tishta ri vl;lrs. ' l-Jhen the King of Sikkim re fused t.l
restor& . this, , 'l~aral er-1n , Abhtman ,'51mha " Ba's nya'" s ought r!i. thvi Narllj'<ln Sh~'1 ' s
order to .' 9ccUPY · it ,til:!''iJug;1 invDs:;'on . Frith',1 tI£l l:ayan Shah at fi.rst· h.::a.d .B.:J{.l'.
l'6BE!rvations on this prop::lsal. He Abh1Il12.D S~mha Basnyat .to cru s.
the Kank,aiuif Sl1d:1m 18. intent on \r.-agbg a W3:o "3S31nst us insteed .of se~k:· ·
~g ' pea~ and make a decision yourse lf. 1I Tho' Kin; of Silri lm :sought ret;?'.)l1C\ .
1iatlon py handing over llam, Dnd tbhi;.gn S:;.m.'1a Be::!l.yat thon p ccupled th::.
Tarat ~gion of Mo:"clllg, si:i:.uated bG·t".lO~n. tha Ko p.m and KonkQi rhars, thw;
bringing an' end to too , Kira~ 'wa::-. Wlth ' th~ occup ...tlon o:'ChBU'illndl and
V1jeyapur "w1 t;h1u (I period ot 2 years : tp'J n.ltiro Kira t region became part
Qt Napal.. ' .

"U 11 l1li" l1li " r.

., .
'. , . i. .
Political Boundaries Of Nepal

, a~gadlsh Chandrll Regm1:. '

_ '!be 'poUiteal map- at every country changes along" with ~ts hiStory.
This ls so becauSe o t tho imparial1st tendency of nil igbboring· ·countries.
'Ibe StN.Ctu;'8 · of 8 oountn" :or a ~ute ' changes . frequently 6wing to JIlutue l
"conflicts. This "115 .true also of -the political boundaries o f Nepal • .

. :. , It ls knolCl to all that the present map of Nepa l em~rgGd' af ter the
.. ·.S ugaul1 Tl-cety of 1615. After tba't. event, Jung Babadur prepared the prcsant
". political map of Neps'h' by incorpor tl ting thL! lIN~y8 Mulul(u wrr1t o r1 ~ s. Bo-
. fore the Sugeul1 tre~ty " was signed an>j aft".:,r the unification o~ N ~~ al by
- lTithvi Narayan 'Sha h, we fin d Greater NoiJtJ 1, wM:cp was B\)proximately doub Ld
, in size ·to" that ot present Napal. Burora Prittlvi , N~ rayan Shah, Nepal was
divided into the &l1s1, Chaubisi anJ M.elle Kingdoms and the Jol."lkwanpur,
Chaudondl and Vijaynpur p rincipaliti~s.

Ever;y 1ndl:lpe:nJent nation has two typ,,:ia of DoUrldarlos . Thu first typo
of -boundary is ' rot restricted by political fbctors. ~ cu1t.urel bounlU. riu s
of Nepa l were oonooUdated anJ expanded in a we ll-org;,u uztd manner at'kr
its revolutionary- unification by Prithvi Nar~y~n Shbn.

It·· is very difficult ~' d<;" th.;: culturd boundaries o f ildV81

from ancient times, because of · tho paucity of historical mutkrial. · Ne pn U
. inscriptions even from tha tiJoo of th(;: LicncnhaviS ,jo net conw in ;sp ;,ro :'"
, priate and reliable a videnca r-agarding the then boundarie s of NdVa l. In
such 8 situati on, wu ha ve to determine those bt'une:. rit: s t hrough a comtJara-
tive study of th", po litica l boundaries of tht:: contijmpo r ~ ry Indi a . We shc.uU,
,e t the sa~· ti.Jre, pay attention to the ,s (,iurces and tr£lditions v f Ne;;el. Wa
will discuss the bolmdaries o f t{ep,l fro m this "\o1.lJwpo1.nt.

" .
'1. Jagadtsh Chandra Rogml, Ltcbchhav1 Samskl1.ti (Llchchhavl Cultur,e")"
Kathm8llduI Ratne Pustak Bhandar, 2!Yi6 ' (l9(9), Cha p ~r ' II: IINepalku ·.
Rajllllaitik StIllS!! (Politica! Bounda ries o f Nepal), pp. 89-94: ' "
.. .
Contd •••

. .'
, ~p8l Befor o The Lichchhavi
. .
' !hs Kirat Kings ruw d owr Nepa l before the Lichchhavis came heru .
'!here is DO historica l basis ,to' dotermino thtl pa ri?d of reign o f these
rulors (approximctaly 600 or 700 years). No relisblu e vid~nce or insorip-
tion is f oune! to wri ~ the hiStory at this ~ rio d . Th<:it is why thu history
of th!i:l Kirl3 t ~ riod i s not cloar, aDd thv po liticl. l b .) un ckl rf~s of Nupa l
dUt:'ing this pe riod .::r ~ no t d.efinitd. We hav ... W ,liscuss Indian suurces, as
DlEIntlon'1~ .s bove, to know t he condi,tion o f Nepa l during : tt.: ' Kir~t t>eriod •

. At
the time when lfc j)sl wa s rula d by tha Kirats, India was rul<:d ~
the Janapads (ShodashmahajaDB psda ) , . th., Nandas ,and th<:t Mauryas.

: Tbe Buddhist t.wc:t rofg,rs to Kirat

,N ~;. a,l fo r the· first , o f the Bud~ ha
ha d enteNi d into N<JpB l aluDg with trader s whil.. t h<l" &,""""
WClS yet ' al1w}
It. also states tll8t thtl tr£Hlors ba d ' com;; to Nepel frum ShrllvClsti. 'rhclre-
; fo:ro :the .bound:.:lry of Ndpal can b.:t said to hDw s tr. r tod from Sbrsvs;5ti.
'._.-,the jlth<l:rvapsriShi s ta, which was CrJmpU"J b.. .f'ON thv cboVb-cq,;;ntioft<oJ d ,~ ,
BUddtust. t~xt.L alat) .r ef e rs to llt)t)Cil, a long: with Kamarui)s, V~.,ha ,· .W.ultba r, '
I,Vl:lntt ,c n d Kaik£lya.~ WG thus know that 't ht:: f oll.Jwing st.;..tas 'pi"'!"'; s i -t;.'Ju tu J
un th ~ bo r dars o f N _· ~ l: Kc.marutl (&s sam) on tl'Iv we st, Viu.:: hO (n,J r tl'l;;: m
ill:lrt of modem Biha r ) on th ... SQuth-<.:a st, Udumbe r (moJo.)m ,Punjab) un tho:l
SOut h- we st, a nd I.villlti ( cunt-ra l Ind1o) on t.h.. sout.h.4 lJ.thc.ugb ' thiS oous
not directly T'$f e r t j t. h ~ bo undarie s of k':;,x: l, i t g1ve s nn 1dall of the
thun ,NopBl. .l

Two o the r cont emporary Y:.Irks al8.:) n.fer to . Kir e t N~pal. '!bo St- lire
the . ~rthash 8s t.ra of KClutilya 8n :j ttt'J Mahabb.:lrotB.

2. Chapter 21, 16 , :Na1sbllrgika , p. 100;
39, 181 and 185 •
.3. ( Kurma vibbDg) Web;;r, Verz(li c h dor Hrs Ken Bibl1
p . 93.
L. D. C. Strcar, OeograplV of ~ncient Elnd .Modiuvul Ind:lp, p. 21. '

Cont..:1 •••
, 68.

Aioong theso two books, Kautllya l'ifers only to

of Napal. But ',,,,,a) .describee Nepal as
, According to -· rreans a district. Even
b,o defined
Newrth:elt:lss, oothing' we have mentioned ~above prest:nts any 03viooncEI
ragarding thc! boundarios of· Nep a l. at t'l"wt time. It only proves that Nepal
at · t:llD8 ,:bad alNady o~rgtld as a distinct political and g~ographieal
..' -
There )ro~ small rePublican (ganarejyil) States in northern India -when
the Kirllt Kings ruled oVer N"'pal. Jurong these republican states , somo
were situati.ld on the bo)'~rsot modern Nepal. -If wo discuss too structuro
and condition of thl:l~hj" status, we csn f Ori'! s.)~ i aos r egarding thlil genera l
~po, r tM thlill Nep~l. J. briQ£ diacus;::;.i.m 'of these border s t <.ltecr is given
ba].ow. . ..
.. - ,.
Kuninda Gan.arCijya
. ..
Kuninda is an old tribe of India .. 'Scholars balieve that this t.ribo:!
ha d Silrapd- up to J-l.JOOra (wst of IIIOdem Nupe].). 'Rapsan$ ·has agreud with _
Parg1terO.tbat a group of this triw had settled irt 'ooJ{;ste m N~pal.

Moriya (.MaurytJ."> Of Pippflli vans

In anci~ nt timas, tha¥~riya rupublic (g anarajy~) w&s situated t o th~

north-dSst of Koliyll ganarajya and south and south-west of the: MBlla g"nn-
rajya. The origtnal noIOO of thr:: YlOriyas was called P1p !)slivana. Piprawa
(12 mi16s south and south-west of Inmbini), which is si tuated 1n tnc sou-
thern p3rt of llk>di3rn Nr.pol, is Ngarjad as th':ir or·iginlll hOJl'l(l .7

s. E.J. Rapsoo, cambridge History Of India, Vol. I. S.B. Chaudhory,
Ethnic Settlements in iOclont~dia, ' p. · 155 .

6. Parei~; r, Marksndoya ~rana, B1blloth~ea Indiea, 1904, p. ~lb •

7. B.C. Law, India as DascribeJ in 1lrly Texts of Buddhism and Jllinism,
p. 56.

Carito ••.

KoliY8 Gana rajya

Ancient ' Buddhist texts havo referred t o tile ,K':lUya gansr;9JYa 1n

different c c.ntoxts. l,ccord1ng to these t e xts, Ramagrama··a nd Devadaha
wer~ weq-known ~o liya Battlemonts. ilccording to , ~u an. Chwang, Ramagrema
W'as ' si tuatud' 300 ' 11 ec:s"t of KapilavBstu. Scholars. hay'; rbgtlrddd IbamauU,
El l{~llllge :si~uat ::.;trbe tween Gor£lkhpur a nd tllti bui'ddrs '_ ?f modtlrn Nepal, as
the q rigiilal- s itd o f the Kol1,ya GanarBjy~ .. 8
" " . .
Vrijj1' (BSjJl) Garulrl'l'j;ya

Bijji WllS El big republic in .northern Blher during th~ 7th century
B.C. Its no rthern bord~rs adjoined thd s uuthurn bord~ rs of - mo~rn Ndpal. '
, Chat! "Rashtra
furong ganarujy:~. situa"tttd in southern part 'u f mod~rn Nepai,
Chet1rsttha Rashtra) WSB ono • .Mcordlne to Vessantara Jataka
(Jatakll,' Vo vr;~ 'p!. thetarattha was situa ted at a distanc03 'o f 30
YOj£:nas from > t."ttir''''''g'ira 00 ·th~ way t o t.h~ .ltilMl!l yas. -"nother Cht3ti
Kingdom or wes s ituated in Bundol KhanJ. Th.:: Chl3tl Kingdom r l,:j -
terred to in Ja taka was sitUll"ttld in tilt; !(Iouthcro part of
. '."
s f. J Charidra LanD . 9

., ..
' i.nd Shbky8 Ganarajyas '
,.' .. '

. The Kln~-dom of K~sJW:i.J \18.8 . probably situat.:od io Saqdt ntane:£': (Bahraich :

Bnd Gonda t.ltBtricts) to 'ihci south of rujem ti~llcl.10 Kcsha La had once
defeated the Shok:yas. The ShakyB g;Ul.::Jrejya is bt:lU",vv~ to haV\:l been situat<lJ
in Kapilavostu in thu Tarei region of N~pal.~l

8. 1902, p. 1Sl; S.B. Cbaudhary,

p. 63.
9. ·S:C. Law, India as ' d\jscribad in r;ar!y .·Texts of" Bu-ddhism and Ja1nism,
p. 41.
. . .) ..
10. Ethfllc Satt1\;lfl1ants in iulcisnt Indi a , p. 62.
11. ltild.

Cvntd •••

Pabbata Rat!he (Parbata' Ra sh-,t rar:.

The Buddhist b3xt .Sam,y~ttanik·aya :(\ttBka th~" "' ~r~rs to Pabbata Ratha-
' . nagar in Vldehar.;! ttha. It is ba li~ ved to have been s'it'uated on ttU.1 .southern
part of modern NepaL12sizlca Parvata R8sh'tra' may have bet)n 'so ~811e.d becausfd
it extended to tho hills. Janskpur 'shd "tha adjoining 8I'88S up to the inner
Tarei rogion of modern Nepal Uk' Y hnv~ cQnetltuted Psbbata Rathe, 8inCQ ~t
fanned 8 pilrt of Vtdl;Jha and oxtended to too hills. ' ,' .
..", . ..
. VidohB (Mithll.) "
Ancl~nt t~ts refer to Vldehe as one of the 7 important Kingdoms of
India.l) Janakpur in IOOdern Nopa l is bulieyed to havo been its capital,
MithUa. 14

, . A study of the g €O'gr:i"phy of the above-mentioriod. ganarsjX8S ~hod8

light on th<:> genera l map of the then N~pa l~ HOwOVer, ' it d09"8 nOt give
any information-
. about Nepal's northern and eastern
. .

Wc may also ~rrive at correct conclusions rogarding culturel condi-

tions in Nepal Juring thd K1:rat period. illl the above-mentlolX!d ganarajYBs
w-ere of Arya origin and tht!ir culture aoo civilization were wll ad:vanc~d.
Since it was in close contact with theso gsn8rjjyas, the Nepal! society of
the Klrat period must have bO".m wall ClCQuaintod with the now cultul9 and
cl.,. Uizat1on. Llchchho.,.i culture onerged aga1ns t this..background.

*lOIIlIfllIt 1111"

-.. . . . ..... . ..
12. I1.S: Pandoy, Historien 1 Geography: and Topography of Bihar, ' p,~ ' i j
. .
13. S.B. Chaoohary, ·Ethnic . Setil~ments :1n Ancient Indla, p. 163.
. ..
14. Ibid.
Nepeli Coins Duri~g"
, 'I'hB ' iiedlaeval Per1odl.
By · .

Surya Bik~a~ Gnyawa:\..1. '

.. . ,

, . ,- There is "evidence that coins of some type or o'the r have .bi;l~n \l,Sed in
Nepal from -ancient times. The coins of the Kushan Kings, who ruled in India
at the b~ginning of the ,'Christian era, .ore discoverEld here from, time to
ti.nit;a.,-;.The 'snofe"nt c'o~ns of Nepal NS03mblo , tne Kushan coins . Since too coins
of Yaudhd'y&,' ' an; 'a ncient republican trlb~, rest:mbk lohi"::! Kushan coins, his-
torians naVE: ss'i d that the coins used in snciiJnt Ut:1pal r .:: sumble t :use of
thE. Yaudheyas.

-,'·; ,:·!. Al,L "h~ a"vailabl03 'coin~ of snclEmt Ndp<l l are of · copper, Th~ words
IIHananka~I _, : - lIGUnUnk~lI,. 11 Va:1.shravana 11 J . uPaShupDtiH J . ~tc ,srg , im~crib.Jd on
'thulll. Th", coins ha ve th'3!'a.fol'ti· buun' narl1~d •. c.;;o rding ly. Th:;lS~ coins Bre-',·",
und.:.Wd, and it has not so' fal.'- been possiblb to ascertain- t.heir datus.
Historians bel1ew' that j.'iEIoanl.a coins were issued by the Lichchhavi ruler
Manade.vs ·. The · nypothasis tb8"t Gunanka ~oins ..i"'N issued by GunE:lkama~va
Seems dGubtful, hOHever,' becausa Gunak"ai1ladeva ruled from th~ end of th~
loth century to thE: beginning of the 11th: The Gunanka coins seem to h2V~'
been iSSued much Elarli~r. The r~ is no e:videru.;e . regardinf, th~ det- e of t h.::
Pashupati and Vabhravantl co i n s .
. ..
.klthough - tM c<::te of t:'ose coins has not bean ddtermin;d,'.:thtl names
of Kings ' are :lnscribad on the oth""r tl-io coins ·of. encio=mt Nepal and so' tht::h'
date has been' fixild. The narrlEls of Amshuva:nna l:Ind his sucqussor ... ~ J1shnugupt<J
hav", been inScribed ou thcesu c?·ins. This proves that thasa coins .belonged
to the 7th centur,y . '

1. 'Surya Bikram ~~;' iaeval

History of 'r>!e pal . ( 1962) ,
Not!;! at the end ef C~u,

'Contd •••

, Ancient inscriptions "of Nepal refer to Pans,

Karshapana and Pana-Purnn..£.
coins . The Thankot inscription of Jishnugupta indicatos th&t 16 Panes m~ du
one Karshapana . This inscription sta tes that 50~ tax ~xamption had been
gr a ntE:d to th!.: pi:l opl.e of I t a l so states tha t those who
Wart: liab l~ to pay 1 should pay 8 Panas . "!his shows t h.3 t
16 Panns W-d rl:j equa l in Nopa 1 during tht: 7th centur:r . 1nc:\.."' rl
books on politica l I3conomy 80 Cowri.:Js mBke 1 Pe na, a n d 16 P.:;n nt; ,
1 Karshaeana.
The Khopasl inscription of Shlvadgva I sta tes that villagers should
p ay 50 whito Mr1ttikss during t h<:: lr visit to 'Kaila shakut ( pa l ac e). The
. reforrod to 1n this inscription probably meant coins made .of
c lay.

Sadashlvadova, ,who ruled at the beginning of the 12t~ ' c~nturyt lntro-
ducad coins 1n which tho imag~ of lion was inscr1b~d. But this coin has
not yet been ;disco vured. It ~BS an ancient trodi tion in Nc:pal to inscribe
the imag;,; or the lion on coins . This ha s been oo n<:l on
w., ll as on the cOi .ns min~ d by ~:shuv <l nna. Sim ilariy. :'j.)·s t
King of l\.ethmandu ·tI ! thti division of t ha Kingdom o f" rl""pa l, cir c :.l l ;,t <!d
coppa r coins with the imagti of th~ lion at the ~ nd of · 16 ~ ce ntury. This
coin too has not bSt:ln discove red.

Unless w~ Eire to ignoro tho unavailabl..: coins 01' SadElshiv&dvva, who

rulQd ,J.'lring tho_ twe lfth ctmtury, a nd of Ratna Malla, who rE:tignod during
the fiftei:mth cant.u ry. no co ins o f . the period from thCl s <J venth century to
the sixteenth are ava ilable in Ue pal. The first Bve da"t.dd coin b~lon ~
to King Ja~Cl t Prnk as h 1-1a 118 o f l.Ihadgaun . This coin is dated. 752 Ne pal era
( 16 32 ~.D.). Ho w~ ver. und~ t od coi ns of earlier Kings, Laxmi Naresimha of
Kathrns ndu,. and his f.sthar, Slli va simha, hava b(;ltln discovured.

It was Mahe ndra Mallc., f a ther of Shlvbs*mha , who fi r s t minted sil"~ r

coins in NCp<ll during the :;ixwenth century. ": 'Ibe pr .:: s~ :_ c c.:.. in s
( which are o f th .. donominution of Rs 0 . 50 ) a r .:. named aft.:.r Malla .
It has becn estab lis he d t.ha t Mahl:;ndrCl "'..,lla htld mintad his Mohll r coins in
684 ~ p, p a l era 0..564 l... D.).

2 . Thes e co ins war .) put on dis pl ay at a numismlltic t:xhibition sponso red

by the Department of Touri s m s omo time a go.

Contd •••

The co ins of the Muslim r ulers of Bengal, who rule d from t he thlrte,mth
century, th at i s , from too t1100 wb.:.n Muslini powe r was W5hel';"d in I noia , to
,the sixte.,nth cent ury , a I'l.~ km'Wll to hava circulated in Nilpa l. Contt.-mpo!8ZY
documl.mts of Nep.::l r dfc'r to thc,se qo;ins as go l d coinS (Swa rna-Mulya) . Thf;::
t ro~ury of ,the Pashupatlnath te.mpk is beli8ved to b", in possession of
5t::lveral ' such coi ns~ ' Hari Gapa l Muk~rjee had pr ocured Borne of the,SB coins
for examina tion. His studi es revealed thllt those coins bu l onged t o the
contempor ary Muslim rul.erf: of Bunga L Hari Ciopll l Muki::rj oo st<.:t.::s thnt a
I t. rg'~ . numb"f. of sUch- i.ofhs Wt:!re' I n : the pos~~s5ion of tbe troasury of th.--
Pasbupatinath: tamp:W'> . : . . . _, .
,.' .
. Pre - MDhGnd r a Ma lla coins bel ong'.:;d W," the ruler s of Benga l · and so wc; may
ClSS~·· t i'lat .11aheha r a l'ia l1a I s coins were ~(ilQ iLar to thefD. HowevtlT, t bi::; i s not.
t oo 'ca s!,) 'With the co i n s Of o?hiyps imha , a l'ncsimil.:t of which, hss' ·be ~ n glv~ n-'
bY, Hari ' Copa l ' MukE:'t je"e cor .dq&s not ~nt1on any Clate . tlover, thE; circle
Situct9d in' th,;; 'ce n·tar · o f thr.l · coin con:t.;,s t hoJ world "Sri qrj..ll, with
"l!lloudl:la n~bad Dln 'Ur s Su iton,:.t.tiul · Muzaffar il on the margin. But on too . r ever se
s~d~ t h'; coin ·bfjar!i ' t~e lmag ~ ;of . Shiv<! .aa \'1.111 as of a lion (Simha) . TQken .
'-. tOg~tHer , :· t fid · lmo gas of Shlv8 and the "lion r !;!prtl SCint Shlva S1.tnha . Tht::i c8nt.:r
uf an · ancio:!nt coin of ' Na ~~ i" bear~ . t htl imago:: of the Sun ( /Wshu), loIhile its
" m~ rgin ~on't tl ins th;;,: wOz:ds of the . (Mahor ojadhire j esye) , Historians
h.. ~~ ,thertlf~ r,," ' pr.js~d th ct thi s coin was mint~d by' King tuush1.,lvarma. Laxmi-
nar u.Simhaj soil o f ' ShtVas i mnn ; ond th~ Kings of P!l Uln a l so minti;ld. cqins
bf;-al'in~ t h..: °i~~(.: of 't~,-:; lion . (Siniha), ins1-ead of inscribing n'simha u in
wo rds • . ' .' "
.- ,
.::on ·on.J .s id .. 'of 'LaxmUlorasiJ!lho ' 1:I "coin
is mentiored th~ nane of ~ Mus lim
rul~r, as in the ca se ' of thoso of his fath~ r, 11ft il... tha c thQr s i de boar s
:h~ uf1'1gy of .r:.aXIrii, . ' nnd 110n '(S~Ji!~) ,
. 'Nar a (man) ':

'lilt! co i ns of 'Pra:t a:p M311 6, s ~n o f Laxrn::'na r lls 1.mhn , monti ons t h03 ;U llhi
til"ll" on on.:. si~;-· :lnd ;th~ ' nm~ e f J.:.h c.n~:' r Sha h 10 th,_, ~r .::b ic scrip t -on .
tho o th&r (775 }~._' pDl e r a or 16.55 A.D . ) •. I t. is not claor ,why it- becolTkl MC -: :"-
sary f~ r ~h1 s coin , minte d ll t tb...l clas"" of t ha reign o~ _~h ll h Jahan, son .oi' .
Ja hangi-r/ to ' mention tht: U oM e r a st.<l rtDd by Akbar, or t oo o,f .J :ltwni.l. : .
The ' Metie r coif! of '· Nri pe:ndra Malla, s~ri of Pratep MD lla , ckotcd 795 ·Nepa l e r ;'
(1675 l_. D.·) D~SO contdos designs" resembling /.rabi c l ettur s . So dq t h-:t coins
of Parthtv.-!ndra }o1ulla . Bhupa iEmdra Ma 1109 I s M ins do not bear such desi gns .
Bu t the coins of Bhaska r Ma lla o r Mahindr asimha Mal l a, BhupDLnc..ira-'l'Ia l l.n's
h'~ir, lIga.1n imi.t ate the ' ilrabic prRct!C~' _ Ja ga jjllya "'-<l Ua do:tparted from this
Pdroc:tic~ ' .. <!f!YfJ .Pl"""kash M811i:l, on "th-.;: oth(; r hand, ' mint ud MohDr coins with i,.·~ b~,c
aSigns, , .

Yo L. ' 2, ·.. pp, 318-323 •

Con td. " ,
94 • .,

' Several" P~ian and ' Btladgsl.Ul ap~ .. r to h8V~' a~pted the _practic9i
of rriinting - . ' conte1n1~ .H.rsbic lettt3rsQr ,dasigns .. To sum up, it ,.1
had in a wa tion",lit th. tre KU!g~ , of -d1yid0 !;1 '.N~pal - to mint. ·,

such coins.

Th,i account givciri ' 1n' th~ Vamsliavaiis with reger~ the arrangements
made by l1Bhendra;lla for minting coins ind.:rpc-r. 'u:;tlY. is , war ": :-. ~ t.1.l 1" : n?;
in this context. According to this . account, l1al'lto.ndra Halle , had p1.eas':d tr.a
Emperor of Delhi. by pr.::santing him with a,wans, ~nd ha~s. 'Ibe J::mpe:ror grant ,·d
him a stamp to :mint coins; with which :·;.::hendra 11alla. minted coins , called
. in · 1564Ji. ~D. J.t thi;l ilna when Mshendra Y.alla intro- ,
;:~;J~~;~~r occupyi'ng the' thronu, of D'; lh1 ',138 iJebor, -wbo
had ~. th~ control of his -guardians [lr.,j bc:gan to rule
_ indo~ndcntLy. HIO. h<,Id . ' t . (lVun laid ttkl found£ltiol~ of thu v2St l1ug~l empiJ'li
that hE; subsoqUently.6stablisbl:ld througb a series of conquests .. In the li~b'
of this °fac't J ' :Lt doc~ not seem raasonabll:l -to <J;SBume that he turned .his att<-ll-
tion to ,'t Bi internlll, 'fi~cial: prol:ilems of NfJp.:il. . Howevor J the fact remajr.s
that th~ Q01ns of th~ ' rul&r~ of Bungal circula~=d~n Ne pal. This had s ome-
thing to do wtth-·th<il . gebgraphicCll proximg:f between Nepal and B~ngal.; Ntlpal 's
coins nOd ,not ~e.;:n , Circulatirig f-:..r , a long time,. and .only the coins. of ruletS
of Bengal; c1rc?-llat~d • . 1'bis naturaLly created the. impression thtlt ttw sole
authority to mint ima circulatE: coinS vested in the ruler:> of Bongsl. · .Th~
Delhi-based Muslim power ' which dominat~d the whol~ of India at that time
exerted trem.:;ndous influonce ·on th<:l minds of the · peopl£l. It was against
th1 c backgrouOd th~t Mah.::ndra Halls minted coins of his own. N.:.ithar thG '.
thr(;le statea compri,sing Kathmandu Valley nor any hill · regions of Nepal hod '
comc:r under the oontrol of ·Miolsllms. It was thereforu natural t o doubt whQt.blJ t
the. peoplu wO'\1ld not hesitate to aocept Mahencira N<l ll ~'s coins in th.;,ir
trahsll'Ctions. if theSE:i wero brought into c irculation all of a. Budden in 'Sr89S co$.ns of the, Muslims rul<=rs of . . ware already in circulat.ion. . .
For this . reason toiJ, s omeono JIlust hlJVC . sto):"y of Mahendra ~! . havIng r 'cc;:ui va~ the; parmission of. 'the of IklJ:d for minting' hiS
ow.n cOins! hnd 'this may' b~ tQlI reason -or ' de,signs' conti~
nu<::d to h£1 .1nscri~d on t)ls- tOiruJ of !'DIlttor of fect, ' i:t ha ... · .
wcome a .~r:':'~tt.16n·'t9 dQ so" 'I:ha .0 01ns · , find LaJQn1noraaimhs '
, I. . '. " . . ' " • . .
. .
u,. , One c::,nWJIllOrary Nepali painting. depicta a King"' playing dice with cl . ',
.f'r.1ncess. · Th.e;Ki,~g is ': pras\W:l d ' to b..: M<:hendr.'l r.allD, · und · tha P r inci;;.5s· ' . I
thE; daUghter of a Muslim ruler of Benga l. Tb", leg~nd hes it that Mah~ndt'
halla had ;:.btained perm1:.sion from th,,, l'i w;;lin; .r.u.lor of fungal t.o ,·rnint.· · . ' I
c;)ins in his own nam becllustJ he h.3d groatly pWCls(;Id tho Princess, by . : O

playing dic&. Howover, th;J · purp0se· of making this painting or sprt:eding •

thu legend was nothing bu t to cr6£'t;c a fa ls'd impreSSion among tM ~OP1~ .Ci~
It is ° vory hard to believe that Mahandr£l Mella, King of Kathmanciu, . ' ~
Shr) Uld have beon required to phaso II Princuss of BengOl by playing cli ..:..

C;intd •••
9$ .

eVljn c o nt.a~d tbtl n alll;:B uf contumpor a lY Muslim rulers of BPllgal. Not much
i n! v:-mation -cm .t ho:! c;OCact l',:-lati" nship tlXiBt1n8 bat..,,,, ... n t oo rulers of Bengal
~ nd tnd Kings of Nepnl is . avai l ablu e Th~ cci n8, buarlng thQ nQm8S of the
Mu_sl~ rulurs of B.::nga l, .r esQmb l ud dxisting coins Md so cQrrmc ndl3 d' the
Pi;IQplt: I S confidenco •

. In thi s con'tdxt, too v1~ws of Tavernier,

French trawl.ler, who vi s ito:! d
India during the rule of Aurangzeb, Br<: li.)rtb S'tudying • . In his travel f'i "
account, Tavurni e r writes. uJ.fta r trav~ 1110g 5 or
6 l eagues from Gora khplU" , ~
OM 8 rrivc:: s in t he; te rr itory o f th ·~ King o f N~pal. 'Ihd King "o f --"Ntlpa l i s a
,vassa l of thb gr~at Mughal King. 8:td BlOnds on .. elat:'hant s ruma lly as tri bUW .fI
· ~h1 S . Btl:~emen t o f Tav~ rnbr l a.:! ds us t o infer that Ne pal had onca b~ e n a
vll s sa l 't> f too Mugha l Empl:lrur .:tqd uSr:!d :to s~nc1 an (;I luphllnt 8nt1ually a s
· tri bu.t e t o hi m. I f t hi s Dssumpt.ion is not inco r i.""Eict, it would not. b.a appro-
.p r .i. a t~ to doub t that Ne pa l had mintad coins of its own with. t h~ appr ova l
0l ·th." Mughol Empe r~r.• a~ statod in Varnshaval1s. .
· ,:. . . . .. . . .. . " " .
· . ,..,_. I? . ttK:= reign o f Aurangzeb, t~ Mu !l lim adm ini s tr ators of Tirhut
and . Pa~a · ~ ttacked M.:!kwenpur on t he pr {: t(.;Xt that it had encroached upon
~n~ ' ahooxed an area st-re tehing from wha t is row known aa .BaI'll .t o Mora~ .
They eap.t ure'd King Shubha Sen :; f Makwar:tpur and u. v k him 'to Dar bhanga . Shubh.D
St:m thon uj-ldortoOk ' to pay Cl trlhut.J of as 1, 200. 00 t o r that area . J.n c l u-
phant o ~ thu va l l!:.:' o r" Ra l , 2~ . OO "W~ s from M.. kwanpur to t h.... Mughal
SuOt:ldar <:It Darbh.t;nga . For the Mugha l court in ~).hl , tharo w.::.s no differunct>
bet wo,-m Na kwanpur and Ne pal. Th ~ IOO IV f amil18r .Nt! pal /l S conceived by tbQ
Mughal i:lTllc ro r consis Wd ,.c f a hill rugion . 'lb~ Mugh~l c ..! u.rt in De lhi krtaw
tvo . well that tb~ statu ~ f Hbkwan~ur c0~priaod buth Tara i .. nd hill r clgi Jns,
,and tha~ ' thu s"w1:,o:)s uf .NoP.:J i Ya lll.:tY wcr~ si tuat.Jd acro s s thu Nahnbhara t
r angu . Many puap l '; pr:obl:lb ly t houl:{ht tn::.J t t n.: b-.;.r dur ::l ..)1 tne;; hughal dmpiru
Q~jo 1n tl'd Ne pa l. Tav;rn1.:.. r Cb .::> .1mpU,:;s that th ... d 1 s tanc~ : biitW.;h:n Gor akhp"Ur
,~ nd t h.! t.;,rri"t)ry of th..:l state. o f Ndpal... was jus"!; 5 o r 6 lbague;s. But. t.his
'r ",f(!t'QncG Wll S t o:. th.:t 's tll'tu o f &kw.:ln ~)U r, for ·thu .,taws 'o f Nepa l ·wu r tJ
' l uCQt:,(;jd ' far away" f r '~in Gor ilkhpur • .Th~ va ssa l s~w r ~!o rr&,j "tcf by him Wll'S
~kwanpur and ry~ne ~ ls~ " not Nupa l.
. . . .
. After' hllving s aid S:) muc h about the c:xter1or f orn' <md stwPo o f the
c ~ i ns of divi ~d N~pa l, it is noc<!ssD ry to discuss what' actua lly prompt,",d
. Mll h. "ndrCl · ~ lla to mint. hie O"WTl coins. It ·was qui tu notural f or ' him to ocsir ,:.
tt:. mint h.i~ . 'own.. co~ns .on'the bt:lsis ; pf th'3 pr1ncip~, ·tbDt .")Y01·' Y inoop,:ndc:nt t~ nlust: hav~· . its own coins •. Jot ·thD t .t .im;.;, . Akbar, th.:t . gr ~~ t Emparor;;,f
Ind i a , ha d just- ascendr,:d th:.: thr:)l>. , Ywh,mdr a Mallu theruf or () 8o?Nhl.::nde d
that thu l'klghDl"' Elnper or ini8ht invcdc hls . st,.ata , t.-'lIl:1ng .its ina",~ndant .
C ..)ins . BS . 8 s i gn' o f it ~ · prospvri,ty • . But none of the" .Muslim .Sultans of De lhi ,

. ' ..

Can td ....
- . " .' , " - . _.
', and not' awn ~thE: Mughal"Em'pel'ors, . ha<;i '; ~!lv~ded Nepal .si~e 1206 A.D. 'l'his
, '

greatly encour~ged Hahendrs .' Hal~a to mint_ his own coins • . TheN was also
the history 'of Bvngal . before him~ ., The· Sultansof·. Dt.lhi had, from tiIw to
time, tried to invade and ' coD:j,uer &ngal. But Bengal remained indE:lpendent
from the ,time of }o'eroz Tughlak (1)5)-5~ i...D.) to 1.576 A.D., whtm it was
finally conquered by , ~bar. ~ such, it is l~gical to assu~ that Mahendra
Malla .should .have been 'encQursged to mint his 9wn coins with the assurance _
the rulers
., '
of ne1ghboring

No'p's l's gro"ling .trade w1 th 1l,bet was another factor , which prompted
}-\..[Jhendra 1'I.811a - to mint silver coins. HI::I needad coins of his own t o facilitat.B
the exchango 'of guods betweon Nepal and Tibet. He theNfort. ,cuncluded a
treaty with Tibet, under which N"opalw;)ulq mint coinB for .Tibet ,"/ith silvor,
,ta' "OO supplied py thci lllttA::r. T~ silver made availablo by Tibet wtlsc.d<;qu std
for minting -cQins for Nep'B;t.:.' .!hesupply 0 f cvj.ns to Tibet proved very prof'i V
able to Nepal. This.arrangement alse. chock~ d the flight of both gold and .
silv~r from Tibet to. third countries. _Traders brought silver .f~m _T ibet and
handed it-over .t9,.the Mint of .thEi Nepal gova~nt, which ' utilized th\::! ~ .
. silver to ~1nt cdns ·f or Tibet •. Th!; .· gQV"l' fUlli' nt of Nepal ' made a profit of
12% from this business. Of this amount, L% was ch3rgcld by the mint, whil.!J
'the balance (8%) was derived as profit from tqe" alloy. Tho t otal annual
. revenue 'from this sO\rce 'amoUn~j to Rs l~,Oqo.OO. Tibetan tra de rs sold
galtl at Rs 8.00 to the mint. Tho same gold WlIS sol e i.Cl th <.' :n :rk<:llJ
at Rs hugu profits fr':' l!1 tra~.a? tions in
bullion. •
Kathmandu, and Patan wore under a rul~ from LL61 _·il.D.,.wh<.:n Rt.. ~
Malta ~5 King, . to l.64L i..D., in uhich yQE:.r Siddhinorasimha Mal'La', 'es tabliSlW ~
'" an": "independent st<!tto in Pa't-an. BhtlCig aun was unoor the grip . of K&tl'unondu.
From all thiS, it ap~ars that Kathmancu was the sob bandiciary 01' trawU
in t hEisa precious met.als. But , with too start ~l' internal strife in 1{"'P l, "
·b.: ~ h Peten anu BhadgmlIl aspired for a .s haro in th!:l wealth acc;ruing frum '"rJ.S
trade;; Jagat Prakash Malls, who became. 'King .)f _Bhvdgaun in 11) )2 I •• D. ao,, ~t<:~
a policy. of not remaining under the aominatbn of Kathmandu. Thi: saroc: yeil~'
he minted co ~ns independently,, - His coins res;;:mblt;;l "': those of ShivBa:imha cm J
Laxm1ru>r8siJ!Lha~ ' ,'lh1s . indicat.a~ that. he WC) t,"Snted to haw his coins circu-
lated in · Tibet. ,Siddhin~r8s1~a MEll-l1jI of P.stan t oo d~Cidoa not to 'cast hiS
-'lot any nnra with Kathmandu. Acco rdinr,ly, he minted his vwn cwins in 1641
A.D. (l761 Napal era). King.,Prato p }'/Illa ·~ r.Kat.hmaDdu minted his coins ctur..
. ing tha ,.saine year. ThuS all- the three sUItes of _ l~cpB"l Valley minted c{)in::i
s~p,ar.atdly and tried . to have th":-:Tl circulated -in ·Tibet • .hll the three strl Ws
. ,aptJCar to hAve achievgd suC'(.as ~ to sume . extent in this task. The
~ ·c6{hs" of Bhupatindra fi'.alla nnJ his 3:)n,
Raoojit ¥JB1l8, the last
l o t Bhaktapur, were defini"i:.ely in circulati(Jn in Ti~t, BhupDtinctra Jo'.allD's

Contd •••
ooins were oalled AIlg! fhgpa in Tibet. These Tibetans words meen 'Isixt ';
number". The coins wtlre so named beoause th(; l tlst munoNl of th.;: date
inscribe d on the coins minted by EhulAl'!;'in~ra MallD in 816' Ne,)81 ~ra ( 1666
A.D.) was 6 . Ranaj1t Malla IS coins werd nSmGd Nagstang (meaning blac'k c .:dns)
(walsh, p . 633). Thestl Cuins 'mus t havo beOQIJ)i:! black bu.cause of debas~ment.

Nearly _100 years later,Prithvi~ Narnyan Shah-, King of Gork~ conquere d

NU\~ekot. NuwaklJt was th.:l princi pa l route through which trade was conductoLl
w; Tibet ,. Hence, Prithvi NarnyaD Shah saw that much profit could bo modu
if he to o minted co ins for exchange. . Ho det~nn 1ned to compete with
thD oth~r, -:)rincipali tic<s Qf Ncwal 1ri this ' £iuld. He ' therefore minted C0in~
uf 'the sam.; de3ign as that of Nt!palls c<)ins. His first Moha r coin, minkd
in 1676-Shak{l era (17.5L A. D.), has boon JJscovered. iI. description 9f another
cv!:n minted- by him in 168.0 Sh~ka era (1758 A.D.) is also avai lable
'Vo L 1). Prithvi i{nrnyao Shahls obj~c tive in m.inting co!fis
Nepal Valley was to uuminate tril dG with Tibet~

ln sub~quent ~ars, both Jayc. Prakash Malla of KDthmanClu an~ Rlln<ljit

Md lld of -Bha~'geun _ started sending debased silver ooins to Tibet. Th~ir
r evenue w<lS dwindling as a r esu lt of the economic blockade ,imposed by
Pri thvi Naraya'n ShClh. ht the $3rrJ3 time, th03ir wc(>l3ndi ture was m",w.t j 1: " x
a re:'s ult 'd th..:: war. For this rellson, thf::Y were compelloo to start mL-lting
debasod' s ilVtOr c:.;ins. /.fter conquering Nepal in. 1768-69 i..D., Prithvi Nar;~:,;an
Shah with::lrt:!w thost: dabasud coins o f tha l C1st Malla Kings. ~~ h.'tJlacccl th<:ar:
by his pure coins. Howe vt:r. th<l dcb.:! s d o::o ins a lro"KlY in circulation in Tibet
cruated a groClt difficulty. hi t.'" i Narayan 8hah :..iacidod to withtir3w thus,.>
coins and cllnet;:l them. Tib.:lt diJ not acc&pt tl;is I;r..; ,,~ s ;:l.l, wbich woula h<Jvt:.!
i nvvlveri it in Luss. Later. -B.lpar<.<to r ates were tJroscrioo d f o r t.b~ debas("jd
c~' ins and th", pur..: c uins Jf f'rithvi Narayan Shah. This ' f\lfthcr aggravated
tha difficulty and ultima wly lad to <l war with Tibet ouring thtl reign .;1'
R.1nD BahsiJur SMh in 1789.. " .

·From tho artistic viewiJQint tc.\.l, the coins of divided Nepal are in n·)
wDy inftlrior to contem,XJrnry Indian ooins. 'lbe Qmblems inscribed \.In t hem
have th;:. ir own cha.ractt'.:ristics. Further study is neede.;:! in this ragad.
Ono or two Kings occ3~ic :lally minted dabDl'coins o r gold mol"tars. But
the praotice was not comlun. Suka , or other coins of thG dencminl.ltion of
frllctlop. ..:If a Mahar were, of cours.3, minted. ,,suka C': ,i03 were minted to
comrri~o~.~£t,; _ special o c c~sbns :lr in the neme of the" q\! ~ 1I .
Thj NepSl 'Samvat was ' us~d t.ri th~ coins of d lvl de~ Nepal~ ' Prithvi
Narayan Shah, hol-Tever, adopted the Shaka calendar.

11 10001111111101

SUtl ;~ li~s For Mun! tions Fsctories


Saltgatiir _

·, T9 ' Bi<1nq~C!tta, . Kamsatnani '~n::!naman Khawas.

, " , ,
. Sinc~ large qua nti ti~s of ~a lt\?e ter Bre , NQui;-e9 he:r..: Bs in tlr eviouS
years" .. we .nD.~ .dolluted you to mak~ arrange)Qf;nts f ur its _f'z;o curement-~ WC
.-, had ~ l!ii o ' m8~ pr ov.:1.sions f ':Jr (the assignment of ) 'lands ' anu villages, . as
101Cll as -f or:¥money' tmd f or your emo l uroont s; f-o r this purpose . Since you
' 10ft , we h£lW r eo~ 1ye j 227::'18.-:-5 (dharnis ?,-or
'saltpet6r . ~y - Ashadh '~udi
, 1$, 1862 ( J uly . 1805 ), including 181-10 tllrough · SiIl dhuli and 46-8 - 5 ·throug'
Hiteur? ,. ' ' ::

, Work has been hampered her~ 1;lecauSE: of the lack of saltpeter. You
probably _think that y ou w11~ be abl e to eVDilil ' your re sponsibilities with.
the sUPP9rt of the Bharda rs. I f you continue t o d ischf.lrge your r espor;si-
hi.l 1ty of pr oc;uring ' slIl t ?e ter in -t hi s manne r, we sha ll flay Y:.J'l ali vc '.
S3 ltpete r i~ urgently requiri3d' hereo Sen..:! SUi; plibs quickly in l~ " t.he r
'b,a gs " so that rio Wflt.e r may tj et in'." Station :me o r 'two 'of yuur men both in
SinJhuli "aOnu, in Hi t aur a , 't:l whom 'supplies of salt"p~ter sent by you may be
"" " " " "

et! l i vereJ •
.. ' If _you continuG 't.) mak;.: lltJ lay, ve shall flay ' you aliv(!-. You must hQV'i:I
I:'ecaived new::; regardin g the lI'.EIn with whose 'sul}iJ'.)rt you haVe mad\:! such d.:L8!·

" Shr-dWan Bad! "1, lB62

(July 1805) .
Hogmi desl,arch Collections, Val. 6 , pp. 190"':19 1.


From King G1rban,

"" ""

T,) Uittha ..Bishram Khatri.

" "

LBrgc "quantit1bs of 1ro:n 'are roqu1teJ f or the ,mUnitions t a~tO ry hdro· ,

As a r t'lsult; th ~ price of irun h<ls gOD" up hertl. Hand over Rs "100.00 to
each Of ~he following Subedars to pu rch ~sc iron at the vrice current at

Contd •••
l o ca l minas . Sme lt th(;t iNn and purify it, ana sl::nu it to th", palact.l thro1..I! :1
Hulak jX) r'Wrs along with t roups be l ongi.;.lg to dHfo:!Ttl ot companios . Obtain .
recoi;l ts f a T s lJPp liu s delivered . Remissic.ns shall l ow r bo grantf:td aga inst
thuss r ocl:lipts whi l e scrutinizing thu accounts of your work. Do no t make
any <:IEl l ay in this work. but finish i t quickly. St1nd sUpj) l1 ~s of ircn on
nn urgont basis.

R. 100 to. Subedar Chamu Kha tri to purctwse iron.

R. un-to .Subedar Bag Singh Thaps

R. 100 :1;0 ' S\!ooda r. Jaru l Bohara
R. 100'0 SubodtJr ChhirbiN Kbawns
·R. 100 t.l Suboda r KirtibMkta ~hepa ' J' J

R. 100 . to .Subed6r B i~ Gu~ 'J i

Shr awa n Sud1 13, 1862

(J,ugust 1805) ....-
Regmi Resoarch Co l lect1~s. Vo l . 6 . pv . 296- 299 .

SU(JEl ly' Of Meta ls

l<~ l'\ ) rn King Gir bao,

To Ditth" Bishram Khatri •

. Somoil tim-.l ago , on vrdor ha.:! boon s:::.nt t .} Jllyadrath directing him tc.
supp ly I!Kl ta l s; Hu'trovo r, ho.:; has not ::;ent any 5-') ·1'lJr. You a~< now directted t.<
3xP~~1te tilt! SUtlPly 'J f DSta ls, 'since the rnamifacturd of ' cann,...n bas been
hl.lmparod here . 'Make a rrangtimW'lts thE::refor o to supp ly muwl s QUi Ckly . St,n, j
sup[Jl1aa along with 3 r eliable per svn without m.:lki ng '! ,I'KHlkm t's da lay, s , thl:t
motals may' reac.h her o qui ckly . Wc have sent y.:.u this Ci Nl:lr , sinoo Jllytl;h ';J th
ha s not balln able, to senj su Pl-'l1t1S quickly • .l:.xpu J 1 to th.:o supp ly of metals .

BD ia3kh Badi 14, 1863

(May 18(6 )
Rf.gm1 Research Coll'l ctions J Vo l. 6, p . '76$.
&g:mi Research (PrivutE:) Ltd,
K.::Ithmandu: Jun~ 1, 1973.

RCgmi Res~arch Series

Year $, No.' 6,

Edited By

Mahesh C. Regmi.


C ont(! r: t~


1 .. The Last Days Of Prfthvi Narayan

Shah • •• lOl
2. Pratap M!illa • •• 104
3. Raswnption Of Guth1 Land
~d Qwm~nts In Jajarkot • •• 112
4. Interviews With Baburam
~charya 119
• ••

Ragmi Ras ~ arch (Private) Ltd,

Lazirnpnt, Kathmanuu, Nepal.

Compiled by Regmi ReseElrch (Private) Ltd for pri v<d:...:

study and research. Not meant 'for public sale or display.
Tho Las t Days Of Prithvi Nor ayEIn Shoh

By ,

.Bobure~ m Actlarya
. '

JI 11 11 10111

;'Ev-nn befor e t he' a nnexll tion of Chaudlln di -, P.rithvi Naray~n Shah haJ wM tt~1l
too {ioVdTnor-Oenl3r a l . Warren Hasting s ' rl:iquasting a Pet ta from th", Eas t.-. Indi a
COin(lllny, povotTuncmt. tmrl. ' s1;i pu l ll t1ng 14. pay' reyenue fa:, thE' Tarai "Wrritorids
''If · limba~.u r 'n od 'vi j eynr-ur. H~" WT·.)te 1n hi.:; l ot.'t-,r t bB t . he wo uld C:l[.'t. ur.
Budll~lk~ma, who hlld .mur dare(! his cousi n , Kiile KSmllda t t.8 3.!n. Prithvi N.. ray!'n
. Shllh a l so, s(;nt Srihrir sha Hish r a and BrihBspa ti Pand it as ' bis cnvoys t.J
c..>~(m'ttll ., H'Jwov or, 'Wa rren Has tin~s serit no' 'r ep ly to thi s reqoo st. ThoiJ e;nv.;yf:.
. t her .:-f o To r :: tUrnQd om[)ty-han ded .Fullowing the captur.e ~f. Vi jayepur by th ...
, Gorkho l1s , t be Br i ti sh offic er o f PUrrle:.8 di s trict,. Ducarel, maY, Mw writ.t",n
' to ,Gr~ vo irio r 4D::: ra l warren .Hss tinga tha t Hur ang bliibnea d to t oo Eas t I n,,:1;;,
, ~Onip.BnY.~ ObvioUsl y f o r t his ,r aBoon, Prfthv f :Nar oys n Shah rocu1ved a l i.l '.:.V:r
in' .ktigus~,' l 774~._ f rom Wa rren Hil stin gs wr1t'ttln on t~ 25th do),: -a f ,tc:;r t~
Cllpt urij o"f Vijaya.,ur by _thtr Q..)r kha lis . nlo) la t ter . ~sk<:!l.! hi m t :> withdr.. w h ... s
al'Dly f r om Vi jOYll't) ur a nu junb<J r tlUr it h", - wllnt~d t Q mAintai n f r iundslti p .. wi th
thJ br.;l1ef th£l t he co ul d D".aintc i n his c()ntrt' l ;')var ' ~IJ.(; 'f a r ai only 'by p l"lI~­
ing '·ttitl ·"British; Prithvi lh r ayarl Shah Jusvatchl!ld hi:; un~YJ D~na th U~.;zhy/;lY:I,
to COI l cuttA imm.:.di lltely aft.;,r Nce tving .t htl lottor,;".:J.c,t;.~ths t:and1ng .tc.v r 'lir,,f
sell3') n •.

. ,The Ki~ 3' of ' illthmandu J Lall t pu'r Clnd. Bbl3ktll~. hAd ,oo.", n minti.Q g '~rurl;
• Silvtlr M6hai co i ns wai ghing 48 101 each f or t ht:ir"own usu . They ust:ri tb..:!
Now,J ri script ' )0 theso coi ns . Wh" n estab1,. shing tradtl" r o1a"4o.ns: .bo twotln
Kathmnndu <md , Tibe t, it wa s. cgre",'j tha t Kllt h)'ll;lOdu sh::;u l J .mint ,C(Jins l ;,r
'.: Tibet {sQtI u~u t be Tibe tan s crip t t tteNon; ' Th,js~ c:.Jins '- us~<:, tq ·_i;lEo ·' m.intQc!
llccor d ing ~ the woi gh t a n j a lloy of Nel'.:l li co ins . Pr it.hvi Narayo n Sh!.1h
too had s t arted minting N~pali CClins 'J f pUN s ilvElr ;;)f the S£lm~ wa1 '~ !lt 1.'1
174,9. Jaya Prakaah Ma llll bD~ mint a1 COi l..3 f ur 'ri~ t f r om v.uryo :1mpuru !lii )t -:I.
in f') r UGr t o r alS<') NOO(3)",-to fig ht tOO "';a r. H~ progr ess ive ly J!ilba,sad ·hi :s c _:"I.
SuCh CCins !"::',d boen 1n -wide circUl.!ltic.m in N,,:pal '£1" , wel'l .a s, lon ·Ti bet, sbc
. . - • " . .' . ' .
'dobe s nm(;nt- 1s not ap'parent in nowly--minted c'oi iis . p'r i thvi '''Usl'ayan Sheh 1 s
; -. .' , _ :c

;:--;--~-----..-"":":""':.. ,.
XSaburllln. hc~~a·. : 'Concise . Acco unt of ' N':~i-'l.l \ .
-Kllthmandu : " 11. 2.022.' (, 1966 )~ Cha'pt ll :- D._
IIPri t~vi No r oyan n (Las t day s of i r ithv _
IJaray a n SM h on:.! ??
C..:>n t.d ••• .


j oO Ucy WllS to circuL8tc ·purd. . ·co i :1S with's"'view to \Jr.:>IOO t1ng~ro!l ith in COfIl-
m~rcO. Imm&d 1at.31y aft, r ann~xini! the MD.lla Kingdoms, ha sta rwd c-:. llt:'
311 suc h debased coins in c irculation by paying f or ;,ura silver ca nton\. :
nnd pu t pUN silver coins -1n.. cirCl,llation. He inwnd(;):j to wl thdraw the do-
b ased cuins from Tibet"'to Q and r ep laclJ them by puro coins. Th!:: Tibctwls,
Dowavor, rtlfus!;:Iu t ,:) do s o , as thoy saw that this would bti harmful t.... th'Jm .
This Nsultac.! in thu virtual cossetwn vi tro Ub bo twee n NetJ£ll nnu
Tt·, pr ':blcm " f coins , 1lB1 already raise d its hoa d during tho Kirat \/Fr.
Prlthvl Na r a)'l'n: Shah had rut bea n ablo t,n- pay attentio n "to it, as he , WI.!S
-:,usy: with thu war. Irrmoolotaly aftar receiving nells o f the captur<.: o f
:Vijay:l ~ urJ he concentrated his attention to rri; pure 'ftbetan coins . 7 ',1'
the flU FPOl3 D of oo l di ng c;... nsultnt1f~r: s on this 1ssuo, he sent a trade dale !.<l ·.i~
le c by Lot Giri, t o . Tibet · in Oct-::.bc r, 1774 with o ·1;.·tt\t;' t -:> th~ ]).'1 11:11 L.:llr.i' ,
' . ,
Prithvi lJarayani ShSh":hild pLanpll(J to go ' to Nuwakot llnd ·OC CU (.y ·th.t;! Ch~u~
bis i Stutes when Dinanath' Upadhyaya was away in Ca l cutta on a mission ~ i
r.,:)~3 1n cc..ntr:J1 over th.e. Tarai DrosS uf Ambarpur anJ Vi j.!:ly ar~i a nd U1 'J.i.!'i
'Hil S awClY in Tibt:t f or the Ilurposil o f solving tha p rcbWm of th..:l dubm;"j
c:lins. Only Cl few trustod m1ni ;; t urs liku Pancks an j IWsnyuts .usod tv kn .;'1
~rithvi NllraYlln Shah '5 p l ans . It WD S parhaVs bl,icauSd ha knew that h\! "':'5
nt.:Aring his last duys tha t fri thvi lla r .:l.ya n Shil h summ...;n~ d hi,s b~th o rs ,
c u urtiers l)ll": u fi"ici t! l s in NUWDb t .:lnJ Jc 1.iv~~i.l a t J uching l ... cturc in
llact;mbor, .. 1774. This w ctur tJ i s kttJ 't.n nc..w as n h:::ossa b~.II.. Tho at~ ss ... ,..:"
gi ven b y Prithvi ' UaraYun Shah. is Showing thr.: path o f ? r ogr i,: ss to N(;:pbi m '
' t hu NqVli b V03n to day . Thu I3ntiI"::: Nep<! li t'Oop1E1 t h.:.r. 1'.;:lt gril,lved wM n
l'rithvi Naruyan Shah.· diod o f f( in th.;! merning Ci f J nnua ry 10, 1775 Li t ,
. o..,vi ne ar Nuwtlkot •
• ,
Fc ll.:lving th.J ool"tth ":I f Prithvi Narayan Shah his elde st S()f\, Crown l'ri.l1t:u
Pratap Sirrha Sh.oh, w ~s ~ r,) c l aim;ld King o f ' Nf'F31 in a ccor danco with. the, r ul ,:
ut. succ.aaaion. .... .

The views o f two Enelish. gcntle1f.en, wl,lo viait~j ~l)3(" wit.hin '27 yoar s
a fter Pri th.v1 .Haroyen Shah I S ~a thJ abou t his . pe r ,;;onc:: lit.y may be . given b.irt",
ClJl onu l K1rkpatrick WTitos: l1'hlorp arc:- some a ppar ent contradictions in ~ i :~
'. chor octer -which. our im ~ rf(jct knowledge of h1s history ·:lo as not
enab1~· us
. to up: thus, notwtthstan·j ing tht:: cruelty he mI.l:l.ifes t od in hi s tresi,,-
m:tnt of tho inhab1tants of Kirthipoor, .in unger,(f!"'JUS r1gour towar (is
th o Patu s 0voruign, and on samo other occasions J h(j is 8011 to h~ve dis-
~ r o ced · ·o t his principlll adher,;nts f or wounding on e of "ttic ~nemy whlloJ
in the act o f flo.~iri€ : 'f rom the fi u 1d of bottle. t1 "

Cunw •••
Dr Hall'llltun writes: "His (Narebhuplll Shshls) eldest :;Ion was II man of
insatiable ~bltl G1n, sound judgment, great courago, .and unceasing act.1vity.
Kind nod liberal, Qspecially in tJromises to his friends ' and dependants I
hi) was regardless of f a ith to str~ngers, end of hwnanity to his enallliosj
that is, to B 11 who oppo sed his views. It

1'00 r eruus hi s'k; ri Bn Sy lvain Li.l vl, who visited K(; ti'lm:l.ndu 125 yoars
nf1,.,:"r the JO :lth of Prithvi U~raYan Shah, writes : Ilrrithvi Narayan Shah wc.f'
cc..., ~ b lo ~l f rni:l\dng tM' most of any situation. He wa s 8 loon o f , 1.1mitlo6iB tl:'.'. 1-
tl(,m ond indc fatig ebla ac tt vi ty. He was bf ' keo.m inta lluot. Ho made quici,
d~ cislons and did his duty s~lfl~ssly. He was ve~ liberal in rewarding
servicas. lb was ruthless 10 suppressiIlG his o~pon\.ints.u.
. . .
Dr n;R. Regrni says, .UPrit.hV1noraY8·n Shah was 'a nat1c.:nelist -to the
o f · Ii1e. h•.:art. With him co nqu~st wtlS tho aim ' of l1fll, pa trio tism wa's thtl
?uid ing· f ac tor f o r 'a ny a'ctit; n~ Ha c ..l rnbin~d in him all .rollfls ,)f a patr iot
~n d e valiant soldier ~ n;.l vn o rgtl nisEJr and ~ g~nor 3 1. Tha t la why" s 's bo'
acqUired territvrics o f enur mo us uxtant. he atrw to it thnt tht3se wart: "W£::ll
c o.n so.~i de tEld Wli:h:-r 11 centr.!l l1zed rub, £md that th," : !.r-i(J1..i ~ iX1oplo brcugr. t.
. th.., orbIt,
. enjoyGd sQcurl ty without a ny fQoli~ of be ing subjugatod ,lI
. ' . ' . ,
. .
F:>:roign 'wr1t<J ra who visitad Nep al at ·diffsNnt tines, BS wu ll as .Np fA:l l1
ac !:o lars, ha"O"e th\LS unaniD"Ously Vr.:l ised the patriotism and illustrious IJo:!" r-
s'o nality o f Prithvi Usrayan 9Mh. This l?roiso · is by no f!E:anB exaggera ttH,!.

lilt JI IOUI lilt 1111


- Prata:p' :Ma U~:


Surya Bikram Gnyawali

. .
The first "of the ~oins of Pratap Malls, :which have been discoVfJrdd
,is'd,nted 761 Nepal ere (1641 l•• D.·)~ - ,u.'the temple of Pnsnup atinath at
-Makhant.ol, tha:t"a is a stone-inscription of Laxniinarasimh6 I1£l Ua, dato..:d
ABhadh 761 NepDl ~ra (1641 A.D.). This ins cription, which is . in the Nepa l
lBngullgl3, de scribes La xminnr llSimha ;1;3l.1D as ' HahD rtljarih ir~ja . 'Ihe assumpt.iOll
-i:s- that Pratap £-1:;I11a' had imprisoned his fath.. r and ascendad th.<: throne long
OOfON hi~ death and min't4d coins in his 'own nemo •

hccording to VamshavDlis, Laxminarasimha Y~llD was Cl lunatic and so
Fretap !>'Jalla imprison" d him llnd " llsc.:,cdad thl:;: thron~ himSd!. Th i s acco'J.r.t
ereates the impression that Pretap Malla IS action was justific1. ThoX"!', is
no rnsans to verify whether or not Prtltap Ma 110 had concocted tho story c f
-'h1.s £athqr _ls iWl8CY in ,;: n- attempt to justify hi:..; a ction. Hence, it is no'[.
poseib1e to- s<!y '-'l nything mort> in this . regard,
10. order to prove his lIccession to th(~ thronJ, it had b.;;comc lTOrt::
necossary f or PrstE.p Malla to link his nllIllO to Goddess Tul:lja thEm to mint
his own ;:o i n5 . i.cco rdingly, in JRstha 762 Nepal ""ra (1642 A.D.), PratDp
Malla instlll1£,d tna banner of a lion (Simhadb.wsja ) with an inscription
containing a genp.aiogical account of his dynasty at thl:! temple o f 'I'ul[t ~':::,
which had been constructed by P~hendra Malls, his forefather. (SRnskrit
Sruldesh, Vol. 1, Ilo. 2) . hccording to VDmshavalis, Laxmina r as i Ir~h~ }:.' Lv
had no t been abla to pa ss Goddoss Tu1aja 1 s ~ s o-w r1c hymns on to Pratap
l"ia lla because o f his in j!.l :"1 , .:lnd, as .3 Nsult, t!lcse hymns wero
fo rgotten.

PrCltop }itllla was a far-sighted man. Ht;; did no t l1k,) th0 division of
Kathlllllndu Valley, For this reason, ht3 did not appreciatu the establishm(;.1'j
ot the indep':m~nt stath e t Patan. He also did not want thld "ind::pendt:nt
... ..ate of Bhadgaun to exist. Howavar, he did no t succut:ld in I1is effo'rts t..-
bring bo th Bhadgoun .and Patan ·tulder his control, bQcauslJ ho lackod =m

X Surya Bikram GnYDwali,

Histury o f N~p~l ~~~~~~~~
Chaptar XIII : UPratap Malla n , pp.

Contd •••

') ri!:f'n iz~d force Mid, mvroover, bt::lCOUS6 ~at,1n was ruled by a cap2blu Kin....;
such as Siddtdnar3simha MalLs. ~ small group was bcnuf1tting from the ~xls­
tence of ..throe separaw Kingdoms 'in the vall.:::y. 'Ibis group was natur ally
determlnt:d t o defend its privileg\:t at all -costs. The p~p~e o f tht! Vall.::y
at that 'time were too ignornnt tI.l r ea lize th" harmful cons8quenc~s of divi-
sion • ..
. Ji.ccording to one account, Pretap MaU.a iilvaded Patan l ong befor"" hL:
aec .. ndad tht,; throne. aftar impris oning his fath«r . Tb", in.v8 t J .... k pl.:..c..;
t~ v;}.ry ~lIY King Sidd.hin3X'3Simhll Molla of Patf!n install,..;d t~ imag~ af <l
d"'lty at the kmpl.:: oCKrlShna, built by him 1n Falgun 757 (1.637.-. D.).
"This ls c:..rro bo rc~d by B stond inscription inste1l6d by Siddhi,narllsint,a
£1t:lllu in ths s ame temple • .io.ccvrding to -this inScr~ptio nJ the emmy hllO
attllcked Patan ~xllctly lit the . time 0l. ctilabrations f or t.oo construction,
of t hu tompl~ , and ~ccupicd forts, bu~ £iddhinarasimha Malta had lllter
drivun out th~ attackers. and . liberated the fortG ·.'Ihe 'inscription d')eb n·n.
mention Pratap ijall.a,'.but. too ~narny referred to in i t ...res nobody ,,1&.; ,
In iiis ston\} inscription (HaDUlTlan-Dhoka Palac .. ) of 769 Nepal era (161J9 J.•• L.; ,
Prlltap Ma11a f!lso h.AS Nforred to this at'tack on Pota!"'- l.:nd hi s ' o cc upll ti,:..n
of Siddhinarllsimha Malla's f orts. Tho battle Citbd in stone inscriptions
took pl.:Jcl.I b<. tMIile n 1637 A.D. and 1649 ,[l iD.

In the - VF.lley, . th.. Bagmati rivor formod thi:1 boundary 'btjtW6on Kathmcll1Ju
and Patap. It does,. not .soom prubdbl", howovvr, that thus;; two Kingdoms-
fo'ught each othe r on thl) banks of the Bllgmati river. It is, inoo..,d " diffi-
'cult to bul1€ve. that a battle had t aken pellCX-' across tl'lu Bagmati 6)Ulctly
at tho timo of the inauguration of a temple whicl'l was notoJd f or its bec.;J.t:-,
and wh£ln p60plo from v f!rious parts of mrthern India had. probably congrr.-
gn tud therl2! . 'The Oobovo -mentioned stone inscription ,of Pratap Halls . gi v<.! ..,
reClson to SUppOS8 'UlDt tha battio took place ",n a northdrn hilL ' It r\:der:.
to Ku~i, in Tiqut. Accurding to tM account (i f rontuMpJrcry Eur::.poon trti-
Ye llers, the Newar Kings of Kat.l'un.:lndu c0ntro lle d tW) POSS0S caUed Kuti
and Kerung, throug h -which ptIOpl", onte red Tibe t . Desideri, woo trlilvellu 6
ti.l Tibet viA NGpul bet.ween 16 16 an(.. ::.621 1\.D. writes, "Until Ncentls,
th'.:l Kuti area , along with its fort, ·,,::.lS Wlo""r tile control of ths King ai.'
Kathm.:lndu. NJ W" i t is under th,j control ... f lilaSll." (Dc:sideri, p. 130). i,b... ut
Kerune:, htl says, IIIf una travels soutl'lwtlrd throug h Korung, ono '-a;rr1v...:s l.?
Pawn , the scc"nJ of bigg..;.9t Kingo.i:)I'Q of N.:.:pal." (DF.<sideri, p. •. llB). This V.I... Lf
l.>2~r.J S on» t.o ~ssum..:; thot thd, Kuti · onu K~rung r vutes waro co ntrolll:ld .b.r 1',,- ~ .. (.
. and Ka:t~L!ndu . Nspectivdly. Th..::ir 'contr-:;l of tho;.sa routes must hav~ l~s t , 'j
until 15 or 20 years bi;lf;;.N tbl:! battlll. There W0N ' recurring dispu'Ws .) V', _::
tho' -?OBsession of - passos c r othar·llreas situ<:tcd -;.n th.. borders 01 T;\,bti'iO ,-
Kuti ,bad probably ,bean in the pOs s~ssion of Tibet fo r sc;rr.<.l t ime) during tb::.
ru~o of Pratap Nallp. -It is pI"'Jbllbla ' thDt at that timoi.1, hd might haw ic-.:i,.:c-
gn wd a dispute ovor some of these 8N8S . 'Ille contra 1 of Kuti was l at(:r
t.::OUQsforrod·t,rJ KattunBndu in t~e \>/tlk0 ~f on.;! of theso jisputes~ This i5
apparent also from tha account eiven in VlImshDvlllis, which ~s taat
107 -:.... '

'vtIil" tile w~r batweGn Bhadg~un on tll,; nnn Il.:;nd ond Kathmani.Ju anli Pau,;.
un th<J " t,her was in progr.:ras, fath",r Grut ~ ber, 8 EUrOpalln t.raveller, rCBch-:,] -'
K8thm~ndu on his ~ay bflck to Romo from China., He h~s writton an account yf
' war. From his account., it appears that the- Joint annies ' ,J,I Pratllp ~:"1l3
llnd Sriniv!lsa Malla ..,..J:re cvtnmBnJed by tho latter. Fatoor GruElbor saw th~st:
jdint Drmios standing on th~ banks of the Bagmati rivar. With lobe halp ,) f
t ho:.: telGScopc given by Grueber, Pr.ataD Malla looktld at tho disposition ,) f
Jagat Prakash Mallll's troQPs. Pretap H.1U8 thom PNP08Sd an iIllllltldi8U: attook.
In appreci~ti o n ;;f thGSC servicas ronderdd by FathOr Gruber, PratDp M<::l:'n
sou~t t o !,.r ovido tlim ' with accommodation <lno P=lrmit him ":.0 _st3y in N":,,s] .
But Father Gruaoo r hnd '1:..0 l<3BVa Kathmandu in a fv'" dnys as hu h.'ld b Q(.n
r uc:.ll£j 1 from ROClIj . But D'ccording tc t h.:.. ",ccouot giv;tln ,.in VamshBvalis, t..iis !!
- war s'tJrted when Pra"':'ip MBlle att.cmpkd to impose an economic blockade on
PlH.•"!n , a1d BhBdgaun b;, ~tilocking 811 routes. 2dnivEisa Malla 2nd .,Tsgat Prnkl,:..h
~t;111.!_ react.:ld to t~s move by cntdI'ing into an alllonc~ and laun~hing a n
attack on Kathmandu (Shrawan 778 Nepal ara,' 1658 A.D.). The rout:c t.::J BhaJ-
gaun was rE.."Opcned follo,,!,uig this attEck. S~ t1mu ' lawr, Pratap Malle ' W.):l
Srinivasa }olalLa ove r to his _ ~id~ ~d N upenud" the rou-w leading to Plltt~n.
Thl.S -recuncilintion b~twet:ln Kothlnandu Md naturally mu<!nt the. 15::>la-
tion of Bha Jgaun" llio indf:lp~nJ<:nt. Qxiswnco of KathmElndu italtlf would hklv ..
w(oIn at sh .:;~, haJ 'Pratap !-la.J.;la not succt*lu,a din winning the support ' of
Srini vasa t-la llo:.

Following tll1s allianc~, thG jvint army of Kathm;.!nJu 3nu Patan n t:"",ck~~ J
l!clG. Jagat Prakash }of-" retlllis1;i.:ci by attacking a villago at Changu anu
so:::tt1ng it on f1r~ (Pa;,;gh 780 Neb>al era, 1660 A.D.). Eight pe,rsons W0 re
Idllo.d, _and 21 COlP<: '.. -...:.: -t4l:ing,thts battlo • ..i fow months lBt",r, th.::: joint.
army of Ppatap }owlls and ,;r:ini vn sa Malla ,occupic:d Bandagram and then Chyrp.l.ri
Jagat PX"<3kasb l'..::; lLn, finding himself helpless in the fac£; of the stdndy a..;;_
v<.o no'::l of th,.' jo int forc es- of Ke thmsndu and Pawn, finally aj'nitt.ed deft,lat
and pr;';5<)ntod ~n(.."Y and ulcpt,ants as tribute to Pratap Hallo. • .4 dabal cuin
of Fr5t~p Nalla, minted ·in 781 NIJpal era, l.66l'.k.D.), that i.s, his
victcry in this war ha s been discoY0rad. In th1s coin, Frawp Ha11.ll has Jl.S-
crib.3d himself as "King of Kings.I!' (Rnjsrsjendra),

Th~ abovv-m:;:nt.ionvd wers wcr'':_'roU t wars in t il0 true ' s~ns e ~ :!' the tOI"l'1;
but ware just l:,' j:\ordinnry qUtlrruls. Nobody can bl:! d:scr1bc:od ElS victJri",u'l
or conqueror rooi~~ on :lccount of his having ,triumphed in such minor ,qu.'l rNls. :
Pratap'Malln is no t. ranotm.::d ,in hiStory $S a conqueror or ,warrior. H;:, 1s i'1'Im.::> ll i
for sonitltb.1ng 1', 189', He 1s femous 'ferr hia lOVd of l1~ratUraJ construction of i
buildings, etc'.

" • . . Cantd ••• '

" ,
Pratap MallA's re~gioUB tolerence was commendable. Of eo~se, ~11-
tiious tolarenc& nas been a epecinl trait of every King of Nepal. But too
form. -which ·thiB virtu& -toolc duriJlg the reign o"t Pratap Mala is . at inter-
oorrinunol ~ortance. Ho "vel'tlOlred thtl Jesuits" liner even ofterad 1Me1ll P8nnl! -
nent accomrnodlltion In" Kattwcmd\l'. Syamarpa Lema of 'ribot obtained pGnniS510n
from him to construct tQe s~e of Swayambh'u one yaar ~fore Pratl.lp M.:J.l.i..~
bece~ King. -SChOlars- from different parts of India. found she lter in hi3
pelace. LillnUokarna -Bhatta of South India wes hb preceptor. VD.mSMmDni
Upfi dhyaya and other scholfors. of HithilB .:1150 obtained allelter from Pra t <l?
HA ll."} . There is tm intarestJ,ng story about Pratap Malla's Nspec t for
Buddhism. In Shr.:Jwon 769 Nepal era (Ju ly 1.649 lL.D.), Pratap Malls, 80001:1-
. paniad by his ~uaon LRl£lInati, v151tt1ct tht3 "ancient Vihsra at Thamel to
-pt>ruse the Sh~ tAsnhastrlka Pragnyapa"raidta wr1 twn in Marga 34U (Novemb{jr
1224 Jj . D.) by - sri JiMs hrignyan, c residcmt of Nagadesha, situated b., tw.3.:n
'I'h1mi and ,Bodo . Highly -impresse d by this work, {,fleW} Lalamati prolJ'C)tly
COrapo5~d 50I'l10-:1 v~ses expressing ber odJld.rsUon tor it. On U s tdning \00
thbsu vt,;r SI:JB , Prctap .&lla too composad so~ v~ rseB eulogiziDi this gn:OT.
work. 'l'he doot.rlU:!nts. containing thtlsU vd·sus can ,:It.ill be: S.Jdn a long with
that ·boOk . On ·tha occasion of tho IndraJatra f~Btlv81, girls ~pr~sentinb
th.. Virgin Godd.:tss . visit tha Vihhra of 'J.noJlb1 in ttl~ COUl'S" of
- the ir drivu ' chariot and tbesu wrses ara Ncited ln
thuir prl:lsunoa Vol~ 1, ·No. 5) .

Pl'{Itap Ma llEI di:lmonstre."to::1d a liberal ~pproach on thtl- question of

marriage. !n his stona inscription of "169 Nepal era (1649 A.D.), instciJ.o.: d
at the. t elTtl 1a of Kr15hna near Htmumandhoka, hio his two
qUt:l~ns n~ m.::d Rupamati and Rajamati. Tha atone ·a "rvp",," .""''" •
of which was first publisbod by Bhagwa n La1
Vo l. 1, No . J) refers 'to tha e xistence of Kam~ ~pur, . "!I ' .
. still found ln COQch Biher. The nane of Kamalpur was later to th ~,
mora tamOl.!s ono of Eiha'r . It W:lS first nQmed Kochs or Cooch. Bihar in ,o rd \.~ t·
·to distinguish it trom Bihar si~uatad in nurtharn India. This w~s done
tx. cause thlj st.:Jt<J of the KochDSiWllS est!lbllshod in this Blhar • . During t h '
Gllr4r 10th oent.ury, thy .A.fgrum Kiilgs of Gsud (Bangsl) . dafeatt>d Nilambar, 'r.n. ,
last King a f Coach Blh8r, llnd'impri son&d him. Thvn follow~d e period uf
chaos in Coach Bihar. During this ptJriod, savd'a l tribes from tJ);, north-
east Nglon invaded COoch Bihar. Fin31ly, .th(;l KacbO~ succc.e ded . 1n u~t.:Jbl.i­
shing tt'i.( rul(l , ooclluse they ware the strongest 'of .th;,. invad~gtribl. s .
HEljo , the roost powerful Koch:l leador, also occupied ..,hat is now- Assam
~nd eastern BGng a l. Since ha was childlass, ba was succy~ad by ~ son
of his daughter, Bisu·. During ·B1au's reign, _tho .TElntrik cult b<:tcama popul.'i r
in Cooch Bihar. It vas Wlder the . 1ntl~de o f .this cult : ~at .Bisu c~l1ngt-d
his DtlIOO· to Bishvsvasu 'or BishwB 5imha. Bishwv8su ·d1vidod.,hh Kingdom .-
between · two 50nB nl'!med IIsronaz:ayan and Sbukl:Bdhwaj~. CQcch .Bihar was
givon to Haranaroyan ss his sharoJ. Harllnaraylfn was succaadod by his s:Jn

G.mtd •••

Ji. MQh ar coin ~£Ir1ng his nDmU, datdd 789 Nt:p&l iJr'" (1669 A.D.) has boon
dlsa~ v~rCd. Cbnkravotindra Hslla is _s ~ ici to hnv~ d1~d
aftur h~ hard4y p6 5~ e d
on... uf his rule. Sinel; thu s .. md inscrip"ion gives thu tit1R of kB.h:::r<: j-
to Bhup.;.ndra HaLla, this leads o nd to D BS UI'III: ho was regarood 88
-~on'<t of ~M otbt:!r sons of Priltap ~~ i.lll naB ooi::n g iVen .lIny
8puc181 titb • .

Tho:> c1efinit0 d<: t o of Protop Ma1l3 1s dooth is not known. Howo;l~"' r,

f rom o U .:iv D1l:c:b l ·j .":! cco unts, i t a ppeClrs thost he oroWld 795 Ne p.d
\ o:: r .:l 0.675 A. D.) •• · Mohar coin of his s on, Nrlp..:;oora &lla , which WIlS
i s su..Jd du ring t.hl!t y Vllr hD.S b,"" n diBcov..,red. Pratop Hol l.Q thus a ppear s
to hov~ rul~ d f or ·n toUl l pe rio d of JS yunr s .
, '

The l'C is 0.0 <bubt .that. Pretoilp Mulln Wi: S n .c:lpab u. £lnd l;;{lrned ru.u:.r
of Ka thn\andu. His wol;'ks contllin mllny -c: goh,tic. tnd orotic expruaSions I'.OU
~ r [o full of simil.:.·s. Th!:> w8s,however,a f otlturCl .of -chOl co ntemporary S[ n.:>k rit
pootry, which was on th (~ dd cl1ne . If wu ar ~ to intvrprot t~ " Sunil<::B us ~
by him, W'' : mny hllve to arriv(: at the groundwss conclusion that h... tud
3, 000 q uc~ ns, .:la tht: Vtlmshev.!!l1s say. During the; reign of P.atap Ma lll' ,
thl) sto ry of th ~ v~ st har ..::ms of thu Mughal ",mparo·r s of Indin bea N"d
Nopa l. I t -, ~ p . )nrs that afv.:r r Ollding this story, tbv gul.libli:·! a uthor.!> of
commhtQ.d the mistakc:. of a ttempting to link t~ gl ory of N"" .)T,_
a t tho Mug bDl emporors. ·n~l""'; ia a ct.wHy -no s hred of
truth in this story. Prawp 11:I111l w':::'s int;lr<..: stGd only in I t:lJrning Dnd t1 :\ .~
a broad outlook. This is appllrent a l so f r .lln t h:. she lkr giv&n by him. W
sc ho l;u' s' from diff1i.l nmt. parts of India in bis po l/:lc ... . Hd WII!J a Lso int;;.:r. ·~ !. , d
in Ta nt.r1sm~ His matrimonial r <:ll.Oti () oship Wittl Coo ch B1h.:J r was probeb.l.y
t.htr indirect l'\Isul.t. of hi s l oVu for t.h...; XBntric cult, for this cult. h.... r.
b,.; oam.:: Vt;try popul ar i n thut KingQ.}m that t1mu t · A lurgt number of t l,:j:nt) l.,..~
0 1' ditt~r ';n t do iti'Js Br(i still Bean in Kattun;;ndu. 'j :hd ckIily l\.: ligll.· l!S fun c -
tioos, cb noes and festivals a t. tho sv t..u.p.lL:s providr:io s pir1t Wl .1. S&ti s i a o-
t io n as w.: .... l as ontertoinm~nt. to thu CQlIIOOn Ptlo plo lit t hi:lt tim.;- , l b d r .... L-
gi ous life ot thIJ poopld was ~rked by l' sp1ri t o f tol'..:or., nc0 : Nubod;,; h.:lr_
bored religio us intc.ldr ltDCd . · . '

Uthough i r. is not po ss1bl,~ to ;::s crib<l Dtty sp0 c ific major ach1...:vc.m ~.).
1:.:> Pt:'atbp Mails, and althJugh h..: o(J'~s. not a pp(:;;:!r to hav.. i nitiatod an:,' Ij .., .' _
tioular £lotion atn.d lit changing the coursg of hi'star-iJ 'his ruW do.:s S''';,·!..
to ha 11 pago in tht) hiatory of .!IOc1ont NCPlll. Hv WlIS def1nituly too gr·: " ~ ... :..;..
=>f thG Kine s u f th~ tbr ..:& ~1ngdoms ef Ne pal.

';ReS'lmPtlon Of Gutnt Lond Endowments In J3 j arkot '


. . . .
- . No.Llo! thd: regulations lslrucd in':ttle nBme of this oUietl is ,68

Lami a gr?ntod to Bny person as Guthi and
'Mofi l tAx-frot;;) in Jajark:ot by th~ RajCl
of Jajarkot or by any Bbard ~ r, insp ~ ctor
(Jancnaki) or eo ll~ ctor (Ta h<.osildcr) J o thur
thcn "lands being us v d tUldur roy n l: o!"dO r o r
otht :r ·'8UtbO.ritY whic h h :J d bf:ri:l n sancti.:mod
previously, 511a 11 b..> rr.c8sured and survoyed
by th-J survey tellm in the prt:lsence of local
functionaries (Than, Thani, Muktdya and " .
. Jimmsv81), own~rs of 'adjoining l ands., tho
'·p:.l r s ona who haw b8un utilizing (such.. Guthi
' " ne Ha t). lands) 80 ,f r.r ·and tho;, ton.9nts •. A
stato'~nt signod by' tMm 8tl.311 be prepared
indioating t~1 3r.:tn. of the lands (use d 8 5
Guthi Bnd Mati), too rolls0n f or too gront
snd conditions th ~r~ o fJ the nmount paid
every y oar and th<:: YOll r fro m ·... hich s uc h
paytrrlnts WAr e m!l da. 'll1G l ands shall b.e s ~ ­
qucst.Jred, r 3COInllrndat ions made according ·
to thu 1, f, lInct a Nport sha ll bu ~bmit.tet! .
( t .) t h...· gc.vcrnmGnt) through th oJ Sa dDr Dafdar- ·
kh8 n~ (o ffice) ~long with copi~ s of th3state-
~nt. mcmtionod above nnd of all avdlbbk .
ordors E.nd docum.1nte. Action snoLl thun be
tnkon· as dir0ct~d •

.. "!hen surveys · wr;:, conlucted i n th<.l o ld Rajyc of Jajarkc. t · 1n accvrti !.:n c.·
with t~se rugulationB, it W~ ~ d i ;~~ vc re d · thot t~ Rb jbS o f Ja j ark0 t hcJ
granted tn~ f o llOwing Lands, fetching a tr.) tol incu ~ . of 24 rupa~s and 13
OM.!lB, ss Guth1 f or th~ following r~ss . .m sinou t.p-\;j tim.r o f tbli; Ba1si an~
Cha ub1si rulers. Thes a ~rante neYQ not beon cunf1rmud ·by · roycl s~al and
the Signatures of f Ol'fll(3r l1lkht1yars~ Tlw lands haye bevn USEld accordiIlblY.

ContC. •••

Mkr cr, nducting surveys in the manoor lIlemtL)nej .::a'b.::,va, I hay,} St:1-
q:l.~! st.'} r\'d th~ lenus, I.ll1j, sinco :1:; ,;.,r:.!;.; r ::.;r ot!"lvr ,k: cum::nt is 8v.3il"bl.v .
Mcorded [I statt.:munt from thi,; p...rrons using t.oo lands alct tbose paying
r..1nt5 thElreon, as wall OB ,,£ o'WOlJrs uf vdjoilling L::ands :lS wttn>JsBCs. I
submit II cort1fi;::d copy of this berl3v1th.

Since Ith03 llm .:ls havo bolen usud without any order or ·)thcr docUJrl,-nt;
the users CClMo t bo po:Irmi tt\Jd tv :Ntain them Clcc0raing to Saction 18 :A
'thG Law vn Mlsc<JllBnooU.2 Land Matwrs (Jagga JSmin Go~w3rB Ko). It. tt,us
<-' pp0!1 rS nt..l c;; ss<lry to .::nwr tl'...,50 lands (in tile t<:lX DSfk~S3ment r..;c:;rliS .:::
Ri. ik::,r) •

H0;;"vver, 1 feel 1:.h8t tho llln:! s ~ h~ ulCl b ~ ' co nfirmed in nDm.::s b
tha U66rB unc!",r $c-ction 9· of this ltlw. sine") th..:y hOiV-a b(;E;n uSing It. ' si:. ,.,,
f0rw.;r ti.lrJ;;js. l-br+.Jov(.ir, the people ' may undtlrg .... mi~ry if another persur.
invo kos thl) vr "Ja yu (who were ooing propitiated with the prodUCb 01·
tb.:t , ),

It is n:lt prop3r for me t :) mako a definito recol!!lllondation, _Binca tt... .3

invr,lves· the gr~nt cl Land on t': Maft (wx-fr~)c) basis. It is fer (y,)ur
nizrJJ;li;lss) t :, d e cidtl whl::thcr or mt to moktl such a grljnt-.

This offico Ms mado 1nvoatigati·Jns ,)ll this '~port. Section 15 v f tb'.

Law On Mi5Colll'lrl'ltJU5 Land Matters prescrlb'-Js~

In ClIS0 anybody grant:s l'~ nds t ·:; any persun -

-. " n 3 Hafi (tax-!roo) basis through his ,
c rdtlr with0ut vbtnin~ng any ordor (f~m thu
·g,.w .:;rrunent), or hirnst'llf npproprietDs Lan;.: as
,Bid,:,; by submitting fnLsi'l particulars, · he U!.l:.y
ha s.mtuncoJ tv capi tilL punishm~nt u r t ) im-
prislJOIJt,mt f ·Jr Uf", (:It too discroti:J!l 'J f thl:
PrilnJ Minister.

In CIlS~ I::Iny j:J(Irs:-n _ClCCeptS such LM:d as <l gift

,:; r d0netloIl, or tlurchosea itj"Wi'th · fuU Imow-
lcJgb that thy Land had beun B cquirdd in ttk:
Wlnner montioned abJ%, ha sh.!ll.L bd ·punishej
with a tina ~qua1 t·.) thl.: v",luo of ttkl ~nd. ·
Rants duu vn "th& . land 'sh8Ll aLso be rcaliz~d
from him.

Contd ••• _
., .
In " ell~!J n.,;· has dJl1;.: $0 ' wi thou!. lIny icn .)wl U,Jge
of th~ manner in which t.h~ l enj ha : ~ un ~ c ­
quir ed, ' flli sha ll nut b.:: jl;l~lIlc? :..l t;) hav", C" nJ-
mLt. .::J tmy ~ fffJ ns d . Only th ... :''In.Jum. ~ f t.h;;
~:1 t ....tu.J ' ,n th .. l~n-.: s holl b", fUal 1Z ... j
:lim . Such l antls sna 11 ~ l'\:: SWDt,. .i ~ n ...i ruc" r u,d
in t..ht1 ' of £ici a l : r~ g i !;1:L: r.
i. I"'op.;. rt has nuw h ....'(..n r .'c <; 1v.,;{] to tht: ... t f ... et thut · t hL
rtcjc v i JlI j.:..rko t
hld dnJ~ wuJ t.h ~; l ')llo ving :'ir n rls ClS Gutl li in th... m&nt
l~ r . m.:ntivrl/.:I.l bul.J lJ
wlth 'Jut th~ sonc tiun ~ f th"'! '!:h 'ln ¥.uk htlY 3r, £lnci tMt
thl.! l £lnJS tlr., bt;int
U5 ~d acco r ding lY . (by th~ r?clpl ~ nts). .
It thus Clp?"..sers th'L1s <;; lan0. s, ~n:1o"',J J :,as Gilth i by th",
&:lj B of
Jajll rkot o n his own lntti atlV '<: with :) ut a r ",y;; l o r (\(:!r or
thoJ lIPP N va l 0f
th·,J t h.~n Mllk htiys r, whic h . ,\N b<Jin g us;;:} ':lcc'l roin gly
(by tb\::: r t>i ,.-nts )
-shv'uloi 00 retnun.-d occo r J iilg t u l.3W on:.l e nt..:r oJ in t.h...
rvgi st.., r.
HoWf.tvtlrj tb'J Law on Misc v Uon eous Lon.:1 M.. twr s
f o llow ing ? rovt Si<JO l
c'Jnt ains th"

llln~s vtd.c h ha.} ben n obta iDJ d duri ng tbl tin:

of f 0nD cr King s ·') n Bny c0n d iti oo an l wni ch Br l:i
bein g uSbd acco r d i ngly s hall bu C'Jnf 1r!!LI tl oc cor:'"
ding to tht: grm t, if any, ')r ols" ~u th~ oos i s
of p:>sstlss i un afw r cons ul t~ ownUI"S "Jf <:Id j oin-
ing land s . In cas..:: (the: l.:m::J~;wn .Jr) moko:ls <). ru-
quos t fo r <I fN8 tt gran t, it. na ~d ,m t bt.: issu ed .
If 0 fJ~rt of thi~ same. pl ot Cif lan.. is b~ int:: us",J
on thi-' boa 1.8 vf :l g r .:lnt. <,.on,J t.h~ r ~ st. vn tho: b :~ s is
of p0ss .,ss i on, tha t. pa.rt f ur whic h tn..:..r." l.S D gren t
sh&n bb c .Jnfi rm'..:d. Th,., otl'li lr IoHlrt , . i u r wnic h
t h.::l ru
is llJ g r<:n t, COllL"l0t b ~ OJni innd J oiIvtln l.f it hLS
b.:ten in t.h ... fius:>t= ss1.:) n ( ut th.:: cunc .. rrw j lfnu.:>wIK:r)
f or 16 J"ar s ' ~ st.. It sha ll b ,; C{lijv..,;rtti J 10u, Ralk <lr.
Th·~ l".. pJrt.In:>n1ol.Jos that t hl.! bl"<:D t :.i; mt cvot. o i n th ~ Si.g IlU1oUr..:
th",n l'1uk htiY br, bm, that "t.h'd l end5 hay," be.:!n o::lndr.Jwt..:d <Jf t h..:

D8 Gutr..l by th'.l R £J j ~ ;;j
of Jajl. lrko t s1nct3 th.:: t1.m.1 of t.b.:: BulB i an ~ Cha
ubis i rul.: :rsj an:':' ar", b .:. W-8
us'. J accu r din'g ly.

(Thil Sedb r DbfdlJ rkhe np. OUi c..: ) tht!r efo r t;; l"npr est;ln t s
tha t t.h(; l :.n @
m.:Jy b u cl)ni irllll :d or N8UIJk!:i <:It the disc t'l::t iIJo ( of th,
_ · IWnc Prim:; Min ister ;

C.)nt d •••

1'his rnt;mvr.:.;nc.:wn wos ..:n<.lvrs,,1,j by th<;l M\j.luki Ml,da . - (Tb.:; .Prim;. M1ni st"~' J
then issuud th~ following " rOOr.

Thu5B land5 sb.oll b., cmtdred in tb. .~ r tlgi s tar

( The anount !) f 24 rupdt:s and LJ ,annas :
requiNtu f ur trw purfo nnance o f tb.t; pNscribtld
religi ous [Wlctions on the basis ~f too usuc l
CJll "cti Jnli Sh Dll b ... g rtlDW,j from th", Tabasil
!.dda (Rc V>lflue Co ll'<lction 0£f 1c13) of .( Ja jarkot)
~ ibjyn , Ch!l itrn SuJi l S, 1949 (M.pril 1893).

'f his r(j port has c;],y b8tJn forwarded t o tb. . Jajarkot Sqrvoy Ottic",.

Particulars ,Of Lands And Revcmw,s

( 1) 1\iu Guthi .:.noowrents in -Bnrhakot.-Dara: Fo nncrly. Jighlll1 [)ova t e (gu·~i;';:o,;":.!J

o.;rD:o\rged on this l:lnd . ' Whanuv"r it di.d not rain in wint.or o r 5ummor, t n.:.
villag13rs w'JuL as sembb a n d JJTay (to this goddess) fur rain. I t w'Jul ;:
t h~n stllrt r a ining. This USed t o h.eppen frequently. J.ft-"r the entry of
th~ G,.r khD Irov ')rnm(;nt, thE mettar' was r IJprdsdntod t-:J 'Subba J o g Man,
wh'J hlld eom.- to attack Juml&. The Subbll then ma dtJ a Gutlli and(JWlJlo.;nw,
with the incoroo fl'0m which a temple (deval) was oomtructed and r (;li -
gious c13r~ o niC:ls ~re ooing perform<)J . l,coor:.:iing to 2 swtum('nt sign.;. J
by the l ocal pc::")pla , thu totlll incom.J from thc, t\l() Guthl c;ndoWDk.'nts
3 100WltS t <l 2 rupee s, 11 limes nod J paisa. Ttw broakdol<lJl is as f o l uMs :

(.;1) Guthl e::ncl uWlI\.Jnt 'Jf Subakoti DJvatll , kncmn as Dhl]fl>J-Kholil Khr.. t,
cultivat -:.lJ by SUI\,; Di Y<.tN . l'hv total 1ncorm:, according to thi:
r ate :;f 14" DS pNvaknt in th.. Rajya, i..s _J.4 annas aTh.( J~ p~ iB.:l.

(b) Guthi '::n 'l()~t of RangllmaC.hulll Devat.ll, known as KBtti-Khot,

cultivlltdd by CbllID6- Diyur o-, total· aroll baing 11 m-udB ~nj S pat. i>l:' ,
total incum.:. being 1 rupdlol, 12 annas .:lRe Jt
pbisa, at thu r.;:ti; ' i t
~. .

- ( 2) TwQ ' Guthi ",nd ,)wmcmts in S1I1yan-lbra: Formarl.y, herON ttltt entry o f
tht. Gurkha gOVd t1lmE:Ot ( i nto J um1.:l) , Maib1-Devata e merged on this Lane.
ani s:Wrtet! harassing th-.' l ocl'l l inhabitfmts. Tho Nayak of ,t h·:; D3ra
thrJn (.7 noowed this l and as Guthi, construct..:u El tcmpltl (dtlval) Bnd
initilltud r " ligiouB ceru.JT(lnias. Thp· people then f e lt rf:ll1oV(;d. accor-
ding t 'J 0 st:, t <.; ment signed by th", local pooplu. 'Iba t ::>tal inc,ome fl"JTIl
tho tw:) Guthi imcb~nts allk)unts to 15 annas and 2 paisa~ Tb", break-
down is liS follows:

Contd •••

<a) Guthi ·mdowmcnt of Sbri -Bh81rav Ocyats in ya,slegaun, Khf:lt 1~nd5

cultiv<:It",d by Jagbir Sim. The total incomo I!) 7 ,8MBS and. 2~ paisa
at tho rato _of . 1.6. - . - - '-.
<b) Guthi t:odoWJOO:nt of Stlri Bhauta-Ghhahari, 2 muris of Khat. land \a101oIIl
asRa~8~, cultivawd by Bauru Padhya. ·The total inco~ is 7 atlntS
and 24 paisa at th~ r.:lte of 16.
(3) Onv -<.Incio'WmoJnt of Kam.o.l JaiSi in Khugi;ma-Dara:-

Form<.;rly, (bofoN too entry of loh.,: GOrkha govi)t'I'Ulk:Int into JUlIlla) , .. !~ .,;
Raja 01' Kbegcma 'grantad this land to Kamal Jaisi. Lat.:.r, hu confi5c,,1;·;il
t~ land~ ur~vad at this, Kamal Jaisi cqmmittad suicia~ on this LanJ
which WS notl bilen ondO'Wl:ld as auttd. He bdoama a Pl'tIt (~vil spirit)
and b~gan to harass tha Raja of Khag~na, 'who t~n granted the land ~ ~
Guthi to Kamal Jaisi, constructed a temple (dovtll) on th", land and
initifltod roligiou9 ceroroonios. Tht;: Raja then !oalt relieved, accordilll.i
to a ·sUot.;m(:nt sigM,1 by the l 'JClll poopl·.! . 'lhu t.Jtal incornc:: is 2 ru(.lu;.:s,
13 £I nna
s, and 2 pllise. Pllr.ticulllrs ore as follows:-
, 1
. (a) 18 muris 'of Khat, land, call.-.:d Hadt;.lcalcal, in i.ur£<ri viU<lgoi:t , cult.LV'~
by [harm<> :D£.s Jaisi. Th~ total incum.; is 2 rupoos, 8 annas and li
'. pai sl'l at t.he rute of 14.

(b) 2 muris of Khut ~and in Paigha vil1ag~, cultiv~tod by Ranab1r

Khotri. Th<: total 1ncolOO is 5 annas uno t paisu, at too rat..".) ~f 16.

(4) 'l\«) Guthi oOOQl-1Jnunt.s in i'laru-Dara:

Forncrly, bof')N Ctho 03ntry o f th;:. Gorkha govt}rnm.;nt in·to JumlB), til.i,:.l
emergod (on tbis land) and stDrtd baNssing tbe l.ocal inhabi-
Jlt thtlt timo, tho-J Raja of Jajarkot endowed tha' follOwing bnas
as Guthi, c:.mstruc-Wd a templ.:: (JavEll) fvr this and initi....k;J
rollgiuus cON)lL1nivs. Ttw inb<.bitunts th~n f"Lt accord1ng t.:.I
a statem~nt . s1gned by the loc:iil I-)..,upl.;:. Those two Gutht .:ondoWl'llunts ylwl
u total incoD£, of· 5 rupees,S 8Mas and 3 paisa. 'Th~ breakaown is .c s

<a) The: Gut.hi cndowroont of Kakalate-Kambkha ' D.;;vata yields l rup",~, Lit
snnaa an,;; 3 psisa. This incluJ<:Ic 11 sunas nnd 3 pa1sa on 5;t murif.
of Kh\;;lt land colwd Donali, and 1. rup~ Dna 3 annas from 8 muriS,
8 pBthi'3 nnd 6 manas of Khat land clll10d Pat1halJul, at the rat.a
.cf 14, both cu1tiv.,t13d by Harshtlbir Rake Sad. ,
Contd •••

(b) Thtr Guthi 0ndowmunt o f Polgh.a-Bijufi-Daka-MllSUl D.1vdt.a yl£: l ds J

rupees nnd 7 nnnas •. Thi s includes 2 rupe;.)s, 13 annas and Lt pn1D8 ....
from 2~ muris of Ser u K~ t lanu ot 14 paisa (p~r murl}, -Dnci 9
eMus _lInd 2t p.::; ls~ fr.)m ~ muris of Koot. Land CAlkd Dotmli a t
16, both .cult.iv:..toJ by .Mairam Rokuyo. .
. (5) A Guthi vncioWl'lklnt of Mahl:ldav Jeisi in SatiYlI-Dara.

For merly,_ (bt-1'ON tht- ~ntry . of th,: lio r kha gv Vl:lrtull<lnt inte J uml B, th ...
Rl:l j a o f JlIjarkot h&d gr :mt . :.: o ,this 1.:m.L! t oJ ~llhud ... v Jc.lsi, Hi.twtlv::.Ir, h"
r\::sumej "it ·subs;:: quontly . Gritl 'red £at tIllS,. Muhsc;..,v J:lisi committ.;;,d
sui cide on ti-lis i<:lOd which b!l S n ow bt:'o.; n unJow.::d ss Guth i. He b::c,:;rn.: "
prc't. (CIvil s ~: irit) and ~ga n t o harass th.) Raj,! o f Ja jar1cot. Th,· R.~j6
t~r:v upon g r Dl).ted the l <:nd as Guthi tu Mtlhnd~v JlIisi and use it for
WlJr shl pping (God) Mablldev . Ht') tO tllm felt Nliow=cI, according to a sb't;. ... .
rn.:mt sign~ by the l octll people . This Guthi ondowmBnt MS an incorrwa
o f 1 r up0;;l , 6_.:InnllB and 2;i plI i sa from 8 muria and IS pathis of KIo:!t= t
l and" ,a t th~ ra~e of l6J which i s cultiVct.03 d by KDl Kh:ltri. -- .'

(6 ) Cuthi endowment ofSri Ch ·!turt:lllso Dcvi ii. Jaea t ipur-Dara. At on3 'till1:.
• •
this l llnd had ooen cultivQtcJ by fI<ln vutn.9n ca lled Chaturlll£lsa.
However. tJ.=- Nay ak of t h..:. vitlilgo Ilvicted her and stn rtcd USlnL' th.·
l Ol)l) himse l f . Griovod (It this'. thJ.! Br ahman woman WClnt to the lhl'ld :l :"J .
comfllittod s.ulci d::.:-. :Shi .. b··cam•.-, :,j ' Pr9t (evil spirit ) Bnd boga n to Nlr t. '3~
'the Noyok. 'Jh<"i Nayak . tlS - ':) N"su lt. was WlBblt! to uso the lar.d anu s .)
rel1nqu1stlEld it. Ht: appointed other · pe r sons to cultivate t,h "" land. be 1
ovoryb6dy who cult.ivotod t M l:lnd underwunt 9J.1'fering Md t herefore ..... ~ i . . ...
q u.:'shtld it,o l'h.e L:lnd the r ufore r om.airJ€:d unc-ult.iVlited for 10') or 120 J ' • •~:: .
Iri (19/34) (Vikrl1ma , or 1877 ".• D. ) . Raja J~ Bahauur Sh.:l_h
gr anteu th0 l and (to 8 d<lscond.:nt 0::' th" Br ahmen WOIJllln ChatUI'J'l'l.::.sfI) .
saying, It Sinc~ sht: was ;:," :)tU' ancos tor,. pr-Jp-i t iat.': her ar;W us ... th!:l l an ,
~f ,you Clln. I eivi: it as Guthi (in t.hoJ nlllll.:J of) Chuturmns:l . '1 1.. t tlmp 1,:
(d~ v Bl) was c w nstruc~d on' tnu lana and r ~ li givus cvroJmoni~s wo~
ini-w.a tL"U . Mano w.. s wor ship(.lo:Jd in tht:: months of Ju>~ cJ h 11 pd Harge wh,,(l
.crops \/UT'" sown '£iri:" niJ r vtsflwd . Rc l~f . was thOu' fblt, ant: tht.l lane. w.:::s
. thus r ~ c .lt;im..:! d. a nd cu1t.i""lLt..&tl, ".lccor uing to o' stuWmE:nt signo:k! by 't(I'.
l oco 1 p:.lo p l <.: . •
." !

'l 'his Guthl undowment yiulds an inco~ o f 1 rupe~. · 9.

annes ' aoo 2~
p6 i se from 10 muris of Khot l llOd call",d YasbtlgDr at' :th..:, 'r ata of 16,_

(7) Guthi ~ndowmants i~ Jajorkot:-'

(a) 'I'hust;; (Ire- Outhi endowmonts mtld~ i n d ifferent y ·[!r s
of JOjllrkCJ t. Tht: incom..: of thCiS3 Outhis is us.:d t. )
parfor rn r egular and c o r~-m')nla l l'!.:l1gioua fuootions, accoroing t .J

Cuntd •••
. -" ":J ' " ' " .. . ., ', .. .' ,
. 8 st,'..I'tement 51gnQ~ , by th,t:. 10co1 ;)C opl.;) 0 , The tobe 1 1noolOO of
t~ 'S\:l ' Guthi endolmll)X\t.s; numbering 5, U 9 rupedS, .14 a'nnas and
l~ palsa. Tha bNllkdOwn is <I S f .:l ll..Ms:-

(1) Guthl endo~tint ' ~ci~ by Raja Dip Narayen Shah f or his IshtaU."lve t a
on 5~ rnur1s v f Khat land ca1l.ed Yl.Ihu. The to.tol incom:; 1s 1
rupct; /lnd 6 8MBS at tbt.: r a'k. of 25 . '
. (11') Quth1 endowni.nt ma"de by Ra j Dip 'NaNy8n Sh ~ h ~ r Ja jark0t i~ 1
. .
Srim811ka IkYi v n . 2t muris u f l~ n'J . Th... t..: t.:l l lJ1 c ... m:; i " 9 .'I Uf."t,
at th~ rata ~f 25.
(111) Outh1 E.noowment made by. Ra jn Dip "Nar3Yan Shah f or Sr1kalika
Devi on 2 ~. muris of
Khc t I Dn,j called Snnktolil, The t..:Jtal inC'JIllC
. .., is l O ~nn8s : at· the raw vt 25 ... ,·r
(1v) Quthi onqowmant made ~ah for Sri Shiv~shw~r
by Raja ,Dip Naroyan
Mtlhad\jv cn 17 rnuris, 12 patlll.s and L man8S of Khat ' Ulnd. Th'~
, totDl inc(JIW 1s J rupd",s, 6 6nnll S and 1). pllis ~ . Ti lis in cll.XleS
J Il nnn s from 15 path18 ~f Khct l end la~eJ Pi~ - Jyula (I t t ~ ~
r llt.; ·.,f 25; rupee , J 8nn<lS and ~fi pai&o from 5 muris, i<::
pathts And 4 manas of Khe t l <'nd cDl leid PlI IIWo-N ... ra at th;.! r J t. ~
o f ,1,. rupee DOO l.L. amas Dr.d 2 rupe.o:s , . l anns end J patss 011
llt muris <j f Khat Innd cnllod Ret.· at thE; raw of 16 r upt':'<i S :1 nd
12 annas.
. - .. .
(b ) OUthi anllowm.:.nt mado by Raja J"UIlg Bahadur Shah in 1931 (Vikr&m:., ,.
1.874. A. D.) f or Sri ~p <)jurgeshwa r 110ha:l6v on 15:t"'murls ,;;f Ahe t l ~ , ..!
• :, . yielding a -totu l inc ume of } rup6<.:S snd 13 aonQs . · This incllXies .3
. . . rupves cnd 10 .:l nnas fN :"". 14, muris 0 isKhet . land, ca il ·..ld So d£I t"··N," ~"",
. .:I t tM raw of 25, and J onnns from p/:I th.i,s of Khut lund , CU l l ·· .
... Pipil-Jyu1a; at the rat.o at 25 . . ..

".!.gun aod1 )01 1949
. (Pl:tbruary 1692 -
~ IWgnd. Ft3siJ orch Co llections, Vol. 62, pp •. 107-121 •
. _.
- -.. '
Intervieus With Baburum J.charyB

On Bai.sakh 10, 2027 (April 22, 1970), Pro£'. 'ru l s i .Ram Boidya of the
Iepartment of History of the TribhuWan Uni versi ty J Dbanabajra Bajro-
CharyCl , fin expert on history, PrOf. Chuda~ni Bandbu of the Departm t.:'nt
of .N~ p a l1, Basudev , Tripat'h1, Secrat.:lry of tht:: Institute of Napal Studies
of t~~ Tribhuwan Univarsity, c nd Sup~r1ntendan~ Madhuaudan Risvl tape-
r.:corded t r. tI , lo llowing interviews with It1lws - Sirom<mt ,Baburrun JLchllry.'
at his r,-~ s i dE;;lliC~ a t BllttiSputnli in Kll'thm:1 ndu on btlhs'lf of th..:t Institu toj
with t~ objec tive of pr~servi n g -~e much a s possib~ of his compro~n _
s l w knowltldg& of ·histor y .

What' historical
. avidancA is ' ,wll il.ablil
. about Kirat.a rule in Nopa l?
:Answer: None. There was no -cj.villzation twr~ during thd Ki~ta period.
History is not- possibw in th(;! abl3oo:::e "of civilization. History btlg1.ns
wl th tho dllWJl of cl villzation during thoi:- LicbhBvi period. The Kira w
period predates'thG dawn o f civ ~ lizatio n.

~uostio n': Wu be ·.i< that thu n<.: mcs of th\'l four J\dhikarllOOS (of£ic,'; s ur '
courts), Kutba ra, Sbull:L, M.:;pabok · and 1ingVtllll J Nf() to whim ar..
found in Lichc hhavi inscriptions, cons t1 tut.;; evid;;n-lcoJ vf Xi~ta rulu·.
l 'oos 'J e ru,. i n: a sensv, contemporary r vfor ... nces. Tlwsc .kdhik<:i ranas thus
seem to have bEl~n .established during' the Klraw p!:)rio d •
. .im sw~r; Th1~ is not thy caSG. How could ther iJ bt) ·J\dhlkarllnas ,during th,·
Ki rllta period.? Wi:i mUBt conslov r IX;fw' llnd when civlliz ll tLln dld ..e ~pe .. r d:.lrillg
"lihie .: period.

It is dofiniw t hB t th~; Kira tll porio d c::m tinu()d f or 5Otnt:. . tirr. :

. Buddha. Th~ Ju-thsshs str8 of Keutilytl "Bnd ' otoor s ources indic~t 'i
t hat c OmTnd rcia1 ~lati(, ns betwoon N~ p.:: l ll nd Inci :l' ha d ntli rt.ud by thH
timE; . In .Qur opinion, civiliza'tlon had .;mergad tu S \Jl~ uxt~nt ovan durjlq;
th", Kirata_ps riod 3S .8 rosult of cuuJll=rclJJl arid. 'o ther c·)nt.<lcts.

Answer'l Wher.e ls theN sny re£e:N:nce "t!.;. Kirota? '. ' .

Qu(1stlon; Wbsn wu c,)'nsidcr tile 11chchhavl chronology" end includo th.'
period of about 800 yo ars v f Kirat tl rul!), .wo will certainly arrive e t
that pe riod.

Xrnstituti: of N~pDl md .Asian .Studie s , TribhuwC!n University: BaburDm

AchClry8 )'a Uhanka Krlt1 (Baburam Achsrya And His IiJrks ), Klrtipur:
tho Instltut~, Fslgun.29, 2029 (March 12, 1973).
Contd •••

h.nswcrl How (len you. d0 so 1

' Answer: T~ Gcp~1.8'V8mshaV8li is' m .t " rel1abl.l:l.

, , . . -
Ewn if it may not be r ... Uable, . it has , in Qur opinivn, rouctl
m.'lt .. rial. rn Nup.31, th(; I'IJ rruJy nut have been any systurr. ui
~i,~orclc;'lrcsGarch, but n3J1l~S werfl cert.a1nly recorded. Thl:! 32 neJlles ..)1"
, Kiratas mo.mti Gn(!d in th .... Gopalavamshavali arij QOt in th.:; Ur.:. .~: l ~n:.:: '-;., ~

.mswer I Th(JY are mt Kirnta~ at all. How can you make such aD interpr,; ;-
tation ? This is quito unrali8bl~. I do not Dccept any of this. When
the light of c1vilizatic,m dawns, you helvo archit llctu:re. Lbt:ll1evi3 that .
.civilization dawned from the day when Gumbohal 'iI'1S C')Dstruct.ed. I do not
regard _tile earlier history o f N<!pal as authuntic. When d id ,e1 vil1zation
dmm in Kumaun ? KumSWl was not civilization until the ti,* of K<lUdasa.
They say th6t Kum~un is th~ sam~ as Kartripur~. But this is not tru~.
Kalldasa has mad.:: no refer :nc.:; to Kurnaun in his works. We 'g et a rofuro:>nc i
to Gnrhwal et l ast . Peop le e.)1OO to the banks of the Ganga, s toa l gold
£lnd go' beck. Civilization has not dawned at that _tim". I visited Garh'",,[l l ..
,Th.or{; is an 'inscription of th~ sixtb centuryJ in tht: Kut.ilD scri;.,t . Uw t.
wo in Uttar-K.::sh.i . '\Jv f .>unu nothing <:JOOv'; tMt piace. During tho sixt.n
contury, civilization had spread o"n ly up to Utta r-Kashi , not abOVi;l tnat.
pLace,- nor t (, Btldriliatb. Haw coulJ t h(Jr\l have been civilization dUr-
ing the Kirata poriud? In "N"epal, civilizati o.n had already dawned ouring
the first cuntury. ~~ civiliz ati 0n maans thd civilizatiuD _of hryav~rt&.
''I'he kryas did rc. t COIi'¥J 'nere; vnly thdlr ci"VilizatioD did. In our hill
regions , ' civilization hf' ,,! dawned earl1ur. Kashrr.iri ctvllizati-:o n WL~.· ' th~
first to ranch hbre. j.,ollt us Dot talk about Kashmir; for thoN civilbo-
tbn c'Jmmellced during the Vel1ic period itself. · l:!.;ast o f Kllshmir, Ni:lpal
was tht:: first t o' bt! civili.2.Hd . Th<J ol de st copp:t r inscriptiuns aru' f ound
in J1imla -. anq H\mila. We Cann·) t get older iru::cnpti.)ns ovonin K1lIIlliun a nd
Garhwal". Evo'n words pres;,;.rve (historical) mat..:ri~- 1. . I hov~ already sai'"
tha't thtil tar-m Dengol refers t ("J Dakshinnkcligrr.:ma. F0rmerly I bo3clluse of
Mahsyana, Ksblltriyas and o th"rs all becarre OIl9 . They are now civilized '
beCIJUSO of Mahayana. I have disco'Nr",d th" neaning of I1Owala u • It r e.31l.1
refers to KoshanuSrIl~, of which it is the c orrupt f orm. I bcl1e~ thct
t-Iupal1 history begnn with Y.OSh,:lDugram.n. &for~ this, in my ouinion, ~o::p ,:, l
h~s no history,'.'

(To Ba ConiinUA:ld)
~gmi Rd s ~ ~rCn (P riv~tu) Ltd,
r.<lt.b.rrundu: July 1, 1973 .

Ragmi Re5~arch Sari~5

Yellr $, No . 7,
Edited By
Mahesh C . Ragrn.1.




l. After PrDtap J>la1l8 ... 121

2. Pennission To SaWs To Usa

Pn lanqu1ns ... 129

3. Privil.;ges Of a_a In Mugu ... 130

4. Interviews Witn &r.burarn I'.cnarya ... 133

5. Caste Ststus Of Mecnes ... 138

... 139

Rogm1 R~5eDrcn (Privete) Ltd,

Lazimpat, Kathmandu, Nap81.

Compile d by Ragmi IWsvsrcb · (Priviltc) Loo for privau.

study and research . Not ~~nt for public sal~ or display.

; After Pratap MallS


Surya Bikrem ('myawali.

c c

It lit MU 11 Jtlt .

Three of the sons of pratap HUla, Mahipatllldrs J Nr1p endra and Partbiw."dr..
"' ppeo.r.too buv§! .s urvivad him wtwn bt:i died in 715 ~vpal ' era (1675 A..D.). I t
is, PQ8s ibla tnat Bhupendra hall~ whom -P'ratap Malla bad designated as Crown
t:'l:inca.1 a lso. had died by", t.hat timEl. Mabipllt.tindra MedA, the ,oldes't . ,
. - surviving son, . i.rdS 'Ilntltl.t:d to 's uccee d PratDp HI:Illa. Howover, h<: was Impri-
so~ ~ by. Nrip.,ndro <lOO POrthiv£lndra. ' Too " youngost Bon of Pratllp Malls, P:. r thi-
Y03ncira" was wisu .•md cltl wr. Ht' tbureforo wie lded a~t· uD l power .lvon t hoUt~n
Nrlp.JOdra Malla bi; callltt King . This may b.! tho;; roM on why the VClmshav<> ll s 00
not, e ve n mention that NripondrD i'\aUa bI~ca~ King. How~' vtIr, documcmtll l"'J ;:. vi-
d..1n c~ is ava ilabl13 to 900W tMt this was the C058 . A. coin h .sued in 795
ii..:p<ll =ra ( 1675 A. D.) boars his nBfIk;i . This prov(;a that bel ascended tilt: tr1l'c. ~I'.
~!lhld18ta l.y afwr .tllt:l dtJatb of nis fllthei', Pratep:. M~ lla • . 14. stooo i.Qscript1(JI"l
of lirlpcndro l10Uafs timo , 798 Ne pal "era (1.6791..0.), retl:!rs to hi:-.
with l"C!Y'l!1 tltl.l:ls. Nrlpiln dr.1 Hallo probably dlad in 799 Nop~ l vra 0 6 79 J,. Ii _)
Hu di~d on th~ Oi.,lW lIIOan day- beror.: tb;.' DashBin featival. His last rites wo r~.
pu rfo~d by nrahmQns and t ht) f !:stiva l ' was celebrated as usual iri Kat.tu;..:~o'-;"
1'hl s shows. that oNri ~ndra }kl lla dld rot bear muc.h' importance in the ~'yR S or
Parthl vonch-a Hallo. .. . .. .. .

coins of Par°thlvandra Mall.ll, d&tc.d '1)00 U;,p.£l l Gr o (l.680 i.. D. )

und ;;;ra (1682 II:.D.) ,havo boen discowred; d'.tscrib1ng , him, ClS Ki (.::.;
of Ne P41 1 Nepa4mdro ). ,.'I'h<J rt.:verst:l ~1dt" of "thI,:,s"" co~ . haar tJ. ~,
m-m ;' of his qU£:uo, Rajya l axmi D<.I v1, also with royal titll:1s (Mahar.B ni J 'i!c.-~.
,lr:.! t.£l) . Th.: f .1 rst coin was probDbly mintod irrrnedlattrly afkr Par:thi~ndr:,
MB lla ~ SCOJQdl'd th<:! throna.

." .

Contd. '0
122 .

An in::lcrlption 0"1· Parthiwndra Malla dated 199 Nepal art! (1.679 A,i>,)
hll S been found lit the PashUpDtinath tcmpld. It shows that he had darn;, soma
'Construct:j..on thor£:o According to th~ Pashup8timth temple
wn1ch hsd been construCted by bilun d Clmo g&d and . tilds had .
lee n baked at Deopatan for its • To &xpeditu tru; ronovBt.i on ,
r~ rth1vendre Hallo hims~lf c nrri~d "tiles from tn~r~ to ~ h~ P8shupa tintl~n
wmptv . The inhah it.8pt.s of Kut. om<.:nCiu fo l 1.ow",d his ::Xllmpl"" 'Io;i-.. n th", :rosul:t
t. n·l t. iJll tba t1hls wt:re t aken \.0. th~ 1:ot:mplo:= 1n 0113 nig ht. line s o th~ worK
101':":; 'compl~ted "quickly. This const.ituT,<.lS l:lvidunca of tht::: inst1nctlw loyc ltl
c l' thd N;;swqr s ub j;: ots of Nopal towards ttltdr King.
·. .
· • . Julother ownt wtlicn. took pbctl during ' t oo rulC! of PDrthivt:lndri:l MoH...
.shads. light on ano tht;r soci a l ;custom. Ono Dtrbrmll Jhs from Tirhut 'murdtlr :::d
... a r dlotive Dt CI1.angunoray.Jn. !bll ntI<J Jb& was inmuna ' from cnp1t3l punishrtli::!ot
'.b~ caU5 <l ~ e was n Brahman .aod so hi,:, .property 'w.!lS conf'iscetod. But e· prob l tJlII
· e rose in croditing ' Il .era~n 1s prop6rty to lohe royu 1 tr-::a s ury. It was loh\.' t"~ ~
for~ di:.:citkd tOat tho ,propurty should bt.: uSI:;d for roligious purpo s'., s. Thor ..
.' ,f,s n9, ,dQubt thD.t , it. was actually used .,.~o rork) vntc st:;vt;r ll l lo~ p".p l es ·and co:; -
~ sttuct '"Qew,ooos.. . . . '.,

Contd •••

;.- . , ' !-'".

I~part from to::; stone ' in~cription of Bbupalendrn Mo 1.10 r s 1D:?t.~r, two
coins dLlt~d 812 N2pal. t::N (1.642 I •• D.) hllVIiI bo:J~n d1sco'I"rt:td. In oddi-
inscribi. ng th,~ n.<.:me of Bhupawndra !-fulLl, thl; coins cont1.dn t.hE-'
word, . "Virall, "N<lpalust'dar Rllj4i:ndra 11 , . IIGirindrn ll , Rajnraj.;ndrll, ar.e I1 Chudll_
moni S.:lrriratll~ R1ddhil~xm1's atonu inscriptions 9 150 dcsori'bd him EIS u~p"'l"'c.r
ond lord of tl(;lpCl 1 (N~Plll<lshwllr... ,M£:Mru jadhirD jl:l Sllk.Jlsrfl ja chala-ll dhi £~ !~ .1l"'2);
'" . , '

. '. :. stond inscription d<ltt>~ Flllg:un 8J.4 (i694 -".D.), mst<;llud by Ridcih:i.
}WilD,' has'been found at Cb3ngunarayan.lJ It shows Bhupal.1m:::lr.:r Ji.olla .
,:"a s ruling at "thnt t1mi.o.. That he ~DS aliw till. 8.1.8 N"P<:i er~ (1696 II.L.)
l.5 appnr,:nt fro;.1LiI t! coplXir n .fou nd at thd courtyard of Patwr. -11.
Iflt!ntions "- t ht: M1l'll:S of King Bhupatindra twi1s of BhadS."Iull, King ·Yog':;' Nar, -jl-::;',-,
'1~ 1l<; 01 .:'aU,n £lnd King B!-, u.pil1endra !'i:lllaof Kllthm<lr; ;;·J .
, ,
. . ··· Bbupa1encira MallB had possiblydwd in 820 lbpal \:Ira. This ir: <.: pp r· r~flt
·fl'oDI" ,·the discovery of th,;; IOOhar coin of BhaskarB Mll118, son of Bhupakndrz:
Halls. T~13 coin 113 d.:ltud 821 N}{>.31 '.. l':'" ,1701 cI.D,). A Sulti coin of Bbasl<l!r:'
fr.sUa, '· det..:;;d 818 N0p«1 (;ra (1698 h.D.). has bean found. Howvcr, it it. b ,,-
~1.\lWd th<.lt this coin bad beiln issu.;;;J on a speciaL occasion whili:l h"i!:l i"
WiJ~ y~~ .1livG.

Dhup.Jl€mdra Malla 1::! qUI3€:n was named Bbuw.:malsxmidevi. This is chlnl'

from thG sto(jC~ inscription installed by hdr 'b,-, low th< StlItU,: o!' ho::-r h US'J.rHld
ond thH of hCl"':wlf i~ta L~-=d ~~ ChangUIUlrcyon 1n '824 N(;p~l ., o.;:rrJ ( 1704 ~.. D.) .
, '

.' Ji.ccording ~ tho;: -V ..mshaval1s, - Bh': ~.k:. r.l fo!.:lllc WllS 0 minor won h : sucC',' ~_d
bis father. H;J Wl)5 agf:ld 14 Y''::IJl'S Elt that tim:! " U"l~i ::' he ;;<10 collie of !lgo, hi:>
:;thcr function-3d as Regen--t;. and c3rried on t he:- flffairs of t~Cl ~t.!lW with U"'~
~' lp of min~stars. i, to Fat.her ~lo.ider1, her ministers .used :to l::Ite~d.
.~ ' ~h wealth fro!'" '.'l<'l royal t.repsury whenever. ttwy go-t on opportu,n1t.y t.u. d o ;y,) .
, ,
-. ' .
. 'l'be 'T'-lmsh,:walis d~scritx-- BhaCikprll M.!Jila as: '" King' with Dn uhstabl ... mi:",;.
'l'hi: fiakldI"ll:>ss np{XIsrs to nava -devl:llopf.:? t.:.l t.~" . point of cnl.lnging in...o '
fldve nturousn13ss as ha edvClncod in aga.4 "ccord:Wg' to till! V,;nlS"havslis, tkl
hOld goru on a bunting ~xpt:di tion "too t tl.: "l"ll rl.i i · and captured 7 ,'::leFh;.m ts. 1"
b prt.stirood th~.t h:.:. had bngg(;!d t.n",s;:.: el.uplwnt.::; ir,-tli", -T.n'ui 3I'1;uS : under' ·Ln .-,
C'jn';.rol of M::lkw<lnpul"'. JoS <l mark of his daring .:.ct of ct.i purinx ulcptltints,
hI::: -6:-ss1.lIrl\:;Id the titl.;; ' of O.9,i npa"ti, or lord of ..:!.,-,phC!nts . !::
t ;7 tjl;l~ai ... r :1
(1717 I..D.), he proalo:'..!~,",d 11imsil.lf ;;IS King of PaWn 'a uo COln unt!",r '
tlilu name of Gl:lj~pati .11.: ::1ndr.:.; ::imha ., HC:l had <liSO llssumed tbe t.i_~l~ "o! ~1(1F'-~ •
'"; i-lShWlll"'O Girir.dro ... Tnus K!lt-tur.:mdu and Pawn ~m<; undur tba rul(;l 01 El . Sl.:!.. _.
~~g/fter, El la~Sf:;' of 86 yuars. HO~Vd!', Bhllska.r a t~lla faHud t.o saY'J k!.:;;
l.l':!c~om. Llke hIS pNdo;lcdssors, nd SI}... IllS t o bavi~ sunk hims!;"li in lClX U !""'~d

4. &nSkrit Sandvsh, Vol. 1, Nb. 6.

Cont.d •••
,'01' gr"dc'Rl,l, i to," :,'ttK:' 'advQnturou~ spirit which hiol hod d-~w.~·
lopt· ci . .of tJ,is unlimit<:d wealth ana supr .-i-
m!lcy. l'Ia118. hod bui").t a , rest-haus;;: .
:it !l.indol in lif6 with llis two que;;:~
and two concubin.... s, lI S with ¥lU pl#asur<38 of his pol<1C'"

IlCcording to· th<;l' Vamshavulis, <ln ~p1cremic had brok"n out. in N;,p<ll.· ,,;t.
'. t.hil t." . ..ccording · L·~ ... ,I" d::;-scrip t.ion 01' th .. cpidumic ei ven in t.h".
• ~rush<lvEi11s. th.J vict.ims 0y.p<: riclnco:>d <.Icut" pllirr in t.tlc, o..:lIr <.1:3 w<.)"il os s"'V,.:'w
· !1ii..:d;;Jc r•.J ·. ·rtr..:: (JpW.~m1c "thl.l:; ,1pp''';''!'s to -0 . . a lcind of plagut:l. 'thert:1 W"Q pi.'::~.i.c
-·throuch" ut. Ut ..' c.;Iunt.rY. 80 tc" . 90 -p",apl.::l died f;> f th.. plaguo daily. Fut.tlI. r
Fr-~'ft11', woo liad co,,,,, t.o' Ndp<i.l,. at. 1.11;;, ... nd of 1. 7l.h an his way bllCK from
· LhiIS", has .. isQ Civon an lIccount of t.n., · calJ)mity brought by .. no::: pla~ut::.
;'c(:crding to him, th", upick:mic 'WaS a v<:ry s,"' riooJ.-~ ont.! and thllt i .. had t:i!:-_!l
'u -t.oll of' 20,OQ(} 1.1V:'""s 'within a _period ai' ) mont.hs • . Thd Vamshcv.llis givIJ
· ', ho.' numbGr of th!! '.!~' E'C llt 18, 714. Ho~ver, thoy' indicr.ttJ t:.bat thusc p0opl,1
· h ..·o. dL<.i' \-li-tliin. .:l 5",.',,< 4 3 !'l;nr:> .· _Tilis ~h.Jws that Fat.b.Jr Fr(' ye:r had i! iv.; !:, ~
tnis f1guI'G on '"liho basis of h;;;a'rsay, 'nnd that h::l had muntionud ) lJi.lOth!l
im;w&u of J y'J:>.rS by misu ....,j •

. \-fu,.·n · }<~a thGr i1rt!ycr Nachod Nep~l, 5 C missitln.lrifls wore: ul.NCldj
: workiilg thnre. ·:.t first,- thdy use::d to war black robes. But as thi s wo:;;
.:ii:;!ik",d by "t.b.:- ICe,it of P!ltna, they wero SUppliHd with blue robes_. Accord-
int:ly, thl:'y ~~r..; wwring. bluu robes at t.hat t.irra. 'I'ha p.~ op13 of Nepal
!'..,gprded blu'] clothes t;s unholy. Thf:y,· wondtiTl;;d . whether t.hv dpidomic WClS
.·JlQt th:-; result of Ci:;d's ',:r zl"o:.fl OVi:r t~t) Capuchin use: 'of in-
.:, uspicioua rob~,!:. Th~ ·mi!:si') __ ._: !'i.;.~~ s(~nsing thc'!S;J doub1:.s - 3mohg t.h~ !~0 t->di.i
iJOp l~, ·i~diDt,",ly procUNd · whit.:: t:lc.othr;s Dnd stilrwd we .!lring th:Jm. S... .;dnb
t ili:.>, ' thl:l llopali p,.opb told ·· ·T,h<.;m~ uyou I.lI"G now wt.!aring ciowos of thE: •
kind you 'ought to us.:z. Yeu no tong-=r look lik..., th(~ t-" You h ... vc llV"W"
~' )COll\U l.ik~ 1I Ay saying t.hat. t,hb Capuchin missionarid's no longur
10ok.Jd -l.1k.. thl;: NO\i:huls, :th-J .~(,p.:alS rriC:lDnt t1:lat 1:.[.1;" mi::>8wn3rius no longtlr
lQok\;;d ·like Nuslims. Fatti~r DCsi..J;;ri's <J ccount 81(;0 "t.0nds UJ confirm l..l\i..u
swry • .Bhask::: r:.l h:J.;i·d soJm_ Musl.ims <:1$ his bodygunrds.'i'his w!.;:;
'!'~svtltud by th«:: loc",L Nio>VOrs -wilo "uidnot l.ikt_ , 'tniJ infl:u-=ntiol position
.... I.T...!\in:.'d 'bJ' fo:r<.:iGn;;)rs ... t, th<: Pl.lh!CQ: 'l'h~y "tnjrvfon: at.t.ucki,;Jd t,h... I"op,l", 8!IC1 slau~:ih.t.,;;)ri,;Jd. s ..... v-.:ral !'iusltms 'ill T.h':l";;nc"; or~h.! Kill;; • .r'or
l}(J litic.:.l· roason.s, . T.r•.: N",polis at thl:lt. · tl.l'IC untc.rUl in~d bacj ~ft~lings ~w,. N:'
t:-.'; Musl~. It. u"s th~r.;!for'" n .. turaL ' for th·.~ .N~pD.lj.s to dislikCi th... bJ,u,;:
•.. ... :~:' ::. !;.
rob .. s worn by to.o:) Copuch.1n missionorills . ' . - and t.lIk.:: ,th(;:m -'for. "
: Hus
. 11m3
'" -. itccordfng to the -Jlwngal -Thil\{uri Kaji had condo-nV:d
Bru:.skare Ma11D at tb" south 01' SWilyombhm16tb to kuo..:p ·~um
in~I'un.. from th.o ..:p i co::mic • .;.ft.:;r st,"li1ne; th~N for '6 mOlJtn~, Bbasker.::. l-..:..l J.l::
· ,ne":' inquired of Cl r,'eWilr p(J1I5Dnt (Jyupu} as. ""to. -now J!l8ny pwplu' -WOl!-I:I- tiUu

" .
Contd •••

dying daily . Ttk; JysPU replied that the epidemic bad. subsidad considerabLy
and th at vnly 4 or people ware dying daily. BhaskDra Malla,.who was
a~N3dy tired of rvmtlining s ~p<lr.atod from :Jis- concubines, leapHd from t.hd
,wind(}w ~md ~turn~d to thcl r oya l polec .j , . . he!'€: . ha w.:&s reunited with h:i,.s
concub in\:Js . Hr.: w-. 8 . inft:lct",d by t~ plagUfl at 'LhCl palac<i;··a..'ld h..;.. di~d;

Let :us now cQmparu this . :lccount of B~skilr" Ma LL<.i IS d",ath with V .tn.. r
Dtr8i..1clri I t:J versi...,n. From Fath.... r il~~sid~ri' s v!;;rsi,m, it El ppo<lrs t.r"" iJw :,- ;,>'!'.:.
h<!u freq'o.r.:ntly I';;volted agoins:r.. thv_ King- on tilt;! Ground ~ h<.Id OOImploYi:lo
· MuSLims . 1)usid..:ri writ.Js tbllt on:;; day SOll\i:.l .pc)opl~ h,,!c;I sunt. El poisol'kld
b-...;t..:.i. J..c:e.f to t.1"..,. palace. Fatih.r k-sld-eri. addS : IIThlil M,llsUm st.;rvants of
B h45 kar~ Mal1t1 go t. wind ot this conspiracy ~nd informed thf;; King accordinGly.
ThJ King gaw t hv bat .... l leaf to . a goat i n o),'d.::r t o asc'::! rtBin whethur it
-roelly 'c'Q ntaintld poison. Tti:..:. go'at di-ed. Th"~ ' guilty pat"sons were banishid.u
This account t;;llOS to .confirm ..that th,,- P<: O~t0' of NepDl. w",rl.: opposed·tO .: :
Bit.::; skara Malls .!It t.ha t tim,·), ond. th Dt "tooy had fteq~ntly conspi.rwd to
~ill hIm. Th.. pC:lJpb Wdf>;;'t of course , angry: a~vt:Jr BhaskDra Halla IS actin
J..n "JmplO"')ing ';'usl.irns !· However, tb~y used this only as B ,p.rl:lT.:'..:Ixt. Tb ,~:..:"
· "!'0a 1 m::"~ i v ,-, wa 5 \;() IT.urdcr Bhaskllra Malla llnyway. ~ Tb;: Kaj is of PaWn '::}.30
r '-"s", n1:.< Pat,m's occupation by Bhils kara Malls. For this rl.: ~ son, thl:lY 0518,)
prob<"'p .ly ~onspil\:ld to kill him. This is th9 r a 'e son why Jhangal Thakuri
Kaji, ' a l oynl S"~rv£'nt of Bb.:1sk~r:l. J.fa lla , had conc~aled .him a t Kindol Vil.i(,r,
whiL.: outwardly pr ,·tnnding thllt h, ~ hlld dorn so in orde r to kElcp him illlnun.1
from thi~ .::-pidcm ic. Bhaskaro Mal 18 s d~Dth soon on trl,s r .:; turn to tht> pn l ::c...:
l ud th.:; pfJopll:.: nlao to ·bolio:lvd th et h.:: . had ditld .. of tbe pl<'lgu ,~ . But i n J::ct
·ttlt-. r--Jal cause of tho Kine rs d8ath w ~ :f · somathing ~lsc:; .. as bi ll.WJ by FI"l"
Ilr. si d~ ri • , . .
, "
. . . .
J;.no t.h.o:r po1l).t rrflda. by falfbf;r. ·Desicklri is l::V6n more .intriguing. i'cc.;v~.! -
· .;i tg to him, BhaskDrc ~l::Ill1J 1 S m:n.blo:r as ~,;j l+ as rninis~rs bad .stolen ··muc h
'm:in..:y · from·th", ro~ri: l treasury wtwn he was e mioor, anCi, on coming of . ~~-... ,
h... imprisonbd his moth~' r (:nd p\llliSMd. bar . Dccompl1c~s •.;· .1;t w<lS at this t.ll!i"
thnt Bhaskaru .M.:iUD IS cuoon had ·given b i rtt ~ t o ~ sono-. T~ group "Uls"t h:.a
~,..n pWlish..ld by BhaskDN t.~J;.;u "t.ri:..:a w. ~ssa.B::;inatd him With tCll;
Un llGht·U!.D t this murdur "liQuld lUDQ 'to his BUC~SBiop >y his n' ioOT son
<.:nd put.' .:lctual LJow0r in th",ir h:mds •. R..:.:..; lizirig ~llis onloi,,:wn of th..;s...;
roD, Bhllska r D kill.. d his infant 80n and llv....d s~parbtClly .from tb ~ .
qU&;"n. Hie' toon .::ruployoild Muslim stirvants for his p~r.sqtllll .safety. This 1/<!S
th\.i roason. why th~ liIowars had- turllJJd agtlinst him.· Th,;:! ptJop'l~ <!l:Ik.:rd mu
qU'JCln to I7lB intllin cloBU oontllcts with thu King end, th~r...8rter, rast: i ~l
r::VOi .t , in which tn:.;-y murderud. th9.I'luslim sdrvan~ pf t!"¥J Kl11g'" 1I.lthoU{;:;
th~l't- is Lack of ·.)'V idCln~ to Vl::rify tbe account. of Fath(;r I:esidari, Ull;!"'·.
:·l)pe:<3 r s·· to b~ ·sOmJ loO l emont of . trut\1. .).0 . i t • .BbI:l sj{aro Mcr lla ' s El ction .iJ;l .
~mplOying Muslims flS his 8tteQc!~nts must haVe) b~~n, b y qis; subJ·:ctB.

, .
CJ)nW ••• .

. ' .. ~

It .1ght haw'- bea'n eaSY for. ihd: nbblametl Bt.- tha ti.m ~ to ' p~eant thi s AS a
central issue befor E; too"
PtI,,;, ple tn·. order tQ. gain t.httir sympCl t hy anti it ,/LS
ttwn natu1'81 f or the m to roOSpiN to ktll . BhlIskllr& Hallll •

It has bean m"nt1o ~d &bOV;3 "'~hat E~ask.a r.. ' Matlo had aasumaci thu ti~.I.'"
o f V1rllma hi.odra ·MIIJ.l.a (lB u, mark .of his 5UCC:;:SS in c~p turin G 6rl al<lphant..
"l'tl-.:t c»1n t.h llt wa"s iss'uad'in Potan "aftbr it's vccup8t,iun by Bh""sl(aru .M.<;.lu: .
in 835 ' Ni:lptl l. ~ r o "(111.5 A.D.) also ·bsa ra tn", same" nam~ . I.. moha r co in i flsu.,d
by in 829 NUfi'J l ~ ra 0 .109 a .D.) has bOoJn disoovurt:ld . Ont: , sick! 01' t.hiS
c01n b~ars thl.:" n.!unB., ~r .J dyc. y1r.alll!lhi ndr~ Ma lta , wh.:i.l . . t n:.: o t h... r 'eo nt<oin ~ '~rds aSri Sri Lok<inatha"o . t.hdr coin aa t....d 837 NtJpal ",ra
( 1717 /;.. 0.) c onti:l 1ns the! )Jords. 1 , on 000 S i de , snd uSimhodoJVF,1I
.:lnd ~ S ri Sri Sri K.:l;luna:neyan " on ot-her~ Bo~h ~h", sa coins wtlr~ 1ssuad
in Pctan unch:r th,~ ~co nd nBmtI of BhaskcrB Malla . Thie l eads on~ to W'") nd . .,l'
wh(l th~r tll·; nDII1'.: Bhasll::s ra fo1allo, which w.!I:s currl::jnt in Kat..hman du was oot
lil«: q 1n PatLln . This tl lso giwJs SOItlO i dea '·.!)! tht' uxwnt of :bost1Hty t htlt
.:xiswd ' bctwe
.., . . .. n th ,.~ two rhd st.. of . .Kllt hntlndU. Dnd pnt::m · at that tilll.'. •
Bhaskar .:. Ma 11a d'itld in BhadriJ 842 . N"pa l era (August 1 ~'22' il.D.) .. hc r.:.::r "'; -
i ng tol ·tht: Vamsh :,v<! li s , ' his two qU~d ns., nnd t)lO of concubinus , ' b.Jcamo &: 1.1.
. . .' . . '
, . ' Being chlld10ss, 3hr'ska r 3 Mallo "'.:IS succatlded by. JDgajjayn MellD, tI !
Lii st.3nt c:>gn.:o t 'l re l a tiva . ThoI do not shad any light on wbo
J3gRjj aya K~ll B W3 S, or hQw his ho l d on thv thron~ . One rn ~ hnr
c oin o f' J~ajjEly::l M..~ llJl) dated' 858 Nepul era (1736 j ' • • D. ).bas bel:in f vWlu . Cm·
o!luli: " f this Ca lli c'..lnt ains the worJs "Sri Sri Jogajjoya Malul ll J whil... tht:
oth~ r s i de b ea rs th(1 wor<i3 tlSri Sri Mahipatindru l'kl11a ll , Hahipatinllra '.cl.!..!;" '• •
th~ real.. he i:r to Pratap f'1011a , but hEl W5B imprioo~d by l1 ~ip;mdra 'l1ull<1 It l.'':
~- I').lhiv..:nd:ra Mnll.:l in ord..:r to pruwnt him from bv90ming: Kwg . Lat...;r, ~.;.Jh l ­
'.pEltindra M.!Jllll Bs c:ap.3d from ·prison. J CoIgsj jaya Malt's was a desc\:Iooant ol
j'lt!bipDt1nd"ra Malla . Ha hed \X't:'.haps inscrilx; ': the;. nBlral of Mo:: hipa tindro h:. Li '. ,
~ :J fOWldo r of hl'S' dynnsty, in ni s moht::r coin i n or dar to show thut. h..J ha.~
tit.1~ t.) t.hd throlh;-. It suk.. coin d.!.l't-ad B50 tlopa1 ijr;J ( 1732 i. .D. ), b..1.J ri r ~
his n ame , has b.:!l:ln found . It Ql.So b..:ars "tbi; name of his 'quu6n, Kwnuciin ~_Q!.:tv ~
. : " . .. •
'l'ha po liticaL e Tcnts . \blch o ccurI'\:d during t.he N i g n of J £1gaj,jolYf.:l
l·b LL:.. ore mainly collflo.:ct ::'d. with /lifLsons . Two) ·sons, FiEljl:ndl'tl Pr4vSh ~(j{J
J:\:fo' ,P~k;)sh , h,::<J o,:","-n bor I:i .:W him · befo~ his f, cc.;,s.sion t o ' t hv t hronv .
4.i'u,r ·'hi.; b ao'tllW KmgJ ':S meN SvllSJ .Rojya ·'Prakash, N a I\mdrl~' Fr<Jk ~s h ano
Chondra Fraknsh, W(.:N· ·bor.n to him • .Rajo,;ndra P~kDS hJ 'the dd~st :so n, dh,Ci
in 851 Nepa l · ..Jr o · ( 1731 A~b.) .:, Jng6jjcY:T }OlDlltl was overwhelmed with gn.u f
e t hill' death . Tnt. 'OOtllbll:lIl1 f'r9m the hU l;re gion 'who had come. ·t o oOnB J 1.:..
Kin ~ Jagajjsya Malls to l d hin"tha t they did ·not lik6 his s~oo nd son, J zy3
r r ;,; k:lIsh Mtl lla . Th:::y propose'd to him that Rl:J jyll Prokash Mul lJJ, his thira
:3.>n, b u de clDred heir to t oo throne. The ir l! t ~i tude towards J uy,' Pri.kOs h ,

Gmt-d •••
woo bad beoore heir t o, t.hd throoo after Raj ~ nd~ Pra.kuS b .JWlls·!s· .4:W·at.b,
.naturally worried Jaga jjaya Ha ll.~ . At this vel')" t~, Chaodra Prekasb lioUs
.·bis yo ungest s on, sl..s(y di e d. Th;lB added to. Jagajjayt. Malla's "Worries, Wnl.Ch'
, .f'1n3 11y r o:>u lw d in hi.s doath in ~56 Nept;s l er n • .,(1736 .i...D.J •.
.. : '
J£lyD P;rekllsh ·Mlll'la a ccildtrd to t.h~ 1i.I;trore <& fWr Jagllj j aya MB1lDIs d..:atn .
: Soon a i' ,his · accessio n to Uta throne, :~be· expl:l llc d his .yO"Wlgor bl'Othur,
: Ji.ejYc ,Prake sh Ma:U~ , who had boon · £.::! vored by the notobbs from t h~ hill
r !3giol1. Rajya prek.:ls h Y..:! lls moved to Pat3D.• wtlich was th..,n in the grip of
p J litical iristllb1:l1ty. F1nally~ King Vishnu Halle of Patan, woo was cf.lU d-
L :s s ,pro cla1..Jnad lkijya Prllka sh a s his · h dir • .In t.ho In'3sntiw, th<: group 0 pp ·Js-...d
t..J J~8 Pr<ok as h ·Mb lls of Kllt hmlm dU ha t c tlCd a conspira cy against him. 'Ih:ly
Suppo rted Nel'::ndra Prll k!l s h Mo Un, his ·Y0UDgEor brq thar, .:l nd procla1DkJd ih:i.11l .
tl S t he ruler of Sconkhu , Chdl:gu , GokarJlS, ~a nc:li g r am ll nd Ikopa tan. ~11th111 : .
19W months , howoyer, Jnya PrakDsh HallD. deiua t od . Narondrc Pr ak ash ·Ma lla
tn· 1:I ba ttle . Ns r !Jndr a Pr-Jk.!1sh Ma U a fled to BhadgQun , :,'h:.r<:! ha died a ftl;.r
.r. s ho rt whilD. ·Aftdr 9r ushing Nar .m dra Prakas h MnU .ll' s ntvol t-, Jllya Pr <,kl!3h
MaU D soercha d out And puut s ood all hi s supporte rs. Since ,tro0PS r 0cruita d
. from s lOO ng hllis~n had .!!' lI3o . oppo!l-~ d hil~ om supported thli rabals, Jay o
~ Pra ka sh Mn l1.s · r ais&d ol..'1 Co r l""Y C<' O: :..stlng solely qf IIitln from · the ·T ara! N[" _'.J a.
Taking adv ~ nt age of t hi s tnterne cine conflict in .KothmDndu, Kin g 'Ranaj i t
foIol l.o of · Bhadgaun tlccupiGd Sa~k hu p.nd Cbangu. ,
, '
Har dly Iuld tlk flam s -:It ··contlict that f o llowed in th-:. .waka of Jey n
P r.:llcas h Malla IS · acce s sioll t o t h>.! thronti ., . die
d '·out t han !;;JT ""'c l.lhu,a
. l "Shab <..'1'
;)a r kha inv...dod Nu"'B kot ( 1737 h.D.). "HoWdve r J Ju;, _ Pr Olkasn Y.a ll'l" Npul st.o u "l< .Ii::!
1.: l;ul"ck. This ;·invasion f ai1.ed as it wa s mt procedad by adlqua "tG pNpa r ,. \.l.' m . •
In 1744 [h Df, 8 years l .:lter, i'r P.hvi Narayan S b9 hJ son of ·NaraOhup.:l l St"::'I. ,
.i.n"¥.l:Id...ld ' Nuwako t aga in and o o C"_~ : :. .,' it . Jaya Prakash Malls laid."iliCI' blarni;;
. f lJr hi s ,j.:: f oa t tn ·t hi s w~ r · 001 th.~ commander of his hill army. H.. sent· t r ,:,o .I t,
l.Uldo r : the cOlTUl'lo:!nd of ~ a s hir £lm :Thapa ip .r(:loccupy: Nuwako t. ~his ·tiloo too h'_ .
~!as dvr ... .:lt& d, .:lnd· Knshiram ~a p ll ·Iled "to his hom.:.. a t Sipa _ Jay-a·, Pr<& kash
t-lto U a s uspoct ed · Kashj,ram Th~p~ to ·bave collabor a ted with Prithvt · Nar;:(y.:.J n
bnah . Thor-d·· i s ·nc. duubt t ha t. Gorkhali s Md wcn :ove r all · bis hi.1.l of fi C'" .. :'t..
.J..ngal.'\..'d .by. t hoi r ci;) lluSid h witll the Gor khnli s, J ~yd · P~kash "'..a lla or d.Jn.: o.J
hi s 'l'orai truop s to kill B hill offi cer s , ,i ncl ud i ng y.,")shi.!'.::!m Tha pa . Tho~ t!
l;'JwClr nob l'~ s who ha d b,jtre yed hi m Wdl'f; 8 150 ~ xr.: cu:ted . Bhik hltsl Ka j i "W~ 'l .
·b... hollldod, \.'h ilJ::. T.:ludt\ik Kaji fl,oi:I U "to savd ,tu s 11.fe'• .
; . . ' .

The hil.-l 'and N03wi-J r of'iice rB ~gain :h~t~hOd. a ·plot· sga inst Jaya ' Prak(, s i.
HilUs. : DaYllvlItiI quicn of J ays PrLlkil:sh,
• '
also, join::d this conspiraCy. , nu.
e i m o f Ulo:jSEo conspirfltors wns to dc post: Jaya Prllkas h MaU..3 a nd proclaim
his , -year o ld son, Jyo ti Pr3kosh Ma l1.6, as King. They thought th&y wv l!l ~
be ab l l.: t o d o a nything th;)y l1ko:d in C8S0 a minor ocC"U pi,~ d t h..:; throne . 'In.::
, .. .
Contd •••
eommn,ipeOp19 . tOo' hod ·~· tire9 ;0£ .Jayc:; ~f~kasb MD.llsl S E:xcitable behn vlor~
Kslldlls of ""ratan was . (I.l~.o . sccz:~~ly h;4ping-: this : group o f conspirators. J.n<J 1
conspirOiiors ·Clsltt:ld ··Pdthv1. Narllyan · to attack KatturBndu. Gorkh.ali troops
ttti.:n occupiJo SlInkhu; Ch<.:ogu, Man3M ra valloi1 Y and th.", Cldjacant srCl8a. J C;i:.l
r'r!!kash "bUs pursoril!ll.jr comrn::mdl.::d tUs ..troops t.:) drivu out th~ Gorkhalis,
but 'h a was "dof..istud. 'Iti.~ attacks had ca .U3cc. Much cunst.:.rnation
.:lllDnr( tbi:: '1nMb i ...ailts - ~'f K~~aU:. Thq wt:nt..:d ,that t he. Go rk~ lis soouL
ill no c1rcuni t.'nc. s be . allow~d ' to .:.nter intoO_. the vallo3y. Finally, the pvoflJ:,·,
l ... d by Kiti"g Rajyv Pra,k asti ~lli. ~f .Pa:tan, counter'- attacked .. tb.tI Gorlthblis.
~~ . n r;.':;11t,tb.a _Gorkh:: U s troops r etreated from fOlIl(; of tht) llrOOS occupl o:-,d
bi tbelll~ . prpb<1bly ' TIlovUd' £! cross" th..:: Hanabara riv~r. Thus thu pcopl.-. did
'Whilt K:tng Jaya Malla had, f :;il<3d "to do • . This n.:n,ura lly l old to l:
Jol crln.:i . ~n the'jx:op l~ '~... 't'a1th. - int~ ~ing. ; "
" . -- ,

Precis<J ly et this ' 1JlO1Ililnt, tbt.: conspirs'tOrs procla:"mod J yciti Pralwsh

M3 11a .'J S King pr Kilt'hmDndu. J tJy6 P?·akJlsh Malls ron sw",y t.:J saw his 11!",
(1'7 46 A'.b·.). ·4.mobsr cp in dat..:;d 866 NpplIl -erll (1746 A.D.) · MS been discover ;.;!'
On "one side o:{this co in i s l"'.';:ntionod th.-, name of Jyot.i ' Prll kash MelltJ,
whll(~ th~ ottler ..sid.:. buer s ,t :tE. nC!]'TlO of MIlhipot1ndr g .Mall!! . Too tNdit:LJn
of inscribi'ri the .'nam::: of, .MtlhiplItindraMallll on coins bad b£, -"~n s-c:)rt.:>,1
by Jngaj jays ·M:illn. It haS ,bl.:en followed by Hall.£! .:':!lso. H~ h;.!d
~ssue d such moh·3r cow 'in difforunt yaars. J" coin containing t:t •.
w:Jrds ." Sri J onqni ,)"Yll Laxm1 lhvi", wl;lich t oo was issued dcr i ng ,~\ :>'' ..<1 -
of -'Jyo'ti' Pr:,:,'ktlSh ~1l.!1- MS b6o:lr) This incic ntus thllt. 1)OQt.hur
Q"ceri :6t Jay'a ' P:f:skash M:J1W', possl,"Q1.y ,his e1qtlst onG, Md be"n ,:,ssociBtc: t.:
" " ,
\·:rj:th. th':l' 'conspirdcy. DS riJ'gent of JY9ti )-1.:11 13; who was, than a m.inor.
'- . : JaY~ ·Pru.k.!ish M'u.llE! h6d to td,dG hilll~li' in o r~r 1;0 S'JV... his lifu .
l..:f't'er apa ixhn'g", 4_ y.:i'~rs i n t.his ,mClIln<.lr, he. movud to tho tomple of Guh<>-sr.... ~, ri
~ltiil.:, sttiyinl -t har.:,'·b", IIl!:IlZlg,;,d t o ?ursUi.ldo.: th", t-roops t o suppOrt i1im. '.i'h~
t.wJ ps d ~spatl::!lud tv -kill him also duf'",ct<.:d to him. Wit-h· T.hi.: bolt> of t r. t. . ops, . ~ay'a ~~kssh.'- Malls rdgllin,;d his thrOfu. . Tt", NbL:l':; w",rt. V[\:lqTi. ~",
SevEir8' i , ~~wrs (Ka j ls) _ Wh9_1~? t.h", r (;:be ls cQrnmit'(.Ctd suicido 'out. of ii::~.l ·
~f _rtw ..mge~ - and many o 8 killo d~ t:.u,",en WiJS elso' i~rl.:i) .l-'"
She 'diM in detention. _,. __ ' :, ,"

~L~"'fhe PradhanS- 0_£ P.:lt;Jn deposud RsnD'jit l'Idll.:l anJ Ncoguized Jays i'r~~";~
li:Jlla llS King of Pilt."m . t!IJw;)vgr, Jsys Prak.:;sh MrJl1a pWlished thCS.1 soli"i.s t'
Pr:..'dhllns·. ~ '" gt'V(; ·.:,vl1Elnc ..: of his blld in Pa tan E: 1so~ The 'PrsdhM ::-
of 'P,atl:in 'tho::n ' invit:.:,i DalE: m8r&n ' st.nh, you.'"lgur .b~o thl:lr. of Pri thvi 'N3 Ny ~\ {l'l. . md proc'1.f!fmC_d him as th.:i::- rulljr.-· _ ' '

Contd •••
By this timo" th& Uorkb.alls· ood ttghtoIWd thoir grip on tho,1 whol....; of va l1oy. Jay<J i'rak",ab. Malla OJntinu~d lighting ug~inBt t.he G0r kb.:: UIS •. '
i.t t.his time, Jyoti Prakclsh MallB, his ~on, d1C:Jd •. In Bh~dra 888
~768) , Pri t hvi i~craya n Shah entured Katbmandu. Jays Prakash .
PJt:>n, wb.tll'e h" wa s giv<:ln s~ltar by Tejanarasimhn Mall;) . Whctn Prithvi
i'b Nya n Stwh occll(Ji..;d Plltan as' ~U, J tlyc Prakesh Jol.&llaflod t o Bbadgaun.
In Bhcdgaun, .l'li;:: _sustained bullet injUries. Ha diud la~r at .6Uya ghat. '

*'illll( U I( M11 M11

Permission To SDlmis To Us~ P~Lanquina

To too Satm1s of .. Ban",pD'~

The f o llowing petitiun submi~ted by Yvu btls bedn r opresonted to

Th(j &.i llnis ' or KathmmJu, _Pawn and Bh8Jgaun

haVQ bu~n permitted t o carry t~ brid~ in a
palariqu1n in the co urae of the wadding cera-
roon;y-. Only (we-Salnds- 'o t ) Bllneps hav", mt been
grentdd pennlsslon to ' do so. We -pray, there-
f ora, thllt we may bl) permitted to use; ttlli
pa lanqu1n in 't ho SJ)ma lIlamer as :Salm1s ill th~
_three towns ~

/;cco rdlnglyf'-w g~ant you PtJrm1s ~io n to· car ry th,'! bride in a palcnqui:1
in the same way· as . in the three towns.

iiSwin Sudi L, 1915

(Sep"t.;:,mber 1858) -
ftegmi Reseazocb..,'Prvjf:l.ct, VoL .j), ,fI. 30).



'. Privile ges Of. ·Gumba In Kugu

"1'0 Lt • .Colonel Owijamao 510gh Basnya't -ot the ·Jumla office. N:Jrbu Lama, Utkuo Tsund10g Lama and Ut.k(:n Gyanzing Lama,
I'I;sid,;, nts of Mug u ' .• Juml .:.: , h -'l va s ubm1t.wd tho foll owing p..; 'to to.;
K!): ushal Ot!'ice:-

l!'ormerly I the"r e war(;

-no villagus or s",ttla-
mants in th~ aN£! caUdO Nugu. 'fI'wNOf'Lt:!r,
a Lama Cc U~d Dbannaraja Para~ shwara CBIIJJ
from TibGt (Boot) and built 2 Gumbes thtJN
clS llcd SaNks and. Lathe. He thus chull?cd thu
f ace of that d ~ 801ate ~rea end inst.allad
( idols or) gods and .goddl:!s ses there., He made
B.::lve ral p&opl o his disciples, and -Uw.£it.hero, ·
aftar establishing tb a GurnbllB. - , .:rt
... ' , .
SubsaquElntly, ' a .f&W other fam111c. s alsO" elUne
the.'"tJ from Tibet and thl3 place becanl B.. vill-
ago .' Tho Ra j a of ,Jumla, Bahadur Shah, thuD
f~ l t plensud, thinking that a g~at Lama had
coma fr.)m Tibet to live in that plac~. H~
-g ranted (to thE! Gumba ) lands si t untl:d · ~low .i ..
Ratapani And above T£ll.n~

ThB Raja of Jumla also ~romulgl!tad the ,1',0 110-

wing 1"\-1gulatione (Thlti)' npreserve f0 1"'eBt~ .
nroun:::l t hG GumblJ,. Nobody shall kill birds;,
musk-door or b lue sh~ap (Nuhur), .or f ell tra~s,
in th~se forclsts. In ca sa any ~rson commits
any cri.m<t and "t;.£lkes !lsylwn with th .. Lama ins id.,.
tha Gunba, ru:. shall net be capt,\ll'tld , but shall
~ parootkld~ 'Iba LDJltI of the Vwnba stlaJ.l P&r-
f o rm tho last ri toa, os "W\::ll llS GhoaWLl riks,
of p.:.oplu who d1a in lolugu vi!.l.E1g oJ AilJ a ward
just-ice in t.ho..:1r d isputes, as wt.. ll <I S in dis-
putes llm:Hlg d1.sciples in t.hl;;l Gumbn, acco rding
to traditional,.. custom. No taxt:s shall 00 co lltlc-
"W!.I on go ods- transported by t.h,; Ls mo or'tho
of ttru Gwnba throu~h yaks, shtlop,. or Jho \I Eo •

Woan the Gorkhalis enturoo into J'Galla.,

thi:ts~ regulations Wdre conf'irJlli:!d. Sub-'
s""quen~ly/lt. Tul Singh Karki ChhGtri,
who came to Jumla to conduct SUC"VliIya, '
scrutinized' tb-a orders l.ssuad by th"
Rajas of JumlD a~d con!1nIIed DU of .them.: · .

In 1899 V~kr ""n (18!,2 A.P.) th. Gwnba .

was d... stroya d by fire. RoY.:31 ond other
orders, books snd oocum::nts., ( idols 'o f)
gods 'snd eod~esses, Eltc .. wrc 8.11 dus-
troyod by thi:. fir6.

The . Lams 'than rebuiLt the Gumba snd in-

stalled (idols ot) gods and goddesses.
He oolla ctdd disciples and thuB 11ved on,
pr opa~ting r a ligion llD:f preying tor vic-
tory to His Majesty. . .

HOWdvsr, knowing that th(-;- orders and

dooUments haw
balln dastroyed " by fire,
tha local viliagers, as wall as · p(':opl.e
from other areas, come hE!ra and full
trees in . the forests ,belonging to the
Gumba, Tooy also hunt . iJ,l th t: s ~' f'or~ sts, ,
and kill bl~ ShtHlP, musk~de e r snli ' buds.
Th,)y qU l:!rrol with ub whun WI)' tall them
not to fell (t~ e s) or kill (birds ~nd
animals) in this Nlnner·. They do no t ' oooy
us. Evo:;n woon anybody tsk"s asyl\Jn1 ius id",
the Gumbs, tht!y cspt.urc him f o rcibly <lOO
:t.a~t: h1~ aw3y, Ttity horass us, dtimanding
taxes on goods procU['tld by thC1 Lamas or
Jhumas for consumption.

If too Gumbs is unable for any :romson to

cultivate lands endowed by anybody for-
merly to burn l ll 'rtls at tha Gumba, and 1f
such lands r ema in uncultivated tor 1 or
2 yeDrs as a rusult, thfl vlllagers forci-
bly cultivate thesiJ lands trem38lvt: s .

Conro •.••
I32 •

.. ' p " . ' . ' .:-" " ' , " ,

Formo'rlyi ·t ho. Raja of - 'J umla baq o:!ndow-cd
laoos' for parformi,Qs rtlligioliB functi'..:ms
at thi:: GU.trba.' 1hese t;na:rwmuntS" ha'd oocO
confirmed, -.and fresh orders' wh~n . issued,
officials 'ddpute-d .:to condilct surv~ys af~r
th3 entry of thd Gorkhelis scrutinized ordtirs
(lnd docum...:nts. Tbtl lands of t~ Gumba had
been hdld accordihglY. In thcs~ circumstno-
C6S, p~pl'~ should oo't. be a llowad to disrupt
religious functions and harass us. rn' cnsa
an order containing'regulai'l ons upholding
rdligi~s traditions in all these mat~rs
is is sut:ld -agdn according to tho:l law, WoJ
will pruy for victory to HiS Maj6s~y, ptlr-
form t>el1g1ous functions 8,1;0 tJl~ Gufl1ba ond
continue th03 rogular and ' cl;lrGTOOniDl wo rship
ot'" gods and goddesses.

\tlfOl cite the following witnesses, woo koo.)f·· -

everything in this regards Mukhiyas ' Ilh8ra,
Sira, Illarkya, SOnam and Dumd:WIl. "
1.11 the ab;)ve-mentionild particulars lira
correct. In case are proved "incor-; ""
rectj" we Wldurtako liability for puniSh- "
mo::nt according t o " thoi; law. WO) shall riot
again put furwa rd additional c12i ns or
I:ovidunce. If Wtl cla" so, this nJ,;J Y bt.: rugDr-
dud as false. . ..
ThcJ petition was referred" to' the Sadar Dafdarkharia Qff1Ctl,: and an officiDl
has represented th", matter to" us through "the l(aushal. Offt.a. You ar." hcr",-
by d1r~ctod to procuro ttu.: nece ssary uvidencl.l, surrrnon witnesoos as wen :.. s
thu dl4f<lndants and acqu:~in t. tb.tlm with the cont.ents of this pt!tition .. If
"t:.hcy bdmit that this is truo, r rd a,': nt from t "h"m. Oth\::lrwis9, havt:l
them fill a reply, make too llt"1gants fnce each othE:! r "and :~ 'r"Dr! justicl:I
according to the law-. "
Magh Bud! 11, 1925
(JanUllry l869)
Rcgllli Research COlleotions", Vol. 62, pp. 452-458.

11 1111 ItIIl !lInt JUIII


Interviews. With Baburam acharya X


Question: What was the condition (of N~pBl) before Marwcieva I ?

Answer: Civilization cOllll'll:lnced much bafore M8nadeva I. ·Gumbaturl was con-
structed -during the first century of th,~ .Christian erB.", Manadeva -appesNd
in the fifth century. :'!'here is a gap of roore ' th:;.n 30: years~- This mesns
that the history of N(.lpal coruneneed long before lolanadeva 1.

I'.'hat ovidence is til:lre that Gum-Vihara was -constructed .duting

century ?

This is an ':lstimate. "MahSyana commenced in 78 A.D. ,It atone inscrip-

three years thareaf~r has b~n fouru at Samatb •. -It must.
havtl taken at least 18 years .for Mahayana to reach ner13 • .

Question; Who constructed Gum-Vihara ,at toot t1m" ?

. .
Answer: Pcopld from th~ Kushan dominions.
Question~ What Is the evid(lnIY.:I ~

Answer: Historical ev1d(1nctf ta" available. Kushan ' coins have btitm found.
1 do not know .whether or ·rot too mUBt:lWI has tb6m, . but t.hesc ·· co1.ns bav!::
be~n found here. WDlsh 1 tbv English writur, has mentioodd them. He says
Kuahan coins came to Nepal. bdc<.Iusa .tber;:, "WdI"'4 coll1lOOrcil:ll _d1.lti.J.lg
:tba . Kusban periOd. But th<lt is .all • .

~estion: Tbat is th<;l 1"t>al thing. As long liS Nep<11 did ·not min.t coins of
its own,: it had to depend upon Indian· coins .. LichchhBvi inscriptions· ref:..!r
to KarshapElna, Pana, Pur~nll and other coins. But only copp;.r coin.s called
Pa na ·llre i.' vailable. 'Iba· oth<Jr coins seem to ha.vE: reached htlre· as a result
. of .coritaCts .wi th· India.

Answer: Thbt is. whllt th~y· say. But tbi:t did not come before
that. Mahaysnn comrrenced only aiteI' 78 A.D. · How then oou.ld ci-vilizlltion
come ·before that year 1
MusUms and other foreigners C8mU to India for 1ts W8<lltb and
.l.Or other obje ctives. Hbat rnotiw prompted the Kushanas to COlD.:! to
Nepal 1·

J.nswar: Just
.. -.
- ~

for propagating ruligibn. -Peopla

do not fe bl grclltbr fllrvor
in anything else than in propagating r&ligion.
Quastionl What waB the ~ligion (of Nepal) b~r o~ thoL period?
Answer: Ther ~ did not ~xist any ~ligion at all. Before that tlma, pbopl~
'ver~ Wlcivilized. I £ISSume -that"th ay carritJd on thtlir business on th.;
basis of tnair own d1scoveri~s. T~y first ca~ thro ugb Sindhull. They
did not touoh..any othor route, Ttiey could not pa ss - through Cl straight
route. As 0118 · proceeds through Sindhul1, onu ha s to 1nOY\! allstward Al ong
tha Sunkoshi river. Whlb traviJUing eastward through t his : ouw , p r. . op l
Neoh R8JT113cbhap district -on tht3 -right side of t oo river. '!iaru -<;lxlsta ::n
iron mine In Rarrechhap district. How enormou.; thu nine is can bo £Is soss,:,d
from the filet that th~ estlmato runs to sdvcral hundr-: d thousllnd maunds .
- 'lht mine·· is not ·working at pros"nt only b-:J causc of to . non-avllilability
of fue lwood.· People extracted· iron from this m1ru.t and made a~s ond spad.:.s. -
'I'h"'Y tamed boar·and turned those into pies . 'lhdY captured Luincoo and
devolope d them into chicken. Th..,y also had dogs, which al"l.) meN f ait.hful
' £0 thu1r mast'3rs than any othdr anim~ l in -t he 'World. Th~so three Crt:lllturos
were tilt: only ondS that wel"E:l ava ilable at th3t t . P",opic: suhsist13d on
wild fruits snd agricul'blrt:. . ..

Tb" tt:rrain wes marshy li t. mat. t.ime. BlcphDnts could sink in t.hs :
Begm3t i and t~ hbnohara rivers. i6opl~ crossad t.hcSd rivers on bo~t.s.
'!ha y uSood to ma1cv boat.s, witllout :which thbY could not · cross tho:i J3agmott.
Thuy had nolcessary , tools BS w... !l as wood for this ·purposa.

In this cOntext, Wb would ill«: to ask ons roor!;: quostion. St on..s

dating b ock to tho:l Lic hchhflvi p ~ riod .1:"(.' <l 11 in th-.. Senskr1 t gua8~ . However, tbt'i place-nanes II)ojntionod 1n those stone inscriptions
a're no t dEa:"..ved from th" Sanskrit language. Was this so becBusa .:puoplc- .spoko
a ,different la~ ge, whilu ,Sanskrit w ~ s tb~ off1cial languago ?

YeS, that is trw. When tho Kusbana s arrived 'here-, ·they f.Jcldd tha
of langUEl g(~ . They some bow manag ed by USing thd languago:: of signs.
'lb''Y had not CODK- to Nepal along with thEo: ir wivos. Ratbdr, th.::y marriod
local wanen. They then had ch11dran J who Wbrnt 'their motoors· t.Ongu~;
Evon while lar;rning tbe motheP-tongUt;:', thuy blld to · s ..,~ k thu help of· int,)r-
pr ~ ters. Th·. LichchhllVis, who camo lawr, spok:s in tb ... Newari l engu:lgu .
Did rot Manadeva spe ak in t be Nttwqri langlSgu ? He USGd to tslk in thti
Nawari language and e ven take the ntillt of buffaloos. .-
~aation: You .SlIy HGnadevlI used to spuak in th~ Nuwari language and tDko
tha me at of buffalo.· . Is this mere sp~ culation or do you havo hist.oricDl.
avi~nc~·to prov~ it ?

Con td •••

Answr: This ia not. merc guess-work. 'fhura t:lvidenc~ that Manaditva

-r&gul.:lrly took buf£alo-ll'Sst • .ia.ccordilig to .ond cOll1pl",tos
mourning r1 taB for six IOOnths onco onc. 10 too form of
buffalo-IOODt (Mahisha). One could then eat buff'alo-m.;Jst. Of course, com-
mentators tUlvt: argU£td that Mohisha lIl;JDnB <:l wild buffalo .(3rna) -" But can
we accept this intcrpretat.iCltl ? Wbllt is import..<>nt is that WtJ should grssp
th,; meaning of t.h.~ original term, snd proOliloo .:I cc0.rd:"ngly:. ,A t tMt , tim.:.,
p&opl.e used to t.:Jke thtl merit of wild aniJII;Jls. Th;:l J.bhiros had prohlbitod
the consl.Inption of tJ:a me3t of wild animals. 'lb!:lY \lor~tlippe d !'lnd ~ar. ' d
the cow. 1h6Y consumed only fish. Sinco they did not. t .:;kd moatj consumption
of muot was prohibitod in Nepal dur1ng ttwt ~nod. . . -
guest ion: Dous this mean tllat both .Abhiras
. . and Goplllvl1mshia . lived in Nopal "
.answer: No, IIbhirss and Gopalus wre the same ptlople.

stat..lS that' cOw-hards (gw(J~:), buffalo-)1Crd

liiii"t "oroor, Ilad ruled N€:pul. at is your

l\nsw" r: Lot US makd no m<;Intion at all of the: ~1l1 V!'\msh3v ~ li. Tnt: Ol CCOunt
of eVents s'u pposddly preceding tht:" rul~ of lklg vaa :; v :~ J as given in "th..:;
is not Nl1aDw a"t all. "Onl,y th", :1'C COuntS of ValshYiJ "
rul£ of t.h .. successors cif Rllghllvadovs, who initi£,"t,o;;d
th.; ere, ara r~l1abl.;.. to B orn" ~"xwnt.
, "th", origin of thoo term "Nepal'" ?
Q\1G1st1on; W"iat "is your, opinion r.agsrd1ng

J'IlSW.::r: I think that word

. ,
dNepa.1. 11 is derivGld fro~
"the term IINewarlf.
111<2 l :l st l'Otter of the wnn Newar lClt...r changed "t.) U11f, as a result of
contacts with th.., Liehchhavis since the period. The term "Nuwnrli
does not occur in ancient records. It is mantionEd 10 Pra tnp Malins ston=-
inscriptions. EVEoO 1n th<tse stonlj inscriptions, tho= t.Gll"!ll "Nevarll ,is uS.Jd
as a meN tarm, not in th>~ 'commun£;l' s tmse (.N~>wara"-likh<llo). In a book ':lntit-
l..:ld hoW(;wr J th~ term is US<3 d. I t is a verse reei tad
by the conquests of 'Iba potIm Probably referreo
tJ !tll" actual and to an imagiD.?ry event. poet must have known lIep.:ol
"\-1hen ha maotloMd may liW3aD both NEiwar and Neplll. The word
Nepnl continue"s our Uta~ture. I}:) 'you find this -w:>rd in the
Gop{) l Varnshllvllli '1 I have oot seen it in thtlt book. Do~s it really m.;:ntion
Newar 1

Question: Nowhere 1s this word mentionod in Gop~l Vamshnvali.

, .. Contd •••

The tru~ b . that . tha ',word New8 r has been repleced -by lIN.flpal".
_"Newal" was substitutod by Nepal 1n thoa"coursu of ilia usa of
th~ Sanskrit language •

__ Quastion: Can you a ffar er.~. partlculbr meaning. of the term Nepal 1
Answer: No, I can't.
.. .
QussttOp1 WhlL8 tbe names of several ~ountri e s hnve changed, that of -
Nepal remains unchanged. It thus seems t o us tha t this name has SOU\€
spe cial masn1ng.
. .
l;nswer: No, I don't think s o . (Once a word is incortJ-)Nte.J intiJ San :.krit,
it n0ver changes.,

it numoor of place-names such aa, nYupagr.oma" bave boon forgotten.

Nepal WBS retained. during as well ss llfter too Kirata rule.

;,jUestion: YUB, IIYupagraana ll is . th~ Sanskrit namo for · IIYi:ll.a". , You hod pub-
li $h~ d an articl"" in Arp DO, in which you appear 'Co have trie d ' to link
the Nyarwa ca sw with tl." rle war community.

~s~r: Yea, that la the CBSth There is a community called Nyarwa~ ·. lt ··· is
oo"t I coined the ,word Hyarwa. This word is actually mentioned in a book
about "th~ Rikutin community, which forms a part of ,the Bho~ . communlty~
J~ccordlng to thi,s book, tho Bhow cOIllI!1unity has three castas J who lIrb~ ,
in turn, divided into 12 categories of Tomangs Bnd 18 ~ub-ca8tes. kneng
thtt 18 sub-c ~ stes are Tantriks, who ar", 'divided into 3 sub':'castos. Mmong
theS·3 sub-cas t e s .:Ire Magars ." od Gur'.l1lgs. O n·~ of them i5 8 -hybrid (half'-
C8StG) of an .unidcnti.~1.ed .community, tha second is the ' hybrid of Bramans
and KBhetriyas, and the .tnir.9 is , thot of N<.!wllrs. 'Ibe,rs do not come
w1 thin tha .12 sub--caC5tes of 'famangs. 'l'fu: dc s cribi.; d in the book
~ s t ile hybrid of: N~ars. H~wever, i f e es k~ d D.bO'.l t this, h"
would call Nyarwss Newers. The Tamangs say that tt;;!y freel.Jl estnblish
matrimonial relations with NysrWas. This shows that Nawars wielded consi-
derable influl- nce at that t,lJW too.

Contd •••

~~~~7 !- During the LlchchbZlv!. pilriod, & ,n skrit was th.;, statu
~a '._ at that ti~ Dl'O found to be writwn in tnis langu ~ge.
HoW€vi:lr, the of llt)'.h.': ' , "8D:' of too vil1.flgos or pl~ces J hills, rooun-
t~ins, ~t c; are der'!.ved fron -too dialocts of .th~ Kirat;s taiil,1ly. Umbtlti.
Stharu. Shitllli, NupU!.:. . 16, Thilntl;'nri, l;Iospring, Jolpr:\.ng, ·Pr.:lngprirlg·-'nnd
Du l p r ang): th€. well··kllOWD 3ettlOo,'m«nts of ti.a t tim-:l, ara Kirllta ilami;)s. Sine.;
thas,~ na"lI\::!;I WIolre in us_e lori"g befo-ra th,l vntry 0.£ the Licbohhavis into the
valley, th8y left ·-t hcse -.moh:::tigod. Similarly, the rour l;ldm\nistratlv~
ufficF.:5 (Ildil:;'ko!"ar.Dj referred to p.bov...· appa:<r to have be<ln .cr G'llte<f-dul-ine
th~ Kirate p~riod) SiUCCl thGy bear K::,rat.a names. A DUM:: .. ~r t "XOE, lov!.i.lS,
(labor 3;.ah~tiol:S) <Jrod govi:lrnm..·nt posts hod also Kirata ns!!).)s. 'f hDt
cont.j.nutld to"' hnVfI a plactI at ' the court of t.b:= ' ' Kings
is prov<::d lll"so by !I st.on.. ir:sc;:ipti0n. inst!:l llcd illllStlU_
varm8 , Nct' discover.:;.! ilt !ianll."1k'"ln Dhok3 Too the
Pash~~i ~\,\!"!I na, ,; tc also !'efel' to thti- p:o!t'tcrn
orth<i K-iHl "t ,,:;,.l .2.I;l abo' ·-..) ' qwstions ware usk.:.d in light of DU this
r.istorica:;' e!7id~no.!c. '
Caste Status Of Mecbes
... ., - . .-
, , To KhSjalcb1 Sbha 'Prasad -A.rjyal.
Greetings. People bdonging to th ~ l1eche community in the TarBi region
of Morang district take pork, chicken and buffalo mEltlt. So for, water
by thorn has not.. . reeD uSed (by p,",opw belonging 'to ' bigth:lr cas'l;;f;:s).

In "- 1911 Vi~~IIl~ (1860), ,:"h'l:!n wo;.: '.'isitad Morang, Chaucihari Ujir <lnd
other pdrsons' belonging .:to th~ Keen", conmunity snbmittod tM
pc: tit.ion to us: ' .

:\oN hav", not usu d waWr toucbud by :HUssolmam: . Our

. do q~ht~rs have 'poEln emplo}'8d as m.eid-st;lrv;.;nts (at
. '.. th!3 coun.). W& are_Hindus. Wa~r touched by us must
bt.l regarded . as pUN .

TI1o:: petition was rtJforred to th.:! flhsruda ri !lnd KausbQl erfi.cas. which
arrived lit th ~ following, OOcision:

In tilu b.ill Ngion, water touched by COIlUJIuni ties

t al-:ing pork, chick«ll snd buffalo-~<ltJ as ',lull
as tho flesh of d oad cottlo, is rugardad 8S pure
It 8ppe urs that '.. ~.tlSU peoplo hnlong1ng to tho
Macho community Cl O not t ake water from th02 hv.nds
of Hussalmans'. Wat.;;r tauch "d by the:m cs "not \lo
rogDl'dcd as impure llJ3l'bly on the grou!Jil t.h<: t. they
take pork, chicken and buffa1o"il\oat . i~Clt;; r touch~d
by th,",m must be regarded as pure.

Accordingly, on the oCCllsion of MaghE:-8l:nkrunt1 (the first d :1y of th~

oonth of Magh) in 1917 Vikral'!lo!l (January 14·, l.B61L ChaudtHlr1 Ujir Dne
other Mec~s of Jall\£lrigadh1 in Doh.::gadhi purg:"MD Wdl'tJ 3500mbldd at 'r-~g;..l.­
&ndbar.s on th;: Machi r1vt:lr and wst" touched by tham w.::. s takEln (by p0oplt:
b<J1ong1~ to higrur castes).

It is now ni":cussary to issue a ro7".:l ordGr proclaiming to th.:l MnCh<-S

·that in tbt: future Wllt.;.,r touChoold by thum will bo.; regClrd... d as pur..; . You <lr~
tborefora d1recwd to hand ovor one blCink royal ordar form from amon6
thd nUll'lbors allotted for th.:, Tarei region to Kaji Bishnu PrDSCld Gurugbc::r£ln::.
Pand1tju, who (has boon assigned the; I"bspono1bility of') Nplying to quarib~
mad", by tbo four lLdvlats and scrutinizing judg·:...mnts according to tht: luw~
of too Kingdom of Gorkha.

Shrawan Suai 4, 1919 (July 1862)

Ragmi ROSB8rch Coll..:ctioll5, Vol. 33, pp. 478-429 .


( 1) From King Rajandra,
To Subedar Hikmat Adhikari.

The following regulations, wl),ich have bean cust.omlll'Uy ob se'rved from

ancient times, bad be~n raconfirmed 1'0' ti;u~ year 1886 VikrSID8 (1829 A.D.):

For Chak and Chakui offenders, the rlltes of fine were ss foll.ows:-
.. .
·r Chak Chaku1to.
For Cbokhe castes ... R, S to Rs 20
Rs Sto Ra lS.
For Ibm castes , ,. ' : Rs S to Rs lS Rs \ to Ps 12
The lo!:al people have now repreSl8nted to Ksji Harsing Thapa that these
d.:.ys Bhardsrs and JiJlUll,!lwsls are acting in contravention of thdSd regula-
tions and were not permitting the reck:mption of enslsvEld persons. 'l.'h&
mat'tsr has been referr.ed to us.

l"1B hereby decree that fine s shall b 8 co1l6cted according to t~ ~ ir.:.­

lo!lt1ons r e eonfirmed in 1886 \fikramn ( 1829 A.D.), and , that no person shall
be enslaved for Cho!lk and, Chakui ofienaes. If 'ttitJ husband wants to redeem
(too adultoress 00 pa~nt of the fine), he shaU be pe rmitted to do so.
Tbose Bhardars and Jimmawals wba haVE: CQ-nt.ra'Jv ~d t tkl r oJ gulat10ns shall •
be made to Sign a confession, end Jimmswals shnll be produced be for~ the
court and awarded punismttlot. In case Bhardars have be€.n guilty of ' 5uch
contr avent ion " th<l matter shall bG r",feI"red to ·us, snd action shall b,,:
ta j on as dirr::cted by us.

Asnadn Sudi 13, 1.895

(Jul,y 1838)
Regmi Research Collections, Vol. 27, pp. 576-511.

(2 ) From King Gil'ban,

To -peoplo btllonglng to the Brahmsn, Khas, Magar, Thaksl:l, Gurung, Niayal,

Bhujy8l, Babagya, Agrl snd Rohani coni:rnunities, as wll as other pao!)l€:
belonging to the four castes and thirtY-81x sub-castes in ?~ rba t.

Wo h.areby promulgate the ~o 1l0l-ling regulS:ttons for Parbat, which nas

a total of 8l0oo housesl~
Cant-d •••
1/4.0. '

Brahmans shall bo:i exempted ~rom forc!3d ~I:t m-ip-a id lBbor (Jhars, Bath,
Eagar) obligations~ -" -. ._- .
, ,,'
Khasas and Magars shall frari Cbak-Chakui -fine'sj thei r es c ,k-Bl,
tx;. eXflmpt
prope~ty (Moro-aputali) shall also be dxempt (from acq"dsition by
the State). '~- -"
" '

From peoplf;j belo'n ging 1;.0' other Strudr8 castes; :tilt) Amcili shall appropri~t~
Chak':'C1"!-~kui :!inas at th~ fa Howing rates:-

Chak .. , Ra 15 '

Chakui ... Rs 15

Nobody sh~ll ~ enslaved in lieu of such fi06S.


, . -
(Ku_riya) shali not be evicted ff.clrli 'tho;l"ir homl..:st6sds, or' from
the dry (Kl'ior1ya) lands cultlv~ted by them • .

TM rol~ow1ng , fe~s shall be pai'd in considt::ration of tht.:se regulat1ons:-

BrCltlman .. ... Rs 1 OR each homGst.e"d

Khas, Magar, Rohani , , N1syat, ,
Bhujya l and Babagya Rs2
Aba1 ••• Rs 5 ..
Doyam ... Rs 4 ..
Sim ... Ra 3 ..
Chshar ••• Rs 2 ..
Mak'}"<paym.::nt·~ ~t:the.s~
... Rs 3

rstes through Asidhar Khadka l•

, '

Marga Sud1 5', 1860'

(DeceDi>er 1.803)
Re€;mi Rasearch Collbct1ons, Vol. 19, ' p. 14'7. '.

. .' -"
(S. B. Maharjr:n).
. .
&gmi Rcs~_ arch (Pr1vat.7) Ltd
Ktlttm.~ r. d u : August 1, 1913.

Hdgmi Rasaarch Ssr1as

. YeDT 5, No . B,

Edited By

Mliihesh C ~ fiagJlli.

111111:11. It It

• Contdtlts


1. Intorviews With Baburam

Acharya •••

2. Disgu ised English Trav~ lle rs

In N€.pa 1 And Tib.. t • ••• 1.46
3 . Restor ation or Abo lishQd
Rajy<! s - ... 160

Rdgm1 RcS", sl 'Cil. (Privet;.,;) Ltd,

J..'lzimpat, Kathmtl.nUU, N.Jpa l.

Comp iltid by &gmi Rtl s~arch (f'rivdt:.c) f o r privata

study ~ nd rdsoarch. NJt fIl{;!ent l or public se lll o r display.
l ul.

I ntorviews With BDbur~m AChBryB

icO'n t;"";.d)
lilt 101l1li

9'ioS tion:: '"Whtci.h dYIJ.osty did \lImshUV~& bel ong to ?
. -, ' ,

imswerr AmshuV6rtD? )IBa a rulo'! r who be l onged to tht;. Lichchha vt .dynasty.

" '

g ues tion: ~at 1s the evidence?

fli"sWC~': 1:i~~ ' s uns and grnnrJs :;n~ d9scri ba thellls~ lves as be l ongi ng t.:> thB
.,L1ch ': ~1 : !£IVi' dynas ty (LiChchho:'"Ivl- Ku l ake t u) . Nurcn1 r adeva and oth", r s tN o ~'c,)
SO . , Whet'more
'_Co"~ ! ..
e vidanc~ ; do
• "
you require ?
We "muat be ' c a r eful before" proving this Nlationshl p . Amshuw1r m.!!:
;e;'I:O:;'erTed t o his dyrulsty i n a ny of his sto ne inscri ptions . I n his
co ~ s I . ha ~as tnscrJ.bCld. uCh.:n::Ira ". Manacta v£o .anJ ot th:!r s have not -jam s~ .
This may shed som~ - llght cn t~~ mystary .
. ' , . '
He thl.H'eby inJicated th!lt hti b<:: l onged t.:. t h.J lW1<.:r c~: nnsty •.
t hu in scrip t.ions w(Jul d c l ",~rly .indicot ..: that .B dii'fBI'O r:t .?::r:Ld
commenc~d witn Amshuv~rmD . Had Amshuy~rma be l ongod ~ t ~ Llchchh~vi uy n ~ s~y,
it would not have been necussary f o r him to aSB ~ such titlas liS Sh ri sa~n t :'. ,
Shryamshuvanns, MaharajadhlrlljB Md Shryamsoo, (omitting Vannll) , in that
or ~ r. hmsuvhann.'l rnvor describe d hims e ~ .f ·'\5 : \: VB liko; o tl'tar .L:i:chchhavi
Kings .· · . .
. .., ,

I ' ." . . . .
. :' Has .not
...h~. assW!k)d ' the tt tlo, .of 'BM t ~r.Bka · ?
. . • • • I

'.ruestio ni ' Nonc or" his insc riptt6'ns ha's .d,: scrib~ cl him·as BhlittD r aka, It
ie (.Inly I n t ur lr~;'cript1on3 that havo· given him this t.itle . Why dla not he
· reside .fn the Jo1anagriha palaco . Haj pe belcngEld to the Lichchhavi· .dYl}.lSty ,
ho would have 11ved there. '

1.nswerl H'iw coul d ttbJ 'L1cbchh3vi~ d"W~~1 ~1~· · ·l-.anaBribll. ·Thc:y ·Dover did' $ ,;."
·- . . .
. .' . ' ' ' i
S'J.lils tlon : Ma no en. ,
ha came into oO!xi s t enca from Manodeva .• The r \.lya l or oors
of BasantadevB , GQl'l adova ::Hld ShivDd&va stata ·tb, t they w\;:ru issued frum
· .H anagrihll . . .. :: -

Contd ••.•
, .
Answer~ Manadevn did not live in Manogriha. Mahideva W~B expe lled wi thin
ono ye ar after th.e deatb.of Manl.ldeva. Tht;n thE 5,.·,n -: f Mah1deva was brought.
from Daksbtnakoligrama Bnd placed on t~ throne. His sister, Jaya Sunduri,
was f orcibly mllrried. Just as Jung &!hadur married "iho daughta r of the sucond
prince, he was kopt in .M Bnagriha. Then h~ was made a captive King. · Manaduva' 5
residence '... :If. l ocat ed in DakShinakoligrruna. He never lnovcd · from t.nare. _ . .

Questiom 'Iba Vamshavalis stato that Manadava constr ucted. Mt:oClgri he.

Answer: Mall3deva constructod one building in his · Kingc om. Shlvsdeva too r.Dd
built a palace calLed Shivagriha. Th~re is·no refer ence to this fact in
stone-inscriptions. Howe ver, subsequent ;"'ritings r e:."er t o ·,
t ~ , s huvar ma ha d conBtructo3d a bUllding .· in . the nane ·of ShivadevB. Shivagwa l a
rei;; rred to this Shivagriha; Did Shivadeva Bctually'·'live i n · this buil.jin ~
beca use it.was D8ltD d after him 1· No , he did not . It wilS just named aftoJr
Qu~stion' But the stone-inscription ~ inrlicata c leB r~ tha t th~ . 1ichch hDvi
Kings who r ul ed bdore ;·l,:.. ::'i':ndra duva lived in Mnnagriha. 'Ibo ston<l-inscri~­
t ions l~ft ty Dhruvadeva and J ishnu Gup ~a dd scriba them as residonts of
}r.anagriha and. Kalashkuta · res~ctively. Thi5 also lunds weight to: tha vic;w
tbat the .throne ·was l ocot&d at Manbgriha~

courSl:l, tlw 1ichchha vis we1'o kept at Mc.n" .,.. ~ ha. But l a ter ttwy
from the~. Th.;y wart:! kept at J-l.llhagrinn so that th~y might
as prisoners.

Qu~~tion : A slight change appear s to nave occurre d during tho rul~ of Amshu~
varms. After ha captured full power, and af~~ the abdication of Shivad3vs,
AmsI'l.uVSl1I\& procl.a~d .Udsysdevn, El 1ich.Qhhavi iJrincc , as Cr own Prince
(Yuvarsja) with tho obje ctive of piacing him 0n "!;hc thronu ~ Provio"usl.:f"i~
there di d rut exist any pr.actiee of milk ing suet. . proclanati on. No stone-
inscri[ltion cQn~:\.ns any re:teren
. . ce tu a ny Cl't;wn ¥rince.

Answer; rt ' is· essential to know ' facts about Rupavarma i r. ":) rJer t o km"'; wh,:
J.m.shuvorrrn w3 ~ .Rupe varma was a Mabasamanta o.r-Koshanu (gwala): No ·sk,nt;-
r insc;ip ~ion of Rup~varmais available. Bu~ a stone-insc~iption instal led
by Chandra Shamsrer refllrs to Rupavarma;· It: mentions:: the year 205· .5.iUny.Qt,
but ·this is wrong. 'Ibe Efctual · date ~s 505 Samva t.
Qll <JstiOn1 ... seal of RupaVDrmB. ·has b6co foUnd. It i s in thld · Kutll.a script,
'fhic h appears to have been in vogue aroun;;;' 205 . . .

;' iUl~ar..; What i s tha seal mado of 'I Is i t no t an Qcrthen seal 1

C·)ntd •••
.' '.


belong ~ till:
Qu.:::a n: YdS, it i s a n ollrt han set') l. But thd scri pt cbes oot
peri od of _hu van".:- .

lll'l.swors Tha t is not trUe at' all.

rly in ..this se8~.
Quos ti on: B~th the words IIRupa ll and -Mall can bi;t soon clea
RU:) .3v.anna 'C8rmot oof< fnite ly ha 'said ti:> haw r.ute d
1n ~05 . SEUnV l.; t ·.
r~igriin g at that time ?

o f Jaya qe vD :lnd
QUl::lstio n: 'B ut .thi s i s tue ura mun tion-.::J in tile insc ript ions l ast..ed ,j04 ·
hi s :;ucc e s so r s . SWllE·tita ntra also conf1rrns that this ",ra
It is thus q ~jJl' r~ nt
ye a r s . In scri ptio ns of ':IF to 207 ' SDmvat have boon foun dis. accu rate .
thot thl3 yea r 2% ~n tWn.. J · in th~ ab::>ve insc ript ions ; ,

i.nsw er: I du not beUuVCl this is so; What abou t co1n 8 ?

0d. ~ ors BO ef·' ''!._,~·
\J.uo!; tion l No otM r coin b",l . m ging tu thu Lich cbha vi ~c;ri
illS i SSUe )'; by hnl!:hu"~r ct<:: .
o f "bJ r..))n. Ho-.;evGr , this is f :.., :lCld in S Orntl <Jf the C0
Scho l ars j,.) no t soem to have t ak..:n not..:! vf thi ~ .
luna r : dyn asty ?
Msw erl This migh t mean that JWshuvarma belon ge d t o thol
s that , .as in--:\ic ct ud
Que stbn : Sure . One' intE::iros ting poin t ' ohou t Amshuv£1rmll l
tion s Dnd .tUTu!; ': > 01.<
by hi s ston e -ins crip tiom r, hc ' has 8SSll.lll(O..:! diff\:r 0nt posi
by (lnCl . For this l'().:ls on, it sallms ni3 cC ss~" T t b r evis
o prev ious. opin ions
abuu t Arrr-.l "l.uvtlrrr.a .

Joll.swe r; I f truo , doe.s no t this metln that Nar~ndraoovtl to

l d a li..;: ' ?

. ' You ~irita1ri

Que stion : Udaya devlI was not actu ally - the s on of Amshuvanna
bocn ,rdf errod 305
t hn t Udny ndev a was l\mshuv s rmn t s s on mere ly beca use ho has
Cr~wn Prin ce (Yuv l'r a j a ) in i.rnshuvarma s in sc ri
1 pti() ns . But tbis ··is not truG .
ce , a 13 YuvCl r a ja 51.)
Ams huvanilll hn d pr o c lni1l"ll:ld Uc.eyo davs " a Lic hchhll vi· Prin
r~ l s s on .
that ~day a deva mi ght Succ ac1 him . UdDy .'1!k V,:;! (i:~S r.")t ~i.m s h\Jva

j'nsw-cr: Wby not ?

~uecnl Ther e la no concl u ~ive ovid onct) that Uday

-3uavB was,tOO ' s on of .
i:rn!: huvBrmn ~
. . ....
·<.ns .... cr: Wh.:l IJr9c 1aiJ!lS Illly pe r ::,on exce pt his ~~ s on as ' his
hair- '1

Quust1on~' But tti/ 's,iiua tion .

' "Wa~
." u·>n'; at· th..: timu of Jun.shuvarrr.a·.
Cunt.d •••

Answer; Whom did J1s~ug1:1pt:a proclaim 8S fuva~aja '].

'IbG situation was again different duririg Jishnugup'ta's tirr.c. Lik~

, Jishnugupta :Illd his successoJ"ll c0u11 not b '3CGi'I'lG Kings .- (MaMraja-
db.1rsja LlS thGy w,m~d. That is ....hy they only clai~d ' themBelws to ba -
tha Actual :rulers, and described too' LlchohhDvi King as om set up by them
(SillihBsanadhyaslkulaketu). For' the same reason~ ttley proctet~d their 5'.:105
as Yuvaraja. However) there is SOla) difference be.tween -Jishmlguptn -and
Amshuv8rm8 in ono rl3sp£lct. WlilG Jishnugu,ptD portrayed himself aa,-King,
and therefore proclained his son as Yuvaraja, :wnshuvr;rma diU not wish to
do·so. iUnshuvarma had proclawd Udayadova as YuvClraja before.·ho though t
of b(lcoming King' himself. Udayadava may ba the ' son or rulativ<) ef Stiiva-
dava , and thi3 is th.) rU:l ~'" n why U::layEld~1Va had bad -tu f1e0 sho"rtl.y after ttl;
~·~~ th of Amahuva:nna~ 'r hus ...-i shnugu[)ta Bna his succesoors pruvwnt.u d tho {;)n-
solidation of iunshuvClnaa1a position.

Answer: No, no.JlmShuvarma "Was a staunch o _r:erent of too Pas~uptlt.a suct.

question: How can we call him so when he had equal ruspect . for Buddhism
and otho;tr re ligions 7

.knswer: It is true that he had Elqual rustxJct f or BuJdhism.

But the Mbhiroa discrimL~Dted ag~inat Buddhists. During th~ir

·~.c~U.ti"s "WOre available t o Buddhist5~ On thll contrary; Bud::l.hists
. ~ro hated. iAmshuvarma, on coming to power, gusNntoud aqual r1~ts to thl1
adherents of all roligbns, thereby ·upholding the tr~d itlonS -of the Lich-
chhavi~. .
.i.nswar, That is rot tru.,. iur.shuvarma actually did mt tolerate VaishnbVDS.
This intolerance was duo to thB fact that he WIJS an adherent j f thu !-'ashu-
pata sect. In ·his inscri9tion of ·He:ndi G.1UO, bmshuvr.rma mentions PashuP.:".!ti
first of all. The:. temple of ChllngULI. m·~y[, n t".~d been constructRd long bcfv N
that of Pashupath· Yet Amshuvarm<l g8"VEl No. 1 place t , l'r , hurnt1 , O h~ ngu­
narayan (Dolnshikharswamin) C01'"e s nex~ 1.n the 11f:1t ••unsl",.lVarllV3 -..!.J l:...~ratel:.
nyoided th~ rI)ilntion of tho word ~!araya ·nll.n Ha was stri"ctcr in the cns.:.: of
the temple of Bud :l.:1nilakantha. He has made a vor'Y small andoWll&lnt .f or th<3
BudhanilBkantha ttlmpll:l, for the simple reason that it had been e·st.abli,sb(.c
by the l'bhiras, "Whom he hattid. "

. ,.. ; :

;:~dnyadcva t s atooe-inscription dil"wJ 45 Samvat has ""bt:ten discowrod

. rt:cently at Ch1.tlang. Sed Tlstung-Chitlang BhGkko 1l.1tihasik Sam£$gri
(Historical Materi el :: of thoJ Ttstung-Chitlang •.roa).

OJntd •••
116 • .

guestion: Thb maY ,be trua to 8~ extent~ ,Another point worth no":,'i~ ab'lut
l\.: Is huv<'!rma is that the inscription of Shivadevl'l l OCllted . ~ t C!v,t>ag':un ioea
oot mention Amsbuvarrria . .

Answer: This
. .is' not correct.
NO,. "the i~scriptlon does nOt. m~~tlon Amshuv~nn8. It only -mentions
By ,that
. tilOO, Amshuvc. rma had rot CQI!I:t into 't he · picture •
fol.";'<I8r t The i1).lIcrlption i!l damaged. '

01: th'l inl!lcription containing t!E _namt: ot the King,

Only the lower part has brokon.

ilns~r i 'this inscription "was 'not in.5talled during the rule of "ADlsnuvarma.
1listoBd, . i t shO\!lc! oonta-i n the nllma of Bhawnagupta Abhira. It is possible
thtJ PQrtion of the inscription
' bearing
. biB name has broken.

QUdstion: 'I'his i s no t conti ct . A study of t.he content.s of ins crip tion
~:':)Ul d pr , 'I'~ that Bhaumagupta bad basn o verthrown by that timo . Tha roll::
p laye d by lImshuvann& in the history of the LicnchhaYi period .appear s .. to b ~
a little atrange . On the one hand, be S80lUS t o have gradually gained··t he
confidence of the peopw and 6 ventuelly becolOO P.aha r ajadhlraja . On the
oth er, he was fu lly loya l to the Lichchhavi dynE ~ ty . &I did not want that
his own dynD s t y should :M..lla in Nt:lpal . E(; ;:" l"'Oclaimc d Udsyadevs J . 8 LiChcbh<l vi
Prince, es YI;.Vtll" D ~<l . He want.9d 'Udayadeva to succ:?e d biJn. Thi s is' tno 'ree son
llhy J ishnugupta on.throne ~ -' ~1ma r jUll8deva, deacri".< ng him BS a person bcl'HlC-
ing to Et ruling dynasty, :':. oI"dilr to snow that be t :lO r.< d put 0 Lichcn.' l.3 vi
prince on the thront::.

_wN,.o" .' .:rB;tisumaguPtll ~hira, who i.'l: talled . the image of N~ray~na recl1n-
.' .had oven becoroo Bh.ettarakl:!. But he: lator c~e , t o grief. He
then renlized th!l t 'he could rot get along unless ho put 13 LicbC~ avis' on
the th!"(;{J ., . ..

Do you have aoy evidence then the fact '.)f U9s yadcva being
aa Yuvaraja to provoJ that l\:,!> _"vnrma WllS a Lichchhavi "; '

J~n6\lOr~ Toor o ar e tne 1nscrlp~ions of Narendradeva .

. .. . . .,
Questbn: You hove ropeet cd too same argUlllEint. Wbllt about the effigy of
.. ...
the tr.'~o.r. in' t~~ co ins' of "'-"1Ishuvarms'

.pqntq. ", •. ,.
' ' '. ,
",. . .
lm.swer" There is anothe r po1Il.t~ .'BuddhElk:irtl, ' whq ;hes writte n an"account of
the Uchchhavi dynEsty,nas given an account of t.~~nchhavi Kings onlyJ not
of others.
The abova-mentionild 5nscl'iption of' - J~~dova' doas not mention '"
no-r does ·tt can'tat,n any re£e~en~ to o ther rulers. Ratb.:lr,
u"scription appears to have been instslied with the so'le objec-'tiva
of rec o glQry of tht:l Lichehha vi Kings; It 'is therefore n atural
that it should no t have lIEIltiolll3d . Jomshuvarma.

Answer: But It.cbas ftlntion too nam .0£ Udayadeva. _

~a5tion ; Th i.3 is so btlc~usa Udi:tyadeva wa~ toh>;;! father -of'. NlIrendradeva. -
Since N ~ rendradcva had' co~ to ' po~r with the·halp 'of Udsyadeva, it was
natural for his n8l1'f) to b.:" m:mtionwd 10 this iJ;lscripti on .

The inscription al80 contains tn;) 'Word Kshitisha. \dlat cot;!s t hi z

Quast1on: -'IbiS ' term is a littl£l unclear.

Answer: Ksh1 tisha r efers to Amshuv<lrma, b\::clmse he was' rot a Kirig." ,.

, .'.
Question:· .Am.shuvanna was a ' ruler '4-th a glorious pdrsonolity during th<'.
Li chchhevi -period.' It hc had bae.n a Uchchhavi, he would hava cl~~-! r1.J:"
dcscribaa bims\3 lf as such. Why should h9 have used · a vague '~::-;Jl"C ~ i -) n
to dl:iScribe ~imse U' ? Moreover', we should note th& dHfari:p:ce between Vc r mD
nnd 01."'1.1.

no difference t e twean Ve n D and Deva. Udayade va wes
No, ther€.-
call~d Udayav£lrma • . A purson 'W 03 called VanTl<!, <l s "long as hu diJ
not or Crown Prince. Members o f t~ , princOl¥ family of Udeyapur
£Ire all I I. But when anyone asconds tho throrn , he 1-a cullod Ran.:! .
There wer<:l rosny Vannas at that tim:il. hnsbuvarma '5 own nephew, wr.o 'tic ': :,
. MahasBm<:Inta, was 8 Varma. · I do not recall his name.

Answers Yes, Bnogavarma.

TMy wen Rajputras. Tho inscriptions descnbo therri as Rajaputr
• This shows that they w~re Rajaput Kshotr-'. j ll.s.

i Ans¥er: Yes, t.hey W tJ~ £Ill Rajaputs.

Contd •••
UI7 •

Question:. :Amshuvprml!- was ona :0£. t hcs'3 Ra~ e p ut re8. The Vamshavelis cont ain
a r af e rence "to ' th", " O'bd lc lI tio ri 01.' 'Shivtidaw . ·'Thi s. point t,..,o merit s "o~
con :3id<-r at ion . Ono ins cription r l:ifars to Shr1 Shivadeva Vihara . Dv~s this
mean th at Shivedavs had N nounced t he W)rld Bnd I t''d .:; n as <:u tic lifo , 28 s ta ted
in t hil Vamshava l is 'I , ,

no . Thert· is also a p l acd ca ll ed Man adevavihsra and ·R.:!jll vllw r a .

,a,la,'o to o b~corw a monk ?
Qu.:;stion: It appears to us tha't mor e than or dinary .coo s i d<.:r a tlon shvuld b""
g i ven to 'the po int m::.n t iondd '1 n tho VamsM '£ l1 that Shivodev.e ~a d br..cOUJ. II
rP.::.!nk , and twooed over t. hu r i:rl nB of adminis tra ti on to 1.mshuvorma , t.hi! t.
~nshuv arm a hed proc la i~d Udey 8d~ v8 8S Crown Princb (Yuvar eje) , bnd sQu n.
. - - .
~t ' Nhug 8l a ~ there" i s an .inscript ion dated ' 535 ~myat in whi ch only
appG8ra . It. ,had been ins talled by Shivadav3. lkIi'o r a his dt:l~th ,
. ha had a xprv ssad a wish to ·m;<.! ; !""it.ud gif t. Ha insta llad too i ns cri pticn
Df-w r making ·tho gif t ." ; .

~u a~ tion: Of c~urse . ·this inscripti on contains t ha wor ! D~vD . But it is

SITgl.! obacuN.: . This also appear s to indic a t.~ t hD t Shivadev3 had ntd1cawd .

«nswer: Dllli Raman Rt,gmi clDims th at tbo.. 25 .Pur8Jln.$ bat.:n allOC.:::l t od
f or t ha King. I s.. there <Iny re f or~nco to th is anywh<1l'C '1 . . . .
. .. . .. . ~ ..
, '

Cu=stion: Y'o1S , t;he r Cl i s . im i nscri ption found tl t Ha.nd1gDUI"l ns tn<:

wor u iliBhatt.arakapadana m Pu r an8 .25 . 11 Col1l"l,"l rS; r-in- Chiaf (Matlllb·ll l adh;ff.b :h;j )
too 'oil s g i ven 25 Puranas : . ~

. ( Ta )3e .Concluded)

.- D15gU1S'ed English Travellers In Nepal And Tibet l

Mahash Raj P.3nt.

\foolen shawls woven by K£lshmiri waavtlr8 wtlre in great deinanci in tht= whole
of India, as w~ll as1n . Pe~in anu England. The attention of tho lSas't. l nui.:!
2 .. . .
Company was . tharQiore ,. " . towards th-is f1eld.
drawn' ,- '

In 'i 83 t Vikrama,} Govarnor-Ganer£: L \is rren Has tings of the E'as'C India
Con:pany had sent G.3orga. Bogl e to Tibo::t as his envoy..) to procure specirr••ms
ot goats and. shecp who S i. wool was suitable fo'r . thl;! manufacture of stlaw!.s.
Salluol Tu.nler, . who bad be.::n sent on El similar Ni!ision by Harren ' :-Ia stings
in 1840 Vikrama, was aole to bring soma goa ts and , she~p a l ong vi. ·:; '·\ ', i.:, to
Bf:lngal.5 But the anilllals could not withstand the. hot climate ~' f ~a l...:,;.tt.: · ·
Thoy sh~.d their wool,. and tt.e ir skin star~d cracking. Turne r then sl;mt
th(~ animaL t o England, w h~re ha though t th~ -"'o u td prove IIlOrc
8u1tabk. But the anima l s could not bc =:tr !' joU:-nr.' 1 by sua ':l.nd SO 'diuQ on

1. Mah csh Raj Pant, 'IEt,palsanga Ladain ·Kholnu Agh1 J.Dgre j haruta .Gupt.a Bh':'S~~
GSl"3ko Nt:!pal-Bhot Bhromon ll (Tours of N(lpa1 ond Tibet Unddrtak~n in 0is-
guiE., By Englisl}!!'Idn Before The Launching 0.£ the War 'vlith tbp<" ',) . i',!rni.r.!'
26 J Shrawon 2029 (July '1972) , pp. 67- 88 . -

2. John Pembte , The Invasi on 0 :: Lp '" 1: John Con:pan:1 :.t War; p. 69 .

3. Cle~nts R. M8rkbattL, UElrrativ ~s Of Th~ Mission Of G(:orge Bogl£ To Tib;!!

J..nd Of Th<:: Journ.:y Of Thomas Hanning To Lha~a, p. 68.

~. !bid. pp, 8- 9 , " ... "to s,,;nd ona or mar c 0 t th.:: ani1nl'ls en \1.",d
ifus , which produc~ the shawl woo l. If by a dooliiJ, chairs, or r:.;o.j
other contrivance they can b·.o s'.. curt":C lea.., t. h., fbt":.guc S and hazaruS '
of the way, th.:. e:xp.;::ns .. s is to bl: no obj..,ction,U Thi s i s an excerpt
from Warren Hastings' lcttor to G<:Iorg", Boglt:.

5. Clel!lents R. N.El rkh~m, 2£. ~., pp. 71-72 .

Contd •••
such a nifD<.lls
thd way. Subs~qu·' nt1y, 'Turn er mad!! othe r a t krnp ts to Sf:lnd brso d Tibe tnu
to Enli: 1,md , but . u i.tho ut. S "'C:~E1 S S . The ci:Jsi rp. of Ha st1r
€s to
goa t s and $hef;lp in
Indi a · in &le land for th~ p;'od uctio n 9f sh~wl woo l
r ~ma 1n~q unfulfill~d . · .
F..n ~ "!..:lnd t o
In 1856 Vikram<l, inst ruc tion s W';N s ~.nt. t.u C:ll cut. u f l'OM ufao turu of
tnu man
send sorns ·goa ts and sheep , whos~ woo l was sui~b1~ fo r . '
shaw l s , . fqr . purp os,.s of bN.: lding ·7 1.
.' . , .'
ntld · t.rdl ty wi th T~b;; t. and th~r tlby . ob ...a in;)d
In 114 1. Vikrllll1a, Ladakh .sig D
lb~ t. &rc han ts f rom
a monopo ly in th e impo rt of. s.t.........l. wool from "was t?rn ·l'
'th", Lada khis . 'ib. ..
Kashmir ru>d a mono poly in thtt purc hns•. of s':c h w-::lo). from
othij r prov inc..,.:> or Indi a b.:.d 'thus no s harv _:1 t h.. !>hcw l woo l t r ade )'

th.3 cnv nlry

Dr. W1l1 i3m Moo "tcro ft, a v,:,~ o r1na ry .90 !,to~; cJl)loyt.!d 1n
op dire ct tr" d~ r;;li l-
divi sion of t b;; East Indi a Comp any, WDB allgo r ~ dl!v!! l
.9 . .
ti'cm s .w1~h w'Jst ern Tiba t for thi3 ir'lpo rt of s hawl \-1001
,.; .-d fo r A<lbu l. ·
Thf) : East Indi:; Company u:N d tci i tr(>O r t h-::lTS(JS . of . ~od br
'. ~·: _ .: .l :'C5 i n the
for .~t s c4vp lry;' But·· wh llIl. Ran jit Sing h cxpa nd<dd h" <;
r J.863 Yikr.:ur:D .
Pun jnb J tlli- ComPlIny ' foun d it v<.:ry diff i cu lt. to .po, ~o aftu
Thi s na tura lly worr ied Moor orbf t ' ancf so h .. plan n:)d" to
' p~cur t:l hors~s fro m
lptul in this r . .:gard
.:; l sowher ...·• H.~ €Xp-dcti.;. d his visi t to Tib. :t t o prow: ~ . . "
too . lJ . .'
Tf.!shu Lama in
6 . SanruGl 'l'urn.::! r. An Acco unt Of lill Er·'"J.lJssy · To onto Cou rt Of
Bblt! llnima l, wnos>.::
Tibe t, .pp • .35"6--351. "H~r-Y ... _ :';':'W- ' :l: : ::'tuOOS of th-_' v.31u tifu l rMnu fac_
co at affo rds niate rial s ·for that e xqu isitr, l y fi n::: and bE:l!u
th.;; th(Jn dry
t.urG , . th<3 ' shaw l. Th\:ly wor e f eedi ng in l.!l TgtJ .!loc Js:s '.Ipon
h'lrb ta gtl th<1 t co v~r5 ' th..,s u · nakrJd-lo ok ing hlll.s ~· '! :li::; .
i .3 , p,' rhup s , tb..,
tsj rno r~ so , i n m,y
most ooeu tifu l sp<: cic s lIlTOng.:lt th,,· wh9 b trib "" or. ioa
' ; blllc k,. whi t.-
o pini(..n, th.::m ~ho' Yango l . kind • .{rh..~ lr co l ors Wl~.r1J va ~us
01' a fain t blui Bn tingtl , ana ' of' a' shad e som.:, tbin g
lig~ :tcr ':tha no 0 flHom.'
than t ht: Sma ll,.... s t
'!'hr;Iy haVo:l s t.rLl i ght hoI'S 8s; c:md ar~ of .:l lowv r sta ture .Ls i s
Shee p. in ·En·gl nnd • . ThEt.. rrJI:\J:.:.: ril! 1:;: uSdd for th~ ma nu.f ac t.u~ of· eh:;w r su •
01 a lign t · find 'ttIX'"tur(;:, . .:md · a l~ys : ooxt
:the an~.Lls skin • .H. .coa
,t ilu softc wss of its
cov. il'ing of .lon g hair g ro'ws a.bOVd "tb-iS , . and pze.!\;r .v",s·
ving SODlt: of
co.a t, to ' thb ni.l turu · of tob" cUm P.t.; it l.!lil<l bits i up()n 'I'\'l"\O ir buau t1fu l
th",n. to th l.' ho t. atmo sphd N of B.~ng~ l,. ·they .9.uic kl:r .l oJt..:.
d al10 0st '-'1 1 Lno:li r
c loth ing, s nd a cuta n<>ou s f: r upt1 vc buoo ur SOo,)ll roye
to conv....y this ahl~l
::;la t. I ' we (l 180 unsu ccas efu!. in T-..lpoet.;,d triEl ls,
nor bour tb..
to Eng lDnd • .It wou ld ooit hur ;:!lciur~ th·, c lima t£ of ih.1ng al, lln
£ngl d, y~ t th..·y
SOtlj t txlug h som;:, f aw of them , inde.,;d , livQ-o to l Elnd on
WlJr c. in so w;ak 1I stf.;t d, tbllt · t.h,-, y vtfory sho
nly af t . .:- r p~rlshlld .1I

1. Alis teir I,.::"mb~

IITtb l:: t. In iulg lo-Ch1n.::s", Rd,ll tion s , 176 1-1842 . " Jour ntii.
Can't d ••• .
)$0. ,

Moorcroft d;:,cidud to ~ach w'Jstnrn Tibet ~h~:ugh -Garhwa.l, which \JI.lS

t~n under :J('p.:tl! 5 CO:''', :''.' 1.' "H;'! thiim .b-ag.ln a seArch for f\:!llow travdll~rs
who had a good lmowlodgG of this l'>;gion . .. One r eClson why ho chose this routo
was his hop(J that travol along it would :.t~b l'!l h.iJn to gain knowledgtl sbau .
Nc p:: l, which could b", usoaful 3't to.;.: timu of ttk ~wr which mi ght bo fought
ag;;.inst N:,pal. ll

Emp~X'Qr Akb<lr II (1863 to 1894 Vikra~~)12 had ndoptd Zi:lkarulnisslI,

a PrinCtlSS of C!1amb i St.3te of , lJna m8rr1~ d ~',;rr :~, H", ld(;r Young
H~ars,uy, an hnglo-Indian •. Thanks t o thi ', Jr.tlrrillg", fio..,lJrs«y h<.Jd b",c omi: toh"
' maE;ist.raw of a plaC<:l Imown as Kal'bli situdtudoo8r Bar...illy. H", IlI:lQ rmo·. ;
his pElrrrilntmt Nsicknc f ' in Karuli.lJ ,

Of Th", Royal ,,!:i.:. tic Socie..!:l , Nos. : 1-2, 201$ Vikr ann ( 1.;i;'8), p~ . 38 .

8. " John P-emble, , ~. cit • .,- p. 5-9i

HiStory, pp. "I2"2-I'Z)i R.!!m Rahul,
pp. 37-38.
9. · Hugh P;jll rS, Tm; H.,.ars..;ys: Fivo.; Grm",rations Of An !on&lo-Indien 'Famity,
pp. 66- 68 . ·

10,. · Hugh PQf.lrs, · 2£.~ ill., p~ 67; John Pi:lmble,op., '::i t. , .p •. 7·0 .

'11.· This· stawm&nt is OOa.r.d on the

filct that Moot-croft nads , his knowl.l3dgt:.'
lIbout N"pal avnil.llbl£l to the East India Company at too tifllo.· 01' thl:!
NoJp"Ol wlIr.· East. Indio Company" PDp.:t'S ~sp..:c ting rhu N"pal 'War,. pp. 76-
9).- c.

13.- Hugh Pears, ',££ .. clt .. , pp. 53-SUi John PembL.;, £E. cit." p. 4')..

Cont.o •• ~
lSl •

. J..!ti.:r Nowab S3dat. 4&11 of O'loh s!m·-d a tr,:ll ty c ')ding half of hi s s t .'H ..:
to 'Uli.. E~st I nd i n CorrtJony on }:o r 6o . 1, J.858 Vikr~'mDJ Ba:n , Hly w£: s llnth: X !tJ
t·o t h., dominions of " t h,: East India CoClpeny GOV'-'l'llDlJnt • .iJJ 'l'b,:. 'r 9volt which.
st.orted in B~NUly ' in to,,; winte r of 1.862. Vikrbmtl had bBi!n crus.~d by Haidl,) r
Young HEIlIl'SUY.1.5 . '
. . ' .. \ , "

In Baisakh' 186,5 VlkrflllS·, · thu East· Ind1.:l Company d"'putt:.a Cllptll1n H':&r'-
sey, Captain R:Jper' and Cupta ln W3bb to th.. . SOUl'Cu. of thol Ganga riVur.
Mt",r tra ve l1ng thrOllgh Hardwtir, ' Ildvaprsytlg, .Sr1n".g<lr, Karna.- Prsysg, Nanda_
h . . yDS , JoshiJl'l/!th, a1 drina t i' J ,:t.c . f or three months, thoJoo e xplora rs arrivl:ld
:'I t th,"" co nclusion thEt "t h'i so urcs ' of t h,· Qangn l ay at Gango tri . Th..: English':" "
. men l:":3d obt-ain.:d permission from N,;,.p": -~o r uncbrt., kinl; p _ to~ of tn.~ St·
9 18008, whi c h w",n..- th..rn situa t ·.a in:s1dc: th", SVlt \; o r r1.op!.!l . l .

Ha llrsey 15 Know to hay; 9ubmitt,."d Il mllit;Jry r .:port to th~ Engl isll

commandar who hed bC:IVn making seCNt prapar_tions for ttlto invasion of
Nbp al. 1 7 This l.cads Olll~ UI &sswn.~' ttlat mll tdrld \-Ihicn cook!" ~ u'84;1'u1 to
.t he English camtllElnders could also haVE":: be..,n co.Llticwd durillt tbd. exp,: dl-
tla n umertbkun UI l ac6t t1 tn,;. SO \ll'CtI of tho G.nnga. . .

In 1866 Vilcr rurt.! , till;! & st.. Iodic:;. C"mPo:IIlY 's \; nt. .Hl:Wrs t:,y to b tt:.ock Bran_
lfIbdoo b;o\l 'in K.:.nchnapur }.LB in th.:. 'lard of N.j~H:. l .: Tb... E!lst- I ndib Cor.tPQQl
had sold th~ 'l'r. r Di wr .r:itory \.0 Ouah nft<.r ~£~ 8t1ng N<.J ~l L"l l. L~ '.; " r.L9

14. Mah... sh 'Raj Pant, IIN r;plI l_lmgrej Yuddhako 7"'ys ri. ' f (Prup.:lrations For '
the N."p Cl l-British W~r), PurnimE'i . 2, p. 75'•
. .
15. Hugh P.:.nI;'S,!ie. " ~", ' p. 52 .

16. Ibid , . pp • . SS-57,

. ' .
17 • .Mtlhesh Raj Pant, , flSir Bbllkti Tn<lplltl ('Iba BrsvC:I Bh6kti Tbapa ) , Purnlm1l , .
:21, pp. 21-28.

19·. HU'!;h P';JIlTS, 22,. ill-, p. 57.

Cont-d • . .
. 152 • . ,

_King' Pradyumna Sboh of Garhwal' was ddfe<l~'ed in a battl.;.; 'wit.n Nep.,1.20

JU'tur hi5 death 1n 1862 VilcrarrlOl,21 -his Son, Sudllrahan ,Shah flad and sought
asylW'l'l with thEl East India Co~any Gov6rnm::.:nt.?2

Tb..: Chand1 area (now in tn.;; Bijnaur district of Ut.ter Proo.esb) of

tha G.'lrhw.!ll St<Jt'~ J which NBpa l had f ail~d to occupy, (.rid Dehradun, l!~d.(' ·~
NepC l l\.;, d occupi ud. bad b.:lf:n 'troug ht tJy Hcar5bY from Sudarshan Sh.:'h i'l.,Ir :,
't otd of Rs "30')5 . 00 on :..$h:ldh 10, 18&! Vikr :Hna .23 _

' 'Mocircroft decided to

t!.lke H(lsrflo:lY who hud buen rt::siding in th .. ndigh-
borhood of Garbw:!. l for some tUIH~ ; bad trav" l"ci l;hrougb. .Garhwa l onc;, ;.:od
bad f ougHt againSt Nf>pali troops, along with hiln. ,

20 . MDhesh R!lj Pant, "Bir Bbakti Thap!lll (Th;: 3 rav.; Bhakti Thape), PurniJIl<""
14, pp. \49.lS4.
. .
21. On Kartlk 12, :1.861 Vikramtl, Ne pal d.;fodStcld , King Prad~ Shah of
Gllrhw31 and oceupied that coumry. (Purnimll, 14; p. 154). fredyumna
5lwh flad, but was kilwd in tn.: n£"xt ba ttl .. (which hi, fought Witti Gorkh!! ). His brothtl r, PritEm Shnhi, ws ceptur·, -:j by th!i Gorkr.,;, 1l.5.
(Ibid, pp . lS2 - 1S11). Th,;; s,. c:mc ,:: :l ttl,;: :::'~ d b .. .:n fODi. :: t in 1862 Vikril!l::"
This will boco~ c l.; ar from 1.1010 docurrz;nt.s pubHst"Bd i n 1:.1"11:;
&.tsearch So;;rids, €dit~d by M!>h",sh Ch,:,ndr <. Ro:igm. , Y"dr J I l~o . 2,
F<;!bruary 1, 1911, pp. 46-41.
. .. ,
Troops held b.".",n sdnt undc.r tno ,. COIlllli:iOO Jjf Kaji i.mar Sirnhc 'Ih;)p<.I
(s<::nior) to a;;taelc Gsrhwal • .His. chief ilasistont.s war .. Kaji Rll neonir
B3sr,yat end Subba H~stada1 Shah. (Purnima, 14, p.L50) . Sine" tht-s ::. -
two p~roons hed differ(',neos with Kaji .~r Sirma Thllpa, Ran<l:dhir Bus-
n,yst ws repl.EJcad by Surabir Khat-d, Khatri cmd
Ihsnnl<:a r KhOt-ri.,
snd Hsatad.eL Shah by Yonw9r . Y ar ) ,
no . 2, p. 47). ilCcording t o tha r
took part in tho l£st batt1.:: of 14, pp . 1;.> 1-152 ! :. ~.
shows th<.l 111st bDttle of Gllrhwal in , 1.66? V1kr ~ m;..:. .

22.- Purn1ht8, 14, pp. 153-154; Papers RFspecting Tb:; N('pal Wllr, 22... .s!!:-.,
pp. 250 and 270-21L.

p'" Hugh Pears, .22-" m., pp. 58- 60 ; Rohul. SankritY<Jyan., Ga rhwa~., p. 2)6 .

Contd. ,. ; ,

£arly in the 19th c t'l ntury 'ltkr~'ln3, Sbivadi:oV2, born in t~ Joshl dyn.:lsty
which had b o,~ n . Jotnil.;;: ting t.h", t.. f I :;.irs 0." Kumaun since th.::· 11th contury
Vikr':' llIiI, had ' oocoml:l llll-po'W..;rful of Kumaun by v1rtu~ of 1"';.5 brav<2ry. How-
ever, in th~ tusslo for. power, he was 6SS6ssil¥;tc d by hi::. riva ls in 1821
lJikrruna; His foes, how~veri be d. not succeed<~ d in tc t -; lly Q:. ~.'·; ~n1ltin g ~,h.,
inflUt;oct:: of the Joshls. This ",xplBins ~hy tho;, rdns of administr !l t~ ('l.
waro 1n th~ hgnds 5.o~times of Harshe devll Joshi, son of ShiVlld.:.Vll, !Illd
somf:itimas of his fo es. FillllllYJ Harsh.3d<:v~, Joshi was driwn out of KUlIItlun
by his oppoh~nt. HB lBt-.:r join~ d the- Gorkhali troops who w;:.r.,. planning to
corqu""r kumaun. In 1847 '/ik,'{ " ")) t h,: Gorkh~~ U5 cOl¥l.ueNd KUIIl£\:un. Hershll.-
dov<l J oa hi wantud. to bv com , :..nt; ruL r 01 I.l,;., moun hims",lf 1n co nsidc r ll tion
o f t h" h<.: lp which ho had !;iv~n to thd GOrkhaiis. How~ V8r. th ,,, Gorkhalis did
not oblige him and ' this lad to e rift b .:t~ ",n tht. two sid'Js . Ha r s hi::ci-;lva
J oshi t..h€in join;d PDnds with the enElmi(ls 'of the !,j,:.po l O<) v,,· r :Jn-., n~ . He: .Jlsu
becene M accomplie<:l of thoa Englishmen' who 'I-!'!rt: -:.i.m making $Ocret p I\:. p~ _
rations' for 8 w!lr again'st 1l~pal.24

Moorcroft decided to tn3k<> H arshac ~ wi Jos hi his companion during his

tr<'lvgl to W bs tm:n Tibet. li S H.:l r~;"'d", v a had grown up in KuDJ.!lun, whleo
ad2ci. , d G~ rh~;~: l , h!ldb~co mo thu most powdrfu l Wln of thot .a re a f o r s um;,
timtl, ond hlld l ot annoyti'd w1 th NepaL

Both N':'plll cnd Chin<l had .:l skt:d f or 05sist.onc e from the f.dst Indi<i
Company during th:t1r WZlr in i849 V1k:r<lrra .25 But n.;; N..pal .nor China
r tl ct:lived any e id from t~ corr.p 3ny.26 It r ... m-d.n.:- d n~ut~l bt:':c.:.usu it ht- d
cOll\llklrc121 relations with bo th rhp, 1. ena China. 27

Th", :!:ast I ndia Corr.p:my, 's ft0r i t s iar~d ruling Ind:l&J bt:': gao to illlPdrt
military training on ' to"" w:.:: stara moddl t.:l th::. Tiv-ngas (i.i:!. inhCloit.;.nt.s
of- TS11anga doSh-) in Madrns anci: lntJ;'OdUcad th,., E;u r o~.' ,-' ~'1 system tJi" r l>crui til15

24. Badri Datt [l hn9'. , Kumaun K,J Itihas (History of Kuma un) . pp. 258-4120-

25 . wo E. Rose J , ~"'or S'.lrviw:,!, pp . S6-$7, 67-68." 'Dilli R.<lmnn

Ragmi, Modern Nepul, pp. 179-18:.) . ,- '.

26 .. W1liiBm Klrkpatrlck J . 7 snd

350-352, Yogi
, . ..
27. William K1rkpatrick J eit;, - pp. Rose. ,-£E." cit.,
pp. 57-58, 67- 59 •.
Contd .....
troops. 'Ibl:f troo~s thU5 recrui:li:: d' ~re can';d ' Tilenga. Lawr, a ll th",
na tive troogs undi.:r th~ English bC:~<ln to 'bt' kMI.T, 11~ TiLsngn:;)'8 Imitating
th.. English Till)ng8~,' N~pal had stDrtud raising some troops sin'e 03 tht;
,t~6 of Prithvi Nar.3y~n Sh :! h . SU,c.h tz.-oops, ~-r. ~lso call.ed Tilong" s.29
Tht:-sc . Tllangns, who war;: drassed · in English styl (, unifonns, war·"
wrongly tl:ken by" the Ch~S(.l COtrm'l nck::r who fought agains t , N'.. ; pal DS 1 n Blish
1..reops . ~ th(m 1I ~port. to Ch1D.:St' £mparor Chien- lung (1 7 93
to 1852 Vikrwn."'I)30 tOthCl affoct tM.t tho Company's profussion of nt::u~rnli5{
1n ·the wa:
'ol£IS rnls~ . and ·that it was ~ctUCllly 3iding t h~ N<lpn 1 Govdl"nm:;nt.
.. .
~ In· Bh3dra 1850 Vikrmns, Gt:loi-ga McCartn6y vis ited tlw court of E~.;:ror J2
Olien-lung nS th-:- e nvoy o f King G')or gtl III of Br i~in (1851-1876 V·1 kNm::;) ·
Tha Chino!;/) n'J~I :f) r1tie s inquired 6f Mc Cartnc.y ·as to why thll English should
hllva .Jssis'.;.ud ~lOp<l l in th.. war betwo:!:n Nepal llnd Chins.33 McCnrtnq dt:nio::d
that t~ COll{ls ny hl:id dyer ~tcnd ••d arv <:issis tDlJ. C~ ' to N~pal. Hd aifir]1'lrjd t~t.,
· on thu contrary, thl: Company heo ·he1ped th", Chin~si.3 troop s by sondin6 its
o"wu soldiors ilnd that_~t would not.. h .::sit'Ct~: to Llss i s t th~ln in t o.: fut.u r .;
also in c.:::se of no<:d.j4 .

Chien-1ung, who \.: S llngry vi th tb,;" EngliSh; sunt rtcCartnoy from Chin:J
soon.35 £S a r:.sult, MoCartnoy's mission to Cbina did not y:1hld tb..:J ex-:-
pec't:.ed rdsults. 36 '

28 . Shyam Sunder Das; Hindi Shabda - Sap r, p. 1415.

. . - .
29- . N!!yp.. Raj Pant, ikvi PrI:Ised ?!'!andarl, · Gi-utcJn Bej r ::l Bt;jrach Clrya and
Din.:lsh itl,l j Pant (oJd. ) . 3r.x·i ; i'rithvi Nt'. r;..Iyan Sha h .Ko Uea (:~:s:-, (':,, -:: c:-:"\...1i '
of King l'rithvi Narayan Shllh), pp. 330-395.i Dhcm:J ocj ra Baj r Ll cru:ry'-' ~nd
Gnyan Mani NepEll (ads.)., JeYll r~ tnakD ranat.:l k! , p. "83; ·
J'J. stiri 5 Prithvi · Narayun Shah· Ko Upadesh, pp. 1349-1350.
31.: Somuel Turner,· £E" cit·., . p. 4U~ • .
)2. I'\Srga w.
F1sh-.:r L!fld Leo E • .~:) $o; J En~l.!llld , Lrldis , !Lp&l , Tibt:lt, Chin v ,
~765-l95B, pp. 1, 5 ••

33. lIlistair LDmb, "Tibet In Aoglo-ChinGso EU:lDtions-, l767u1842." Journllt

of The Royal Asiatic Sociaty, 2014 (1957 A.D.), Vols, 3-u, p~ 174.
' . " . .'. . "

<. )4. Dill1 Ranlln Ri::gJni, Hodorn Nepal, p. 225 .· · .

. .
3~ . John Pamble, op . e lt., p. 68 •
. ,~ .
....) 6. Dilli RalTlEIn fu:gIlli, .22' elt., p. 204.
", -
Contd •••

Taking Ildvant<:gE:t of th\;l civil war 1n Tibet, China intarfsNd in thl:l

affairs of tb.vt sta,te't. Sinca 1765 .vikrD~,· CtIi~, had ~en ,stationing it-a
raprcsentat1vc os w:U as troops .iD Tibet, _ thoriiby ruling over that St!lt<::.37
FollO"..tin g _t ile outbreDk ofth(;j Nopal-China war,Bll routes leading to Tibe t
f rom India \(el'e -cLos."d for thE: Engli - \1 and English sub j.,; cts on th~ order
of Chien-lung.J8 .

,,' 00 Learning of Chien-Lungls dispLeasure at tha English, Georga ill

;wr6:tR a bttcr to him in 1852 VikrDm8._ '!hat letter f£llsaly clailnod thllt
: th.:; English had attacked N£.'Pal from thv r~ar wbc.,J;l it -was invoLved 'in a
war with , s . 'I bo aim behind this delibervto fEoLsuhoOd was to '1mprov.,;
reLa tions wi ~h Cr.ina •.J9

Ev~ aftt.:r· the doath') f Chien-l~g in tho of -1.652 Vikram,g,40

his policy of bllrring liinglisrun..:n and Engli,:!' subj ,' cts from .;!ntcring int o
Tibet w~fiI continuod. In 1866 Vikr<:mB, lln Ent=, lishn.::m Thomas Z,i<a1o ing
aga in went. to Ti~_t- in dis.guis6'. HoWi;lvar, .' on' orders from Peking, ~e wns
soon -expellec;l ' from _T1bet"li1 , - , _

B~causa of Chin<! IS pol5. ~' ./ not to let £ngl1sbm:Jn, "nt:ar intO-'Tibet, as

,well as of doubt.5 w~ t.!"l"r Nepal too lIQuId zefus~ to parmit thdir entry
, ' - into Garhwlll, which was the") und<:l r , Ncpa('-,s C(mtra:1, Mo,o~roft decidud to
Slip into T1~t secretly. 4t. thatti;m;J I .8 group 6f cal).dd _
used to ·,travd to 'l'1b~t through Nepal for thi:l .42
th)ug ht th!Olt hl;t could ent,o r , into. uarhwal ~~ th of ,Nepal Ollet>
he rnaMgf;ld to reach T1but in the gu:i,sa of a Gos£lin. BD t.hcugt:.-t t r.'l t h..;;
could thus BVO id varioUs- difficulties ,1n Ii:l,.s futurl; trips t o ': Lk t. "ccor-
d1ngly, ,NOorcroft cnd :-I~a!'scy, disguis<:Id Eis sBffron-clbd Gosa1n8, em..<;;rcd
into tt:,rI'itoly , :1 ~aiSB k h 29 , l.B69 V~rama, They carJ.·led with th"m
muskets :wreppod in saffron cloth. They WIll'\: accoqlanted by Harshadevs, On<:
,Pandit, aw one iltgncm soldier DOlJled G-ulllm H3idOr Khan. 'l'hdir ,luggag(;!s
. -were carried by 30 or 35 ~ort~rs.43 . '. ._

37. Sepon Shakabpa, pp. lhO-U4.

38. Cl'::11lGnt.s Markham, ££- ill-, p. 79.
39. John Pti'mb 1.:.;, 2E.. ill.., p. 68 .
40. MargarElt t-l. Fisher and lA..~ E. Rose, £E.
. ..
41. elements MDrkham,£,E._ ~., p. ao •
. . - . - . . .. - - .
42-. ,-nT-revals of, Gaorge Bogl,:ilr, -pp'- · 124.~l2S. Kiran Chandra , Cbaudhari, I\nglo-
Nepal'Jse Ralat1ons, pp. 40 and 6').
43 . Hqgh Pears, p. 69.

:". Hearsay,· with the . Cooperation of l;I~rsh8davaJ started preparing map:> of

roads 1mmed1at01y aH6r bnturing into Ni':-ptlli territory. H... ·· dld not USCi
in:;ltNmi';nts for ·this P?l"pOSt3, lest this s hou !.C' ro us ~· ,s'.lSpicio 'l <:!J10ng 1;M
N~palis. Insteaci, "uu_: measurod the t r.<2 ~. ;,) '-~ , ~ f ootsteps c ~ ·1::Ia rshac:. vl:!
c.::llculatt:d as equal to 4 feet. 44

'lh oOl party of spies did not trawl through, thaln8in rout<:, but psss(:Id
through e· place named . lohSwa in Garhwal, where i t m1xCld w1 th pl4.,rims
travelUng 'to andrinath. On arriving llt Joshilnath, -it li;lft th... rout~ to
Badrinath, and headed f or Tibet throu'g b Painkharid. 'l'he Jimldar of ·Garhwal
came to kmw of this snd rl:;portdd tho m<lt.tar to thu local Thanadar as
well ~5 to the loc~:l comrrtlnder of the Ne p,Jli t"ro-ops , Subc,dllr Ratnf'_ 31mb!!

Cha,u tara Slim Shah, lldministrator of Garhwal and Kurnaun, who was stU.f-
1ng qt J..1n1ora. wa s <llso infonned that Englishmen; disguis<;;id as mendicants,
bad go~ to Tibi:lt. t hro ""l gh Garhwal. H~ sont a l"tlport in lohis regard t o

On . J;:: stha 24 ' (June 9), Moorcroft ,me his 'pllrty 'reachOd . tru.' Himblay<1U
are!! .of Niti, ~ich waa situ",,*,d 1.8 milt:s nortt-enst of Joshimath and
adjoined tb .. Stata of Garhws1.. L.6 TOOy asked t h,- r ul e r 'of Niti for pa-
misdon to t,o <lh~nd saying thiJt tht.y waru ' g'O inK a ll. 1.1 pilgrimago to [ I:lUb -
sarovar. Tht:!y co uld rot say tha t th.:y weN going to Tibet t o conduct
cOmrh::lrcial trs n~!l~ ti C" ns. Too ruL:or ' of Niti, af·t er ·.pointin g out r.hBt th ...
. route to Mana s 6I'OVbr did rot pllSS thI:ough his tGrritory,47 told l-'£lorcNlt
and. his party, Ilyou art! carrying wfJspons and are accompaniod by'. a Iflrg",
number of twn. yOu ara ' aitoor uorkh1l1is or Firangis, e ven tho-ugh you 6I'U
. we8~ saffron clothes. You 3Ni e.namias of Tibet and shall not. b", ·p.;,r-
mitted to pro.cead to Tibet.1l }~Q orcro ft . his ()Ompanions claill£td tha t
they bed not com~ with sini ~ ter motive'.: , but WOl'l.' proceeding -on pil~ri II)L.i..'"
to Manasarovar. 1"h£:yadcktd, IIWe have brought some goods with us .. we intr.nd

44. Ibid, p. 69.

45. Ibid, pp. 69-70.
46. Rahul SDoki"itYDyto n , ' Barbwal, p. 25 l.
,'h7. ~adr1 Datta Panda, op .. . 'ci t., p. 67. Thl, N .is' a rood
from Derrnn 1n the Kurn8un to MDnsarovar.

Contd •••

to sell ttwm in order to mt:ot our travelling t:lxp (m5~s . It is tn .. th3t ',.":..
are .'c arrying some .w<JBpons , -but thll.lild Cire not mUilnt !'c"::' ' t· ~.l cking nn;)o'
· pl:l r SOn . VI" hove br ought these wear:ons pure l y' for s<:l.f- dO:~o;jnstl . -If you fmd
it difficult to r131easa U5 only on the ground · that w ara "Srmad; 'wa .:!rt>
.prepared to have tti""SjiI weapons .somowhore at t hi s pl,t;ca . 11 This reply hlld
soma ",tract on the rule"r of Niti. He askud them to wait at least fo r 15
days to obtain an entry parmit from t h6 Tib(:tan offi cer acrosstb.l borddr.
HOWEc-,ver, no such permission was obtain.::.d oven s'fter 15 days. Th is l ed Moor-
croft end his m.;n t o SUSpi. ct that the rul-3r ' of Niti Wl::S daceiv:in~ tham.
Ttw r aupon, Moorcr0 ft hOTlbly pre3" nt<:rd SOllk: gift s to thd of ~:' c i.: l~ of Hiti.
On "shod 12, l·ioor..;roft lana hi s party wure g rantc:d pormission t.o ,;nt",r int.o
Tibe t. Lb .

. Oil Ashadh , Moorcr oft· and his men It:!'t .from Niti 1'llld croa&:.d thu border
• •
with Ti bet. . On J.\aha"dh 22 , tbuy arrived at · tha T1b~tan principa lity of
Dawe, situawd )0 milos north of Niti. The naxt. morning~ t.h" Y.callad on
. the rukr of Dawo. After presenting him 'N Uh ') yardS 'of sqparf1na cloth,
somo s~er and spi cos on a brass pletc, t~.(,y asked l"iim for p<lnTIissi on to
procet: d onwar :l. f l <.!a s:cd w1. th th<. se prt! ssnts, ..t.L .... r uler 0.£ Dawn wrot ~ e
~tt,Jr to tm ' authorities of Gartok si tuot ed 'shout 40" miIss a way from
: Dawn, rocolll!l"ending permission to Moorcroft and his party to P'r ocged
t.hrough that rout.:: . 'foo r " ply sent from Gsrtok, lobich was po;d t~:w,
: raach~d Dawn on L.shadh 27 .49 ..

llccordingly,on Ashadh 31, l'1(.1orcroft and his 'party left Dawa . '!hey
rcllcood Gllrt.ok 6 days lllt.)r. Tho foll.owillt: d ay, on Shravan 5, tnt;y mJt.
th:) r'lle !' of :.::J r '.>::lk and purchDsad wool in larg~ quant1tiys, thtlrtlby",st.ab_ " rade Nlat1on:> wit.h western Tib-,;t. 50 .

Moorcrolt's primary object1v,.;, namely, t hf:, estab lis'hI!I&nt of trado

r e lations with Gartok was thus r a&lized. How)ve r, not content, 'h'i<;h this ,
he- sough t and ohtainfJd permbsion to trnve1 to Tiwt from Niti in th~
capacity of a pi 4;rim to Mana sarovar. He thc r €for u dec i ded to proceed to
Mtlnfl sarovar . $l rr"Jp le had then almost forgotten that a · 1uropean· ·named
J;..')t:nio Ar,dr :,C::·. , Ll d N 2ched Ma~s3rov8r in 168 1 VikrllMtl , i.e., 200 y\"llrs
ago . 5 2 It \,'1JS thon widely ,beli.:;wd thnt ll."J. .EUroptH:tn h ed visit .... 6 the

48. Hugh ilaors, 2£. £!~., pp. 70-71.

49. Ib id, pp. 71-74 .

50. Ibid , pp. 74- 75 .

51. Ibid .. p. 75.

52. e lements karkham, 2B' cit "' ~, 56.
COntd ••·•

'Manosarovar lake; , a famous canter '~f pii.grlm9g,:;:; :' For' th"is r .-sBon, this
11)\(.6 wns unknown to tne .:Europ"sns at t.hat time. Moorcrott ,ihiolrefore
th.0ught that h~ could gain fame as an uxplorer all over Europe in C0se
her aucc ....edud in re3ching Msncsllrovnr end wr~t~ an account of it. Thes·.
~mpting prospocts -promptud him to seck p-:.rmissio-n from too t\ll..Jr of
Gartok to visit Honaserovor. " Tho rulor -of Gartok: ' pomnit'teq Moorcroft. to
. proccdd straight to Manasarovar and back thr'..lughNiti without visit1n6
. Dny ottwr place. AccordiriglY, Moorcroft snd his, perty w,tt Gartok for
Manasal'Qvar Oil Shr3vDn 11.5)
' .
- , "
, . . ,
", "

This party rellcD.~d Ravanahrfld on Shravan 21 and l1/lnassrovar on

Shravsn 24. On Shravsn 25 and 26, it t:Jurud th~ ~re!l
sttuatlid. clang th'J
shores of. too Manasarovar lako._ HO<l'i"sGY tritld t,O - l,·:a'v.::. a. DlOmcnto of this
jourrwy by inscriblllg his nElI~ .clnd that ·if· lborci"oft· un: st<)J;l,I;:S" MtGr
obs·.;rving this vast lake and" iOOeting the saints 'D:nd ascetica :dvaUing
'. insides the caves located near that area, the pCl"rty roturn<::d from thl:rIJ
. on Shrl'l78n
27 •.54' .. , . .

W~en it.
arrived in Dawa o~ Bhadra 9 on its WIJY bllck f.loom MBnasBrovllr. 55 .
the local ruler sought to arrest Mvorcroft 6nd otbar !Dembe:rs of hiB p8rty.H~
"~ver,Debu Budha,a member of 1haru1ing f.:.mily uf "Juhar' Boot "Whu was in l.aogw
with the British, succe.:::dcd in f,t:ltting t h",m fre.,d a 's",curity vi' sa
Ra 10,000.00.56 On Bh!ldra 13, they 1 : t ..x:wa,57 <md arrived in Juhar ahot,
a' H1m3l.ayan
vClssal state of Napal. . situated
....• t o tho 11Ort. h of Kwnaun.
The ' 1nhabit.!lnts of Kumaun used to buy bo1'flx and, other . cbIllllo.;:1itia 5 £rv m
Juhar Bhot, which they s:,ld ' 1:.o thtl poopl.. of the south. This t:i-ado y1d:.!.;:;i
considerable prnfit to the inhabitants of KUDlDUIl, which th~n forrrad pt:lrt
of Ne pa1.W1t.h a view to depriving tna ,'Nepal1s of this profit, Moorcroft
and bis men estabUshed dii;"ct conrn.;,:reinl contacts witb tbu inhabit<:.nts i)£
Juhar Bhot at tnat time. ."

- ~. .' .
5)~ Hugh Pears,' 2£. £!!.,. pp. 15-76.
54. Ibid, pp. 76-77.
55. Ibid , p. 11.
56. Kumaun Ka rUhas, .2l! • .:ll., p. 76.

;5 7~ ..Hugh Pears, 2e.. ill., p. 77.

-. ...
53-;. Mahesh Raj Pant, "8ir Bh&kti Th.:lpa .
PurniD'IB, 12, pp. 53-54. 56-57-.
H (Too Brav.,~
Bbakti 1't\apa),
.. '. . . .'

Contd •••
159. ,

On ·BhOdra 19, 1869 VlkrsJIIll, H.awkins wrow an in.."lOcuou.s Illt;ssa g... fr- .m
Bare111y tc Jam ,s!1. ·jh. The; rn:::tssage read as f o llows , llMoor croi't ~.E>y ~Bch
Tllxn . s af a ly . But t.hey are a fro1d l ost .tbl::y _ S h Ju l~. b... '.l",tniood in Ne pal.
on t heir return from Tib e t. Bucau5e of. toll; fear, Dr . h",o r c roft has guno i
1:0 'hbst tv purctla se some hors<15. and e njoy trllvol .ln that country. capta in
Henr sC1Y too msy novo g lm r, thor() ~ long wltil fuorcrof t. R~ arir\g .in mind th~'
fr i ",ooship b.e tween th<:l Company Md Nepa l, you "ore ruqu6sted to taku caN
-:o ! ':.hesc lOOD when, they roturn from Tibet, and uscort 'them safely to th ...
border." This .rrEssage was receiwd by Ban Shah on Aahwin 15,. LB69 Vlkrema .
Ha fOTWr.r c:!.ed thp mnssago to Ka ttuwndu, al ";'n(~: with 8 P'<'rsonsl l ut.t~r s tllt-
~ tMt the Englis ru:1o.lll wha t:! h6 h3 d pr t.vio us ly da Bcrl b£. d as cl isi:'. u isud m'-'tl
Wer ,.; actua lly Influanti(l l p:;! r s"if!s .
"t. n :: r lIrri,ving at Cl:.andpur, situat.;;d at a distllnex: u f e miles -fru m
~arn.l P:-, .•; og , 59 fuo rcroft and his party m.::t ~llnddU Thapa,6/? ~o _w~s th..,
... ~pali o ffic~r uf thllt liNa . On AshWin 27, Bandeo Th£l l-ll:l inqUired of tiH:lIQ
W by ttluy had pass(jd through N"I-lali t err it'.lry incognito . They' Btra.igh'VIw~y
~p11ed tha t t.htiy could roOt havel ent.:n:ed 'l'ibtlt had not th~y IOOV6d in d1 5-
gui so , that in ony c;:sa J thuy h,:Jd n,_ t Jor.0 l! nyt~1ng b ad by travi:ling>ugh Ndpa li ter ritory 1:1 Lhis manndr , ana that tba re was m r -" es(,n Ol ~
tohey st-.ould rut b::t ali.ow",d t o) mo v~ ab,)ut inside N6pe; 1. whu....1 t~_ X r~p<.l li s
cou l.c!_ t.rov.:: l fre aly within l ,s ~rr itory .
. . t n." CoII{)<lny
( To S'l Cc.ncluc!!J d) .

59 . , rhwa l, p. 334.

60. Hugb Pears, ,22. cit ., p. 78 . '.ill"" name of thr.:t Nepa l1 officer iUi !l b",on
given 85 Bandll Tbaps; This is not Cl colmlun N ~p81i qBJTlt:. MOr60Vt1r,
th~ ra l s no r~ferance t o this na~ in contumpornry Nopll li dbcu~nt s .
BlIndeo Thapn wn s t oo n8mo of BhBkti 'lbap;J ls e lder brother. (Purn1ma,
21, p. La) . I - ba v~' thorefor~ giv ~ n the nAme o f this N~pali offic or
8a Bander) 'Ibapo . · Bhs kti ThDpa was 70 yo nr s old whoJ n ho was kille d
in th~ bfl ttb -Jf DJ u tM l on Bllisakh 6, 1672 VikrJlIlD . (Surya Bikram
pp. l02-1~) . i.c cor di:'lg to Hugh f';l.!! rs
about 70 yo;j~ s 0 1 (1 wh.>r. h::l l:Iot Mco rcrc ft
corrobor a ~s my view .

RestOratit) n Of ~ d Rajye'S

Sp'varal princi9sl1ti "s in the ....estern hill :region w~ich had b(;sn ab ... li-
shed during tb.- l.s pnrt of tna eighteenth century were rdstorod during
tha 1860 1 ,9 in appr ~ c1~tion of th~ coo~r8t1on Which they rendered during
tn(" ~E'pal-Tibet war (1855-56), as w l.L as durlng th'" military oxp.::ditivC.
which Prill'ti IUnist",r ._'un £, Bahadur ~durtook 1n 185 7 t.o hulp the Briti s h
_suppress the Indian .r.'.ltilJ;y. Tht/se Rajyas includad 'tht> f o llowing:-

1. Garhunkot
2.-. Ga.Lkot

. ). en1r""t ·
.. b. ' Ka~kl

. '
In 1851-52, there ware) Rajyas, or principal1thls of ftludatory st.t!tu::l,
in th", Kingdom of Nepal which enjoY'.j d full internal autonomy on paym..:nt
of an annUlll tribute (Sirt.o). These Rujyas _snd th!:: poym.Jnts dUll from t.h.C: JII
wr~ as fo110'l'l$ :-

1. Ra j a Ga j ara j Simha of HajtUlng ••• R. 501

'2 . Mustang

.' ' .'
... Hs· eo~: and
5 t::.ngan horses '
3. aa.fa Gajendra SimhD(li Thalahara ••• Ra 25.

(S.B. lolaharjan).
Reg1ll1 Research (Privah) Ltd
Ka thmandU I Sopte\lJber 1, 1973 .

li(Igrn1 Re scar ch Sar1es

Year 5, No • .8,

Ed1t.d By

Mllhesh C. Rt.til!l1.

11 11111111

1. Law ~d Order In N8pslglln J,
1897 ... 161
2. P.oyo l Ordor On Sanitati on, •, •
1840 , ... 163
3. Contro l Of Interest Ra t os In
Wos t ern Hill Aren s, 1799 ... 164
4. Interv1ews Wi th BaburllDl J\chsl')'s ... 165
5. Disgui sod Eng l ish Travel l e r s
In Nepa l And Ti bo t
'" 167
6. Chrono l ogy Of Pstan , ... 172
7. Land Re c l amation In UdnYlIpur .. . 176
8. & GRogrllphi cs l Descripti on Of
KBthmlq'} du V!'lloy Dlr1ng 'Ibe
L 1 c h ch~D V i Pe riod • • •• 177

Regmi Research (Priv8W ) Ltd,

La 'Z. ~t, Kat~ndu , Nop:"! !.

Comp11od by Regmi Re~ r c h (Priva t e) Ltd fo r privs ta

study llnd re5earch. Not tQ63I1.t f or pub U c s sla or dis pl ay .
Law !\ne! Order In Nepalganj, 1897

To the -Ch1ef Officer and employees of the Naya Huluk Forest Inspection
Office (Ban Janc~ Goehware). .

Greetings. Major -Captain Jlt Bahadur !: hatrl Chhe':.ri, Naysh S'ubba

Devir nrnan Upadhyaya , Bno Kharidar Kl::har .3"-Dgh Rajbhandari have repr~ent.4:0d
to us that thay recormw nJ thi> following 'Ordel'S to be sent in too name of
thu Forest : Insptl,c tion Offi c~ in __ th<; following llIbtiers. ~ct us direct.ed by
us in these 1ll11t.tars as follOilsl

Sine., tht: ' establ1shfl);::nt of tlep~. lganj town, s' Lovy called -: ,1 "'. ':Ina
has been coll~ctcd from traders at r ates .l."cng1ng from J sanae to 2 rupe.;s
Bnd st annaa depending on thtl size of the concern for -prot~ting tha town
. from the d"pr13c ations of burglars and docoits:

The proceeds of this Lvvy wr2 distrlbutt;d .::ql,ls lly among two watch-
men (Chauk1dar) appointed for this purpooo, on the sUpula 't.i.on that they
would recompense goods burglad by thieves in th'~ ir siGh"' , or by breaking
l ocks or through walls or roofs. Thesll. "rotchmen hav.a boon pl3trolling tht.
s treet.s in ttw town all through th,,; night. This system oontinl,k,s 1,{J t'Jis
d::.y . -

At prewnt. tM Par:ianB l e'ry collected at thtl rates mention&d abov d.

yields Rs 543 ~nd 11 anr.~s. Wa', ~:;;l)C:n who h DVC mackl tne abovC-m<lnt1ored
stipulation patrol th", str~ cts all throJgh. the night.

'Even then., (th", shops of) traders OI'S bur g l~r;: from tilnfJ t.o tinE. \01"
,tr1 ~d to Dscc rtain th~ re::sson, feeling that such l;hefts would not b ,.' pos-
o sible without th~ ' connivancd of th,,- watchmiln.
. ,
I n the month of ],nhO l! h 1954 vikraP\8 (Junt:: -July 1897), one tiob1nd
Sikh, son of Guru Bux Singh , on", 0'" th" wa tchm,m. who W.:lS wlking along
with his fath,t;;r. stole a goa t bdonging. to, NauSinda Lal .Bbhaqur, a r "s i_
dent o f (.Nepa lg<lnj) town. (Naus1nda .Lal BahaJ ur) ca\l6ht hold of the thi..:!
and produced hip! baror<! us. H:) signdd:" a stn tom <lnt conf(Js5in(" .... h:1 t ~ had
committad th", "thuft 'ln co"llualoII ,w;th -hfs .l:ather J Guru ,J,__o ~ ..;. 1."1.. ,; . Janga li
Sikh,· a ~phe_w (of Guru ,Bux S1.ngIl),' ,
wno DIso hBp-, been nppoint.ed wlltctlman
was olso ~licated in the; llDd b.o~ w~t?hl'k)n :Wt;rc thiJn dismissed.
,' -r,

Since i t was :'"lOt a pp ."""Opriat.e to d1scontinu.:i wotcnirvn'.s: .s'drv1cos, two

~ e rsons, including 0 Shankar, hav~ bgen appointed • .But i f
this man had b(I'4 n hon~st, he would !lO,t . haw, col)ie' forward " to aCCOpt SUCh
a position. Tho reason is that boni;:st persons do ootundtlrt8ke liability
to rscompense goods stolen by othars. Only disron<lst and avil persons
make such a stipulation. Mol't:lover, reports .rere l"')c t!2vtl d t~.~ ~ t h-o.:fts .. ..:TU
commUted 1n collusion with this watchman. " ,"

Contd •••
It contingent of ' the' military pollce :stationed in rk:palga'nj has al so
been pa trolling ' the 't:own j l t , night. ~ theJ;'t,lf6~]~CP~~ . thi>t:

' # f.he : vat.chnien m~nti6n<.d abovl:. shoulO bl<: r.300vf:ld from

' t heir
post. tions
from the harvest year ")'9S4 Vila-ama ,(11397)10" .

# The :rum of Rs 543 and lL annas , ~irig· 'tb,":.~oc,aoda., of t he' Pasiana

levy s~uld bd utllizad to lIppoint thi;"foll.ow1ng ' p~i"soMal:-

Dtisisnation Humber .. !':::JnU '.;r s&hry

.. .. -

Hl;wa lds r '~, 2 Iod1al Ra 4~

Amaldar 1 ,Indbn Rs 4 ond 5~ snnBS

Constables B. 'IndiBn Rs 4, ·

Totd' No. 11·

11 Good pClopl e from the hills should be appo1nt od to t tJ:IS6 posts ond
. .. .
given the same-stntus as the military . pol1co

# The mllituy po lice sL".lld patro l 'the town twici:! evory .nfght as

# The IWn appointed as 'mantion·,d. 8QoVO should stati on th"msGlves at

threo plAces lI:rotind the town a t night '.-l ith torchC:ls lInd al~o patrol
the str..:c:ts. Tbsy · should biC tc,ld tMt they will b6 ba l d responsible
i f thGY ' <ln'i 'd erelict in' their dutios Ar.... , DS a ri:;sult, the shops
. of tr8da~.s aN burglod.
11 ' l'hdse ' man si".0uld be ap;:>einUld i n such ·a. mann~r thJ t 'thCJY g(;jt thdir
sa lar1o. s 'for th;' ll'lHlth aftbr thts order reach..::s [l"r~ . Thuy shou.!.J
be ~mp.i.oyud 'in the mBImar l!\.ooti.onUd abo,:vo .•. 'I'Ot:ir , .:l tt..:.nd;.lncu . c,-,curds
shoul d b~ frtI1ntaine~ at t .ne BD.nko Ri.!wnue OfficE! ana s' al~ri as dr6W!l
from there eVlill'y IOOntb .according to l a w. and rugulati9ns.

We hereby racollJllCnd t nat an orde'r: contuiniug : tr..ese provisions soould

. ,
' sent· to the. F.orest. InsP\;Iction

As"in Sudi ... ~ 195L

.' (Septembor 1897)

Contd~~ .

R';I colml~nd ation .Ot Tblf Muluki Office :: :

In ou r op inion, t.he Ncornrooo&-.t ion of ttw Nay;} i'1uluk Bendobast oruct>

is TeesonCib l u .

Subba 'uharmadatta Upadnyaya ....

Ordt;}T Of Prim.;; MinistGr (Bir Shamsher)

. Approved •
Kart1k B8di .6; 19$.4
(Oc'tOber 1897).

Roysl Order On Senitation. 1840

From King'Raj~ndrB,
To 1nh6b i tant3 of f our castas snd thirty-six 'sub-c';l' .

_ Do not dnt SNan things raw. Ro:l~t or CQ.7J1c them b&foN usil€ thtlm ::IS
food . Us .. watar for drinking only ' .. f1:,.i;:r filt-Clring. a nd bo iling it, cno t.h";n
ltot.ting it b,.;com:.: col,d", as otherwise ' woms wnich exist lnwa ter d~stroy
thu Uvc:r, 't hus causing- dt:attl. DO not usa water for drinking wit.hou t. doin6
so .. Local paopl.a should work ooll~ctiv~ly for- covt>rlng t so that
r.:linwater may not f~ll lnt.o them. JLvoid t he use _of w:ltar from fields.
s ~r .-: ams , irrigation c/Ulnn"ls ;:lod wt' t is wllicll hSVd not b.:.-: n cOV<::lr .. d.

Jdt..lul Slldi 9, --'1897 '

(Ju., c 1340) . ..
- R8~ 1 R&saor ch Collections., Vol • . 26 .. : p. 260.
164. . ..-.

Control Of Int€rost
, Ratos In Wo stem HUl iLes, 1799

From King Girben,

We hereby promulgate the following r;~ gulat.ions for 8N.tlS w~st of th;
Trlshul-Ganga r:l. wr in the narm; of Ga'jy~f (\.,; c, j - Sin-.n::. Kh.:::wt'$). · .-" :-

1. Finus at the following rotes shalL ~ colLuc~d from p~rsons who hav~
charg.:Jd int-:-rest Ilt mort than 10% in cash and 25% in kind after the
pro:nulgation of :,~.a royal orde:r prohibiting tbci colbctionof inv..ri?st
,a t m:;Jro than lD,i: in our doI!linions west of tha Trls hul-Gcmga river up
to Kumaun.
f.bal ••• 10%
. . - .'
Chabar ••• (1 )

2. Tak.:- D. Long w-ith y ou 25 so·ldie;rs OllOllK with .. of tntl i.nErd~ l

Company stlltiOO;;ld in Bbirkot for th ... collection of fin<.s • . Tr:,nsmit
the proctlcds from timu to .timu with. a p11liUiry escort.

3. :in C<.lSci Bny perfOn i5- "Sppr'dh,mc:<;: c on .. ha charg-.: of havi~

intar~st at' r.:.'tas i;:lxca< 10% in ccsh and , 25;l. in kind, 800 in C ~ l!ld
he _rrSkC!s a statCiroont in wr1.ting to tn;: ef'fuct that -h<, hbs : m!. don,.; so,
'bilt is subs~q1V"ntly prov'-':'l to bel guilty of this off",nae, a find'dou"tlla °
.. the ' Bmount (coU<:..:tsd in VXCilSS of'th ... pernd.ssibl'" p'Ynv::nt) shal,lbu
levkd. .

U. In c~se any person is appr<;hendod 00 th", charg~ of having coll,:.:ct.:-d in-

tar.::st a t rl.'to::s axc6')d\ng lq% in, c.)s.h and 25% .. 10 kind, and '-in c.os(:: DnY
local of fici.:!l er func!t1on.3ry · (I~1L, lhnra, Dwu~, J<:Itha.buda) cqu,sos
obstructions Bnd ottampts to BUPPNBS th'<.! C<.lS""1 lid shall bod punisb.""d
with Cl lino cbubll:l th~ arrount involved in tne caB~.

5. M'ter the expiry of 10 years, permit the PayTIMlt of only double thE;
amount of cash iO.'1 DS end tr-Jbl-.. th~ "':l:.ount of in-kind loans in cas':)
no inte~st or oo!l1111ssion w,s bC6n collected. In case (paym,·, nt '; fl ~i
. ~ig oA' r Dmo unt hil s beon Bt.ipulawd in writing, th is shall b", inva:l:i.CeW d •

Fmolu.m;tnts shall be pllid et - to·~ following r tlt,.;s to thb persons empl.oy",d

for the colltlction. (of fin~s). Ttli; expenstls shall >i.= debittad in tht:l cours..r
--...of audit.

1.6S 0 '

...... ......
GCj yo .. -Rs 100
. .'

' S TahDsildars. ( ,
aC'comp:!nj1:hg hi::!" • , "r Rs ,375
' 0 ' '

l -:assistant (Bhsiya) : . . 0" Rs ' 7S

': '::"
·c l. ' Clerks (Bsbtd.!!r) •• 0' Rs 300

.... . Rs BSO

Jes tha BDd l ••• , 1856

(May 1799) ,
Re.gm1 Rcsaarc'h' Cpi~actiQns , V:; l 24 , p. 733 .

Intarview5 WIth Babur81D aobllry8 .

, , .' ..
. (Continutfd)
-. • -' ,y-
~ues tion: How · were Sb1vEodeVS "8"rid Amshu'ltlma related · to each<'other -1

",.SS no r:- l lltion5hip . Shiv;)c\eva W!lS King end .A.mshuvarma

Qwstlon: But NnshuvarlllD has bean ".describl3d £la t.hi::l ' sister r s So n o f ~ Sn ivu d o v~ . '
'" "

J,n s wer: There is no con c lusive dv 1dence. Shivudova 1"'015 a Vaishna v8, whilf:t
.wns huv~rmll was El ' Pa s hup'o ta, "":;) lthough tioth "we r e Llchchhevis~ I .doubt wha th')r
th",r a w.' s any inter-ma rriage b" tween t.h~ 1)10 s6CtS .

Amshuya rma Wll S an ndh~rent o f t h<: FllSI'lUpr.ta s ~c t. He was not B d<il s-

cendant ot KrQme111a , but was ·appointed lat~r as MDb~samanta. Thore Va9
Kr smll l1la, folloW'ad by several others • .i.mshuvarma than became Ma hasamanta.
Hi) was not on good tonns with ths Abhiras. At that timv , r-:nownad scholars
used to visit tha Pashupat1 tampk . ,l,nshuvarmll thus acqu :!.:· ed tIn opportunit.y
to acquire knowledge ·. ·Hd studitid everything. He wa s a v(Jry c.; pa b l~ sUit",s-
mon .. 'i' OO f acts abou t RupllvDrma which hav.. been mantioIlEld above aN pro -
b.::::b l y not. tru.,·. Thi s ff'Dy ba t.h .. l a t .;: r Rupavanua. I t "W<lS te who Md a
~I~"t-...l' - S po u t inst.allod. Thi s is /ll:Intione d in t.n..: s tone inscription.. H.. was
• •
Disguised English .Travellers In N~pal And Ti~ t

(Continued From . Prttvious Iss~)

1l1III1l1IU. it It
. .. ,
;.". Af'ter thus satisfying Bandeo Thaps,. who wap ..}O Ydsr'fJ . olcl; Moorcroft
and , his party re ached !<arnaprnyaga.· On Kart1.k,. .tooy :9rr~vea '{I;t. Mehalchaur,
s ituata d o'n th() banks of thl.;l Ra mganga river ... The .Tbane.dar of 'Muhalchaur
triad" to .stop t hem, saying, lI you should not l\av~ nD"Vod in d i sguiBe wit.r.out
informing thd NG"P,-, l govurrunt:nt notw1tbs-l-...~ ndi ng t oo .:ini caLl l.l r 'J L.l t'.1ons
,=:~ i.s ti ng botween ttlf: Nepal gov~rmte nt and th<1 Company govortmltont, Now
Y:1U havf.;· "" , you must stay here f o r some tima • .We shtlll fre~ you only
.a ft,J r consulttng the gover~nt. Since friendly relations oXist betlo(OeQ
th e Company gOVe~cnt ~nd. the N~pDl govami"J!(Jnt, we may
recQ i';'~. favorabL.l
ord:lrs fran our govonunont"n61 .: . . .
. Th:.> next rro rning , Movrc roft · a ttempwd to ·proce. d bY br£ndishing his
gun. The l ocul guar ds t h0n ' conf1coatod his gun nod tiod" him aa w~ tl ~s
Haa r soy W:L:l rop ·~ s . rh.:; ' o ther s WC' I'f~ s hackle d, pnd t hc.·i r t':! l onglngs too
lIore CO nLis~ t ad . Later,· 'Sube dar Ratnll S10gh Rann r~ch .::d .Meba1chaur and
f re.-::d M::>orcfu!t am Hearsay. HowlJver, the :) thdrs ware kopt ' ln detentlon. 62
RBtna S1ngh R.a1lfl submitt.ed a r~port to ·this C3tfeot tc Bam Shah. Moorcroh;
on his part, wrote g let"t.tlr in Hindi to Bam Shdh ss .wll aa to ~r Si.r.lha
.Th.apo, tho-: D~d gowr no r o f tho No;lpil l tarritorias situated across tho J£lmU:".IlI ,
pr ot es ting llg!l ins t his (!'. ltc.ntion by N,~ pali troop ~ . On Nca iving this l ott.."r,
&m SM h s :"'1lt m~ssagds lUotno Singb R<lna through 2 JlIIDOdurs, ordering hia,
to free all thOBO who ' hlld oc":" n k;,;pt in ShilCk l ",s , .Bnd ascort Moor cro.p:. to
a p l.!lce calhld PCl l i in K'UJIlllun. Ho al si./ inl' ltatna 51ngh Rru!.3 tb.9t ho::
.' .would go to fo'bhtl l cl}nur per s 8 na ll.~ ! O.I: .dt:put<l tlis s on. ' In 'accordt:lnce with
th;) p:t::evailing po li.),)' uf .H.: ,:.:8 1 M t .. to off.;iond l.Eng liSJ"lm;.'n, &m Sht: h d1d. ··n:·.:> t
J,Jtl l ·h .. rshly with fuu rcroft. and his men, a lttwu.gtI b.: W/;lS infonr.l:~·· t/:lat·
thoy' had trovo1bd to Tibet. thrv ugh llupa li torrit.ory in d l.sguiso , and tha t.
t h£:y ha d at t tlmpt ed t..> f o roe the ir ' way b ack ~ £.ng1ish t e rrj.t.or y r..Icf;ying· thti
·' ...Ip.:lli gubrds. Bam Shah· d&"Spllt.Ched to Kathm~uu D r op..;rt·, ";Ic c ~,~ .p:..t (li/:-:·d ..... i1..h
th ~ .~ ttars writt~n to him by Ratna 'S1ngh RtInb ~n d.MooI~roft . ~h~ lett.6r
".: ~~v~ dataits I? f how Moorcro!t had re ached 'riblOlt, t.hrough Napal 1n disguisa
. ..
!.Ind how t.ho Nup:lil1 gua rds haJ' deto in.:d :thl.;lm on thO;1.r rot.urn .jo.u rney .63
,. . . : ', . . . . ., .

6 1. Hugh Pears , ~. £!!., p. 78.

62. Ibid, pp. 18- 19.

63 . wc cit.
.. . .
Contd •••

. ..
Wh",n -t oo" Jlllriadars ream;:,d' Meba lch£lur, 'tll:Jsa" wtiO:,wero dot.aint;;d theN
w'cIre -freed and all th:;l b"Lmg1ag~ of Mcorcroft, ~nd his party, 'o4l1ch had
boen confiscated, ~re restori:td to tht:lm. 'I'twy ' wur.; then escorted. t.v Pai1.
From Kathnwndu, .3 molssaga wa.s desplltched to Bam Sh< Nad: lilt W<lS
m t proper fur t he Englismnun 1:1) entdr into N"pr:l in disguise without .. w n
giving any n.:;ticv t ·:! '.1S, DOtwithstanding thu friundl.y rotations c:xistinl!
between tho Britiah and us. Rao1n9 thum that th'<:y . shouLd not h:;ncefurth
bi:;lhave in this manner. ' Rotum t hu ir bc l ':.Jn i;; :..r'E:'-' en.... s ~ nd _ t[-.~I~ back to thd
Company's territory." This "was in .. r.:<ply· tqBnm Sh9h'e', 1.etter·vith which
Hawking! ll)ttcr wss enclosed. Barn Shah a,e nt his son,," Laksh.abir Shah1, to
p&l!. t o c:.r.."Y out the'instructions conteinE:d in this r~ly.

On .roaching _Pal1; ~.9ksh.ab1r ~hahi told Moorcrofitha t it was ",mpro~r

for nim to bove tr.tiv"l ll.ed ,tb.rough NOJpaL, a fri enJly coun'try, in a isguis,;;
without ' informing tho Nepal govcrnmont, and t hat ho cu".ld hlIvu ~t LC.!i5t.
informod the N(~p ,d gvVElrnml::mt or Chautariyf.l 2.0: " Shah of the' purpoSQ of
thdr travol t o Tib6t on twi:r roturn fr,)rn t.hat., country ond tt,;" pla co of
th< arrivllL an tb~ ir raturn journt3y. H~ 3150 dac1ar ;~J loat it was not
r r~pc:r on tho part of the gua rds to ,detain Moorcro.ft and his party wi t.h'Jut
ord<!rs- from tha goverrun2nt.. fh announcad that. th0 S:i ldiers reSpOntllC ,;.(
- f or such "impr oper con":uct would b", punistHld. 1lowavar,' Moorcroft saia t~t
tho incident should bu forgotten 'ond thEIr!? was no ~od to p\!..'1ish tnu guardS.
l.akshabir Shah:1-, obviuusly to pl,acvto MoorcroCt, insistrld th ~ t tht) Nepal
governmoflt should punish guards.

In o'rder to fulf111 ·t.he- £ng.L1sh ' r ule rs r d\!sira to start the manufac-
'tUN of wovltln sh.::lwls, -Moorcroft ho d brought mol'£- than 50 SMtlp fraIT, 'f i but .
Moororuft 1nt ~nd~d to brl:!ed th",s ~ sh ..""p ,in Scotl[lnd ur Walo.;s bElCiJus .., L .:
h.:.d hear tbLlt.' simiur :>heup b roUght by ' Turner in lB40 Vikrama had u ...
bo:l~n able ' to s ur-"iye bac(;~ ,e f thoir inabiltt.y to , endur~ tM hot. climaW
of Calc'cltta ana the COLd -cUmaw of J:,'nglano. 4 Thl.l shoap brought by Mool'-
crol"t L'OlD Tibet. c~rriod . loa,liS of wool mtlont for' w.;sving shawls. Tb;;.-s ...
Sh~r:::p- which hadronibinod behind, wurc: ord":I',;,d t.':.' t .: "t rOJ..lght to PalL 'JUt;;r
trEn:lting ¥.oorcroft with duu court~sy" LDlcshabir Sh::- bi on:br!;-d 2 J<V1Icdars
and SOmE:t soldiers to escort' b,'1Jn up tQ th" border. On K<lrtik 2J, h~ bad,)
good bye "to Moarcroft., wt:x> than, re:t'llrnad to il.mora .65 .

Aftar retlching thd boroor , MoOt-craft took the two Jan.adars to KashipUT
(in the: Tara.i are a of K\llllf:lun) . th.>m back from there.

64~· John Pamblo, .2£. ill. p. 70.

". .......-
Hugh Poars, 0 0 . cit. p. 79.

Contd •••
When th~ news of -Moorcrott I s dEtwntion reached Calcutta, t.oo capital
ot tha Britisb Eas t. India ComplI ny, Go'Vdm') r-Qr,n"'I'E!l tU.nto told Kri B~
Po..Ind it, N';p<l l'B ..nvoy in Ca l cuttll , IIMoo rcrot t btls sunt II l et.t.ur info nning
us thEl t ho h,'d b.x n impris ono:)d by Shamsher ' Rl.llllll s ' troo ps and t.ikld with
ruP(;S ,;hun . h~ · arrivod ' at Mebtllc b.aur, situatod on t hu banka ' of th.;o RamgODg6
rivor on his way from Kerneprayog 'to Chilk~u . H~ hed u~d t~is rout ~ be-
ClIUSe- ha had 00 choice but · to pllSS througb NI' poll territory on Qis wa y ,
. back from Tibet, ~h~X'fl bu had gOM in -' search of ·horseS of diff·ll't.nt Bp,,- cl~s',
'. a nd 'shee p and goats bea ring woo l whi ch i s useful f or wonring shawls. It
is not good that our men soould b!J put . to -suc h injus tice on the. turritory
of a f rie nd ly COtultry. _You -sho uldll s eurtain too f acts 'from your Bhardcr !J
of Gadh Y.umaun . 1I kccor din gly, on Y.t_!" tik 25, 1.B69 Vikrama, Krishno Pbndit
wrok l o; 't.o Bum Shllh , 2 KUj i s .and 2 ~ ,q rdar s of Gadh KuJl'\[lun S""~k1ng
informDtion on tho incident. In his l~~tc r to Barn Shll h, Kri ~~ 1a Pandit
w:rotil, 1IIt would hava badn bettor· if you -had · i~r1 so n.;J d Moorcro!t i<nd
men · only after r~ceiv1ng ordars from ·tnG governm~ nt of N~pal a~r being
info:r:med tbat t hey b.lld lOOvod' about through Nopali torri tory w1 th tt);, a im
of e ngaging in espionllgo and orecting trouble . You shou"td hoOlve m:::rll Qr N- .
T'li nded· thorn that th£:y w!3 ru', not P,JI"ni.ttad to entur . " into our t l.-r r itory
without t tw ord.!r uf ')ur govQrnmt.:nt eve n' i f th~r sole objectiVe ""&'5 to
f ind hor ses j and thc'; n s<;.\nt tho.tM back to th eir country . , •.
When thes;J l et tor s re.--ch=d ::O~il rruk~bild J .i:,C-Jard Co l (Jbrooka, who flUlc-
tionud th ... re as r~ prt.l sonta t1vli o f t n,;, Comp:,ny t~ J v ' r nn.o;.r.t t o r :Ul;"~ terr1 to-
r_~ .J nn~xud by it from Oudb,b6 fo rwarckl d th~lIi t.o .A lnoro 1I10ng with 3

llWSsagl;. of hi s own. Tb.;; ~t ....; r s w:.m:l rucu1v,J'd by Bum- Shah on Mar g .... 27, 1869
Vikr Bmll . · Thre~ days l lJt.:.r, h.. " " nt. [.I ' r"Ply to - Krisnno Pandit, giv ing duto11a
of th'.:: ~ 1nc idunt. His ;n..ply WIJ5 us follinls: ' I have b oon or ooroc fr om KlIth_
m.:il).du to put th", guol'ds ,at· our pos t ;in fotters ·be.CljU& th;.;y h u v~ cOllllllittOJd
all oU ans", by- tying up thu. Eng l1shmtm . 1\1.; mOsslIg>:' s ... nt to m.:. fro !:! Ka t nmondu
~ t llt cs ; Thl:l Eng liS ~ fl have , no d;:.. ubt, - hB _ rrn.:ld . ttlo' f. riO"~dship 'be1?wcen o ur
t Oll.) cO\l,ntribs .by r.rying to cnt~r int.o - ')ur COU!l try in dl sg u1;a", and /l).)VQ
ilbout t.hrough .our t ..;rritory by br andJshing gUns . Evvn t.h(!o , wtJ should b..,
. c<U:l1tul not to . t<::ko any sttJp ··t:ha t undcrtllizW 'our fri endshi p (vti.h t he Eti8t
"India Ccmpany gove rn.'r.: :'It) . lh&' guards weni right 10 .:rtopping , . -thcs o' £ng lish-
men .who h" d Jlt)vcd through our 't <lrrttory in ·this mannar . But it ws not
prop(~ r for t~m to naVi) tie d them up ~ · -You 8~ 'ordt1r i,d t o" rrQ~ th,; EngUlSh-
[nan and a l low thOdlU to procEmd 'along 'wi th - th';ir ·goods • .Si;nCti th.ese · guards
h£l d committed Dn o"f,f.:msv , you should put -the m 'in :futt.tirfi an;d s,.: nd th:.:m
bllck tu Ka'thmandu..u- hccor.ding1y", : I put th~ -in f ,) t"krs £100 " d05p£i~Ch0d: th'~ 1Il
to Kathmrux:lu.1I

66 . Pepl: r s Respec ting th.) Napaul War" op •. cit. p. 250. _

Contd •••

Hc.-ving succ<;;\;;'dt:d in ' establishing c01lllOOrcial cpnta'ct.s with Tibet with

d1fficul ty ~ ',nd gained vDiu:::bb lluth,,;:ntj.c in~o~'t;ion about rout.<3S and
oth>.Jr matttc'rs at?out.N~'palJ !1oorcroft hOd cxpoackd tnat his sorvices ' would
b~ ::ldequately rewardod by tho .Company ,gov.; rnm:,nt. Howolvor, Moorcroft h.:1I1
tr<:"/'-'! l1zd, t o U~lll without , t.h~ approval of Gove rnor-G:"nt1ral Minto. Mor..:-
QV';; ~ , his "journey had rd5ulted itl the -Company gowrllfll<:nt' S Nl<ltions ', ./ith
Nepal bomg strain&"d. '.Cio'iNroor-G<.mural Minto dig , llCIt th,"r~fc.'N ..,lXprC:5s ·
enthusiasm QVl:lr Moorcroft i s edventurt:l.67 SinCtd thd tradors of Amri 'Cos!!r
hllj .started p'.l! cnas wool for w~avihg shll""ls f rom Gartok aftur Ranjit.
Singh had begun expanding his territDric" . }h.'1.'to th'3refora did nOt show
Cl ny interest in thoJ .rool tradG , £IS he apprehdndod ;tohat this .might disturb
his rolations with tho Sikh rulGr. 68 , '-
Minto tll;tun lly discouragod Englishmen from Tibet in vi·' N of
China I s policy not to , l<.Jt, any Engl1Shmanunter .Tlbe,t, i ts dQpend~ncy. H0
was afraid that any p.:;rm1sslon to Englishllldn to go to _Tibt,t _would adVi:r~dy
off03ct his r,~ lAtlons. :with China. That Minto did not act'.!D.lly want t? ,-,u--
cour,ga Englishman to t!(Iv;;l to Tibat is also pro -Id :/ his rdfusal to
po::;rmit Thomas Manning to go to Tib-.:. t as 8 r opNsGntutoive of tbd Company
gOVel "1IPxnt as' roquos t~d f or by him in 1869 1 ik r~8. 1bo~s Manning ' had
subsoqu.:mtly visited Tib::>t as an ordinary i:.rDvcll'olr, hut WDS dcport~d
fr:)m tbure.
, .

Brt tLin and Frllllc~ had rot but:n on good terms for a long timo. Buth
t.bll English and · th~ Frunch "had ,jxpDDd6d thtlir tl3rritori<l l ' posst:asions in
Indi~ . Howvtlr, the £ngU,sh f1n3 Uy succvacWd in '.oIt<Lkl3ning 7:':.r,c..: ! s hold
in lnJi:l . That Wil S \/by Froncc: had bee n waiting [Q!' ~n opportupit.y to VbH- '
quish ttw Brit.isn in Indi.:!. It want.ud to occupy Egypt. pofor";;, "launching
an invasion of Indil;!. 4Ccordtngly, Napoloon Bonapar~ invaded E&ypt' in
1855 Vikrllma. HOlooEovor, tht; 't.ngl1sh .tru,.:lPS defea ted NapQ~t!on in Egypt, _so
that his anbition to conquer Indio ri:1mair.ed unfulflll.Dd •. Latur, Elnpwror
NaPol£on succoed.ud in winning Russia over to hi~ side. In 1864 V1kramD,
. h& concludud 3 tl·,ll;ty , ldtn EIIl>!lror ~x8nder of Russia. Sine", Russia was
e~;oe: r Yp hi cally , close to India, Govornor-G ~ner~l · ,MintQ, of the East India ,
COIq:lany was ' afrDid tttllt Napol'3Dn PligJlt invado India in collusion with '
Ru:;>sia. For riiaaon, Minto ' tri .. tl to s~curo th~: suo port of thl.; Punj,jb,
JU'gtw.n1st!.'ln snd Persia, all of "nien wr.; situ2.t;.Jc! :.J .. ~wocn Russil: and , th..
COmplmY'f; dominions in Indi.,. In addition, no adopted th<J poli~y of ~void­
ing wer with tho.: natiVG states of Ind1n. · In 1867, VikrsJ!U3" difforences of

67. John Pembl.&, 2.£. elt.. 'pp. _84-85.
'6~ Ibtd; pp. 70-71.
'. .

opinion arose between Franc;:! and Russla, an::! banco f"srs of an 1mn1n<;nt
French 1nv~s 1on of India dim1nisned to some extunt. Even than, until 1870
Vikr.orntl, that ls, until th:il English bad succaudod in persuading RussilJ
to join an allianco against Napoleon, Governoz-...{len.,;:ral IHnto continued
to feor D combined French-Russian iny!\sion of India . Thi:t WlIS the r S!1so n
why he WBS oot 1n a position tQ s t:lrt ,jny W.:lr inslda India at that tim3.
Ha needod good relations wi :~ bot h l';,"'pal [,fl ( :.Dnj it Singh. That wos w!'\y
he could mt enco \U'f1ga th& mi ssion unclerwkun by thor c r uf t.

Although UJ.u COllllany govarnrnant could not derlw any 1n:unedlllte advan-
tago from Moorcroft's Journey, tho' informa tion gDinod by him 8S woll as by
Hecrs cy :Jbout. tnG ~ 1 tUlI tion of NAPDl pr9vad tQ bo o f considerable advtmtage
to the English during thair 1871 Vilq'oma war with Nepsl. Th.i s is clear from
t he considerabla corrasponda nce that took place baboon the top officors
o f the Compa I\Y gov'3rnm..;nt and Moorcroft and Hellrsoy.69 Hearsuy bimself
,Commtlndad tha... English troops th at sought to occupy XumllUIl during this "''' r. 10
This Showad that tho C011:i ~ : V ~:> vG r nm"- o.t -b€nefitWd from th.. journey of ;"ooo:r-
croft and HeOnrsey to Tibet.


69 .

££• .£!!.. pp. 41-51, 52- 59, .76-93,

70 . " Pumima, I, p . 50 .

IU. 11 n 111111111111

~ Surya ' B1k~om' G.nysw_Bl1. ·

. .
11 lUUt 11-

at th8
tine when Rat.ns" .1'18118 '.e st.Bblishdd an lndeptmdent Kingdom in Kathniwdu,
the feudal· chiefs of Futan were rising "in -oPPosition to &Y£I Nana. (:0 :: iE:l5
of inscriptions of two . Kings of this" dynasty hava' be'e n fo und. Thi;S~ a re vS
follows :.~ .:

.l~ · Vishn\l_.Slmhsis :inscription of H::t; h 674 ,Nap_bl Sem~a_t (155j - A.D.),

publ1she'd in -: the SOnskri_t S&.ndesh, -,Year .2, .Nos. 1-3.
2. Pursndarals inscription of Magh 686 Nepal Samvst. (lS65 1t.D~L
published in the Sanskrit Sandesh, Yesr I, ' No.< 8~ . '

These insCriptio:.!> mention thO;i fa llowing Kings:-

1. Jaya Simha

2. Kirti Simha

4. Vishnu ,Simha
. , (quct!m
' .
'. ' ,

5. Purandara

6. Purushot.taIll8

XSurya Bikran Gnyawali , Nepal Ut)O:lty<!.kuko -It,adhyakalin ltihas (Htldi ttvel

. History of Kattlnandu Valley). Kg tt>.mandu: Roya l titlpul. N:udenw J 2019
(1962). Chapter AV; IIPatanka ltibasko Kal.anirnaya." (Chronology of
.,, _ Pa,an), pp. 173-177 •
,, . '

Contd ••• .
--cc~, •
m ..,

These inscriptions do not. indicate thtj dyna~ty to which 'ttlttse K1ng8

bdlong""d. Vishnu Simha bets described h;i.5 mothOr, Jay<:. Laxrn i, an ornament.
of the Vais hya or Bains fDm~ly. 10t s seems t.o indi~~ t c t r~ t. th~y hed
marital ~lat.ion5 tha ancient Bains ThB kuri fDmlly of Nepal. The
llccount that fultnll Malll! reb!:lllad againSt his brother, Rays Malls, aft..:!r
t ,'1\::! death of his [£It-her, Sbttl.ed in -patan and loter established a n ind6-
pendent .Kingdom in Kathmandu through th<J boon of S "gOddOS6 ravesrs "that
this' was II vsea81 "dynasty of Patan and· had becolII& 8 rebel attar the crellth
of 'Ysksha .Mall ...."The
. 'King of !.his ~ d,yn8s~y may M:ve
. helped
- ".
Ratns ~iil3'
. to
astabl1sh. an independent Kingck>m ·1n Kfithmanclu. , 101,thpugti in; tbesCl 1n~.i:1.p-. ..
tion~; V!shnu . S1m ~.l: nnd ?urandars .Simhn have adop ted too s tyle of, iOO.epd,n-
dent 'Ktngs'.'whllo :referring to th.d.,n · n:: ,! !)stors j t~,., Vt.nshova l1.s .sta.oo .thrit
Purancl.u3 cons~ruct' ~d' th.O temple 'of Vishnu .during "the r e i gn of Yahti n 4r<! '
M::ltla in K£lthmandu~ This s'oows that 'his position was not r. :"~ht: r th::ln ·.that .
of a ·vassal. · TM SO . K.iogs assumed titlLls appropriDta ' to iilcil:tpunoont Kinrs .
w.hen: the KwgdOm-of Kathmandu hod been weakened and it hoo ~. ask for ha1p
from ·Patan •. But they wer:: in r ea lity vassals, In the end , ~iV8 " SiInhB
dethroned the ·last ruler of this dynasty somu tUnHbe!01'-3 ·7.2) 'Nepal Samnt
(1603 ~A.D.). end..appointed 'his son, Th.akul SimhO, as 'thd 'feudal chi~f of
Patan~ Although the: cxoct d'e- t o of t.l":tis chnnga . is not !mown, 'this event ;
may hDve t sken place during . the .:lnd of tohe l~th' c~ntury :or ·thd begi~1rig..
of t ho 17th ~entury. . ' . '., .
.- ' ; -. ' : '
. .. . . Shiva S1mha's ' 50P, "'l'haktil Sims, also se~ms UI ban di... d early.
Another. son. of· Shin ' Si.JI!h8, HarlhBra SimhB, was then ap~lm tjd 3 ':> t o",
feudal chief Q! F"atan,,; ~ 'Ih & Vamshava lis stllta that .be declared hiJDsi..;U
1ndapfmciant whtln hisfathar Was still ·alive. Hc; migbt nnva dont! so bac<:usa
of differcnca s with his father. Hori.hartl Simhu nppears t.o havo di",d soon
thoreaft8r, howC:!wr . Afwr hiB d<wtil , his son, Siddllinaratiirrha Malla,
:'~ c l.:mo t-hc f .:udal cLie.f··of .Pct. £: n. hc;o!"ding to th= Vamshiivatis, t.his event
took place a round 740 Nepal 5amvot ~ lu2 0 .A. I} .). Siddhinaras JolallD
appears to have proclaimed h1mseU 8S thii indl)penden t King of Pat:'"o 10
years after tba death of Sh1vtl S1mba. This is corifi':,rr'1d by 8 coin i:sSUE:d
by bim in 751 Nepal Samvat (16,31 J.1 .1;I.). ..... :
Some ins criptions of ' Siddhinarosimhll Hallo, as . wlill as monuscripts
writton dur ~ ..: bis time, hovl3 bOf>n foun~. An inscription of Falgun 757
t; ,;p-H S2Jllvot (16) B ,,·. D. ) , f ound at· th., Radhakr1s~ tomp1e 1,n Patan
(Bhagavanlal Indrajf, )10 . 17) conteins th e nsn:es 'Clf Siddh.1nDrasiJnha Mall.::. 's
anc'JstoTS, bog1nn1ng" with Kin8 :Maoo:! .... :ra Ma lta o! Kattuaandu. Th,j list is
8S follows:-

1. Mohcndrs .l'ia.lla .

2. Shlv8 Simha Deva

3. Harlhara Simh8. (~o~n: La18mati)

4 . Siddhinarasimha
" ,
Contd. ·••
" ' , " , .'- .. , " ' , . .. . . . ' ..
, ,.'-4. suka

ooin ' 1sSU~cp)y " Si~dhil:lBrll8imha M8~~aj b~aring-,t~c da ~ ' 771.

Napsl Saznvat (1654 A.D.),- has be ~ ri foUnd • .h.c co):·ding t o .t he V£lmsh'.!.. is,
the chariot of "',n ts yencirlJIlsth collaps ed and broke do'\t.T., a nd se w r ' 1. o't ~ r
inauspicious ev~nts tOOk ·pla c;o J ,1n ~~ ya ar~ It is ' poss 1bla t ha t - tD',;
coin was issued to t!Onmem r a t(j the PreJpitia tOry ceit.!ILlnies . 'lhe '" VamsM -
voli s el80 state that S i dd h1narssi~ Malta b a ca~ a mendicant in ' 777 N~ l
Samvat (1657 A.D. ) 'and Pe rl'ol'lb3d ponan~ p . The N 113 e vidence tha t 'later h!J
roeidsd on the b anks of :the Gap,ge ri"96r; Th is . i~' Proved by thtJ Yogumati
inscription of Pa tlln. (tni.agavae"tel _Indraji, No. 22). PrObably S1ddhinart! ..
s1mba Ma Us , 'Went to 'V~ra.
~-!5i to spe nd ' hiS. last,. days th=r~ . . .
" . ' .. . '
Shriniva8s Halls'. took ovor the r eins of a dministratiOn in 77 7 Nepal
~amvat (1657 A. D.). aUt it ' is po t~~b ll3 that hl! ;"-',15 fo rmally 'c rowned King
only three yam-a lster. hn insc rl p-,,-,-on dated e O). tkp a 1 S':;:;m"\Ts t ( 168 ) A. D.L
which has been found at Natwa Vihar8 in Pa tan, indicat os t hat t his was
tho last yea r. of hi o r '.ll o ". 1 have seen lIn ' in:s~r:iption dated '.80L Napal
Samva t ( 1684 .H .O.), which his s on, ' Yogannrendra Malla, ' J¥ld l,mtl:tlled in
Kirt1pur. .

. Sevor coins and ma nu scrip~ of Yo g ane r~ndra Halla's timG hav~ bean
found. ' Onc 9f his coins was minte d i n 82 0 N(-P¥l Senrvs t (1100 M.D. ) .
Yoganarendl"a Ne a few years tharaaf te r. IP t er coins show
. that acute civ 11 .," iv<'U.od in Paten after his d~ ath . '!'!'.'::~\: co i)ls
are as £o11ows l-

. Date
• ,Issu:ld In 'lbd' Na~ Of

B26 1706 ,Jay~ . lilqr¥ Ma.lla-Ehags;rati ..De.v~

, B26 1706 -
..' .. sha NllllB<l
' ' .
ti 'Ikvi
. '

. 629 1109 Vir~~ra Bt$a Malla-':'Yogamat1. Davi

. . . . ' ... . _. . , .
829 1709 Ja Ya vlra!J.L'l hcn:! r a Malla

B32 1712
B3S 171S Hr1dinaras1mhs MDlle'

BJ6 1716 do,

637 1717
F ' . • ••

Contd •••
Yoganarendra Malls was succeeded by Indra tlallll, the son of
his GldtJr
·sister. This was not likad by Yoganarendra MDllal~ daughter, Yogamati.
She thereforo proclaimed her 80n, Lokapr 2k a ~ hD, as King an d had COLns
mint Gd in bis nBme. But Yogapr::kasha di ed soon t hc;:r e'(I f tor. tln d et,J :.Jho
m<ldG V1rantl rasimha King. MI:a nwhlle , lndru HIlllo t oo died. Another f ac tion
thon proclai mod Viramahendre MJlla, Dn ille gitimute son of Yoganarendra
.Malla, as King; Loknprtlkasha, ·s on of a King of ' ehakt~ur, ~was toon made
King. Subsequently, Hridinarasimh8 proc1aim.:.d himsolf King and mint('d
coins i n his n ime·. One yoor later, King Bha skar;J MellD of K<lthmandu bl:-
oaJnC KL"lg of Patan 8 S w<.: l1. As King of Patan, h<t minte d coins unde r th ....
titl€: of ;·:.oI hen::h:,a Simha . In his co in of 837 N:. p~ l Samvat (1718 .!i.·.D.), tlr;
a sSW!!!)d t he ti tl~ of IIGNs t King U ( Ra j araj£lshwdr a G1rindra). He die d in
8 42 Nepal Silnrvat (1722 ·A.D.). .'

. V1ramah"indra ~ ll.a a ppea r s t o have bedn su·c cGedod !.by. Vishriu" Malla,
although "fright (p. 249) g iv ~~ t.~u mUll:) of th& S UCC D s~o r as -::(,-:npr .1ka Sha.
But Wright himse lf h4S written that Yogapr <J. ks sh3 di-.:d 1n 81.3 :~ .1,-,1 ·:'C1 '.'3t
(1723 J~ . D .). If thus Yogapraka sha had u t:: CO iOO K1ng} he o:",ly r uL d bric.:f l.y.

Vishnu Maile I s nl1e too wa s not peaco!ul, btlcausu coins beoring th;~
na~ of Rajyaprakas ha and dated 855 and 856 NapDl Samv at ( 1735 A. D. anj
1736 A.D.) han been fo und . This p roba bly ind1ca tes during th~ Nign
of Vishnu Malla, a rivtll f ectio n ~ roc ~iJ:l6d Ra jyaprakashe Malls, son of
King Jagll j jaya· Malta 0 '£ Kat. ~TT'..1nc.i1.! a s King of, Patan. Th.:J abov..:-nention:::d
coin' of &jYDpr.::lka s hp. M<::l!. D b~ t: "-; ;h ~ n 3me o f Yogarulrnndrtt Mall.& a lBo,
p r obeb ly i n a'l ll ttempt t o 's how tha t Ra j yapr nkusn,1 :-::1113 'U 8S t he r I:Ja1
h"~ ir of tt.::~ r "!.n ~ . Vi s hnu Malle retalia t&d b ... . !lba,...n g.a c oin in 86 1 t4~ pal
S.. mv at (174 1 i..D.) in th..:: n8ln'J of Jaya v1vr.yogill'..lI rendrs HallD '!Dd t. hc.r ..)by
provir.e: that. h.;. was toh.) re al ht-l :1r of YogsllllrGndra Mall.9.

" . Too conflict wos TC so lvod when V1shnu Malla accept ... d Ra j yapr.!:lks sho
Mllllb as hb succe ssor . (Wrh~ h t, · p. 249). Vi s hnu ·Mall..Il di~ d in 864 N.:-pal
Samva t ( 1744 A.D~) · and was :o:~ .::c e(' d....d by J.laj ya er ~~ sh8 Malle. Rajy~pr e kasha
Ma llu t oo dil>"d in 8 16 Nopn l .:><Il ; , I :·~t ( 1758 L~. D.) . ~. fre s h c ivil strifa .
e nsuod in Patan. .

Rajyap r.:lka sha Malls was -Buccotrda d by Vi,shwajit ·~..3 1la, a son of Vishnu
Mull.llts s i s ter. A coin of 878 N;:pt: l &!mvat ( 1758 A.D:), min"ttld 1n hi s M Ilkl ,
has been found. In tha t same yoer, or in t ho f o llowing yoar, V1s hwa j it Me lt;)
Commit ted su1cida~ Th.oNafter, King Jll.ytlp r3kll~hD Malla of Kathmandu oocam'.;!
K1ng also of Patsn~ But hu was SOOT, n 'pln ccd by RaJlBjit Malla, King of
Bh a kt~ur. 'I'he drama soo n r ': 'p ell t cd it~ ~lf llnd Jay aprakasha Malla was T t.' -
stored as King of P.:I t a n ; : !~ W.l S ag ain dethrone d, and Pri thvi NaraYlln $hah
was invitod to b e co ~ King of Patan. H~' sent hi s brother, Dalamardan Shah,
1n response to th1B 1nv1t.ntion. Da lamllrd4tl Sh ~ ~ 1:>e Cbr.:o King of Pata n '1n 684
Nepal Samvat (1764 A.D.). He was dethroned a fter on~ year. T~ja~a r os imha
Malla than bocame King of Pawn in 86.5 Nepal Sarnvat (1765 1•• D • •1. It waB
during his !, in 886 Nepnl S3n .....nt (1768 A.D.) that Prithvi N :~ ril yan
Shah conquered P&tan.

Land R8~i8mat1Ori '.In "UdByapur:-

. ..
. -, ,., . ',' . .
..... ~ ,.. To members of 8rstunan; 1'belcur1j ' Khas, Hag8t:, "Gurung, Preja nnd Pauni
. (untouchable) castes, s18vas and bonc..sman 0;: 'all the four castes and t h1r':.y-
au: sub ..castes who ba"ve fled to ·Ind1a - (Moglanf mm our territor1 o~ for
fear ·of 'their eredi tors 0" • • • •

, Cori)9 back and cultivate lands belongmfr ·to', thd Gorakh Company in
Udayapur ' along ..... ith your fIl mi'l,y. W~ hereby direct that crl3di tors and
s lave-ownara shall not seize thsm, but 'sh z ll r a co '!C:' th0 ir dues afwr
the ir debtora, slaves and bondsmen acquire tho means . In 09 50 (ered! tors
., and slave-owmre) use ."torce, thay shall be doerred to have comrri' a n
9tfenao. : ," - . "

Shrawan Ea,dl 4, 1883

(July l P(6 )~

2 • . h·o'm Ku;g Rajendrs,' :

, .'

,. . To membe rs of Brahman,' Thakuri, \Ulas , Mllg~r , Guriine . Proja s nd Pauni

(Wltouchable) castos. as well as all of ' the f o ur c.;:..;:. __ "'r.d t!""_::' !""':r ~5ix
.. 8"ub-C05t~5 w o bovt:i c scapad.. to India (Mogl an) .('ram our. t tl rritories ( t:.J
avoi c ?unis~~nt) on lif~ and pr~pc rty afte r committing murder or o ther
er.1nl:! 8 . .'

We hereby pardOn all critr'Ll s i l~·oJ p~i6bn'lant on life and prop<)rty
eonanltted by you in the past. With JU(; DSSur3I}C\;l , coma back along with
year family and cultivate lands bel.Jnglng t o tha Oor£lkh Company in Udaya pur.

Shrawan Badi 4, lea)
(July 1826 )
Rugmi Re s ellrch Sories , Vol. )4, pp . 4~ -4$ .

It It llIlIlIUO...'

,. '


JagadiSh Chandra- Regm1

The' a~a ' of' Katiunandu ValldJ': i s 209- sq .. . 2 ·Notwtth.standing fts .
. . . '.. .. -. . .,.:, " . ' - -~: ,
small ar~:<.l , . i t has abl e nat.uia.L; po litical. a nd 1.0luor t:..n~ •
. . . . . . .. .
According to 'thD lege"nd, th~ :Valley lla<! orlgina't6d. -w1th · the _dryin g up
of a vast lake. On the basis of ttlt: topo~raph1ci:ll !aat.urtls of thia BI"I:18 , \
schola'rs ·bel:u-ve this lfSs how i t h~ d come into bel-pg. Similar nays have
bt:len expressed 'l'6g11rd1ng th~ origin of tht:: term IINepslll. Originally J KClth-
mend!.: ValleY .Ir.ight have b ~en callf:fd !!!'Japs ).!! for eertllin :reasorn;, and . ~ h is
llllme of this ar ea might probably h.!lve bean retl!ined' as such after its Uirr1_
tories I:!xtc.ndcd to, ~5 rd s ao th t n"" tiE:s t .;.::( t !1.e .:es t.

The history of KathmfZldU ,Valley, like that of Nepal, beg"ins w1tn: tl'lf..:
K1rll t pe riod. HoWl:<V"~:'~ "the hi·s tOry of this area· app8l:1rs to have assum-ad 8
C'::ti':'lite shBps only fitter t h(j b~g1nning ot rule, which la s ted'
f rom tone first to the e ighth ccntW'Y. 'l'brarE(do not exi s t any sourCgS other
then contumpors ry s tone insc ription s · which may help us to know about th~
hiStory · of the Lichchhavi pu riod. Most of thd" inscriptions ·of ttb ·Lic hchhavi
period mve b·~n dis co'!e r {! d in Kathmandu Vall~ itself. One each of s.uc n
inscri"p-tions has been found in .Gorkha, Kewalpur · (W~st 1: 0 . 1), Sango, La 1a
Dnd Plllanchok os well. · Tp~ concentr~ tion of stcr.a i" sc-.. ip t1ons ·of the L1 c h-
ch;1avi ~ riod in Kathmandu Valley indicates th at it mus t ·have b&0 n ~ 3 : ... : ~~ ( . r ­
tant area at that tlmt:l . This probably ~xp18~ns ~ Radha Govind Basak , an
Indian hist.ortilll, . ha s · awn o)q) rassed ·.the view th·" t .thi:l . ~~r1 tory- of Nepal
during th~ Uchchha;vi period wa s co nfin<:~ to or extended a · little bayond ··
Katr~~du Vall~y.3 ·

mandu: Ra "tllu Pustak ~:~~::~~~;:!

<1 1
Upa tYllka: Ka"t.h-
Parichaya. n ([In In~oduct1on To Th", Geo...r aph;y Of K.. t r,m.'H.U.l Valley),
pp. 106-110. '
. ,,,'
2. P.P. IUtran, Nepa l, p.93 .. However,
another source gi'''''' • A.L. Pradban,
p . L Ot.he r sourCE:t S state that Kathlrllndu Vallay
square milos .
3. R. G. BSS8K, History at North-EDs t a rn Indic , p. 239.
Contd •••

- . . ." - -'--'-.. -•.- .- ... - - . -- .... -..

_ -'~, ... .. . . . ' - ... , -

.:': -"NOw loft us dlscvas :toM ::.1:.qpQgr:~ pb;y: : 0.£ Kathm'!:ui.du Valley as.1 t ~:4stod
dl.ll"1ilg th;~ Llchchhavi ptl~od. : The state inscriptions of this pElriod Nf'tH'
to scores of place-na~s, but most of th~se Dppear to ba of noD-SanSkri~
origin. Such place-names as MOkhoprim, Khripung . Lernba ti and Bugayumi cer-
tainly are not of Sanskrit origin. Howewr; i t has no t be.;!n pos$L>l& yet
to es tablish their ori gin. But it is likely that ttwsc place-names derived
from the languag es- SPOkUl: by t h<3 Kiratis s nd a trur autochthones of th~
valley. Such na mes hEllp to s lhld light on thtl ",thnie Bnd cultural background
of Ka~~du , Valley at that tl00. ~ltnough tba Lichchbavis and oth-=r Hin ~'.l
or J.ryan, c.o:nrnl1llitl.:1s had '·populOr.iz.:.d J4:ryan culture and th tJ Sanskrit l<1C5U;
in ' Kathmandu Valley aftar settling he~, thd ~raditional nam~ s of its
diffor~nt -places appear to have remained uncnenged. Sc:: v cr..:~ aoc Lnt p1.6Ctl-
-names of Kat.tJ.m&ndu Valley are still in usu. Whib.i tht:N ar c- 5tl'I&,<:I 1. ' piQco-
nainas of ,3::mskr_it origin :;t pre&ent, m':lr-y others art) d.::r'i vud from locnl
d ialects!. Th,es!l_ include ltayachhe~- InllYCl9ho, 'Kw<lchtle, Xh<mjtll~ Kije, Chur-
pirigal,. to c1OO, only s - -f ew. The" £.;:;ct that such ancient placo-namessrould
havo'remained in US~ notw1th stu ~ din g tho advent . of th~ ~an cultur d in
thl;3 va lley 2000 years ago makes i t s cultural herita'g e uniquol. In this
contuxt, it should'b", noted that th'1 n amr;> of .;!very country, prov1nco c .
10c.0.lity h as.CI history b~hind : it. Ai; an eX<Jmp l e , - wo mtly.cith tho nam ~~ _
Katbn3ndu, '<)\",-:'.-:h is thd corrupt form of J:;~st halll<! ndElpa, wh:'t:h literally
means ,8 w~odon building .. - Th,~ aI'\is kmwn as Kasthcmendap g:t::Ddually uxpand 9 d,
" nd this name has now coroo co d.l-noto tl1~ entire. va lley •
.. , -, .
It is diffi9ult to identify tho3' pr~sent!on of most of the plOces
'i oontionl::ld 1n tP~ sto M ins criptions of ~hc period .. However, in
a f("w _ ca~e.s,:thC! old n~s hDve now c~ang~d. It would be po~s1blt, to iduntif.1
'By-cn plaGBtI on tile bas i s of philological principl,es. The following ' chart
would make . . t.hi s po int, clearl
.. \ '
. .. >

, ' -. ---

, -
. ,. ~ ,," ""

BugayUm1 B\Ig""t1
Uparinlilnal.3ng :Nal¥' '. "
, '

Thenco .Tl'wnkot
, , '

~.!l~o '.
. ,'. '

LanjelgwaL Lagan
., .

Contd •••
179 •
Sanga 540ga

Bhumbhu.k.kika Bhu i jsi !'D

Ston;;; inscrir.tions of t.b.<l LichchhaV1 p~riod ON found nor(l .:n:d th~ ::-", in
the valley.• 'l hdsa ara coqcl:lntrat;;d in WE:.:; ar~(:s of thu vBll.:Jl. :lQw•. v",r.
~ae ar~as ore now c~llud Kantipur, Bhaktapur and Lalitpur. Th~re is .no
- 6ViduncJ tll.!lt all th~st:l thra.:: arGDS had acquired a urb'm ch<:l"ractor during
the Lichchnavi p~riod. The ~ntion of tbQ names of n~rous villages ln
tbecont.emporary s t (m':: inscriptions proVElS thbt al.,roost all set.tWm.,nts in
Kathmandu Vall!;;)y at. tM t.ima W<.Il'\J largely r urel ln charllcf..<.,r. How~vt)r, a
town n<lln0d Sambapur is known toO havIJ existvd ~rru.;Wh._ rc inside Kathm:mdu
V<t lll:Y dnring that plOlriod ... worn-out stOIlli inscription found at 118)(61
IfiiIntioru; .:kl.1lUapur. 4 ounshuvarme,ls inscription f ound .:: t Hcndigt:on also ITf..;n-
tion 'this Th;:. three towns of KathlllDndu V~ L:''"l l~U:;t . .<1 ~ , d'JV0iop,-,d
during the .m(:d1ev.11 pGriod.

1ichchhavl Namo Of K~ntlpur

As in d~.c atGd abovo, the town of Y.~tbmandu as OM seas today did not
8 .at duriq ; th" Lichchhavl period. l'k;)dorn Kc "lmandu was than d Ko li-
·grama or D:lks;llnB Kol1grama. Tl'\is 1:> muntiOD ) ·j in , stOlm inscript.1ons of
tl"l,; 11chchh.lvl p'c rlod.6 This name appa.:Jrs to hO"M c onti nuad in .'l somewiw t
ChangCld fonn until 1450 A.D. A manu'> cript writt.;Jn during that :r0 ..r Contdns
t !1Q ,lO rds Ja malganth1 Koligrmn~. 7

4. R. Gnol.1., N..,pal>..:s<J Inscript.ions In Gl.lpt.a Cnarc.cteI"S, p. 120.

5. Ib id, p.• 49.•

6. 4bhl1~kh Sangr~ha, Part I~ p, 25; Gno11, pp. 68, 72, '78, .81 .a nd 88~
7. Purnima, 9, p. 10.
Contd •••
180 • .

Lichchhsvi "Nnm", Of Bhadgaun ".-

.. Bhtldg"aun blld not b"come an url>en area during the Lich-
Thd name ot Bhedg:llln artltl <':pP::l.:Jrs to ht! vtl ctlllllg",d
tilt< il
l.ittle th~ Lichchhavi poriod .2nd row i t has l!o!nll lo~ , · ly chnllg' d.
Shivadeva I's inscription Qll1;ed 5911 ;\ • .0., found llt Gol.mildhi-'l'ol in Bhadgaun,
!'I'I<lntions Makboprim.8 How,)v.::r, th~ ston<:l inscription of the S"WI\Z King found
at Tu l tlChchhu Tole in BhadgElUn also muntions Khripung Grmna.9Tw st-on",
inscription fcud at Y': ~.:· l':l ToLl .::.150 nYantions N.!lkhodulu.LO Prim 000 Dulu
a~ suffixoJs. Thus ail th~S<l tb.N0 nrunos BOUnd thJ sruna phontJ'tlcl:lly. 'l'I US
m:::ms that tflcj thr:i;;;i ' Mm;;S curr,mt during tn::: Lichchhnvi p-.:riod w.:r..: t ll,::,
~ar li~r forms of KhwlipU, th·;: m'.Jdil..:Vill oom.: of Btt:'d grun . K::w.:.pu is L0'" t"~­
oounc(;d by th~ NfJwari-spe<lking pooplus .!lS Khop . It su ... ns to · h~vt:I l::t;quir ",d
the Sanskrit noma of Bhok~pur 's inc~ ~~ ~di~v~l p~riod.

Lichchhavi NI;:DL'':: Of P~tan

Th~ Pato;n Ol'l;j<) too ~ad not. Qcquircld .. n urb3n charuct.C:- during th~ Lich-
chh~vi period.farmbrly, th~ru ~xist8d s~v~ra l vi11 ~ gus in t his ~re~. p~~Ln
town emc.rgad from th", r;l'iJwth of- th(!s", v111agbs.

Mcording to B.&burl:lm Acnarytl J UUpllgrama lL , ~ntlont:d in a stQll'': inscrip-

tion b<Jil)ru;;i:' 5 to th,; L1chchha~1 p.::rwd, )ins ·th.t ol,d rwm..: of Yanla (Neweri
of Pa ,t an).11

The tenn is r .;·.f,;,rrud t o in throo stone in~cripti\m5 of t.hi..: •

flll "
L1chchhavi p<.;riod.12 It ~pt;1.: rs to bel"l;; chongcd <md been replaced bj"s difi'er
Sr.nskrit Mm::: during th·.,) m'Jdi>Jvol p,:;riod •

T'v, culturtl1 und g'3og raphical background of Kathmtndu ValllaY thus appears
to bo L:Jtcr"lsting. From the cul'b.lrel viewpointJ this '2rea, which r~m3 in<- d
t.hd C>Jnter ~f Nt:pol during , th<3. Lichchhavi, ' madi ovDl 3lld Malla p.triods, h~s
hZlrdly any para llel in th'J world. 'rh.::: soil, tClT{ll~s, idols arid stow ,inscriP-
tions of the va li.ay pNSOrviJ its nearly two ·millennia old history~ For 2000
y.-;-ars, it bas rt::m3ined th<: capital of n. t::.9.¥!l~try. Hencd , ,i t is a PWCiJ of
historic and L;st1ng ilT{lortmc(' •

., 8. Gnoti, 'p. 32;

9. Gnoli, p. 3J t
9 •.

' 11. Nnpali, 'w" But ?<lburam 1Lcharyo has put forward tb<;' strangtl tlrg~nt t.huti
.~ t.!'!i.i ttn'm .y'Up8 1s·,o f Kirati origin. Th", t,,,,rm ioG :I ctua lly uf Stmskrit :>rig in •
.. . :~
r~ , . . -
12'. ~il~kh Sangraha, p. 26; Gnol1, pp. 90 and 113.,
, .•
J. ~ '" .~ • 111111 11 III 11111111111
; (S . B.-..J:.Iaharjan).
Regmi R~BCarcb'(Pr1vilte) Ltd
Kothmanduz' October 1, 1973.

Ragmi Rllooerch Scri<':6

~ ". ,-Yoar 'S; r·
.Nei '10; .
, ' ,

Editod By
M-lhJ~h' c. ·RJgmL.

" '


, ,

1. Sex ·,.Ana· M8iTiego:' R... gu li'tlons' . ,

In ThiO'",stcrn- 'fnll' Re.gioni.:
1851 .. '. , 161
, 2. :InterViews' With&blir...nt
, AChllrya ,. ' . 182

J .' ' Trad~ And 1 fndUstry In Mci' . nt

. ;". Nepal ' ••• 194
4 . 'History' Of ·P8tan, .

..... 196

. ,

:Rf,grn1 ' ~scarCh ;(p'r1vatc) "Ltd,

u.zimpat, Kathmllllciu, N.'l pal.

Comp1l.dd by &:lgmi itcseerch (Privet,, ) Ltd for p l' h l .l t;;.

study and rese arch. Hot meli'lnt , for"public s.!llt:l "o'r tl:ispIllY •
. '. '." "

Sex And Marriage Regulations I n The Far-\'lestern Hill R~giona,


. In case any person conuuit.s adultery with a marric::d woman, nod tht: husband
_files a complaint, the court ·shall f!ealize Ra 28 fronl thCl r",r 1~nd
hand it. ov~r to the husband.
::n incest is involved, action shall be taken according to the 1£1'w.
Ctl S6
, ,. .
t\ JlIisi Brahman snall not t ake up the wif£:- of his elder brother as his
own wife after th<: deat.h of -sucil broth~r. In ca se he does so, th(;' woman
shall be ~perated snd the Mln shall be tired with Ra 20.

I n C3se any person is guilty of incest, infanticide or housl;;-bre l',

he shall be punished according to th6 law if he beloIl:s t.o a casttl whicn
carnet be enslaved; i f ho:l bulongs to B liquor-drinking (Matwal1) or
untouchable ( ~4.chhuti) casttt, he sball be "enslBved. '.

1, person b81onging· to the Khas or Khasiy~ ca::te :: "wy t .;;:ke up tht' wife
of nis e lder brot.h'lr as his O\ffi lOifo a fto r t tk d·=:at.h o. sl.:ch brothor wit!":
her con rent. He ner.d not pay any lOOney far doiq; so. No fint; sh<l ll bb .
impos u i on him on' the g nnmd that h~ has t.ake n up the wife of his (:."c. ,
{-J lder brother as hts own wifo . But if tlk younger brothor takes her away
forcibly. even though she W':lOts to ranlOin chast.a to h .. r ( dea d) husba nd,
b. shall be p\Uli sh~d wit~ . a fina of Rs 20 . The woma n sh!lll b", pormitted
to go wh03rever mo wants. I n CDSO her paternal r~ l a tiv.;s giw her away
forcibly to tho yo,,,.~ ' ):' , b:r:othor (of her doa d husban d) or :my othGr pJrso n
on payn~nt of nnn~y, t.he 3I11ount sl1tl11 b<:: r·",co V!~r c·-j ':1d II fin; of Rs 20
sna1l be imposad on th~.

Tllosa lOno nue d ex .iation in off~nsi::s relDt1ng to untoucllability ClnG

cO~'1nansal rela tions 511,311 bu grant.<:;d expiat.ion in the presance of a r.::pn;-
SJnt.<1tivo of th" religious authorit.y (Db£t rmudl1ikarn).

Kartik Sud i 8, 1908

pp. 85-100.

.182, '

Interviews With Baburam 1.char,ya


Where was Mallapuri, which la mentioned in tne Cbangu j.nscrlption,

located 1_ .

Mallapurl ;.;ns located in Parasi.


. -Recently,' B profe"ssor -daputed by the " DapsrhneJl.t of Culture of th<J

Tribhuwan University saw ruins in an DreR of 4- square mil'3s insidE< thtt
It.:.danda for':5ts across the GlJndaki riwr in tht:l P<:lrasi orea •

• -- .. 'Did
. , bA' find any inscription thero '1
He did not ~y anYthihg sbout 'inscriptions. But he thinks ttlSt tll:t
"ruins belon€1. to tht:l 6th c,mtury B.O.

i·n ewer

Thst doee not mean much dlfferencd.

Does ttli5 show that Ma.Ll.apuri was loeatea llcrosa the: Gundala. nvt:z 'i


-Mallapuri was located in ' the ancitillt homeland of the Mlllas. When
th ~ Guptas were vanqulsood by the Huns, thf:j frontiE.,r chieft3ins bdcltne
:' '''o:! p.:p'2ndent~ When'h":! care to' know of this ', Manadt:va led .'In expo:!dition th t::r~.
l:~ r!:' are reforon6es to sho'v that..he took with him horstfs end ~ lt:phtlnts
"to fight "a wBr ~ "His ro ut.: llJY through Narayangaqh across the Triveni riv>-r.

COl1td. ~ ..
:. ...'1.8,.

What is your opinion . X\:jgarqj,ng l-1al.l.:lkaru '1

.' ..
'l'htll'fl weril taxas of msny kinds, of "Which H... llDkara was'one. Sylvsin
Levi was wrmg in ssying·: thllt it ll13e.nt a t ax i rnpos·,d on th~-l ,MDllss of
··C.:·.: .


""cording to 3nd Rlgmi, Mal.lakara mEillnt .atax iflllos..., d on

M91las . Is this so ?
, . . ..
Ma llakara had ' nQ_. .cPJlIl<!ction 'Hi th t,h!-J Malta - c .otlJllUD.ity . It was -(I tax
loviod un~ ",. ~restling socidt.y.. ,
. -' ,

io.'h€:rcwr Molla!(ara i s m<:.:nt.ion_,c1 in ios;.itutious, trr..'!'€ are r ·-ff..::-

rcI!.~S also to cocks, pi~s, f-ish, titc, 'as 5.:n thJ BUngmati inscription.
Elsdwht;re too, it is lIli:ntion~d iri th":! contti"X"1. of tax o;lx:;,mptions OQ birds
and ~ni!Tld lti. T'ru.·r" are s<lparatc. r..:ferences in tiL inscriptions indicaung
th" "to c.x ::m [o\1:!ll<:l,5 !lnd on tt:...:!.r young ooos. I"to tnus ap~.:-.r!.i th:.: t M:J'llc(
d ...motdd a d:lm·_ s tic b ird or ~r4lTlil~ .Lilb chiok'-.:: n: or pigE . nnCl '" "h.. :. . ,;<
iJTlX)s",d on- it w<:;s kno\/ll ris l".tILL.Jkaro:. Had tnt; t.Jx b/;l:n il~,t>o:,; ... ':... 0!1 <11".:1::>"'-
l, th", qU(J5tion of it b<.,i.ll~ bvi"d also from 1tyoung on.sll \.:ould not.
h9.Vd oris.;n •

Tha Thllnkot inscription l!Illy mdon that it was u tax on wrestling,
like G0j'"11dJ!'"'IIOI'."..l (t~ y. on bull fights).

." .

But th:~ b:trm used in the inscriptions is Mnl.laka ra, not MDllayuddhe-
kara . Tb<! issuo is _8. . v~rs~a~ o~. But' D S T.U-dY, ofUchchhavi . ins,~ri:P-!l~1
tions wouhl show that .Mallakorcl ~ant · a tax: i m?Qs, cl on an animal; kt· pf\;'s. .
rnol\::~, bur tatoo5 of "o c~rtain ktrld' ara knolm as lIMc1-l':;,r..a . 1l Thdre. is no dirt:lC~
-',' reference to m01El b.uffuloes . jiurlilg tooc' .Lichchhav1 .period. You have said .
th::lt r-taQadevr took buffolo~-ment~ hut . r:::-.-Ih(lre in thQ ins \.;L'"iptions j.:j, tho ra

Contd •••
. 184.
. '.
My r ,!fcr oncc to male buf fa l~s.l Th~re was no sepa rtlte
tax oa the youn g
of Mnlla kllr s. _...
. ones · o! chic ken i! nd pigs , but ther e WlIS one in tho OD SS
buff alo'. Tb,., .
Thi s ' obvi ous ly' lI).~ ans that .tha t.,arm ka Ua ne a ~.t_ the mp l a
que stio n need s furt h er r tlse lJrch ".

i.iu8s tion '

nugu pta Dn d oth ~r
Wha t was ,thCl r~lt;l tiomlhip bat~~~ ~lBh.n':1guptC, Vish ir$s ? ", .

,-Vi'shiiugup~ was ~ son ,of . Jlsh nug: upta .
~ues ticn

J,bn1rll~upt a s 'I
What was t heir I'>:Jl&t lons hlp with ttw form ar

They bBlonged to the sama fam ily. Is not tht1r~ evio onca t hat tht:y -.::..
weN tho gr :'nds ons of ~twumBguptcl 1

QueB tion

BhawuaguptB or Bhuma gupUl ? r _

BhulJ.e. g~ ta • .

i ns c rip ti c ns
Bhumagup1;a is mcnt1oIl(~d on : y ll t t wo p lll;::as . Mo st. of th ~
Jlsh nug uptJ. ; snd .
m'.lntioa Bhau lMg upta .- On ly in 'Chu lD 'k 'r insc ript ions of
Na~;lIl;dra deva is t.h'; nan ~ giv,-, n . a ~ :~hu~~~~a~

b~ n fOUD:f".Bt ·_ TBU~': l' rtice n~ly ":

L An i~J~ rlption ot; /!mshuvarma ~DB
P">" "'. that burf alo- f arm1zlg was duri ng th:.~ ' L1chch.tuivi 'PI, riod .
(His tori c a l "Ma teria ls ID Tile

Con td •••
-'. .

. J,nswr
.,.: .' -.
.' . Bnumagup 11:1 . and Btisumagupt..'l e: ro two -dif£{Jr ent pur SOD S.
occupiad the .throne, whiL.> BMwn:lgUpta -ba-d Jlo_t ',-
;;Uost.ion "- '. -

This IXlint is no t v£ry c lenr.

, • .<' ," '
"W:h01Tl do ,
you .-,con
-. s1c\or


BhWI'IBguptB is th-l ona who irult<iL1.ed t thl i dol of frJdhllnilkantha ' NarnY~msl
not Vlshnugupta. This i s ' stated in the i n3c r1 p~.::..o n found in BudhaniIkanth 8 •
WhOS9 pr<l 1 s~s IJl\:o givan in the' b : ginning of b .: ins~r1ption ? '


V1shnu llnd Mahadeva.·

. -Tnis is known bt;oaUsu' pratstis or Vhhnu .ar~ found at. 't.hCl Bum",


This dot:lB not S~i;}m to b ... 'Chu Ci.dh"' , 'lb:!t was t hu ago:; of Sh.snknra-
aarayana. 1fforts had been IQ&da to bring about harroonyallDni Va15hnoviSrr.., ~
and Sh',ivist:l. This hns buun clulll'ly statad in ttw ThlopDtan inscri::;>tion" .
of Swan:.iv.:x t.w . Bhaum:.tgupta wanted to bring about harmony b-Itwwn Vn i sh-
navism .:lIld Shllivism. Thl:lrefoN, t his inscription do(-s not prove thd th.
Budhanilakantnll idol \HIS insta llod by Bhumagupte.


'',rlhat<:!vtU' may "ba tnf:l . C.!l80, since ' tht::: prCli.s.;!; 0"£ 'Visnnu hllVd boong 1v~n
in th'" insCription of Budl'lanil:akanth<l 1ist:L:, this SOOMS to hay;; ruferrnd
to Budhllnilokenthll, I.ltrough that was thIJ ago of Sh•.ankc r3ntJrayana, t hl1
then ruhirs rcspectf:d both Shaivism tmd ·-Va:lShnDvism. - 'lhe ·1r.scription 0-£"- .
Bh8sbJrleshw~r~ stx:lws that too son o~,. Rayigupt? Jlsd. 1nl;l~Bllod ·th:.: :tdr.lp;l~ o!.- .
-- ,. .
RavishwarD ' 1n-\ha n8rrr~ -of his father
. •
Question '.

LWill you pleaso sred light on thu bound:::Jrios oi thOJ 1.1chchha vi

KMlgdolll ?

Cont.d •••

, -.
. , ~ .' . . .
Thtl -'L:LC.hchh8Vi · Kingdom Wl1B very slI\8ll during the period of M:lnadevo.
MDnlldu,!,c, n~"-e t' , ,p'I'O:q~<~dod '~v~_t ,O~. '.th" SlJllkoshi. His Kingdom did ,not oxt8J'ld
rtl r boyo nd Sindt;luli-GC'ldhi. ~ ~ t ~ ~~:t, h3 "did "not ere's s , the 'V{shmuTlDti
riv~'r i bi.lC6U$~ .j;.he ..rogion wos mt. Very popu~ijs~- The Lichchhllvis did no t
\1stab~isi:l :;MW sett,.laroonts. Menade~~ ,could go nnyWtlJ:f~! on hqr's o or ul... pnrmt
, back. lm hl1ci , gore to MDllllpqri ,aiao. S1nc~ th" p6Pl:UBtion was very sma ll
a t thtlt timE! , the t(jrr~'t9~i.:!r : ~f- '·N~8 ,1. in th:! .r"!s t wel"!" limited.

Quo:1s tion

... ': If., so, _ how_; f~r .. d.1~ . .

thtJ t(lrritori", s of th', l..1chchhllv1 ~ Noch roughl¥,
i r. your opiriion '/ . ."
.tillSw': r

Liohchhavi rule }lBS confin...a to Kathm£lldu VU1l0Y and .7 adjoining

villag",s up to P~lancook~ ". .'

If so, rnony fc qdal ·lqrds (SClmi.lntl.i) helVE; bcH"m IIIdl. t1orud in toh<:l inscrip-
tions of the 1ichc hh~ vi pu r ied . For ;;:x<!mp l c , it 'is said th ut Samnnt<> b:Jwl:ld
dC)'.ftJ b<:ifor u Basantad.:.vo . J!.ven th,~ inscription of J\mshuva:r ;.:'] stdt8S tha t.
sovr"r a l'Sllmantas cam'c1 to orfor th(~ ir oboisance to him. 'Wh0 ",-' c.i.d,thcy coma
fl'ODi: ? _


Baecintadova was a , prlsooor. ~

aqCOW'lt vrittcn ~_..{tor _200 YOClrs C<:Ill.!lo t
b l'J t a k{m liS cvidenc('). It h.<ld beGn written by 'a P06 t.

~estiori -,

But the inscriptions of Amshuvarma mention the same thi!1g> Th~ insc ri f' -
tion of Changu and otoor places also ' nvmti'oi'i tha to "SaI'!l2.l'ltas' CDme -to knshu:"
varmA ' to offer obei5anco'.
.' .
,_ , ,i :~ no t. correc t. By Samantas the y , tneant ,duttl ka s postdd et diffa--
rent placas.
, .. ,

Contd •••


Samantas arrl dutakas are different. Gov~m.t;lnt off:..c ials woo convtlYI,d
tbtl order of too King. to .t _ne: pooploil wer~ ealled ·dut..akaa.:Variou5 gov,jrnrn=..nt.
officials are StOIdn ·t o.. ha~ bJiom ,appointed BS dutakaa. ".I.attil r, Crown Princ(;S
w{;r~ ~rpo intud in this c'apacity.~ On ' tl'le otrur -hand,;. ,Samc::ntas .f.lru P~t.'LY
'- chieftains who pO' id tr.i'Ju-w •. This ' ts avicitlnt' .trom ·, :t~e -d!Jscriptiop of tn ... ir
Crowns in . inscription!l'. - :r'lWrefore, 'Sllmantas and duwkas - 8rti not -th., S6r:le .
',\": l',;ore did th;; 'Saman:tas of tik1Purvadt:lsha (e£lst) mt:ntion(;:d in thG .ChEln~­
narayana ioscript'i,on .of' Manad,;va 'bfAong to :1'

TbA :re.gion situl'1wd bcltween S~nga and PurnlJvDti ~:>~nauti) was call", d
' PurVadosh. Th.1:! S:. ;!\o".lL.o$ b (~long~d to this region.

Do~s , not . tho - description .of the Samantas, of ; PUrvtldcs ba ,as , rogUOB
(ShsthD) refer to th n Kirgtis ? -

No. Purv_adesh ?vnotod the: seven villages.

What does - tJ1cJ ' Lichchhavi . inscript.ion fciund in Gorkh<l indica~13 ? ,


Thl.:! Lichcbhavi inscription foum in Gork~ be longs 'toO th..: t;im .. of

AmshuvBrma. 2 But it .1s damaged. I .bEid · filund lIn eartik:n jar fU.l l of c<) ins of
the L1chchhavi p~r:i:od in Gorkha/Hbrshavardhana t:r:d 'd!"." rgcd in t iloi> 6ou r..b ,
whila Srong Tsan-Gal1l>o W;lS ruling in th ~ north during tMt tiro!:! • .(wc;lnuv.:Jrmt:
was thus fllC""d with a difficult situation. Tibotans began to co~' into', N~pal
- . ."
" - ..
. 2. ,·Two inscriptions of the Lichchhavi p:; riod haw ,betlJi,'found in Gorkha
Nccntly. OM is of Shivadbva II and is datod 122 SSmvDt. The othur is
of Jeyadeva 11. These inscriptions shoW" thBt Gorkha was dir~ ct~y . rulbd
from the cantor and there was no vassal statu the N. 'Ibis soows th3t
N'--lpal was bigger during the I,.ichchhovi pe r:l.od. Gorkhako l\it.ihaflik
&,Il1dgri ' (Historical MatarialS of GorkhO).

Contd •• •
'. ,

.- "
s nd it was nu c(:ssa.ry - to chac.k th.;rn. ·.Dt.i'l::rwiSd J they wou ld hav", r , lIChdd
Do 1.3khe . Ap insctiption of IIShri ' iW.l3habhimanl" (.iwnshuv6rma) has bedn
I'ov.nd a~ Hul ko t. Tcis is sufficient t.o prov(o tbllt ~huvarJTC.'s r ule was
.,)xt.\;Jn~ ci up to that Dr (;ill .


But IINananka rl c o ins haVi. b""", n f oUnd in Beglung tOo.

, ,
I too bad fOWld an oarth9n jar full of coins Ul Gorkhs. - ThaSt:: coins
hl!d l'(;llche d Ba glung fr om GorkhD . ,Wnsuvarma's ru~ bad enended to Gor kh£l.
H~ had colonizud Nuwako t. i.mshuvlIrma open~ d thtl rout G of Chi taun"'"C"ldhi,
Wh i.:> r O Rnnakrishna Kunwar twd live d for Cl long t.imo.

'3ut'.!stion . .
ThiD JleaIlS that Nepal.1s t..)rritoI'J' "l~S small ouring t~ p;'rlod of
Menadli'v<l . You had wri tt""n oncl.! in ,In ar"i ~ 1 ~ that :•.: p L: 1 was big .during his
r ub . ~ihy this diffl:r.-: l'!-:-: ?


No.N ~ pal's t.:;rrltory was not btggur during tilt, rult · of M£al'&d\3ya • .But
it increllsad during tlvl rule of 1~5h uva rmD. H,) oxt...mood tho boundarllJs
b, it was nuc",ssB ry t o do so. '

Qu~s t1 0 n

. lIn inscription of ..Sa mudr:lguptD found L'1 .i.iJ...:l hobJd ~ 3t3 ws t ha t. h·" W' ,
th ... ruidI' of t.rl... n ;gi on fro m Kamarupa .·to Kartipur 111Clud~~ '~~P:Q.l;,_ If
tl", p.:.ll. ltloIlmt on ly .t.hG. v.::l ll .~y at thllt tl.JIIO, woor... did it touch K~marUpa c nd
. ~rt.ipur 1".

;..nsw~ r

Ther3 ".Jss no civ1l1z t'l d country 3t tltI t ·tirol;, • .lw~r'Jbody WOlf;; uncivi-
liz ~d there.


The 1~scrtption of Arnsbuvarma found ' et T1stung ment.ions musk as on,.

of the export cOlllOOdltics at N.,pa l. T~~ vas .. a .!lpurishing. 1;.rDde in musk
at that tiJn6. It saems t.h8t.
,, . .was
'. then 8 big country, ~f oot 3 do:ve l op ,;,d

Contd •••
onc. Inscriptions of Basantadl,lva too h£.vv 00.'11 f0und in Tistung Cllong with
thvs, of illr.shuvLlrm.:;. . Th'·r<:for<J~ it SiilOms \Ulr~<'lsonab ll3 to say t~t N..;p'-i.L.' .; Wl"'<:' ~xkndud only ·during tll:J ru)..,;o o~ iunshuvsrtna • .


Is -an ins cript.ion

th~I'I.: of BC! too in Tistung ?

Y';:5, tiwzw i s . 'rh", y .:·n r t oo nas lk~n givt:n. Ttk y~' or ond thu·· num,.. o f
th..: King ar~' both sal:n in th"," tr"'llscript srnt by' K.:Jis..;r Bt.hadur. Only t.h.;.
n idcL portior. is illegibli;..3

I ' too had 3e '~ n it. The tlrm BhlIttarllka Mahoriljl.l is not m· ntbn:.d in on"ol
of th0SG im criptions, and tll) ..,uL')~ t o .) SU02ms to b., s horWr. · 1 MQ r;.~ <.:d
it. a long tim :~ .:::go.• 'fhtll"!;:' .:1" " 0:.:':.' two inscriptions at. Tistung.

'...u·:.;s tion

Throe inscriptions hvve bw'O found tht) r .), ond - c f ' Bt)sn nt3d~ vo e nd tw::.
of Amshuvllnne.

Thee.;:; ar ... iJS Wilra tbe'n PClrt of. Nepul.

'~ut;:s t1on

'fhu .i:.nantalingdshW<.lr inscrip tion of Na~ndrc.dava . is acldrosscd t o

r.Ll adhl.karc:nas wl.thinN .:pal. '£:;U.s S :iOWS . th£lt ri'~p c lTs bOWld"ri0s w·..)r~
1'i~c n l .during thDt timu{'Had N\;lp~l b C:lI.:Jl sm::'J.l, .t. I1 ..r ~' \ol)uld hHV:'; b~,-,n n ...
r", e t.o StlHlU.ntas, 'n nd N.1 pal would not. r.<:v·., ..:<J ru .... d [.Jrustigi.; · uut.siu~.
i;.ccordin b to ilva ilabb (.ividtmcu, t.h,.J r <:lg i on situ~·, t .. d b.:: "tw~un th~ Sop'tD-
g.'lndDki and th'4 SapW!toshi e nd th·~ adjoining "N·"" S wer. .: cyrtatnly a"· p ort.
of N,:pc l. No proof that .hmShUV3rl1lD uxt<:.nd . . j t.ho . bO Wld ~rie s of N p.:l l tl1r;jugh
wnr h.'lS b,",,,,n found.

luiswo r

tJo. Ho; did mt cOOiudr. territoria s llcross th-' Dudhkosh i, but W.::
c<3 rtainly pracaooed up to Gorkhll a

..... . . .
, ;. . l h f:l insCription of BlIsantcd:vll fourd at 'fis' i s d :. t~d LJ4 Sl.lmvc t •
j . i!istoric a l Mtiti)ria1.5 in The Tistur,g-Chitlang R.:.giun.

Contd •••
. 190.


~ nd
. -'
..WhM ..did 1ichch b.lvi r ul -3 ?

Prob!>biy in 8 79 A.D. Tnis neu ds iurtihl r st.udy .

I./u.: s t.lvn .

DU ': ~ Ki ngs ~fwr JLyad~va II bulong 1:.0 tnt, 11chchhavl d,rn.::sty ?


~.llof t h",m w<:Ir C. 1ichch/lDVis . Th~n:, wa s no;: of dynHsty. Hl::Io
this bl,;t. n th~ c .. st. , a dif fc. r " nt. e r a woul ci lw v.:- bu...n u3l.-d ..

·!iut:lst i o n '

Wo) hlld consi cr-"r ·:: d pI',' viously tha t th;, Lichcp.tla vi p.:: rlod last",d up to
th,j r ul !:' o f J ·, yt;d ,~v!l ":I . .-

It 1 s s . 1d that. !l n :::w <) r a comm..nced th ur€'!l ft;..r. Thi s m£ e ns t. !).; tlthe' nt

of V::t j r :JYuna . EVvrything was po U ut?d . 'Ihis is ~ diff ·; !'";nt. rr..:lt. r,..· r . B'.lt. 'tr.,:
Lichchhovi dyna sty did not "md . It :-nd<;"d in 305 , "-Mtc r 'tIl(, ·.:rrr:r g ts OCd vf
R'.igh>l v.1d<:l va .

Qu(o s t lon

What, 00 yo u thinlc abo ut tho ~ ,viOl( thll t dyarchy PN Vil ll ~ii ' dur.:i.~ -·t 'h. o

LiChchhav1 p-U'io d ? .'

Th ,~ re W<l S no dyarchy lit tiny ti !Tl;~ . L-r.Ly onv mD. 1l can 'r ut.:. , no t two .

Is no t rult< by auxiliary Kl.Ogs dyllrch,y •

Y.;a , only t hat.Li k.., '!'richa ndrfl COU....gc: during t h~ t. :_ ~{' of Ch;:ndr'::;
., Sho. tn::; her •
Contd •••


Whtlt is your opinion roJgnrding th0 uxistcnc~J of two I3roS duriJl€ t boo.
Lichchhavi p:.::riod ?

I h.'..: v" f -:sc ribo::d onc ~s Koahanu Samvat. It cof!'lil.;Jnc",d ' in t.htloontb. of
Kartik. It was d1ffe~nt from t.hv Shak.:! ~ra.

\'1111 you giv~ any proof that i t was not thH Sh'lk.:t iirCl ?

Th~r'"is considerElble evidenc~. Wher') tlu inscription, of Mllna-

d'jv<J's dflughwr boun published?


It has bl,;;c n publishod in Part I of hbhil!olkhsangrahn.


. I t is h':lr<:. &.")6 1,!- nnd think "wr t·t.


Tht- des cription of fostivals throughout; year in thii .bnllntalingt.:-

snwClr inscriptiun comm'.:nc '.lS with- th:"J month of Kartik. 'rh1s . pl'Ov:-',s th:;;; toM
y~{Jr 3ccord1llg trJ ' th ... er:) usi;d th;;n OOIlll\~ncad in th:: month of Kartik. Hu::.
how da-::s this iX'ovc that. t.his was not tb, Shak.:! a'l.I "

Th,in "1 t - is prov(..d thDt -ttiis 'Y6ar cOI'JlIlli,::IlCod in Kartl.k. Th..:. Sn~ko 1(:).:r
comm~nc~ c l.n th~ month of ChS1tra.


In N~)pal, the Vikr llJW uN ~o Col'tlll'ltalccd in Kilrtik.

Contd •••
. ,'

(..rut;.s t ion

In tba ins cripti ons o f th,., MallB , period.

No. Th~ Vikrama ura was madu to b~gin in Kartik becausa thJ Nepa l I;'Tl1
. .
too cOIl1ll ~' nc c,d in this month.
:. ' . .'
"., .'
Que stio n

Th'; Vikrsm tlrll hllS b"un ~.~ scribo~ . Bs :. b(lglnn~ in K.:lrtik in: som.~
parts of India too-.

i lOS\II9 T

'lhc r .' 31',' !'.;IllSOnB for it. Thc)N ls tht:l tradition of tho yam- "b.;g:"n-
ning ln Kartik -in ' Kashmir, Tnis sYstJm, W'l ls .lntfQduc6C in th<; "regions wbich
had ca n'ttlots with K"'flbm1r~ tt '11\81- be , for this r ea so n that the- yea r c ".J mrr~ ncL I · ·
in KB rtik is fo und in India'; . " . , t:>

's'u ~ s t. ion

What ~s this pro ...,; sbout tha Kusl'l.nlJ .,rll ?


I c ~ ll it tho Kosbanu ~raJ not thd Kushana ~ rO . Kushana er~ rurers to

th·.: ';r 8 introducl:;Q by tb,1 Kushans' Kings. Rut this ;::N Wlle not introduc .; d
by King Kanishka with po l1tlc.:I l In:)tiVclS. J:t:<lth Jr, th ,' DOme is du,~ to l"-~ l.i 3 io :l1';
h otors . Th~ word I!Kosh6 n'.1" weB inscrib;-Jd in colns. That 15 why l' hav,~ c ~, l.1.."d
1t t h': K o sh ~ nu ~r!l.

i.,u~ 8tio n

dld tht:l Kosl'lSnu .1r tl sta rt? Should

Io{h.JO 135 yollr8 ba addc:d to i t t.o
mtlk 'l i t th<: Vikrnma ycnr ?

O(,n'? r a lly, 18 yGElrs ab:luld b c;' added to th'J Koshllnu .;! 1"!l to m6k':' it
tti ;'~ Christian ero, ond 135 yoors for th'l Vikrntllll era.

Contd •••

let us discuss this .qucistion :ftlrthar. Whut· 'do -you thirik aOout. th:..
ern which started during th.·" 'ttm-; of ~huvanno ?

I have dGscriood this as tht:: latnr Kostt mu ~rO.


According to sC)Joo'.historians, this orn wos started 1n _th., yoar 529

.!lftor lo ,"Ving out 500. Whst is your opinion ?


This is correct .. But Arrishuvarmo t.ookOv~r th.J o'd ministrotion in th,-

Y'~ar -. 528. Subs"qu-.. ntlYi peopld' l.ilft ou,t 500 tirii rc!.llTI.d to 211, ord.y f .;r
tJ1;>. sake of conv~ni(, n::(.l '. !lnr ~: ! lavardnana did- tWo s8lna in IndioJ w[:(;; n h·.:
llscend<:!d th", thrall\::. How-) v",r, this n~w er:l· in India did not rCInl:lin in us~
~ ft. H· his d~ath. · -

('fo Bo COllt1c\lfld)

I( 10llt 1I1I1UI1iM 11

Trade And 'Industry In Ancient Nepal


Laa Raj Shrestl)n • .'

Acco:-ding to g"n anclrmt li:~"~~;"IJ1lY;j~~rE~

:the'discipl~s of Gautum BuddhD had
" whii'~ h!:l was yet alive. This shows that trads had already in
at that titlJ:). hccording to thtl /.rth.,"shas tN of Kautilya. ,6Von b dfol'El 30G
B.'C., ' wawr proof woohm b lan K.<' t.;-:a-~QNn <is Vdrsh"'h.ranam, Bh1mmisl blank;Jt
moda by joining 13 pidC('lS, and anoth<lr t yp.: of woo1..n blankdt. known as
ha d gained .. good markot. in ,too l-hen Incl.1a. ';~ " Kira-~ dYll.:1S "y
Th-;pd durin g that P"Iriod. Tbto'rttfore, . tpi,.s trCl ciu 0:' ~ J.. allk.;;"s
'. ip. .:tneient "J.>j': pal !'fl8.y hf:: I'\;garood as t.radd during t.b~, Kira;t p!;;rl.od. 'fhi s
sh"'d:J ' 11gh,, on thl' bljjuk.., t indUs~ oi:. tn'", Klrar. portod and imernat.ion<ll
• t.r... dd- 1.n,:tnl s comrr.odity. . .

T~ trad", and lnUllSt.ry of th~ Kir'a t pt:riod s;.o c.m.., to·· havEr sssillnCld «0
"orl:<Hliz<:ld form during tru Lichchhrivi p:ricc· :J l~o.

Thil' pedesUll of a SUr;Y<J im&g" , :!,nstol:\.0 d cl urinr t h'.,. rdgn of t~

.. Li~hchhllvi King !-"ian~dQv:a ' a~ T;)i?ahal in ~a:ttuna;l.du bl one SartJnlvaha
Guhamitra shows that Indian traoors visited Nppal for , purpos(ls- of tr.:>d ...
(Sarthavah8-tr<Jd~r). Tr ade during th;; Lichchhavi p£,riod 1s .::.1::;') r ' vaH.:d
':Jy thw . rio's tuggll ('fistung) inscription 0 f the· p"",r1od of M.-:l haS<lm<ln t,<:I hrnsnu-
v<!r~". 'Ibis irisc~iptir' .. \I IlS addrosscd to an 0.1;!'1c101 dcputud for ~ th~
purpo'se -·of coLbctins t rDd~ ·l£.-vif>s. ~inc.'-_it rdf":I:s to th.r ban .impoSBd
on the ~xport of .3 copp,!:" w~ss el cov '-,Z:cd wi th t.h:,~ skin of 'MUSk:""dear, TiSt.W1g
SEJ,.ms to h"'Vd ~'~n an import; ;nt tr :':di: rou~.:: uu.r!.:1g· th~t plll1.od.
_ _ ._ _ _ ,. '; r _
, .. Moth.,. r aspect of th-~ div·· rsiflcat ion_ of trad.:. during t h.:: Lichchnavi
-~-l' iod is thr: -trade of N·~ p"al-with Tib<.:t..:. Tlv~- Tal1g anrw1,..s'ot Chin.:.l",d
3OrrP.- light on this. Ac'cording to th~so sou,rco s, too number of tra. dol's
·3xceEldc:d that of pe,Baants 10 N::lp:H, da; to th'!. dt:lvoLopm··nt of 'tr" d~ .. Ut-.
TU>at. Tha t tr.::."d,; with Tibf:t was conduct.-~d through tb-'! coopt)ration of lh..",
-Swt- ' L proved by tn " V"idYD gNm8 (Leg.un ToL;) inacript;i.on of t.h~ p<lri6d

~il.a·· Rl::J
Sl.lrestha, U?r&chin N.. palkoi J.ntclrrash'tr1ya Udyog - R..:J VYDpar.U
(Int~rnationaL Industry and Tr.:Jdo of hnci"nt. N~p~.!.). Gorkh;::p a'tre,
Bbadrtl 2), 20)0 (SQpt"moor 8 , 197)), ~. S.

Contd •••

of Shivaaavl) H. This .inscription sUItes th~ t trader s conducting ,trod;;:

\J"_t b Tib ~ t will b t. 1 provid()d with tho fre,j s~ rvic \olS of 5 port"rs from
VZli:1Y<l gl'[,m ""w ry ye() ;,. 'J ' . '

Poshupatl :1nscription of the n2riod or' the Lichchhil Vi ruler
_Naran~rad~va .mr~Ilt,;ons;th,1 ~ t.::C' . ;x.. <,sant.;; of thllt r "-'r,ion w"ro' ~,Y..omp t ed )
trom . unpsl.d lobor obll.g!!i;l.Ol}s l.n for"" ign count r ies .. .lhe Yt:ngu!.; .:.: ::a l (P.:!t 811
'in sc riptioI!' of : th_e ;'" pi:r i"l.od c.r:- Narl.mdrsQ:!vs- makos a simila:t:' st3'Wrn(.:nt. This
- in :"':!'iption shows · th<'l t Jha. gov'~ r~nt at , that · t~ provid~d tr .iders con~
dU!,;ting tr.:ld·~ with Tihf;! th~ facilities lof,- fOI'C Hd and unpsid 1800::-
in ordl.'lr to
;ex t~' nd co_o pe r1ftion . -to thiJm,"
- ", "

Th!' !1l<.'oufncturn of woolen goo'd s, suc h as · blan kl~ t s / · flouris i1·.'· ( \urLnr;
tJlo K1ret perio d ; ' During ttl:.;, Lic ~, c hh3vi p":2riod, 8dibl·~ 0::'1. , 1:'on, C:'lF~d'
"l~.'nsil.s " t axtilc:.:s l d'y~s ', musk .::nd pap ,~:, w r ~ mdIluf" ctur8 d'.. rkp.;:.l' hOd
l, ~a rnt from China : 'tb,".:,art of mtlking p.!lpvr during the 7th cent.ury 'h . D., ~s
and India similDrly 1l:Drnt this from N,"pal the 10 t h century. Expor
of N",pali , paper to" North India oo.d TibJt _'during the Lichchha\1 pe riod.
indiCDt,.~ the d,::,w wpm<mt of p Dp.;lr \1lDnufacturtng - during -that period •

• tll inscri !ltion' f ound. ,3t Sangll b",longing t.o -th:: p\3r'iod' of i msnu" ... l'JTI:J
:3t"t",s "t ljtlt 011 m111~ "..-,r ,· . j x<!ll1~<:ta,; i;;,;'vy amounting t.o: 13 jars
of oil. ,,It -_b rut,.;rs to oil- "'!i ils. This'snows tnat 1.h"" oH inCJ:.:!'" try·
flourishod in totwt ,DNiI,:oux:ing ·,the p~.r ioa o f knfl h11VOorTllD '. '

Th..,. Tistung inscription, of , . has' ~fE:rl'6 d to Um ~rot,1 in o u.s~d

try~ .(m : ancie nt h"'s' OOs'crib.;;d t.h ... :ro.-:put.ation g:; 1il~
. by N,:pall 's uords. of iron goods flour iS/k;d
d·.;.riPJ_tb,:_ Lichchhav1 -p-::riDd. Tha t the> mllOuf .... ct.ure of dyos too flouriSh';!~ J
during th'~ Lichchbavi p-:riod i s provad by t.h", wrm ( tDx on 1mil,go
in t\i.·: Thanko t i ns cription of Bhimt:rjunadev:·: and ', ashnugupt..'l . According
to th'J Jain t. ::xt. Brihat.kD:'?~~ '-lU"<lbh1ls hya , . textiles too W~l"« m::.nlifBct.UI"IJG
during : that _period. It. h3S ~raisi..' d th ~ quulity of N"'' 'Pnli t ';xt.i b ~;:'

Musk ' was £:x\:.ractK.d in Nep&l . from ::nc bnt. tilnl:ls. tj'::P :": :li lIjusk ' WDS
fmooU$ ~; v;jn _ in South , Indi .3 . Th.. inscription ,of
th.. South 'lndien 'KUlg ,
"Yodava kr1.shna . of
th~· 13th _centl,ll'Y mtmtions t.h ~" :whiu, yakla t s ils Dn d
musk of Nr>pal. T hCl r-~ are so~ other r t)f£<ronc (;)s :too r agarding N.",PBU mu:;k
l1uring th.} lIncit3nt .pariod. ion J\rllb text _of . th,,: _8 i;.h _ctontury, HUdood-i)~~Il~'
, . 1.
'- shoWS" thllt the l;l'ab countri ~s ilrq:>ortcd musk from ~{<:- p .':ll during that p.; rl o ,, ·

* lilt 1001 111111 lill ,


. z
History. Of pc;iUin .

Gnyawal1 •

, .

'. ,

Vie have !Seeri -above, that Kings o~ .. th~ Chhetri dynasty "with tho;l word .
Simha, et ,the end of' ~~-ir nam~lI ruled .rat~n at th~ ti,nIh -whtln N"pa.~ WB;J
divided attar the" dei.lth of Y;:Iksha lo{alLB".. Tberti la E:vldl.:mc e:. that t.~Stl
Chh.:tri Kings ' had IIISt.rimonitll r e lations wi tb - tonb a nci~ nt BDins ThDkurls
of l'i:ipa l. Two inscriptions of this perlod shoW' toh;.)\. t tLis dynasty rul~d
Pat an for fiv(\ or ,six gl)nj rfl t1 l)~ S wi th th3 status of l.ndepimdont
&n. ~ they rE'llllllin·, d as ordlnllry !i!ud~ ! chiefs "'hen there were strong ruLers'
in Kathmandu This is proved ,b y th>-j Vpmsh8vall accoWlt. (Wtigh t, p . -2')7)
0 "

a ccording to Purandara Rajuyomshi CO~lBtruct~..ld a ' big NaraYan.:l t.C!mp l e

in Pa'tan in 686 N~pal sro (1566 A•.D•.) during the reign of Mahendr3, M<JUE: .
Thp. r enovQ;t.ion' of the SlrI8¥pmbh~a'th flhnne cotrPTencl:ld in Megh 714 l~t:!plll e~a '
( 1594 J.. .D.) with th·:,\ permiss i on of K1n8: -Shiva siniha of Ksthm.:mdu a nd was ,
co mp l~ tJd in Mtigh ' 725 (1605 It .D.)" uccor-ding to an inscription f o und th..l r •.
Yea r 2, !-los ._ 4-6 ) ." hccording to t.nn 3 .JIOO SQU:-C-... , S!livs -
was to _ c o oqu~r Pa .:;n as a . r ..:sult of t o:.;" z"", li .;j,ol...':' ~ r1,t
he had ga i.n9d t~I'(oby. Tllis st»ws t.htlt S.hivss imhi.l had ,c:xpu1li:.d toh"" t ~udol
chioJfs and taken ov.. r tht1 admipist.rat1on of Pat.£In betfor" 1605 A.D.,

'l'hti"ru is cv1dooc~ to provv that h!.ld Wla.Jr Shivasimha an.d co~
placed 'undt:r t h-:l contro !. of his son, ThBkulas1mhLi , bofoN .1.60) A. O•. j ',
manus c rio t ":1 I'ittl:)n in J,~st.ha 717 N",pa.L. "ra '(1597 A.D.) tn.... roign
of ?ur 'm o.c, 1'nsim1w U hus bt! -.j n f ound_ This shows trult. ' Shiv.5 Silllh.:l ha d c()nqu,,- 'r ... d
P~tAn 50m3 tin~ "bi:t:wt;on 1597 and 160) A,D~ (Ibid) •.
. .
. . ' -
ShhDSifuila did ·not haV~ to fight e major \-:e r to cOrJ:l~r Patsn. It 'ib
. po ssiblo that h", wd th.~ · sup port of t~ nobk8 of Potsn, ana thtlt th'.~ 'y
acc,~ pt his suzerainty as soon ss h~ 'W L!nt thurtt a l ong with his t,roops ., \11.'
havl) a lr'3acV m:.mtionf1d .:lbovEI tba t after eotXluaring Pat .:n Sili vasimba
.eppo inted ' his son , Thakul~s imh D , £IS rule r ,of P~ tD n. Probably b.,.CClUSt: ,
i'hliku ~vs i ;:n"'!.,j d~ r'l( soon, Shiva simha appo intad aooth ' :-, s on) P.a rihara S::'mhu ,
.. to .th is positl.on in, . 728 . .I'J"po 1 ,, ~ <.I (1608' ,.h.D.). H<:lri h:.;rflSitllhil 'too ~ i c d . '


,XSurya 8ikram Gnyawsl1, ~~7c~~~(."udi.v.1

History 'of K'athmandu v.l:Y;;:YY: oyO! " ,. 2J19 '
; (1962). Chopter 16: nPatanka pp. 179-192.
' .. , , ., " ,,
. .
Contd •••
, 196.

Jiccorcling to ths ' Vamsh::!v",U, Siddhinarasimh:.-t Mu lla tui'd 1nstan~d o.n :

iroag(~ of P(lshupatl at -Ptltan . ,~nd n .. mld , th<- plaCEi" w.u';l"F- ~his wa s done .os .
ShlvDpu r. This indlc3tOS that 1t was not thoSn f!.:l!.) f o r ,p<:,opl', ia fatan to
visit th e t"'DlpV,. of Peshupatl _in Kutllntridu. The Vamsh.!lV<.li '.3150 s't:!tcs
thBt SiddhinnrllsimM_Malla cdlcbruted th6 festive;l without. Qbs,~rv'_
lng ' th·~ usuDl moUrning rlt<;o s llfter t.h.,;·qE:o!lth. Q; L:llamEltl, qUtlo:JD of PJ'I.Itap
Mc:: llD, in Bhadra 768 NRpul (;ra (S ' ptclrb~~r · 1648 1•• 0.). 'I'h,:s.: instllnc;.:s givt:
SOlJ):~ idea about tb,:, pr>rsrH181 animoeity b>j~w~.on Prat.'lp Malls -ond Siddtdner..'l-
simh..<.! Ma llo ~ -

'. Patan';'~ tbx: -Kingdi:lm o.f -~b ilD J 'lS LII llocllint. Sr..:: t.:~:. Vt
N,,'pOl VCl llo:::Y. Buddhi'st v.ol\lJTl.;:s s'If.<:Itd .. hai.. -.thls t;Jwn- htJ\;1 b;.:.jn estDbl1sh.:Jci
by imp.:.:ror i' sook,-' r;f ,India. Th" -fvur st'UP!lS found clt, P,JU;n n,::d btk rl instCll,L.(J
by ~.sholi:.:l him9~·. lt. In <111ci:..:nli lii~s, l •. t.(,m W·'.S ,J c·.,nt.:..r of t.h~~ Buddhist.
!'·~ ligi'.:.. n. Mcurding to th.: Vumsruv3ii, Siddh1nar<ls~hahn':'l<:i tir;b.d -'to mlik
t.his - town prospf.lrous and populv_u s. H,:, bui~t wat~r s-p.Ju~ , ano.l tunks ' .&t .
v<'lrwus p),ac.:s- ~nd arrallgt.·d fo.r :,pubUq en~c'rta~nts by stllrting now
fO:! st,ivo ls.:,nl:l model'- poopl-: prosperous oy_d6vtlloping tra d;:=.,
, .
'. . - ....
' .'

l'herc' wer--- sav"rol· Viwras in Pa"t9!l.}lince ~hc i ",nt ti..mfls. FurDl.:.rly,

Buddhist Il'iJnks l1wd in' th",slJ VHwr:, s •. Later, whim lih.; Vajl'llY1:lm. cult.
b')cam:.l dom1.ncnt, Buddhist monks st.'lrtcld to - l1vo D m:Jrriod l1f'.~ . Th. !y thus
b<-glln to liv , ~ in Vihc, r -'ls v r . B.~h;; l~~ as InUB~-holci9rs. Th~' l':l wc !"" '.)f C0urs. _,
:l Ull SOm<, WlJI"il..-ri..<d Euddhist monks. l'h.' V'ihu r os ;/Mr ", -th" y livlid .Wilr~
C.!lll.'~' ? Bah!.- In thiB way, ,Buddhist. V~ lu;rlls w-;:>r", divideu into tW'J c~'kg:)ri"s)
Bahis and BahDlas. Since BuddhisiJ! .W'lS progrossiv'Jly d!:lclini'Ui:: , thi.:lr.., W'': ' . -
' m.:;ny -.-vlls in Vihuros duri(€ th" r.') ~gn of Si.ddh.i.nbrElsimlw Mall!l. Accor' ,j ing
to the Vomsh<tv<:Ili, h..l m!Jdu many .; ffort~ ty .reform Vihl.lrns. -'olthough th...
ru1>.) s frr.!lILrd by" him for Buc:ldhi.;;t Viharas are V!lgua I h", <lml:looed ruL..: s r· ' 1.<:. -
ting to the sl'lrlctic.n. of th-:J abbot . (N~~k) and atllEllgflllU:l,&,d ' and;n·
thi:l rnan3gi1m<>nt of sr vera.l Viharas.

. Stddhiitaras1mha Malle thus p~rf9rm~d 1IIO'0y ph~1.;;lnthropic act.s. H,)w ,vt-r,

hi~ -mind was n-:.t in worldly af'flJirs." ' to tbo-; Vamsh~vuli, ''t.:-td ,;L .. tn
of' his qU0.]n , Bh"OUJn::tti, --WDS nn_urn-.;1dp~licly in 768 N;·p.n tlra ( 16c8. -;.• D~)
by rain !: or der. (Wright, p. 238-39) . Hi:: d h:n("hun~nt. grr.,w t.oy b,r ckoy.,
onc in 777 N~PlJl Arll (1657 A.D.) M b'-,eemil an .ascI .• t.ic, ';th inking that. t.h.;
world is ' like u bubbb d wo.wr. Ha t.h.,:n 1vf't tor th.; banks of. Uk Ga~gi.:B •

•,fU·r Siddhinl"lrasinlh... Ma.ll~, hi,S son" Shr1nivllsil lwile, 8sct::n~d tt-.,"

thron;.: of Pat....c • .il,. J.1.)h~r. pv in m~~d by him ,~ 781 NClpaJ. ~r3 -(166 1 A.D.)
h~s bt:l\~n tQuoo. m!:" d... lay- V! ll.. ,oars in lll1Jl~iAg ' coins .nay -~v., bwo ·ri~ t.o f!.tct bec3ue~. thll .t. "Siddhiwrasimn.., h;o-J.lll dh.:d 4 after ha becair,i;:
an ascetic.

C:mtd •••

, .• !~H.DtQly', pfi.,r hr) . ll_S"a..:nd;:,d ,thJ thron' .i n 777)~f,"p3i' tJrD' (1657 A.D')J •
3lrihivllsQ Malla hpdll ' qWll:rel Wi. th: -Kathmondu. ,In t;ollah:-;r:lt1on KlnS
Jagatprnlu,lshS t(ol.~ of Bhtlktapur~ 11;' f'1ugh..t ~ bait1=. With King PrQt.Dp
l-l.:llla of Kathmandu .. . Thie bllttl·: set,ma ',to hov.: bf"-n·ditV,d Jagdtprak~riha ,
"Malta, because .t!te~i:Hit~S ··. bl.oCkBdad by Pr8~P ~lla ·_ 'We~ - reop~ned. If Bny
two alllmg three Kingdoms of dqual.str,·: ngth ' coll\.lde~, witn suoh o th"r~ th<:.Y
could defect t.he ·t hird one. ; PrilUlP IoW,Ua undtlrstood this Wt:lU. ThilrofoN,_
h.:: forgot ' hiS .priao' Dad inuJ)~diat:~ ly b!;cam,~ f riend-iy wit.n Shrinivasa MoU.<I. ,
Notwithstanding th.- ir tio'st1:l.ity) ' thu t .... o l<illgs : stOlblishod. frbnd ly IY 12-
tioos bacausf: 1.h;:y wp.l':~ 'clos" l"Hl,a t1. ves. Prat;Jp J'II.a 11n ('<lMot 00 b lwnr.d
for this frif: nds hip, - ,~u~ i't wes:_impl'ppllr for St}ri.J;livosa MaUD to col !.u?~
ioIith Pratap M« 11 "I by b~traying Jagf,ltprakasha Malla. Utor th€ establ1S:1-
n1"'.nt of frit"JndSh1p . "'i~h: Pratllp M~lla, ShrilQ..vllsa. Hallo bP.c<IITI';I g"ntlr3l uf
th ~" joint army of Kathm ~'!j du and'ratan cnd inva d~J d Bh<:,.k~apur in saa N,~pc l
t!rll (1660 .A~P~)._ 11 rn1lit:ir$' outPo~t in Ch.:lngu wns ." s a t on fir~, . ~ p'3r sor.:i wer~
kilbd and 21 C.::lPtur;.,o •. 'Jaglltprakash<j Ma Ua ord",r ed the prison<dors to b'J
bf.lhiI.'lood at. - :ternpl'!'s~ It·.wf.\s, t.heI'l?for:=, n£ltur<ll for Kathm:mdu an~ f'at.,:,n ,-
to b '_~ comoJ o~ry with BhQktupur. ~fith th·-.; obj",ct..ivn o f taking reveng .=, '-:,h,;
joint. forq .. s 'of Kathm.:lndu Xl;d patdn occupLd ' BunJ:=gr,.rn, .:l nli'(i t~ry out.t-'os t
in Cb.:.mpagr~m llnl Cno.r puri, In 882 )1.:p;;,.J. tiN (1662 A.D.),. Shriniv.:ls<: "",i l ,: .
1001:...::d N<1kad.-:sh and'ciccupidd ThiJni. Jogl.l!;.pr <:.kllshD 'M alL! W(J.S to~iJ.Y a. ~ ·~ .-"t.J
. in this bllttl-::,. onci ~" th·~·n -r~t1.r.. d .from tlctiVtJ politic!; .
' " .' .
Wh."o this h a·Ll.", wus fought, ~ . JbSUit priust ntlll;.:d GrUoo.1ber haa com ,,~
to Napnl on his way ~ buck from Lb8~1l. H:.: h.. s d.:lsarib"oo tu·.:- N"p.;;l of thoJt
t1m-.:, 11;8 KL~gs, and t.h.:; bat ·: ;U fought at. that, tilrL:;. ~ O!lS · ~f",rr:.:;d to
King Pratap Mpll!> of ·Kat;.p.~ndu and King Shrinivas1:I Hrillu of Patc:n. Accord-
ing to him,. Shrin1wsa Mll lla tllld El good physiqUl: '~ lo'ath.::r Gru;., ber also s .. w
the joint ormy o f Pr~tap Malta and Shrinivaso } which w as ready' w •
fight. th.J ·: n~II\Y. H~ hss writt.m that Shrinivasn Mall;::. ordcr"d his troops
to :n'-;..~· ckth~ ,~n,"my \oIh<!n h~ S:lW th'!'ir troops Il:'llI' ioIith th·· l. l ,~~c")PcJ \.)1"
,Fatht>Ii Qru,·~bGr. . . .
_:Sl1Coiuse .of th", l hostiiit.y o;ltWG."n thb-' Kings of ·pin.cln c nd K~"\..i"!­
. . mendu; or becnus:; th"'y had II tUl.dSCOp .• , tbJ.'So"::l missiQnnri<)s r-. c,~iv :o d :!
w!lrm w.;: lcoIll!.f. Thuy wcro offorrld .:ll~ n:.;c$'ssaz;y ~{;cil1,:\'bs if th'~"Y d .. 3:&.r .. ~
to stay in N~P;ll. ,l)}..-.
to tho goo dwill sho"!n by ,t ht-: Kings of U _pill, tht.
. missi:mnrios t .b.ought' that tbr~y did ro.t -oppo s·~ Christinity, although tht~y
""'~r"~ Hindus . ~ . . .- - .
. . . .
. After gaining victory oV-lr Bbaktup"u.., Sb.riniv"lsll,..:.da
Jobher coin . in his nanu -in 786 N ,pal ern (1666 A.D;), in -h(J ass\.Ul"J,:·j
:~£i"'~ _ ~tl..; . 91. tlNo-;>paloshw{lrn" (LDrd of tl:~ pD l ) ~ Yrotnp Molls was not abl,' t o
/" vppOSG this swp, This shows that his pow~r had d ~clin,", d.
Contd •••
Shrinivasa Malla too was a religious man like his father. _He built
a · number of ~mples in Fatsn and r~novated saveral others, acc ording to
tht! VCl mshaVDl1. I n 787 NoiI pal era (1667 A.D.), hH built a 3-storey palacl!
in thl~ soutn(Jrn wing of the Mulcbok palace for /\gamadt! vata, _ as we ll a s a
'Wmpl a of D-.:.gutale. Hr- increasud the nlUtlber of stoNYS i n the temple of
S.:J.rv(: shwar, which Md bE:!'..' n construe tcd by Sthiti Mall~ 1 from 3 to 5 Dnd
r " novatdd tho.) t;;tnk there. H?I also 8 xwnded th ... dancr, f '·; s'tival in th>t month
01' KlIrtik, stal"t.P.d by his f ather , f rem 15 to 2$ days. According t o tht,
V,.,mshavali, Shriniva s6 Mal13 perfonn~d s c v~<t1 such :r.!ligious act s ~

Shrinivas3 }WUa St7(;ms to hAV.! b~coDlf:l an nsca t1c by f o llOwing in t M
f oo t:3t(;ps of his f <l th ·~ r . This mi ght ha~ hep;>'Jn-.)d in ttl<l year 805 N,,::p.l l
e r a ( 1665 A.D •.), b l;CllU S,"! a Hohe r coin of this y e ar, mint.. d by his son
ond succ e s sor, Yoganarrmdra ~lla, is found •. YogD.lUlr ~ nd:,,& Halla ll l s o in-
scr P .. <. ": two of his t\ulogilt s, in :.ddit.ion w th.:. 118m.:.s of his qUil.-:nS , in
this c01n.- Th-d words uSangit&rn:l V:lpaNga U show thllt h,,; nad ~ good kllo".' l::: dg '~
of music lInd dancing., J'nothur oulogy mintvd i n t h\;.' Il<2~" :~ coin is 1I 1'l 8 p ~ 1.1l
Chudamoni l1 • This pro~d thtlt. h<:.' -.l i d not C.:lr iJ muc i, i'or t. l),.. cont ~mportJr:;
ruler s of tI~al.'
Th~t Yoga nb rundr~ ~a 11 a wus a sp~ ci& l d~ vot ~~ of ~ts~ndr u no ~ho i s
prow a by his coins, b",oous!:l' !,; coin mint dd ' in 806 N.l p~l dra (1688 i&.J)~ )
by him cont,..:.ins word ll e Bl.:ddhists loOrs hip y~tsy\:.ndranaUl ~
.J S Lok.::lOatr..o: AvalOki1:.o'. shWtlra .. ~ll Mohar coins is SUdd in P"t<:,n i':If 'Wr "thi s
p !r iod cont<=.1n the word IlLokanathll tl •

(TI) B,·, Con tinu..:d)

1111 11 11 11 11 11 lOt 11

(s.a. ~narjon).
R':O!gmi R£~B~prch (Prlv~te) Ltd
Kathmondu: Nvvember 1, 1973

R'::t?Ui Rus!3Br ch ::)arias

Yel:lr 5, No. 11,

Edited By

, M.:lhesh C. Rugmi.



lo , History of Patan • •• 201

2. Mlsoellaneous Docun:lnts
on Nepal- Chins War ••• 205
3. IntArvlows With Bnburam Acharya ·.
, 210
4. Solected Lett.:~ rs of Prlthvl
Nll rayan Shah • •• 216

11 )( 11 11 101101 If

Regmi R c~ su arch (Private) Ltd.,

. . Lazin{JCJ t, KatbJn,!lndu, NepCi l.

Compilod by Regrnl Res';lll"ch (Prlvaw) Ltd for priwte

, ·study and rG8t)arch~' Not rn.,)l\nt for public sale or display.

x •
HiStory Of P"ttm


-Surya Blkralll Gnyawal1.

(COntinued from previous. 18 su~)


Yogunarendro8 Malla constructed a pillar in front o·t the Degutaltl

templ"" whi ch nad bean cons'truc tot!:d by his f <l th ~ r, and lnstGllod bi::: ilWgt:
over it.·-A l agend vas cl"d;;.t>:ld about. this stc:ltuo ot YogaOSl".lndra Malla .
San; S<l lfisb p!3rsons conducted the ·propag.:mdS that YOI,;'m srendra MaU l.! v us
::l Ull slh"). This l egend or confusion was cr' lstp.d dunng tb-_; an ~ rchy ir.
Pa t ::;n which followed YoganaI""l~ro MLllln 's death, b 'J Ci>us r.~ it was IWcfJssb rl
f or c;ny ' claimllllt to the thron:: to provLl I'lis clbsA r (.l :. t icl: ·r..ip ...,,~t h Yoga-
Mr~ndrn &::"18 . 'lbbl'flfoI'\:), soma Kings·who rul",d during this poJriod of
:I n!> rchy se,;m to haw CI'f'Dti:d the Story that YoganDrendr a"Ki:l llD wa s still
a \iV (~ , in order to prav!::.! that the KingdCln b;;loIlffJd to them. :

. YogsF1Srendra HaU.nls s on diu d whf~n _ YogOlnuJX:ndra }b Us W.l S s till i.:11"1·~.
Sinc!J .ho:I had no successo r. thc:r,:, W8S a gr e at. tU5S1tl. in ratan for th", <bran·
.:J ft.-. r tb~ d"st.h of Yogdnarendr<l MJl iJ.lI'. "

Yog<lna n:- l!d~ ·c

Mali", had mcny viviJs. H" inscrib:od th .) · IW.IIkIS of S " V ,: l'~ ~
of nis qUl3tms in hi s coinS. 'Ih.;s", Qoouns inciud.J ib ~drillwpai fun, i"r.1 t ,J p: _
l .:xmi fuv i <ad Yog<!laxmi DovL OnC(;! hu had €OM ' to Ch.:!ngun<ir.:lyoJl ~ l.O ng "Hi::!'
ilis quJCDS Hnd concubint;s. At th .. t t1mu, somt:onc paiBof)o~ d h1Dl. 41 qu...~n s
... 00 concub1n::s WC8JDA Se tts • ., A VllmshSV:!lli fQuo d r <,clJotl.y ·puts th,~ numb-'::l"
LIB high as 31. 'Ibis blIPPl;joed in thct y<!· r ?2S· Ni.pv1 vrii (170$ A.D. J: '

I~dl11tulY tlfw r tilo d:.ratm of Yogariarendra M:!llF, thCJI"',', W!lfI C grc~t

tUssle for th.::. thrOD.l 0"£ -Pat.:!n. That thiS tusslu cont1nu~ d for 10 )'\.'!.rs
is proved by LI study of coins mintflrl during th£it pa rlod.

"Sur.ya, Bikram. GnYCWLll1, (f1.:.dievuI Hl .;!tor:l

of Kathmandu Valloy), (1962). Ch"pt.,., r
16: !IPa t.anko It1hasn of Pst.un) , pp.
~. .. . ."-

. Coiitd~·,••

- The) first ooln of this po:r1od of llnarchy is datod 825 NlP:ll. ", ::,c
(170511..0.). The obverse of this coin contains the words "Shri Shri Lok':'-
nutha ll and uShri Jays Indta Mallal!, and th.. r' ,ra"" nShr1 Bhagyr;v:' t :', R -\' i ,
825 11 (1705 j,. D.). Joys Indre Molls ~5 th,? son of Muniroati D-"vi, ,:! dnughw :
o f ShrinivElst! Ma lls, and thus Yoganarcndra 101",111]18 nep hm~. nut Yog::omati,
d<lu5"hkr of Yog~lnal"t:ndra 'Mellll, did not like JtJYn Indre Na l.lD to buoom...·
King . A Mahur coin d1Jtt:d 827 N~p a l ere (1707 f•• D.), Mt:tritioning thod n.un·;' s
of h~r 50n, Lokaprakoshc twlls, und Yogl'.lm<lti h': rs ll lf, hcls be'.:m found. This
co in b:I<.:rs the n8roo of lokoprakasha Ht,ne:: on on( s id ,~ and of Yogumoti on
th -' othur.This NV9AlS thllt Yog3mati 0ppOs,;ld Indra MDllills cleim to thl:!
throm' , on th., ground that tb\l son of th""l daught~r of Yogllnarondra Hall;! hud
;, s,t roflt,-.e r right to th:.l throne . then th~ son of his sister. It ~nnot ~ 53id
wmm of t a·, t~IO did cont'!mporory .tr .dit1on consider to hllV!~ n!' right
to thr·: thron.) .

UnfortlUlotely, Lokaprtlkasho Mu'i1a diBd early. Yog<.lfnt: ti t s· l ust f or

pow~ r had not be~n satisfi.::d, hO,. l~ v(::r.· A Noh"l r coin dEttod 82 9 Npp<l1 tlr.!!
( 1709 A.D.) bi.<ars har nmne. This ~oin cont:rins thE! naJ1l{:l.S of ViNnc rasirrb ll
Mlll.£i and YO~llrriati Davi. It 15 not K..'10'';1l [lO ',; Vir:;.narDaimhCl was r ~. 1at(;d
to th;:l royal f.:mily and what kind of righ t hu ha J. .to -tht:l thronCl ,of p;.;.t<l.n.
i.noth·,:r Mahor coin of t~ samE:! ySllr has also bo(;'n found, wh~ch contains .
th.. n.lIJIL: of Jayavirolll&h>.: ndru Mall.!l nnd 829 N ;~ p31 ':1ro (1709 A.D.). 'i'h,.. Vl:Jro.,-
sh, yalis d..; s crib" l-bh...,.nJr3 }'", l l.::. 35 0 son of' Yogllnal"l..!ndr.l Ma ll..3. His JTl(1,,:. , T
W.:lS pregMnt during the d,wth of Yog"nu~ndra Mulla, but th .... f:.:c t.iv[l i. ci by
J,ndra Malta drov.:. her o~t of .P£ltall on l.h(;; PI'd'W ··:t. th<:lt s~ W:lS ins&nil . V ra::~'
fu hcndra l.f.alln. was born in Gorkha, wh\;lrE' his moth",r had ·takon Niug<i. 'l'b ~ a
vOllis st.Jta ttwt tb.:; King of Gorkh,,- too 5'upportcd Mah~ndr<l Na lL9 l s cldJQ
to too' thron(l of Patan and thI"f,;a t...-n.: d to of f (:!r him h~lp if th-, clain; was .;101..
· .:; pc ~p ~d. "Too Kingdom of Gorkha w·.\s th t~n ' rukd by Prithvipati Shch. it. KDJ .. irY
of Patan na~d Milu also h(:; lp ;~d Mnhcndra · Mt.llo Dne! his roothdr to com-' b~ck
.oorkha. E:.; t" pt th':.lm in th·~ pa 1llc . . . of Pat.Jn ll nd d'JclF.ll'€ld M<:):hoMrl: Mall..! ;,!,O
King o f P'J ....: n in th« yv 13r 1709 A.D. But thB dforts of MUu Kaj i and th"
ch."lll eDg? of Gor khD prowd meaning1,~ssJ sinco Mahcndro M<l11n di..:d sooo.

'lht- period of th<:: reign of Nnh',ndra Ma lla con..""1Ot b", d.::te rrr.inod. 1;.
!'Iohar coin d~t",d 832 Nt::p31 ~ra (1712 i..D.) b~~:..:ring th e naIfll,;- of Yog<ipr~k:;sha
Malla, has bee n found. According to th e' Vamsht.V.31is, .¥OS<:pNkosha 11Allil .
own':! of thCl royal family of Bhektnpur and w:,s exikd from Bnektopur bI'lC IlUS "
hi"! was born und()r tbtl --sign of uMullI • H... too seams to hl:fw \iied soon of
small-pox . '

'IWo Mohar c01ns da t6d 8 35 N'.opal e r e ( 1715 A.D.) and 8)6 N' :pill I3TO
( l7i6. A. D.) h3Vi:l b o..~ n f ound. Th-iso:) coins baDr thd nam {~ o f 'Hridinar.:.sbh:l ,_
On.. a:1d9 of" thQ first coin h~s B lion (Simhn) . in th," centiolr, tlnd t h.:'l WO!'OS
IIHridinare" and llMa1lo I),:;.va u around it. On th;;l oth\,.!r :::id3 , th·J word

Contd •••
~ 203.

II Kl.l rW}(ltll~y8~1 - <lnd th;;. Yd8r .6J5 (1115 A.D.) tiN inscribe d. 1b~ ot.l1t:. r coin
:1,l!i :. c ons1..sts uVirtl HridlnCira u und a 110n in t h.> cl.m~ or of 0:1-3 sich, :l nd
IIKaruriamqoU 00 thd oth" r, olong with th:. d at.'~ , 836 N·.;.'p.J l 0 r a (171.6 ]..• 0 . ) .
He was tll,_, son of II dLugh ·of Yog<lllor(mdr:l M.'llo . ' .

. . In 8)7 N':<p.u l erD . ( 1717 It..D.), 1':. ,...;.10 Cd !T1~ . Wld <,l r King !'"-l hI ll .)
'-If Kuthmendu. 'lh(! co ins mint.ud by him :d ' t.;r h.::l tfsc(..:od ,:d t.h,. Ulr.)ll "; of
P~t3n m:: nt,1a n . lIM::sh indrD ·Si.:.o:.: . 11 In .:I MohlJr coin issuzd by him i n t.hc
y'3"l r 8J7 N,.,p.:I l ~ ,1I ( 1717 i. . D. ) , · th" n:!me TtJ3ya Mahindra u on th.:; om~ -s i d',
.. And uSimha Ibvs, 837 KalW'loriwlya U on 1.1l>~ oth<:lr llr a lnscrib.:!d . .'

. coin of Mnh1ndrtl : Simhs, dztnd '835 Nf,jp.=:! l I)n (1715 i;..lJ. ) 11<::;
slso • j,t that t1.mou, ' th", cuins of·· Hrld1n!lr ,:osimh;l -w!;:I";:; 0 1BO 111
c1rculatlon:~ ',This co~n m. ntion s uJ&y:~ M.!JhindN u on on ...' ' sld~J :J nd " SiJrih',
Dvv~ 635 ~ ,jpa loshwaragirindraU on th~, otll<;r. Th ~,s s~ows t.hDt · t ill. t.t\,ron"
of Pstun WllS, offtirt.d to M!Jh.mdra SimhCl in t.ho;: YiJ<lr tiJ5 N ·~ pi.J l ur !J (171 5
... D.) ~ nd that nu mint .... d HohCl r co ins with the titll; IIN" Pdl~st-.wllr'I~ 1ri lllj.r ;" I! .
Sinc e Hr~1nll r :Jsimh.1 M.::lU~ d(JclSI'lo:iI himsolf King of Pawn ut t.n~t tinh",
' }tU.!hinqr.. Simh:J hi:d to w:.Jii. f Cl r two years to t c.; KfJ ov.:;r th£l rub of P.:JUln
i ntu his h<.nd~ .. -~ .
• . .
it. Sulci .coin Cl! M..:.h1ndru Sim,b;) d.)wd B)8 N ~ PG l tar<. (l7i.O J. . U-.) tws
~lso b1:Nn f ound • .Hn.ot.htir nomtl, M.. nindralaXllli, hiiS illso b~ ... n inscrib..:d · ifI
this co in. Mah1ndr&laxmi might bo v", b-=t1n his q~o n.

. :niv 'Kingdo'm of P.'lt l' n s,,"pur<lt ;i d from KuthmM"du in' "842 Nl..po1 ~ r3 (lnd
.a.D', ) Ltft·~ r tho dI111 th .o f Blu:lsk:'r::i 11<l1lL: or M.:;.h :!..r. d~ S1mhn . But h:,w c;on I,
Kingdom b '~ ruttld'w1.thout. .my Ki ng ? That 'was why Yogi:.l pr:!k:!sh<J . Mcll:l, Cl
P.r;inc..J of BhaktilPUI', ·....!IS ,mE.odv i<;.ing' of patan. J. Mohl:lr ' c l)iri ' mint,~ d in .t h".
yo,? r ' of ~ 1.s accesSion to . th~, t hran !;.' has bA ~ n f ound. Th. ~ 'wo rds of IIJ.:.yl'_
yog.Jprakash""lI I'.<- !.le lAJvlI, 842.11 are iAscrib ~ d on on;1 5~~ ; ' 'cnd ~Karunam!ly8U
on th~1 o th<:r _sid::- of tb~ ooiri., l.ccording to th ~ V<!mSh3V:::'l1S Yog<lp:rekns/l..!l
NallD rulod f or - only on\;! ~ a r and -diiid 'o f ·8J!Il)1l...,pox.
. '. ' . '. , .
. .
V1shnu Malle, s ~ · d!lught~ of Yog:m .:a .,;ndril K:lll.:li m.m b ...<c l.lm;":
King ,of PnWn .. Although h'l waB mithrdi:tJd in t:4..:, yoa r 8hJ ' N"pal 0 %'li
( 1723 A.D.), -his first sV:l il,.abl':~ <n iri 1'8 dut ed 849 Nt· p_"i\l -' r ·-:J. (1729 ,iI. ,'D . ) :
•.ccC!rding . to th~)' V<:!'l;Jhnv'] 11" 1 ~~ built -II p.:ll']c<l in ·P., tan J sinc(: h i ~ r c' i ']l
, "WBS poucoful. Hw'tncouregod tllt1· ~op10 to, work 1n tb:i conaU'uctiotl of ttll.i
, p :;l l llC r~ ' by working' him9 ... U ,.. Vtshllu "' MallB, ·ricU.Jlg, on , tl!ti 9Cck of ~n ( l>JPh;,nt;
·cllrri·"!d 2 '0 ,(" ') bricks;alf.· /i0-WOWI"; ,this 'r ,i.l.v';D ls th;; tvlrperalD'-ont. of '
.:l 'King dUri.r@: Cl , pur10d 0.(: d"jnCe~: -It .is t,ru Ci , ~ha~ 'y~ahnU 'M!l lla. cllrr1...:.d
b ri cks , but on thtl back o f on eltl phant . '- '.
Caotd.-.·. ·-
. Tbe bell installed by ·Vishnu· Malla.' at the T,Jle j u tornpla of Patan is
, ,v~:"Y famous. It 'WBS installed':in tbli yeor ·:a S7 N.?pa l. era (1737 ~ . D . ) : Th ,
· insc ription on this be 11 ''Soow,' thll t Chandrfllll:tmi " Davi ' ;,6 S his qU,Jdn (ItJ.h:1S
Prt>ka sh, Part 1, pp~ '6)-64). ' " "

Jd't~ r tht; death ' of Jogajjaya .Malla in 1752 ".D., (sic), Jayaprakbsh:J
lfulta occupi'O'd th'J throns or- Kathmandu and UXptllli:lQ, Rajyapr akasha ~kl ll a .
l,ccording to th(~_ VOI'_!::ha·'", li,. aa jy~, Prilkasba Milla: t.ook r<Jfug;.; in Pdt.On,
and Vishnu Mall a adopwd ' him -as 8 son'. Bu.t ,:wban" the Mohllr coins of RajYll
Prakllsha Malta s how tha 't hH had r~be lled ag<linst Vishnu i".alla. Two of his
· MOOaI' ~oins, dnt ~ d 8S5 N(~p8-1 31-a (1735 J... D. ) and 856 Ni:pal. t:r~ ( 1736 A.D,),
haw boon found. Since ,tpes<I coins Wtl!'(: mint",d during th03 r.J i gn of Vishna
Hallo, o Vidence tho t Rnjya PI'ak.,'\sh MaLla t:a d Nb ~ ll<td ,; gt:~st Vi!>hnu Joi<>l.l.:l
bccom;-:s st.rong. Mor'~ov.,'r, -"ttw nDIJli-; of Yoganar.::n9,r« !-ta U.; ,. ~ s inscribGd on
a ll thes ... coins. Ra jyll l"raktJ,shn Halls t h~ r; by want,.::d . to prav.;! t hSt _hi s
.rig~t t.:> th,· thron', -vas just-,' ond •.at t 'h ::t of tilOSI:! whQ .rul.i: d in Put...:;)
.:lfw r Yogcmer.::ndra Ma lLa 's d,.' s1.h. Th<.l awry that Yog-'>n:.; ~ ; ndra }:ai.~ wu:,
immortal, that. n>;:l would not dk unl\,;ss ~ bird inst.:Jllad abow .. n', ' h,;"d 01'
tb',; S(.lIlnnt. in his statuo flew away, ,and that arrungumoots for hi s f ood
and swap in the ptl lacu shoul.d bo rond~ 'Wltil his o1J sth.'.wlIS concoctvd du.r-
ing this
, . .
po:lriod. This story h ~s <I polit.icolllldllning.

This conflict. subsid.;,d wh~n Vishnu M.:.:. lla dl::lchred JWjy<l PN\t:D.5i1.::
tiDllb .!IS his SUCCd550r. '- . , .

.' ViShnu Hallii S\l:.;ms to have dL:d in &62 N ~j pH .-::r (3 (17L2 A.D.). Rt:jy"
Pr :J\t:l.lsha Ma'l1(;1 ttu:-n tlsC{;!ld(,J th: thron~ of Pot o.n . A Mohar coin ·d:. t ad 669
;:;..:·p~ l e r a (1749 A.D.) be.sr1ng his ,nane bes _bfkn found •.uC!ording ·to t h·
V"naha v" lis , . the pow.;!rrul·nob1s~ s of Patan we re no.t plulls ;;.d ~Tith ~bJya
f'r~kD.shfl MD ll•.'l and'so blio,j.ld hb. 1.. coin (itlt.?d 8n, N.,psl p.ra ( 1752
':" . D. ) , b9bring 'the nD.rnO of V1shwajit has OOii'O found~' This shows
t.n[; t Rajya Prokosh a Malts di~d around . 1 .A.D. .

. According to th(' J King fuIn~jit Ma lla of Bh~kt.;Jpur and

X,1ng Jaya ' Prakasha Malta o f KathllPndu ru1.;;d for g) , ye ~ s in Patsn bfkr
. .. . ,.the d~lIth of R§ljya PrakDs h<, M·all;) b<!foI"6- they w.::r;'_., driY7nout . by th<..
.Proo.hans. The Vlll'll3haVlIlis twvs' also stc:ted t hat :Vishw:Jj1.t Hall':}, son of
o d:lU,ghter of Vishnu' MUlls', bectllie King. ,3fto r Ranaj it ttliti' -ilnd J<lya
Prukasha Ha U a wer" driVOlD out; HoW<:!wr, 1~ 110ha l' ,c oin or
Vi shwo.jit M.Q ll~
dated878 Nepa l eN ( 1758 A.D.) h~s b·,"!n f o,u,nd. T~is snows that Vbhw.. jl.~
~lla .ruled .up _to that y9a r~ Aceording . to tb. ' V<mlShlI'VS l1S, h~ W:1S DSsaSSl.-
.nllt-;!d. by thcl noblas' a t the gate s.of .tho> Tale ju te~~ in. tl)..; pr ul: .nco ef
/ hi~. que(!n. (Wrlght, p. 2S1). -·,. '" .
· .
Cent.d ••• _
Afts r th ~ d ~a th of Vishwajit lwl"la, the nobl(ls o f Pat:Jfj i:1vit<.~ d
r r1thv1 Ns r oynn Sh<.th to occupy the thronr' of P'ltt>n.- But 'Prhb i N,ll'.'Yi,ln
Sh·-, h s ent his brother, Delamllrdan Shah, instead. 'lb..:: date of lJ:1 1~ :l('. ra,m
Shohrs arrival in Paten is not knoWn; But !J coin b~<.ir1ng his n~: m..:,
d,~t f..ld 888 Nepal or£! (1168 ,A·.D.) h.os bc zn shows that DtiL f' ITJd l 'C< ••n
-. :in<:h l'ul'"ld over P£lt8n. until Prit.hvi NtJ r :iY, ',l eonqutlrc:ld it. NumislIlCltic
-:. . vidt;ncc shows Dolamardrin 'Sha h to 'b,a to;;. i !Jst King of Pat!ln .. But.. according
to tho V",mshavol1s, To jRn u rasiIl'lt.'l M!lUD was thu ' last . rultlr of ?a~no In
" 1768 10.0., WOOn Prithvi NaraYl!n Sh.:lh occupitld Patan, T<.ljanaraeillflc> ~.ana
n'_'d ' to .Shuktepur ond lies klll.i:ld'- thdr~ •

. J.::.:r:ir .h.s81grun.mts r"or ArmY'In M3 j nkirut

i. }<'rom' King R~na B<lh~dur Shah; '

.. .

To -Bl.lndhu Rana. ,
. -,
tiith 0ffo ct from BaisDkh Budi 1.4, 16$0, vt?.have '
rhos under th:-, Ddm1nistrativ.. jurisdiction of l'UIjhldrat DS 'J agir to th.::
Sigii~ th..; UtrYit1-

Shri 8hagu,v iltidr,::1 :ilnd Shr·i ' Oat- ,Comp.:J nias. Ji.:,md OViJr . ",11;;; s _cv1Lct...c:i
by you tJli's 'dn'te .(to tht:,s ../. comi>i"nL.s):
ilnd g iv~ "th.OJli c'huz:g,,"~
" . --' .
' .
' B<.Iisllkb Badi '10, 18$0
(M,y. 1793) ' . ' '. ..
fiegmi RnsAarch Collo ctions, Vol. 36, "P~ Wo ;

2 . l"r om King: ~na B<:J hadur'

" .'
. '
To t ho ryots and subj~cts of Mtljhkirrct.

With 11ff-'1ct from Bllisakh Sudi 14, 18$0, wC' h!:vt,· assignad, (th-.; t..-; rri-
toria s under tha adm1nistr~tiv ~ jurisdiction rf ) M~jhkirat as J~glr to
t!l,'!, Shri Bhagllvatlda 1 Bnd Shrl Dat Crur.panif:: oS. p~ sC'n~ :Y9urso1-ros .bcfor.:;
Sub.;:dar B;Jl<Jw~nt RaikD Md Subed!l r BdDlBYC Khatri and supply provieions,
l.i iv.. cnargo of thus ... territorL:is in accordance ·; wi~h tht: , Jagir aSBignmmt
titks (Patta). . .

R~l s dkh Bud i 14 , 18$0

("by .1,793) .
&zmi ftt;56E'l"ch Colloctiona, Vol. 36, pp • .lO-11o
•• •

R'lgulat;1ons For M:ljhktrnt.: •.. -.•,

. From King RBn~ Babfldur S~I1;

.Te Subcdar B.;.l nwant· Roikt1.· nd B~msYa' Kha,tri;

Wtdier... by pro~lgaw -'·.th'; f ollowing r..·.gUiotions fo r Mj)jhkir~t, which

hbV\,.; ·b e~ l' assignnd to c,o rrpanias as Jagir. ."

1. Confirm thoef;J fu". i s who h.'l v.. bQ'en oc cupyJiig ,ulf.:ir pbs i tions f~I.)IT1 Doc i.,n t
times. Cv U <ict fe(;l s f r om the·in 'at toh.; custbmlJry . rc>Ws. Abolish ;t noSt; R<.:iS
'Who h od bui:tn aproint.,j ldwr by royal urdt:lr thro ugh SubbClS . Wit.l1dr::. ....'
\oh:;:: r ')yu l. ordf;Jr s issu~d to t.h em aug bring t.h\Os ~ t o tbr: PCJ!.<lC-:l.

2. wC' shall s.,nd r;:.spQctnblll p,;:rsons fro m h\;lr~~ t o scrutinizlJ R.. ikar ",nd
Birt<> lands. Maasu~ ' lclJ1ds along with t h""m ,Ind ass i 6n th.: exC(:sS <ll'\,; ,
to th::. compa nbs. ' R~! lll it nalf v f' .th.:;-- prJc{),!ds of filJ:::S to th.., p:)lu c ,""
too assign th;~ b£l13nC'1 't:l th,·: compani es.
J. Wo: ShA ll a .i n:! o rde rs f~r th~ impr«ssment of JharD" l abor from- th,'. inh<Jbi~
t::nts of thums ,';os 'W':,ll :' 5 of Bitalap, Chhap ond KhuwiJ lands in 'th::; r.- gi ')u
si '.ut,tlid oust of th·:: Oldhkosi riv,)r Dnd w'·, st. of UL' TlIIlIOr r1'1" r for r ;-
,claiming W:lst C .lands in 'fumlin€U:r. Tak:<J ovu r chnrgt.; of to.; I' ·cl<lmDti:"Il
op.:.r fi tiorui thor e '~ .

4 . ' Confis oato r1c(') l Ands in }o\t;!ynb1, Mohariy9 nnd -Chh:.p hJ 1di ngs qld pr; ,-
tilX-:·S on P",ktlOlands cont :.imd in such holdings .:\cco~" di:lg •
to In th" CRSW of lSlrg~ ChhDp ho1d1rgs SQlT\>3 portions of whic ,'
3!"H ft uncultiv:::tnd with.) ut. bOing o c cup i(~ d by tcntmts '!-l nd hOlTl3st.t:indS,
c') nfisc~te such uncu1tiV'.Jwd portions " nd s"'ttl. ·~ p,4)p1", t.herc- • .' I nc (lm-~'
from l llOds thus r"~ c l ;] iIllGd ~ha~l b ~! .3ssign ':><;l to t.~: c omp~n1~ ~. :
, : . . ' t . . .. ,

5. RoJvonu.s from th(1 l uvy (on dyers of cloth) wro 'pruvlous ly undo!'
tho jurisdiction Subb~.
, \,/e now:, assig'~ th':O SI:l r·~ vcnu.;!3 to th-:-.
cOll1>en1es •
. , ,
Bo1 •• k" Sud1 14, 1850 (Thur~<juy) '
(M.y 1793) . ' .
' R~~gm1 RJs~ arch Co ll~cti o ns,
. Vol. )6 , pp. 13-~. ' .J

Contd~ ••
200 .

Pip., JaDllukr 1 1

Pt po -, 1

'fub!!lyo 1 1

, T",sya
~ 2
MEor sy3 2

Boori - , 2

Bi.lnauri 2 '2

;Lobar (blacksmith), 2 2
S:lrkl (cobblGr ) 2 2

Ka~l (ca r p€:nt cr) 1 -'·,,1

'- '
143 143
'l'hur , Bbisakh 8adi 14 , 1850
(I-'.<1y 1793)
ikgll".i RJs~arch Coll t:c t L.Ds ,
'10 1. 36 , pp . 8- 9•

.D.<f~ns", Of Nuwalro t

From King k.:lno BBnadur Shah,

To the Ilhomi familtes , (<:<mp l oyeflB or ) gunpc·.-Idor tflotc r ies, g,: )V(,r,..m ·nt.
(lJllll o)'ees ( Jagi ro) and other s (DhakI\.:), Tncrthok (fi)ffi1l1"s), Br Gtur\3n.5
Dnd othl,lr s (Pr l:ljll) and a ll oW..:r p-:;opl,J b-c i wnging to th.;. 36 castl;:s .

'wo huvo s!::nt Sar v.:lj l t Panoo , -Pl huba r L&m<:', )tu t u Pa
-hy:!, Sub~·d:lr
Pokhura onc! Sutx:dar Gal e to l ook 3ft.:lr Nuwakot . Act :lcco_"ding to-
{, r d'<rs i n any, t ask th at mlly COlIlJ up .
'", .-
,'.}i fldnesdDy 1 Shr awan Bad! 1, 11150
"(July 1793)
R-, gm~ - RAs.:tsr ch Co ll·:,eti <:ns 1
~l . '30, pp . 6-7.

C~t.d •••
209 • .

c." )sl::lw.m 'nt .(lnd Confisoa tier! Of Prop ·';rty

F'rom King R'm ll B:lh!: ldur Shuh,

'ra Shatrusel, Panabir Khatrl, i.mor Singh Thapa, and Sub<,.o: .:s, ~'il ,Jngds,
umr.OiS and Dha 18t s.

We had ' pr:-tvioualy s(Jnt e lotter tu yuu duscribing tb" oatagori<.:s .

of peop1.J who should b.) •.jOs.1Q.v,~d. H.:.ond I)v·:'r th,) cows, bullocks, bUi'ftl-
1085 , sht:lop dod goats of th..:- pl> who v r.:~ thus ..mslev~d to Gujindr>;; ,
wilD q.DS b.J :;'o &.:mt th.:;I\:. for t his Purpos~, in such d ro<lnnl:lr th.ut tb.. r ..:
l.:; w .. j iscrcpl!ncy. G.3 j~ndr3 will kG\Jp (tt~s", <JoimvU ) th",~ _ in ... cdttl.... -
Lrm . ;"150 i.lrr:1!1~> for th", foodgrainB r'llQ.uirt;d for ,t. h .·, f3i'll'.•

tihrnw;Jn .&d1 .6, 1850

(Ju ly 1793)
R;;,gmi Ro;suc rch Collj:> ctiDos,
Vol ••36, p. 7.

(This ordtlr W!JB s ont on th.~ sam:.: d::; t <. also t o Ch:ilIIu Bh£mp..n.i, Bht.'irav
Singh Kha\>llIs, i.ja yo Khawt.:8 :md Ma rthll).
.. :.

(To B, . Continu"d)

lit IUI .....111 U It


Interviews With Bab~ram Acha~Ja


--I n your opinion,' 1n Which aNaa 9t.her than Kathrnandu Valley can WO
find archaeological rnat;;,rials of thb Lichchtiavi p~riod 1


I cannot say anything. Suen lISt2r1dls are fOWld i ~: all pltices from
the Dudbkosh1 river on thd east. to Gorkhn in toh.;: w~st. .


11 there any athar placE; wher~ you ti'link such m&teri"Ls ' b\:i; found

AnswlJr ,

No. Thel'P. 1:3 no such plac!iI other t.hsn thoSod whic h I ;1 8Vd olr oa dy


How far do you 8gNH with Yogi Narahar i!.ath that th.' Bhadradhivll S,\\P '
b h!lvana ond Hanwnandhoka p t:lR ctls of ' K<iIIltipur ar~ t h~ S3I1lC1 l '

Answer Lis inscribed there. It had bt:len to 'r ead

the word uNar... ndradeva 11
I do not agreE'! with him. Bhadradhivasabhavano was sitUllt:.~d ot
Bhandarkhal ne<lr too Pashupatinath t o.=mple. Two inscriptions ref.,rring
BhGdradhivasabhuvallB hav·) been discov'"' rcld. Both inscriptions hOlv'J { 1.1
th~ s .. /lloJ cont"lnt.s. Nari.mdr<Jdf~va had construcv) d s monast..-ry, ShiVed(·vti , .......
Vihara, in th ~j nam~' of his son. l'hil t is \.rlY th·~ word "Bhbttllraka Shivt d~
in tn(~ Ba j radhar inscription pr.)viously. Wh:;n th~' inscriptoion of p~~ n
wa s read , the word'3v:o. was &jem. This provud tha t th~ Bsj rrd.l'''~
insc ription also b;;; longcd to thl: p..lrlod of Nl:lrond:-il dov.::. Af"Wr r.u.; gr-J.:l
:':; rthquak8 of 1933 , thl.: d\ilbris WaS rdtnOv:::l d from thGr ", . I t W<.lS th",n tn&~
·this inscription usa discovarod. It tnt.D b~come curtain th:::r. thl". in.sCl'~
tion i:wdbeen installod by rlurt;!ndrsd~v". It m.:nt.ions Shiv.ud ... va lllong "'~c.
th·./ of Dut.ska Bhatt.6ralro, b.:; CCUSi;l Narundrlld:;;v" had b...,com., v·.. ry 0

Cant-d •••
211 •

H·· h.:ld hBnded ov;;: r Ut·J af f.:li r s of t m' stutd to his son . Thcrefor"" his
son VCls c ull'Jd Bh!ltwrnkn . l But hp wns not ca ll ed lLtwr nj.J . N.3r ,.;ndr ... ( ...v :1
.1: 5 tn.m living 1::15 nn asc ·~ tl c nt. t n'! PnshuputiDnth t..::tnpk . H.,. CC'1st.:=--uc:,...d
thr· Dhadr f;dhlVtls£lbhav£l nu pol ac-l a nd li vod th .Jro . 'lb. ·' r-:'fo l\>, Bhed!',d n1v.:. s a_
bhDvana 1 5 n'J ithe r Hanurrulndho~ nor Ps.t nn. I think : t hat this pV~c ': V iol S
CC11fld Btwnd(-l rkh8 1 aft-·l r · soml': YOfJrs · DS. a corrupt form of "Bhadra ll • Bh~d r!.l ­
dhl bDSD ls· tll< , or,J3 surrounding th,." P!lShUpDti:"IC th t.~mp l'J . Nal""ndr<.ld ", v~
did not th~m liv';.! ~ t t h~ Ka.l.lct· hkutob havDnu . 'ih is pLoco i s s ituc tud .'I t
lIn <:! lt~v.:lti o n. Bbands rkhal W35 doriv" d from Bhs dra - N1vl:Isa . Thts 15 only
SI sp'1 cu 1ntton . 'lbe ro:t is no writta n proof .


It i s s,,1d th at. th .... ter m y,:mga l was dc. riv... d from Indrae nha.

: Ans w':olr

~not is ri gnt. Th i z i s rrry own vi..::w. Tni; word I1Y.m I1· is d(;lriv,:;d from
Indr u Dnd I1Ga 1" from Uriw. •. 'l'h~ ~rm liYangll lll cc!mc · into b ... 1ng in t h1$

QUe st.ton

wtwn Wtls Indragri ba built ?

Mswo r

M!!nadt:Jvc built it • .

Qul;;'s tion

In the re my evldanc9 to soow that it was coMtruct~d by Monootlva ?

1 • .Fonn~ rlyJ .t he r ·..lling Ki ng WIlS c oll-:: d Bt.c; tt.:lra ka: .Nar'..: ndr<ldvv ~ , wh;:;n
h o, COIm to power by I':!movlng V1shnu Gupt.a ·~ nd oth~ rsJ ca 1kd him.sf;lf
Bhattarsks in the b :glnning • .But ha grew amb itions .!.a t ~r <.md c .!.It.d
himse lf' Parnmabhattaruko . BhdttBrakB ttk;o b~ crun ~ thd tiUtl of tn.::·
Crown Princ(: • .This 1 5 proV'.Jd by tilt: inscription. or" N",rr.ndrad'Jvu . 'l·hll r(J-
fON, he doos not SI::I'Jm to how hDnded ovor to n:.: 1:Iff.:: 1rs of t ~ St.<.lt. ~
t o his son .

Contd. "

. .
- .;
Th£'re 15 no' clo3r ~vid'lnc "'. But
this is.· shown by th~ c.:n tr·xt. i·l!l!'.:J·
. cOvE! W1JS King nt tl'lllt: til1lt'. Who e ls~ wou ld hav(~ constr uct'.;d it ? It. ".,;!S i
construct..~i:I in tho Iildian style. A simi14r - p:,l.:; c .~ was construct...d in rnd ~

Quc~ 8tion

HaV(l M~g<lI's any eonn-,letion with t he LichchhlJvi p;,jriod ?

" iJls~r

Magars roorsd pigs during 'Lh", - Lichcbhc vi period. On 'L~ ot.r.-.. : r he'o j ,
t.I.:; 11chchhavis w3ro ritually pur;,! . Sonw 01" tll"m wcr.: Buddhist-s ' too. '
'l'h..:r <Ji"or.J, 'th~.y could haw:.vauquishvd _thi2 M<1g-'-U's hOld t .h ... y so wi>nt~ d. . B
But th·,:·y did not establish MJ' rt.1Jtionsnip wit.h. "tl>.- N,ag<l rs. 1l.c(tchh" V .l.
r -:gurd:d Magdrs ..$ untouchBblo:• • Th.~ word i-"'gi.-lr ~!;;s not b",.long to Lhl~ ,y
communl.ty. Th.,y W'3 l"'_' cd llud ~L gClrs by rdst<lk ~ . _ Wh.,n t~ Khos" s com-" tollrd
cons i d-,r.; d th",'sc p~opl., 08 foion go ls. H~g.-: r is th- corrupt forln o f t/: .: ',,0
Mon go l. }li:.g drs do not c .. ll th', msdvo,: s by this term.

S}u,,; stion

1r.ho are thtj Ht~ 15 .?

He ls lire llbhlras. Hal is th<:: corr Upt fo rm of t.ho word libhlro.


Lichchhllvis hoVH sottlud her;;! like oth.;,r \:Ithriic groups. Whom did
tlwy mix with?

• . ' ..
Soft! ot thoJrn aru D:mgols. Thos·:. satt.led in Dok5hiDllkol~gr:;ill1:.l £Ir"'"
ull DDngols~ '


Is not Koli .) s<::par&t{, t.lthnic group?

Cont.d •••

Answe r
No. ,Tbis has not yet been determwd cl - arIy., It has not kEn "tX-
plaiQAd so far. _The D.:lIl\e .of the village is Dakshinakol1grama.


: " is is controver s1ol. T!l;' centrbl part of Kathmanc;iu~as _i'onnerly

called Koligrnma • . li. manuscrip t .'.I t. th" Machhindrsbahal shriI'l<: bt- long1.rJf,
to the . period of Yaksha Molls IIl<:Intions KOl1 t."TOJllll . Th!" present K.!l Tole
reminds us of this t drm. Thd southern ,pt:rt of Koligrams, Dakshinskoli-
grama dovoloped furthtlr. Th", names KoUgrum!l and Dakstdnakq l1grana
Sl.'Cm to have COIlJ:! into Ouing b"call::id Kol1s S .~lit.kd i n t his arco in lilrg..;,
numbers., KoU.s, mawrnal r ",latives of -the Buddha, Wo:Jr6 th.:n ilS J:.::mOus <;8
tha Sh.:Ikyss-. ' .


No. Ttd.s is vury far-ft;tch<3d.


Was not tbil sotdeml.m t of the Vrijikss caU,"..d as: Brijikaratbya 'l


No. Brijikas ar~ Lichchhavts.


lichchhavis WU~l includod in Lhd Vriji confod~ration (S~ngba ) . But

Vrijikss ond li ehcbll.avis ar" different., Slmi.Iarly, Shakyas too elllilt.' h~r"; .


No~ Tbero was no wuy for SMkyas to COm:1 h&ra._ Where did tney eoilk.'
from 'l

Question ' .. '-

Who are tbe Sbskyns r~ fe rred to 1n tb", il\::~:'iptiQfI of

2 . L.n i~acriptionr ",'o antly dia~o'V<:ired' ~babahll r~f-"~s ~

in Bhikshu
bhadrs ShIlky£l. Tb\} tt.:Xt Mul.. sarvast1vsdavinsya has .. lao r -:.-
farrEod to the ontry 01' Sh&lky3S into ~upa l~ Inscr1ptions of th" !-ls.l.i.h
period 'contain many r .. fvr..,nc~9 to Sbakyas,

Contd •••

... . " ..
~ 'Whur{ tll<l S~k:y{:l rponClBt.:Jry wad
Th...JY w<srta c a lied Sbs'k yas onlY l ;;,t dr;
built. 'fhe mon.sst·" r-J by Sh~tirciks hita ln Tibwt is tn" ~hakyU mn d ::-
tory. Tbos".) init.i!ltdd 1n such IIh:l n~st..1 rius 'W', ca !.ll:O d ShBkycs. T1l0r .: l 5
El diff.::roo.ctf bot .....ocn tn·.... sd Shokyas bnd toh., pr'... s",nt. Stwkyus •. :
... "

, i ,.
' , If Lichchhavis -CQuld CO~ h·.:-r~ f re :". o utsld~ , w'hy coul d rot SnekytlS 1


No. Lichchbavl s twd Cam.:· horo to ' occupy th.i thrond, )lh@I'9&8 Shakyas
did not co m; for th1t:l pur posu. Sh9ky<! )..8 a r (., ligiouB institution . Th··.y
.!'Ir r~ conn{' cted with th :, Sha ky£! mOllllstcry . G"'uum Buddha waB Cl ShDkya of
th:lt p l uca . W~ Cilnno t b ..:; l1·!vu that h.', c>.Jm'J to N..:pt) l. £v,;n thi:" d1:3sc ... l'.dunt.S
of Koshonu , who CBmv h.::re much .Lotr-r, :}ud .to [.leo:.: d1fficulti,,'s '. No r out.O
Md re", n opGntJd up. How could ih'j n Soyan"" cam:' hot";' ? "

. Qu('ls tion

Thr:y coul d hRV<) c olll'~ from But.eul through IndiD. "


Had Sha kyas com ) hur .? , th""'t y would hDv::; br ougnt th", l.,r civilizutic. ..
w1 th thl::llll and th:~ ir inscrip tions "w.... bav.,," bat' n d is 00 v;:;r ..::d. .Ashoktl toll
wo uld h~v~ C:)m.:J hlJr ,) imd 1.nswlbd inscriptions hclr ·.;, •

QU'? 9tion

The: Buddb15 t tdxt Mulasurvllstiv"davinuyu m.. .: nt. ion.s l../v.! t Sh<.lky<lS C",LIIJ
~!Id s~ ttlcd hUr-J . It a l so stat·;;,s that AruJnda hOd cam., hON "to.> OVtlt t nv
Shakycs. "

Wb".. n Wll 5 this t ilxt wri tton ?

. ' '":
, . <

..Coo W, ,"•• "•


Only conwlT{l0r<;ry wri tings ca n bi) t a k'.'lIl ,;)5 c~1donC0 . 'J'hcs(> uIXI only
1 ;gands. W(t should. not beli~Jvo in l0gi.mds~

. fiuustion

Kolis .31S0 Sf!am to h'W.-l ''come; h.t4"e. The .tPC:.i stonca of Kol1grainD oDd
Dakshinekol1grama proves th9 13Xis1it:-nciJ 'o f.Kol1 s~ttleDJ:)nts.


Th" r -) w,cr ,' only Sl!:l l l vill.:Jg.;s in th'3 kginning a nd hoUSQ5 - Wqr.~
1.so1utvd; "Tol ..:stl CDIlI': : into b"ing whi:ln hous'.ilS wore built adjoining: 0.:lch
otrer. TI),(: Drt.loCi boyond .pakshinko li~ ~m;l WilS c;~ llud nUttnr Tol .-;'· . But th,,!.' .,::,
W!lS no s(;jt~10m;;n'" bt;l;rond. Jhouchbf:: Tol cl , '.

- .,
If so, h')w W~5 th", inscrlrt10n o!.,M'ln£lclJvll discovured in Kl,ll 1'01...:; 'j
This inscription r.::·f~s to a w~t .:.i r spout built for tnt.: public.' .

M swc>r
This WCl5 construct~ d all L;:; id;:;. th,~ tcrwn. it Buddhist rron1lstcry Md
Qoan C'Jos tructed.1n Y;;Jmbu. Thl'! water spout . 880m3 to .. ;.l V{' b.;:(,m construcv;d
. for this mono story,.

11 1001lllUOI It 11
21.6 •• .

Select8d · Lett~rs Of Prithvi Nar~yan Shah

1. Frorn Pri thvi Narayan Shah, _

1\0 Vidyapati P~d hya.

Go to Li-glig with Jhara laborers from 1 20 f omili.o;s. Yo" sr.Dll bu

punishod i f tn0re is tiny delay in
doing so . Go iIruoodiatoly by 1:1 11 mcw n' ,"

l~n&dh Badi lO, 1796

(June 1739)


This l e tter W&S s on( to Vidyapllt1 PBdhya whil,j Narabhupal Sh",h was KiI>i
of Gorkh.. Md Prithvi NaraY!1n Shah was yet Crown "Prine. ,_' It 's·nows that
Prit hvi Na rnyan Shah. bud Dlroady stfl rtcd p.9.rticip ating in th0 'edmiIlistP'
t io n.
2. From King Prith-.rl Narayan Sh<lh ,
To Ibcmapati l'adhya ond .!)"r.:stlDrrr.!1 PD dhyu,.

Greetirigs. Joll" i ~' 'n U he:.r e Md W:I wish the S<ll'l» th~' r< · . 'I'his would
ceuso much plcasur" to :z5.

The Kaj is have reported to us whatever you had told toom. Wo h<:lVa
b.;;Hlrd tho ir r eport. You h ove mnd<3 a good r ..:q\hl,S t. ~io ' hoJr~by grant yoll
(tax t'1xempt1on) on your hozoosteods .1nd BirW Inhds . Finish t.h~-: t u sk
assigned to you. On thu dby you do so ) 1;1:- st'l::JLI.. gr <l nt yo u gold b El'og 18\
nnd C'.... har ~JW<lrd8, and ah-'lll a ls o [Ipp.:>int. yeu in good positions. finiS
t.ilo t. >sk dssigned t u you ~r..d COlrl8 h<>l'o.

Fnlugn Bad i 3 .

XMohan Prnsad Khnnal, Frithvip.!ltr[)-Songrci ha ~ (j, Collection c;f Letttl rs

< o f Prithvi NorDynn Shl.lf.,. I.n litpur; thl) authur, 1971 , 2:0 pp.

Contd .....
.. ,


This lott.;r is a4dr~ss6d to Dhsll<Jpl:It.i Padhya un.d j).l\1~h8rma· F£lOhyEl

of Doupur. Howuvt)l', it doos not Dlt:"ntion tho year. T~sQ two p<.or60ns il<!.1
s ,mt a message' through" Prlthvi Nurilyen Sh:£h 1 6 Kaji I B 'ottt)rring "thoir
holp , in tht: conquost of Nal.dup! i f lBnds anJ. homesteads would ba
.roconfirll£d. lht'!. .101.t.~r thus - (l9ama ,to have' buun writwn in FI:I18un 1610
Vikramu (February 1753-). .' . ~. ' ,

3. From Kin6 Pr1thvl Narayan Shah, ·

Tu Dyauh<lri Je1s1, .
w~: harl..'by grant you too following l~nds,

Lands &cqulI'iid from Ojha,

Lends given by Bhatos Md Bra~, and

Lands acquirad from Chanru. Padhy8 •

MOndDY, Ma-gb- B!ldl 1, 1811
(January, 1754)
Dyi;!uhSri DotP.l w&s a J'\: sidant o f Dopur nE:l~r NaloJum. , Ho Md rec'Jive d '
many Birta grants from KingB JagsjjaYIl Mllla llnJ JaYClprakash Mall£! of
Kantipur. As m'i,ntion'!Q in thi) no:t:es ,to the prtlvio'¥i ~Qtter, ha hall ht. ~ lpo~'- ::
Prithvi Naroyon Shah in th~1 c· of NalJum. · . . . ,,,_ ",

4. From K:ln6 frithvi ll~rayan Shuh.

To Damudar .Pandit. . ,
Grttttt1.ngs. All is wll .h<3ra and wc wish the ' SLltOO ~re., This wouL..t '
CllUSC much pl·::asUI'o t o us. Thl:l. ·l)JWS ~ro is gO·J ll. · •

. It seems that you nra angry beoause yasterday 1 s sttoqlt · has tail...,d~ -.~
It dl)<;I S not · behove you t o b·J I ! our ritu£lL -brotber'a tatht:!r. has. "
c onfiscllt<ld y our l~nds md. home6.teads~ I vUl grant them t:llsawht.tN. \ok; •.:. _.:
h.:l) tt.olked nbout (Lands and Ilomosteada) in Bhanwarkot. It' you (like them) .::
a!t..3r 1nspecting them, W'; shell gr<mt them tD you., . ,

ContJ .•••


The most important thing should be kept se~ret. We -had already known
that (our ritu~l brotht<rl~ tathe') would comply ~ith thtl wishes of JdY<"' - . .
'prakash. If our ritual brother's fathur is .7lp,gry, I am -not. Diff.arancvs .
have arisGn owing to oircumstances, but thusc. will. bl,;: rt 'solvcd if th ,jr..;"
1s tlIl effort. Evt:n if J<!YLl pr{,kash asks for paaCG, Wv BMll oot relinqu1sn "'~
l~bldurn. Our pUI1los(;:I will. not be servl:d i f sW,j~t USSliI'i.lncus an: .no t off~rt:)d~,
Lachhwn.:ln Padhya 'W..::nt to Bhaktapur yeswrclay-'alSo. If thtl tllSk. is tlcccm-
plished, this is good. Oth~rwiseJ it will b~ accomplished if you try.
According to thiol scriptures, it is 'govd to - start action in t~ inU;r9sts
of the Stat\l uven at th ,~ cost of antl1s Ufo. aut it will not happlm 60-..
Everything will be Dccomp Lishod after (you) come . Wbat InUre to wist7 P\~ ,)p].u_

C9.pitllL: Nuwakot,
Monday (7), Shrawan Sudi 10.


DalOOdlIr Padl\Ya, to? woom this l c ttl:r is addrossod, rut bt.:i>:n
idcot1fiod. N()r 1:3 i t cl(l~r why h.~s l&nds &nd hom~stoads wl3re c onfisCLlto~J
by King R.nnnjit t1.!Jllo (£::!ttBr of Prithvl Naraynn Shoh I s rltuc:: l brothOr ) ,. ~
Th,. letters shows that Prithv1 Narnynn Shuh had s ignud 0 troo ty w1 th
J2YElprQkash Hallo of fering tn leaVd Naldum~Howevar,h.~ had , no in-;..antion o~
hJ noring this pl edgo . Tho 12tt--r see ms tn h:lv:.'! bQ'J n wr~t te n in Shrc:swun _:
1814 (July 1757 ). .

5. From K1ng f'r1thvi Naroyan Sh<lh,

To Lachhiman Thapa.

Blessings • .I,ll is W'Jll hcril :JI)J W;, wish t M some ·th~re. We hsva
roceivod your 1ntter and noted thp. contents. TboJ naws he-rB' is ,good.

YdsterdUY t.:;o I had afforJ.;.;J y ,) U protection-. But y ; u d ishol~,)stlY >-

por",uaJod mt: t-:; frc:;.J Birya DhBmi- from fottE'rs '. I did so becaUSE:! I r·1i. c
on. you. Today, he has -, r"lb3 11~d by enlisting thn support of Bhotes of t~
oth<.or side. YOll huve not cOlllll.itt..;; ,j c.ny c. thuX' off.onsu. If Y'JU t..akv dil
o~th 'aM se,,:k ' rofugo .... Lh us, St 'nJ th;" memb;;,; rs of yourf~mily < wi~
' Koji .. r 511;;11 giV-3 y.... u wl:].L' tover is du_ t ", Y':'U . A ~

Y'Ju helve rt-.-presontcJ that ,u will holp ip the ' oamp~lgu tl; occUPY :
TimlI1. T.t1isis goo-j . TC:lk~ th~ initiCit lvt:l' 1.f Y,-"JU' c CJ n~ Aatru'l ogers MV')
f1.x"d the flusp iciuus lIy.Hli_nt on ty cf tcr thu end of th:- nDnth of BhBdr8
(l.e. aft.:r S.3ptemb..,r 16} . In the mC;Jotim";, try to pacify ClnJ contl"o'l l j
the Bhotos.Jw ~gLlrds othor t:;sks, .:1..} thE1ID ns 50(.)n DS you got orders: ' .~
fl\"Jm th~ Kaj l.

Sundny, Bhadra Sutll 1, 1619.

("""ust 1762 h
C"n \' -:1 •• -.
2l9 . '

N 0 l' E S
Lachh1man -Thapa had been gr antVd asyl um by Prithv l Na r aya n Sh~h
previously Ill so . Bu t hll helpl:d BlryD DtlIJrni , who boo b i mp risom:d by '
Pr i~hvi Na r ayan Shah, to g" t "frd ~ dom . Howl:!Vtir, Pn.thvl NDroyan Stwh
promisod to gr.::nt him 11:: fugtl again b,Jc.:IUSO of Lachhiman Thap8 la offe r to
ho l p in t ht:- c&mptl ign to occupy_ 'l'imd l. .
, '

. 6 . From King Prithv i Naray s n Sh&b , '

. i'b Bhawllni sh8 nk a r lu-jyul of Bhr umar kot • .

120 muris of l and hod bOLm co!lf i scat e,q from you on tha charge t ha t
you hlId purchused it from 81 shw')shwD r Kayosth. Wi:l heNby 'rostort)' " hi s
l l!nd today, a s y ou hav.,; o fi'£:Nd Rs 200. "Nobody shu ll causa ~lny obstruc-
tl ')n ( in y ou r reoccupying t his l and) . Cu ltivat e tb? lDnd o r: , give it to
. o th" r s -f or cultlvut 1on, or crmdug t tr ansactions in ~t.·'

(Countersigned By;
.. .
11'.md.JY, Poush Bnd1 9, 1622
(.o.-,comb<Jr 1765)
Nuwflko t.

. ., '
.lIft e r occupying Naldum, · Prlthvi NarDYDn Sb.:l h 8 ttacked Kabhrep&laDeho1ci~.i.
Timal £100 ·o t he r [lr oas . Hr~ won QVt'r tD_ l ocd ~oplo by off.oring th<·;m . '
pr ivil.tJ g~s and concoss i ·Jos. · PAo pl "3 wera sa tisfiod Wcause they c o ul d get
r cc'mfirm!lt i on of largo ar eas of l •.tnds , whlli:l Prithvl NaraY.m got rront..'Y
t;~ fWnc o his rnil1ti:JI"y cO!ql.!:oigns . · ...

7. Fr om Prithv t Na r <.JYbn Shah, ·

TIl Kah&r Simhll Basnyat.

SbSSlngs . "U 15 W\J 11 h'3N &nd Wo.; wish thu SBJl'\lJ th (;:o N~ Wc have
r:dceivad your wttcr I..Illd n.:.>tod thl: c .; nt ent s . Thu nolo's horo is go:.d .

Yvu hay': s i:lnt t'G po rts 6D:..u t t he Go kam.: :. Changu tlr6ll. Wu have l1s t cnJd ..
t.? th~'5e-- r~po rts. Wc hav':} sant o r der s to tho Khanal of Shawl t =- l OiJ t
criJps, oc cupy pos t s and t hus bora ss Bha dg ~un. Summon t h~ Khanal uod
makf.) necessary arrengem()nts.· Ta ke g ~a t cara of tt\-) l ocal peoplo us wall. ;-.
as of crops ther"{'. Whet mor a t o wlSt: ponp lf; ? .

Thurs JlIy, Aswln Budi 2,-

·KI,atl pur.

Contd •••


Kohar Simha B~sl\Yat, 'OD<:l o f thu two suns of ShlviJrarn Simha B'-tsny..a'J .;
hE;o been depU1,.dd DY Prithvl NariJy.;.n Sh<ih 'too imp'Qso U blockaj~ un, :
lifter th<J conquost " of Kathmundu and La 11 tpur. H~' dkJ~ebra to b!:tvu t-nliStod ",
the help o f thu KhBnals of Dumakhal to l oo t. pa",.;y crops in Bhakt.. vur.
Th.! letter aoorns to hove bGi.m writ"t.~n in l B2.4 ' YikrllnB (1769 A.D.).'
8. From King Prithvi Nar~ya n Shah,
Tu the two £.:llllili~ s of the priests of NtamuJa.

It appears thDt you' have be·m functi.r;ning 8S prlr;sts of Nanruda

from formor·ti.Jll:Js. W"" hel"..:b"Y·C0nfirm y :.. u in t his rJo s1t:lDn. Perfonn
r Oligi ous ctlremonios ••• protect the f or€st around the shrino, and
l ook afwr the K<lphal trees. Anyb ody who cuts trees '4l this forcet. Sh/lll
bo punishud. In caso aqybody harasses o r oppr esses you •••

J03Stha Sudi ••• 1.8)0

~lay 1773)

The document has b ot>n damaged by insElc ts · llO.U hence SOJl)O' worJ s are
miSsing. It sh·ws what po licy Prithvi ..Narayan Shah ha d f o ll9W(jd for tbt.:r
' protec tion of f orests.

(S ~ J3 .• Moharjan).
·..,...... ', -. , ~

Mgnd RestlsrfOh (Pr.t-nW) IA1

Kathman.;u; DeoembaJ:! l} 1971.

Regm Rdsearch Ser1 es 5, No. 12,

E1i tar! By

.!13hesh C. Regpd.

.' .~ . Page

1. Interviews W1. tb. Babur<>m JU:haJ'Ya ... 22l

2. Ancient Khas Culture ... 229
J. }ltscellllnSQus Ooc\lII1Fnts On
Nepal-Chi na War ...
4. D6population Of Ra, k.<lr LDn-:ls
I n Eastl:lrn Tar.)i - ... •
5. Proposa l For East-West
Highway, 1949 ... 240

1111 ~ N 1111111111 lE

Regmi. Research (Private) Ltd

Lazimpat, Kat~n;u, N~pal.

Compileri by &::!gm1 Resedrch (Privi:ite) Ltd tor prtvlJ"w

8~~ and rdse~rch. ~ ot msunt for public s~l~ 'or display.
221, .

Interv\.ew5 .oJl th Baburam Acba rya X

(Conc l u1e-t)

«.lueStion: What. is your opiN;on 800Ut th.: Tharua ?

I -10 not. KnO.1 anyti11ng dbout t.h~ ffnaru~. The Tharus of h:lrang
c",LLei 'tJltll'llselvas lIi\.uchila H• It is Spacu~ te·1 that Ult:y >i1 ·:! .. 0
bbcause th~y were relate·1 to tna .Rajvamsbls at Coochheh8r. I do not kw
more about thl~.

Question: Narah,ari Nath states that ' an; actuaily llryans,

they Wtlt'e cailbrJ ' Tharu because tl~y live:i in lc;>w-larvls..

Jutswer: No, tht'.y are not Aryans, Th ~re ar~ Chltauntya and
who l1ve 10 Parse 11str1.ct-.
. .
'. . .. ,',

'QUl: stion: ~ th~ 'Ibarus - ot the eastem. Tarai, 'Chitsun ani thfo. westam
region t ~ same pdople 1

hns wer: No, thloY ar- not. In the. Wc' sttlI'Il r egi.on itsdlf, the .Thal'\ls ur ...
1tvtrle 1 'nto
-:liffttr E>nt coMunit1es. I n Butaul, there a~ two cau"goni.-s
of Tharus-TJango Ua ThEl r UB an 1 Kathoriya Tbarus. -

Qu;.: st10n: Arf tho ThBrus of . Ctd, woo too ot two OBt~l gOI1r!s ?

~swt!r: No , Oangol1D S ani KlItl\')r1yas ara· the: only·two commun1t1.,p .t.jH' l"~, .
1)angol!as have th.t}1.r o,rlginal ·home 1q. Dang. , ". , .

~ UP.stt on: Are ODngol1a Tharus. so c"J..l..... ri becsuse they coroo"..~ro'!l Daog ?

Answor: Y",s·, tDi. i.I;lrm uangol1 a 15 dor1vu1 from

Dang. Da.ngol1s ·Tparus rlf;lv..
Sprutid t~ms~, lVt.:s up to Kall.al1 in the wc;::stcrn reg1o~. All t>·h~ .,. 'fuprl:19
. 1Oh&1O w" seE; up to KaiUl1 "district arg Dangol1l:1 " nulru~ . .
("juestlon: HlIv,-, tb~ any conno:ctlon with Danuvars, liBJhis ·.ani DEI:rL.h "
Mswar: Th~ Thar us of KIln«nanp\4"' a rtJ ca11..:1 R£inas.

' I f •
xr nstl tuto of tkpa1 lln1 Asian · Stud1 E:S, 'l'r1bbuwap U~~;~:0!t~;
Achllryll rll UhllQKIl Kl1 tl (Babursm Acharys· Anri H1:J
the Iiiett t.utl3, .fal~~ 29; ?029 (March 12,. 1973) .

Cont.oi . '"

222 • .

question; Ani Tharus l1ving "sl.sewne:re 'L

. .
~ - -

1>ll5Wer: In KDllch3npur, 'l'hElrus llre c~iled RallS. Stiyoni this, I 10 not. Ktl.v~
Clnythlng. finna Tbarus follow strange CllSt.oms .:Jnri us<lges. For,""
they -; 0 not maintain any relations with allY ' other 'lharu. Nor io l,ou"Y
astab lish mstriltlOQial rbiat,ions w1. t.h ot.her 'l'harus . They do not c ult1 v,.t.t:.
l!ln:ls bolonglng to any other conrnunity; thay cultivate th",lr own lan1~
only. ' They also keep aloof from othar comrnWlities.
. .
On", strange" claim .Rana Tbarus'm:1ke is that th;:,y ha; been II.-lriv-;lll : .
out from Mahabharat ,n Thf' ir wivo;'ls aalIR" th~"msc lv:- s GoplnL 'l'ht>y thrust.·
the'is their husbanis wi th th ~'lr feet while serving meals; .
I have witru?ss e ; thtscuBtom myself. Moreover, RanD Thlll"US t10 not t ak.
milk. When ask(,!'i" th.; rs <:s:m J thAy .say that .t.h03Y rio not '10 Ba b;-caUB" tll!;[
have to feet3 the calv~s. W(> asked whuthcr W\:I 'could t.<lktl milk. ~They .J;',-?l.Ltf
that we coulti do Ba if we liki.~ i, an" £IctuDlly brought milk for us . 'I"hi"I\ 1
tol'i tMm th<lt thl.;Y too shouH take milk. ThlJY oblige-t us. ActuallYJ ~~h , .J
·-10 not totally abhor milk. Such arc thesfI Pl7Oplo. '~.., ' T O"

.All thHsa Tharua appel:lr to' have 9;lme c' o~ctions w1 th Magars. T:I' r ;
is anothp.r group of Tharus in Morang :11str1ct. I ha"," forgott..1n nUID- •
Th~y wear only' a loincloth ani sell cinchona. Th~ dialt:lct spokotm by t!"j·/'.
1s almost Henttcal to .th,1t . spoken by 11l1lbus •

Question: .W"'r03 they Dbimo'lls ?

.... nswt:r:: · Y:'. s, Dhtm£i ls. In physical appeClranc~ , the y r8Sl:lmb}.... On...
important thing cbout. Chit.auniya Tb!:lZ"Us ls that tha1r Yanch"Yut u.s'::-1 . "tO
ba a pow~rful bo~y. 0r1~ ~~ ' issuu1 by this Pancnuya~ commanic~ grUQt~r
'. sanc:t"\ t.y. than .,vt:;m thOSb of th.. King. .

Quc:s tion; How \las that. Panchaya"t. mr.oogo·i '1 Was i t. an tlic; ctud borJy ?
•... . .,
Iuls~r; The·
PanChay8 t used 1;.0 bl:l managerl very ~f!'id. cJn t1y. Its ·iil<:mb •. .!'::J
ware selecWd through mutU8:j. consul"Wttons. •

What was ttK nature .of tht. Panchal1J Lt." . too

prova11"'ti -luring t~ Ltchcbhavi purio'i ? .. '. , ..,
. ,
Mswer: Pancbaya t.S W€ rt'! not form;.'i thun through el",ctions organiZei b,:..- .
' . tb.·) gOVf·~t:ntJ <ts is thoJ cas ~; tooiBy. Th .. Panchali Was sut·up by ~llLi ·, r5,.
:~. tnblns!-,.lv'::ls , through mutual consult.at1on~. In Bhoktapur, th~r t; w.:ri:> m-'nJ :;:
··Tols,eacn with a chid (Prllihan) who ... itht:i'·stOOi·C,S II cani14a.t...:. on h~tl ']
own inH18th..; Qr was nom"\n3tH by thl; go:v<;:rlun,.nt. Th>j ~ancheUs tiX~ st~. ng '.
~u~ ng the L1 chchhav1. porioi w·-·%\' gon.;~ally 'o p8rating . wi th1~ th.~ GutM
syst.-m. ThlCY ha~ links with Guthis only; ani ha1 l\o · oonn-.~ ct1.ons 'at all polHicB.

Cont~ •••
• •

i..!uest'\.oo. At t.hllt ti m~ , GuthLs oparatd-f indepen-!entl.,y. Why sbou1i bilv

P<Jnctw.lis . bet:ln ' men'bione 1 sE;paNt~ly ?

'l'ne "enn Oest-hi meMoS Col small mli:etlng or discussion ,wj, thtn u .
,h"d • . On t ht-: ot.hpr odni, a ,f'.:lnch<lU 1. b large-r, ani , 1s a ' perllU!r.., n t _
.1n1 Bl.lthor1 · institution. It has no conn~ction th9 .v illage. ..

~uestl'on:Thi.s "'oes not "appear to b& true . ,.• C108e stl.rly ot 1lU3'criptlon~"'
Selong{ng to the Lichchhavi parteo1 wou l"l show that ' at that timt! an inBti-
tuti on calle-l PonchEil1 "as creDtt:li in a village . to attend to matters r " ls-
ting to. poPl,!.lar welfare~Dn1 local a"lmlnistrotton. Eve.ry PanchBl1 WCoIS -nim.~-t
~ft;~r thF local v1.11agt'!, .a.g. Lopnnggrama Pancbs11, Lopr1ng .Ponch3lt~' " ,8

Matinggrama .PMchal1, Hatlogo Pancbalt, illl·1 Bhri nga~shwara-Gram" Punct".<.l li,

Bhr1ngor P&nchnl1, NarasimhllgrBIl'ID fanchal1 ao-' NarBsimiw .Pr:n9n.aU. Simi-
larly, Panchal1s ' hav,· bran nall)':lti Bf~r Yugval, Jugwal, ane! sewral- o~tu; r .
villages. The boundartl:s o·t Sf:lt :::- lemants woQrtl 'ti 6marca tr.d on the
bAs1..s of "·
P·" !IlchaUs. This f x pl.a1oS · why tna 1nscr1ptions' contain ref2l"·.;nce .to_ \/l;;. .
~s1ri()nts of 3 particulAr panchlll1. 'Ih.- inscription of Shtvtl DtlYB at '.
BUrthanilakantha, sn; ,01 IlllIshuvarm.~, · lTIDy bl': cite!} as 'eXSmples. Thi.4sa _in-
SCriptions are ad-lrdSS?1. to th(;l inhetbi bnts of two Panchal1s. ,Such .ilXDmp.L.1s
Clln be mult1pl,1Fl"ij but tN s 15 suf1'iciant to pro~ the correlation bC.ttw :~€,n
a Pench.llli I3n1 El village. 'Iba origin of th," term P.:mchal1 . also IlIl:'kf.lB t!lis
point Cldsr.

vlhenE:ver llclW rulers appear~ti 1uring the L~chchhSvj perto';i~ :' ttkly '
hanrlf.-d ove'r incruasoi a1m1n1stro!:ltiw poW/o!I'S to th..: viUagura in ortjur ,,0
aut1afy 'Ih.iae .pow03;ra wrtl "'Xo:trc1sud' by Panchal1s. In CBsa Pancnt;,
wer.:: foun-l 1ncopablt- of t:lx~·.rcls1llg !Suoh powers, too Kiog h;-.i.t:l ..~.~"~"t1ons
through £otbrBsBna. Tilt; inscriptions of Nbrcnira Dvvo ilt Devapatan·w.y .' :
bs _c1td as cJvi.iunct:l in :rupport of this stat.::ment. It m.::nt1ons· t..tUtt· ·s eo .... l .-' _
tb.. .PClnc hDl1 ~a11. to htllllile m:ltters .,ntru81:.t:1:j to f~ov8grlbb. , ~he~e would
be r ..·hrrcd to M,Dtarllsana for consideration. Provisions · ~g;jzodi.Dg · ~<lnC.f~"';
11s "W6ru inscrtoori on copper-plates. This inscription olao int:t1outoa " "[.rl>- ' ';'
f' ::'w DY~mb.=rs of e: Panchal1 waN appoint",,:! by the K1ng. Siintlarljr~ . th ~ .'
l..nscnption locatcrt at Nar.uY!.lDchaur reftors to th~ fact ttlat locli!.: aife- lt's"
wert1 'mzn(lg~ti through Panchalia. Thus thore is no doubt that the Ponch(:J..i::;
of th(> ' Ltcbchhavt perio·-i were.' powllrful V1l1age PaDchayata
ot tha .timQ •.
-' fwswur; .This la 1ru~ to ao~ . tlxtent. B4t- Plilpc~,ll~ did. o!Jt h~ve.. po~ur5
. to·.col1eot· t.aJoos. •

Qm)st1on; t.lthougb. thdre ..:xist...1 a s '<' P:Jrutt: authority to iioll" ct thl.:ll.(..i r. .

gov", nlm . nt tDX<.5, P<Jnc hal1.s Wilr (, permi " 'W,i to colliJ ct n~s Dnli It.,v1 . e .
On, ,-sixtb of thEt proco;,> lis of jur11ci<Jl f(k S w<.I r ,,' lIpproprl l.i too by Pa!lC'IL t ! ~,
uhik tb·. . b<.J lilnc.; Wll S p<l 11 to tnt' st<;lt .. trc (,sury. Thi s i s clc ilr fr cir. tt..,,,.
~. n s crlption USCOVt -Tl:d to t Nsr<lyanch", ur In Nliksal. ThE. LlchchhaVt r :.ll ::.: rs .
fo l1owc>:; the 'policy of encouraging 10co1 govt.rnm _nt. The Ponchali syst.,m
thus const1 tu'tc'.1 an 1.mport.:mt pnrt of tru.- a 1m1 n1 stration whtah hl.l; 000-
t .. eta wi th tho;; p.')oplQ. NlIturally J th~' PanchaHs of tbat tiro·, t!1ffero.1 . . ' ,
to 'some extent from the " Panch.:lya ts of mod<lrn times. .

hnsweri: But the govez:tlITl'<:nt d11 not intiJrrar'e)n Pancilal1 elections •

Ti'd.s might b~~ trUrl. But it is obvious th.3t Pbncnalis formH
local Sf·lf-govr rrun--nt at that ti me . Mori:lOv'i:I rJ tboJ . .Pnncha 1i
system !"1xi s te1 till tht: Mall"' · pe ri01. I n l"'=ocor1s Nlating to the N~1l.3
pt"' r' 01! we· finr! n.f f.l r~nc o s' to thl:: construction. of rest-hous ;:, sl. . ro 1J. 1-s~ ~k
stl':11tk~, w."3 t,~r-t.:9 ;l s,~'tc, nn; org a ni~at10n of culturlll progra ms by P~ .1- ,-
chalis, as 'W) ll as to the partlctpction of P<lnc h<1 s (m.~mb-:: rB of PanchD11s)
in 'Wllrs. Panches cDst-d iurtng th~- Shah rul.,. too. On.., cont6ll\=1orary ' ~ocU­
m.."lnt r rlf~'rs to th.:.~ f a ct that FencMs had as semb'k:rj ln front of tM HanumDn
DilOktI Palact1 to see King Rana Baha Jur Shah wl'Wn " th",y heilr1 ruvors th<lt
h~ ~aS 'bding norassai by Bilh3~ur Shah.

hnsw~rt Pancnayats, of cours~ , UxiStb1 1urlng C hcndr~ ShEmsher's regimu

.::.00. During his rul~, viL1bgi,; hC:ll-irna:la w... rJ pernrl t\.ed to s ~, t.' v1il~ g ..
~ ff~lrs. This a rrang~ m ~t wa s abollshui ,o nly l~~r.

Qu·~ st1on; ,Will you 'clarify your views on Pnncnal1 1

havo not y .... to stv. iiod this subjo..tct prop'drly.- An c pprOiJrillt..
m.:Iy ~ventually bl:: ' rGa~he:1 thrQugh stu~y iol-n1 · . 11scusslo~. . '
. "

.. x x x
- .
QU-':l st1on: Whnt wa s the sta"to.! of lb.:.rning iuring the: Ltchchhbvi pt.:'rlo';
Has th..,re Clnyth1ng in the fioli of l.~ arntng thEtt ori... coul~ ·tak..: pri~ 1;i
1ur1ng the 11.chchhavi period, ~m1 is it a Vllilable now?
.. .
No book wrl ttcn during the LA chchhavi pt:lri-or! is ' GV£lilzblc-<. tMt ptrlo1 hsve ils£lppea~1. It 1a tbl;trefoN
cult · to speculate whether such books are av~tlablG now.

Contd •••

~lhat 1 s your optnion on the claim that

IIChsn1ra VyakaranaU
-, .
ha~ been written by Chaniravanna Gopi J 8 vassal (Samanta) of
Amshuvanna 1 -_

1Avi has also. expressei ~e same vi;tw • .411 ol-ler l~s~rlp­

stressed the cOQsonant following 1IrH, e.g. 'VarllUDs. But the"
Chandravyakarana ;oes not do so • .ll.mshuvarma's inscriptions too do not
fallow this practice. This is a ,difference " between hia inscrtpttcna 6ru:L .
oHar ones. At lea:!t he has been influenc8'1 by the" Chcindr,,-Vyaks'rana. ~
'!here are references that Amshuvanna hS,i compiled 8 book on grammar '41mSf1lf.
. . .' . ..
uestion: Tnero is ~rvference in one inscrtption to this 6.tfect. Cli1ll1i1se
QCllmdQ s· too -men,tton this. -
~ , . .~

JonSW8:r-: Arnshuv~rma certainly
ha-j a knowlEidgd , ~! tb~. ~clence of -grwnm~r), :
His style Is excellent, Prlthvi Narayan Sn.b" aad no education, but' pis
Sptldcb is so good tbat no word 1s adequate for prs1aing it. Amshuv8rrna
ha,:! good command ove'r style and graJl'lllsr. In !act~ he waa' a L.t chchha,v1
ani a prince (Rajplltra). He was ont: of thtl 1eacdn<iants ot Vrisbadavs.;
He lived in Psshupati., so tie was kno~ , as a P~shupata. 'f'. '
PrEtvi ously, KramsleE" la was Mahasamsnta there. He was succ€tld.e1. by a
iifferent person, not ~y ilmshuv&rma • .Amshuvapna Mab4samanta 'Olllj C, · . ,
1.n Succession to that person. ' , '., ,

Guestion: Who was ttlts Kramaleela ,7

, , ~
. -.. , '. ....
10 not know who hl; was. But, anyway, he wa,~ a Mabasam~ta. nu
b1rnself as King (Mahar<!ja)" ' But klBhuvanoa: ' Ud not ,so ·.dc~~i'~a~ :-
himself. , . , . .. " .
~stion: How far is 1t correct to 81Jy that tbe ~ chcbhav1 pe'riod
,' . ..
waB s··
goLien age?
... ,,.
J.nswer: I cannot. ~y ari:ythtng abo.ut thiB •

.At that time, wcorbita'n t taxes were col.~ectad 'froln too p(toplt".
0.;,1< 1(: .:;:1 ther whdn too pil~plb are in a post tion to pay"any ~moWlt :
Eis tax, 'or wtwn taXl:lS are collact6d forcibly in any amount wanted by thv· "' ~
gowrnmdnt •

An::iwr: No, taXflS wu~ 'not coll~ctad by torcq at that t1mi;;. Ot ,.cQurst:,
taxas ware ii.lXQl'bitant. Tht:Ire
many taxcs , at thbt t1ma, 6uch 'ea ....~
.. .

Centi •••
", ""'" _ . .. ~

;;;fu::.,mtght .have bedn·, but these ' w-~rEl gradUauY· ·abolHhA
~ the people 'c ould not pay taxs:s ? ~'ldre thosa taJres 'j mpos..-,oj - .
on th.& Ih'lopl& 7 ../as ·the · ~conomic -eoniit1on nqt 'good at that time ?

not the eaa&~ Thore i.'~ an"inscription' at Hal1gaun. It iB

. it ha·1 been installed by Vishnu Gupta, nOt by Jlshnu Gupta. wbo
1 s the "Dutaka rnljnti ona1 in' this inscription. ?, ' ' . ".

</U\;Istlon: ShrUhiilra Gupta ..

J..nSWilr: Y9"3, too name of a K-)Qg °1,s undoubtt.ldLY 'm"'~ti' ondd at the tQp .of
tha,t inscriptAon. That portion of tM ' ston~-tns criptton is illl:lgibli:o.
But i t is not Cln 1nscri.pti~ of .vishnu Gupta as King. It contains tl'i'c- flallld
of'~ 1i chohha Vi King ~ , . ,

x x
!,tu", s tion: D!oi tht::
Pashupu tl tumplu exist at the tlmJ of Manadeva r 7'

~u ... s tion: Is there any evi ,1 ence 7

. . - .
ims we r: The ev110ncc is .that the Pashupat-l {lrtta ha1 alnla1y beeq, .cr:eatvi
""l uring" the rule of Mana ""leva 1. The' inscription of BhaSl'l\9shwaN, 1hsta~161
a short time after Manarieva I, m",ntions the Pash.upatl area. Wha't ' 'more.'
6vtdenctl 10 you ne.;rt ·7 In IrPl~ too, Stliyalingas ,haw bean installed by
tnat t1Dl1i1.

Q"o.l~stton: If thd Pashupetl t.,mplc. tla.1 bean bu~ It by the · time; o('M8na1~v8 11
i t shouH have been ment1onA" in tffi! 1 nscriptton of VijayaVl3tL :.'i .... ._'. .. -'.:: '

The 1nscr1ption. is locate1 abo~ ' the Pashupatt " td~io~j~'~ t~<
to mGot10n th£,i PashupDti templ~ 10_evory insert ption .'(
x x x
(.iuustionl W,..ll "you shed Some light on YQur studies o.! . -ftana rule

Ulsw&r: ~t . f6 difficult to do BO. Thtlre is no limit to -tht:t subject. "
, .. ,',

~estion: , ~n will you at 1~a8t wxplDin on~ or two !~ct3 about thDt
regimo 'I

COntd •••
. 227.

Surya Bikr8nl ' Gnyawalf wrote a biogruphy of Pr! thvi Narayan Shah. ,
was banne.1 . As a re su lt~ copies of t his book couli not reach Nep"" l •.
On ly copi e s 'Were somehow "smuggle1 In • .The ruler;l of that- time dtsc.our"le1
th3 wr1 tl ng of' hi story. 'I1u:=re is one book in whic.h a car"ta!n person· Is s aH ~
to have bean ass8£s'l.nate.1 by another parson in the Ket ma,s58cre. But th1 s
\JaS written In '~n £ngl~sh book. Has anYbo::ly' JlI'itten "t.illa in N&pali? ,

Ques t1. on: Have you . ~·t raa~' in some bQokIJ thpt Jung Bsba1Ur had .. G~gan
~ngh a ss8ss1patc1
. . ' by Bairinar S1ngb 7 ,

An s wer: Yes, I: .hsve ~ead th1s. , That : ~s_ . a f'act. _

" .. , . ,.
Ques tion: BEidrinar 51ngb had an "affair w1 toll' the daughter ot Gagan Singh. '
He therefore frequontly vi 51 tOO tll", house ?f Gagap Slngh.l One. day I 8 611'1n8r ..
Si ngh, brlfn::l l shing a ' pistol beforlt th., borfyguar:t at Gagcln Stngh, force1 _"
hi m to Bhoot Gagan 51 ngb. ·Lawr 1 ba Bhot the bodygusri. Lal .)ha, a ' . ,
priest of Gagan Si ngh , wa s forced to !lil;;'. Th~ Jung Baha1ur is said to '
haw gssass1natd.i Qagl:in S'ngh througll Ilia young.&r broth~r. Is this 8CCOWlt
true 7 .

knsWgr; ThQ r~ is no truth about th~

affair with Gagan 51ngb's daughtdr • .
At th~ timo of thb assassination of GagHn Singh, - Kaj1 Mahabir Garta~l~ '
was 12 years of. age.Ons dayI h~ i gon.. to ' attbnd H wdd1ng oeremony l:It titlE:; :
hous,.. of Mshilv Guruji (Ham R£lj PSndu)., 'lb~ra I asked Kaji Mahabir 'G8r"taulEl '
·...hClrt) Gbgan Slngb had bilen Idlltlrl. H.e sbo'olbd zoo tlw boUlHf and t~ · spot ' , ..i~
where Gagan Slngh had ht!tln ldlla.1.·. Ha told me that be tm1' baard tb.a:t &dri-',
n~r Singh sud 1enly appeare1 'and ahot Gagon S1ogb .. There we~e ey& . 14tn~ 5 S~S" ' :
ot th1 s prem&:iiatE:d assa ssinatIon. But I haw not. contacted . them.;. My ' gr..:.n.t-
f a.tho=r was also agE.... 12 or 13 years ut that. t1me . H6 too sai1 ·that ~~"ir1nClr
5ingh WdS tb~ actual assassin. Ba1r1nar Singb was;mtly bardsheri ' . ..
bE":lccus& h& ba-i Idllf;VJ Gagan Singh. Kha1ga Sbamsher alBo ha:t been a1.Plt .. -' _
l (Jrly exiled lIfter be ba1 asso!lsa1natAtJ Ranodd1p S1ngh, l '3st he shoul:! .
s1milDrly harass the rulE: l's. '
Will you say som~thing about any ovont that might b.~ oocurre1 in :
of your researcb ani studies during tne Rana regime •.

Jtnswer: Once we reeei ved the secon·1 811 tion ot a map ot Nepal .. It sbowerf
115ngnrmathaU or lIChomolongma ll , wb1 ch ts a 'l'1bE1tDn name .. Th{:lS8 Engl' 8hnron .' .
Il r~ so cunning that th~y n811ldd the surrmit 11,Ev.::NBtll after discovel1ng 1. t ..
There is Dnother book probably c"'pt1onei l1'lhe Himalbyes ll • It contains UI!lpS
of 15 or 20 r.l1ffdrent HiMulayan peaks, one of them being that of I1Evorest,!I .
Tb", i!4lglish authors ot thh book wrl to tnat thts summ1 t ha,-j no name pr.....
vtously, lln1 that it is visible only tram Nagarkot .. Tho)'" we>Dtei to vist t .
r1.lcarkot wt th another mott vu. Lor:1 Kt tchencr vu taken to that Iral. ~ • .
. Contd ....
228 .

Bungalow was bui lt t.her:e. This pl aco commands s view of the wholb of N... p ~ l.
'f'h;lr o W'3 S B polt tical motiw b.shln<1 thE: ~rm1 ,s9 t on "given ' to Kt tchen'tlr to o'
hHW. s ' vi e w of tht' whalf! . of Nopsl. , I -t was LD l 1)O..,8j . Sumiwar ~ho h61p.:.'1 " lI,...
to 1r1e ntlfy. .all mountain ptlBks . Eng}j 5 hm~n haw namtl1 ona H1ms l aycn
pe !.k 85 G.:mrt Shankar, wherea s it ls a ctually callv'" "Gaura Parbs t. ,On..:.
'iay, st.onding at Gauchsr, I Bs H to La! DhwJj Sunuwar, pointing- towSrrt5
nr:Vt,r ost", !lCapta'n, see howma j"s tlc tiO o:lS tht: I1Evur\:::s tlllook." Ho ..... ' vt:r,
ha pointed out that i t ...... 8 not . II Eve rEost l1 but u· :iiffeNnt peak. He sho~ '"
~ t~ rI:Isl "EVElrest. I dl <i ' not b<: li e ve wba t hlj toM me . But" l,at'"r.r .I.rvad

thE! abow -~ntlona" book at ni s housu . lnd thf;l n I fOWlrt that -he ..e s··rltht~
I a l so looktil1 at the lIt;venoiSt n· from M.Bdhubdn... From then: \/El hai a cloar~r
view of t~ summit. lI ~vEl re5 tll i s visible: cloarly f r om Gauchar also. ,
thtlsl3 EngUshmen ,~ow tha t uEvtll'l:tst l1 i s nOt vis1g1o f rom .Nt:lp.31.

x x
. . •
\iha t, in your opini oni shoul ,1 bii/ ::lone to: pr omo,W rE:s.;;arch on "
of Noo:pal ?
His tori ca l mukl ri llls ar-9 ba ing 105t 1<1y by day. In C<.IStl ...e' c"'lll~ t
available m.:lt.erl a l s , wo will bE:! left with not.hing after 5 or 7
year5. HencoJ the re ehoti.1t.I be a collnc tion of historical docW1li,n.t3 :at th,.
.' Trtbhuwan UniversIty. All historical mat6r1.::a~5 1n the po5s~ssion o f th" ,
Archeology Depar"t:.lrl..:nt, or a t l e':'5"\ th<:ir cop i ~s, ruay b a kept ".: a t the 'Tr1 -
bhuwan Univer sity. Hany histori ca l letter s ar e lying a t Jai siko tho in
ForEi i go Mini Btry, There (I r e manY l et.t er s whi ch have , Ofwer been openeri.' All
~uch ' let-ters shout.; be ' collecte1 an'; b", kap t in tht3 custody of tM Univi:r- '.~
'. s i ty.
Ancient }(has Cu lture X

'Bl;I la i<::r1,shna Pqkhrsl

. -. .
The tann Khas i s usa:~ to "'~ no te both thl= Khas community an" th~ · 1I.hols ;"·
. I..s a .cotnmWl1 ty,. i t cODlpr1 s .~s Brahman,, Gbartt, ~m...1· : ~

K.:lm1, Sar k1, Hu1ka, Tallll?te , Oaino , Ba1j 1, a te. As .. lbnguag:,. i 1 t is P';:l-'w.-
hrly knowp :..s Khas 11aLcct . tl" war p caU thi s lunguagc KbaYilll Bb.l:lYs, or '~'...
P~rb ... .tiya J Cl od t.h:., Khas -ea1llll"Wrl t y g S Kh<ll<ln or Psrba ti yu . Hov.".vo"tr, tb ,· :
pri.lct1c~ of c .. L.1ng Un -11 al,(-ct Pllrb..ttty<..l or K ha~ l ungu&Jg>3 1s tc-s t rk c 11.n ..
:1ng S1 ncu -.N: p..;.d. s bdongin g to o tb ... r cOllltll\U'lit1 c s rve1 .lJs !.:..r i.lS buW ,
"" 'ster n falps • .Ilss;.:m, j (.;c l1ng, BUl'Itl<' ani .... ~.s<.: whON, huv,,: adopt....-..j it .· ,
<.J S th : 1r mo thGr-tongu<l , It Is ' lIow butkr knuwn .. s N~: p ... l1, th~ugh 1n · s·';i f!~ -:
qUd r tc;rs it 1s .... cl:Ill~d O ~ rkb,:.l1. It n tH:; b..,corOP no t on ly th .) f n £lt1;J;,:. l · ·
1I..ngu[),G~ uf Njp£> l, bu t. .. l Sv ttv . 3p~ lI: " n l <.: nguilg·.· i"..Jt th..: majority ot PI..t.p.i. .
1 n norti!. &<ng ... l, 51 kk1 m ;.;n.i Bhut..n . Thb N,:;p ... l1s U ving In M.sstlm, · aurru::"
!-1(>1.;.y, j. ...n .1 'i th ,'r P'l rts of tb" l«Jrld conmuntc:.. tu \d th Ql h IJ.Outhcr thro~r.
"tb.") 1O::1i um u f thi" s l...!ogul.l g,: . '. . -'
. .
. " Snvc.rol S1nskr' t . v.>rks r ',tfr:r t,,) Knt.s or parbD t1 ytl~ On tilt.· buS1 s ,;.f
th ~s' r " f '.'r >:'o cr:s, j t Clm V'1 U b e sot i thl.t th!. Khas wtlr"l Il9 t :the Ary<l:lt; :.
e>t t.h :. V-.' "i i c p'~r1 o "i~ 'lbr,y 1Ir.%'I' Ary-,os, but. of D l lltor pcriofi, " Ukc Pl.l lll1v.... ,
Gurjur Ol, Shuk ~ , "!)aN"£! an i P'ShllCb£J. It Is prob ':lb.l " th~ t th·.::s~ post-V' ~ 1 c
~ . ryIl03 w..1N :..1I:1n to V;~ i11c AryiJna 10 spc;Jch ~m 1 cultu.r~· • . Dtt!'.:ir,""..ll c ~ a , ...
1£ aoy, mi ght ha vn br.:'JO ns 1nB1.gn1. fic~nt !.is thuSl' 1 a th{:: . .,tabc~ of ,' " .,
T;..m:mgs, Gurungs ,In-i 'Ibs k.:l l1 s . Although 10cb1·:orl 1n th'" In10-Irail1 I,1Q ' film11y, :
t iv) KhiJ S "i1 :. 1 .... cts b'1l ong"" M ith-)r to th!, Irtm1 .JO· f Dm1ly nor tl .t.p:'"! Ir,1hn_ . ·
'Ib!>y b·;" l :mg" .-l tn tb" lId.'" I01o-Iron 4 llD fand ly • . Th1 S 18 th ., oonclus' on tb!:tt
00 '.: .r' och'1s :Jf t ·-r :) stu1y '; f Koshmi ri, S1n<! , [Obart, K0h18~n1, Ktlf1r1 s _ .
t llo1, ,.to, a s Ul· y Dr. ~ 5p::>k- 0 to 1c:.y. For c Cln",:,n, r,nc t~ ' Sl.Ik'l, W'J may 1 ~!SC i'i b ",
ti!..~ langu.:lg-Js sp~ k" n 10 this 11ngul sti c melt1ng pot BB be longing t..;> . tit", ·
f andly, of Hi ma L:1y3-J.r yan l.LJnguuges.

.. ,.
. xB<.It & kr1.shn,~
Pokhrel, IIPrBch1n Kt\U8C1 So.msk.r1 ti, Ek Chhlllpbal" (Jt. Discu:3 s1 on ~
00 .Jll1citlOt KMs CUlt,ur.:. ). Rupre\dli.l, te~r J, No. 2 , . J~8 thu 2019 ' (Jun~ 196~),~
pp. 3B-45.

XXJ.1ngu1st.1c Sur"'l~Y 01 In-11uJ Vol. IX, p._ IV.


A group of this family (Pall.ava, Shake and Gurjaz:o,,), which hai Sp :-~~ ld
to the Iniu8 V<llley, got itself mixer:l up w1 th thf3 language of th..-l V",l"ltc
Aryuos, while tb,,, 8doon4 group (DiJr"du, P1 sheeh'::', btc) conf1n~1 th~: mst,.'l.v,,:' s
to ~~ arouni This ls why the languagGs of ~radasJ Pi5hd Chu~
_'01 oth~rs war.. abV> to pr~s'} rv·'! tb':1 r non-Vc::'He ch<:oractor. 'nw doac.:n-
1.::ots o f th;~ 8f> non-V€,ij t? AIT-ms a r :-- non" but thos') 6p'Plaktng tb· abov· ,-
JT\·\nt1.on·1"l non-Vl"! "~ c l!:m~g' s, that 1. s, K~shrn1 11., Stna, KobilM, Koh1 5-
t:lnl, Kaf1 r' stemt, {.'tc. . •

'!h-' thiM group (faCI a th ~ KhllS<~ ) of this HiIr\i.lLayun Aryun fondly ,

m0V'...l:i, towris thd flast.:lrn hill rngt on" ~h tb,l:lt tire, tJ't: Ilustcrn HirnaL-y<:.D
Ngt.on W.::lS CQv,:r '..n by 8 . , ttl~mcnts of Kiratis (1. 0 .: Rai, l-Wg<Jr, GurunS,.
N~' W3rJ Khllmbu, L1mbu, L.Jpcno: , Dukps, Toto, utc). On ' ttK othor hunri, ttL
V~-j1 c Aryans hOd by then . quickly sprt.'.:d. from Kulu 'Vall",y to tb,_ . Mi:ln<.-
S.:lrovllr. 'Ib';:y spok.) what is cull~d KhCl SD Pralcrl t, which w<..:s the orig\nal forlll
;:;f thv pNs'~'nt-rt<Jy fJmily J f l;:um.luni, GarhwilU <.ini. NoJpali bnguugas. ,
Mthough it WaS <In upSho::lt of th.J ShaurJ.s'::ni 1.,lfigu.Jge, it·w<.Js 1nflu..Jnc\,:;d
by th<J Juodhc.magbbdb pri.lkrlt spvkun1n th(." rugion sttu.::.tuoi to th .... -l,;o;Ist ...,f
thl M<..h:Jk"U ri v(..:r.

Wh11Cl .:ncpi.1Ilding t.:. th~ CclSt fr,;;m tht:-ir homu km, th'<-' iui... sas woru
.compollod to give up their origtnul l.mguug<J in the San: wLly <:IS thi:
Pt,llav:.;s, Sh... kas .:.n1 Gurj ... ha1 dc nl.l wbtl.-", roVing to th,) T<.lr.:.t (J<u..<ihu sh).
rlaI'l1ly ·hoOi.-} they " r pr.Jt.lchrn th ... nort.n"rn ,J£lrt CIf thu roo ..t::rn Punj'-lb than
ttvo,i r crig1nbl l ..nguogl-l chaog..."'! into til8 alY..w-m::'nti vnd Kh<lSLl Prakrl t.
Even th.m, th,:y 1'I.' t,.:,.1o : i SQv-:J rol W'> MS :. o f the lr o riginal languago . This :::-:';
is ~v1 'knt from the vocubula ry o C' tile l.;...ngu.(lgos s ,n k'en in Un Ng1 on a.t.r::ot,.. ·.-:
chtng fMIII Kulu v..llloy t., N"'O'll. Th,' Kh<.Js,J h£l; probllbly,; tnt.,) Ku'!.u ,,'L'
v.:.llcy oroun1 Aea A..T>. .. .~

Khasos tut1 ?Os£tb~ SpNJ,-j .t o Gdrhwal, KwnQ u:~ (In; W(:ostol'I) Nc",.l; -;
by 800 .... D. 'lhcir uf tt},llS': rogi 0ns~ hOWL·vcr, . ii'1 not l..;.st l;" ~[;J
llS th~·y C{im.;" into conflict With tll'l 'of Garhw... l un'" K\lm..Iuo',. This
mtly be thA r - ason why t,h"1y lZlt r
sh1 ftrd tr.. M,m&sarovar an"" WlIstern N""J ,-, l~
Thr· p1ll,ar 1n5cr1pt1 on at Durlan~hyanugar tAll·is on~) to .s poculntl; that tht::
Kh:lSBS ha" entrench·n thtHrISf'lv·:s hi ' th ")s ,;, ~~ ~ onB by 1100 A.D. The 1nv6-
5. . on of K~un in 1123 11.0. by Krl.lch<aUa·, 4 Khus& ruler, ani i j C()I)P:..;r -
plate ·1eorl left by his. sun, ~shok,..chul1.<l lit Gayo Bom'Jtinlf\ bt3foro 1287
i . •D. 1cn1s 8"110' wo1ght to this vi.uw. - Sev\.;ral Khasa rul('rs, inclu11ng
Songroma Malla, Ri pu Malla, Ji tan h311a lln1 oth'~ ra a1vancc-:\ ~s far £IS
Kdtiunnniu. .

C,Jnti •••

'~{emay conclude that the present rOl'm of the KhsSCl dialect is not tee
on g1n:..l -,one. Not 'are the Khasas defirit tell' the descendants or the anc1 cnt
Khas~s .. There is'slso no evidence that they did not essim1.lata ' thernaelvea · the Vco.:fic i.ryans on reaching Napal :from Kashmir. "They DUst alBo h~va " .~.
rnixe1 w1 th the Klratis' of Nepal. They -might have mad w1 th -other C01llllU_
- n1tlt:1s when tht) inhabl wets of Gujarat and Rajasthan shlfte1 to -the Him,,:" .'
la~n . region during the Musllm invasion of IndU. The r001e'r n ~epeu languago
-has Bp"sctal aifin! t1s!J w1 th thCl Gujaratt Glni Rajastbani lan~Bgea • . '!'heN "
a~ saversl reasons for th1.s. The !{bases had cloSt;lcontact with tba ,Our", -.;,.. ! ,' ,
jaras, PaUav.:lB ani Shak<ls. Henco, even In the absence of the influx of -:: . ,- .
the!>e communitifls into tho H1molDyari region, thQ'·KhBsD. diaLect could -1'.:'ve~ "
lop spectal affin' ty w1. th th~ Aajssthani 11altilct-. In Gujarat, Rajasthan, '
w?skrn · N(..-pal, Kumaun aM Garhwal, sub-groups of the Sha~scn1, an 'Upshoot '
of Sanskl1 t, th(> Vet11 c Aryan' LJnguag<il, arc spok~n. Hencil, linguist! Cl afft-
n1 ty was poss1blu 1n th~s~ areas tilvan in tho obsence of the Khas8, GurjarasJ
Pal~v~B nn1 Shakas. The affinity between th6 Kbasa dialect ' and th~ Guj3-
rati anr:l RajBsthan1 dialbots h03 boon enhancoo by thEt influx of refuei.:\'·s .
from In1i<l into the H1malayan rtilgion, . , ,c I,' ' .. .,:
• •
;. We may !.hUBconclu1e that tbo llnciant KhaS8s EIllt..dred . into Nepal ... 13
'. vi ctorB. Having long given up tht:lir . It!l)~ago, they adopted tht: :. loc81 v... ri..:t.y ;
of tho Sh<lurst:ni, (the. origin.::l form· of mod~rn NIlpal;) wi thouti, (lny, hest t.l._
tion. They, ho~ver, a1ded Bome Kbasa words to this d1~leo~. · lhe.ent.1~
poople. coming unrier the ,dondnation of tJ1", Kbas8S than &ll~ tbemst:llv, ~ :,; ,:"
to ba Called Khasas in tht;l SdJOO way BB th ...; non-Gorkhali conmunities \/ha
C3me under th.Cj control of thIJ Shah rulers agreed to bo ' ealltld Gorkhal:hr.
In Short, i f tb<:l conquere1 gaw} the1 r languugo to the e<;tnquorors; , the .: •
latter contrthuteri their Ol4Il 'WOrds to ,t he conqueroo. , ." ;.,
. ' l .
For th1s roason, W!'< , cEn use tho tom Kb3s3 in two sonses; (1 ) pre~ " '" ~ .~ ;:
historic Khasa, that is, t,h,) Khasas of the ancient t111'l:s when they. 11 vd
in proxtD"d ty to thl;l non-:,Vcdic 1)~radas ani spoke 8 di. ~lect of ·.their own,. , '.
!wl (2) htstoric Kh~saJ that is, the Khasas of thf; lawr p.ar1od \/hen t.ti::,y '
h c ~ spread toW6r:i8 th~ Mclnsarovar anti W\.·.stoI'rl Ndpal. jb", d.ialtlct spok·.n .
. by th ... llttc:r Khaa&s .for~ · a part of tho Vcriio fa1!, and hart been artoptud
oven by tho dl)scenoiBnt3 of tha Vedic hryans. Ther.e was ' 8 gap o! ·a·m111t<nium.
b«tween the prc-h1 ator1.c an1' hi start c Khas8s. ' " '. . : .. '" ,
. ' ~';',/ ~ '

In thi s llrti c lfI, tho t~rin Khasa h<1s·· uso.i 1.n, the) aOCoM ael)se·. ·;
For tM s rOllaon, tbo ano1ont Kfl,ns8s m9Dtioned .,.n th1 S Drttcle ~ulrf b ~ ;'
l'?i.1M01 na thu ano~8tor8 of til"iJ presont inhsbt:t,:.nts at Ba i:tD,i1., Dot-I .. :';'
Jumla~ lIu~la, ut.c. 'lbl,.l lInc1ent·. Khaa.8 8 l.noludo both the nWU8tem~r@U "'7· ,~~~
(1)otya18) an-i th.,
~IU81;1torn·;rslt (JUlnl1s)~ ·7hough, from the historic.iil
v1cwpo1nt.. Dot)'l'lb ·(1~d. till) 1nhe,bltants of Pot!) haw bBS ethn1c aff1~
nt t1~s with \b\.l Khllssa than tbd Jumlis (l,ft. th(; inhabi tants of .l\.Lmla), '
• ; ,.

Contd •••

both the llwesternersl! anr:! the lIeasternarsll are regan:lelj as KhaSBs

from the lingu1 st," C ' yj 6wPo1.nt. In fact, . b~fo re the Khasa invasion, Dotyels
fln1 JUlnlis ' were not' regar;Jetf 'as Ueasterners ll an; Ilwesternersu. Both of there
spok~ ' the same longuagt;3 ,a ni observoo -the same customs" The Jumlis. probab ly
began to be t'Jesptse1 by the Dotyals whan they developed conta ct , wi th "the "
non-Verlic Khl:isiis.E.,..n SO,ws ' are not yet in a position to reg~M the Do~y<
'J5 non-Kha~s, for they t.ob. ca ll1':! uu1er tha fsmi,ly of"
the Khase or Nepoli·
bngu.age. Grierson clasB1f{es the .iU'ya n dialects of Kulu Vsllr.y Ss tl wtlsw rn ,
i)~lActsn, those of rrountatnou5 Garh,,-s l ani Kumaun ss "can'tira l h11111Dl':'cts U 1
.. nti: the .NapaU . l a nguage as lithe eClsterni~ e.1t:ct. t1 .
. ,
. ' . ,
So far - o,s-, tha eastorn'Kumaun l onguag& is conc orne.i~ ~t ha s .closdl'
. .;l ff1~t1es wfth th(: eastern hill r:lialocts or Nepal! the n ' with th~ centrol
MU r:l1 bl.eCts. 'Ib-} t1t!l~cts of Doti ,a nd aCJ it.:lr:lt, if not otntlrs, have clos6r
c ffin1 tics wi th Npp<lli" 't hiln w1. th GarhwaiL Tht3re 1 s tht>rtlfo~ no ,doubt
that these d1albCts: are th", loca l forms of tn~:; eastern h1l1 .d1 .. 1Gcts, that
~ s the N,')pal1 langU,sge . '

. Pt'! thy! l1allais

. .
th.., mos t noter:! among tht:. Khasa rul(jrs whO rul~1.
.~ f. t8r 1.300 .H.D. According to G. Tucq!, his dominions OXt..:.nddr:l from L<.IriClkh,
, .
i.achchhtn a ni Tibclt to IOOdern Pokhur::l . How..:vt:r-, in tbt:l sbs:Jnc£ of c6r <: i'ul
stur:ly and sattsfactory r~s'-' cl rch, wo:. c.lnnot .:lCC03pt this vi 5'w ~s corruct.
£v"-ln acco rding to Nepall s cho l.<lrs, his Kingt1 0m was .(lS big dS mb.-iO::nl J

Nepa l. I t was dt Vij~i into th", northbrn ilnd south ~rn . r I.lgion s . Tho norti"h"rn
region w~s called JSdyan; mdamng thi:: region (Bbot pr8d..lsh),. whild
tho sOuthern region wail' c ulll:ld Kha sas, lrasning thd Khas<:I r agi on. ThiJ pillar
inst.n11trl by Pri thvi &lla a1;. DurlanghYclDa gar contai.ns twoinscrlptiona,
ono: facing north anrt' tho 'otbar south. 'l'h;,;: fonner is in 'l'1boum sCript, "
wh~ 1\1 ·th" latter is . in Snnskri t. The tan 1 nscr1ption :w'<lS ni;:pnt for ' .,
Ja-iynns, that :1s,til..,; Tib8t&n SUbjBCts of :t';r1.thv1. & 11a, an.-J till:' Sanskrit
1nscrf-ption for thli::.)lliasas . His wall-knoWn ga 11-p~t6 in::lcrlp·t1 9 D of 1)56
... D. aM soma other inscr1ptions \rero in .'!:Oc Nqpa11 language·. So was ,the
cOPP""r ' plate inS~t1,ption of his fath~rl .PUnya l1a118.

Soveral insc~ption s 0'£ th.., Kbas8 rulers t1iscQverert 60 ·Car do not

contain rtetalls r egarding (lont.umpor<lry social, poll. tical anri economic
conii t10ns. Most of thnse- 1 nscrt pttons 'ral lltd .to Birt.o grante made to tht; ::i;"t
.' BJ'ahm8ns; Some .of :thoso ~nscr1pt10ns 5n.-Jicate ' "that tha- oustom of confarr1ng ·.il
"!-ttlo ' ot 'palkela was followa·1 at tha t time. It rnny ba note1 that ln th ,~ fo~
· f 6~ngl!" o f .the Ksrna U r£!gion, a 'lbDPS " 113 callod a. ThapaU, an"! .:l Ra1ka, '!~~~1l
RBikali'. Kasld, Basnyat, Shrinet, 'Ihapa; R.a1ka, Rnna , . Bu1ha, .ft.aya, Rok:iyD, ..1?
B'oba:rs, ate pre also pur(' Khs s& t1tlos. In the bijg1nnlng, tOo ho11i1rs 01 . ;;
~heae titlt;S were 311, tn1~pend ent K1ngs. Ha~v€r, in th, course of time, .:~
such tl tle s Wilre gran't;.&1. to roYEJ l : coqrt~ e rs 8S 'Wll 11 . . .. t · tha t t'.4;mt;;, . ~ t w,;;s ~~" ,j
naturfll for thi:8 ~ tt t1~s· to ba , a,t 't.::lcbod w:1 th : tb03 prtvil~go ~ o;,. lBn1:;'~01·11.n.g :,~
... " ',' .. '. . " ~ ,,

-. .' "••
Con tI"'l •••
~.on g the Khasa Erahmans were Jot'si::! or Ja~
515 whose main duties were to
foretell the future, 8tten~ to -royal correspondence ani engage ~n e1ucu-
tional 3ct1 vi ties. (This probably explains why the .. KbaMdf:rs, (ho1..1er of
Khllr1 J Il8tln1ng chalk, were generally appolnt&1 f:r9m Bmong JB1.Bi 9 during
tha reign of Pr! thvi Nsrayan ShAh Bbo). Parihya 'M"! Ups'Ihynya Brahmans
functloneti BS priests of the royal family. I .

, I "
'Iba system or al8V~ry wa s probabq. - not pNvulent. BI'IIODg .t htl Kh88a8

b.lfore the 8:1vent of Muslims to this side of the Hlnfjulcu,sh mountains.

:rh~y dlti rot
even have a Nau (barber). One can therdfore easilY lmagin"tl
no w the then KhaSBS look~3':"""'W1 th !l.n OVilrgrowth ot beards ,8n1 IlX)usta ches,
1;J1.~y must p.ave fearsome. They must also h£lw had their hat;- :" 10c6
.:i: :, Sikhs or Bhotes ha_ ve even tod<lY 'Ibis means that tht:l praci:.1c~:Of ,shaving '

( Chhewa r" prtl"Y.3bnt among th..: Khtlsas to1aj, is of a wry l.a,~ : orig1~.
. ' ' ,;

N ~r' 10,,",5 thd Khas£I cOnlm wli ty of today hClvj ' wi.lsherman (Dhob:1a), ·.ProObOJ.y
i n tho~,,' days KhasBS wor& woolc:n ' clothes which did not Nquire frequent "
'"'L~i:. · The)' us&d tbo ~m ' lugti to d~not.e clothes me1a only of cotton '
is & distortatf form of th.:. ancient term Whicb ~n bo o
tha ~\tl ithil1 term Examples Df l :'cbtmg:1ng "
into n aN foun1 E:lsll'olh tH"I,) too. axlImpU,5 lire as,follows:'- : '
, ..
I:nj;H5h PaH
Egui va lent " '
... ",, .
Balew -- '" Mull ,
.f ' , '
, -. ,
Fori:lhead Lil lE w'''' - .. ..
.," . ,'

Kh~ sas probClbly :washwi their 1ir,ty. clotho8 t:.hamse lvE'! s".' "
Although familiar W1. th po ttery; ~b<l.sS5, ,.,tl1 ' not ~ske "1 t :'thamsel ~~ • . " ..
'lb,.:y ob 1;.." nett pottoryJ ate. from thz1 r neighbors on .hin; or in exchangti. ,'1
f o r 80m<l ' other comrr-9-ti ties, b eo~use th~y .-J1t:1 not bsvtl potters (Kumbale s )' .,
.Jmong howuvtl.r , 1tl1 hsw ~,ppar-~m1th.!l (TarooW.!l), ' snt1 iron- ,
smiths ini1c03tas that" bi!sit168 bE">ing 'skille d in ,working in "~~:.
tron, brass, tttc,' Khes8 l1ved in
prox:1~ty to iron deposits.' Minee ~!,l
"' ~ rG them asro, ani minors, 8griS. Tiroe-r was ut1l1zed t.o -make " :'. or'
ut•.:ms11s £IS well ' as r (lsidcmtiiJl bu1H1ngs. Ttwyu",,,d wickor to mak~ dokdS; :,
nllnBlos, (bask",ts), utc. Thoy might how l&Brnllti us1ng :tha ol:lmboo ... . .
tlS U11bL.'. from' MDgClrs. Thu , ,of drla:1 BM ferroon"tti1 VtigOtDb l.v~
an.·1 1s eupposad to ·bti the contribution of Khasas; lhur,; .
• aJLOS ' about tbil ,origin of tbu80 !ood8tl,1.f.f'"a •

COntti ~'~.'
234 . .

Tbe ancient sett.laments of Kha sas were called Ganwa l o .

'Ibe mor3ern terms · Gaun·1 0 ani Gaunle are dart ved Kh",S8 terr~5.

These Khasas were on ba-l terms w1 th the Boksa '!ha ru s o.f th~ south,
'Whom. they hateel ani fearei. They WtlrA a l so not on goorl terms to,rI th thr.
l1aih1 se Lichchhavi s , whom th .... y callf:d Bajyas .

Agl-1.cultuN was the so le occupat.ion of t.h<':l Khasas. Howtlver, thdY wer,;, ~

acq~<dnte; w1 tb dalry farming ani sports .35 wall. The term po ru meant , ~;
c .. ttla of both sexes . A houst:l was cal.ll;l1 Ku:lo, This term has two varlation~1J
v1 z. Kura" (uc £lning thtl ha l 'il of a f1 sb) and .-!:lE:!!.i (tho:l nus t of a bi rd ) . In ti:
gow rrun-:nt offices, E: hou s~ is atill callad~ or Kurlyo. Th.:l term I<:u,;o !~;
owes its origin to tht:; Sanskrit term K.uti. The walls of II Kudo were m<l."'·'j ".
of stono, while thd roof \-.'8(1 of s trl:ow. T1.niler was also u~ to ~rcct house ,p',
?avtng n\.l tt:rlaLs ilk", stonas, plank~ ani clay ware :.slso no't ',unkq.o,wn.
" I I

Soc1al relations WI3l'> -rr.ore or l..,ss s imilar to thosoJ w<' seo now-.. """i .. ;ys"
l 'a:n11hs_ W<lre · W'ldivi1~d. 'Ih<J o loi < IOOrnbtJ r was tht.> heCld of u family. h<3n
'wre called lOgnfJ anrJ women Swasni. Sons anti weN cilUod Ghl·! ...
ono1 Ghel1 rasptl cti ve ly. A husb~ nd anti- 1.1 wif", wt:ru cillldd' E£i Dnri l2i r .;,-
sp .;-. ctiv o ly~

'Ibe rule rs of Khasan ~1Crfl Q:ihoronts of Bud dh-l srn, but they did no t
show l ack of faith in Hinrluis m.

'!bey calculate"!. ti me 1n 11 ffElr~nt ways. While tho rulers u.s;.'lo1 ' wEl t e r
clocks, thu COmrr£ln pt-top18 ca l culatui ti m.:> on the basts of tht! lfmgth of
the pine toNe shadow or reccss':-s aftRr work; For thd purposo of resti n e .
c f~r work, farml3rs us~i to t~k 0 the yokq off thd shoulders of th8ir bu l-
lo cks thre.c: times iI 018y. Tht)y took r est socb tim.J they took off thd yak",
from the shoulriers of thtlir bullocks. On.:: day wa s thus calculllte ..\ ,llS ~
" qui va l ent to 3 yok&s. Alte rn .. tt v~ly I thoy caleultl t~ .oOf~ o1ay on th,~ br,9i I ; '
of' the length of a pin.,; troe's sna.jow. OnR day vas thUs calcu l a t&i as Oqu~';3
va lent to ,f our pinf\ trs.;Js' sba10w. The phra~~s, I, Tt " '·Juwa Gllam", "Chur "' ).1
Sa ll.1 GhamU (thre<i yoktls or four pine tradsl sha.1ow in' the riay), {Ire 5tH"
in use. KhSsas usoo tb,'-I t;.Jr m Mo lo to 1~nota a ' flClt tract ot: 1.and. What. -"",r..
t.'lt>y u,oori to r:lenot...I a ta'i r (rwb) is not cle~r, hoWevor .. .probably tMy UCl~
th,,-, t e!'Ill r ama ( or ramito). . . .. . .-.
Th,J custom of offering g1 rls to t :.!lllp les was prfJvalent <loong' th'"
KhasBs. 'lh~ girls thus off..:rtl1 wore -cc..f4!ft ddUki or deusi., 'lha.,lWdcrn
de usi systoJm follow'=d during th~ Tthur f;:;sttv .. l tDC1y b •• traced :to. . 'ttie s u _ ~
gi rls. Lat<.:r, it cam.;, to bt; obs-.!rvt:d by m..::n '.. lso. Similarly, tbu_, bhJile ; ~
dance was orig1ll.:l1.1y p ... rfonnui by Bh'::'n:js during thJ Tih&r rosti wl; !,.::tt~rt;
womvn ' too sWrtdd pa rticipating in ti\" £h.,ilo fest.iv a l. Bh8ilo is sno th }:'-]

Contd •••

m:me for Bhaoris. 'Iba term Bhan-l-Bh&llo, like Sapo-Napo (which, in the
Juml1 1itllect, means tn8asurement), Chel1-B&t1 (girls), . etc', 15 still in
vogue. 'lhe Sha" 105 were the f .. thar of the morlern Bhallo "system.
. .
. . ; .
Among the several sub-groups of Nepal! KlratJ.s torjay, -it was the
MagarB who tlc tually first came 1nto contact with the Khasas. 'Ibe Kbases
hs"'i, of course, previously corrS into contact. with the R81s. But their mntn ;
settlement, calle1 Khasan,wes l.ocaterj inside what is now called the Kernal1
zonH at II cons1i~ rab le rtt stanca from thtl &:11 region. On th.:. other han1 •
• •
th~ Magors had thl:itr tiensa settlements to the: a~st of Khasan CiD'" continue1
to be their c los£ost. nl:lighbor.s for mo re th6n ~OO yaars. This may b.- the ,
rellson behln1 th.: close affini ti es 6X!Sting botwetm tnu social customa
.;: of Kh361::lS Dni Maga rB. Though b",longlng to thd Klra t family, thft Magar
dial.;:ct ODS , grammatical rola8 similar ~ tnose of thd Ntlpa l1 langui::lgu .•
405 for thtl const.ruction of sent .,:nc0;3s, tilers is not tb .... 811ghtt:!st dlff<:rldncl;':
b .. l;WtJtID two l.cInb'll.!:lges. I t <JppeDrs thdt. t-l ... pali WOrds denoting oOlll!luni-
'.tbs such &s Gurung , 1', LiJIbu, anr! Lapch~ , Wt:N d~r1 vod troJ;U th .... ,
l-bgd r rt!aloct. The Gurungs o£lll tilt:!mselV:-!s 'Tal'llUB, and thu Tamangs bn1
t h" LapohCjs odl thams,d wB Tllmbus 03D.j Henge '.Jsp e~~i,:v.dy . We m... y thor~­
fON conclud~ t.blIt these appar,mtly non-uyan wrms wro borrow&ri by thtl from the:: Magars or M<oingr aa (dS th.::y aru also c&lltKi }. This is tr\Io
Hlso of such t l3r rr.s as Janr £In; fLl

TorlClY, the term Is used to donoto Q bur1al ·grounrl.

Bu t jn tho S8 -lays 1-t a cremation groun1 (m£lSiln). 'Ibts
13 appa r -i'l nt from Hllsyak£lr1 B ~, wri tten by StH:ktiballabh Aryal. NOW-8-:l~Y6,
th ~ tarm M.J lh.:.mi 1 S u S0d to ,'W persons ca rrying If dead body to 1I .
riv:3 r b.3nk , Wfitie in tbos; ,dQys it might hav~ meant B bo3tman (:jhl ~ .
But th f! t erm is not of ancif!nt origtn, sinCd i.t bo longa to til.:) .. b1c :·:
f Sm:lly. In ~rCl bic, the tcnn M!:!l l Clhil or Majhl .mJltlnB a boatman. Thil tol'lTl ~
I-]Olhortd must be a r1 val to l'io j hi, un Meit'nt Khns a tom. Anyway in thp
'J,r ,ydays, thl:' Jl"lEIjhj s h&j to atten1 to thf! pc,rionnone o ot funp.ral rit.1:1
of KMSllB DJll)ng whom both systems of cremation an-i burlal of 1681 borl'tt:s
"' ·~ r ( follow()'i. Tb.., t.orm Ma iham may also ~iln '! ,Molhs or ghat ( i.e . a phc!
wt, ~, r~ boctm",n (MClthi) l1v.i. As such, thu term Malhami msy m~an not only ~
. bo'l tmfl n (Mn jh1 ) , ut cl Lso a p~rsoD proceuding -;0 . the Ms lham.
.. ~'
• •
. hi sce llan8ou$ 1)ocum.~nts On
.~ Jlepa i-Ch1na t4ar

From King Rona'8aha~ur Shah,

1'0 th~ Po t a1ar of Bha1gaUn .

Co ll ~ct one !!kIna of r~ce 0.1 ever y ropani oJ Bl r-ca n ce l c.n;s bp. l ong-
1ng to t he peop l fl (PNja), dn'i supply ( t he rice thus co ll<>cte.1 to thf.l .. rlilY ) .
-:'rant r em1ss1 do s on tn1 s account.. wn11e cp llect1 ng t.he" Pot<i t ax . Remi ss" Dn s
shci ll be gro;'lt a "l ac corlingly when, t ht: ._d-ccount s a re au-J1
, te ; .
Sh r awan Su11 7 J 1849
(Jul y 1792)
( '1bis OM9 r was ' :>$UE:d on t.nd S.ttr~ ri<ite for fatan "n1 Ka t nm.miu a l so) •

.3 . J1 sdmurl LeVY

L l"rom , Ran" ildha 1ur Snioin ,

T6 peop l e bel ongi n6 t o th~ thi r ty- s i x Castes in Katnmdn ~u - Valldy who
C\r ~ ;un'te r obli ga~1 on ' t.Q pay the 815Gmur1 l HY .

,. Pr ices of fOO:lgr a;ns havt- be,:;.n f1~i:i1 es fo llows'-. Supply foo 1gNins
at thtlSE: p M CtJ5 through thfJ approprl ata offi 01 a1 (Tohabi l :f<l r ) .as 500.n
.. 8 you ~c~1va th1s o r1 e r.
Ri ce ••• 4 pa t his Pbf rUptH~

"'.Ihea t. . -
:. -' .. 6 pil t hi s por r up.:u;1

J-iaH,Ei ... .. 12 po " s per rup~a


Hi. ll·Jt ••• 12 path's pnr r upe.,

Shr awan 5\111. 7 , 1849

(Jul y 1792)
li~gm~ j\.bs",a r ch Collp.c ti ons , Vo l . 5, p. 209

Con t.1 •••


2 . From t:tng :Ulna Bahartur Shat"! ,

To f·; ram an-i BhajurClm.

k~cfl '
coll.actAi here Wli~r the Bis6mur1 .Levy nas bCien supplied t.o
the troops at thd ratoe of J p8th!S per rupee. Supply thE; rice collt!ctdj
ltlere un1er your superv1 51 on, as w<'ll as the r1 CIOI sent from here , un 1~ r
the B1S6muri levy, at the ~t~. _ of J path1.s per rupee. Obta1n paym::n .. . ,
~n cash. l-1ak~ ' paY1J1ttnt fo r Bls8muri. supplies l to the Brahmans, sn1 tran-
smit to us -thE' fun-is wh~ch we ha1 sent. Make suppl1o.'1s ava~bble on
0",11 t at th" followin g r.<iUlS:-"
, '

~ea t flour ••• 5! ps thi 5 par rupliitt

1-101 ze or millet flour ••• 7 pati'J1s per r~G~ '

Cr ushei ri cC! .. , )1 pathis per ~pee

3hl.i ira Suit 4, 1649
( .,Ubllst l.792)
;1ugrt'll Rf::sr.a ..·cn Collections , VOl. . S, p~ 2L.6 •

C. Co nsc ription In Hi ll R£lC$1 ons

1. jo'rom King Rarw BCiha ~ u r Shah,


To th'" Jagir1ars, T)hakrf's <..n1 soli:!ars between the

ag~s of 12 an1 80
111 LbIT,jung , wb1. ch hils 8,000 housa.s.
, . •
.A has start.e ... ",1 tb· t.1b~t. As soon &s you see this or-1er, com'"
to us on Jh~rd bas1s along with your. -weDpo ns . For the t.ime ba1ng, WI:?
she II gr .ant you ."rE-nt. ass", C(ll'Il';nts (& 11 kharch_). wter, J~g1 r l.anri . .,.
<: 58 1 gn~ nts w1 U '~df1 n1 tbly be gNnt6d.• In olo~~ any pdrson . -foes" not
ob..,.y th1 s OMi:lr, h.;. sh~ +l . ~e b~h~8'1bt1 or t·nsl&W'1 acoor.:·' to. the > _
flU. t us of hi s C,;, stf. . Thost3 who corn", wt 11 b·.. NlI8rdert in ' "tb!:! m'snner
m"'nt10n"'~ abov~. Bita18b-holiing BrahmDns haVE' b~n · ~pute-l th~r~ : to
r ti.c r utt you on Jhara bus 1 8. Corn", hare t:J long with th~m by £Ill m8<!n5. ·

9ha1r& Su11 L, 1849

(J;ugust 1792)
ji'1gmi.. il.-,e: .. orch Collo.!"ct~ons, Vo l. " . pp. 2LL":'21'~ ·

( 'lb1 S or1dr w-.:r~ scnt on Stim.;, 1at.; dl:>O to Kaski ' (.8,OO.O,hOllSdS)1
liuWLlko t (f>,OCO hOUS~S); '
','... n.abu «(j,O'):) hous"'s) ilni Parbu "t. (8,0)0 haus ·· B).

Conti •••

2. From King rlana Baha~ur S~al1,

'1'(\ the 61 talap ani Ta lap-holiiing Brahm.. ns of Pathar>1an-:la, Basaotapur,tltc . ·

We have sent an or1er ,11I'f1ct1ng the ThakuMs, Khasas, Magers an~
Gurungs of Kaski, with 8,000 hous~s, to come here quickly on Jhara
basis along with ttldr ..reaPODS, sinctJ a war has·starttlt'! with 'l'1be t.
You are hereby or'iere1 to bring all. persons who can serve as _sol1i .. rs
among th~ 8, 000 houstlho11s b~for~ us on Jharo basis oS quickly as
po!;s1bldo Othtlrwist., you shall lhi'punishtd.

Bha·1rCl Su.11 4, 1849

(August 1792) .
&goo1 Fi.. sesrcn Co llac t1oAs, Vo l~' 5, pp. 215-21.6.

'j, Facilitilil s ~or Conscripts

1.. From King Rana S..ha·iur Shah,

To th-: hunwrs (Sikar1) of tho.l following vll1.£,gtls&

Luhukot Likhut Machhtgaun

Bossn l'Ia 1 ta


As lon ~ as you are employe1 in our (military) campaign, we grcint. ..
you. sXdmpti on from ti.fferent l ev1 as anti labor obligllti.ons (Ashar_9sl:l .. 1n,
Saune-Fagu,· Amal1 iev1 ,~S, Bdth, 8t:1ga r, Doko-Boko, ete). ilU of 'you sha4
accompgny BhallU Th.apa. J,nyho-ty who "toes no t "to so an1 ~OtlS els~ ..m9rt::
shall bl 1EHlll~"i to h~Vd cormr\. ttet\ an offAnse.

Shrawa n Su-i1 1, . 18L9

(July 1792)
Ldgm' R"sfI.'"lrch Co llf::cttons , Vo l. 5, pp. 209-210 •

•. From King Rana B~ha~ur Shah,

To thv hunttirs (Sik:a~1) accompanying Bhanu·Thapa .

~.. '1'o"ay, wv artj tjng<igcli in war. In casi;l you go t.o tbl: front, ranti .. r
iallgimt service IIn; thereby pL;ias~ us, w~ ~haU I'I:n.:toN, .tnlil Kipat

Cant; •••

lan1s '-'e",uctec-l from your hoL1ings J or grant NWSM:! or Jagir aSSignrndr:.t:;.
Assembl~ as soon as you see thi s oMer an~ accompany. Bhanu Thapa.
Shrawan Sm1 7 t 1849
(July 1792)
Regml Research Collc.ctions, Vol. 5, p. ~lO~

"** ~ 101 III1IBIII

Depopulat.ion Of Haikar Lanis In Lastern"Taral
:. '

~ From King Gi r ban,

To Shaktl Ballabh Paihya.

Stlni a list of U1oSI;l parsons woo have allureti ryots oultivating Hot
(1 .e. revenue-yitllrling ' HBlkar) lanfjs to thojtr Siru., Banjhs, Jagir or
Kdl.;.banjar 1an15, thareby c.:; ustng loss of revenue from Mlil lanis in Bare; ,
Oni Par ss ~lstrlcts.

Jtlatha Su'U 6, 1802-

(Hoy 1805) . .
~egml Research Collections, Vol. 5, pp, .SJ6-5J7, ·

( From King Girban,

To J£lgiNars, 8Hta owners an·'" Amal1durs reclaiming Kalabanjar Lands .1.n
Bars "ani Parsll r:l1stI:'ict;S. • ,.
.~ . I

. .
Settle only ryots from Moglan (1.e • . 1n1U) on your Jagi r, B1rta a'n~ ,
Kalabanjllr lams. In case any person settlos ryots trom Mal 'l.an1s on : ,.'.; ',.
Ms lan1s, " he shall be hel.ri liable to compensate the loBS ot reVEnue on
~!allan':ls. Nobo-ly shall be ,allowe1 to ~~la1m his 1an~~ ~y 1epopulat1ng •.-,.
1'.41· lanris. ,In case am person contravenu€ls this or<ier, he shall be pun!sho:'1.; ~ "'

Je:stha Su-t1 6 1862

"'\ay 1805) ,
\it--gmJ Reso&rch Collections, Vol. 5, p~ 537.

(Similar orders W:;;'l'\! issued on tb~ Bl:llnd daw tor Septari "n~

Contd •••

3. From King c.i1 rban,


To the Chau1haMe, Kaa.ugoyes, !1oIin-!ara. "'.oka-l;ams an-l Jethara1yata of z.;or ..'Ing.

\-le have rece1 ve,-l rtlport.5 that. Since Oasharath Khatr! has <11 vert.e1
(r:rots) cultivating Mal, lan·i s to reclai m his Kalabanjsr l.8n-15, you han·
5ustain&i a loss of Rs 6,OOJ am that this h ... s put all of you to hSr-isn1 p.
'rIB hereby iapute an Mal,st to v1 51 t that area ani investigate trregul..a-
r1 ties. After the D1. ttha (of the Malat) reaches there, repr~Qnt all . .
your hardsblps ani gri;:lvances through hilll. We shall thfUl punt sh any par.~on
\oI:to 1 a faun; to havol cIlusd1 loss of rev'moo on l'lill lands. Remain on your ~
lunds with assurBnce 8n1 continua to "lscharge rr;venue collectlon fWlctions, •

Jestha Sui! 6, 1662
(""1 1805)
flegmt Rclsea rcil Collectlolls, .Vol. 5 . p • . 538 .

Proposal For Eas t-il(~st Highway, 19L9

Govarnm'.mt rlotifj ciltion

(Conr}ense.; )

Although it is cssent1t>1 to construct. a ro8.1 from the Mechi riVE'r jn

ttl.o:l east to tha M<!haka l1 river 1n'thc: Wl'>st, tht'l govenuuo:lnt 9.annot un;art:·,t;.· ·
this prOjtlct a ll ~ t onctl through 'its own rosourcos. 'Accorrlingly, it hl!S
bo:t>n ·.1eclde<f that p~nrd9s1on shouH bp. g1 VeIl to anybody who offc>rs to
construct any sE<ct10n of tM s roD1 cmi operato rrotor services theteon. . '
'Ibis notification is thorcl'oro pUb11shf:l!i for thu information of th", publ~C, '

(From the Gorkhapatra of Aswin lh, 2006 (appt:Ox. September 30, 1949). •

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