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APRIL 1982
-- --, -...
THEARUP Vol. 17 No. 1 April 1982
Published by
Ove Arup Partnership
13 Fitzroy Street. London W1 P 680
The Arup Partnership
Geotechnics Seminar 1981

JOURNAL Editor : Peter Haggett

Art Editor : Desmond Wyeth FSIAD
Assistant Editor: David Brown
Introduction by M. Stroud
Local reports
Geotechnical problems of

Chater Station, Hong Kong,
by R. Davies and D. Henkel
Windblown sand along the Jeddah / 11
Riyadh/ Dammam Expressway,
by J. Redding and A. Lord
Local settlement of debris t reated 16
by vibro-rep lacement,
by W. Wrigley

The design of sheet pile walls, 22

by D. Henkel
Aerial photography and satellite 24
imagery and route selectio n,
by J. Henry
Construction of embankments 27
on soft clays,
by J. Davies and P. Dauncey

Front cover: Sheet piling and ground anchors: London - Birmingham Railway 1830 (Photos : Ove Arup & Partners)
Back cover: Satellite image of the Earth from space (Photo: Copyright University of Dundee)

between the geotechnical engineer and the volume. Other papers reflected some of the
The Arup project engineer and/or job team. problems uppermost in our thinking at
An attitude sometimes surfaces that geo- present where challenging frontiers continue
Partnership technics is something special and apart. to be advanced.
The word " Mafia" has been used from time One session, for example, considered the
Geotechnics t o time . current debate on the applicability of limit
state design to geotechnical engineering an d
Seminar 1981 The separation of geotechnical input from
the whole of the design and construction its compatability with structural engineering
process can be very dangerous. I hear design. Another was devoted to the design
sometimes of attitudes of " them and us" of industrial floor slabs, a topic which led to
Introduction developing, e.g. "They don 't tell us what is much interesting discussion and one for
going on ", etc. which the design rationale is perhaps least
clear. It was agreed that a combined geo-
Martyn Stro ud I am therefore glad to see many non- technics/building engineering working
geotechnica l engineers here and I hope party should be set up to d raw together the
For two and half days in June 1981 repre- that the ideas and views generated in the firm's ex'perience in floor slab design and to
sentatives of Arup offices around the world next few days will ensure that we achieve a establish a methodology for future design.
met in London to discuss geotechnics. fuller integration of geotechnical skills with
But perhaps one of the most fascinating
The seminar, one of a series promoted by both our local and overseas operations.
sessions was the first in which representatives
the Arup Partnership to foster personal Initially I want to emphasize again that in from geotechnical groups throughout the
contact between the firm's widely dispersed spite of all our analytical and computational Arup domain talked briefly about their own
groups, brought together geotechnical skills the rea lity is on the site in the ground. experiences in geotechnical engineering.
specialists and non-specialist project engin- We still do not observe properly what goes This session served to illustrate the great
eers alike. on at the site and measure enough move- variety in technical problems tackled, from
Keyn ote add r ess ments, water levels, etc. Better field observa- low cost road projects in developing countries
t ions and recordings are essential to our to deep basements in the hearts of major
At an opening dinn er at the Danish Club
progress and I should like to see this recog- cities, and moreover illustrated the different
on the evening before the seminar, Peter
nized explicitly at th e start of a job and the ways in which geotechnical advice is provided
Dunican welcomed the participants and
costs allowed for. throughout the firm. Whereas some of the
invited David Henkel to introdu ce the
proceedings. David began 'Too often we Th e extensive field observations made Partnership have well-established in - house
meet to discuss geotechnical problems in during the construction of Chater Station in geotechnical groups, both providing a service
conditions where instant answers are needed. Hong Kong have made it possible for us to other parts of the firm and taking on
Over the next few days we will be able to to design with confidence the basement direct commissions, others rely on specialist
meet without this pressure and we must take of the Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank and outside consultants or geotechnical groups
advantage of it to have real discussion and other deep basements. in other parts of the firm for advice. It is
exchange points of view. worth summarizing briefly these local reports
On e of our goals must be to improve on our
presented at the seminar.
Over the last 1 0 years we have seen our field observations and put them into forms
geotechnical skills tested in environments which are readily accessible. Some of our
outside our well -ordered world of Western records are on the papers you have been
European geology and soil mechanics, and given, but more remain to be done.'
we have had to face a whole new sense of
problems which occur in tropical and sub- Th e S e m ina r
Loca I reports
tropical climates, as well as in the conditions. The breadth of activity in ground engineering Aust ral ia:
of much of the Middle East. We have had to within the firm was well represented in introduced by Ken Gi lbert
learn fast and have also made mistakes in the papers presented to the seminar and in the The Austra lian practice has built its reputation
unfamiliar world of tropical weathering, discussions which followed. Topics ranged on large multi-storey buildings in the state
the formation and the solution of evaporates. from philosophical considera tion of 'The capi tals of Sydney, Perth and Melbourne but
The presence of our colleagues from Australia , role of geology in engineering' to the very cu rrent efforts to move into the industrial
Hong Kong, Papua New Guinea, and South specific ' Design of sheet pile walls'. Many and heavy civil engineering field are proving
Africa, where problems of unsaturated of the papers reflected considerable advances successful. Geotechnical advice has, until
ground and weathering play a major part, is in the 'state of the art' made over the past now, been obtained from outside the firm
particu larly gratifying. five years or so in the course of tackling with the consultancy being let on a com-
If we need a Keynote for this seminar, I Arup jobs, particularly in the fields of ground petitive basis and the advice, although sound
think that it should be a resolve to develop improvement and diaphragm wall design. A and reliable, was sometimes felt to be
2 very much closer working relationships selection of these papers is reproduced in this conservative.
Tony Phillips has recently joined the Australian Carbonate rocks and soils derived from them the quality of the work ca rried out by loca l
Partnership to set up a geotechnics group predominate in the Arabian Peninsula and contractors usually makes this necessary.
and this will allow geotechnics to become suffer from the basic problems of limestones Howard also drew attention to the advantages
an integ ral part of the design process rather with a risk of solution cavities and a shortage and disadvantages of geotechnics operating
than just a preliminary stage. It is believed that of good hard aggregates. Also th e solution of as a centra l group, physically remote from the
Arups are the first structural firm in Australia gypsum and anhydrite layers interbedded project teams. Although the group's involve-
to have such an in-house geotechnics with the limestones can lead to collapse ment in the early stages of projects is well-
capability. However, a handicap for Tony and brecciation of the limestone and high defined it was felt that there was a need to
at the moment is the large distances between soil and groundwater su lphate concentrations. develop better links in the later stages.
sites and the enormous amount of travelling Windblown sand presents another major
necessary. problem and we have carried out some Wales & West :
original work on this for the SAR -A road introduced by Gabe Treharne
Papua New Guinea :
project. Although initially serviced from London, a
introduced by Clive Humphries
geotechnics group was set up which has
Our work in Papua New Guinea, which South Africa: subsequently grown alongside civil engineer-
comes under the auspices of An.ip Australia introduced by Graham Plant ing. This has given the advantage of civil
Interna tion al, is more or less equal ly divided M ost of the jobs of the eight strong geo - engineers being more aware of geotechnical
between stru ctural and civi l projects. Most technics group based in Johannesburg probl ems and geotechnical engineers being
stru ctural projects were, until recently, low (with one member permanently in Durban) more aware of contractual matters. Servicing
rise buildings but two current jobs are 12 are in the Transvaal but the group also the structural groups now forms only 10%
storeys. The civi l projects in clude roads, services offices in Pretoria, Cape Town, of the workload, 60% being direct com-
bridges, p•Jblic health and marine works. Windhoek, Gaborone and Mauritius. In missions and 30% desk studies for possible
Th e country presents a wide range of addition to service work (50% work load), jobs.
problems for the engineer. The difficul t the group undertakes direct commissions A feature of the growth of geotechnics in
terrain, with the centra l highlands rising to covering planning studies, geotechnical map- Wales and West has been a good relationship
3,500 m, a poor road system and dense ping, insurance investigations, tailings with London and interchange of personnel
jungle provide access problems, the equatorial d isposa l, reservoirs and slope stability. An to match peaks and troughs in the workload
climate with annual rainfall of 4,500 mm on in-house soil testing laboratory is also based which has been of mutual benefit to both
the west coast leads to groundwater and in Johannesburg but all drilling is carried groups.
drainage problems and has promoted exten- out bv specialist contractors.
sive weathering of the rocks, and the country A problem commonly encountered within Birmingham:
is located in a zone of very high seismic South Afri ca is that of collapsing and introduced by Alan Turner
activity. expansive soils and special techniques for A geotechnics group has recently been
Geotechnical advice is normally obtained dealing with them have been evolved by the established to service the Birmingham office
from the Government Geological Survey group. Outside advice is obtained almost and take on direct commissio ns. The main
or the island's sole specialist consul tant. exclusively from David Henkel but recently problems in the Midlands are associated with
As many of the projects are small in scale expert advice has been sought from Victor de past industrial activity, parts of the area being
the cost of seeking advice from outside Mello of Brazil for the Guibies Dam investi- underlain by old coal and limestone workings.
the country cannot usually be justified but gation in Mauritius.
it is hoped that Tony Phillips in Australia Unhappily, many local developers prefer to
Graham felt it was important that more effort pay a small fee to local mining consultants
might be able to give advice in the future. was put into marketing of the geotechnical for a qualified opinion on ground conditions
expertise within Arups. With stiffer competi- than pay for a proper site investigation and
Hong Kong:
tion expected in future, aggressive marketing its interpretation. However a notable success
introduced by Andrew Chan
will be required just to maintain our market for the group has been a recent major com-
Very rapid growth in the geotechnics group, share, whereas th e aim is to grow. This could
from 6 to 27 in only two years, has large ly mission to investigate the stability of the old
take the form of lectures, papers, presenta- limestone workings.
resulted from the introdu ction of a statutory tions, brochures and open eve nings.
c heck ing system, unique to Hong Kong,
requiring the engagement of geotechnical London:
specialists for all developments. Hong Kong introduced by Martyn Stroud
introduced by Peter Langford
now has the highest ratio of geotechnical to The geotechnics group in London, which is
Although the Irish practice established itself
structura l engineers anywhere in the world part of Civil Engineering Division, is between
with structural work for architects, it has
and the checking system has a major 30 and 40 strong and provides a service to
recently been very successful in the fi eld of
influence on the approach adopted to the Build ing Engineering groups in London,
civil engineering , major jobs being the
geotechnical problems. Arup Associates and regional and overseas
reconstruction of Cork Quay Walls, the design
As well as servicing Building Engineering offices. It also provides assistance with civil
of Waterford Airport, th e design of road
groups in Hong Kong (30% workload) the engineering projects and takes on com-
embankments on soft clays of Athlone and
group undertakes direct commissions (70% missions from outside clients. As the group
Ga lway and the investigation for a gas pipe-
workload) whi c h have included area studies has grown it has become much more inter-
line between Cork and Dublin. At present
of slope stability, consultancy to the architect's national in its outlook.
there is no geotechnical specialist in Ireland
office of the Public Works Department and advice is obtained from London . The services work contin ues to include a
and site formation / slope stabilization work wide range of interesting problems with
Peter considered it very important that the
for private developers. recent jobs including deep basements in
Project Director had sufficient know ledge of
There is often pressure from clients to adopt London and Cairo (where there are difficult
geotechnics to understand the problems and
designs that will be approved by the Govern- dewatering problems) and an investigation
be able to contro l the job on the basis of
ment Geotechnical Control Office with the in the North Sea from a jack-up for a Post
advice from the specialist. A ' black box'
minimum of expense and delay and this can Office transmission tower. Within Civil
approach with engineers blindly acting on
lead to conservative design. Andrew felt Engineering, geotechnics has been involved
advice from specialists could be dangerous.
there must be a greater willingness to argue with several large projects including the
Edu cation is important and , ideally, advantage
with the checking authority, as the potential Nigerian Railway, SAR-A, Hong Kong Metro
should be taken of experience gained on each
cost savings for the client are much greater and urban roads in Benghazi .
project to develop a local expertise.
than any likely increase in our fees. It should Geotechnics' own commissions are obtained
also be possible in future to incorporate the from a broad front of clients and cover a
results of recent research into slopes with pleasing diversity of problems, there having
introduced by Howard Roscoe
suction and partially saturated soils. These been a trend over the last five years to obtain
are problems common to Hong Kong but not The four-man geotechnics group is part of more work with a contractor as client.
always wel l understood. the spec ial projects group based in Edinburgh Recent work carried out on limit state design
and, as well as servicing the offices in methods for Building Research Establishment
Middle East: Edinburgh , Glasgow, Dundee and Aberdeen , has resulted in an invitation to Brian Simpson
introduced by Andrew lord und ertakes direct commissions. to sit on the European Cod e Drafting Com-
Much of our work in the Middle East is Much of the economic activi ty of the area is mittee.
through commissions from UK architects concentrated in the ce ntral lowlands and, M artyn felt that relationships with job staff
with the structural des ign being carried as much of this area has been undermined, are usually very good and emphasized the
out by the Building Engineering groups in geotechnical investigations frequently include importance of continued close cooperation
London. Largely as a result of this, geo- the assessment of the stability of old workings. between the various geotechnical groups.
technical work in the Middle East has been A problem common to small jobs is that it is He also agreed that further educatio n, both
serviced from London with site investigations often difficult to justify full -time supervision amongst structural engineers and within
supervised by engineers from London. of small investigations on cost grounds, but geotechnics, would be beneficial. 3
problems associated
with the construction
of Chater Station, t !1 ~;:. ( •It IH )
CEST R.\I 1) 1, 11\ 1( I

Hong Kong <t H UIS<, \\ •\ ISJ

Richard Davies
David Henkel
The construction of Chater Station involved
a deep excavation in a congested urban area .
This presented major problems in both
engineering and planning as it was necessary
to ensure minimal disturbance to the sur-
rounding area and to maintain traffic flow
and services. Ground movements around the
excavation were also of the utmost importance
as the consequences of damage to adjacent Fig .1
building would be high and would incur Site location
substantial costs and delays.
The problem of predicting ground movements
Fig. 2
was, however. complex as it involved the
Plan of
inter-relation of many fa ctors including
Chater Station
ground conditions, methods of construction
and groundwater control. Furthermore, the
and adjacent ,[] EJ
situation could be greatly influenced by
factors which were difficult to assess, such

R O A. D
r o0
as workmanship and geological and con-
structional details, and this placed severe
limitations on the validity of predictions based
on soil tests and theoretical analysis alone.
Thus, during construction the performance
of the excavation was under constant review
and changes were made to the constru ction
techniques as the actual behaviour of the
excavation and surrounding ground became
better understood .
The contract diaphragm wall described in this paper was area has always been the focus point of Hong
Chater Station fo rmed part of Contract 106 constructed by the Bachy Soletanche Group. Kong and is the site of important old colonial
of the Hong Kong Mass Transit Railway. Main construction commenced in October buildings as well as prestigious high rise
The contract was awarded in early 1976 to 1976 and the station was handed over to the blocks. At the site the water table is high and
the Metro Joint Venture, comprising Dragages M ass Transit Railway Corporation in February the ground conditions poor, with loose
DTP (Sponsor) , Hochtief AG., Gammon (HK) 1980. reclamation fill and marine deposits over a
Ltd. and Senta b. In March 1976 Ove Arup residual soil derived from the decomposition
and Partn ers were commissioned by the Chater Station of granite. The latter material is basically a
Joint Venture to carry out the design of the The station is situated in the heart of the si lty sand and has been described in detail
station and to provide geotechnical advice commercial district of Hong Kong in an area by Lumb 1 .
on matters arising from its construction. The of reclaimed land (Fig . 1 ) . Historically, this The station is shown in plan in Fig . 2 and in

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,/"~ r-1-
- -_-1:::r-=-


-,H"7'' ..,~ j '7,7fa;J:~Am~O l2b STORE Y l
FILL . . . . . .. CHATER ROAD


- 21.1.m~· -SiiilDjijlN
S• " " t ,-- WA LL
, ' { # . t J

-21., mf:P. 'Y. IIIIJ!il!JIIII

r r r i -~ ~
10 20 -----d8 METRES '1!L=~5=~10~=......32~=~3QMETRES

Fig. 3 Fig. 4
Section 1 -1 Section 2-2
4 ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - -- -- - - - -~
Fig. 5 Preliminary assessment of construction
General view of method
Chater Road
In view of the proximity of adjacent buildings
during station
the need to control both ground movements
and the stability of the excavation was of
Fig . 6 major importance, although quantifying the
The Courts of problem was d ifficu lt. Prior to construction
Justice of the Hong Kong Mass Transit System very
little was known abo ut actua l movements
Fig. 7 around deep excavations in these geological
The M andarin conditio ns and virtually no data existed on
Hotel and the behaviour of decomposed granite under
Princes Building conditions of stress relief. The constructio n
method was, however, one of the most
positive and stiffest methods available and
had been successfully used for the con-
struction of deep basements and subway
systems in Europe and the United States
where control of ground movements was
important. Even so, movements of the ground
surrounding the excavatio n were to be
expected as a result of the diaphragm wall
construction, dewatering an d excavation.
(a) D iaphragm wall construction
(Photos: Construction of the diaphragm wall involved
7 Richard Davies) excavating and concreting a series of panels
between 2.7 and 6.1 m long up to 37 m deep
adjacen t to existing building foundations.
Experience elsewhere suggested that the

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main problem would be ensuring stability
of the trench and, provided this was satisfied,
settlements would be small.
During excavation, the trench is supported
by bentonite slurry which normally has a
specific gravity only slightly greater than
slurr yf1llt.d water. For stability of the tren ch in a soil such
tru,c h
as a silty sand where negative pore pressures
di ssipate during the period of excavation,
l, the earth pressure and horizontal pressure
du e to surcharge have to be supported by the
effective slurry pressure (i.e. the difference
o Constr uct 12 m thic k d1aphrajm b Insta ll weKs , constr uct c Ba ckt llt abo¥e roof slab d Const ruc t sidings s lli b between th e slurry pressure inside the trench
fot trri~~~s s~~i~?
0 1
tt~r ?m te:mpc ro ry deck and
ex co ¥ote for roo f slob
De:wate: r and e:x cn vat e tor
co nccurse. and tr ack slabs,
Sw itch off well s and the external static water pressure). Thus,
t·e.nch mamtain e:d by exce ss
hyd rosta t ic pressure of
Cons truct roof sla b cas t ing sl abs a s exccvc t!On in situations such as Chater Road where the
b1m ton 1t e: slurry Excavate. btlow t,ac k s la b water table is high, the elevation of the slurry
St ' ufl 1n9 wal l where. requ ired
Fig. 8 head above th e water table is a critical factor
Construction sequence and stability is highly sensitive to small
changes in slurry head .
Th e prob lem is illustrated in Fig. 9. In the
section in Figs. 3 and 4. The station comprises The sequence of construcuon is shown example, the earth pressure and horizontal
three levels which form the concourse. tra c k in Fig. 8. A diaphragm wall was constructed surcharge pressure have been calculated
and sidings levels. Construction involved around the perimeter of the station before using arching th eory. In plan , it is assumed
an excavation up to 27 m deep and approxi- the main excavation commenced , the station that the soil form s a se mi -circul ar arch around
mately 400 m long which took up almost th e roof and floors being cast as excavation the trench and. with depth. the horizontal
entire length and w idth of Chater Road proc eed ed. The diaphragm wall formed both pressure is redu ced by verti cal arching in a
(Fig . 5). At the eastern end, the excavation temporary support to th e excavation and the similar manner to silo th eory (Fig . 10) .
came within a few metres of the older permanent wall for the station. During con- A theoretica l study was carri ed out to
buildin gs su ch as the Courts of Justi ce (Fig. 6) struction the ex ca vat ion was kept dry by examine the probl em in detail for each of the
and even closer to the high rise blocks to pumping from a series of deep wells installed building s. For the majority of th e high ri se
the west (Fig. 7). along the centre line of the excavation. buildings it was possible to show that, whilst 5
the surcharge pressure could not be supported
by the effective slurry pressure, the structure
and foundation of the buildings could
redistribute the load. For the older buildings Hori zontal elftct1vt p ru.sure ( kN / m2 ) Horizonta l l?fftctive. prl:Ssurt ( kN / m2)

such as the Courts of Justice and the Hong

20 JO 'P 2P 3P ,p
Kong Club the problem was less severe since
the surcharge loading was considerably less.
Thus, in the majority of cases, provided the surcharge 50kN / m2
length of trench 6,\ m
bentonite level was kept high and the panel
length relatively short, construction using I(}'

conventional methods was possible. \ ~


This was not the case, however, for con-

E15 .,... \y ---- t~rel!cal total
her 1zontal pressure.

/ to be &Jppor i td
struction of the wall adjacent to Swire House ~ \
effective. slur ry
press u r2
c. ~ure/;e~:~vse.sure
at the western end of Chater Road. This
building is 22 storeys high and is founded on " 20

small individual pile caps beneath each total iVliJ~~: slurry

column with piles driven just to the top of the hom :ontal
pressure to
decomposed granite. The superstructure is be suppor ted \
by effective
also relatively flexible and it was clear that slurry prl!Ssure

either the building had to be underpinned to \ 3(r

rock or major changes would have to be made \

sturry filled slurry f 1lhad
to the construction method. t rench _ trench I
To gain better understanding of the behaviour
{SG ·I OS )
'() ~~
ISG · I.OSJ 350 IQ ,b jJ ii)
O h' I kN/ m' I Oh'( kN/m1 J
of the ground adjacent to a diaphragm wall { a.) EXCESS SLURRY HEAD 2 ·L5m I b I EXCESS SLURRY HEAD !Sm
excavation, an instrumented test panel
excavation was carried out. The details of the Fig. 9
test and results are described by Stroud and Stability considerations for diaphragm wall excavation
Sweeny 2 . The test generally confirmed that,
except for Swire House, stability of the trench
could be maintained, provided careful control
was exercised during construction.
(b) Dewatering
Settlement due to dewatering occurs as a 80 -
result of an increase in effective stress in the
ground. To quantify the problem it is necessary
to know the drawdown / depth profile outside ,<>
the excavation and the compressibility ~
a, q estimated
of the soil. q_':S possible
Although reasonable estimates of the com- 0
~ range of
~ setf1ement
pressibility of the soil can be made from in situ q'
penetration tests, laboratory tests, and
experience with foundation settlements,
estimating the drawdown/depth profile is
rather more difficult. Much depends on the
local permeability profile and geological
variations and, where rock is high, the & 8 g IB
drawdown in decomposed granite ( m )
detailed connection between the base of the
diaphragm wall and rock. The latter con-
sideration was of particular concern at
Chater Road since the rock level varied distanct from oxcavation (m)
Fig. 10
substantially over very short distances and it
Model of soil
4P '.¥J 1fl 19 q
was doubtful if a satisfactory cut-off could
arching for
be achieved. - - --Omf'O
preliminary diaphragm ·
To attempt to quantify drawdown, a series of assessment of Fill ( k • 1(T'm/stc. ) wall
parametric studies were carried out using a earth pressures
finite element seepage programme assuming around
various conditions of permeability profile and slurry trench
cut-off. Some data was available from bore- Compltltly tq.Jipoltnt ial
hole tests on relative permeability but the dtcompostd lines
Fig.11 granih
test results were difficult to rely on with ( k • 1Cf' m/stc
Preliminary estimate
confidence. Some of the results of these
of settlement of
studies are shown in Fig. 12. The study clearly
piled building -30
indicated that wide variations in drawdown
due to dewatering Modtratoly
could occur and if unfavourable situations dtcomposid
arose, dewatering settlements, particularly granite
of the older buildings, could be excessive. Fig.12 r k·'IO'm!sec)
Estimating the possible dewatering settle- Some results of
ment of the piled buildings presented a parametric study
special problem. Settlement of the ground of dewatering distanct from ..cavation (m)
relative to the pile causes negative skin problem 'P ~ 2? 1ll
friction which can increase the load on the
pile. The latter factor is important for end- ' diQpr,agm - OmP.0
bearing piles when the penetration into the Fill I k - xr'mlsoc. l wall
bearing strata is small and, in these circum- Marino ( k • l()~·-'m_l_s_oc_.l_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..J'.l
stances, it is possible for piled buildings to --1()
settle almost as much as the ground surface.
Large settlements due to dewatering where oquipot<nt ial
pile penetration into the bearing strata was
small, have for example, been observed by
Lumb 3 in the Mongkok area of Hong Kong.
To illustrate the problem for the buildings at - --:I)
the west end of Chater Road, the preliminary
estimates of settlement due to dewatering are
shown in Fig. 11.
(c) Excavation
Movements of the ground around the station
6 were anticipated as a result of vertical and
horizontal stress relief due to excavation. The
amount and mode of movement depends to a Movement of ground _ Movement of ground
large degree on the deflection and stiffness of /

the wall and support system (Fig. 13).
A review of available data, concerning the
movements around similar well-supported ,______ !,______
excavations elsewhere in the world where
f / ____ Del lection of 'Mill
stiff diaphragm walls have been used,
- Deflection of wall
suggested that lateral movements and settle-
ments of the ground were likely to be of
similar magnitudes with maximum move-
ments of about 0.15 to 0.2% of the depth of
excavation. This represented movements of
around 40 to 50 mm. Also, movements
could be expected to occur at least to a Fig. 13
distance away from the excavation equal to its Examples of ground movements around an excavation

-~,~~~,_: - :;_ r
concrettd pont ls

I ~ ~
f +11'

I ,~'

. ... - . -- ""

a) Settlement of Courts of Ju stice


I distance fro]) diaphra ~t wall ~ )

] 0o 10 20 4 60


b) Settlement of Prince's Building
: : : :

6Q /_ I _ I l ~
11 12 n 14 15 1s 11 ·1 a- 19 20 21 22 23 24 · 25
Fig. 14 week nos ( 1977 ) Fig.15
Development of settlement due Settlement of buildings due
to diaphragm wall construction to diaphragm wall co nstruction

A theoretical study of the problem was also Monitoring Courts of Justice and 21 mm at Princes
carried out by modelling the stiffness of the Throughout the period of construction, the Building. The magnitude of settlement was
wall and support system with assumed earth settlement of all buildings was measured at considerably larger than anticipated and, as
pressure coefficients and soil stiffness. This least once a week and, during critical periods, far as the authors are aware, very much greater
gave similar results for the magnitude of up to twice a day. Pi ezometers were installed than has been reported elsewhere in the world
deflection of the wall although little was at various depths adjacent to all the buildings. as a result of diaphragm wall construction.
known about the actual in situ properties of In clinometers to measure horizontal move- The development of settlement was also
the soil. ments were also installed adjacent to the unusual. Most of the settlement did not occur
From the preliminary assessment of the Courts of Justice at the eastern end of the during excavation of a single panel as might
stability of the excavation and possible ground station and adjacent to Swire House to the be expected if problems of instability were
movements it was clear that many problems west. arising but, as shown in Fig. 14, occurred
had to be resolved , some of which could only during the construction of a series of adjacent
Construction of the diaphragm wall panels. By the time the wall was completed
be tackled during construction after initial
measurements of the actual behaviour of the Construction of the diaphragm wall com - settlements were observed up to 50 m away
ground became available. Also, the con - menced in October 1976 and by March 1977 from the wall (Fig . 15).
struction period was extremely short and there approximately half of the northern wall had It was also observed that construction of the
was little time to carry out extensive field and been completed . This was followed by north wall had resulted in a rise in the water
laboratory tests to supplement the tender construction of the wall adjacent to Prin cess table which would have reduced the effective
information. A programme of instrumentation Building and the Courts of Justice on the slurry pressure supporting the subsequent
was therefore devised to monitor settlements southern side of the station . south wall excavations. The magnitude of the
of buildings, horizontal ground movements During construction of the diaphragm wall observed settlements showed a marked
and changes in pore pressure and, if necessary, relatively large settlements of the buildings similarity to the local horizontal movements
measures could be taken to overcome the occurred, with maximum settlements of in the decomposed granite measured in the
problems during construction. 38 mm at the Hong Kong Club, 78 mm at the test panel excavation and was dependent on 7
the effective slurry pressure supporting the horizontal ground movement recorded was
10 individual excavations (Fig. 16). This sug- about 14 mm which occurred just below the
gested that the final settlement was controlled toe of the piles ( Fig . 19). Th e maximum
by horizontal movements in the decomposed settlement of the building was about 30 mm
granite during excavation of individual panels. of which about half was due to the well -
E 80 From the evidence of the data from the test point dewatering.

E panel excavation and laboratory tests, it is
Final settlements ot
Courts of Justice believed that the horizontal movement Dewatering
3 m from wall adjacent to individual panels was a result of Following completion of the diaphragm wall ,
swelling of the decomposed granite which the main dewatering wells were installed at
created a compressible zone around the about 1 5 m spacing along the centre line of
Final settlements of diaphragm wall panel. On construction of the station. To examine the efficiency of the
"' Hong Kong Club
adjacent panels. the arching around the com- wells and drawdown outside the excavation,
5 m from wall
~z.o pressible zone broke down and recompres- a series of pumping tests were carried out.
E sion occurred as the earth pressure built up. The tests showed that marked variations in
"'>0 This caused horizontal ground movements tc drawdown occurred outside the excavation
E extend back from the diaphragm wall, which depending on the local geology and details of

20 horizontal movement of
decomposed granite 1m
from test panel excavation .
resulted in the large settlements (Fig. 17) .
The occurrence of large settlements during
the early stages of construction had an
the diaphragm wall construction .
It was therefore decided to proceed with the
initial stages of dewatering for the construc -
0 important influence on the method of con - tion of the roof slab by drawing down the
.c. 0+----~---~---~ structing the diaphragm wall adjacent to water level in all of the wells by 9 m to about
20 £0 60 Swire House. As previously stated. this - 7 m PD. This would provide a full-scale
effective slurry pressure supporting test and the corresponding drawdown and
trench . ( kN I m 2 ) building was founded on individual pile caps
and it was doubtful that the combined settlement pattern for each individual build -
Fig.16 structure and foundation could redistribute ing could then be considered.
Horizontal movements and settlements load during the excavation stage. The option The results of the initial stage of dewatering
associated with diaphragm to underpin the foundations adjacent to the and corresponding settlements at the Hong
wall construction wall was reconsidered . However, since Kong Club and Courts of Justice at the
experience had shown that settlements eastern end of the stations are shown in
extended a considerable distance from the Fig. 22. At the western end of the site. the
wall, it would have been necessary to under- situation was rather more complex. De-
pin the entire building, which was considered watering was being carried out in the area for
impractical. It was therefore decided to caisson construction unconnected with con -
control the stability of the trench and limit struction of the station, and the drawdown
F ilt 8. Ma rin,
settlement by constructing the diaphragm outside the excavation was rather more than
wall in short lengths (Fig. 18) and to increase that due to station construction alone. How-
the effective slurry pressure to about 100 ever, from the piezometric and settlement
Cktcomposcd gronil c
kN / m 2. This was achieved by reducing the data the drawdown in the decomposed
water level in the decomposed granite by granite could be related to the settlement of
.,....,._ _ _ horizont a l m:ivcmtnl
of ground adjacent about 6m using wellpoints (Fig. 19). the piled bui1dings as shown in Fig . 23 .
to d1ophragm won
o:covotion increasing the density of the slurry and raising From the information collected during the
the slurry level above ground level using a high initial stages of dewatering it was possible to
guide wall (Fig. 20). predict dewatering settlements with reason-
The construction of the diaphragm wall able accuracy and it became clear that the
adjacent to Swire House is shown in Fig. 21. main problem would be settlement of the
Throughout construction, horizontal defor- older buildings at the eastern end of the
mations of the ground were measured using station where dewatering settlements of
Ground movements during
inclinometers and the settlement of each about 80 mm could be expected by the time
diaphragm wall construction
column was measured daily. The maximum the station was complete .

,... ,... Swire Haus e toundat ions

high guide
-· , ,-, ,-
SW IRE ,,. ( walls horrlontat movement ! mm )

l ''
0 :) 0 • Vii! t cr,Yards tre nch

•::) •',
0 )
-5 •5 •10 •I

( r, r. ' ) ~

0 ,

) j 0 ./ ,_)

inclinometer tubes :J, 0

Fill ·1u •
in dccom-
posed : -k !tlurry '1\ltd
grn nite to tr ench
') J
-4 mP.O
,_J ' ~) (\ -5

• •
_,/ ~

'J ·:) ) '

J ) ', ~

0 0

Mow~nt adJacent
2 nd STAGE to secondary panel

.:) r ') \ ') -J ,-:_) ) -15

• • •
_) _,/

ma:-. hoHzmtol
,, ,....., - mcl 1nometer
mo,eme:n1 1-'rrm
1": ·~ :) ') ) )
-· ) )
- tube

secondary panel -..... • • ,. . . . primary pane:l

_ _r:~
//:,·_I::-=::l~,:.,_,_:''I_ __ _ -2

~ cune nt odJQcmt to
prima ry pa ne l
~ 2-3m ~
3rd STAGE -5 0 • !: •JO •15
horizon tal l'T'K)Yt ment [mm)

D Excavated pane 1 Fig.19

Fig.18 Concreted panel with Measurements of horizontal movements
Diaphragm wall panel layout CI channel shaped stoptnds during construction of diaphragm wall
on plan adjacent to Swire House adjacent to Swire House
Fig. 20 so
High guide walls
for construction E
of diaphragm wall
adjacent to
Swire House
(Photo :
Ri chard Davies)

-2 _, -6 -6 - 10 -12
P,uom ,tnc le.'ltl rn decomposed gramte.

Fig. 23
Initial measurements of settlements of
high rise piled building due to
dewatering (prior to main excavation)

Fig. 21 To limit dewatering settlements it was

Constru ction of decided to install a groundwater recharge
the diaphragm wall system at the Courts of Justice and Hong
adjacent to Kong Club. The purpose of the system was to
Swire House maintain the head immediately behind the
(Photo : diaphragm wall and thus control drawdown
Richard Davies) beneath the buildings.
The recharge system comprised a number of
wells installed between the buildings and the
diaphragm wall and during dewatering the
head in the recharge wells was maintained
above ground level (Fig . 24).
The effectiveness of the recharge system in
controlling settlement of the Courts of
Justice is illustrated in Fig . 24 by considering
the settlement at two points on either side of
the station. As can be seen, the recharge
system reduced the final building settlements
by about 60 mm.
Ground movements due t o the
main excavation
After construction of the roof slab, the
horizontal movement of the ground during
excavation w as monitored from an inclino-
meter tube installed between the diaphragm
wall and the Courts of Justice on the
southern side of the station . The results of the
measurements are given for each stage of

head in racharge. wells

Courh of Justice
Fill r ...- - -r ,.
~.. 01
_ _ _ _:::-_:::--~.::;:::M~-=-~nt
~---..:: I Wtsl facadr I 1l)m 2Lm

' 1
M11Js1n ~tltmc:nt
I Ulst facadc )

Mar ine. deposits

:I:~ I' f,.'Qrine. deposits
, 1 ' 7
·10 (,
r . -~ wtll
• -2&1 1

de composad decomposed
granite g'Ontte.

i: -
~ ~ perforated


( o) Courts ot Justice.
1977 - 1978
• ONOJF MAM J J A S N O J F M A M ~g ~g A S O N O •

• Mcasurtd piuOl'Nt r lC r:.o d1sto7oe: fror\~1ophr~m ~lb I m I O lO lO
' •Mtasurcd stor.:l;)lpt
lcvt ls Mica::-:~;-= :C.-=::.:.:;.:
I Wrstltrait.)
Measure !<i!lt lrmrnt
I Easl foe.ode I Point (.§ . Recharged

Hong Kong Club

_.... i_
drpas,ts- • - --· -------
,qu1pottntio l

rocl<ord tDr
I b) Hong Kong Club 1cvrl "°"1H
Fig. 22 Fig. 24
Measurements of drawdown and settlement Effect of recharge wells
during initial stages of dewatering in controlling settlement
'--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 9
excavation in Fig. 25. M aximum horizontal
moveme nts of abo ut 40 m w ere observed by Fig. 25
the time the excavation reached the sidings Horizonta l movements
level. and settlement
during excavation
The settlement of the Courts of Justice during (Courts of Justice,
excavation below the roof slab is also shown west fai;:ade)
in Fig . 25. These settlements were main ly
associated with the process of excavatio n as
the recharge system installed before excava-
tion to concourse level virtually eliminated
sett lement due to dewa tering.
Total settlements and building damage
Ol!I.M AFTER 'KlOf" EJ(CAVAT ' 129 S ?8 !
By the time the basic structure of the station l
I ~ S 111
10 78 1
was finished settlements of the buildings had l AFtER SIOH-lv EXCAIAlll)\j I 9 2 79 I

occurred du e to diaphragm wall constru c-

tion , dewatering and excavation.
The development of settlement at two points
on the Courts of Justice during the entire
period of construction is shown in Fig. 26.
The final settlement profiles across the Fig. 26
197 & 1!)79
Courts of Justice, Hong Kong Club, Swire Development of
House and t he Mandarin Hotel are given in settlement:
Fig . 27. The settlement of the Mandarin Hotel "'
is typical of the other buildings on the north
(Courts of Justice,
west fac;ade) 2Lm from d1aphragm wall
side of the station. The high rise buildings to
the south settled less than elsewhere and E'°
this was because dewatering was limited by -eo
the fact that, along this section of wall, a good
cut-off. was obtained between the diaphragm
wall and rock .
As can be ·seen in Fig. 27, most of the
buildings exhibited an overall settlement and a
slight tilt toward s the excavation. However,
with the exception of the Courts of Justice,
the distortion of the buildings was relatively
smal l and, other th an minor cracks in
architectura l finishes, very little damage to the
buildings occurred. The only significant Fig . 27
damage to the high rise buildings was Final settlements
caused by punching of the walkways into of buildings
connecting buildings (e.g. between the due to station
Mandarin Hotel and Prin ces Building, Fig. 7). construction
Serious damage did, however, occur at the
Courts of Justice concentra ted at a distance
of approximately 50 m away from the
diaphragm wall. At this point a ' hinge'
developed on the lin e of a corridor between
two sections of the building (Fig . 27a) and HONG KONG CLUB

cracks were observed which increased in size

up the height of the building. The cracks
were first observed following settlements due
oistonu 1,o ,,. t , ca vi:1IOl'I I m )
to diaphragm wall construction and, during
the course of the main excavation, the crack-
ing became more serious. T here was also a
risk of falling plaster and finishes which led
to the closure of the building during th e latter
stages of the station construct ion. ..
'"'"- - - - - - - - - - - - '
Conclusions b) Hong Kong Club

The construction of Chater Station caused

a) Courts of Just ice
considerable movements of the surrounding
ground which can be attributed to the com- ', MAN DAR IN liOTEL
bined effects of diaphragm wal l constr uction, SWIRE. SE ( '26slon y bu1\d1 ng on p ic a 10 1! ) I
r• ( n storey bY,ldmg on 1nd1v1ouo l pil• cops I
d ewa tering and excavation. The ground
movements resulted in relatively large settle-
ments of the surrounding buildings although,
with the exception of the Courts of Justice, ~
little damage occurred .
The damage to the Courts of Justice was ~ ..ii
due to ground movements associated with c) ~wire House
·~ -- - -- - - ----'
d) Mandarin Hotel
diaphragm wall construct ion and excavation .
This caused the northern two thirds of the
building to tilt towards the excavation while Acknowledgements References
th e southern third remained nearly horizontal During construction of the statio n a mass of (1) LUMB, P. The properties of decomposed
resulting in serious cracking at the 'hinge' data had to be collected and analyzed and, in granite. Geotechnique, 12 (3), pp. 226-
point. the light of this information, modifications 243, 1962.
The most unu sual feature of the behaviour of made to th e construc tion techniques. Mu ch (2) STROUD, M . A . and SWEENEY, D. J .
the ground during the construction of the of this work was carried out by John Hamilton A review of di aphragm walls. Discus-
station was the relatively large settlements of Ove Arup and Partners who was resident sion appendix. Institution of Civil
observed during diaphragm wall construc- on site and whose contribution is gratefully Engineers, 1977.
tion. As far as the authors are aware this is the acknowledged.
(3) LUMB, P. Report on the settlement of
first time that such large settlements due to The authors would also like to thank th ei r buildings in the Mongkok Distri ct of
diaphragm wall construction have been many colleagues who contribu ted to the Kowloon, Hong Kong. Government
reported and it is sugges ted that the settle - studies described in this paper and to the Press, Hong Kong , 1964.
ments stem from lateral swe lling of the Metro Joint Venture for their co-operation
decomposed granite during the construction throughout the period of construction and for
10 of individual panels. their permission to publish this paper.
Designing for the
effects of wind blown
sand along the
new Jeddah/Riyadh /
John Redding
Andrew Lord
Introduction ALABAN
D P1"toc:1pa1 a,~aso• s.;w>O~

Sinc e 1 976 the authors have been close ly [ ] ~'::,~= ~ tov.

involved wi th the geotechnical d esign of two Fig. 1 0 ?5 50 75 l()()Km

sections of the new Jeddah- Riyadh - Dammam Key plan

Expressway. Both sections have to cross large
tracts of loose , wind - blown sand : situations
where, in the past, methods of road construc-
Riyadh the prevailing winds are from the north Riyadh the route was fixed by the proposal to
tion based on Western practic e have often
or north east so that the sand moves pre- dual the ex isting road, but with the Riyadh -
proved inappropriate.
dominantly to the so uth, but along the Dammam sec ti on there ex isted an opportunity
The deficiencies in exis ting road practice have Hal aba n - Mazahimiyah section th e moun - to optimize the rout e on the basis of the
prompted us to develop designs more com- ta inous terrain results in a more confused terrain.
patible with the natural desert environment pattern of winds, with no single sand- Sel ection was mad e following a geomorpho-
and more tolerant of wind - blown sand. Our transport direction predominating. logical study based on aerial photographs and
approach has been based partly on the
Reconnaissance studies wherever possible on field surveys along th e
observation of problems along existing roads
prospective route. Because of the remote -
and partly on a study of the mechanisms of Prel iminary fi eld studies were initiated in the
ness of long sections of this rout e and t he
sand tran sport by w ind and th e interac tive summer of 1977. th ese st ud ies includ ed
processes that take place close to the ground difficulties of access, considerable re li ance
driving along all the existing local roads and
had to be placed on the interpretation of
surface. observing and ca taloguing the problems
aerial photographs.
resulting from wind - blown sand. It was
The route In sandy areas. basically four types of sand
apparent from quite an early stage that such
The tw o sections of road described in the problems resulted not simply from the terrain were recognized. Ranked in order of
paper will form part of a new Trans-Arabian random migration of dunes or sand patches increasing risk and physical difficulty th ey are:
Highway, linking the ports and centres of across th e ro ad (see Fig. 2), but more often ( 1 ) Flat stony or sabkha areas devoid of
popu lation on the Red Sea coas t with those th an not from fea tures of road design which dun es but with a thin veneer of sand or sand
on t he Arabian Gulf. via the capital, Riyadh. actually promoted sand deposition on or close in small patches (Fig. 5)
In order to accommodate the projected volume to the carriageway. The use of crash barriers
of traffi c, th e road has been designed for most (Fig. 3) most clearly illustrates this point,
of its length as a dual , three - lane. grade although sand build-up in cuttings (Fig. 4)
separated expressway. appeared to be the most recurring problem. F ig. 2
The particular sec tions referred to in the paper As might be expected, such problems were Dunes on the old Riyadh-Khurais road
ex tend from H alaban to Al Mazahimiyah and found to be particularly severe in areas of
from Riyadh to Dammam : their positions are Fig . 3
continuous sand cover. But, since it only
shown in Fig . 1. This figure also shows the requires a few centimetres of sand on the Sand on the road
areas of ' Nafud ' characterized by an unbroken in the lee of a crash barrier
road surface to constitute a driving hazard,
surface of wind - blown sand and dunes, areas with only a little sand can present a risk Fig. 4
together with those areas where loose sands it the road is badly designed. San d build - up
form only a thin or discontinuous ve neer. in a shallow rock cutting
Because of th eir position in relation to th e Selection of the route
regional climatic systems. all th ese areas are Choice of route can clearly have a major Fig . 5
periodically subject to winds strong enough to influence on the extent to which a road will be Alluvial plain with
cause the sand to move. To the east of affected by sand. On the western side of thin sand cover (Class I)
2 3

4 5

6 7 air photo studies have been used . To illustrate
the point. a section of route lying ap,::roxi-
mately 100 km to the east of Riyadh will be
considered and is shown in Fig. 9.
The line of sand hills shown form the western
edge of the Ad Dahna Nafud . The hills
constitute an unbroken chain of 30 m average
height which extends tens of kilometres to the
north and south of the route. Larg e star dunes
form culminations along the ridg e, reachi ng
heights of up to 50 m above the adjacent playa.
This is an area not only of severe sand prob-
lems but the ridge itself constitutes a formid -
able physical barrier.
Fig. 6 8
Detailed comparison of aerial photography
Sabkha surface covered by
flown in 1955 with the 1979 project photo-
partially stabilized sand (Class II)
graphy reveal ed that the largest dunes had
Fig. 7 remained essentially stationary during this
Alluvia l plain w ith small dunes period. It is thought that such large features
and sand patches {Class Ill) may have reached an equilibrium condition.
only experiencing small or non - linear move-
Fig . 8 ment4. The smaller dunes on the eastern and
'Nafud" {Class IV) western sides of the ridge appear to move in a
south-westerly direction. although the rates
of movement have not been ascertained. Field
studies revealed that there is a general sand
drift towards the south.
The chosen route traverses the highest part of
(2) Generally flat or undulating areas of dis - Preliminary route selection was based on the the ridge through a col lying just to the south
continuous sand cover, small isolated dunes, expedient of trying to avoid those areas of of one of the largest dunes (see Fig. 9) . The
patches or streamers of sand ; surface partly high risk, while in areas of mixed sand terrain route has been orientated parallel to the
stabilized by scrub vegetation (Fig. 6) with patches of dunes, the road was generally dunes on th e eastern part of the ridge to take
(3) As 2 but with clusters of small to routed well to the windward of the dunes. advantage of the more even topography.
medium size dunes or larger isola t ed barchan The re have, however, been many instances Although the natural gradients are quite
dunes (Fig. 7) along the Riyadh - Dammam section of the favourab le along this section, a considerable
(4) Irregular, thick , loose sand areas with the expressway where it has proved impossible to amount of earthworks will be needed to
surface composed entirely of mobile dunes avoid the Class 4 situation. For detailed route satisfy the design requirements.
(Fig.8). selection in these areas more precise field and
Wind - sand - road interactions
Fig. 9 Faced with the difficulties of earthworks
Ad Dahna dunes design in areas like the Ad Dahna dune belt, a
detailed literature search was carried out into
the mechanisms of sand and dune movement.
The detailed researches of Bagnold 2 have
been of fundam ental significance to this study
and the following is a summary of some of the
most relevant points as they relate to the road:
K EY (1) A typical sandy surface has a thresho ld
A of sand movement correspo nding to an aver-
Flat playa area surface age wind speed of about 1 6 kph. Once
composed of weakly
cemented si lty sand with exceeded, sand will move in increasing
patches of loose sand. quantities as the wind velocity increases.
Largely stabilised by
vegetation (Zone I)
(2) The majority sand movement (in excess
of 90%) takes place within 1 m of the ground
B surface.
Small dunes cove ring
old playa surface (3) Sand moves by (a) grains bouncing
(Zone Ill ) (sa ltating) across the surface deriving momen-
tum from the wind while in flight and ejectin g
Larg e stationary dunes one or more grains on impact with the surface.
forming western (b) Surface grains pushed and rolled along in
boundary grading into creep as result of impa ct from saltating grains.
smaller mobile dunes
eastwards (Zone IV)
(c) Grains avalanching en masse down the
slip face of a dune.
E ( 4) Across a typical desert surface the ratio
Flat sand surface
larg ely stabilised by of grains moving by saltation and creep
vegetation but subject remains constant at about 3 :1 over a wide
to active wind erosion range of wind speeds.
(Zone II)
(5) Across stony or simi lar resilient surfaces
Arrows indicate saltating grains will bounce higher and
direct ions of loca l sand
further since they derive more momentum
tran sport .
from the wi nd and Jose less to the surface.
x Vertical 570 (6) In passing across such a surface th e wind
exaggeration 5501 ~
iL_5~3~0'....._~~~-,-~r="""'=='==::::::::;:::::'.::;::_:::===:=:;:::;:::~:.: effectively becomes 'under-saturated' with
mOD 510 A B ~ D I 7 respect to sand, to the extent that it is actually
capable of tran sporting twice as many grains
as across a sandy surface.
A road pavement can be likened to a stony
surface as being a good promoter of saltation
transport and it is a familiar sight on desert
roads to see 'clouds' of sand streaming across
the surface ( Fig . 10) . This type of sand move-
ment does not impair driver safety and since it
Fig. 10 accounts for th e greatest proportion of sa nd in
Saltation across motion, it would seem logical to design the
a road surface road to accommodate rather than obstruct its
Fig . 11
over windward
facing slopes >



~--- F ig. 13
over leeward
facing slopes L _ - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - ~

grains in sa ltation . Deposition wi ll continue in

an attempt to establish a streamline profi le.
Examples of this type of deposition can be
seen in the sand streamers which form
behind clumps of vegetation (Fig. 6) and up -
standing rocks, and also in the patches of
sa nd which develop in the lee of abandoned
vehicles . The object does not have to be so lid,
nor does it have to be in direct contact with
the ground - as shown by the ribbons of sand
which form behind crash barriers (Fig. 3).

Design considerations
The foregoing is not intended to be an
exhaustive discussion of the mechanisms of
Fig . 12 sand transport, but sufficient to form a basis
Sand on for understanding the more important inter -
the windward actions between wind , sa nd and road, in so
face of an far as they affect design. In the following,
embankment ways are di scussed in which th ese findings
have helped to modify the standard approach
Consequently the literature search was sand ( Fig. 12) but examples of sand on the to road design.
focussed on studies dealing specifically with shoulder of high steep - sided embankments The prime object of th e design has been to
wind and sa ltation movement across different were also observed during the reconnaissance keep the sa nd moving in sa ltation across the
types of surface, over slopes and arou nd surveys. road. In situations where thi s cannot be
obstacles. The researches of Ba g nold 2 are Fig. 11 c shows the optimum slope to achieve economically achieved, provision has been
again highly relevant. maximum acceleration while preventing tur - made in the design for the sand to be
Certain aspects of thi s study will be considered bulence. deposited safely in po sitions from whence it
in greater detail as they are particularly can be periodica lly removed.
pertinent to ea rthworks design. Leewa rd fac ing slop es
In trav ers ing a leeward slope. the wind will be Vertica l a lignment
Windwa rd fa ci ng sl o pes forced to decelerate and deposition will tak e The choice of vertical alignment will dictate
As a wind is forced to rise over a slope its place from a sa nd 'sa turated ' wind. At the relative lengths and heights of cuttings and
velocity will in crease and so too will its gradients of less th an 1 on 20 (3 ° ), the wind embankments. In th e stand ard method of
capacity to transport sand . Provid ed th e slope stream lines will be able to adju st to th e change design the vertical alignment will normally be
is sha llow, the wind streamlines will remain in ground profile ( Fig . 13a) and sand tran sport se lected to achieve a cut/ fill balance and / or a
para llel to the surface (Fig. 11 a) and increased wi ll continue as a combinat ion of sa ltation m inimum vo lume of earthworks, within the
sand tran spo rt can occur. However, where the ,rnd creep. However at increasingly steeper constraints set by vertical curves and
gradients of th e slope are steeper than 1 on 3 slopes, separation will occur and a pocket of gradients.
(18 0) separation is likely to occur at th e toe of dead or turbulent air will develop within Sand movement considerations, however,
the slope and just behind th e crest and pockets which sand transport wil l cease ( Fig . 13b). would suggest the necessi ty for an elevated
of standing, low velocity turbulence will The resulting d eposition on leeward facing alignment in order to ca use th e wind to
develop in th ese situa tions (Fig. 11 b).These emba nkment slopes p resent no great hazard. accelerate over the road. For this reaso n
pockets wi ll get larger, both as the wind However, again it can block cu lverts and bury cuttings, particularly in sand, have been kept
velocity increa ses and as the slope becomes services, and may if the sand collects on a to a minimum and the road wherever possible
steeper. Beca use th e forward velocity in these shallow slope, form a po tential hazard should placed on embankment. Across flat areas with
areas of turbul ence always remains below the the wind rever se its direction. only little sa nd (situations 1 and 2 in ' Selection
16 kph thres hold, sand will col lect and under of th e route') the carriageway has been
In cuttings, howe ver, sand deposition can be
steady sta te conditions, deposition will raised a minimum of 0.5 m above the general
a persistent problem, particularly if th e cutt ing
continue until a streamlined profile is ground surface, while through areas of dunes a
is ste ep-sided and the base of the cut slCJpe
established. conscious attempt ha s been made to keep the
li es close to the hard shoulder (Figs. 4 and
Using this as a model for embankment slopes, 13c). level of the road above that of the surrounding
it ca n be appreciated that depo sition at the toe dunes.
of the slope does not directly represent a Ob st ac les There have, as might be expected, been many
driving hazard, alth ough it may block cu lverts Any object extending into the wind flow will situations where th ese considerations have
and bury services. but deposition on th e hard genera te a turbulent wake which will extend been overruled by economic factors. It has
shoul der and near - side lane can be a con- downwind for a distance of up to 20 tim es the therefore been necessa ry to develop an
siderable hazard. height of the object. Within the wake the approach to earthworks design which is
It is quite common to see a lower part o f forward velocity of the air w ill be greatly sufficiently flexible to accommodate the
windward embankment slopes flanked with reduced and so this zone wil l tend to trap various economic constraints. 13
16 .00 11 .35

H 0 Rr(;I NA L
A[ INFOf'C ING LAYER (WH EN FIL L H E IGHT • 1o m) - -- C ROUf.1 0

0 00 - ~ 3 00 VAR IES •
- - , - 0 0 . ; , ·- ~ VAR""ifs
Fig. 14 - -, 00-•500 VAfll[S 3_
~<700 T!',00 VARIES
Standard embankment cross ;.. " ~£51

sec t ion in areas o f sand Fig. 16

Cu t/ fi ll t ransi t io n
- - - - - - - - - - -~

a: z a: z
~~ "'Z
~x z~ £

_s.olloo!to _ _ 3~: 11 . 35_ - ,.oo _ ~ ABU TM[N T 1 \ P IEA'1

\ Pl[R A

\'.,A 9UT M( N l

,43::, 2050


o"'''--'------'--'= ~ v,"i:lP,oo 1.i/HEVAT10N
~E s

Fig . 15
Standard cutting cross section in areas of sand
., 800 ., ,, 11 3!> ,, ,, J .rlOOO__. ~:~,~"!..9'°""11
20 0 250 ~ ol bfl<lg e

Typical bridge layout on areas of sand

wind and sand up into the cutting. For this

reason the alignment has been kept as high
as possible so that the transition occurs well
above the level of the dunes.
Fig.18 The emba n kment and cutting slopes have
Sand streamer been designed as previously discussed. except
developed behind that the cutting has been opened out at the
fence clogged transition (see Fig . 16) in ord er to prevent
with litter localized funnelling of sand up the angle
between the scarp slope and embankment.
Embankment slopes ca rriageway raised on a 0.5 m high embank-
Approxima tely 7 0% of those leng th s of road ment with 1 on 6 side slopes (Fig. 1 5). Interchanges
crossi ng sa ndy areas have been des igned on Th ere w ill be a t ende ncy for some sand to be Grade separated interc hanges are part ic ul arly
emba nkment. On shallow embankments. less deposited on the cut slope as a resu lt of wind difficult si t ua t ions for which to design, not
than 3 m high, side slopes have been set at 1 dece leration . but this will be counteracted least because driver safety is even more
on 6 (9.5 ) and the shoulders rounded to by treating the surface to increase its critical. Our policy has been to:
produce a streamlined profile (see Fig . 14). resilience and to prevent erosion (see 'Surface
(i) Avoid interchanges in sandy areas. and
Sand is expected to collect at the windward stabilization'). The provision of the ditch will where this is not possible to:
toe and leeward slope. but as suggested enab le deposited sand to co ll ect safely and
if necessa ry to be perio d ica ll y removed. ( ii) Des ign the main road on an overb ri dge
ea rli er it wi ll no t co nsti tu te a hazard. T he so t hat the problems fa ll mainly on the minor
adoption of sha ll ower slopes or an asym- (2) In rock road , or ;
me tric pro file would be undesirable and There are very few situations along the
uneconomic. (iii) Design the bridge as a very open struc -
Riyadh - Dammam section of road where rock
ture. to allow the maximum air flow. keeping
Where sand is to be used in the construction cuttings have proved necessary in areas of the size of the columns to a minimum, avoiding
of an embankment. the slopes and shoulders sand. However, there are severa l on the west the use of safety barriers by providing a wide
will be constructed of erosion-resistant side, but generally in marginally sandy centra l median . placing the road on embank -
materia l. Steps will be taken t o ensure a situa t ions. Because it wou ld be uneconom ic ment and provid ing a wide verge in fron t of
smooth fi ni sh to the slopes of all embank- and physical ly impractical to grade such the abutments to allow any sand to collect
ments in order to prevent the development of cuttings to 1 on 10, a different policy has been safely. A typical design is shown in Fig. 17.
sand streamers behind boulders and mounds adopted.
of soil. The rock will be cut at the steepest angle
By adopting a 1 on 6 slope the need for safety compatible with stability and the base of the
barriers has been avoided. However, with high cutting separated from the road by a minimum In the foregoing , those major features of
embankments, such shallow slopes would be 3 m wide. 0.5 m deep ditch. The choice of design have been discussed which cannot
u neco nomic an d so a graded pro fil e wi ll be w id t h fo r the d itc h wi ll depe nd on t he amoun t readi ly be changed af ter construction. How-
used. This is also ill ustrated in Fig. 14. Sub - o f sand like ly to en ter t he cut t ing. It is intended ever, there are many points of detai l which
stantially more sand is like ly to co llec t at the tha t al l the sand arriving at the upwind side nevertheless have to be considered if the
windward toe of such embankments and this of the cutting should fall into the ditch. so design is to be efficient.
will have the effect of reducing the angle of the that if necessary it can be periodically The avoidance of safety barriers has meant
lower part of the slope to produce a more removed. that a wider than normal central median has
streamlined profile. The sand wi ll remain in had to be used. This has been designed in the
t h is position, however, t rapped in the zo ne o f Cut/ fill transitions form of a shall ow gravel - fil led depressio n
low ve locity t urb ul ence. The shall ow easterly d ip of t he strata and the with profi led side slopes. capab le of prevent -
alternations of li thology and strength result in ing vehic le cross - over and yet promoting
Cutting slopes a repetitious scarp and dipslope topography saltation so as to avoid filling with sand.
In sandy areas where . for economic reasons along much of the route. Escarpments are Along the edge of the carriageway specially
cuttings could not be avoided. the following situations where a transition from embank- profiled extruded curbs have been designed.
d esign methods have been adopted : ment to cut is often necessary, and they are to channe l water off the road. The slope on
(1 ) In Soil also situations where sand may tend t o t he curb is such as to limi t t he deposition of
In soi l and particula rly loose sand , a shallow accumulat e. Whe re t he wi nd is d irected at an sand.
profi le with side slopes no steeper than 1 on 1 0 angle to the escarpment there will be a Construction of walls and fences an d the
(6 ) has been used. Such a gradient is component of sand transport along the growing of trees within a distance of 20
considered to be the steepest compatible with escarpment possibly accompanied by the times their final height wi ll be prohibited.
continued sand transport and the shallowest movement of dunes. Even loose mesh fences can present a prob -
economic slope. Additionally a 5 m wide ditch Construction of a road perpendicular to the lem when they become clogged with litter
14 wil l be left at the foot of the slope and t he scarp will have the effect of funnelling the (Fig . 18).
,... ,,-------- - - - - - -
>300mm/ /
-- ------
-------- 8

Fig. 20
Dun e movemen t on slopes

Dunes effectively if the dune lies more than 20 times Cert ain plants, notably grasses and Tama risk
Dunes which affect road design can be its height away from th e road. Within this sp. have a sim ilar action wh en growing in
considered in two ways : di sta nce th ere is a danger of the sa nd, trapped dense assoc iation. Although aesth etically
in the lee of the dun e or th at escap ing from the more attractive. they are difficult to establi sh
(i) Those which lie within the zone of and require artificial irriga tion. There is a
dispersing dune, being deposited on the
influence of the earthworks possibility that such natural protection may be
road. For th is reason provision has been made
(ii) Those which lie initially outside this zone in the design for additional earthworks to emplo yed at rest areas wh ere facilities for
but which may subsequent ly migrate towards remove such dunes wherever necessary. mai ntaini ng th e plants will exist.
th e road. All techniques which reduce th e wind velocity
It is also important to maintain a careful watch
Point (i) has been partly covered in the on the movement of dunes and to treat them and cause sand depositio n. are not fail -safe.
previous section and will be further discussed promptly should they migra te to within 20 If maintenance is neglected th ere is a danger
in ' Su rface stabilization· below . Th e second times their height from the road . that the deposi ted sand may start to move
point constitutes one of the most uncertain again , possibly in the form of a dune.
aspects of road design in sandy deserts. Surface stabilization
For this reason it is proposed to use type (ii)
Despi te their wide variety of type. size and Techniques for stabilizing a loose san d sur - stabiliza tion wherever surface protection is
morphological pattern. most mobile dunes face can be divided into two distinct types : required. Such situations will be mainly in the
have in common a characteristic asymmetric (1) Those which redu ce the surface wind ' N afud ' areas. where cuttings in san d have to
profile which is conserved during movement velocity below the th resho ld for movement be made. The favoured bonding agent is an
an d which results from the differing mechan - and thereby ca use sand deposition . Th ese oil or oil -ex tended latex ca pabl e of penetrating
isms and rates of sand transport across the include porous fences, panels an d certain into the surface. Since with time. sa nd -
dune surface ( Fig . 19). Th e slip face is th e types of vegetation . blasting will cause progressive erosio n of the
mo st distinguishing feat ure an d for most (ii) Those wh ich stabi lize th e surfa ce by surface. th e deeper the bonding -agent pene -
desert dunes. it remains remarkably consta nt creating co hes ion between th e g rai ns. Th ese trates. the long er the protection will last. A
at an angle of 32 ± 1 . The slip face in effect include oils, elastic polymers. c hemica l bond- depth of penetration of 100 mm has been
preserves the integrity of the dune by ing agen ts and many others. They preven t speci fi ed where oil is to be used .
preventing the escape of those grains arriving creep but allow. or even enhance. sa ltation Application in the form of strips, orientated
at the crest. Th ere is a minimum height for the transpo rt. perpendicular to the prevailing wind , ha s been
developmen t of a slip face 2 of about 300 mm found to provide a more effi cien t use of the
Because the intention in the design of the road
and this relates to max imum flight distance of material. Strips 2 m wide w ith a gap of 4 m,
has been to allow the natural saltation move-
sal tating grains. have been used very successfully at Muzahi -
ment to continue, the techniques listed in (i)
Dunes can accommodate limited changes in have genera lly been avoided . Only around miyah . where an oil-extended latex was
µrofile sufficient to allow them to migrate up bridges may it become necessary to provide injected into the surface by the Unilayer
shallow slopes (Fig . 20a). But on steep additiona l protection from sand by depositing method.
slopes. conservation of th e angle of the slip it upwind . In this case porous fences will be Some erosion takes place between the strips,
face an d the genera l flatness of the crest, will used, eit her in single or multiple rows. but eventually an equilibrium is reached when
resul t in th e dun e tending to merge with the Continued deposition eventually ca uses clog- the strips project into the wind flow and ac t as
slo pe ( Fig . 20b) . ging of the fence so that it ceases to function obstac les (see 'Obstacles') . Such strip
If th e slope constitutes part of an embank - properly ( Fig . 21). It is therefore important to applica tion on a 1 on 10 c ut slope also
ment. th e dune w ill be ab le to migrate across ensure periodic maintenance. ei th er to remove provides suffic ient increase in surfac e resi -
(as a dun e) on ly if the height of th e emba nk- the sa nd or i ncrease th e height of th e fence. li ence to enh ance sa ltation an·d prevent san d
ment is less th an th e initia l slip face height build-up in the c utting.
(Fig. 20b). If the embankment is higher than Aw ay from th e road , surface trea tm en t will
the dune. the latter will merge into the slope also be used to immobilize or d isperse dunesJ.
and lose its slip face . With time the resulting In such situations, where the surface has not
sand body will tend to disperse. both as been previously prepared, spraying with oil is
individual saltating grains and as a cre eping generally acknowledged as being the most
patch of sand which may threaten the road. efficient method. It is important to recognize
Clearly there is a failsafe advantage to making that an immobilized dune will ac t as a nucleus
embankment slopes in dune areas bo th steep for sand and other dunes, for the reasons dis-
enough and high enough to preven t them c ussed in ' Dun es' above. Thi s can be used to
from being overtopped by ac ti ve ly moving advantage to build up a stab le dune barrier at a
dunes. This is implicit in the choice of verti cal Fig . 21
safe distance from th e road, but can prove an
alignment an d the design of embankm ent Sand fencing filled with san d
embarrassment if the dunes are allowed to
slopes. as previously discussed . Fig . 22 encroach too close to the road before being
H owever. it is considered undesirable to rely Dune stabilization along the immobilized ( Fig. 22).
solely on this mechanism for halting dune old Dhahran-Abqaiq road
movement. In addition. in areas where large References
isolated barchan dunes are present. or where (Photos : Ove Arup Partn ership)
(1) ARAMCO. Analysis of eolian san d
mobile dunes may lie just to th e windward of a
contro l. Arabian Ameri can Oil Company,
shallow cutting. a po licy for immobil izing or
New York, 1952. Unpubli shed report.
dispersing dunes needs to be developed.
Practical and effective so lutions to thi s prob - (2) BAGNOLD , R. A. The physics of blown
lem have been devised 1 ,J and have been sand and desert dun es. Chapman and
in corporated into the design. Su ch methods Hall, London. 1941.
consist of stabilizing the windward surface of (3) KERR . R. C., and NIGRA, J . 0. Eolian
the dune. either completely to prevent further sand control. Bulletin of the American
movement, or selectively to cause the dune to Association of Petroleum Geologists, 36
break up. Techniques for stabilizing th e sur - (8), pp. 1541 -1573, 1952.
face are d iscussed in the final section of this (4) WILSON . I. G. Aeolian bedforms - the ir
paper. development and origins, Sedimen -
H owever, such methods can only be applied tology, 191, pp. 173-210, 1972. 15
heavy structures there is usually no alternative Vibro-flotation has been used as a means of
Load settlement to taking foundations down through the fill ground improvement in Britain sin ce the
on piles or deep strip footings. For small mid - 1950s and th e history of the development
characteristics of a lightly-loaded buildings, solutions such as of the process has been described in the
deep foundations, or constru ction of new literature 1 •
demolition debris basements or replacement of the unsuitable The dry process of vibro - replacement, which
fill materials with compacted inert material
treated by the may well be prohibitively expensive.
was used at the site, is an adaptation of vibro-
flotation normally used on cohesive soils and

dry process of In this situation the use of ground improve-

ment techniques such as vibro -flotation with
fill materials. The method was first used in
Britain on demolition debris in the early

vibro-replacement conventional shallow foundations is often an

economical and satisfactory solution.
1960s and se ve ral acc ounts of load tests and
successful building performances have been
In this paper the use of the dry process of published 1 • 2 • 3 • 4 •
Wi If red Wrigley vibro-replacement to enable two and three- The mechanics of the process and the complex
storey housing to be constructed over stress conditions in treated ground beneath
loosely-filled basements at a site in Edinburgh a loaded footing are not well understood and
Introduction is described. In order to determine the bearing few data are avai lable in the literatu re 6 .
Foundation engineers in Britain are frequently capacity and compressibility of the ground Settlement-time relationships have been
faced with the problem of designing and after treatment five large-scale zone load given for load tests car ried out on treated
constructing foundations for lightly -loaded tests were carried out on rectangular cast in alluvial deposits 2 , 7 , s but settlement-time
buildings on sites covered with relatively situ concrete footings. Load-settlement and relationships for load tests on treated demo -
shallow fills . In many inner city areas large settlement-time characteristics of the treated lition debris are usually not reported. This is a
numbers of buildings of Georgian to Victorian ground were determined from the zone load little surprising since the amount of long -term
age have been demolished in an uncontrolled tests. Plate load tests were also carried out settlement that will occur under working
fashion in recent years. Commonly these to provide a qualitative assessment of the loads on treated ground must be determined
older buildings had single-storey basements uniformity of the treated ground, and as a with reasonable confidence in order to assess
and the walls below ground level are often means of identifying areas of the site which the allowable bearing pressure for shallow
left intact after demolition . Basement areas required to be examined more rigorously with footings.
are usually filled with loose heterogeneous the more expensive zone load tests. The
Current design methods are based entirely on
demolition debris, including organic matter results of the plate load tests and zone load
empirical rules developed from field experi-
such as timber, and may contain voids. For tests are compared.
ence 5 and because most demolition debris
is extremely variable in composition, the rules
provide at best only a first approximation of
the allowable bearing pressures and likely
Key :
load -settlement characteristics. The import-
~ Denotes site ance of a comprehensive load testing
boreholes Whatling programme to check the adequacy of the
Foundation s Ltd. ground treatment cannot be overstressed,
1966. particularly when it is proposed to construct
Denotes trial p its
settlement-sensitive structures.
'Ove Arup & Prtnrs.
Ground conditions
ii Section line. Jamaica Street is located in the northern area

= Outline of new
of th e city of Edinburgh, known as the New
Town . Fig . 1 is a plan showing the layout of
the new housing which straddles the old
c:::::J Existing build ings. street and loosely-fil led basements to the
a Load test on north and south of the old street. Historical
rectangu lar fo oting. maps and town plans show that the site was
agricultural land until at least 1751, but by

Fig. 1 10 20 JQ(m)
~ l 1804 it was developed with tenement
housing. Photographic records show that the
Site plan Sco 1..
tenements had basements and were five


0£ 0L(EO ~ NAL
__ 16'~-L-~--
r oo


BH 8

S E CTI O N I - 1

• OD

""' O( OIJ( ( O QA 1(,I N.t. L

8UILbiNG wfl•NC
'' "'


SE CTIO N 2- 2
"' 00
- G, OU1'1dlt'"" l !W lort c cir5 !<...C1 •on AO D
-- [ , 11 n 1Q1!0t ~•bas 1 m t n1\ t
t•,n!<J •f'IC)\.
- - Wo, ~·n g oia1torm lt \lC'l

l !L P , ot,t \.\iflOCf lt .-1 I. IOI! ll~ t l

, , cor dt d d ur ..,9 con'"'ruo,on

Fig. 2
Geological sections
16 L_~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~---'
ca n be seen from Fig. 5 that th e material is
very well graded and does not differ signifi-
cant ly in grain size compositio n in the different
areas of the site.
Th e fill is generally matrix dominant 1 2 , with
the proportion sand size and below in the
range 50 to 65% although the proportion of
masonry blocks retained on the 200 mm grid
varied considerably locally. The clay size
fraction is of the order of 5 to 1 5% by dry
Fig . 6 shows the results of compaction tests
carried out on th e proportion passing the
38 mm diameter sieve. For BS Heavy co m -
Fig. 3 Fig. 4 pactive effort, the optimum moisture content
Stockpile of basement fill material Basement wall exposed during is 9.5 to 14% and the maximum density is
(Photos : Ove Arup Partn ers hip) co nstruction 1.83 to 1.89 Mg / m3. whereas for BS Light
compactive effort the optimum moisture

-~ n
'j,l[H S.11£
content ranges from 12 to 16% and the

maximum density is 1.76 to 1.85 Mg / m3.

lO( ATIQ!,I D[Ph! "'-
.r g
- ~ J.f-
The optimum moisture content for the
_...._I vibrating hammer method of compaction is
11 to 14.5% an d the maximum density ranges
from 1.81 to 1.89 Mg / m 3 . The matrix moisture
'I content of th e basement fill materials at the

i'j ··~~
id l
time of the site investig ation (1967) ranged
from 8 to 15%. By the end of construction in
1979 th e matrix moisture con tent ranged
from 23 to 32%, increasing progressively
during constru ction.
The soi l strata encountered beneath the

.....,l O '
Ol ..I

Stl C 1 ....... 1
l J '.. ..
I 0
filled basements are firm or stiff clays of low

...., T .,•.•• T" " "
C,R A 't(\
1 ]
Method of ground treatment
The new housing consists of one, two and
three -storey concrete blockwork co nstruction,
with precast concrete fl oors and an outer skin
of thin san dstone blocks. Th e houses are
Fig. 5 arranged in long terraces which have an
Grading curves, intricate plan shape and in elevation vary in
15 kgromrnu
basement fill L 5 ~9 rom~r storey height irregularly. Th ere are no internal
material 19
lr-- _..... V1bl"Ohti9 hommtr
loadbea ring partitions and, as a result,
found atio n loads are variable in intensity.
I ,o Because of the decorative thin sandstone
facing and relatively high window to wall
! area ratio, the houses were regard ed as
f 170
being more sensitive to differential settlement
than conventional brick and blockwork
Four alternative foundation schemes w ere
considered and the estimates of their costs
in relative terms can be seen in Table 1.
Ground treatment by vibro - rep lacement
followed by the use of lightly reinforced
Fig . 6 narrow strip footings with groundbearing
Dry d ensity moisture con ,~n, • 1. floor slabs, was found to be th e most
content relationships economical so lution. Jn the scheme adopted,
prior to trea tment by vibro-replacement, the
Table 1 : Comparative cost estimates for alternative foundation solutions demolition debris was excavated to the old
basement floor levels beneath the area of the
Foun dations type Relative cost in terms of new buildings, pockets of timber and other
vibro -rep!acement organic material s were removed by hand,
March 1978 prices and the selected materials were loose ly
returned to the excavations. Remnants of the
(1) Mass concrete piers and suspended floors 2.3 old basement walls, foundations and floors
were demolished and large blocks of masonry
(2) Bored piles and suspended floors 1.5 likely to cause obstruction to the vibro-poker
w ere removed. Th e loose demolition debris
(3) Bulk excavation, replacement with granular fill compacted in was then treated with the dry process of
layers. Strip footings, ground bearing floor 2.2 vibro - replacement.

(4) Excavation, sorting, loose filling and vibro - replacement . Dry process of vibro-replacement
Strip footings, ground bearing floors . 1.0 Th e vibrator used at Jamaica Street is
elec tri ca lly driven, about 5 m long, w eig hs
storeys in height. Th ey were demolished in level of the basement floors was proved in about 2 tonnes, hung from a crane, and is
1966 and th e site was used as a car park the tri al pits. It was determ in ed from the tri al shown in operation at th e site in Fig . 7.
until 1978. pits th at th e old basements were filled with Vibrations are produced by an ecce ntri c
Geological maps and memoirs record glacial very loose fill which contained large voids weight assemb ly enc losed in a metal casing
lodgement till overlying strata, predominantly and pockets of timber and organic matter. which generates high cen trifugal forces
mudstone of the Calciferous Sandstone Traces of water were found rarely and the (approximately 10 tonnes) in the horizontal
Measures of Lower Carboniferous age. A water table is several metres below th e old plane at a frequency of abo ut 50 cycles per
conventional site investigation was ca rri ed basement floor le ve ls. A typical stockpile of secon d with an amp litude of the order of
out in 1967 and the general configuration of the demoliticn debris is shown in Fig . 3 and 5- 1 0 mm. The nose of th e vibrator is tap ered
the strata encountered is shown in the geo- an old basement wall, which was exposed to aid penetration of the ground and jet
logical sections (Fig. 2) . The location of the during construction, can be seen in Fig . 4. nozzles emerge from the nose cone just above
old basements shown in the sections was Grain size analyses were carried out on large th e tip through which compresse d air is
determi ned from t he historical pl ans and the bu lk samples of the basement filling and it circ ul ated. 17
Three plate load tests denoted A B and C and were attached to stable reference beams. A
one zone load test were carried out at the precise level was used to check the settlement
positions shown in Fig. 8. On completion of measurements and to monitor the reference
the preliminary load tests the stone columns beams in relation to an Ordnance Survey
were excavated and examined. bench mark at the edge of the site. Level
During the main ground treatment contract, readings were taken on the footings, reference
five plate load tests were carried out. One was beams and supports at the beginning and end
made on untreated ground. two were located of each cycle of loading. and when settlement
on stone columns and two were on the was complete at the maximum load in each
ground between columns. It was proposed to load cycle. In all the tests the leve l records of
carry out two zone load tests du ring the settlement agree to within + 0.1 mm with dial
ground treatment contract. In the south west gauge records.
area of the site th e treat ed ground was shown In the preliminary zone test ( No. 1) four cycles
to be more compressible than anticipated and of loading and unloading were carried out.
additional stone columns were installed. Four Load was applied in in crements and each
zone load tests in all were carried out during inc rement of load was maintained until the
the ground treatment contract at the locations rate of settlement did not exceed 0.1 mm per
shown in Fig. 1. In the southern area of the hour. It was found that immediately after each
site. Test No. 2 was carried out after com- increment of load was applied, because of the
pletion of the initial treatment. and Test No. 5 stiffness of the loading system, as the footing
was done on completion of retreatment of the settled. the load as recorded by the proving
south west area. ring fell off by a small percentage. The dia l
gauges were read initially every five minutes
Excavation a nd examina t ion of stone but as the rate of settlement decreased the
columns after load testing frequency of the readings was reduced. When
F ig . 7
The seven stone columns installed during the necessary, each time the dial gauges were
Vibroflat in operation at the site
trial were exposed and examined after read the load was adjusted to the correct level.
(Photo: Ove Arup Partnership)
completion of the load tests. Typically, at the but normally after a period of 15 or 20
level of the base of the footings the stone minutes the load did not require further
columns were 650 to 750 mm diameter, and adjustment.
In the method the vibrator is used to create a
the diameter gradually reduced with depth to Throughout the zone load tests, records were
cylindrical void in the ground by vibration
about 450 mm at 3 m depth. Generally the kept of the air temperature and the test
and penetration under its own weight. On
columns were very well compacted and all the assembly was shielded fro'm direct sunlight
reaching the required depth the vibrator is
voids between rock fragments were filled with and precipitation to reduce temperature
partly withdrawn and some crushed rock
silt and fine sand-sized material derived from effects to a minimum.
aggregate (40-100 mm diameter) is tipped
the demolition fill.
down the annular space which forms between
In one column, located beneath zone load (2) Plate load tests
the vibrator and the sides of the hole. The
vibrator is then lowered back into the hole to Test 1. a masonry block derived from the Plate load tests were carried out on a 600 mm
compact the layer of aggregate and to displace demolition fil l had prevented the proper diameter steel plate. embedded 600 mm
radially the surrounding ground. This process formation and compaction of the column below ground level on a thin layer of rapi d
is repeated until a dense stone column reaches below 3 m depth. hardening cement grout. Load was applied to
ground level. The angular fragments of rock The material around the columns was dense to the plate by a hydraulic jack using a heavy
used to form the column at Jamaica Street a radial distance of the order of 1.5 m from the vehicle as the reaction . The load was measured
consist of strong or very strong, coarse- column centres and was loose at a distance of by a calibrated steel proving ring. Settlement
grained, basic igneous rock, passing a 100 mm 2.5 m to 3.0 m from the column centres. was measured by four dial gauge extenso ·
square grid but retained on a 40 mm grid, meters at points located near the edge of the
with 100% rough broken surfaces. The design Load test procedures plate on diameters mutually at right angles.
required stone columns to be positioned in (1) Zone load tests The extensometers were attached to two
single rows beneath all the walls at a spacing Zone load tests were carried out on cast in situ stable reference beams. A precise level was
varying between 1.44 m to 1.75 m; however. concrete footings bearing on a minimum of used to monitor the reference beams in
after load testing the spacing was red uced two col umns and t he soi l between the re lation to a bench mark at the edge of the si te
to 0.86 m in the south west quadrant of the columns. The d imensions of t he concrete and to a local TBM.
si te. footings used in the tests, and the arrange· The load was app lied in 20 kN increments at
Under the ground floor slabs the stone ment of the stone columns beneath the foot- 1 0 minute intervals and the dial gauges were
columns were spaced at 2.5 to 3.0 m centres. ings, are shown in Fig. 9. Steel beams were read at five minute intervals. Because of t he
used to spread the load on the footing and stiffness of the loading system, load as
Testing programme load was applied to the spreader beams by a recorded by the proving ring fell off rapid ly
To prove the method of ground treatment in single hydraulic jack. The load was measured during each increment, as the plate settled.
the site conditions, a preliminary trial was by a calibrated steel proving ring. In the
carried out. An area approximately 20 m square preliminary zone test ( No. 1 ), load reaction
at the position shown in Fig. 1 was excavated. was provided by four prestressed anchors
sorted and backfilled in accordance with the with a fixed anchor zone in rock, located at a LAYOUT OF STONE COLUMNS BENEATH
procedure specified for the ground treatment distance sufficient to prevent any influe nce on ZONE LOAO TESTS 2 3 ANO L.
contract and seven stone co lumns were settlemen t of the test footing or refe rence
insta lled in the arrangeme nt shown in Fig . 8. beam supports . In the con tract zone tests. CAST IN-SITU CONCRETE
A pprox imate ly 20 tonnes of rock were load reactio n was provided by a ken tl edge rig. TEST FOOTING
require d to form the co lumns which were all Settlement was measu red at six poin ts on the STONE COLUMN

4.5 m long . footings by dial gauge extensometers which

Fig. 8
3 50m
of compaction
centres and
load tests in

"'~'~ ~ ® ~
TEST T ( B )
' 350m

Fig . 9
Scale: Arrangement of
0 I. (m)
stone columns
beneath zone
~ -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---' load test footings
Pl, U
, f
TE'Sl8 n
TEST ( '\"' ""r r' Treatment of zone test formation levels
In th e zone tests th e footing are a was excava-
ted t o within 0.1 m of th e form at ion leve l using
,oo I I I
,00 I I
a hydraulic excavat or an d the final 0 .10 m was
I r
excavated and c leaned by hand. A form was
I ' ; / constructed, th e footings were cast within one
I or two hours of exposi ng th e formation level,
I '

I and the ground aro und the footing w as
levell ed to the wor king surface.
r ,r
1/ Durin g th e progress of th e ground trea tm ent
• JO I
/ work it was observed that th e vib ro -p oker
tend ed to leave th e ground to a depth of about
,·. 1 m in a relatively loose con dition.
For Tests 3, 4 and 5, the test footings were

t'~ 1 11
prepared in the same way as those for zo ne
t ests 1 and 2, except that a vibrating plate
co mpa ctor was used to co mpact th e formation
I I level. Th e foot ings for Tests 3, 4 and 5 were
,,o cast in a brick sh utter, lined with two layers of
polyth ene to prevent adhesion between the
co ncrete and th e bricks.
Load settlement relationships
ro ,o ,, (1) Zone load tests
0.1 1«10,., ( mm l
S ,r tr1 ,r m.,r ,.,t r ot,o ! P>t rc t! ,.,I )

LE~ ,., o In Fig . 10 (a - d ) the re lation ships obtained
z- r,~·
P•Ql.t '•~! A betw ee n th e average bearing pressure and the
Fig. 10a) P.Q't!r..•8
average se ttl eme nt in th e zone load tests are
Average pressure vers us average settl ement zone t est 1 shown. It can be seen from th e figures that
initi al parts of the pressure settlement curves
PLATE TEST J (9&23/l A 500 are linea r an d parallel to th e unload-reload
e, t- , n 89, 90)
81:!or, rt !rt o lmt nl
JO- curves for Tests 3, 4 and 5, up to an average
PL ATE l[Sl ) pressure of 120 and 140 kN / m 2, wherea s at
t 982l/1A e,,~,n
Pro ta1. ) grea ter pressures th e relationship becomes
non - linear. In Test s 1 and 2 th e pressure -
,oo se ttl ement relationship is markedly non - linea r
for th e full range of press ures used in the tests.
At th e max imum load in Cyc le 1 of loading,
{ whi ch correspo nds to th e average design
A JOO JOO bearing pressure, the se ttl eme nt measured at
th e specified termina l rate of 0.1 mm per hour
ranged from 3.3 mm (Test 4) to 15.1 mm
ZONE TEST 2 (Test 2) . Geometrica lly, Tests 2, 3 and 4 were
identica l w ith a co lumn spa ci ng of 1.725 m
an d column lengths of 3.0 to 3.5 m and the
observed differences in load settlement
behaviour are considered to be du e to vari-
ati ons in th e moisture cont en t at the t ime of
100 treatm ent of th e d emo lition debri s, al")d to
compac tion of the test formation levels in
Tests 3 and 4.
It can be seen from Fi g. 10 (a-d) that all the
zone load tests exhibited very larg e irrecove r-
IO 20 l O
Dc ll t c 11on (mm) s , 111 , mcnt ralfo ( Pttunt l able settl eme nt during cyclic loading and
unloading and only very small rebound
Fig. 10b)
Average pressure vers us average settlement zone test 2 and 5 The load settlement c urves for zone tests 2
and 4 are plotted on logarithm ic scales in Fig .
11 (a and b). Load-settlement relation ships
for Tests 1 and 2 ca n be represented on the
PLATE TES! 1 (9813158112 PROBE ) PLATE TE ST 2 logarithmic plots as single straight lin es,
PLAT[ TESTS 4 & 5 whereas th e relationships obtained in Tests
3, 4 and 5 form two straight lin es on the
logarithmic plots. In Te sts 3 and 4 th e cha nge
in shape of the logarithmic plots occurs at a
,oo loading of 36 tonnes (average pressure
120 kN / m 2), whereas in Test 5 it occurs at a
load of 43 tonnes (140 kN / m 2). Compaction
:, of the formation level beneath Test footings
z 3, and 4 and 5 w ith a vibrating plate compactor
-::_ JOO JOO
is thought to be one of the principal causes of
th e d ifference in th e initial load settlement
respo nse of th ese tests. Compaction appears
~ to be similar in effe ct to preload ing to an
~ 700 200
average static pressure of about 120 to
140kN/ m 2.
The load -settlem ent relationships can be
represented by an expression of th e form:
F= C (P) n (i)
Fis the applied load or pressure
P is the average settl ement of the footing
10 1 0 20 JO C is a coefficient equal to the applied load at
()r ll l'Cl!on(mm) Sl'llll'mu,, ro110 (Pc rcu'\1)
unit settlement
n is an exponent.
Fig. 10c)
Average pressure versus average settlement zone test 3 Values of the coefficient C and the exponent n
obtained for the tests at this site are given in 19
Time settlement relationships

PLATE TEST 1 ( 9e2) 168 / ]2 PROBE)
500 500 PL ATE TEST I (981)16 8 132 PROBE )
Typical time - settlement graphs obtained for
load increments during the first cyc le of
loading in zone test 2 is shown in Fig. 12. As a
load increment was applied an approximately
instantaneous settlement occurred, followed
by a period in which the rate of settlement
decreased with time. Time settlement curves
on a log time scale are shown in Fig. 13 for
E cycle 1 of zone test 2 and similar relationships
i J JOO were obtained in all the zone load tests.
Similar behaviour was observed in all subse-
quent cyc les of loading.
It may be seen from Fig. 13 that after a short
100 initial period the settlement log time curves
become linear and remain linear for periods of
up to 1 OOO minutes after appli cation of the
load . The slope of the graphs increase as the
magnitude of the load increases. This type of
load settlement behaviour has been reported
for a wide range of soil and rock materialss,, o.
Discussion of the results
The aims of the in situ zone load tests are to
10 ,s OS 10 1 5( ' 1.)
estimate with reasonable confidence the
o , t1, e1,ori (mm) d, ll , cHon
Sf'111,m , nt rol•o' ~

likely range of long term settlements under the
working loads of the foundations and the
F ig . 10d) fa ctor of safety with respect to shear failure.
Average pressure versus average settlement zone test 4 This can best be done by modelling as closely
as possible in the zone tests the actual stress
conditions which will occur beneath the
prototype foundations. The conditions be -
Tabl e 2 : Values of coefficients C and
neath the prototype strip footings are
exponent n for load/ settlement
extremely complex. The stiffness of the
relations fo r rectangular bearing pad s
columns will be significantly increased by the
Test Coefficient Exponent pressure imposed by the footings on the
C (tonnes/ mm) ground between the columns and there will be
a tendency towards plane strain behaviour. A
12.0 0.70 rectangu lar shaped test area goes some way
towards modelling the effects of the pressure
2 12.5 0.51
on the ground between columns and plane
3 22.5 0.71 strain conditions, which are not accounted for
.L_J._ ...I 26.5 0.43 in the circular plate bearing tests.
Economic factors usually restrict the length of
4 27.5 0.92
time that the test loads can be maintained, the
32.0 0.35
number of tests which can be carried out, and
5 15.5 1.00 the magnitudes of the loads which can be
26.0 0.46 applied. In all these respects the zone load
tests must be a sensible compromise.
the tests, but is also a res ult of the di ffere nt The zone load tests w ere not taken to fai lure at
rates of loading adopted . In contrast to the the site and neither the fai lure mechanism nor
zone load tests, in the plate load .tests long the likely settlemen ts at failure were deter-

_J term creep movements were not measured as

load increments were applied every 10
minutes irrespective of the rate of settlement
resulting from the previous increment. The
mined. In the preliminary zone load test
(No. 1) the factor of safety against shear
failure was proved to be greater than three.
Vesic 1 1 showed using model footings on sand
Fig . 11 a) and b) plate load tests probably give a reasonable that the ultimate capacity is developed at a
estimate of the stiffness of the upper parts of settlement of the order of 1 0 to 15% of the
Log load versus log settlement
the stone columns, bu t the stiffness of the width of the footing.
a) zone test 2 b) zone test 4
ground between the co lumns is seriously Extrapolation of the log load - log settlement
overestimated for long term loading, because graphs to determine the load at the 10%
Tab le 2, where the load is measured in tonnes the time effects are not take n into account. settlement rat io appears t o resu lt in a reaso n-
and the settlement in mm . When the exponent The plate load test re lationships are of limited able estimate of the ultimate capacity of the
n is equal to 1 the load-settlement relation- value and cannot be used for estimating footings but the procedure cannot be recom -
ship is linear, when n is less than 1 the slope settlements under long-term loading condi- mended unless it can be shown by load testing
of the load-settlement graph decreases as the tions. to give safe estimates.
load increases and, if n is greater than 1,
the slope of the • load-settlement graph
increases as the applied load increases. 70
Values of the coefficient C. which is similar to
an initia l coefficient of subgrade reaction, are
in the range 12 to 32 tonnes/ mm (40,000 to
100,000 k N /m 2 /m in terms of pressures). E
- 5 0
(2) Plate load tests
In Figs. 10 (a-d) the relationship between Load increment (cycle 1)
the average bearing pressure and the average 36 -49 tonnes
settlement obtained in the plate load tests are Specified terminal
) 0
shown and they can be compared with the seulement rate
zone load tests located in the same areas of 0.1 mm/ hour
the site.
From the graphs of average bearing pressure
against the settlement ratio (deflection / width) 10
it can be seen that the magnitude of settlement Fig . 12
measured in the plate load tests is always less Settlement time curve
than that measured at the corresponding 0 500 1000
for a typical load Elapsed t 1m e (minutes)
pressure in the zone load tests. This difference increment zone test 2
20 is partly due to the difference in geometry of
Fig_ 13
Notes: (1) GREENWOOD, D. A. Mechanical im-
Settlement versus
Numbers on curves provement of soils below ground surface.
represent cumulative lo ad log time for
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil
after increment cycle 1 zone test 2
has been applied Engineers' Conferen ce on Ground En -
Increments 0-1 2 tonn es gineering. ICE. 1970.
12 -24 tonn es
24-36 tonnes
36 -49 tonnes S. L. Soil stabilization employing surface
Test 1 is similar to Test 2 and depth vibrators. The Structural
,36 lonnc s
Engineer, 46 (10 ), pp. 309-316, 1968.
"5z " (3) THORBURN , S. and MACVICAR, R.
S. L. The performance of build ings
~z founded on river alluvium. Proceedings
of the British Geotechnical Society·s
Conference on Settlement of Structures,
Cambridge, 1974. Pentech Pre ss. 1975.
(4) GRAY, J. Contribution to discussion.

01 lO 10 100 Kl()() Proceedings of the In stitution of Civil

TI M E $1N(f LO,A.0 INCREM E N T ,A,Pf>'..IEO {m,ns) Engin eers· Conference on Ground Treat-
ment by Deep Compaction . ICE, 1976.
Table 3: Extrapolation of settlement at design load for design life (5) THORBURN , S. Building structures
supported by stabi lized ground. Pro-
Test No Recorded 200 minutes 20 years Ratio 20 years ceedings of the Institution of Civil
after load applied settlement/ 200 Engineers' Conference on Ground Treat-
minute settlement ment by Deep Compaction . ICE, 1976.
(6) GREENWOOD , D. A . Contribution to
8.05 11.8 1.47 discussion. Proceedings of the Institu-
tion of Civil Engineers' Conference on
2 15.12 23 .8 1.57 Ground Treatment by Deep Compaction.
ICE, 1976.
3 4.3 7.9 1.84
(7) Mc KENNA. J. M ., et al. Performance of
an embankment supported by stone
4 3.43 9.83 2.87 columns in soft ground. Proceedings of
the Institution of Civil Engineers· Con-
5 3.76 6.07 1.61 ference on Ground Treatment by Deep
Compaction. ICE, 1976.
As already mentioned, for economic and and the spacing of the stone columns. Zone (8) STAAL, I. Contribution to discussion.
practical reasons the zone load tests have to be tests 2. 3 and 4 were geometrically similar, Proc eedings of the Institution of Civil
of short duration relative to the design life of a but the treated ground around zone test 2 Engineers' Conference on Ground Treat-
building ; however, in order to determine the was considerably more compressible than ment by Deep Compaction. ICE. 1976.
suitability of a particular ground treatment the other areas of the site. The demolition (9) BURLAND , J . B. and LORD, J . A. The
scheme an indication of the settlement to be debris at the site is very well graded and there load -deformation behaviour of Middle
expected in the life time of a building is is no obvious difference in grain size compo- Chalk at Mundford, Norfolk : a com-
required. It is suggested that an indication of sition between the area around zone test 2 parison between full-scale performance
the likely long-term settlement can be and other areas. The main reason for the and in situ and laboratory measurements.
obtained by extrapolation of the lin ear settle- difference in behaviour is that at the time Proceedings of the British Geotechnical
ment log -time graphs 1 0 at the design load. when vibro-replacement was carried out, So ciety's Conference on In Situ Investi-
Provided that the factor of safety against shear the moisture content of the demolition debris gations in Soils and Roc ks, 13 - 15 May
failure at design load is adequate, the method around zone test 2 was significantly higher 1969. BGS, 1970.
of extrapolation is unlikely to lead to an under than it was in the other areas. The dry process
(10) CHARLES, J. A. and DRISCOLL, R. A
estimate of long term settlement. Th e of vibro-replacement is inefficient at low
simple in situ load test for shallow fill.
estimates of the long term settlement at co nfining pressures and th e tops of the stone
design load for the zone tests at Jamai ca Street columns and the soil between the columns
Ground Engineering, 14 (1 ), pp. 31-36,
1981 .
are shown in Table 3. to a depth of about 1 m are not well com -
pacted. Preparing the formation level of zone (11) VESIC, A. S. Bearing capacity of deep
It can be seen from Table 3 that the predicted
tests 3, 4 and 5 significantly improved the foundations in sand. High way Research
long term settlement at the design bearing
load-settlement characteristics and appears Record, no. 39. pp. 11-2-153. United
pressure for the zone load tests is in the range
to be similar in effect to preloading to a States Highway Record Board, 1963.
6.07 mm (Test 5) to 23.8 mm (Test 2). These
values range from 1.47 to 2.87 times the short pressure of 120 to 140 kN / m 2. (12) M cG OWN , A . and McARTHUR, A. A.
term settlement. Th ere is a linear relationship between the log Morainic soil deposits and their use in
of load and the log of settlement for the zone low cost roads . Roads and Road Con-
For Tests 2, 3 and 4. in which the spacing of
load tests, provided the settlement is measured struction, 49 (587) , pp. 388 - 396, 1971.
the stone co lumns was 1 .725 m, th e range
of predicted long term settlement is 7 .9 mm at a reference terminal settlement rate for each
to 23.8 mm. load increment. No such relationship exists
for the quick plate load tests in which the Client:
Conclusions increments of load are applied at a constant Link Housing Association
In difficult ground conditions such as those rate , regardless of the settlement rate. Architect:
encountered at Jamaica Street. vibro-repla ce- In the zone load tests, there is a linear Philip Cocker & Partners, Edinburgh
ment techniques provide an economical relationship between settlement and the log Main contractor:
foundation solution for relatively lightly of time for each load increment in all cycles J & D Ogilvie
loaded structures. Current design methods of loading. After an initial period of between Ground treatment Sub-contractor:
are based on empirical rules which provide 10 and 40 minutes the relationship is linear GKN Keller (Foundations) Ltd .
only a first approximation of th e likely load to times of at least 1 OOO minutes. Thi s is
settlement behaviour of the treated ground . typical of transient creep and has been
Whilst it is proposed to construct buildings reported in the literature for a wide range of
which may be sensitive to differential settle- soil and rock materials. An estimate of the
ment on demolition debris treated by vibro- long term settlement during the life time
replacement the importance of a comprehen- of a structure can be obtained by extra-
sive zone load test programme cannot be polating the settlement log time relationships.
over -estimated. The zone load tests should Long term creep settlements at the design
be designed to model the prototype foun - load have been shown to be significant at
dations as close ly as possible and load this site.
increments should be maintained for a Quick plate bearing tests of the type usually
sufficient period of time to determine the used for checking this type of work cannot
relationship between settlement and time. be used directly to determine the likely settle-
No simple relationship was established at this ments of foundations on treated demolition
site, between the allowable bearing pressure debris and are of limited value.
In order to avoid mistakes with water pressure, param eters c' and tan rf>' and not to the active
The design of it is always desirable to have the pore water pressure or th e pa ssive pressure. Th e fa ctored
pressure as an expli c it term in any expression
sheet pile walls of ground pressures. If this is not done the param eters c'm

existence of pore water pressures in the F

David Henkel tension cracks of cohesive soils might be

overlooked .

Earth pressure
and r/>'m tan 1
(~;v'~ ) should be used to

Over the years a number of publications have establish equilibrium .

In sands, gravels and any soils of relatively
appeared whi c h have led to some confusion
over the philosophy and methods that should high permeability, effective stress methods for Where there is a flow of water taking place
be used for the design of anchored sheet pile the calculation of both active and passive due to different wat er levels behind and in
walls. The development of computer pro- earth pressures should be used. Factors of front of th e sheet pile wall , the pore pressures
grams to assist in the design of sheet pile wa lls safety should be applied to the shear strength associated with th e appropriate flow net
has provided insight into the effects of should be used.
k N /m 2 k N/m2
changing th e variables in the system, but in 100 so 50 100 In th e ca lc ulation of active earth pressures
concentrat ing on the calculations the physics an angle of wa ll friction of 2/ 3 y?' m shoul d in
of the problem have sometimes become
"'~ genera l be used . The va lu e of the active
obscured. E earth pressure coefficient is not in fa ct very
~S f - - -+ - - sensitive to the angle of wa ll friction.
The purpose of this paper is to set out in >- net water
Q. pressure
simple terms the physical principles on which ~
For th e ca lcu lation of passive pressures a
the design should be based and the way in value of ! y?' m shou ld be used. The pa ssive
whi c h the margin of safety should be 10 pressure coefficient is very sensitive to the
considered . angle of wall friction.
The ground 15
kN/m 2
300 200 100 0 100
The starting point is to und ersta nd the geology kN/m 2 kN/m2 0
and water conditions at the site. In many 100 so 0 50 100
cases, sheet pile walls are built on waterfronts
affected by tides and attention must be given
to the tidal water levels in the waterway, as !"' 5
well as to the effects of the tides on the ground j 5

water leve ls. .E i

The site investigation should be designed to
:,:: 10
"'010 ....0..
establish the soil succession as well as the II.I 0. i., ~
piezometri c regime. In permeable soi ls the
pore water pressures wil l respond quick ly to
changes in water level an d loading , while in Pa ss ive moment= 2 active moment
net earth pressures
clayey soils the possibility of undrained Fig. 2 Fig. 3 at dept h of 13.0m
behaviour, during loading and water level c = 50 kN/m 2 F: 1· 5
Clay cm ::: 33 · 3 kN/ m
2 Larssen manual method
changes, w ill have to be considered .

k N/m 2 kN/m2
200 150 100 50 0 50 100


i 10
0.8 . -- - - , - - - - , - - - -, -- - -, - - - - , - - -~

passive pre ssure
effective factored
active pre ssure
06 - ~- - + - -
150 100 50 0 50 100 Loose
0 . - - - - ~- - - ~- - - ~ ~ - - - . , - - - - ~ ~- 0 .7
rd 05


~ 0.4 1--- - - t - - - - t - -""-s:-- l - - - --"k-- - --+-- - - - I

.!: 10
~ 0.3 r-- - - - i - - - - - i - - - - - t - - - - t --=---..:::-+------=""i

depth for equilibrium 15.3m

net pressure
0.2 '--- - - ~_ _ ___,.__ _ __.__ _ _ _.___ _ _..J....._ _ __J
-0.5 0 0.5 1.0
2 0 ~ - -- ~ - - - ~ - - - - ' - - - - - ~ - - - - '

sand 9 3 35°
Redu ction factor rd for fixity in
<>m = tan· 1 tan 35° • 25° sand below dredge level
Ka= 0 ·38 Orn · ~ 9m o = H4 m3/kN
~ tT
Fig.1 Kp 3 ·6
Orn s J..2 9 m
Sands Fig. 4
22 '---- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -~
If there is any chance that the sheet piling
might move with the soil, the angle of wall NET PRESSURE DIAGRA M BENDING MOMENT DIAGRAM
friction should be taken to be zero.
The general form of the active pressure 0
iQtensity equation at any depth z for a c' 0
material will be : max . actual
moment -- ma
p 'a ( yz + q - u)ka 5
where p'a is the active pressure intensity,
y is the unit weight of soil ,
max . free end
q is the surcharge, c moment• mfe
u is the pore water pressure, and __..,,~ \

ka is the active earth pressure coefficient pressures \-- actual moment
assumed in calculation I due to fixity below
calculated using rp' m- / dredge level
ln the same way the general form of the 15
calculated free
passive pressure equation at depth z will be : actual pressures due
end moment ma
to bending of pile
rd = m1e
p' p ( yz +q- u) kp

It is important to remember that the calcu- 20

lations that fol low are for the purpose of
producing equilibrium of the system with the Fig . 5
factored parameters. If equilibrium can be
achieved then the assum ed factors of safety By taking moments about the tie bar level the although there are also important implica -
apply. depths of penetration for equilibrium using tion s on th e bending resistance of the sheet
The short - term equilibrium of clays is dealt the factored design parameters can be found. piles.
with in terms of the undrained shear strength, It is important to point out that the Larssen The design parameters used to determine the
c. due account being taken of the effects of Steel Sheet Piling Manual (1971) deals with penetration needed for equilibrium do not
anisotropy. In g eneral. in the softer clays, the factors of ~afety in terms of moments based on relate directly to the real distribution of stress
undrained sh ear strength of the clay on unfactored shear strength parameters. Use of at working loads or for that matter at potential
the active side will be greater than that on this meth o d can in fact lead to very low overall collapse of the sheet pile wall.
the passive side. The factored shear strength factors of !;afety against collapse. The work o f Professor Rowe in the 1950s
An example of the use of the methods pro- illuminated this aspect of sheet pile wall
desig n as he related th e flexibility of the piling
cm ~ - is used in the ca lcu lations. posed in th e Larssen Manual on th e same
problems dealt with in Fig. 1 is shown in Fig . 3. to the bending moments it attracted. He was
The comparative theoretical penetration able to show in a very elegant manner that, as
It is usual practice to assume that the wall sheet piles became more flexible, the bending
depths below dredge level are 5.3 m for the
cohesion cw is one half of the appropriate moments they were required to resist
rational method with factored shear strength
factored undrained shear strength in the parameters and 3.0 m for the Larssen Manual decreased very dramatically.
passive or active modes. method . Rowe defined flexibility p as H" / EI m 3 / kN
The general equation for the active pressure is : and related this to a moment reduction factor
Th e Larssen Manual method gives a much rd as is shown in Fig. 4 for dense and loose
smal ler penetration than the rational method sands for ratios of wall height to total length
Pa = ( yz q- u - 2cm \ 1 + cw / cm) + u.
of applying factors of safety to the shear of piling of 0 .7. This moment reduction is due
It is important to notice that the pore water strength parameters. It should not be used, as to fixity of the sheet piles below bed level as
pressure is dealt with expli c itly. If the term the safety margins are very low. illustrated in Fig. 5.
within the bracket is negative it is ignored as In clays in which the shear strength does not Th e important concept is that stiffer and more
the pressure can never be less than the pore increase with depth, there is a critical height expensive piles attra ct a greater moment. By
water pressure. (he) of wal l for which the passive pressure will trial and error we have to match the pile
The general equation for the passive pressure equal the active pressure. fl exibili ty and its capacity to carry moments so
is : that the most economical design is achieved.
In the case of a dry excavation with a high
Pp = ( yz + q u + 2cm \ 1 + Cw/ cm) + u. external water level the critical height will be : In clays the long-term consolidation effects
t end to reduce any effects of fixity below the
For long -term stability in clays use rp' m and c' m dredge level, and the free end moments are
2cn, \ 1 + Cw/ cm - y hc- 2cm \ 1 + cw / Cm
but in heavily overconsolidated clays use
used unl ess the piles are driven to such a
c'm - 0 or some other low value from field 4cm \ t Cw/ Cm 4.9 Cm depth that fixity can be obtained using the
data. or he = - - - - -- - - factored shear strength parameters.
y y
Factors of safety General notes on steel sheet piling
In the past it has been customary, fo!lowing In normally consolidated clays which ex tend Problems arise from time to time when steel
Rowe (1955) and Terzaghi (1954) , to apply to great depth, deep excavations using sheet piling is used to protect an excavation in
factors of safety only to the passive side . anchored sheet piles are not possible. which the fill behind the wall is coarse or even
Scandinavian practice, which seems to be absent. Unless the sheet piling is highly
more logical , is to apply factors of safety to the stressed, leakage through th e c lutches may
The bending moments in the sheet piling
soil parameters as a general rule and then to give rise to serious problems. In a recent job
satisfy equilibrium . This is tl1e procedure we The procedures that have been described so the leakage through exposed sheet piling was
should follow. far have simply d ealt with th e equilibrium of 1.6m 1 / hr./ m 2 of sheet pile wall under an
the sheet piling using the factored shear average head difference of 2.75 m of water.
In the design of sheet pile walls the recom -
strength parameters. The next step is to esti -
mended fa ctor of safety on both coh esion and Problems ha ve also arisen where factors of
mate the bending moments in the sheet piling
the tangent of the angle of shearing resistance safety have been defined in terms of moments
and to choose the appropria te section.
in normal conditions is 1 .3 to 1.5. However. about a tie bar. In the extreme case for a wa ll
when soi l properties are not wel l known, At this stage it is probably usefu l to point out with only water on both sides at the same
higher values should be used. that two quite different types of sheet piling level, the factor of safety becomes unity.
are manufactured ; one has the clut c h on the
Method of calculation neutral axis and the other has the clutch at the References
The first step in the design operation is to extrem e fibre distance. (1) BRITISH STEEL CORPORATION. Lars -
draw up th e typical geological succession and sen st eel sheet piling. SSC, 1971.
In order to mobilize the full section modulus
then assign design parameters to the various given by the man ufa ctur ers of piling with (2) ROWE, P. W. A theoretical and experi-
strata. At the same time the design piezo - clutch es on the neutral axis, it is n ecessary mental ana lysis of sheet piled walls .
metric pressures related to tid es or other water that the shearing stresses associat ed with this Institution of Civil Engineers. Proceed-
level variations must be defined. assumption can be mobilized in the c lutc hes. ings, 4 (1 ), pp. 32-69, 1955. (Paper
Based on the design parameters and th e water In general this assumption cannot be made No. 5989) .
level data , active and passive d esign pressure and it is necessary to weld the clutc hes of (3) TERZAGHI , K. Anchored bulk heads .
diagrams using factored shear strength para - pairs of piles together in order to ensure this American Society of Civil Engineers.
meters are constructed as shown in Fig . 1 for condition. Th e main effect of this assumption Transactions, 119, pp. 1243 - 1281 , 1954.
san ds, and in Fig. 2 for clays. is on the rela tive flexibility of th e piles (Paperno.2720). 23
slope form, combined with details of soil to ne From the maps we discovered that chalk had
The role of and texture, vegetation type and condition, been quarried since before 1878. Old parts
and drainage pa ttern and d ensity, can yiel d had been backfille d as new parts of t he quarry
aerial photography consi d era ble informa tion on soil or rock type, were opened. No heig hts w ere g iven w ithin
slope stability, re lative strength and per- the area of quarrying. From a site visit and
and satellite imagery meability. The level of detail is, of course, inspection of existing samples we could see
dependent on photo scale. that fill slopes up to 35 ° were perfectly stable
in site and route The main advantages of satellite imagery are and that virtually all the samples had evenly
distributed minute chalk fragments. Even a
selection and its extensive and frequent coverage. Regional
geological structures are apparent. Seasonal small amoun t of calcium carbon ate. well-
distrib uted in a soil. will give a shearing
appraisal differences between w et and dry seasons ca n
be assessed. Large areas can be covered an d resistance common ly exceeding 30 °.
comparisons between wide ly separated loca- The slip in question was isolated. A small
John Henry ations can be made on an equal and common
basis. The major drawback is the poor resolu-
scarp was formed and slipped material came
to rest at 23 °.
tion and unsuitability of the scale for detailed From the aerial photography we could see
Aerial photographs are an indispensible tool study. Their main usefulness comes into play the quarry floor and an unexcavated ridge or
for the rapid appreciation of site characteristics in poorly mapped areas w here vast develop - ramp just behind the location of the landslip.
and t he compa rison of alternative sites o n an ments are contemplated. W e could see t hat in the sequence of f ill ing.
equa l basis. Their contribution to a project
Both forms of remote sensing offer the sub- the ramp was left to the last. We loca ted it by
increases with :
regional to regional perspective so vital to a trial trench .
(a) Increasing project area or length making comparisons and choices between In the 1976 photos we could see a slip in the
(b) Decreasing time for preliminary studies sites and routes . They both allow the fill at this point and dark. almost black spoil,
(c) Access difficulties opportunity to review problem areas and which was later, in the site investigation
(d) M ore complex and variable sites refresh the memory, unlike field notes. They confirmed to be very c layey. Depth of fill in
both sho uld substantia ll y red uce t ime and various parts cou ld be estimated. It was
(e) The paucity of topographic and geologic
cost of site investigation by anticipating reasoned on this evidence that an adverse
mapping problems and complexities and providing a combination of clayey fill with a supply of
(f) The degree of recent change occurring on systematic framework for organizing a site water provided at the low point on the old
a site. investigation. track produced a succession of slips, the
Aerial photography is, relatively, an old timer most recent ones being merely a reactivation
in the field of remote sensing. It has been a Case studies
along existing slip surfaces.
major survey tool since World War 11 an d is I have chosen five jobs t o ill ustrate (a) the
The desk study information was compiled
still the main source of information for large range in size and location (b) the variation of
in map form by en larging the photos in our
area survey. The term remote sensing has detail achieved or require d (c) the different
copy camera and tracing the salient features
come into being with the advent of image job stages at which we have become
onto the 1 :1250 site plan. Our understanding
taking satellites. The pictures which satellites involved (d) geotechnical variety and (e) the
of loca l quarry history, both on site and on
produce are line-scan images, much like a variety of end product tailored to the job's
adjoining property, was only possible from
television picture and cannot properly be requirements.
an historical aerial viewpoint.
ca lled photographs. However both aircraft
Spoondell, Dunst able, Bedfordshire On this job we entered the sce ne after the
an d sate llite record or sense information of
This is a sma ll (less than 1 ha) job involving a client had tried to remedy a slope fai lure. and
their subject from a distant or remote position
shallow landslip in a 32 ° fill slope immediately another consultant had undertaken a con -
and hence the jargon-remote sensing.
behind newly completed but unoccupied ventional site investigation which failed to
In all our jobs at preliminary or feasibility explain what was happening .
houses. The client was the South Bedford-
stage, we use existing air photography or
shire District Council who was anxious to On the basis of the desk study, confirmed by
satellite imagery.
regrade the slope and have a guarantee that two trial pits, specific drainage measures and
This paper outlines the attributes of standard the slip would not recur before allowing slope regrading were designed to stabilize
photographs and images (see Table 1) and, by tenants to move into the ho uses. They had the slope and satisfy the client.
example, how we have used them to advantage attempted to regrade the existing slip them-
on various jobs. sieves and it had slipped again.
The chief advantage of aerial photography is In order to design for a stable fill slope it was
the ability to see landscapes in three dimen- essential to know the nature and variation of
sions in considerable detail. Slopes and the fill, and the nature of drainage into the fill.
heights can be readily obtained; these facts We studied large- scale Ordnance Survey
are basic to any planning and desig n. maps of t he area and, for the post -war period,
For a geomorphologist reading an air photo, all dates of photography.

Aerial Satellite
Photography Imagery

Standard B & W contact print 230mm X 230mm False colour enlargement of 70mm 2
product - from a variety of commercial and neg. - from NASA
government sources

Typical 1 :5,000 - 1 :40,000 1 :250,000-1 :1,000,000

scale range variations of same negative

Coverage 1 km X 1 km - 8km X 8km 185km x 1 85km

Resolution ground resolution 1m 2 to 3-4m 2 56m x 80m - to improve to 20m x 20m

Stereo, i.e. Yes. Usually with X 2 vertical No. Only 10% overlap. Awaiting
3-dimensional exaggeration future developments
Fig. 1
Frequency Most countries at least one at Capability: every 18 days. In practice Spoondell, Dunstable, Bedfordshire
small-scale. Developed areas every once a good image is available in each
An enlargment of an aerial photog raph
5 - 1 O years. In UK since World War II season, coverage has been quarterly,
taken in June, 1976 before construction
Generally since 1960s semi - annually since 1972
shows (A) the area of fill and the fill
Availability Generally available but subject to To anyone scarp, (B) an existing landslip (C) a
national security policies. Usually depression where runoff water collected
no problems with government client and infiltrated and (D) the position of
houses subsequently built.
Lead time 1 to 'several' weeks 3-6 weeks (Photo : Hunting Surveys Ltd.)
Fig . 2a) Fig. 2b)
North West New Territories, Hong Kong North West New Territories, Hong Kong
This portion of the North West New Territories shows the basic A typical North West New Territories scene of duck farms backed by
landscape eleme nts. A po lder landscape of large duck pon d s on hil ls. The developme nt of a new city of 1.65 m. peop le in t his type of
former marsh an d ti dal flats occupies most of the frame . In the lower landscape involved geotechnical problems such as quarry location
left corner are dense ly populated val leys in the rugged hills of the and development to meet massive landfill requirements, instability of
Repulse Bay lavas. China lies across the river in the upper left hand steep slopes and compressible marine soils. Aerial photographic
corner. ( Photo : Government of Hong Kong) interpretation enabled the rapid regional overview of geotechnical
conditions and existing land use necessary to compare various
planning strategies. ( Photo : John Henry)

North West New Territories, Hong Kong 's limited flat land . Land is a bit geotechnical, transportation and drainage
Hong Kong of a euphemism as the la nd is near sea level engineers, agricultural planners, a geo logist,
and covered wi th fish po nds in parts. M uch and a geomorphologist. In addi ti on t o th e
The government of Hong Kong is p lanning of the fl at areas are sof t marine clays. produc tion of a photogeological report I wa s
to bui ld a city for 1,650,000 - the size of Surroun d ing these are steep rugged hills of able to look at several specific questions as
Birmingham - in the N W New Terr itories. granites, vo lcanics an d metased iments. The they arose, re lating to land drainage, mo untain
The project wi ll involve a major container hills are fringed and mantled with colluvial road routes, erosion control in regional parks
port, and motorway links with the rest of the deposits. some of which are unstable. The and agricultural potential. On this last item it
colony, rail links with China, major land map produced showed soft marine clays, transpired that the engineering soils map
reclamation and, of course, a massive build - unstable slopes, potential quarry areas, well - worked perfectly well as an agric ultural soils
ing programme. drained terrace lands and areas with severe map with a change of jargon. The end product
At the time several major planning strategies gullying, on a revised geological base at was a 1 :20,000 scale map with an accom-
were being formula ted and it was vital to 1 :20,000 scale. panying report. The doc uments are intend ed
kno w ho w much they w ould cost in terms of for interna l use by co nso rt ium me mbers. They
landfill, borrow material, tunnelling , road and Consortium members, Ove Arup Hong Kong may be published at a reduced sca le as an
rail construction. and land costs. Ltd., Kampsax-Kruger Ltd ., Urbis Planning appendix of working papers with the co n-
Consultants and Voorhees Transportation sortium 's recommendations but there was no
The NW New Territories has roughly 3/ 4 of Consultants, assembled a team which included public enquiry to prepare for in this case.

A35 Charmouth, Dorset - by-pass details of slope instability, d rainage - particu- were ab le to entirely avoid unstable soils.
alternatives larly spring lines - and to check geologica l The slope form and landslip occurrence
boundary details to supp lement existing corresponded well with geological units on
The present A35 goes through the centre of 1 :10,560 mapping. For the area with greatest 1 :10,000 sca le mapping in the eastern part
several small towns and villages en rou te to, topographical and slope instability problems of th e study area . Therefore the photo
and on, the Dorset coast. In this study for the the existing mapping was done at 1 :63,360, interpretation in the western part was quite
South West Road Construction Unit we last revised in 1895 and was. understandably, confident and, in the light of site investigation,
undertook to examine designated alternative very general. required very little adjustment. There were
by-pass routes around five villages. also some minor revisions of geologica l
Aerial photography taken in March 1976 at
The study inc luded an appraisal of the 1 :7,500 and October 1972 at 1 :12,000 boundaries in the area already mapped by
geology, geomorphology and hydro logy of was examined. The spring photography was the geological survey. They had not used
the area; an assessment of the side especially useful because the trees were aerial photographs.
slopes of cuttings and embankments for the leafless, the water table was high, and, of Following the desk study of all by-pass
roadworks including reference to any special course, there was more detail. However, the sections in December 1978 and January
measures required to achieve or main tain smaller scale of 1 :12,000 was useful for 1979, all the routes were checked during a
stabi lity ; foundation requirements for stru c - making correlations over greater distances. walkover survey and preliminary geo logica l
tures; guidance o n the method of excavat ion Both sca les are re latively large for route work maps were pro d uced for the interim report
an d suitability for use as fill of the materials compa red to smal ler scales used overseas, in March. Borehole investigation was under -
to be encountered in the area and a discussion but they were appropriate to this job because taken in the slip areas and in proposed deep
of the geotechnical advantages an d dis - (a) of the geological and geomorphological cuttings to establish depth of failure planes,
advantages of the alternative routes. This details, and (b) the relatively small route water table and engineering parameters of
included a d iscussion of any realignment length, about 16 km in a 2 km ,, 4 km area. materials encountered. Site investigation was
that might be advantageous from a geo - Also. they were available . completed by September 1979 and the final
tec hnica l viewpoint. report was submitted by December 1979.
The geo logy, briefly, co nsists of Cretaceous
The report had to be produced to a high sandstones and charts dipping sou th at 2 °, Aerial photographic interpretation was es-
visual standard for presentation before public lying uncomformably over faulted Lias clays sential to this study because of th e detail
inquiry. I have chosen the Charmouth section and sandstones dipping west at 3 °. Despite requir ed. the difficulty of mapping extensive.
for illustration because of geological varia- th e gentle dips the effect is that d ifferent Lias shallow slope instability forms, the large area
bility and serious slope instability problems. strata, changing from east to w est, come into that, practically speaking, was not properly
This represents about 25% of the route length contact wi th Cre taceous deposits which vary mapped, and the spatial, three dimensional
studie d. laterally. Mu ch of the contact area is obscured problems posed by the faulting beneath the
The role of air photo in terpretation was to add by landslips. None of the route alternatives geological unconformity. 25
Queen slan d power st ations The level of inquiry for the remaining six coal and water transport to the site and
sites meant that geological maps were not electricity transmission to the consumer.
The State Electricity Commission of Queens- required. The desk study and fi eldwork and
land had d esign ated approximate areas where In a furth er area of 100 km 2 , downwind from
draft interim geotechnical report were com-
it wanted Ove Arup and Partners Australi a to Toowoomba, all potentially suitable sites
pleted in four days.
def ine speci fi c sites and work out com- had to be defined but not cos ted .
In this , the c hi ef value of the air photos was
parative costs for a coal-fired power station A typi cal inland site required a water reser -
for rapid reconnaissance. Non e of th e team
to use coal from its Curragh Mine. In addition, voir si te, a tailing dam si te, a coal stock
present had seen any of the sites. Given the
for a furth er region they wanted sites defined piling area, an area capable of bearing very
brief time available for th e engineers to
and major constrain ts described only. We heavy generating plant an d access by railway.
view each site, it was esse ntial that we pro -
received the commission in early December It was assumed that water would have to be
du ce sketch maps, listing major features to
and the report was due at th e end of January. piped to the inland sites.
see, and review physical access to each site.
A team comprising two power station Al l the sites were enclosed grazing or farm - The coas tal river site wa s the only one with
experts from the UK Central Electricity land. Each night we briefed the team on soft ground probl ems. The remainder had
Generating Board, two coastal and wat er what they w ere to see the next day. In weathered bedrock at or near the surface.
engineers, a geotechnical eng ineer, a geo - addition, since we had c hartered aircraft we The main geotechnical co nsiderat ions were
morphologist, th e senior partner of Australia , could instruct th e pilots to overfly and circ le rock rippability and permeability at d am sites,
John Nutt, and the Brisban e partner, Ron all the sites. consideratio ns which required a site in -
Bergen , was assembled in Brisbane by One site, Broadmount, with an area of vestigation once a plant layout w as deter -
9 December. Preparatory desk study of 25km 2 , was on a river near the coast. One mined. General ly speaking the site recon -
topographical maps, geological maps, and area of 100 km 2 in whi ch w e selec ted four naissa nce turned around primarily topographic
memoirs and aerial photography for all the sites was downwind from a large town , cons iderations of dam site, rail access and
sites was carried out in four days and the Rockhampton , a cen tre for industrial expan- smoke di spersa l.
team plus two of the clients began a blitz sion . One inland site was near the intended Sin ce th e best scale of topographi c map
on 12 sites, wh ic h was comp leted in seven source of coal , Curragh. For th ese six sites a available was 1 :100,000, the aerial photo -
days. The preliminary geological maps for plant layout had to be proposed, as well as graphs at larger scales were able to provide
six of the sites were completed in three days. costs development of the site preparation, more topographic detail .

Botswa na feed er road s Phase I material survey was carried out in separated areas co nsisten tly, the short tima
London on Landsat imagery. The 4000 km available, and the very basic level of informa -
Botswana Road Departm ent required 33 was examined at 1 :250,000 scale in six tion necessary to eliminate 3 / 4 of the routes,
gazetted roads totalling 4000 km to be studied weeks. We used a standard false colour Landsat imagery was ideal. It took 25
on economic, socia l and engineering criteria image and the scale chosen was the largest images com pared with approximately 2000
in order to rank them in order of priority for magnification feasible before grain began aerial photographs to cover the initial 33
i nclusion in their five year plan beginning in to interfere . I examined 15 km wid e corri dors routes.
1986. This was done in Phase I. The first much as I would examine air photos. I Phase II was the standard air photo interpre -
1 OOO km recommended proceeded to Phase could distinguish major geological units, tation and rapid field checking. Air photos
II. Reports have been written , on a route-by- major drainag e, sand dunes and major provided more detail of course ; however,
route basis, to include a route inventory, calcrete deposi ts . The ground resolution the colour discrimination of Landsat enabled
water sources and construction material was a significant limitation - a feature has to boundaries to be drawn in some areas of
sources. The work was funded by Wor ld be 80 m x 56 m, or contrasting enough to gradual transition where photo grey tones
Bank loans. The reports are intended to dominate an area that size, in order to were inadequate. The air photographs fitted
brief potential donors of the benefits and register. Nevertheless, given the magnitude well with satellite imaging for major
costs of projects they might wish to finance . of the task, the need to compare widely interpretation.

F igs . 3a) t o c )
Botswana feeder roads
a) Sat ellite imagery was used in phase one to evaluate and compare
32 routes scattered throughout Botswa na. The Chobe River crosses
the image to join th e Zamb esi River in the upper right corner. The
Kalahari Desert lies to south . The Okavango Delta lies to the north of
the Chobe. Thi s route studied links Ngoma Bridge with Katchitau.
(Photo : co urtes y Hunting Surveys Ltd.)
b ) Th e routes recommended in phase one for more detai led
examination were studied in phase two. Aerial photographs studied
under the st ereoscope showed soils an d topographical details. This
photo shows Ngoma bridge and the narrow strip of arable land
between the desert and the delta. (Photo : Government of Botswana)
c ) N ear Nogma Bridge looking west th e gently pediment slopes from
the low basalt escarpment to the Okavanga Delta. (Photo:
John Henry) c:
Summary For overseas projec ts where larger areas or lengths are involved
and mapping is often inad equate, air photos and more rece ntly,
Ae rial photographs are a standard source of information for satel lite imagery, provide a synopsis of topographica l geo logical,
Geotechnics' d esk studies and field reconnaissance. For small sites land use and hydrological information which may otherwise be
in the U K the historical aspect of air photos is particularly useful. non-existent.

Table 2 : Summary of ca s e st udies

Job name, Size Existing information Available Job stage Level of Quality of Major remote
Location and Area km 2 Geological / Photog raphy I information reporting sensing
Date or topographical Imagery required required contribution
? Length km end product

Spoondell, < .01 1 :10,560 Geol. M .S. a.p. 196 1 remedial sufficient for standard historical
Du nstable, 1 :1250 topog rap hy 1968 work to detai led design of linewo rk for
Beds. UK 1976 comp lete drainage and client's
Oct. '79 - 1 :10,000 housing regrading internal use
Aug . 1980 scale project and records

Charmouth, 6 16 1 :10.560 Geol. M.S. a.p. 1972 detailed sufficient for high quality original d etai led
Dorset, UK 1 :63,360 Geol. mapping 1976 technical cutting and for public geological mapping
Dec. '77 - 1 :10,000 + 1 :2500 advice to embankment enquiry
Mar. '78 topog raphy pre liminary slope, recom -
design - mendations for
pre public bridge foundations

NWNew 150 1 :10,000 topographical a.p. 1979 preliminary: sufficient to internal inter-disciplinary
Territories, 1 :50,000 geological 1975 basic establish relative working use of photo
Hong Kong 1965 information cost implications report3 interpretation
Nov. '80 - 1949 for initial of major planning hand
Jan. '81 at 1 :20,000 planning options co loured
decisions drafts of maps
Queensland four areas 1 :100,000 topographical 1 :30,000 to preliminary ; sufficient to rapid rapid recon-
Power St. totalling 1 :250,000 geological 1 :80,000 basic cost select one si te for production naissance
Australia 150 km 2 information detailed design for clients'
Dec. '80 200- 500km for site internal
apart selection use
Botswana Feeder 1 :50,000 topographical 1 :250.000 feasibility reports to inform 1 :50,000 comparison of
Roads, studies potential aid materials widely separated
Phase I - donors map of routes in vast
April - May '80 4000 route . Good unmapped area
Phase 11 - Feb .- 1000 1 :50.000 materials quality.
M arch '81 inventory No colour.

Kingdom have involved signifi cant sections This paper concentrates on the latter two
Construction across soft compressible soils. phases of the work, the site investigation,
trial embankment, if necessary, an d t he
of embankments When faced with construction of a roa d in
these situations, the re lative costs of provid ing methods of construc tion of t he embankm en t.

on soft clays a via d uct struc tu re, compared with the

embankment solution, must be considered. The site investigation
Nevertheless, on a current Arup job, where Purpose
John Davies there are extremely difficult conditions for the
construction of embankments, the costs for
The purpose of the site investigation is to :
(1) Define the geology along and across the
Phili p Dauncey embankments are still on ly 50% of the alignment of the embankment
via d uc t solution .
(2) Determine values for the geotech nical
Introduction Planning of the work parameters that are required for t he
For the construction of an embankment on design of the embankment.
Civil engineers have always been faced
with the problem of constructing roads soft clays the planning for the investigation The field work is normally done in two parts :
and in many instances these are required to is similar to that for any investigation . (1) Boreholes to obtain samples and ca rry
cross soft boggy ground. This type of ground The study is carried out in three stages : out in situ testing. These are limited in
may exist in alluvial flood plains of rivers or (1) Desk study number because of re latively high cost.
in fenland and peat bogs. The engineer was (2) Site investigation works and preliminary (2) In situ tests comprising Dutch Cone
perhaps not aware of the 'scie ntific" aspects Soundings and in situ vane tests.
design (including trial embankment if
that are now the tools of the geotechnical These are relative ly cheap and quick
engineer, but he did know that his road and a large number of tests ca n be
should either avoid the soft ground or keep it (3) Final design.
carried out.
on as low an embankment as possib le. He Desk study The Dutch Cone tests provide informati o n
knew intuitively if he started to have a slope between the boreho le locations to enable t he
The initial study inclu des the collection and
stability problem he shou ld load the toe geology to be confirmed an d any variations in
assessment of existing geotechnical informa-
until it stabilized, i.e. provide berms. tion on the area which includes : strength across the site identified.
Currently there is increasing pressure, due to (1) Geology The boreholes are carefully carried out and
environmental reasons, for roads to be fully supervised to ensure the maximum
(2) Aerial photographs
constructed across such difficult terrain amount of information is obtained from t he
and in many cases the economics of dealing (3) Hydrology
investigatio n. Full supervision also provi des
with the problems are probably less than (4) Existing site investigation data. a flexibility of approach that is necessary in
the cost of rerouting the road. Subsequently a fie ld walkover of the route is dealing with such soft soi ls with the resident
A recent survey has shown that in the last 10 carried out and the proposals for Phase 2, the engineer being able to change the approach
years 40% of roads constructed in the United site investigation, are made. in the light of the information obtained. 27

1 2

- - - Drive head containing device
for clamping piston rod "-eo, enole m ade 10 l a ke p111on
Col'! t1nuous s.imple:S t akefl a t prede term,r,e:(l
PIIIOflSllmples ......_ dept hs loi labo,ft)l'yellec, ,ve
1 1,esst e Slll'lg
CP ,e,omete• msl •lled •n base
(P>e,ometer 01 hole>
"1$lalled Ol'!bitSel


~eo,er,01e ,n w h,cl'I ,ns,lu ........ tes11 m~

(Hole hlltl>Cled mto underl ymg deposits) Hand vane

NB Pol.llole 4l l'I hole to 1l'IS1atl Pil!Lome1 B•

Fig. 2 atapa ,11 cu la r level

Typical group
------ Thin-walled sample tube
of boreholes

at approximately 1 m intervals. The vane tests Bulk

can either be made using a borehole vane or density
with a penetration vane. In soft clays the latter I
method is preferred since any disturbance in content
forming the borehole is avoided.
On the basis of the description of the split
samples and the field vane strengths, depths
at which undisturbed samples are required for Hand van e
detailed laboratory testing are selected . The Moisture
third borehole in the group is then made to content
obtain these piston samples. Normally the
third hole is not made until samples have been
extruded, split, and described from a number
of holes so that the typical material types have
been identified and representative samples can
Fig. 1 be obtained . Fig. 3
Piston sampler (BS5930: 1981) Th ese samples are then transported very care· Split 100 mm diameter piston sample
fully (in a vertical position) to the contractor's
Borehole investigation testing laboratory. Fig . 4 shows typical results
obtained from a suite of three boreholes, i.e. reliable method of estimating the field
The boreholes are normally made using
shear strength, index properties and bulk permeability and therefore the rate of consoli -
conventional shell and auger equipment 1
densities. The results show how even with dation of the soil under embankment loading.
and undisturbed samples are obtained using
very basic testing useful information about the We have recently been using apparatus
a piston sampler (see Fig . 1 ). The samples
soils is immediately availab le. One of the developed by Kent County Council Highways
are usually 100 mm diameter and 1,000 mm
three boreholes is normally extended below Laboratory 3 . The apparatus allows the
long although 54 mm diameter, 600 mm long
the soft clays into the underlying deposits piezometric level to be lowered. hence
samples are satisfactory for extruding on site
using shell and auger techniques to provide increasing the effective stress at the tip of the
for visual examination and index testing .
standard geotechnical information. The drain- piezometer. and the permeability is assessed
The normal procedure is to carry out sampling age qualities of these underlying deposits is an by measuring carefully the rate at which water
and testing in three adjacent holes (see Fig. important aspect to be investigated as this has to be removed from the piezometer to
2). In the first hole, continuous piston may affect the rate of conso lid ation of the soft maintain the depressed level. By increasing
samples are taken throughout the depth of the clays. Casagrande type standp ipe piezometers the amount by which the piezometric level is
soft deposits. If the clays are extremely are installed in some or all of the boreholes and depressed, the effective stresses can be in-
soft the piston sampler can be pushed to the additional boreholes may be required to allow creased up to a limit of about 75 kN / m 2 above
level at which the sample is required without piezometers to be installed in the typical in situ stresses and the variation in permeability
drilling a borehole. Alternatively, piston deposits. The piezometers are required both to with effective stress determined. The results
samples are taken approximately 2 m below monitor the piezometer pressures and allow in that have been obtained by this method have
the base of the borehole to ensure the ground situ permeability t est s to be carried out. shown good correlation with field observa -
has not been disturbed due to drilling . The
In situ permeabi lity testing provides the most tions beneath embankments• .
maximum shear strength of a clay in which a
piston sample can be obtained is about

These continuous samples are taken to a •,o - -~'°.=- •!--- ---1fL-- ~~

small laboratory on site, where they are No recovety (FILL) · f iekl•-
Hand vane s.,,
extruded, split in half, and descriptions made 1>1Ston • •mplH
of the soil and fabric. Photographs are taken ~

and the samples allowed to dry. In drying,

the structure of the clays may become more
,.oc1 b«om,ng more
S9ftd y with CHip th
apparent. The laboratory should have facilities 0

for extruding the samples, and carrying

out moisture content and bulk density Soll 10 1.. mg••r
H ndy CL AY In pall
determinations. 1i1,, cl ayey becoming
c la ye y ,and

As the samples are extruded , hand vane

So ll to l11mg,,tysllty
tests are made in the ends of the piston CL AY w11h oc:ca,ionat
sM a ha,gm eni s
samples. Fig . 3 shows an extruded section of Lam1r111ted by
core from a piston sample with the locations hou, onlal oeat y
l1brH 6 3- 8 .0 m
where tests were carried out. Samples are ve rltCal h11u1es
68-7 4 a 83-9 0m
then sent to the contractor's laboratories bec ommg more shell~
be lOW 8 Sm ~-= 0 0
,__ _,,,,,,.e..

for other index tests such as gradings and 0 \,

Atterberg Limits. F1rm1>rownPE Al

A secon d borehole is then made adjacent to Fig. 4 Looseg,eyUl'ld y

the first in which a profile of in situ vane Borehole
28 tests are carried out 2 . These are normally made profile
II I' I ; __ Table 1 Cone factor Nk
! I
' . Electric Mechanical
Soil type cone con e

Grey organic
clay (Athlone) 12- 17 14- 18
Brown laminated
clay (Athlone) 16- 21 15- 23
Organic silty
clay (Galway) 10- 15
Calcareous marl
!''' \ (Galway) 9-15
.t, ...)
\ 0 ' :,oo . · 200 , Joorry :
Inorganic silty
clay (Galway) 10-40
\ ------
~ Borehole Index testing
~ Dutch cone
Fig. 5 It is important to carry out the simple
Typical borehole layout Atterberg Limit tests on the soft deposits and a
number of correlations based on these test
results have been derived to describe the
CONE IUCSI S fAHCf l qc- 0, o l ~N/,., 1 Dutch Cone Soundings
,oo ,oo ,oo ,oo behaviour of such deposits.
300 500
"' ""'
'' Because of the time required . and relatively

,- --" --
-- - high cost of ca rrying out the detailed boring s,
these investigations are suppl emented by a
On the basi s of th e Liquid Limit. Plasticity
Index, and moisture content and a know-
,.,-,- series of Dutc h Cone Soundings .
ledge of th e verti cal effective stress acting,
,- an approximate estimate of strength and

f- -i--
These soundings provide data between bore- consolidation parameters may be obtained 7, 8 •
holes and define the geology over larger
- - - ~

areas. Fig . 5 shows a typi cal layout of cone

Determination of shear strength

·- v - f----- - -- -
- soundings in relation to the detailed boreholes.
A full description of the Dutch Cone is given in
The following types of laboratory tests may
be carried out to determine the shear strength :
Sanglerat 5 . The procedure for the cone tests
,- -- ~
(1) Consolidated undrained triaxial com -
c_ ' involves advancing a cone on the end of a rod pression tests
,- ~ LfG[tlO -- into the ground at a controlled speed using
hydraulic jacks and measuring the applied
(2) Consolidated undrained triaxial ex -

,- } - MKll-•• c-
- - llHtn( .. C-
forces . Two parameters are measured :
tension tests

·- .
l (3) Constant volume direct simple shear
(1) The cone - bearing capacity at the tip
I - -- - (qc) .
(4) Consolidated drained shear box tests.
,o- -
l - ~

-- -
(2) Soil / steel friction (f 5 ) along a sleeve
separate from and behind the cone.
The jacking forces are measured on pressure
gauges in the mechanical cone. An electric
All the tests give both the undrained shear
strength parameter Cu, and effective strength
parameters c', if/ except (4) which only gives
the effective strength parameters.
cone has also been developed where the tip
" and sleeve resistances are measured using To obtain meaningful results from laboratory
Fig. 6
Comparison of mechanical electrical strain gauges. Fig. 6 shows typical strength tests it is necessary to reconsolidate
and electrical cone cone profiles using each method. The results the samples to the existing in situ stresses or
from the penetrometer may be interpreted to to higher stresses. This means that the
obtain : samples need to be consolidated aniso-
s1..u:v, FIIIICT IO t,i '• (a) Assessment of soil type from the value tropically where the ratio of the lateral
l kgl c..,ll
Qc and the friction ratio f 5 /qc . consolidation stress (crH') to vertical consoli -
dation stress crv' is Ko (ie crH' = Kocrv').
(b) Assessment of the undrained shear
strength of the clay. By increasing the consolidation stresses
above those existing in situ, the increase in
., Fig. 7 shows results obtained in the soft clays
in Belfast where the two soil types are clearly
strength under embankment loading can be
distinguishable. However, in some situations
the variations in soil type are difficult to In the triaxial cell (Tests (1) and (2)) the
distinguish. Fig . 8 shows one such situation in specimens tested are usually 38 mm diameter
Athlone where two material types were as the consolidation times for larger specimens
identified from visual examination, but are not are much longer. The specimens should be
easily distingu ished from the cone record. prepared using the Landva apparatus 29 to
minimize disturbance. Side drains are usually
Fig. 7 The undrained shear strength of the clay Cu necessary to reduce consolidation times but
Cone profile (Belfast) may be determined from the cone resistance with very soft specimens the restraint
qc using the equation : provided by the drains may be a significant
Qc = Nk Cu + crvo proportion of the measured strength. Once
RES1 $ l.l.N Cf Cl(
where Nk is a cone factor and crvo is the total the sample has been consolidated it is
~~fc;;o~ 0 "91{cffl2 . 12 overburden pressure at the level of the cone . A sheared in undrained conditions with measure-
._. '/ simplified version of the equation ignoring the
overburden pressure should not be used for
ment of the pore water pressure. The test
procedure is described in Reference 30 .
soft clays since the overburden pressures may Test (3), the direct simple shear test9, is a
be of similar magnitude to Nk Cu . recently developed shear box test. With this
The cone factor is dependent on the type of apparatus the specimens are consolidated
cone but, even for a particular type of cone, in K0 conditions, i.e. no lateral strain and
may vary considerably. It is necessary there - then sheared in undrained conditions. The
fore to ensure that the cone is calibrated advantages compared with the conventional
against in situ or laboratory strength data to shear box apparatus are that a uniform shear
obtain the particular value of Nk for each site. stress d istribution is obtained, the failure
\ Typical results for Nk are shown in Table 1 surface is not controlled by the geometry of
where Cu has been obtained from field vane the apparatus and undra ined conditions can
Fig. 8 tests. Difficult ies may arise in determining a be maintained at low rates of shear. The test
Cone profile (Athlone) value for Nk for very soft clays of low apparatus for the direct simple shear test is
plasticity index 6 . shown in Fig. 9. 29
Key :
@ 1 Sample
: "
,....:....:. Vertical drainage
2 Reinforced o---o Horizontal drainage
rubber membrane { ' <>----<> Completely remoulded
3 Wheels for applying J
dead load
4 Load gauge for ii
vertical load ~
5 Ball bushing 8 6
6 Dial gauges for ;
measurement of i 4
vertical deformation J ~
7 Sl iding box ~
8 Dial gauge for
measurement of
horizontal 100 200 300 400 SOO
deformation ve, ellect,v~ su•n , ti.N/m
9 Ball bushing
10 Load gauge for
horizontal force
11 Gear box
12 Exchangeable
servogear motor
2ZZZZ21 lazzzzzzzzzz:zzz,:zzz,:zzz,ezzzezzzzzzzzzzz:zzz,:zzz,:zzz,ezzzezzzzzzzzzzzzzzz:zziizzzzj 13 Lever arm
I 14 Weights
I 1~a~p~:shi!tei6 1D:t :~:::: :::m:::.nuercm!nt~;e~::::~a~p~l~;~nr~!~::n1-~ Sl~i~u:ug~fo,:~~~~a~~°i: 15-16 Clamping and
measurement of hori zon tal ddormauon 9 &II bushing 10 Load J,1auge for honzonu.l force 11 Ge;i.r box
f i g. 9 12 £.-changeable servoeear motor I J Lever ;:~co!~t:~~!!~~~m:~:,6 Clampmg and adjusting mechanism used mechanism used
Simple shear apparatus for constant-volume

Completely remould ed
l ,f
L ___ ,
• . , ____ 1
t___ _
i I

•t i ~·'-~-'-~~-'----'-~-'-~~~~--'~~---'
l_ _____ , I+
Typical consolidation data 2
~ -------.

I .--

I ,.:::-'


,r_ :_,~~t.
0 ,oo 200 300 400 500
i . I

0 .2 0 .4 0.2 0.4 0.6 Ve rt ical e !lect,ve s tr ess; kN/m

2 0 • } I
--- '"6T I o ; -: o ci f -

~: ro O O i I_

',~:;:~~~~,ol~~~t,on !
i --
E_ 2 -

".\,. I
' '.,
' 1RLOIAl. COMPflf$$ IOH

. . '+',,,
' ,.,.
.' ' '
3 . • 8H A
10 0 ·~·
,. BH C

e1-1 e 40 60 eo 100

, ' 14

Compression ratio Fig. 11
and pre-consolidation data Typical consolidation data 1
, .--~-...

Consolidation testing It is interesting to note the results shown in !.!_GE~

t, Pubh•~ed ,u .. n

Consolidation testing is normally carried out Fig. 12 whi ch are for samples tested from O P..C,l,o ..... dl• .... 11

in the oedometer using specimens 75 mm horizontal, vertical and remoulded samples • hll<n"l1 AIM-
- - - IM ll'I.<-

diameter and 20 mm thick. The consolidation from Belfast. The results for the coefficient of
stages of the shear tests provide additional consolidation show very similar values which
was thought to be due to the lack of prefer- Fig.13
data and dissipation tests in a triaxial cell
ential drainage paths within the deposit. Survey of published laboratory
can also be used to obtain consolidation data. test data for soft clays
The specimen is taken from undisturbed piston
samples and, to minimize disturbance during Geotechnical parameters for design
preparation, the sample is extruded directly In the design of an embankment the four
into the oedometer ring and trimmed, using main criteria are:
a fine wire, following the same principles
used in the Landva apparatus. (1) Will the embankment be stable both
The load increments should be selected for during and after construction?
each test so that the preconsolidation pressure (2) How much settlement will take place?
can be determined, which is found using
Casagrande's construction 1 0 • Typical results (3) How long will it take to settle?
are shown in Fig. 10 for the preconsolidation ( 4) How long will it take to co nstruct?
pressure and for values of the compression
ratio (defined as compression index Cc Although the criteria are all interlinked, the
divided by (1 +e 0 ) where e0 is the initia l first criterion is based on shear strength
voids ratio) . Typical consolidation data of parameters for the embankment and foun - Fig.14
axial strain and coefficient of consolidation dation clays, whilst the latter three depend Relevance of laboratory shear tests
against vertical effective stress is shown in mainly on the consolidation parameters for to shear strength in the field
30 Fig. 11. the c lays.
Fig.15 c,.,1P; co11ec1ed vane
In nature many soils are found to exhibit Shear strength 015 Of5 0 ~5 ___Q_,45
normalized behaviour. For these soi ls, the parameters +2
' '
undrained shear strength (Cu) may be : Design § 0 8 1 " - - -
normalized with respect to the maximum )'ne ~ 0 4, From B1err um

past consolidation pressure (a' p) and this i ol 1973

~ o ~o
normalized str ength Cu /a' p is then in- 8 Plast1c11y inde~ ~
60 • 200 x 1OOmm d,a CIU tests
dependent of stress but a function of over- o 76 x 38mm d,a CAU tests
consolidation ratio and soil type. For a Rate ol 1esrmg O 5 to O 02%
normally conso lidated clay, the strength f
, •o
per l'lOur

~-0------0· -6
, '•
therefore is directly related to the effective
overburden pressure. The normalized strength _1..!- J --~ ---~ ;;;s1gn c /fJ ' - 0 25

Cu/a'p form s the basis of the design of a 0

40 80 120


-· Pr_'
stage loaded emban km ent, allowing the ve,ucal e!techve consor1ua1,on pressure oc kN/ m 2
!rom consollda11on 1es1;
• • Peaty Sample
strength after varying degrees of co nsoli- Fig. 16 (a) (bi
dation to be estimated. It also provides a
Settlement predictions ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --
convenient basis for th e compa rison of
various test results .
is the in situ vertical effective
cr' vo
Fig. 13 shows a summary of published test stress
data obtained from triaxial co mpression, /:icr'v is the applied load.
extension and direct shear t ests plotted as
normalized shear strength against plasticity Once primary consolidation is complete then
index. It can be seen th at the Cu / a ' p ratio the embankment will continue to settle or
increases with increasing plasticity of the creep as a result of secondary consolidation.
clay and that the ratio of Cu /a' p varies with The amount of secondary consolidation is
calculated using the expression:
the type of test being carried out. In addition
the fi eld va ne strengths may also be normalized Ps = I: d C r,. log (t 1 + /:it) It ,
with respect to existing vertical effective where Ps is the secondary consolidation
stress or preconsolidation pressures if these settlement
are known. C r,. is the rate of secondary con-
Fig. 14 shows the relevance of each type of solidation
laboratory t est to the stability analysis. For t, is the time for primary con-
stability analysis it is a combination of these solidation
strengths that will be relevant. From Fig. 13 11.t is the time following the end of
it can be seen that the average of the results primary consolidation
from the triaxial co mpression and extension
To calculate the rate of primary consolidation
tests is approximately equal to the results
from the direct shear test. The mean of the of the soft deposits the following equation is
test results is therefore normally used for been experimented with 1 2 , 1 4 but there are a
design. If only results from compression CH k
number of problems that ari se in the inter- T= t -- and CH = - - -
tests are available, then it is usual to reduce pretation of the results, e.g . the strains at the H2 Ywmv
the values obtained in line with the mean edges of a diamond vane are not uniform
values of published data. but increase with increasing distance from where k is the field permeability
These values for design may be compared the axis of rotation . mv is the coefficient of com-
with the results obtained from vane tests Where a laminated or varved c lay is co ncerned pressibility as measured in the
which have been normalized with respect it may be that the strength measured in the laboratory oedometer over the
to the preconsolidation pressure obtained direct shear test is not the mean of the stress range changes in the field
from oedometer tests. Fig . 15 shows typi ca l triaxial extension and compression strengths Yw is the unit weight of water
results from a site at Queenborough . but may lie below both. Hence in situations H is the length of the drainage path
It has been found however that when back where structural anisotropy may play a part T is the Terzaghi time factor
analyses of embankment failures are made it is necessary to carry out the full range of (related to degree of
based on vane strength data the calculated tests to investigate the shear strength that consolidation)
factor of safety is sometimes in excess of may be mobilized .
is the time after the application
unity and sometimes below. The difference Consolidation of the load causing consoli-
in the values obtained is due both to the dation
Conventional oedometer tests carried out on
difference in the rate of strain to failure
carefully obtained piston samples provide a CH is the coefficient .of consolida-
between a vane test and an embankment tion for horizontal drainage.
reasonable basis on which to calculate the
failure and to the stress induced anisotropy
magnitude of the settlement. Fig. 16 shows Fig. 17 shows a typical relationship between
of the ground .
the typical results that have been obtained the coefficient of consolidation (Cv or CH)
Bjerrum 11 has proposed an empirical correc- for a lightly overconsolidated clay at Belfast. 12
a Calculated from d1ss 1pa11on rates
tion factor derived from the back analyses that Up to the preconsolidation pressure a' p ol piezometers beneath Trial Area 1
should be applied to the vane strengths to the settlement will be relatively small but • Calculat ed from d1ss1pat1on rates
ol piezometers beneath Trial Area 2
give a factor of safety of unity. This correction increase rapidly as the loading exceeds a' P· • Rising head tes1 } In s1tu permeab1l11y tests
factor was found to vary with plasticity 10 • Constant head test
The primary settlement is calculated using
index and the relationship is shown in the expression :
However, care must be taken in applying
p = I:d(Cs log(a'p)
the correction especially where sensitive 1 +e 0 - +
clays of low plasticity are involved 1 2 ,
because of the scatter in the data on which ()>

they are based . Despite these difficulties, .. 6

for the majority of clays with plasticity Cc

log (a'vo+ /:ia'v ))
index in the range 20-60%, the correlation
between vane and laboratory data is 1 +eo a'p
reasonable 1 3, and may be used in design.
where p is the primary settlement
The major disadvantage with the vane shear
d is the thickness of layer under
strength test is that any strength anisotropy
due to variation in the soil structure, for
example resulting from the soil particles Cs
is the recompression index Range ol
becoming orientated in a preferred direction preconsol1dat1on
during deposition or resulting from a 1 +eo pressure P ·
O c
laminated or varved structure, is not measured. Cc 0
is the compression index Fig. 17 Vertical effective stress, u . kN/m2
This type of anisotropy is not related to
1 +e 0 Variation of coefficient '
plasticity index and cannot be taken account
of consolidation with
of using Bjerrum 's correction . Different vane a' p is the apparent preconsolidation
vertical effective stress
shapes such as various diamond shapes have pressure
and vertical effective stress cr'v, It ca n be Using th e re lationship betw een undrai ned Improve the properties of the soil
seen that t here is a ra pid reductio n in the shear strengt h an d effective overburd en There are a number of methods that have been
measu red value of the coefficient of con- pressure, the strength is predicted, assuming employed to improve the soil properties :
so lidat io n as the load ing approaches the vario us degrees of consolidation, and the (1) Introduce vertical drains which reduce
prec on sol idati o n pressure and thereafter stabi lity of the embankment is analyzed. the drainage path and therefore accelerate
remains approximately constant. The minimum factor of safety usually used the rate of conso lidation and rate at which
Fig. 17 also shows that good agreement can in the analysis is 1 .25 and normally Bishop's there is a gain in shear strength.
be obtained between the laboratory oedo- simplified method of slope analysis is used ' s (2) Use lime co lumns where unslaked lime
meter tests, field permeability tests and back using circular arcs. Non-circular analysis is introduced via an augered hole to mix with
ana lysis of a tria l embankment. This is not may be carried o ut using Janbu 's met hod 20 t he c lay, cha nging the chemical composition
al w ays the case and t he reason for the good if the laborat ory testing or geo logica l co n- of the clay and increasing the shear streng th.
agreement of this data was the homogeneous d itio ns suggest this is a possib le mode of The compressibi lity of t he clay is also red uced.
natu re of the soft clay, examination of the fai lu re.
(3) Use of electro -osmosis to increase the
sp lit samples having indicated that there were In the initial calculations the geometry of the shear strength.
few or no preferential drainage paths. This embankment is determined to give the
example illustrates the importance of visual minimum specified factor of safety im - (4) Vacuum preloading to reduce the pore
observation of the structure of the clays. mediately following the addition of the final pressures below atmospheric pressure by
lift of fil ling. The most economica l profile of mea ns of a pumping system. This is really a
The marked variation in the coefficient of
embankment normally requires that about form of surcharging and causes conso lidation
conso lidation with stress is an important
90% of consolidation (and therefore gain without introducing stability problems.
factor in determining the time for consolida-
tion to occur. Changes in CH of at least an in strength) has occurred prior to the placing (5) Dynamic compaction whereby a large
order of magnitude may be expected under of the final lift. weight is dropped on to the ground surface .
embankment loading, resulting in similar At lower embankment heights it is probable This again is a form of surc harging.
changes in the t ime for primary consolida- that lesser degrees of consolidatio n g ive the Replacement techniques
tio n. A rups have developed a computer spec ifi ed min im um factor of sa fety. Stabi lity
program , s to dea l with this problem. Two alternative methods may be adopted in
charts showing the allowable excess pore
the replacement method :
pressures prior to placing each lift of fil l may
Stability analysis be produced to contro l the rate of placement (1) Excavation of the soft deposits and
The normal method of analysis used is the of fill on the embankment. replacement by a sand, gravel or rock fill.
limit equilibrium method in which the slope This is usually used where the thickness of
Fig . 18 shows a section with berms, that
stability is considered by calculating the soft deposits does not exceed 5 to 6 m.
has been analyzed for stab ility.
peak shear force that can be mobilized on a (2) Displacement of the soft clays. This is
potential slip surface. The factor of safety is Construction methods generally more economic if the depth of the
defined as the ratio of the resisting moment If preliminary analyses indicate that there are clays exceeds 6 m. The weight of the embank -
due to the shear forces acting along the problems with the stability and / or settlement ment used then must exceed the bearing
surface to the overturning moment of the performance of the embankment, the follow - capacity of the ground.
slipped mass . ing optio ns may be considered: In general a comb ination of the tech niques
The analys is can be carried out either in (a) Accept t he in situ properties of t he soi l described ha ve bee n adopted for the j obs
terms of total stresses or effective stresses. and transfer the load ing to a more stab le level. Arups have undertaken. In some instances
The more rigorous method is in terms of (b) Attempt to improve the properties of the stability of the embankment has not been a
effective stresses but this requires the soil by treatment. e.g. (1) use of vertical problem and only the rate of settlement
estimation of more parameters than a total drains to shorten the drainage paths (2) lime needed to be considered 4 • In other situations
stress analysis (c', tp', total stress and pore columns, where lime is mixed with the clay both stability and settlement are critical and
pressure compared with Cu only). It is the to increase the shear strength and reduce a combination of variation of geometry, stage
.estimate of pore pressure at failure which compressibility. loading and vertical drains and surcharging
provides the most difficult problem . As shear (c) Replace the soft deposits by more have been used. Elsewhere, where the soft
stresses are introduced into an element of competent materials such as sand or gravel. deposits are less than 6 m deep, replacement
clay, pore pressures are generated , and for nor- has been proposed. A recent example of this
mally or lightly overconsolidated clays these No treatment flexibility is shown in Reference 12.
are positive. The pore pressures gen erated To ensure the stability without treatment of By far the most common form of g round
depe nd on the overconsolidation ratio, stress the ground the fo ll owi ng methods may be improvement used in d ifficult conditio ns is
level and sensitivity and are difficult to cons idered : the vertical drain and a brief description of
predict in field situations 1 7 . In addition. other (1) Vary the geometry of the embankment, the technique is given below. The other
shortcomings in the limit equilibrium method e.g. by adding stabilizing berms. methods such as lime columns are not
significantly affect analyses in terms of (2) Construct the embankment in stages discussed because of the ir limited appli -
effective stress ' s. using the gain in shear strength resulting from cation 2 1 •
For these reasons, total stress an alyses based consolidation of the soil. A number of reviews on drains are avail -
on undrained shear strength can be used (3) Use a lightweight fill in the construction able 21,22, 23 .
with much greater confidence than effective of the embankment, e.g. use PFA.
Vertical drain design
stress analyses. The basis of the total stress (4) Transfer the embankment load by means
method is that the critical stage in the Vertical drains are used to accelerate primary
of piles to a lower, more competent stratum.
stability of an embankment is its short -term consolidation by reducing the drainage path
The following methods may be used to reduce for the dissipation of excess pore water
undrained behaviour since, with increasing
the magnitude of settlements : press ures.
t ime, consolidation wi ll occur, resulting in
an increase in ~t ·ength and an increase in the (1) Use lightweight fi ll to red uce loads. They were first proposed in 1926 to improve
factor of safety against fai lure. (2) Use a temporary surcharge. the drainage characteristics of soft clays and

c) Colbond


Fig . 18 Fig. 19
Possible modes of failure a) to d)
Band drains b ) Al idrain d) Mebradrain
of embankments with berms
sand dra ins w ere first used in California in
Table 2: Summary of jobs using different drain types
1936. In about 1936 Kjellman 24 developed
the cardboard drain. Site Drain Type
A large number of vertical drainag e systems
are now available including both sa nd drai ns Belfast Conventional 200 mm diameter sa nd drains
and prefabricated wick type drains. A review
of the types and methods of installation is Belfa st Prefabricated drain consisting of plastic core and polypropylene
given by Hansbo 25 . The three basic types are: filter (Alidrain)
(1) Traditional sa nd drains, generally 160 mm Belfast Prefabrica ted drain with paper filter (Mebra drain)
to 750 mm diameter, installed by augering
and replacement Sandwich Sandwic k drains (Cementation Sandwick)
(2) The Sandwi ck Drain 26 made of 65 mm
diameter porous fabric stockings fill ed with Queen borough Sandwi ck drains (Cementation Sandwick)
medium sa nd, installed using a wa sh boring (England) AV Colbond drains which consisted of a non - woven polyester
or displacement technique. 300 mm wide fabric strip whi c h acts both as drain and filter.
(3) Prefabricated band drains generally W ashington (England) Plastic core with filter (Mebra band drain)
consisting of a plastic core and a syntheti c
fibre or paper filter (see Fig. 19) insta ll ed very Athlone (Ireland) Plastic core with fabric filter (Summer 1982)
rapidly using a jetting or probing technique.
Normally th ese are 100 mm wide and 3 -
7 mm thick.
Arups have had experience using all of these
types of drains and Table 2 shows a summary
of the jobs : z d • dr• in di• .

The method of determining the dimensi ons !•ot---'-''\~,- - ---.:s..+-s::::--="'-"::::::-r,:---:-------1

and spacing of drains is normally based on the
theory of radial consolidation developed by ~•ot-___'_,_'~'-
...:..,,,----+--------=-"""o::t-___::,,__--=::::-- -----i
Barron 27 , but variations of this equation have 8 " ....
been developed 25 . It can be shown that both ' '- '-
horizontal and vertical drainage can be 80-t--- -- - -'" "'-~~~:---------+----------1
combined as follows : Fig. 20
(1 - U) = (1 - Ur) (1 - Uv) Relation ship ,oo~---~----+---~ "'""-----+-- - - - ~ - - - ~
between Cv and TIME YEARS
where Ur is the degree of consolidation for drain diameter
radial flow, Uv the degree of consolidation for
vertical flow and U is the resulting overall
consolidat io n of 20% and a 20% error in time. embankment and will usually be necessary to
degree of consolidation 2s.
However if the coefficient of consolidation is control the rate of filling of the embankments.
The basic equation for radial flow is incorrectly estimated by 1 00% the degree of
- CHt The instruments normally used by Arups are
consolidation w ill be grossly miscalculated as follows :
U = 1-e - - and the time error will also be near 1 00% for
B (1) Piezometers to measure pore water
full dissipation .

where B is a constant given by
Trial embankment (2) Settlement gauges to measure vertical
B= s2 ( Following the site investigation and pre- movements
8 liminary design, the need for a trial embank- (3) Inclinometers to measure horizontal
and S is the spacing and d the diameter of the ment can be assessed. movements.
drain. The cost of installation of vertical drains is Future developments are likely to lead to the
Many attempts have been made to take into such that, where the length of the road is use of pressure cells to measure the increase in
Cv significant, the savings ir. drain numbers that stresses directly in the ground.
account change pf permeability (or - -) may be achieved by widening the drain The most important aspects that must be
CH spacing made possible as a result of more considered when selecting instruments are:
accurate consolidation parameters being ob-
and Arups have developed a computer (1) Response time and accuracy
tained from th e trial would probably cover the
program which allows the variation in Cv with (2) Durability and reliability under field
cost of the trial embankment.
increasing vertical effective stress to be used conditions.
in calculating the dissiptation of excess pore Where the embankment is a significant part of
pressures. the cost of a project and some ground im- It is also important to cost the work necessary
provement methods are required or the time in collecting and analyzing the data obtained
Since all the methods of analysis are based
scale is critical, a trial embankment may ba and in this respect automation of the readout
on circular drains it is necessary to convert the
crucial for an economic design. systems is likely to be used more frequently.
band drain to an equivalent circular drain
An on-site micro computer may also be used
diameter. In the analysis the design spacing The aspects of the design that may be
investigated in a trial embankment include : to reduce, store and plot data and it is pro -
required for the drains is quite sensitive to the
posed to use an on site computer on a current
diameter used. Back analysis of case histories (1) The rate of consolidation of the soft job.
has shown that the use of 100 mm wide deposits
3- 7 mm thick band drains is equivalent to a (2) Th e stability of the embankment during Piezometers
50 mm diameter sand drain.
construction The piezometers measure the pore water
However, if the values of drain diameter and pressure beneath the embankments. The
(3) The magnitude of primary and possibly
coefficient of consolidation are chosen to give main types used are:
secondary consolidation settlements
agreement with the trial data, then these
(4) Lateral and vertical movements outside (1) Standpipe piezometers
would be satisfactory to use in the drain
design . It is not necessary to know the the toe of th e embankment wh ich may affect (2) Hydraulic piezometers
absolute values of each parameter. Large adjacent structures (3) Pneumatic piezometers
equivalent diameters have been suggested (5) The efficiency of any vertical dra in Electrical piezometers are available but they
but it is likely that the value of the coefficient installation in accelerating consolidation are expensive and therefore rarely used. Auto-
of consolidation used has not been appro - (6) Constru ction methods for ra isi ng the mation of the readout is possible for all types
priate to the field condition. embankments. of piezometer.
By the use of a trial embankment the measured The embankment shape should be such that Standpipe piezometers
rate of dissipation of pore pressures can be end effects are minimized. However, there is a
analyzed as a function of the drain diameter Standpipe piezometers are simple to use and
balance in size between a trial which is
and CH acting. Unless two drain spacings the cheapest form available, but are particu -
representative but at the same time economi-
are adopted and the results compared, it is not larly prone to damage on site and do not have
cal. Generally an embankment with a length
possible to relate dissipation to drain a rapid enough response time to measure
three times the width fulfils thi s cri terion . For
diameter or CH separately. rapid increases in peizometric pressures in
embankments raised over 4 m the width at the
A relationship between Cv and drain dia - clays.
crest should be about 1 5 m.
meter is shown in Fig. 20. For a specified Arups usually install a number of these instru-
degree of consolidation, doubling the effec- Instrumentation ments in the more permeable deposits and
tive drain diameter from 50 mm to 100 mm is Instrumentation will be req uired for the also as a long -term check on other types of
equivalent to a cha1,;;9 of the coefficient of monitoring of the performance of a trial ~~m~~ "
Settlement gauges
... c:J Settlement gauge The main types of gauges employed are :
I • Pneumatic piezomete,
(1 ) Surface settlement plates
!!I ~

1: ~
· - - I, .... -,. ·-··
...._ ..
(2) Plate and probe systems
(3) Remote single gauges
( Pneumatic settlement gauges) .

---- D


• II
Surface settlement plates
These have the obvious advantage of cheap -
ness and direct reading but are liable to
damage by construction plant.
-----~------____ o_r Plate and probe systems
• • ·11 II SLEECH
These consist of magnetic or steel settlement
- ~---------oJ~ ____________ __. ----- ri ngs installed around a central access tube. A
----------1r------------1-----,1 ::::IAL Till magnetic or electric sensor which opera t es

--- e
when adjacent to the settlement rings is
Fig. 21
lowered down th e access tube and hence the
.._ ,om Instrumentation
level of each ring may be established .
The main disadvantage with this type of
instrument is that an access tube is required to
Table 3 : Site investigat ion dat a
be brought up through the embankment
Cu during construction and is therefore prone to
damage by construction plant.
Plasticity cr·p Remote single gauges
Site Index TE DSS TC Reference These are similar to the pneumatic piezo -
meters exce pt that a hea d of mercury instead
Ellingsrud 4 0.08 0 .16 0.30 Larsson (1980) of w ater is measured. By knowing the level of
Olav Kyrres Plass 4.5 0 .08 0 .19 0 .32 Larsson (1980) th e gauge readout point and measuring the
Mastemyr 7 0.125 0.22 0.30 Larsson (1980) pressure, th e level of the settlement gauge
Manglerud 9 0 .13 0.18 0 .29 Larsson (1980) may be calculated. Disadvantages are the
Drammen Lean 10 0.06 0 .17 0.26 Larsson (1980)
high pressures that nee d to be measured and
Belfast 12 0 .255 Arup files
their accuracy is suspect at depths greater than
Portsmouth, USA 15 0.13 • 0.20 0 .295 ' Ladd et al (1977) 6 to 7 m belo w the gauge house level. Their
Haney 18 0 .17 0 .27 Ladd et al (1977)
main advantage is that no access tubing is
Vaterland 20 0.105 0.225 0.30 Larsson (1980)
required to be brought up through the
Studenterlunden 20 0 .09 0 .19 0 .32 Larsson (1980)
embankment and the ease and simplicity of
Boston Blue Clay 21 0 .155 0 .20 0.33 Ladd and Foott (1974)
reading which may be automated.
Galway Inorganic Clay 23 0 .245 Arup files
Weald Clay 26 0.26 Ladd et al (1977) Lateral movement gauges
Favren 26 0.21 0.33 Larsson (1980)
Sundland 28 0 .23 0.31 Larsson (1980) Two alternative methods are used to measure
M ucki ng 29 0. 19 0.32 Wes ley (1975) lateral movements :
Drammen Plastic 31 0.11 0.215 0.27 Larsson (1980) (1) Alignment stakes
M aine 38 0.285 Ladd et al (1977) (2) Inc linometers.
A GS 40 0.195 0.255 0 .32 Ladd et al (1977) Alignment stakes
St. Herblain 42 0.24 0 .38 Josseaume et al (1977)
San Francisco Bay Mudd 45 0.23 • 0.25 0.35 Ladd et al (1977) These are surface stakes insta lled just o utsi d e
46 0.33 Arup files the toe of the embankment and offsets are
48 0.24 0.26 0 .30 Jardine (1980) measured using a th eodolite. An obvious
Ska Edeby
49 0 .26 0 .29 0.33 Larsson (1 980) advantage is cheapness but they do requ ire
Backebol 50 0.235 0.29 0 .34 Larsson (1980) that the reference points at either end be on
50 0.27 Arup files stable ground . As with surface settlement
53 0.22 0.27 0.35 Larsson (1980) points they are vulnerable to damage.
Lilla Mellosa
Cubzac 54 0.19 0 .32 Josseaume et al (1977) Inclinometers
La nester 60 0.18 0.3 6 Jasseaume et al (1977) An inc li nometer consists of access tubing
Queen borough 60 0 .28 Arup files with grooves spaced at 90 ° around the
Atchafalaya 75 0.24 Ladd et al (1977) circumference which are usually orientated
Connecticut Vall ey Varved 39 / 12 0.21 0.165 0.25 Ladd et al (1977) such that one axis is at right angles to the line
Po Delta Varved 40/25 0.20 0.24 0 .30 Jard ine (1980) of the embankment.
New Liskeard Varved 47/10 0.21 La casse and Ladd (1977) A torpedo with wh eels whi c h lock into the
Matagami Varved 47 0.40 0.41 0.70 Bj errum (1973) } grooves in the access tubing is lowered down
Gregersen and Cu the tubing and the verticality of the probe is
Baa stad 15 0.08 0.18 0.33 Lq>ken (1979) - Ratios measured at eq ual intervals down the tube.
Simons and cr'vo It is assumed th e toe of the tube is in a rigid
Kings Lynn 39 0.23 0 .55 0 .37 Menzies (1 978) stable stratum, and th e measurements taken
Bangkok 41 0.27 Bj errum (1973) are integ rated along the inclinometer to
measure the lateral movements.
Note 5 : Fig . 21 shows a typi ca l layout of instrument-
TE Triaxial Extension Test TC Triax ial Compressio n Test ation adopted for a trial embankment whilst
DSS Direct Simpl e She ar Test Plane strain tes t Fig. 22 shows results obtained from piezo -
meters below a tri al embankment.
Hydraulic piezometers The pneumatic lines are buried in trenches as
Hydraulic pi ezom eters are less prone to protection against damag e. Conclusions
damag e since th e hydraulic lea ds may be The readout unit is relatively comp licated and On the basis of the site investigation,
buried in trenches. However, th ey do require a expensive. However th e instrument is very laboratory testing and tria l embankment the
centra lized instrument house for gauges or easy and rapid to operate and becomes final des ign of th e main embankments may be
manometers. Th e instrum ents are susceptible economical if many in strum en ts are installed. carried out. However, it is important to review
to freezing and need to be de - aired at regular One disadvantage is that th e d atum rea ding continual ly th e co nstru ction and response of
intervals. cannot be re-establish ed and an allowance instruments to ensure that the assumptions
Pneumatic piezometers has to be made for th e sett leme nt that the made and dedu ced from the investigations
Pn eumatic piezometers conta in a diaphragm piezometer will undergo. In addition the remain valid.
piezometer canno t be de- aired and its long - Finally, it is important that, because of the
with th e water pressure on one sid e and on the
reverse two pneumatic lines from a gauge term performance over many years has not complexity of th e problems, every opportunity
point. Pressu re is app li ed to one lead until th e been proved. is taken to write up th e case histories. It is only
water pressure is balanced , at which point Th ese instruments have been used success- in this way that th e geotechnical engineer
th e diaphragm opens allowing a re turn flow of fully on a number of projects but ca reful ca n learn fro m other people's successes, and
34 air. Pressure is measured in th e ret urn lead. preparation and instal lation is required. also failures.
- 10


- 10

level of fill at centre
~ 8
\:! 7
u 6
:I 5
;;: 4

8 100
June - - - - - July ------4e-- August -..f.- September -.J+- October -..j.-- November----. Variation of piezometric level
with time for trial embankment

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