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Dear Reader

The purpose of the PASSPORT TO FREEDOM’ is to force claimed

authority to provide proof of claim that their requested mandate
is 100% lawful and reasonable. Any Civil Conscription requiring
YOU the living man/woman or young man/woman ( PERSON in
LAW) to undertake Covid measures is UNLAWFUL
This includes, Lockdowns, Face Masks, Testing, Quarantine,
Tracing or requirements to receive AN EXPERIMENTAL VACCINE
which has been proven to cause serious injury and death in the
healthy, whilst being unable to stop transmission or create herd
immunity .
The virus has been proven to have a 99.97% recovery rate in the
under 80’s age group. And a 99.87% recovery rate in
the over 80’s . Vaccination is VOLUNTARY under Commonwealth
LAW and cannot be mandated. If this was the case, our Federal
Government would have mandated it for all Australians .
All vaccination requires your willing, fully informed CONSENT in
the absence of undue pressure ,coercion or manipulation .
(Australian Constitution sec 51 (xxiiiA) / Australian Immunisation
There is no scientific peer reviewed evidence that suggests that
MASKS offer protection against the covid virus but much evidence
to show that mask wearing causes YOU physical and physiological
harm. Mask wearing is voluntary .You are exempt from wearing a
mask if YOU believe its use is unsafe for you, no doctors
certificate is required . You cannot be refused service for not
wearing a mask ( CHO mask exemption provisions /Disability
Discrimination Act 1991 / Privacy Act 1988)
PCR testing is not fit for purpose and has been ruled invalid and
unreliable by many scientists and professors including the WHO
who the corporations say they rely on for health advice. Serious
injuries have occurred from the use of this testing and has been
banned in many countries .Testing is voluntary unless you are
diagnosed as infectious , symptomatic and a written bio-security
order has been issued to YOU directly with YOUR name written on
it (Bio- Security Act 2015)
Tracking and tracing is unlawful under section 94H . Your private
information including movement and activity is being tracked each
time you check in with any covid-safe app . This is a breach of
your privacy and has never been proven to reduce the spread of
covid, but increases the powers of governing bodies to collect and
store your data and restrict YOUR movements . (Privacy Act 1988)
Quarantine was designed to isolate the ill not the healthy.
Quarantine of healthy men and women, is not proven to reduce
the spread of covid and is a direct attack on our inalienable
human rights .Quarantine has had devastating psychological
effects on healthy Australian men and women, inducing domestic
violence, mental health issues and suicide. Signing quarantine
entry forms is YOUR Agreement that YOU are sick and require
quarantining (Australian Human Rights Commission Act 1986 and
Australian Commonwealth Constitution 1901/ Bio security Act )
Lockdowns are another form of Quarantine producing severe
financial and psychological harm with no proven benefit . This is
obvious when large businesses are open but small local business
are closed . Lockdowns equal imprisonment
There is no physical, material evidence to support any Covid
Measure claims made by the Corporate Gov. ( AUSTRALIAN / QLD /
NSW / WA / TAS /SA /VIC /NT/ACT ) are all registered businesses
or CORPORATIONS not Government Departments.
This fact is exceptionally obvious by one very simple feature, they
are all businesses trading with seperate ABN’S.
They have no lawful right to CIVILLY CONSCRIPT any man or
woman. They are doing business (contracting) with you as a
corporation, not a true governing body .
Our DECLINE ‘PASSPORT TO FREEDOM’ notice sets out to firstly,
declare our living status as men and women ,operating as a
‘person’ for the sole purpose of ‘contracting’ with them, but not
so as to, diminish in any way, our basic human rights as living men
and women .
It requires ANY/ALL corporations to provide valid proof of their
claims that they have the authority over YOU the living man or
woman, to force you to accept their mandates.
We know they are unable to provide that and our notice leaves
these corporations no ‘wiggle room’ to argue the reasonableness
of their claims . If it is not LAWFUL it is not REASONABLE . You can
DECLINE their offer to contract if you suspect or cannot be
provided with, written proof that they are acting LAWFULLY
( Acts , Statutes, Mandates , Directions, requirements ect are not
We urge everybody to send, share or hand out copies of this notice
to Government Ministers ,Employers, Schools, Hospitals, Store
owners, Police , Airlines, Businesses. Anyone who is making a
claim of covid measure requirements against you or your children,
Print the name of the CEO or Business Owner/ Principal at the top,
with the date. Allow three business days (72 hours) for their
response with the requested information.
Fill in your name at the bottom in all capitals but DO NOT SIGN .
Send via email or registered post or hand to them in person . If
you are sending by registered post allow extra time for delivery,
make sure you provide an address for a response.
This is a very powerful document as it uses their own laws against
them. This is not a notice with threat or malice but a request for
their proof of claim .
Follow up notices may be required if no valid response after first
notice. A second notice is required. Then a third notice that we
will make available on request.
Remember you must :
Stand your ground when challenged
Stay calm and composed
Protect your medical privacy -do not disclose to anyone DECLINE
all offers of ‘contract” (mandates, requirements)
Ask them to validate their proof of claim
No proof - you have the right to DECLINE Always DECLINE - KEEP
DECLINING -never refuse, Never Resign - Always DECLINE
Declining offers of contract keeps you in honour, in any form
Thank you for standing up for YOU, your children and your country

* whilst we have taken all possible care to provide the best knowledge and
information to act, we are not licensed lawyers and it should not be
considered legal advice.

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