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Assessment 1

Your task:

Answer the following questions. Each question must be completed.

Question 1
The process of monitoring work operations is often broken down into six stages. Name 3 of these.
· Planning and preparing – goal-setting and deciding how to achieve those goals.
· Organizing – allocating and arranging for the planned tasks to be done.
· Staffing – organizing enough staff and the correct staff to carry out the tasks.

Question 2
Monitoring the expected service provisions of your staff is an important part of a frontline
supervisor’s job. How often should this be done?
Monitoring work should be a continual process, rather than a periodic review. This fact should be
impressed upon all staff during their induction process. It should from an everyday part of your duties
as a supervisor.

Question 3
Once workflows have been established, what should you do to determine whether the workflows you
have implemented are in line with achieving organisational goals?
Monitoring the process; ask for feedback; evaluating the result.

Question 4
List 3 ways to identify quality problems with your service.
 Grooming
 Behavior
 Productivity.

Question 5
In house training’ is one example of a process or system which you may need to make adjustments to
in order to resolve quality issues. List 4 other processes or systems from your industry.
· Improving sustainability of operations
· Improving economic sustainability
· Improving environmental sustainability
· Improving social sustainability

Question 6
How can encouraging a culture of open communication and innovative thinking help you improve
efficiency and service levels?
This is like a brain-storm; it can bring out more ideas with how to serve different background
customers; create an open, decentralized organizational structure; follow up on ideas from customers
and employees; tolerate failure; encourage experimental attitudes; encourage improvements in your

Question 7
List 3 ways to identify current and emerging trends in your industry.
· Internet
· Conferences and seminars
· Product launches

Question 8 Sustainability is usually associated with the environment, however it can also refer to the
operations of a business. Other than environment, what are the 2 other areas of operational
· Keep innovation that can keep new parts of customers
· Minimize the waste and cost

Question 9
What is the purpose of having a logical, well defined workflow?
The efficiency of your operations will go a long way to determining the amount of income you can
Having a highly sufficient, streamlined operation means that costs are minimized and the amount of
time and effort spent on keeping customers happy is maximized;
An inefficient operation will result in escalating costs, confusion and poor customer service.

Question 10
List 3 business benefits of having an efficient and effective workflow?
· Using all the available resources at the appropriate times
· Carrying out the work in a timely, appropriate fashion
· Maintaining consistency in product and service quality

Question 11
Considering the task to be delegated’ is the first step in the delegation process. List 3 more steps in
delegating work or job tasks to staff.
Explain the task, why, when and why the task should be done in the specifying way;
· Provide training and demonstration, as required
· Continually check if the employee has any questions and encourage them to ask questions;
· Give them positive feedback.
Question 12
A Gantt chart can help you monitor your workflow progress against timelines to a help ensure
objectives are being met on time. List 3 things you need to do to develop a Gantt chart.
· the amount of time each task is expected to take
· the time frames in which individual tasks are to be completed
· And the relationship between various tasks.

Question 13
Coaching and mentoring staff, can help them prioritise their job tasks and workload. Name 3
functions of coaches or mentors.
Facilitator or Guide
Being a guide or a facilitator, the coach helps the person become aware of the internal issues and
happenings within the organization and interpret the “unwritten rules” that may be crucial to the
Instructor or Teacher
As an instructor or teacher, the coach must educate the person with the right skills and impart the
knowledge needed to perform the job efficiently. The coach must also be adept in displaying these
skills and knowledge.
Organizer and Planner
The coach or mentor is largely responsible for preparing the plans and activities needed for coaching.

Question 14
‘Giving credit where credit is due’ is one effective way of providing feedback and guidance to your
staff. List 3 other examples.
· Get to know them – such as family situations, an interest of each of your staff members.
· Reward them personally – by knowing what kind of reward is attractive for each of the
member staff;
· Give them flexibility -- It is very important to judge your staff on their outcomes rather than
the time spent at work.

Question 15
You must keep management informed if the workflow you have designed impacts on staff. What are 2
possible impacts implementing a new workflow may have on staffing requirements?
· The changes of schedule
· The task changes of some stuff

Question 16
List 5 aspects of staff behaviour or productivity that you should monitor.
· Quality of work
· Quantity of work
· Attention to details
· Customer service
· Teamwork

Question 17
What are 4 common signs that there may be some performance problems or issues you might need
to deal with?
· Absenteeism
· Time wasting
· Tardiness
· Bad relationship

Question 18
How can simply sharing what you know to staff members improve the performance of the business?
· Gather the group;
· State the problems
· Allow everyone to suggest ideas, solutions and improvements
· Discuss, analyse, test and improve the suggestions

Question 19
Brainstorming is a fantastic way of creating, developing, challenging and testing ideas. List 3 ways you
can make sure your brainstorming sessions are effective.
· Be positive
· Make variations
· Generate lots of ideas
· Don’t rush to judgement
· Don’t restrict what you can say

Question 20
List 3 types of administration documents or workplace records you might need to complete and
submit in your industry.
· Staff records
· Performance reports
· Salary and overtime payments

Question 21
List 5 types of customer service related problems from your industry that would require your
attention as a supervisor.
· Misunderstanding customers need;
· Non—smile costumer service
· Indulge in whatever customer wants
· Not using polite ways
· Arguing loud with customer

Question 22
List 5 common management problems or issues that you as a supervisor, may deal with on a regular
· Difficult customer service situation
· Breakdown and failure of equipment
· Budget variances
· Inadequate training
· Service delivery failure

Question 23
Consider the following scenario.
A customer arrives to find that you have no record of a booking he claims he made with one of your
staff members several weeks ago.
What is a possible short term action you could take to resolve the problem?
Make apologies to customer first, then check if we still have available table for them, arrange them as
soon as possible, serve them on person, offer them free entrée or dessert.

Question 24
Considering the previous scenario.
What is a possible long term action you could take to resolve the problem?
Find out the possible reason of losing the track of booking, ask for feedback of the problem of the
reservation system, and collecting the improvement ideas, making the improvement to the
reservation system as soon as possible.

Question 25
What is the advantage of involving staff in the decision making process?
· The whole is always greater than the sun of its parts;
· Groups can come up with different approaches that an individual may not have thought of.;
· The likelihood of decisions or solutions being accepted is increased;
· If the person who are affected by the decision are involved in problem solving, then they will already
understand the issues involved when it comes time to implement the solution.

Question 26
When a staff member raises a problem with you, write 2 questions you could use to encourage them
to help solve the problem.
· Who knows what is going on here?
· What are you trying to do?
Question 27
How often shoul you review decisions you have made to see if they are still effective?
According to the size of the business, the review can be a formal or informal basis, it is easier for a
small business to organize an impromptu review and brainstorming session than it is for a larger

Question 28
Give an example of industrial awards or conditions in your industry, that may affect how you roster
staff, etc.
Awards are designed to protect employees' wages and conditions.

Question 29
Name a website could you use as a reference to check the awards and conditions of your workplace.

Question 30

For your department and your industry, list 4 job positions, and briefly describe the tasks and
requirements of each position.  2 of the positions must be management positions within your sector
(the positions must differ from the examples provided below)

For example:

Position Tasks and Requirements

F&B Manager Oversees bookings, training, budget, orders beverages

Restaurant Ensures correct restaurant setup, service standards

Looks after sections of the restaurant
Head Waiter

MANAGEMENT POSITION 1:                                     TASKS AND REQUIREMENTS:

General Manager Manage all the general task of industry.

MANAGEMENT POSITION 2:                                     TASKS AND REQUIREMENTS:

Front office manager Sell all the front desk works.

POSITION 3:                                                                  TASKS AND REQUIREMENTS:

Server Serve food and beverage to customers

POSITION 4:                                                                  TASKS AND REQUIREMENTS:

Barista Makes coffee and bakery items.

Question 31
List 4 principles of time management.
- Planning
- Organise and prioritize
- Avoid distraction
- Delegate

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