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PART 1 - DESCRIPTION A. Description of work: Excavation, filling and grading includes but is not limited
to: 1. Excavating, filling and backfilling to attain the indicated finished grades for the entire site. B.

1. Excavation: Removal and disposal of all material encountered when establishing required grade

2. Unauthorized excavation: Removal of materials beyond specified subgrade elevations without

approval of the Engineer.

C. General: All fill and backfill materials shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer

D. On-Site Fill: The native soils will be used as fill, however, all on-site materials used for fill shall be
subject to the approval of the Engineer, and to the following requirements:

1. Free from deleterious substances, stumps, brush, weeds, roots, sod, rubbish, garbage, glass, plastics,
and matter that may decay.

2. Free of large rocks or lumps that, in the opinion of the Engineer, may create voids or prevent proper
compaction, free of rubble, bricks, large wood and concrete pieces. E. Borrow fill material: Free from
deleterious substances, stumps, brush, weeds, roots, sod, rubbish, garbage and matter that may decay.
The fill material shall consist of well-graded granular soils (sand and gravel) containing less than 15%
fines (silt and clay). All fill shall be compatible with the in-situ soil, and shall meet the gradation
requirements shown in table 901.11-1of the NJDOT Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge
Construction, 2007,

for Gradation Designation I-4.

The borrow fill material shall be used only when the available on-site material is completely depleted
and with the permission of the Engineer. F. Notifications: For approval of borrow materials, notify the
Engineer at least five (5) working days in advance of intention to import material, designate the
proposed borrow area, and perform sampling and testing at Contractor's expense, if directed by the
Engineer, to prove the quality and suitability of the material. 0

BPART 3 – EXECUTION A. Requirements of regulatory agencies: 1. All excavations shall be in compliance

with Federal Occupational Safety and Health Act and Rules and Regulations of State of New Jersey
Department of Labor and Industry, Bureau of Engineering and Safety, N.J.A.C. 12:180. 02315-2 2.
Excavation work shall be in compliance with applicable requirements of other governing authorities
having jurisdiction. 3. The contractor may be required to provide soil sampling and testing reports to the
waste management facilities in order to dispose of the soil. The contractor will be responsible for this
work, and his/her costs shall be included in the unit price bid for the project. Copies of all testing results
shall be submitted to the Owner and Engineer prior to the removal of the materials from the site for
disposal. 4. A letter of compliance/acceptance from the disposal facility that will accept the soil shall be
submitted to the Owner and Engineer prior to the removal of the materials from the site for disposal at
the facility. 5. One copy of each waste disposal manifest shall be submitted to the Owner and Engineer
after acceptance of the waste at the disposal facility. B. Reference standards included in this
Specification section: 1. New Jersey Department of Transportation Standard Specifications for Road and
Bridge Construction Standard Specifications (2007). a. Table 901.11-1 Standard Soil Aggregate
Gradations 2. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM): a. D-1556-07: Standard Test Method
for Density and Unit Weight of Soil in Place by the Sand-Cone Method b. D-1557-07: Standard Test
Methods for Laboratory Compaction Characteristics of Soil Using Modified Effort (56,000 ft-lbf/ft3 ) 1Bc.
D4253-00(2006): Standard Test Methods for Maximum Index Density and Unit Weight of Soils Using a
Vibratory Table d. D2166-06: Standard Test Method for Unconfined Compressive Strength of Cohesive
Soil e. D6938-08a: Standard Test Method for In-Place Density and Water Content of Soil and Soil-
Aggregate by Nuclear Methods (Shallow Depth) C. Test reports: 1. The following test reports shall be
made if the borrow fill material is used. 2. One optimum moisture, maximum density curve for each type
of soil encountered, including a complete test report as specified in ASTM D-1557. 3. Field Density test
reports. 02315-3 4. Report of actual Unconfined Compressive Strength and/or results of bearing tests for
each strata encountered at footing subgrades. The report shall be prepared in accordance with ASTM D-
2166. 5. Test reports on all borrow material and select backfill material in accordance with the following
standards: a. Standard Test Method for Particle-Size Analysis of Soils: ASTM D422 - 63(2007). 2Bb.
Standard Test Methods for Liquid Limit, Plastic Limit, and Plasticity Index of Soils: ASTM D4318-05. D.
The following Site Preparation Procedures are recommended: 1. Strip the site from all vegetation and
other deleterious material as specified under Section 201-Clearing Site of the Standard Specifications. 2.
Refer to Section M-2 for compaction information. 3. Remove all pavement and foundations and other
subsurface obstructions completely. 4. Undercut any zones of instability disclosed by proof-rolling and
replace the undercut material with fill, as approved by the Engineer. E. Existing utilities: 1. Should any
functioning utilities be encountered during excavation, notify the Engineer immediately and consult the
Utility Owner immediately for directions. Cooperate with Owner and utility companies in keeping
respective services and facilities in operation. Repair damaged utilities to satisfaction of Utility Owner. 2.
Do not interrupt existing utilities serving facilities occupied and used by OWNER or others, except when
permitted in writing by Engineer and then only after acceptable temporary utility services have been
provided. 3. Demolish and completely remove from site all abandoned, if any, existing underground
utilities encountered during excavation. 4. Permit the appropriate utility companies access to the site for
the purpose of clearing of the proposed utility easement and the relocation of the existing overhead
utility system. F. Use of explosives: The use of explosives is not permitted. G. Protection of persons and
property: 1. Barricade open excavations occurring as part of this work and post with warning lights as
required to protect persons on the site. Operate warning lights as recommended by authorities having
jurisdiction. 02315-4 H. Dust Control: 1. Use all means necessary to control dust on and near the work if
such dust is caused by the Contractor's operations during performance of the work or if resulting from
the conditions in which the Contractor leaves the site. 2. Thoroughly moisten all surfaces as required to
prevent dust being a nuisance to the public, neighbors and concurrent performance of other work on
the site. I. Weather conditions: Do not place, spread, roll or fill material during freezing, raining, or
otherwise unfavorable weather conditions. Do not resume work until conditions are favorable as
determined by the Engineer. J. Inspection by Contractor: Examine the areas and conditions under which
excavating, filling and grading are to be performed and notify the Engineer, in writing of conditions
detrimental to the proper and timely completion of the work. Do not proceed with the work until
unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected in an acceptable manner. K. Preparation: 1. Prior to
commencement of work, establish location and extent of all utilities in the work areas. Maintain, protect
as required existing utilities which pass through the work area. L. Excavation: 1. Unauthorized
excavation: Unauthorized excavation, including remedial work directed by the Engineer, shall be at the
Contractor's expense. 2. Additional excavation: a. When excavation has reached required sub-grade
elevations, notify the Engineer who will make an inspection of conditions. b. If unsuitable bearing
materials are encountered at the required subgrade elevations, carry excavations deeper and replace
the excavated material as directed by the Engineer. 3. Stability of excavations: a. Slope sides of
excavations to comply with local codes and ordinances having jurisdiction. Shore and brace where
sloping is not possible because of space. b. Maintain sides and slopes of excavations in a safe condition
until completion of backfilling. 02315-5 4. Shoring and bracing: a. Provide materials for shoring and
bracing, such as sheet piling, uprights, stringers and cross-braces, in good serviceable condition. b.
Maintain shoring and bracing in excavations regardless of time period excavations will be open. c.
Exercise care in the drawing and removal of sheeting, shoring, bracing and timbering to prevent collapse
and caving of the excavation faces being supported. 5. Dewatering: a. Prevent surface water and
subsurface or groundwater from flowing into excavations and from flooding project site and
surrounding areas. b. Do not allow water to accumulate in excavations. Remove water to prevent
softening of foundation bottoms and undercutting of footings, and prevent soil changes detrimental to
the stability of subgrades and foundations. UProvide and maintain cofferdams, pumps, well points,
sumps, suction and discharge lines, and other dewatering system components necessary to convey
water away from excavationsU. 6. Material storage: a. Stockpile satisfactory excavated materials where
directed until required for use as backfill or fill. Place, grade and shape stockpiles for proper drainage. b.
Locate and retain soil materials away from edge of excavations. c. Dispose of excess soil material and
waste materials as herein specified. Excavated material unsuitable for backfilling shall be kept separate
from other materials excavated, and disposed of. Materials suitable for backfilling shall not be disposed
of until completion of filling or back-filling operations. M. Backfill, fill and compaction: 1. General: a. Five
(5) pound samples of each material to be used as fill shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval,
two weeks prior to commencing fill operations. Fill material shall not be used as compacted fill until
approved by the Engineer. b. Fill material imported from an off-site source shall be tested prior to
construction use, at the Contractor’s expense, to determine the suitability of the fill material and
standard Proctor parameters. Test reports shall be submitted to the Engineer. c. Place acceptable
material in layers to required subgrade elevations. 02315-6 d. Fills: Use material obtained from on-site
excavation, except use borrow material when specified and/or shown on the Plans. e. Do not provide
borrow material until all acceptable excavated materials on the site have been utilized in the work. f.
Place the various types of materials in the areas as designated on the Plans, or as directed by the
Engineer. 2. Ground Surface Preparation, Placement and Compaction: Following the necessary cuts to
grade the site, all of the exposed subgrades shall be proof-rolled and densified until at least 95 percent
of the Modified Maximum Dry Density, ASTM D-1557, is obtained. The proof –rolling and compaction
should be performed using a large vibratory roller with a static weight of at least 10 tons. The proof-
rolling and compaction operations should be performed in the presence of the Engineer. The vibratory
function of the roller should not be used within 20 feet of any existing structure and the roller should be
used in static mode in these areas. Any structural fill placement which is required below the foundation
level shall extend a minimum distance of 10 feet beyond the foundation line and at least one foot above
the footing sub-grade elevation. Above this elevation, the distance of the structural fill placement
beyond the footing line may be reduced accordingly, if required. All loose areas detected during the
densification operation shall be corrected. Correcting shall consist of either (a) excavation of the soft
area in those cases where the materials encountered are unsuitable, or too wet to be compacted; or (b)
if the moisture content is adequate, densifying the exposed materials. After the proofrolling and
densification process is completed, the Geotechnical Engineer's representative will authorize the
placement of fill. Any imported fill required to grade the site shall consist of well-graded granular soils
(sand and gravel) containing less than 15 percent fines (silt and clay). All fills should be placed in layers
ranging from ten to twelve inches in loose thickness and shall be compacted to at least the following
densities, expressed as a percent of the Maximum Modified Density, ASTM D-1557: Below Foundations:
98% Below Slabs: 95% Below Pavements: 90% Backfill of Retaining Walls: 95% Remaining Areas: 90%
The contractor shall provide soil moisture density tests in order to determine the optimum moisture
content required to obtain the above specified densities. Where required, the contractor shall modify
the in-place soil moisture contend so as to ensure that the above specified densities are obtained.
02315-7 3. Moisture control: a. Where subgrade or layer of soil material must be moisture conditioned
before compaction, uniformly apply water to surface of subgrade, or layer of soil material, to prevent
free water appearing on surface during or subsequent to compaction operations. b. Remove and
replace, or scarify and air dry, soil material that is too wet to permit compaction to specified density. c.
Soil material that has been removed because it is too wet to permit compaction may be stockpiled or
spread and allowed to dry. Assist drying by discing, harrowing or pulverizing until moisture content is
reduced to a satisfactory value. 4. Puddling or jetting will only be permitted in landscape areas after
approval by the Engineer. 5. Do not place backfill or fill material on surfaces that are muddy, frozen, or
contain frost or ice, or other unsuitable materials. N. Grading: 1. General: Uniformly grade areas as
shown in the proposed site plan, including adjacent transition areas. Smooth finish surface within
specified tolerances, compact with uniform levels or slopes between points where elevations are shown,
or between such points and existing grades. 2. Grading surface of materials under proposed structures,
and all other areas as shown on the plans: Grade smooth and even, free of voids, compacted as
specified, and to required elevation. Provide final grades within a tolerance of 1/2 inch when tested with
a ten foot (10') straight edge. 3. Compaction: After grading, compact subgrade surfaces to the depth and
percentage of maximum density for each area classification. 4. Treatment after grading: a. After grading
is completed and the Engineer has finished his inspection, permit no further excavating, filling or grading
except with the approval of and inspection of the Engineer. 02315-8 b. Use all means necessary to
prevent erosion of freshly graded areas during construction and until such time as permanent drainage
and erosion control measures have been installed. O. Field quality controUlU: 1. Quality control testing:
Allow testing service to inspect and approve fill layers after grading work is completed. The contractor
will supply and pay for the testing service. 2. If in the opinion of Engineer based on testing service
reports, subgrade or fills which have been placed are below specified density, the contractor shall
provide additional compaction and testing as directed by the Engineer, at no expense to the Owner. This
shall include compaction and testing at areas initially tested and at other locations as directed. a.
Perform in-place field density tests in accordance with ASTM D-1556-07 (Sand Cone Method), or ASTM
D-6938-08a (Nuclear Method). b. Footing Subgrade: At footing subgrades, at least one (1) test of each
soil type to verify design bearing capacities. Subsequent verification and approval by the Engineer of
other footing subgrades may be based on a visual comparison of each subgrade with related tested
strata. c. Pavement & Slab Areas: At subgrade and at each compacted fill and backfill layer, at least one
(1) field in-place density test for every 2,000 sq ft (186 sq. m) or less of paved area or slab, but in no case
fewer than three (3) tests. d. Foundation Wall Backfill: In each compacted backfill layer, at least one (1)
field in-place density test for each 100 ft (30 m) or less of wall length, but no fewer than two (2) tests
along a wall face. e. Trench Backfill: In each compacted initial and final backfill layer, at least one (1) field
in-place density test for each 150 ft (45 m) or less of trench, but no fewer than two (2) tests. P.
Maintenance: 1. Protection of graded areas: a. Protect newly graded areas from traffic and erosion.
Keep free of trash and debris. b. Repair and re-establish grades in settled, eroded and rutted areas in
specified tolerances. 2. Reconditioning compacted areas: Where completed compacted areas are
disturbed by subsequent construction operations or adverse weather, scarify surface, reshape and
compact to required density prior to further construction. 02315-9 Q. Disposal of excess and waste

1. Removal to designated areas on Owner's property: Transport acceptable excess excavated material to
designated soil storage areas on the Owner's property. Stockpile soil or spread as directed by Engineer.
2. Remove waste materials, including unacceptable excavated material, trash and debris, and dispose of
it off the Owner's property.

3. Under no circumstances shall the contractor remove excess acceptable/useable fill material from the

4. Only disposal facilities with current registration and licensed by the State in which they are located for
the acceptance of contaminated material shall be used for disposal.

5. The Contractor is responsible for all coordination with the disposal facility. The Contractor is required
to manage, excavate, stockpile, store, handle, manifest, haul, classify and dispose of the material in
accordance with all Federal, State, and Local requirements. Testing of materials required by the selected
disposal facility prior to disposal shall be accomplished by the Contractor at his/her own expense. Only
NJDEP certified laboratories shall be used for testing. All sampling shall be done in accordance with the
applicable NJDEP guidance manuals and regulations.

6. All waste haulers used by the Contractor shall be currently licensed and registered. The Contractor
will identify to the Owner and Engineer in writing, the name and address of any haulers and disposal
facilities, at least 2 weeks prior to disposal of wastes.


1. Payment will be made on a Lump Sum basis under the item “Site Excavating, Filling and Gradjng” in
the proposal.

2. Payment shall include all, design, labor and material required for a complete installation as specified
Plain and Reinforced Concrete

Applicable parts of the following Practices, industry codes and standards, and references shall be
considered an integral part of this Practice. The edition of references shall be as shown in ACI 301-16 /
ACI 301M-16 Section 1.4 or, if not listed in ACI 301-16 / ACI 301M-16, shall be the edition in effect on
the date of contract award, except as otherwise noted. Short titles are used herein where appropriate.
2.1 Process Industry Practices (PIP) – PIP STF05121 - Anchor Fabrication and Installation into Concrete
2.2 Industry Codes and Standards  American Concrete Institute (ACI) – ACI 117 - Specification for
Tolerances for Concrete Construction and Materials and Commentary – ACI 117M - Specification for
Tolerances for Concrete Construction and Materials and Commentary (Metric) – ACI 237R - Self-
Consolidating Concrete – ACI 301-16 - Specifications for Structural Concrete – ACI 301M-16 -
Specifications for Structural Concrete (Metric) – ACI 304R - Guide for Measuring, Mixing, Transporting,
and Placing Concrete – ACI 305.1 - Specification for Hot Weather Concreting – ACI 306.1 - Standard
Specification for Cold Weather Concreting – ACI 350.1 - Specification for Tightness Testing of
Environmental Engineering Concrete Containment Structures – ACI 350.1M - Specification for Tightness
Testing of Environmental Engineering Concrete Containment Structures (Metric) – ACI 350.5 -
Specifications for Environmental Concrete Structures – ACI 350.5M - Specifications for Environmental
Concrete Structures (Metric) – ACI SP-66 - ACI Detailing Manual  ASTM International (ASTM) – ASTM
A615/A615M - Standard Specification for Deformed and Plain CarbonSteel Bars for Concrete
Reinforcement – ASTM A1064/A1064M - Standard Specification for Carbon-Steel Wire and Welded Wire
Reinforcement, Plain and Deformed, for Concrete PIP STS03001 COMPLETE REVISION Plain and
Reinforced Concrete Specification May 2017 Process Industry Practices Page 3 of 16 – ASTM C33/C33M -
Standard Specification for Concrete Aggregates – ASTM C150/C150M - Standard Specification for
Portland Cement – ASTM C618 - Standard Specification for Coal Fly Ash and Raw or Calcined Natural
Pozzolan for Use in Concrete – ASTM C920 - Standard Specification for Elastomeric Joint Sealants –
ASTM C989/C989M - Standard Specification for Slag Cement for Use in Concrete and Mortars – ASTM
C1602/C1602M - Standard Specification for Mixing Water Used in the Production of Hydraulic Cement
Concrete – ASTM C1610/C1610M - Standard Test Method for Static Segregation of SelfConsolidating
Concrete Using Column Technique – ASTM C1611/C1611M - Standard Test Method for Slump Flow of
SelfConsolidating Concrete – ASTM C1621/C1621M - Standard Test Method for Passing Ability of
SelfConsolidating Concrete by J-Ring – ASTM C1712 - Standard Test Method for Rapid Assessment of
Static Segregation Resistance of Self-Consolidating Concrete Using Penetration Test – ASTM D1751 -
Standard Specification for Preformed Expansion Joint Filler for Concrete Paving and Structural
Construction (Nonextruding and Resilient Bituminous Types) – ASTM D5249 - Standard Specification for
Backer Material for Use with Cold- and Hot-Applied Joint Sealants in Portland-Cement Concrete and
Asphalt Joints – ASTM E1745 - Standard Specification for Plastic Water Vapor Retarders Used in Contact
with Soil or Granular Fill under Concrete Slabs  Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute (CRSI) – Manual of
Standard Practice  National Ready Mixed Concrete Association (NRMCA) – Quality Control Manual -
Section 3, Certification of Ready Mixed Concrete Production Facilities – Plant Certification Check List 3.
Definitions constructor: Party responsible for supplying materials, equipment, tools, supervision, and
labor for installation of concrete materials in accordance with contract documents. The term constructor
shall apply also to constructor’s subcontractor(s) and vendor(s). contract documents: Any and all
documents, including codes, studies, design drawings, specifications, sketches, practices, and data
sheets, that purchaser or engineer of record has transmitted or otherwise communicated, either by
incorporation or reference, and made part of the legal contract agreement or purchase order between
purchaser and constructor. engineer of record: Purchaser’s authorized representative with overall
authority and responsibility for engineering design, quality, and performance of civil works, structure,
foundations, materials, and appurtenances described in contract documents. Engineer of record shall be
licensed as defined by laws of the locality in which the work is to be constructed, and be PIP STS03001
COMPLETE REVISION Plain and Reinforced Concrete Specification May 2017 Process Industry Practices
Page 4 of 16 qualified to practice in the specialty discipline required for the work described in contract
documents. environmental engineering concrete structures: Concrete structures intended for
conveying, storing, or treating water, wastewater, or other nonhazardous liquids, and for secondary
containment of hazardous materials. manufacturer: Party who produces and warrants performance of
products, materials, and/or items provided in accordance with contract documents. Products, materials,
and/or items are manufactured in a controlled process using standard codes, specifications, tests and
possibly include shop drawings to assist in proper application, installation and/or use. The term
manufacturer shall apply also to manufacturer’s subcontractor(s) and/or vendor(s). mass concrete: Any
volume of structural concrete in which a combination of dimensions of the member being cast, the
boundary conditions, the characteristics of the concrete mixture, and the ambient conditions can lead to
undesirable thermal stresses, cracking, deleterious chemical reactions, or reduction in the long-term
strength as a result of elevated concrete temperature due to heat from hydration. owner: Party who has
authority through ownership, lease, or other legal agreement over site, facility, structure or project
wherein concrete materials will be used. purchaser: Party who awards contract to constructor.
Purchaser may be owner or owner’s authorized agent. self-consolidating concrete: Fresh concrete that
can flow around reinforcement and consolidate within formwork under its own weight without
vibration. supplier: Party responsible for supplying concrete materials in accordance with contract
documents. 4. Requirements 4.1 General 4.1.1 Concrete supply and construction shall be in accordance
with all requirements of ACI 301-16 / ACI 301M-16, except as modified or supplemented in this Practice
or by contract documents. 4.1.2 Requirements of federal, state or local agencies that have jurisdiction
where concrete is to be placed shall apply. 4.1.3 Any conflicts or inconsistencies between this Practice,
design drawings, or other contract documents shall be brought to the attention of purchaser for
resolution. 4.1.4 For applications designated as environmental engineering concrete structures in
contract documents, concrete supply and construction shall also be in accordance with ACI 350.5 / ACI
350.5M. 4.1.5 Any placement of concrete designated in contract documents as mass concrete or any
placement of structural concrete with a minimum dimension equal to or greater than 4 ft (1200 mm)
shall be considered mass concrete unless otherwise specified in contract documents and shall be in
accordance with Section 8 of ACI 301 / ACI 301M. For applications designated as environmental
engineering PIP STS03001 COMPLETE REVISION Plain and Reinforced Concrete Specification May 2017
Process Industry Practices Page 5 of 16 concrete structures in concrete documents, any placement of
concrete designated in contract documents as mass concrete shall also be in accordance with Section 8
of ACI 350.5 / ACI 350.5M. 4.2 Quality Control 4.2.1 A written quality control program and inspection
procedures document shall be submitted to purchaser for approval. These documents shall provide
details of how compliance with requirements of this Practice and contract documents shall be achieved.
4.2.2 Samples for testing shall be obtained in accordance with ACI 301 / ACI 301M. Rate of sampling
shall be in accordance with ACI 301 / ACI 301M and the following: a. For structures and foundations,
samples shall be obtained in accordance with the following requirements: (1) One sample minimum per
100 cubic yards (76 cubic meters) of concrete (2) One sample minimum for each structure or
foundation, except if placing a number of items each smaller than 25 cubic yards (19 cubic meters) (3)
One sample minimum per 25 cubic yards (19 cubic meters) if placing a number of items each smaller
than 25 cubic yards (19 cubic meters) b. For paving and slabs on grade, obtain one sample per 50 cubic
yards (38 cubic meters) of concrete. c. For underground pipe or electrical encasements and fireproofing,
obtain one sample at beginning of each day of concreting work. d. For all other concrete, obtain samples
in accordance with Section 4.2.2.a. e. Additional samples shall be obtained if observations of tests for
slump (except for self-consolidating concrete), temperature, or air content indicate nonconformance
with contract documents. f. For self-consolidating concrete only, additional samples shall be obtained if
observations of tests for slump flow, T50, Visual Stability Index (VSI), column segregation or passing
ability indicate nonconformance with contract documents. 4.2.3 For each concrete sample obtained, the
following tests shall be conducted in accordance with ACI 301 / ACI 301M: a. Compressive strength b.
Slump (except for self-consolidating concrete) c. Temperature d. Air content PIP STS03001 COMPLETE
REVISION Plain and Reinforced Concrete Specification May 2017 Process Industry Practices Page 6 of 16
4.2.4 For each concrete sample obtained for self-consolidating concrete, the following tests shall also be
conducted: a. Slump flow in accordance with ASTM C1611/C1611M b. T50 and Visual Stability Index
(VSI) in accordance with Appendix of ASTM C1611/C1611M c. Column segregation in accordance with
ASTM C1610/C1610M or ASTM C1712 d. Passing ability in accordance with ASTM C1621/C1621M 4.2.5
Test cylinder sets shall be dated and numbered consecutively. 4.2.6 Concrete quality control test reports
shall be provided to purchaser weekly unless otherwise specified in contract documents. Data in test
report shall include, but not be limited to, the following: a. Location of concrete on the job and
associated design drawing numbers and structure/foundation identification b. Specified compressive
strength (f c) c. Date placed d. Proportions of concrete mix or mix identification e. 7- and 28-day
compressive strength and compressive strength for any other duration as specified in contract
documents f. Slump (except for self-consolidating concrete), air and concrete temperatures at time of
placement, time of day concrete was batched, and time of day concrete was placed g. For self-
consolidating concrete only, slump flow, T50, Visual Stability Index (VSI), column segregation and
passing ability h. Air content i. Name of inspector making cylinders and cylinder number 4.2.7
Constructor shall notify testing agency when concrete is to be placed. 4.2.8 Ready mixed concrete
suppliers shall be certified in accordance with one of the following: a. Certification by holding a current
NRMCA Certificate of Conformance for Concrete Production Facilities b. Certification from an
independent testing agency stating conformance with NRMCA Certification of Ready Mixed Concrete
Production Facilities c. Certification from Department of Transportation or governing authority for the
project site location The certification shall be current for duration of concrete supply. PIP STS03001
COMPLETE REVISION Plain and Reinforced Concrete Specification May 2017 Process Industry Practices
Page 7 of 16 4.3 Quality Assurance 4.3.1 Unless otherwise specified in contract documents, the
purchaser shall be responsible for furnishing a testing agency to act as the “owner’s testing agency” as
defined by ACI 301 / ACI 301M. 4.3.2 The purchaser shall have the right to make inspections at any time
at the source of supply of materials, at the place of preparation of materials, at the mixing plant if ready
mixed concrete is used, and during execution of all concrete work. 4.4 Submittals 4.4.1 The items listed
in Table 2 shall be submitted for engineer of record review and approval of items in the Approval
Column. Work shall not proceed without approval. 4.4.2 Additional documentation which is not listed in
Table 2 shall be submitted to purchaser if required by contract documents. 4.5 Materials 4.5.1 General Materials shall be in accordance with this Practice and contract documents unless otherwise
approved in writing by purchaser. Materials and application thereof shall be in accordance with
applicable federal, state and local volatile organic compound regulations. 4.5.2 Cementitious Materials Portland cement shall be in accordance with ASTM C150/C150M, Type I or Type II unless
otherwise specified in contract documents. Only one brand of cement shall be used. Fly
ash may be used in accordance with ACI 301 / ACI 301M and shall be in accordance with ASTM C618,
Class F unless otherwise specified in contract documents. Class C fly ash may be used if Class F is not
available. Ground Granular Blast Furnace Slag (GGBFS) in accordance with ASTM C989/C989M
may be used if available. Cementitious materials used for mass concrete applications shall be in
accordance with ACI 301 / ACI 301M Section For applications designated as environmental
engineering concrete structures in contract documents, cementitious materials used for mass concrete
applications shall also be in accordance with ACI 350.5 / ACI 350.5M Section 4.5.3 Admixtures All admixtures shall require engineer of record’s authorization for use. Only one
manufacturer for each admixture shall be used. Admixtures used together shall be from same
manufacturer or documentation of compatibility from manufacturers shall be submitted for approval
prior to use. PIP STS03001 COMPLETE REVISION Plain and Reinforced Concrete Specification May 2017
Process Industry Practices Page 8 of 16 Calcium chloride and admixtures containing soluble
chlorides shall not be permitted. For applications designated as environmental engineering
concrete structures in contract documents, admixtures used for mass concrete applications shall be in
accordance with ACI 350.5 / ACI 350.5M Section 4.5.4 Aggregate Aggregate shall be in
accordance with ASTM C33/C33M. Aggregate shall be obtained from a single source.
Aggregates proposed for use shall be tested in accordance with Appendix of ASTM C33/C33M, or a
record of satisfactory performance shall be submitted to engineer of record for approval. Fine
and coarse aggregate shall meet the restrictions on reactive materials in accordance ASTM C33/C33M.
4.5.5 Reinforcement Reinforcing bars shall be deformed billet steel in accordance with ASTM
A615/A615M, Grade 60 (420) unless otherwise specified in contract documents. Reinforcing shall
be uncoated unless otherwise specified in contract documents. Welded wire reinforcement shall
be plain wire in accordance with ASTM A1064/A1064M. Wire shall be of sufficient size to fabricate in
sheets. Rolls of welded wire reinforcement shall not be used. Tie wire shall be black annealed
wire, 16 gage (1.29 mm) minimum. 4.5.6 Water Water used for mixing water, ice, curing, or any other
function relating to placement of concrete shall be potable or meet the requirements of ASTM
C1602/C1602M. 4.5.7 Accessories Accessories shall meet the requirements of ACI 301 / ACI 301M. 4.5.8
Joints Joint filler shall be in accordance with ASTM D1751 unless otherwise specified in contract
documents. Backer rod for joint sealant shall be in accordance with ASTM D5249. Diameter shall
be 1.5 times the width of the joint unless otherwise specified in contract documents. Joint
sealant shall be in accordance with ASTM C920, unless otherwise specified in contract documents. PIP
STS03001 COMPLETE REVISION Plain and Reinforced Concrete Specification May 2017 Process Industry
Practices Page 9 of 16 4.5.9 Anchorage Anchorage shall be in accordance with PIP STF05121, unless
otherwise specified in contract documents. 4.5.10 Vapor Barrier Below floor vapor barrier shall be in
accordance with ASTM E1745, Class A, and minimum 10 mil (250 μm) thickness unless otherwise
specified in contract documents. 4.6 Execution 4.6.1 General Storage, handling, measuring,
mixing, transporting, and placing of concrete materials shall follow the methods and means outlined in
ACI 304R and comply with manufacturer’s written recommendations for handling, storage, and
protection. Execution for self-consolidating concrete shall follow the methods and means
outlined in ACI 237R. 4.6.2 Formwork Unless otherwise specified in contract documents, 3/4-inch
(20-mm) chamfer strips shall be provided at all corners on permanently exposed surfaces. Form-
release agents shall not be applied if concrete surfaces shall receive special finishes or where the agent
may affect applied coverings. Alternately, inside surfaces of untreated formwork shall be soaked with
clean water and kept moist before placing concrete. Form removal shall be in accordance with
ACI 301 / ACI 301M and the following: a. For structures for which forms do not provide vertical support
or lateral stability (e.g., footings, piers, columns, walls, or sides of beams), the forms may be removed 48
hours after completion of placement if concrete is sufficiently hard to prevent damage by form removal,
and if curing starts immediately. b. Unless otherwise specified in contract documents, forms for
selfsupporting members may be removed if concrete compressive strength is at least 80 percent of the
specified 28-day compressive strength. Refer to ACI 301 / ACI 301M, Section 2.3.4, for determining
compressive strength of concrete for removal of formwork. c. Unless otherwise approved by the
purchaser, forms shall not be left permanently in place. Form accessories that remain embedded
in the concrete (e.g., ties and hangers) shall be a commercially manufactured type. Formed
concrete surfaces shall be constructed in accordance with the tolerances shown in ACI 117 / ACI 117M.
PIP STS03001 COMPLETE REVISION Plain and Reinforced Concrete Specification May 2017 Process
Industry Practices Page 10 of 16 Formwork for columns and walls shall be provided with
adequate cleanout openings to permit inspection and easy cleaning after reinforcement has been
placed. All side and bottom surfaces of concrete for structures that will be exposed shall be
formed. Unless otherwise approved by engineer of record, vertical surfaces of concrete for subgrade
structures and pavements shall be formed at least to a depth of 12 inches (300 mm) below grade.
Concrete below this level may be placed against earth. Formwork design calculations and
drawings shall be sealed by engineer of record for the formwork. 4.6.3 Joints All joints shall be
located and constructed in accordance with contract documents. Any variation from the location
specified shall be approved by engineer of record. Control joints to be cut with a saw shall be cut
as soon as concrete is hard enough to prevent surface raveling and aggregate dislodging, and within 8
hours after concrete placement. a. Control joints shall be cut in accordance with saw manufacturer’s
written recommendations. b. Sawing sequence shall be based on concrete placement time and size of
slab. Control joints in slab toppings shall be located directly above and in line with the control
joints in underlying concrete slab. Isolation joints shall be placed where pavement adjoins
vertical surfaces (e.g., walls, columns, catch basins, manholes, and equipment foundations). Isolation
joints shall be located in accordance with contract documents. Dowels at expansion joints shall
be properly aligned to prevent any restraint on expansion movement at the joint. The surface of
joints shall be cleaned of scale and laitance and thoroughly wetted, but free of standing water, before
placing adjoining concrete. 4.6.4 Waterstops Waterstops shall be installed in accordance with contract
documents and manufacturer’s written recommendations. 4.6.5 Reinforcing and Embedments
Detailing and Fabrication 1. Reinforcement placing drawings and bending schedules shall be prepared in
accordance with ACI SP-66 and CRSI Manual of Standard Practice and submitted to engineer of record
for review and approval.

Description 1.1.1 Work of this Section, as shown or specified, shall be provided by the Interior
Contractor and shall be in accordance with the requirements of the Contract Documents and in
accordance with the General Conditions of this Document. 1.1.2 Work includes coordination,
fabrication, and installation of all interior exposed wood members shown on drawings and specified
herein, including but not necessarily limited to the following: a. Standing and Running Trim b. Moldings
c. Wood Shelving d. Wood Doors e. Miscellaneous Items 1.1.3 Related work in other Sections: a.
Millwork - Section 06410 1.2 Submittals 1.2.1 All submittals shall be made according to Section 01300
and as described herein. 1.2.2 Submit the following for each item of Finish Carpentry: a. Shop Drawings,
indicating fabrication and installation methods, to include plans and elevations at not less than 1/2" = 1'-
0" (1:20) scale and details at not less than 3" = 1'-0" (1:5) scale. Indicate required anchorage and
blocking, accessory items, field dimensions, materials and finishes. Indicate compliance with
specification requirements. Indicate weight of any materials or systems to be suspended or which
require support from structure. b. Manufacturer's Product Data for all specialty items not manufactured
by the Finish Carpentry Fabricator. c. Two samples of each species and finish of wood SECTION 06200 -
FINISH CARPENTRY 06200-2 specified. Samples shall be minimum 12" x 12" (300MM X 300MM) (or full
member width and thickness) finished as specified on one face, one edge, and one end. Samples shall be
fireretardant treated wood where such has been specified or required by codes. Review will be for color
and texture only; compliance with other requirements is the responsibility of Interior Contractor.
Samples of finishes shall be applied on the appropriate wood or base material as will occur in the final
Finish Carpentry item when installed. d. A minimum of three different flitches of any and all veneers
specified shall be submitted to the Consultant for approval unless veneers have been previously selected
by Consultant and herein specified. Flitches shall indicate the color, grain, texture, and finish range to be
expected in the Project. e. Where variations in wood and finish may occur, a minimum of three
variations showing the extremes which may be expected of any and all wood and finishes as specified
shall be submitted to the Consultant for approval. Minimum size: 12" x 20" (300 x 500 mm). f. Where
required by the Owner or Consultant the Interior Contractor shall provide full size mockup of panel or
woodwork assembly. g. Interior Contractor shall submit to the Consultant three samples 20" (500m)
minimum length of all mouldings or moulding assemblies to be used for the Project. These shall be full
size and finished as specified in the Contract Documents. 1.3 Quality Assurance 1.3.1 Comply with
applicable provisions for Premium Grade as defined in the latest edition of the AWI Quality Standards
for all materials, fabrication and workmanship for all work of this Section. 1.3.2 All work of this Section
shall be performed by skilled mechanics of the trade and shall be of the highest quality. Comply with
applicable Industry Standards for all work and materials as specified. Such Industry Standards are to
include but not be limited to the applicable provisions or standards of the following: SECTION 06200 -
FINISH CARPENTRY 06200-3 a. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM): E-84-70 Test for
Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials. b. Federal Specifications (FedSpec): FF-N-105B(2)
Nails, Brads, Staples and Spikes: Wire Cut and Wrout. FF-S-111C(1) Screws, Wood c. U.S. Department of
Commerce: Product Standard (PS) 1-66 Softwood Plywood, Construction and Industrial. Product
Standard (PS) 20-70 American Softwood Lumber Standard. d. Architectural Woodwork Institute (AWI):
Quality Standards and Guide Specification, latest edition (Premium Grade workmanship). e. National
Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA): LD-3-1975 Laminated Plastic Specification. f. National
Hardwood Lumber Associate (NHLA). g. National Particleboard Association (NPA). h. American Plywood
Association (APA) plywood grades: 1. for softwood plywood: Product standard PS-1. 2. for hardwood
plywood: Product standard PS-51 1.3.3 The Interior Contractor shall be responsible for obtaining and
complying with all code and regulatory agency requirements for materials and methods. 1.3.4 The
Interior Contractor shall be responsible for accurately obtaining all field dimensions related to his work
prior to fabrication. Where discrepancies are found, he shall notify the Consultant immediately in
writing. 1.3.5 All Finish Carpentry materials shall be stored in a dry, ventilated place, protected from the
weather and complying with the temperature and humidity conditions specified by AWI Quality
Standards. 1.3.6 Protect sanded and finished surfaces from soiling and damage during handling and
installation. 1.3.7 Maintain requirements for heating, cooling and ventilation SECTION 06200 - FINISH
CARPENTRY 06200-4 in installation areas as required to reach relative humidity necessary to maintain
optimum moisture content specified for Finish Carpentry by AWI quality standards 1.3.8 Provide
temporary protection of all Finish Carpentry as required to protect work from damage. PART TWO:
PRODUCTS 2.1 Materials 2.1.1 All woodwork materials shall be new and shall conform to the Premium
Grade requirements of the AWI Quality Standards, latest edition. 2.1.2 All lumber shall be kiln-dried to
the average moisture content as recommended by the AWI Quality Standards, latest edition appropriate
for the regional climatic conditions of the project site. 2.1.3 All solid wood elements shall be clear,
straight-grain lumber of the best grade of specified species as listed by the NHLA. Lumber shall be free of
any defects which might impair serviceability, aesthetics, and/or finish. Solid wood elements shall also
be according to the following, unless indicated otherwise on drawings and/or specifications: a. Specie of
Face Woods receiving transparent finishes shall be as specified on the drawings and shall be selected for
specified grain with uniform color and grain suitable for use with the finished plywood with which it is
used. b. Face Woods receiving opaque finishes shall be Birch, Poplar or custom grade but otherwise shall
have same specification as solid stock for Face Woods above. c. Unexposed woods shall be Custom
grade Poplar, kiln dried. 2.1.4 All veneer core elements shall be clear straight-grain lumber of the best
grade of the specified species as listed by the N.H.L.A. Lumber shall be free of any defects which might
impair serviceability, aesthetics, and/or finish. Where veneer differs on two sides, veneers shall be of
similar thickness, density, and characteristics to prevent any warpage. Veneer core elements shall also
be SECTION 06200 - FINISH CARPENTRY 06200-5 according to the following, unless indicated on
drawings or specifications: a. Adhesives shall be water-resistant resin or approved equal; process shall
be hot plate method using the following number of plys to achieve specified thickness: 1. 1/4" (6 mm)
overall thickness shall be of 3- ply veneer core construction. 2. 3/8" (9 mm) overall thickness shall be of
5- ply veneer core construction. 3. 1/2" (12 mm) overall thickness shall be of 5- ply veneer core
construction. 4. 3/4" (20 mm) overall thickness shall be of 7- ply veneer core construction. 5. 1" (25 mm)
overall thickness shall be of 9-ply veneer core construction. b. Where burl paneling is specified core
must be cross banded with poplar prior to applying burl veneer. c. Provide Douglas Fir or Poplar V-type
solid edge trim on all exposed edges of plywood not designated to be surfaced by plastic laminate. d. For
Face Woods receiving transparent finishes, Species shall be as specified on drawings; faces shall be
selected and matched by the Interior Contractor with respect to cutting lengths, uniformity of color,
figure, and grain character. Face veneers shall not contain open joints, face depressions, glue stain or
other manufacturing irregularities. e. Face Woods receiving opaque finishes shall have custom grade
(face veneer) Birch or Poplar select, but otherwise shall have same specification as Plywood for Face
Woods (Paragraph 2.1.4.a). f. Unexposed woods shall be Birch, Poplar or Douglas Fir, rotary cut,
Unselect, good one side, interior type plywood, one side Grade A and one side Grade B; Grade A faces
shall not contain plugs, knots, pitch pockets, splits, rough grain or other open defects. SECTION 06200 -
FINISH CARPENTRY 06200-6 g. Wood for plastic lamination shall be minimum 3/4" (20 mm) Mahogany
face core plywood, good one side. 2.1.5 All particle board shall be resin impregnated wood flakes of high
density construction as manufactured by U. S. Plywood Corporation, Shasta Division, Redding, California
or approved equal and shall be 3/4" (20 mm) minimum thickness, unless otherwise specified. a. For
Enameled Face Woods: High density particle board may be substituted for plywood panels, unless
specified otherwise on drawings. b. For Unexposed Woods: High density particle board may be
substituted for plywood panels, unless specified otherwise on drawings. 2.1.6 All masonite shall be 1/8"
(3 mm) thick tempered, as manufactured by Masonite Corporation, Chicago, Illinois, or an approved
equal. 2.1.7 All pegboard shall be 1/8" (3 mm) thick tempered as manufactured by Masonite
Corporation, Chicago, Illinois, unless otherwise specified. 2.1.8 All Finish Carpentry shall be finished as
indicated on drawings and specifications. Transparent and Opaque Finishes shall match approved
samples submitted according to Section 01300 and Paragraph 1.2 above. All plastic laminate finishes
shall be of the quality, color and finish as indicated on the drawings and specifications.


All required hardware and accessories shall be furnished and installed by Interior Contractor and shall be
as indicated on drawings and specifications. Where specific products are not specified in the Contract
Documents the Interior Contractor shall recommend hardware to provide the function or condition
indicated in the Contract Documents. Hinges, screws, clips and other mounting, attachments or
fasteners to be concealed unless otherwise noted on drawings. 2.2.2 Interior Contractor shall submit
samples of each hardware item/type and accessory item/type to Consultant for approval according to
Paragraph 1.2 above and Section 01300. 2.2.3 All Finish Carpentry hardware and accessories shall be
SECTION 06200 - FINISH CARPENTRY 06200-7 installed in accordance with manufacturer's
recommendations. 2.3 Other Materials 2.3.1 Interior Contractor shall be responsible for providing and
installing all items and materials as indicated on drawings and specifications comprising all or part of the
Finish Carpentry shown. Such items and materials shall be fabricated and/or installed according to
manufacturer's recommendations and comply with applicable AWI Quality Standards and Industry
Standards. 2.3.2 All paint and other finish material shall be pure, unadulterated and best quality from
specified manufacturer as indicated on the drawings and specifications. (See Section 09920). 2.3.3 All
finish materials shall be flame retardant or treated with flame-retardant process where required by local
code. Should flame-retardant process cause change in color and effect on finish material, Interior
Contractor shall notify the Consultant. 2.3.4 All finishes and processes shall be in compliance with code
requirements for the location of installation. 2.3.5 All transparent finishes shall be alcohol, water and
burn resistant. PART THREE: EXECUTION 3.1 Examination of Conditions 3.1.1 The Interior Contractor
shall be responsible for examination of the substrate and the conditions under which the work under
this section is to be performed, and notify the Consultant in writing of unsatisfactory conditions. Do not
proceed with the work under this section until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected.


A. Documents affecting work of this Section include, but are not necessarily limited to bidding
documents and drawings. 1.2 SUMMARY A. Furnish and install roof materials, insulation, flashings, and
miscellaneous materials on the following designated roof areas:

B. Meter Shop roof replacement includes:

1. Approximately 11,700 SF of roof area – bidding contractor is responsible for verifying quantities.

2. Existing gravel surface roof system shall be power broomed, vacuumed, or wet vacuumed to ensure
all loose gravel, dust and / or debris have been removed from existing roof surface.

3. Install new pressure treated wood nailer to perimeter of roof areas to match insulation thickness in
roof manufacturer’s product approval.

4. Install new expansion joint in compliance with manufacturer’s recommendations.

5. Install roof insulation over existing roof system set in roof manufacturer’s approved adhesive in
compliance with manufacturer’s recommendations and product approval.

6. Install 60 mil TPO Fleece Back Membrane and associated flashings in compliance with manufacturer’s

7. Install sheet metal curb caps to concrete curbs.

8. Install TPO coated drip edge to perimeter in compliance with manufacturer’s recommendations.

9. Any / all mechanical and / or electrical work necessary to complete the project shall be included in the

10. Any / all testing, engineering, and permit fees necessary to complete the project shall be included in
the price.

11. Provide manufacturer’s warranty as specified.

12. Bid shall include line item price to provide and install aluminum gutters and downspouts

. 1.3 INTENT OF THE SPECIFICATIONS A. The intent of these specifications is to describe the materials
and methods of construction required for the performance of the work. In general, it is intended that
the 12/19/2017 SUMMARY OF WORK 011100 - 2 drawings shall delineate the detailed extent of the
work. When there is a discrepancy between drawings, referenced specifications, and standards and this
specification, this specification shall govern. 1.4 PROTECTION A. The Contractor shall use every available
precaution to provide for the safety of property owner, visitors to the site, and all connected with the
work under the specification. B. All existing facilities both above and below ground shall be protected
and maintained free of damage. Existing facilities shall remain operating during the period of
construction unless otherwise permitted. All access roadways must remain open to traffic unless
otherwise permitted. C. Barricades shall be erected to fence off all construction areas from operations
personnel. D. Safety Requirements 1. All application, material handling, and associated equipment shall
conform to and be operated in conformance with OSHA safety requirements. 2. Comply with federal,
state, local and owner fire and safety requirements. 3. Advise owner whenever work is expected to be
hazardous to owner employees and/or operations. 4. Maintain a crewman as a floor area guard
whenever roof decking is being repaired or replaced. 5. Maintain proper fire extinguisher within easy
access whenever power tools, roofing kettles, torches and heat welding equipment are being used. 6. All
safety requirements of the building owner must be followed. No exceptions will be permitted. Safety
orientation meeting required prior to performing any work 1.5 HOUSEKEEPING A. Keep materials neat
and orderly. B. Remove scrap, waste and debris from project area. C. Maintenance of clean conditions
while work is in progress and cleanup when work is completed shall be in strict accordance with the
"General Requirements" of this contract.


Plumbing 5.1 SCOPE OF WORK a. The contractor shall furnish all labor, tools and materials necessary for
the complete installation of the plumbing system, including all fixtures and connections of the building
to the sewer, or to and from septic vault as the case may be. b. The plumbing shall also include the
water service to all fixtures and equipment within the building, the water supply pipes to the water
main. It also includes the waste, soil and bent pipes. c. The contractor shall pay all fees and permits
incidental to the completion of the work, ready for service. d. All works shall comply with the pertinent
provisions of the national plumbing code of the Philippines.


Finish and appearance provisions prohibit defects that would impair the strength or permanence of the
construction, but permit minor cracks incidental to usual manufacturing methods. For units which will
be exposed, the presence of objectionable imperfections is based on viewing the unit face(s) from a
distance of at least 20 ft (6.1 m) under diffused lighting. Five percent of a shipment may contain chips
not larger than 1 in. (25.4 mm) in any dimension, or cracks not wider than 0.02 in. (0.5 mm) and not
longer than 25% of the nominal unit height. The specification requires that color and texture be
specified by the purchaser. An approved sample of at least four units, representing the range of color
and texture permitted, is used to determine conformance.


This Item shall consist of furnishing and installing all building hardware required to: (1) ensure rigidly of
joints/connections of the different parts of the structure; (2) equip in a satisfactory operating condition
parts of the structure such as doors, windows, cabinets, lockers, drawers, and other similar operating as
indicated on the Plans and in accordance with this specifications.
.2.2.1 Door Locksets
Door locks appropriate for particular functions shall be of durable construction, preferably the
product of single reputable manufacturer for consistent quality and master keying

1006.2.1 Tubular Door (Casement/Sliding)

a. Hollow steel doors shall be custom-built of size and details as indicated on the Plans and/or
shop drawings. Cladding of doors shall be flush or louver type. Doors shall be 44 mm thick, side hinged or
overhead hung, as called for on the Plans.
b. Flush doors shall be constructed from two outer steel sheet not lighter than gauge 20, with
edges welded and finished flush. The outer face sheet shall be reinforced with gauge 24 vertical channels
or interlocking zee members. Sound insulation fillers of cork fiberboard, mineral wool-board or asbestos
shall be placed full height in spaces between reinforcing channels. Doors shall have smooth, flush
surfaces without any visible joints or seams on exposed faces or stile edges except around glazed or
louvered pane inserts. Top and bottom frame of doors shall have continuous reinforcing channels welded
to face sheets. The channel for exterior doors shall be inverted type, not lighter than gauge 16,
constructed to form a weather seal. Glazed opening shall be provided where indicated and moulding
around glazed openings shall not be lighter than gauge 20 metal.

1006.2.2 Grille doors shall be flat, square or round bars (wrought iron) as indicated on the Plans framed
on galvanized black iron pipe or flat wrought bars, of the design shown on the Plans.

Hardware templates for fabricated doors and windows shall be furnished to each fabricator to confirm that
adequate provision will be done for proper installation of the hardware.

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