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Ares(2018)4085219 - 02/08/2018

Data Management Plan

Deliverable 7.6

Deliverable Report: D7.6, issue date on 30 November 2015

Revised and resubmitted after EC review: 12 December 2016
Revised and resubmitted after EC review: 22 June 2018

INCEPTION - Inclusive Cultural Heritage in Europe through 3D semantic modelling

Inclusive approach compromises: time dynamics of 3D reconstruction (‘forever’); addresses scientists, engineers, authorities and
citizens (‘for everybody’); and provide methods and tools applicable across Europe (‘from everywhere’).

This research project has received funding from the European Union’s H2020 Framework Programme for research and innovation under Grant Agreement no 665220.
Data Management Plan
Deliverable 7.6

Issue Date November 2015 (v. 1.00), December 2016 (v 2.00), June 2018 (v 3.00)
Produced by UNIFE
Main authors Federica Maietti, Marco Medici, Federico Ferrari (UNIFE)
Co-authors Roko Žarnić (UL)
Marinos Ioannides (CUT)
Ernesto Iadanza (CFR)
Klaus Luig (3L)
Anna Elisabetta Ziri (NMR)
Peter Bonsma (RDF)

Version: 3.00
Reviewed by WP leaders, Task leaders
Approved by Roberto Di Giulio and Emanuele Piaia
Dissemination Public

Copyright © 2015 by INCEPTION consortium
Use of any knowledge, information or data contained in this document shall be at the user's sole risk. Neither the INCEPTION Consortium nor any of its members, their officers,
employees or agents accept shall be liable or responsible, in negligence or otherwise, for any loss, damage or expense whatever sustained by any person as a result of the use, in any
manner or form, of any knowledge, information or data contained in this document, or due to any inaccuracy, omission or error therein contained. If you notice information in this
publication that you believe should be corrected or updated, please contact us. We shall try to remedy the problem.
The authors intended not to use any copyrighted material for the publication or, if not possible, to indicate the copyright of the respective object. The copyright for any material created
by the authors is reserved. Any duplication or use of objects such as diagrams, sounds or texts in other electronic or printed publications is not permitted without the author's
This research project has received funding from the European Union’s H2020 Framework Programme for research and innovation under Grant agreement no 665220.

INCEPTION | Deliverable report 7.6 | Data Management Plan 2

Addressing the EC remarks

Status Date: June 22nd 2018

Status: Request for revision
EC Project Advisor: PO, Monitor

Summarised of EC remarks Implemented measures/ solutions/ improvements

According the Reviewers’ comments, the Deliverable has been

Comment revised and updated on the basis of the template sent by the PO.
The current version of the DMP looks The INCEPTION Data Management Plan has been updated according
like a preliminary update. The to the FAIR data management principles (research data findable,
description of the files is not accessible, interoperable and re-usable).
sufficiently developed. For example, Reviewers’ comments have been faced through several
there are three formats of panoramic improvements mainly regarding:
images (cylindrical, spherical or cubic)  Data collection and generation
but neither the formats nor the  Data types, formats and expected size
programme used to display are  Data structure and how to locate data on the website and
sufficiently specified. The same platform
weakness is to be stated for several  Data accessibility
other types of data (3D scan data, …),  Data interoperability
there are some lists of formats and  Resources and responsibilities
sometimes programmes, but the use  Data storage and recovery
of the data files might be rather
difficult. New versions of the Data Management Plan will be created after the
accomplishment of all actions within WP4 (INCEPTION platform for
sharing Heritage BIM models), by producing more focused choices
regarding data set collection, storage needs, solutions and costs, and
the accomplishment of WP5 (Use Cases and Demonstration).
The INCEPTION Data Management Plan will be updated by the final
review to fine-tune it to the data generated and the uses identified by
the Consortium.

INCEPTION | Deliverable report 7.6 | Data Management Plan 3

Publishable executive summary
The INCEPTION Data Management Plan has been updated according to the FAIR data management principles
(research data findable, accessible, interoperable and re-usable).
The first version of the Data Management Plan (October 2015) detailed what data set the project INCEPTION
will generate, whether and how it will be exploited or made accessible for verification and re-use, and how it
will be curated and preserved, providing a preliminary framework for all data collected, processed and
After the assessment by the European Commission (October 2016), the following sections have been added
and improved:
 General information and versioning;
 Identification of relevant policies on data management, data sharing and data security, in addition
to Horizon 2020;
 Processes, documentation and metadata;
 Data sharing, particularly regarding the Semantic Web Platform and external users;
 Storage and backup.

After the Review Meeting held in February 2018, the Data Management Plan has been revised following the
template for FAIR data management.
Regarding findable data, the following sections have been added:
 How to locate INCEPTION data (website and platform);
 Data structure on INCEPTION website and platform;
 Metadata management.
Regarding data accessibility, the following sections have been improved:
 Data availability;
 Methods and tools to access data on the website and on the platform;
 The list of confidential Deliverables has been updated.
Two sections on data interoperability and re-use have been added.

The first chapter, “Data summary”, includes a description of data collection and generation in relation to the
project objectives, data types and formats, data origin and re-use strategies, expected data size.
INCEPTION data sets include different kind of file formats, digital data, standards and metadata. Given the key
role of 3D digital models and representations (even as effective supports for integrated information, shape-
related analysis and semantic data for in-depth studies by researchers and users), the overall data set is
comprehensive of different digital outputs, services and tools (such as 2D and 3D tools, applications, repository
platform, etc.) in order to enrich possible researches and inclusive approaches.
In addition to documents and reports, the project produced and will produce specific Deliverables related to
software, applications, and demonstrators. The main categories of “other” outputs can be summarized in:

INCEPTION | Deliverable report 7.6 | Data Management Plan 4

 Optimized firmware (software that provides control, monitoring and data manipulation as
embedded systems of 3D data capturing technologies) for 3D data acquisition;
 Software to manage multilayer graphical and semantic heritage information into a BIM
 Web service and ontologies applications to manage semantic information;
 Software tool for 3D shape recognition;
 New standard to convert Heritage BIM models into the INCEPTION interoperable platform;
 Semantic search engine and web interface for wide range user access to the INCEPTION platform;
 Software tools for users applications (Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality).

Within this third version of Data Management Plan, the data set description of all INCEPTION Deliverables has
been kept. These explanations follow the outputs delivered and envisaged in the project Deliverables; the next
and most advanced version of the Data Management Plan could follow a different organisation, classifying the
data according to the specific IT outcomes. In order to simplify and clarify this data description, the scheme of
the Deliverables list has been followed.

Descriptions of the overall data set have been organized in a table including the following items:
 Output number and lead beneficiary: deliverable number and responsible partner;
 Dataset reference and name: provisionally filled with the title of the Deliverable; these letterings
will be replaced with an alphanumeric identification code once established, in order to store files
and data with a unique and shared coding system;
 Dataset description: description of the output (report, document, software, formats, languages,
 Standards and Metadata: file extensions (with specifications of UA document: Universal
Accessibility, or other specific file formats);
 Data Sharing: explanation of the level of accessibility of different data set (among INCEPTION
partners, and available or partially available for public accessibility);
 Archiving and preservation: specification of where and how digital data will be stored (network
drives, local drives and project SharePoint).

Regarding data origin and re-use strategy (chapter 1.3), several file formats are created within the project,
from different sources.
In relation with data origin, we can easily distinguish data in four categories:
 sample data included in deliverables;
 developed applications as deliverables;
 data from surveys of demonstration cases;
 data elaborated for uploading on the Platform.

INCEPTION | Deliverable report 7.6 | Data Management Plan 5

The table “Expected data size” (chapter 1.4), has been filled in with the main data produced up to now, and it’s
in progress according to the progress of work.

Chapter 2, about data structure on INCEPTION website and platform, includes the section related to metadata,
updated in chapter 2.1.5. Two different issues regarding metadata within the INCEPTION project have been
described: metadata regarding public deliverables and metadata regarding 3D data on Demonstration Cases.
Metadata on Deliverables (metacontent) are defined as the data providing information about one or more
aspects of the data, such as:
 Means of creation of the data
 Purpose of the data
 Time and date of creation
 Creator or author of the data
 Location on a computer network where the data was created
 Standards used
Metadata on Demonstration Cases are managed so as every model have a clear set of metadata to classify it
through the current standard, regarding:
 identification of cultural heritage buildings semantic ontology and data structure for information
 integration of sematic attributes with hierarchically and mutually aggregated 3D digital geometric
models for management of heritage information;
 creation of a shared semantic field for cultural heritage;
 development of a “nomenclature” aimed at interoperable BIM with cultural heritage semantic
 implementation of guidelines for 3D parametric and semantic modelling in an H-BIM environment;
 development of semantic 3D reconstructions of the heritage sites, integrated with tangible and
intangible information.

Methods and tools to access INCEPTION data on the platform and the internal SharePoint are explained in
chapter 2.2.2 and 2.2.3.
INCEPTION platform clients communicate with the semantic REST web-service and the data repository via
RESTful Web API using JSON formatted files.
Two web-applications have been created for the platform. The first one manages the upload of data and
information toward the file repository and the semantic REST web-service, using four different controllers.

The internal SharePoint environment is the central hub for the INCEPTION collaboration and exchange
platform of the data produced.
There are two ways to access this project website:
 By logging in with own credentials through the public website under
Login Consortium Project Website, or

INCEPTION | Deliverable report 7.6 | Data Management Plan 6

 Accessing directly the SharePoint via A window will open where
registered members will log in with their private credentials.
In order to manage correctly the accessibility of users to the stored data, we make use of the Microsoft
SharePoint features that offer extensive support for the management of groups and permissions (appointing
read, write, upload, download, and/or full access). Through these features specific user groups were defined
and configured in order to allow appropriate access to the content stored. The permission structure outlined
below ensures that the SharePoint website remains a vehicle of conveying a coherent access to the users.

The updated list of confidential Deliverables is included in chapter 2.2.4:

D1.3 | Knowledge management and collaboration method (CUT) | M12
D2.1 | Optimized data acquisition protocol (UNIFE) | 12
D2.3 | Concept for enhanced 3D laser scanning systems (Z+F) | M15D2.6 | Algorithm for managing the
reflectivity (CARTIF) | M18
D3.1 | Alpha version of the integrated software architecture for HBIM graphic-semantic interoperability
(CARTIF) | M24
D3.3 | Heritage-BIM models from 3D point cloud data (CARTIF) | M36
D4.2 | Architecture platform project (CFR) | M24
D4.3 | Procedure and definition from H-BIM to INCEPTION (RDF) | M30
D4.4 | Conversion tools from Heritage BIM models in the INCEPTION standard (RDF) | M36
D7.5 | Case-related business plans and Exploitation Strategy Seminar (3L) | M12
D8.1 | Plan for deliverable review and risk management (UNIFE) | M6
D8.2 | First periodic management report (UNIFE) | M12
D8.3 | Second periodic management report (UNIFE) | M30
D8.4 | Third periodic management report: final management report and project results (UNIFE) | M48

Interoperability and data exchange are described in chapter 2.3 as well as new vocabularies and ontologies.
Chapter 2.4.1 describing re-use licences and embargo periods is under development, according to ongoing
activities on the platform and according to Stakeholders requirements and possible limitations.
Quality assurance strategies in chapter 2.4.2 are described according to a two-steps process:
1. data capturing and processing must be carried out following the workflow that will be outlined in
INCEPTION protocol and standard;
2. information archived in the H-BIM model will be checked and validated by a data quality control.

Data security issues are described in chapter 4.

On one side, the storage of deliverables is provided by DEMO Consultants thanks to the internal project
website (SharePoint), allowing also for information sharing among consortium partners as explained in D7.1 -
Public and internal websites, corporate design, publication and deliverable templates.

INCEPTION | Deliverable report 7.6 | Data Management Plan 7

On the other side, because one of the main aim is focused on making 3D models more accessible, re-usable and
effective for the understanding of European Cultural Heritage, storage and backup systems will be constantly
under investigation till the end of the project, in relation with the development of the INCEPTION platform.
Amazon Web Services, market leader in cloud computing and storing, are used for hosting both data and
platform. In particular, an EC2 X-Large instance is used for web-applications and Fuseki Triple Store, a RDS
MSSQL Server Express 2008 R2 instance is used to manage user’s profiling and a S3 instance as data repository.
Backup and maintenance is made using Amazon Backup Service itself.

Since the Data Management Plan is not a fixed document, it will evolve and gain more precision and substance
during the lifespan of the project. New versions of the Data Management Plan will be created after the
accomplishment of all actions within WP4 (INCEPTION platform for sharing Heritage BIM models), by producing
more focused choices regarding data set collection, storage needs, solutions and costs, and the
accomplishment of WP5 (Use Cases and Demonstration).
Whenever changes to the project or decisions occur due to the inclusion of new data sets or changes in
evolution of the project, the Data Management Plan will include relevant modifications.
The INCEPTION Data Management Plan will be updated by the final review to fine-tune it to the data generated
and the uses identified by the Consortium.

INCEPTION | Deliverable report 7.6 | Data Management Plan 8

List of acronyms and abbreviations
 DMP: Data Management Plan
 APIs: Application Programming Interfaces
 ARML: Augmented Reality Markup Language
 BIM: Building Information Modeling
 bsDD: Building SMART Data Dictionary
 CIDOC-CRM: Conceptual Reference Model
 CIS/2: CIM Steel Integration Standards
 CityGML: Open data model XML-based
 CMO: Concept Modelling Ontology
 EDM: Europeana Data Model
 gbXML: Green Building XML GIP Indoor Position System
 H-BIM: Heritage BIM
 H-GIS: Historical Geographic Information System
 IDM: Integral Document Management
 IFC: Industry Foundation Classes
 REST: Representational State Transfer
 SKOS: Simple Knowledge Organization System
 SPARQL: Protocol and RDF Query Language
 SSE: Semantic Search Engine
 UA: Universal Accessibility
 W3C: World Wide Web Consortium
 X3D: Royalty-free ISO standard XML-based
 XML: Extensible Markup Language

INCEPTION | Deliverable report 7.6 | Data Management Plan 9

1.1 Data collection and generation in relation with the objectives of the project 11
1.2 Data types and format 11
1.3 Data origin and re-use strategy 15
1.4 Expected data size 16
2.1 Making data findable, including provisions for metadata 19
2.1.1 How to locate INCEPTION data: the INCEPTION website 19
2.1.2 How to locate INCEPTION data: the INCEPTION platform 19
2.1.3 Data structure on the INCEPTION website 19
2.1.4 Data structure on the INCEPTION platform 20
2.1.5 Metadata management 21
2.2 Making data openly accessible 22
2.2.1 Availability of INCEPTION data 22
2.2.2 Methods, tools to access INCEPTION data on the platform 23
2.2.3 Methods, tools to access INCEPTION data on the internal SharePoint 24
2.2.4 Restrictions on confidential deliverables 28
2.3 Making data interoperable 28
2.3.1 Interoperability and data exchange between institutions 28
2.3.2 New vocabularies and ontologies 30
2.4 Increase data re-use 30
2.4.1 Re-use licenses and embargo periods 30
2.4.2 Quality assurance strategy 30
3.1 Estimated costs for making data FAIR 31
3.2 Responsibilities 31
3.3 Long term preservation resources 31
4.1 Data storage and recovery 32
4.2 Long term preservation strategy 35

INCEPTION | Deliverable report 7.6 | Data Management Plan 10

1. Data summary
1.1 Data collection and generation in relation with the objectives of the project
Within the INCEPTION project, a huge amount of digital data will be collected or produced.
In last years, we have seen a more and more growing number of different digital data format relating to 3D
modelling. Because one of the main aim of the INCEPTION project is to find out a solution to this situation,
figuring out which could be the right strategy to realise an effective standardisation, starting from existing data
format, in the following table a data set description for each deliverable is provided. As well, most common
standard and file types for each kind of data set are listed, trying to be most inclusive as possible in a real huge
panorama. Furthermore, even if the data set produced within a deliverable is composed by several files and
data formats, when the standardisation is the main aim of a specific deliverables, some restriction could be
applied. These restrictions, if part of the INCEPTION protocol will be presented in the specific deliverable on the
topic and, later on, they will be integrated in the following version of the DMP.

1.2 Data types and format

Deliverable | Lead beneficiary Dataset reference and name Dataset Description Data types and format
D1.1 | UL Establishment Value assessment report MS Word document, MS Excel
of stakeholder addressing Stakeholders’ table, PDF/UA document
panel, value-added requirements on CH
assessment and State
of the Art
D1.2 | UNIFE Programme of Report based on MS Word document, PDF/UA
users and technical common parameters document
requirements and common for European cultural
parameters for European assets
cultural assets
D1.3 | CUT Knowledge Report to establish a cross- MS Word document, MS Excel
management and disciplinary work methodology table, PDF/UA document
collaboration method for data collection, knowledge
management and
implementation of semantically
enriched models
D2.1 | UNIFE Optimized data Report based on state of the art MS Word document, MS Excel
acquisition protocol and collected information table, PDF/UA document
D2.2 | UNIFE Input to standardization in 3D Data acquisition guidelines. MS Word document, MS Excel
data acquisition Report on table, PDF/UA document
standardization in 3D
data acquisition
D2.3 | Z+F Concept for enhanced Report based on state of the art MS Word document, MS Excel
3D laser scanning and new solutions to be table, PDF/UA document,
systems developed in 3D data acquisition Jpeg, Tiff
D2.4 | Z+F Beta version of Compiled firmware and/or Exe, JSON, XML, proprietary
optimized firmware software to be used with Z+F formats, PDF/UA document
for 3D data acquisition laser scanning systems
D2.5 | CARTIF Usability of 3D photo- Input image formats: JPEG, TIFF, UA document
based scanning for PNG, BMP, PPM, OpenEXR,
cultural heritage MPO.
Output (Point-cloud exporting
formats): OBJ, PLY, XYZ, LAS,
E57, U3D, PDF.
D2.6 | CARTIF Algorithm for PTX 3D laser scanning format: UA document
managing the ASCII based interchange format

INCEPTION | Deliverable report 7.6 | Data Management Plan 11

reflectivity for point cloud data.
D3.1 | CARTIF Alpha version of the integrated Well-known formats on: UA document
software 3D laser scanning, 3D photo
architecture for H-BIM graphic- scanning, 3D modelling and
semantic BIM.
D3.2 | NMR Web service to REST API documentation and XML document,
understand the usage example HTML document,
semantic organization PDF/UA document.
of the European RDFa, SPARQL, OWL and XML
Cultural Heritage technologies.
MS Word document, PDF/UA

D3.3 | CARTIF Heritage-BIM models from 3D Top file BIM formats (currently UA document
point cloud DXF, DWG, RVT, IFC)
data According to 3D laser scanning,
3D photo scanning and 3D
modelling formats exportable to
BIM tools.
D4.1 | RDF Development of Description of open standard for MS Word document, PDF/UA
INCEPTION standard INCEPTION and document,
for Heritage BIM related/referenced standards Wiki Platform
models for BIM, point cloud data etc.
D4.2 | CFR Architecture platform Inception Platform description MS Word document, PDF/UA
project and data management document
D4.3 | RDF Procedure and Open and closed formats on MS Word document, PDF/UA
definition from H-BIM to BIM and parametric modelling document
INCEPTION like GDL or Revit Families and
other database formats and
D4.4 | RDF Conversion tools from Heritage Set of applications and services Sources of the tools and
BIM models in the INCEPTION executables or services,
standard potentially compiled on
different Operating Systems +
description of the software in
Word and PDF
D4.5 | CFR Web interface for wide Inclusive web design and source HTML and CSS (W3C standard
range user access files based), SVG, and more.
Jpg, Gif, Png.
MS Word document, PDF/UA
D4.6 | CFR Semantic search Searching algorithm and system RDFa, SPARQL, OWL and XML
engine applied on Cultural Heritage technologies.
MS Word document, PDF/UA
D5.1 | NTUA Use case definition Report on integrated MS Word document, MS Excel
responding to methodology for innovative table, PDF/UA document
stakeholder's data capturing, extraction and
requirements application to case studies and
validation of methods.
Description of use cases for
each stakeholders’ categories
D5.2 | NTUA Demonstration cases Report on demonstration cases MS Word document, MS Excel
configuration and data set (description of equipment, data table, PDF/UA document
and main outputs)
D5.3 | UNIFE IT Demonstration Survey data set Point Cloud data acquisition:
case user-oriented PTX, PTS, IMP.
applications and Other survey data: radiometric
validation results JPG, JPG, MS Excel table.
Report: MS Word document,
PDF/UA document.
3D model derived from survey 3D model: STL, PDF3D, IFC.

INCEPTION | Deliverable report 7.6 | Data Management Plan 12

data set Report: MS Word document,
PDF/UA document.
User oriented application ARML, XML, Java, HTML5
derived from 3D model languages.
MS Word document, MS Excel
table, PDF/UA document
D5.4 | DMO NL Demonstration - Drawings and floor plans from BIM model has been converted
case user-oriented the church and municipal from native format (ArchiCAD)
applications and archives. to IFC open standard.
validation results - Narratives of the church
history and stories of various CH DEMO RE Suite software can
assets within and around the generate various output files
building. (PDF, Word, Excel) from lifecycle
- Panoramic 360-degree pictures cost calculation, asset
JPEG. management value calculation,
- Survey data set (manufacturer maintenance planning, etc.
specific formats: ZFPRJ, ZFS, ZFI,
- Point Clouds (E57)
- Generated 3D / BIM models of
the church building
D5.5 | UNIZAG HR Demonstration Dataset obtained by surveying Survey data set:
case user-oriented (reference points, the position Instruments measurements data
applications and points for instruments with in own extension and point
validation results stabilization, georeferencing coordinates in .txt or .kor files.
and preparation of point cloud Documents, reports:
for creation of 3D models in the MS Word document, MS Excel
case of 3D laser scanning). table, PDF/UA document
Models, drawings and plans:
Dataset obtained by recording After processing data, point
images and thermal images cloud in obj, ply, txt, las, e57,
from the ground and from the u3d, pdf. Model in 3ds, obj, wrl,
air using a drone, ordinary and dae, ply, stl, Autodesk fbx and
thermal imaging cameras. dxf, pdf3d and optional kmz for
Google Earth. DEM (digital
elevation model) in tiff, bil, only
if needed. Drawings and plans in
dwg, dxf with optional cadastral
Photos and videos:
Images and videos of object
sites with real or (and)
processed data in jpg, jpeg, raw
jpeg, tiff, png, mp4, avi.
Thermal imaging:
Objects thermal videos with
analysis in avi, mp4 or jpg in
case of still images.
D5.6 | CARTIF ES Demonstration Well-known formats on: UA document.
case user-oriented 3D laser scanning, 3D photo Manufacturer specific formats
applications and scanning, 3D modelling and
validation results BIM.
D5.7 | CUT CY Demonstration All the necessary formats (in Manufacturer specific formats
case user-oriented ASCII as well as in binary) for the and in all the current available
applications and complete documentation in 2D, standard formats such as:
validation results 3D and Infrared documentation. 2D: JPG, TIFF, PNG,
The documentation of the case Video: MP4, AVI
study will be with a latest 3D: ASCII, DXF, 3D-PDF and
technology Laser Scanner, and manufacturers specific formats
UAV and with High Resolution which will be transferred to the
image and thermo-cameras. standard formats for reasons of
D5.8 | VBC EL Demonstration Standard 2D and 3D (mesh Standard 2D (jpeg) and 3D
case user-oriented formats), panoramic 360 (mesh formats, eg. PLY, STL,

INCEPTION | Deliverable report 7.6 | Data Management Plan 13

applications and pictures, architectural drawings FDX, OBJ), panoramic 360
validation results (scanned images and dxf), voice pictures, architectural drawings
narratives (mp4) and video (scanned images and dxf) , voice
(mpeg) for acquired data. Map narratives (mp4) and video
data (tbd) (mpeg) for acquired data. Map
data (tbd)
D6.1 | DMO Beta version of Methods: We will use a combination of
user application for - Condition assessment NEN information carriers of real life
maintenance and asset 2627 (DMO) objects. The information
management - International technical codes objects are stored in original
and norms for CH condition formats (SPFF, XML/XSD and
assessment SW/LD).
- Maintenance guidelines Based on investigation outcome,
- BIM protocols and guidelines the server/platform would
operate on:
Software: - SQL Server / MS SharePoint
- DMO RE Suite, RE Server (with CMIS support)
Maintenance, RE Survey, DEMO - Third party data stores or
iPad app sensors
- New software for CH asset - In-Memory databases,
management STEP/EXPRESS, Semantic
Web/Linked Data, XML/XSD
- INCEPTION platform
D6.2 | CUT Beta version of user application Educational Platform to run on MS-Office documents and
for on-site all smart devices, PCs and formats,
deployment Laptops. The Web application HTML5
will include VR features and 3D-PDF
Edu-Videos, different texts, etc. XML
and different Video Formats
such as AVI, mp4, etc.
D6.3 | CFR Beta version of user application Applications with Virtual Reality ARML, XML, Java, HTML5
for off-site features to be used remotely languages.
deployment from heritage sites (labs, MS Word document, MS Excel
museums, offices, etc.) table, PDF/UA document
D7.1 | DMO Public and internal - Logo and project branding ASP.NET for the public website.
websites, corporate - Document and presentation SharePoint for internal project
design, publication templates collaboration website.
and deliverable - Leaflet (Fact Sheet)
templates - Poster
- Brochure
- Newsletter
- Website contents and updates
D7.2 | UNIFE Establishment of Organisation and management MS Word document, MS Excel
scholarship research of programmes for workshops, table, PDF/UA document
projects seminars, academic courses,
etc. and related report and
D7.3 | UNIFE Mid-term report of scholarship Reports on organization and MS Word document, MS Excel
research results from scholarship courses table, PDF/UA document
D7.4 | UNIFE Educational and Organisation and management MS Word document, MS Excel
seminars material. of seminars and related reports table, PDF/UA document
University curricula on 3D and documentations
modelling of
cultural heritage
D7.5 | 3L Case-related business Business plans for MS Word document, MS Excel
plans and Exploitation demonstration cases and table, PDF/UA document
Strategy Seminar organisation and management
of ESS and related reports and

INCEPTION | Deliverable report 7.6 | Data Management Plan 14

1.3 Data origin and re-use strategy
As highlighted by the table above, several file formats are created within the project, from different sources.
In relation with data origin, we can easily distinguish data in four categories:
 sample data included in deliverables;
 developed applications as deliverables;
 data from surveys of demonstration cases;
 data elaborated for uploading on the Platform.

Must be noticed that all deliverables, both sample data and developed applications, will be both, delivered to
the EC and stored in the INCEPTION SharePoint environment managed by DEMO.
The SharePoint restricted consortium website runs on a server located in the data center of Nedzone in
Steenbergen, The Netherlands. The datacenter of Nedzone is a certified (Dutch norm ISO 27001) secured data
center where DEMO Consultants leases a storage unit where physical access is only granted to DEMO
Consultants and IMS ICT, in charge of the maintenance of the servers. In this storage unit the physical servers,
storage systems and network components such as router / firewall and switch are housed. The separations
between the various functionalities that are available in the infrastructure are made on the basis of VLANs.
Each functionality has its own secured VLAN that is shielded from each other. SharePoint has its own VLAN and
the virtual servers are housed there. The backup and replication of this infrastructure and thus, of the
SharePoint environment is processed in triplicate: onsite backup, onsite replication and offsite backup to an
external location. Access to the SharePoint environment is only possible via an SSL secured access set for this
purpose. All traffic from client to server is encrypted on the basis of this SSL certificate. Comodo is the external
'Certificate Authority' (CA) and thus, supplier of the certificate. The layout and infrastructure of the
environment is based on Microsoft standards, validated in collaboration with Microsoft consultants and meets
all requirements regarding information security, backup and privacy measures.

Deliverables uploaded in the Participant Portal for Commission Services will be completed of all detailed
explanations, data and results useful for the reviews by the Commission; some final PDF report will be partially
available on Inception public website.
In this case, the re-use strategy will refer to the classification as Public or Confidential deliverable.
Furthermore, some specific background knowledges, intermediate results and project steps developed by
Consortium partners in order to reach the main outcomes of the project could be partially managed as
confidential even for “Public” Deliverables.

On the other side, data elaborated for uploading on the Platform will be the real core of the FAIR data
management, since they represent the most effective contribution to the research sector. Methods and tools
for data access and use will be explained in further chapters.

INCEPTION | Deliverable report 7.6 | Data Management Plan 15

Conversely, data captured on-field cannot be considered to be released for further re-use since they belong to
institutions in charge to manage buildings and sites classified as demonstration cases. Furthermore, the high
metrical accuracy of relevant buildings in the city (i.e.: Istituto degli Innocenti in Florence) need to be safely
stored in order to prevent inappropriate uses.

1.4 Expected data size

Deliverable | Lead beneficiary Data types and format Expected data size
D1.1 | UL MS Word document, MS Excel table,
PDF/UA document
D1.2 | UNIFE MS Word document, PDF/UA document 100 MB
D1.3 | CUT MS Word document, MS Excel table,
PDF/UA document
D2.1 | UNIFE MS Word document, MS Excel table, 100 MB
PDF/UA document
D2.2 | UNIFE MS Word document, MS Excel table, 100 MB
PDF/UA document
D2.3 | Z+F MS Word document, MS Excel table, 10 MB
PDF/UA document,
Jpeg, Tiff
D2.4 | Z+F Exe, , JSON, XML, proprietary formats, 700 MB
PDF/UA document; addition: Demo data set + 1.5 GB Demo data set
(survey data sample in manufacturer’s
proprietary formats)
D2.5 | CARTIF UA document
D2.6 | CARTIF UA document
D3.1 | CARTIF UA document
D3.2 | NMR XML document, HTML document, PDF/UA 10 GB
RDFa, SPARQL, OWL and XML technologies.
MS Word document, PDF/UA document.

D3.3 | CARTIF UA document

D4.1 | RDF MS Word document, PDF/UA document,
Wiki Platform
D4.2 | CFR MS Word document, PDF/UA document
D4.3 | RDF MS Word document, PDF/UA document
D4.4 | RDF Sources of the tools and executables or
services, potentially compiled on different
Operating Systems + description of the
software in Word and PDF
D4.5 | CFR HTML and CSS (W3C standard based), SVG, 500 GB
and more.
Jpg, Gif, Png.
MS Word document, PDF/UA document.
D4.6 | CFR RDFa, SPARQL, OWL and XML technologies. 50 GB
MS Word document, PDF/UA document.
D5.1 | NTUA MS Word document, MS Excel table,
PDF/UA document
D5.2 | NTUA MS Word document, MS Excel table,
PDF/UA document
D5.3 | UNIFE Point Cloud data acquisition: PTX, PTS, IMP. 500 GB
Other survey data: radiometric JPG, JPG, MS
Excel table.
Report: MS Word document, PDF/UA
3D model: STL, PDF3D, IFC. 100 GB
Report: MS Word document, PDF/UA

INCEPTION | Deliverable report 7.6 | Data Management Plan 16

ARML, XML, Java, HTML5 languages. 50 GB
MS Word document, MS Excel table,
PDF/UA document
D5.4 | DMO BIM model has been converted from native IFC model 5MB
format (ArchiCAD) to IFC open standard. BIM model native format ArchiCAD 105 MB
Collada file 3 MB
DEMO RE Suite software can generate Point Clouds/Survey data 50 GB
various output files (PDF, Word, Excel) from Panorama images 870 MB
lifecycle cost calculation, asset management
value calculation, maintenance planning,
D5.5 | UNIZAG Survey data set:
Instruments measurements data in own
extension and point coordinates in .txt or.
kor files.
Documents, reports:
MS Word document, MS Excel table,
PDF/UA document
Models, drawings and plans:
After processing data, point cloud in obj, ply,
txt, las, e57, u3d, pdf. Model in 3ds, obj, wrl,
dae, ply, stl, Autodesk fbx and dxf, pdf3d
and optional kmz for Google Earth. DEM
(digital elevation model) in tiff, bil, only if
needed. Drawings and plans in dwg, dxf with
optional cadastral background.
Photos and videos:
Images and videos of object sites with real
or (and) processed data in jpg, jpeg, raw
jpeg, tiff, png, mp4, avi.
Thermal imaging:
Objects thermal videos with analysis in avi,
mp4 or jpg in case of still images.
D5.6 | CARTIF UA document.
Manufacturer specific formats
D5.7 | CUT Manufacturer specific formats and in all the
current available standard formats such as:
Video: MP4, AVI
3D: ASCII, DXF, 3D-PDF and manufacturers
specific formats which will be transferred to
the standard formats for reasons of
D5.8 | VBC Standard 2D (jpeg) and 3D (mesh formats,
eg. PLY, STL, FDX, OBJ), panoramic 360
pictures, architectural drawings (scanned
images and dxf) , voice narratives (mp4) and
video (mpeg) for acquired data. Map data
D6.1 | DMO We will use a combination of information
carriers of real life objects. The information
objects are stored in original formats (SPFF,
Based on investigation outcome, the
server/platform would operate on:
- SQL Server / MS SharePoint Server (with
CMIS support)
- Third party data stores or sensors
- In-Memory databases, STEP/EXPRESS,
Semantic Web/Linked Data, XML/XSD
D6.2 | CUT MS-Office documents and formats,

INCEPTION | Deliverable report 7.6 | Data Management Plan 17

and different Video Formats such as AVI,
mp4, etc.
D6.3 | CFR ARML, XML, Java, HTML5 languages. 50 GB
MS Word document, MS Excel table,
PDF/UA document
D7.1 | DMO ASP.NET for the public website.
SharePoint for internal project collaboration
D7.2 | UNIFE MS Word document, MS Excel table,
PDF/UA document
D7.3 | UNIFE MS Word document, MS Excel table,
PDF/UA document
D7.4 | UNIFE MS Word document, MS Excel table,
PDF/UA document
D7.5 | 3L MS Word document, MS Excel table,
PDF/UA document

INCEPTION | Deliverable report 7.6 | Data Management Plan 18

2. FAIR data
2.1 Making data findable, including provisions for metadata
Must be noticed that, as previously stated, data created within the INCEPTION project should be distinguished
in data available on the INCEPTION website and data available on the INCEPTION platform. For this reason, the
following paragraphs are split in two, in order to better explain how to locate and correctly find the needed
data for every purpose.

2.1.1 How to locate INCEPTION data: the INCEPTION website

The public website of INCEPTION project acts as a communication and dissemination channel for the outside
world of the project’s results. In addition, the website is meant to involve (and enlarge) the stakeholders’
community interested in the work and achievements to be gained within INCEPTION. In this context, the public
website will serve as the main interface towards the stakeholders (refer to D7.1 for more details). For efficiency
reasons, the INCEPTION public website will be directly connected to the INCEPTION Semantic Web platform
though user-friendly access. Next to the public website, the internal project website, SharePoint, is meant to
facilitate the information sharing process among consortium partners by allowing partners to store data. This is
a restricted website which can be accessed directly by the consortium partners and EC-officials with login
credentials and can be done both through the web-enabled portal as well as mobile devices (iPad App).

2.1.2 How to locate INCEPTION data: the INCEPTION platform

INCEPTION data are available both as semantic form by using Fuseki non-relational database and as direct file
transfer via Amazon S3 repository. Fuseki Endpoint can be queried directly via HTTP protocol at or by using provided interface Web APIs (chapter 2.2.2). Instead the latter is
reachable by using Amazon’s Access Key Pair and the designed Web APIs (chapter 2.2.2).
An instance of the HBIM Inception ontology and the other project dependent ontologies are saved on the
semantic repository and can be queried and extracted as a RDFgraph from the SPARQL Endpoint.

2.1.3 Data structure on the INCEPTION website

The information on the INCEPTION public website is of public interest, thus made openly available for a wide
public. The public website is meant as a way to disseminate and distribute the findings and advancements of
the INCEPTION project. This information is structured under the following menu items:
1. Home (Latest news, synergy with other projects, newsletter subscription, social media share)
2. Project description (rationale, main aim, benefits, objctives and work programme)
3. Background (it describes the knowledge context of the INCEPTION playing field. The contents are
expected to be extended during the course of the project).
4. Partners and stakeholders (overview of the partners and stakeholders involved, content consisting of
company profile, logo’s main roles and key persons involved in the project)
5. Demonstration cases (consisting of the case description set up in INCEPTION)

INCEPTION | Deliverable report 7.6 | Data Management Plan 19

6. Research results. This section gives an overview of the public (and open access) results of the
INCEPTION project of interest for all target groups. This section is regularly updated and filled with
content provided by the partners. The results are categorised under the following sub-headings:
 Articles and reports
 Presentations
 Movies
 3D models
 Newsletters (all published newsletters will be made available here. A PDF format will be made
available for visitors to download)

Parts of the public website and the available published publications/downloads, as well as the information
made available via the company websites of the consortium partners regarding the project, will be used for
local dissemination (sometimes in English, sometimes in the national language) only with prior consent of the
other consortium partners and the Project Coordinator.

The restricted SharePoint website serves as the central hub for content used by the INCEPTION partners and EC
officials. The access and availability to the information stored on this website is based on the login credentials
and user rights management. The data produced within INCEPTION is structured under the following folders:
1. Home
 Announcements; to post messages on the home page of the site
 Calendar /Events; to keep informed of upcoming meetings, deadlines, and other important events
 Change password; to be able to change your login password
 Site Users; list of all groups on the SharePoint
2. Links to other sites, relevant to INCEPTION partners
3. Document libraries (Shared documents - exchange documents with consortium partners)
4. Picture libraries (pictures of partners)
5. Lists (calendar, contacts, work package action plans, dissemination overview)
6. Discussions
7. Groups (collections of members of relevant sub-groups like Work Packages and Task groups, with
contact information and email grouping.

2.1.4 Data structure on the INCEPTION platform

Semantic data coming from 3D model conversion are stored in a Fuseki Triple Store instance running on an
Amazon EC2 X-Large machine. A brand-new dataset is created whenever a user updates data for a new scope
and/or a new model to the semantic REST web-service via the INCEPTION platform. More specifically, each
dataset identifies a single scope for a given site. More graphs are also created inside every dataset, according
to the number of updates. In fact, for a given site-scope couple (i.e. a dataset) the number of named graphs
identifies the number of available updates.

INCEPTION | Deliverable report 7.6 | Data Management Plan 20

The project semantic graph can refer to external ontologies and other Linked Open Data available on the World
Wide Web: in this case, the data store in the Fuseki triple store contains links or references to those data. That
kind of data are not essential to the model reconstruction and navigation, so if the link is broken it makes no
arm to project consistency.
Other references can be to the project enrichment files that are stored in the Amazon Aws S3 storage. The
reference to the file is stored in the Fuseki triple store but the file is stored in the S3 service.

2.1.5 Metadata management

Metadata is structured information that describes, explains, locates, or otherwise makes it easier to retrieve,
use, or manage an information resource. Metadata is often called “data about data” or information about
There are three main types of metadata:
 Descriptive metadata describes a resource for purposes such as discovery and identification. It can include
elements such as title, abstract, author, and keywords.
 Structural metadata indicates how compound objects are put together, for example, how pages are ordered
to form chapters.
 Administrative metadata provides information to help manage a resource, such as when and how it was
created, file type and other technical information, and who can access it. There are several subsets of
Standard-administrative data; two that sometimes are listed as separate metadata types are:
− Rights management metadata, which deals with intellectual property rights, and
− Preservation metadata, which contains information needed to archive and preserve a resource.

Two different issues regarding metadata will be managed within the INCEPTION project:
 metadata regarding public deliverables;
 metadata regarding 3D data on demonstration cases.

Metadata on deliverables
Metadata was traditionally in the card catalogues of libraries. As information has become increasingly digital,
metadata is also used to describe digital data using metadata standards specific to a particular discipline.
Describing the contents and context of data or data files increases their usefulness. For example, a web page
may include metadata specifying what language the page is written in, what tools were used to create it, and
where to find more information about the subject; this metadata can automatically improve the reader's
The main purpose of metadata is to facilitate in the discovery of relevant information, more often classified as
resource discovery. Metadata also helps organize electronic resources, provide digital identification, and helps
support archiving and preservation of the resource. Metadata assists in resource discovery by "allowing
resources to be found by relevant criteria, identifying resources, bringing similar resources together,
distinguishing dissimilar resources, and giving location information."

INCEPTION | Deliverable report 7.6 | Data Management Plan 21

Metadata (metacontent) is defined as the data providing information about one or more aspects of the data,
such as:
 Means of creation of the data
 Purpose of the data
 Time and date of creation
 Creator or author of the data
 Location on a computer network where the data was created
 Standards used

Metadata on demonstration cases

INCEPTION’s H-BIM is mainly characterized by integrated semantic metadata for cultural heritage, open
standard semantic web and open-source services in semantic web platform, i.e. 3D data storehouse, which can
be edited or embedded into other services; parametric models of components as well as distributed data store
to enable reusability; combined 3D viewer with query and data extraction capacities on semantic data as well
as geometric information.
Cross-disciplinary research and exploitation methods will comprise the domains of: history, archaeology,
sociology, anthropology, architecture, structural engineering, computer sciences, etc. Cross-disciplinary
methods will be made operational for: data collection, case studies setup, selection and utilization of systems,
knowledge management, implementation of semantically enriched models.
INCEPTION 3D models’ metadata are under development at this stage of the project, related to the semantic
modelling for cultural heritage building. Every model will have a clear set of metadata to classify it through the
current standard, regarding:
 identification of cultural heritage buildings semantic ontology and data structure for information catalogue;
 integration of sematic attributes with hierarchically and mutually aggregated 3D digital geometric models
for management of heritage information;
 creation of a shared semantic field for cultural heritage;
 development of a “nomenclature” aimed at interoperable BIM with cultural heritage semantic enrichment;
 implementation of guidelines for 3D parametric and semantic modelling in an H-BIM environment;
 development of semantic 3D reconstructions of the heritage sites, integrated with tangible and intangible

2.2 Making data openly accessible

2.2.1 Availability of INCEPTION data

In order to ensure the widest possible data use and sharing, INCEPTION will develop advancement in web
interface for accessing and understanding digital cultural heritage buildings and sites; common standards for
user oriented applications; the H-BIM interoperable platform embodied a set of components that can be used
with many different operating systems, optimizing the use of existing open standards.

INCEPTION | Deliverable report 7.6 | Data Management Plan 22

Understanding, enhancement, promotion and management of cultural heritage are the aims of the open-
standard semantic web platform for accessing and sharing interoperable digital models resulting from 3D data
capturing. The user-friendly procedure will encourage contributions from different experts from different
disciplines in order to foster interdisciplinary studies, resources and innovation. The interoperability and
implementing opportunities will assure continuous updating and enrichment od the 3D models in the open

The semantic REST web service is located at a specific URL in the web ( and
documented with a related HTML. It responds to SPARQL queries. Examples are downloadable from the
INCEPTION platform, allowing developers to explore through queries the semantic content of Inception.
Furthermore, the INCEPTION platform web application provides the end users with direct entry-points for each
specific model.
Moreover, related layer of ontologies should be shared as common background for queries and user

2.2.2 Methods, tools to access INCEPTION data on the platform

INCEPTION platform clients communicate with the semantic REST web-service and the data repository via
RESTful Web API using JSON formatted files.
Two web-applications have been created for the platform. The first one manages the upload of data and
information toward the file repository and the semantic REST web-service, using four different controllers as
described in the following table.

Controller Description (Method) Function and description

General Controller Handles general purposes functions (GET) ConfigHandler - Gets the configuration
infos for the web-application.

(POST) ServicesHandler - Starts or stops the

conversion services on the server machine.
Conversion Controller Handles the conversions between IFC, BIN, (POST) IFC2BINHandler - Converts an IFC file
TTL, OBJ and DAE formats. to BIN format using IFC2BINService and
saves it back on server.

(POST) BIN2TTLHandler - Converts a BIN file

to TTL geometry format using
BIN2TTLService and saves it back on server.

(POST) IFC2TTLHandler - Converts an IFC file

to TTL metadata format using IFC2TTLService
and saves it back on server.

(POST) IFC2OBJDAEHandler - Converts an IFC

file to OBJ and DAE format using IfcConvert
application and saves them back on server.
S3 Controller Handles the upload to the Amazon S3 (POST) S3FileUploadHandler - Uploads a list
repository of files to the S3 repository.
Sparql Controller Handles all the operations toward the (GET) FusekiDatasetHandler - Gets the
semantic REST web-service (Fuseki Triple named property 'ask' for each dataset of
Store) Fuseki Database.

INCEPTION | Deliverable report 7.6 | Data Management Plan 23

(POST) FusekiHandler - Stores all the given
information on a dataset on the Fuseki
Database. If the dataset does not exist then
it creates a brand new one.

(POST) ExtraDataHandler - Saves the

information about the uploaded
attachments to the Fuseki Database using
DocumentationMapping ontology.

(POST) GeoUploadHandler - Saves

information about geolocation to the Fuseki
Database using Basic Geo ontology.

The second one manages to download data from the repository and info from the triple store and display them
back to the users using two more controllers.

Controller Description (Method) Function and description

S3 Controller Manages all the APIs to interact with (GET) GetFile - Gets a file from the S3
Amazon S3 Repository. Repository and saves it to the specified
folder. The file is identified by its UID
retrieved from the Fuseki Database.
Sparql Controller Manages all the APIs to interact with the (GET) GetTree - Gets information from
Fuseki Triple Store. Fuseki Triple Store about scopes and
updates for the given model.

(GET) GetModelsByCategory - Gets all the

models for the given category.

(GET) Export2TTL - Exports the triples stored

in the Fuseki Database to Turtle file (TTL) for
a given model, scope and update.

2.2.3 Methods, tools to access INCEPTION data on the internal SharePoint

The internal SharePoint environment is the central hub for the INCEPTION collaboration and exchange platform
of the data produced.
There are two ways to access this project website:
 By logging in with own credentials through the public website under
Login Consortium Project Website, or
 Accessing directly the SharePoint via A window will open where
registered members will log in with their private credentials.
In order to manage correctly the accessibility of users to the stored data, we make use of the Microsoft
SharePoint features that offer extensive support for the management of groups and permissions (appointing
read, write, upload, download, and/or full access). Through these features specific user groups were defined
and configured in order to allow appropriate access to the content stored. The permission structure outlined
below ensures that the SharePoint website remains a vehicle of conveying a coherent access to the users.

Deliverable | Lead beneficiary Data types and format Data access

D1.1 | UL MS Word document, MS Excel table, PDF/UA Access by Inception partners: all files
document available on internal SharePoint.
Access by all users: final PDF report available
on Inception public website

INCEPTION | Deliverable report 7.6 | Data Management Plan 24

D1.2 | UNIFE MS Word document, PDF/UA document Access by Inception partners: all files
available on internal SharePoint.
Access by all users: final PDF report partially
available on Inception public website
D1.3 | CUT MS Word document, MS Excel table, PDF/UA CONFIDENTIAL
document Access by Inception partners: all files
available on internal SharePoint.
D2.1 | UNIFE MS Word document, MS Excel table, PDF/UA CONFIDENTIAL
document Access by Inception partners: all files
available on internal SharePoint.

D2.2 | UNIFE MS Word document, MS Excel table, PDF/UA Access by Inception partners: all files
document available on internal SharePoint.
Access by all users: final PDF report available
on Inception public website
D2.3 | Z+F MS Word document, MS Excel table, PDF/UA CONFIDENTIAL
document, Access by Inception partners: all files
Jpeg, Tiff available on internal SharePoint.

D2.4 | Z+F Exe, , JSON, XML, proprietary formats Access to compiled firmware by WP
partners, on request
D2.5 | CARTIF UA document Access by Inception partners: all files
available on internal SharePoint.
Access by all users: final selected 3D PDF.
Access for INCEPTION partners (under
request) for RTD purposes.
Access for INCEPTION partners (under
request) for RTD purposes.
D3.2 | NMR XML document, HTML document, PDF/UA Access by Inception partners: all files
document. available on internal SharePoint.
RDFa, SPARQL, OWL and XML technologies. Access by all users: final PDF report available
MS Word document, PDF/UA document. on Inception public website
Deployment of the web service on the
Inception Platform in the form of a
discoverable REST API
Access for INCEPTION partners (under
request) for RTD purposes.
Access by all users: final selected 3D H-BIM
compatible models.
D4.1 | RDF MS Word document, PDF/UA document, Access by Inception partners: all files
Wiki Platform available on internal SharePoint.Access by all
users: final version Inception public website
+ Wiki
D4.2 | CFR MS Word document, PDF/UA document CONFIDENTIAL
Access by Inception partners: all files
available on internal SharePoint.

D4.3 | RDF MS Word document, PDF/UA document CONFIDENTIAL

Access by Inception partners: all files
available on internal SharePoint.
Access by all users: final version Inception
public website
D4.4 | RDF Sources of the tools and executables or CONFIDENTIAL
services, potentially compiled on different Access by Inception partners: all files and
Operating Systems + description of the dedicated source code available on internal
software in Word and PDF SharePoint.

D4.5 | CFR HTML and CSS (W3C standard based), SVG, Access by Inception partners: all files
and more. available on internal SharePoint.
Jpg, Gif, Png. Access by all users: all files available on
MS Word document, PDF/UA document. Inception public website

INCEPTION | Deliverable report 7.6 | Data Management Plan 25

D4.6 | CFR RDFa, SPARQL, OWL and XML technologies. Access by Inception partners: all files
MS Word document, PDF/UA document. available on internal SharePoint.
Access by all users: all files available on
Inception public website

D5.1 | NTUA MS Word document, MS Excel table, PDF/UA Access by Inception partners: all files
document available on internal SharePoint.
Access by all users: final PDF report partially
available on Inception public website
D5.2 | NTUA MS Word document, MS Excel table, PDF/UA Access by Inception partners: all files
document available on internal SharePoint.
Access by all users: final PDF report partially
available on Inception public website
D5.3 | UNIFE Point Cloud data acquisition: PTX, PTS, IMP. Only local access
Other survey data: radiometric JPG, JPG, MS
Excel table.
Report: MS Word document, PDF/UA
3D model: STL, PDF3D, IFC. Access by Inception partners: report
Report: MS Word document, PDF/UA available on internal SharePoint.
document. Access by all users: models available on
Inception beta platform
ARML, XML, Java, HTML5 languages. Access by Inception partners: report
MS Word document, MS Excel table, PDF/UA available on internal SharePoint.
document Access by all users: data available on
Inception beta platform
D5.4 | DMO BIM model will be converted from native - Public documents will be shared among
format (Archicad) to IFC open standard. INCEPTION partners and made available for
DEMO RE Suite software can generate
various output files (PDF, Word, Excel) from - The ownership and copyrights of pictures
lifecycle cost calculation, asset management (incl. panorama 360-degree pictures) remain
value calculation, maintenance planning, at the original parties outside of INCEPTION
etc. consortium. Copyright permission is needed
before using the pictures.

- The ownership of the generated 3D / BIM

model remains at DEMO and the direct
contributors from INCEPTION consortium.
The model will be shared for research use
among the consortium partners, during the
D5.5 | UNIZAG Survey data set: Only local access
Instruments measurements data in own
extension and point coordinates in .txt or.
kor files.
Documents, reports:
MS Word document, MS Excel table, PDF/UA
Models, drawings and plans:
After processing data, point cloud in obj, ply,
txt, las, e57, u3d, pdf. Model in 3ds, obj, wrl,
dae, ply, stl, Autodesk fbx and dxf, pdf3d and
Access by Inception partners: all files
optional kmz for Google Earth. DEM (digital
available on internal SharePoint.
elevation model) in tiff, bil, only if needed.
Access by all users: final 3D models in PDF
Drawings and plans in dwg, dxf with optional
3D format, multimedia visualisation – video
cadastral background.
presentation of object site.
Photos and videos:
Images and videos of object sites with real or
(and) processed data in jpg, jpeg, raw jpeg,
tiff, png, mp4, avi.
Thermal imaging:
Objects thermal videos with analysis in avi,
mp4 or jpg in case of still images.

INCEPTION | Deliverable report 7.6 | Data Management Plan 26

D5.6 | CARTIF UA document. Access for INCEPTION partners (under
Manufacturer specific formats request) for RTD purposes.
Access by all users: final selected 3D H-BIM
compatible models.
D5.7 | CUT Manufacturer specific formats and in all the The entire consortium will be possible to
current available standard formats such as: access: all files available on internal
2D: JPG, TIFF, PNG, SharePoint.
Video: MP4, AVI All data will be available in the source, as
3D: ASCII, DXF, 3D-PDF and manufacturers well as in the final processed formats
specific formats which will be transferred to
the standard formats for reasons of
D5.8 | VBC Standard 2D (jpeg) and 3D (mesh formats, - Public documents will be shared among
eg. PLY, STL, FDX, OBJ), panoramic 360 INCEPTION partners and made available for
pictures, architectural drawings (scanned stakeholders.
images and dxf) , voice narratives (mp4) and - The ownership and copyrights of pictures
video (mpeg) for acquired data. Map data (incl. panorama 360-degree pictures) remain
(tbd) at the original parties outside of INCEPTION
consortium. Copyright permission is needed
before using the pictures.
- The ownership of the generated 3D model
remains at VBC and the direct contributors
from INCEPTION consortium. The model will
be shared for research use among the
consortium partners, during the project.
- Ownership and IPRs of software,
databases, APIs, etc. remain at VBC and
other direct contributors.
D6.1 | DMO We will use a combination of information Access rights to the software and data for
carriers of real life objects. The information research purposes can be granted to
objects are stored in original formats (SPFF, INCEPTION partners.
XML/XSD and SW/LD). Ownership and IPRs of software, databases,
Based on investigation outcome, the APIs, etc. remain at DMO, RDF and other
server/platform would operate on: direct contributors.
- SQL Server / MS SharePoint Server (with
CMIS support)
- Third party data stores or sensors
- In-Memory databases, STEP/EXPRESS,
Semantic Web/Linked Data, XML/XSD
D6.2 | CUT MS-Office documents and formats, Access rights to the software and data for
HTML5 research purposes can be granted to
3D-PDF INCEPTION partners.
XML Access by the entire consortium
and different Video Formats such as AVI,
mp4, etc.
D6.3 | CFR ARML, XML, Java, HTML5 languages. Access by Inception partners: report
MS Word document, MS Excel table, PDF/UA available on internal SharePoint.
document Access by all users: data available on
Inception beta platform
D7.1 | DMO ASP.NET for the public website. Public access to the public website.
SharePoint for internal project collaboration Access by consortium partners, EC
website. representatives, and stakeholders to the
SharePoint site.
D7.2 | UNIFE MS Word document, MS Excel table, PDF/UA Access by Inception partners: all files
document available on internal SharePoint.
Access by all users: final PDF report available
on Inception public website
D7.3 | UNIFE MS Word document, MS Excel table, PDF/UA Access by Inception partners: all files
document available on internal SharePoint.
Access by all users: final PDF report available
on Inception public website
D7.4 | UNIFE MS Word document, MS Excel table, PDF/UA Access by Inception partners: all files
document available on internal SharePoint.

INCEPTION | Deliverable report 7.6 | Data Management Plan 27

Access by all users: final PDF report available
on Inception public website
D7.5 | 3L MS Word document, MS Excel table, PDF/UA CONFIDENTIAL
document Access by Inception partners: all files
available on internal SharePoint.

2.2.4 Restrictions on confidential deliverables

The following project Deliverables are identified as “Confidential” and will be available only for members of the
consortium, including the Commission Services:
D1.3 | Knowledge management and collaboration method (CUT) | M12
D2.1 | Optimized data acquisition protocol (UNIFE) | 12
D2.3 | Concept for enhanced 3D laser scanning systems (Z+F) | M15
D2.6 | Algorithm for managing the reflectivity (CARTIF) | M18
D3.1 | Alpha version of the integrated software architecture for HBIM graphic-semantic interoperability
(CARTIF) | M24
D3.3 | Heritage-BIM models from 3D point cloud data (CARTIF) | M36
D4.2 | Architecture platform project (CFR) | M24
D4.3 | Procedure and definition from H-BIM to INCEPTION (RDF) | M30
D4.4 | Conversion tools from Heritage BIM models in the INCEPTION standard (RDF) | M36
D7.5 | Case-related business plans and Exploitation Strategy Seminar (3L) | M12
D8.1 | Plan for deliverable review and risk management (UNIFE) | M6
D8.2 | First periodic management report (UNIFE) | M12
D8.3 | Second periodic management report (UNIFE) | M30
D8.4 | Third periodic management report: final management report and project results (UNIFE) | M48

2.3 Making data interoperable

2.3.1 Interoperability and data exchange between institutions

INCEPTION is in synergy with Europeana's main scope and objectives and will cooperate with Europeana in
order to integrate the INCEPTION 3D standard into the newly developed EDM format.
Synergies with EU projects related to the main objectives and innovations targeted by INCEPTION will enable a
fundamental clustering procedure in relation to Europeana's main scope and objectives and a joint effort with
the main Europeana sub-projects (CARARE, LoCloud, Europeana Creative, Europeana Cloud, etc.).
INCEPTION is consistent with data enrichment and sharing adding new values according to the purpose to
transform the aggregation process by building on Europeana cloud infrastructure.
Project outcomes will provide researchers, engineers and experts with new protocols and instruments for
modelling and analysing cultural similarities and differences through 3D semantic modelling of European
cultural heritage. This impact will be enlarged through INCEPTION consortium partners associated with
Europeana –the trusted source of cultural heritage brought by the Europeana Foundation and a large number
of European cultural institutions, projects and partners.

INCEPTION | Deliverable report 7.6 | Data Management Plan 28

In particular INCEPTION will follow the following aims:
 development of a set of protocols for Cultural Heritage 3D data capturing, in line with Europeana's
EDM format, based on quality indicators as time-consumption, cost-effectiveness, results accuracy
and reliability, adaptability to different sites with different historical phases and artefacts;
 creation of a Historical database repository in relation to Europeana's main scope and objectives, to
save and share 3D models with the associated semantic information, documents and all the other
possible contributions delivered by external users (i.e. Professors, Experts, Students, End-Users).
The database will store the geographic coordinates to display these models into a specific historical
map managed with a historical geographic information system (HGIS);
 the wider circle of stakeholders involved by INCEPTION will be created to enlarge the number of
external users. Partners will approach the professional associations and non-governmental
organizations that are interested in knowledge gained from the INCEPTION project and products
delivered by partners. An example is approaching of the ICOMOS National Committees as it has
been recently done in Slovenia and Cyprus. In addition, partner from Slovenia invited the Slovenian
Association of Earthquake Engineering (SAEE) to take part in the INCEPTION as the member of
second circle of stakeholders. SAEE will be invited to take part at the next meeting of INCEPTION in
Bled, Slovenia where the application of INCEPTION results for earthquake risk mitigation of cultural
heritage assets will be discussed between the SAEE members and INCEPTION partners. SAEE is also
a member of European (EAEE) and International (IAEE) Association of Earthquake Engineering and
its representatives will be asked to inform members of those two associations about the INCEPTION
products. Although the risk assessment is only one of issues related to cultural heritage it is highly
important for preservation of heritage which is under constant risk of sudden environmental
impacts. Following the attempt of partners from Cyprus and Slovenia other partners will be
encouraged to launch similar initiatives.
Three INCEPTION partners are also members of COST Action TD 1406 Innovation in Intelligent
Management of Heritage Buildings (i2MHB). The objective of this Action is to create a pan-European
open network, to promote synergies between Heritage Science's specialists, industrial stakeholders
and research/education players, to achieve a unified common understanding and operation in the
Heritage Buildings domain, integrating multidisciplinary expertise, technology and know-how
through a novel and independent global framework. The cooperation with this action already
started during the joint meeting in Nicosia, Cyprus on November 3 rd 2016. Through this channel the
number of stakeholders included in the above mentioned wider circle will highly increase because
members of 26 COST countries are working together in topics that are very close to INCEPTION
topics (
 proposed standards for 3D data acquisition protocols; Semantic Web ontology of Heritage-BIM; test
and integrate also the Europeana Plug-In Solutions.

INCEPTION | Deliverable report 7.6 | Data Management Plan 29

Linked Open Data is a way of publishing structured data that allows metadata to be connected and enriched, so
that different representations of the same content can be found, and links made between related resources. All
Europeana data sets can be explored and queried through an SPARQL endpoint. 1

2.3.2 New vocabularies and ontologies

The Inception HBIM ontology is under completion using a top-down integration from the Demonstration Case.
The current core Inception HBIM ontology is exposed through the SPARQL Endpoint, accessible from
developers to be used in external application integrated with Inception.

2.4 Increase data re-use

2.4.1 Re-use licenses and embargo periods

Re-use licenses are stated in the Consortium Agreement, Attachment 1, Articles 25.2 and 25.3.
Additional specifications are under development, according to Stakeholders requirements and possible

2.4.2 Quality assurance strategy

The QA is performed by a two-step process:
3. data capturing and processing must be carried out following the workflow that will be outlined in
INCEPTION protocol and standard;
4. information archived in the H-BIM model will be checked and validated by a data quality control.
The application of a shared procedure for data capturing and collecting allow to generate multiple coherent 3D
models (D2.1 - Optimized data acquisition protocol) as well as semantic information based on common
parameters for EU cultural assets (D1.2 – Programme of users and technical requirements and common
parameters for EU cultural assets). In the same way, the H-BIM phase needs to be performed following the
INCEPTION standards to develop models that could be accessed, managed and exploited by all the users.
The second step to assure the data quality is based on a data validation process: all information, geometric and
sematic, connected in the H-BIM model could be checked by specific rulesets in order to validate their use for
specific purposes. The process will be performed before/during the uploading on the INCEPTION platform
according to specific standard defined by the consortium (D4.1 - Development of INCEPTION standard for
Heritage BIM models).
More detailed information could be found in D1.3 - Knowledge Management and Collaboration Method.


INCEPTION | Deliverable report 7.6 | Data Management Plan 30

3. Allocation of resources
3.1 Estimated costs for making data FAIR
Estimated costs for data preparation to be FAIR are 24.000 Euro. Expenses consist of additional publication and
documentation costs of three months for one full time equivalent and publication costs of the repository.
Associated costs for dataset preparation and data management during the project will be covered by the
project itself.

3.2 Responsibilities

DMP and data management Federico Ferrari, Federica Maietti (UNIFE)

DMP version V.3, JUNE 2018
Data collection responsible Federica Maietti (UNIFE)
(one for involved partner) Roko Zarnic (UL)
Antonia Moropoulou (NTUA)
Marinos Ioannides (CUT)
Vlatka Rajcic (UNIZAG)
Ernesto Iadanza (CFR)
Pedro Martin Lerones (CARTIF)
Rizal Sebastian (DMO)
Klaus Luig (3L)
Anna Elisabetta Ziri (NMR)
Peter Bonsma (RDF)
Luca Coltro (13BIS)
Daniel Blersch (ZF)
Dimitrios Karadimas (VBC)
Quality assurance responsible Marco Medici (UNIFE)
Data sharing responsible Peter Bonsma (RDF)
Data storage and backup Ernesto Iadanza (CFR)

3.3 Long term preservation resources

Long term preservation is assured by using standard ISO formats to prevent digital obsolescence. Moreover,
replication and metadata mining are used for deterioration coping. These latest strategies are implemented via
Amazon Backup Service, semantic-web architecture, and non-relational database. For more information refer
to D4.2.

INCEPTION | Deliverable report 7.6 | Data Management Plan 31

4. Data security
4.1 Data storage and recovery
Two different issues regarding storage, backup and preservation will be managed within the INCEPTION
 storage and backup of deliverables;
 storage, backup and preservation of 3D models and data uploaded on the platform.
On one side, the storage of deliverables is provided by DEMO Consultants thanks to the internal project
website (SharePoint), allowing also for information sharing among consortium partners as explained in D7.1 -
Public and internal websites, corporate design, publication and deliverable templates. The system is powered
by Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services 3.0. and the access to the SharePoint environment is only possible
via an SSL secured access set for this purpose. All traffic from client to server is encrypted on the basis of this
SSL certificate. In addition, access to uploaded contents is possible both through the web-enabled portal as well
as mobile devices, and is only possible for registered users with login credentials. The backup of uploaded
contents is ensured by DMO periodic internal procedures, as explained previously in sub chapter 1.3 (the
backup and replication of the SharePoint environment is processed in triplicate: onsite backup, onsite
replication and offsite backup to an external location). The layout and infrastructure of the environment is
based on Microsoft standards, validated in collaboration with Microsoft consultants and meets all
requirements regarding information security, backup and privacy measures.

On the other side, because one of the main aim is focused on making 3D models more accessible, re-usable and
effective for the understanding of European Cultural Heritage, storage and backup systems will be constantly
under investigation till the end of the project, in relation with the development of the INCEPTION platform.
Amazon Web Services, market leader in cloud computing and storing, are used for hosting both data and
platform. In particular, an EC2 X-Large instance is used for web-applications and Fuseki Triple Store, a RDS
MSSQL Server Express 2008 R2 instance is used to manage user’s profiling and a S3 instance as data repository.
Backup and maintenance is made using Amazon Backup Service itself.
Furthermore, the chart below summarizes how working data created within the project will be archived and

Archiving and
Deliverable | Lead beneficiary Data types and format
D1.1 | UL MS Word document, MS Excel table, PDF/UA All versions of digital data stored on UL
document networked drive and backup on cloud
D1.2 | UNIFE MS Word document, PDF/UA document All versions of digital data stored on
University networked drive and backup on
cloud SharePoint
D1.3 | CUT MS Word document, MS Excel table, PDF/UA All versions of digital data stored on CUT
document networked drive and backup on cloud
D2.1 | UNIFE MS Word document, MS Excel table, PDF/UA All versions of digital data stored on
document University networked drive and backup on
cloud SharePoint

INCEPTION | Deliverable report 7.6 | Data Management Plan 32

D2.2 | UNIFE MS Word document, MS Excel table, PDF/UA All versions of digital data stored on
document University networked drive and backup on
cloud SharePoint
D2.3 | Z+F MS Word document, MS Excel table, PDF/UA All versions of digital data stored on
document, company network drive and backed up on
Jpeg, Tiff cloud SharePoint
D2.4 | Z+F Exe, JSON, XML, proprietary formats All versions of digital data stored and
backed up on company network drive
D2.5 | CARTIF UA document All images and point clouds stored on
CARTIF’s networked drive. Backup on cloud
SharePoint to under permission of the
owners of the heritage testing sites and
D2.6 | CARTIF UA document All images and point clouds stored on
CARTIF’s networked drive.
D3.1 | CARTIF UA document All images, point clouds and 3D models
stored on CARTIF’s networked drive. Backup
on cloud SharePoint to under permission of
the owners of the heritage testing sites and
D3.2 | NMR XML document, All versions of digital data stored on
HTML document, University networked drive and backup on
PDF/UA document. cloud SharePoint
RDFa, SPARQL, OWL and XML technologies. Living documentation on Inception Platform
MS Word document, PDF/UA document. in the form of HTML API document and
discoverable REST API available for all
Inception Partners and external authorized
D3.3 | CARTIF UA document All images, point clouds and 3D models
stored on CARTIF’s networked drive. Backup
on cloud SharePoint to under permission of
the owners of the heritage testing sites and
D4.1 | RDF MS Word document, PDF/UA document, All versions stored at the INCEPTION
Wiki Platform SharePoint server and final version available
in Wiki. Final version publically available at
D4.2 | CFR MS Word document, PDF/UA document All versions of digital data stored on
University networked drive and backup on
cloud SharePoint
D4.3 | RDF MS Word document, PDF/UA document All versions stored at the INCEPTION
SharePoint server. Final version publically
available at INCEPTION website
D4.4 | RDF Sources of the tools and executables or All versions stored at the INCEPTION
services, potentially compiled on different SharePoint server. Internally within RDF all
Operating Systems + description of the versions are stored at an external FTP server.
software in Word and PDF Final versions (compiled sources) publically
available at INCEPTION website
D4.5 | CFR HTML5, Javascript, CSS3 (W3C standard All versions of digital data stored on Amazon
based), .NET Framework, and more. EC2 x-large instance with Amazon RDS
Jpg, Gif, Png. MSSQL Database and Amazon S3 Cloud
MS Word document, PDF/UA document. Repository, backed up via Amazon cloud
D4.6 | CFR RDFa, SPARQL, OWL and XML technologies. All versions of digital data stored on UNIFE
MS Word document, PDF/UA document. networked drive and backup on cloud

D5.1 | NTUA MS Word document, MS Excel table, PDF/UA All versions of digital data stored on NTUA
document networked drive and backup on cloud
D5.2 | NTUA MS Word document, MS Excel table, PDF/UA All versions of digital data stored on
document University networked drive and backup on
cloud SharePoint
D5.3 | UNIFE Point Cloud data acquisition: PTX, PTS, IMP. All versions of digital data stored on

INCEPTION | Deliverable report 7.6 | Data Management Plan 33

Other survey data: radiometric JPG, JPG, MS University networked drive and backup on
Excel table. local drive. Report backup on cloud
Report: MS Word document, PDF/UA SharePoint.
3D model: STL, PDF3D, IFC. All versions of digital data stored on
Report: MS Word document, PDF/UA University networked drive and backed up
document. on local drive. Report backed up on cloud
ARML, XML, Java, HTML5 languages. All versions of digital data stored on
MS Word document, MS Excel table, PDF/UA University networked drive and backed up
document on local drive. Report backed up on cloud
D5.4 | DMO BIM model converted from native format All data are stored on DEMO server as well
(Archicad) to IFC open standard. as INCEPTION SharePoint server –both
equipped with automatic backups.
DEMO RE Suite software can generate
various output files (PDF, Word, Excel) from
lifecycle cost calculation, asset management
value calculation, maintenance planning,
D5.5 | UNIZAG Survey data set: All data set stored on UNIZAG Faculty of Civil
Instruments measurements data in own Engineering Structural Department network
extension and point coordinates in .txt or. drive. Backup on Structural Department hard
kor files. drives and on University Computing Centre
cloud storage.
Documents, reports:
MS Word document, MS Excel table, PDF/UA
Models, drawings and plans:
After processing data, point cloud in obj, ply,
txt, las, e57, u3d, pdf. Model in 3ds, obj, wrl,
All files stored on UNIZAG Faculty of Civil
dae, ply, stl, Autodesk fbx and dxf, pdf3d and
Engineering Structural Department network
optional kmz for Google Earth. DEM (digital
drive. Backup on Structural Department hard
elevation model) in tiff, bil, only if needed.
drives and on University Computing Centre
Drawings and plans in dwg, dxf with optional
cloud storage to under permission of the
cadastral background.
owners of the heritage testing sites and
Photos and videos:
Images and videos of object sites with real or
(and) processed data in jpg, jpeg, raw jpeg,
tiff, png, mp4, avi.
Thermal imaging:
Objects thermal videos with analysis in avi,
mp4 or jpg in case of still images.
D5.6 | CARTIF UA document. All images, point clouds and 3D models
Manufacturer specific formats stored on CARTIF’s networked drive. Backup
on cloud SharePoint to under permission of
the owners of the heritage testing sites and
D5.7 | CUT Manufacturer specific formats and in all the The entire sets of data records will be stored
current available standard formats such as: and preserved on the SERVER of our
2D: JPG, TIFF, PNG, laboratory and on a Cloud drive. Access will
Video: MP4, AVI be provided to the entire consortium
3D: ASCII, DXF, 3D-PDF and manufacturers
specific formats which will be transferred to
the standard formats for reasons of
D5.8 | VBC Standard 2D (jpeg) and 3D (mesh formats, All versions of digital data stored and backed
eg. PLY, STL, FDX, OBJ), panoramic 360 up on company network drive
pictures, architectural drawings (scanned
images and dxf) , voice narratives (mp4) and Selected Data will be stored on the Inception
video (mpeg) for acquired data. Map data SharePoint for intra-project collaboration
(tbd) purposes
D6.1 | DMO We will use a combination of information Existing software and databases run on
carriers of real life objects. The information DEMO’s. Installations for users / clients can

INCEPTION | Deliverable report 7.6 | Data Management Plan 34

objects are stored in original formats (SPFF, be done locally or based on SaaS
XML/XSD and SW/LD). agreements.
Based on investigation outcome, the The INCEPTION sample data will be kept at
server/platform would operate on: INCEPTION SharePoint and made available
- SQL Server / MS SharePoint Server (with to consortium partners, as well as
CMIS support) stakeholders upon specific agreements.
- Third party data stores or sensors
- In-Memory databases, STEP/EXPRESS,
Semantic Web/Linked Data, XML/XSD
D6.2 | CUT MS-Office documents and formats, The entire sets of data records will be stored
HTML5 and preserved on the SERVER of our
3D-PDF laboratory and on a Cloud drive. Access will
XML be provided to the entire consortium.
and different Video Formats such as AVI,
mp4, etc.
D6.3 | CFR ARML, XML, Java, HTML5 languages. All versions of digital data stored on local
MS Word document, MS Excel table, PDF/UA networked drive and backup on local drive.
document Report backup on cloud SharePoint.
D7.1 | DMO ASP.NET for the public website. The websites and their contents are stored
SharePoint for internal project collaboration on DEMO servers with automatic backup.
website. The public website will be online throughout
the project and within 2 years after the
project’s completion.
D7.2 | UNIFE MS Word document, MS Excel table, PDF/UA All versions of digital data stored on
document University networked drive and backup on
cloud SharePoint
D7.3 | UNIFE MS Word document, MS Excel table, PDF/UA All versions of digital data stored on
document University networked drive and backup on
cloud SharePoint
D7.4 | UNIFE MS Word document, MS Excel table, PDF/UA All versions of digital data stored on
document University networked drive and backup on
cloud SharePoint
D7.5 | 3L MS Word document, MS Excel table, PDF/UA All versions of digital data stored on 3L
document networked drive and backup on cloud

4.2 Long term preservation strategy

All deliverables, reports in particular, submitted will be included in the long-term preservation ensured by the
use of PDF/A ISO standards. The PDF/A standards are developed and maintained by a working group with
representatives from government, industry, and academia and active support from Adobe Systems
Incorporated. If the preservation of deliverables is easy to manage because of standard file formats and small
amount of data.
3D models long-term preservation will be also ensured using IFC standard (ISO 10303). Moreover, all semantics
and geometrical data related to the models are first converted in triples using standard and world-shared
ontologies (RDF, RDFS, HBIM, BasicGeo) and then stored on the Fuseki Database, from which they can be
recovered and exported in various standard formats.

INCEPTION | Deliverable report 7.6 | Data Management Plan 35

 Guidelines on FAIR Data Management in Horizon 2020
 Open access to publications and research data in Horizon 2020
 Open Research Data in Horizon 2020
 Metadata Standards Directory Working Group
 National Information Standards Organization; Rebecca Guenther; Jaqueline Radebaugh (2004).
Understanding Metadata. Bethesda, MD: NISO Press. ISBN 1-880124-62-9. Retrieved 2 April 2014.
 Cathro, Warwick (1997). "Metadata: an overview". Retrieved 6 January 2010.
 International Organization for Standardization and the International Electromechanical Commission
(ISO/IEC) (2003), Information Technology - Metadata Registries - Part 3: Registry metamodel and basic
attributes, ISO/IEC 11179-3:2003(E), International Organization for Standardization, Geneva.
 Europeana Data Model – Mapping Guidelines v2.2, 17 December 2014
 Definition of the Europeana Data Model v5.2.6, 17 December 2014
 The Europeana Data Model for Cultural Heritage

INCEPTION | Deliverable report 7.6 | Data Management Plan 36

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