Lab 1 Report

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Drawing#01 report

Introduction to basic 2D commands and practice a 2D drawing.

Line command
The line is the most basic and common object in AutoCAD drawings.
To draw a line, click the Line tool.

To access the Line command you can:

 Click on the Line button on the Draw toolbar,

 Click on Draw, and select Line under the Draw Menu,
 Type L (for line) at the Command: prompt
 Prompt: To point: Give the location for the second end of
the line.
 Prompt: To point: Either give a location for the end of the
next line, attached to the last endpoint you added, or
press Enter to end the line and exit the Line command.

Arc command
Specifying Start, Center, End point you can create an arc using a start point, center, and a
third point that determines the endpoint. The distance between the start point and the center
determines the radi us. The endpoint is determined by a line from the center that passes
through the third point. The arcs can be drawn from the following ways,
 Draw an Arc by Specifying Three Points
 Draw an Arc Using a Start Point, a Center Point, and an Endpoint
 Draw Arcs by Specifying Start, Center, End
 Draw Arcs by Specifying Start, Center, Length
 Draw Arcs by Specifying Start, Center, Angle

You can draw circles by specifying one of the options cited below:
 The center and the radius or the diameter of the circle.
 2 points (2P option). The two points are located on the circle.
 3 points (3P option). The three points are located on the circle.
 2 tangents and a radius, (TTR option).
 3tangents, (TTT option).
 Type “c” in command window
 Specify center point
 Specify radius
 If u want to draw a circle with diameter enter d
 Specify diameter
Rectangle command
Creates a rectangular polyline from the specified the
rectangle parameters (length, width, rotation) and type of
corners (fillet, chamfer, or square).

 Click H ome tab Draw panel Rectangle

 Specify the first corner of the rectangle.
 Specify the other corner of the rectangle.

Erase command
We can erase selected objects from the drawing. This method does not
move objects to the Clipboard, where they can then be pasted to
another location.
Instead of selecting objects to erase, you can enter an option, such
as L to erase the last object drawn, p to erase the previous selection
set, or ALL to erase all objects. You can also enter ? to get a list of all
Drawing #01

Commands used in this drawing

The following commands are used in this drawing ,
 Line
 Arc
 Circle
 Erase/Delete
Step 1: Draw a 70mm horizontal line

Step 2: Draw 60mm vertical line on the both ends of previous line i.e. 70mm,

Step 3: Now draw an arc of Radius


Step 4: Draw a circle of radius 20mm.

Step 5: Draw a rectangle of 50mm length and 10mm width. And the distance of this
rectangle from base line is 15 mm.

Step 6:
Move the cursor to dimension in ribbon and click on it . Now label the drawing according to
given geometry as shown below,
Step 7: In order to dimension the arc and circle click on add ladder or simply type ‘Lea’.
Now label the dimension as shown below,

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