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Deep Madness - Setup Randomizer (v1-0)

❶ SELECT Options - use the drop downs (in Yellow) ❸ Select your team (4 to 6) & monsters (6)
# of INVESTIGATORS in game --> 6 and hit shift + [F9] to calculate Difficulty Factor
# of INVESTIGATORS to select from --> 12 0
# of MONSTERS to select from --> 12 0
# of EPICS to select from --> 3 0 - Harder <--0--> Easier +
❷ Set [Formulas] > [Calculations] to [Manual]
Calculate Difficulty (Shift+[F9]) 0
then Hit [F9] to RANDOMIZE tables below
0 0
Select INVESTIGATORs Cost Life / Sanity Starting Item Escape Role Storage Location
0 Lisbeth Gibson 5 7/4 Assault Rifle 5 Hacker Endless Nightmares
0 Franklyn Christie 4 12 / 3 None 4 Navigator Endless Nightmares
0 Isaiah Wiesenthal 6 9/5 None 4 Prophet Endless Nightmares
0 Roman Asimov 6 9/5 None 4 Biochemist Deep Madness Core
0 Amanda Weaver & Jon 3 8/4 Utility Knife 5 Quartermaster Uncounted Horrors
0 Sophie Brigman 4 8/4 None 6 Diver Endless Nightmares
0 Christopher Dalton 4 7/4 Sonar Decoy 5 Explorer Endless Nightmares
0 Stephen Cooper 5 8/3 Crowbar 5 Physicist Uncounted Horrors
0 Samuel Smith 5 10 / 3 SMG 4 Captain Deep Madness Core
0 Pris 4 9/* None 5 Secretary Uncounted Horrors
0 Jared Drake 4 9/4 Pistol 5 Soldier Deep Madness Core
0 Jacob Clarke 5 8/4 Ore Cutter 5 Relief Expert Uncounted Horrors

Select MONSTERs Cost Dmg/Rng Resist/Life Trap Action Pool Storage Location
0 Drifter 5 0/0 2/5 3 [Move] [Move] [Attack] Endless Nightmares
0 Husk (& Mind Eater) 4 1/0 0/4 1 [Move] [Attack] [Special] Deep Madness Core
0 Purge 5 2/3 1/3 1 [Move] [Attack] [Special] Endless Nightmares
0 Immortal 7 2/1 0/6 2 [Move] [Attack] [Special] Endless Nightmares
0 Ravenous (& Cannibal) 5 1/0 0/2 1 [Move] [Move] [Attack] Uncounted Horrors
0 Wrecked 5 3/0 2/3 1 [Move] [Attack] [Special] Endless Nightmares
0 Thirster (& Glutton) 4 0/1 0/3 1 [Move] [Special] Uncounted Horrors
0 Delirium 4 2/1 1/3 2 [Move] [Special] [Attack] Deep Madness Core
0 Agony 4 2/0 1/1 3 [Move] [Attack] Deep Madness Core
0 Despair 3 0/0 0/1 0 [Special] Endless Nightmares
0 Ravenous 4 1/0 0/2 1 [Move] [Move] [Attack] Deep Madness Core
0 Atrocity 6 2/1 1/6 2 [Move] [Attack] Uncounted Horrors

Select EPICs Cost Dmg/Rng Resist/Life Trap Action Pool Storage Location
✘ Madness Within 9 */0 3/6 0 [Move] [Special] Deep Madness Core
0 Substance 10 3/0 3/4 3 [Special] [Move] [Attack] Deep Madness Core
0 Nest (& Mind Eater) 10 3/0 3/6 3 [Special] [Move] [Attack] Endless Nightmares

Select SPECIALs Cost Dmg/Rng Resist/Life Trap Action Pool Storage Location
Cannibal 0 2/0 1/6 3 [Move] [Move] [Attack] Uncounted Horrors
Glutton 0 3/0 3/6 2 [Move] [Attack] Uncounted Horrors
Mind Eater 0 1/0 0/1 1 [Move] [Move] [Attack] Deep Madness Core
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Investigators Life Sanity Escape Starting Item Role Origin Box Storage Case (76%) COST RAND RANK Homage Notes Ability Text
JUST THE CAT At the beginning of your activation, take 1 madness for each monster in the same space with Jon. Then you must move Jon to an adjacent space. During a monster’s Move, Jon is treated as an investigator.
Amanda Weaver & Jon 8 4 5 Utility Knife Quartermaster Uncounted Horrors Uncounted Horrors 3 0.6759 5 Ellen Ripley & Jones (Sigourney Weaver) Alien GET AWAY FROM HER After you Attack with a [Melee], you may exhaust 1 sanity to immediately perform a free Attack with a [Ranged], and vice versa.
SOMETHING USEFUL Search: You may reveal 3 search cards, choose 1 to keep and discard the others.
Arthur Weyland 8 4 5 None Engineer Deep Madness Core Deep Madness Core 4 0.0053 19 FIGHTING DIRTY Attack: Before rolling , you may exhaust 1 sanity to gain: [Range] +1 ([Ranged] only); [Dice] +1; [Target] -1; or [Damage] +1 ([Melee] only). Cannot combine this ability with cards. (Limit once per Attack.)
TRAPPED IN A TIN CAN You do not need to exhaust oxygen before performing actions in flooded spaces. You gain resistance +1 .
Charles Ryan 12 3 3 None Heavy Miner Uncounted Horrors Uncounted Horrors 7 0.4397 13 Max Da Costa (Matt Damon) Elysium MACHINIZED SPIRIT Attack: You may exhaust 1 sanity to force a target non-epic monster to be Paralyzed. (You may use this ability multiple times.)
ILLUMINATION IN THE DARK When your space is about to spawn monster(s), you may choose another spawn space to spawn instead. Devoured effect(s) in your space are treated as nonexistent.
Christopher Dalton 7 4 5 Sonar Decoy Explorer Endless Nightmares Endless Nightmares 4 0.5965 7 Mashup of 2 characters from Avatar CRIPPLED PREY Once per activation, you may exhaust 1 sanity to choose a nonepic monster to be Slowed, and you may exhaust 1 sanity to choose a non-epic monster to be Weakened.
MANIPULATING RAGE Action: Choose another investigator to immediately perform a free Attack. (Limit once per investigator per round.)
Clarence Branom 8 4 5 Brain Tissue Phychiatrist Oracle's Betrayal 4 0.0000 20 Herbert West (Jeffrey Combs) Re-Animator SEWING PSYCHOPATHY During your activation, you may exhaust 1 sanity to choose an investigator to gain 1 psycho token. (Limit 3 times per activation.) During an investigator’s Attack, he/she may flip X psycho tokens to deal X additional damage to non-epic monster(s).
STAKE OUT You may skip an action to gain an action token. At any time (cannot disrupt actions), you may discard an action token to immediately perform a free action.
Dakota Jansen 8 4 5 None Officer Uncounted Horrors Uncounted Horrors 3 0.1728 18 DIGGING DEEPER Search: Exhaust X sanity (including 0) to discard X cards from the search deck, then you may choose to draw a card from the discard pile instead. When you discard your search cards, remove them from the game instead.
DISCARDED HUMANITY At the beginning of your activation, you gain android tokens until the number of tokens equals the wounds you have taken. You may discard an android token to reroll a [D6] you just rolled.
David 10 3 4 None Pilot Uncounted Horrors Uncounted Horrors 4 0.2622 16 Bishop (Lance Henriksen) Aliens CLINGING TO HUMANITY Your wounds cannot be healed for any reason. When you need to take wounds, you may exhaust X sanity to prevent X wounds first.
A PARTICULAR SET OF SKILLS Attack: You may distribute 1 additional wound, and you may reroll each [1] you just rolled.
Emma Kruger 8 3 6 Utility Knife Special Agent Endless Nightmares Endless Nightmares 5 0.3825 15 Black Widow (Scarlett Johansen) Avengers HAIR-TRIGGER REFLEXES After a monster has Attacked you, you may exhaust 1 sanity to immediately Move once. Before a monster’s Attack, if you are in its [Range], you may exhaust 2 sanity to immediately Move once. The monster then Attacks as usual.
ONE STEP AHEAD Once per activation, you may perform a free Move.
Felicia Armitage 8 3 1 Scalpel Doctor Deep Madness Core Deep Madness Core 5 0.2612 17 Beverly Crusher (Gates McFadden) Star Trek TNG YOU’LL BE FINE Action: Heal 1 wound from an investigator in your space. Alternatively, exhaust 1 sanity to roll 1 [D6], and heal [X]/2 (round up) wounds from that investigator instead.
ANTISOCIAL BEHAVIOR When you rolling [D6], if there is no other investigator in your space, you may roll 1 additional [D6].
Franklyn Christie 12 3 4 None Navigator Endless Nightmares Endless Nightmares 4 0.8729 2 Mac Elliot (Bill Duke) Predator STRANDED SURVIVAL Use this ability as a [Melee]: “[D6]=3;[Target]=4;[Damage]=1; Attack: You may exhaust 1 sanity to flip 1 [D6] you just rolled to its opposite side. (You may use this ability multiple times.) And you may roll 1 additional [D6] for each [6].”
BANISHED NIGHTMARES Attack: You may deal 1 additional damage to each target monster for each Hannah marker on its monster card. After a target monster is killed, you may heal 1 wound.
Hannah 6 6 6 None Little Girl Oracle's Betrayal 5 0.0000 20 Newt (Carrie Henn) Aliens DEFECTIVE SOULS Action: Exhaust X sanity to mark up to X non-epic monster cards with X Hannah markers. (Limit once per round.) At the beginning of your activation, take back all the Hannah markers.
CHANGING THE FUTURE Once per activation, you may look at the top 3 cards of a face-down deck, then you may place each of them on the top or under the bottom of the deck in any order.
Isaiah Wiesenthal 9 5 4 None Prophet Endless Nightmares Endless Nightmares 6 0.7539 3 Gabriel (Christopher Walken) The Prophecy SHAPING DESTINY Before an investigator rolling [D6], you may exhaust 1 sanity to choose a number from 1 to 6. Each result that equals this number is treated as a [6].
CUT DOWN TO SIZE Attack: Roll 1 additional [D12]. [Heart] A target non-epic monster is killed instantly.
Jacob Clarke 8 4 5 Ore Cutter Relief Expert Uncounted Horrors Uncounted Horrors 5 0.4662 12 Isaac Clarke (Video game) Dead Space IT WON’T BE NEEDING THIS Attack: After a monster is killed, you may exhaust 1 sanity to place a corpse marker in its space. During an investigator’s activation, he/she may discard a corpse marker in the same space to resolve a consciousness card.
CONTROLLED BURSTS Attack: Roll 1 additional [D6] when you attack with a [Ranged].
Jared Drake 9 4 5 Pistol Soldier Deep Madness Core Deep Madness Core 4 0.4700 11 Cage (Tom Cruise) Edge of Tomorrow SUPPRESSING FIRE You may exhaust 1 sanity to Attack a monster once with a [Ranged] immediately after it has Attacked you. Alternatively, exhaust 2 sanity to Attack it before it Attacks you. (Cannot do both.)
JUSTICE IS SERVED Attack: After a monster is killed, you may immediately restore 1 sanity.
John Murdock 9 3 5 Revolver Detective Oracle's Betrayal 4 0.0000 20 STARTLING CLUES Once per activation, you may exhaust 1 sanity to reveal the top card of the consciousness deck, then choose an investigator to resolve this card.
HACKING FATE You may store [D6](keep the result) you just rolled (no more than 3 in total). The original results are treated as [0]. You may replace a [D6] you just rolled with a [D6] you stored (you cannot store these 2 [D6] any more). You may discard [D6] you stored at any time.
Lisbeth Gibson 7 4 5 Assault Rifle Hacker Endless Nightmares Endless Nightmares 5 0.9382 1 Mashup (Tilda Swinton) Zero Theorem, etc BREAKING LUCK You may exhaust 1 sanity to reroll any number of you just rolled.
ENLIGHTENED MISTRESS When drawing a domain card, you may reveal the top 3 cards of the domain deck. Choose 1 to keep and place the others under the bottom of the deck.
Meredith Waite 8 3 4 None Executive Rise of Dagon 5 0.0000 20 COMMANDING PRESENCE Once per activation, you may exhaust X sanity to choose another investigator within X spaces. This investigator immediately performs a free action.
MIMICKING LIFE At the beginning of your activation, choose an investigator. Until your next activation, you gain all the abilities printed on his/her investigator card. When you need to exhaust sanity, the chosen investigator exhausts sanity instead.
Pris 9 * 5 None Secretary Uncounted Horrors Uncounted Horrors 4 0.4848 10 Motoko Kusanagi (Anime) Shost in the Shell NOT QUITE HUMAN You cannot receive a sanity token or a madness token. You cannot resolve a madness card or a consciousness card.
CURIOUS MIND Once per activation, you may perform a free Investigate or Search. (Still no more than 1 Search per round.)
Randi Carter 7 5 4 Flashlight Researcher Deep Madness Core Deep Madness Core 5 0.4275 14 Ellie Arroway (Jody Fster) Contact ESOTERIC KNOWLEDGE Once per activation, you may take up to 1 sanity token from every other investigator. (Cannot exceed your maximum sanity.)
RAMPANT POWER You may use other investigators’ domain tokens as if they are yours.
Regan Waite 7 6 4 None Asset Rise of Dagon 4 0.0000 20 CHANNELED FURY Once per activation, you may exhaust X sanity to mark X non-epic monsters with X domain tokens. The monster takes 1 wound for each domain token it has at the end of its activation. Take the token(s) back under your control after the monster is removed.
ALTERED STATES Attack: Each monster’s resistance is reduced by 1 temporarily.
Roman Asimov 9 5 4 None Biochemist Deep Madness Core Deep Madness Core 6 0.6989 4 Herbert West (Jeffrey Combs) Re-Animator SPLICING REALITY During your activation, you may exhaust 1 sanity to mark a non-epic monster. The monster's resistance is reduced by 1 for each marker it has. Take back the marker(s) after the monster is removed. (You may use this ability multiple times.)
CONFRONTING THE DARKNESS Once per activation, you may move a non-epic monster on the board 1 space toward you.
Samuel Smith 10 3 4 SMG Captain Deep Madness Core Deep Madness Core 5 0.5108 9 Spooner (Will Smith) I, Robot NO ONE LEFT BEHIND Move: You may exhaust 1 sanity to ignore monsters’ trap and/or choose an investigator in your space to move with you.
HOMING SPEARS Use this ability as a [Ranged]: “[Range]=3;[D6]=1;[Target]=4;[Damage]=3; Attack: You may choose a monster within 3 spaces (without closed or locked hatches in the path) as the target. Line of sight not required.”
Sophie Brigman 8 4 6 None Diver Endless Nightmares Endless Nightmares 4 0.6297 6 Hellen (Jeanne Tripplehorn) Waterworld SPRINGING TO AID After another investigator Attacks and deals at least 1 damage to a monster, you may exhaust 1 sanity to immediately Attack this monster once with a [Ranged] if possible.
A RIPPLE IN TIME At the beginning of the activation phase, you may exchange your activation card’s position with another investigator’s activation card.
Stephen Cooper 8 3 5 Crowbar Physicist Uncounted Horrors Uncounted Horrors 5 0.5825 8 Gordon (Video game) Half Life A FOLD IN SPACE Action: Exhaust X sanity to exchange your position with another investigator within X spaces.
INTREPID DREAMER Once per activation, you may perform a free Rest.
Ward Phillips 8 5 4 Necronomicon Novelist Rise of Dagon 5 0.0000 20 Howard Phillips Lovecraft (Writer) REWRITING THE NARRATIVE When an investigator resolves a madness card, you may reveal 1 additional madness card for each 1 sanity you exhaust. The current investigator then chooses 1 to resolve and discard the others.
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Normal Monsters Dmg Range Resist Life Trap Horror Type Origin Box Storage Case (77%) COST RAND RANK Action Pool Ability Text
Agony 2 0 1 1 3 1 Normal Deep Madness Core Deep Madness Core 4 0.6133 9 [Move] [Attack] [Devoured] Attack: Roll [D12] at the end of the attack. [Claw] the investigator must either (choose 1): take 1 wound or be Paralyzed.
Attack: Atrocity deals 1 additional damage if the investigator is in the same space.
Atrocity 2 1 1 6 2 2 Normal Uncounted Horrors Uncounted Horrors 6 0.4655 12 [Move] [Attack] [Devoured] After an Atrocity is killed, spawn 1 Agony in the same space.
Blind moves toward the nearest Investigator's line of sight.
Blind 2 0 2 2 0 1 Normal Deep Madness Core Deep Madness Core 4 0.2341 19 [Move] [Attack] [Special] Special: Choose and investigator in this Blind's line of sight to be Weakened ([Devoured] All the investigator's in it's line of sight are Weakened instead).
Bloated 0 0 0 1 0 0 Normal Endless Nightmares Endless Nightmares 3 0.3112 15 [Move] [Move] [Special] Special: If there is at least 1 investigator in the same space, remove this Bloated and deal X damage to each investigator in the same space. X is equal to the Bloated's current health. Otherwise this Bloated gains 1 health.
Attack: After the investigator takes at least 1 wound, roll [D12]. [Tentacles] Immediately choose and activate a Collector once after this attack.
Collector 2 0 1 2 1 1 Normal Oracle's Betrayal 4 0.0000 21 [Move] [Attack] [Devoured] After a Collector is killed, roll [D12] for every other Collector. [Tentacles] Immediately activate the corresponding Collector once.
Deep One 1 0 0 3 1 1 Normal Rise of Dagon 4 0.0000 21 [Move] [Attack] Non Deep One monsters gain resistance +1 for each Deep One in their same space. A Deep One gains trap +1 for every other Deep One in the same space.
Special: Choose and investigator in a [Range] 1 Space, and roll [D12]. [Claw] Move that investigator into this Delirium's space.
Delirium 2 1 1 3 2 1 Normal Deep Madness Core Deep Madness Core 4 0.6214 8 [Move] [Special] [Attack] [Devoured] An investigator must take 1 wound for each Delirium in the same space before performing a Move.
Despair 0 0 0 1 0 0 Normal Endless Nightmares Endless Nightmares 3 0.6105 10 [Special] Special: Spawn a despair marker in the nearest space that doesn’t contain a Despair or a despair marker. Investigators cannot move out of a space that contains a Despair or a despair marker for any reason. A despair marker is treated as a monster with a maximum health of 1 by the investigators.
Attack: Dissected deals 1 additional damage for each wound it has taken.
Dissected 2 0 1 6 2 2 Normal Oracle's Betrayal 6 0.0000 21 [Move] [Move] [Attack] [Devoured] At the end of a Dissected‘s activation, it takes 1 wound.
Drifter 0 0 2 5 3 2 Normal Endless Nightmares Endless Nightmares 5 0.9746 1 [Move] [Move] [Attack] Attack: Drifter attacks the investigator that has the most sanity tokens in the same space and deals X additional damage. X is equal to the number of sanity tokens the investigator has.
Attack: Grudge deals 1 additional damage for each grudge token it has. Then it discards all its grudge tokens.
Grudge 1 1 2 1 2 1 Normal Endless Nightmares Endless Nightmares 4 0.2436 18 [Special] [Devoured] Special: If there is at least 1 investigator in this Grudge’s line of sight, it gains a grudge token.
Hallucination 2 1 1 3 2 1 Normal Endless Nightmares Endless Nightmares 4 0.2861 16 [Move] [Attack] Hallucination cannot be Slowed, Weakened or Paralyzed. A normal room that contains a Hallucination is treated as a devoured room, but it can still be flipped to the devoured side. Roll [D12] for each damage dealt to a Hallucination during an investigator’s attack. [Tentacle] Deal the corresponding damage to the attacking investigator instead.
SETUP: Place the Mind Eater card on the left side of the activation track.
Husk (& Mind Eater) 1 0 0 4 1 1 Normal Deep Madness Core Deep Madness Core 4 0.9062 2 [Move] [Attack] [Special] Special: Spawn 1 Mind Eater in the Husk's Space ([Devoured] and activate it immediately).
Different flooded conditions (closed hatches) do not block Hydra’s line of sight.
Hydras 0 0 2 3 2 1 Normal Rise of Dagon 4 0.0000 21 [Move] [Special] Special: Each investigator in this Hydra’s line of sight rolls [D12]. [Eye] The investigator takes 1 wound. The non-Hydra monster gains +X [Damage]. X is equal to the number of Hydras that have this monster in their line of sight.
Special: If this Hysteria has Possessed and investigator, that investigator takes 2 wounds ([Devoured] and is Slowed) and this Hysteria's activation ends thereafter. Otherwise, ignore this action.
Hysteria 0 0 1 2 2 1 Normal Deep Madness Core Deep Madness Core 4 0.2639 17 [Special] [Move] [Move] [Attack] Attack: The investigator is Possessed by this Hysteria at the end of the attack ([Devoured] and is Slowed).
Immortal 2 1 0 6 2 2 Normal Endless Nightmares Endless Nightmares 7 0.8103 4 [Move] [Attack] [Special] [Devoured] Special: Mark a non-epic non-Immortal monster within [Range] with an immortal marker. After the marked monster is killed, discard 1 of its immortal marker and heal all its wounds instead of removing it. After an Immortal is killed, place an immortal marker in its space. After all Immortals have been activated, place 1 immortal marker in each space that contains an immortal marker. If there are 3 immortal markers in a space, discard them and spawn an Immortal in that space.
Move: Parasite can move through walls and is not affected by locked hatches.
Parasite 0 0 0 1 0 0 Normal Endless Nightmares Endless Nightmares 3 0.3635 14 [Move] [Special] Special: If there is at least 1 investigator in the same space, choose one of them to gain a parasite token and remove this Parasite. When an investigator takes wounds, he/she takes 1 additional wound for each parasite token he/she has, then discards all his/her parasite tokens.
Attack: After the investigator takes at least 1 wound, roll [D12]. [Claws] The investigator gains a purge token. An investigator’s search card limit is reduced by 1 for each purge token he/she has (to a minimum of 1).
Purge 2 3 1 3 1 1 Normal Endless Nightmares Endless Nightmares 5 0.8947 3 [Move] [Attack] [Special] [Devoured] Special: Remove the top card of the search deck from the game.
Attack: Roll [D12] at the beginning of the attack. [Teeth] The investigator must discard 1 search card.
Putrid 2 1 1 6 2 2 Normal Deep Madness Core Deep Madness Core 6 0.3716 13 [Move] [Attack] [Devoured] After Putrid takes wounds, each investigator in the same space takes 1 wound.
Attack: The Investgator temporarily gains -1 [Resistance] for each Ravenous in the same space.
Ravenous 1 0 0 2 1 1 Normal Deep Madness Core Deep Madness Core 4 0.5285 11 [Move] [Move] [Attack] [Devoured] Ravenous gains Resistance +1.
SETUP: Place the Cannibal card beside this card. Attack: The investigator temporarily gains resistance -1 [D6] for each Ravenous in the same space.
Ravenous (& Cannibal) 1 0 0 2 1 1 Normal Deep Madness Core Uncounted Horrors 5 0.7837 5 [Move] [Move] [Attack] [Devoured] Ravenous gains resistance +1. After all the Ravenous have been activated, if there are 2 Ravenous in the same space, replace them with a Cannibal.
Shadow of Filth 2 0 0 4 0 2 Normal Rise of Dagon 5 0.0000 21 [Move] [Move] [Attack] A Shadow of Filth treats the investigator with the matching base as the only investigator. Investigators do not treat the Shadow of Filth that have different colored bases as monsters. After a Shadow of Filth is killed, immediately spawn it.
SETUP: Place the Glutton card beside this card.
Thirster (& Glutton) 0 1 0 3 1 1 Normal Uncounted Horrors Uncounted Horrors 4 0.7054 7 [Move] [Special] Special: Choose an investigator within [Range] to roll [D12] ([Devoured] each investigator within [Range] rolls [D12] instead). [Teeth] The investigator takes 1 wound and this Thirster gains 1 health. At the end of a Thirster’s activation, if its current health is 6 or more, replace it with a Glutton.
Attack: Roll [D12] at the end of the attack. [Eye] The investigator resolves 1 madness card. Otherwise, the investigator takes 1 madness.
Twisted 2 0 2 5 2 2 Normal Deep Madness Core Deep Madness Core 5 0.1448 20 [Move] [Attack] [Devoured] Twisted gains [Range] +1.
Victim 1 0 1 1 1 0 Normal Oracle's Betrayal 2 0.0000 21 [Move] [Attack] After a Victim is killed during an investigator’s attack, the investigator exhausts 1 sanity.
Wrecked cannot take more than 1 wound during an investigator’s attack.
Wrecked 3 0 2 3 1 2 Normal Endless Nightmares Endless Nightmares 5 0.7444 6 [Move] [Attack] [Special] [Devoured] Special: If this Wrecked is in a flooded space, it heals 1 wound.
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Epic Monsters Dmg Range Resist Life Trap Horror Type Origin Box Storage Case (100%) COST RAND RANK Action Pool Ability Text
Special: Each investigator within 3 spaces rolls [D12]. [Claws] is dealt 1 damage; [Eye] is Slowed or Weakened; [Tenticles] gains 1 Bathophobia token, then takes 1 damage for each Bathopobia token he/she has.
Bathophobia 3 0 3 6 3 3 Epic Deep Madness Core Deep Madness Core 10 0.4804 4 [Special] [Move] [Attack] [Devoured] After Bathophobia takes wounds, each investigator within 3 spaces gains 1 Bathophobia token.
Special: Spawn a Dagon’s Domain. Then spawn a Dagon’s Domain in its linked investigator’s space. An investigator must exhaust 1 additional oxygen for each Dagon’s Domain in the same space before performing an action and cannot restore oxygen if there is a Dagon’s Domain in the same space.
Dagon 3 * 3 8 3 3 Epic Rise of Dagon 9 0.0000 8 [Move] [Special] [Attack] Attack: Dagon attacks the investigator in the nearest space that contains a Dagon’s Domain or a flooded marker.
Devourer of Worlds * 0 3 8 3 3 Epic Epic - Devourer of Worlds 9 0.0000 8 [Move] [Special] Special: Choose an investigator in the same space and place his/her figure on this card. The abilities printed on his/her investigator card are temporarily treated as blank. At the end of his/her next activation, spawn his/her figure. When a monster is in the same space with Devourer of Worlds, immediately move the monster directly to the spawn space nearest any investigator.
Dimension Rift * 1 2 8 2 3 Epic Epic - Dimension Rift 10 0.0000 8 [Special] [Special] Special: Move all the investigators within Dimension Rift’s [Range] into its space and deal 2 damage to each of them. If there is no such investigator, it performs a Move instead. An investigator’s line of sight cannot get into, through, or out of Dimension Rift’s space. After Dimension Rift takes wounds, move it to an adjacent space that contains the least number of investigators.
Forsaken is activated after Penitent.
Forsaken (& Penitent) * 0 3 7 2 3 Epic Epic - Penitent and Forsaken 10 0.0000 8 [Move] [Special] Special: Distribute 3 wounds among all the investigators within 3 spaces. When Forsaken takes wounds, Penitent must take half of these wounds (round up) instead of Forsaken.
Insidious 2 0 2 5 2 3 Epic Epic - Insidious 10 0.0000 8 [Special] [Move] [Attack] Special: Spawn an Egg. If the nearest Egg from any investigator is nearer to an investigator than Insidious, Insidious then exchanges its position with that Egg. After Insidious is killed, remove the nearest Egg and immediately spawn Insidious in that space. Eggs are monsters (maximum health 3) and cannot move for any reason.
Move: madness Within moves 1 additional space for each madness token the nearest investigator has.
Madness Within * 0 3 6 0 3 Epic Deep Madness Core Deep Madness Core 9 0.7463 1 [Move] [Special] Special: Choose and investigator in the same space to take 1 wound. Then spawn a linked monster of the chosen investigator in the same space.
SETUP: Place the Remains card beside this card. After Mutilation is spawned, place all the Remain markers that are not on the board face down on this card, then randomly reveal 1 of them and spawn it in Mutilation‘s space. After a Remain is killed, do not place it back on this card.
Mutilation (& Remains) * * * * * 3 Epic Uncounted Horrors Uncounted Horrors 10 0.1706 7 [Move] [Move] [Special] Special: Randomly reveal a Remain marker from this card and spawn it in Mutilation‘s space. When there is no Remain marker on this card, remove Mutilation from the board.
SETUP: Place the Mind Eater card on the left side of the activation track.
Nest (& Mind Eater) 3 0 3 6 3 3 Epic Endless Nightmares Endless Nightmares 10 0.5030 3 [Special] [Move] [Attack] Special: Each investigator within 3 spaces gains 1 infested token. Then deal X damage to each investigator and spawn X Mind Eaters in each investigator’s space. X is equal to the number of infested tokens the corresponding investigator has.
After an investigator kills Obscure, he/she may gain an obscure marker. Then immediately spawn Obscure if there is still at least 1 investigator that doesn’t have an obscure marker.
Obscure * 0 3 3 3 3 Epic Endless Nightmares Endless Nightmares 10 0.4156 6 [Special] [Move] [Move] Special: Obscure and each investigator rolls 1 [D6] . Deal X damage to each investigator that rolls a non-success result. X is equal to the difference between his/her result and the Obscure’s result.
SETUP: Place the Forsaken card beside this card. After Penitent is spawned, immediately spawn Forsaken if it is not on the board.
Penitent (& Forsaken) * 0 0 8 2 3 Epic Epic - Penitent and Forsaken 10 0.0000 8 [Move] [Special] Special: Each investigator within 3 spaces exhausts 1 sanity. Then Penitent heals X wounds. X is equal to the total number of sanity exhausted.
Move: If Spawn of the Sleeper is in the same space with a Tentacle at the end of its Move, it immediately performs another Move.
Spawn of the Sleeper (& Tentacle) 3 0 3 6 3 3 Epic Epic - Spawn of the Sleeper 10 0.0000 8 [Move] [Attack] [Special] Special: Roll [D12] and spawn X Tentacles in X different nearest spaces that do not contain Tentacles. X is equal to [Claw] 1; [Eye] 2; [Tentacle] 3.
Special: If there are less than 3 monsters on this card, choose a non-epic monster nearest any investigator and place it on this card. Then move Substance directly to it's space.
Substance 3 0 3 4 3 3 Epic Deep Madness Core Deep Madness Core 10 0.6434 2 [Special] [Move] [Attack] Monsters on this card must be killed before Substance can take wounds. At the end of the activation of each type of monster, Substance is activated once if there is a monster of that type on this card.
Unbound 3 0 3 8 3 3 Epic Endless Nightmares Endless Nightmares 10 0.4216 5 [Special] [Move] [Attack] Special: Choose an investigator that has taken the most wounds and doesn't have an unbound marker to gain an unbound marker. While Unbound is on the board, after the activation of each investigator that has an unbound marker, he/she must Attack another investigator if possible (ignore Weakened and Paralyzed) and must distribute all the damage and wounds to the target investigator. The target is treated as a monster during this attack.
Move: William moves toward the nearest non-epic monster.
William * 0 3 8 3 3 Epic Oracle's Betrayal 10 0.0000 8 [Move] [Move] [Special] Special: Spawn X William’s Domains in different spaces. X is equal to the number of monsters in William’s space (including itself). Then each William’s Domain moves 1 space toward the nearest investigator and distributes 1 wound to each investigator in the same space.
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Special Monsters Dmg Range Resist Life Trap Horror Type Origin Box Storage Case (100%) COST RAND RANK Action Pool Ability Text
Cannibal is activated before Ravenous.
Cannibal 2 0 1 6 3 2 Special Uncounted Horrors Uncounted Horrors 0 0.2296 3 [Move] [Move] [Attack] Attack: The investigator’s resistance is ignored.
Glutton 3 0 3 6 2 3 Special Uncounted Horrors Uncounted Horrors 0 0.3515 2 [Move] [Attack] Glutton is activated before Thirster. At the end of a Glutton’s activation, if its current health is 3 or less, replace it with a Thirster.
Mind Eater 1 0 0 1 1 0 Special Deep Madness Core Deep Madness Core 0 0.4586 1 [Move] [Move] [Attack] Mind Eater is always activated first during the activation phase.
Remains 2 0 3 4 2 3 Special Uncounted Horrors Uncounted Horrors 0 0.1553 4 [Move] [Attack] Remains are activated after Mutilation. While a Remain is on the board, the corresponding ability takes effect: [Teeth] At the end of each Remain’s activation, it heals 1 wound. [Claw] Each Remain gains +1 Damage. [Eye] Each Remain gains +1 Range. [Tentacle] After all the Remains have been activated, immediately choose and activate a Remain once.
Tentacle 0 0 0 2 0 0 Special Epic - Spawn of the Sleeper 0 0.0000 5 [Move] Tentacle is activated before Spawn of the Sleeper. After Spawn of the Sleeper is spawned, immediately spawn all the Tentacles in different nearest spaces that do not contain Tentacles. An investigator must skip an additional action for each Tentacle in the same space to Move out of his/her space.
Forsaken is activated after Penitent.
Forsaken * 0 3 7 2 3 Epic Epic - Penitent and Forsaken 0 0.0000 5 [Move] [Special] Special: Distribute 3 wounds among all the investigators within 3 spaces. When Forsaken takes wounds, Penitent must take half of these wounds (round up) instead of Forsaken.
SETUP: Place the Forsaken card beside this card. After Penitent is spawned, immediately spawn Forsaken if it is not on the board.
Penitent * 0 0 8 2 3 Epic Epic - Penitent and Forsaken 0 0.0000 5 [Move] [Special] Special: Each investigator within 3 spaces exhausts 1 sanity. Then Penitent heals X wounds. X is equal to the total number of sanity exhausted.
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Baseline Functionality Complete - Data collection 100%
To customize to your collection, Enter your storage case name into column H or J on each data tab, if owned.
If you store minis in Monstrum you should enter that name into column H or J to locate your minis.
The data tabs are setup for a base pledge, but set this up for your collection and save.
Costs now use a 10 point scale for more granularity, tweaked costs and +3 per investigator under 6 (was +2)
Added Forsaken and Penitent to the Special tab as they come as a pair
Instructions for turning calculations to Manual (so you can select teams without re-randomizing sheet)
Use the tab at the top [Formulas] then Icon to the right [Calculations] and set tp manual. [F9] will calculate
Formated the Difficulty cell to be more green for easier and more red for harder

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