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1. When is the creche/ day care policy effective from?

Answer: 1st July 2019
Please note: If you have paid for July and/or August already to the network creche/ childcare center
then please connect HP's childcare management partner team (ProEves: and they will work with tie-up creche/ childcare center to
proportionately refund the amount paid by you. In case this does not work out, then ProEves will
work towards making this adjustment in subsequent monthly fees payments due to childcare

2. Does the day care benefit policy apply to men and women?
Answer: It is applicable only eligible women employees with children between the age group of six
months to four years. This program is designed to be aligned with the Maternity Benefits
Amendment Act, 2017.

3. What is the age criteria for children to be considered under the day care policy?
Answer: The day care benefit will be extended to eligible women employees with children between
the age group of six months to four years and up to two children.
o In case of two children availing this benefit, the process of declaration, would be treated as two
independent requests
o In the case of twins, the employee can avail the day care facility for the 3rd child

4. Can I avail the day care center benefit for my adopted child/ children?
Answer: Yes, you can avail with HPs network day care centers for your child/ children as per the
eligibility criteria. Including single mothers.

5. Is the day care fees subsidy entitlement available for only network day care centers?
Answer: Yes, the day care fees subsidy would be paid by HP only for the network day care centers
available to HP employees on the ProEves day care portal

6. If I am already a parent in HPs network day care, do I still have to follow this process?
Answer: Yes, you will still have to follow the process, starting with the signed Declaration upload on
the portal as one-time activity.

7. I have already got my child enrolled in a day care facility at my convenience. Can I apply for a
reimbursement and avail the benefit?
Answer: No, the child care fees subsidy is applicable only with HPs network day care centers.
The near-site tie-up with day care centers is to abide by the legislation and Maternity Benefits
Amendment Act, 2017 and provide support to our working mothers

8. Will there be any income tax deduction on subsidy amount paid by HP in the hands of employees?
Answer: Subsidy amount paid by HP on behalf of an employee is subject to income tax and subsidy
amount is added as perquisite in the hands of an employee.

9. Who will be the HP point of contact from all day care related queries?
o HP has partnered with expert childcare service providers ProEves to support HP employees.
ProEves will manage day care benefit process for HP through the customized childcare portal
for HP
o Via this portal, HP employees can also seek help from counsellors / answer queries related to
day care facility.
o Internally: Employees can raise a myHR case

10. In case of any grievances or issues with the Centre, what do I do?
Answer: Please raise your grievance and issue on the ProEves portal. ProEves will work with you to
help you address the grievance and issue with the center.

11. What kind of queries can I raise through the HP ProEves day care portal?
Answer: Employees can raise a request. There are 3 types of requests that can be raised
o Inquiry about day care
o Visit daycare through blocking appointment
o Start daycare provision

12. What are the resources available on the HP ProEves day care portal?
Answer: The portal has day care tutorials and FAQs to know
about day care selection and admission process. The portal also has parenting resources for overall
childcare support.
Should you need any more assistance, employees can always reach the counsellor

13. If I have to start day care for my child, what is the process I need to follow?
Answer: The process to avail the daycare is detailed in the policy. It’s important that post browsing
the daycare details on the portal, you visit the daycare and thoroughly check it to your satisfaction.
Post your decision to enroll your child, follow the steps detailed in the policy and the forms to be
filled are also provided in the annexure. The signed Declaration forms soft copies need to be
uploaded on the portal for further action by ProEves.

14. How do I initiate payment process?

Answer: Post Declaration form submission, ProEves will proceed with the applicable payment
process with the HPs network day care centers.

15. What is the cost subsidy/ benefit HP is providing me?

INR8,000 or 50% of the monthly daycare fees, whichever is lower; with applicable GST. This would
be paid by ProEves on behalf of HP to HPs network day care centers.
Please note: HPs subsidy is applicable for monthly fees, ONLY. The rest of the fees structure will
have to be borne by the employee

16. On the rest of the fees structure (apart from monthly fees), will I get any other discounts?
Answer: You may get a preferential discount, and this varies from one day care center to another.
Hence, do reach out to ProEves while deciding on your preferred near site day care facility

17. How can I exit? What is the process I need to follow?

Answer: Refer to the "Termination" section in the policy document. Employees would need to
raise the exit request form 3 weeks in advance of the (desired) exit date and then the active child
registration would be closed.

18. I work out of GRTP, but would like to enroll my child (within the eligible age group) at a day care
center closer to CVR as it’s more convenient for me
Answer: The near site tie-ups are made available to be as supportive as we can. An eligible
employee can choose any of the HPs network day care centers from the ProEves portal, as per their

19. ‘XYZ day care center’ (/HP network day care center) is right next to my house but far away from my
work location, example; SAU (/HP campus). Can I opt for this day care center instead?
Answer: Yes. The near site tie-ups are made available to be as supportive as we can. An eligible
employee can choose any of the network day care tie-ups from the ProEves portal available to
them, as per their convenience
Please note: Employees can choose day care centers as per their convenience as long as the day
care center is listed on the ProEves portal as HPs network day care centers


Employee Declaration

I, ___________________________ (Full Name), ___________________ (Employee ID) an

employee of ________________________ (HP Entity) hereby acknowledge to have read and
understood the Maternity Benefit Policy - Crèche program. I also understand that it is my
responsibility to assess the Crèche facilities, services and safety prior to enrolling my child named
__________________________, D.O.B. ____________________ into
___________________________ (Crèche Name) effective ___________________ (Date)
The company shall not be liable for any damages or deficiency of services including any claims
relating to the health or safety of my child arising out of negligence and wrongful discharge of
responsibilities by the Creche provider. Should there be any concern pertaining to the Creche
facility, I will raise the matter directly with ProEves.


Employee Name:
Office Location:

Employee EXIT Form

I (Name)_______________________, hereby declare that I have decided to exit the childcare

center (Childcare name)________________________ For my child (Name and


Employee Name:
Employee ID:
Child Name & Age 1:
Child Name & Age 2: (as applicable)
Childcare center:
Exit Date:

HP India: Employee Creche/Near Site day care Tie-ups
Portal User Guide
HP has partnered with ProEves, childcare management company to enable near site creche/ day care tie-
ups for eligible HP employees.
Please find below the process steps and user flow for the Childcare (Daycare) Benefit Management
through ProEves portal. As a user, please go through the important functionalities of the portal.
1. Registeration
>> Please enter your EmployeeId and Email ID used for formal communication within the
>> Once entered please submit the request and you will have access to the portal for purpose of
browsing, seeking information and raising requests.

2. Landing Page (TOP MENU) Post registration, you will see the below landing page and you can
perform the following actions on the page through the Top Menu.

Top Menu

Raise a Creche/ day care Request (Raise a creche/ day care requests and get answers
from Childcare experts)
• Expert Session (Early Childhood Care and Education Expert Video on creche/ day care
• Submit Declaration (Close your creche/ day care decision & submit your Creche/ day care
declaration form)
• Register Creche/ day care Complaint (Raise any complaint of your creche/ day care and
we will assist to resolve)
3. Landing Page (FOOTER) Post registration, you will see the landing page and you can perform the
following actions on the page through the Bottom menu
• Access Terms and conditions of the Portal
• Access Resources around parenting, childcare and creche/ day care support
• Access FAQs (Frequently asked questions regarding Creche/ day care decision and
• Access Contact Information
• Submit Termination Form (Close your admission, inform creche/ day care and submit your
exit form)

4. Landing Page (LEFT MENU) Post registration, you will see the landing page and you can browse
through the creche/ day care tie-up for relevant HP Locations.

5. Raise a Creche/ day care Request (HEADER MENU): Raise a Creche/ day care request form helps
you raise creche/ day care related queries or query on starting creche/ day care service. Users
need to fill up the form and submit, post submission ProEves childcare counsellors will call you to

6. Taking Creche/ day care Decision Tutorial (HEADER MENU): On clicking this button on the header
menu, the page provides you access to tutorial on the Creche/ day care Decision, all that you will
need to know to choose the right creche/ day care and deal/manage the creche/ day care

7. Submit Declaration Form (HEADER MENU): Post the centre visit and the decision to use the creche/
day care, users need to fill up the creche/ day care and service details in the declaration form and
upload a signed scanned copy. ProEves childcare counsellors will call users to confirm on creche/
day care decision and details provided. This is a one time activity at the time of the admission.

8. Register a Complaint: Register your complaint for the tied-up creche/ day care through
the portal. Users need to fill up the form and submit, post submission ProEves childcare
counsellors will call you to discuss and help in resolution in the next 48 hours.

9. Creche/ day care Detailed Page: On clicking any of the creche/ day care links in the left side menu
of Home page, user can view details of the creche/ day care that will help in making the creche/
day care decision for their child.

10. Creche/ day care Detailed Page: The bottom menu in the creche/ day care detailed page helps you
with following action/information in the bottom menu
a. All the information about the creche/ day care – Overview and Details
b. Contact Details
c. Mom References – raise a request to get references of moms using the creche/ day care
d. Block Appointment – Block a date for appointment /visit to the creche/ day care
e. Counsellor Chat – Block a chat with a childcare counsellor on queries like admission
confusion, child anxiety, best age for creche/ day care, infant care essentials.

11. Termination form (FOOTER MENU): To confirm your exit from the creche/ day care services and
stalling payment process, users will need to fill the exit form and the scanned and signed copy will
need to be uploaded. While you are doing this activity on the portal, please also inform the creche/
day care simultaneously.


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