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(Aadhaar No:431256693525) (CELL:8248575454) S/o Mr. RAJA Aged About 29 years, residing
at No.67,Thumbalahalli Refuge Camp, Gendikanahalli Post,Nariyanahalli,Dharmapuri-636808 ,

WHEREAS THE FOUNDER OF THE TRUST is desirous of creating a Trust for

Religious purposes with objects within the meaning of Religious Purposes under the
Indian Income Tax Act, 1961 to win the souls and make disciples for the kingdom of

WHEREAS THE FOUNDER OF THE TRUST requested the Trustees named

hereunder to the Trustees of the Trust along with him and they have consented to act
as Trustees under these presents.

WHEREAS THE FOUNDER OF THE TRUST has decided to endow a sum of

Rs. 1,000/- (Rupees One Thousand only) as the initial corpus funds and on trusts the
same with the Trustees for the objects hereinafter mentioned.
Now this deed witness the as follows:

The Founders of the Trust doth hereby created and constitute a Religious Trust
for the objects detailed hereunder and hereby endows a sum of Rs. 1,000/- (Rupees
One Thousand only) as the initial corpus fund and the Trustees herein do hereby
acknowledge the receipt of the same for the objects stated hereinafter mentioned.



2. OFFICE OF THE TRUST : No.412/2,Indira Nagar,

Anaicut Road,Kumaran Welding Shop Back
Side, Walajapet,Ranipet-632513,


a) To proclaiming the love and teachings of Jesus Christ through public meeting,
Healing Ministries and by such other expressions or love and concern to poor and
needy, regardless of caste, creed, color community or race.

b) To Promote and establish Churches and Prayer Houses for the spiritual growth of
the people resulting from Gospel, Proclamation, irrespective of caste, creed,
community, sex or language.
c) To conduct Pastors meeting seminars, seekers conference and workshops to
undertake experiment and research to improve the methods of
communications and teaching and training programmers according to the
commandments of Holy Ghost.

d) To appoint and motivate pastors evangelists, ambassadors to deal the people

who are sickness, sins, debts and any other disadvantages and injustices.

e) To bring together experts in the field of disciple making, Follow-up and

contemporary religious Communications from different parts of INDIA and
provide a forum for training for the people.

f) To setup distribute cassettes and other related works for the purpose of
preaching the love and teachings of Jesus Christ from the words of Bible.

g) To organize public meetings and to arrange for speakers, Musicians and singers
in order to proclaim the Gospel to people.

h) To publish religious books, magazines pamphlets, Bible portions, tracts other

literatures etc., that will develop faith in Jesus Christ and develop Love and
humanity without any motive for profit.

i) To give training to Youth men and women in Missionary work to send various
places in India to propagate and in teaching Biblical truth of resurrection life of
Jesus Christ.

j) To motivate the youth to promote their life that lead to God fearing life and to
teach them to be active in their life.

k) To do all such other lawful things as may be considered incidental or

conductive to the attainment of the objects mentions above.

l) To give water Baptism to those who believe and obey the word of God. To Conduct
Solemnize and register Christian Marriages as per the extent Christian marriage laws.

m) To conduct Funeral service as per the Christian Practice.

n) To do all such other doings that may be conductive or necessary for the
Advancement and the carrying out of the above objects and purposes of the



Starting small prayer cells in individual families to cultivate affection between one and
another by praying for one another's problems. The atmosphere.

Meeting personally with an individual known and unknown has a talk with him about God
and His soul and lead him to the savior.


1. Kids crusade (Public Meetings)

a) Into the village, common hall or public ground,
b) Two to three days in a month.
2. Children's workers training school
a) Street village or church workers could be invited.
b) One week or ten days’ short time courses.
c) During the holiday period
3. Children's Gospel puppets Show (Convention TV Program, etc.)
a) In Christian Churches in India 2 to 3 days
b) In Schools Orphanages and in big auditorium


Out reach meetings in various villages among laborers and illiterate, poor and rich
alike to promote awareness specially to people whom are brought in blind belief and

4. The Founder hereby affirms that the first Trustees of the Trust shall be the Three
persons herein before referred to as the Trustees.

5. Trustee must be an individual and no corporate body shall be appointed as a

Trustee of this Trust.


6. The First Trustees of the Trust are:


No.67,Thumbalahalli Refuge
Camp, Gendikanahalli Post,

Mr. SATHISH aged 37 years TRUSTEE

(Aadhaar No.514164945758)
Plot No.121A,Kambar Street,


(Aadhaar No.866033498822)
No.3,Periyar Nagar,
Ramanathapuram, Coimbatore
South, Coimbatore-641045.


7. In the event of any vacancy being caused for whatsoever reason in the office of
other Trustees, they shall be appointed in the manner hereinafter set forth.

8. On any vacancy arising in the office of Trustees for any reason or cause whatsoever
his/her successor shall be appointed by the other trustees. However it is open to
the Board of Trustees not to fill up any vacancy of trustees.

9. The Administration, direction and management of establishments in terms of the
trust hereby created shall, subject to the supervision, control and direction of the
Board of Trustees.


10. The funds and properties of the Trust shall be the said sum of Rs.1000/-
(Rupees One thousand only) and all and every other moneys and properties in
future gifted, conveyed and transferred to the trust for the purpose of carrying
out of the objects
of the Trust, hereby created and all or any income derived from the said sum of
Rs.1000/- (Rupees One thousand only) additions accretion and augmentations
to the aforesaid sum and investments of the said funds as set out infra

11. The funds of Trust shall be invested:

a. In any of the securities authorized by section 20 of the Indian Trust Act,

1882, and section 11, 12, 13 and 80G of Income Tax Act, 1961.
b. In the purchase or acquisition or construction of land buildings or other
immovable properties, provided that no such investments shall be
made in the purchase of immovable property without the previous
sanction of the Board recorded by means of a resolution passed at a
meeting of the Board of Trustees.
c. In the current or savings bank or fixed deposits with banks and in
modes and forms specified under the provisions of sec.13 (1) (d) read
with sec.11 (5) of the Income
d. Tax Act, and the rules made hereunder from time to time as approved
by the Board of Trustees by means of Resolution recorded at a
meeting of the Board.
e. The Bank accounts shall be opened and operated JOINTLY by the
Founder/Managing Trustee of the Trust along with any one of the
other Trustees.

12. If, in the opinion of the Board of Trustees, any property belonging to the Trust
is deteriorating in value, or is not yielding reasonable income or that sale or
conversion into property of any other kind would be advantageous to the Trust,
the board of trustees may exchange the same for property of any other kind or
sell the property and invest the proceeds in the manner herein provided for.
Trustees shall have power to accept contribution in money or kind.

13. The board of trustees shall have power to call in and convert into cash of trust
properties and realize any or all of the securities and investment and reinvest
them in such manner as authorized herein. The Board of Trustees shall have
power to borrow from time to time from Banks, individuals, or others whether
by giving security or otherwise such sums as he/she may deem necessary for
the purpose of the trust and to execute such documents as may be required in
that behalf including hypothecating or mortgage of properties of the Trust as
14. The Board of Trustees shall be entitled to take all the steps that may be
reasonable necessary or required for the preservation of the trust, trust
properties and of the title of the trust properties.

15. The Board of trustees shall have power from time to time to declare that the
whole or portion of the surplus income, if any, resolution from the carrying out
of the
various objects of the trust to the part of capital shall form part of the trust fund
and be treated hence forth for all purpose as forming part of capital money. Any
surplus remaining after meeting, the expenses of carrying out the trust and
which has not been converted as capital as aforesaid may be utilized for
meeting the expenses of the subsequent years in respect of the trust.

16. Whenever for the administration of the trust hereby created or for the
establishment developments and conduct of the several institutions maintained
hereunder grants- in-aid from Government or Quasi Government organizations
are applied for and obtained and it becomes necessary for the due
performance of the conditions of such grants to secure the name by a mortgage
of charge on the properties of the trust, the Board of Trustees shall have power
to create such mortgage or charges on all or any of the Trust properties to
facilitate the obtained of such grants for purchases of lands and for
administration conduct, and maintenance of such institution.


17. The Board of Trustees shall have power to apply for and obtain grants-in-aid from
the Governments or quasi Government organization and arrange the terms on
which the grants are obtained and should be obtained and settle the terms on
which the securities to Governments may be granted and executed.

18. The Grants-in-aid shall strictly & applied for the purpose for which they may be
received from Governments or other organizations, and the Board of trustees
shall have power to direct the Managing Trustee to apply the grants for the purpose
for which they may be applied for and received.

19. The Founder/ Managing Trustee shall have power and authority to execute
such documents as are necessary in favor of Governments/organizations
for and on behalf of the Board of trustees in respect of mortgage or charge to
be created on all or any of the properties of the trust as the Board of trustees
may from time to time decide.

The Board of Trustees are entitled to borrow money from banks or financial
institutions, State or Central Government or any other sources for mortgage,
hypothecate any of the assets of the Trust.

20. The Board of Trustees shall have power to acquire, sell, lease, mortgage, or
otherwise deal with any of the properties of movable and immovable and to
raise loans and pay interest thereon.

21. The Managing Trustee must prepare and submit ministerial and financial report
to the Board of Trustees.


22. The Managing Trustee shall have every power for the purpose of managing,
conducting and administrating the affairs of the institutions of the trust.

23. The Managing Trustee shall arrange for the maintenance of correct and proper
accounts of the receipts and disbursements and of the liabilities incurred and of
the assets acquired and for an audit every year of the accounts of the trust and
of the income and expenditure relating thereto and for this purpose the Board of
trustees shall appoint a Chartered Accountant or firm of Chartered Accountants
as auditor.

24. The Managing Trustee shall have power to purchase from time to time such
materials and fittings as may be necessary for the running and maintenance of
the institutions of the Trust.

25. The Managing Trustee may if any when he desires, delegate for a temporary
period his authority in respect of the administration of the institutions to one of
the Trustees.

26. The Managing Trustee shall have the custody and control of all documents of
the title of the properties of the trust and all other documents, accounts and
other papers, relating to the trust and the copy of the all documents shall be
retained by the Managing Trustee and also the same be open to inspection by
any trustee on reasonable notice during office hours of the trust.


27. The Managing Trustee shall once in every year not later than the 30th day of
September place before the Board of trustees for the consideration of and
adoption by the Board, the Income and expenditure account for the year ending
on the previous 31st day of March and the balance sheet as at the date, with
the Auditor's Report or Certificate therein. The Managing Trustee shall give to
the Board of Trustees such information and explanations as the Board of
trustees may require for proper understanding of the accounts and statements
placed before it.

28. The Managing Trustee and other Trustees may reimburse themselves out of
the trust Moneys in hands all expenses properly incurred by them in or about
the execution of the objects of the Trust and in discharge of their duties
imposed on them under this trust. They are not eligible for any remuneration
from this trust for their services.


29. There shall be annual meetings of the Board of Trustees not later than 30th
September when the annual audited statements of accounts shall be
considered and adopted. The Managing Trustee shall at such meeting, place
before and the Board a report of the working of the several institutions
conducted and maintained by the trust. The Managing Trustee shall give at
least 14 days written notice of the Annual Meeting to the Trustees specifying
the day, date, place, time and agenda of the Meeting. Along with the notice that
Managing Trustee shall also send to everyone the trustees a copy of the
statements of accounts intended to be placed before the meeting.

30. The Board of trustees shall consider at the said meeting the report of the
Managing Trustee and that of the auditor and the audited accounts and if the
proceeds to approve and adopt them, such approval and adoption shall be
means of a resolution to that effect. The Board of Trustees shall also transact
such other business at that meeting about which due notice has been given
aforesaid. All the resolution passed by the Board shall be recorded in a
separate book.

31. The Quorum of any meeting of the Board of Trustees shall be Three.

32. The Business of the Board shall be transacted either at the meeting of the
Board of trustees of or by the resolutions passed in circulations. The resolution
to be passed in circulation shall be sent to all the Trustees and the resolutions
so circulated shall be deemed to have been passed only when a majority of the
trustees signed their consent in writing.

33. In all matters pertaining to the trust, the decision, of the majority of the trustees
present at a meeting of the Board shall be the decision of the Board, and shall
be binding on all the trustees of the Board.

34. In the event of the votes being equally divided the Managing Trustee shall have a
casting vote in addition to his vote as a Managing Trustee of the Board.


35. No act or resolution of the Board of Trustees shall be invalid merely by reason
of there being one or more vacancies on the Board.

36. The Board of Trustees is hereby authorized to and it may from time to time
make and prescribe rules, regulations bye-Laws, regulation to its carrying out of
the objects of trust including the code of conduct for the staff and employees,
the method of recruitment of staff and employees, the payment or salary and
other benefits and the procedures for taking disciplinary action against them.

37. The properties and funds belonging to the trust shall be utilized for the objects of
the Trust as the Board of trustees may determine.

38. That the activities of the Trust would be confined to the territory of INDIA.

39. That the accounts of the Trust would be maintained regularly and would be audited
by a Chartered Accountant (Explanation to Section 288(2)).

40. That acquisition/alienation of immovable property shall be done with prior

approval of the Director of Income Tax (Exemptions), Chennai.

41. That any amendment to the trust deed, except the objects of the Trust, will be
carried out only with the approval of the commissioner/Director of Income Tax
42. In the event of closure of winding up / dissolution of the trust all its assets and
liabilities, if any shall be transferred to another trust which has similar objects
and enjoying Exemption under the Income Tax Act, 1961.

43. In the event of any dispute of difficulty the high court of CHENNAI on its
original side shall be the court having jurisdiction and the parties can resolve
the dispute through the said court.

44. The managing trustee is authorized to sign on behalf of Flame Of God Ministries
all documents and no other signature is required.

45. That it is hereby expressly declared that this Trust is a Public Religious Trust and
the Trust hereby created is irrevocable.

46. The activities would be purely religious in nature and is not motivated for profit.

47. The funds of the Institution would be utilized only towards the objects and no
portion of it would be distributed in any manner to Trustees or persons defined
in section 13(1) (c) of the Income Tax Act, 1961.

48. The benefit of objects would be available to the general public irrespective of
caste, creed, religion or sex.

49. At present the Trust has no movable or immovable Properties in the name of trust.
The above said corpus fund Rs. 1,000/- (Rupees One Thousand only).

50. In case of dissolution the properties of the trust should not be share among the
trusties it should be transfer to other trust similar to the objective of trust.


herein to this day, month and year above-mentioned.




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