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Topic: dependent and inter-dependency theory: cultural development

Subject: Critical History of Mass Media and Socio, Economic, Political Transformation

Media dependent theory was developed by American communication researchers Sandra

Ball-Rokeach and Melvin Defleur in the year 1976. Their main focus of this theory relates
and studies the relationship between media and audiences. The dependent theory indicates
two of the basic propositions where the greater the number of social functions performed for
an audience by a medium informing or providing entertainment the greater the audience’s
dependency on that medium and the greater the instability of a society like social change and
conflict the greater the audience’s dependency on the media.1

Media Dependency theory is based upon audience as an active part in communication

process. This theory is in conceptual understanding that there is an internal link between
media audience and large social system, here the real life learning, experiences and needs are
reduced by media as audience are made to depend on the media rather than the real life
experiences to get information and fulfil their needs. The society depends on media and it
gives the media the ability to target the audiences to achieve their goals by using its media
power. The media have the ability to satisfy the audience needs thus it is obvious that every
individual will become dependent on media to fulfil their needs. The audience chooses the
media dependence on their individual needs, the budget they have and one’s societal and
cultural demand. Media is designed in such a way that it automatically attracts and
individuals who have access as the media content are so attractive and promising and
functions to be liked by audience. Media is able to invade the cognitive motivations thus
individuals are able to get the level of satisfaction. The cognitive and affective motivations of
individuals are mend upon thus media easily makes the individuals to depend on mass media.

1.1. What is Media Interdependence theory:

John Thibaut and Harold Kelley in the year 1959 created the interdependencies theory after
which the influence has been inculcated in the media communication theory. The
Interdependency theory opines that the dependence of people on mass media communication
grows because of their uncertainty in society. The less clear people frames of reference are
the more they depend on media communication. This view could also be termed as
interdependence theory since it relates the mass media use and their effects to the
interdependency between mass media and other social systems. The basis of media influence

Yang Lin, Media dependency theory,, 4-
lies in the interdependencies between the media and social systems and these
interdependencies shape the audience relationship with the media therefore it clearly
indicates the audience-media-society relationship most directly determines the effects of the

2. Cultural development from dependent perspective

Media reflects the norms, cultures and values as well as it have the ability to foster
information to the minds and hearts of the people. Media as a tool shares and highlights
innovative approaches for fostering culture as well as the ancient preserved culture to the
people in masses and the effect of dissemination of information is felt by people at large.
Media too has the power to open space for creating cross cultural sharing where it helps to
contribute one sense of community both within the country and outside of the country.

Today the internet has become an important tool for promoting cultural development. We see
increasing numbers of internet users and this helps people across the world to communicate
and come together regardless of any boundaries and geographies. The other aspect is the
television and films which is an important area that influences people and with their culture.
Television can travel to any country with their permission and present any ones culture which
is then practice by others as learned culture.

2.1. Cultural development as Inter-dependencies perspective

Cultural Hierarchy is one of the aspect for interdependent as it leads to creating division as
well as distinction in projection of one’s own culture. Hierarchy in culture projection is very
much visible in media today and this hierarchy culture does not fit in every society. An issue
like equality in cultural projection of every culture are missing and it becomes an aspect in
creating independencies.3

There is also a need in making an efforts centred around bridging the gap between high and
low culture that is between elite and pop culture creating a transparent media strategy for the
public rather than closing to narrow specialist groups creating a strategy of improved criteria
and raised standards in promoting cultural content in high circulation media and news
broadcasts which include culture reports supporting cultural projects which have no
recognisable commercial value refusing to engage in futile competitions with the commercial
market promoting a dimension of the new in culture in relation to existing culture and lastly
preserving, promoting the nation’s rich heritage.4

, Communicating in Community (Indore: S. S. Kendra, 1994), 68.
Mc Quail, Media Performance..., 277.
Mc Quail, Media Performance...284.

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