European Ecolabel For Indoor Paints and Varnishes

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The European Eco-label for Indoor Paints and Varnishes

"The official EU mark for Greener Products"

Choose the Flower for your Indoor Paints

and Varnishes
if you want to show your commitment to a better environment. Meet your customers' demand
Once it's on your products, the Flower guarantees:
Consumers are today more sensitive to the
A limitation of air pollution by solvents protection of the environment. Four out of five
European consumers would like to buy more
Reduced Sulphur emissions during production environmentally friendly products, provided
they are properly certified by an independent
Reduced hazardous waste of by-products during titanium organisation.
dioxide production
With the Flower on your products you offer
The absence of heavy metals and substances harmful for the them a reliable guide to easily identify the
environment and health good environmental performers available on
the market.
Minimum hiding power, wet scrub resistance, water resistance
and adhesion

It can be awarded to all kinds of indoor paints and varnishes

for do-it-yourself and professional use.

Give your paints and varnishes a credible sign of Environmental Excellence...

Apply for the Flower!
For a quick test use the check list on the back

They said it!

"We decided to apply for the European Eco-label

because of numerous requests from customers.
Today, Liwa's eco-labelled paints work well: sales For more information…
increased by 20 to 30% last year. The Flower helped
us to obtain these good results." … on the scheme, its feature, the actors involved, the
Bo Ahlkvist, environmental coordinator at Liwa Färg application process…

… on the "Indoor paints & varnishes" product group:

"The European Eco-label guarantees that our detailed criteria, date of revision…
products provide good environmental and technical
performance. It is a proof of quality and innovation Choose "product groups" on the menu on the left
for our retailers. The Flower has enhanced our
image and increased consumer confidence."
Frédéric Plasseraud, marketing manager at V33
Check-list (for a first assessment only) European Commission

Life Cycle
Criterium Expectations
Manufacturing Limitation of l White pigment content < or equal to 38g/m² of dry film (98% opacity)
(formulation) substances harmful
for the environment
and for health
Manufacturing Reduction of air When white pigment is TiO2 (for dry film with 98% opacity):
(formulation) pollution l Sulphur emissions (expressed as SO2) in the production of titanium dioxide: SOx <
300mg/m² of dry film (98% opacity)

Manufacturing Reduction of by- When white pigment is TiO2 (for dry film with 98% opacity):
(formulation) products' l Sulphate wastes < 20g/m²
hazardous wastes l Chlorine wastes < 5g/m² for natural retile
l Chlorine wastes < 9g/m² for synthetic retile
l Chlorine wastes < 18g/m for slag ores

Use Limitation of air VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds):

pollution by l Wall paints: < or equal to 30g/L (minus water)
solvents l Other paints: (with a spreading rate > or equal to 15m²/L at hiding power of 98% of opacity):
< or equal to 250g/L (minus water)
l All other products: < or equal to 180g/L (minus water)
VAHs (Volatile Aromatic Hydrocarbons):
l Wall paints < or equal to 0.15% of product (m/m)
l All other products < or equal to 0.4% of product (m/m)

Use User information The following tests shall come with the product:
for environmental l Use, substrate, conditions of use of the product, including advice on preparatory work
use l Recommendations for cleaning tools and waste management in order to limit water pollution
l Recommendations on storage conditions after use, including safety advice if appropriate
l Recommendations on preventive protection measures for the painter, particularly in relation
to working in closed rooms or with class 2 and high solid paints
Use Performance Spreading rate (does not apply to varnishes, woodstains, floor coatings, floor paints, undercoats
criteria or adhesion primers)
l Paints > or equal to 8m²/L at a hiding power of 98%
l Thick decorative coatings: 2m²/kg
Wet scrub resistance (according to test EN 13300 and EN ISO 11998)
l Washable or cleanable wall paints: class 3 or better (< or equal to 70 microns after 200
l Brushable wall paints: class 2 or better (< or equal to 20 microns after 200 cycles)
l Floor coatings and floor paints: class 1 (< or equal to 5 microns after 200 cycles)
Resistance to water: (according to EN ISO 2812-1 method 2)
l Varnishes; floor coatings and floor paints: no change of gloss or of colour after 24 hours
exposure and 16 hours recovery
Adhesion: Floor coatings, floor paints and undercoats: score at least 2 according to test EN

End of life Limitation of the l The product shall not be classified as very toxic, toxic, dangerous to the environment,
use of substances carcinogenic, toxic for reproduction or mutagenic in accordance with Directive 1999/45/EC.
dangerous for the l Ingredients shall not contain:
environment and - Heavy metals (or their compounds): Cd, Pb, Cr VI, Hg, As
health - Alkylphenolethoxylates (APEOS)
- Diethylene glycol methyl ether
- Substances (or preparations) classified as very toxic, toxic, carcinogenic, mutagenic,
teratogenic, toxic for reproduction
l Limited content of dangerous substances:
- Active ingredients used as preservatives assigned the risk phrases R23, R24, R25, R26,
R27, R28, R39 or R48 (or their combination): < or equal to 0.1% (m/m) of the total paint
- Ingredients (substances or preparations) assigned risk phrases R50, R51, R52, or R53: < or
equal to 2.5% by mass of the product. Total sum of these substances (or preparations): < or
equal to 5% by mass of the product
- Isothiazolinone compounds < or equal to 500ppm
- Mixture of 5-chloro-2-methyl-2H-isothiazol-3-one and 2-methyl-2H-isothiazol-3-one < or
equal to 15ppm
- Free formaldehyde < or equal to 10mg/kg

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