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Home About Shadowhunters Runes

The most common tools of the Shadowhunter, and the source of their ability to fight the demonic Incursion at all, are the Marks of Raziel,
a complex runic language given by the Angel to grant powers beyond mundanes. Some Marks are applied to the bodies of Shadowhunters,
and some are applied to physical objects.

Abundance Accuracy Acceleration Action

Agility Agony Alliance Angelic Power

Awareness Bind To Bridge Calm Anger


Clarity Communication Courage in Combat Craft

Creation Destined Eidetic Memory Endurance

Enlighten Equilibrium Expectation Fireproof

Flexibility Fortitude Fortune Friendship

Gift Good Luck Guidance Heat

Heightened Speed Iratze (Heal) Knowledge Loyal To

Manifest Mental Excellence Mnemosyne Nourishment

Opportunity Persevere Persuade Power

Precision Promise Prosperity Protected

Quietude Recall Remembrance & Sharing


Soundless Speak in Tongues Stamina Stealth

Success Sure-Striking Surefooted Swift

Talent Technique Transmission True North



Trust Understanding Unseen

Vision Voyance Waterproof Wedded Union


Find out more in

The Shadowhunter's Codex,
an illustrated guide to the knowledge and lore of the
Shadowhunter world!

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