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A Last-Minute Change at Home Development


Raghav Kumar is a 26-year-old assistant broker in the home loan banking division of
Home Development Corporation, a relatively small interstate bank located in the south
Indian region.  Raghav's branch has regional responsibility for home loans in Karnataka and
Tamil Nadu area.  Although he had joined Home Development Corporation following
graduation four years earlier, he was still among the more junior people in his branch. 
One day his superior came to his desktop dropped an folder.

Then Raghav kumar thinks that whether superior came to review the home loan project or
to review the software that has been developed for project, but the superior said that
assistant  was not their you have to do attend an meeting within 3 hrs then Raghav accepted
with an confusion .

 # Raghav wants to gain self confidence and earn the confidence of vice president.

# Raghav has been working in an home loan project that has been funded by the central
government for middle class people to obtain financing at very low rates.

The alternatives:

He can accept the challenge and prepare to address the meeting by taking further

information from the Vice-President such as key features

The main criteria from the alternative would be: -

By addressing in the meeting, he can set a good impression and he can develop new

contacts and networks which is better opportunity for his personal growth.

  MY view:

  He should take the opportunity and prepare to address the meeting by taking information
from the Vice-President. And talk about the home loan program funded by central
government that would permit low-to-middle income, first-time home buyers to obtain
financing at very low rates and also with thorough explanation to the community and
careful screening of each of the applicants.

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