Sa 388 - Sa 388M

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procedures for the contact, pi sonic examination of heavy stee! forgings, by the straight and angle-beam techniques. 1.2 This practice is to be used whenever the inquiry. contract, order, or specification states Hae SA-388M "American Society for Nondestructive ‘ing. Recommended Practice: for Nonde structive Personnel Qualification and Cer: tification SNT-TC-1A, Supplement C= Ulirasonic Testing ae ‘American National Standard, ANSI. Surf ‘that forgings are to be subject to ultrasonic ex yj Srface ‘amination in accordance with ASTM Practice A 388. 1.3 "The values state in either inch-poung or SI units are to be. regarded as the standard, Within the text, the SI units are shown in brack- ts; The values stated in cach system are not exact equivalents: therefore, each system must be tused independently of the other. Combining val- ‘ues from the two systems may result im noncon- ormancé with the specification. i 1.4 This specification and the applicable ma- terial specifications are expressed in both inch- pound units and SI units. However, unless the ‘order specifies the applicable “M™ specification designation (SI units), the material shall be fur- nished to inch-pound units. 15, This standard may involve hazardous ma- terials, operations, and equipment. This standard does not purport to address all ofthe safety prob ems associated with its use. It isthe responsibil- 2.1 ASTM Standards: E 317 Practice for Evaluating Performance : 3.1, When this practice isto be appli ‘nguiry, contract, or order. the p © S50 state and shal also furnish information: 3.11 Method of establishing the sensitivity + im accordance with 72.2 and 733. (Vee) ot, rectangular notch). = i 95 yah a BALL] The diameter and tet metal i j of the flat-bottom hole and the material of the.) reference block in accordance with 72.22, = 3.12 Quality level forthe entre forging ory. ance wih 103:and faye he cpabii “= tegucacev down OM 1 The ultrasonie’ instrament: sh 4, tsb “Vide linear presentation (within 5 %) fora 115 % of the screen height (sweep. | CCharaciersics of Ultrasonic Pulse Echo seeen) The 5% lineanty referred (8 of Elee- ve of the screen presentation ‘of amplitude. instrament linearity shall be verified ‘£5 ® instrument linearity. ‘£108 (41 4B) « sf beapiode ‘ratio) which ise tusse Pe ca d -- 42.Search Units aving 4 transducer Be eas (oso merlin % in, (20 mm) minimum. to Va in. (30: mm] ‘maximum dimensions shall be used for straight- beam’ scanning (se <5, equipped from 'by-L in. [13 by 25 mm] 10 L by. sieieky: vim (25 by 25 ma) sal Ls gle-beamt scanning (see ioe ey 4 42.1, Transducers i ‘rated frequencies. nate. 70) 422 Other search units may evaluating and pinpointing indications,» ‘43 Couplants having good wetting charac- teristics such as SAE No, 20 or No:=30 motor oil, glycerin, pine oi, or water shall be used. Couplants may not Be comparable 10 one a ther and the same couplant shall be used for ,_ calibration and examination : 14d Reference Blocks containing: Aai-bottom holes may be used for eaibrtion of equipment in accordance with 4.1.1 and may be used to establish recording levels for straight-beam ex: mination when $9 specified by: the order or contract. 3 5, Personnel Requirements, 5.1, Personnel performing ultrasonic exami- nations in accordance with this practice shall: be qualified to Recommended Practice SNT- TC-1A. Supplement C—Ultrasonie Testing. 6. Preparation of Forging for Ultrasonic Ex- amination Sty 6.1 Unless otherwise specified in the order » or contrac, the forging shall be machined to provide cylindrical surfaces for radial exami- ation in the case of found forgings; the ends + of forgings shall be machined perpendicular to the axis ofthe forging forthe axial examina- order or the contract. 8 7 ‘63 The surfaces of the forging 6 be exam= ined shall be free of exiraneous material such as loose scale, paint, dir, etc. eee : paras shal contain mn stanuator (accrte evr is well fnge lo, meramine some sections oa forging (ORT efor the ltasonie tania Tree cneah etn 0; drilling holes,, cuiting, keyways;, y. and search units mine, © prior treumen for mechanical proper Tap Sc Sach cases, reexamine the forging ullfasonical ee * by angle-beam technique from the’ outside di- “tion. Faces of disk! and rectangular forgings (,,. off examining coarse grained aust ¢ shall be: machine nas 2 use : ea. ha s «utes yns 6.2. The surface, roughness of exte nes. desirable for ter, =) isha cea chee Pca ot shown on the forging, drawing of stated 8. RE jy 1.2: 04 flection eae licable 16 Forgings with TLL As far as practicable, subject the entire’ mat sé nh ‘of machining sections 1o,conto the configuration of the forging the treatment for mechanical properties pi hibits a subsequent complete examination o the forging, it shall be permissible to exa as completely as possible after hea treatment P73 To assure complete coverage’ ofthe cae forging volume, index the search uni with aloo.) My Teast 15 % overlap with each pass. 00 7.14 Do not exceed a scanning [150 mm/s}. : 7.15 Iepossible, scan all sections of forgings in two perpendicular directions. . 7.1.6 Scan disk forgings using’ a straight ‘beam from at least one fat face and radially “from the circumference, whenever practicablesige?9 5h 7.7 Scan cylindrical sections and hollow. forgings radially using a straight-beam tech~ nique. When practicable, also, examine: the forging inthe axial direction: 22 jus hs) Stay TAS In addition, examine hollow forgings ameter surface as required in 73.1 7.19 In rechecking or reevaluation by man~ ‘ufacturer or purchaser use comparable equi ‘ment, search unis, frequency, and couplant.. "7.1.10 Forgings may be examined either sta~ tionary or while rotating in a lathe or on rollers. f'not specified by the purchaser, cither method may be used at the manufacturer's option.“ 12 Straight-Beam Examination: 7.21 For straight-beam examination use a) ‘cable; however,’1/ MHz is the preferred fre=_ ‘quency for coarse grained austenitic materials. ‘and long testing distances. In many instances, nay be ecessaty ‘Othet frequencies Hh he ns ther the back’ reflector techaique: fr tee eee Back Technique (Back-Re-. ‘Parallel Eniry and: Back Surfaces}—-With the ates propriate level for ex- — Shas ‘ “attenuator (attenuator set Meieney) teen dots mike 1 sxcton of oll orp 182010 ged provide the transducer with a wedge or shoe tha result in te Beam mode and an be See wees theitem be examined, Adjst - _ hig roeeneci © fom the at-bottom hale inthe specified ret» the item to be examined rence block, Uulize te alenualorin oder Wena frgings is made, one : ‘set up on amplitudes larger than the vertical may be used asthe separate calibration linearity of the instrument. In.those cases, re- Cut the ID notch depth to 3 % maximum of move the atenuaton prot, saaing the, ike rn [6 mm, whichever forge tnd Is kagth approximately 1 ne 2 Ri Nort 2—When Nat-surfced reference block cal- Thickness is defined as the thickness ofthe fog: aio pa ae ea: nga be cumin te Ue of a “thon fom the eterence block of Blocks nsate ja At the same instrument setting ob icPnamiasion rice conatoe (af ample "on rom a similar OD. noch Brena append at | throgh the peaks of the fst efectos oa } 7.23 Recalibration—Any. change. in’ the’ from the ID and OD notches. This'shall be the |. search unit, couplant, instrument, setting./or,_ amplitude reference ine. It is preferable Seannlog’ipeedffom tht used fou ealibrtion {the notches in excess meal ae Shall require recalibration. Perform a'calibré~ pose, When the OD notch cannot be dle . tion check atleast once every 8h shift. When when examining the OD surface, peform they 2 loss of 15% or greater in the gain level. is examination, when practicable (some ID's may indiated, reestablish the required calibrations. ;, be to smal to permit examination), as indicat and reexamine all ofthe material examined in. abovefrom both the OD and ID surfaesutliing the preceding calibration period, When an in~ the ID notch when inspecting from the OD, and, ; crease of 13% or greater in the gain level is the OD notch when inspecting from the 1D. i indicated, reevalvate all recorded indications.» Curve wedges or shoes may be used when nee: e : 7.24 During the examination ofthe forging, essary and practicable ts 6 ‘monitor the back reflection for any significant 7.34 Perform the examination by scanning’ <4, tedustion in amplitude. Reduction in back-e: over the enie surface area circumferentialy in Rs See flection amplitude may indicate not ‘only the both the clockwise and counter-clockwise dis.) \i

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