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CASING HARDWARES PURCHASING AGREEMENT 003/PURCH-BDSI/AGREEMENT/V/21 This Casing Hardwares Purchasing Agreement (hereinafter referred as to Agreement) is entered and made on June 2, 2021, by and between: Perjanjion Pembelian Perangkat Selubung (selanjutnya disebut dengon Perjanjian) disepakoti dan dibuat pada tanggal 2 Juni 2024, oleh dan antaro: PT. BOHAI DRILLING SERVICE INDONESIA, a limited liability company duly established and existing under the laws of Republic of Indonesia, in this matter represented by Jiang Haichao as Director, acting for and behalf on the above mentioned company and having its office at Ruko Atap Merah Block A 5-6, JI. Pecenongan No. 72, Jakarta 10120, Phone No: (021) 389-00070, Fax No: (021) 389-00068 (hereinafter shall be referred as to “FIRST PARTY”). PT. BOHAI DRILLING SERVICE INDONESIA, perseroan terbatas yong didirikan dan berdasarkan peraturan ;perundang-undengan di Republik Indonesia, dalam hol ini diwakitken oleh Jiang Hoichao sebagoi Direktur, bertindak untuk dan atas nama perusahoan tersebut di atos, beralamat di Ruko Atap Merah Blok A 5-6, J Pecenongan No. 72, Jakarta 10120, Phone No: (021) 389:00070, Fax No: (021) 389-0068 (selanjutnya disebut “PIHAK PERTAMA’). AND/ DAN PT. SELINDO DWUAYA ABADI, a limited liability company duly established and existing under the laws of Republic of Indonesia, in this matter represented by Selvia Notavia as, Director acting on and on behalf of the above mentioned company, having its office at Ruko Permata Niaga Il No. 20, Perum Taman Royal |, Tangerang, Phone No: (021) 33397977 (hereinafter shall be referred as to “SECOND PARTY"). PT. SELINDO DWUAYA ABADI, perseroan terbatas yang didirikan don berdasarkon percturan perundong- tundangan di Indonesia, dalam hat ini diwokilkon oleh Selvia Notavia sebagai DireKtur, bertindak untuk dan ‘ates nama perusohaan tersebut di atas, beralamat di Ruko Permata Niaga i! No. 20, Perum Taman Royal , Tongerang, Phone No: (021) 33397977 (selanjutnya disebut “PIHAK KEDUA’). (Both parties together shall be collectively as the “Parties”. (Kedua belan pihak bersama-soma disebut sebagai “Poro Pihak”) WHEREAS Menerangkan FIRST PARTY intends to purchase Casing Hardwares from SECOND PARTY to support FIRST PARTY’s operation in lambi Area. PIHAK PERTAMA berkeinginan untuk membeli Perangkat Selubung dari PIHAK KEQUA untuk mendukung ppekerjaan milik PIHAK PERTAMA di Area Jom Now therefore, both Party had reached an Agreement and bind each other into this Agreement with the following terms and conditions: Oleh sebab itu, Para Pihok telah mencapai kesepakatan dalam Perjanjian ini dan mengikat satu sama tein dengan ketentuan dan syarat sebagatberikut: No: GO3/PURCH-BDS1/ AGREEMENT! V/21 Page 1 of 8 Tat Fprty_ [ane Pay K ARTICLE 1: PURCHASE DESCRIPTION PASAL 1: KETERANGAN PEMBELIAN FIRST PARTY shall purchase Casing Hardwares from SECOND PARTY with reference quotation No, sda-quo-21-BH33 dated March 21, 2021 as specified below: PIHAK PERTAMA setuju untuk membeli perangkat selubung dori PIHAK KEDUA dengan referensi penawaran No, sco-que-21-H33 tonggal 21 Mareti 2021, seperti di bawah ini: No DESCRIPTION QTy | UNIT ance oe (IDR) (IDR) 13-3/8" PDC drillable non - rotating Float 1. | Shoes ,13-3/8" PDC drillable non - rotating | 10 | ¢a 8,150,000} _81.500.000 Float Shoes 13-3/8" POC drillable non - rotating Float 2. | Collars. 13-3/8" PDC drillable non -| 10 | ea 8.150.000} _81.500.000 rotating Float Collars 9-5/8" PDC drillable non - rotating Float 3. | Shoes. 9-5/8" PDC drillable non - rotating | 10 | ea 6.270.000} 62.700.000 Float Shoes 9-5/8" PDC drillable non - rotating Float 4, | Collars.9-5/8" PDC drillable non - rotating | 10 | ea 6.270.000} 62.700.000 Float Collars ‘Cement Retainer, Compatible with 95/8", 40 - 47 ppf, N-80 casing; Suitable for stab- in cementing or being run as a Bridge Plug by Installing a Blanking Plug; Can be run by wireline.c/w conversion kit to bridge plug, 9-5/8". SIS original product 30 | set | 46.80.00 | 1.404.000.000 Cement Retainer, Compatible with 7”, 23 - 26 ppf, SL-HT casing; Suitable for stab-in cementing or being run as a Bridge Plug by | Installing a Blanking Plug; Can be run by wireline.c/w conversion kit to bridge plug, 7", SIS original product. set | 28.300.000| —849.000.000 13-3/8" Top and bottom Wiper Plugs.Non | 44 | see | 19:300.000/ 103,000.00 Rotating , 8,_| 9-5/8" Top Wiper Plugs, Non Rotating 10 | ea 2.020.000 | 20-200.000 g, | 25/8" Bottom Wiper Plugs, Non Rotating] 4 | 95 pee ieeeeeep eres 10. | Bow centralizer, 13-3/8" 50_| ea 670.000 | _33.500.000 1. | Rigid centralizer, 13-3/8" 50 | ea 1,500,000 | __75.000.000 412. | Stop ring/collar,13-3/8" 50 | ea 280.000 | 14.000.000 13. | Bow centralizer, 9-5/8" 150 | ea 485.000 | __72.750.000 14. | Rigid centralizer,9-5/8" 150 |_ea 620.000 | _93.000.000 15. | Stop ring/collar,9-5/8", 150 | ea 145.000 | _21.750.000 16. | Bow centralizer, 7" 200 | ea 390.000 | _78.000.000 17. | Rigid centralizer, 7” 200 | ca 255.000 | _51,000.000 18. | Stop ring/collar, 7" | 200 | ea 107.000] 21.400.000 CASING HARDWARES PURCHASING AGREE: No: 003/PURCH-BOSI/AGREEMENTIV/21 Poge 2 of 8 ak py 2nd Park ic a9, | 7” POC drilabte non-rotating float shoes, | 44 |. Soeg att tea engont BIC conn, 20, | 7" POC drilable non-rotating float collars, ] 44 |g, Suse 000! arevonon BIC conn. 21, | 7" top and bottom wiper plugs a0_| set 2.600.000 | _ 26.000.000 Sub Total 3.236.800.000 PPN 10% 323.680.000 Grand Total 3,560.480.000 Notes 1. FIRST PARTY will make PO according to this price list 2. The number of each items will depend on the operation needed ARTICLE 2: TOTAL VALUE OF AGREEMENT PASAL 2: NILAI KESELURUHAN PERJANIAN 2.1 Both PARTIES agreed that total value of the Agreement is Rp 3,560,480,000.00 (Three billion five hundred sixty million four hundred eighty thousand rupiah). PARA PIHAK menyetujui bahwa toto! nilai Perjanjian adalah Rp 3,560,480,000 (Terbilang:Tiga milyar Jima ratus enam puluh juta empat ratus delapan puluh rib rupiah). 2.2 The total value is not the final value of this agreement, the final value will according to first party’s PO, and the final value cannot more than the total value. Nila total bukan merupakan nilai akhir dari perjanjian ini, nilai akhir akan sesuai dengan PO pihak pertama, dan nilai othir tidak boleh lebih dari nilai total ARTICLE 3: PERIOD OF AGREEMENT PASAL 3: PERIODE PERIANIAN This Agreement is effective for 2 (two) years since April 28th, 2021 until April 27th, 2023. Perjanjian ini berloku selama 2 (dua) tahun sefak tonggal 28 April 2021 sampai 27 April 2023. ARTICLE 4: GUARANTEE PASAL 4: GARANS! The above purchased goods must be brand new and complete with certificate. Otherwise, the goods will not be accepted and wi!l be returned, Borong-borang yang dibelitersebut harus dalam keadaan baru dan dilengkopi dengan sertfikat. Jika tidak, bbarang-barang tersebut tidak akan diterima dan akan dikembalikan. “CASING HARDWARES PURCHASING AGREEMENT No: 003/PURCH-BDSI/ AGREEMENT! Y/21 Poge 3 of 8 aipanty [andeany Age Te Sa 5.2 ARTICLE 5: DELIVERY TERM PASAL 5: KETENTUAN PENGIRIMAN Delivery Time/waktu Pengiriman’ Item 5 & 6 = 8-10 weeks after received order (ARO)/8-10 minggu seteiah menerima pesanan. Other items = 6-8 weeks/6-8 mingau. Delivery Place: FIRST PARTY’s Yard in BGR Jakarta. Tempat Pengiriman: Yard PIMAK PERTAMA di BGR Jakorta, 5.3 FIRST PARTY will sign the DELIVERY ORDER for the received goods in the delivery place. 54 61 62 62 63 PIHAK PERTAMA akan menandatangani Pesonan Pengiriman setelah menerima barang pada tempat pengiriman, Prior delivery, SECOND PARTY should inform to FIRST PARTY in order to prepare the space and lifting equipment (if necessary) Sebelurm pengiriman, PIHAK KEDUA okan memberitahukan kepada PIMAK PERTAMA agar menyediakon ruang don alat angkut jika dibutubkan). ARTICLE pasat INVOICING 5: TAGIHAN SECOND PARTY shall prepare invoice for the goods delivered to FIRST PARTY as described in Delivery Order with price based on this Agreement. PIHAK KEDUA okan menyiopkan tagihan untuk barang-barang yang dikivim kepada PIHAK PERTAMA seperti diterangkan dalam Delivery Order dengan harga berdasarkan Perjanjtan ini Payment term : T/T within 30 days after invoicing and all bank transfer charges covered by FIRST PARTY. Jongka woktu pembayaran : T/T dibayarkan 30 hari setelah invoice diterima don semua biaya transfer bank ditanggung oleh PIHAK PERTAMA Submitted invoice to FIRST PARTY should be completed with: Tagihan yong diserahkan ke PIHAK PERTAMA harus dilengkopi dengan. 1, Original Tax Invoice which mentioning the below information of FIRST PARTY. Foktur Pojok Asli dengan mencantumkan informas! dori PIHAK PERTAMA di bawah in Company Name/Nama Perusahoan —:_-~PT. Bohai Drilling Service Indonesia Address/ Alamat 1 Ruko Atap Merah Block A 5-6 Jl, Pecenongan No. 72 Gambir, Jakarta Pusat DK‘ Jakarta Raya ~ 10120 NPWP 2 02.930.168.6-081.000 2. Copy of this Agreement/ Salinan Perjanjian int . Original Delivery Order/ Delivery Order Asi. Original Purchase Order/ Purchase Order Ast After 1 (one) month invoice issued, SECOND PARTY will give to FIRST PARTY copy of Document Receipt (Report and Payment) of SPT Masa PPN 1111 and attachment A2. Seteloh 1 (satu) bulan tagihan diterbitkon, PIHAK KEDUA akan memberikan kepada FIHAK PERTAMA salinan Dokumen Tanda Terima (Pelaporan dan Pemayaran} dari SPT Masa PPN 1111 and attachment 22. ‘CASING HARDWARES PURCHASING AGREEMENT ve: (03/PURCH-OS!/AGREEMENT/VI21 Boge 4 of 8 Tiry [andra & ARTICLE 7: PENCAPAIAN TINGKAT KOMPONEN DALAM NEGERI PASAL 7: ACHIEVEMENT OF LOCAL CONTENT This Agreement requires 0% (zero percent) of Local Content Achievement. Perjanjian ini mensyaratkan 0% (no! persen) dari Pencapaian Komponen Dalam Negeri ARTICLE 8: PAYMENT PASALB: PEMBAYARAN FIRST PARTY shall be responsible for the payment by wire transfer in 30 (thirty) days to SECOND PARTY’s bank account after FIRST PARTY received complete and correct invoice, as follows. PIHAK PERTAMA berkewajiban untuk pemboyoran dengan transfer dalam 30 (tiga pulub) hari kepada rekening bank PIHAK KEDUA setelch PIHAK PERTAMA menerima tagihon yang lengkap dan bener, sebogai berikut. Bank Name/ Wama Bank : BCA Bank Address/ Alamat Bank : Branch Cipondoh Account No./Nomor Rekening 867-0047718 Account Name/ Namo Rekening : PT. Selindo Dwijaya Abadi ARTICLE 9: PENALTY PASAL 9: SANKSI In case of SECOND PARTY fail its obligation to fulfil the service within delivery time agreed, then SECOND PARTY agrees to be penalized 0.1%/day of Total value of Agreement, in case the penalty has reached maxirnum10% of Total value of Agreement, FIRST PARTY has option to find anather party who can perform the same services with the same or lower value however if another party offer higher value then SECOND PARTY’s value then the over value will be under SECOND PARTY's responsibility. On its discretion, FIRST PARTY also has another option to cancel the Agreement. Jika PIHAK KEDUA gagal dalam memenuhi Kewojiban jasanya dolam waktu pengiriman yang disetuju, PIHAK KEDUA setuju aikenaka sanksi sebesar 0,1% per hari dari Jurnlah Nilai Perjanjian, jika sanksi telah ‘mencapai maksimal 10% dart Jumlah Perjanjian, PIHAK PERTAMA berhok untuk mencori pinak loin yang dapat melakukan jasa tersebut yang seniloi otou lebih rendah, bagaimenapun juge jika pihak loin ‘mempuryoi harga yang lebih tinggi dori PIKAK KEDUA, maka akan menjadi tanggung jawab PIHAK KEDUA Atos kebjjakannyo, PIHAK PERTAMA juga mempunyai pilihan untuk membatalkan Perjanjian ink. ARTICLE 10: FORCE MAJEURE PASAL 10: KEADAAAN KAHAR 10.1 The PARTIES shall execute all provisions regulated herein, unless in case of an event of Force Majeure causing the discontinuance or delay of this Agreement implementation: PARA PIHAK akan menjalankan semua ketentuon-ketentuan, akan tetapi tidak demvikian jike ado keadaan kahar yang mengakibatken berakhiraya atau keterlambatan dori peloksanoon Perjanjion 10.2 Matters included in the definition of Force Majeure herein are events or occurrences beyond human control, including but not limited to: ‘CASING HARDWARES PURCHASING AGREEMENT (No: 002/PURCH.BDS1/ AGREEMENT! V/21 Page 5 of 8 ee = Hal-hal yong didefinisikan sebagei Keadaen Kohar adalah kejadian atau hai-hal yang timbul di luar kendali manusia, termosuk tetapi tidok terbatas pada: a. national of industry-wide strike, lockout pemogokan nasional bidangindustr, larangan bekerjo, b. industrial disturbance due to sabotage, gongguan industrial karena sabotase, c. acts of God and forces of nature, bencana alam, d. epidemics and quarantine restrictions, wabah den pembatasan korentina, e. acts of Governmental Authority, acts of war or the public enemy, including blockades, insurrections, revolution, terrorism, riots, civil disturbances, arrests and restraints of rulers and peoples, or conditions arising out of or attributable to war (declared or undeclared), tindokan pemerintah yong berwenong, keadoan perang atau musuh masyarakat, termasuk pemblokiran,, pemberontakon, revolusi terorisme, kerusuhan, gangguan sip, penahanan don kekangan dari penguasa dan rekyat, otou kondisi yang terkait dengan peperangan (dinyatakan atau tidok dinyatakan), f, Alteration to the Government policy or law causing this Agreement to become invalid or causing the cancellation of all the terms and conditions herein. Perubohan dari kebijakan pemerintoh atou perundongan yang menyebabkan Perjanjian in tidak berlaku atou pembatalan dori ketentuan dan syarat-syarataya. PARTIES shall take necessary and/ or proper action to reduce the loss to either Party. PARA PIHAK akan mengambil tindakan seperlunya/ sesuat untuk mengurangi kerugian dari saleh satu pihak. ARTICLE 11: NOTICES PASAL 11: PEMBERITAHUAN If there is any correspondence (such as notice, request, etc) to be given or made under this Agreement, shall be in writing and delivered or sent to the relevant Party at its address or fax number set out below. Jiko ada korespondensi (seperti pemberitahuon, permintoan, otau Jainnya) yang diberikan atau dibuat berdasarkan Perjanjian inj, akon dibuat dalam bentuk tertulis dan dikirimkan kepada pihak terkait berdosarkan alomat di bawah int FIRST PARTY/ PIHAK PT. BOHAI DRILLING SERVICE INDONESIA PERTAMA Ruko Atap Merah Block A 5-6 JI, Pecenongan No. 72 Jakarta 10120 Phone : (021) 389 00070 Fax : (021) 389 00068 Attention Jiang Haichao SECOND PARTY/ PIHAK PT. Selindo Dwijaya Abadi KEDUA Ruko Permata Niaga II No. 20 Perum Taman Royal |, Tangerang Phone : (021) 33397977 —$$$— ‘CASING HARDWARES PURCHASING AGREEMENT No: 003/PURCH-BDSI/ AGREEMENTIV/21 Page 6 of 8 Tpgry [and Pay im Ge | Fax : Attention :Selvia Notavia ARTICLE 12: ARBITRATION PASAL 12: ARBITRASE Conflict which happens between Parties regarding with this Agreement or every part of the agreement will be resolved by discussion between both parties. If no solution is achieved from such discussions each party shall have the right to arbitration to resolve the dispute. If required both parties shall choose BANI (Indonesian National Board Arbitration) to resolve any disputes and resolution is final and cannot be interfered, Perselisihan yong timbul dolam melaksanakan Perjanjian ini atau sebagian dori Perjanjian ini akon diselescikan secara musyawaroh untuk mencopai mufakat. Jka solusi tidak dapat tercopal, make PARA PIKAK menunjuk BAN! (Badan Arbitrose Nosional Indonesia) untuk menyelesaikon perselisinan, dan keputusonnya odalah fina serta tidak dapat diganagu guget. ARTICLE 13: CONFIDENTIALITY PASAL 13: KERAHASIAAN Each Parties will keep confidential the terms and condition of this Agreement and all information or data, either oral, electronic, or written, received by other Party, and will not disclose any of the same to any third Party without prior notice to and consent of the other Party through this Agreement is over, except fulfilling the regulation. Kedua Pihok akan merahasiakan syarat dan ketentuan dori Perjanjian ini serta informasi atau dato boik orol, elektronik, tertulls, balk yong diterima salah satu pitak dan tidakakan mengungkopkan hal yong sama kepada pihok ketiga tonpa persetujuen tertulis dori pihok lain sebelum berakhimya Perjanjian ini, Kecuali dalam pemenuhan peraturan. ARTICLE 14: OTHERS PASAL 14: LAINNYA ‘Any changes and/or addition over the stipulation and the arrangement over cases which has not yet or not yet enough been regulated in this Agreement only can be explained in an inseparable addendum to this Agreement agreed upon by both parties. Setiap perubahan dan/atau tambahan di luor ketentuen dan pengaturan atas hat-hol yang belum diatar dalam Perjenjian ni, hanya dopat ditetopkan dalam Addendum, yang merupakan bagion yong tidak terpisahkon dalam Perjanjian ini yang disepokati PARA PIHAK. In case there is one, a part or more stipulations in this Agreement becoming inval cannot be implemented because the alteration of law, decision or the government rule, therefore the case above will not cause the implemented terms stipulated in agreement and other stipulation in this Agreement become invalid or not bond. Jika ada satu, ataupun bagian dari Perjanjion ini yang menyatakon menjadi tidok beriaky atau tidak dapat diterapkan karena perubahan hukum, keputusan atau peraturon pemerintah, maka hal tersebut tidak dopat ‘mengakibatkan ketentuan yang telch elleksanokan dan ketentuan lainaya dari Perjanjan ini menjadt tidak berlaku. or "CASING HARDWARES PURCHASING AGREEMENT No: 003/PURCH-BOSH/ AGREEMENT! V/21 Boge 7 of 8 Tigry [and PAT | Hs This Agreement is made into 2 (two) sets originals in Indonesian and English and its original is kept by the PARTIES has the same power and force. Perjanjian ini dibuat rangkap 2 (dio) ke dolam bahasa Indonesia dan bahasa Inggris, astrya dipegang oleh PARA PIHAK dan mempunyai kekuatan yang sama, FIRST PARTY/ PIHAK PERTAMA SECOND PARTY/ PIHAK KEDUA PT. BO! Re rIagenvice INDONESIA PT. SELINDO DWHAYA ABADI NOM ee or ya = TEC Abadi eS L A 190989678 o & aoe JIANG iinictao SELVIA NOTAVIA ~ Director Director TTASING HARDWARES PURCHASING AGREEMENT No: 003/PURCH-BDSH/AGREEMENT!Y!21 Pope 8 of 8 iy [ondary This Agreement is made into 2 (two) sets originals in indonesian and English and its original is kept by the PARTIES has the same power and force. Perjanjian ini dibuat rangkop 2 (dua) ke datom bahasa Indonesia dan bahosa Inggris, oslinya dipegang oleh PARA PIHAK dan mempunyai kekuatan yong soma. FIRST PARTY/ PIHAK PERTAMA SECOND PARTY/ PIHaK KEDUA BOLANDRILLING SERVICE INDONESIA PT. SELINDO DWUJAYA ABADI dat G orsaasnSi7657275 Pry is JIANG HAICHAO SELVIA NOTAVIA Director Director (CASING HARDWARFS PIIRCHASING AGRFFHENT

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