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ey | Want to build an entire cityscape | ut of easy to find, readily | Nick Davis explains how | he built an entire ruined | city out of a couple | cardboard boxes and a | little bit of glue. | | | | | available free materials? “ROUGH GUIDE TO MAKING A RUINED CITYSCAPE_ ‘Yes, you do? Well, Nick Davis has found a way. The blasted city, tom apart by war, is one of the most evocative images of the Warhammer 40,000 universe. The Imperium’s history is littered with conflicts Follow him to Cardboard City. ‘within its proud cities; from the adobe brick settlements on agri-worlds tothe tovisted urban nightmares of Hive worlds. You have a huge scope of ideas to model your own cityscapes from, If you take a look at the Cityfight book itself, you'll find a fantastic section on hhow to make your ruins out of polystyrene tiles, foamcore or even polystyrene box packaging, All these materials are very easy to work with, so don't worry if you have little experience in terrain building; the core skills are easily learned, and satisfying results can be achieved fairly quickly. The Cityfight book itself guides you through the entire dis a fantastic resource to gain inspiration from to modeling process a build your own ruined cityscape. ‘When you start to build your own cityseape, you'll also notice a lot of these materials featured in the book that you have to go out and purchase, Now, these materials are fairly inexpepsive, but some of you, like me, are on a very limited budget. Well, forthe thrifty minded Thave an answer - corrugated cardboard! You can use this material in exactly the same way as the foamcore or even polystyrene tile described in the Cityfight book, with the added ‘advantage that you can pick it up at your local market for free ‘What follows over the next couple of pages is a quick guide 10 what I did to make my very own Cardboard City T suggest that if you are going to build a Cardboard City of your own, just like any other modeling project, you'll find it useful to have a few basic tools and materials at hand, For my cityscape 1 used: scissors, a modeling knife and heavy utility knife, ruler, pen, white glue, a large roll of masking tape, thin cardboard (like cereal box card), rough textured paint and, of course, corrugated cardboard, Okay, lets go make some cardboard terrain. MAKING A CARDBOARD BUILDING To get us started I have included a stage by stage process of one of my Cardboard buildings on the next page. It explains some of the techniques I used in building my city. Now, what follows is not intended to be a definitive guide to how to build your own ruined building, so feel free to add your own techniques and ideas, 4 The tage Cardbead Sailing 1 made The Gadd Eipeter Ths pce of ton Sa — CARDBOARD CITY - 78 - JANUARY 2002 MAKING A CARDBOARD RUIN STAGE BY STAGE Ss STAGE ONE: | ‘Gata ori cdr ay ie wild, ada a ete ae fer” yu wart king corners oe Next daw on where you wat | he windows toe With my ane bung ecto Ime windows em igh by em wie ith am gap btmcen ach wind, with he pce Between he eon and raw oo conta ine ughty the shape you want the rune bing | stot wo be Using #modling Ae ot ot he red baling oss Fatiowing you lino end up witha alee mer all make th esa re seston of our Pus STAGE TWO: out he windows in your ruined Wilding sections. Keep the window Frames sight even fhe ie wal ey allay Chugh, This eps tochance te ried ea of oar bus ‘Once al the windows a cu ot, you can cut Your bliigs ina following tee you sen forthe alin cra. Fash oly lung thermo les of bing together wih wep, hen ust 2e a ‘STAGE THREE: te the we gc on ou uns i ying proceed wih creating ce | its ayan ie urban. dost scr what sie he yea | So shui to he he rs ernst aie als with yor sl ice f couse cardboard, cour a series fines acs he srtace whe wodcting Kets to represent te ors Then sing sme masking ape Mack of the edges te for son ‘hee tatty ra ssf the fot ar fas above the grand ee ‘Ninaws”upersils We ss ow ging os some minor tas 1 he Thre by faking re dng crn. St by cating ot or ip | ‘t earmated cardboard ously the gt othe wale nd sbout lem wide ‘Glue thews ont sore of the bug ns we suc ad he eas {oy for sb ive muna. Using tbe masking ape ono more. ck of he oar ees of he ned seers Dow wert about king the edges copely srg oe Ma sical te tds supposed to ein STAGE FIVE: TE sou wi 1, your uns tli is rds wo be pied | rth rough tered pun Afra, your na seme Pomp so you wah yu cn the next wo apes ad es stain wo he panting wad Onsing of ection om the | ex poe. | owevsr. sf yon a hse the mode it wl ive sional sine and belp poet agains the vances Knocks t will receive dung is gaming We. AL my ML squares, Th ei pepe it by lang sal ces oh card, cot iato Dom squaes, round the edge 10 | reese! walkway. A good ip at ome of hse wares tp before ging hem down e pete! cracked pavements ff shll dase. The rained building sets ae led whe have wih wie ge an ody ‘CARDBOARD CITY = 78 - ARMUARY 2002 MAKING A CARDBOARD RUIN STAGE BY STAGE CONT'D... CARDBOARD PARKS & RUBBLE ‘To make rubble you will rubble with rough texture paint and glue find it useful to have sand to the open edges of the base. Wait some Sprue Rubble and until the texture paint is dry, and then paint collect” together any the rubble with black paint and drybrush it fey ~ of any other building color that cardboard cut offs you with may have from your You've used in your cityscape ruined buildings Making Rubble, as you will notice, is very {quick and easy to do, I knocked out ten pieces in under an hour, which will be more than enough to cover my Cityfight ming board, There are no right or wrong ways to make rubble. As you can see from the picture to the RUBBLE: left the bases, and indeed the rubble itself, With all these ruined buildings complete can be any shape or size you choose. youll have a fine cityscape ready 10 do fattle over. However, you may notice the stgets are looking a little clean and empyy. Mhese bare streets will turn into deadly fire Zones for your troops to advance along All you really need to do is glue some of your cardboard cut offs to the bases, and ‘add sprue rubble and any ol and pi that you may have knocki er litle bits ces - like skulls, weapons and crates wound, Ihemy The best way to save your troops is fo build some rubble, This is a lot of fun, Once all the cardboard cut offs and Sprue ‘and easier than making a ruined building. Rubble have dried into place, paint the DA tine pace of impr pukn fe al pk ci, ig | worked on with my column affair made out of cardboard tubes. fp ara like this grt wy raking vp your ried cy, Open etek Unk coi es = just to give some relief to the twisted blown to pieces by ranging artillery. The Bee yor tiny. sone, snd urban jungle I created third column would still have its statue intact, and I decided that a Space Marine would be the perfect symbol of Imperial power. This Space Marine was then painted to emulate an aged bronze appearance check out the website ( for full details on how 1 painted this miniature. tardboard City was a small open park area Two of which I decided would have been tal poten There is no stage-by-stage explanation for making a park, its really a piece of ete : hardboard with a wall around it. If you are Rel wedge ged a going to make a park for your Cardboard sgh circle patra Thin wa then City, you can use the picture opposite for Bete wih making pe to ideas, but have fun creating your own, ae cel eal coed th ented uit a As with all parks in an Imperial City there must be some kind of the sel rer ‘That's it for now, I hope you've been inspired to have @ go at making some ruined city terrain for yourself. Experiment and explore your own ideas, but most of all have fun! Cheers, CARDBOARD CITY - 81

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