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Doc 3- Instructions to Tenderers

Tender Ref: Sep-21-008

1. Works and services to be provided

Concern Worldwide is willing to implement the dry food supplies in Beirut.

Therefore, Concern Worldwide is seeking a service providor who is able to implement a

migrant support project in Beirut.

The tender dossier is available via email: with the tender
reference number mentioned in the subject line.

2. Closing date and time for collecting tender documents

Tender documents should be collected by interested bidders starting Sep 17 , 2021.
All the parts/documents of this tender are to be considered one and indivisible.
Participation to the tender will entail a full approval of all information, terms and
conditions included in all the tender documents. A valid email address will have to be
submitted when collecting the offers. The tender pack is available by sending an
email to mentioning the tender reference in the email

3. Submission of tenders
Sealed tender bids should be received on or before 27/9/2021 at 03:30 PM. at
Concern Lebanon Mina-Tripoly seaside Mona center

4. Language of offers
All tender documents should be received in English. Any document in another
language will not be accepted, with the exception of the official registration

5. Period of validity of offers

All bids must be valid for one hundred eighty days from the tender submission date.
This should be mentioned in the bid documents.

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6. Currency

All offers should be made in United States Dollars. No other currencies will be
accepted and submitting an offer in any other currency will entail disqualification of
the bid.

8. Content of tenders
Every tender bid must include the following documentation listed below. The list
below can be used as a ‘Checklist’ before submitting the offer to Concern. Not
submitting at minimum all required documents listed hereunder will be grounds for
disqualification of the offer. Offers should be prepared with a table of content of all
the documents submitted.

1. The sealed bid should be submitted in a sealed envelope containing the Company
documents and Financial Offer.
The Offer must be clearly labelled with the words “Not to be opened before
28/09/2021 at 12:00 PM”. The tender reference number Sep-21-008.”

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Along with the name of the bidder clearly visible on the outside of the
envelope. VAT should be included as part of the financial offer. The seal of
the envelope should be signed and stamped.
2. Company profile: this will include at the minimum the completed
administrative information sheet, the company structure, contact details of
the company including an email address.
3. Tenderers Declaration;
4. Company Certificate of Registration;
5. Copy of registration with the Ministry of Finance;
6. Copy of registration with Chamber of Commerce;
7. Copy of registration for VAT with Ministry of Finance;
8. Completed Tenderers Relevant Experience Form;
9. Bank details of the company.

9. Opening of tenders
The opening of the offers will take place on 27/9/2021 at 03:30 Hrs. The financial bids
will not be opened or announced during the tender opening session.

10. Evaluation of tenders

The evaluation of tenders will be organized by Concern Worldwide Tender
Committee. The evaluation process will consist of three main stages: the first stage
will include an administrative evaluation followed by a technical evaluation of all
bidders to confirm that they have both the technical competence / experience and the
financial capability to undertake the work. The final stage will be a financial
evaluation. Only bidders satisfying each stage’s criteria will be considered in the next
stage of the evaluation process.

The Administrative evaluation will consist of checking the various licenses and
registration of the company, verifying that all mandatory documents have been
submitted, the Administrative information sheet (form part of the tender pack) and tax
compliance. No points are given for these criteria, only pass/fail is done at this stage.
Missing documents or administrative documents will automatically lead to the
disqualification of the candidate. It will be a matter for bidders to provide sufficient
information with their bids to demonstrate their technical and financial capability.

The contract will be awarded on the basis of the admin compliance; technical and
financial scoring based on the submitted documents. Qualifying bids passing the first
stage evaluation process will be scored taking account of the technical merit of the
proposal; the resources allocated to implement the works; the proposed approach to
health and safety requirements and also tender price. The evaluation will be rated as
50 % for technical components and 50 % for financial components.

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The offer with the highest technical and financial score for the intended works will
win the tender bid subject to donor funding constraints and requirements. More than
one supplier/Contractor might be selected for the different lots.

Once the bid has passed technical evaluation, then it will proceed to financial
evaluation. The lowest bid will not necessarily be considered as the reference bid, and
that the lowest bid will not automatically be awarded with the project.
Bids with computation mistakes will be automatically disqualified. The unit rates
should be quoted without VAT, and the VAT being added to the total price at the end.

11. Cancellation of the tender procedure

The call for tender procedure could be cancelled at any time upon sole discretion of
the Tender Committee/Concern/Its Donor. Reasons for a cancellation could be but not
limited to: non receipt of a minimum number of bids, a significant change in
specification of the works, the costs exceeding budgetary limits, the project being
cancelled or put on hold, or any other reason that would justify such a decision.

12. Appeals Process

If a candidate or potential candidate for the tender has any issue which they feel requires
appealing, a query can be sent to Concern Worldwide’s Country Director via email:

13. Data protection

Concern guarantees that all procurement activities are fully and transparently
documented for internal or donor audit purposes. Concern guarantees confidentiality
of the procurement process.

14. Bank Details

Bank Details of the company must be provided. The account details will be used for
the making of payments and the name of the account should match the name of the
bidder making the bid.

15. Donor
The donor for the works included in this tender is LHF.

16. Tender dossier are an integral part of the offer

All the documents of this tender are to be considered one and indivisible.
Participation to the tender will entail a full approval of all information, terms and
conditions included in all the tender documents.

17. Company Address

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Each candidate will have to provide full contact details upon request of the tender
documents, including an email address.

18. Contract Terms

Note that the type of agreement that will be signed is a framework agreement.

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