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2.5 Ctd. 2.5 Ctd.

• Safety against sliding: ΣH/ΣV < f,
• Safety against overturning: Factor of safety where f is the coefficient of
against overturning (FSo) may be defined as the friction, f≈0.75. If f > 0.75, the SFF  f V  r  s  A
ratio of the stabilizing moments to the
overturning moments about the toe of the dam
shear friction factor (SFF) may
be used.
 H (Eq. 2.18)
for reservoir full condition and about heel for Where: f = 0.7; s = shearing strength of the material
reservoir empty condition. on the plane of consideration; r = averaging factor,
• If other safety criteria like maximum compressive usually 0.5; and A = area under compression in m2.
stresses and sliding are also fulfilled, usually a
factor of safety between 1.5 and 2.5 is enough for Location of sliding plane Load Combination
overturning. NLC ULC ELC
stablizing moment Dam concrete/base interface 3.0 2.0 >1
FS o  (Eq. 2.17)
Overturning moment Foundation rock 4.0 2.7 1.3
31 32

2.5 Ctd.: 2.5 Ctd.:

• Exercise: proof that, if the • Vertical normal stresses:
plane is inclined at a small ΣH – The vertical normal stress per meter width of the dam
angle say α, the expression ΣV is computed as:     
for the coefficient of t d b

friction is modified to +α

t 
V 
6e V

V 1  6e 
 H V  tan   f B B2 B  B
1   H V  tan  (Eq. 2.19)
B M (Eq. 2.20)
e 
• Safety against over stress: 2 R
– Tensile Stresses: Normally there should be no tension • Where σt, σd, and σb are the total, direct and bending
at the base and upstream side of the dam. Tension up stresses, respectively; e- eccentricity; V- vertical load;
to 500 KN/m2 is some times allowed under severe B-base width of the dam; M-moment of the resultant
loading condition in the downstream. load (R) about the toe of the dam.
– Compressive stresses: excessive compressive strength
will form crushing failure at the base of the dam. • σt > 0 compression and σt < 0, tension
33 34

2.5 Ctd. 2.5 Summary on safety of dams

• If e < B/6, compression at hill and toe
• If e = B/6, no compression and tension • Thus, resultant of all forces (including uplift) must intersect
R at heel but compression at toe. the joint within the middle third.
• If e > B/6, compression at toe and • Resistance to sliding when shear is considered (Eq. 2.18)
B/2 e tension at hill. • Resistance to sliding when shear is neglected: ΣH/ΣV < f.
• Reservoir full condition • Reservoir empty condition
Surface f
At Toe  t 
V 1  6e  At Toe  t 
V 1  6e  Masonry on masonry or masonry on good rock or 0.75
B  B B  B concrete on concrete
Concrete or masonry on gravel 0.50
At Heel  t 
 V  6e 
1   At Heel  t 
 1  6e 
V Concrete or masonry on sand 0.40
B  B B  B Concrete or masonry on clay 0.30

35 36


2.6 Design consideration and fixing the 2.6 Ctd.: Steps in fixing the section of a
section of a gravity dam gravity dam
• Assumptions in design • Step 1: Set the elementary
– The dam is considered to be made up of a number of profile of the dam. The
vertical cantilevers which act independently of each other. elementary profile is
Water determined without freeboard
– The material in the foundation and in the body of dam is hu Self
isotropic and homogeneous. Pressure and top width. The main forces
– The stresses in the foundation and the body of the dam considered include: self
are within elastic limits. B weight, water pressure and
– No movements are caused in the foundations due to uplift pressure.
transference of the load. The foundation and the dam Uplift pressure hu
behave as one unit, the joint being a perfect one. B for no overturning condition
– No loads are transferred to the abutments by beam action. G 1
– The stability analysis of the dam is based on considering a h
B  u for no sliding condition
slice of the dam 1m thick at the base line and contained fG
between the two vertical planes normal to the base line. • Where G is the specific gravity of the section material.
– The small openings in the dam would have minimal effect.
• Adopt the larger bottom width obtained 38

2.6 Ctd. Steps .. 2.6 Ctd. Steps …

• Step 2: Fix the free board. The free board in the dam • Step 4: Provide an upstream
should be ample to avoid overtopping of the dam Crest flare. The optimum height for
during maximum flood coupled with waves. Usually a Centroid the flare can be set by the
free - board of 1.5 hw (hw is the height of wave) is elevation where the line of
action of the crest mass
given. The economical free-board is approximately 5% intersects the upstream
of the height of the dam. Flare middle third line, as shown.
• Step 3: Fix the top width. The top width of a gravity width • The flare width (BF) required
dam is generally fixed by the provision of a road-way can be calculated by equating
and side walls. The economical top width of a dam is B the summation of the self-
about 14% of the height of dam. The usual widths B/3 weight moments about the
provided vary from 6 to 10 m. revised upstream third point
to zero.
39 40

2.6 Ctd.: 2.6 Ctd.:

• The various methods used for the design of concrete • Multiple-step method: This method deals with designing
the dam joint by joint (block by block) beginning at the top
gravity dams are as follows: and making each joint confirm to all gravity dam design
– Stability analysis method requirements. The procedure results in a dam with
• Gravity method polygonal face that may be smoothened up for appearance
• Trial load twist method with no appreciable change in stability or economy. The
• Experimental method multiple-step method is almost always used for the final
• Slab analogy method
design of dams with a height that does not encroach
• Lattice analogy method
greatly on Zone V.
• Finite element method • Single Step Method: This method considers the whole dam
as a single block. It is used for final design of very high
– Zoned (multiple-step) method dams that extend well beyond zone V. It can also be used
– Single step method with an accuracy of 2 to 4% on the safe side; for preliminary
• Two procedures of design will be discussed in this designs to obtain the area of the maximum section of the
dam. The dam designed by single step method has a
course: multiple-step method and single-step method. straight (constant slope) downstream face.

41 42


• Zone IV: in this zone both the upstream and downstream faces are
• Zoning of high non-overflow dams: A high gravity dam may inclined so that the resultant of both in the reservoir full and empty
be divided into seven zones according to design and conditions lie at the middle third point. The zone extends to a point
stability requirements. The characteristics and limits of where maximum permissible compressive stress is reached at the
toe of the section.
these zones are described below.
• Zone V: the slope of the downstream face is further increased to
• Zone I: is a rectangular section from the top of the dam to keep the principal stresses within permissible limits. Resultant in
the water surface. The resultant force passes through the the reservoir full condition is kept well within the middle third
mid-point of the base. section. The resultant in the reservoir empty condition follows the
• Zone II: is also a rectangular section and extends to a depth upper middle third section. This zone extends to a depth where the
stress at the heel of the section reaches the permissible limits in the
where the resultant in the reservoir full condition reaches reservoir empty case.
the outer middle third point of the base. • Zone VI: the slope of the upstream face is rapidly increased so as to
• Zone III: upstream face of the dam is vertical but the keep the principal stress at the heel within the permissible limits in
downstream face is gradually inclined so that the resultant the reservoir empty condition. The inclination of the downstream
in the reservoir full condition acts exactly at the outer face should also be adjusted so that the principal stress at the toe
middle third point of the base. This zone extends to a depth does not exceed the maximum allowable stress. The resultants in
where the resultant in the reservoir empty condition both reservoir empty and full conditions lie within the middle third
section. This zone extends to a point where the slope of the
reaches the inner middle third point of the base. downstream face reaches 1:1. This normally happens when the
dam is 80 to 90 meters high.
43 44

• Zone VII: in this zone the inclination of both upstream and

downstream faces increase with the height of the dam.
2.6 Ctd.:
Consequently, at some plane the value of (1 + tan2) may become
so great that the principal stress at the downstream face may
exceed the allowable limit. If one reaches this zone during design, it • Comparison of Single step and Multiple step
is better to avoid it and start again with a fresh design with design of gravity dam
increased crest width and/or better quality concrete.
• Zoning of overflow dams (Spillways) – Dams of smaller height can be designed economically
• Zone I: the resultant in the reservoir full condition is outside the by Multiple step method
middle third point both horizontal and vertical forces are existing. – High dams beyond zone IV are designed by Single step
End of zone I is at a depth where resultant intersects downstream
middle third point. Upstream face needs reinforcement to take method so that convex curvature of downstream face
tension. and excessive flat slope of upstream face are avoided
• Zone Ia: this is the zone below zone I. The end of zone Ia is – It may be economical to increase the concrete
established by the plane where only friction is sufficient to resist
sliding. strength through the use of more expensive material,
• Zone II: similar to zone II of non overflow dam with the only so that even a high dam can be designed by dividing it
difference that the downstream face is inclined in overflow dams. into only four zones, thus eliminating zone V and VI.
The rest of the zones are similar to those of non-overflow dams.
45 46

2.7 Construction aspects of gravity 2.7 Ctd.: Step 2: Foundation excavation

dam and treatment
• The purpose of the foundation
• Steps: treatment are :
1. Diversion – To prepare stable support Dam D/S Side
2. Foundation excavation and treatment – To safeguard against uplift and
3. Batching, mixing and cooling plant installation water creeping through the
junction of dam and foundation Dam Heel
4. Erection of form works
– To safeguard sliding.
5. Concreting Dam Toe
6. Installation of gates
• Thus the processes used to treat
the foundation zone, include : Sloping up in
• Step 1: River diversion: this can be done by – Preparation of rock at dam 1:4 to 1:5
– Coffer dam: a dam made of the river bed material for interface. Shear Key
guiding the river away from the main dam site. Used in – Foundation grouting.
case of low discharge river. Preparation of rock and
– Treatment of faults, joints etc.
– Tunnel: a tunnel could be constructed along one of the dam interface
embankments. Used in case of high discharge rivers. – Drainage.
47 48


2.7 Ctd.: Treatment of faults and shear

2.7 Ctd.: Foundation Grouting
• Curtain grouting: a series of holes are drilled at 2-3m • If the exploratory drilling or the final excavation
apart from the foundation gallery and cement based uncovers faults, seams etc, they are excavated and
materials are pumped under pressure. The curtain backfilled with good concrete to a depth sufficient to
depth is frequently comparable to the height of the produce elastic qualities and bearing strength equal to
that of the surrounding rock.
dam and extends beyond either abutment as required.
• U.S.B.R has given the following relations
• Consolidation grouting: it is used to stiffen and – d = 0.0066 bh + 1.5 for h > 46 m
consolidate the rock in the critical contact zone – d = 0.3 b + 1.5 for h < 46 m
immediately under the dam. It also assists in reducing • Where:
seepage in the contact zone, where the rock may be – h = height of dam above general foundation level in meter
more fissured or weathered than at greater depths. – b = width of weak zone in meter
– d = depth of excavation of weak zone below surface at
adjoining sound rock in meter.
49 50

2.7 Ctd. Drainage 2.7 Ctd.: formwork

• Although a well executed grouting program will materially • Individual monoliths are raised on either the ‘alternate
reduce seepage; some means must be provided to block’ or the ‘shrinkage slot’ principle as illustrated in
intercept the water which will percolate through and Figure. In either method the objective is to maximize
around the grout curtain and which, if not removed, may shrinkage before pouring abutting lifts of concrete in
cause high hydrostatic pressures on the base of structure. adjacent blocks. The sequence of events within each
• Drainage is accomplished by drilling one or more row of concrete pour is formwork erection,
holes (N X Size) to depths varying from 20 to 40 % of
hydrostatic head. 12-15m width 1-1.5m slot

• The spacing is decided on the basis of the physical

characteristics of rock.
• The drainage holes are made through a foundation gallery, Construction with contraction
of usual size 1.8 x 2.2 m, at a distance of about 10 % water Alternate block construction:
depth from upstream face. adjacent pours are phased to gaps or shrinkage slot:
accommodate shrinkage. Lag concreted approx. 30-60 days
time approx. 30-60 days after adjacent lifts completed.
51 52

2.7 Ctd. Steps: Concreting 2.7 Ctd. Steps: Concreting

Hearting • Zoning of concreting in
190 high (> 100m) dam with • Constituent materials
250 Facing different cement density in – Aggregate: Coarse (75-100mm), Fine (<4.67mm)
220 kg/m3 – Water:(cement + PFA) ratio
• 0.5-0.7 in hearting and
270 • 0.45-0.65 in facing
• Pulverized fuel ash (PFA) is added during concreting to
• Concrete zoning: A zone of richer concrete, some 1–1.5m bring down the heat of hydration. Pozzolana can also be
thick, is frequently poured at either face. The richer used; Its replacement is 25-50% of the cement.
concrete mix, which is generally also air-entrained, is
provided to improve durability and, on the spillway face, • While constructing, concrete is layered in lifts. The height
resistance to cavitation damage and erosion. of the lift is 0.75m for foundation and 1.5m for other layers.
Construction joints are provided in between these
• On the largest gravity dams the interior or hearting successive lifts.
concrete may also be zoned for reasons of economy.
Cement content, and therefore concrete strength, is then • A rich cement mortar 1.25cm thick is used in construction
reduced in stages with increasing elevation joints.
53 54


2.7 Ctd. Temperature control and

2.7 Ctd.: Joints
• Joints in concrete gravity dam: • The temperature of the concrete could be controlled by:
– Construction joints – Pre-cooling: Cool the sand, cement and aggregate before
– Contraction joints: Transverse and Longitudinal concreting using cold water or ice.
– Post-cooling: Embed 2.5 cm dia. Pipes in the concrete and
• Cracks develop due to temperature variation. To take circulating chilled water.
care of these contraction joints are provided. – Modified design mix: Pozzolan cement and Pozzolana materials
• Longitudinal joints are provided parallel to the dam could be used to reduce the heat of hydration.
axis while transverse joints are normal to the dam axis. • Functions of galleries:
• Longitudinal joints are provided in high dams. – Drainage (drainage holes, drained water collection, etc.)
• Water stops are provided in transverse joints for – Inspection and maintenance
stopping the flow of water into the joint and for – Grouting
stopping the flow of grout outside it. In longitudinal – Instrumentation (stress meters, strain meter, joint meter, tilt
meter, thermometer, piezometer, etc.)
joints the only function of water stops or water seals is
– Mechanical and electrical equipment housing (turbines,
to retain the grout. generators, etc.)
55 56

Rolled compacted concrete gravity Rolled compacted concrete gravity

dam dam
• The conventional concrete gravity dam is time
consuming as sufficient time is to be left in between • The process of construction in RDLC and RCC dam is
two pours and its concreting is expensive. completely mechanized and hence progress can be made in
short time. There is a example of making RLDC in 7 months
• To reduce the time of construction and making it while ordinary gravity dam takes four to five years of
economic recently three methods of construction are construction.
being adopted:
Characteristic RLDC RCD RCC Convent
– Rolling dry lean concrete (RDLC): Is achieved by rolling dry ional
lean concrete with optimum moisture. The concrete is
placed in 0.3 m layers and compacted. Cement + PFA (kg/m3) 100-125 120-130 >150 150-230
– Rolled concrete dam (RCD): in this case coarse aggregate is Water to (C+F) ratio 1-1.1 0.8-0.9 0.5-0.6 0.5-0.7
placed in layer and mortar is placed on top and then
vibrated with a vibrating roller. 90 days strength 8-12 12-16 20-40 18-40
– Roller compacted concrete dam (RCC): Is achieved by (MN/m2)
rolling high paste dry lean concrete with optimum Layer (m) 0.3 0.7-1 0.3 1.5-2.5
57 58

Rolled compacted concrete gravity

• RCC dams are recent and by 1993 more than
100 dams has already been constructed. Such
construction trend could also be used in thick
arch dams and arch gravity dams.


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