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Guideline to Apply for Masters in the Canadian


Step One: Finding the Universities

In the Table 1 you can find the list of the Canadian Universities which provide graduate level
courses in engineering (as far as I know). Most of the Universities mentioned here have most of
the engineering departments (Mechanical, Civil, Electrical, Computer) but a few of them only
have limited departments such as The University of Lethbridge only has computer Science. As
everyone is excited about ranking of the Universities I tried to rank them accordingly in three
classes. It should be mentioned here that there is no such a definitive ranking system available
here but I tried to rank them based on my knowledge. If somebody has a second opinion on this
ranking then you are welcome and if somebody gets upset to see this ranking then I am sorry
about that but you have to understand that the main idea of this ranking system is to give an
overall idea about the position of Canadian Universities not the exact ranking of them. And
unlike USA, Canada does not have hundreds of Universities; it has only 40 to 50. So if you can
get an admission in the last one of this table then you can still consider yourself in a very well
organized and sufficiently developed educational institution.

Step Two: Where Can you find Info?

It’s a Simple job. Go to the website then find the list of the departments or schools or Academics.
Find out your desired field of Engineering. Go to that link and there you will find your desired
information. You should check out the information from the department specific website (not in
general) & don’t forget to see the Graduate admission section (Don’t fool around in undergrad
Admission section ). The most important things you need to know are: The requirements for
grad admission in that particular department, the tuition fee, the deadline of the application (This
means the last date till when the university will accept the application package sent by students).

Step Two: Coursework or Research?

Most of the IUTIANS apply for masters rather than PHD. Now while applying for masters you
will find two kinds of options as: Coursework based masters and Research based masters. Now
the basic difference between these two is: In research based masters you have to do a full time
research work along with courses whereas in the course work based masters you just need to
finish your courses. Obviously the number of courses (subjects) in course work based masters is
higher (almost double) than the research based masters. Those of you who need a scholarship
Table 1: The Universities

Rank Name of The Province Website Available

University fields of
1 (a) University Of Toronto Ontario All
1 (a) McGill University Quebec All
1 (a) University of British British All
Columbia Columbia
1 (a) University of Ontario All
1 (b) University of Alberta Alberta All
1 (b) McMaster University Ontario All
1 (b) University of Western Ontario All
1 (b) Queen’s University Ontario All
2 University of Saskatchewan All
2 University of Calgary Alberta All
2 Dalhousie University Nova Scotia All
2 University of Ottawa Ontario All
2 Concordia University Quebec All
2 Ryerson University Ontario All
2 Memorial University Newfoundland All
of Newfoundland and Labrador
2 York University Ontario Computer Eng.
2 University of Manitoba All
2 University of Victoria British All
3 Simon Fraser British All
University Columbia
3 Carleton University Ontario All
3 University of New New
Brunswick Brunswick
3 Acadia University Nova Scotia All
3 University of Windsor Ontario All
3 University of Alberta Computer Eng.
3 University of Ontario Ontario All
Institute of
3 University of Guelph Ontario Bio &
3 University of Regina Saskatchewan All
3 Royal Military Ontario All
College of Canada
must apply for Research based masters because The Universities usually do not provide any
scholarship for coursework based masters. Again if you want to do a PHD after your masters
then in that case you need a research based masters. Often people tell that coursework based
masters is good for jobs but at the end it really doesn’t make a considerable difference. Most of
the Universities refer The Coursework based Masters as “MEng” and research based masters as
“MASc or MSc” except some of the Universities where the names are simply opposite such as:
Memorial Univ. of Newfoundland. And the last thing is: research based masters usually takes
longer time to finish compare to Coursework based masters.

Step four: Which Semester you should go for?

Usually the Canadian Universities have three semesters: The fall (starts form August-
September), the winter (starts form January) and the summer (starts form May). Now the
summer semester is vacation time. So you can only apply for either fall or winter. Now the main
problems regarding winter semester admission are: 1. For the students who seek scholarship: As
the year starts from September (academic year in Canada) most of the professors usually take
students at September so by the time winter comes their pockets also become cold and they don’t
want to take new students in winter, 2. Some of the Universities do not allow International
student admission in the winter semester. Besides IUTIAN people usually get their convocation
in September/October right?? So it’s better for them if they apply for the Fall semester starting
next year (if you get your convocation on October of 2009 then you should apply for the fall of
2010 or the semester which starts on September of 2010..Got it ?? You can try for winter 2010
(starts at January) as well but in that case you have to gather your application documents in a real
hurry and You may not get the best available opportunity for you in terms of your desired

Step Six: Research Topic or Specialization?

For students who want coursework based masters: It’s simple. You will find a detail list of the
courses they offer in each semester in the departmental website. You will take the courses which
may help you for getting a job.

For students who want research based masters: You have to choose the specific field where you
want to do your research (such as for mechanical guys: it may be CFD, Mechanics, Biomedical
eng, Material Science, Mechatronics etc.). Then you will need a confirmation form a Professor
working in that particular field form any Canadian University to start you process which is
actually described in the next step (Step 5).
Step five: How Do you get a Scholarship?


1. You have to apply for the research based masters.

2. The process starts with a letter. You have to send letters (emails) to the professors of the
academic department of the different Universities where you intend to get admission.
You can find their email address in the departmental website along with their research
interest. In most cases you will not get any reply from the Profs. So you will keep
sending those mails unless they say “No I am not taking any student this year”. You can
send several mails to a single professor if he/she doesn’t reply but if he/she says no then
don’t bother him/her. You can even send mails to several faculty members of the same
university but its better if you don’t send these kinds of mails (several mails to the same
University faculty members) at the same day. If you are lucky then you may get a
positive reply real soon but if the luck betrays then you have to send hundreds of mails so
don’t get upset if you see that nobody’s replying (I can remember that I sent around 400
mails to 39 different professors and at last 3 of them were convinced that I was a
potential applicant!!!). It’s better if you make a list of your desired Profs of different
university and their email ids’ and keep sending them the same email just by changing
the format a bit.
3. Once you get a positive reply from the professor of a University you can definitely apply
in that University because in that case you have much higher probability of getting
admission with a handsome funding. Otherwise (without any positive reply from the
Prof) your chance of getting admission may be still higher but the funding opportunity
will be really less and that would be a waste of your time and also waste of your money.

***Usually the scholarship/funding, a graduate students gets here is a combination of several

sources such as: University Grad Scholarship. International student scholarship, Research
Assistantship and also Teaching Assistantship/Graduate Assistantship. So if you get a
scholarship in any Canadian University then most probably your money will be coming from
both the University fund and also the Prof’s pocket.

Step 6: Preparation for applying into the Universities

While you send the mails to the Profs you can finish up some of the works to reduce your
future workload. All the universities have specific document requirements for Grad students
which are usually mentioned in the departmental website. Now as an early step what you can
do: 1. you can make the photocopies of all your SSC and HSC certificates and Transcripts
and get them attested by verified authority (usually notary will do fine otherwise those
photocopies have to be attested by the board of education and that sometimes takes time); 2.
You can apply for 5-7 copies of transcript from IUT and then get them attested along with
the photocopy of your Bachelor of Engineering Certificate and sealed them in the envelope.
The IUT authority knows the exact procedure of doing that but the registrar of IUT
sometimes unnecessarily takes more time than the usual so you better collect them before the
eleventh hour; 3. If you are sure about the Universities you will be applying then you can
also start collecting your recommendation letters which will be given by the IUT faculty
members (or Profs from other Universities) but remember different universities have
different recommendation forms so first download the form and then go to IUT for getting
them filled by the professors who love you most. After collecting all the documents and
after getting the confirmation from the Prof (For students seeking scholarship) you have to
send all the required documents to the mentioned address in the website by using express
mail service (TNT, DHL or FedeX) before the deadline of application.

Step 7: Admission & Visa

If you get an admission with funding/scholarship then it will be very easy for you to get the
visa. I don’t want to discuss anything about the visa application now because you can easily
find them in the website. But it’s the last step so you don’t need to worry about Visa unless
you get an admission. Those who want to go with self finance must show adequate money
for getting the visa otherwise it would be tough for you guys.

Most Important Things for those who want scholarship:

1. The mail as this is the main factor which will determine your scope of getting the
scholarship. So be sincere about that issue.
2. The time to send the mail and apply for admission. In most of the Canadian Universities
the last date of application (application deadline) is January 01-15. Try to apply earlier
than the deadline. If the deadline is January 01 then try to apply within the first week of
December or earlier. In that case you have to convince the professor of that particular
University before that so start sending mails accordingly. For IUTIANS the best time to
start sending the mails is like September. Then you will get something like 2 months to
convince the Profs and also plenty of time to send your application. This is the best
timeline you can start with and can manage a sound scholarship in your desired field.
3. Don’t just aim for the high ranked Universities all along. Keep 2-3 medium ranked and
also lower ranked Universities as your insurance policy and also don’t forget it’s hard to
go Universities like University of Toronto or McGill so if you only try for those and only
send mails to those Universities you may end up getting no reply at all.
4. Try to apply in 3-4 Universities (at least) which means try to convince 3-4 Profs of
different Universities then after getting the offer letters you may compare which one is
better. Don’t convince two Profs in the same University.
5. If you want to give an IELTS then try to give it within the end of October or early
November so that you can have your IELTS score by December.
6. Everyone is concerned about their CGPA (of B.Sc. Eng.) and likes to know about the
minimum level of CGPA which assure a scholarship. To be truth I don’t know. But I
think if you have honors CGPA then you should try for scholarship. The higher CGPA
you will have the easier it will be for you to get a scholarship. You can also mention your
position (if higher) in the class in the mails you will be sending to the Profs.

Other Information :


Most of the Universities in Canada ask for a minimum IELTS or TOEFL score for all the
International students. Now some of them also mention that if the applicant is from an
University where English is the medium of Instruction then you don’t need IELTS or
TOEFL. So watch out for that as you can easily manage a certificate of “Language of
instruction as English” from IUT and thereby avoid sending the IELTS score but the good
Universities usually ask for it (IELTS) so you better go for it anyways. Personally I think
IELTS is easier than TOEFL so it’s better to take IELTS instead of TOEFL. And regarding
GRE none of the educational institute mentions anything about any GRE requirement (except
McGill as far as I know) but it’s always good to have a good GRE score cause it increases
your possibility of getting admission but it’s not mandatory and you can survive without it.

Living Cost and Tuition

The Universities of Ontario and Quebec usually have higher tuition fees compare to other
provinces. The average margin for Ontario is like 14000-18000 CAD per year. For Quebec
it’s like 10000-14000 CAD per year. In Alberta and BC (British Columbia) I guess it is less
than 10000 CAD per year. You can always get the information in the University website. The
lowest tuition fees you can find here in Memorial University and University of Saskatchewan
(As far as I know), really less something like 4000 CAD per year. The living cost is
dependent on the individual. The monthly housing may be 300-500 CAD, foods 200-300
CAD, Others 100 CAD so your yearly living cost may vary between 7000 to 10000 CAD
depending upon the life standard you will lead. But if you really don’t have money then you
can even survive with 6000 CAD per year but that will be really hard.
Life and Weather

Three biggest cities are Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver. So obviously in these places your
life will be much easier compare to other places. But this is the last thing you should think
about cause getting admission or getting scholarship should be your first preference.
Everybody is concerned about the Canadian weather (Sometimes -40º c in some places
during the winter) but let me assure you nobody dies because of cold here. If you come into
a big city you may find lots of Bangladeshi people around you and you will miss you home a
bit less. And in general the Canadians are friendly and you will find better environment in
terms of Antiracist behaviour In Canada compare to your friends who are going to Australia
and USA.


The International Masters students (full time) get a 3 year work permit in Canada after
completing their degree. If you have work experience (1-2 year) from BD or if any of your
first blood relative (father, mother, brother, sister) is a Canadian citizen then it’s very easy to
get immigration here. But if you don’t have that assistance then you can apply for
immigration after completing the masters. Once your document is accepted it takes about 1-2
year for getting the immigration. So by the time your work permit expires you should be an
immigrant in Canada. Also there are lots of holes in the system so there is no option to think
that after completing the masters the Canadian Govt. will kick you back to your country.

Work opportunity

During Study:

The bigger the town you will be staying the easier it will be for you to get off campus jobs
during your study period. Peoples who are intending to take coursework based masters may
take a semester off (during summer and earn their major earning during that time). The usual
salary rate in this kind of jobs varies from 8-12 CAD per hour. Usually here it is allowed to
work 20 hrs in a week off campus. But if you are smart then you can always manage extra
hours if you need them. But remember it will be easier for you if you stay in a big city and
this kind of working causes serious disturbance to the study. For those who will do research
based masters (with an scholarship): you may not have summer vacation and sometimes the
professor you are working with will not allow you to work outside so for you these kind of
off campus work will be hard to do and also your study will be hampered a lot.
After Completion of degree:

I really don’t have much idea about that. But one thing is for sure that you have to move into
a big city to get jobs. So it will be easier for you if you are from a University which is known
by that city People. But again I am not that much experienced in this field perhaps our elder
brothers who are working in Canada can give you better idea.

About the Letter

The letter you will be sending to the Profs should be a formal letter. You shouldn’t use any
short form of words . The letter should contain your name, your CGPA, the Name of your
undergrad educational institution and also your rank (if it’s higher). Then you should mention
that how much you would like to work in that particular field (in which the Prof is working)
and it would be an honor if the Prof says yes. Try not to make the letter too long. Mention
your basic info in the first paragraph. Start with Dear Dr. “Name” and its better if you avoid
your financial discussion in the first mail. If the Prof sends positive reply to your first mail
then you can always start the “money talk” from the second mail. Try to be polite in your
mails and don’t just use any word you want to use. Its better if you make a common format
of the mail and send the same mail to the profs of different University just by changing the
name of the Prof, The name of the University and the area of interest of research.

Choosing the Prof

Obviously the main important factor which will be helping you for choosing a Prof is
“research field”. But those who are planning to do PHD in an even better place and also care
for the number of publication should have a look into the profs website and find out his
number of publication and also the names of the author of the publications. Usually most of
the Profs put the students name first but some don’t. My advice is if you have a second
option then don’t go for those who does that (putting students name as a second author of the
publication). Also If possible and if you get multiple offer (multiple scholarship in different
Universities) then try to contact some of the local grad students who are working with that
Prof (from whom you would get the offer) and do some homework before finalizing your
final destination. If you get only one offer then off course you will go for it because in that
case you don’t have enough cards in your hands to play.
The Amount of Money You will Need to Apply in Canadian University

You have to expend around 10000 Taka per University while applying so if you are going to
apply in 5 different Universities you will need around 50000 Taka. Soja hisab.

For Those Who are concerned about Ranking

Many of you are concerned about the ranking of the Universities and may think that ranking
is everything. I agree with you by some extent but there are also other issues working here.
The professor you will be working with may not be well known form a high ranked
University or his lab may not have enough equipment whereas the professor in a medium
ranked University may be a really known guy and he may have most of the equipments that a
grad student needs in his lab. So don’t just go for the ranking also think about other factors.
Remember for doing grad study (research based) the reputation of the professor is as
important as the reputation of The University even sometimes more than the reputation of the

Contact Information of IUTIANs at Canada

You can always ask for suggestion to the IUTIANs’ who live in Canada or did his
Masters/PHD in Canada. You can find them easily in IUTIAN group and also in Facebook. I
tried to accumulate name of most of the people who did or still doing or will start their
degree in Canada in the Table 2 along with some other info. Send them emails if you need
any specific suggestion. I am sure that they will be happy to help you out. But remember they
may be busy and may take longer than the usual to reply. In that case wait patiently or try
someone else. All the information of the Table is based on Facebook so their email address
or other things may not be accurate (and I apologize for that). But you can easily find them
on Facebook simply by searching them with their names (cause I tried to keep the names as
same as they use in Facebook) and then send them emails in Facebook (cause nowadays
everyone seems to be more regular in Facebook compare to yahoomail or hotmail). It’s
better if you ask the guys from your specific field for suggestion and ask them if they know
about any empty position under their Prof or anything else. You can also talk with them
about your accommodation and other issues once you get an admission.
Table 2: The IUTIANS @ Canada

Name Email Id Batch Research Topics / University


Hasan Salek Composite Material
MCE 96 Processing and Concordia University
Arefin Anwar MCE 96 MEMS Concordia University Vehicle Dynamics and
Shawkatul Islam MCE 97 Concordia University
Suspension System
Automotive Collision Detection System
Iftekhar Anwar MCE 97 Utilizing Distributed Concordia University
Polyvinylidene Fluoride
Rajib Ul Alam
MCE 98 Railway Dynamics Concordia University

Ali A M Jayed* University of Western

MCE 99
Ahmed Kabir
Suza MCE 99 Composite Materials Concordia University

Lutful Kabir MCE 99 Concordia University
Sk Ahmed
MCE 99 Composite Materials Concordia University
Md. Mezbahul MCE 99 Concordia University

Faisal Bari Al Thermo-Fluid Memorial University of
Mahmud MCE 00 (Wavy Fin Heat Newfoundland
Tanveer Khan Vehicle Suspension & Memorial University of
MCE 00 Vibration Newfoundland
Hamidur mhrahman_concordia@yaho
MCE 00 CFD Applications Concordia University
S.M. Hafiz Al Industrial Engineering
Mamun MCE 00 (Supply Chain Ryerson University
Sakib Lutful Limit Load Analysis of Memorial University of
Mahmood MCE 01
Ship Structures Newfoundland
Muinul Hasan
Banna Memorial University of MCE 01 Corrosion Engineering
MD. Shakhawat Micro Electro Mechanical
Hossain MCE 01 Concordia University
M Raju Hossain Memorial University of
MCE 02 Mechatronics Newfoundland
Research Topics /
Name Email Id Batch University
Forhad Ahmed Assessment of Memorial University of MCE 02
Hydrocarbon Storage Newfoundland
Mahmud Sharif Oil Gas Eng.
Sazidy Memorial University of MCE 02 (Advanced Drilling
Taufiqur Memorial University of MCE 02 Machine Vision
Rahman Newfoundland
Material Science
Naheen Farabi MCE 03 (Mechanical Behaviour, Ryerson University
Moinuddin Thermo Fluids University of Western
Ahmed** MCE 03
(Thin Film Flow) Ontario
Shamim Al University of
Mamun** MCE 04 Nanotechnology


Rajib Ullah EEE 96 Concordia University

Rakib U Khan EEE 96 Concordia University
Nayeem Ahmed
Ninad EEE 97 Microgrid Concordia University

Faisal Uddin EEE 98 Concordia University

Rajibul Islam EEE 99 Concordia University
Saif M Saki Data Distortion for
EEE 99 Privacy Preserving Data Concordia University
Adnan Mohd
EEE 99 Optical MIMO Concordia University
Tareq Hassan University of
Khan EEE 99 Embedded System, FPGA
Sheikh Mominul Power System Memorial University of
Islam EEE 00
(Renewable Energy) Newfoundland
Md. Jahangir Designing Marine Current Memorial University of
Alam Babu EEE 01 Energy Conversion
Wasiur Rahman EEE 01 Concordia University
Jamil Hussain University of Western
EEE 02 'Wind Power Energy' Ontario
Muntasir ul Zero Voltage Switching on University of Western
EEE 02 Various Inverter Topology
Alam* Ontario
Cognitive Radio, Resource
Allocation Techniques, University of Western
Imran Rustam EEE 02 Spectrum Sensing Channel Estimation and MIMO Ontario
Research Topics /
Name Email Id Batch University
Gazi Saeed University of Western
EEE 02 Power System Ontario
Nafiz Imtiaz EEE02 Speech Communication Concordia University
Sajir Bin Ali EEE 02 Concordia University
Naseeb Ahmed Optimal Alarm Design
Adnan EEE 02 and Fault Detection in University of Alberta
Yeasin Razib EEE 03 Control System Eng. University of Alberta
Shabib Mohsin Power Engineering &
EEE 03 University of Alberta Power Electronics
Kabir Ahmed** Network Process Control-
EEE 03 University of Alberta
Wireless Automation
Shirajum Munir
Rumi EEE 03 Microgrid Generation University of Alberta

Imranul Karim EEE 03 University of Alberta
EEE 03 University of Alberta
Imtiaj Hassan Memorial University of
Emon ** EEE 04 Machine & Control Newfoundland

Fahim Z
Evolutionary Software CIT 98 University of Calgary

Sayeed Sohail

Image Processing and CIT 98 Concordia University
Computer Vision
Sardar Anisul University of Western
Haque* CIT 98 Computer Algebra
Ontario University of Western
Bahlul Haider * CIT 99 Bioinformatics
Md. Rashed Requirement Engineering University of Western
Iqbal Nekvi CIT 99
Software Engineering Ontario QoS aware Service
Mahfuz Rahman CIT 99 University of Manitoba
Tariqus Salam
Ecole Polytech. De CIT 99 Neurotechnology
Choudhury CIT 00 Automata Theory Queens University
Sabuj DfDf
CIT 00 Virtual MIMO for WSNs Acadia University
(Anwarul Azim)
Research Topics /
Name Email Id Batch University
Information Systems
Esa Abu CIT 00 Concordia University
Mainur Rahman
CIT 00 Software Engineering University of Calgary

Haque Nobel CIT 00 Vehicular Networks University of Manitoba
Mubashsharul Energy efficient
Islam Shafique shafique_at_iutians@yahoo.
CIT 01 Communication in Acadia University
Shafiq Rayhan University of British
Joty CIT 01 Artificial Intelligence
Mohammad Approximation University of
Tauhidul Islam CIT 01
Algorithms Lethbridge
Sheikh Sadid Al University of
Hasan* CIT 01 Artificial Intelligence
Tarikul Alam University of
Khan Sabbir CIT 02 Algorithms
Mahmudul University of
Hasan CIT 02 Algorithms
Md. Shafayat Key Management in
CIT 02 Acadia University
Rahman* Wireless Sensor Networks Protocols used for
Ashfaq Rajib University of Western CIT 02 Multimedia Transmission
in Wireless Environment
Shishire University of Western
Ahmed** CIT02 Distributed Systems
Akramul Embedded Software
CIT 02 University of waterloo
Azim** Systems
Shahriar University of
Kaisar** CIT 03 Sensor Network
Chowdhury CIT 03 Artificial Intelligence University of Alberta Distributed System and University of Western

Sakibul Hasan** CIT 03 Software Engineering Ontario
Renesa Memorial University of
CIT 04 Computational
Nizamee** Newfoundland
CIT 04 Peer-to-Peer Network University of Calgary

* These names are not from Facebook.

** These guys will start from fall 2009 (August-September, 2009).
N.B: The names in blue are doing PHD, the Names in red have finished their study and doing a
job or looking for it, the names in green are doing coursework based masters and names in black
are doing research based masters.

“I would like to thank other IUTIANS who replied my mail and provided me their
information. I sincerely apologize for the mistakes I made in my writing and also in the list.
Due to time constraints I wasn’t able to provide contact information of some of our senior
brothers in the list and if I hurt someone with anything at all then I am extremely sorry for
that. Thank you and Take care. Hope to see more IUTIANS all over the world.”


Naheen Farabi (MCE 03)

MASc. Candidate

Department of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Ryerson University

Toronto, Ontario

Canada M5B 2K3


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