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Nestlé Responsible Sourcing Audit

Dear [input supplier contact name],

In today’s world, the role of Responsible Sourcing continues to grow. Considering the impact on the
lives of workers and our environment, the increasing consumer expectation for sustainable and ethical
business practices, and to ensure the success of our companies and supply for the future, now is the
time to act. Responsible sourcing is about working with our partner suppliers to ensure supply chains
are transparent, from the finished product right back to the source. This means our consumers can
trust our products, but it’s also about ensuring that all of our suppliers meet our non-negotiable
minimum ethical standards described in the Nestlé Responsible Sourcing Standard.

In order to demonstrate your commitment and compliance with the Nestlé Responsible Sourcing
Standard, it is a key requirement for all Nestlé suppliers to conduct a Responsible Sourcing Audit or
Assessment focusing on the four pillars: Human Rights, Safety and Health, Environment, and Business
Integrity. In this case, you will be required to complete an assessment that will be reviewed by
Corporate Social Responsibility analysts to give you a final scorecard of your company’s Responsible
Sourcing practices across the four pillars. To assist in this process, you will be contacted by our relevant
teams who will provide you with further information on registering and completing the required
assessment. Your company will own the assessment results and be able to share it with other
customers. As such, the suppliers will be required to absorb the cost of the assessment.

In [input year of assessment], the following locations will need to be audited:

[Input list of site to be audited (including name and address]

Please see the attached document providing more details on the Nestlé Responsible Sourcing Program
and process [Attach Ecovadis Brochure]

If you have any questions or would like to schedule a conference call to discuss the process, please
feel free to contact me.

[your signature]

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