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1-Identify the sub process of process management
(a) Process Introduction
(b) Process Analysis
(c) De-Processification
(d) Process distribution
2-The Assessment of the external and internal environment is called ----- analysis
(a) Competitve
(b) Market
(c) SWOT
(d) Strategic
3------------------ is one type of resource conflict.
(a) Underallocation
(b) Overallocation
(c) Leveling
(d) Retention

4-How benchmarking works in Plan quality Process

(A) Used in optimized of product or process
(B) Comparing actual and planned object practice to those of comparable projects
to identify best practice , generate ideas for improvement , and provide a basis for
measuring performance
(C) Used statistical tecnique of changing all the important parameters rather then
one at the time
(D) Reduces the sensititvty of product performance to sources of variations caused
by enviroment or manufacturing differences

5-Initiate include the creation of a project charter,that is part of the project-------

management knowlege area/

(a) Integration
(b) Scope
(c) Communication
(d) Risk

6-How to calculate estimation to complete(ETC)?

(a) A difference between Earned value and Present value CV=EV-PV
(b) Estimation to complete is a difference between estimation at completion and
actual cost ETC=EAC-AC
(c) A quotient of the remaining work to residual of money .(BAC-EV)/(BAC-AC)
(d) A quotient of earned value on actual cost CV=EV/AC

7-What would be used in the entire project to illustrate the interdependency

between activities
(a) List of activities
(b) Project scope statement
(c) Work breakdown structure
(d) Network diagram

8-A collection of coordinate ,linked, multi-project that continue to be expended over

time in order to accompolish an objective is know as
(a) Project
(b) Program
(c) Process
(d) Knowlege areas

9-The DISC profile include a four-dimension patterns of normal behaviour ,there are
four dimension
(A) Dominance,Impact,Stoutness and compliance
(B) Dominance,Influence,Steadiness and carefulness
(C) Dominance,INfluence ,Steadiness and Compliance
(D) Dominance,IMpact ,Steadness, and Compliance

10-Project portfolio management addresses goals of an organization , while project

management addresses goals.
(A) Strategic, tactical
(B) Tactical, Strategic
(C) Internal,external
(D) Extenal,internal

11-The scope management plan is included in which of the following documents?

(a) Project management Plan
(b) The work Breakdown Structure
(c) The scope stattement
(d) Project specification

12-What tools and technique to be used for effective estimate activity duration?
(a) Expert jugement ,Peer review, Delphi Method,Five point estimate, and reverse
(b) Expert jugdement,analogue parametric,three point estimate , and reverse
(c) Decomposition, rolling wave planning, analogous,paramatric, three point
estimate , and reverse analysis
(d) All choices are right
13-what is the purpose of project cost management?

(a) Provide structured control account for project budget

(b) Ensure that project progress is on bugdet
(c) Complete project withing approved budget
(d) Providing structured reporting about project status

14-What is the planned value?

(a) An authorized budget assigned to complete work

(b) A planned budget assigned to complete work
(c) The allocated ammount of money,plus management reserves
(d) The allocated amount of money ,plus contigency reserve and managment

15-Decomposition is an important tool used to

(A) Control scope
(B) Define scope
(C) Validate scope
(D) Create WBS
16-which one of the below is a visual depiction of the Cause effect analysis?
(a) Run Chart
(b) Scatter Diagram
(c) Fishbone or Ishikawa diagram
(d) Pareto diagram
17-which one the following is not D.L.Wilemon identifies nine influence bases that
are available to project managers?
(A) Authority
(B) Friendship
(C) Penality
(D) Expectancy
18-What is the name of one of the popular certification provided by the project
management institute?
(A) Certified Project Manager (CPM)
(B) Project Management Professional (PMP)
(C) Project management Experts(PME)
(D) Project management mentor( PMM)
19-The aim of Six Sigma for excellence is to accomplish no more than ------flaws,
faults, or errors per million opportunities.
(a) 7
(b) 5
(c) 3.4
(d) 2.1
20-What approach to creating a WBS involve writing or drawing up ideas on a
nonlinear format?
(a) Top-down
(b) Bottoum- up
(c) Analogy
(d) Mind mapping

21-which one of the preceding output is always done before the project is started?
(a) stakeholder register.
(b) business case
(c) project charter
(d) kick-off meeting

22-which of the following tools better fits to documents and analyze ideas during

(a) Pareto diagram

(b) Mind Map
(c) Run chart
(d) Fishbone or Ishikawa diagram

23-What is the role of seven?

(A)rule of thumb or heuristic that refers to a series of seven values that belong to
upper and lower sides of the mean.
(b) Rule of thumb or heuristic that refers to a series of seven values that belong to
whether upper or lower side of the mean,which is nonrandom
(c) rule of thumb or heuristic that refers to a series of seven value that near to Mean
(d) Rule of thumb or heristic that refers to a seeries of seven values above or lower

24-What is the following elements is not generally used in the project charter?
(A) The name of the project manager
(B) Budget information
(C) Stakeholder signatures
(D) A gantt chart

25-The ------ specific that the project product specification are accurate and
(a) Configuration management
(b) Integrated change control
(c) Integration Management
(d) A change control board
26-For a leading multinational project , you have just been appointed as the project
manager.This 6 month initiative us nearly halfway completed.The project team
consist of 4 suppliers and 15 employees from your want to learn
who is change of what is happening on the project .how can you find information like
(a) Resource Histogram
(b) Bar Chart
(c) Responsibility Assignment Matrix
(d) ---

27-What tools and technique is to be used for effective estimate activity duration?
(a) Expert jugement,peer review,Delphi method,five point estimate , and reverse
(b) Expert jugement,analogous ,Parametric,three point estimate , and reverse
(c) Decomposition , rolling wave planning, Analogous,parametric, three point
estimates and reverse analysis
(d) All choices are right

28-to access whether a process is in out of control,what tecnique should you use?
(a) A cause-and-effect Diagram
(b) A run chart
(c) A control chart
(d) A control panal diagram

29-The WBS,project timeline, and cost forecasts are outputs of the ------------ phase.
(a) Initiating
(b) Planning
(c) Execution
(d) Monitoring and controlling

30-what tree-point estimate analyzes and produces?

(a) Analyzes requirement and produces optomistics, most likely and pessimistic
(b) Analyzes baseline and produces optimistics, most likely and pessimistic estimate.
(c) Analyzes constrains and produces optimistics, most likely and pessimistic
(d) Analyzes risks and produces optimistics , most likely and pessimistic estimate

31-The statistical method for identifying the factors that may influence specific
variable of a product or process under development or in production is called
(a) Statistical Sampling
(b) Benchmarking
(c) Design of Ecperiments( DOE)
(d) Cost-benefits analysis
32------------ is the concept that the whole is equal to more than the sum of its parts.
(A) Mirroring
(B) Mastery
(C) Synergy
(D) Autonomy

33-Which one is the below is not the good idea for new product creation projects?
(a) Aligning projects and resources with business strategy
(b) Seleting project that will take less then two years to provide payback
(c) Focusing on customer needs in identify projects
(d) Assiging project managers to lead projects

34-What is the planned value?

(a) An authorized budget assigned to complete work
(b) A planned budget assigned to complete a work
(c) The allocated amount of money , plus management reserves
(d) The allocated amount of money ,plus contigency reserves and management

35-what is the following elements is not generally used in the project charter?
(a) The name of the project-manager
(b) Budget information
(c) Stakeholder signatures
(d) A gantt chart

36-Keirsey’s classification of NT ( intuitive/Thinking types) people as----

(a) Quantified
(b) Rationals
(c) Disciplined
(d) Imaginative

37-How to calculate Schedule performance Index(SPI)?

(a) Schedule performance index is a quotient of Earned value on Present value
(b) Schedule performance index is a quotient of Earned value on Present value
(c) Schedule performance index equal a different between earned value and present
value CV=EV/PV
(d) Schedule performance index equals a difference between Earned value and
actual cost CV=EV-AC

38-How Banchmarking works in Plan Quality Process?

(A) Used in optimized of product or process
(B) Comparing actual and planned project practices to those of comparable
projects to identify best practices, Generate ideas for improvement , and provide a
basis for measuring performance.
(C) Used statistical technique of changing all the important parameters rather one at
the time
(D) Reduced the sensitivity of product performance to sources of variation caused by
enviroment or manufacturing differences.

39-Which of the given under is not a recommendation to enhance to user input ?

(A) Develop a goof project selection process for IT projects
(B) Have users on the project team
(C) Co-locate users with developers
(D) Only have meeeting as needed, not on a regular basis.

40-Initiative includes the creation of a project charter , that is part pf the

project----------management knowlege area.
(a) Integration
(b) Scope
(c) Communication
(d) Risk
41-A grid that link product requirements from their origin to the deliverables that
satisfy then is know as
(a) Context Diagrams
(b) Affinity Diagram
(c) Requirements Traceability Matrix
(d) None of these

42-Analysis and decision of an organization to buy a product or service instead of

creating a services or products itsself is referred to as
(A) Life cycle costing
(B) Variable costing
(C) Make or buy decision
(D) Cost accounting

43-The aim of Six Sigma For excellence is to accomplish no more than ----- flaws,
faults, or error per millions opportunities.
(a) 7
(b) 5
(c) 3.4
(d) 2.1

44-what is the below process does not include development of the project
integrration management?
(a) Developing the project business case
(b) Developing the project charter
(c) Developing the project management plan
(d) Closing the project or phase

45-If the projected net discounted project gains are $120,000 and the total
discounted project expenses are $100,000, what is the estimated return on
investment (ROI)?
(a) 20000
(b) 120000
(c) 20 percent
(d) 120 percent

46-THE ------- is a deliverable-oriented classification of work engaged in a project

that determines its overall scope?
(a) Scope statement
(b) WBS
(c) WBS dictionary
(d) Work Package

47-Decomposition is an important tool used to

(a) Control scope
(b) Define Scope
(c) Validate scope
(d) Create WBS

48-How much float critical paths probably might have?

(a) Zero.
(b) Maximum One
(c) Maximum two
(d) Many

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