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1. Name of student? *

Nandini Kaushik

2. Enrollment no. *



Enter your answer

4. Date *


5. In the famous case of Naz Foundation V. Government of N.C.T. of Delhi, the Section of the
Indian Penal Code, whose Constitutional Validity was challenged, *
(1 Point)

Sec 377

Sec 375

Sec 497

Sec 498
6. What punishment for custodial rape is provided? *
(1 Point)

7 years rigorous imprisonment with fine.

10 years rigorous imprisonment with fine.

15 years rigorous imprisonment with fine.

20 years rigorous imprisonment with fine.

7. Which one of the following Sections of the I.P.C. provides punishment for causing death of
resulting in persistent vegetative state of victim? *
(1 Point)

SEC 376A

SEC 376B

SEC 376C

SEC 376D

8. ‘A’ sings obscene songs near the gate of Girls Degree College. What offence he was A's
committed? *
(1 Point)


Outraging the modesty of a woman

Criminal intimidation

9. A demand or request for sexual favour from a woman is punishable offence under Indian
Penal Code, 1860, under: *
(1 Point)

Sec 354A

Sec 354B

Sec 354C

Sec 354D

10. Which of the following sections have been inserted in the Indian Penal Code, 1860 by the
Criminal Law (Amendment) Act, 2013, namely: *
(1 Point)

Sec 376A

Sec 376B

Sec 166A,166B,354C

All of the above

11. According to Criminal Law (Amendment) Act, 2013, the right of private defence of the body
extends to the voluntary causing of death or of any other harm to the assistant if the offence
which occasions the exercise of the right is the act of: *
(1 Point)



Acid Attack

All of the above

12. Throwing or attempt to throw acid under section 326 B under IPC was added by *
(1 Point)

Criminal Law Amendment Act 2019

Criminal Law Amendment Act 2013

Criminal Law Amendment Act 2018

Criminal Law Amendment Act 2012

13. Whoever has been previously convicted of an offence punishable under section 376 or
376-A or 376-D of Indian Penal Code and is subsequently convicted for an offence punishable
under any of the said sections, shall be punished with *
(1 Point)

rigorous imprisonment of 20 years extended to lifer

rigorous imprisonment of 20 years with fine

rigorous imprisonment of life or death

simple imprisonment upto 20 years.

14. Voluntarily throwing or attempting to throw acid is an offence punishable under Indian
Penal Code, 1860, under: *
(1 Point)




15. Chapter XX of IPC deals with: *
(1 Point)

offences related to Marriage


offences against property

none of the above.

16. Sexual Intercourse with a girl through fraudulent consent amounts to: *
(1 Point)

simple physical assault


attempt to rape


17. Intercourse by a man with his wife during separation is dealt under- *
(1 Point)

Section 374 A of IPC

Section 375 A of IPC

Section 376 B of IPC

Section 377 A of IPC

18. Intercourse by public servant with woman in his custody is dealt under- *
(1 Point)
Section 373 B of IPC

Section 374 B of IPC

Section 375 B of IPC

Section 376 C of IPC

19. Punishment for subjecting a married woman to cruelty is dealt under- *

(1 Point)

Section 497 of IPC

Section 498 of IPC

Section 498A of IPC

Section 500 of IPC

20. A man by deceit causing a woman not lawfully married to him to believe that she is
lawfully manned to him and to cohabit with him in that behalf is dealt under *
(1 Point)

Section 493 of IPC

Section 494 of IPC

Section 495 of IPC

Section 496 of IPC

21. Marrying again during the lifetime of a husband or wife is dealt under- *
(1 Point)

Section 493 of IPC

Section 494 of IPC

Section 495 of IPC

Section 496 of IPC

22. In India, can husband be held guilty of committing the rape on his wife? *
(1 Point)

Yes, where the wife is minor and is judicially separated

No, this is right of the husband to have access to his wife

Yes, but only when the wife is judicially separated

Yes, but only when the wife is under 15 years of age or is judicially separated.

23. P is music teacher told R one of his girl students 16 years of age that there is an operation
for improving and that if she agreed; he would perform it on her. She agreed. On the basis of
her consent P raped R. P is guilty for: *
(1 Point)

No offence, as P raped her with her consent

No offence, as R thought the act was for improving her voice

No offence, as R should have known that the consent might injure her

Rape, as R agreed to P’s deeds because she thought that it was to improve her voice

24. ‘A’ entered in the room of a girl aged about two years who was sleeping and injured her
private parts. In this case ‘A’ has committed: *
(1 Point)

No offence
Outraging modesty of a woman


House trespass

25. When a woman was taking bath in her bathroom ‘X’ captures the image in his mobile and
upload it on her facebook page. What offence has been committed by ‘X’? *
(1 Point)

Sexual assault

Insulting modesty of a woman



26. ‘A’ and ‘B’ are good friends. ‘A’ proposes ‘B’ for marriage but she denies. ‘A’ in suspicion of
B’s love affair with somebody else monitors the use of mobile phone and e-mail account by
‘B’. What offence has been committed by ‘A’? *
(1 Point)

Outrage the modesty



None of the above

27. As per the Criminal Law (Amendment) Act, ‘voyeurism’ is a criminal offence and means *
(1 Point)

violence against women in domestic environment

violence against women at workplace

watching or capturing images of a woman engaged in a private act

showing pornography

28. ‘A’ promises B his student to marry her and induced her to cohabit with him by giving a
false assurance of marriage. Later ‘A’ refuses to recognize ‘B’ as his wife. A is guilty of: *
(1 Point)



Outraging modesty of a woman

No offence

29. A commits anal intercourse with her bitch. A is liable for *

(1 Point)





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